#rug mart
leggy-martian · 8 months
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I flipped that corner of blanket on him, and he stayed that way for like 20 minutes
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caykeisart · 1 year
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Basement - Underground Large modern underground basement idea with a medium tone wood floor and a brown floor and gray walls
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rassicas · 1 year
I wanted to clarify about the inkfish's blood color? I was told there is a bit in the latest art book confirming they have red blood but i am yet to see a source so i wanted to ask
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Gear acquired by our researchers Red Hammertreads Anakki has caught on to the latest trends, and has presented a collection of "looting"-themed footwear. The message of "Take what you want by force!" resonated with the boom of rough and rugged Splatlandian fashion, creating some die-hard fans. The motif of the collection is a gangster octopus, which has turned deep red due to the blood that's risen to its head.** This deep crimson color is symbolic of the collection.
**頭に血が上る means to be agitated or excited, but literally something like "blood to rise to one's head". with all the mentions of dark red, this word choice connecting it to blood was deliberate so i left it in.
Turning red due to agitation in this case might be implying its like a deimatic display rather than literal blood, but regardless that is still a connection of red blood and octopuses.
regardless of if you want to take this as solid proof of inklings/octolings having red blood, there are some other things that hint at them having red blood. like this art showing some inklings with ears and noses tinted red from the cold:
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or this concept art for an inkling anatomical model, with the insides tinted red
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There's also how the inside of the mouths of the squid sisters is a fleshy pink/red color rather than a color connected to their ink color, but theres some weirdness with how consistent mouth colors are If you're thinking, "but wouldnt it make more sense for them to have blue blood because they're cephalopods?" this is what i thought too. While blue blood is fine for sea dwelling cephalopods to have blue blood, it's inefficient for carrying oxygen for land dwelling creatures. Inklings and octolings took on many adaptations to make them more suited for land, so why not their blood? If the concept of a mollusc evolving from having blue to red blood sounds farfetched, this exact thing has happened to ramshorn snails!
Other option is they literally have ink blood which *shrug* idk they are creatures of Flesh and Organs so Im inclined to believe they have actual blood that, like the organs, we don't see because Family Friendly Game . I mean, we know for sure salmonids have actual flesh and blood (you can literally buy their meat in mako mart) but in game they just kind of explode like ink bags. anyway in short: not explicitly confirmed what kind of blood inklings and octolings have but with the S3 artbook and these few other examples i think red blood is a real possibility.
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its-in-the-woods · 5 months
Life's to short Chapter 1 (completed)
Cooper howard/The Ghoul x Lucy Maclean
Post end of season 1
Not beta.. I tried to edit 🫠
Ninety five percent written just tweaking
⚠️ Warning ⚠️
There will be canonically typical violence and eventually smut
+18 only
Slow burn sorta kinda
Please be nice this my first fic in almost a decade 🫣
Will eventually post on AO3 once I can get access... or where suggested 🤷🏻‍♂️
The sand blew past them as they marched forward along the rolling dunes. It had been, what, seven days since they left the observatory. Seven days of traveling east, well, eastish. The hound with them had the scent of old Daddy Maclean, a stuck bleeding pig in a half-dead power armor. A slick smile spread across his face, unless that piggy had a spare fusion core he wouldn’t be too far ahead. The sooner they got to him the better, not that the company was bad. Miss Chatterbox had actually been quiet. It was almost unnervingly so. He didn’t think the little slip of things could keep her mouth quiet for so long. The dog had made more damn noise than she did. Then again the Ghoul thought she had had the rug pulled right from under her. Went from a blushing bride to a finger-biting, venom-filled, killing machine. If the Super Duper Mart was any indication the little lady was a fighter. Another smile crossed his face as he glanced back at his companion. The Smooth skin had grabbed a poncho and pair of goggles off a dead traveler. He had pointed it out to her when they walked by, she hadn't even wrinkled her nose at it. Her skin was deeply tanned, pocket marked full of sun blister, and vault shoes traded in for something a bit more heavily soiled. Yet she was still so different from anything else out there. The Ghoul had tried to persuade her into giving up the vault suit but she hadn't budged yet.  The blue and yellow suit, even heavily soiled, stood out like a sore thumb up here.
The first few days he had watched her fall, stumble and tumble all over the damn sand. It had caused a few coughing-fitted laughs, she was nothing but stubborn. Learning quickly how to walk on the slippery slopes and getting good boots helped. She barely ate and drank sips here and there. Her once sparkling eyes seemed hollow, the brightness sucked out of them. It was better that way, the Ghoul mulled. She needed to be hollowed out a bit, the spark stamped out some. If Lucy was going to make it top side she needed to be a little harder. Have a little more grit and grime smeared on her. His mind wandered a bit, as minds tend to do on long walks. The look of determination as she mercy killed her Mom, the look now on her face as she marched behind him. It stirred things, things that should have been long dead. But Ghouls were after all base creatures and somewhat humans. He had been stuck in a damn coffin for thirty years. It had been a long damn time since he felt anything soft. The thought of the feel of her face under his hand, then the pain as she bit him. If he lingered on that thought too long it was viable to make for an awkward evening. Not that Vaultie would have any interest in his ugly mug.
A half-ass lean too came into view, a perfect spot to let the Vaultie rest. He could have continued through the night, but she wasn't used to this, so some creature comforts were needed. He sent Dogmeat out to get her own dinner as they walked closer to the place. They both split in different directions circling the place to make sure nothing was hiding out behind the shanty. A custom they had both gotten used to, making sure the place was secure before going in. They met at the back, damn she did look tired. She had pushed the goggles up into her black hair, eyes with dark circles looking back at him. 
He gestured with one leather-clad hand, “Ladies first,”
She rolled her eyes but went inside the little hut, dropping her bag and then herself onto the floor. At least what passed as a floor, was more sand than wood. The Ghoul had made sure Lucy had grabbed a bag, he certainly wasn't carrying all the goods considering she was the one who needed most of it. He also dropped his saddlebag onto the ground stretching his back a bit. He plunked down on the floor digging into the bag he pulled out his cantine of water and took a quick draw of it. Lucy’s arms were draped over her knees, ridiculously large eyes staring out into nothing. 
“You need to eat, and get some water in ya,” The Ghoul tapped her foot with his own.
She barely moved, just staring straight ahead. The Ghoul sighed and rummaged through his bag finding a can of Cram. He shook it against his ear, “Should be okay,” 
Tossing it, so it landed between her legs. She blinked and reached forward grabbing at the can. She cracked it open and stared at the half-dehydrated meat, before reaching in with her fingers and scooping some out. Less than two weeks ago she would have made a face and asked for a fork before touching the stuff. Good girl he mused. 
The Ghoul had stared far too long as he watched her fingers go into her mouth. Her pink tongue poked out to lick away the residue. The slightly purple-gray finger roved around in the tin before she looked up at him. He turned his eyes away, grabbing his can and opening it. The heat burning in his guts pushed down. Yep, it had been way too long. He wasn't stupid enough to stay around to let that heat fester itself into a fire. The girl had been through enough without his dick getting in the way.
“I’ll take the first watch,” Ghoul grumbled and pushed himself up and out of the opening in the wall without another glance. 
Lucy watches the Ghoul swish out the door like some leather-clad shadow. She had seen the way his eyes had watched her eat the food. Those gold-colored eyes blown open almost black. It wasn’t the first time she had caught him looking at her. It wasn’t the same way he had looked at her when they first met. The way he sneered down at her like she was less than a roach-slime on his boot. No, this was different. Something was different. Lucy’s mind swept back to her Dad, the piece of crud he was, trying to walk off in a stolen suit of armor. The look on the Ghoul’s face as he realized who it was. The way his eyes had widened with rage, the venom in his voice as he demanded to know where his family was. Two hundred years. He had been around since before the bombs dropped. All he had wanted was his family. 
Lucy could understand, well sorta, she didn’t have answers about her own life. A life that was one big fat mutated lie. She threw the empty can at the wall watching it bounce onto the sand. The last seven days she’d been stuck in her head. Remembering her bother Norm as she left. Wondering how the vault was fairing. Would she ever see them again? Lucy knew the journey ahead could possibly kill her. Actually, the possibility of her dying was high on the list. Surprisingly she didn’t fear death anymore. Death was an easy solution. There was far worse thing than death, she had learned that the hard way. Now sitting here thinking of how the sun had scorched her as she stumbled across ground that felt more like heavy water, not that it was any better at night. Even wrapped in the poncho and sleeping bag she would still feel cold in her bones for hours after she got up. Hot tears were pouring out of her eyes, this stupid wasteland, with its stupid sand, and stupid cruel people. It was all a lie. Their vault was never coming to repopulate America. What even was America? What was any of this? What was she even doing? 
She wiped her eyes and stood up. Lucy wanted answers and she wanted them now, and who better to answer them than the two hundred-plus-year-old butthole sitting outside looking up at the stars. Stopping, she watched him for a moment. Dogmeat was lying beside him, parts of some kind of dead animal beside her. The Ghoul was just staring up at the night sky. Lucy turned and looked up. In all the time, traveling this wretched wasteland, she had never stopped to look up at the sky. Millions of bright twinkling specks lit the sky as the moon crested over the range of ravaged mountains. It was beautiful.
“Guess you’ve never seen the stars before?” Ghoul questioned. Of course, he’d have heard her move, the man, creature, whatever he was, had scarily good perception.
“I never stopped to look at them before. I’ve seen pictures. Movies. But it’s so bright.” 
“Nothin’ better than in person,” He drawled sucking back on a cigarette he had nabbed off another dead traveler. Lucy wondered what it tasted like, and for some reason what the Ghoul would taste like.
She walked over and sat down beside him. Lucy wouldn’t have had very many nice things to say about the Ghoul. But he was all she had. Legitimately. Maybe, Maximus would live, he would come looking for her. But at this very moment, the only thing keeping her from walking into a Radroach den was him. Whatever he thought of her, she didn’t really care. So they sat there looking up at the stars watching the moon move across the night sky. 
She looked over at the Ghoul. He raised his brow, as he sucked back on the cigarette. 
“Could I try that?” Lucy asked bluntly, really there was no need for pleasantries between them. 
He crooked a smile at her handing her the cigarette. “You sure Vaultie? Things can be addictive.”
Lucy placed it between her lips taking a deep drag like she had seen him do. A cough immediately followed as she tried to blow smoke out. The stuff was awful.
Coughing and sputtering she handed the blunt back to the Ghoul. Who of course was laughing at her, as he took it back.
“Little too deep there Ms. MacLean.” He chuckled, taking another suck, his eyes constantly watching her.
Lucy caught her breath and felt a slight buzz start at her temples. She accepted the smoke when he handed it back. Taking a smaller breath was much more pleasant, even if it tasted like ash. The buzz wasn't horrible though.
“Well, I'd never guess Ms. Goody-Two-Shoes would like a smoke.” The man smiled wide, those eyes glistening in the start light.
Lucy shrugged looking up at the stars, before staring right back at him. “Life seems too short not to try new things.”
He may have been a two-century-old Ghoul but he didn't scare her anymore. There were much worse things out in the wastes.
*Hope you enjoyed the read*
Chapter two here
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plumbtales · 10 months
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Requires: All EPs and SPs Type: Community Lot
⚠️ Last Updated: July 27th, 2024
Ko-fi ☕
Recommended Mods ☑️
🔹 Rug Fix
🔹 Buyable Potions and Bottle Defaults
🔹 Improved Biotech Station by Epi OR Biotech Station Mod by Simler90 (if you want to sell medicine/viruses)
More pictures under the cut
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Floor Plan
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unsoundedcomic · 7 months
Speaking of Property and Capitalism, might Cresce have some way to rent household items such as furniture or decorations for free as from a library, rather than having to Capitalism them from a Store?
Funny you should ask that, friend Lu! Why yes they do!
Rather than libraries merely for books and media, Cresce maintains huge stocked warehouses of furniture, decorative items, rugs, tapestries, and all manner of things to spruce up your home, whether it's a temporary travelling worker barracks, or a more permanent fixed house. Maybe you're sick of the pink theme in your bedroom. Rather than toss out all your old bedding, furniture, and such, you can turn it back in to the library and see what other options are available to completely redecorate.
Naturally what you turn in needs to be clean and in good condition, or you may find your borrowing privileges affected~
If I had access to something like this I'd turn in a bunch of my old Pop Mart toys and check out a collection with more skulls and vampires.
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hamtaro-merch-tracker · 2 months
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Thank You Mart x Godzilla-ham
Release Date: July 2024 for "preorders," August 2024 in stores
Thank You Mart has released their second collaboration with Hamtaro! This time it's Godzilla-ham kun, which pairs nicely with the recently released merch from the Godzilla store. Thank You Mart sells all of their products at 390 Yen (not including tax) and their products from the last collaboration were very good quality for the price, so I'm excited to see how these ones fare!
Items in the collab include ( in this order on the 3rd image): a pillow, keychains, tote bag, hair clips, clear pouch, zipper pouch, mirror, nail file, wristbands, iphone case, socks, t-shirts, rug, hand towel, coaster, mouse pad, lint roller, memo pads, washi tape, sticker roll, clear bag + flake stickers, and other stickers!
Thank You Mart is currently having a pre-online sale, where you can purchase the items in July and it will be sent out late September. If you want to buy in stores, then you'll have to wait until August. The last collab had items go out of stock so quickly, so if you want these be sure to buy as soon as possible!
Thank You Mart does not ship internationally, you will need to use a proxy service. Be sure to find one with a short wait time for purchasing, since items are already out of stock (I missed out on the rug 😭)
Thank You Mart Site
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corruption-special-au · 2 months
Masked 🗝️ Prologue
While this is an au I would like to start as a small webcomic at one point, I would like to start it out with just some simple fanfic writing to kind of get into the groove I guess. It's been a whole hot second so like give it a second. But since the beginnings of this story are going to be mainly told from Crystal and Golds perspective, I thought I'd start out with a prologue from Silver's perspective
Early morning dew drops made the grass of this small town glisten like small stars in the night sky. And the forest here was rather healthy and overgrown, similar to that of Ilex. Though the thought of entering those woods only seemed to stir an uneasy feeling of spite and fear within Silver. He knew all too well of what lurked within those trees. Some being of great power, the mysterious guardian of Ilex. A creature whom he had never seen, nor knew the name of. But served as his teacher's life goal to capture and use its power for their own gain.
This was something he could never quite understand given all the assets the family had gathered over the course of their reign. Strong, powerful and capable pokemon that could crush any trainer who dared to threaten them. What could it be that this mysterious being had that intrigued his teacher so much? A stab into his bottom foot tore him from his thoughts, as he faltered backwards in surprise. Damn twigs… Perhaps it was time he wrapped his feet again, the rugged cloth he had been using showed clear signs of wear and tear from his journey here.
“Sisi, you still have that bag I gave you?” From the bramble behind him, a long feathered ear poked through the foliage. His trusted companion, a partner who stayed by his side for as long as he could recall. While small, Sisi still proved to be a reliable pokemon. From its back, a sack slung over its shoulder filled with berries, herbal remedies and various scraps of cloth. “Thanks girl." He huffed as he plopped down beside a nearby stump. If the others had heard him speak to his pokemon in such a manner they would have talked down to him like a weakling. He scoffed at the thought as he ripped away the muddy and useless wrap around his feet. Yet despite Karen and Will's constant persecution of his skill as a trainer meant nothing now. After all, he had been sent here to obtain this supposed package for their teacher; not them. The scornful sight of their envious faces when he was given this task still brought him a tinge of pride that burned deep in his chest.
They'd change their tune after this. Yanking at the last of the cloth, he set it to the side and began replacing it with fresher wrappings. Sisi sniffed at his scratched up and bruised skin with concern. “It's ok, no pain no game right?” A small reassuring smile and a pat on the head seem to put her at ease. Perhaps while he was allowed access to the outside during this mission, he could manage to snag himself some real shoes from a local mart. Then again, that could be too risky and bring about some unwanted attention to himself. It was crucial to handle this quietly, this was important. Once he was sure the bandages were well tied around each foot and the knot was sturdy, Silver rose from his spot on the ground. They couldn't be too terribly far from the lab by this point. Of course it would have been faster and easier to travel through the town and get directions from the locals, but then he would have a potential witness on his hands.
Briefly he unconsciously ran his finger tips down the side of the wood mask that hung from his face. At Least he would always have his real face covered to keep him safe. Leafs from the oak above sprinkled down onto his hair, shuffling from the branch above. “Murr, you up there?" Cawing from above, his second pokemon swooped downwards to land on his outstretched arm. “Have you found the place yet?" All he was provided was a general location and a photograph of the lab stationed here. He would have to rely on his Murkrow to lead them there through the outskirts of New Bark. The pokemon flapped its wings in response, and took off towards the east. Good. Without question, both him and Sneasel followed behind on foot. Just over a mossy hillside, there it was. The Research Lab.
Now all he needed to do was find a way in, and locate that envelope. What his teacher needed these notes for was beyond his knowledge nor was it his concern; but it was his responsibility to recover them without fail. Silver scanned the area from higher ground, ducked behind the bramble out of site. From what he could see, it was pretty similar to that of most other houses he passed by in this area. Larger than most. Two employees inside, moving what looked to be large trays full of pokeballs into a storage container. As well as two doors. A front and a balcony on the upper level, glass and easy enough to pick open. There. That was his ticket in.
“Right." He whispered as his two partners gave him their undivided attention, ready to act on his orders. “What we'll be looking for will likely be addressed from Azalea. Sisi, you'll come with me. Grab anything that has that address. Murr; you will draw those two out, and we'll lock that front door shut behind them. It'll buy us some time to look through the place. Ready?”
And with that Murr took off down hill, and began scraping at the window glass with its talons. Causing a rather irritating screech that seemed to do the trick, as a scrawny man with glasses in a coat came outside to shoo the pest away. Only to be attacked by the angered bird, he immediately threw his arms over his head in fright. Not long after came the second researcher, frantically trying to drive the furious feathered bully away with a straw broom and failing. Now. There was no time to hesitate, Silver and Sisi quickly dashed towards the balcony. Doing their best to go unnoticed as the two men flailed about, trying to avoid the brutal pecks from their tormentor. With two well timed jumps, Silver managed to crawl up and through the railing. Dropping down on one knee and pulling an old rusty lock pick from his pocket. Within seconds the door was open, and the two slipped in undetected. Once inside Sisi made her way down the stairwell, blowing a gust of frosty wind towards the front door. Slamming it shut, and covering it with a strong and thick layer of ice.
Good, now they could start. Heart racing, Silver hopped down to the first floor and began scavenging each shelf and desk drawer in search of anything that remotely looked like a package. Nothing, nothing, nothing! This is all junk! Panic rises his throat as he began clawing at the large stacks of various scribbled notes and booklets. Until there! Finally! In his hands he held a hefty envelope, opened at the top and addressed from Azalea Town to a Professor Oak. Inside this was critical information about the mysterious myth of the Ilex forest guardian. A pokemon whom his teacher has hunted for as long as he could remember. Curious, he stuck his hand down into the folder and pulled what felt like a stack of photos tied together with a rubber band from the middle. Poor quality… Why even keep them? Wait, there. In the corner of the third one, he spotted a vaguely small and green shape that seemed to give off a glow of some sort. Could this be?
He stared at the image in wonderment as well as confusion. With such great power, surely he thought this great powerful beast would have been much larger in size? But it looked to be no bigger than a Pidgey. Why would he want something that looked so feeble? Consumed in his thoughts, he hadn't even heard the muffled sounds of a battle taking place just outside the door. Shit! They must have had some Pokemon on them! Tucking the photos back into the envelope and into his satchel, he raced back towards the stairwell. “Sisi, time to go!" Just as he turned to escape, on the other side of the glass door he came face to face with a stranger. A boy who looked to be no older than himself, holding a pool cue in one hand and an aipom perched on his shoulder.
Where the hell? Silver leaped back, startled. And just as the other boy swung open the door, the ice from the front door started to break. In came crashing the two men from before, accompanied by yet another kid with a blue hat. You've got to be kidding me! A hand grabbed at his jacket collar, “Give me back my bag freak!” Luckily his reflexes kicked in just in time, as he swiftly hopped to the left, out of the boy's reach. In his panic, he turned tail and dashed towards the stairwell. What happened? He had this in the bag! Who the hell was this bastard? Behind him he could hear his footsteps catching up close, and in front of him stood the scrawny researcher. He had to do something quick before they got a good look at him. “Sisi!" Without flinching, the sneasel skidded in front of him and once more let out a gust of ice, freezing the slick tiled floor under their feet. “You-"
The trio of people down below started to slide about, struggling to keep their balance and eventually toppled backwards. "Ack!” The crack of the researcher's skull against the unforgiving iced stone floor even made Silver's neck prickle with pain. But at least they were out of commission for now. Now just- To his shock, Sisi was suddenly thrown back against the wall. A direct punch from the aipom’s tail had sent her flying. Sisi! He skidded to a halt, unsure of what to do next. Think of something, fast! Out of the corner of his eye, three pokeballs lay on a table beside him. All filled with different Pokemon. This one then! Snatching the strongest looking of the three he clicked the capsules button and released the small blue creature from inside. Hopefully it'll listen. Blinking, the small reptile shook itself awake, and glanced back at Silver with curiosity. Unsure of what to say, he simply gave the pokemon an encouraging nod towards the opposing aipom.
Thankfully, the croc turned and bared its tiny pin needle fangs at its opponent. “Oh you cheater! You can't just use other people's pokemon!" How immature. Though he just met this new Pokemon, he was certain to wipe the floor with this buffoon. “Attack!" At his command the croc raced forward, barreling into the astonished aipom who was brushed away easily. No battle prowess… this must be his pet, not a fighter. Sneering, he took the opportunity to dash over to sneasels side. Helping her up from the wall where she was flung into. That was probably that fool's only pokemon, and now that he was alone there was nothing stopping Silver from bum rushing the door. Yet despite his expectations that this kid would run away after he was left with no defense like any sensible trainer, he was baffled to find the reckless brat wrestling with the croc. Even as it started to bite down onto his arm and rip through the reddish hoodie he was wearing. But still he continued to struggle. “No one hurts my friend!”
What an idiot.
Swiftly leaping over the two, Silver once more clicked the capsules button to return the pokemon. Leaving the scuffed up nuitence scrambling to stand-up. Nothing but disdain in his eyes. To the boy’s side, he spotted the very same table Silver had snatched his pokemon from. “Fine, if we're fighting dirty." And with that he hastily took one of the pokeballs from its spot, and tossed it out to release another creature, just as small as the other. Its eyes appeared to be shut, relying on its pointed nose to guide its way. Yet Silver could still feel its worried gaze fall upon the pokeball in his hand.
“Listen, this scumbag is trying to steal your friend away!” It turned its attention to the boy behind it covered in scratches and bite marks. “Let's get him back!" And as if in agreement, bright and powerful flames exploded from its back. Fire type huh? The pokemon he just received looked to be a water type. Which meant he still had the upper hand. Irritated, he once again released the croc from its capsule. “You'll be sorry you dragged this out as long as you did." He hissed under his breath as the two glared at each other from opposite sides of the stairwell. Their two pokemon rather hesitant to strike first. Silver simply held his gaze with the croc as it looked to him as if to question the situation. “You can either stay here in this lab and live out a dull life, or you can fight by my side and grow stronger!" His words seemed to have struck a chord, as his new found companion once more turned towards his opponent. With one sharp inhale, it spat a gush of water into the other Pokemon. Knocking it back in shock. It had made its choice. “Again!"
Before its opponent could gather its bearings, another gush of water slammed into the small creature. But before the final blow could be struck, the other boy flung himself between the two. “Take it easy! That's your friend, remember!" It was time to end this little charade. “Sisi!" As the croc inhaled once more, sneasel gust a chilling breeze upon the last surge of water. The block of ice sent both the boy and the other Pokemon sailing backwards into the wall with a crash. Defeated. “Warned you." Silver returned the croc to its pokeball and quickly made a break for the side door. Out into the woods, he let out a loud whistle using his fingers. Relief washed over him as his Murkrow returned. Sneasel carrying the satchel with her teeth as they made their escape into the forest.
Gold wheezed, his ribcage where that slab of ice had struck throbbed in pain. But… at least… He looked to the side, to see that yes. The small Pokemon, soaked and weakened, took no extra damage from that blow. “Good." He croaked, the slightest taste of iron lapped at the back of his mouth. Yup, that's probably bruised. Cool, nice. “Aibo… you there?” From up above, dropped the boy's aipom. In its paws, a thick yellow envelope it struggled to carry upright. "Ah.. haha… prick. Got your stupid stinking folder." Now to return this back to its owner, and after that track down that guy and get his bag back!
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melon-colli · 3 months
Yapping about Inscryption
Just 'finished' (that's in quotes cause I'm not convinced that the games not DONE done) Inscryption and overall I really enjoyed it! I stopped live blogging after a certain point so heres a post to get those out.
!Spoilers for the whole game under the cut!
>I wasn't too sure about the art style change in Act 2 at first, and the fact that I was dog water at the new card mechanics didn't help, but it really grew on me and so did the new gameplay!
>The other scrybes were really interesting, there wasn't a single one I found boring. If I had to rank them I'd go Leshy<Grimora/P03<Magnificus. Grim and P03 only occupy the same space because I love them both equally.
>He's so quirky! Love him! Seriously though he was an endearing main character, truly creepypasta protag material. Seeing him get shot in the end really caught me off guard, and honestly shook me a little. Idk but why I didn't expect him to die, especially like that. Expected like a computer monster birthed from the old disk to get him, not for the GameFuna rep to cap him in the face. Had my chest tight for a second. Anyways rip bro, raising my mantis god to the sky.
>As for Act 3, I liked it! P03 is such a delightful dickhead, who I just know would be so annoying about Pokemon natures. Botopia was less immersive than Leshy's campaign, and I like what that says about P03's character, who cares way more about gameplay. This chapter's talking cards have my heart. Lonely Wizard specifically, but Angler was nice for the 5 minutes I knew him. (I traded him for another card specifically because he said 'choose me'. Sorry man I thought you had a plan)
>Obligatory Goobert Mention. Great guy, glad his pain was lessened by the tubes. Idk why you still want to go back to Magnificus, but I wont tell you what to do.
>The Uber bot bosses were still pretty interesting for a bot who supposedly doesn't care much abt crafting characters. I made my own special hell for the Make-your-own boss. Where for every dead card, another is drawn. P03 tried to stop me multiple times, but I was determined. For phase two I just chose leap bots for every dead card. Silly boss. Golly was also a sweetheart, loved the mole. As for the scribe Uberbot, the file deletion threat didn't get me nearly as bad since I came off of Kinitopet and knew the game couldn't actually do something like that and be on steam, but it still had me a little nervous lol (cause like what if it did?).
I got weirdly giddy at the prospect of finding the pelt man again. Idk why because I despised him in Act 1, Got a few pelts but never actually found him. Got scammed at the mart cause I thought buying the pelt would make him show up lol.
>Falling into the factory and seeing the 3 scribes just standing there scared me a little, thought they were gonna jump me.
>After that part, going back to P03 knowing what's going to happen, I felt a bit bad. At first. Sure P03's a smug jerk, but it just wanted to be free right? The walk back when it's reminiscing about the game amped this feeling up, but I love that the game yanked the rug from under me and went 'yeah no this puter just sucks' once it starts gloating. Lol. lmao. Also I didn't expect Leshy to just rip its head off wtf bro.
>Saying goodbye to everyone at the end was sad. Having one last game with the Scrybes was so bittersweet. Grimora's game was interesting, and its a crime we didn't have time for a boss battle. Leshy. Leshy I love you so much. I like that Magnificus wasn't going gentle into that good night at first, but his insistence to keep going lost him the chance to shake our hand. I was never super into his play style, but his game was really cool looking, even if im not super into that stuff. (I know the arm thing had something to do with Yugi-oh but I know nothing abt it sorry).
>The lead up to unzipping the Old Code was done so well. Grimora may have nuked the game to get rid of it, but Luke's curiosity still doomed him in the end. The totem lady's last words before we found it were quite unsettling. I don't know what was on that zip, but whatever it was clearly messed Luke up.
>I loved the ending of the game. Already talked about it in the Luke section, but it was so abrupt and final. Idk what I expected but I knew it was over when Luke opened the door for the Funa rep. Rip.
Overall, 10/10 game. There's still something called Kaycees mod for me to do, but all in all I really enjoyed it!
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shewhotellsstories · 3 months
im a casual bridgerton watcher but something that rubbed me the wrong way was the depiction of black men in the show. it feels like theyre regulary mistreated by the writers. like i can easily think of three instances which rubbed me the wrong way: simon: explicitly showing his SA and then brushing it under the rug as his mistake while framing his assaulter as "empowered" or whatever john stirling: seems a bit odd that the narrative last minute suggested that francesca isnt actually attracted to/in love with him despite literally all other evidence from s3 (not as egregious but definitely weird to me) lord danbury: honestly probably the main example of my issues with the show's depiction. lord danbury is depicted as a vile character, a lecherous old man. no issues with that, but whats odd is the character appearance. it seems like production darkened his skin somewhat while also enhancing the pink of his lips/gums- i dont know if this was to depict him as sickly (bleeding gums?) but i hated it because it felt too reminiscent of blackface in old cartoons and films. not only that, but lord danburys age was often a factor held against him (rightfully so), but imo that point fell apart when lady danbury fell for lord ledger, who's also an old man?? i didnt see why lady danbury had to fall for a man so much older than her, or why it was framed so positively even though the man was having an affair (his wife is horrid but that doesnt necessarily mean lord ledger is exempt from his duty to being faithful to her). they might have been trying to make parallels about how lord ledger vs lord danbury treated lady d but it rubbed me the wrong way- why is lord danburys age held against him when lord ledger's older age (and his own family) are not counted? idk if im reaching but in general the sidelining of black men is a trend in bridgerton that feels iffy to me
I feel like it's a two-fold thing. First, race-bending can be a great way to make sure characters of color are incorporated into stories, but it feels kind of pointless if/when characters are racebent only to get harsher treatment than other characters. Or to race-bend characters who are meant to be obstacles (Marina). An example of this is Bonnie Bennett, a race-bent character who experienced brutality her book counterpart was never subjected to.
Also, Bridgerton really isn't beating those colorist allegations. I get it, love matches are rare, but it feels like a choice to show one of the lightest women on the show having this fairytale kind of love at the same time one of the most prominent dark-skinned characters is suffering in this awful marriage. I know they have to show the ugly side of the Marriage Mart, but why through Lady Danbury?
I shared that article on some of the limits of colorblindness with Bridgerton but a lot of dark-skinned characters seem excluded from the soft life on Bridgerton.
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Blonde twink gets destroyed by the clap of Brazil's ass cheeks
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Jet stream Sam:
You like Brazilian chads with dummy thicc thighs that save lives, are an avid listener to bury the light, or have probably never played any other Metal Gear game since you are an avid RaidenxSam shipper who tends to forget or not know that Raiden has a wife (to be fair Rose repeatedly manipulated him and is a terrible cook so obviously Sam is the better choice and you have good taste in husbandos).
First Date:
You were at the local strip club, your boyfriend recently having dumped you. You decided you would go get drunk and watch some hot men dance to ease your troubles. You poured down your tequila and burped. "This better be worth it!" You brought all the cash you had on you which was pathetically small since your only source of income was from working at Wal-Mart.
Suddenly bright lights were flashing in neon colors and for some reason it reminded you of your friends rgb pc setup. "Hey ladies, give it out to our first man of the night, the incredibly sexy Corrente de Jato" Next thing you knew, men and women around you were screaming like they were at a boy band concert. "I guess this guy must be really popular huh?" Soon catchy techno music was blasting and out came a rugged yet chiseled man.
"Lets dance!" He began taking off his clothes and was soon only wearing a thong, not leaving much to the imagination. His rythmn matched the beat and you had to admit that he was pretty good because he could do some wicked moves on that dance pole. The money started pouring in. "Yes, yes I like this!" the man thought. In the corner of the room a slight growl could faintly be heard. There was a lone cardboard box. Underneath of course was none of then Raiden.
"That bastard! So this is what he's been up to? Well I think it's time to make my entrance!" He slowly crept to the front of the row. "What the hell is that?" Raiden was bumping into more people than someone playing bumper cars so everyone eventually took notice and stopped paying attention to Sam. "Shit! I think I've been compromised. Alright, plan b!" He tore away the box and revealed himself.
"Raiden? Is that You? What on earth are you doing here!?" The cyborg pointed his blade at the Brazilian man. "I'm the one that should be asking you that! This sword is a tool of justice but tonight I shall prove that I'm the victor!" Samuel laughed. "By all means pretty boy, if you think this is so easy then why don't you try it yourself?" Raiden took this as a challenge and entered the spotlight. "Alright. Girls like hot guys with accents rights? I think I've got this."
He readjusted his sombrero. "Hola, putas! Se habla español." An angry woman threw her beer bottle at him. "TAKE IT OFF!" He tapped the mic. "Please bear with me ladies and gentlemen, the show will start momentarily. El elemento por favor!" He tore off his suit and smirked. "WHERE IS IT?" Raiden thought he was doing everything right. "Huh?" The crowd was getting restless. "WHERE'S HIS DICK!" Just before Raiden could protest and trauma dump to the entire audience about how the patriots removed most of his body, Sam interjected.
"Hey, why don't we get back to dancing!" The boos turned back into cheers and then Raiden noticed the difference in the crowds reactions. He decided to give dancing a shot. He may be Liberian but he is 100% white with the way he danced. "GET HIM OFF THE STAGE!" Raiden was starting to get angry. "YOU GUYS JUST DON'T APPRECIATE THE ROBOT! BESIDES, WHAT'S HE HAVE THAT I DON'T!"
In unison the drunk patrons began yelling "NO DICK! NO DICK! NO DICK! NO DICK!" The cyborg sighed. He began to feel himself losing to Jack the ripper. "Fuck this, I'll just kill Sam and go home." he thought. Raiden tore the dance pole down and began to use it like L'Etranger. He went to stab Sam but the man managed to parry him. "WHY WON'T YOU DIE!?" he screamed. Unfortunately for Raiden, he was oblivious to the fact that Samuel hadn't been dancing at all but had been doing capoeira.
"SHOW ME A GOOD TIME JACK!" Everyone began to evacuate as the two men battled and the speakers began to play the only thing I know for real. The building was soon turned into rubble and the men lay there motionless, panting. "Well I'm out of a job now blondie so you better find me some work." Raiden let out a loud "GOD DAMNIIIIIIT!" and curled into the fetal position. He didn't want to deal with this shit again.
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tangentburd · 2 months
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~ Oh So Fly! ~
From the rockin’ street doves to the coo-l Capuchines We’ll pick and peck apart every piece of bird-based bling Warmers, collars, capes… Gramma’s cornbread cowls? You might as well go back home with your head in a towel!
~ A nonsensical poem I wrote on pigeons and their Fabulous! Bread! Necklaces! for the recent "Toasty Mart" bread x animals zine hosted by @bycmykae. Thanks for the pun fun-filled experience!
Shoutout to @katsuayumu too for making all the super cute and delicious pigeon character art for this piece :D
🕊 [ Read the full poem on AO3 or under the cut! ]
🍞 [ Read the free zine via itch.io! ]
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Greetings! Salutations! Birds of a feather! Welcome to the Bread Derby, sisters and brothers! The name’s Pasquale and I’m your host for today— Colomba of keen eye for fashions of the day ~✦
It’s party pigeon time down here in the square Where every-birdy’s decked in their fanciest neckwear Where the have-its flaunt it! And the have-nots want it! Where upper crusts and lower crumbs clash in showers of grit!
From the rockin’ street doves to the coo-l Capuchines We’ll pick and peck apart every piece of bird-based bling Warmers, collars, capes... Gramma’s cornbread cowls? You might as well go back home with your head in a towel!
We’ll see who’s the boss in their oven-baked best! And who’s burnt toast that’s only good for lining nests! Beaks up and b-ready, we’re starting the show Coo! Here’s our first lady—let’s fluffin’ go!
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Behold! This uppity—I mean, blue-crowned royalty: The Duchess of Dovershire, come to visit from her county With her pearl-tipped crest as though dipped in icing And draped with a most exquisite braided bread ring Such graze! Delicacy! (Maybe a hint of power?) The air and flair of fresh-milled flour—
“How do you do? Your reds and greens are lovely!” Hold up, did... she just say something to me? Why yes ma’am, thank you! I adore them too! It’s just avocado bruschetta, nothing too frou-frou~ She chortles, nods; then away she struts: A portly, pleasant presence in her posh, plaited doughnut.
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Kerfuffle from the crowds! Cue the world’s favourite Frillback: Pop idol Pae-Dae, in a cushy cape of flatbread Luscious curls of feathers bronze all across his wings A dishy dove indeed: he’s every fledgling’s prince! His shuffling feet pause, his misty eyes find mine I wonder what words might leave a beak so sublime...?
“Wish I could sleep, Mister Host, but I’ll do my best Ask me about the dramas I’ve been filming without rest Or how everyone thinks my wings are hazelnut flakes...” Sigh, a celeb’s life! You can’t ever get a break I’ll interview you next week! Now go and catch some Z’s Your tortilla blanket should be cosy—but don’t let your fans see!
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An emerald dove patters by, sleeves shimmering green Donning the airiest, fairiest sourdough I’ve seen: Scored like a flower, flour dusted like a lace veil Aw, she’s proud of it! Look at her bobbing tail~ “My name’s Paige Pidgerton, I baked it just today I hope to open my artisan beak-ery someday!”
You’re a natural, miss, this here’s a work of art! But really, is that all you dream of deep inside your heart? She flusters, she flushes, her white headband askew The rosy eyes of a heroine’s fairytale come true! “Maybe... if I can’t bake for everyone in town Then at least for some-birdy I’m happy to be around.♥”
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You hear them before you see them: Two lean, rugged doves Squabbling, squawking, crash-landing (on the) square from above “I told you to hurry, old man, now we’re late for the parade!” ‘Why don’t you stop by a corner shop again, you ingrate!’ Good day, gentlemen! I might have seen you somewhere, sir Aren’t you G.I. Low, that decorated war officer?
‘Some eye you’ve got, chap! Sharp as this one I’ve got left Better than my grandkid here who thinks he’s bloody EMS.’ “If this thumbdrive don’t reach later, I’ll be toast-er than my toast! Name’s Payload Swift, mister, I’m a racer turned pigeon post.”
(Aha! Do I sense a glorious generation gap? A question trap to set their wings and tempers aflap!) Living life in the fast lane? Your intake must be insane! Care to share with us your go-to holy grains?
“This grilled tuna sandwich melt from Leaven-Eleven’s Is the best thing since sliced bread—a taste made in heaven!” ‘It IS sliced bread, for heavens’ sake! See the junk this boy is eating? Not like this chipped beef on toast from back when I was serving It’s provisions! Nourishment! Blessings for the whole flock!’ “Yeah sure, if only you can eat it without a fork...”
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A zig-zagging, a tango-ing, a high bird-song and dance A kererū, post-dine-and-wine, down on the bench in a trance That passé office plumage versus bland-as-heck handbag— Lady, your tastebuds are wrecked! And that fruit loaf’s a big red flag!
She waves her bottle—budget Pigeot Noir!—before my eyes “I’ve seen your shows on CooTube, you’re that real fly guy! That Nicobar fella who’s gone way up the pecking order...” Lady, your tastebuds are just fine! Ignore what I said earlier—
“Can you tell me how you’ve been eating every-birdy’s lunch? You’re now rolling in dough, but I’m just rolling off the branch... How can a common quill-pusher like me, Karolie Flee Fly to the top, eat all I want, and still be this carefree?”
Oh Miss Flee, let’s first put my inspiring haute coo-ture aside No matter what you’re doing, you should do it with pride! Push all the quills (and your bosses’ too) until you’re seen and heard But remember: there’s more to you than just this corporate bird!
Sure, your whites, greens and purples may not be the hottest stuff But if you’re a better you than yesterday then that’s good enough~★ That said, please just toss that brick of cursed candied fruit Get a loaf that tastes more chic! With marmalade to boot!
So there we go, folks—our roundup of this Derby: A true-blue cross-section of our bling-based society I’ve seen a future star baker, courier, wine connoisseur Stay inspiring, inspired and well rested, you youngsters!
Boast your bread-lace loud and proud, bake it till you make it The true slice-of-life is how you wear it and what you make of it! And to every-birdy else who’s stayed with us throughout— Beak thanks to you all! This is Col. Pasquale, signing out~♫
~ end ~
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leggy-martian · 1 year
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This is my dad's study. Marte seems to enjoy doing carcass hours/rug mode in it. Our current theory is because it's a dude's room 🤔
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alarrytale · 9 months
Hi Marte! What do you think Harry really meant when he said ‘loud loud loud’ and do you think Louis was confused about his answer and expected to hear smth different?
Hi, anon!
No, i think Harry was like this:
H: "Oh, fuck. Quick, try to think of some of Louis' characteristics that don't reveal i'm head over heels for him. Shit, what are some neutral terms to describe him...".
*Meanwhile Harry's brain*
...beautiful, kind, lovely, handsome, generous, sexy, father of my future children, golden, loud laugh....
"Good, that's one. I need two more..."
...sinful arse, sweet creature, caring, rugged, husband material, loud personality...
H: ...LOUD
"Oh, i already said that, hurry i need one more.."
...admirable, flamboyant, brave, kissable, eyelashes to die for, soft, loud in bed...
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nonhumanhottie · 1 year
Rebels season 4 rewatch
Rebel assault
Mart flying with the rebels!! His uncle would be so proud!!
I love Zeb shoving Ezra to the back of the speeder lmao
the star wars theme playing while Hera is being heroic ughhh
God I love the lothal skyline
Real talk when did Kanan and Hera bone down
Hera rescuing Mart!!
Kanan already knows. He already knows. Oh God it hits like the first time every time
Hera noooo
Jedi night
I've been dreading this episode all day
It's perfect but it's awful
Pryce is so lesbian as she tortures Hera
Nah not the cheery music as Kanan gives himself the most fugly haircut ever
Zeb doesn't even know he's saying goodbye to Kanan
Ooh the stardust reference
Kanan subtly saying goodbye to his kids oh my god
How dare they give us something as delightful as high hera in this episode they really pulled the rug out from under us
Kanan really is letting hera behind the metaphorical wheel lmao
I guess i can believe them being together and in love but being afraid to say it out loud since you know. The war
This show is sick and twisted I want to die this isn't fair
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achillvs · 1 year
You just kinda have the vibe of someone who would love outlander. Especially if you love the ships like jegulus and wolfstar( drarry let's not forget drarry do you like drarry?). Outlander is romance, history, trauma, tragedy, family, political intrigue and war. And I feel like specifically with the ship jegulus you can get so much of that if you do a outlander au. Plus I just would love to read about James all rugged on a horse and potions healer Regulus who is mart and sassy even though he shouldn't be especially in the 1700s. Especially if he accidentally runs into muggles who will burn him at the stake. What I especially love about this au is the potential of how dangerous muggles could be in it. Having to keep wizardry world even more secret and how different that could look with the dark and light side wizardry war in the canon books.
sorry for late reply, i was in thesis hell
thank you so much!!! i am immensely happy the history nerd slash hopeless romantic in me shines through. i love drarry! it's still my otp from hp after many many years, just put on the back burner by the marauders brainrot.
although i have to say, i got stuck at the beginning of season 2 of outlander, because in my opinion, they totally fumbled the pacing with how they showed the timelines there. i completely lost interest. i will come back, because i love jamie (JAMIE I FORGOT IT'S JAMES), but my god. i am not happy.
that said, the plot idea is truly amazing and i hope someone's inspiration gets sparked by it! it cannot be me, it cannot be me, i have too much on my plate already BUT
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