liberty1776 · 2 years
Tucker's warning if Ukraine war continues
Biden Lies and Ukraine dies! And US Empire falls.
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jonathantrapman · 2 years
Remembrance Day - Remembering What Exactly?
Remembrance Day – Remembering What Exactly?
Like clockwork November 11th comes round like a sick reminder as to how we learn barely any lessons from history. For all those feeling that sentence is sacrilege, then I ask you what the hell are we remembering? You might posit we are remembering all the pointless loss of life in a war, so archaic, so 19th century as to be what it always was – slaughter of the people as cannon fodder to higher…
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myragewillendworlds · 10 months
Those election results are terrible. I've never informed myself much with your country's politics but from the outside (like news reports) it always appeared like the Netherlands is very progressive and open-minded with little footing for right-wing groups to gain power. Very much an image of a neighbour role model. Obviously the right-winged groups exist everywhere even in the "better" ones (the whole of Europe seems to be shifting to the right), but I really feel sorrow and I hope they will not reverse too much progress or cause too much damage. Is there anything in particular you are worried about now with their majority?
And do you think the whole of Europe is getting too comfortable with the right, now with immigration and Islam extremism being addressed again? Maybe I am too paranoid.
We have had right-wing, largely conservative Christian cabinets for the past 6 years. Prior to that, from 2002 to 2010 we had cabinets led by a Christian party and MP. The idea of the Netherlands as the great tolerant, progressive country is a farce. (Of course, compared to the political state of a country like the US, we are still relatively very socialist/left-wing. Someone like Biden would probably be a conservative right-winger here.)
The big winning party is more populist than that it is purely right-wing, in that it also has quite some socialist stances regarding health care, education and minimum wage. But Wilders also denies climate change, blindly supports Israel for anti-Islam reasons only, and is a Putin-cuck who wants to "fight all this russiaphobia" and cut off all help to Ukraine. He wants our king to publicly revert his prior apology speech regarding the country's colonial past. He wants a "Nexit", despite the grim outcome of Brexit and the lack of a majority here that wants this. He wants to get rid of the parliament, so it'd be easier to push through his unconstitutional bullshit. He wants to end all Islamic education on the basis that Islam is sexist and homophobic, but he's supportive of Christian schooling (that has been in the news for similar problems plenty of times) and felt no reason to sign the decree that would outlaw Christian schools denying homosexual students or teachers as well as outlaw (generally Christian) conversion therapy, nor does he feel anything for cementing the right to abortion further for proper legal protection. It's always like that with the populists, they'll manipulatively claim to fight for women's rights, LGBT rights, or some other minority group, but when it comes down to it they will actively block any progress made in those groups' advantage. He's a known dictator-type too in his party; countless of people have left the party over the years citing the same issues, that he allows for zero disagreements or otherwise differing opinions. Well in the past, when he first formed his own party, I was interested in him as he was one of the few people who dared to speak up about the problems we have with mass immigration and islamization (and those sure exist) but as it's turned out over the years, he's just a populism-spewing cunt, a hypocrite, a Russia-paid bitch, a manipulative opportunist, a science-denier, a megalomaniac and arguably a racist.
It's also a common pattern that left-wing parties always let this national research institute calculate the costs and economic effects of their plans, usually showcasing the ways their program would actually improve the lives of (particularly lower class) citizens, while right-wing and populist parties continue to refuse to do this. Deep down they must know that it would just reveal the obvious truth: that right-wing plans serve only to make the rich richer, and populist drivel serves no one at all.
Still, every election tons of people cast their dumb fucking "protest-votes" on him, now to the point where it's made his the biggest party (instead of, idk, a proper fucking party with actually effective plans), and after all these years of him accusing other politicians of incompetence and lying to their voters, I'd love to watch him go down as completely incompetent and a liar to his voters himself. The political system here isn't like in the US, he'll never have as much power as Trump did, nor have the power to surround himself with yes-men or appoint fucked up right-wingers in powerful positions for life. He'll still have to deal with the voices of the other large parties, as well as the entire opposition, as well as the parliament that verifies if any law changes are constitutional before they would ever be applied. None of his extreme ideas would make it through. And on a larger scale, types like him and the current Italian MP still have to deal with Brussels, too. Though with that said, these election results did leave me feeling worried, for my own well-being and that of many others, and particularly for his anti-climate stance and Russia-affiliation.
Which is all just a long rant and not particularly a clear answer to your question. But yes, the whole of Europe is getting too comfortable with right-wing populism, and it's concerning, because they have no answers to the existing problems and only care to serve their own dubious agendas.
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mereoleonawifecity · 1 year
Ah the idiots of this site have now decided it was a Russian hacker group with *checks notes* links to the Russian government who hacked AO3 we go from Islamophobia to Russiaphobia the US government is truly patting there propaganda department on the back right now
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chessinventor · 2 years
It is clearly Putin which had been manipulated the world using the similar tactis of what blue ribbon did to the public when Russiaphobia and alleged discrimination of Russia speaking minority within Ukrainian border is raised to the level that justified full scale military invasion which killed and hurted many Ukrainians that was not living in those Russian speaking minority concentrated cities, whilas Blue ribbon in HKSAR would justify their violence against those of different opinions as a sort of patriotic self defense. Now I suppose Putin is indeed purely wage the war just to defend those minorities' right of self determination, then why didn't those referderums are held immediately after those areas are secured but it has to wait until half of Ukrainians cities are ruined and hundreds of thousands homes destoryed? Clearly those referderums are not held just to end the war against Ukraine but to justify by implication that the invasion of Ukraine unless those died soliders of both Ukrainians and Russians didn't worth anything in Putin or Russian Generals eyes. So if that end justify that ugly means, in order to save one then one could kill thousands along the way; then there is no Holocaust and there was never an invasion of Russia by Nazi Germany but special military operation to secure some Russians who don't like to be ruled by the Soviet Communist party. And if Nazi Germany held referderum in those Russian cities they occupied with an overwhelmingly positive results that Soviet troops should withdrawal to respect the right of self determination of Russians living in those area. So that would be Soviet Union not respecting the rights of self determination of those Russians residents who live there. If Putin supporters could live with that logic then Nazi Germany is never truly an enemy of the Russian people, war is merely an alternative means to do diplomacy to achieve peaceful goal to protect Russians' basic human right. And who in their right would believe this crap?
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frann-hell · 3 years
All fucking right, I tried to play nice and not jump on thin ice, but for fuck sake THERE'S SOUND OF EXPLOSIONS, BOMB AND ROCKETS
Ukraine DOES NOT have a civil war. Ukraine has war against Russian imperialistic aggression. From this very right second I want to hear no shitty excuses for Russian people and government. I don't give any fuck about poor Russian libs who dIDN't ChOoSe pOOtin because when they sit in their kitchen and whine about life's injustice Ukrainians are DYING, PROTECTING OUR COUNTRY.
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tw-koreanhistory · 3 years
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nice hit piece newsganda from the wapo. hit 2 birds with 1 stone.
effective too, almost makes me forget about america’s massive mass mass surveillance state, the mass surveillance not only on their own citizens but also on the entire world.
just to add too, both russia and china have a long long ways to go to catch up to the USA. it’s not even close.
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Twitter Invents Russian Bots - Then Says They’re Venezuelan
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In any event, NBC News, to smear Gabbard as a Kremlin favorite, relied on a group that it heralded as “experts” without telling its audience about the major fraud which this firm just got caught perpetrating in order – on behalf of the Democratic Party – to fabricate claims of Kremlin interference in the Alabama Senate race. That’s because the playbook used by the axis of the Democratic Party, NBC/MSNBC, neocons and the intelligence community has been, is and will continue to be a very simple one: to smear any adversary of the establishment wing of the Democratic Party – whether on the left or the right – as a stooge or asset of the Kremlin (a key target will undoubtedly be, indeed already is, Bernie Sanders).
Glenn Greenwald, “NBC News, to Claim Russia Supports Tulsi Gabbard, Relies on Firm Just Caught Fabricating Russia Data for the Democratic Party” (February 3rd 2019).
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watchingmedia · 7 years
"Russia Hysteria Is Making US International Laughing Stock" -- Noam Chomsky
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politicsoflanguage · 7 years
For some 15 months now, all echelons of the American news media have been reporting an allegation that “the Russians” interfered in the US presidential election of 2016. The reason why is rather clear: The Democrats and the political and media establishment (which explains why some reputedly conservative outlets also drum this theme) did not want Donald Trump to win, and the fact that the American people managed to escape the media’s control enough to elect him is an unexplainable travesty which must be corrected.
But part of the theme that goes with this story is the implication that this is not fair behavior. The way the media covers this, it would seem that it is unfair to the extreme that anyone would bother the sacred tradition of the American election process.
Except for that other nations feel this way too, about their own. But the American CIA has been about the business of election interference since 1948. In a New York Times piece that broke with the pack and reported on this, it was noted that election interference is standard policy for the CIA and has been so for decades.
The lynchpin of justification was actually presented as valid reasoning just a couple weeks ago, when former CIA director James Woolsey was interviewed on Laura Ingraham’s show on Fox.
The amazing thing is that Mr. Woolsey really believes that there is a difference between America interfering with the Soviets or anyone else, and the Russians interfering with America. The idea is somehow that we are a “better class of people” than to have someone do that to us.
American “interference” does not rely on only clandestine actions by our intelligence and counter intelligence agencies. In Russia, the interference has long existed from the USA, since the Soviet times and the Cold War, but it still persists today. ...
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kailacrosse · 7 years
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jonathantrapman · 3 years
We are Not  at War with Ukraine
We are at war with the United States of America. It's just that the United States is fighting with someone else's hands, putting weapons in these hands and charging the leaders of the inhabitants of Ukraine with Russophobia as a sufficient motive to kill
DT d .Kulikov-VZ-T.Sergeytsev [translated by Jonathan Trapman] We are at war with the United States of America. It’s just that the United States is fighting with someone else’s hands, putting weapons in these hands and charging the leaders of the inhabitants of Ukraine with Russophobia as a sufficient motive to kill Russians. This is how the Anglo-Saxons have always tried to do in their history…
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celinaxd · 7 years
Russiaphobia is xenophobia/hate/racism. Democrats who attack Russia are racists and living in the 1980s… or actually the 1950s! Liberals have become the crazy "muh country muh americuh" pro war anti dialogue and anti diplomacy rednecks they accused the GOP of being during the Bush era.
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lillutaun · 7 years
You know what? There were 2 terrorist acts in St Petersburg, Russia this morning. 10 people-officially dead. 50-are injured. 20-are in hospital. When there is such thing in Europe the whole world tries to support families of those who happened to be there. They write in social networks and have hashtag for it so such news are on top. When such things happen in Russia, the whole fucking world is silent as it is normal. NO IT’s NOT NORMAL! I feel that world so hate this country that this news don’t make them think well that we’re people too. We all have mothers and fathers. We all love someone. And what happened today is more than horrible! Of course not even one citizen of this country doesn’t need your support in social networks because that wouldn’t help families that lost someone to make dead people alive. But this silence from oughta world just horrifies me.
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tw-koreanhistory · 3 years
A 70-year-old woman was left with a concussion, severely battered face and other injuries after being assaulted by a fellow passenger on a Metro bus in Eagle Rock last week, her son told The Eastsider.
The Mexican American victim was profiled as Asian by her attacker, who hurled a racial epithet used against people of Chinese descent before attacking the grandmother as she got off the bus to go grocery shopping, according to the son, who gave his name only as Pete.
Los Angeles police say they are still gathering information on the incident. But a department spokesperson confirmed 23-year-old Yasmine Beasley was arrested following the incident at about 1:30 p.m. Friday at the corner of Figueroa Street and La Loma Road.
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