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crypto28ro · 9 days ago
MOON – Cel Mai Catchy Ticker Dintre Toate: De Ce Este Moneda Viitorului și De Ce, Dacă NU Cumperi la 7 Cenți, o Să Regreți Amarnic!
1. Introducere și Context General Trăim într-o lume în care criptomonedele s-au transformat dintr-o curiozitate tehnologică într-un fenomen financiar global. De la minarea în subsoluri obscure până la lansarea unor proiecte gigantice la bursă, piața cripto a cunoscut mai multe suișuri și coborâșuri decât orice alt sector. De altfel, există deja zeci de mii de monede și tokenuri care se luptă…
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carolinareyestorres · 30 days ago
Mi nueva crónica sobre los Milei y la cripto estafa
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hdusa · 4 months ago
I hope you do good but entirely for my own personal gain; you will get a good job and then spend all your money on PRINCEZAM and LIFESTEAL PRODUCTS we are selling a CRYPTOCURRENCY in 2026 and it WILL be a rug pull.
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doedipus · 3 months ago
I've been stuck in this purgatorial state for years and I really just want out. this shit sucks.
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utopicwork · 6 months ago
"OpenAI to Become For-Profit Company
Planned restructuring comes amid personnel upheaval including resignation of chief technology officer"
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deadinthename · 22 days ago
Hey. Who did this
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do you know how many takes i had to do before i believed this was real. Please someone say sike
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mumpsetc · 5 months ago
do you think knife deserved to be in the final two? if not who would you replace him with?
I Think Knife Had a Ton of Good Finalist Potential That Was Wasted While He Stood Around in the Background Occasionally Shaking His Head in Disapproval at Mic. As He Is Now I Think He's Not Particularly Interesting on His Own But Does Get a Small Boost From Me for Being a Good Character for Suitcase to Act Off Of (One Track Mind Yet Again).
Of the Final 4 Though I Prefer Both Baseball and Lightbulb to Him. Lightbulb I Think Would Be a Fun Character to Represent the More Comedic Part of ii Compared to Suitcase's Seriousness and Its a Potential Dynamic They Haven't Done Much With. Also Fun Bright Lights and Grand Slam Representation.
On the Reverse I Think Suitcase and Baseball Have a Lot of History and Would Push and Pull in a Stressful Environment Really Well. Them Working Together to Trick Cobs Would Add a Unique Depth, Especially in the Scene Where They Hurl Insults at Eachother.
Knife is in a Middle Ground Where He Does Have Some Ties to Suitcase But Not a Super Compelling Dynamic With Her Since They Talked Once Ages Ago and Didn't Interact Much Since
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exculis · 2 months ago
oh my god is trump about to do a crypto rugpull
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goldenshxrds · 13 days ago
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Well there go my plans for the night.
Anyone want some asks?
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twcfaces · 4 months ago
At least Two-Face will rob you in person. He's got that going for him. It's a little old fashioned but much more personal than just - pumping and dumping the latest Riddler meme coin.
Also he has no idea what crypto is or how it works and staunchly refuses to learn. A Bitcoin is not a coin.
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blujayonthewing · 5 months ago
felix: [takes limerick aside early in the campaign and confides, with difficulty because he's ashamed about it, that he sometimes has trouble speaking at all, because he wants at least someone to have fair warning ahead of it possibly coming up if he's gonna be traveling in a group for any amount of time]
limerick the first time felix mostly loses speech: you've been really quiet, everything okay? do you have any thoughts to add [to this discussion]? :)
limerick last session when simon lowkey assigned felix to go do a social encounter: I'll go with you, to help with the talking :)
limerick as soon as we're in the social encounter: [looks directly at felix, expectantly]
#felix: [dissociating] no yeah that's fine#the thing about the latter bit is that felix could have handled it better if he hadn't been DROPPED on a TRUSTFALL fgkjhdfg#he's not... shy per se or inherently uncomfortable about talking to people he just worries he's going to screw it up#so that was more 'oh perfect I can figure out where that npc is and limerick will talk to her. teamwork!' and relaxing into an expectation#and then getting rugpulled lol#[sigh] anyway none of this effects felix's FEELINGS about limerick really but like. it IS going to effect their relationship#ah boy he is not gonna remember if I tell him important and sensitive things about myself#and he's gonna try to be proactively kind and supportive in ways that are actively worse than if he hadn't#I guess I'd better just not confide in him or let my guard down enough to lean on him for support then :\#WHICH LIKE-- it is what it is but ah beans :')#reminding myself that pulling away from relationships rather than advocate for himself is A Character Flaw I gave the lad on purpose.....#can't set up uncomfortable situations if I'm not prepared to then play in the uncomfortable space.....#you have one(1) friend and he's so so so bad at listening to you or understanding you and you just gotta deal with that#he's gonna actively stress you out A Lot but you'd better not say anything to him about it or you'll end up with No Friends (again)#AH ALSO to be clear: this seems like a lot of projecting based on a couple minor things early in the campaign BUT#I should clarify that a lot of the 'oh god yep here we go' is coming from ME who's played dnd with this friend for many years lmao#no yeah this was Going To Happen and I'm not surprised but AH MAN. AH BEANS......
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phneep · 9 months ago
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Just use a fuggin database
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disast3rtransp0rt · 1 year ago
My bf, talking with his friends over Discord: I don't know if that sounds right. It's almost too good to- Hold on, I'll ask my partner. (leaning over the counter to get my attention) Hey babe!
Me: Yeah?
My bf: So [redacted] is thinking about investing in this new thing and I know you're into researching or YouTubing this or whatever. So is [describes a Ponzi scheme] a scam or multilevel marketing or is it legit?
Me: Oh! You're describing a Ponzi scheme and you should check out Coffeezilla's channel for a solid layman's explanation if your buddies want more info.
Bf to his friends, over his headphones: Bad news, she says it's probably a Ponzi scheme.
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pavlikbuonarroti · 1 year ago
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FINALLY representation for the GIRL loser cryptobros
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danlous · 2 years ago
How i sleep knowing that my favorite show has a devastatingly good grasp of how the dynamics of abuse work, and i can trust them to handle the subject with care, nuance and respect
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daenystheedreamer · 1 year ago
not to boltonpost on main again but were you your avg redpilled westerosi lord and your targ king was found dead at a frat party filled with stds like a tick, would you (when succession came to question) side with his trueborn daughter (who is twelve and a GIRL and half b*lton) or his chad bastard nephew(s) who have a witch mommy AND the power of love and friendship and stormlands on their side?
giving up and killing the whole lot of them and then yourself is also an option I guess
honestly average targ lord would probably marry the 12yo to become king 😭
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