#rumples son had a kid with snow whites daughter
camelspit · 3 months
oh my god rosin you’re rebloging OUAT posts??? i used watched that allllll the time! we truly have lived the same life <3 (also this is random but have you seen this animated show on netflix called the deep?)
used to watch ouat with my mom RELIGOUSLY back in the day.. even back then i knew whatever emma and regina had going on was kinda 😳 she started rewatching it recently so its been on my mind
also i havent watched the deep 😔
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thelasttime · 4 months
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so i don't know your general familiarity with ABC's Once Upon a Time but we were talking about it on here earlier so i wanted to offer a brief (lord willing) explanation of the timeline and relationships bc it's a hot mess!
i've used yellow to divide the major characters into two main "generations" based on who we see interact and when but there's some caveats. as you can see, hook, milah, and rumple were all contemporaries but rumple became immortal and hook went to neverland so they never aged after their first appearances. baelfire/neal, who as rumple and milah's son would be the generation immediately after them, also went to neverland and didn't age except he was still a kid (that's important for later).
its unclear how much time passes before cora appears but like i said, immortal or in neverland, and for transparency's sake i had to include rumple and cora's relationship, which is the miller's daughter spinning straw into gold story that most people associate rumplestiltskin with. anyway, that relationship doesn't work out and cora marries and has regina, the evil queen who becomes snow white's stepmother but i put snow and regina in the same generation because just trust me okay, i don't have time to explain, just trust me that we're meant to interpret them as closer to peers than mother-daughter.
belle is in gen 2 because while she doesn't meet snow or charming personally before the show's present, rumple mentions her to charming and regina kidnaps belle and holds her prisoner for a while. so yes, rumplestiltskin is Chronologically older than belle and most of the main cast except for hook, but more accurately he's eternally Father of a 13 y/o Aged, and belle, who was old enough to be engaged to gaston at the time of meeting rumple, is into that.
everyone who isn't in neverland (or wonderland, long story) gets frozen in time for 28 years Per The Plot and baelfire returns from neverland, still a teenager, in time to take on the identity of neal cassidy and meet main character emma! they have a tryst as teenagers (emma confirmed to be 18) that results in henry. we don't know neal's exact age at the time, but their actors are almost the same age (one year apart) so neal was most likely 18 or 19 physically.
the end result is that when time starts moving again, emma is 28, henry is 10, and everyone else appears to be Around Emma's Age (she says as much in season 2) or in rumple's case a bit older but not as old as you'd expect because neal/baelfire aged a bit without rumple aging.
i say all this because i need people to know that its not worth talking shit about age gaps in OUAT since hook is literally from the same generation as rumple and OLDER THAN BAELFIRE but no one has any problems with him and emma because they think his actor is attractive. thank you for your time, madie, this is something i'm very passionate about ;0;
"28 years Per The Plot" made me laugh so much help!!!! this is so fun, thank you so much for the info-dump <3 this lowkey (highkey) makes me want to watch the show although it does seem very chaotic
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ryik-the-writer · 3 years
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Sequel to Dinnertime Disaster ~ Belle confronts Snow on her behavior towards her family and finally gets some things off her chest.
Age of the kids: Around 23
Belle angrily shelved a cart of returned books, stuffing them beside each other without care to their catalog numbers.
It had been three days since her disastrous dinner with the Charmings and her blood was still boiling after Snow White’s attack on her son. Three days since her son ran off and hadn’t told his parents where he was going or when he was coming back. Three days that her daughter revealed her secret ability and barley spoken a word since.
Even her husband was quieter than usual. Belle assumed he was keeping himself distracted to prevent himself from wreaking havoc on the princess-turned-bandit, and possibly keeping tabs on Gideon, but it still felt like she was dealing with the aftermath alone.
Snow White had destroyed the foundation of her family in a matter of seconds and Belle had yet to be able to piece it back together.
Belle remembered the last time she felt this hate-filled and lost: when she had sent Rumple over the town line after his attempt of murder on Killian. She regretted it the second Rumple was over the line, but she’d been too heart-broken to bring him back. She had tried to convince herself that she was doing what was best for the town and even herself, but deep in her bones she knew she was doing it because she was hurt, because the one person she thought she could always trust had just spat on their vows, and she needed space.
And she did get space…from her rejected husband as well as the very people she’d helped save. For three days she had sat in the home she and Rumple shared, sobbing and tearing apart the remains of the life they had begun to build. Not once did the Charmings or even Hook—whom she would find out through a loose-lipped Leroy had been black-mailing her husband mere days after their wedding—stop by to check on her well-being. In fact three days later, when she managed to pull herself together long enough to get an on-the-house bowl of soup at Granny’s, she found the Charming clan laughing and carrying on at a table in the back, only noticing her once she was leaving.
It was a minor sin, Belle thought at the time, but it wasn’t until a year later, when she and Rumple renewed their vows—when she became a mother and nearly lost her dear son to an unquestionable evil—when the heroes she fought for, and sacrificed over, were dead-set on killing him—that she was able to realize that the sins against her were too great to ignore any longer.
They had left left in the hospital to rot after Killian’s attack, scared and delirious with amnesia, drugging her over and over again to keep her tame.
Snow White had sold out her and her unborn child to save Killian’s skin—and none of them had bothered to warn her of the impending danger.
And they all made the decision to leave her to rot in the Underworld after she put herself in an ill-advised sleep to protect her baby—gods she would never forget the look on Emma’s face when she popped into Granny’s. They had completely forgotten about her.
And that was on top of the constant blackmail, of using her as an inanimate object to be tossed around and trampled on and crushed as long as it benefited them.
By the time her son had been restored to her, she was willing to let go of all the misdeeds done towards her, to begin anew just as Gideon’s life had been.
But then they started up all over again.
Inquiring her services to babysit Neal and Robyn at every drop of a hat—only to ignore her requests for assistance with Gideon whenever she needed it.
Sneering at Gideon from afar.
Leaving all of them out of ‘family’ events, like dinners or parties.
It hurt, but Belle had buried that pain for Neal and Robyn’s sakes. They were what mattered. They were her family.
And now half of that equation was gods knows where, angry and hurting from his own mother’s backwards thinking—and as his unofficially godmother, Belle couldn’t help him.
She knew where he was of course. A quick spell on Rumple’s end determined that he and Gideon were still in Storybrooke, though keeping their distance.
Giving them their space was the hardest part. As a mother all she wanted to comfort her son, but she needed to let him grieve and think on his own.
If the other night hadn’t happened, maybe he would be.
The thought was still on her mind when the door to her library opened despite the closed sign, and festered into hate when the one woman in the world she didn’t want to see stepped in.
“Belle, good morning,” Snow White greeted with her usual bright smile. Though there was more stress in her eyes.
“We’re closed,” Belle said, pushing the cart towards the children’s section, her anger boiling when she heard her follow.
“We need to talk about the other night,” Snow said, her tone indicating there was no room for argument. “More importantly, where our son’s go from here.”
Belle released the cart, letting it roll until it crashed into a shelf. “I have nothing to say to you, and what our sons do is their business.”
Snow rolled her eyes. “I knew you’d act this way.”
Belle slammed a book down on the cart. “Like what, Snow? Like a parent or like someone with common sense.”
“I wouldn’t call you that,” Snow muttered, and Belle twisted around.
“You know what, this has gone on long enough.” Belle said. For yours there seemed to be this balancing act between her and the ex-princess. There was this intense acidity between them, far from a rivalry, but constant enough that they subconsciously tried to outwit each other as mothers and as leaders in Storybrooke.
But there was something more personal there, a phenomenon that divided yet bounded them together for life: darkness.
Snow feared and hated it, convinced that it went against everything she was meant to represent as a hero.
Belle accepted it as part of her life, as a part of her husband and son’s very existence. She hated it as well, but she greeted it with respect, knowing light could not exist without it.
It was in her and her family, and Snow hated that. She hated that her own child didn’t seem to mind it.
But Snow was without reason when it came to darkness, or at least anything that was darker than her.
Maybe the former princess didn’t know it yet, but Belle was just that.
“You,” Belle snarled. “Are a pious bitch and I am so sick of you.”
Snow’s eyes widened but Belle didn’t back down.
“You need to drop your issues with me and my family right now,” Belle directed coldly. “We have done nothing but been civil to you for the past two decades, but all you’ve ever done is stick your noses up at us and the other night was the final straw!”
Belle didn’t back down. She stepped up to the ex-bandit and pointed a finger at her, aiming for her heart.
“You act like your better than us, than me, than everyone in this town, but you’re lower than everyone! People may love you, but they don’t respect you because you have done nothing to earn respect! You endanger them without warning, leave them in the grips of an enemy without a leader! And that’s just the town! What about your family?”
“How dare—”
“Didn’t you ever wonder why Neal came to our house so often?” Belle inquired—begged—Snow White. “He didn’t feel comfortable around you! He felt constricted, like he had to be the son of Snow White and Prince Charming, not the son of his parents.”
Snow shook her head, staring at Belle in disbelief.
“You’re lying. He never said any of this. He never—”
“Why do you think that is?” Belle spat.
Snow’s eyes searched Belle’s face, hunting desperately for the answer that she knew.
She gulped, nodding her head just slightly as her chin wobbled.
“Fine,” she admitted through clenched teeth, her pride settling. “Maybe I did push him too hard. But everything…” she looked at Belle squarely. “Everything I did was to protect him from the likes of you.”
Belle flinched at the way the last word came out, like the tension in the Charming home was somehow her fault.
“Likes of me? Are you referring to me particularly or my family? And I suggest you tread carefully on what you’re about to say.”
“The likes of filthy, dark-hearted cowards,” Snow answered unafraid. “You think I put too high standards? Well you’re right, I did. Because my son is better than you! All of you! You and your…your…”
Belle’s eyes narrowed. “Say it.”
“Your darkness!” Snow said, the word coming out as a gasp. “That darkness…Rumplestiltskin’s darkness…it keeps destroying my life no matter how many times we snuff it out! I wish it would just die already!”
Belle’s heart dropped. So this was how the great Snow White really felt. She rather see them all dead than coexist with them.
“And what about your daughter?” Belle snarked. It was a low blow, and if she wasn’t so mad the words would have never left her mouth. “What about Emma’s darkness? Do you hate that too or does that get a pass from the great Snow White.”
“My daughter’s the Savior,” Snow remarked. “She’s the exact opposite of you.”
“Really? Because if I recall correctly, her potential for darkness was so great you cursed an innocent baby and her mother to boot.”
Snow’s glare wavered. “That was—”
“Sick.” Belle answered. “And you know what? It didn’t change a damn thing? Emma still gave into darkness, still made all the wrong choices that came with it.”
“Emma accepted darkness to save us after your husband tried to destroy all of us!” Snow fought.
“I wasn’t referring to the Dark One’s curse,” Belle stated matter-of-factly. “I was referring to the darkness that has been brewing inside her all her life. The darkness she built to protect herself from everyone who ever hurt her. Baelfire, Rumple and you.”
“Everything I ever did was to protect her!” Snow yelled, her voice cracking. “And I did everything I could to be a good mother—a good friend—to her afterwards!”
“By letting her be with a man who lied to her? Who endangered her family, her son?” Belle retorted. “You led her down the aisle into his arms after finding out he killed David’s father, an event that left him scared. You made him push it aside so you could have your day. Emma didn’t need to get married, Snow, she needed to heal from everything that had happened to her. She needed her mother to listen!”
“I just…she needed…”
“And now she’s in some realm where her family can’t see her,” Belle continued, unable to stop. “Neal was right, you didn’t protect her the way you should have. You were so obsessed with making up for the moments you missed with her that you didn’t care that she was doing everything she did because she was traumatized! How could you not see that as her mother!”
That seemed to be the trigger, the anchor that had been weighing down Snow White’s grief. The woman’s chin began to shake and within a few seconds she was screaming in hysterics.
Belle actually had to jump back, the volume of her cries so loud they threatened to blow out her own hearing.
She watched in horror as the ex-princess crumpled in her library, the door still askew.
Belle stepped over her just enough to close it and allow them true privacy. She could only stare down at her for a moment, this once majestic leader who was nothing but a lump of sorrow at her feet.
Belle had been cruel, she knew that, she felt the lump of guilt began to rise in her throat.
Snow White, despite her faults, was still human, and still healing from her own trauma.
Giving up her child, living nearly 30 years in a lie away from the people she loved, and trying to put back the pieces of her shattered life when she awoke.
Her progress was notable, forgiving Regina, staying by her family’s side during all the various events in the town. Maybe she hadn’t always been the wisest, maybe she’d even been selfish at some points, but she had been doing the best she could.
Belle sighed, leaning down to scoop the sobbing woman into her arms.
“There, there,” she comforted fruitlessly. “Come on.”
She led Snow to a chair behind her circulatory desk, practically dropping her there while she went into the kitchenette for tissues and water.
She returned with a glass and a less-than-comfortable roll of paper towels, handing one to the ex-princess awkwardly.
Snow calmed some, taking the course towel and wiping her red face. She breathed in shakenly, focusing on composing herself.
After a moment Belle grabbed a second chair and sat across from her, hesitating on what to do or say next.
She wasn’t sorry and she wouldn’t apologize, but she hated that Snow had to come to terms with her misdeeds and guilt in such a confrontational setting, and with her at that. Her own home or even Archie’s office seemed more appropriate.
But it was all in the open now, and Belle felt she had a duty to close the door she had snatched open.
“You’re right,” Snow sniffed before Belle could say anything. “I destroyed my family.”
“No,” Belle sighed. “I didn’t mean for you to see it like that.”
“But it’s true,” Snow said with a tired shrug. “I pushed Emma into something she wasn’t ready for and now I’ve lost her. And now I’m about to lose Neal too.”
Belle shook her head, wishing more than anything that he and her son were with them at that moment.
Belle thought about them for a moment, about the last two decades and the time before and all of its obstacles.
“You haven’t lost him,” Belle reassured, her fingers clasped. “I’ve lost a son. I know what if feels like when you realize they’ll never come back.”
Snow tilted her head. “You got Gideon back. You even got to start over with him.”
Belle lifted her head, staring glassily at the woman across from her. “I wasn’t talking about him.”
The confusion faded instantly from Snow’s face as the memory of the fallen man who had impacted both of their lives settled between them.
Belle smiled sadly. “Do you remember that day? When you entered the shop and you told us Baelfire died? You held me, and…that was the last time I felt like I really knew you.”
Snow wiped a fresh tear from her eye. “I didn’t know what to do after he died. All I could do was hold Emma and tell her everything was going to be okay even though I didn’t know if it was or not.”
Belle nodded, remembering how she spent that night in the shop, sobbing into the cot in the backroom until she passed out.
“That…that was the last time I truly felt like her mother,”
Belle blinked, surprised by such a reveal.
It was ironic really. The second she learned of Baelfire’s death was the last time she felt like she had a true friend. Someone else who loved the Dark One, gone.
“I wanted so badly to see her happy again,” Snow continued. “And Hook…he was there…and he…he…”
Belle nodded. “He made appropriate modifications to earn her affection.”
“And eventually he became her only ally because of me,” Snow said with an air of disgust. “Now I don’t even know where she is, how she is.”
Belle sighed. If Gideon ever disappeared like that it would break her.
“Snow,” Belle began. “I know all that’s happened to you is still hurting you. And you’re hurting Neal because of it.” She reached out and gave the woman’s hand a squeeze. “You need to face it all. I had to do the same when Gideon was taken. I had accept my part in hurting Rumple and my son so that I could have hope that we could start over.”
Snow shook her head. “I don’t know if I can. Emma, she…she doesn’t need me anymore.”
“That’s not true,” Belle fought. “Our children will always need us. We can’t fix the past, but we can build a better future.”
Snow could only stare at the woman in front of her. Belle had always been braver than her because she had more to lose. Loving the Dark One was a dangerous game and somehow she won it. Now she had a community that loved and respected her, the same community that looked at Snow White with hesitancy.
Snow had lost the leader they needed at some point, hell, the leader her own family needed.
Somehow, someway, she was going to get her back.
She stood, wiping her eyes a final time.
“I…I need to leave. I need to speak with my husband.”
Belle nodded, standing as well.
Snow moved forward, as if she were going to hug Belle, but Belle took a step back.
Thankfully, Snow seemed to understand. She had a lot to make up for and it would take time.
But really, she realized that Belle was perhaps her truest friend. She had held her accountable today, and had lifted a curtain from her eyes that had been there far too long.
“Good luck,” Belle said. And she truly meant it.
Snow paused outside the library, one last thought weighing on her mind.
“If you see Neal or Gideon before I do,” she began, hesitating a bit. “Could you tell them…they have my blessing?”
Belle tilted her head. It wasn’t quite an apology, but it was good start for the high and mighty ex-princess of Mist Haven.
Belle nodded and sent Snow away with a comforting smile.
They would never be friends, but they knew now where they stood. Belle would hold her with the same contempt that she held with Zelena, Regina and even Emma, but that would be it. Maybe one day that would change, but it was solid relationship for the two of them to have for now.
As Belle locked up the library that night, she felt lighter than she had in years, all the anguish she had felt free from her now.
She smiled a bit as she walked to her car.
She couldn’t wait to get home and tell her husband all about it.
Snow entered the little farm house she and her husband had bought decades ago when the moved out of their little loft apartment.
The house was supposed to be a haven for a new life, a fresh start when their most recent evil had been defeated.
She had imagined raising her son in those safe walls, giving him everything she hadn’t been able to give Emma. She imagined family dinners and quiet nights on the front porch after long, loud days.
She’d gotten all of that, at first, before Emma began to spend less time at the house, before Henry had jumped on his motorcycle and disappeared into the unknown.
She had told herself then that it was just a part of life, her family moving on, but then when Neal began to stray, her acceptance became a panic. She was losing her family, and she looked wrongfully for a scapegoat. The Golds fit the mold. After all, she’d blamed Rumplestiltskin for everything under the sun that had happened in Storybrooke and her family.
But Belle’s talk had lifted that blinder. Rumplestiltskin had made his mistakes and had set to work to fix them. He’d been a good friend to her husband and son all these years, and she’d been too enthralled in her grief to join in on that friendship.
But that was over now.
David looked up when she entered, concerned.
He’d felt…something…in his chest earlier today. Like a piece of the heart he shared with his wife had broken off.
It was unnerving, and if he hadn’t been looking for Neal, he would have ran and found his wife immediately.
He was still angry at her for her outburst at the Golds’ but she was still his wife. His best friend. His everything.
“Snow,” he greeted, relieved.
“We need to pack, a lot. I don’t know how long we’ll be gone.” She instructed, that buried leader insider he creeping back up.
“What?” David said. “Pack for what? What are we doing?”
The ex-princess put her hands on her husband’s shoulders, smiling bravely at him despite the tears in her eyes. He was the one thing she hadn’t lost yet, but she’d come so close, shared heart or not.
She’d hurt him without even realizing it, and she had so much to make up for.
But there’d be time for that.
There’d be time for everything now.
“We’re going to find our daughter,” Snow answered, determined. “We’re going to bring her home.”
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swanqueeneverafter · 4 years
The Once & Future Queen Pt.14
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Storybrooke. Swan-Mills House. (With the family reunited, Ella and Henry watch Emma cradling her daughter in her arms by the fireplace. Although Maria is fast asleep, Emma is still whispering promises to never leave her again.) Ella: "Now that's what I call a happy ending." Henry: (Smiles:) "Yeah, it sure is. You know, word on the street is you made me a mix tape.” Ella: “Who told you? (Henry makes the lock and key motion to his mouth:) Hm, all right, I did.” Henry: “Well, I think I'm gonna need to see what's on it. I mean, you know, this could change everything.” Ella: “Well, then I better get it.” (Ella gets up to find the mix tape.) Regina: (Leans on the couch behind him:) “Aren’t you two adorable?” Henry: “Oh, hey Mom. What’s up?” Regina: “Not to interfere with whatever is going on between you two, but do you think you could look after Maria just a little longer?” Henry: “Sure. I mean she’s already sleeping so-” Regina: “Great. It’s just that Emma and I need to take a shower and we might be some time.” Henry: (Winces:) “Yeah, I really wish you hadn’t given me that image.” Emma: “Sorry, kid. We’ll try not to be too long.” Ella: (Returning with the tape:) “And if you believe that, you’ll believe anything.” (While Emma and Regina head for the stairs, Henry takes the tape from Ella and begins to read the label.) Henry: “Oh, ooh. Okay. We got some Beyonce... not a big surprise. Nice. Not a big surprise. Lauryn Hill. That's always a good choice.” Ella: “Mm.” Henry: “Oh, wow. Mikky Ekko, ‘Pull Me Down.’ Look at you! Now, that is an impressively deep cut.” (The rest of Henry’s appraisal is cut short when Ella leans in to kiss him.)
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The Land of Oz. Past. (The Wicked Witch dines alone.) Zelena: (Taking a bite of her food:) “Ugh. The salt, please.” (As one guard rushes to bring her the salt, another enters the room.) Guard: “Your Wickedness, there's a man here to see you. He says he needs help.” Zelena: (Sighs:) “Don't people remember I exiled that charlatan Wizard ages ago? Maybe it's time I did something to remind them. Well, send him in.” (The guards open the doors and a man walks through them.) Stanum: “Hello, Zelena. It's good to see you again.” Zelena: (Shaking her head:) “Do I know you?” Stanum: “Perhaps you'd know me better if I were holding a bird's nest.” Zelena: (Stands:) “Stanum.” Stanum: (Chuckles:) “It's been a long time. And I see I'm not the only one who's changed.” Zelena: “What are you doing here?” Stanum: (He approaches:) “I was hoping you'd help an old friend. I chopped down a tree belonging to the Wicked Witch of the North, and she punished me by giving me a terrible curse.” Zelena: “What? She turned your clothes to tin?” (Chuckles.) Stanum: “That's just it. It's not just my clothes. It's me. (Lifts his sleeve to reveal his arm turning to tin:) And it's spreading. And unless I find a new heart soon, there won't be any of me left.” Zelena: “You'll be a walking tin can. (Giggles:) Well, what am I supposed to do about any of this?” Stanum: “There's an enchanted object. The Crimson Heart. It's said to be hidden in the woods, and there's a horrible monster that guards it. I need your help to get it.” Zelena: “Mm. So, you get a heart. What do I get out of this little arrangement?” Stanum: “Whatever happened to you using your magic for good?” Zelena: “Well, it's as you said. I've changed. And using magic to be wicked is a lot more fun.” Stanum: “That may be, but I don't think being wicked is the reason you're not helping me. You act powerful, but I think you're really afraid.” Zelena: (Closes the distance between them:) “How dare you talk to me like that. Do you know who I am, what I can do?” Stanum: “Yes. I just don't have much to lose anymore. Hope you enjoy having dinner by yourself.” (Stanum turns and begins walking out of the room.) Zelena: “Guards! (The guards block Stanum’s path:) I'm not afraid of some monster in the woods. I'm the most powerful witch in all of Oz. Now let's get that heart, and I'll prove it.”
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Storybrooke. Present. The Dragon's Lair. (Zelena sits at the bar beside Rumple, discussing Morgana and her chances of being redeemed.) Zelena: "I mean it's not beyond the realms of possibility. Look at me. Look at you." Rumplestiltskin: "Yes but the fact remains that Morgana has no one left to support her. It was only through Belle's love and my desire to truly change for my son that saved me. Much like the love you have for your charming daughter here." Robin: "Thanks." Zelena: "Actually it was my time spent with the latest incarnation of Robin Hood that made me think Morgana might not yet be a lost cause." Robin: "Yeah?" Zelena: "Mm. (Takes a drink:) You see Robin was still haunted by all the men he killed back when he was in the King's army. It was only when he met up with you and your Dad's old mates that Robin felt he could do something to turn his life around." Rumplestiltskin: "Which is exactly what I said, it's the love of others that ultimately leads you down the path of redemption and Morgana has no one." Robin: "Well, Guinevere gave Morgana a second chance. She might still be willing to see the best in Morgana?" Zelena: "It's worth a shot. Trouble is, Guinevere and I aren't exactly on speaking terms. Ever since I aided Arthur back in Camelot, she doesn't quite trust me." Rumplestiltskin: (Scoffs:) "Imagine that." Robin: "Regina and Emma know her pretty well. Or Snow White, you could ask her to smooth things over between you two? I know Snow's good friends with Lancelot." Zelena: (Considers:) "That's true... but I think I'd rather ask Regina and Emma for the favour. I did just save their arses back in the forest after all." (Zelena pulls out her phone and makes the call.) Swan-Mills House. Bathroom. (The top of Regina's phone is visible within the back pocket of her discarded jeans. Unfortunately as the phone begins to ring, the sound is muffled by all of Emma's clothes that are currently piled on top. Despite having successfully managed to rid themselves of their clothing, neither Regina or Emma have made it to the shower. Perched on the marble counter top, Emma has her legs wrapped around Regina's shoulders as the brunette devours every last drop of her essence. Leaning back against the bathroom mirror, Emma allows the powerful orgasm to wash over her completely. Rising slowly up to claim Emma's lips with her own, Regina enjoys the look of utter satisfaction upon her wife's face.) Regina: "Mm. Ready for that shower now?" Emma: "G-give me a minute. I don't think I can walk anywhere right now." Regina: (Whispered into Emma's ear:) "Then let me carry you." Emma: "You're not serious." Regina: "Feel my arms and you tell me. (Emma slides her hand from Regina's back to her bicep and gives it an experimental squeeze. When Emma emits a groan of desire:) I had to do something with all my excess energy while you were away. Turns out that kettle bell in the garage was useful after all." Emma: (Wrapping her legs tightly around Regina's waist:) "Then what are we waiting for? (Regina smiles and kisses her wife before lifting her into her arms and walking them to the shower:) Holy God, woman. I've never been so turned on in all my life." (Regina chuckles and steps into the shower. Any further conversation is lost under the sound of falling water.)
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Morgana’s Hovel. (Agravaine strokes Morgana’s cheek as she lies unconscious where he placed her on the bed. He gets up and walks over to the fire while Morgana stirs, dreaming.) Spirit World. (Apparently on the brink of death, Morgana is able to walk through the spirit world, where she is surrounded by dozens of lost souls. Troubled by their incoherent moaning and wailing, Morgana is relieved to see a familiar face walking towards her through the crowd.) Morgana: “Sister!” Morgause: (Holding up her hand to stop Morgana coming any closer:) “It is a joy to see you, my Sister, but please, do not come any closer.” Morgana: “Why not?” Morgause: “Because it is not your time to join me. (Morgana nods and stands firm:) Your latest battle has left you suspended between worlds.” Morgana: “I fear all is lost, Morgause.” Morgause: “You must be strong. (Morgause lowers her hand and turns it palm upwards. A large silver coin appears within it:) Take this.” (Morgana steps forward to accept the coin.) Morgana: “What is it?” Morgause: “It is the Coin of Necromancy. It will allow you safe passage back to the world of the living. Once returned you must travel to see the Dochraid and she will guide you. (Noticing the lost souls closing in on them:) Go quickly, Sister. These ghouls would seek to keep you here forever.” Morgana’s Hovel. (Morgana wakes, wide eyed and terrified, and sits up. Agravaine looks over and sees her awake.) Agravaine: “Morgana! (He rushes to her side:) When I found you, you were unconscious in the woods. What happened to you? Morgana, who did this to you?” Morgana: “That doesn’t matter now.” (She stands and walks away from the bed.) Agravaine: “It doesn’t matter? I don’t understand.” Morgana: “What’s important is that I hide this place from prying eyes. A cloaking spell should do.”
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Agravaine: “All right. But then how will I be able to find you?” Morgana: “I shall use blood magic for the spell. You will be able to come and go as you did before. However, once it is in place I need to leave.” Agravaine: “No, my lady. Clearly it is not safe for you out there.” Morgana: “I will not sit and cower in my hovel, my lord. Besides, I have a new plan to reclaim Camelot as my own.” Enchanted Forest. Tavern. (Mulan and Ruby meet up with Tinker Bell and Tiger Lily.) Mulan: "So, things worked out pretty nicely for you two, huh?" Tinker Bell: (Holding Tiger Lily's hand:) "Yep, I'd say so." Mulan: "Are you still living in Neverland?" Tiger Lily: "We go back and visit occasionally, but Storybrooke's been our home for awhile now." Ruby: "They first arrived with Regina and Emma and the others when they returned from rescuing Henry. Granny swears by their herbal teas." Mulan: (Confused:) "Herbal teas?" Tinker Bell: "We run a little shop on Main Street. We sell crystals, herbal supplements and remedies." Tiger Lily: "With a 100% approval rating." Tinker Bell: "Yeah, because all of our products have a little fairy dust sprinkled in them. It drives Blue crazy." Mulan: (Chuckles:) "I'll bet." Tiger Lily: "She wasn't very pleased to see us when we first arrived. I think she felt a little threatened." Tinker Bell: "Oh she just needs to get that stick removed from her butt and enjoy herself." Tiger Lily: "She's still mad at us because some of her sisters left the convent. Turns out they took inspiration from us and realised they wanted more out of life." Tinker Bell: "Two became nurses and work at the hospital now." Mulan: "That's great. And er... (Nods to the hand holding:) things are obviously good between you as well?" Tinker Bell: (Smiling at Tiger Lily:) "Yeah, I'll say." Tiger Lily: (Chuckles:) "We started as mentor and mentee, then quickly became friends." Tinker Bell: "Then... well it took us awhile, but we finally realised our feelings for each other ran deeper than friendship and, well, here we are." Xena: (Entering with Gabrielle:) "You know, I hear the best relationships start out that way." (Everyone makes room at their table for Xena and Gabrielle, who have come to celebrate Mulan's return.)
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Gabrielle: (Hugging the warrior:) "It's good to have you back." Mulan: "It's good to be back." Xena: (As she and Mulan clasp forearms:) "You know, Gabrielle and I have some experience with alternate timelines." Ruby: (Smiles:) "Yeah, we know." Mulan: "It's one of our favourite episodes." (Before Gabrielle can reply to this, an arrow whistles through the air and lands in the middle of the table between them. Everyone turns to see the archer.) Merida: “Sorry to break up the welcome home party, but I needed your attention.” Xena: (Growling:) “There were less deadlier ways of getting it.” Merida: “Deadly. That’s a perfect word to describe what we’re facing right now. You see, I’ve just spent the better part of three hours trying to find Morgana’s hideout and I couldn’t. Which is strange because I was standing inside it just this morning.” Xena: “Wake us when you get to the interesting part.” Merida: “Obviously Morgana’s using her magic to make finding her impossible, which means she’s up to something.” Gabrielle: “That’s a fair assumption. What do you want us to do about it?” Merida: “I’m looking to put a team together. I say we hunt down Morgana and put her out of our misery.” Mulan: “Merida, no! If you go after Morgana without a plan you’re just asking to get killed.” Merida: “I’m tired of waiting! The longer we wait, the more likely Morgana is to come up with another scheme that puts us all in danger. I say it’s high time we do something about it once and for all. If you don’t want to join me, fine, you’ve earned that right. But I won’t just sit around and do nothing.” (Xena and Gabrielle look to each other.) Gabrielle: “We’ll join you.” Merida: “You will?” Xena: (Looks surprised at Gabrielle, then nods:) “Yeah. If only to stop you from getting killed. Besides, after what I did to her sister, I’m pretty sure I’m high on Morgana’s ‘to do’ list. Might as well make it easy for her.” Ruby: “That’s all well and good, but you still don’t have a way to counteract Morgana’s magic.” Merida: “Actually, I think I might know someone who’d be interested in joining us. She’s no fan of Morgana’s either. You coming?” (Xena and Gabrielle look to Ruby and the others then follow Merida out of the tavern.) Storybrooke. The Dragon's Lair. (Emma watches Snow White dote on Maria while she sits at the bar.) Emma: "You know I was the one who was gone for awhile, right?" (Emma points to the banner overhead which reads: Welcome Home Emma & Mulan. After much back and forth between Robin and Granny, it was decided to hold a joint celebration at the Dragon's Lair and Granny's. With the guests of honour promising to make an appearance at both venues, each restaurant is sure to turn a profit.) Snow White: "Of course, Emma, but you won't let me hold you half as long as Maria will. So I'm getting my cuddles from her on your behalf." Emma: (Smirks:) "Fine by me. That just means more hug time for my Dad." (Emma pulls David in for a hug and he wraps his arms around her tightly.) A Short Time Later. (David sits down to speak with the Reporter.) Reporter: "I saw that hug between you and Emma earlier, there looked to be a lot of emotions behind it." David: (Nods:) "You know, time is a funny thing. When you're happy it can fly by. When you're sad, even a week can seem like an eternity. I know what it's like to be separated from the ones I love. I literally slept through almost three decades of my daughter's life and the first ten years of Henry's. When the curse broke and I finally realised how much time had gone by, I was crushed. Every day since then, I've made a point of being present. Of living in the now. (Chuckles:) I admit that to some I may appear to be the typical hen-pecked husband, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I love Snow and would do anything to make her happy. Emma is the same. I know how important it was for her to not miss a day of Maria's life like she did with Henry. I see the joy that lights up Emma's face when she's surrounded by her family and recognise that in myself. So you asked me if there was a lot of emotion behind the hug we shared?" Reporter: "Seems I was right." David: (Smiles:) "Emma will never fully admit it, but I know how much that week or so away would've taken out of her. Some people say as the years go by that things like this get easier, but they never do. I'm just glad Emma's back and able to enjoy everything she's worked so hard for." Reporter: "That sounds like a very proud Papa talking?" David: "Oh yeah. I couldn't be more proud of Emma."
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Back At The Bar. (Henry and Ella arrive.) Ella: “Hey guys. Nice turn out.” Emma: “Yeah, it’s not bad.” Henry: “Hey, Mom. You okay?” Regina: “Yeah, just overworked and underpaid.” Henry: “Well luckily you know the owner. (Nods to Robin:) If I were you I’d ask for a raise.” Regina: (Smiles:) “What can I get you?” Henry: “Two beers, and make it the good stuff, because we are celebrating.” Regina: “Celebrating?” Emma: “Uh, you mean other than my safe, heroic return?” Henry: “Well that too, of course.” Ella: “But also, we got the electrical system running on the food truck.” Regina and Emma: “Ah.” Regina: “Well, that is good news.” Ella: “I just wish I knew when we were actually gonna make some money.” Robin: (Cuts in:) “Why don't you come work for me?” Ella: “What?” Robin: “Well, I mean, why not? I can use the help. You know, this place has picked up quite a bit since Maleficent’s stopped scaring away half the customers. Plus, now that Emma’s back, I doubt Regina will be sticking around much longer.” Regina: (Smiles:) “Now that you mention it...” Robin: “See? So finish that drink and grab an apron.” Ella: “Robin, thank you.” Emma: “That's good. Right?” Ella: “Yeah, no, it's amazing.” (After a bit of non verbal communication between Emma and Henry - namely Emma prodding him - Henry turns to Ella.) Henry: “Uh, so I was thinking, maybe it's time you let me take you out on that date.” Ella: “The make up date, you mean?” Henry: “Yeah, have I apologised for that yet?” Ella: “Not today at least.” Henry: “Ah, well I am very sorry for standing you up like I did.” Ella: “Uh huh. Well I don’t feel like going to a restaurant. I wanna do something fun. What do you think?” Henry: “Absolutely. Fun I can do, no problem.” Ella: “Then I guess it’s a date.” Henry: “Great.” (Emma and Regina exchange knowing smiles just as Drizella enters the bar.) Emma: "Drizella. Nice of you to make an appearance." Regina: (Coldly:) "Uh, yeah, we’ve got a strict no-whiskey-for-witches policy." Drizella: (To Emma:) "She's still not talking to me? (Emma shrugs:) What if I said I know of a way to defeat Morgana?"
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lilacmoon83 · 4 years
A Darker Curse
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 33: Deja Vu
When they arrived at the Boston airport, it wasn't lost on any of them that they had never actually been on a plane. In their traveling around the country, it had always been by car and flying had always been too expensive for them. Fortunately, Emma knew the basics, having read up on what was needed in case she needed to fly as a bail bonds person. She guided them all through the process of security and they were soon on the plane.
"I know it's hard...but we'll find him," David whispered to her, as he kissed her hand.
"I love you for saying that, but Portland is a big place," she feared.
"It is...but I reached out to a couple of my contacts that I met; the one that trained me in the business. She says she'll help. She's already putting out feelers," Emma said, as she sat in the window seat of their three person row.
"That's amazing…" David said. She nodded.
"Her name is Cleo Fox...I trust her," she said. Snow gave her a tearful gaze.
"Thanks sweetheart…" she replied.
"I dug up an old picture of him as a kid and gave it to her. She's putting it out to her sources," Emma confirmed.
"Our daughter is amazing," David whispered to his wife and kissed her head. She smiled back at him.
"I know…" she agreed, as she rested her head against his shoulder and impatiently endured the journey to Portland.
Maleficent's castle burned like an unending inferno and the wailing from her dragon form echoed throughout the land, as her egg lay trapped inside. Maleficent contemplated scorching the entire earth in her agony, but instead, she crumbled to her human form, devastated and defeated. Her child was gone and her allies that had helped free her now faced losing their own against the evil Cora. She could only hope that their child did not face the same fate that hers just did.
"Excuse me...but you'll let me through now. I'm expected by the Queen," the woman said harshly. Half her hair was black and half white, only adding to her eccentric appearance of a glittering black gown and elaborate fur coat.
"It's all right guards...you can let her through. She is supposed to have something for me," Cora said.
"You owe me a new coat! This one is ruined," the woman complained. Cora waved her hand and repaired the damage done to the fur coat.
"Now Cruella...I assume you have what I asked for," Cora cooed. Cruella smirked.
"One good thing about my powers is that I was able to send some dumb beast in after it for me. Then...I used the spell you gave me to miniaturize it," Cruella said, as she handed the egg over, which had been miniaturized.
"Keep it...because that is my secret weapon," Cora replied.
"What are you talking about?" Cruella asked.
"My curse will be perfect, but I still need a backup plan in case things go awry. That's where the egg comes in," Cora replied.
"You mean to control Maleficent," Cruella deduced.
"Exactly. Now, tuck the egg away and prepare for the curse," Cora instructed. Cruella smirked and walked out with a smirk on her face.
"Sorry Cora...but I've just decided that I have a different plan," Cruella murmured to herself.
Tamara pulled her car into the warehouse at Feinberg Industries and put it in park.
"It's about time you got here!" Cruella snapped, as she stood beside a table with a bottle of gin and a cigarette in her hand.
"The Feds have already seized all my worthless husband's assets in New York and the rest of the country. This is the last property they haven't seized, but that won't last long," she complained.
"Relax," Tamara said, as she pulled Pinocchio out of the car and led him to her by the hand.
"That's not what I asked for," Cruella complained.
"I know...but a magical child is what he wants," Tamara said, as the Dragon emerged from the shadows.
"So good to see that your cancer has been...miraculously cured since we last met, Miss Tamara," he said. She scoffed.
"Cut the crap...we both know that I never had cancer. I just needed your little potion. I sent it off to the Home Office for analysis and you know what they found?" she asked. The Dragon smirked.
"Enlighten me," he said.
"Nothing...they found no known substances in this world," she replied. He smirked.
"Well, that is not surprising since my cures are not of this world," he admitted.
"So I've learned...and I'm sure your Home Office has big plans for Storybrooke. Or they did...before they went dark," the Dragon said. Tamara's gaze narrowed.
"How do you know that?" she demanded to know. He smirked.
"I know a great many things...including who is behind your cause and why they no longer exist," he claimed, shocking her to the core.
Snow and David held hands, as they got out of the rental car and followed their daughter toward their destination.
"It had to be the old neighborhood," Snow mentioned, as they walked through the familiar streets.
"Sorry Mom...but her office happens to be around where we used to live," Emma replied.
"You okay?" David asked. She nodded.
"Yes…I was just happy to leave this part of our lives behind. Finding Storybrooke was like finally finding home...because we found you," she mentioned. He smiled.
"We won't be here long. This woman hopefully can help us find August and then we're going straight back home. You never have to think about this place again," David assured her, as they passed a diner and she spared a glance at it and he didn't miss her shudder.
"Is this it? Is this the one of the diner's you worked at?" he asked.
"Unfortunately…" she replied.
"I'm sorry Mom...maybe bringing you guys with me to this part of town wasn't the best idea," Emma apologized.
"No honey...it's not your fault. Just bad memories, but I'll do anything to find my son," Snow said. Geppetto opened his mouth to correct her, but a glance from Belle told him to wisely shut it.
"You're wise to stay quiet this time. Even I, as the Dark One, rarely got in the cross hairs of a mother trying to find her child. I myself did unspeakable things for my child. Even Snow White has her limits and you would be wise not to cross her again," Rumple advised, as Emma stopped in front of the diner upon approaching a woman.
"Emma...it's good to see you," the woman said.
"You too Cleo...do you have any leads?" Emma asked.
"Uh…I didn't, but my new partner said he has something. He should be here any minute," she replied.
"New partner?" Emma inquired, but she soon found out who it was, as he approached.
"Mary Margaret?" the man asked.
"Crap…" Emma grimaced under her breath. David felt her shiver beside him and then clutch his arm tightly.
"Wow...you look incredible still. It's been a long time...and you look the same," the man said.
"I'm sorry...who the hell are you?" David asked, as he put his hand out.
"Barry Burns, Private Investigator," he said, but David refused to shake his hand and he awkwardly pulled it back.
"And you are?" he asked.
"David Nolan...her husband," he bit out, as Emma pulled Cleo aside.
"New partner? What the hell?" Emma hissed.
"I'm sorry Emma...but he's good at what he does," Cleo apologized.
"He's a creep! He used to sexually harass my mother!" Emma cried.
"And I'm sorry for that Emma, but I thought you wanted to find this kid you're looking for," she said. Emma sighed deeply.
"Fine...but if my...my mom's husband ends up killing him after he tells us where August is...then you'll look the other way," Emma replied in haste.
"Wow...husband, that's surprising. All she ever did was turn me down, but that never stopped me from trying," he said, as he kept looking at her.
"Damn...still can't believe how good you look," he added and probably would have continued his objectification, but David grabbed him by the collar at that point.
"You're going to stop talking to her and you're going to stop looking at her," he growled, as the guy flailed his arms.
"Whoa...okay buddy, geez…" he complained, as David shoved him away.
"Do you have that lead or not?" Emma snapped coldly.
"Uh yeah...I have a source that says this woman," he said, as he held Tamara's photo up.
"That she was spotted driving into Feinberg Industries warehouse downtown," he said.
"How did you find her so fast?" Emma asked skeptically.
"I'm that good," he boasted.
"No...he got really lucky. Feinberg just got indicted by the FBI in New York. All his assets are in the process of being frozen. This is probably one of the last and only a matter of time before the Feds raid that place. That's why it's on our source's radar," Cleo explained.
"Then we have to go...we have to find August," Snow said, as she avoided looking at the creep that her husband was still glaring daggers at.
"We better go then. It's only a few blocks from here and it's best to approach on foot," he said, as they started walking, but David held back and they followed at the rear.
"Snow…" he whispered.
"I'm okay…" she said unconvincingly.
"If he hurt you...he's a dead man," David said.
"He...he didn't get that far, though I'm sure he would have loved to. But by the time we moved to Portland, Auggie was a teenager," she said, as she put a hand to her mouth.
"He came to the diner every day after school, just to make sure he would be there to go home with me. He knew...he knew how vulnerable I was to some of the patrons at the diner," she confessed, as she cried against his chest, even as they walked.
"We're going to get him back, Snow," he promised.
"He...hated Barry, but I begged him to not confront him. Barry knew that and he would get to cop a feel, knowing that I wouldn't stop him, because it meant a large enough tip so we could eat that night," she sniffed.
"I'm going to kill him," David growled.
"Only after he leads us to August," she corrected. He smirked and kissed her hair.
"Okay...he'll lead us to August and then I'll kill him," he agreed. And she did not protest that.
Tamara stared at him in disbelief.
"What are you talking about?" she asked.
"They have gone dark, have they not? You have not received any communication for the last day or so, am I correct?" the Dragon questioned.
"That doesn't mean they no longer exist," she said, as she took out a walky-talky device from her bag, but she noticed that it appeared not to be working anymore. She opened up the battery port and sand poured out. Cruella laughed.
"Oh dahling...you've been had," she said in amusement, earning her a glare from the other woman.
"What the hell is this?" Tamara asked.
"Your Home Office was none other than Peter Pan himself," the Dragon revealed.
"Neverland...they said it was real, but I wasn't sure," Tamara confessed.
"Oh it is very real...it's the mother load of magic, but that comes at a price for Pan," the Dragon said.
"But the Home Office wants to destroy magic! Why would they come from a place with magic," Tamara protested.
"Oh dahling...no one wants to destroy magic. That's silly. Magic gets you everything you want," Cruella said.
"She is correct...you were simply a pawn. You were a tool to obtain what Pan needed...a magical child. But it is a good thing his time ran out, because you have the wrong child," the Dragon said.
"No...they said bring a magical child. I saw magic used on him to transform him from an adult into a child. I saw it with my own eyes," Tamara protested. The Dragon chuckled.
"But he is not a magical child. Only one born of true love is magical. But the child that Pan really wanted was one born of two powerful, magical bloodlines. One of light and true love, maternal grandparents. Parents of the Savior," he said.
"Snow White and Prince Charming…" he announced.
"And the other, the bloodlines of the Dark One. Paternal grandfather and his child, who found love with the Savior," he continued. Tamara sighed.
"Then I took him for nothing...it was the baby I needed. That would have been impossible to get!" Tamara said.
"Good thing for you that Pan is no longer a problem. His time ran out with having that child to sacrifice for his youth. But all is not lost. I can take this one...he will be quite useful to me," the Dragon said.
"Fine...whatever, but you promised me a way to destroy Storybrooke," Tamara said, looking at Cruella.
"Oh dahling...that depends on what you brought me. I need something good," Cruella said, as the other woman handed her a bag full of the things she stole from Cora's vault.
"Ohhh...very nice," Cruella said, as she looked through the items.
"Then you'll give me something to use to destroy magic?" Tamara asked. Cruella cackled.
"Sorry dahling...but I have no idea how to destroy magic and none of this works in a place without magic. However, they will work in Storybrooke...so that's where I'll be going. The Feds will never find me there," she said.
"You're double crossing me!?" Tamara exclaimed.
"Well…I am Cruella De Vil, after all," she reminded her.
"Come on, young one. We have a plane to catch," the Dragon said.
"The hell you do…" Tamara growled, as she pulled a gun on them and took them hostage.
"Your cause does not exist and destroying magic is not within our capabilities," the Dragon warned.
"It can if I just blow up that whole town, so that's what we'll do," Tamara said.
"The hell you will," Emma said, as she and David held their guns on her. She smirked and pointed hers at them.
"Are you really willing to risk a game of whose a faster shot than the other?" Tamara challenged.
"We've got two guns on your one. Are you?" Emma challenged back.
"Hello dahling...it's been a long time…" Cruella purred, as she looked at David.
"Cruella...how the hell are you here?" he asked. She looked him up and down like he was something to eat.
"I have my ways…" she said.
"Cruella? Seriously?" she asked her mother.
"Unfortunately," Snow replied.
"Well…I have somewhere to be. I hear Storybrooke is lovely this time of year," she said.
"If you think you'll still have an ally in Cora when you enter town, you'd be mistaken. Cora is dead," Snow warned.
"Yeah...and Regina won't hesitate to put you down, much like you've done to various animals in the past to satiate your obsession with fur," Rumple added.
"Well…I can't say that I have missed you, Dark One," she retorted with a smirk.
"Besides…Regina will be too busy trying to keep Maleficent from burning the town down," she claimed.
"Maleficent is free of any control...she won't help you," David said. Cruella smirked.
"Oh…I have so missed you the most, dahling. But you're wrong...because with this," Cruella said, as she held up what looked like a snow globe.
"With this...she'll do whatever I want," Cruella said.
"And what is that?" Emma asked.
"It can't be…" Snow gasped.
"Oh yes...it's her egg. I had it fished out of the fire and Cora sealed it away for safekeeping. It was meant to be her backup plan, but I had other plans," Cruella said.
"Well, you're not going anywhere," Snow said, as she bravely stepped forward.
"Stop!" Tamara warned, as she pointed her gun at Snow. That was all David needed and he rushed her, quickly knocking her to the ground. The gun flew out of her hand and Emma ran to confiscate it.
"Cuff her and leave her. By the time she gets free, we'll be home," Rumple said, as David put her in cuffs and left her there on the ground. Snow and Marco both knelt down in front of Pinocchio and the little boy wrenched away from the Dragon. But to Marco's shock and surprise, he ran to Snow and she hugged him tightly, as tears slipped down her cheeks.
"My boy…" he uttered.
"Don't…" Tink chided.
"I had a dream...that you were my Mom," he confessed, surprising Snow.
"I am and that must be confusing right now. But I promise everything will make sense soon," she promised. David smiled and kissed her tenderly, before winking at the little boy.
"Hand over the egg," Emma said, as she held the gun on her.
"Oh poo…" Cruella complained, as she did so.
"Oh well...good thing I have that account in the Cayman Islands full of money that I squirreled away from my lousy husband," Cruella said, as she made her way toward the exit.
"Last chance dahling...the fun we could have if we ran away together," she purred to the Prince.
"Hard pass," he replied in disgust. She sighed.
"Alas...at least I have my fantasies. Cheers dahling…" Cruella said, as she made her way out.
"What the hell is going on here!?" Barry demanded to know.
"Just stay out of it," David snapped.
"Yeah...Cleo, thanks for all your help, but we need to go," Emma said.
"None of you are going anywhere," Barry refuted, as he pulled his own gun and pointed it at them.
"Barry...what are you doing?" Cleo demanded to know.
"I've been hired to find a missing detective...and I think all of you know where he is," Barry said, as he showed them a photo and walked closer to them.
"He was last seen heading to a town called Storybrooke, Maine. And then...he just went dark," he continued, as he looked at Snow.
"What can you tell me about that?" he asked.
"Nothing...we have no idea what you're talking about," David snapped quickly, as he put himself between his wife and this man.
"I think you're lying...so this is what we're going to do. She is going to come with me to this Storybrooke, while the Feds lock the rest of you up," he said.
"That's not happening," David growled. Barry smirked and put the barrel of the gun to David's head.
"No...no...please. I'll go...I'll go…" Snow cried. Barry smirked and grabbed her arm.
"Please...just let me say goodbye," she pleaded. He relented and she turned to her husband.
"Snow…" he whispered, as their eyes met.
"I love you," she said and he could tell by her look that she had a plan.
"I'll find you," he promised.
"I know," she replied, as they shared a passionate kiss and as expected, Barry pulled her away by the arm. She faked a stumble and elbowed him in the gut. It knocked the wind out of him, allowing David the opening to tackle him. The gun flew out of his hand and Snow grabbed it, as David overpowered the older man and got him into a headlock. He applied pressure and Barry passed out. Just for good measure and satisfaction, he gave him a punch to the face to ensure he'd feel it when he woke up. Snow sighed in relief and he pulled her into his arms.
"Let's go home," Emma said, as she joined her parents and hugged them.
"I second that," Rumple agreed.
"Thanks again...but we really have to go," Emma told Cleo.
"Wait Emma…" she called, as the blonde turned back.
"I don't know what's going on here and I sense it's way above my head, but I know this guy. He won't let up," Cleo said, as she briefly glanced at Snow.
"If he knows about wherever it is that you're going back to and thinks there's a case and even a possible payday...then you need to do something to protect yourselves," Cleo warned. Emma nodded, as they made their way out.
"She's right...any ideas?" David asked.
"During the curse, Cora had a barrier around the town. Only with a magical object could you gain access," Rumple explained.
"He's right...that's how I got in with Greg and Detective Bishop. Cora sent us an enchanted map," Tink confirmed.
"And we got in, because of Emma and the author's pen," Snow agreed.
"With the curse broken...the barrier is gone and the town is open for anyone to find," Rumple said.
"Do you have another barrier spell, Rumple?" Belle asked.
"One can be created. I'll need Regina's help and ingredients from Cora's vault. However, I believe we should go a step further," he replied.
"What do you mean?" Emma asked.
"It will take a powerful spell, but we need to create a barrier and cut off Storybrooke from all the realms. It's the only way we will ever know peace," Rumple replied.
"Then that's what we should do. Can it be done?" Snow asked.
"Yes...but we need to hurry back. Our sleazy private investigator back there won't be unconscious for long," Rumple said.
"Let's get back to the airport and get the hell out of this city then," David agreed, as they made their way back to the rental cars.
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Harry Hook x pan! reader Oneshot - quartermaster?
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requested by @lowkeyaesthvtic
May I have a request where the reader is the daughter of Peter Pan (the OUAT one that was a villain) and she wants to get closer to Harry (they’re already dating) but can’t do that unless she convinces Uma to be a second “first mate?” Harry could help too if you want.
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the daughter of peter pan, that’s who you were, known to be the daughter of one of the evilest villains in history, and when Auradon had been created, beast, aka Rumplestiltskin, and belle, who looked awfully similar to the blue fairy for some reason. Had banished Pan to the isle of the lost, along with many other villains, including the once pirate villain “captain hook”, forcing him to leave his wife and his children were forced to follow him.
The people of Auradon forced rumples hand and he regrettably sent Killian, Hope, Harrison, and Calista Jane to the isle, the youngest only a couple months old.
“We can't have the children of villains here, they'll kill us all!!” the people of Auradon cried
Fools, rumple was a villain once upon a time and they seemed to have conveniently forgotten that.
Though now he called himself Adam and cast a permanent illusion that made him look different.
So now you sat in the caves near the crocodile shores, leaning against a midsized croc, named Gorvan, the spawn of tick-tock. (for some reason the crocs from the Disney version of peter pan were also on the isle, no one really cared, they were mostly chill unless you purposely aggravated them)
Waiting for your boyfriend Harry Hook.
Now you might be thinking
‘hey? Aren’t pan and hook enemies?’ and you would be correct, Captain Hook and Peter Pan were enemies, but Hook had killed Pan only a couple of months after arriving at the isle, as the demon-like boys magic no longer existed, so he died from his wounds, and the barrier, which prevented death (unless from old age), had not cared to resurrect pan.
so your mother, who was eight months pregnant with you, asked Killian to not hold the fact of who your parent was over your head, and he had agreed, never referring to you as pans daughter, but your own annoying but tolerable person.
A person that loved his son, he had been slightly weirded out when he discovered your relationship with harry, before shrugging, he had no room to talk, he married the daughter of snow white and prince charming.
“lassie?! You in here?!” Gorvan popped his head up, recognizing Harry's voice, and stood, making you fall back when your pillow left and trotted to where Harry was standing at the entrance, too afraid to enter the den of the crocs.
“nonononon stay away!!! You beast get back!!! (y/n)!!” you sighed and stood, going to where you heard Harry's panicked babbling.
“really harry?” you groaned, patting the scaly head of the teen croc, gorvan seemed to snicker and trotted into a corner, giving harry space to climb down from a tree just outside the cave entrance.
“You can come down now, he's in the corner”
“but he's still watching” Harry whined, tightly clutching to the heavy branch he was on.
You sighed, nodding at your shadow, who nodded back, walking over to where Harry's shadow was being cast and picked it up, making harry float up from the branch, he yelped, wriggling around.
“h-hey! Do yeh have teh do this every time?!” he screeched, your shadow dropping his next to you, making harry plop down on his butt at your feet.
“well if you actually came down I wouldn’t have to” you smiled down at him, he grumbled standing up, wiping the back of his jacket, dust falling.
“whatever” he crossed his arms pouting at you. “so hooky” you cooed, still grinning, stepping closer to the pirate. “got any new plans to help me get into the crew?’
Harry sighed “no, uma is adamant on not letting yeh on the crew, even as a low-level member.”
“ugg” you groaned, whyyyy? Harry's place as the first mate prevented the two of you from bonding more, as boyfriend and girlfriend at least, you two had grown up together, knowing almost everything about each other, but still umas crew took a lot of Harrys time, and you understood! You had the lost kids to worry over, a lot of which had asked a while ago to join uma nad you let them, uma was an amazing leader, you weren’t really thinking of the fact that they preferred her over you, you were more worried over their protection.
And plus they still bunkered down at the campout a lot so it's not like they completely abandoned you.
“do you know why?” you asked, messing with the thin material of Harry's sleeveless hoodie. Harry sighed nodding.
“aye, she finally gave meh the reason, instead of just ransom reasons”
You peered at Harry, raising your brow “oh, do tell”
“she thinks that if yeh join we would distract each other from our duties, shed rather our relationship be a factor in the crew”
You rolled your eyes “seriously! Im like the best at separating relationships from work! You know that! She should know that!”
Harry nodded, he had seen your ability to do that himself. awhile ago mad Maddy, who had been one of your best friends at the time, had stolen and hurt Fiona, Felix's daughter, and you had separated the relationship you had with her and gone after her, forgoing your relationship with her to do your duty as leader of the lost kids.
You had told her it was nothing personal, but she didn’t care. and after the split of the vks after the shrimpy incident, the two of you split, you siding with uma, while Maddy sided with mal.
You sighed, you couldn’t force uma to let you onto the crew, she was captain, it was up to her.
“fine” you mumbled, letting your weight go and bumping your forehead onto Harry's torso/shoulder, pouting into his skin “whatever”
Harry sighed, wrapping his arms around you, “don’t worry lass, we’ll figure this out”
You nodded, rubbing your face into his jacket.
Uma sighed, one of her newer members was an absolute idiot, stealing from pan. Her and (y/n) had an agreement, you don’t bother me I won't bother you, and the new idiot, kyle, son of Hans, wanted to prove himself, choosing to steal something important from pan.
A small bottle, filled with dust, pixie dust, now kyle didn’t know what he stole, he just found the bottle in a locked box, thought It was something her mother or peter gave (y/n) before dying and stole it. Thinking it would get him points with uma.
It didn’t.
Uma paced the deck, harry front and center, she hoped that Harry's relationship with (y/n) would convince her to back down, and simply ask for the dust back.
Oh, boy was she wrong.
(y/n) had arrived, three lost kids for each pirate crew member, glaring them down.
“uma” you called, flipping your blade in your hand, drifting your eyes over umas crew, locking eyes with harry for a moment, who gestured to kyle. “I believe you have something of mine, I want it back”
Uma was willing to back down, but her crew yelled out in protest, and she sighed, well, can't disappoint the crew, that would also ruin her reputation, she drew her sword, staring into the girls (e/c) eyes.
“then take it”
The sound of pirates and lost kids clashing sounded across the cove, you started toward uma, leader vs leader.
Harry hopped in front of her, grinning at you, hand on his sword and hook pointed at you.
“Hello love” you smirked, cocking your hip.
“hey hooky”
“would yeh mind stepping down, for meh~?” he gave you that grin, the one that usually could melt you into a puddle.
Not today, you had a mission. A duty.
“Sorry dude” you raced forward, taking advantage of him not drawing his sword, stealing his hook, tripping him, and rolling him off your back and into the shallows.
“duty calls”
Uma stood surprised, she thought that a simple wink from harry would make you back down, not wanting to hurt him due to your relationship.
But you straight up just dunked harry into the water.
Umas sword clashed with yours, and you fought, a fast-paced dance between blades and uma somehow got the upper hand, flinging your sword away and knocking you back.
You fell with a grunt, seeing a certain someone behind uma. You got out your crossbow, opening the bolt bag at your side, and loading it.
You looked up, seeing Fiona pushing uma down, her larger stature easily overpowering ume.
You aimed the crossbow, the shot lining with umas ribs.
“(y/n)! don’t!” you heard harry scream, obviously thinking you were about to shoot uma, but you ignored him, Fiona shoved uma to the floor and pinned her.
You took the shoot.
The blot flew thought the air soaring past where uma stood only a moment ago, landing in kyles arm, he screamed in pain, releasing his sword, kneeling down and clutching his arm.
“AHHH!!!!” you stood, closing the bows of the crossbow and swinging it to lay on your back, stepping over umas arm and kneeling next to kyle, face blank.
“ill have that bottle you took”
Kyle nodded, tears and snot running down his face, digging into his jacket pocket and bringing out the small bottle of dust and fumbling to hand it to you.
“good boy” you muttered, taking the bottle and ripping the bolt from his arm, kyle crying out in pain again.
You stood, walking over to uma, and shoving Fiona off of her “sorry uma, but this stuff is not to leave my person, your crew member violated our agreement as well” uma took your hand, letting you pull her up.
“I know I know” she sighed, picking up her hat from the floor glaring down at Kyle, who was still whimpering on the floor, “I tell every single crew member to leave your territory alone, and this idiot steals” she gestures to the bottle “that”
You laughed, your lost kids now backing off from the crew, talking to the ex lost kids now on the crew. If their leaders got along, no reason to fight.
“yeah, so see ya later cap’n” you saluted to her, turning and walking off the ship, waggling your fingers at harry, who winked back.
“ see ya later hooky, sorry bout dunking ya!”
“at least there were no crocs” he yelled back with a smile, seeing you laugh, walking off with your lost kids to head to the hideout.
Harry sighed, staring after you, he wants to follow, but uma probably needed him here.
Uma walked up, seeing Harry's look.
“so harry?” she started, waiting for Harry to look at her “do you think (y/n) still wants to join?”
Harry's jaw dropped, “wha? But I thought ye said-“
“I know what I said, now tell (y/n) that the position for quartermaster is open”
“quartermaster?” Harry repeated, confused.
“yes quartermaster, now go get her! And tell the lost kids they are welcome to join”
harry grinned, nodding and racing off the ship, calling your name.
---the end---
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kendo413 · 5 years
Swan Queen prompts: Evil Emma
These aren’t Dark one Emma prompts, but Evil Emma. Generally speaking I like ‘dark knight’ or ‘dark champion’ Emma a lot - something about that being Emma at her core, something to embrace or redeem through actual character growth sits better with me personally. As with other prompt posts, feel free to use these, I only request a heads up/link if they’re used.
1. Emma Swan isn’t the savior - she gave birth to him, but she’s nobody’s hero. In fact, she’s just as much a low life as Regina tries to paint her in the paper. The whole town looks at her like some breath of fresh air, a noble addition to their little hamlet, when in reality she sticks around for the hot mayor who adopted the kid she gave up.
2. After the curse is broken, everyone goes back to FTL. In all the confusion, Emma slips away to escape the burden of being both a royal and a ‘hero.’ Years later, Emma shows up at Regina’s castle, a swordswoman of some renown, and looking to lift Regina up out of the slump she’s fallen into. Isolating herself, doing what she can to be ‘good’ just for a little bit of time with her own son?
Seeing her former frenemy in this state of depression and repression, Emma swears to bring back the strong woman who challenged her at every turn. She’ll start things off right, by bringing Henry back to her, whether he likes it or not, and no matter who she has to kill to get to him.
3. The Evil Queen sends her most loyal of knights to retrieve the White kingdom’s heir: a young boy named Henry. Emma, her beloved Dark Knight, never returns from the trip.
After the curse is cast, she finds Emma in Storybrooke, slumbering in a deep coma after reportedly being ravaged in the woods by a wild animal. Regina needs to break the curse as there is no happy ending without her champion by her side.
4. Emma swan was made of true love, but to balance it out with the universe, she herself as a severe predilection towards the darkness. Emma is a series of conflicting actions and intentions, and Henry constantly telling her she’s a hero, that she ‘didn’t mean’ to make things happen because heroes make mistakes - well it’s messing with her self identity. Whatever moral compass she possessed before Storybrooke begins to swing wildly as she becomes more impulsive - case in point, accidentally breaking the curse with Regina on a random Tuesday afternoon while Henry researched at the library.
5. Emma was made for Regina - literally. Rumple could sense the queen was growing distracted from her destiny, and so made the queen a companion. Emma would be her Dark Champion, a golem made of flesh and magic for the sole purpose of stoking Regina’s need for revenge.
Rumple didn’t fully anticipate that the queen would find the champion charming, or even worth growing attached to. After demanding that Rumple ‘cut her strings’ and give her free will, Emma still has her drive to crush Regina’s enemies, but is also growing to enjoy learning about the other things in life that Regina swears are just as pleasurable.
6. Emma was sent to the Dark Kingdom as a symbolic gesture - kind of like a ‘knight of the realm’ exchange program. Emma didn’t expect to find the Evil Queen so attractive, and she certainly didn’t anticipate being allowed to ‘loosen up.’ Things in the White Kingdom were quite rigid under General Mulan’s leadership, and it felt good that her ‘bad’ impulses were being nurtured like they were. Life with the Evil Queen was refreshing, and Emma wasn’t sure she wanted to go back home when it was time.
7. Sith Lord Regina didn’t often like conversing with her ship’s admirals, but Swan was quite young for her position and it was intriguing. Swan also had a sharp wit, an intuition that rivaled that of a force sensitive, and an uncanny knack for hunting down rebel scum. That she was beautiful didn’t hurt, either. Regina dreaded the day her bastard of a master, Rumple, would inevitably find a reason to kill off the young woman.
8. Emma Swan is an elf, one of the last of her kind and princess of the tribe that once called the White Kingdom home. After Regina killed her clan’s mortal enemy, Leopold, she forges a secret alliance between her people and the Dark Kingdom’s queen.
9. Regina and Emma have been dating for a few years now, and at this point Regina is fully aware of how to handle her. 
She knows from fever induced whispers that Emma hates her parents as much as Regina does, maybe even more so. While high on painkillers, Emma promises to grant Regina’s soul peace one day by slaughtering all of her enemies, of burning it all to the ground. Emma has always been carefully hiding her true nature from the town, and only Regina is privvy to her darker impulses.
10. Emma is the best bounty hunter in the Dark Kingdom and has had a great deal of luck with bringing in the ‘Merry Men’ to the Queen’s jail. Then there’s a massive breakout and theft of the Queen’s coffers, and rumors begin circling that Emma is in fact the infamous Robin hood, that she orchestrated the whole thing.
Rather than face execution, Emma begins to hunt the escaped prisoners down. When bodies start showing up along the Queen’s road with Emma’s calling card, Regina is strangely touched. Truly, this is one of the most thoughtful things someone has done for her since before Daniel was killed.
11.  Emma was abandoned by her parents at a young age and forced to grow up in the slums of some backwater planet few even knew the name of. At around 10, she was discovered as being force sensitive and taken to Dantooine for Jedi training. Regina is slated to be her mentor, having mastered her emotions after being raised as a Jedi from a very young age. 
When the council worries that Emma is ‘going dark,’ Regina argues that Emma has simply never needed to master her emotions - just because Emma had no ties to cut doesn’t make it any easier for her to turn off feelings. Then Emma tries to kiss her, Regina regretfully turns her down, and Emma flees.
Years later, Regina is sent to track down and deal with someone fitting Emma’s description. She has begun working for the dark side as an assassin, wielding a makeshift lightsaber. Receiving this assignment is the first time she’s felt so strongly since Emma left - excited at finding her again, and even her dread at doing so can’t put a damper on that.
(Based more on Bastila/Knights of the Old Republic SW than anything)
12. The Swans who first adopted young Emma never gave her back, which proved to be a good idea. Their ‘real’ daughter didn’t seem to have the mind for business that Emma has, nor the will to do what needs to be done.
Fast forward 20 something years and Emma is a CEO of the family business. She is spoiled, cunning, and ruthless in her pursuits, both for business and pleasure.
When a young girl interrupts Emma’s date by claiming to be her daughter, Emma is forced to return her to some town called ‘Storybrooke.’ Though Emma is definitely not anyone’s mother, much less this kid’s, she can definitely admire the kid’s guts to threaten calling the cops. She also can’t help but admire the kid’s mother.
13. Regina is having an issue, which isn’t surprising given that she’s very young to be chosen as a watcher. The issue isn’t even that Emma is rough around the edges, reckless and full of bravado. Regina wouldn’t want a slayer like the oh-so-perfect Snow White - in fact, she and Emma sort of bond over their mutual distaste of Snow’s constant pitying glances. 
The issue is that Emma is still a few months short of being an ‘adult,’ and Regina is unbearably in love with her. Oh, how Regina’s mother would have a field day with this if it was found out. She’d take an attack by Hook’s vampire army over that lecture any day.
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justanoutlawfic · 5 years
Walk Me A Home: A Charming Family Fic
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Summary: Snow White, David, Emma and Neal joined Regina in aiding Henry with his fight. They remained in the new Enchanted Forest happily, until a new curse ruined everything.
Mary Margaret Aarons would do anything to provide for her son. Unfortunately in doing so, she's missed out on him putting his life at risk. When David Shepherd becomes his mentor, she's skeptical at first but soon finds herself falling in love.
If only life were ever that easy.
My take on "If Snowing, Emma and "Baby Neal" were there when S7's curse was cast”. They say they'll always find each other, but Drizella's curse made it a lot harder for families to do so.
The main priority in this fic is Snowing & The Charming Family. However, there will be aspects of the Charming-Mills Family as that is my kryptonite and they're all in one town. There will also be Wish!Hook, Alice and Rumple (the latter of whom seems like an ass in the first chapter but remember, his cursed persona was). Tags are your friends. Mentions of prostitution, stripping, hard financial times, past alcohol abuse and more. I will tag appropriately as we go. If there's anything you want to see or you're confused about, just let me know.
Also on AO3/FF
Tryna stand up on my own two feet
This conversation ain't comin' easily
And darling, I know it's getting late
So what do you say we leave this place?
Walk me home in the dead of night
I can't be alone with all that's on my mind, mhm
So say you'll stay with me tonight
'Cause there is so much wrong going on outside-Pink
“And I’d choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I’d find you and I’d choose you.”
― Kiersten White, The Chaos of Stars
“A pirate, a princess, Snow White, a shepherd, Jack and the beanstalk and a savior,” a sick smile developed over Drizella’s face as she looked over the group. “Ooh, how will I ever defeat you?”
Snow held her arrow out towards the sorceress.”You won’t win, Drizella. I’ve faced witches a lot more powerful than you.”
Drizella let out a bitter laugh. “ Oh, Snow White. So cute, so full of hope...and so forgetting I’ve learned a thing or two from your former enemy.”
“You want a witch fight?” Zelena challenged. “Happy to oblige.”
Regina, Emma and Zelena had fireballs ready, while Jack, Ella, Killian and David had their swords drawn. Drizella looked between them, shaking her head.
“You see, I’m not casting this curse…” She looked over at Regina. “You are.”
Regina’s brows furrowed. Her hand stayed raised, not letting herself become a target. “What?”
Drizella snapped her fingers towards one of the other witches. “Show her.”
They disappeared into the night and returned a few moments later planked with someone between them. The person wore a black cloak with a hood that covered their head. Drizella strutted over and ripped it off, revealing Henry. His face was drenched with sweat, his mouth tied up. Regina and Emma’s fireballs instantly went out, Ella’s sword clanged to the ground, the three of them running to him. The two witches holding onto him let him fall to the ground with a thud. David, Killian, Jack, Zelena and Snow kept their weapons drawn, with clear worry written across their face. Snow couldn’t keep her eyes off her grandson as Regina and Ella pulled the cloth from around his mouth. He began coughing violently.
“Henry! Baby!” Ella cried out.
Regina looked up at Drizella, tears in her eyes. Snow wanted nothing more than to pull her into her arms and never let go. “What did you do to him?!?”
“What witches do best. I poisoned him.”
Regina tried to fix her son. Snow watched as she used every spell she knew. She even attempted true love’s kiss, Ella and Emma did too. It all fell short.
“It’s not working!” Regina shouted.
Drizella stepped forward. “And it's not going to. As a matter of fact, the only thing that can is a trip to a land without magic.”
“Don’t do this, Drizella,” Emma pleaded.
“Curses take time,” Snow pointed out.
Regina nodded as Ella clutched Henry closer to her. “And ingredients.”
“Yes, eight in fact. And I have seven right here.” She gestured to the spider web in the ground. Seven of the lines lit up as the wind blustered around them. “The only one I'm missing the most important one, and, of course, the hardest to find is magic from a witch who crushed the heart of the thing she loves most.”
Regina grasped her eyes closed and Snow could feel David’s hand fall through hers. They had thought they were done paying the price for Regina’s curse. Yet, here they were. She was the only way to save her son, their grandson. It was never going to not be apart of them.
“So Regina,” Drizella said. “What'll it be? My curse.” Henry started coughing more violently and Ella cuddled him closer. A choked sob escaped Snow’s lips. “Or his life?”
There was a still silence on the mountain top. Occasionally, Henry let out a strangle cough and Ella would soothe him, but for the most part, Regina stared at her son. Snow White thought of her son and great-granddaughter. They were with Tiana elsewhere in the castle. They were safe, for now. But what would happen to Lucy if she lost her father? What would happen to their family? She didn’t want another curse. She didn’t want to be apart from her family again.
At the same time, she couldn’t let her grandson die.
She looked at David. His eyes were pained, but they didn’t need words to say what they knew in their hearts. He agreed. She spared him a kiss, knowing it may be their last for a very long time.
Snow kept her arrow pointed at Drizella and moved closer to her friend, dropping to her knees beside her and taking her hand. Regina looked up at her, then back at Ella and Emma. The three of them nodded. Snow’s hand slipped through her daughter’s to comfort her and Emma squeezed it. Tears squeezed down her face as she looked down at her son. Snow knew that she’d do this for Regina if she could. They all would. Unfortunately, it was a price no one else could pay. Regina drew a deep breath, before looking back at her former student.
“Fine.” Regina’s voice was quiet, resigned. Take away her son and she was broken. Without him, she’d be lost. Snow knew that, and she’d do anything to save her grandchild for that reason alone. “I’ll do it.”
“Regina!” Zelena’s shrill voice rang out as Regina moved to walk towards Drizella. “You can’t!”
“Zelena, move.”
“This is not what he wants!” “He can’t very well say what he wants, can he!” Emma thundered. Snow squeezed her hand tighter.
Killian took a step forward. “Would you not do the same for Robin? I know I would for Alice?”
That seemed to resonate with Zelena. She bit her lip and stepped to the side, allowing her sister to move forward. Snow looked back at her daughter, who was holding onto Henry’s arm. He was apologizing, actually apologizing to Ella for not being able to stop this. The tears fell down Snow’s face as Ella and Emma tried to assure him that this wasn’t his fault. He had done all he could. Lucy and Neal were safe, they were going to be okay.
Regina completed the ritual and the purple smoke began to ripple. Ella and Emma rose to the ground, both walking to Snow and David.
“We’re going to find our way back to you,” David promised his daughter. He pulled her into his arms and squeezed her tight. Snow joined in on the hug. “Remember that. It’s always back to each other, then to you.”
Emma nodded, letting out a tiny sob. “I love you, Dad, Mom.”
“We love you too, sweetie,” Snow whispered.
Was this their fate? To always be separated?
Ella tapped Snow on the shoulder and the two stepped off to the side. “Under the first curse, you didn’t have Emma,” she shouted over the swirling wind.
“Well, no.”
“And you’re probably not going to have Neal now.”
Snow bit her lip. She didn’t want to think of her son being alone. She wanted to hope he would be okay, that somehow, they would be together. “I have to have hope. He’s with Lucy and Tiana. Maybe he and Lucy...they’ll end up with us.”
“They’re just kids.” Ella looked back at her husband before returning her eyes to her grandmother-in-law. “How are we supposed to be there for them if we don’t know who they are?”
Snow wanted to give another hope speech. She wanted to ease her granddaughter-in-law’s fears. Yet, as she looked back at the grown daughter she never got to raise and the grandson that had been torn from his moms time and time again, she couldn’t find any. She had nearly lost Neal once when he was a baby. When she got him back, she vowed she’d never let him go again.
Where would he go? Would he be okay? Would he and Lucy be orphans like Emma had been?
“Excuse me.”
The two women turned back to find Killian standing there. It was still odd to see the man who looked so much like the Captain Hook she knew back in Storybrooke, while also being so different. This one was gentler, kinder and clearly had more to live for. Becoming a father had truly changed his life.
“Take this.” He slipped a porcelain elephant into Ella’s hand. “Each of you hold onto an end. If you do that...you’ll be with your children.”
Snow stared at him, unsure of what to say. Instead, she gave him a quick hug and took hold of the other end. Regina and Zelena stood together, Jack not far behind them. Snow wasn’t sure, but she thought he was staring at the two strangely. Almost...with a glare. She didn’t have much time to give it a second thought. Her eyes trained on her daughter and husband. Their hands were intertwined, prepared for the curse together. Snow’s last thought before the curse hit was her son.
“I’m gonna see you soon, baby.”
On the far end of Hyperion Heights, there’s a run down two family house. It hasn’t been painted in over a decade and the blue has long since turned grey. Windows are crooked and bird shit is encrusted on the paneling. The porch railing is loose, a lawsuit waiting to happen if the landlord even cared.
On one half, there’s the Aarons. It’s the longest home they’ve been in. Chipped alphabet magnets hold up old pictures on the fridge because they are too poor to afford frames. They show a little boy growing into an angsty teen with longer dark hair. The cabinets have a couple boxes of cereal, a bag of Oreos and a six pack of Kraft mac and cheese. The fridge is just as bare bones with milk for the boy, coffee creamer for his mom.
A kitchen table that’s never used anymore sits there with four chairs, as if there was meant to be more people. The living room has an uncomfortable rose couch and a TV with a large back. The rooms are chaotic messes. His filled with clothes, comic books and a stash of money he hopes his mother never finds. Hers with blankets, cigarettes and a closet full of clothes she also never wants him to discover. He’s just a little boy. He doesn’t need to know what she does to pay rent every month.
It’s a house full of secrets. A house full of tension. A house with vague memories of good times...but they can’t exactly the last time they just sat down and smiled.
Jake knew his mother was gone when he woke up that morning. A note outside his door informed him that Roni could swing an extra waitress, so she’d work the morning shift. She had another shift at the other bar in another suburb of Seattle later that night. He’d be alone.
Remember to lock the door when you get home. Remy told me there was a break-in last week. I love you-Mom.
Jake got his backpack together, throwing in the latest Vonnegut he borrowed from the library. He downed some Cheerios, doing the dishes before he left. His feet carried him past the bus stop, throwing up his black hood as he dodged the police station. The last thing he needs is a run-in with Detective Weaver and his lovely band of assholes.
Another turn and he’s arrived. The bodega on Third Street. A place to buy cigarettes, off-brand snacks and delicious breakfast sandwiches.
“You were nearly late,” Asher tells him.
“Sorry, foot traffic.”
“You should get a bike.”
Jake had to hold back a laugh. All his money goes to helping pay the bills. Not that his mom’s noticed the landlord stopped hounding her for rent. She really thinks he’s giving her more time. Jake’s lucky. Not that he knows what he’ll do when report card season comes out.
The bodega is good work. He makes good money, under the table. Asher believed him when he said he was 18 and didn’t ask for ID. Jake knew deep down, maybe his boss felt sorry for him. Maybe he knew that Jake was really 15 and assumed he was just a drop out. Everyone always says he has such a baby face. Though who knows, maybe he actually grew out of it. At the very least, he gets an employee discount and can help put food in the fridge.
It’s not like he missed every day of school anyway. When he started out, it was supposed to be a weekend job. Then Asher asked him to work a Monday morning and rent was coming up, he could hear his mom begging for an extension on the phone. So, Jake said yes. One Monday morning lead to two and soon he was working on Mondays and Wednesdays, and picking up any shifts Asher needed. He went to school when he could. Well, even when he didn’t have work, the teachers were annoyed with his lack of attendance and his grades so that made him skip. But he tried anyway. 
Around 12, Asher gave him his break and he headed into the alleyway. He pulled out his book and his discounted egg and cheese sandwich to nibble on. He’s only a few pages in when he hears the cough. It’s one he knows well by now. Jake dropped the sandwich, but kept the book. The last thing they can afford is a library late fee.
He ran for as long as he could. His lungs hurt and his stomach felt winded. Jake wanted to stop, but he could feel the cop on his tail.
“Fuck,” he mumbled as he tried to pull into another alleyway.
He didn’t see the rock and went flying. He landed face first in some brick wall. The pain filled his face and he cursed himself internally. That was going to leave a mark. How would he explain that one to his mom?
“Are you alright, son?”
That soft voice wasn’t Weaver. As he was helped to his feet, Jake found himself face to face with a new cop. He had dark hair and gentle blue eyes. Despite his now swelling eye, Jake could make out “Rogers” on his name badge.
“‘m fine,” he mumbled. “I gotta get back to work.” “Afraid we can’t allow that.” Now that, was Weaver. Jake groaned. “C’mon, Jacob.”
“Fuck off.”
“Love the tact.” He gruffly pulled him away from Weaver. “Why aren’t school?”
Jake jutted out his upper lip and could see blood. “None of your business.”
Weaver rolled his eyes. “Fine, don’t talk to me. I’ll just call Mary Margaret.”
Jake’s resolve softened. “She’s at work, please don’t bother her with this…”
“Maybe you should have thought about that before you decided to skip school. Again.”
Weaver started to drag him off, but Jake wormed his way out of his grip.
“I know where the station is by now,” he bit at him. “I can follow.”
Jake kept a good distance behind the cops as they headed on foot to the nearby staiton. God, this was the last thing his mother needed. As they pulled out of the alleway, he could hear Rogers pleading for him at least.
“Maybe we could just drop the lad at school, make him promise not to do this again.”
“Detective, I’ve known Jake Aarons a number of years. This is what works and it barely does. His mother is the only person who will get through to him.”
Maybe it was just his swollen eye, but Jake swore he saw some doubt in Rogers as the latter pulled out his phone and dialed a number.
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maddiphicent · 4 years
Paramay Day 3- Partners in Crime
(I apologize in advance that this is so long. Theres just so much information that goes along with this one and it's the para I'm most proud of that I really wanna infodump. Note this takes place in the once upon a time universe)
This is the story of the 2 people known to be the most dangerous people in the enchanted forest, Goldilocks and Drizella. After Goldilocks' dad, Rumplestiltskin, is thrown into jail, the royal guard comes to search his house for any valuables and stolen riches. As only one other person knew Rumplestiltskin had a daughter, Goldilocks quickly disguises herself as a prisoner of Rumple's, claiming she was captured 2 years prior when her parents gave her up to him. She said her name was Anastasia after the main character in a book she just read. The princess Cinderella makes the decision to allow her to live under their roof as the royal seamstress which pleases Goldilocks because now she can gather information about where her father is being held. It was there she met Drizella and fell in love almost immediately. Drizella wanted her too, but was already betrothed to a rich man. (Side note: if your wondering why Drizella is living under Cinderella's roof, her step mom uses magic to make her forget she was cruel to her).
After being caught kisisng in the corridor, Drizella was about to be sent away to immediately marry her betrothed. Goldilocks quickly formulates a plan to get the information on where her father is and to help Drizella escape in one night. Already a skilled swordswoman, she kills half the royal guards and breaks into Cinderella's room. She demands the map to where her father is being held, threatening to kill the pregnant princess if she doesnt get what she wants. Goldilocks is not a violent person, and never even planned on hurting the princess. The prince tells her where Rumple is but no more. In a panic, when the doors are burst open by more guards, she nicked the princesses stomach and jumps out the window where Drizella was waiting with horses to make their escape and go into hiding.
They spend most of their time in a tavern by the docks. No self respecting royal would go there as it was known for the pirate ships that tended to flock there. It was riddled with thieves, pirates, murderers, the best kind of crowd. Goldilocks was good at getting information from these people, to the point where she built a reputation. She would trade information with you, but not with money or riches, but with information of greater or equal value. Mostly it was where the entrance to caves and the evil queen, Regina's castle. Sometimes it was secrets on people, if their wives were cheating on them, boring stuff to Goldilocks. Drizella watched her as she traded secrets. It was almost like Goldilocks was a different person. So...cool, cold...sinister? If given wrong information she watched as Goldilocks would strike them down instantly in front of everyone then calmly sit back down, brush the blood off her gloves onto her handkerchief, then demand water to clean her dagger.
Drizella loved it. She wanted to be like this. She wanted to be feared and respected. She begged Goldilocks to teach her how to fight and she obliged. She took her to where she learned, illegal skitz fights, which took place under the bar ever 2 days. They started as a place for kids to learn how to be trained to actually fight in the ogre wars, but later became a place to let off steam. Every other day it was kids from as young as 10-19 to learn how to fight, on the other days it was for adults. As it was illegal, everyone went by an alias. Goldilocks was just Locks as noone would even believe her real name was Goldilocks anyway. Drizella chose Gem after the emerald dress Locks once made for her. Rules were simple, only fight to maim, and everyone votes at the end to see if it was a fair fight. If not, the victor then goes into a battle to the death with the best fighter. A healer was nearby to heal any wounds. It was mostly fun for the kids just to hang out and chill, while a fight went on in the background.
Drizella was a fast learner, and while never besting Goldilocks, she still became skilled enough to handle herself. Several times people would ransack their camp and they would take them out with ease. They built up a reputation as the most dangerous couple in the kingdom, though they didnt do much. Hell, it wasn't that they were all that dangerous, they were just quick. Most pirates (hell most people) liked to make a show and a game out of it, with witty banter and teasing. Goldilocks and Drizella didn't toy with their opponents, they stuck them down before they even saw a weapon. They never started anything, only finished. Attack if attacked. Nothing more than that. Except with wrong information.
You see, in this tough tavern you had to make yourself known to not be messed with. If given wrong information, Goldilocks didnt enjoy killing people, but she needed it to be known to not even try tricking her. She spent her whole life studying maps, reading books, sneaking out of her house to listen to people in bars and taverns. Shes read her fathers journals about his exploits and travels. And a magical relic she stole from in her fathers study that tells if one is being truthful or not helped too. She would only trade information as long as the motive behind it wasnt revenge. However, there were 2 exceptions to this, she would trade any information for, a boy named Balefire, and the maps of Snow White's secret dungeon.
Many people like to bullshit about Balefire claiming they knew him. "We go way back." "I saw him just last week!" "Hes just got married, didn't he?!" All killed instantly at Drizella's hand. She got the map of Snow White's dungeon when the Queen Snow White herself walked in. Hearing of the Evil Queen Regina's curse, she was desperate for anything that might save her and her unborn child. At first giving her the map of the actual dungeon, Goldilocks laughed and said "Regina is going to release a curse that will send us all to an eternity of hell." And stopped there. Snow White wanted more information as everyone knew that. Goldilocks reminded her everyone knew of that map too. She wanted the real map, where Rumplestiltskin was being held. Snow White debated (still not knowing this was his daughter) but eventually gave her the map. She told Snow White of a magical tree that could help her escape and gave her the name of someone else who can help, while trying her best not to shake with delight of the map. Drizella immediately went to planning on how to break into the dungeon, but Goldilocks told her they needed to wait. They needed information on Balefire. If they didnt get it in 1 week, then they would go.
The information about Balefire came to her exactly 3 days later. A pirate with half a hand came wandering in, wanting information about where Rumplestiltskin was. Knowing it was for revenge, she told him no. The pirate then said "I was told you would give up anything for information about Baelfire. I used to know one-" Goldilocks sneered and said "oh yeah. I'm sure hes your second cousins, 3rd uncle twice removed." Hesitating, the pirate continued, "well, the thing is...I dont know if it's the right one. This Baelfire lived 300 years ago your time." Goldilocks sat up straight. Usually able to collect and hide her emotions, now it was clear she was excited and eager to listen. Her father was never willing to talk to her about his son who, according to him, passed away centuries ago. The pirate smiled and gave her all the information about him that he had, including that the boy was still alive and where he probably was. Goldilocks jumped up and told him (truthfully) that Rumplestiltskin was being held in Snow Whites dungeon. Now Goldilocks had everything she needed. Mostly out of excitement, they worked fast to come up with a plan.
She stayed in the tavern for 2 more days as it was a safe house for her. Mostly using the skitz fight as loud background for Gem and Locks to secretly come up with a plan, there was a request for her to come back up to the bar. They gathered up all their stuff and found the half handed pirate, murder in his eyes. Angry that she had told him the wrong location of Rumplestiltskin. She told him she didnt lie, but the pirate was angry and now wanted a fight. Goldilocks, no longer needed the bar for information or a quiet place, obliged. Not wanting to kill him, she cut his hand off clean and ran. The pirate demanded his crew go after them. Drizella and Goldilocks fought them with ease.
They decided to enact their plan of breaking into the dungeon. They didnt have much time to plan, it was mostly a stealth mission, secretly dispatching of as many guards as possible then running into the dungeon and winging it from there. They got to her father, but they didnt expect more guards to come. Goldilocks told Drizella to run and hide before parting with a kiss. Drizella followed her instructions. Goldilocks screamed to her father that Baelfire was still alive and in a land without magoc. Her father was confused and begged the guards not to hurt his daughter as they threw her to the ground and shackled her. Goldilocks was then arrested on accounts of murder, kidnapping, and killing the royal baby. Most of this was news even to her. Apparently the nick she had caused to the princess's stomach was a deep gash that had killed the child but spared the princess. The story was then told that she kidnapped Drizella and ran away with her. Goldilocks felt horrible for killing the baby. She was sentenced to be burned at the stake in 3 days time. Rumplestiltskin panicked and told Drizella if she truly loved Goldilocks to go get the Evil Queen Regina. It took 2 days, but Regina did come to the cell. Rumplestiltskin begged Regina to activate the curse by tomorrow and that he would owe her a favor if she did. Regina reminded him that she'll remember this.
A day later, Goldilocks was tied to a stake in front of a crowd of angry citizens. She managed to find Drizella in the crowd and she smiled at Goldilocks in reassurance. Goldilocks didn't know whether to be relieved she was there, or afraid. But she still was glad that she was able to see her one last time.
The fire was lit. Some people in the crowd began cheering, for the royal baby was about to be avenged. Right as the flames reached her feet, Goldilocks saw a cloud of purple haze in the distance. She thought it was just the smoke from the fire until the cloud came closer and closer. Warning bells began to go off while people were shouting the queens curse was finally here. In the panic, Drizella ran to Goldilocks, her skirt catching on fire when she did, trying to free her. The flames had just reached Goldilocks torso, when the purple cloud had reached them.
Goldilocks awoke as Leslie Gold. No memory of the crimes that she had committed. No memory that she was almost burned. No memory of the tavern where killed so many. No memory of killing the royal guards or baby. And worst of all, no memory of Drizella, her partner in crime.
This was a lot and very poorly written and I apologize for that. I'm not very good at writing. This is the para I'm most proud of as with a lot of my paras I have to change the rules of the universe, but sometimes I actually get mad that Goldilocks isnt a real character in the ouat. I've managed to work her in perfectly with the story so very little is changed. I feel like she would have made a great character's but unfortunately Goldilocks and Drizella only exist in my head.
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a-holy-trinity · 5 years
OUAT AU (lowkey long) “Neverland Emma AU”
I’d love a OUAT AU where Emma decided to keep Henry but Rumpelstiltskin took him away to give to Regina (idk how nor do I care) and Emma goes after him and somehow lands up in Neverland and is trapped for a decade.
Hook had gone to Neverland right before the curse happened because he wanted to go back for Bae/Neil because he felt guilty and ends up getting stuck in Neverland then Emma arrives 18 years later.
Emma isn’t trusting of Hook at first but staying on the Jolly Roger is infinitely better than camping in the woods and avoiding Pan. While on the Jolly Roger in Neverland it’s discovered that she has powers and she practices them in her free time of evading Pan and the Lost Boys, while ignoring Hook’s flirting. She also uses her time to have Hook teach her how to sword fight.
She teams up with Hook to find Rumpelstiltskin and they make a portal to Storybrooke (that wasn’t the original destination, the original destination was Boston but the magic messes up and they end up in Storybrooke), arriving on what would be Emma’s 28th birthday if she hadnt been stuck in Neverland for a decade.
Emma meets Henry but doesn’t know that he’s her son, she just thinks he’s the mayor’s son that is really into fairytales (even if he doesn’t know they’re actually real).
Hook notices and remembers a few people in town but seeing how no one remembers him, he figures they’re under a curse. Hook doesn’t care enough to try to break it and, honeslty, neither does Emma (they’re here for Rumple and if he doesn’t remember than there is no satisfaction in hurting him and Emma wouldn’t learn the wearabouts of her son, and so Hook decides to not hurt Rumpelstiltskin until Emma gets her answers). She’s here for her son and nothing else.
Emma figures out how to place a barrier around the ship (even in the land of no magic) that only the crew and her own bloodline can enter while she starts researching and tracking where her son could be. One day she comes back to the ship to see Henry rooting through it and realizes that this kid is her son.
The curse gets broken shortly after when either Hook kisses Emma and true love (even though Emma says it’s not and claims it’s a flook because it’s Emma and she has walls and trust issues) or because she takes Henry out for ice cream one day and gives him a forehead kiss and bam, curse over.
The thing is, no one in town knows her name is Emma. Everyone knows her as Ms. Swan and when the curse breaks they know her as Ms. Swan, the terrifying teenage pirate who wields magic and hangs around Captain Hook. So Snow White and David are super skeptical of her and don’t realize she’s their daughter until
A. She gets arrested while stumbling home from the bar one day and David runs her fingerprints through the system and surprise surprise, it’s his kid. Drunk and in a jail cell, but still his kid. To make things worse she’s also so out of it that she’s rambling on about how her parents abandoned her and she was worried Henry would feel the same way she did, all of which breaks David’s heart.
B. Sometime after the curse broke she moved into Granny’s Inn and Red or Granny comes into her suite to clean it one day and they find the baby blanket so they go to tell David and Snow right away.
C. Hook one day calls her by her name and everyone is shocked except Emma, cause that’s her name. But when I say everyone I mean everyone, like some of David and Snow’s friends are there too and everyone has a moment of “oh shit” as they look at Emma and see the similarities between Emma and her parents.
D. All of the above
Now David and Snow are trying to bring up the fact that they are her parents while also apologizing for not trusting her and treating her poorly. Emma is too busy trying to plot revenge on Rumpelstiltskin for stealing her son (especially since he remembers now and since he remembers and has magic he’s on high alert so she has to plan really well) so she keeps brushing them off because every time the King and Queen approach her it’s super awkward and they always fumble over their words and talk about family and love and she is impatient so she always cuts them off and leaves. Henry convinces her to sit through a conversation with them but between Snow’s annoyingly hopeful and apologetic tones and David’s insistence that Captain Hook is a terrible influence, Emma can’t stand it.
And basically, Emma trying to ignore David and Snow while trying to plot revenge and David and Snow going to angst town and back because their daughter hates them (at least they think so) and trying their best to make her like them (even including randomly bringing her food, or inviting her for tea [which she always declines], or trying to get her to spend a night in the loft because they believe that has to be better than a creaky old ship and less expensive than Granny’s Inn [which she not only declines, but is offended by]). Everything about Emma’s relationship with her parents is two steps forward and one step back, especially since she doesn’t know they are her parents. And when she finds out she’s livid they didn’t tell her and refuses to even see them, locking herself away and avoiding them in public.
Emma finally goes after Rumpelstiltskin and when her parents find out what she’s about to do, by herself, they go after her and make it just in time to see her fall under a sleeping curse. They bring their daughter back to the loft and Hook goes all over town looking for her and can’t find her until Henry finds him to tell him what happened. He gets to the loft and David and Snow don’t want to let him in but he pushes past them and finds Emma unconscious on the couch. He rushes over and kisses her, scared out of his mind, she wakes up and he hugs her, ignoring her parents who are shook. Her parents then demand to know what she was thinking going after Rumpelstiltskin by herself and Emma, while annoyed that they are lecturing her, realizes that they truly love her and decides to make an effort to get to know them and it starts with tea twice a week and soon escalates to hanging out with at least one of them a few hours a day and occasionally crashing at the loft after family night.
TLDR: Emma decides to keep Henry, Rumpelstiltskin steals Henry, Emma winds up in Neverland with Hook, Hook falls in love with her in Neverland, they get to Storybrooke, they find Henry, they break the curse, everyone in town is super paranoid about Emma and doesn’t like her because they think she’s just a pirate, David and Snow find out she’s their kid and get hit with a guilt train because they were mean to her when they thought she was just a pirate but now they know and Emma is too busy plotting revenge on Rumple to care or even listen to them. When she finally finds out she’s mad at them for not telling her and refuses to speak to them. Emma then goes after Rumpelstiltskin, gets hit with a sleeping curse, and is awoken by Killian and true loves kiss. She realizes her parents love her and makes an effort to try and get to know them and be a big happy family.
**also, if you want to write a story like this please reblog this with a link or comment the link so I can read it! Thanks!!!*
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Magnificent and Furious Epilogue
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Summary: After many years, rumors swirl that the Evil Queen is back and filled with more vengeance than ever. But instead of setting her sights on Snow White she goes for the thing  Snow loves most, her beloved daughter Emma. For her own safety, Emma is to be transported to safety on an unassuming merchant ship, where she meets two indentured servants hoping for a way to find their freedom.
A/N: Well, this is it folks, the epilogue and with it the end of Magnificent and Furious. I would really like to thank everyone who reblogged, reviewed and left kudos on this fic, they mean the world to me.I would also like to thank the moderators of the @captainswanbigbang for hosting this fic writing event and connecting me to @princesse-swan and @justanotherwannabeclassic, without whom this fic would be nowhere near as good as it could be nor would it have all its gorgeous art!
last chapter/ AO3
The castle was as dark as it always was as he made his way to the central parlor, carrying the crystal ball in his hands. He had stolen the gift and curse of Future Sight long ago but he’s found in recent decades that the Sight alone can be faulty and unreliable. Everything was in place for Regina to cast the curse, to tear everyone into the Land Without Magic, and thereby bringing just enough to allow him to keep all the power and prestige he would need to find Bae.
What little of his heart clenched at the thought, he had been delayed in finding his son but soon it’ll happen. Regina might have failed him but there were other ways. There was always another lost soul to lead down the wrong path. Someone strong enough to crush the heart of the thing they love most and not disappoint him at the last moment.
He set the crystal ball on the long table and sat in front of it, willing the cloudy interior of the ball to show him what he needed. A weakness, a doubt, anything that could be pushed and prodded that would present him with another pupil strong enough to cast the curse. Zelena’s face swam up from the cloudy depths, but he waved it away in frustration. Yes, she was powerful, more powerful than Regina in fact, but she was also obsessive and possessive. A combination that more than guaranteed that it was he who Zelena loved most. Her crushing his heart in order to cast this curse would be more than just counterproductive.
Zelena’s face morphed into that of Emma, the Savior herself. It was a tempting thought and indeed the girl was powerful. She had a ruthlessness to her that could be very easily exploited, but he would need her down the line and as a Savior rather than his student. He pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration and leaned back in his chair. Serve him right for trying to rely on Sight and prophecy to give him the answers. He should know better than anyone that the ways of the future are ever changing, ever swaying this way and that like leaves blown helplessly through the wind.
What if he never found a way to not only cross realms but bring magic into an unmagic land? A small part of him thought, despite all his best efforts. What would he do here? Wait for some desperate soul to stab him with that damned dagger? A face he had tried to forget drifted into his mind’s eye. Belle. Something akin to shame settled in his belly, the girl had only wanted to help. She thought she saw behind the darkness and in her attempt to save him had attempted a True Love’s Kiss. Rumple sighed and rose from his chair, sweeping to the other end of the room where his spinning wheel stood. It had almost worked her kiss but who were they kidding? The Darkness broken by a simple kiss? It never would have worked truly.
He began to spin the pile of straw, weaving it into fine gold thread, all thoughts of Belle and true loves and kisses ebbing away as he focused in. It was useless anyway, Belle was long gone from this world. Just as everyone else he cared for was. At least if he found a new pupil, a new mark, to cast the curse he would have a way to find Bae. He’d have the slimmest chance of starting anew with his boy, but it was better than no chance at all.
With a frustrated sigh and a wave of his hand, the crystal ball had returned to his palm waiting to reveal more lost and desperate souls he could use. It revealed a young man’s face, dark hair, and light blue eyes, pouring over books in a darkened room. Rumple looked closer, spotting a flamberge sword with the tip shorn off laying on a table next to the youth. Rumple dug his dagger out of his pocket, looking closely at where it was forged at the hilt. He smiled when he realized just who he was looking at. Young King Arthur, newly crowned in Camelot after miraculously pulling a sword from a stone. Clearly, not all of the sword though, as since Rumple held a portion of it in his hand. He watched as Arthur frantically flipped through the pages of the book he was reading, anxiously looking for a way to repair the sword before his people realized he’s a fraud. Yes, Rumple thought, this is just the soul I need.
The crystal ball’s inner fog dissolved to show the Savior, Emma running up a dark staircase followed by a dark-haired young man.
“Find us a ship to Camelot,” she said as they climbed the stairs back to the castle.
“We are going to bring down the darkness once and for all,” Emma said, taking her hand in his. “That is if you’ll come with me.” Her voice sounded soft and distorted through the crystal’s glass but Rumple could hear the determination in her voice nonetheless.
“Oh we’ll see about that dearie,” Rumple muttered, a smirk on his face as he set the crystal ball down beside him.
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searchingwardrobes · 6 years
Christmas in Storybrooke: 4/13
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This chapter has some parts from Emma’s point of view as well as some CS fluffiness with hints of pancakes :) Updates will be daily from now until New Years. (God help me!)
Summary: My Hallmark Christmas movie fic in which flights get cancelled and Henry’s “best friend’ gets snowed in with him in his quirky hometown for Christmas. Only with magic and fairy tale characters.
Rating: M for suggestive scenes and adult situations, not smut
Trigger warnings: Henry is an adult. Read that again: Henry is an adult. Look at the picset: that’s Andrew J. West. If Henry actually behaving like an adult makes you feel icky, the don’t read this.
 Can also be read on A03
Tagging @snowbellewells @kmomof4 @jennjenn615 @kday426 @whimsicallyenchantedrose @teamhook @bethacaciakay @snidgetsafan @delirious-latenight-laughs @winterbaby89 @yohoyohoafandomlifeforme @distant-rose
 Chapter Four: Sleigh Ride
Emma felt odd sitting at her parent’s dining room table in one of the plush chairs from the living room. Even after all these years, she wasn’t used to being fussed over. She even still chaffed at her husband’s constant care and attention, made only worse by Dr. Whale’s diagnosis of preeclampsia. Her hand rubbed absently over her swollen abdomen. She wouldn’t deny that this cushioned seat was doing so much more for her back than the wooden dining room chair would have.
She looked around the table at those gathered around. Her father was spooning more mashed potatoes onto Robyn’s outstretched plate while simultaneously laughing with Killian over something. Zelena nudged her daughter, admonishing her to stop with the mashed potatoes already, then gave David an apology. Emma pressed her fingers to her lips and swallowed a giggle. Who would have ever expected the Wicked Witch of the West to be admonishing her daughter to be a more polite guest in Prince Charming and Snow White’s home?
Killian caught her delighted expression and winked at her, then took her hand and kissed it. He didn’t let it go when Belle said something to him on the other side of the table. Her mother rose to pull a fussy Ava out of her high chair. Regina reached for the baby eagerly, and Snow handed her over. Regina made faces at the baby and tickled her tummy.
Emma’s eyes drifted to her oldest son who was making gestures with his hands as he explained something to his Grandpa Rumple across the table. Evangeline threw her head back and laughed as she lightly touched Henry’s arm. Rumple folded his hands under his chin, only the slightest smile lifting one half of his mouth at the obviously hilarious story. Evie patted Henry’s shoulder, then started talking animatedly. Emma assumed she must be adding to whatever tale Henry was weaving.
“What are you thinking, my love?” Killian whispered in her ear.
She gave him a small smile and a wink. “For one precious moment, everyone is getting along. I’m enjoying it while I can.”
He chuckled and brushed a kiss to her forehead.
Grandpa David – Uncle David Henry mentally corrected – stood in front of the fireplace in the farmhouse living room with an eager grin on his face. He rubbed his hands together gleefully.
“Okay,” he announced to the family gathered around the Christmas tree, “Sn - ahem, Mary Margaret and I decided that instead of gifts this year -”
The children all suddenly groaned.
“Now wait a minute,” David said teasingly, crossing his arms and casting a glare at all the kids, “you haven’t let me finish. Instead of gifts, we’re giving experiences.”
Grandma Snow – Aunt Mary Margaret Henry corrected once again – joined her husband with a huge smile dimpling her face. “It's something I read about on a blog. See, instead of things, you arrange something for you and your loved ones to do together. Most of you will be receiving tickets to certain things on Christmas morning -”
At that, the kids perked up and started to whisper excitedly.
“Are you gonna take us to Disney World?” Charlie asked in a high-pitched squeal.
“Just wait and see,” his grandmother replied in a sing-song voice. Henry shook his head. She was still horrible at keeping secrets.
“Whaddya need to go to Disney World for?” Robyn piped up with a roll of her eyes. “Just take the Joll-”
Zelena grabbed her daughter’s arm.
“Ow!” she protested. “What was that for?”
Zelena glared at her daughter.
“Anyway,” David jumped back in, “the first gift we’re giving was kind of a last minute one, and we’re so excited that we pulled it off.”
Snow made her way over to Evangeline and took her hands. “I know how hard it must be to miss Christmas with your family. But, being in Maine means you can check off some Christmas traditions you can’t get down south in Atlanta.”
David leaned and looked out the window. “They’re here, darling.”
“Everyone bundle up and meet us on the porch!” Snow called. “We’ve got a gift for Henry’s friend Evie.”
Evie turned wide eyes on Henry. “What is all this about?”
He shrugged. “I guess we better go see.”
The kids beat everyone out the door, and by the time Henry and Evie got bundled up and headed out, they had to get up on their toes to see the front yard of the farmhouse. Parked there was a white sleigh trimmed in red, with Buttercup hitched to the front. The cream-colored horse shook her mane and the sound of jingle bells filled the air. Sitting on the driver’s seat was a scowling Grumpy. Lined up behind the first sleigh were six more, each being driven by one of the dwarves.
“Merry Christmas, Evie!” Snow exclaimed, clapping her hands with glee.
“Okay, everybody!” David shouted. “Line up to ride! Two to a sleigh, or two adults and one child.”
Henry grabbed his mom. “We have this many sleighs and horses in Storybrooke?”
“For the horses, three are your Grandpas and the other four came from Storybrooke Stables. As for the sleighs,” Regina shrugged, “well you only said Evie coudn’t see any magic.”
Henry’s gaze found Evie, who was standing with her mittened hands pressed to her mouth, her eyes shining.
“Oh, Mrs. Nolan,” she gasped, “this is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done . . . “
She trailed off, rendered speechless, and Henry’s grandma embraced her. “It’s your gift, so you get to go first. Who do you want to ride with?”
Evie’s gaze met Henry’s as all three of his siblings ran to Evie, tugging at her arm and begging to ride with her. The last thing he wanted to do was share this sleigh ride with a little kid wedged between the two of them. He pushed his way towards Evie and extended his hand.
“If I may,” he said, struggling to remember the charming ways of the men in his family, “I would like to share this ride with Evangeline. Just the two of us?”
She smiled and took his hand. He tried to ignore the groans of protest from his siblings, and the looks exchanged between the adult members of his family. Instead, he guided Evie down the front walk and helped her into the sleigh. He stepped inside, adjusted the wool blanket on the seat across their laps, and told Grumpy they were ready to go.
“This farm is beautiful,” Evie sighed, taking in the snow laden pines, oaks, and maples all around them. She snuggled down in her seat, a contented smile upon her face. “I feel like I’m living a Hallmark Christmas movie. All this snow, and the festival, and ice skating . . . now this? Thank you so much Henry for giving this to me. For bringing me here.”
She smiled up at him, and the muscles in his arms twitched. He ached to put his arm around her, and maybe yesterday he would have, before he was aware of how he felt about her. Evie had never shied away from his touch. She would grab his arm or his hand, lean against his shoulder when she was tired, grab him around the waist for a hug when she was upset. He suddenly realized she had always been the one to initiate those things.
She shivered, then yawned. Henry took a deep breath, then lifted his arm and put it around her shoulder. She melted into him, shifting to cuddle deeper into his side. He lowered his cheek and rested it against the top of her head.
“I’m glad you’re here too,” he told her.
They were silent for a few moments, enjoying the whooshing sound of the sleigh and the jiggling of the horse’s bells. A lantern swung from a hook at Grumpy’s side on the driver’s seat, and it cast bright beams of light across the fallen snow. A few yards behind them, they could hear Robyn and Hope singing “Jingle Bells’ at the top of their lungs as his Aunt Zelena begged them to stop. Evie looked up at him and laughed as the girls dissolved into pre-teen giggles.
“Your aunt and uncle are so nice,” Evie commented. “Why have you never mentioned them?”
“Um . . .” Henry awkwardly cleared his throat, “I don’t know. I guess I just talk about Neal more?”
“And your grandparents? I thought they were the ones who owned the farm. Where are they?”
“They’re . . . on a cruise.” He winced at the blatant lie as he pulled his arm away from Evie. It didn’t feel right to make a move on her when he was keeping so much from her.
She didn’t speak again for the rest of the sleigh ride, neither did she look at him. He tried to tell himself she was just enjoying the scenery, but he couldn’t ignore the tension that had suddenly fallen between them.
An hour later, Emma had her feet propped up on the ottoman, her toes reaching towards the fire place of her own living room. Killian was sitting on the floor next to her, and her fingers were absentmindedly in his hair. She looked over at the sofa where Henry and Evie sat. Henry’s arm was draped across the back of the couch, almost but not quite touching Evie’s shoulder. The girl herself was as close as she could be to Henry without actually touching him. Both wore Santa hats on their heads that they had gotten at the Snow Festival earlier in the day. When they had first gotten home from the farm, Evie had chased Henry around the living room for ten minutes before convincing him to don the hat so she could take a selfie to post on Instagram. Now they sat alternating between staring into their mugs of hot chocolate and steeling glances at one another. The four of them had been chatting in front of the fire ever since the kids had all gone to bed, and a lull had settled comfortably around them.
Evie let out a sigh and dropped her head on Henry’s shoulder. “I’m tired,” she said with a small yawn. “I think I’ll head upstairs to bed.”
“You know,” Henry commented with forced nonchalance, “I’m pretty tired myself. I’ll go up too.”
Killian tilted his head back to share a knowing glance with Emma, and she hid her chuckle by taking a sip of her own cocoa.
“Good night, lad,” Killian called behind them, “good night, Evangeline.”
“Good night,” they chorused back. Emma craned her neck to see Henry’s hand hover at the small of Evie’s back, then she couldn’t see them anymore.
“He’s in love with her,” Emma told her husband softly once she was sure they were out of earshot.
“I know,” Killian chuckled, “I think all of Storybrooke can tell.”
“Except for Evie.” Emma sighed as Killian shifted to rest his head in her lap. “He loves her but won’t tell her because he’s too clueless to see that she loves him back.”
“Don’t worry, love,” he told her, sitting back up so he could look at her, “they’ll sort it out. Just like we did so long ago.”
Emma’s breath caught at the way his hair was all disheveled from where her fingers had been running through it, the way his cheeks were flushed from sitting so close to the fire, and the way his lips quirked up in that roguish half-smile of his. She groaned when she bent over to try and haul him to her, her broad abdomen getting in the way.
Killian’s expression quickly morphed to one of concern at the sudden sound, and he rose quickly to his knees beside her. “Are you well?” he asked, cupping her face with his hand and prosthetic.
Instead of answering or even rolling her eyes as she was so wont to do, she lunged forward instead to give him a rough kiss. She felt him smile beneath her lips, and then he was giving as good as he got. She clutched desperately at his shirt, their teeth clashing with the force of her assault.
“Take me upstairs, pirate,” she ordered before nipping at his earlobe.
“Emma,” he protested feebly as she trailed kisses down his neck, “Whale said -”
“No over-exerting myself, I know,” Emma huffed. She pouted at Killian as she pulled away. “Do you have any idea how horny pregnant women can get?”
He smirked at her, “I’ve experienced it first-hand twice, my dear.”
“Is that supposed to be joke?” Emma couldn’t help quipping with a wink. Then she put on her most seductive smile, draped her arms around his neck, and spoke with her lips just hovering over his. “I know you can be gentle with me, Killian. Please? I want you.”
She almost gave a satisfied smirk of her own when she saw the sheer lust shining in his eyes. But instead she let out a yelp as he stood and scooped her up into his arms in one smooth motion.
“If the lady insists . . . “
“Oh I do,” she purred. Then she bit her lip as he headed for the stairs. “I’m not too heavy am I?”
She asked him the same thing every night. He smiled down at her.
“I’ve carried rum barrels heavier than you.”
She smiled at the familiar line as he toyed with the hair at the nape of his neck. “You know, I like that line better now than the first time.”
“Because your pregnant and worried it changes how I feel?”
“No. Because it’s my husband saying it.”
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hitchell-mope · 6 years
Descendants raised by the once upon a time characters (up to season six)
Ben raised by rumplestiltskin and belle along with a grown up Gideon with Neal dropping in to time to time (here swan fire happened)
Carlos and Evie being adopted along with Henry by Regina (mostly because in an original draft of the script Regina had adopted three children)
Mal being Lily’s baby sister and mal and ben trying to set lily up with Gideon because they want their siblings to have what they have
Gil being orphaned after Gaston was killed and belle convincing rumple to take him in (I need sibling bengil)
Harry being the son of Milah and Killian and joining in on his dads plans for revenge against rumplestiltskin
Regina full on supporting Carlos dating jay but struggling to accept Evie dating Doug though she still tries to support them. Then Henry meets gil (I wanted bi Henry ok)
Both Carlos and Ben being drawn to the dagger and no one can quite figure out why
Uma and Lonnie looking to Emma as a role model and Emma telling uma to at least try to make up with mal because she knows first hand how far a feud can go
Snow White taking Jane under her wing and helping her up her confidence
Chad babysitting Alexandra and Audrey babysitting Phillip and realising that no, they are not the centre of the universe
Harry meeting uma and Gil who here have been nurtured. Henry willingly gives up his chance at love so gil can be happy with harry and Uma
Then Henry meets Jane
Ben being dragged by Henry into spying on Emma and Neals dates.
“Henry can you hear that”. “No what is it?” “Probably nothing”
Evie siding with the queen in season six to try to stop her from going too far
Ben trying to get Gideon out from under Fiona’s influence
Instead of Emma it’s HARRY who becomes the dark one trying to save GIL who the darkness targeted. With Emma having to hold uma back and snow having to hold Gil back as they scream Harry’s name
Ben convincing Mal to use the wand to get to Camelot. She’s of course reluctant until rumple asks her how would she feel if she were in Uma and Gils position then she sees Umas tear stained face
Killian still becomes a dark one here because Harry’s already lost his mother he doesn’t want to lose his father
Killian doesn’t die. Harry does by killian’s hand. Uma nearly kills killian for it but Neal convinces her otherwise.
And in the underworld it’s huma who does the heart scale thing
Meanwhile Ben and Carlos keep hearing the dagger call to them.
Turns out the dagger was calling to the most corruptable and it’s not Carlos.
Don’t worry though this time rumple saves his son by taking the power upon himself again
In the author world it’s both Lily and mal who guard Emma. And ben is the second in command of evil snows army. Guyliner included.
The failure to capture Emma Henry Neal and hook results in bend heart being crushed. This makes Mal turn to Emma
Henry is accompanied by Evie and Carlos. And they have to make up surnames. For example: Mallory Perrault for mal.
The queens wish in season six has s ripple effect. If Emma was never the savour that means the descendants kids Henry and Gideon would never be born. Evie’s last words are “mommy help”. Bens is “what the hell” Gideon’s last words to Lily are “find Emma”. Mal has to watch ben disintegrate. Lily has to watch Mal disintegrate. You get the idea. Of course belle is distraught because she never got to say good bye.
Here it’s Neal Regina and hook who go to the wish realm. (Hooked Queen happens here). Of course Hook gets jealous of wish Robin.
The cliff hanger is basically the same it’s just this is an alternate Gideon that was kidnapped by Fiona. The real Gideon is dead. And the descendants kids are brought back by David reversing the wish
Who believes and who doesn’t:
Evie never left her princess phase so of course she believes Henry but she finds it hard to believe that their mother is evil. Mal freaking loves the idea her mother is maleficent and is intrigued at having a sister. Ben believes Henry but can’t reconcile the man he knows with the satanic imp that the book describes him as. Carlos wants no part of it cause that means that his birth mother is CRUELLA DE VIL and nobody wants that. And besides Carlos loves dogs. Gil is torn between happy that his old life was a literal fairy tale but heartbroken that rumple killed his birth father. Jane is a wee bit perplexed that her mother is mother superior (had to make her the blue fairy’s daughter here cause Cinderella’s godmother was black in ouat) but she goes along with it. Lonnie is HUGELY pleased her mother is Mulan (cause cmon who wouldn’t be) but she never meets her (mulan was never in storybrooke now was she?). Chad can’t believe his father a prince fell for a serving girl. This earns him a black eye from ben. The book actually drives a wedge between mal and Audrey who here grew up together and were childhood friends. Mal isn’t the most kind person in the world unless your ben jay Evie or Carlos so she doesn’t see what wrong with the sleeping curse. After Henry eats the turnover Carlos and Evie let Regina have it. They say Emma wasn’t harming anyone but Regina’s ego and move into the loft with the Nolan’s. It’s cramped but they manage. Doug has no reason to believe or not to believe. All he has is a mute father and six uncles with pretty select quirks. After the curse breaks ben goes into panic mode thinking the dark one curse in hereditary and he’ll turn into a beast like rumple (Maurice does not help matters by glossing over the better aspects of rumple and magnifying the worst aspects). Mal manages to calm him down by trying and failing at dragoning up showing him that no they are not carbon copies of their parents
Season 2 of course brings the arrival of killian and harry. Emma does not like killian or harry. (I reiterate here swanfire happens) but she does try to get through to him because a life centred on killing the “crocodile” doesn’t sound like the healthiest home life. While Regina is trying to regain her magic after that’s vine fluke Evie’s gone to rumple to see if she has magic herself. Bens gone to David to ask to teach him how to sword fight cause he’s always wanted to be a knight
Henry’s is still kidnapped and Neal still gets shot and meets mulan and tells her she should be very proud of Lonnie but this time harry goes with them to neverland and he’s the one to tell David about the neverland water that will save him. And when they get back Neal tells them Lonnie he met her mother. And she happy cries. This time Neal lives (as he should’ve)
Of course the major difference here is that HENRY HAS KIDS HIS OWN ABE TO HANG OUT WITH. And not several adults trying to fix the problems they all caused.
Mal uma and Evie would still have their hair colours (cause I’m attached to it
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theonceoverthinker · 6 years
OUAT 2X03 - Lady of the Lake
Did you think it was safe to go back in the water?
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Well, you’re half right!
While there’s not a lake, you CAN go below the fathom of the cut to see my thoughts on this episode, and that’s cool too!
Press Release Emma and Mary Margaret, with the aid of Mulan, Aurora and brave knight Lancelot, attempt to find a portal that will bring them back to Storybrooke. But a dark force threatens their safe return. And Henry tries to talk Jefferson into reuniting with his daughter. Meanwhile, back in the fairytale land that was, on the eve of meeting Prince Charming’s mother, King George poisons Snow White, and the only antidote lies within the waters of the Lady of the Lake. General Thoughts - Characters/Stories/Themes and Their Effectiveness Past So this is another case of the segment being all well and good, but not leaving me with a lot to say. I think the story worked pretty effectively, the characters were pretty consistent, and it was an enjoyable and emotional story to take in. I actually got choked up as Ruth was dying.
I did have an interesting character point to make about King George: ”I had a son I loved die before his time.” Now, when you take “A Murder Most Foul’s” flashback into consideration, should one consider George’s love for James as being love to the best of his understanding, albeit more problematic (Along the lines of Cora for Regina or a certain Infinity War spoiler) or as a fake love that’s just for show? His next line about wanting to “replace” James and the fact that he cried at James’ funeral makes me think of the former. Enchanted Forest I’ll never get over how disturbing Cora is when she pretends to be friendly. Normally, with characters like Umbridge, the creepiness of a false friend character comes from how sickly sweet they are, but that’s absolutely not the case with Cora. She plays her roles so naturally that if she were any other character, I feel like I’d believe her at first sight. There’s a warmth in her voice and a gentleness to her being, and that holds over to when she’s “Coralot” too.
Emma and Snow have a really great conflict in this episode. Emma’s unfamiliarity with the fairytale aspects of her culture when combined with her stubbornness allows her to gel really well against Snows understanding of the world and people here and it pits them together in a very interesting scenario where they’re definitely not fully getting along, but there’s unquestionable love there.
Additionally, the metaphorical as well as physical place where this episode brings Emma to is just beautiful. I actually forgot just how good the buildup of Emma and Snow’s relationship was, but the way that the episode builds so subtly and slowly to that revelation leaves me speechless as I am overcome by how profound it is.
“I’m not use to someone putting me first.” It’s so beautifully sad hearing Emma’s voice break as she says this. I know how a lot of people wanted more backstory for Emma, and don’t get me wrong, I’d never oppose an Emma-centric, but I feel like lines like this capture everything we need to know about Emma’s backstory better than any centric could. In this line is a dropping of one’s guard and vulnerability.
One thing that I think is misconstrued in this fandom is strength. Strength in this show is not simply the ability to yield a sword, make snappy one liners, or destroy an apple tree. Strength in this series is emotional vulnerability. Characters in this show are at their strongest when they make they discuss the darkness in their lives and why it made them who they are or what they discovered on their journey. Try to think of your favorite main character and your favorite moments with them. I’m pretty sure that among the more serious moments you chose, those where they expose the most raw parts of themselves to those they love rank highly. That’s why I love the final scene between Emma and Snow in the bedroom. It’s a revelation, and an empowering revelation, one that will come back during their later confrontation with Cora on the way home.
And speaking of Cora again...
Cora’s display of power in the episode’s climax is really amazing here. In the past, the only beings we saw her go up against with her magic had no magical or weapon-based abilities (Or in Regina’s case, she wasn’t aware of those abilities) and in this episode, we saw her magic take down not only Emma, a tough fighter, but Snow, someone we just saw shoot an ogre in the eye, as well like it were nothing. It made her (temporary) defeat so much more meaningful as it (a) involved Emma learning from her fairytale surroundings and (b) only came about as a means of unpredictability thanks to Mulan, allowing for Cora to retain that menace. Storybrooke I love how David is the only Charming who hasn’t spent an extended amount of time with Henry, thus passively characterizing him as the only one who wouldn’t see Henry running away from school coming from a mile away. That leads to some great bonding between the characters and further paints just how deep in the shit David is.
This segment does a great job with Henry. We see not only how good of a schemer he is, but also how vulnerable and unfamiliar Henry is with these magical elements. It’s rare that Henry gets such a central role, but when he does, until he hits his adult iteration, it’s important that these two things are present. Henry retains his competence as both someone who can weasel out of pretty much anything and someone who knows how to emotionally bring people together. But, the story is also clear to show his failings when his search goes too far with the snakes. It paints him as a kid, someone who can be overwhelmed with circumstances, but can also handle quite a lot, painting a more nuanced picture to his character. Additionally, while it’s only in one speech towards the end of the episode, we see the first inklings of Henry’s several seasons-long arc of wanting to be a hero in the same vein as Snow and Charming. Henry gets to talk about how he wants to sword fight and ride horses All Encompassing The theme of this episode is parents putting their children first and it’s pretty overtly shown. Note that every character framed positively (Snow, Emma, Regina, Charming, Ruth, and Jefferson) intrinsically knows this to be true and only needs to prove their understanding of this to someone else or reinforce it for the audience’s sake (Snow and Emma risk their lives fighting monsters to protect and get back to their kids, Regina respects Henry’s wish not to see her by getting David to pick her up, Charming doing more to involve Henry in their quest to save everyone, Ruth through not taking the potion, and Jefferson through heeding Henry’s advice and finding Grace for her own sake). Meanwhile, those negatively framed (Cora and George) take steps that belittle what their children want (Trying to get back to Regina after Regina banished her and George making Snow infertile). It’s a very well delivered theme that’s effectively felt throughout the episode. Insights - Stream of Consciousness -Emma, run! She’s bad news! -I really miss the more unorthodox Operation names. Cobra, Scorpion, Firebird, and Mongoose were just so clever and while those with weaker names are cool too, if only because they were normally named by characters who aspire to be more like Henry, I do like the really out there ones! -Watching the tall-as-hell Lancelot hugging the teeny-weeny Snow is just the most adorable thing ever! -”We can trust him.” *Rumple clips about knowing the future proceeds to play forever* -I actually completely forgot this subplot of Aurora being out for Emma and Snow’s blood! And now Aurora’s got a knife! -Lancelot’s actor, Sinqua Walls, does remarkably subtle yet poignant acting as a disguised Cora. -”Family is everything. Losing all hope of having one -- there is no greater misery.” *Can’t help but roll my eyes as I don’t want kids* -I’m loving watching this great Emma and Snow scene while Aurora is trailing them in the background. I missed that the first time! -Regina looks so cute in her moving outfit! Everyone rocks short sleeves in my not-so-humble opinion and Regina/Lana is living proof of that! -I would pay real money to see who had the balls to ask a magically-powered Regina to leave! -What a douchey throw! It’s bad enough you poison Snow, but throw her out? What a douche! -Awwww! Ruth is just so fucking cute!!! -I love how Charming’s performing his biggest display of sword prowess yet in the exact place where Anna taught it to him! -”Back away from my daughter!” Anyone else getting a Molly Weasley vibe here, or is it just me? -Ruth is just so loving to Snow and it’s so beautiful!!! -Going back to those short sleeves, Emma’s quite the contender too!!! -You have to wonder, did Henry know his late grandpa’s name from his book or Regina or did he just discover that little tidbit now in the vault? While Henry does give a weird look at the placard with the name, given how Regina visits his grave, it’s possible that he learned it from her or even through the book. -Also, not to beat a dead horse, but I love how Henry has an easier time unlocking the secrets of the vault than Graham. -Not to jump on a bandwagon that I don’t much care for, but Regina, you really should return those hearts. -”Maybe we should’ve gone with Operation Viper.” This is an underrated one liner. -Nice segue between the vault and the bones. XD -Ruth, no! Snow’s infertility is a temporary problem that can possibly be fixed with help from the fairies. Your problem? Not so much! I’m so glad that Snow learned from this come Season 6 when it came to another curse that befell her. “Parents put their children first,” indeed. -I know it’s night time, but i hate how dark this scene in the castle is. This is such a poignant scene, Emma discovering what should have been her room, but it’s so hard to make out! -I’m legitimately choking up at Ruth’s death. -Lancey, trust me. You want to stay FAR AWAY from that cup! -Okay, so all of my Ruth tears went away the SECOND Snow pulled out that sword on “Coralot!” Snow, I love you so much!!! You’re such a badass! -”I killed him [Lancelot] a long time ago.” Don’t be so sure about that, Cora! -Why does no one try to put the fire out? Like, water, a blanket? At least try! -Again with the badass segues from a roaring fire to a candle. Also, that candle reminds me of a “yahrzeit” candle, a candle that those who follow Judaism light in honor of deceased relatives. -”Is there something I should know about?” I love you, David! You’re doofy as all hell and I love you for it! Arcs - How are These Storylines Progressing? Emma accepting her parents - This was such an important episode to further this arc. The scene in what should have been Emma’s room is particularly poignant because for the first time, Emma gets to see a physical manifestation of all of Snow’s hopes and dreams for Emma and the fact that it’s all in ruin matches perfectly with the feeling of the two of them as to where their relationship is as of now (Note how after their final scene, Snow’s final look at the bedroom shows it repaired and in its original glorious state once more). Additionally, Snow in general gets to prove her support to Emma in this episode through her sheer protectiveness. And Emma’s speech in her old room is just a magnificent moment of realization that follows through on the conflict from “Broken.” Finally, she’s given context and it’s this that brings about the change in her. Emma and Snow stuck in the EF - We get to see a bit more of an exploration as to how Emma and Snow can hope to get home. I think this plot is so far going at a good pace, balancing out character work (see above) with exposition and world building. Storybrooke working to get them back - While not doing much in terms of forwarding the plot, David comes to the realization of needing to work together with Henry to bring Emma and Snow back. Regina’s Redemption - Regina’s redemption doesn’t get a lot of focus in this episode, but there are two big actions having to do with it. The first, obviously, is Regina preparing to leave the mayor’s office. It’s a great show as to the progress she’s trying to make and a great progression of her efforts. The second is shown not through her, but through Cora’s sheer determination to get to Storybrooke, something that threatens (And succeeds temporarily) to undo Regina’s redemption. Favorite Dynamic Henry and Jefferson - Now, to be honest, Emma and Snow had the best dynamic, but since they’re the main players in their plot, I wanted to highlight another dynamic so that I wouldn’t run the risk of repeating myself. Additionally, I did find that this was a great dynamic and given the hard time I’ve given Jefferson’s present form, I wanted to highlight just how impressed I was with him here. For the first time since the past segments of his centric, I didn’t feel like Jefferson was behaving like a moron while communicating. He, while still clearly agitated and off, was clear and actually spoke like someone who wanted to persuade Henry to leave him alone. This is what I wanted from a Jefferson scene because it’s consistent with his past self and pits him against a belief-heavy character at his lowest point who can relate to this conflict, but still disagree and provide real advice. And Henry’s a good character to do this with. He has a childlike innocence and bluntness that would make Jefferson more likely to talk with him. There’s even a great contrast to Jefferson’s common line through Henry: “Not knowing is the worst” and because so much of Henry’s current anger at Regina (And later on this season, Emma) comes from not knowing, it’s especially strong. Writer Andrew Chambliss and Ian Goldberg, last season’s best writers, are up for their first shot at bat this season and they knocked it out of the fucking park! Three fantastic stories were told and the portrayal of the episode’s theme was very well shown, and only one occasion made it anything but subtle. I’d say that this is their best episode since “Fruits of the Poisonous Tree” just on the centralized theme and Emma’s speech. Rating Golden Apple This episode was delightful. As I said before, each ot the stories were really fun to watch and that was made even better through their combined theme. Each character got their time to shine, in ways both outward (Ex. Snow, Ruth, and Emma) and subtle (Regina). Additionally, Emma’s character development as she and Snow explored the land and all of its dangers was simply divine. Finally, we got to see Cora at her best (Or rather, at her worst) and further reinforced her menace as the main villain of the half season. Flip My Ship - Home of All Things “Shippy Goodness” Snowing - Snow and Charming are just so dopily in love in this episode and Ruth is such a great show of that. Throughout the episode, she’s so giddy and happy for them and she just makes every Snowing moment a million times cuter! ()()()()()()()()() This season better find a new body of water soon because it is on FIRE! Thankfully, I think I know just where it can find one. We just have to follow the crocodile. ;)
Thanks for reading and as always to the fine folks at @watchingfairytales for putting this together and helping me keep the lights on. See you all next time!
Season 2 Tally (30/220)
Writer Tally for Season 2: Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis: (10/60) Jane Espenson (20/50) Andrew Chambliss and Ian Goldberg (10/50)
Operation Rewatch Archives Tags: ouat, once upon a time, watching fairytales, ouat episode code, ouat rewatch, jenna watches ouat, ships mentioned
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lilacmoon83 · 4 years
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 5: Revision
Emma watched David scour the woods in front of her with scrutiny. For a guy that used to seem so confused, he certainly seemed really put together now.
"Oh my God…" she heard him call, as she started running out of the woods and she hurried after him. That's when they saw her car in a ditch on the side of the rural road.
"Mary Margaret!" he cried, as he searched the car and all around it.
"She's not here…" he said, as his hopes were dashed.
"No...but there are footprints and none of them are hers. Look," Emma called, as she pointed to a set of tracks.
"You're right...those are too big to be hers, which means someone carried her off," he growled and it was an intensity she had never heard from him. They began to follow the set of tracks and a car passed them going the opposite direction, which they didn't think anything of at the moment. Until they came upon a large house on the rural road.
"Any idea who lives here?" Emma asked.
"No...but I know who will and whoever it is...they were probably in that car," he said.
"There is someone that will know," he said.
"Gold?" Emma asked.
"Trust me...he knows everything about this damn town," David replied, as they headed back to town.
He saw them coming before they did and normally, he would refuse to help. But now that Regina had made such a foolish move, things had drastically changed in his visions and helping was in his best interest. As he always did, when his vision changed, he made the necessary revision.
"Dammit Jefferson...this was not part of my plan," he growled, as he went to the picture on the wall and opened the wall safe behind it. Fortunately, he had planned for everything and though he loathed traveling beyond Storybrooke's borders, he knew the time would come when he needed to. It just wasn't supposed to be to retrieve Snow White. However, her absence in Storybrooke seriously jeopardized the curse being broken and that would sully everything he had worked for. He grabbed two bluish potions, just as David and Emma stormed into the pawn shop.
"Charming," Gold addressed the Prince. Emma didn't miss it and momentarily narrowed her gaze, before pushing that aside for the task at hand.
"Who lives in the mansion near the outskirts of town on Misthaven Road?" David questioned.
"His name is Jefferson and he is a former employee of mine," Gold revealed.
"We think he kidnapped Mary Margaret. Did you have anything to do with that?" Emma questioned.
"No...if he was working for me, I would have never given an order like that. I'd never want any harm to come to the fair Mary Margaret," he replied, as his eyes locked with David's.
"Then Regina did this...didn't she?" he asked.
"Most likely and Jefferson has left town," he revealed.
"How do you know that?" Emma asked.
"Because Regina doesn't want you two together and what better way than to take her somewhere where she thinks you cannot follow without consequences," Gold replied.
"Then I need your help. I'll make whatever deal you want, but I have to find her," David said.
"Agreed," Gold said.
"So what do we need to know about this Jefferson?" Emma asked.
"Well, he hates Regina for one thing," Gold replied.
"Then why the hell would he do anything for her?" David asked.
"The only way he would is if she promised him what he wants most," Gold replied.
"And what is that?" Emma asked.
"His daughter," Gold said. Emma raised an eyebrow.
"He has a daughter?" she asked.
"Yes...but she lives with her adopted family. It's complicated, but I know Jefferson well," he replied.
"If I offer him a better deal for the release of Mary Margaret, then he'll comply," Gold said.
"Fine...then we need to figure out where he went," David replied.
"New York," Gold replied.
"How the hell could you know that?" Emma asked. David's eyes locked with Gold's again.
"Because he just does," David answered for her. Emma opened her mouth to ask more questions, but Gold put up his hand.
"Miss Swan...time is of the essence and we must find the fair Mary Margaret, correct?" he asked. Emma closed her mouth.
"Fine...let's go," she said crossly.
"Oh, not so fast, dearie. You'll need me to come with you if you expect to barter a new deal with Jefferson," Gold said, as he limped out from behind the counter.
"Can you really get him to agree to a deal with you instead of the one he has with Regina?" Emma questioned. Gold smirked.
"Jefferson would betray Regina for a Klondike bar," he quipped.
"Trust me...if he thinks I can get him his daughter, he'll switch sides in a heartbeat," he said.
"Fine...your car is bigger than the bug, so you're driving," Emma said impatiently, as she walked out.
"Take this...we both will need it to get over the town line without losing our memories," Gold said.
"What's in this for you?" David asked, as they both drank the sour liquid.
"My son," he said.
"Your son?" David asked.
"No time to explain, dearie, but Regina has nearly destroyed everything I have worked for by kidnapping Mary Margaret and sending her over the town line. She wins if we don't find her," Rumple replied.
"I still don't know what that has to do with your son, but you're right. Emma will never believe anything or stick around this town without Snow...Mary Margaret," he corrected himself. Gold smirked.
"Welcome back, Prince Charming," he said, as he hobbled out and David followed him, with determination lining his face.
"I'll find you, Snow...I will always find you," he promised.
She sniffed and took solace in his arms, as he held her.
"It shouldn't bother me. I mean, it would have bothered Mary Margaret, but I'm not her anymore. At least...I don't want to be. But it does," she confessed.
"Of course it does and I want to throttle whoever did that. And I'm going to fix it. I have some time on my hands, since no one will hire me. I'll scrub it off your car," he said.
"Thanks...but I'm more sad that you're punishing you too for all this. You're homeless and I can't stand it!" she lamented.
"Hey...it's okay. I'm okay out here. You know living in the woods is like second nature for us," he reminded her.
"That was a long time ago," she murmured.
"It was...but I remember it all. We lived in the woods and still took back an entire Kingdom. Our wedding night was in the woods...our first time was under the stars," he said and she smiled at the memory.
"Well…I guess when you put it like that," she purred, as their lips met passionately and she giggled, as he pulled her into the tent.
Snow's emerald eyes fluttered open and she looked around, finding herself in an unfamiliar bedroom. She shot up off the bed and immediately went for the door, but found it locked. She went to the window next and opened the blinds. She guessed it was some kind of apartment building and she saw a fire escape. She tried opening the window, but found that it wouldn't budge, even when she unlocked it. She looked around the room for something hard and grabbed the lamp off the bedside table.
"I wouldn't do that…" Jefferson warned, as he walked into the room and closed the door.
"Why are you doing this!?" she demanded to know.
"You know why...I do this and I get my daughter back," he answered.
"So I have to lose mine again?" Snow questioned.
"That's not my problem. Besides, none of this would be happening if your daughter would just believe and break the curse already!" he snapped and she recoiled slightly.
"Emma...she's had a hard life," Snow said, choking a little bit at that.
"Because of Regina," Jefferson replied.
"If you know that, then why would you help her!?" Snow snapped.
"I told you why, dammit!" he snapped in return.
"She'll betray you...I know her, better than most," Snow warned.
"It's a chance I have to take...for Grace," he argued.
"Grace…" she said, trying to place the girl.
"She's Paige under the curse…" he told her.
"Paige...she's in my class!" Snow recalled.
"She's with a good family," she added and he glared at her.
"She's my daughter!" he shouted.
"I know...but at least she's safe! My daughter wasn't! My daughter was alone and thought she was unwanted," Snow cried, as tears slipped down her cheeks.
"But nothing could be further from the truth...please, I have to get back to Emma and Charming. I just found them again...we'll help you get Grace back!" she pleaded.
"You don't have that kind of power. The whole town thinks you're a tramp and your husband is living in a tent by a bridge," he retorted.
"But we're awake now and we can fight Regina," she added.
"You've been awake for weeks and you've done nothing," he spat.
"Because we didn't have any other allies. But if you joined us...we could fight her," Snow argued. But he shook his head.
"I can't risk Grace. I'm sorry...truly. I don't know who Regina is sending to pick you up, but I'm sorry for whatever horror awaits you," he apologized.
"I'm sorry too…" Snow said.
"For what?" he asked, but his answer came with a lamp over the head. He growled and cried out in pain, as she kicked him down and ran to the apartment door. He gave chase and she ran down the hallway, looking to escape the building.
David looked out the window from the backseat, as Gold drove. They were about halfway to New York and he was, not quite for the first time, realizing that all of his memories of going anywhere outside Storybrooke were curse memories. He had never been anywhere else in this land, except Storybrooke and neither had Snow for that matter. He knew his wife was a strong, capable woman, but there was still a lot of evil out in this world too. He was deeply worried and incredibly anxious. He couldn't lose her again, not when he had finally found her and they were themselves again. He heard something beside him and his eyes widened, as part of the backseat unfolded from the trunk of the car and Henry climbed through.
"Henry…" he uttered, catching Emma's attention and she turned her head. The blonde's eyes widened in surprise and horror.
"Henry!?" she cried.
"Kid...what the hell?" she shouted in a panic.
"I followed my mom and saw what she did to Mary Margaret," he explained.
"So you decided to stowaway in the car!?" she questioned. He shrugged.
"What she did was wrong and I knew David was going to find her. I want to help," Henry said, as he got into the seat and put his seatbelt on.
"Welcome to the mission, kid," David said.
"David…" Emma hissed.
"He's not coming with us! We have to take him back!" Emma insisted.
"Emma...we can't go back now. Mary Margaret is in danger," David reminded her and she couldn't deny that.
"Regina is gonna kill me...and then all of you...and then me again," she complained. But Gold kept driving without a hiccup and a smirk on his face at the prospect of Regina getting a taste of her own medicine.
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swanqueeneverafter · 6 years
56. III-Boding Patterns, Pt.1
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The Land Without Magic. Minneapolis. Winter. 1990. (A young girl sits in an alleyway, reading a book of fairy tales. As she finishes each page, she tears it out and throws it on the fire to keep warm. As she tears out another page, an older boy approaches.) Boy: “You're not really gonna burn that, are you?” Girl: “My problem right now is cold.” Boy: “If you're out here, lack of kindling is the least of your problems. What's your story?” Girl: “I ran away, okay? I was in a crappy group home, and it's none of your business.” Boy: (Takes the pages from the girl:) “Please. Don't. These stories are great. Look. (Crouches beside her:) ‘The Ugly Duckling.’ I loved this one when I was a kid.” Girl: “You're still a kid.” Boy: (Smiles:) “You've got spunk. When I was your age, it was great. The best fairy tales are about the same thing: transformation. See, a duck becomes a swan. It's beautiful.” Girl: “That's not what it's about. The duck was always a swan. It just didn't know it.” Boy: “Maybe that's how you see it, but I see it as about belief. About a duckling believing so hard that she'd become a swan, one day it actually happened. If we believe in something strongly enough, we all have the power to change our fate. Speaking of which, is this really the fate you want? Maybe your last home was bad. Doesn't mean you won't find a good one someday.” (The girl looks down at the pages of ‘The Ugly Duckling’ and thinks.) Minneapolis Police Station. (The girl now sits in front of a desk as a case worker takes her details.) Woman: “So, how long have you been on the streets, dear?” Girl: “A few days. And then my friend, he brought me here.” Woman: “What's your name, sweetie?” Girl: “Emma.” Woman: “Emma. You got a last name, Emma?” Emma: “Swan. My name is Emma Swan.” Wish Realm. Present. (Emma and Regina walk hand in hand along the beach together, Emma holding the sword from her vision.) Emma: “Storybrooke felt like a dream. Now this does. I-I mean, a good dream. The person I was here just wasn't me. The fighting and the pain... it's... it's what makes me me. I'm good with that. Even if it means my end. (Scoffs:) 'Cause, you know, that other person kind of sucked.” Regina: “Yeah, singing Princess Emma isn't my favorite model.” Emma: “I didn't sing... (Regina gives her a look:) that you saw.” Regina: (Chuckles:) “Speaking of singing, this beach is vaguely familiar.” Emma: “It is?” Regina: (Nods:) “I think this is where your father proposed to Snow White.” Emma: (Smiles:) “Oh, yeah, it is. In my memories of Princess Emma growing up, my parents were pretty thorough storytellers.” Regina: “It’s kind of romantic when you think about it.” Emma: (Laughs:) “Well romantic or not, a proposal in a land that isn’t real wouldn’t be the best of ideas.” Regina: “But you are open to proposals? Good to know, Miss Swan. (Chuckles as Emma doesn’t know what to say:) Now let's go home. Where is he?”
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Emma: “Who?” Regina: “Oh, I sort of made a deal with the Dark One and let him out of his cage for a ticket home.” Emma: “Regina! What if he's, like, razing villages or something? (Horses whinnying in the distance, Prince Henry and his men approach:) Regina, they're after you. They're looking for you.” (Emma and Regina run along the beach and hide behind a fallen tree. Prince Henry and two castle guards arrive on the beach.) Henry: “They crossed the river. Hurry. We have to get my mother back. And that witch will pay for my grandparents' death.” (Henry turns his horse and they head off in the opposite direction.) Emma: (Poking her head out:) “Okay. They're gone. The last thing we need is you in some dungeon, real or fake or whatever this place is.” Regina: “Nothing is real. Henry's not real here. This place was created on a wish. Don't get lost in it.” Emma: “Says the woman who was gonna let him kill her.” Regina: “When we get home, this'll just be like a dream. (Sighs:) If we ever get home.” Emma: (Glances at the fallen tree and gets an idea:) “I think I know how to get us back.”
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Rumplestiltskin: (Laughs impishly, leaning on the tree:) “Well, dearie, on behalf of all Rumplestiltskins everywhere, I'm here to make good on my word. (Regina looks to Emma as if to say ‘I told you so’:) Sure you want to leave all this behind, Princess?” Regina: “Where's that bean, Rumple?” Rumplestiltskin: “As promised. (Puts the bean in her hand:) Just throw it down and think about where you want to go.” Regina: “Thank you.” Rumplestiltskin: “Off to raze some fake villages.” (He disappears.) Regina: (Sighs:) “You ready, Emma?” Emma: “Yeah. Let's go home.” (Regina throws down the bean and, taking each others hands, they prepare to jump into the portal. Suddenly, Rumplestiltskin reappears behind them, cuffing both of their wrists with a magical cuff. Blasting them away from the portal, Rumplestiltskin stalks towards them.) Regina: (Getting to her feet:) “What the hell, Rumple?” Rumplestiltskin: “Dark One never breaks a deal. I gave you the bean, never said I’d let you use it.” Emma: “You want us to stay here?” Rumplestiltskin: “I want someone to pay for this! (He conjures a burlap sack into his hand and tips the contents onto the beach. Several bones fall at Emma and Regina’s feet:) Now, on the one hand, you did help me escape from my prison. On the other, you kidnapped the woman I loved and starved her to death in a tower. I went looking for Belle and this is what I found.” Regina: “That wasn't me. Not really. I... I'm not even from this world.” Rumplestiltskin: “Oh, I know that, dearie, but I have to hurt someone, and you seem like the best candidate. I may not be real, but I get a funny feeling I can still make you bleed.” 
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Storybrooke. Mr. Gold’s Shop. (Mr. Gold and Belle stand opposite their son, who has just entered the shop.) Mr. Gold: “H-How? How is this even possible? How- how are you here? How are you grown?” Gideon: “I've lived a full 28 years. I was in a place where time moved differently, where the Black Fairy raised me.” Mr. Gold: “Did she harm you?” Gideon: “Depends what you mean. She toughened me up.” Belle: “What did she do to you?” Gideon: “She did many things, trying to make me evil, but she failed. Because in all of those dark years, I always remembered you, Mother. I tried to follow your example.” Mr. Gold: “So, you're not here to kill the Savior?” Gideon: “No, of course I am. Because once she's dead, I will gain her power. I will be the Savior.” Mr. Gold: “Why would you want to do that?” Gideon: “Because there is another land in need of a Savior now. I want to finally free it from the cruel reign of the Black Fairy.” Mr. Gold: “Defeating the Savior won't be as easy as you think.” Gideon: “I've seen it in a vision. I've seen her death at my hand. And when I kill Emma Swan, I will finally become a hero.” (He disappears in a cloud of smoke.) Wish Realm. Dark Castle. Dungeons. (Rumplestiltskin shoves Emma and Regina into a cell.) Rumplestiltskin: “Now, if you'll excuse me, it's been a while since I had good flay. Tools are a bit rusty.” (He giggles and slams the cell door.) Emma: (As Regina bangs on the cell door:) “So, this is cosy.” Regina: “I should’ve known it wouldn’t be that easy.” Emma: “Yeah, well there’s no point worrying about that now.” Regina: (As Emma goes to sit down:) “What, you’re just giving up?” Emma: (Scoffs:) “No. I just need a little time to process all that’s happened. I’m carrying two lifetimes in my head right now. Three, if you count the year spent in New York with Henry.” Regina: (Sighs:) “I’m sorry, Emma. This is all my fault.” Emma: “No, it’s the Evil Queen’s fault. There is a difference.” Regina: “Is there? I mean look around this place. Without the Evil Queen, everyone had peace, everyone was happy. I arrive and within a few hours, I free the Dark One and murder their leaders.” Emma: “Regina, you said it yourself, none of this is real. And, just so you know, not everyone was happy. (As Regina stares at her:) Come sit down and I’ll tell you exactly what Princess Emma’s life was like.”
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Storybrooke. Blanchard Apartment. Morning. (As Snow White lays sleeping in bed, David stands in the kitchen making breakfast. He notices a note pad with a message from his wife: 'We'll beat this' Smiling, David flips over a new page and begins to write his own message. Walking over to the bed, he kisses Snow awake and falls asleep. Climbing out of bed and putting on her robe, Snow White walks over to the kitchen and reads David's note: 'Of course we'll beat this, I love you!'.) Evening. (Snow brushes her teeth in the sink as David sleeps on. Then, as David wakes, he takes baby Neal from the crib and checks his phone for a video message from his wife and child.) Morning. (David kisses Snow awake and she turns her head to find fresh flowers on her night stand. Putting them in a vase, she glances over to her sleeping husband and sighs.)
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Blanchard Apartment. Present. (David sits on the bed stroking Snow’s face as he talks to her.) David: (Sighs:) “I'm sorry. I can't wake you. Not yet. Not until I find our daughter. And, Snow, I promise you, I will find bring Emma home where she belongs, and we can fix this all of this.” (He kisses her on the forehead and lets her sleep as there is a knock on the door.) David: (Answering it:) “Belle.” Belle: “We have a problem.” David: “Another one?” Belle: (Entering the apartment:) “I know who the man under the hood is in Emma’s vision.” David: “You do?” Belle: (Nods:) “His name's Gideon. He's my son.” David: (Confused:) “Your son is an infant.” Belle: “He was. Then he grew up in another realm, without his parents, and that experience affected him.” David: “Affected him?” Belle: “He's trying to kill Emma. (At David’s look:) I-I know. Look, it's not his fault, okay? He's confused and Rumple's out there looking for him right now.” David: “To stop him or aid him?” Belle: “I don't know. But I do know that I can stop him. If I can just talk to him, reason with him, as his mother. (Sighs:) Will you help me?” David: “I don't know, Belle. If he's really planning to kill Emma, I’m going to have to stop him.” Belle: “But that doesn't mean he has to be hurt. And neither one of our children need to be harmed. Look, I came to you for help because I trust you. Can you trust me?” David: “Let's just find him. The sooner we do, the better. Then take your shot, but if it doesn't work...” Belle: “Thank you.” Forest. (Gideon sits alone overlooking a ridge as his father approaches.) Mr. Gold: “Lonely here, isn't it?” Gideon: “If you're here to talk me off my path, you can't. This is my fate.” Mr. Gold: “Well, fate's a tricky business. It still requires work. And planning.” Gideon: (Stands and turns to face him:) “I see what this is. You don't think I'm strong enough.” (Begins to leave.) Mr. Gold: (Blocks his path, grabbing his arm:) “Don't walk away from your father. You've been alive 28 years. I've been alive hundreds. There are things a man learns.” Gideon: “Take your hand off me.” Mr. Gold: “You know, I waited years for a moment like this. When I could finally tell my own father that I was better than him and stronger than him, so you go ahead. (Releases him:) You show me.” Gideon: “You think you know all about me. You have no idea.” Mr. Gold: “I know your childhood was full of pain, just like mine. You want someone to pay for that? Make me pay. It is my fault, after all, is it not? I let the Black Fairy take you. I couldn't protect you. So you go ahead. Do it. Hit me. (Slaps Gideon:) Hit me. (Gideon’s clenched fist glows with magic:) Hit me! If you can't hit me, how do you expect to kill the Savior? I can help you, son.” Gideon: (His hand stops glowing:) “I don't need your help.” (Gideon disappears in a cloud of smoke.)
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