#rune card designs
Rune Art: Jūlija Alesker
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Rūnu Kava Katrai Dienai by Jūlija Alesker
Rune art cards by Júlia Alesker - esotericist, practicing runologist, tarologist, Reiki healer. These designs were published in English. Jūlija Alesker is an esoteric artist from Latvia.
"Rūnu kava katrai dienai" - is a connection of painting with secret esoteric knowledge.
"This is a unique work of the esoteric artist Julia Aleskeres, which combines abstract painting with ancient runic symbols, which have the ability to look into the depths of events, reveal the true meaning, open a person's access to healing, creative, fulfilling energy. Runes are the ancient Germanic and Norse script consisting of 24 characters, the so-called Elder Futhark. Runes are believed to be able to change the world, because they were given to man by God Odin - the Supreme God in German and Scandinavian mythology."
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gloryfore · 1 year
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Another day another tarot card 🌿
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moonsinkfoxgirl · 3 months
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-- No. 096 Mind Flayer
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sumnantics · 9 months
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I rewatched Madoka, and while watching Rebellion for the first time I drew Japheth as a magical girl. Sort of a redraw from last year!
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FRIEDRICH. Type: Infectious Witch's Familiar. Duty: Sibling.
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HELENA. Type: Infectious Witch's Familiar. Duty: Management.
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Rune Staff
Illustrator: みがお
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high-priestess-house · 2 months
𝕰𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖞𝖉𝖆𝖞 𝖂𝖎𝖙𝖈𝖍𝖈𝖗𝖆𝖋𝖙
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ℌ𝔬𝔴 𝔱𝔬 𝔟𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔪𝔞𝔤𝔦𝔠 𝔦𝔫𝔱𝔬 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔯𝔶𝔡𝔞𝔶 𝔪𝔲𝔫𝔡𝔞𝔫𝔢
Daily Affirmations: Start your day with positive affirmations or spells to set your intention.
Morning Ritual: Incorporate meditation or a grounding exercise into your morning routine.
Herbal Tea: Brew herbal teas with magical correspondences for specific needs (e.g., chamomile for calm).
Crystal Carry: Keep a small crystal in your pocket or bag for daily energy boosts.
Incense and Smudging: Light incense or smudge your space to cleanse and energize it.
Moon Water: Use moon water (water charged under the moon) for washing, drinking, or watering plants.
Sigils: Draw or carry sigils for protection, luck, or other intentions.
Altar Space: Create a small altar or sacred space in your home.
Candles: Light candles with intention, choosing colors that correspond to your needs.
Tarot or Oracle Cards: Pull a daily card for guidance.
Journaling: Keep a magical journal for spells, dreams, and reflections.
Nature Walks: Spend time in nature, collecting items like stones, leaves, or feathers for your practice.
Kitchen Witchery: Infuse your cooking with intention and use magical herbs and spices.
Charmed Jewelry: Wear jewelry that has been enchanted or charged with specific intentions.
Lunar Phases: Plan activities and spells according to the lunar phases.
Weather Magic: Use the energy of different weather conditions in your spells and rituals.
Mindful Cleaning: Clean your space with intention, using magical cleaning solutions.
Bath Rituals: Take ritual baths with herbs, salts, and oils for cleansing and manifestation.
Gratitude Practice: End your day with a gratitude practice or prayer.
Sacred Music: Listen to music that uplifts your spirit or has magical significance.
Writing Spells: Incorporate spellwork into your daily writing, such as emails or notes.
Daily Offerings: Make small offerings to your deities or spirit guides.
Visualization: Use visualization techniques throughout the day to manifest your desires.
Plant Magic: Care for plants and infuse them with your magical intentions.
Energy Shielding: Practice energy shielding techniques to protect your aura.
Creative Art: Use art and creativity as a form of magic and expression.
Spiritual Reading: Read books, articles, or blogs on witchcraft to expand your knowledge.
Community Connection: Connect with other witches online or in-person for support and inspiration.
Crafting: Make your own magical tools, such as wands, sachets, or charms.
Ritual Dress: Wear clothing or accessories that have been enchanted for specific purposes.
Daily Devotions: Spend time each day in devotion or meditation with your chosen deities.
Intentional Breathing: Use breathing exercises to center and ground yourself.
Astrology: Incorporate astrology into your daily planning and decision-making.
Digital Magic: Use apps or digital tools designed for witches to keep track of moon phases, spells, and more.
Rune Work: Draw a daily rune for guidance and reflection.
Harmonize with Elements: Incorporate the four elements (earth, air, fire, water) into your daily life.
Affirmative Speaking: Speak with intention and awareness, using positive and empowering language.
Gardening: Create a magical garden with plants that have specific correspondences.
Mindful Eating: Bless and infuse your food with positive energy before eating.
Dream Work: Keep a dream journal and work with your dreams for insight and guidance.
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witchboxco · 8 months
Imbolc Altar Ideas & Correspondences
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Imbolc, also known as Candlemas or Brigid's Day, marks the halfway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. It's a time to celebrate the returning light and the awakening of the Earth.
Altar Decorations:
Candles: Imbolc is strongly associated with the element of fire. Decorate your altar with candles in shades of white, yellow, and light blue to represent the increasing daylight.
Brigid's Cross: Craft or purchase a Brigid's Cross, a traditional symbol associated with the Celtic goddess Brigid. Hang it on your altar as a protective charm.
Seasonal Flowers: Place early spring flowers like snowdrops, crocuses, and daffodils on your altar. These symbolize the first signs of life returning to the land.
Herbs: Incorporate herbs such as rosemary, thyme, and cinnamon for their purifying and invigorating properties. Bundle them together with a red or white ribbon.
Seeds: Represent the potential for growth by adding a dish of seeds to your altar. Consider seeds associated with early spring crops like wheat or herbs.
Imbolc Symbols: Include symbols like lambs, ewes, and the sun to capture the essence of this seasonal transition.
Candle Holders: Choose unique candle holders or lanterns to enhance the ambiance. Consider using candle holders in the shape of suns, stars, or nature-inspired designs.
Divination Tools: Add divination tools like tarot cards or runes to your altar for seeking guidance during this transitional period.
Symbolic Stones: Integrate crystals such as citrine for abundance, aquamarine for clarity, and moonstone for intuition. Arrange them aesthetically around your altar.
Feathers: Symbolizing air and spirituality, feathers can be incorporated to invoke the energy of the season. Choose feathers from birds associated with the goddess Brigid, like swans or owls.
Artwork: Display artwork or illustrations that resonate with the themes of Imbolc. This could include depictions of Brigid, snow-covered landscapes, or symbols of growth and renewal.
Imbolc Incense: Craft or purchase incense blends with scents like frankincense, myrrh, and chamomile to fill your sacred space with a soothing and purifying aroma.
Goddess Brigid: Imbolc is sacred to Brigid, the Celtic goddess of hearth, home, and inspiration. Invoke her energy for healing, creativity, and protection.
Colors: White, yellow, light green, and light blue are associated with Imbolc. Use these colors in candles, altar cloths, and decorations to align with the festival's energy.
Stones: Crystals such as amethyst, garnet, and clear quartz resonate with Imbolc's energies.
Foods: Dairy products, especially cheese, and foods made with seeds like bread or muffins are fitting for Imbolc. Set offerings on your altar or incorporate them into your celebration feast.
Water: Imbolc is also associated with the element of water. Include a small bowl of water on your altar to symbolize purification.
Creativity Symbols: Imbolc is a time for inspiration and creative endeavors. Include symbols of your creative pursuits, such as a paintbrush, musical instrument, or writing quill.
Anointing Oils: Create or purchase anointing oils infused with herbs like lavender, rosemary, and frankincense. Use them to anoint candles, tools, or yourself during Imbolc rituals.
Animal Representations: Incorporate figurines or images of animals associated with Brigid, such as lambs, cows, or swans, to honor her connection to the animal kingdom.
Wheat or Corn Dolls: Craft small dolls from wheat or corn husks, symbolizing the harvest to come. Place them on your altar as a representation of the Earth's fertility.
Bell or Chimes: Hang a bell or wind chimes near your altar to symbolize the awakening of nature and the stirring of life. Ring it during your Imbolc rituals to mark significant moments.
Decorative Cloth: Choose an altar cloth with intricate patterns or symbols related to Imbolc, such as suns, wheels, or Brigid's crosses, to add a touch of magic to your sacred space.
May you find warmth in the returning light. <3
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reader-wandering18 · 22 days
Yuu Professor
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In the staff room, Yuu leaned back in his chair as he sighed deeply.
—I see you’re too tired, Professor Yuu.
— Professor Trein.
— He’s the youngest of us all, try not to intimidate him, Professor Trein.
— What are you trying to say, Professor Crewel?
Yuu felt like he was in the middle of a clash between two mountains. He was afraid his life would end before he even started at that school.
— Come on, get along, we have to make a good impression on the new teacher!
Professor Vargas had arrived, grabbing Yuu by the collar of his shirt and pulling him into a tight hug as if they were old classmates. Although with his large muscles, Yuu felt suffocated.
— If you need anything, you’re more than welcome to come to the Mystery Shop. We have great promotions this year.
Sam handed him a business card.
Professor Crewel was right when he said he was younger than all of them, he was only 27 years old and to top it off… he had no experience in being a teacher.
“It was all because of that incident”
While he was undercover due to his previous job, he was caught in the crossfire between two strangers. Both of them were apparently killed and to top it off, one of them was the new teacher at Night Raven College that year who was mistaken for him.
He had no intention of entering that school and taking that teacher’s place.
When he was ready to escape, he found himself in the school surrounded by a magical field with no way out unless he asked the headmaster for permission.
If he speaks now, he would get into big trouble and have charges like identity theft, possible murder (when he didn’t) and if they were to investigate further…
“Two years, my contract period is only for two years”
Nothing bad could happen.
He would like to kill his past self.
A case of Blot had appeared in front of him.
And soon, a series of them in that prestigious school.
“What the hell have I gotten myself into?!”
Yuu activated a magic shield to protect himself and the students.
Riddle’s blows were fierce, clearly aggravating his anger at the moment, causing the earth to tremble… But the shield showed no signs of breaking.
“That damn crow had said he would bring more teachers, but he hasn’t returned for a while now!”
All the students had evacuated, except for four stubborn young men.
— WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Get out of the dorm immediately!
— I can’t do it, Professor. I can’t leave Riddle as he is now.
— I refuse, he still hasn’t apologized to me!
“These damn proud brats.”
— Worrying about you shortens my life,— he said in a whisper.
— Don’t leave the shield or I will punish you!
— Professor!
Yuu stepped forward, holding his staff firmly, the wood looked ancient, there was also a design made of pure silver with complicated runes, the magic gem was on top with an exquisite crimson hue.
The moment he stepped out of the magic shield, air bullets pierced the rose bushes leaving nothing but small pieces resembling toothpicks.
It had all happened in the blink of an eye.
Riddle was shocked by the speed at which the master had released the magic. He hadn’t uttered a single word or seemed to have hesitated when it came to making projectiles with the air element!
The strength of the magic power they released could be compared to the cannons of a warship.
— It’s incredible.
Yuu walked towards Riddle with his head held high and only one thought in his head.
“ You are too young to waste your life”
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Riddle came back to his senses, thanks to Professor Yuu's intervention. He was taken to the school infirmary after waking up and talking to everyone.
Though Ace, seeing him cry, could only behave as Ace would.
Seeing that moment of conviviality between students, Yuu decided to take a step back and leave that dorm. His rush to flee was also to avoid cleaning Heartslabyul's dorm, which had practically been left in ruins because of him.
"I'm really tired, let the students take care of it."
After a week, in a lonely classroom, Yuu found himself grading his students' homework.
"How can this guy be in charge of teaching him at three years old?!"
The identity he had accidentally taken was not only that of a teacher, but also that of a high-level magician. If anyone else who hadn't studied magic as exhaustively as he had, they would be in serious trouble.
But this coincidence sent shivers down his spine.
That guy, despite being a high-level magician, has no family or friends who can get him into trouble if they see him. Also his age and appearance.
It was as if the role was made for him.
Knock knock
Yuu was startled but didn't show it, his eyes went to the classroom door where he found three students from Heartslabyul. One of them was holding a strawberry cake.
— Teacher, may I come in?
— Clover, Diamond, and Rosehearts. Come in.
With magic, Yuu arranged all his documents and before he could ask the reason for his visit, Riddle put that strawberry cake in its place.
— This is a thank you for helping me.
Seeing the shiny cake in front of him, Yuu couldn't speak for a moment.
— As an educator, I must take care of my students. You don't need to give me a strawberry cake.
— Come on, teacher, the dorm leader made it with so much effort for you!
— Carter!
Riddle scolded the blonde haired boy, though seeing the blush on his face was not something he could hide.
—This is a cake I made as an apology for the trouble I caused. Before the no unbirthday party, I want you to be the first to taste the cake.
Hearing those words, Yuu couldn’t help but look at Riddle tenderly. The overstain is caused by the negative feelings of wizards. It’s something that simply can’t be controlled and he was burdened by his past.
“I still feel a little uneasy knowing that I was able to see his past. It’s really strange.”
He cut the first piece of cake and as he brought it to his mouth.
“This is really salty!”
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Hahahaha here I leave you another part of Master Yuu living with heartslabyul, there will be more interactions with the other students, I hope it is to your liking.
PD information: In order not to make Riddle feel bad, Yuu did not tell him that his strawberry cake was too salty. So that was how Ace along with Deuce, Trey and Carter ate the other cakes that he had made beforehand. Yuu couldn't throw away the cake so he endured having to eat it.
One more thing, I probably won't upload anything in the next few weeks, more than anything unfortunately I'm a student so right now I'm full of projects. I already have the two chapters of Darkness ready as well as more ideas of Yuu from other worlds but honestly they don't convince me so I haven't been able to upload them and I also don't have time to edit them but in my free time I plan to move forward.
Slowly but surely.
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girlkisser13 · 2 months
hecate cabin headcanons
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a/n: hey!!! daughter of hecate here. can you guys tell that i grew up reading pjo and harry potter? 😭
children of hecate
• their grades in school usually aren't always the best, but they constantly surprise (annoy) their teachers by knowing the most random facts because their mother is the goddess of trivia.
• naturally, they love fantasy novels.
• a lot of them are triplets, or have two other siblings, since three is a very sacred number (not just in greek mythology, but since hecate has three technical personas).
• when claimed, hecate gifts them with a familiar that is tied to the demigod's life and goes on quests with them. the familiar strengthens their magic and they share a strong psychic bond.
• many of them have their own personal grimoires and journals.
• they often watch witch movies and television shows and laugh at the inaccuracies (but they all secretly jot down spells for inspiration).
• despite their slightly mysterious and creepy appearances, they actually are really nice.
• at the end of summer, they put on a magic show for the little campers.
• they love teaching their new siblings magic and watching them freak out when they turned everything into pineapples and watching over them as they’re levitating in their sleep before they learn to control it.
• they have a side hustle of tarot card readings, palm readings, tea leaves and miscellaneous spells.
• they can all see through the mist and control it with ease, making it hard for the hermes cabin to prank them.
• they all have their own deck of tarot cards and there’s crystals everywhere.
• they all strongly believe in astrology.
• they’re all naturally skilled in the use of daggers.
• although their mother is sometimes depicted as a maiden goddess, none of them have ever explicitly stated if they are born the "traditional" way or if they are conceived in ways similar to children of athena.
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cabin exterior
• the cabin's architecture is a blend of ancient and mystical styles, with elements of gothic and greco-roman designs.
• the walls have intricate carvings of magical symbols, runes, and mythical creatures.
• out in front of their cabin, they grow yew, nightlock, and many other herbs (to use in potions).
• they have a dedicated area behind the cabin for practicing spells and rituals, complete with a stone altar and circles of power. this area is also surrounded by protective wards.
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cabin interior
• the runes and inscriptions in the stones they used to build their cabin don't only strengthen the walls of their cabin and lessen their unintended spell-casting, but also make it so their cabin is bigger on the inside.
• charms and talismans hang from the eaves and doorways, tinkling softly in the breeze and adding a layer of protection and enchantment.
• they have their own treasure room in which they keep objects their have collected on their quests.
• they only keep the magical or enchanted objects though and send everything else to the attic of the big house.
• they have a basement (like many of the other cabins) complete with a lily pond that includes a couple of frogs, the walls are lined with hundreds of magic books and it is where they spend hours on end learning from their siblings how to control the mist and cast spells.
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cabin traditions
• everytime they get a new sibling, they have a moving in party.
• they make tons of broom shaped snacks, prepare a few spell books and potion brewing books. as soon as the sibling walks into the room they all yell. "YER A WIZARD" and the party begins.
• every year, on halloween, they choose a city to go to and use the mist to confuse the mortals.
divider by @anqlicrosie
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mollysunder · 3 months
Viktor's Sources of "Inspiration"
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The hexcore is incomplete. Currently Viktor only has the runes of Precision, Domination, Sorcery, and Resolve. To complete the hexcore and unlock it's true potential he'll need Inspiration, but where will he find it?
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Viktor could find Inspiration through Sky. The most noteworthy possible hint was in Sky's last scene. Sky's last words to herself were how Viktor inspired her, and in that moment we get a glimpse of her notebook. Some have speculated that the emblem on the cover of her notebook resembles the Inspiration rune itself.
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Sky also left a series of notes from her undisclosed research project. From the quick shots we get of her notes we can assume Sky was researching methods to stimulate plant growth. Her research may be in a similar vein to Viktor's research where he experimented with how the hexcore reacted to organic plant matter and stimulated its growth in turn. Could Sky's research be the key that will help Viktor stabilize the effects of the hexcore on organic matter like plants (and people)?
Even in death Sky's character could serve to reflect the theme of inspiration that Viktor desperately needs...
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Except the Inspiration rune does represent the literal definition of the word "inspiration". In Runeterra, the Inspiration rune is meant to symbolize the ability to "Outwit mere mortals". In-game the Inspiration path gives players a set of tools they can use to apply unconventional strategies to outwit their enemies. And the one character that demonstrates those traits the best in Arcane is Jinx.
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The first time the Inspiration rune's meaning was applied correctly in a sentence was when Viktor was describing the design of Jinx's chomper grenade. And it's true, thematically Jinx's chomper grenades and they way she uses them align with how "inspired" tools work.
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Jinx was able to pull off a 3-in-1 trick with her chomper. The grenade was the bait and the snare against the enforcers, the distraction Jinx used to steal classified technology and info from Piltover, and the means that Jinx would use to frame the Firelights in her crimes. Technically she's gotten away with it all so far. What Jinx with her tools does isn't just outwitting her enemies, she's running laps around them.
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Another possible clue that could mean Jinx will help Viktor discover the Inspiration rune is that her champion tag was disguised as a rune within the hexcore in Viktor's Magician tarot card. The same tarot card that gives us a brief shot of the Machine Herald's silhouette.
Maybe this all leads to Viktor working with Jinx next season, even learning from her to the point where he'll even end up taking a page out of Jinx's playbook. Viktor's set to be banished from his research bubble in Zaun, in a time where allies will be hard to come by and enemies will be easy to make.
Sky and Jinx are two very different characters that manage to apply the term inspiration in two very different ways. I want to think that was on purpose by the writers. But who knows for sure though, we can only see how things turn out next season.
tldr: Sky represents the traditional definition of inspiration, while Jinx better embodies the Runeterra's definition of the actual Inspiration rune. Sky's death may also be a weird rune pun.
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ad-caelestia · 2 days
grimoire organization ideas 🔮
what is a grimoire?
a grimoire can be defined as a book of magical spells and invocations; sometimes used interchangeably with "book of shadows" but you can call it whatever you want.
what should i write my grimoire in / on?
a grimoire can be handwritten or typed, there is no wrong way to construct your grimoire. (for example, my grimoire is typed in a one note document but also stretched across many, many different notebooks and composition books)
what can i put in my grimoire?
about the author
favorites: color, magical tools, herbs, crystals
tarot birth card, astrology birth chart, personal beliefs, relationship with deities or other spiritual beings
protection, cleansing, & banishing using various energies: shields & wards, circle casting / take down, protective amulets
enchanting items 
clockwise vs. counterclockwise 
other how-to’s, such as anointing items and dressing a candle
general correspondences
days of the week, lunar phases, colors, incense, essential oils, elements
correspondences based on intent 
protection, healing, cleansing, banishing, luck, wealth, love, emotions, mental clarity, psychic awareness, cursing, etc.
altar ideas
crystal grid designs, crystal correspondences & folklore, gem water / crystal elixir recipes, crystal care 
herbs, spices, plants, flowers, & trees
correspondences, edible vs. non-edible, botanicals with medicinal value, folklore, gardening 
tarot, runes, pendulum, scrying, etc.
birth chart + traits, planetary correspondences, planetary hours, zodiac correspondences, moon / star / sun water
sigils & symbols
how to create, personal sigils, other symbols & talismans 
psychic abilities 
identification of personal abilities (clairvoyance, claircognizance, clairaudience, clairsentience, clairambience, etc.)
meditation techniques to strengthen abilities 
personal experiences
important dates
sabbats, wheel of the year, magical anniversaries, astronomical & astrological phenomena (meteor showers, planetary alignments, etc.)
potions (potions are edible and consumable liquids!!!)
beauty products: salt scrubs, sugar scrubs, lotions, lip balm
natural remedies: salves, ointments, balms, poultices 
cleaning products: floor washes, window cleaner, wood cleaner, etc.
witchy crafts
glitter jars, witch ladders, wand-making, crystal jewelry, etc. 
spells & enchantments
sachets, spell jars / bottles, knot magic, candle spells, powder spells, curses, protective magic, etc.
magical goals
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good luck! ✨
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Rune Art: Natural Elder Futhark Rune Chakra by Robin Pool
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The Natural Elder Futhark Rune Chakra was a deck of circular rune cards created by Robin Pool [Spiritsaid] and marketed via Make Playing Cards.
"Hand drawn and painted on colored-pencil backgrounds (made from an upcycled root beer box!) these 3" diameter Rune Chakra Oracle cards combine diverse ancient wellsprings of ancestral wisdom. Natural backgrounds bring rune meanings to life, providing a handy memory aid! Download your free illustrated ebook at spiritsaid/rune-work for physical, psychological, and metaphysical meanings and an English-letter-to-rune transliteration table for writing words in runes."
The Natural Elder Futhark Rune Chakra
Natural Rune Deck
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childrenofcain-if · 1 month
Can we have some facts about the ROs, dear author ? I'm very much looking forward to fix D, bad girls are my kryptonite
C is an absolute unit at chess. if it wasn’t for them wanting to go into the business industry, they would’ve definitely clinched the title of grandmaster.
they’re also very good at playing violin and have been taking private lessons since they were nine.
they have a habit of taking long, solitary walks late at night to clear their mind.
they have an aston martin vantage and a porsche 911 carrera 4s which were a gift from grandpa lacroix before his death.
aside from english, they can speak french, latin, and italian.
their signature scent is a blend of sandalwood and jasmine.
they have a small, discreet tattoo of a latin phrase (“veni, vidi, vici”) on their ribcage.
C is particularly fond of designer clothes and have a vast collection, each custom-made to fit perfectly.
they find idle chatter to be an utter waste of time and will often steer conversations towards more intellectually stimulating topics.
C also had a very soft spot for pets, particularly dogs. they also secretly donate to many of the nation’s animal shelters, though you’ll never find them telling that to anyone.
they have undiagnosed OCD.
they are a twin. no one knows what exactly happened to their sister in the orphanage.
they’re a big fan of obscure literary texts, particularly those of nordic origins.
V also enjoys woodworking, a skill passed down from their orphanage days where they’d try to make small, wooden toys for some extra pocket money.
though they don’t attend church all that often, they always pray before bed and eating.
V wears a unique, earthy fragrance with notes of cedarwood, pine, and a hint of sea salt.
in addition to danish, ancient greek, nordic runes, and english, they’ve also picked up on some patois thanks to their adoptive mother.
V is deeply connected to nature and prefers spending time outdoors whenever possible. hiking, camping, and stargazing are some of their favorite activities.
autumn is V’s favorite season because the crisp air, the changing leaves, and the melancholy atmosphere makes them feel creatively inspired.
V can read tarot cards, a skill they picked up from their mother who liked doing it in her free time.
they absolutely loathe alcohol and steers absolutely clear of its presence if they can help it. they have no problem with other people drinking it tho.
they have claustrophobia.
W is an avid birdwatcher and would often accompany their uncle to do it whenever they could. they can identify dozens of species by sight and sound and often spend early mornings in parks or nature reserves, binoculars in hand.
despite their strained relationship with their parents, W inherited a natural talent for photography and videography from their father.
W’s favorite book is “the catcher in the rye”, mostly because sometimes they can see a reflection of themself in holden caulfield.
W has a soft spot for cheesy 90s and early 2000s romcoms. they find comfort in the predictable plots and over-the-top acting, often watching them late at night when they can’t sleep.
their signature scent is vetiver, citrus, and bergamot.
they still wear MC’s worn down friendship bracelet from almost a decade ago.
W prefers to walk or bike wherever they go, finding the process therapeutic.
they’ve donated a large portion of their trust fund to homeless youth shelters, only keeping enough to get through university comfortably until they get a decent job.
they love playing the piano, something which their aunt taught them. however, they prefer modern pieces to classical ones.
their favourite directors of all time are wes anderson and sofia coppola.
they’re a chronic insomniac.
D has a hidden talent for sketching. while they don’t talk about it much, their notebooks are filled with doodles and sketches, often of people they meet/know or abstract designs that reflect their current mood.
they’re nicknamed “rook” by their friends and bandmates. they also only know three languages: romanian, french, and english.
their indie band’s name is “the vignettes”, and the genre they play contains elements of alternative rock, grunge, and even folk sometimes. they’re the frontman, as well as a guitarist of the five-piece.
they’re known to get into long, intense conversations about the meaning of life, the universe, and everything—usually at 3 a.m., after everyone else has passed out. nobody seems to want to deal with this aside from C.
nirvana and the cure are on constant rotation on their playlist. their favourite guitar, valentine, was personally signed by kurt cobain and is their most prized possession.
their signature scent is a mixture of cinnamon, expensive marlboro, amber, and a hint of leather.
they love spicy food, mexican and indian cuisines being their favourite. give them a lifetime supply of chicken vindaloo and birria tacos and they’re set forever.
D is considered an adrenaline junkie and sometimes participates in extreme sports like parkour, bungee jumping, and sky diving.
they have a well-maintained 1969 AMC AMX/3, but rather prefer riding their MC ducati panigale v4.
they have a growing collection of tattoos, each one marking a significant (or significantly hazy) memory from their escapades. the most prominent one is a serpent wrapped around their collarbones.
it’s rare to find them in parties without the presence of any type of drugs. they’re not a full-blown addict, but also not too far from it.
aside from english, M speaks nine more languages fluently—hindi, french, italian, german, mandarin, russian, sanskrit, arabic, spanish, and latin.
they are proficient in several musical instruments, including the piano, violin, and guitar, often performing at private gatherings and charity events.
their personal library contains rare and first-edition books on any genre you can possibly imagine.
M has a keen eye for art and collects pieces from renowned and emerging artists, often curating exhibitions for charity.
they also have a very encyclopaedic knowledge of european and south asian history, often recalling the time period and details of the events.
they have travelled to more than 50 countries till date, accompanying their parents on many of their philanthropic missions.
their signature scent is a fancy blend of myrrh and frankincense, accented with touches of cypress and roses.
M has been interested in the existence of the occult and magic since they heard of stories involving them by their grandmother’s side.
despite being a famous royal figure, M has almost zero social media presence and greatly dislikes being filmed in public or having their private life probed at.
they are known to be the queen of england’s favourite grandchild.
M enjoys cooking and is particularly skilled at preparing elaborate south asian and mediterranean dishes.
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maryhale1 · 4 months
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The Divination witch ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
In shadows deep, where moonlight weaves,
A witch of lore her magic breathes.
With eyes like stars, and hair of night,
She calls upon the ancient rite.
In forest's heart, beneath the trees,
She feels the whisper of the breeze.
Her hands outstretched, she seeks the signs,
In nature's code, the stars align.
Her cauldron bubbles, secrets swirl,
As midnight mist begins to curl.
The tarot cards, they tell a tale,
Of love, of loss, of futures pale.
With crystal ball, she peers through time,
To worlds unseen, to dreams that climb.
The past and present intertwine,
In threads of fate, her soul's design.
She reads the runes, their symbols stark,
In twilight’s glow, in ember’s spark.
The fire speaks, the water sings,
Of endless realms, and hidden things.
Through realms of shadow, light, and shade,
She dances in the truths displayed.
A witch of vision, pure and wise,
She sees beyond the veiled disguise.
For she is more than myths and lore,
A guardian of what came before.
In every glance, in every spell,
She holds the keys to Heaven and Hell.
So when you seek what lies ahead,
The paths unknown, the roads to tread,
Find her where the night is deep,
The witch who dreams while others sleep.
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christiansorrell · 1 year
RPG Read-through: .dungeon//remastered
For a while on Twitter, I've been doing read-through threads where I post my thoughts as I'm reading through a game for the first time. I recently did the same with Snow's .dungeon//remastered, a TTRPG where you are players logging in to a dead/dying MMO and exploring the digital fantasy world. I'm adapting those thoughts here for a proper Tumblr post! Enjoy!
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First up, credits! Good folks who do good work in my experience. Also, we get the first of what seems to be a common through-line here that I enjoy: an online fandom bent to this all being a sort of GameFAQ style guide for an in-universe game.
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My initial impression from most of the interior spreads I've seen just flipping through it is that I really love the style and layout. I think black and white layouts are underrated generally, but it really pops here with the pixelated text/symbols and the old school GUIs.
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It's interesting to have these kind of "no bigotry" rules you see in many games couched within an in-universe framing. I think this more personal angle actually makes them land better for me than they typically do in games.
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Of course, the author is still powerless to stop the players (just like with any instance of these rules, and all game rules in general tbh) BUT this is worldbuilding too, and it gives me a greater sense for the kind of in-universe fandom that's risen up around .dungeon.
Similarly, here's the game's unique version of safety tools - an in-game help menu that reworks things like lines/veils, x-card and more into the game world itself. I really like this.
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Once again, the art in this is just great. I love the Fez-like runes/symbols. My ARG brain wants to know if there's a hidden message here.
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I was surprised it was jumping right into the starter adventure, Tutorial Town, but I quickly found out that this is character creation AND a starting area/adventure all wrapped into one, video game-style, and that's so cool.
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Each room of the starting area introduces a step of character creation. It's interesting that stats are based on real-world (not you the player at the table real-world but your PC at the "real-world" computer playing the game) ability. Your game knowledge, response time, etc.
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As a long time Dota player, I also just really enjoy that the saving throw-like stat here is TILT. I have tilted many times and known many of my teammates to tilt regularly. Just fun to see that phrasing in a TTRPG.
There's more of the in-universe real-world player here than I expected coming in. Definitely has some really intriguing potential. I do wonder though if the intent is to be playing a "real-world" level character or if you are "playing" as yourself at that layer. Both would work.
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Monster statblocks. Easy to parse and straightforward to run as the GM (tho at time the layout does have one two many things laid on top of one another that can make them hard to read at first glance - like where "GOBLIN" is here):
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Health here is SYNC, and it's shared across the whole party - I'm interested to see how that full mechanic plays out and how it may affect play.
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Reaction rolls. I'm surprised to see them given the video game setting, cus mobs in MMOs just always attack you. I've gone back and forth on it with my video game-inspired TTRPG. Don't think it's a bad choice, just one that means the game world is more than a usual video game.
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So you have your real-world level Job (based on your characters' out of game job) and your in-game "Role" which follow the classic "holy trinity" of MMO design:
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PCs and monsters can team up to attack and can forego damage for stunts - potentially fun/interesting moments happening from that. Monsters deal dmg to SYNC but only per type is interesting, means a crowd of one-enemy is more a long trickle of damage than an overwhelming burst.
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Not knowing the ramifications of SYNC damage yet, I'm not sure what the Risk v Reward looks like for Respawns but it's intriguing. Letting your avatar die to keep the party in a stronger position overall (but being able to re-join after a fight) is definitely unique.
This is another fun room (and I like that other than saying late 90s/early 2000s it leaves appearance options open). I am not sure where to find the starting origins tho (they aren't on this spread and there's no page reference). Sadly, the PDF isn't bookmarked either, it seems.
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This feels like a smart roadblock to place in player's paths early on. It's unlikely they'll have a lockpick at this point so really, it's about getting players into that creative mindset. What is in the room for you to exploit? What gear do you have you can use in a new way?
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Might seem basic, especially to the OSR-experienced out there, but you'd be surprised how many players don't have experience with thinking more freeformly about the game in this way. No fault to them, most trad games condition you to use your PC's abilities/skills as a menu.
Another cool interaction between the layers of the game here (tho I do wish they all played more off of something more than just the tarot card being in the real-world layer). Still wondering if most folks play as themselves or as a real-world level PC.
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This is interesting. I wonder if there is going to be a real-world layer to play or if this is meant to be the amount your party can heal between sessions of play (like when the actual real you stops playing in actual real life - this meta layer stuff is tricky to communicate).
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I like this - a very short and sweet travel system.
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I continue to love this art. Also, this tease here around dual-wielding requiring the discovery of new Roles out in the game world somewhere first is really enticing (I added the highlighter there btw).
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This is fun - there are both in-game NPCs and PUGs which are other real-world players' in-game avatars. That extra layer to those types of NPCs is really fun and them running the gamut of fully out-of-character chatting to being hardcore RPers is fun to consider.
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Whenever it leans into the digital world aspects, I'm super into it. Very much my kinda thing. I do wonder though how often players can swap their Roles. I don't believe I've seen that said yet - my inclination would be once on the fly (like Final Fantasy's Job systems).
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And if these various layers weren't enough, .dungeon also features in-game collectible cards that are sort of enchantments and buffs. I wonder if my real-world level character can spend real money to buy Bytes to buy more packs from a merchant in town? lol
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I won't spoil/detail too many more of these but these kind of fun (and common to video games but rarely seen when thinking of the world of a game or the intended way to play) moments are really appealing. Also, this game has Goons in it. Oh no.
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Now I'm thinking the intention is the "real-world" level of play should be the real actual you, the person playing .dungeon the TTRPG (as opposed to a real-world level character still within the fiction of the game) since stuff like this would be tricky to track. Cool item!
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Tutorial Island is cool, a good blend of char creation, intro to what the game is, and just a fun adventure with a session or more of play to it. I'd have to run/play this to really see but I find the Sync being tied to essentially your real-world session length interesting.
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This stuff is cool and leans into that meta/fan-level play that only comes out of these big community-driven games, both MMOs but also things like Dark Souls.
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A lot of these kind of possible secrets come as comments in the text, possibly just to inspire the GM and to get players interested in ways that the table can build out on their own over time. So far, I don't see some of the more esoteric secrets to be laid out (which I like).
The rest of the book, as far as I've seen, is lots of resources, gear tables, monsters, etc. to build out the game after player's leave Tutorial Island. The game world here has that anything goes Final Fantasy bent to it. There's swords & wagons, but laser guns & skateboards too.
The setting here is also explicitly queer (mostly seen so far in the "real-world" PUGs) and includes things like sex workers and other elements that it maybe could not have had but that would certainly lessen the richness of its world, the fandom presented throughout, etc.
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The spellcasting uses the in-game money as mana points essentially. That's a cool way to limit spellcasting and motivate player's, especially spellcasters, to get out there and make some $$$.
Okay, here's the real-world explanation I was waiting for (after the in-game gear lists and such). This is cool - it's fun to have a real-life layer to this and to have the game's world support that sort of dropping in and out, doing things outside of a full party session, etc.
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I know a lot of folks do this with ongoing campaigns anyway, but this is one of those fun things to include here to build that in as an expectation in play. You have your raid nights with friends and you have your little solo sessions after work where you sell your loot.
Now, the rest is a nice collection of random dungeon, NPC, settlement, hexfill tables and more. Everything you'd expect from an OSR-like ruleset but occasionally with some fun added meta-layers.
Players getting a quest from an in-game Moderator and then being able to become a Mod themselves is a really fun idea and something I could envision becoming a long-term goal for one or more players at a table. The threat of encountering an Admin is scary as well!
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To finish it up, we've got a cool AASCII-style character sheet, complete with MingLiU-ExtB font (my beloved)!
And that's .dungeon//remastered! I really enjoyed reading this, and I think it has a strong core that's really enhanced by its real-world interaction layer. Gonna put this on "Play Soon" list. There are some smart rules in particular I'll likely steal for a future project.
.dungeon//remastered is available digitally NOW with, I believe, physical copies coming soon. I backed the Kickstarter to get this digital version. CHECK IT OUT HERE!
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creaturecomfxrts · 7 months
Dipper and Mabel pines headcanons?
FINALLY getting around to answering these! since im better at them, heres some college age headcanons that apply just as much to how i view them in the show!
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transmasc. duh. of course
parents are INCREDIBLY supportive, super understanding. hes on hormone blockers in the show and starts HRT as soon as hes able, getting top surgery and bottom surgery in his early 20s
bisexual! ran into a guy junior year of highschool and went oh GOD. this is wendy 2.0 im going to die
LOVES board games. so much. not just dungeons and dragons and monopoly im talkin everdell, wingspan, cascadia, catan. he loves a good think. he also loves dragging everyone else into playing them with him. he always wins. almost always, anyway
absolutely adores college and everything about it hes a little freak. totally ends up being the president of a few clubs, co creating some, etc. made an occult club AND a hiking club at his college
loves doodling, loves horror. his teachers? not so much. they try not to look at the weird ass creatures he draws on the margins of his very well written homework.
probably goes into something smart. like biochem. or um. stem. im (author) is a liberal arts major all i do is write gay fanfiction.
PSYCHOTIC ASS DORM ROOM. he barely decorated it like a classic college male but has a conspiracy board and thats it. which is full of strange shit hes seen outside of gravity falls. to be fair its very well documented and somewhat neat, just…. strange decor. he lives in a single (introvert)
COVERED in tattoos, but always abides by the suit rule (all tattoos need to be able to be covered by a suit to be professional. he knows this bc hes a neerrrrddd). he has really sick sleeves of runes and other occult like things hes found interesting. he has cipher related tattoos as well and also even got ford to design a few.
he has PROMINENT eye bags. he will never fix his sleep schedule
ended up working as a summer camp counselor for a while right outside if gravity falls! the kids loved him but he couldnt stand the heat and bugs all the time so he only did it for a summer or two
even after turning 21 he doesnt actually drink that much, hes a craft beer enjoyer and likes to make it himelf (Much later in life)
ALWAYS stays in touch with mabel. if anything happens in either of their lives you better BELIEVE theyre already on the phone with eachother
medical marijuana card holder
smokes to help eith his anxiety. it works WONDERS
coffee drinker but actually Does put cream and sugar is coffee. sometimes. other times hes too tired and just thugs it out
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THE number one it girl ever
NUMBER ONE TRANS ALLY EVERRRRRR she loves her brother so much
pansexual!! she loves cool people, thats her motto
went to a fashion design school, is loving it despite drowning in work
began dying her hair in cool ways through highschool, now she always has some of her natural color present but goes a little crazy on the highlights
found out about huge dangley joke earrings. went absolutely crazy. has an entire space on her desk dedicated to her many many earrings. she has babies, knives, bags of doritos, aliens, glow in the dark ones, anything you could imagine.
fantastic at fashion design. stuggled a lot with the fancier stuff but her teachers were floored when they let her go wild on casual comfy wear. she excells in combining fashion and comfort in really exciting and colorful ways.
a party girl through and through, loves clubs, raves, concerts, anything!
video game lover as well, cracked at pvp games.
still boy crazy, just less so (has had like. 10 college boyfriends)
literally the sweetest friend ever. she loves hosting movie nights and tea parties (bc who wouldnt. theyre awesome)
tea drinker, loves floral teas with honey
HATES. black coffee. a starbucks frap girlie 4ever
has been scouted for modeing multiple times and only accepted when it was a commercial with puppies
love love loves making friendshio bracelets. knows all the patterns, all of her friends have a hefty amount of a bunch of different ones because she just keeps making them
anywwy, here you go! i love these two so much, i hope ive done them justice!
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