#elder futhark runes
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qldqueerboy · 27 days ago
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It is welcoming today to receive unbiased and honest advice especially around a birth of an idea that if acted upon will do a complete turnaround in your thoughts, actions, or behaviours. It will involve taking a different path, abandoning old habits, and embracing new perspectives. Are you prepared?
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gifts-of-heimdall-runes · 7 months ago
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Яблоки Идунн [VK.com]
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theheidfox · 5 days ago
Weekly Rune (Sun, 03/23/25)
Visualize your question or needed advixe for the week and pic one of the three runes
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As always, Loki is alongside me on these readings and they are done after offerings and meditation.
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1. Mannaz
The rune of man (as in mankind), indicates time to self-reflect and observation within yourself and others.  Embrace your journey of self-improvement being aware of everything around you, maybe its time to clean whatever doesn't bring you any more fulfillment or joy, but only keep you trapped in old ways. The universe is within yourself.
2. Sowilo
The rune of the Sun, this rune represents a time of happiness and hope, the beacon of life that makes everything on Earth possible. Embrace the growth, warmth and power and use it wisely, for the Sun is also an uncontrollable force.
3. Berkana
Berkana, the birch tree. This rune represent birth, fertily, growth and the regenerative power of Spring (that just arrived for half of the planet). Take this as an opportunity to invest your energy in what you really wish to see grow and bear fruit - always being mindful of what we wish for, for our intentions are the best nurturers.
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6leggedhorse · 5 months ago
Back, devastated, but back…
If you live in the United States, I’m sorry. I live in the southwest, and I woke up at 4am to ask my boyfriend who won and unfortunately it wasn’t who I was hoping for. Please take the time to do self care. A lot of it. I trust that Loki has a plan along with a few tricks up his sleeve to ensure that things don’t go down terribly. With that being said, trust your deities, pray, give offerings, anything. Don’t lose hope, when. There is a will theres a way.
“You can’t stop me. Well, I mean, you can. You can stop me a lot. But I still won’t give up.” -GrayStillPlays, $10 v $5000 Waterslides In GTA 5 Time Stamp 16:20
Next week, I will be doing rituals from the book Happy Witch by Mandi Em. So stay tuned for that. Again, don’t lose faith and hope.
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rosethewitch · 8 months ago
Make elder futhark runes with me! It's super fun and easy.
You'll need:
1. Half marble gems
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2. Oven dry clay
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3. A paint pen, or permanent marker in a color of your choosing.
Choose a small clump of clay, use your intuition about how much of it you need. I like to roll the clay into a ball first. The only thing about this is you need enough of it to form neatly around the half marble.
Go ahead and do that, into a coin shape.
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Repeat till you have 24!
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It's oven bake, so pop these bad boys onto a baking sheet covered in aluminum foil, and preheat your oven to 270° and stick them in for about 15 minutes.
After, don't worry about if they're still a little soft. Give them time to set and cool off and they should be good and done by the time they are completely cooled.
Here's a picture of the elder futhark alphabet I found on google.
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Proceed using your paint pen, or marker, or whatever inspires you to get it down. Don't worry about perfection! Just have fun.
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Let that paint dry, and bless them/cleanse them as you see fit. Have fun with your new runes!
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thechaoticgingers · 2 months ago
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Carved crystal, stones, and fossils on a painted rabbit skin
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sugaryewscythe · 2 years ago
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othala—one of my favorite elder futhark runes that keeps me safe and affirms that all that is mine can never be stolen or taken away 🗡️ ᛟ ✧ ・゚
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medicinanocturna · 2 years ago
Energetic channels in a relationship: why to consider them? 
Runes versus Astrology
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Human relationships are one of the most vibrant themes in esoteric sciences. It is very difficult to understand, predict, or reason them. We are hugely emotional beings, and this defines lots of our connections. 
Synastry is a good starting point to try seeing where the two people connect. But it is also a bit dry, and generalised. Not all aspects play out as they are described.
The most important disclaimer here is this: the synastry chart doesn’t work, and it never will, unless there are energetic channels between the two.
The potential nature of such channels is reflected in the synastry, but whether there is an energy in them or not is not explicit. 
Imagine you have a scheme of a house. You see where the tubes and the power cords go. This is a synastry chart. But the scheme doesn’t reveal whether the water and the electricity are actually flowing in these tubes and cables. 
In astrology, the term energetic channels do not refer to synastry, but rather to the energetic field of a person. I haven’t found any astrological means to tell for sure whether the planetary channels between the two people are functional or not, or whether there is a sustainable flow of energy present. Not rare are the cases when the synastry chart looks captivating and has many “magnetic” personal and sexual aspects, but in reality, not much of it is happening between partners. And vice versa, some synastry charts show barely two or three aspects of mutual attraction, but the couple has a great personal and intimate compatibility and exchange. (The only aspect that will almost always indicate the energy flowing between the two is a conjunction. But this is not the scope of this text.) 
Here I would like to tell something about the runes as a tool of reading. Runes can be very accurate in describing personal chemistry in a coupe and whether there is an energetic channel between the two people in the relationships. 
The first most important rune to mention in this regard is Nauthiz. 
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In relationships, this rune can be interpreted as a hunger or a need. In its upright position, its meaning remains the same, but in a more uncontrollable fashion that can also imply guilt or fear. This rune is well known for its extensive application in runic love spell formulas that are meant to conjure abiding passion and longing for the one who is activating it. 
In divination for love relationships, Nauthiz comes as an indication of many things, but it always means a strong connection between two people. It may also be an external connection, like obligation, and here, the rune can be compared with Saturn in astrology. But in the sphere of feelings, Nauthiz is an intense channel pulling the energy from one person to another, or both ways. The Nauthiz kind of channel is very prominently felt when the two are separated. In real life, this type of connection can be a difficult one, and always comes with an emotional pain. This rune is connected with an ether body, and so are the feelings like hunger and thirst. Ether body is the one of the most actively involved in our loving relationships. Touch, smell, physical longing, tenderness or intensity of a hug - all come from our ether bodies. Nauthiz can also indicate a longing that is being hidden (restricted) by a person.
Eihwaz is the other rune that can signify an energetic channel between the two people.
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Its form already has a direct reference to it. The energy from one side goes down to the opposite and vice versa. In love divinations, it is always an indiction of a very strong connection (emotional, mental, energetic). Eihwaz will usually indicate that the channel is deep and stable to the extent that the two people can influence each other, see each other in dreams, hear each other’s emotions well. In my practice, it is Eihwaz that would appear in divinations for relationships where some energy practices are involved, including shamanic practices or astral projections. Such channels are also present between a healer and a patient. It is due to this channel that the work can be done. 
Eihwaz therefore can also signify the channel between the two people who are in service to each other in a certain sense.
Gebo is the rune of partnership, as it is obvious from its form.
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It signifies a process of “exchange”. Ideally, this exchange is equal. But in certain aspects with other runes, Gebo is also a rune that would reveal vampirism. Unlike Nauthiz and Eihwaz that are self- sufficient for signifying the channel between the two, Gebo usually needs some other confirmation from other runes. If confirmed by other runes of love and feeling, Gebo indicates a channel of “give and take” nature in relationships. It may also be a sign of a harmonious flow of energy. Unlike Nauthiz, Gebo does not imply any painful feelings (unless it is not in combination with it (Nauthiz Gebo) in which case it will indicate a very strong sign of people being in an emotional need for each other). Not rarely Gebo is a sign of a telepathic connection between the two.
Laguz is not really a rune indicating a channel in a couple, but it is one of the most important marks of loving feelings among all twenty-four runes.
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It is also a rune of water, magic and intuition, and thus suggests the flow. This flow can be one - sided, however. But in its upright position, this rune looks like a hook, and that is what it can represent - that someone is “hooked” (emotionally). In certain divinations, Laguz in the upright position is a sure indication of a love spell, or even a love curse being laid against a person. Laguz's upright signals the emotional state of confusion, often tears and instability rooted in a heavy co- dependence. In divinations where the reasons for unhappy love life are being diagnosed, Laguz will always mean there is a magical interference in place. Sometimes such magical spells come as a revenge from the ex- partners whose feelings were insulted and jealousy was untamed.
Jera is a rune of a circulation (or a cycle) of many kinds.
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Per se it mostly refers to the circulation of time or events within the relationships. In certain position it can hint at karma. But when Jera goes with some other runes that signify an energetic channel, especially Eihwaz and Gebo, it will emphasize a strong energy circuit between the two. Appearing with Eihwaz especially, it is the sign of a channel that is either very stable, almost like a “loop” or is growing in its intensity, gaining more and more energy flow with each turn. 
In some cases it can also mean something that is called "the energetic lock", i.e. the energy is constant and it is "locked" from leakage. But this would be considered as a magic influence that serves as a protection (for a couple).
Hope this piece has brought some light into your runic practices (and astrology alike), as well as your understanding of the nature of our human connections in all their complexity and artistry. 
Drop me a line if you have questions.
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hauntingbeautyart · 2 years ago
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Rune sets I carved yesterday
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therandomvampire · 8 months ago
Ya’ll new Ko-Fi just dropped!
And I got a very important goal to meet by the end of the month.
I gotta make $72 by the 15th tho for my phone bill and I just spend what I had saved for it paying my landlord.
I do rune reading commissions 🥰
4 rune readings: $10
5-6 rune readings: $15
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freyjas-light · 2 years ago
I never ever do this, but life has just been one thing after another.
I am offering rune readings to help with some unexpected costs that have come up.
Between fixing my chimney and my car, I'm looking at having to drop $11,000. Obviously I'm doing other things to help with the cost (no more eating out, no unnecessary purchases), but I'm hoping to get just a little extra income to help.
Below are my current offerings:
1 rune pull - $3
3 rune spread - $5
1 question full hand toss - $10
All of these will come with a picture of the runes pulled, typical meanings, and my interpretation based on the question.
I am NOT accepting relationship-based questions.
Please DM for more information! 💕
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qldqueerboy · 2 months ago
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That pigheadedness to breakthrough barriers today no matter what the personal cost or sacrifice has subsided. In its place has arisen a quiet and slow determination to pace yourself step by step without any reassurance that this method will be more effective than your first option. By the end of the day, you can reevaluate the result and if successful realign your thinking to incorporate the new way of doing things in all areas of your life.
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gifts-of-heimdall-runes · 6 months ago
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Posted by Freya Diana Wotan via Viking Mythology Group [Facebook]
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jackalopewitch · 2 years ago
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Rune of the Day
ISA- “Ice”
Stasis, Stillness, Self Control, “Watch where you step”
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6leggedhorse · 7 months ago
Offering choices for Loki
We’ve all at some point or another given a deity an offering. Whether it was our first time or it was the 100th time doing so, either way we’ve done it before. But what do you offer the God of mischief, chaos and fire when he comes into your life? Well today we’re gonna figure it out so grab a cup of your favorite drink, get comfy and let’s figure this out.
Is Loki Picky?
Now when we all begin to work with a deity one of the things we look for is what that specific deity likes in terms of offerings. Some are rather picky and specific while others aren’t picky and are just happy to receive an offering. Rest assured that Loki isn’t picky, they’re pretty chill when it comes down to offerings.
So What CanI Give Loki?
For example, while I was in Primm, NV on my way back from Las Vegas, I got him a slot machine that is also a pencil sharpener. While on my way to Las Vegas as my boyfriend and I were in Barstow, CA I got Loki a California themed shot glass. I’ve also given him candy, (currently he has a Butterfinger, Naby Ruth, and 100 Grand) he also has crystals, some tiny sea shells I found at San Pedro, a shark tooth and I even made him a pipe cleaner flower. I also utilize my current job working with kids as an offering as well as Loki loves being around children, especially those who’re going through tough times. But if you really want to be specific with him, here are a few ideas on what to give him offering wise:
-🍺 Alcohol: beer, whiskey, the hard stuff if you will Loki has been known to enjoy alcoholic beverages. A great example would be to get those tiny shot bottles of Fire Ball or Jack Daniel’s and give them to him as an offering. You can even pour him a shot!
-🍭 Sweets: Candy, cake, donuts, chocolate, ice cream etc Loki LOVES sweet treats just as much as we do! A good example would be to give him some candy or set aside a desert plate of cake during a celebration and involving him in that sense is a pretty chill and easy way to give him an offering. HOWEVER do not let the food sit there for too long either as this may attract insects and food does good bad eventually so remember to throw it out or go outside and place the offering (AS LONG AS it doesn’t harm the local wildlife and is organic and biodegradable). If you can’t leave food out at all that’s un wrapped or just out in the open, offer Loki to enjoy the food or drink offering by enjoying it through you. Or if you have wrapped candy that has kinda sat there for a but on your altar, you can eat those too (I usually wait till Loki’s done with it, I feel it out and get the feeling of when they tell me “Okay I’m good and done with it you can have it now =D.”
-📿 Trinkets:Loki loves themselves a good trinket! Whether it’s a crystal, fossil or a lego figure he loves his trinkets! Bonus points if you get him something that is meaningful to him like buying him a snake toy or a wolf figurine.
-👩🏻‍💼 Works of Service: it makes Loki incredibly happy to see that his followers work with children, mentally ill folks, volunteer work (Ex. Soup kitchens, donations, animal shelters, non-profit organizations, social work etc). And as a social work major as well as now an intern at DPSS, it helps having more options for offerings to him and bonus bonus points for also selecting a career that involves working with children and families that are struggling to function or when someone is in trouble and need help. (Low key I’m a turbo nerd for Social Work, I was so excited at orientation on Thursday!)
-👃🏼Incense: Only do this if you’re able to, but Loki loves incense! Dragon’s blood, cinnamon, and wine/whiskey work best as they’re perfect for the androgynous trait for Loki; let’s not forget he’s a shapeshifter too. So when considering a scent to offer him, try to stay androgynous and try not to stick to one side of the gender spectrum.
Sorry for the late post guys, this week has yet again kicked my ass really hard. These next 9 months are going to be grueling as I will have school, internship, work and family boyfriend to juggle. Everyday I will be doing something unless told otherwise. I start school soon, which I’m excited for as I enjoy my school and they have plenty to do to keep me busy I’ll still have time to post! Just gotta find a block of time to yeet it in though. Anyways what do you offer to Loki? Any ideas would be helpful to those who are new or just want to keep things fresh! Please repost, like and comment to spread this around!
Interested in communicating with other followers of Loki? Join the sub Reddit r/lokean this subreddit also as plenty of resources to help you start your journey with Loki as well as communicating with other Lokeans!
Click the link if you’re interested! https://www.reddit.com/r/lokean/s/N09D5wOaOI
If the link doesn’t work, search up r/lokean in Reddit. Its profile picture is of Fenrir!
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thechaoticgingers · 2 years ago
Behind the scenes of how I carve runes. I use a mat to keep me focused. ( I am on the spectrum and get distracted extremely easily) Sometimes I will accidentally carve the same rune multiple times in one set. I do always have spare stones, but I’d rather not use them if I can help it.
Will this work for everyone, no. doesn’t work for me, yes.
Some people draw the runes on with marker and then carve over that. But I find that is a lot more effort and time to put into a set that I do not care to do.
Will I ever get ing (ᛜ) to look like a perfect square. Absolutely the fuck not. I don’t even think I could if I tried, due to the fact, I am working with natural objects. They tend to have a mind of their own. even when I am using ink and a paint brush on suede/leather. It is still hard to make a perfect square, unless I stretch out the material. And then there will always be marks creases in the leather, due to being stretched. 
Anyway, hi!
You can buy my rune sets over here: www.thechaoticgingers.com
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