#rude blu
blubushie · 9 months
the crawfish tastes different cause of its environment/diet theyre basically the same otherwise
Explain the meat toughness
I will die on the hill of them not being the same since they're completely different species from different continents. It's like saying Maine lobster and spiny lobster are the same. Both lobsters but different species
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maverickcalf · 1 year
Right now I wish I could go shirtless, never wanted to before but I am so hot.
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hylianengineer · 2 years
I just found out that Blu del Barrio is only an inch taller than me (5′2′‘) and Ian Alexander is an inch shorter (5′0′‘). I am pleased by this information.
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blu-s0da · 26 days
mean cheerleader girl x timid prep school girl my beloved
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*They look down at the plate, then look back at Alexei with a bit of uncertainty.*
Right..right, you're right. I'm a big cat, I can do this one thing! I can..
*They give the best smile they can, expect none of their usual confidance or smugness is behind that smile as they turn on their feet and slowly make their way out of the kitchen.*
*If they still had their tail, it would be between their legs as they walk.*
(Trust Alyoshka to set Katze straight!! 💪💪💪💪)
"You can do it, Sparkles!" James cheers you on.
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paintingskyblutf2 · 3 months
i have ubersaw now. fear me.
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woso-dreamzzz · 6 months
Outburst II
Leah Williamson x Jordan Nobbs x Child!Reader
Summary: You say a bad word
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"Whoa, whoa," Leah says helplessly as your screaming body is placed into her arms," What-? Jordan, what's going on?"
Jordan sighs as she gently wipes the tears from your red face. "She's a little sad today-"
"Mummy!" You whine, reaching for her. You try to flop back out of Leah's arms to get to her and it's only because of Leah's quick readjustment that you don't go falling to the floor. "Mummy, no!"
"I'm sorry, bug," Jordan says and, to her credit, she does look incredibly apologetic," But you know it's Mum's turn to have you this week."
You just sob harder.
"No," You cry," Mummy, no! Please!"
"I'm sorry, bug," Jordan repeats, crowding close enough to give you a tight hug in the hope of calming you down," But you know that it's Mum's week now. You were so excited to get your minutes in a few days ago."
You just keep crying though, trying to claw your way out of Leah's arms and cling to Jordan.
"Go, Jordan," Leah says with a sigh," I'll take her inside. I'll calm her down."
Jordan looks torn but nods. "She didn't want to leave Blu. I took him to the vets last night for a checkup. He stayed over there so she hasn't seen him since. She's been a little bit sad."
"A little bit?" Leah scoffs as you wail right in her ear before hitting her shoulder. "Hey, no, bug. What have I said about hitting? It's rude."
You hit her again.
"Bug," She says in warning.
"Hey," Jordan says softly," As soon as I get back, I'll pick up Blu and send your Mum a picture but you've got to stop crying, okay?"
You sniffle. "Promise?"
"I promise."
You nod and angrily wipe away your tears. Your bottom lip still trembles but you relax in Leah's arms, head on her shoulder as your hand reaches out to play with the necklace she's wearing.
Leah hopes that you'll be happier now that Jordan's promised pictures of Blu but you're still a little sad and depressed during bath time and bedtime.
You didn't even enjoy your bedtime story like you usually do and it carries on the next day when you don't cross the day off on the calendar.
You're usually so excited to cross a day off because it means you're closer to match day and match day means you get your minutes in at the very end.
Leah doesn't know what else to do. She's shown you the picture of Blu Jordan sent. She put you in your comfy clothes and your favourite Arsenal jersey but you still remain sad.
Very briefly, Leah considers going to the shelter and getting you a puppy but realises that she's got training and there's not enough hours in the day to do both so she picks you up and gets you into the car.
Leah's pretty sure it unnerves everyone how quiet you are. Even the newer signings like Fox and Codi seem to notice something's wrong.
Katie's the one who makes the first move.
You're sitting in Leah's cubby, just swinging your legs aimlessly when Katie pokes you in the cheek.
The disgruntled look on your face is funny so she pokes you again.
"Come on," She cajoles," What's wrong? I don't get a hug this morning?"
"Why not? I might die without my hugs, you know."
You give her a blank stare. "Then die."
"Bug!" Leah snaps sharply and you duck your head sheepishly.
"Sorry, Mum. Sorry, Katie."
Leah turns back to what she's doing and Katie pokes you again.
"Stop it!" You snap but Katie does it again," Fuck off, Katie!"
Someone gasps, probably Alessia, but all you're focussed on is your Mum. Leah whips around to face you. She looks angry, looking down at you with pursed lips.
"That's a bad word, bug!" She tells you," It's a naughty word! Who taught it to you?"
You shrug.
"Bug, you've already been naughty today. Don't lie to me. Who taught it to you?"
You feel the urge to cry again, your throat going all tight and closed up and you know pretending you don't know what Mum is talking about will get you in a lot of trouble.
You mumble your response.
"Speak louder, bug," Leah says," So I can hear you."
"Rachel said it to Mummy a few days ago when they were wrestling," You reply," Didn't know it was a bad word! It got Mummy to stop!"
Leah sighs, running a hand over her mouth as she looks at you. The rest of the locker room has gone silent, just watching how she's going to tackle this situation.
"Some words," Leah says," Are naughty words. That's one of them. I don't want to hear you say it again, bug."
You frown. "Rachel said it."
"Rachel's an adult."
"And adults say bad words?"
"Only when they're being naughty." Leah really doesn't want to be having a conversation like this but she has to admit that thinking it through has perked you up a little bit.
"Adults get in trouble for saying bad words too?" You check and Leah nods. You point right at Beth. "She said fuck last week."
"Bug, stop repeating it!"
"And so did Emily and Lessi. Lessi taught it to Vic, who taught it to Codi. Everyone says it, Mum!"
"Well-" Leah looks around.
"And they didn't get in trouble!"
"They're getting in trouble now!" Leah declares," We'll make a swear jar. If you swear, you put money in the jar. Is that good enough for you, bug?"
You think for a moment, looking around the room where Kyra is giggling. "Kyra called the plug a motherfucker when she stepped on it last week."
"That was meant to be a secret!" Kyra exclaims.
"Alright." Leah massages her temples. "From now on, this is a no swear zone. If you swear then you put money in the jar."
"Hey, come on!" Katie complains," Sort your kid's potty mouth out at home! Don't make all of us suffer through this shite."
"That's a quid in the swear jar, McCabe," Leah says, turning and picking you up," And no Bug Hugs for a week."
"No, Bug Hugs?!" Katie shrieks," I'll die without them."
Leah winks at you. "Then die."
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lowrid3rgirl · 1 year
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He is wunderbar! @quazies BLU Medic. I love him. We love him. Thanks to you for the awesome animation show. PS: When we Germans stare at you, it is never in a rude way. We just study you.
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unsuredreamer · 2 months
I will always love you
Chloe Charming 💙 x fem! reader
requested! but i changed a bit
i feel like it's kinda shit, but you can let me know whatcha think!
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"Look at them honey, they are perfect for each other. Just like us" Charming calmly exhaled. The both of them, along with your parents admiring how you and your best friend of the whole universe danced together. Two 8 year olds just holding hands and spinning around, hugging, trying to make up new steps.
"We can try to this song! My momma and dad always sing it" Little Chloe yelled trying to find the right rythm to their newest invention of a dance.
"What is it, Chlo?" You yelled in excitement still holding her hand. There was a whole party thrown for your birthday but you didn't want to dance with anyone else. This little girl and her blue dress seemed to be enough for you. Not even the biggest cake with lots of frosting would make you as excited as being told you'll see your favorite girl again.
"So it goes like, mhmh-wait I don't remember. Mommy!" She swiftly ran off, you right after her.
"Yes babygirl?"
"Could you sing that one song you sing with daddy? I want to dance with Y/n. You always say it's special, i want to dance with her to it. Make it special too!" The little girl grinned, her storm of blue locks forbidding her from seeing anything, making her throw them to the side every now and then.
"So this is love?" Cinderella hummed, giggling in the process.
"Yes! Yes! That one!"
As Ella continued humming the rest of the parents could not help themselves to not be in awe at the sight before them. You both truly were soulmates, platonic or not, there's no denying it.
"Fuck you! Why are you so rude to me?" Chloe yelled
"Well I wouldn't have to be if you weren't a stuck up princess all the god damn time!"
"I am a stuck up princess..?"
"Chloe no I-. Fuck!"
"Hey little bluey girl right here, you're looking really good today, wanna hang after school?" The other son of Hook, Thomas, has appeared before your 'friend' holding her chin up with his piece of rusted metal. It was not gold, let's not fool anyone. And it certainly did not pass down on him his fathers charms. Only this horrible accent of his.
What would that douchebag want from her? You thought watching from afar. Your blood boiling hot at the sight. Glaring daggers, you thought of all the ways to kill him. He doesn't seem to want to let go. Hitting on the poor girl since the begging of the year. Despite the desperate attempts of Red trying to scare him off.
"I'm sorry, I'm actually quite busy, I was.." The charming princess stopped and looked at her friend for help.
"Supposed to help me...with something" Red butt in sensing her friends pleads.
"It's alright I can help too, so what are we doing?" The bloke grinned not letting go
"It's girly stuff so we'd rather-"
"Well, I've been round women my whole life babygirl, so i believe i should know a thing or two" His grin getting bigger. What a shithead. Take a hint bro.
"I mean, It's-It will be-I"
"All good blu, I know you want me there" He winked getting closer to her. She was looking rather uncomfortably, slowly backing off. He was atrocious, she would never want to do anything with him. Would she?
Even if she was to be paid for it, she'd never wish to look at him. Chloe's eyes squeezed shut at the growing feeling in her stomach. Her heart beating rapidly in her chest.
"Hey back off bro" You claimed, right on time, pushing him away from almost kissing the princess of Cinderellasburg. Standing in between him and the girl he was basically harassing. You felt her hand find it's way to yours, squeezing it tightly. Her breath shaky on your neck, you felt the anger burst out of you like a volcano.
"Becauseee what?" He smirked, coming even closer "I'm just trying to flirt with my girl here" His eyes wandered around your body settling on Chloe's, her hand squeezing yours even tighter. As much as if cutting the blood flow from your limb was intentional.
"She's my girlfriend, so you better back off little shrimp before I gut you out just like my father did yours" You threatened, showing him your sharp canines in a fearful smile. They were all that was left after this little bibbidi bobbidy boo the young fairy godmother accidentally performed on you when you went back in time with the girls. She was not the brightest fairy back then let's say.
"Bibbidi bobbidy boo! OH! I'm so sorry!" Fay yelled "I'm gonna fix this, I'm gonna fix this!"
"Don't! You've done too much, leave it" You growled looking at yourself, full of fur with sharp claws sticking out.
"You look rather cute as a wolf!" Bridget butt in, smiling from ear to ear. Petting your back.
"Shut up!" You yelled, shrugging her hand off "I'm a beast not a wolf"
"Yeah yeah, whatever you say man" Ella snarled "I mean girl, sorry"
"Yeah, fuck off" You stormed out of the building glaring at anyone you saw on your way, your dear friend running after you. She wanted to help you, tell you you were not bad, and actually kind of nice looking as a beast. Maybe even give you a few belly rubs to make you finally smile " Go away Chloe"
"But Y/n, you-"
" I said go away!" You roared, scaring the poor girl. You did not want her to look at you in that state. You were a monster.
"Geez, you're crazy. But don't worry I won't take your owner, dog" Thomas laughed after his annoying bark walking away.
"Fucking dumbass" Red snickered under her breath, raising her eyebrow
"Thank you Y/n, really" Chloe smiled warmly
"All good" You just muttered coldly. Usually you'd be more harsh to the Charming princess, to Red, your brother, basically everyone. But you felt the anger slowly falter.
You began to act like that around your fourteenth birthday. Something happened to ypu and you hadn't quite known yourelf what happened. To make you feel so much anger. To make you act so heartless, cold, to be so harsh and truthful to the point it hurts others. It was like a switch in you, being played with for months and left on the side that made everything turn dark. Deep down you dont want to be that way, you know it. But it's like a shell has began to form around your heart, your skin getting ten times thicker forbidding your true character out int the broad daylight.
Were you cursed?
You did not want to be that way with Chloe, she was the dearest to you. But you've already hurt her so much. It made your heavy with guilt heart ache.
Why couldn't you look in her eyes? They were the most beautiful eyes you've ever looked into. But somehow you were too ashamed to look at her, to even glance.
She was pretty, too pretty for you.
too good for you.
As she looked at you with that kind look in her eyes, you could not fathom how was she even able to talk to you still. Be so nice, after you literally abandoned her. It was never your intention to let go of this beautiful soul, but something pulled the strings on you. Making you not be yourself. You hated that. You hated yourself.
"i hate what you've become, I miss the way we laughed together, and how you held me. Everything we've done"
"Okay" I miss you more Chloe.
"Come back to me please, break out of this Y/n. I'm waiting. I'm always gonna want you back"
Days have passed, you two faking being a couple for the sake of Thomas leaving Chloe alone. The whole school whispering about this unusual romance.
Her hand found yours in the middle of the corridor upon all of these eyes looking at you. You felt awkward. It was truly awkward as she whispered to you.
"Y/n, act normally. I can feel your hand sweat soaking mine"
Slamming her back on the lockers you couldn't help but almost graze her lips "Then let go of my hand and just kiss me, we'll be done with that whole show" You blurted out, not realizing what have you just said.
"Are you insane?" That was exactly what she wanted.
" I think i might be...about you" you muttered the last part under your breath.
"They are so gonna talk about it" The blue haired princess breathed, her cheeks turning deep red.
"Well, that's why we're doing this right?"
And yet another argument burst out between you two.
How could someone be so stupidly, obviously in love with each other and argue on top of that? Whilst also being in a relationship? Fake, yes, but still.
You have to make up eventually though, right? You need to.
"Chloe.." You blurted out.
"Yes?" She answered with hope in her eyes, she was tired of this too. She missed you like hell and the worst part is, she didn't even know why you acted this way. You just stopped talking to her, stopped hanging out, became more distant and kind of floated away. She tried to bring you back a few times, but no luck. As if something was holding you hostage.
Oh how you loved her hopeful eyes. Always cheery, always positive. She was like a beam of sunlight on a dark day. A singular ray lightning up the whole world for you. You loved dark days but she was much better than that. Much better than anything and anyone you've ever loved.
So why couldn't you say it to her? scream at the top of your lungs how much you love her.
"Do you want to go out with me? After classes, go for a little walk?" You asked unsurely, would she want to? After all you've put her through? And now, faking being her lover? That's like an arow straight through the heart. Injesting itself like a poison flowing in her veins.
"Sure" she gave you a small nod. Just a small nod.
That way, you spent all of your remaining classes rethinking all the bad things you've said to her. All the mean things you've done. And how you could make the plane turn right around. How you could show her you're sorry. Apologize. But your mouth was doing something completely different than your soul wished to come out.
"You know it's really annoying, knowing you can't stick up for yourself. Like a child."
Chloe tried to stay calm, walking by your side when you broke the awkward silence, but she could not let go of these growing feelings, buzzing in her head with every second her hand grazed yours as you spat those harsh words at her. Is she annoying? Is that what you imply? Suddenly she burst out as she couldn't contain herself anymore,
"Tell me! Tell me what did i do wrong?! I can't believe you've been this icy, son of a bitch to me for the past, what, two years?! It's like we've never been best friends. You know how bad it hurt me? Having you be so cold to me after all those years spent everyday together? You were the closest person to my heart and you walked away from it. I cried nights colliding with your freezing stare after tasting the previous sun coming out of you. You were like swording to me, and now i don't even enjoy that! Everything I do reminds me of all the things we have done together. The simplest walks and these hard quests our dad's used to prepare for us just to get us out of the castle. Coming home just to eat a nice sandwich from my momma, split in half, the other for you. Never have I ever eaten the other half, even after you stopped coming to hang-out. The gut wrenching, sickening feeling in my stomach forbid me from eating for days. Even Chad has been asking for you, yes, this annoying little prince whos been bugging us everyday, missed you too. You turned away from me, why from me Y/n? You were everything i had. And you took it away" Chloe spat out the last sentence, giving you one last look before turning away and running till her legs gave up. Not giving you a chance to reedem yourself. Collapsing on the ground crying her heart out.
It was broken. It was broken by you. But she wanted you to be the person to piece it back together. She's been hurt by you but she wanted nothing more than to feel your comfort. You were the bad person, but how wrong of her was to want only you in her life? To feel your love? To feel your touch?
"Hey boo, what's wrong?" Red whispered into Chloes hair after dropping on the floor right beside her. Clinging hard onto her knight, so the blue would feel that support. She didn't know if that was right but thats what she heard is supposedto help.
"Y/n.." Was all that the Wonderlandian could make up from Charming's sobs.
She knew the situation between you two was tense hence all she did was just be there for her friend. Holding her, listening to her on and on rambles, how you're the worst, but also the best. It confused her, how this many feelings could be stored in such a small body.
"And it's so frustrating! Infuriating!" Chloe yelled pacing around the room, throwing her hands in every direction. Her emotions changing 10 times in the span of minutes. If Red didn't take her sword that would be the thing she'd be gesturing with.
"She says one thing then all of a sudden she's got me spinning, clasped in her touch. Messing with my head like I'm some kind of a toy?" she was irritated, confused, sad. "You know what? I'm gonna go and sp-"
"No, no, Chloe, chill out first" Red tried to calm her but her friend was already at the door, swinging it open revealing someone standing in the frame.
"Um-Chlo?" She froze in place.
"I was about to knock, i promise i did not eavesdrop" You offered a small smile.
"Good. What are you here for?" Her harsh tone made you wince
"Can we talk alone?" You asked looking briefly at the princess of Wonderland. She just nodded her head walking swiftly out of the room. "Listen Chloe. I'm sorry"
"Woah, deep coming from you Y/n, after two years" She remarked, crossing her arms on her chest. Looking anywhere but you
"I really am, I know it wil not change anything. But-" You breathed in, "I try to stop these harsh words from coming out, but i feel like a puppet. Like someone who is just controlled by others. Like I'm not myself. And i haven't been since I went to these woods" You sharply exhaled. Chloe shifted closer to you, sensing your truthfulness. "I fell like I've been cursed Chloe" You gazed into her eyes, your own brimming with tears. She immediately pulled you into a deep hug. She knew it wasn't you, you have always been a sweetheart. How could she not be there for you?
"It's okay"
"It really is not Chlo" You pulled away from her comforting arms, taking her hand in yours. The brief, delicate touch made Chloe spin, her mind cloud and her sight to blurry. Her body got hot and her heart thumped in her chest. "I thought, about complimenting you at least 5 times a day but i couldn't muster up the courage to break through" You admitted.
"You did?" Your soft tone of voice made her swoon, she missed you so bad.
"I did love. I wanted to scream because my mouth did the complete opposite" You giggled, but there was nothing to really giggle at "You know, you are absolutely wonderful"
"You think so?"
"Chloe, you're the most amazing, talented, smart and beautiful girl I've ever known. Of course you are" you smiled, taking her head in your hands, swiping your thumb over her rosy cheek.
"I love you" The Charming princess blurted out "I'm sorry, I'm so stupid"
"Chloe, Chloe, calm down" You tried getting her to stop shaking her head but it was no use. She was like a storm, unmanageable. So you did the only thing you could think of a the moment.
Getting closer your lips touched hers. Making her stop everything and hum into the kiss. She was frozen, her heart rate hitting skies, when she finally realized what was happening. Your mouths moved in synchronization as your hands found her neck pulling her even closer.
The kiss was slow, savoring every single second as you tried to pour all of your feelings into it. Her lips so soft and her tounge entangling with yours. It made you want more and more.
But you had to pull away, keeping her chin high up in your palm. Her little smile and kind brown eyes looking up at you made you burst out with happiness from the inside. Her hands hooked around your neck playing with your hair.
"I love you Chloe" You promised, planting one peck to her lips. The girl closed her eyes and nodded her head, telling you silently she knew.
She always knew, that's why she waited for your love.
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abiatackerman · 1 day
A stupid promise
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Levi Ackerman x Female Scout Reader
Canon universe! Fully Romance! Age gap! Sweet!Fluff and comfort! 1.4k words!
Summary: Falling for a captain who's 10 years older than you was stupid. Making a promise with him in the middle of the night was stupider!
Tags: @laevieee @spouseofleviackerman @levisbrat25 @itsnathateasy @violentvaleska @anti-cupid @meowmewow7 @mikabella7 @ellazenin
🩷If you wanna be tagged let me know🩷
Falling in love with someone who's almost 10 years older than you is crazy. But it feels more like stupidity than craziness when the man is not just "some men" but technically your superior and the leader of your squad.
You can't blame yourself. His handsome face always makes people think that he's in his 20's. You thought the same too. But when you heard from Petra that he's actually in his thirties, you were heartbroken.
This is actually maddening how his behaviour gives you hope too! Why can't he just act rude and stoic just like he behaves with other soldiers? Why does he have to nod whenever you would smile and wave at him instead of ignoring you? Why does he have to act more gently when he's teaching you how to fight? Can't he understand he's making this too hard for you?
You rub your temple as you close the book you were reading with frustration. You know it's your fault, you always act gentle and sweet around him even though his expressions are scary. But that's how you actually act around everyone! Can't he just ignore you and be more rude? That'll make things easier.
"You look frustrated."
You look up at the sound of Petra's voice and remove your hand from your forehead.
"Hey sorry.... I didn't notice you."
You say softly with a tired smile as she smiles back too. She's currently your roommate, also your squadmate. You both were selected by Levi.
Petra's selection makes sense. She's a fiery soldier with amazing fighting skills. But you? Even after being taught directly by Levi the best you can do is protect yourself and escape. You tried to ask Levi why he picked you up and he just answered casually.
"You'll be able to stitch us up if we get hurt."
That's what he's answer was....
"Captain called you...."
You were snapped out of your thoughts by Petra's voice. You smile worriedly.
"At this hour? The last thing I want now is to spread rumors about us."
You say bitterly making Petra chuckle as she sits beside you.
"You're more worried about losing your self control and doing something inappropriate, aren't you?"
You bite your lower lip at her words and Petra shakes her head. She pulls you off your bed by your wrists and pushes you towards the door.
"I bet it's something serious, Y/N. You know how captain Levi is, right? If it wasn't something serious he never would have called you! He told Oluo to let you know. I met Oluo by chance in the hallway and he told me. Even he looked worried! Go!"
You sigh and nod at her words as you walk towards Levi's office. Your heart is jumping with excitement, nervousness and fear. Some inappropriate, sinful thoughts are haunting you and you can't just shove them off.
You treat Levi often so you've seen his body plenty of time and god forbid.... He's sexier even though he's short. You'd gladly let him do whatever he wants with you... Even you would be he's plaything even if he wants....
Thanks to just how crazy you are, for him.
You cough and clear your voice and knock on his door. You swear you can feel your own heartbeat.
"Come in."
The candlelight is illuminating the cozy organised room with a delicate glow. It's clean as usual and filled with the fresh smell with his....
Along with the smell of blood.....
"Captain Levi!!!!! My god what happened?"
Panicked, you run towards him. There's a huge wound on his arm which seems like a pretty deep stab. Levi is trying to stitch the wound up.
"Went to Mitras for inspection. Near the underground. Met some past rivals on the way. Didn't see it coming."
As always, blunt and straight. But you're happy he explained. Nodding you take the surgical thread from him. As you keep stitching silently you feel your hand shake slightly as your eyes tear up.
Levi doesn't even flinch, but you know it's stinging. When the tread is entering his skin, going through his muscles drawing blood in front of your eyes.... You just can't bear it anymore.
"I heard you were pretty good? Turns out you're pathetic."
You flinch at Levi's words and look at him with wide eyes filled with tears. He's not not even looking at you.....
Right, you were always delusional....
"I... I'm so sorry captain..... For disappointing you."
You mumble, focusing on his wounds again. You hear Levi sighing as he leans back a little, displaying his built abs and chest in front of you, making you blush.
Right, his upper body is bare. You didn't notice because you were too worried and panicked about the wound. Now that you have finally noticed it, his smell hits your nose, making you go crazy.
This can't gets any worse.
"Tch, listen.... I'm your captain, you're my subordinate. We've dedicated our hearts to kill those filthy creatures, we don't have time for whatever you're thinking. So forget it."
His words stings, but he's right as always.
You finish stitching him up and nod. Damping a clean cloth on water, you start to clean his blood off.
"That's what my brain says, but my heart doesn't listen."
You bite your lower lip after saying this. What have you done? It sounds like a stupid-common dialogue from typical romance books.
But Levi doesn't read those, right?
"Tch, how cheesy. Listen brat, you should listen to your brain, not heart. Otherwise you won't be able to survive in this shitty world and I can do that myself."
Levi tries to take the cloth from your hand but you shake your head.
"No captain. This is the only reason you've put me in your squad. Let me do my job properly, otherwise I'll feel bad."
You say looking at him pleadingly and Levi "tch"s again. You just smile a little, wiping your eyes with your shoulder and keep cleaning his wound silently. As some moments pass, you speak with hesitation,
"Please captain, don't hate me."
You say with desperation as you wrap a bandage around his wound. You patiently wait for his answer and remove your hands from his arm. And then.... You feel his hand on your head.
"Idiot, why would I hate you for liking me?"
Your eyes widen with surprise as you look up at him. He pats your head and before you realise, tears start to fall shamelessly from your eyes.
"Tch, look I don't know how to handle a girl when she cries. If you would have cried because someone has hurt you I would have beat the shit out of him but this is frustrating. Don't cry."
He pats your head awkwardly and you chuckle through your tears and wipe them off.
"Brat listen, you're a nice girl. I do hope you survive through these shits and get someone who's kind like you. Forget about me, I'm just an old man."
He says in his usual tone and you glare at him.
"What if I survive till the end with you? And what if I'll still love you in the future even when you'll be old? Will you give me a chance?"
You ask in a stubborn tone and Levi gets up from the bed.
"We'll see. If you survive and won't get bored of this old man, I might give you a chance to impress me. Now go and sleep, it's late."
Levi says those words, not looking at you. Actually he's trying to hide his smile from you. It's not secret that he's gentlest around you. Now if he's gonna show you his smile because of your adorable acts, it'll give you more hope, which he doesn't want.
"That's a promise, captain. Good night."
He looks at you over his shoulder as he tries to put on his shirt.
"Yeah, the stupidest promise this shitty humanity has ever heard of."
He says sarcastically as you laugh and walk towards the door. He's face softens as you wave him goodbye and walk out of his room.
He knows he shouldn't have made a stupid promise like this. He knows he shouldn't have fallen for you in the first place. You're his subordinate and it's just not right.
But he's a human too, with a heart. And that's why he wishes he'll be able to keep that stupid promise.
Is that too much to ask? After all the shits he has been through, can't he at least deserve this?
He sighs as he shakes the thoughts out of his head and walks towards the stove to prepare his black tea. He has a lot of shitty paperwork to do after all!
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softieekayy · 2 years
Slaughtered Lambs
Hannibal x reader
Word count: 1005
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Hannibal knew his wife wasn’t normal. Even when he first met her, under the bunny facade that she put on he knew something darker lay underneath. Even in the mundane things that his wife did Hannibal found a scent of darkness. He looked at her, sitting beside him, engulfed in a huge blanket making her look like a burrito. Sometimes Hannibal wondered if it was his own imagination that tricked him into believing that something much more sinister lay beneath his wife’s facade. Hannibal brushed the thoughts away and instead turned his attention back to his wife, tracing over the tattoo on her back as she told him about the students she had to deal with at school that day. Hannibal only hummed and nodded his head, the thought still lingering in the back of his mind.
“You’re not listening!” she said, whining. Hannibal chuckled at his wife before pressing a tender kiss to her forehead, a signal to continue and she did, ranting on about her class as Hannibal listened to her voice. There was always something about his pretty little wife that intrigued him. Even before they met or he began to court her, Hannibal saw her from afar. Like she was the moon and he was the star in the night sky. She was one in billion while he was a speck of dust compared to her beauty. On countless occasions he and his wife hosted her students with unfortunate home situations in their far too big home.
“You should sleep, my love.” Hannibal told her, petting her hair gently, as if she would break if he did it too hard. She looked up at him and gave him a small smile before kissing his cheek and heading up to bed. Hannibal’s promise that he’d be there soon only made her nod. Of course, he didn’t know his wife prior to courting her, no. She was Will’s friend. A close friend at that as well. His beautiful, smart and cunning wife was someone who knew the reclusive Will Graham inside out. In fact, their meeting was by chance, Will tried everything to keep his lovely friend away from the predatory gaze of Hannibal Lecter. However he failed and instead attended their wedding as best man. Hannibal smiled at the thought of (Y/n) in the white dress she wore on their wedding. The painting of them hung over the fireplace.
Hannibal thought back to the very first time he saw his wife, under the sunshine, in a beautiful great summer dress at Will Graham’s house. She barged in, looking at Hannibal confused before asking him who he was. Hannibal stared back at her confused, appalled by her rude behavior. Will looked between the two of them before sighing and apologizing to Hannibal. He stated that he forgot about the small picnic he had planned with his dear friend.
“Oh you’re the psychiatrist!” She claimed, a moment of realization dawning on her. Hannibal could feel the warmth coming up onto her cheeks. She nodded at him before secretly gesturing to Will to leave. Hannibal offered her a kind smile, one she returned.
Hannibal was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a loud crash from upstairs. His immediate thoughts went to his wife. He scurried up the stairs, worrying if (Y/n) was okay. It wasn’t an impossible thought to think that an ex patient of Hannibal’s would attack her. She was his family, the only one he had left. Thoughts of her death rushed forward into Hannibal’s mind. Finding her laying dead there would certainly break him beyond a point of repair.
“Darling! What happened?” Hannibal shouted out, a sense of urgency in his voice. When he heard nothing, he rushed faster up the stairs, they seemed never ending in this moment. Once he reached the upper floor, Hannibal tentatively opened the door, not prepared to see what could possibly lie on the other side of it.
“Darling?” Hannibal called out. He waited for a moment and when he heard no answer, he went in. The sight in front of him surprised him to say the least.
His pretty little wife, hacking away at the intruder with her letter opener. The man on the floor was bludgeoned beyond recognition. His face caved in, clearly she used the phone to do that. His wife’s hair was all over the place, pieces of hair covered in chunks of blood and skin. The man’s chest was cut open. Hannibal took in the sight before him, a ghost of a smile on his face. He was correct, there was something much darker that lay beneath her facade of normality.
“Dearie?” Hannibal called out to his wife and she looked at him, brushing away some hair from her face while spreading blood on it as well. Hannibal just fell in love with her all over again. She smiled at him.
“Hannibal! I’m so glad you came up.” (Y/n) told him, walking forward to reach him, Hannibal met his wife half way and pulled her into him. Kissing her with such passion. The blood that was once on her hands now on his as well. It was morbid, the two of them, kissing in front of a dead body. Thought it was sweet too. The two of them accept each other for who they are. There was no need for them to hide who they are.
“Let’s clean up, get rid of the body.” Hannibal whispered into his wife’s ear. Glancing at the body once again.
“I know exactly what you could do with the body.” His wife spoke, looking up at Hannibal with a mischievous glint in her eyes. Hannibal looked down at her, smiling as well. She was Bonnie to his Clyde. The moon to his stars, his entire universe. There was not a single thing that Hannibal wouldn’t do for her.
“The things we do for love.” Hannibal said, leaning down to kiss his wife’s forehead. He felt her nod on his chest.
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redamoureux · 10 months
hi!! could u write yandere scout <3 prompt is all yours 🫶 love u
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Yandere Red/Blu Scout headcanons/short
↳ content warning: yandere themes, some fluffs? obsessive behaviour, posessive behaviour, implied invasion of privacy and cloth stealing, implied future forced relationship, ooc?, not proofread
↳ genre: romantic
↳ a/n: Hi! Sorry this took pretty long, didn't have much time and motivation to write so i wss just able to write it just and it's sorta crappy :")
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It was long ago, Jeremy first met you when he was on yet another run from his brothers and wasn't paying attention where he was going, causing him to bump into you and throwing the both of you onto the ground.
He'd hastily help you up and picking all the things you had dropped and hurriedly saying sorry before running off. You could only gawk slightly before snapping out of it and continuing with your day.
After weeks, you had almost completely forgotten about the encounter until the day you finally met your roomate. And it was that boy again! He seem also surprised meeting you aswell making your first introduction bit awkward but eventually you both melt into a good long conversation. You two quickly became good friends and you'd often help him with his assigments he couldn't do. At times he'd get bit embarassed and tried to repay you with a box of pizza in return.
When you're working on some project, he'd be a little stubborn and try to persuade you to join him instead for the evening to go hang with his other friends, though you'd often decline.
Sometimes he'd also borrow your jacket with the excuse his is on the laundry. Or even using some of your stationary and more often than not even forgets to give it back, so you'd always have to remind him.
Though once you lost your jacket, jeremy was quick to give you the biggest puppy eyes he could do and convice you that you'd probably forgotten it somewhere when you just asked if he knew where it is-
Jeremy would definitely take you on various 'hangouts' (it's really is a date but he's too embarassed and bit shy to tell you at the time) like watching a drive in romantic movie or trying to share the same milkshake with you. He'd even put his arm around your shoulder, you didn't think much of it, but his heart is thumping real hard.
As time went on however, you notice he was slowing stopping and skipping his classes. It was abit subtle at first, telling you that he was simply feeling unwell. Though overtime, he began skipping whole one, two and so on. Soon you'd hear several rumors from other students that he'd drop out. You feel a little saddend, his disapperance was so sudden! And when you returned back to your dorm, most of his stuffs were missing, save for the few insignificant things here and there. You were baffled and wished he could've said a goodbye but you finally accepted it and went to try moving on. Mysteriously though, some of your belongings seem to be gone too, and you can seem to find them anywhere.
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Years passed and today you're going to finally start your first day of your job. You felt little nervous as you walk down the hall. after all you are still quite unexperienced. And hearing about the guys you're going to be working with from your contractor doesn't make it any much better. They said some of them were rude, easily hostile and even insane. Or dumb. You tried reassure yourself, it couldn't possibly be that bad. Your contractor is probably just exaggerating bit too much, you thought as you open the door.
Seconds after that you heard an audible gasp and fast footsteps, before you know it, hands yanked you closer to the person's body and giving you the tighest hug ever. "Ohh babe! I thought i'd never see you again!" Said the man- and you instantlu regonized that voice. Even after years, his voice still hasn't changed much. You pulled back a little, flabbergasted. "Jeremy??" You questioned. He finally let go of you saying, "Hm? Yeah sweetheart? Ohh don't say you'd almost forgotten me there!" He exclaimed as if he had not just suddenly disappeared years and just went back from playing the arcade he usually hang out in. "What are you doing here?-"
"Ttthat's a question i should be asking, Why are you here? Didn't you finally got your dream job? But anyway, i'm just happy that you're here!" He replied. You let out a sad sigh at that, "well yea-i mean no.. it's pretty complicated."
"Hey hey don't be upset. Sorry, i really didn't mean to ruin the mood. So listen, how 'bout we get some milkshakes huh? I'll pay for the both of us!" Jeremy declared. You thought for a second. "That.. would be great. Thanks jeremy." "Just call me scout, sweetie. That name is for the old me." He half joked. After all, his old self is just so stupid and childish for letting you go and even upsetting you for not even saying a goodbye or even able to confess before leaving. Well, don't worry now. He's new now. He would finally confess his habored feelings and he'll never be stupid enough again to ever say goodbye, ever.
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purpleterror91 · 2 months
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Hii I return to post silly doodles!!
First ones a request for my bestie @nostalgink ! Then a random rude mallard And the negawing stuff are ideas from @boo-blu that's their version of Negaduck
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coldxperience · 2 months
☾ Lan Wangji's names etymology
Here's a complete post on the etymology of our beloved Lan Wangji's various names. I've always appreciated how authors would give out names that fit their characters so well, which is why I chose to share this.
▷ Lan Wangji Master Profile.
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Birth Name - Lan Zhan 藍湛
Lan 藍 (lán) – blue. In Chinese, Lan 藍 is literally blue.
Zhan 湛 (zhàn) – clear, deep. In Chinese, Zhan 湛 from 湛蓝 (zhànlán), azure blu
Lan Zhan’s formal name Zhan 湛 means deep or clear, without impurities. It is often prefixed to the front of the word “blue” to describe the color of sunny cloudless skies, azure. Wangji’s birth name 湛 (zhàn) derives from the 诗经 (Classic of Poetry), one of the Chinese ‘Five Classics’ dating back to the Zhou Dynasty and a core pillar of Confucian thinking, studied by scholars to this day. The common meanings of this word are “deep” or “crystal clear”. The phrase 湛清 (zhànqīng) is often used to describe a transparent personality or state of mind that is in its purest form, with no distractions or obscurities. The name is really perfect for Wangji, as the phrase 湛深 (zhànshēn) can be used to describe a person displaying profound knowledge and/or mastery of skills in a complex field. 精湛 (jingzhàn) also means to be deeply proficient and skilled at something, normally used to address masters and pioneers. Interestingly, 湛 has another pronunciation, dān, which means “happiness” or “indulgence”. A third, rarer way of pronouncing the word is chén, which means “to sink” or “to make extinct”. I think the multifaceted nature of the character 湛 perfectly embodies the deep and complicated being that resides within Wangji.
Birth name is rarely used by anyone other than close family members, teachers, and elders in the family, clan, or sect. Using it implies either a certain type of intimacy or a certain type of seniority over the person being spoken to. Side Note: The fact that Wei Wuxian addresses Lan Wangji as Lan Zhan so early on in their acquaintance would be considered rude.
Courtesy Name - Lan Wangji 忘機
Wangji 忘机 (wàngjī) – to be free of worldly concerns (a Daoist phrase) Wang 忘 means to forget. It may have negative connotations in English because it’s associated with a passive disease and loss of treasured memories. In Chinese, actively forgetting can also be a positive renunciation of worldly troubles, so the character is somewhat more romantic than an English speaker would assume. Ji 機 / 机 is typically used in common speech to refer to machines, mechanical things, opportunities, and worldly things that have many parts intricately connected with each other. In more metaphysical discussions, it implies the intertwined destinies and sophistication of the mundane. To forget the secular calculations and intricacies of the world is to live freely and without distractions; as an antonym of precision, it has heavy Taoist flavors because of its seclusive connotations.
There’s an interesting story behind Lan Wangji’s name. It comes from the last line of a poem by acclaimed Chinese poet Li Bai. The sentence reads “我醉君复乐 陶然共忘机” (wǒ zuì jūn fù lè, táo rán gòng wàng jī), which translates to “I become drunk and you’re merry; in our happiness we forget about all worldly matters”. In my mind, this scene perfectly brings to life Xianxian enjoying a jar of Emperor’s Smile with Wangji in the Cloud Recesses after his resurrection when he is no longer concerned with the vanities of the world. “Wangji” is a Taoist phrase that means “to hold oneself aloof from the world”. The direct translation is “to forget about worldly crafts”. Chinese fans often describe him as “一尘不染” (meaning not be soiled with even a particle of dust) and “不食人间烟火” (a Taoist phrase now used to describe a person who has otherworldly qualities, who does not associate himself with ordinary temporal matters).
The courtesy name, in The Untamed, is given early on. In many wuxia/xianxia novels, characters don’t receive their courtesy name until they are adults. This is a name friends, acquaintances, and peers (those of equal standing) use.
Title - Hanguang Jun 含光君
Hanguang Jun 含光君 (Hánguāng-jūn) 含 (hán) – to hold, to bring 光 (guāng) – light 君 (jūn) – honorific for a gentleman or man or noble character
Hanguang Jun is a title that praises Lan Zhan’s integrity. Jun 君 is a character (literally “lord”) with multiple meanings, but here it is attached to the end of a name to show respect. Wangji’s title directly translates to “noble bearer of light”. 含光 (hánguāng) is also the name of one of three of the most powerful swords in Chinese history/mythology, said to have been under the care of Shang Dynasty emperors. Its blade is described to be invisible, and a mortal cannot see it being wielded with their bare eyes. Later interpretations during the Warring States period described the three swords as symbolic stages of a person’s journey to finding the Taoist path, with Han Guang being the final stage of ‘preparedness to enter the Way’ (入道合体之状). The characters HanGuang 含光 separately and literally mean “hold/envelops light”, and in the novel, it is taken from a widely circulated legend about several of the main characters, which specifically goes like this about Lan Zhan: 景行含光藍忘機 (JingXing HanGuang Lan WangJi). The first two characters are taken from an ancient collection of poems, and describe a person of upright and faultless disposition. The next two characters, Han Guang, refer to a harboring of light. For me, it’s not the light part that’s interesting, but the state of harboring that defines the most significant cultural nuances. It is (or at least was) considered a form of virtue in China if you don’t flaunt your brightness in other people’s eyes; so the polite thing to do, if you’re brilliant as flames, is to shield that light so you aren’t so in-your-face about it.
The title is just what it says on the box. It is used to express respect, but also a certain amount of distance.  Side Note: The young disciples of the Gusu Lan call Lan Wangji Hanguang-Jun because it would be disrespectful for them to address him as Lan Wangji, as they are not of equal standing. When Wei Wuxian returns from the Burial Mounds, he addresses Lan Wangji as Hanguang-Jun because he wants to distance himself from their earlier intimacy to prevent being questioned about his methods. 
Extra thought:
I must give props to Lan Wangji’s actor Wang Yibo. Early reactions from the Chinese audience had some unfavorable reviews that criticized his lack of facial expressions, but later retracted their opinions, because they realized that he was actually doing a superb job with his eyes and his body, considering the limitations. The script gives him very few lines in most episodes. You can see how he looks directly at anyone in the eye unless he’s about to kill you, or (later on) if you’re Wei Ying. If you don’t know him well, he seems unconfrontational with those cold shielded eyes, but as soon as you step over the line (sometimes a line named Wei Ying), you’ll feel the sharpness of that fierce light in his eyes like a blade to your throat. Just ask Fairy the spiritual dog...
Author Note: I am not an expert in Chinese at all, English isn't my native language either - I hope everything is correct.
▷ MDZS Home Page
[ completed ; 17/07/2024]
★ ⁺. ໒꒰ྀི。- ˕ -。꒱ྀི১ ૮꒰˶ᵔ ᗜ ᵔ˶꒱ა ˖⁺‧₊˚
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suedoodle · 1 year
Hey, I love your art and your style on the Mario Bros, it's so cute! XD I especially like the comic one, no dialogue but I love it! Cool. 😎
Anyways, i don't know if you plan to but are you gonna draw their family from the movie?
Your choice and shall respect it, just asking because I'm new on this channel.
Anyways, Have a Good Day and Good Night, bye! 👋
P.s. none of this is written rudely, sorry if it seemed like it. 😅
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You're not rude at all. I hadn't planned on drawing them BUT nothing is ever out of the realm of possibilities. (It would be preferable if I had the Blu-ray + Art book to reference) Many things I want to draw and only so many hours in week. If I can, I'll try. But currently I wanna keep working on my comic and a random assortment of smaller tasks.
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em-doods · 1 year
I LOVE how your BLU Sniper has the opposite personality as RED Sniper!
With this in mind, have you thought of the personalities of the other blue mercs?
Thank u!
I have! Every blu merc in my blu au are entirely different people and I have a pretty good idea of each of their personalities. (Just haven’t drawn them all yet rip) For instance red scout is a lot more loud and sociable. He’s more extroverted while blu scout is a lot more sulky and withdrawn. Blu scout is like that quiet angsty teen who’s annoying because he’s rude and has attitude. Maybe I should just make a huge list and describe their personalities. Or briefly describe them 🤔
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