#rumor of the 10000 year sakura
gainahan · 5 months
naruto driving headcanons
Naruto - definitely not licensed. debatable whether he actually knows which one is the brake pedal. as long as Sakura is alive he will not be allowed behind the wheel of a car. unknowable/10
Sasuke - also not technically licensed, but all things considered a pretty decent driver. probably started driving well before he was legally old enough to. 7.5/10
Sakura - road rage extraordinaire. swears up and down she goes the speed limit but in truth goes at minimum 10 over. “speed limit is a suggestion” more like speed limit is a challenge. at the very least she gets them where they need to go. 5.5/10
Sai - never learned to drive until he met team 7. between Naruto and Sakura’s influences, he won’t be getting licensed for at least the next 6 years. good luck/10
Shikamaru - truly cannot be arsed. if asked to drive he claims to not have a license, but he definitely does. another unknowable/10 but I like to think in a pinch he’d be pretty good at it.
Choji - reliable driver but has a tendency to be late. gets stressed out when he has more than a few passengers. 6/10
Ino - wants to be a passenger princess soo badly. unfortunately for her, she’s the best on her team. being good at driving is her curse. woefully, 10/10
Kiba - team 8’s designated driver, believe it or not. he is…not good at it, per se, but better than the rest of them. having two sets of eyes on the road tends to help. 6.5/10
Hinata - gets so stressed out she forgets how to brake. she’ll be white knuckling the wheel going 50 in a residential while her passengers pray for their lives in the backseat. -2/10 her dad’s insurance is through the roof
Shino - morally opposed to driving. he hasn’t confirmed why but the running theory is that a swarm of his bugs faceplanted into the windshield once and traumatized him. unknowable/10
Neji - doesn’t believe in right-of-way. refuses to use his mirrors. whole heartedly believes he is god’s gift to the interstate. by some miracle has never gotten into a crash, but if any of his passengers are sensible people he is banned from the wheel. 0/10
Tenten - makes Sakura’s road rage look like divinely inspired patience. honestly she’s not even mad she just enjoys it. has to be actively talked down from brake checking people. banned from the wheel 0/10
Lee - while technically a perfect driver (obeys every speed limit, never makes an illegal turn, maneuvers like butter), having him in the front seat is such an intolerable experience he’s also banned from the wheel. those unfortunate enough to have witnessed it don’t speak of their experience, but rumors involve something along the lines of a custom-made Gai inspirational quotes driving playlist. 0/10
Temari - grew up driving her brothers around. Absolutely hates it. when she’s in a car she’s got her feet up on the dashboard and always has the aux. if she were to drive again, 9.5/10
Gaara - an…extremely calm, level headed driver? side effect of RBF is that everyone is always waiting for him to snap and run someone over. he never has. probably listens to calming classical music or something while in traffic jams. 10000/10
Kankuro - I find it funny to believe he’s the actual passenger princess. unknowable/10
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puellamagifashion · 2 years
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Rumor of the 10,000 year Sakura’s casual and magical girl outfit
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tfoscans · 4 years
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Magia Report S2E167 [TFO Scans]
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shizukateal · 4 years
Judging Magia Record’s Outfits [Part 21]
The last part. The three rules.
Hinata Matsuri
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Not bad! See Shigure? You can have a quirky tech aesthetic and still use clothes that a human would wear. My only problems are the details, like the circle not being in the center of her ribbon and I also think her soul gem position is weird. But hey! Flawless use of the halter top-miku sleeves combo.
Haruka Kanade
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Well, good! Another girl that understands that you can be sexy with class. I will admit that her tiny braid at her side weirds me out a little, though.
Ryoko Natsu
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Look, I understand what she’s going for, but she botched it. The silhouette of this thing is just weak. It’s limp, like she didn’t bother to fasten anything properly. The frills on the sock shouldn’t be there, they just look awkward with the frills of the skirt. Hell, maybe the outfit would look better without the skirt at all! Especially if it has that... tail? that just has no reason to be there at all. Also the blue ribbon connecting the scarf is stupid. Some of this girls are starting to try my patience with the asymmetric socks.
Rui Mizuki
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Already did this one.
Midriff count: 28
Characters ruined by the Male Gaze: 28
Rumor of the 10.000 year Sakura
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I’m just gonna call her Sakura for short. She kinda looks like a Miku Hatsune skin, which is certainly an interesting look but... I don’t know, I just don’t really “feel” her personality. If we are talking about specific parts of her outfit I dislike I’d have to say her weird one sock (boot?) with the metallic trim, and her bracelet is a bit too big and while I get that it’s there so at least one of her hands doesn’t look so naked, they could have just elongated the sleeves to achieve that.
Ok, I think my problem really is the halter top-miku sleeves combination. Again, I do not have a categorical hatred to this pairing or miku sleeves in particular. It actually looks good here, even! But here’s the thing: this combo is only versatile because it’s both generic and easy to draw. It’s basic. It’s a template that you can modify to your convenience to have an easy and appealing silhouette to your character, but at the expense of other options more specific to their aesthetic, most of the time. I think Sakura here has something very interesting going on here with her skirt, but the halter top and miku sleeves while, again, not ugly here at all make me feel like her designer didn’t really put any more effort into figuring out how to convey her personality to the audience. When you compare her to Hinata up above here you can feel the difference in aesthetic cohesion. One of this days I’m gonna make a separate post about this.
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littlepurinsesu · 4 years
Sakurako has blessed me
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I’d waited and saved up for so long just for this moment.
It only took 200-ish out of the 400+ rolls I had saved to fully-slot Madokami last December, and I managed to gather another 200+ rolls in the last few months to get to 400+ again for Sakurako.
And gosh am I thankful that I had this much saved, because this pretty little lady here made me use up almost every last roll.
The aim was to fully-slot Sakurako, since she’s my favourite unit after Madokami. If I’d only wanted one copy for keepsake I wouldn’t have been so stressed xD
And so the challenge began...
I was only on roll 17 when Karin decided to show up yet again for her third slot.
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There’s something about Karin always showing up when I’m going on a roll-fest to try and 4-slot a favourite girl (I first got her when I was pulling for Madokami last time haha). Maybe she’ll 4-slot herself during my next roll-fest, which will most likely be the Iroha-Yachiyo duo unit lol.
It was still pretty early on in the counter, so I wasn’t too fussed (though a little annoyed). So I started again from 0. And after getting both of her memoria consecutively...
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... the cherry blossom goddess herself decided to come home on roll 57!!!
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I had legit been waiting for this moment for SO LONG (literally the moment I saw her on JP), so I’m so, so, so happy she came without much trouble ;_____;
But alas, the journey of pulling for one of your favourites never ends at just one copy xD So the rolling continues...
20 more rolls later got me her second slot, and when I was about 30 rolls away from pity...
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None other than her own creator Nemu decides to appear! I was a bit annoyed because I was nearing pity and she broke it, but... I really like Nemu and her pick-up gacha was literally the one just before, so she’s quite new, too xD I nervously started rolling again at 0, but I was also kind of happy because I was hoping to get Nemu at some point anyway xD If I wasn’t over halfway through my savings with only 2 slots, I’d be overjoyed at getting her :D (SHE’S BASICALLY SAKURAKO’S MOTHER, SO THE TIMING IS QUITE APPROPRIATE XD)
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Also, Nemu is an Accele Gorilla as well. Why do I always attract Accele Gorillas? I literally have every single Accele Gorilla available on the TW server right now (except Suzune, who I didn’t roll for), and Rena and Karin are both at 3 slots, so there’s a picture of just how often I pull these types xD
Anyway, after hitting my first pity and thankfully getting my third slot, I continued for that sweet, sweet final copy...
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NO!!! D:< AGAIN, AT ABOUT 30 ROLLS AWAY FROM THE NEXT PITY, ANOTHER FOREST GIRL APPEARS. AND THIS TIME? NO, I’M NOT HAPPY AT ALL LOL XD IF IT WAS MAMI OR ALINA OR EVEN A SECOND NEMU I WOULD BE FINE-ISH. BUT NO! I love Mito as a character but I’ve never really been interested in her gameplay-wise, not to mention that I literally got her in the free pulls last weekend orz
I guess it could have been worse? At least it wasn’t Kirika or Himika... (no offence xD)
I counted the remainder of my savings, and I had enough to hit pity one final time as long as I didn’t get another non-Sakurako 4-star before then. I was basically alternating between hope and despair with each pull, especially during those single pulls as I ran out of stones and only had single tickets left. If one girl other than Sakurako popped up, I would not be able to hit pity again, so at this point I was desperate.
Successfully got to 99/100 without any spooks, mentally threw some praise at Mitama as I stared into her eyes, and tapped the screen. Light card, rainbow ribbons, and...
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THANK. EFFING. GOODNESS. I literally had like 18 rolls left so this was really my last chance. Sakurako burned through basically all of my savings, but I don’t care because she’s the one I wanted the most after Madokami, and I’d gladly use up all of my stones and tickets on her if it means I can get her to 4 slots.
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She’s now my second fully-slotted natural 4-star girl after Madokami, and having these two on my Mirrors Team will definitely make me even stronger for the upcoming Mirrors Ranking! :D
Also pulled enough of her memoria to fully max out two copies (with more to spare!), so I’ll be raking in a lot of event AP for this current event haha >:)
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I fell in love with Sakurako the moment I saw her in the Main Story, so I’m so glad they made her playable and super happy that I managed to not only pull her but also fully-slot her as well ;___; Thank you so, so much for coming home 4 times before I went completely stone/ticket-broke, dearest cherry blossom goddess <33333
I’ll have to wait until next year when TW does the new Sakurako event currently running on JP to get her Rumour outfit and background. I was always disappointed that we couldn’t have that white dress seen in the game and her Rumour barrier as our homescreen, but knowing that it’s coming later makes me happy ^^ Anyway, she’s gorgeous enough as is, and I already can’t stop staring at my homescreen ^3^
Sorry for the long post (most likely no one even cares lmao), but I promise I only make these for characters I really, really, really love ^^;;
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shadowkitten27 · 5 years
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I swear, this girl has been recommended for me to do so much! Well, here she is!
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girlofthedayyy · 5 years
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Rumor of the 10 000 Year Sakura from Magia Record
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agstudio9 · 4 years
Who has your favorite design in Magia Record? (multiple answers encouraged!)
Thank goodness this is multiple answers because no way would I be able to pick just one
In no particular order:
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I love Nanaka’s design, the ruffles and western-style dress blending so well with the long billowing sleeves and flower theme, as well as her cool weapon and color scheme- she’s just so pretty!
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I am an absolute sucker for characters with capes/ribbons/long flowing fabric, so Kanagi is right up my alley. And her cape is so cool? It’s short but still long enough to billow and doesn’t disrupt her silhouette, folds well over her shoulders, and the cut of the end is at the same angle as her boots? Incredible! The stark white with black and gold accents is great, coming together for a nicemilitary-esqe look that I just love
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The rumor of the 10,000 year Sakura is very pretty, and she looks really otherworldly, especially compared to the other madoka and Magia Record girls. The way the diamonds are cut in her skirt and the digital-looking touches set her apart, which is fitting, since she isn’t human to begin with. The crystal blue and soothing pink go really well together, and the stars in her hair are so beautiful
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The Amane twins are just really good together? I like their symmetry with the mismatched stockings and yin-yang gimmick, the deep red and moon theme are really pretty, I like the ribbons and their flutes. There isn’t much to say here, I just think they’re pretty and go well together.
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I love characters with lots of flowy, billowy parts, so of course I like Mel. The veil, ribbons, and golden things at the ends are so pretty, and I love the color. I don’t know much about tarot but the theme is great, and her base dress looks super nice too. Also her ponytail is super cute
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radiosttatic-art · 4 years
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I had a lot of fun drawing this one, I couldn’t get the cutouts on her skirt to look right so I ended up just not doing them at all
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kierawaffles · 6 years
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got lucky and got the mannenzakura rumor in one pull
also somewhat surprisingly her regular outfit you get from clearing the first part of her story isn't the one she wears in the main story, but a school uniform?
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from what i could read of her story it seemed cute, i don't want to say too much to avoid main story spoilers but by the end of the first part it seems like she's going to be able to leave her rumor area, which is presumably why she has a school uniform (and a magical girl outfit)
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leafbladie · 5 years
*incoherent screeching*
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Alright, so thinking about this. rationally. During the anniversary they're probably going to release Chapter 10 and IroYachi to correspond with it. In between that, they'll probably release all the limited girls that they offered as part of their campaign. So look forward to Homura Akemi, Rumor of the 10000 year Sakura, Swimsuit version of Iroha, Homura, and Amane Sisters, along with Iroha-chan (not sure if I'm missing anyone).
Anyway, I still think this is too early. They should've waited until after Kanagi was released at the very earliest, but a but happy to get her this early.
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leafbladie · 5 years
Decided to make a timeline of what I think the NA schedule is going to look like up until the 1st Anniversary which you can read here.
I'm not at all certain about the placement of these events, so do not take it as gospel, this is just a general idea. I do think all of these things will happen before the 1st Anniversary, because it looks like they'll be using the campaign they used during JP's second anniversary for this one, since they released Ultimate Madoka early. And to do that, they'll need to at least release all the limited girls I have listed on this document (Nagisa, Iroha-chan, Homura, Iroha (swimsuit), Homura (swimsuit), and Rumor of the 10000 year Sakura).
Some notes
1. I didn't include the uncaps I think will happen. As uncaps aren't really events, and can be released at anytime, even during other events. Besides the ones I listed for training events, I think we might get uncaps for Oriko and Tsukasa. If I had to guess, we'll probably get the Oriko uncap sometime around the Riko event, and the Tsukasa uncap sometime around the Amane Sisters swimsuit event.
2. You might be wondering why I put Homura and Iroha (swimsuit) in the same week. That's just a suspicion they might condense the two into a single event, like JP did when they reran the two.
3. While the swimsuit versions of Kyoko and Amane Sisters weren't part of the 2nd anniversary campaign, I still decided to include them here given NA's track record in doubling up holiday events, and the fact that JP released them before their second anniversary.
4. I dont think they'll start the Monogatari characters crossing over until after the anniversary. Partly because I don't see any room for them, and partly because I think they'll wait until another Madogatari event occurs to do so. They don't have to worry about crossover rights like they did with the Nanoha girls.
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leafbladie · 5 years
*incoherent screeching*
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Alright, so thinking about this. rationally. During the anniversary they're probably going to release Chapter 10 and IroYachi to correspond with it. In between that, they'll probably release all the limited girls that they offered as part of their campaign. So look forward to Homura Akemi, Rumor of the 10000 year Sakura, Swimsuit version of Iroha, Homura, and Amane Sisters, along with Iroha-chan (not sure if I'm missing anyone).
Anyway, I still think this is too early. They should've waited until after Kanagi was released at the very earliest, but a but happy to get her this early.
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