adeater 2 months
馃嚭馃嚫 USA | 1992
Here's how Nike hailed Dream Teams's descent among mortals at 1992 Olympics in Barcelona.
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adeater 2 months
馃寪 International | 1995
This commercial was part of a campaign where Adidas payed homage to some of athletics' icons of the past like Jesse Owens, whose spirit would have relived in the shoes of then 100m world champion Donovan Bailey.
A prophetic ad, the year after Bailey won Olympic gold medal setting the new world record. "In Atlanta."
Italian version.
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adeater 2 years
馃寪 International | 2022
And now we can say that this World Cup's Messi is way ahead all the four previous ones.
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adeater 2 years
Guaran谩 Antarctica
馃嚙馃嚪 Brazil | 2006
If you can't beat him make him your ally. It's what Brazilian AmBev brewer company made on the occasion of 2006 World Cup recruiting Argentine star Diego Maradona as testimonial for its most popular soft drink.
The result is a little odd but brilliant.
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adeater 2 years
馃寪 International | 2002
Ladies and Gentlemen, here we have the advert which probably set a never reached again benchmark for a football World Cup campaign. W+K agency disposed of 100m $ budget to recruit the richest roster of football testimonials ever, entrusting the direction of the ad to Terry Gilliam. The infectious soundtrack signed by Junkie XL remixing Elvis Presley "A little less conversation" made the rest.
Final point of a complex campaign encompassing the organization of caged football tournaments for kids around the world, then Nike's vice-president and future CEO Mark Parker defined it "the most comprehensive and successful global campaign ever executed by Nike".
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adeater 2 years
馃嚘馃嚪 Argentina | 2022
Every four years, in any football country, fans descend deep in their memories digging for some coincidencies or analogies which could give them a sign of a glorious past's come back.
Here's Quilmes beer company staging Argentinian fans collecting data which would confirm the coming of a new golden age 36 years later Maradona's World Cup.
The final is quite moving with the guy curbing his enthusiasm recalling that in 1986 Argentina had the best player on Earth and suddenly find it again when the girl reminds him: "y ahora tambi茅n!"
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adeater 2 years
馃寪 International | 2022
The main reason why Adidas World Cup campaign seems so lame is probably because three days later Nike dropped this piece of CGI virtuosity. Since the video appeared on Youtube, the scene of triple Ronaldo has become an instant classic, earning this ad a spot next to old classics such as the ones of "The Airport" and "The Cage".
The fact that footballers multiplication idea came just from Adidas can't balance the comparison between a footage that doesn't even manage a laugh and a almost four minutes footage with a flashy footage with a clear storyline.
Realized by the classic Nike partner agency W+K.
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adeater 2 years
馃寪 International | 2022
Football World Cup is here and so its iconic, memorable, generational commercials.
Ok, maybe not so memorable, as this wack Adidas campaign has settled to gather a bunch of its featured stars and a Lukaku look alike rapper but doesn't seem to know what really to to do with them.
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adeater 2 years
Pizza Hut
馃寪 International | 1998
Mikhail Gorbachev was the last Soviet leader but also one of the most controversial testimonials ever appeared on a TV commercial. By then sidelined by Russian politics, in 1997 the former Communist Party secretary was completely absorbed by his own foundation when PepsiCo Inc., then Pizza Hut parent company, step up with a weird but profitable offer.
Personal link between PepsiCo CEO and Russian ambassador in US was pivotal for the involvement of Gorbachev who, on his part, was well-disposed despite his wife's doubts.
American giant BBDO was the agency designated for the creation of the final product which wouldn't have been released in Russia, where the idea wasn't well received. Trying to curb critics, Gorbachev imposed some restrictions to the script, authored by Tom Darbyshire, for example he wouldn't have eaten pizza. The simple but crucial task of biting a slice of pizza was finally given to the little girl next to him who was actually Gorbachev's granddaughter.
Despite the real sums have never been disclosed, rumors say the deal yielded Gorbachev 1 million dollars, one of the most profitable testimonial contracts ever.
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adeater 3 years
John Lewis
馃嚞馃嚙 UK | 2021
One step beyond interracial romance there is this year John Lewis Christmas ad where we can see the young boy Nathan get acquaint and finally fall in love with an extraterrestrial visitor whose name is Skye. Called "An unexpected guest", the commercial has been once again commissioned to Adam&Eve agency, as it happens since 2009.
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adeater 3 years
Aguila Roja
馃嚚馃嚧 Colombia | 1998
Nativity and patriotism melt in what is probably the most popular version of an ad which reached a real cult status in Colombia. The coffee "granito" bearing the colours of the national flag is still felt as part of the childhood of many Colombians today and so is for the motive which goes with the cartoon, sung by a child who, just few years ago, in his thirties, had been involved in a controversy about his authorship with the guy who resulted as the singer of a following version of the ad. WTF.
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adeater 3 years
馃嚚馃嚟 Switzerland | 1999
Santa got an old Ericsson for you. By Swiss agency Advico.
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adeater 3 years
John Lewis
馃嚞馃嚙 UK | 2014
Before Buster the dog there was Monty the penguin, the protagonist of one of the most famous British ads of the last years.
Realized by London based adam&eve agency, it was the campaign that probably set the nowadays standard of John Lewis Christmas commercials. The countless views, parodies and side merchandising sales resulted in a 拢100 million profit for John Lewis and a Cannes advertisement award for the James Murphy's creative company.
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adeater 3 years
馃嚠馃嚬 Italy | 1998
"We'll bring you everywhere."
Born in 1946, the three colours wing has been one of the most recognizable brands of the new economic relevance Italy reached in the aftermath of WWII. Among the top international carriers in the second half of XX century, more than a decade ago the Italian national airline company fell in a longstanding management crisis which has culminated in its substitution by a new, smaller company named Ita.
Since today Alitalia doesn't exist anymore.
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adeater 3 years
馃嚢馃嚪 South Korea | 1988
As it was predictable, on the eve of 1988 Seoul Olympics, South Korean TV was stormed by a massive tide of commercials refering to that summer's Games and to the different countries participating. Even if not so memorable, this one from Kodak (then one of the most present sponors of sporting events) is quite representative of that atmosphere.
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adeater 3 years
馃嚭馃嚫 USA | 2004
A young Michael Phelps covering the distance from Athens to NY in the year of his first Olympic medal.
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adeater 3 years
馃寪 International | 2012
I dug in my childhood memories but I must admit that Olympics ads aren't as good as the big football tournaments ones. This ad featuring Usain Bolt it was broadcasted worldwide during London 2012 and is probably one of the cutest and most expensive.
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