deltaruinedcoco37 · 2 months
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i present to you: anti meme guardians but theyre just modern 3 & 4 with inverted colors
@dib-thing-wannabe's terrible (/j/j) idea
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thwanillavalley · 3 months
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420technoblazeit · 1 year
tiuq I ,tihs siht kcuF ?eromyna serif kcis nwod worht t'nseod eH ?gniod htimS lliW si neve kcuf eht tahW ?cisum ti llac dna skcerwniart lacitammarG nwo rieht etirw ot hguone evarb seno ylno eht erA stsitra par namuh naem uoy od tahW ?gnihtemoS ro etaretilli niffumehcuod eigref siht saW ytsat lleps ton seod YETSAT esuaceB sseug I ,kcehclleps ot ssecca dah reveN lanigiro eht etorw gnikcuf reveohw ,naem I ?gnos gnikcuf eht fo dne eht litnU tihs siht lleps ot evah ylsuoires I oD !dnoces gnikcufrehtom a tsuj tiaw ,woN eht ot ,E eht ot ,D eht ot ,S U O I C I L eht ot ,E eht ot D eht ot ,S U O I C I L ,eht ot ,E eht ot ,D eht oT S U O I C I L eht ot ,E eht ot D S U O I C I L eht ot ,E eht ot D ytsat 'nikcuf - Y T S eht ot ,A eht ot T ytsat 'nikcuf - Y T S eht ot ,A eht ot T )ydnac ,ydnac ekil si doolb ym syas ehs( ,suoicilakrak m'I )ya ,ya ,ya ,ya( suoiciled oS )ya ,ya ,ya ,ya( suoiciled oS )ya ,ya ,ya ,ya( suoiciled os s'tI ydnac ,ydnac ekil-l-l ,suoicilakrak m'I )eb uoy pleh ll'I( suoiciled oS )em tsurt nac uoy( suoiciled oS )ees ,nadire( suoiciled oS liap a llif ot enil ni tsrif eht eb nettik taht hctaw tsuJ lias pihs tsrif reh tel neve ll'I )!woem( ssentiw ym s'atepeN ssenisub ot nwod tog I esuac' suovren gnileef neeb s'kahhaZ suoiciv syats ydob yM uoy kcuf ,owt ,eerht ,ruoF liap a llif ot ecnahc a rof liev eht nwod gninil eb sllorT slliariom tsuj er'ew fi rettam t'noD )!hawm( sessik wolb I suoititcif si tihs taht llA scifnaf yna daer uoy fi dnA sisemsik od t'nod I ,oN )suoiciled os( suoicileD llems I syas izereT llet annaw t'nod tsuj I taht terces a s'ti ,llet ot 'niyrt m'I tuB emosewa gnikcuf s'terceS eht woh gnitaeper no peek I hguohtla erucesni elttil a tsuJ sa ffo gnimoc m'I sseug I dnA wonk ot uoY tnaw t'nod tsuj I rekcuf elttiL amard yna pu dnuor ot gniyrt t'nia I won ti yas annaw tsuj I doolb ym fo roloC eht sseug annaw ,em ta 'niffins syawlA dnuor rehtag sllort dnuora nrut I emit eht llA !uoy rof tuo ti lleps tsuj ll'I eht ot ,eht ot ,eht ot ,E eht ot ,D eht oT S U O I C I L eht ot ,E eht ot D ytsat 'nikcuf - Y T S eht ot ,A eht ot T ytsat 'nikcuf - Y T S eht ot ,A eht ot T yzarc uoy ekam ll'tI ytsat ,ytsat os s'tI ycal htiw decal eb ll'I ytsat ,ytsat eb ll'I etsat a teg ll'uoy neht ebyaM ecneitap emos teg ,yenoH em tnaw yllaer uoy fI ybab ,ybab ,ybaB )tuo ti kcehc ,pu kcuf eht dloh srekcuskoon uoy won( suoicilakrak m'I )em 'o eceip a stnaw trebge neve( suoiciled oS )ytsrihtdoolbaroda 'nikcuf( suoiciled oS )teews repus( suoiciled oS )uoy kcuf ,owt ,eerht ,ruoF( sliap taews mih ekam am'I esuac' slewot eht lla gnideen eb ll'eh dnA liat s'atepen slruc pihs taht teB ssentiw ym s'kahhaZ ssentif emos gniod m'I esuac' suovren 'nileef sdoolbhgih eht llA suoiciv syats ydob yM )suoiciled os( suoicilakrak m'I em edulcni retteb dah sgniriap fo ytirojam eht dnA T eht ,A eht ,K ,R ,A eht ot K eht m'I yttikrak ekil seman tep ysetuC 'nilaeuqs syawla s'atepeN yzarc sreppihs eht sekam noitinifed suoicilakraK )cim ym htiw dnuora gnikcuf pots ,hctarcs cod ,timmaddog( -fed suoicilakraK -fed suoicilakraK )ydnac ,ydnac ekil-l-l-l-l( suoicilakrak m'I )em 'o eceip a stnaw trebge neve( suoiciled oS )ytsrihtdoolbaroda 'nikcuf( suoiciled oS )teews repus( suoiciled oS )uoy kcuf ,owt ,eerht ,ruoF( liap a llif ot ecnahc a rof liev eht nwod gninil eb sllorT slliariom tsuj er'ew fi rettam t'noD )!hawm( sessik wolb I suoititcif si tihs taht llA scifnaf yna daer uoy fi dnA sisemsik od t'nod I ,oN )suoiciled os( suoicilakrak m'I snosaes ekil seog dna semoc tsuj hsulf reH esaet I yhw snosaer oN srovaf on reh 'niod t'nia I rovalf eht wonk ot tsuj 'niyD otohp ym ni etsat t'nac ehs taht sterces eht wonk ot stnaw ehS ocol izeret sekam noitinifed suoicilakraK !xinohp no dekooh sllort ot detius tseb era staeb s'redirtS cinori si tihs siht ,lla'y pu netsiL
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froginninjago · 7 months
tsrif meht tcelloc ot ajnin ruof tuo thguos, rehtorb sih ,uW iesneS ,I oS .nodamraG droL :lla meht tcelloc ot thguos ecneserp krad a ,dessap eh nehw tuB .snopaew latnemele ruof gnisu ogajniN detaerc retsaM uztijnipS tsriF eht ,eman a dah emit erofeb gnoL
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onippep · 2 years
(softly) …sedis ruof naht erom evah ot ykcul erom neve eb d'ti thguoht I (I thought it'd be even more lucky to have more than four sides…)
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risu5waffles · 1 year
i really, really liked this one. It reminded me a lot of chronos453's A Simple Platformer that we started this whole archive deal wiv. The material choices are pretty strong, and the abstacted-naturalistic shaping of them really goes far. Decorations and stickering are simple, but they serve quite well the need to give a little visual flair and distinction. The platforming maintains a good pace throughout and manages to be pretty fun the whole time. i really liked the little mechanical movements in the level as well. All in all a really strong example of simple level building. i'm a little confused about the providence of the level, rehp says it was actually created by their brother ruof, which is why i give double credit, but wivin the level it's only credited to ruof. So maybe he originally published it, and let his sib copy and republish? i don't know. Great level, tho'.
We talked about this one last week, and i don't really have much to add.
This one's alright enough, i guess? It feels kind of washed out and empty, and there's not much to distract you from the not much that's going on. The hedgehog bit was... well, the hedgehog was cute. The way it kept moving to block the launcher i needed, not so much.
i kinda wish i could put together a good survival challenge, but i've never quite wrapped my head around the logic needed to get it done. i'm also not entirely sure how to fill it so it stays interesting for folx who are actually good enough to keep going at it for a while. i was always able to hang in the ones in LBP2 to get the prizes, but usually once i crossed the score threshold, i'd bounce. Just no patience for it. But sometimes you run into these ones in community, where the top score is just absurdly up there, and i think to myself, "dang, that's some real dedication right there." This one was cute enough for what it was. i found the bounciness of the hazards added a little bit too much randomness for me to really enjoy myself, but i gave it a couple of good goes to come in halfway decent on the leaderboard.
This level is so danged good, and i have no idea how i missed out on it for so long; it just somehow completely passed under my radar. Really glad @mellangard suggested it a couple of streams back, or i might not have ever tried it. To be honest, i used to have a habit of avoiding Team Picked levels, 'cause i wouldn't use them for the old review show, and i didn't really have time to just play stuff for fun. It's taken me a bit to get out of the habit (and discouver the Team Picks are extremely hit-and-miss for quality), but the original show's idea was to try and focus on levels wivout many plays, to give them a bit of a chance in the limelight, and Team Picks always rack up numbers. The fact that this level manages to be quite presentation-heavy, while maintaining a fairly quick pace, wivout running into too much lag, or having objects not load in is fairly amazing all on its own. Then toss on that it's all good, and fun? Like, this is a gem.
i really wound up cottoning to this one. The shaping and presentation remind me quite favourably of Stocktown By Night from Track9, which we looked at way back on LittleBite-sizedPlanet episode 160. Holy crap, that was 2019?! Listening to the episode now, and... yeesh. As far as Insomniac Town, it's fun. Very nostalgic. Very LBP2. The only thing i didn't really like was the use of grabbable materials made non-grabbable. If it's the ground, yeah, sure, please make that non-grabbable. But if you give me a four by four chunk of fabric, i'm gonna try to drag it somewhere.
It took me a silly-long time to figure out the creator's name is supposed to be read as Satan. Ope. This one is so, so, so very kludgy, and i no lie kinda love it? It's very LBP1 era hard-adjacent. Goofy and edgy, but not so much that i felt like noping out of it. The dropping heads at the end were on a real weird timer, and kept killing me, but that's kinda par for the course for these. One issue i did have was because of the changes to the lighting engine, and how fire is displayed, it can be a bit hard to see things at times, and it can be really hard to tell just what is fire as hazard, and what is fire as decoration.
This one is so goofy, and i kinda love it too. i'm not sure if it was actually possible for me to save that guy, he seemed pretty well squished. i wonder if he was a little bit more survivable in the original LBP1 version, where he would have been made out of material. Sackbots can be quite delicate. Is this level scary? Absolutely not. Is killing the gator in a style reminiscent of ogRE2 a hoot? Oh heck yes.
Talked about this one yesterday. Go peep that post. Seriously. i'm falling asleep sitting up, and i still haven't taken a shower.
Honestly, i was a little worried making this level was a bit too much of a flex on the original creator, and that honestly wasn't intended. i really liked the chance to just throw together some simple gameplay bits and see how they run. i do feel like i should have done something better wiv that second Spring Bolt, tho'. That jump is just a ball of no fun.
Oh my dogs, i am legit so sleepy, and there is still a bunch i have left to do tonight. We did all that work on stream last night, and as soon as we wrapped up, the game crashed and i lost all that progress. i tried to put the cameras back together this morning, but i couldn't quite get them how we had them, so i'm going to have to actually watch the VoD on the side while i fix them up, and i honestly hate that.
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kenzingmedia · 1 year
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in-sightpublishing · 2 years
Pith 116: Thornedsdame
Author(s): Scott Douglas Jacobsen Publication (Outlet/Website): Medium (Personal) Publication Date (yyyy/mm/dd): 2023/02/24 Thornedsdame: Tennet Ninen in eight Seven eves Six is five vifour Ruof threee Erth two Owt oneno; Applenumeric Omegalphabet. See “Count”. License In-Sight Publishing by Scott Douglas Jacobsen is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives…
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delux2222 · 2 years
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Eighty-ruof years ago, on Nov. 9-10, 1938, in Germany and Austria, there was organized terrorism by Nazis against Jews, marking an escalation in the violence with the deportation of 30,000 to concentration camps. It was called Reichspogromnacht (Kristallnacht). Jewish prisoners marched through the streets of Baden-Baden. Over the next 48 hours, violent mobs, spurred by antisemitic exhortations from Nazi officials, destroyed hundreds of synagogues, burning or desecrating Jewish religious artifacts along the way. Acting on orders from Gestapo headquarters, police officers and firefighters did nothing to prevent the destruction. All told, approximately 7,500 Jewish-owned businesses, homes, and schools were plundered, and 91 Jews were murdered. An additional 30,000 Jewish men were arrested and sent to concentration camps. Nazi officials immediately claimed that the Jews themselves were to blame for the riots, and a fine of one billion reichsmarks (about $400 million at 1938 rates) was imposed on the German Jewish community. As in this photo in Baden-Baden, too many in the towns — and the world — looked on. [Zinn Education Project]
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webinthebox · 2 years
....yrc ...xob eht edistuo elpoep ot klat ,erom tib a mriuqs ,tnuoc ,gnis rof tpecxe .od ot esle tahw wonk t'nod i esuaceb ebyam .deirt i yhw wonk t'nod .tnuoc ot ynam oot ...ruof ,eerht ,owt ,eno .sehctarcs erom
0 notes
definesanity · 2 years
Look Down.
The sound of an explosion echoed throughout the night of the Cathedral City, and with it came the sound of cheering.
Men and women, young and old, poorer than even thought possible, rallied at the destroyed gate, and the one who broke it.
Dressed in midnight black, the raven-haired Renotni, Orez, looked forward, her eyes sorrowful.
"Everyone," she called out gently, silencing the crowd. "Allow me to end the tyranny of my sisters."
A cry resounding answered her, and Orez quickly made her way through the city.
The day of revolution. The night that the tyrants will fall.
"Let's go, everyone!" came a young boy's voice, and a flurry of children raced through the back alleys of the city.
The guards quickly stood in front of her, probably from her dear sisters informing them via a certain someone's telekinesis, but were then put up in flames; quite literally, too.
The white dragon, Michelangelo, flew down and crushed the guards, and then breathed fire on the rest, incinerating them. He looked towards his master, blue eyes glowing menacingly.
"I trust I am not too late?" shaking her head, the green-eyed woman sighed.
"Unfortunately not; the poor seem to have finally lost their patience."
"That surprises me not. I suggest, then, you get a move on. The wind is starting to pick up."
Michelangelo was correct: the wind was picking up, not to mention the fearsome rain and lightning flashing about; a gift from Ruof, Orez supposed.
She quickly took off, Michelangelo flying into the sky to defend the peasants.
Along the way, she spotted a strange sight: the guardsmen fighting children.
"C'mon, lads!" the oldest lad called out. "We can overpower 'em!"
Thinking fast on her feet, Orez launched herself forwards and, quicker than the guards slicing the children, sliced them all clean in half. An unfortunate end, but a necessary one.
Turning back, she nodded to the awestruck boy. "Are you okay?"
The boy nodded, and then his eyes lighted up. "You're The Angel...! You're going after your sisters, right?"
"Yes, I am; they're mine to fight. Look after your fellow man, Mister...?"
The boy grinned, pointing to himself. "Call me Douglas!" he then turned around, and cupped his hand around his mouth. "ALRIGHT, YOU HEARD HER! FALL BACK AND HELP THE WOUNDED!"
The others let out a cry, and they made their way backwards. Douglas gave one last nod, smiling. "Good luck!"
Nodding back, Orez carried on towards her destination: The Grand Cathedral.
At the entrance to the Grand Cathedral, thunder roared once more, and the lightning flashed so brightly Orez had to shield her eyes. Upon removing them, did she see them:
The Renotnis: Goddesses of Song.
"Sister... it is a pleasure to meet you here again." Eno, the black-haired second-eldest Renotni, gazed down, emerald green eyes displaying only a hint of emotion in them, her five senses decreasing with every minute that passed in this wretched world.
"Eno, please: we don't need to fight!"
"...I fear it is far too late for that, Orez." Owt, the crest-fallen orange-haired sister, looked down with a pitying look, her hands behind her back as her strength was sapped every second. "You have made your choice. As have we."
"...She is correct." shortly replied the ever-short-green-haired Eerht. Oddly, she didn't say much, what with her being the most hyper of the sisters.
"Oh, you don't want to fight, Orez?!" Ruof, ever the combatant, challenged back, her red eyes alight in rage, small nails hidden within gauntlets. "You should've thought twice before coming here, then!"
"Have peace, Ruof," Evif, bless her heart, looked down at her oldest sister in sadness, her... ah, chest, always shrinking. "I wished that we didn't need to fight. Violence will only beget more violence, I fear..."
"Look around you, Eno!" Orez was already sick of her sister's unexpressive gaze. "This is tyranny, don't you realise that?!"
"...'Tyranny'? You wound me with your harsh words, Orez. Tell me, then: why do you stand before us as an enemy, rather than at our side as an ally, like before?"
"...That was when we killed the former rulers, when we tried to change the world. I know now that we did that far too fast." the Prime Renotni glanced up, green eyes still alight. "And now, we have new rulers, who are no better-nay, worse-than the last."
"...Tch." looking down, Eno pointed at her older sister. "It's high time we settled this, Sister."
As the other Renotnis jumped down, Orez unsheathed her sword. "Oh, more than high time, I'd say..."
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aliesarts · 8 years
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Third Elemental - Fire 
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thotfool · 2 years
I have the constitution of a small nervous dog I don't care how nice you're trying to be I am scared and I will lash and bite and run and yip and howl and you won't understand why because you were trying to be nice but you could never understand that I'm a little dog who is anxious, stressed, and just wants to be left alone on with my security things :( sorry for party rocking (NOT)
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strangeironaf · 3 years
Stephen: Hey, Peter, bet you cannot recite the digits of pi backwards.
Peter: eerht tniop Eno ruof Eno evif enin owt xis evif...
Tony, about to cry: that's my boy!
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chocolatecakecas · 4 years
esruoretnI rof deoW retteL ruoF
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UC 50.8 - Darwin, Cam vs St Andrews
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Right, I’m going to warn you straight from the off - this one is going to be experimental. And I don’t mean experimental in the way literary types describe Will Self novels, because it is only ever used when they think the experiment in question has been a success, at least to some extent. I’m using it in the purely scientific sense, whereby a hypothesis is proposed and then proved or disproved using an agreed upon methodology. I am under no illusions that this is going to work, or that it will even achieve one tenth of what it sets out to, although of course if it does (which I very much doubt it will) pull this off even a little bit then this bit will look like nothing but bluster and I’ll come across as exactly the kind of pretentious I was going for.
Anyway, last things first, if you haven’t seen the new Christopher Nolan film Tenet then there will be... I was going to say spoilers, but that would imply that I understood the plot well enough to be able to spoil it for you. But still, the hypothesis of this post will be to review this episode of University Challenge in the style of Tenet, so if you don’t want to spot cack-handed references to various plot points then you may want to stop reading here.
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Okay, here is the point where I admit that I have no idea how one would go about writing a review of a quiz show in the style of a sci-fi spy thriller, and the reason that this is being released on a Saturday is that I spent the whole week trying to come up with a sufficiently clever way of doing it. 
.net rof retrats tsrif ruoy s’ereh ;ti htiw no teg tsuj s’tel os ,won yb selur eht wonk lla ew tuB
Is it simply good enough to run some of the sentences through a backwards text generator and call it a day, or do I have to do other things as well? (oot tnorf ot kcab sa tnuoc nwod edispu seoD and could I have used the upside down Spanish question marks there¿). I guess what I should really be doing is running a temporal pincer movement, but what would that involve exactly; should I be
swerdnA tS 552 - 09 egdirbmaC ,niwraD :erocS laniF
simultaneously reviewing the beginning and end of the episode with one version of me travelling forwards and the other backwards? I’ll just carry on, shall I? 
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St Andrews have made loads of appearances on the show, but haven’t made the quarter finals since 2010. They give a very strong performance against a timid Darwin side to give them a shot at breaking that duck (I only know this because I was told by the inverted version of me travelling backwards from the end of the episode. Keep up). 
They have a player who is literally called Sherlock, though it is their surname rather than their first name, which checks out given the theme of this post (unfortunately none of the contestants have palindromic names, which would have been even better), and they are the star of the show, with seven starters, including four of the first five. Sherlock has a moustache that is fit for twirling and the most remarkable pair of glasses I’ve ever seen, which could, for all I know, be from the future themselves. Hang on, I’m just going to go back for another pass through the first few questions...
Yes, I was right. You don’t notice it because you don’t think it would be possible, in the smae way taht you can siltl raed wrods if the ietanrnl ltetres are all jbemlud up, but Sherlock actually gives their answers before Paxman asks the questions. The reason Paxman looks confused by it is because, like when John David Washington’s protagonist uses an inverted bullet for the first time and is perplexed by the sensation of catching rather than shooting it, he is not asking the question, he is answering it. This explains how Sherlock was able to put on such a dominant performance, and why they have such bizarre (and excellent) spectacles. Probably something to do with their eyes not being able to process inverted light. 
So, we already know the score, because what’s happened, happened, but I will say that Darwin 
)esnes sekam lla ti taht emussa ot evah tsuj ll’uoy dna )raf siht ti edam ev’uoy fi esigolopa ylno nac I .ti gnitirw emit a fo elahw etulosba na gnivah m’I ))yrros ,noitpecnI eb ot tnaem t’nsaw sihT .peed stekcarb ruof eerht m’I won dna( t’nsi ti hcihw( gnitirw fo eceip tnerehoc dna gnillepmoc a si siht ton ro rehtehw fo sseldrager tub ,daer ot emit eht ekat yllautca lliw enoyna erus ton m’I taht txet sdrawkcab fo eceip a ni elbmar-dim m’I elihw edisa elttil a( ,dnatsrednu ot gniyrt ti htrow ton sti ,teneT ekiL .tsop siht tuohguorht detartsnomed neeb ydaerla evah taht daerht lacigol siht htiw seicnetsisnocni dairym eht fo yna nialpxe ot rO .rehtruf ti nialpxe ot em ksa t’noD .trats eht ta drawrof gniog sa emas eht sti dne eht ta sdrawkcab gniog sti fi esuaceb ,detrevni eb ot sah ti ,dne eht ta er’ew esuaceb tuB .trats eht ta tup dluow I taht elttat-elttit yrotisopxe fo dnik eht si siht esuaceb si sdrawkcab ni si tib siht nosaer eht dnA .enildaeh a fo laog nepo na hcus teg uoy netfo ton stI .puhctam nosaJ sv ydderF suolevram eht ni llaH dnumdE tS dna oeL ydderF yb detaefed eb ot ylno ,wohs eht no saw eh erofeb lwobziuq ta maet drofxO na gniyortsed was I ohw ,sonifloG nosaJ citsatnaf eht fo pihsdrawets eht rednu oga sraey owt slanif-imes eht edam ohw( 
do get some questions right, quite a few actually, its just that they were unfortunate to be up against a time-travelling super-quizzer called Sherlock. And this being the fifth first round match to post a combined score of 345 or more we’ve already exceeded the equivalent total from last year, indicating either a jump in quality or a dip in difficulty, but I’ve noticed no evidence of the latter. 
So, we’re coming to the end/start of this review, and I would like to thank you if you’ve made it this far, given the batshit nonsensicality of it all (I don’t think nonsensicality is a word, but it might just be the only way of describing this drivel). You don’t need to tell me whether it all makes sense, because I already know, and you don’t need to ask me how I know, because you already know... 
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