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wilsons-journey · 2 months ago
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Culinary Calendar - December
My contribution to this amazing project ♥
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Long Credits under the Cut:
Feat. OCs (in no particular order):
Lyra - mistborn-bastard
Aikarico Ripchase - astralarias
Rolan Brightwing - brightwingedbat
Thel Victus - sidewinder30k
Vorias Ironhide - dion-iron
Redaar Steelhide - jollycryptid
Clove Hellbaum - scrumpygoat
Gaius Horncleaver - commanderhorncleave
Ahrikima - Ahrikima
Yahuk Thornheart - charrior-of-ash
Salem Steelveil - thornethenorn
Fillan - vampiricsheep
Lyza Ironmouth - charr-salad
fregion - fregion-bond-breaker
Malva the Furnace - nyoka-gorefell
Sibyl Goldveil - fvriva
Marro Bonesnap - foreverconfused-anenqui
Fenrir Bloodkeeper - lionheart405
Falco Burngrace - rostomanologist
Cyrisus Riftwalker - cyrisusriftwalker
Red Ripperdragon - gamer-redr
Flash Fulgurfur - madame-cookie
Pyrite Alderspark - pyritepirate444
Boltyhound Swiftkill- legionnaireintraining
Candessence - mystery-salad
Linus Ruinweld - flower-crow
Temma Bellrose - noivern
Kaetrai Fiercefang - zarathelonewolf
Plantain - matsuriwolf
Denalien - kehideni
Heart of the Hunter - championbutch
Bato Ghostclaw - commanders-company
Semijs - siins
Rodnur - rizardofether
Mabaki - Mabaki
Closing Words: Thank you so much for having me in this Calendar for this year! It was a blast drawing this piece ♥
And please check out this wonderful Calendar! There are so many pages full of gorgeous art of other wonderful artist!
And special thanks for bringing this awesome calendar to live!
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valefore-fr · 11 months ago
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My dragon Orez Onified - did these with several Char(r) over on my GW2-Blog @wilsons-journey.
You can find these under the cut, if you're interested ;V;
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emalascoala · 11 months ago
Ora de științe: Amestecuri și separarea lor
M-am gândit cum aș putea să leg conținutul acesta de la ora de științe, clasa a patra, de experiența de viață a copiilor. Mi-ar fi fost ușor cu un pahar de limonadă, însă am preparat limonadă anul trecut. Așa că am apelat la Cenușăreasa și la câteva materiale pe care le aveam pe acasă sau la unele aduse de copii. Vă povestesc în acest articol cum a decurs ora noastră de științe în care am vorbit…
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dwarfvania · 1 year ago
Chiftelue din orez
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ib-dead · 1 year ago
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Chiftelue din orez
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chrisevansky · 1 year ago
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Orez cu lapte i scorioar
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chanelcleeton · 1 year ago
Ciorba de pui cu orez
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moorewr · 1 year ago
Orez cu lapte i scorioar
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tiny-peridot · 1 year ago
Grmjoare de vinete cu orez
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joshuaporteruk · 1 year ago
Orez thailandez
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wilsons-journey · 9 months ago
Canon Mounts
After seeing this post, I realized I never shared my canon Mounts here. So time to change that!
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Brioche and Shrimp
Kying and Valefor got these Skyscales as a Gift from the Wizards. Its for the help at the Rifts.
Brioche is a female Skyscale. Shrimp on the other hand don't seem to have gender. Still they refer to him as "He".
They both go crazy over Kyings Breads. While Brioche loves pets - Shrimp is a little tentative. He only likes to get touched by people he knows. Brioche will throw herself at everyone that is willing to pet her. She occasionally buries Kying below her as a sign of her love (sometimes Val also faces this fate) Brioche can be very stubborn and lazy from time to time, she loves to bath in the sun and rather walk than fly. Shrimp on the other hand LOVES to fly - high and fast. Luckily it suits their handlers.
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Bean, Teddy and Astra
Bean , belongs to Wilson, he is a male Raptor she raised. It was a gift from ther adoptive Father. Teddy, was a gift from Desmond - Vales best Friend and Mentor. He is a male Tiger with Sandportal abilities and belongs to Fuma. Astra, was more or less a Gift from Wilson to Mishra. Astra is a female Skyscale and belongs to Mishra.
Bean , is as lively as Wilson. He loves to be in the center of the attention. He loves to eat and pets 24/7. As much outgoing he is, he gets spooked very easily. He despises the Brand and retreats at sudden loud noises. He dislikes Ruby (Fumas Devourer), out of pure jealousy. But if you have both in an unattended moment, he actually loves to cuddle with Ruby.
Teddy, is very quite and reserved. He loves to observe his surrounding and is very patient with everyone. He only gets violent to protect his family. Otherwise he would never hurt a fly - even if that fly (Bean....) is chewing his tail. He goes crazy over spices - and loves to smell interesting smells in general. He is deeply afraid of heights - its a bad mix with his sandportal ability ....
Astra, was raised by Wilson with a bunch of other Skyscales. For a long time it wasn't sure if she will make it. She was very small and frail - and the worst she lost her hearing. She sat for a long time in the background, no one wanted to take her. People were tentative to use her in the fight against Kralk. She later finds her home with Mishra - she is his eyes and he is her ears.
Wilson, Fuma and Mishra actually share these three mounts ingame - so they also share these during their journey.
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Skye, Vine and Blaze
These the Skimmer belong to the kids and were gifts from Vale's Village. They decided to give them names suiting the elements.
Skye = Sky / Wind Vine = Plants / Earth Blaze = Fire
Skye, is a Male Skimmer that belongs to Orez Vine, is a Female Skimmer that belongs to Elden Blaze, is a female Skimmer that belongs to Junior
The Skimmer are similiar to the kids from her personality. But Blaze and Vine seemed to have switched. Only Orez got a energetic Skimmer as he is. The kids love their floaty friends a lot and share everything with them
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This Modrem was created of a Wolf, that was once Deamourns Ranger pet. He lost his companion during HoT, when the Jungle Dragon awakened. It got killed by other Modrem, while protecting him and Deus (After the Airship crash) He later faces his Wolf-Companion as a Modrem-Wolf. There was no chance that a corpse would remember him, yet the Mordem refused to attack him. After Mordremoth was slain, Deamourn seeks out this Mordrem Wolf and successfully tames it. He gives it the name "Hope" (Hope is also the start of Deamourn collection the weirdest Pets / Creatures possible)(Bearbeitet)
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This female Shrine Guardian belongs to Ronin and is called Geist.
She came into his life, after Ronin realized he will never see his female Human Friend again. He sees Geist as a gift from his former friend - a farewell gift and that he should move on. So he gave her the same Name as his former Friend had "Geist".
But,... this Shrine Guardian IS his former Human Friend. She ventured the World as a Human to learn more about the world. Then she happens to meet Ronin and something on him struck her. Made her curious and made her stay by his side.
She was not able to return the love he felt for her - but she later decides, after he trurly managed to love himself, to join him in his journey.
Sidenote: Geist is able to transform into the other Mounts, to match all the needs during Ronins travels (I use the Cantha skin for them)
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dianapopescu · 1 year ago
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Orezul: Simbol și semnificație
Orezul este omologul natural și simbolic din Asia de Est al unor alimente de bază occidentale ca grâul și pâinea. În China antică se spune că a fost introdus de miticul împărat primordial Shen-Nung, împreună cu ritualul anual de plantare a orezului. În unele provincii chinezești, câinele sau șobolanul erau creditați de a fi adus orezul omenirii. https://www.diane.ro/2023/12/orezul-simbol-si-semnificatie.html
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kathleenkye · 1 year ago
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Horchata, bautura delicioasa de orez
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cannibalisticwhistler · 2 years ago
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Garnitur de orez n stil mediteranean
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teathamgsm · 2 years ago
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Salat de orez cu legume
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shwlg · 2 years ago
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Orez thailandez
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