frann-hell · 2 years
This is just insanely good
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the impossible return
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frann-hell · 2 years
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Morgana used to be a rebellious troubled punk and you can't change
@evildisneydorks @sugar-fueled-gremlin I know we talked about it A MILLION YEARS =AGO but late is better than never, right??
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frann-hell · 2 years
Something I realized about happiness and misery
You don't get miserable and broken because of one big bad event just overnight. Depression and unhappiness are like puzzle picture: a lot of small bad details are put together and made into a big sad picture. And those details are consistent; you have them every day. Like bad job, abusive household or relationships with people who treat you badly and a whole ton lot of other small bad things that here every single day .
We often think "if I achieve the thing I want I'll be happy" or "if I will get a better job I'll be happy". And once we see we didn't enjoy it as much as we expected we think we just aren't able to feel happiness.
Yet happiness isn't just one big thing neither. Such as misery it is built by small details we consistently have. You've got your dream job but now you need to establish better social life with people who love you. Then you add a hobby you enjoy. And so on and on.
All big things in life are built by small details.
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frann-hell · 2 years
"she looks/acts mature" "she wanted him too" excuses sound equally dumb, disgusting and irresponsible as "14 years old boy wanted a car so we gave him license and a loan in bank to buy the car because he has beard"
There's simply no such thing as justified pedophile. Having sex with minors ALWAYS makes you a terrible person.
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frann-hell · 2 years
Ok so this is gonna be weird but...
Have anyone else wish to be awake 24 hours for the rest of the life? I don't mean like having insomnia but rather not having physical need in sleep. I'm all fine and accepting about my ADHD - c'mon most of the time it's awesome. What really feels like disability and illness is physical need to be unconscious every night and DAMN I HATE IT
Imagine how great life would be if you could be productive for 8-10 hours at work/school, then watch cartoons for next 12 hours and then be just fine. BUT NO WE HAVE TO GO TO BED, FORCE OURSELVES NOT TO MOVE OR FIDGET, RESIST URGE TO SCROLL PHONE JUST TO SEE A GODDAMN FLYING DOG AND PURPLE CUCUMBERS WE WON'T EVEN REMEMBER LATER
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frann-hell · 2 years
Just think about it:
Dudley is physically active even though he's fat. He can run, ride bicycle, boxing etc and damn it's hard to do with obesity (because going upstairs is like dying in fire even at 70-85 kg weight)(I say so as someone whose weight have been jumping between 63-85 kg my entire life)
He also plays videogames,he's got no control on his emotions and acts impulsive even if it can be dangerous. I mean a giant adult just made a fire with umbrella , yelled at him and what did Dudley do? He just started to eat a cake this stranger broght
This kid is so obviously hyperactive and I'm sure he never got diagnosed and treated because Vernon and Petunia wouldn't accept possibility of their own son is a weirdo
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frann-hell · 2 years
Time traveler from 1919: well, descendants what lesson had you learned after world war
People from 2022: which one exactly do you mean?
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frann-hell · 2 years
Someday there will be no need to explain what are AU idea, FAN CREATIVITY , age up of fictional character IN FAN BASED NON CANONICAL IDEAS and shipping abuse WITHOUT ROMANTICIZING it but showing HOW IT REALLY WORKS.
Yeah it'll happen just in next 5 billion years
Most proshippers are survivors of abuse.
Antis who harass them for fictional characters and ships are just as bad as the abuser.
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frann-hell · 2 years
❤ Fat butches are so amazing & handsome ❤
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frann-hell · 2 years
I'm really happy we finally have positive representations of black and latin people but ...
Can we finally portray Asians outside of "lil cute girl who's mature only on ID birth date" and "super clever soft boi"
I mean
Where's fat asian characters? Where's non whitewashed asian characters? Can we finally have a big butch asian woman who swears and cursing ? Sassy, confident but dumb and chaotic boy who acts like drama queen ? Fat loud child who always gets in troubles?
We are people too, damn. stop portray us as living pedophile fanservice and bad yaoi manga characters in flash
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frann-hell · 2 years
I'm just curious
Is there any adhd/dyslexic person who'd be fine with they/them pronouns because gender neutrality is awesome but don't use they/them because the brain is like "WTF I AM ALONE HERE"
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frann-hell · 2 years
Perhaps this post will throw shit on a turned on fan but
A richer friend is not a talking cash machine. Generosity should not be a daily duty. It's ok to ask some financial support sometimes but friendship is a free will thing, not a room in motel with daily based rent
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frann-hell · 2 years
All right so these are another ones Tumblr OCs I want to get a series and pay for 10 seasons with 120+ episodes from my non-existent billions bucks
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Some nights are harder than others
But for some reason there's always something there to make it better
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frann-hell · 2 years
And then this lil guy came
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No joke man, grey fucker just float in my face like a goddamn rocket
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frann-hell · 2 years
Official education kills online education heals
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👏🏾Education 👏🏾is 👏🏾a 👏🏾right,👏🏾 not👏🏾 a👏🏾 service 👏🏾
Pass along and use the shit out of them
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frann-hell · 2 years
Fun fact about my past:
I used to think I'm bi for a long time because I love masculinity but I love women as well, but my teens were at early 10s when many of lesbians were like "butches aren't lesbians they just men without dicks!!!!!!"
So it took really long to understand that I'm just a lesbian bottom lol
To my lesbian sisters who thought they were bi but later realized they weren't:
You aren't adding to the stereotype that bisexuality is a "phase" or that bisexuals are just "lesbians afraid to come out"
To my bisexual sisters who thought they were lesbians but later realized they're actually bisexual:
You aren't adding to the stereotype that lesbians just "need to find the right man" or that lesbians can be "turned".
It'll never be your fault for how those stereotypes paint us
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frann-hell · 2 years
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Because you know.... Women don't do abuse, stalk or bullying...... And.... Sapphic relationships is 10000% protection of getting toxic partners.......... Lesbians who tell about abusive GFs are liars....
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