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Lace Up for Global Running Day 2024
Today, Capivis Group celebrates Global Running Day, a day for everyone around the world to embrace movement and share their love for running. It's not just about speed or distance—it's about community, perseverance, and setting personal goals. Whether you’re a seasoned marathoner or a casual neighborhood jogger, today is your day to hit the pavement with enthusiasm. Let's run together towards better health and happiness!
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jennys-run-down · 3 years
Food Glorious Food!
I’ve tried out a few of the recipes from the Runner’s Cookbook by Anita Bean. 
OMG, they are great! I’ve added a couple of photos, but they really don’t do it justice - I’m no food photographer to say the least.
On Friday I made the quick Thai green curry. It is really is quick - about the same amount of time as cooking the accompanying rice from scratch. The recipe used white fish, unfortunately I didn’t have quite enough as it called for, so added prawns which worked just as well. It also used green beans, I don’t like green beans so I added extra mangetout instead. Will definitely be making this again.
Then Sunday I gave the blackberry crumble a go. I’m not a crumble person, or cooked fruit sort of person - although I can make some exceptions so I was willing to try this recipe. Also, this is another simple and straight forward dish.
The recipe said you could use fresh or frozen blackberries, so opted for the latter. Unfortunately my local supermarket didn’t actually have any frozen blackberries, so I bought frozen cherries. 
My smallest baking dish is also bigger than what I should have used so the 300g of cherries looked a bit pathetic when I tipped them in so I ended up putting the whole 500g bag in. There was still plenty of crumble for the top too - I have to say the hazelnuts are a great addition to this and adds a bit of crunch. Although because of the extra fruit I added, I reckon you can easily get a fifth portion out of the suggested 4. 
Either way, it’s makes a very tasty pud (I served mine with some leftover cream I’ve got). Perfect for this hot weather we’re having right now! 
Tonight I made a chicken noodle salad. Again, another delicious dish, and also simple. I replaced the peanuts with cashews simply because I didn't have any. Other than that, I made it to the recipe. It did make a lot, I was stuffed afterwards!
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alvin-crazy-runner · 5 years
My personal blog of running
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lecaptainhook · 5 years
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Summer is coming and I am itching to wear this outfit to run by the lake!!
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runinplaces · 7 years
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 crossing the finish line of my first half marathon! Ran it in under 2 hours. 
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runnersrambles-blog · 9 years
2016: Year of the Runner Bean
Getting back to my roots (and running along with the theme of vegetables) - I thought I would revitalise my blog which has been neglected for some period of time. However, as I am no longer a student with months and months of holidays (or reading weeks) to explore exotic lands, my blog is to become more of a journey exploring my running life. 
After a couple of half marathons, I thought for 2016 I would step it up a notch and take the plunge with the full 26.2mile marathon *sharp intake of breath*. So, without further ado, this year will be very special because it will be my marathon year. The location of said marathon will be in a city I seem to be gravitating towards recently: Berlin! 
To get into the spirit of the year of the runner bean, I decided to join a running group to meet fellow runners and I have found an absolute gem; London Midnight runners. SO. MUCH. FUN! And also slightly addictive; I have inadvertently signed up for a sneaky 10km around the Olympic Park, the Reading half marathon as a marathon warm up (what was I thinking?) and (wait for it) an ULTRA DUATHLON which consists of a 6m mountain trail run, 55m cycle and to finish a 10m trail run! Ohh, as well as a triathlon in Liverpool... Is that too enthusiastic? 
Either way, the year of the running bean has commenced...
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jennys-run-down · 3 years
By that I mean the word for “a group or set of twenty or about twenty.“
Yes, 20. The big TWO-OH. 
I have 20 followers now. 
Actually, it’s 23.
This pleases me that so many people are interested in my blog. I hope you are enjoying it, and/or will continue to do so.
In the meantime I shall continue to stuff my face with chocolate eggs.
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alvin-crazy-runner · 5 years
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outlastoutrun · 10 years
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Final few miles...
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sarahjai · 7 years
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Okay so I very rarely swear and instead opt for words like sugar and fudge and other things that make me sound like a toddler BUT my first sub 25 minute 5k in a very long time seemed deserving of the real deal. And a burrito. (I know it's not very fast for most of y'all hehe but for me this was kind of a big deal) (it felt magic and I felt both strong and light at the same time) (but obvs there were moments of omg why am I doing this too but those thoughts are but flies to swat) (have a beautiful day everyone)
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jennys-run-down · 3 years
An Extra Rest Day
I’m not doing my usual Thursday run tonight. 
I just have so much to do and I feel like I’m always on the go. 
I’m also meeting up with one of my besties for a walk and picnic tomorrow - I’ve not seen her since 3rd January due to England’s lockdown restrictions. Then I’m running on Saturday. So I decided that something has got to give, and I’m sure my 2.3 miles isn’t the worst thing to drop. Especially as I am making chocolate nests tonight. 
Mmm...Easter food!
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jennys-run-down · 3 years
A Friday Funny
I don’t think this will become a permanent feature, but it’s Friday and I have something funny to share. Well, I found it funny. 
A male friend of mine was filling out a form for a hobby that we both do (it sounds dodgier than it is, it really isn’t), and this form has to be sent to someone we both know. On said form is a section where you have to list someone you know, so this friend screenshot his reply: ‘The man with the drum’. I laughed, I knew exactly who he meant (this isn’t the funny part, keep reading).
So out of curiosity, I asked him what he would write if it was me he was talking about. 
“That runner with nice boobs that likes dodgy port“
Had I not been at work, I would have snorted with laughter. Instead I managed to restrain myself and limit it to a blush and a smirk.
I was rather flattered that he described me as a runner, first and foremost. I take that as a sign that’s how people see me now. Pretty impressive.  As for the ‘dodgy port’, he lies, it is not dodgy. It’s chocolate port, an 18th century recipe for a very rich and delicious drink. Which I happened to get drunk on (as well as wine) on Valentine’s day. Don’t go there.  And the other observation? Well, that’s none of your business! 
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sarahjai · 7 years
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The sun is shining in Dublin and my wonderful body carried me for 10 beautiful fast kilometres and just LOOK at this sea and this sky ahhh I am so grateful and so happy 🙏🏻🏃🏻‍♀️🌞
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sarahjai · 7 years
Still resting. I've recognised that my relationship with running was becoming a bit too obsessive (I have a very obsessive personality so this is a lil bit of a trend in my life lol). I've been going too hard too soon and ignoring niggling pain plus I haven't been eating enough plus I've been too preoccupied with my body and you know what I love running so much and I don't ever want it to be a negative thing for me so I think a few days off is not just okay but necessary. And when I'm back I will be grateful and strong and respect my body and its limits and fuel it the way it deserves. 💪🏻💛🌻
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sarahjai · 8 years
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Today’s running/food/doggie/coffee shenanigans over on my instagram story, you can find me at: @ flowersinourhair 😌🌻💛
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sarahjai · 8 years
When you’re running through the pouring rain and everyone is looking at you like you’re a crazy person and you can’t stop smiling <3 <3 <3
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