#ruby... i actually dont know what her “job” is in the IF but here i imagine she works with mrs verner
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snail-of-fire · 2 years ago
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ophelia and ruby constantly steal jane's clothes, they're just so comfy and they do miss her a lot when she's at work for long hours.
yes this is yet another fanart for my OT3, this time i'm on domestic JR poly brainrot so.... here we are. it's sketches cause i got too lazy and tired to do anything else to do it so... sorry? ANYWAYS LOOK AT THEM!!!!!
jane and ruby both belong to the wonderful @lacunafiction
Bonus under the cut:
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Jane got home late and fell asleep next to them (not the most comfortable though miss-back-pains 🙄)
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autisticlalna · 6 months ago
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okay ive managed to get some sleep, let's try and explain this in a way that makes sense outside of my brain
so Viking and Ruby both have like. extensive multiverse going on. and all of how it functions is established in a different series, but is still relevant to Skyblock Kingdoms because of whatever the beans Cherruby is up to.
the most basic gist is: they have shared lore where Viking is the manifestation of space and Ruby is the manifestation of time, although i guess only when they're in the same world together? there's also an infinite number of Vikings and Rubys throughout the multiverse, and we have this info because of a version of Viking that has space powers and a version of Ruby that has time powers on Twitch SMP. this is also all connected to the clock and compass that Ruby has on Skyblock Kingdoms, so that's why this is getting upgraded to "oh god this is relevant and i need to explain it" rather than me going "HEY THIS IS WHY I CALL THEM SPACETIME SIBLINGS BTW :D"
for the more complicated explanation, I HAVE DRAWN SOME DIAGRAMS.
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behold: a basic Rubyco and a basic VikingPilot. they're siblings! they're also universal constants, seeing as you can't have a functioning world without time and space and these two dinguses represent those foundational aspects. we have no idea how this happened, and 99% of them dont know either, or even know what their roles are. they're just hanging out.
also, like, if one or both of them permadies, stuff presumably explodes. so far this hasn't been like, relevant, but it's been brought up so i should probably include that tidbit somewhere.
along with Ruby and Viking, there's also the Clock and Compass-- the Clock belongs to Ruby, and the Compass belongs to Viking. if neither of them are in a universe together, then the Clock and Compass show up as separate entities. (also they're labeled Tempus and Locus in galactic when we saw them in Twitch SMP, but there was also a bit where the fandom was nicknaming a Ruby and a Viking Tempus and Locus so it gets a bit confusing.)
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however, if one of them is missing-- like, say, there's only Ruby and there was never a Viking in that universe-- then the other sibling gets demoted from "load-bearing pillar of the universe" to "normal guy" and the job of stabilizing space and time is instead done by the Clock and Compass, just like if they were both gone. i think.
for any situation where it's only Viking or only Ruby you can disregard this chunk of their lore as "not relevant" - they're a pair, do not separate. this was also the part i was confused on before, and to be honest im still not sure if im getting it right because the phrasing was vaguer than i remembered. we'll see what happens when i start transcribing tsmp lore again.
ANYWAY. we know this because of these dorks:
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...specifically the bottom two, but tRuby and tViking are also important here.
Sapphire and Navigator are... sort of a matching pair? Navigator's a mess, let's pretend he's paired with Sapphire. (Sapphire's actual counterpart Viking is missing in action.) they're also the only two we know of so far that a) know about their roles and b) have the powers to prove it.
Sapphire can reset the timeline at-will (mainly to bring tRuby back to life, but has also used this to drag Navigator back when he swapped out), and has knowledge of past and future. Navigator can swap himself and other people between universes, and has knowledge of things going on in other universes involving his counterparts. Sapphire can't leave the universe he's trapped in, and Navigator is bad at anything involving time.
however, neither of them are native to the Twitch SMP universe! we don't know where they're from, but Sapphire got put there as gay baby jail and Navigator pops in to check in on her. tRuby and tViking are also not native to that universe; they were originally from TwitchCon SMP, but Nav felt bad that they're from a short-lived world and transplanted them into TSMP. they're also the only other matching set we know of besides Nav and Sapph, which might be why tRuby is able to remember past timelines and why tViking is aware of things other Vikings have done. also removing them from their home universe was probably a bad idea for that universe's continued survival but it was literally about to end anyways, so,
Nav and Sapph also can't manifest a body outside of their home universe (???), so for gay baby jail to work there needed to be a Ruby for him to possess and, uh, there kinda wasn't one in TSMP. before Nav's intervention, there was the Clock and Compass keeping things stable. (probably a good thing, because tRuby dies a lot and tViking exploded. he got better.)
but out of the Vikings and Rubys we've seen so far, Nav and Sapph are kinda the outliers in category of "actually knowing about and being able to do stuff with their powers". god wait shit fuck this raises even more questions about Navigator but im not going to get into that right now. ANYWAY
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so now we've got a mismatched pair! Cherruby isn't from SBK, but we don't know how it got here or what the world it left behind was like. there's a possibility that Cherruby has a corresponding Viking back home (bc she did mention missing family), but there's also moments pointing towards her being solo. also somehow they found the Clock and Compass and has been holding onto them, and they're under observation for reasons probably related to that.
Summertime, meanwhile, presumably has No Fucking Idea. without there being a Ruby native to SBK*, he's been demoted to Normal Guy status and therefore doesn't have to deal with any of this. maybe. it's, uh, getting kinda fuzzier now that the whole "had a flashback to Dominion" thing happened. god i have no idea what's going on with him
(* Cloneby got brought up, but i don't think ze qualifies considering ze was created partway through. and also i don't know if Avid can, like, do that. especially with Cloneby being an imperfect replica, and cc!Ruby drawing attention to the fact that Cloneby doesn't have the clock despite it being part of Cherruby's design.)
you can now see why i decided to include drawings bc otherwise this is an absolute brick of text. TWITCH SMP IS A SERIES WHERE SO MUCH HAPPENS IN IT.
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bridgyrose · 1 year ago
Let's have a messy love affair. Ruby works for Weiss. Despite their heavy sex sessions, Ruby isn't sure how Weiss actually feels about her. Insecure, she winds up in the arms of Blake, a White Fang member eager to steal Schnee Corp secrets.
(Hope this is messy enough for you)
Ruby combed her hair with her fingers and buttoned up her shirt, trying to look presentable again before leaving Weiss’s office. She frowned as she caught a lipstick stain on her collar, gently trying to rub it off. “You wouldnt happen to have anything for this, would you?” 
“You really think I dont have anything for a lipstick stain?” Weiss asked sarcastically as she pulled her skirt back up and turned her air freshener on. “Second drawer between the tic-tacs and gum.” 
Ruby nodded and picked up the stain remover from the drawer and carefully rolled it over the lipstick stain, relaxing a bit as it started to fade away. She quickly put her cloak back on and covered her collar carefully. “I need to start heading out before anyone starts to get suspicious about what I’m doing here.” 
Weiss smiled and pulled Ruby into a quick kiss. “If anyone tries to figure out what you do here with me, I’ll make sure to run their reputation into the dirt and no one will believe them. Payment will arrive into your account as usual, and I’ll have another mission for you in a few days.” 
“Another mission or another sex session?” Ruby asked as a joke. Her smile faded for a moment as she pulled out her scroll. “Just make sure no one finds out I’m on your payroll. If anyone finds out I’m working for the SDC-” 
“Dont worry your pretty little head about it. You’re not on file as an employee of the SDC and any payments that get traced to you use the same coding and paperwork as the other huntsmen that have been used in various other projects like the mine reclamations. You’re safe.” 
Ruby nodded. “I know.”
Weiss smiled and opened the office door for Ruby. “You said you had to leave?” 
Ruby stepped out of the office and sighed as she heard the door close, her heart starting to thump a bit as she thought of Weiss. The woman was cold and ruthless, someone she was always told to avoid, and yet, she couldnt find it in her to leave her alone, practically on a leash to the woman ever since she took her first job for her. The way the rewards had changed from just money to being used at her pleasure, pleasing her, being abused by her, marked by the woman with her nails and teeth. 
And yet, no matter how much she knew she enjoyed it, she still couldnt get a read on Weiss. No matter how pleasing or how frequent the sessions were, she still couldnt tell if it was out of love or lust. But she knew that she wanted Weiss. 
“You know she’s just using you like she does everyone else, right?” 
Ruby turned around to see a woman behind her, following her in the dimly-lit Atlas streets. “And who should I be worried about using me?” Her eyes caught twitching cat ears in the dim light, her smile fading a little bit. “And why do you care?” 
The cat faunus walked closer, her smile fading as she looked away for a brief moment. “Because I know Weiss well enough that any huntress leaving Schnee Dust Company headquarters this late at night is only there for two things, and leaving with your heart isnt one of them.” 
Ruby sighed and turned around to walk off. “What I’m doing here is my own business. Getting hurt is part of the job.” 
“But it doesnt have to be.” 
Ruby paused as she felt a hand on her shoulder, her heart pounded in her chest as she caught a look of the faunus out of the corner of her eye, a blush starting to spread across her cheeks. “What exactly are you offering?” 
“A meal at a bakery and some company before you go back to your hotel.” The faunus pulled her hand back and smiled at Ruby. “My name is Blake.” 
“Ruby.” Ruby took a breath to calm herself and to let her blush fade for a moment just as her stomach growled loudly. A blush of embarrassment crossed her cheeks as she realized how long it had been since she last ate. “Alright, I’ll take you up on your offer. A meal and some company.” 
Blake smiled a bit and started to walk with Ruby. “So what exactly are you doing with the SDC anyway? I thought they only hired local huntresses.” 
Ruby felt Blake’s hand gently brush up against hers as they walked, almost hooking a finger around hers. “They reached out to me while I was on a job here to clear out some grimm a few other huntsmen had issues with. Four years later, I’m still taking jobs for them because they pay well. Though, I cant say I agree with how they run things around here. The mines are still dangerous, and they only seem to send faunus into them, and even when the mines are cleared out enough, then there’s bandits and anyone looking to make a quick lien for anything they can take.” 
“So they hire you to be a bodyguard?” Blake asked. 
“Bodyguard mostly. Sometimes as an actual huntress to clear grimm or to scout out deeper into the mine before any of the workers run into any actual issues or because reports have noticed something off.” 
“So you’ve been what, living out of a hotel for the last four years here then?” 
“No, I’m allowed to go back to my apartment in Vale.” Ruby sighed and pulled out her scroll, flipping through her calendar app to see if she remembered to reschedule her flight back. “Though, I do have to admit that its felt like I’ve been living here.” 
“Then maybe you need a change of pace.” 
Ruby paused as she opened the door to the bakery Blake had led her too, looking at the faunus woman curiously. “A change of pace? What exactly are you proposing?” 
Blake walked in and held the door for Ruby, smiling a bit. “Nothing major, just something… exciting.” 
“Exciting?” Ruby asked as she watched Blake, her heart started to pound in her chest again as she caught the smile on her face. She never realized how her eyes seemed to gleam in the light before, nor did she catch the smokey purple eyeshadow that seemed to make her eyes pop more than normal, or the dark lipstick that drew eyes to them. “Any time someone wants to be this secretive, it usually means its illegal, or-” 
“Or I’m trying to figure you out first before offering you a job that you may decline.” Blake motioned to a table and smiled at her. “And I was taught that its rude to discuss jobs while eating.” 
Ruby sat down and let out a soft sigh. “Okay, you have a bit of a point. Then, what do you want to talk about?” 
“I want to talk about you,” Blake said with a smile. “I want to get to know Ruby Rose. Not the huntress, not whatever you are to Weiss, but you. The girl under the cloak.” 
Ruby blushed a bit and nearly froze as her heart stopped for a moment, her mind finally processed what Blake had said. Seconds turned into minutes as Ruby finally started to form her words, slowly speaking. “Get to know me… and then what?” 
Blake smirked and held her head in her hands. “And then we go to my place and discuss things further. If you’re up for it.”
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pilot-boi · 2 years ago
Plotbunny AU : Pt 3 Alright, you want more? Here's MOAR Jaune and Alyx fill in Ozpin about everything they know about Salem, Cinder, their plans, and the Ever After and MAGIC.
Oh, and Qrow and Goodwitch are there too. Their reaction to Ozpin being caught flatfooted is almost as amusing as their reactions to realizing "Compulsive Liar with Trust Issues" didn't exclude them.
At some point, Jaune gets a full suit of plate-mail, and has his Aura unlocked and awakens his Semblance after an incident. He now spends every other night when he's not conditioning himself pumping more healing into Amber.
Alyx has to sit through a lot of how-to videos on stuff like the modern political structure of the kingdoms. The Great War. The Atlas Separation. Anything else she misses can be brushed off as being from the sticks like Jaune.
Jaune calls his parents at some point and rushes through "I make it into Beacon on a recommendation, sorry I took the sword and was an angsty teenager, also I adopted another sister and might have more soon, bye!"
Jaune does his best to introduce Alyx to modern conveniences and entertainment. He takes her by the hand and guides her through Vale, wearing his new armor to adjust to the weight.
He never meant for anything to happen. They had a very good plan to actually trap Cinder with a fake Amber in the Vault.
But then he's taking Alyx to see a movie at night and when he points out the scenery, there's a shop, a restaurant, Ruby fighting criminals-record scratch.
Is that that Torckwick guy?!?!
Torchwick means Neo, the crazy midget!
Jaune tells Alyx to hide, and coazes Juniper out from his pocket, scanning for tri colored illusionists when a bulkhead appears and he sees h e r.....
and Jaune's vision whites out and he can't hear Alyx anymore.
But he knows the feel of Juniper rushing forward under him, adn she grows to her proper size and keeps growing.
And Jaune pushes his Aura into Juniper, his Semblance glowing, and Juniper kicks the Bullhead.
Right into the Dust Shop.
It gets very loud.
Glynda Goodwitch arrives to Jaune healing everyone's ears.
Ruby takes a moment to stammer: "Did you just kill that woman?"
Alyx, like the semi reformed hellion she is, replies with "Gods, I hope so"
(This was not the post I had planned. I had a whole fluffy Beason outline filled with Jaune being everyone's brother figure, Alyx questioning Pyrrha's intentions, and team pet shenanigans. I blame you for Cinder being kicked into a Dust Store for asking for more this late. Good Job. )
First of all, DONT call Neo a midget, what the hell dude
Second of all, all problems can be solved by big bunny. Get fucked Roman and Cinder. On one hand I hope they’re not dead because that would be a very anticlimactic way for them to go out, but on the other hand it IS very funny
And if Cinder is dead, then who did her sliver of the Maiden powers go to? Did they go back to Amber, possibly healing her? Or did they go to someone else?
Also, you could very well have Cinder survive. In canon she’s survived worse than this. Just give her some badass burn scars and throw her back into the action, more manic than ever, and now with a vendetta against our baby boy
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bizarrescribblez · 10 months ago
🚫, 😖, and 💘? :3
AAAAAAA HI RUBY HIIII TYSM FOR SENDING OMGOMGOMG gonna answer these for Frank cuz he’s rattling in my brain so much lately 😭 (gives loving pats to Skwisgaar im sorry sweetums..)
🚫 - what was holding you/them back from making a move or confessing your feelings?
oh absolutely 100% his asshole nature. LITERALLY HIS BIGGEST CON EVER HE’S SUCH A DICK 😭 ofc i’d be like :3 ahahaha lalalala i can fix him/he hasn’t been too mean to me!! (he still is he just softens it up a bit and i just laugh at it/try to be snarky back) and everyone’s like mia noooooooo he’s actually an asshole JSHSJ for frank though i feel like . it’s him himself that held himself back 😭 he already fucked up with his prior job + his prior marriage/family so i think he feels as if he doesn’t deserve a second chance really. At least a second chance @ happiness/finding love again (which is why he gave up @ going back to his own family). which is kinda why he acts like a jerk/like he doesnt care about me to just push me away and hopefully i’ll move on (TOO BAD IM STUCK TO HIM LIKE A KOALA)
😖 - what moment flustered you the most?
and when i say when he had his hand on peter’s throat when he got mad at him/told him to stop freaking out- WHO SAID THAT 😂😂 ok but if this means like.. in the movie erm literally every moment with him flusters me the most but uhhhh that one scene of him drinking the vamp blood…. that and him holding joey back/moving her out of the room first when abigail first attacked them LIKE OKAY MR SECRETLY PROTECTIVE…
💘 - (if applicable) what moment made them realize they were in love with you?
DONT MAKE ME THINK ABOUT THIS - GUESS IM OOOOOGLY GOOOO ARGHGHARHHGH ARHGAHARAHAH:!:?:!:!:!:!:!:!:!. auh. but like i said in this one.. frank’s been aware of me/known me for a long while before the events of the movie (without me knowing) so i think just- FINALLY GETTING TO HEAR ME TALK TO HIM DIRECTLY. especially when i patch his hand up and look at him with wide eyes all nervous like //O_O// !! i think the fact i’m so instantly loyal to him too drove him up the wall especially after how many times he attempted to push me away by being playfully mean like NOPE IM STILL HERE (and it drives him mad!!)
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serpenteve · 4 years ago
shitty things mal has done (in the books)
a salty essay by @serpenteve (formerly snarkydarkling)
ignores alina’s existence for ¾ of S&B even tho he’s supposed to be her best friend like ??? ok there friend of year
“omg alina is actually fucking hot now??? hands off! i saw her first!”
shames alina for daring to fit in at the little palace
shames alina for ….wearing black?? ha ha ha ha ok who made malware the fashion police????
shames alina for daring to crush on someone who isn’t him even tho he’s probably banged half the first army
shames alina for being well off for once (”And here you are, safe and sound, dancing and flirting like some cosseted little princess.”) yEAH FUCK YOU TOO MALWARE AJSHAKJDHSFK (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ ┻━┻
“I love you, Alina, even the part of you that loved him” like whoa talk about a backhanded compliment and if we’re gonna keep holding ex-lovers against each other then alina might as well have responded with “yeahhh i love you too malfeasance, even the part of you that fucked zoya, kissed ruby, and fingered anya” like oh my god mal get a fucking grip
he’s literally the happiest son of a bitch in the entire country at the beginning of s&s, completely ignoring the fact that alina is now sickly, weak, and terribly unhealthy because she’s suppressing her powers like he literally could not give two shits about alina’s well-being aS LONG AS HE’S DOING WELL THATS ALL THAT MATTERS (And you know he’s extra gross when even the villain of the fucking series is like ?? tf you holding yourself back for ??? you look miserable??)
when they’re on the darkling’s ship he’s more worried that alina might end up enjoying herself with darkles than like…oh, idk..getting fucking tortured by him???
actually ATTACKS nikolai for daring to make a sensible proposal to alina
mal@nikolai: “You don’t have a right to her.” me@mal: HAHAHAHA STFU YOU SELFISH ENTITLED PIECE OF SHIT OH MY GOD THE IRONY
doesn’t even let alina answer nikolai’s proposal bc why would his girlfriend need to think for herself??? have her own agency??
straight up admits he doesn’t even want to help ravka he just wants to get in alina’s pants
whines and complains and generally acts like an oppressed fuckboi the entire time alina is trying to rebuild the second army and save her goddamn country
“since i dont fit in for once in my life, im gonna act like an immature shithead and make your life miserable too wah wah wah”
omg alina dares to flinch when malodorous tries to kiss her? should we let her explain herself or should we act like crybaby and go shove our tongues down zoya’s throat?
“psshhh its YOUR fault i kissed zoya!!! if you hadn’t dared to reject my magnificent self then i wouldn’t have had to kiss her obvs!!!11!”
“omg i can’t believe you care about saving your country more than fucking me?? selfish bitch!!!”
“i dont care that ravkas in a civil war and you’re our only hope of winning!! im going thru an identity crisis and i need you to stroke my ego 24/7!!!! im not a soldier, im not a tracker, so who am i alina/?? TELL ME WHO AM I???” a tool is what you are, you entitled prick
“i liked you better when you were insecure and powerless. where is that girl??? i want her back!!!!”
“how dare you crush on a prince who actually treats with the respect you deserve??? fucking gold-digger!!!”
abandons alina during his shift because he was too busy getting drunk and nearly lets her fucking die if tolya hadn’t intervened like yOU HAD ONE GODDAMN JOB MALPRACTICE
sabotages alina’s plan to kill the darkling
spends all of r&r resenting having to help alina & nikolai save the goddamn country like can you make it any more obvious you’re only here to try and get into alina’s pants again????
“i am become a blade” is probably the most unintentionally hilarious and anti-climatic conclusion to mal’s irrelevant identity crisis like yes, good for you malware, you’ve finally embraced your identity as a tool
“listen i don’t have an army or a crown but if you don’t choose me you’re basically a gold-digging materialistic whore but no pressure lmao”
hades was so repulsed by mal’s gross ass that he sent him back two seconds later
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fucktheroyals · 4 years ago
You know after reading and reading and reading peoples theories and the meta from before the spn finale aired and the meta writers reactions to the finale I think I have a theory of my own. We don't have any answers tho, so this is pure speculation. If you wanna add something to support or discredit any of this that's cool but there's too many things floating around. Know I dont have proof for this conclusion at all. A lot of what I say is just guesses based on previous facts.
This all came together in my head when I realized how much this finale REEKS of the original producers and who the show was originally for. It REEKS of Robert Singer. Like if the execs started saying they didn't want it, Robert Singer was the one pushing that the story was about the brothers. That kinda thing.
Then, I was thinking of the problems in this episode and it struck me these are all of Supernatural biggest issues and to be honest all of it feels completely deliberate.
Take the sexism for example, Supernatural in it's later seasons largely out grew this, we have Jody, Rowena, Donna, Charlie, Mary, Claire (and even a wayward sisters pilot with MORE women/girls) all making regular appearances. They're mainly good characters and mostly aren't there to hurt our boys. Rowena, of course, is the one outlier being very about herself but it's clear she still cares for them, I mean its part of her development. But they're all real, with character flaws just like everyone else. (And we have Death too and she was POC 😭 THANK GOD)
Now look at the earlier half of Spn, we have Ellen and Jo, who's appearances were far in between. There's Bela in season 3, recurring for quite a bit (5 eps), but she is a character that is only there for herself, definitely not found family (unlike Ellen & Jo), and she's got more episodes in season 3 than Ellen and Jo in season 2 who aren't seen again til season 5. The "fans" send in hate mail after hate mail to try to get these characters off, and eventually they are. Then there's Ruby who's character stayed for a whole two seasons and was a largely recurring character. Why does she get to say so long? She's a plot device. She's supposed to be there to betray Sam. She has to stay (plus Jared obviously likes her). But she's not just a character the writers like writing about. Same with Lilith. Obviously not as recurring but still a plot device. Did they get hate mail tho? You can bet on it. Why? because tHeY'rE gOnNa PuSh ThE bOyS (Dean and Sam) aPaRt ThE sHoW iS aBoUt ThE bOyS oNlY. Without even thinking about the hate mail, just notice how large the difference is from how women are seen in the earlier seasons to the later seasons. Misha got tons of hate mail too for being a character that could split up the boys (probably only being allowed to say because he a man, thanks sexist producers and execs).
Only after Castiel was killed off and then Castiel fans successfully (thank you guys) got him back on the show did the hate mail largely simmer, which means female character's were allowed to stay! Which has lead us to a show with a good amount of female characters. But can you imagine having to kill characters off time and time again because people keep complaining that the show is "only about the boys." Fun times really.
So now we get to this final and we see sexism. But it wasn't just the plain old regular sexism you find in the earlier days of spn. Because now, there ARE women to talk about, talk to. But this episode was DESOLATE women wise, unless they were used for plot (which is also sexist!). Small scenes, they're barely there. Women gets her tongue cut out. Random women from s1 gets killed. Sam doesn't SPEAK of Eileen. Nothing. No mention of any female characters from the boys mouths unless they were from/in this episode itself. That's WIERD. I know we've all said it. But that goes beyond forgetting about characters. I mean its SAM'S GIRLFRIEND for Christ's sake. There is NO REASON they couldn't have said Eileen's name. Notice how Sam's wife is just... faceless. This is literally an age old sexist trope. Like... one of the things about bringing Mary back to life for s12+ is that it takes this trope... of basically a generic mother, and gives her life and feelings, whether you like them or not, they're real feelings. They said Mary isn't just a mom she's a person. Mary's existence in the later half of spn is to fix this kind of female tropes that fall upon her character, to not let these her stay a 2 dimensional character. They said we should know she's more than just the mom who tried to save her kid. Do that is the exact opposite of Sam getting a nameless, faceless wife. The sexism of the old spn wasn't just brought back, it was completely amplified. It wasn't just accidental or some exec "fixing" the story it was DELIBRATE. Whoever wrote that, didn't do ALL OF THAT by accident. Because an exec or a producer who doesn't see the flaws in old supernatural isn't going to write it that deliberately.
Let's bring it back to s10 when Charlie was killed (singer was mainly to blame). Dead in the bathtub, age old classic of burying ur gays. If you were here you know people never let Supernatural live that down. THEY KNOW what bury ur gays means. Hell, Robbie Thompson left because of Charlie's death and you think the writers don't know what it means? I mean both Bobo Berens (especially) and Steve Yockey's careers are centered around LGBT+ storytelling and you think they don't know? They know. They know.
And Dean wasn't just apart of the bury your gays trope, it is so far BEYOND that. Dean being killed on a rusty nail/screw, the tongues ripped out, things that seemed to be meant for other people. Jensen's acting in the last two episodes was giving us "DEAN RECIPROCATES" but no one ever actually saying it. I think it's clear that Dean was killed for being Bi. They didn't address it for a reason, they just silenced him. His narrative was supposed to be about letting him be HIM for the first time, to say what his feelings are instead of having them miscommunicated, and instead of doing that, they just silenced him. And the more we look at this scene the more horrific it gets. The more it's a complete slap in the face and it's supposed to be. Some guy who knows nothing about the LGBT can't write a scene this horrific.
Some guy who knows nothing about Dean couldn't write a scene that deconstructs all of Dean's character development and gives Dean his worst nightmare. I MEAN DEAN WANTED TO LIVE HIS LIFE! THEY DIDNT HIDE THAT JOB APPLICATION (or whatever job related thing that was) IN THERE FOR SHITS AND GIGGLES THEY WANT YOU TO KNOW THIS IS THE ABSOLUTE WORST SITUATION. Dean isn't Barney from HIMYM. If you watched HIMYM then you'll know Barney went from being a stereotypical ladies man and treating women terribly to being in love with a women and treating her right and working hard for it. The last episode of HIMYM (why its so bad) Barney's character development is thrown out and he's back to being a stereotypical ladies man. You don't need to know Barney's character very much to do that.
To kill Dean during a hunt his father never finished, to not have anyone at his funeral, to have Dean die young like his life didn't matter. Those are Dean's worst fears and you'd only truly know that if you watched the gin episode in s3, where they are basically laid out for you. You HAVE to know Dean's character to tear him apart like this.
This episode took all the core elements of the show and did a complete 180° the name of the episode itself is "Carry on" and Dean and Sam very much did not carry on. Sam grieving his entire life so that he good get to heaven and see Dean again. Dean being ready to live his life, despite the enormous pitfalls and learning to love himself only to be killed. "Family don't end with blood." Um.... it did in that episode either literally with Dean's death or you know BECAUSE NONE OF THEIR FOUND FAMILY WAS THERE. Not Jack, Not Cas, Not Eileen, Not Donna, Not Charlie, Not Jody, Not Claire... on and on we go. No one was there, nobody was even mentioned. Dean's funeral, no one even called that we know of. It was just Sam and Dean. Sam and Dean. And Bobby. Don't forget Bobby. But yeah Sam and Dean.
That's what the show is about right, the brothers.
Except it's not anymore. It hasn't been for years.
Cas not being there was deafening but it brought us to a major point. Becky. Becky's telling us about the terrible ending.
And many of us are wondering why would they literally tell us this is the worst ending and then... make it the ending.
Now before we move on, it very apparent many of you think Dabb doesn't ship Deancas. And Dabb doesn't care about the characters.
Say what you will about any plot holes in his writing, the point he is VERY GOOD at writing the characters, and giving us good ones.
Why do we know Dabb ships Deancas? (ill say when its cowrote, other wise its not) cowrote ep 8.02 - purgatory "I prayed to you, Cas, every night" "Cas, Buddy, I need you." "I have a price on my head, and I've been trying to stay one step ahead of them, to – to keep them away from you." 8.08 Hunteri Heroici - Cas helps them hunt! 😊❤ Dean & Cas have a serious convo about why Cas doesn't want to see/go to heaven. 8.22 Dean's mad at Cas. Sam's explanation of why Dean should be easy on Cas: "It's Cas." Dean then points out how he'd knife anybody else if they did what Cas did. 9.10 - Cas comforts Dean when Dean can't take seeing Sam (Gadreel) being tortured anymore. Also tons of Cas. 9.20 (bloodlines) - Canonical couple parallel "I was there, where were you" 9.22 The angels make Cas choose between them and killing Dean and he "gave up an entire army for one guy" 10.09 Claire's reintroduction. Cas heavy ep. DeanCas date. 10.22 THE PRISONER - u know the ep where Dean beats the shit out of Cas but loves him enough to not kill him.
We COULD keep going but I think I've made my point. If Robert Singer is the guy that is like "the show is about Sam and Dean only" Andrew Dabb is the DeanCas shipper. And you could even say a Cas stan.
Notice! How in s13 for SEVEN episodes we have a story that revolves around Dean's grief about losing Cas. Notice! How often the stories in all these seasons have a focus on their relationship. THAT is Andrew Dabb. If it weren't for him doing that, we wouldn't be able to easily say after Dean's lack of a response to Cas' confession, that Dean reciprocates.
To me, when I was (binge) watching s12 for the first time, I thought damn this is really got a lot of DeanCas. So I went to look at who was in charge, who was writing. I saw Andrew Dabb, associated him with Deancas episodes, saw all the new writers, Bobo, and then I saw that Yockey is known for same sex stories and it clicked. Dabb assembled a team to give us Destiel. THAT WAS IN SEASON 12!!!!!!!!
The amount of people saying he's homophobic flabbergast me. Open your eyes! That isn't what's going on.
Imagine making a show and trying to right all the wrongs of Supernatural. Imagine trying to write the greatest love story ever told and you have the entire season planned out for it to end off beautifully, it may possibly be your greatest achievement when it's done and then boom. someone comes in and tells you you aren't allowed to make Dean bi or make destiel endgame, after he was most probably already given the go ahead.
Sure. You could imply he's bi or into cas still in a way. Still make nice-ish ending. just give everyone what the kinda want.
Or you could scrap the last season, nothing close to a canonical bisexual Dean Winchester or Deancas endgame in site. People can be done with it be happy with the show, continue to live their lives in ignorance as to how close they were to Canon destiel.
OR you can lead everyone to the very closest you can get them to what you were aiming for and then show everyone the ugly truth and reality. Light it all on fire. Burn the show to the ground in your wake. Try your darnedest to making these people's (the people saying no) pockets suffer. Show us, the audience, what happened. Show us what this show really is.
I've seen people talk about the ending being changed during covid but I dont think that happened. I think what happened was Dabb already had this season planned out before it even started. Obviously the details were wobbly but it was all lead up to this ending. Destiel endgame, Canon Bisexual Dean, whatever it was. They were ready to write the greatest love story ever told and then someone shut it down.
Imagine the pain that must have caused them to be told no when they already said yes. They must have been so excited to give this to us.
I think someone (some producers) told him what this show is "really" about. The brothers. Can you imagine, after being told no, some kinda bullshit like this is said to you: "Why aren't you bringing it back to the brothers, Andrew? that's what the shows about. What with all this homosexual stuff, you know the audience won't like that. Not really." Imagine the original producers pushing this kind of view on you. "You know when we started it was Sam and Dean. It should end with Sam and Dean." That kinda sounds like someone huh? huh.
So why give us a nice acceptable finale, when you can take every problem Supernatural's had either up front or behind the scenes and create a finale so incredibly bad that people don't want to watch it anymore.
Someone made a good point about how Sam was originally supposed to be the main focus (this isn't to put any hate on Sam or Jared). Dean and Sam are the main characters but Sam was supposed to be the focus and for Dean to have become the focus, must have annoyed the producers because... well here we are. They wouldn't listen to Jensen. The producers liked this ending. Jensen's opinion didn't matter to them.
In some ways, if this is really what happened, it can be seen as childish from Dabb. To hurt all of us like that. Yes, he's hurting the producers, the execs, the cw. But to hurt us? Yeah it stings.
But in other ways, if this is really what happened, this is Dabb showing us the muck and gunk under the shiny surface. The hate for Misha. The hidden hate for Jensen. The underlying sexism. The underlying homophobia. The people REALLY in charge don't care about us, they just want our money. He needed to open our eyes and free us, at least free the people that he was writing for. The people he sees that care about this show.
This is the ending the powers that be wanted and its a big fuck you for a reason. I dont think this is Dabb spitting in our faces for loving this show, I think this is him trying to get revenge for us.
But from here, you can see it how u want it. If this is really what happened, I'm not in charge of your emotions, if you wanna be mad be mad if you wanna be grateful be grateful. And you don't have to believe me either I said this is speculation.
Also, as for all of the rumors like there being shots to the confession scene that we didn't see, which Jensen himself implied, I think that might have been a last ditch effort to canonized DeanCas but obviously it was cut. Like the name change was pretty clear. As for Misha possibly having shot some stuff for 20 I dont know what to tell you. If it's true I dont know where the blame would lie.
I do think however, that if all this was the case, the writers were prepared to become villians here. I mean they told us the writers were villians with Chuck right? So. Who knows what went down so they could give us such a vile ending. It could've been the producers or the writers, who truly knows. I do think tho that people we "trust" did some pretty shitty things to push the narrative in certain directions so now one would see this as the actual ending that was coming.
So again do with my SPECULATION what you will. This was in no way meant to put Dabb on a pedestal or anything. Just meant to give a bit of perspective.
(Also Jensen didn't unfollow Dabb recently he was already unfollowed for years)
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tortilla-of-courage · 4 years ago
Describing it as being like home is actually pretty accurate yeah.
And YES! I am totally willing to talk about my modern AU.
I've been calling it the Adoption AU because Time ends up adopting all of the boys. It mostly started as, I saw an edit for a tweet someone did with Wars and Wild that involved Taco Bell (cannot remember the blog or post for the life of me though), and so I wrote a thing about Warriors sneaking out of his university dorm to pick up Wild, who snuck out the window despite his broken arm, and then got extorted by Legend in exchange for silence at 3am.
This was followed by a fic where Groose decided spray painting a public building was a good idea and got himself and Sky arrested, set earlier in the timeline.
So then I made a timeline. Twilight is Time and Malon's biological son, and he found Wild on the side of the road one day (Wild's backstory involves a bad car wreck and an underground hospital, but no conspiracy bullshit. Yet). Wild has no memory, so they keep him. Wild brings home Legend, who was told his uncle died at school before a holiday. They then also keep Legend. Malon finds Four in her barn one morning for complicated reasons, and they keep him too. Twilight finds Warriors, who is in his class, hiding in an alley one day after he ran away from an abusive home and brings him home too. SS Impa (who I've nicknamed Shield because there are enough prominent Impas here that they should get nicknames too) is a social worker who's trying to find Sky a home and has run out of options, and turns to Time, who has a record of successfully housing 'unhousable' youths, and asks if he can take one more. He can. Wild finds Hyrule and brings him home because 'Rule needs a shower even more than Wild does. Hyrule stays. Wind's grandma ends up with Wind and his sister but can't financially take care of both and so Wind ends up with the boys and everyone is +1 Grandma.
Twilight has a fic detailing how he knows Midna and Dusk and I ended up shooting him (oops) but at least their social project gets handed in on time.
Then I started hashing out Time's backstory and suddenly this AU had plot. And organized crime. And a conspiracy. And secret societies.
The summarized version is that the gems from OoT are like, Idk what they do yet. Haven't gotten to a point where I need to figure that out yet. But they are Important and have to be carefully guarded. The Great Deku Tree (just called Deku because he's not a tree here) was Time's foster father before Ganondorf killed him. Also, Ganondorf is Deku's half brother. Because. However Time 'stole' the Emerald and he and Navi ran until OoT Impa (Sage) and Lullaby found them. So Time got adopted into Lullaby's family. Ruto inherited the Sapphire from her mother who also died from mysterious circumstances, and Darunia has the Ruby. Lullaby got the Ocarina from her late paternal grandmother.
Then Ganon finds them and tries to steal the Emerald from Time, so Lullaby goes looking for help and thus finds the sages. Saria is an anonymous hacker who uses the screen name 'Kokiri'. Time reveals he didn't steal the Emerald, he was Deku's heir, and then Navi goes missing. Time is home worried enough that he's physically sick, and Ganon decides to try and attack the home. Only Lullaby's family is Olde Money, and they live in a big, old manor, so Lullaby as Sheik decides to play 'Home Alone' with the secret passages in the walls and they piss off Ganon because when did that brat get a sheikah bodyguard??? Sage and Rottla (Lullaby's mother, who is fully sheikah as well) rush home from a thing and Kokiri is running a play by play watching the security cameras.
I pull in my headcanon that Time was killed in the Downfall Timeline by getting impaled on Ganon's tusk and Ganondorf stabs him with the tusk of a mounted boar head and then Sheik shows up to protect his brother, and then Mama gets home and is not happy to find this man in her home attacking her kids. Time is fine, but Navi stays missing. (She's alive tho.)
Also, Time's foster dad was the last leader of a secret society known as The Order of The Lost Woods, and Time learns this upon meeting Tatl, who gets him sucked into another event that would probably make a good action movie. I have thought too much about the Order and it's hierarchy, but what's important here is that Time ends up with a standing job offer and Tatl and he remain friends and we find out how I fit FD into this AU. It's not pretty. This is where Time loses his eye too.
The AoC came out and I added that Link in as Wild's twin brother and he shows up during the main plot.
Which starts with Twi getting kidnapped. (I'm not really meaner to him than the others, I swear, he's just the most logical choice to be Time's heir. Which he is. He doesn't know this though.)
So he's kidnapped by Ganondorf, who broke out of jail, Zant, who shot Twi in highschool, and Ghirahim, who has some history with Sky I haven't fleshed out yet and a very public rivalry with Warriors over twitter. About six weeks later Sage finds him in an abandoned warehouse (because of course) with a shackle on his left arm and a lot of new injuries. He ends up fine, but he tells Time later in the hospital what happened and he's both message and messenger and Time is this close to just committing murder. Tatl talks him down.
Somewhere here is the half finished fic where I introduce AoC Link as Luke/Knight, and this is as far as I've plotted thus far.
Other tidbits: Wild and Lullaby/Sheik are both genderfluid, Lullaby/Sheik married Ruto, Wild has a very popular YouTube channel, Twi does drag racing sometimes, Sky has a pet bird, Four has DID to explain how the Colours are here too, and Wolfie exists in the form of a random wolf-dog Wild found and brought home that Legend somehow convinced half the family was Twilight. Also, Warriors has somehow befriended an entire sorority and he doesn't know how this happened.
This... got long. As you can see I have a lot of thoughts about the Adoption AU. It's gotten a bit away from me, I'll admit. This went from 'Wild does stunts on his motorbike and keeps breaking bones but somehow not the bike' to 'Twilight got kidnapped and Time is the target of a mafia that Ganon runs and also maybe killed a man once' and I don't know how that happened. Also, this is the condensed version of the summary. My actual summary/outline is much, much longer than this. So if there's any detail you want more on, feel free to say so and I'll happily go into more detail (there are so many things I didn't even mention....)
And yes, Robbie having a bong is very important to my best friend, for some reason. He has one in a modern AU and he probably invented one in canon. I happen to agree that this makes sense for his character, if anyone would invent a bong in LoZ it's Robbie (this is such an anticlimactic end to this ask after the stuff about the modern AU...)
Also, sorry for the long ass ask. I genuinely don't know how to condense the Adoption Au down any further. There's a lot of important plot beats to cover, and I still skipped things.
oh my GOD???? if you ever write and post this somewhere id love to read it, the level of "crazy" conspiracy/action movie elements implemented sound sosososo cool, from Ganondorf being Deku's half brother to trying to "send a message" via Twi and- just- all of this is SO good.i sat here and reread this ask like 3 times as if that would magically spawn more info about it ahaha
there's so much to unpack here but it's honestly so worth it i love every single detail!!! i can imagine the actual outline being way longer, nad honestly that just makes me the more excited/curious about all that might be missing from this ask - i cant believe it started with Wild and Wars going to Taco Bell of all things
also i can totally see Robbie making a bong, no matter the setting or AU. fits him a lot I'd say
and dont worry about long asks!! i adore opening up my askbox to see one ask take over the entire thing, it makes me really happy aha
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nitw · 4 years ago
I know you mentioned on twitter something about bumbleby and the magnus archives for the apocalypse prompt (i'm assuming this has smth to do w season 5 of tma) anyways i just want to here more of your thoughts if you got any ?
QUICK NOTE: eveyrone in this au are gonna be aged up a bit so their jobs make more sense lmao. ALSO....semblances n grimm aren’t really a thing here, it’s set in remnant but with tma’s rules in terms of magic and monsters!
yang xiao long, local paranormal enthusiast who’s secretly also a huge book nerd, is suddenly promoted to head archivist of the emerald institute, vale (I’LL GET TO THAT) after the assumed death of the previous archivist; glynda goodwitch, because she’s smart and and organized and totally not for any evil reasons!!!! YAY
her 3 assistants at the archives include:
ruby rose, former researcher. got a job at the institute a couple of years after her sister to follow in her footsteps, and also as an excuse to read up on fun ghost business, but eventually learned to like her job. DEFINITELY lied on her resume (what a twist!), surprisingly still really good at her job because of how quickly she can adapt to any situation that’s thrown at her. though she wasn’t too excited when she got moved to an archival assistant job with her older sister bossing her around. no one else actually knows the two of them are related.
weiss schnee, former researcher specializing in artefacts. longtime friend of ruby but with little interest in getting to know her other coworkers (at least in the beginning). joined the institute for Big Deal Rich Family Reasons TM but has a genuine interest in the paranormal, especially when dealing with artefacts. she took a lot of pride in her old position, and kinda really dislikes working at the archives.
blake belladonna, former librarian. the soft-spoken, tea-loving, cute hobbyist writer mostly tends to herself, but her new job down at the archives suddenly made everything a lot more interesting - specifically her boss.
ozpin [LASTNAMEWIP], head of the institute. POSSIBLY THE SOUL OF THE ORIGINAL FOUNDER, OZMA EMERALD (its a wiz of oz reference dont kill me)??? WHO KNOWS. listen. LISTEN. there’s not enough aus where ozpin is just fucked up and evil. it’s so fitting and so funny. if YOU were a gay loser who succeeded in gaining immortality and swapped bodies throughout hundreds of years, YOU’D BE FUCKED UP AND EVIL TOO!!!
blake’s crush is as big as martin’s and yang’s just as oblivious as jon. only difference is that they get along fine enough at first. though yang does find blake PRETTY AWKWARD, she quickly learns to appreciate her, AND THEN SOME!
wuh oh someone has to die :/
ruby, i’d like to introduce you to NOT!ruby
weiss found dead in pile of clown parts fucked up if true!!! THE STRANGER TOOK HER BROTHER YO
*weiss voice* im gonna go down swingin *clutches literal sword*
“it’s just better for some people to be alone...” “I NEED YOU HERE FOR ME.”
yadda yadda yadda safehouse gay tranquility DING DONG IT’S THE EYEPOCALYPSE
listen i just really want yang as the s5 archivist ok. COOL EYE POWERS but like even MORE extreme
for the rest of the characters..? go nuts. i’m not smart enough for this. do what you want.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years ago
maybe for pirate kai pt.2, Reader had been working for overhaul for a while, when an enemy ship attacks the Shie Hassaikai ship and the captain of it takes reader cuz he's interested in her. this makes kai furious and fights to rescue her, which makes him realize that he actually developed feelings for her at the end?
"You missed a spot." That voice which you came to hate and feel shivers at only hearing from afar spoke from behind you as you scrubbed the floor with a mop.
You turned to give him a dirty look behind your shoulder as he merely raised one of his eyebrows with arms crossed over his chest.
How you wanted to give just a piece of your mind to this fucked up Captain... but the fear of being throw on a icy cold sea surrounded by sharks just like the last time. So it was better than remain quiet and atture.
... but that doesn't mean you couldn't at least give one or two snarky comments to him.
"If you think that is such a shitty job then why dont you do it asshole?" You mumbled while aggressively shoving the mop on the bucket and then splashing rather close to his shiny boots.
"What is the fun of having a slave then? I can clean properly later, is much better when I can see you here paying for what you did, and slowly watch that hope to get out of here fade away." His boots echoes on the deck as he threw you a dark glance before walking off.
You mimicked him talking with your hand before continuing scrubbing the floor.
"You should be grateful!" You deadpanned at hearing Irinaka's voice from above you "Captain doesn't speak with actually no one asides from you!"
"Wish he just could shut it up instead and leave me alone!" You shouted back, flinching at how the strand led shout of a crow left his throat and almost killed your earbuds.
You heard laughter and shouting at your little discussion with Rappa until he shouted again some incoherent words while landing on the deck with a hard thud.
"What the-" you holded the mop close but then he ran past you and shouting after Overhaul.
"CApTAin! FuCK THErE ARe A enEmY ShIp NeArBy And TheY wAn-" overhaul lifted his palm at the man, an action you learned that it was a quite polite 'shut up' but then a canon ball hitted close to Setsuno's head as you screamed.
His golden's eyes narrowed at the direction it came the canon ball as he put it on his hat and started to walk.
"LIFT THAT CANDLE AND GET READY TO ATTACK YOUR BAND OF VERMS!" You widened dyour eyes and clinged onto teh mop in shock at hearing that man shouting and how fast everyone followed to his rules.
"W-What do I do now-?!" You looked at your sides but then Overhaul came by and grabbed your arm and dragged you to the coffins of the ship "LET GO YOU-YOU-! YOU PIRATE!"
"Goadly to know you have some sense." He growled out and pushed you into his office "Dont get out of here." He glared at you before slamming the door.
"Hey!" You punched the door and kicked as the ship started to shake "LET ME OUT OF HERE!"
You heard damon balls and shots and ju God did it scare you shitless. You started to wander off at hearing more and more shouts as you started to search for something, anything that could potentially be useful for self defense.
His desk was clear as ever and some old paintings and books were sprawled and tossed by the way the shipton was going as you looked for anything on the sheets.
You found a book and opened out of curiosity and widened your eyes at it.
"The jerk's jornal..." you muttered as you started to flip pages... even fouding the date where you were prisioned by these pirates.
It had been months since you were kidnapped... by as you started to read the notes and descriptions of ever treasure and how the sea looked for future provisions for traveling you saw your name writen over it.
You furrowed your eyebrows at it...
This (Y/n) is quite a feisty one. Cant follow any of my rules, give snarky comments. By seas, I guess even Rappa Kendo can be more respectful towards me than this little thief rat.
Yet I cant deny there is something... intriguing about her... She does this... witchcraft on my chest. Ever time she leople back at one of my orders I just have to talk back... I have to remain as best as I can to have her on this ship.'
"... this man is crazy or what?" You muttered while reading until you screamed when the door bursted open to see a blue haired man looking his ruby blood eyes with yours and smilling.
"What do we have here?" He spoke nonchantly as you clenched on the diary.
"Another pirate and just a slave of other.maybe?!?!?!" you shouted and yelped when he pointed a gun towards your head.
"Captain Tomura. Pleasure to meet you slave, now come with me before I decided to burst your brains on this neat office of that Captain of yours."
You gulped and followed his orders.
This Compress guy was good with swords despite having one fucking arm.
"Glad to see you havent changed!" The man smiled and hitted his swords along with his befor ehe twirled Compress's sword and threw at the air and pointe the tips of both at him, one at his throat and other at his heart.
"You miserables never change." He growled before hearing a shot gun and looking at Shigaraki keeping you captive.
"Stay right there Oveehaul, unless you want one of your stolen things yo have her their brain busted."
"P-Please dont. I prefer the cleaning maniac then this man seriously-" you whimpered and Shigaraki laughed as his own crew smirked and giggled.
"Owww! Can we keep her?!" Toga squealed as he threw a dirty look at the teenager.
"We will." Shigaraki smiled "Take us out of here. Kurogiri!" He shouted as some black and purple clouds started to surround the ship as Overhaul saw that one by one were dissapearing.
"Dammit-!" He threw his swords and ran towards Shigaraki, even extending one of his hands towards you "SHIGARAKI GIVE HER BACK-!"
You widened your eyes as Shigaraki grabbed your neck amd put his face close to your before dissapearing.
"Come get her then, Captain Overhaul..."
And just like that they were gone and Chisaki only grabbed the air as his eyes widened.
"Overhaul!" Chrono shouted and came to his side "They hadn't rook anything besides (Y/n), so I guess there is no prejudice-" he flinched when Chisaki pinched the wall of the ship so hard that it broke.
"DAMMIT!" HE shouted so loud that even Rikiya shivered, and just when it finally ended his shouting he ran towards the wheel, even letting his hat fall as he harshly turned the wheel towards where Shigaraki ships had dissapeared.
"The fuck you're doing?!" Rappa shouted while clinging to some place as others did the same to prevent being throwed in the water "THERE'S A STORM COMING OUR WAY YOU FUCKER! WE NEED TO GET OUTTA OF-"
"They stolen something that was mine AND I WONT HAVE LOSE IT! EVERYONE JUST ON THEIR POSITION AND IF ANYONE DARES TO DISOBEY MY ORDERS-" He pointed at the sea while the clouds started to get darker and even some thunder started to echoes "I'M FEEDING THEM TO THE FUCKIING KRAKEN HIMSELF!"
Everyone lowered their heads as Chisaki lead the ship, clenching his jaw at feeling the salty water and drops of rain hit his skin.
You sighed, rolling your eyes at being tied up on the mast as Shigaraki walkes around while reading Overhaul's diary which you might or not accidentaly stolen.
"My, so you are more than a slave then."
You chuffed and looked at him with hate as the indigo haired man tighten the rope even more around your waist, chest to the mast.
"Yet it seems that you are... huh. Quite special to that fucked up project of a Captain."
"To be honest he does keep his ship and subbordinates better than you do." You mumbled before the ropes around you were cutted and throw over to see Shigaraki glaring at you.
"Kneel, slave." You glared at him back and spitted on his boots as he threw a look to a lizard man.
"Kill this bitch."
You sometimes hated how you were always a snarky woman.
Just before the lizard could even step closer to you a thunder echoed along with a guttural amd terrifying shout as you widened your eyes at the sign of the known ship.
"SHIGARAKI!" The ma shouted and pulled his swords before taking one rope of his ship, running and even throwing himself at the deck of the other ship as the other did the same. Landing perfectly on two foots... excluding Rappa whose fell face planted.
His golden eyes narrowed as he growled at the other male as you could only blink.
"Attack!" Shigaraki commanded as one 13 old boy grabbed you by the waist and dragged you to the top of the mast by climbing on ropes. How? You didn't know.
He clenched his teeth together as he went forward, not caring how much blood he had to drip as he cutted with his swords at anyone who got in his front.
He grabbed one rope and jumped and crawled until you.
"One more step and she is food for the sharks!" The boy shouted while holding only your arm as you were being holded just above the sea as teh thunders echoed.
"Drop then." His comment was so nonchantly as you send him a desperate look.
"Wait what?" The boy spoke as you repeated his words but with more hate and desperatioms towards then.
"Drop. Her." He growled as the boy shrugged.
"You miserable son of a-" you screamed as the boy let go of your wrist and you fell towards the water.
you closed your eyes but when you thought you were going to find frozen water, you were simply ripped off and brought to a warm chest and an arm holding you very tightly against it.
you opened your eyes and screamed again when you realized that Chisaki had also jumped and caught you in the last second, grabbing a rope while you two seemed to fly around the boat.
"Do you want to stop screaming?" he asked as if it was nothing and turned his head to his subordinates to give the final attack while he fell on his own ship, holding her in his arms in a bride style.
You later on noticed you were clinging to death on him and soon yelped when you meet his nonchantly gaze. Throwing yourself out of his arms.
"L-Lets forget about that." You mumbled as he put his hand behind his neck, only for you to gasp at him grabbing your hand and pulling you to a safe place.
"Stay there."
This time you decided to follow his orders... mostly because you can tease about the blushy om his cheeks later.
So he had feelings towards you for real? Huh....
What a weird pirate...
While he jumped and managed with his swords couldn't get the thoughts of you out of his head... even when he was battling with shigaraki.
Maybe he should invite you to tea later...?
"WHAT?!" He shouted while lifting one punch and attacking one enemy from behind.
He was fuming in embarrassment at even the thought... why?! Why did he ever thought about that?!
"Overhaul?" His crewmates asked but he could only concetrate on the tone of your voice and just was actually waiting for him to get back.
What the actual... did he... fell? For a thief rat?
Boy he was screwed.
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mcrcki · 3 years ago
Tumblr media
Was that [MARGARET QUALLEY]? Oh no no, that was just [CARINA SMYTH BARBOSSA], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN]. They are [TWENTY-ONE] years old and [ARE] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.
how long has your character been here
just arrived ?? so maybe 48 hours at most
what is your character’s job
honestly she will probably be trying to get into university so that she can be an astronomer, but will also be looking into getting a job in one of the smithsonian museums !!! girl just loves space and will be doing anything and everything in her power now that women can do all of it to learn as much as she possibly can about the stars. will be absolutely blown away by all the information people have about space and lose her mind @ people being from there thank u
where has your character been pulled from in their fandom
i’m gonna pull her from the end of dead men tell no tales, so she’s fully up to date with her current canon
has any magic affected your character
nope !! she’s totally fine~
any other information
sarcastic once accused as a witch space bitch. like right up my alley thank you. she’s kind of abrasive in her own way and doesn’t really know how to keep herself chilled out and v up front from the moment she meets you. honestly she’s just trying to vibe knowing that her life can be kinda easy now??? and trying to wrap her mind around her dad being barbossa and learning that right before he died??? she’s kinda dealing with a lot so adjustment has been a little difficult??? but that’s the tldr before all the long information ig kgfjgkf 
carina was raised in an orphanage in england in the 18th century, her mother having died and her father leaving her there for a better chance than she would have with him. 
she never knew his name, was never given any indication of who he was except for a diary with a ruby attached. 
she grew up in the orphanage, found work as a maid and quickly started to consume as much information about astronomy, time and mathematics. 
it became a passion of hers and despite the times, and the fact that she was once held on trial as a witch, she never strayed from that desire to be an astronomer. 
she’s always had a sharp tongue and been outspoken, even when it caused her far too much trouble it was something she never tried to hide. 
as she grew she set her sights on reading ‘the map no man can read’ and locating the trident of poseidon. she hoped it would help her finally learn who she was, and where she came from. 
she arrives in the caribbean, hoping that it will only lead her closer to the trident, where she finally meets, and eventually teams up with, henry turner and jack sparrow. ya know, hijinks ensue, pirates, escapes from prison, etc etc
she does eventually meet hector barbossa, it’s tense and they fight but ya know, more shit ensues, and eventually there’s a whole “you are my dad, boogie woogie woogie”
either way, they find the trident there is a whole really wild fight/possession what have you, i dont wanna like give away the whole movie ??? so being vague, carina learns about her father and after everything starts to settle and they’re all returning home to reunite will and elizabeth, she decides to officially start going by ‘carina barbossa’
girl is just kinda dealing with a lot, finding her father and then losing him all at the same time, and now after seeing everything settled, she gets thrown here, she’s just really dealing with it and struggling a little. she is really looking forward to having a fresh start here in the city though, despite it all
she’s excited she can finally get the education she’s been craving, she can be taken seriously as a woman of science and basically just happy to be in a time where things are feeling safe for her. 
sure it’s an adjustment to the time change but she’s willing to work with it, instead of against it
possible connections ::
space buds
pls if u like space be her friend. esp those from space?????? she will have a million questions enjoy your ear being talked off
she’s going to be enrolling in school here for the spring semester so would love some people to vibe with from classes and all !!
a roommate situation ???? 
rn she’s living in the assigned housing set up by the city, but she’s going to want to be moving out of there and getting her own place so if you’re looking for a roommate , hmu
co-workers / museum fans
she’s going to be working @ the smithsonian air and space museum so if you’ve got a character who works there, or even if your character goes there ??? just looking for fun vibes with that idea
honestly just here for friends and good vibes
pls just be her friend thanks , just would love to have some friends and people she can hang out with around the city, so if you think any of your people would be a good fit with her ?? let’s do it
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sokumotanaka · 4 years ago
Here we go again
Honestly I dont know why I’m making this, alot of people are probably gonna think I’m crazy for this idea...now I wanna preface this I’m not saying that the provided example does it better or it’s the best example just that in comparison to RWBY it does what RT set out with Racism better/ with actual accuracy too.
vv Read more below vv
I’m gonna need you to be open minded and hear me out while I explain myself; This whole hound business really rubs me the wrong way. Like from our standpoint an ancient rich karen literally took a minority heavily based off black people, literally turned them into an attack dog that was killed by our heroes….this is after that point in which miles states “racism is too ambitious for two young white people to write.” But you didn’t bother to hire any minority writers to iron out the kinks? Tone-deaf!
Yes alot of series companies produce tend to chicken out on the topic which is frankly disrespectful to minorities when you claim you want to write about or for them; It’s not a good look when you lie about having a black writer and the only writers revealed to this day are all white. (and probably know only one black guy -Woolie get outta there-) But I’m losing the forest for the trees and speaking of trees I wanted to point out a thing that does racism better but is still a bigger meme and joke than RWBY;  Now hear me out, there’s a method to my madness.
Skyrim.  Again hear me out, you see as RWBY continues to go on alot of racism, microaggressions, and inequality happens infront of us without our heroes batting an eye;  From Them watching a bully pull on a faunus’s ears while other bullies make bunny ears on their heads so it’s clearly targeted to one thing about her, Or the fact that our “defenders of peace” dont seem too bothered to stop it (Oh boy reminds me of something) Or the fact that Our naive optimist protag that was stated to “see the good in everything.”
     doesn’t have an opinion on racism or the white fang and just stands next to her sister who also doesn’t have an opinion. (then ruby sides with the racist and yang spaces out like a newborn) Not a good look for the world’s “defenders of peace.” You know alot of people say that RT is woke cause they point out that racism happens so that makes them big brained, it’s like taking credit for “water is wet.” But I like to think they’re “woke” cause the defenders of peace, will watch racism happen and do nothing or in weiss’s case pretend like racism did them a favor (or Vol 8 having a faunus dog that is constantly called stupid and two angery black women???  FFS!) Anyway I’m getting off topic.
Skyrim addresses that the stormcloaks are not good for the wellbeing of the nation, they stole the land from elves and many nords find that bit of lore really fucked up or collar pulling.
Fellow nords make fun of “skyrim belongs to the nords” by calling it bigotted bs.  The stormcloaks are only composed of close minded or naive nords.
The empire has dark elves, bretons, imperials, redguards and nords.” If the stormcloaks win the way alot of the non nord businesses plummet to the point they have to leave, a brown female blacksmith doesn’t get customers but her desk job husband does and he runs out the racist. One of my favorite scenes is a nord in windhelm griping about how the dark elves haven’t started fighting for the stormcloaks and should pick a side.  The dark elf states that it’s not their fight they have racial inequality to deal with; And every night these two racist nords walk around late at night, drunk and yell racist slurs at them.  
There’s an NPC who approaches you and ask if you have those racist ideals of skyrim is for the nords in your head and to stop and reflect on it if you do, he walks around the dark elves area trying to help them and becomes the jarl if you side with the empire and makes an effort to try and fix things.
An understanding and reaction of racism and how awful it actually is should be the cornerstone of your Media; a dark elf woman saying “we shouldn’t have to fight for zealots that dont care for us.” Is WAY more interesting and mature than a catgirl “what abouting.” her own racist history and making civilians risk their lives for racist humans; that’s not mature at all.
It’s embarrassing that the game meme’d on constantly, the todd coward experience of having skyrim on your fridge and in your housepet does and understands racism better than the “so called woke show.” where our heroes are so complicit in it they dont say anything; Hmmm kinda similar to the staff. [Whoops we did a racism and didn’t care] (And we know we wont see any change, cause they’ll keep saying sorry and brushing things under the rug...) Anyway; Dont support this shitty company, be good to yourself people and others regardless or race, it’s 2021 it’s time to leave that in the 80’s where it belongs; take care.
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fizzingwizard · 4 years ago
Episode 28~ Well, I heard this season’s supposedly got 60 episodes total (don’t quote me, that may be wrong) so we’re almost at the halfway point... I’m gonna wait till episode 30 to talk about that though.
This episode I actually rather liked, even though absolutely NOTHING happens other than the important things at the very beginning and the very end. That’s becoming a pattern this season - lots of nothing sandwiched in between hints of big dramatic things to come. Eh. But yeah, I liked it anyway :P for a few reasons that are probably not that objective. It’s not the kind of episode that’s gonna make you want to rewatch though.
Cap of the week!
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Look we all know Jou is exactly the kind of 12 year old who folds his clothes neatly even when lost in a mysterious parallel world. Also he brought more textbooks (social studies and Japanese). Aka more ammo for Mimi
More below:
Last week we ended with Patamon evolving to Angemon in what was a pretty anticlimactic moment, despite a big villain being there and a cliffhanger ending. Seemed like a waste after all we went through just to get him.
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However, I do think the beginning of episode 28 makes up for it somewhat. Angemon gets to show off how Very Very Cool he is, but it’s also made clear that he’s not up to full strength. Seeing him throw all his effort into the battle to save them even though it’s clear he won’t win was actually pretty great.
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More typhoon winds throwing everyone back XD they must have so many bruises
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Poor Takeru gets thrown back all by his lonesome
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So last episode, I said I thought Darknightmon was gonna go for Hikari and was surprised and somewhat relieved when he stayed interested in Takeru/Angemon. Um... I guess that was a red herring x’D he’s after Hikari after all.
He literally says “I have no use for you” to Angemon LOL sick burn my dude
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Hikari: “There is a new cutest child.”
Takeru: “Um, actually the phrase is ‘smallest child’.“
Hikari: “No. Cutest child. Do not interrupt my moment, impertinent one.”
Grogu: “Did someone say ‘cutest child’?”
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Angemon’s peeved that Hikari stole the spotlight so he immediately jumps into the way and prevents Darknightmon from grabbing her.
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Angemon: “No one treats ME like some washed up has-been!”
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But as hard as he tries, Angemon just hasn’t recovered enough. It probably took all the energy Patamon had stored up just to evolve. His wings lengthen and release into millions of shining feathers, and both he and Darknightmon de-evolve.
I really did kind of enjoy this battle! Seeing Takeru be all strong and heroic, and the desperation with which Angemon tries to protect him... me likey.
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Next it’s a nod to 99 series! D-D-Digimon!
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Yamato screams like he’s at the dentist’s.
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There���s lots of freaky black lightning that rains down seeming to give dark energy and empower random Digimon who get hit by it. Just to ensure our heroes don’t get to waste time on any more “breaks”
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A single feather floats down where Taichi lands and dissolves. I am not sure what happened to it, if it did anything or if it was what protected them until this point...
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Taichi and Hikari wake up and discover they are alone. So last week I thought they’d get swept off into pairs... I didn’t even consider that they’d each wind up alone. Mixed feelings! On the one hand, seeing each kid interact with their partner and their partner only was one of the good things about this episode (except it wasn’t always true, which I’ll get to in a minute). On the other hand, my fears last week were that whoever ended up with Taichi would be overshadowed by him. Turns out, if no one’s with him but Hikari, that means all the plot stuff is with them and the others have nothing in particular to do. -_-; At least not this week. My hope is that it’s coming (and there were a few promising hints this episode so), but next week’s trailer looks pretty Taichi-centric too..
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Taichi: “Can I help it if I’m so charming cool awesome and dare I say it adorable”
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The impact of everyone being “alone” is cut short by the fact that they can all still communicate via digivice. I would be fine with that, except for what I said earlier - they wind up spending too much time talking to each other instead of their partners. Particularly the ones who like to Plan Things. Eh.
Yamato tells Taichi to protect Hikari, doesn’t even mention that he’s sadly separated from Takeru at this point ;_; He knows Takeru’s okay though because Takeru is also communicating by digivice.
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Sora: “Hello yes, it’s in my contract that I get to be awesome X number of times per episode, and I have doubts that you are making your quota.”
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I love how Tentomon’s job is basically Koushirou’s secretary x’D “Put my calls on speakerphone Margaret” “Yes Mr Izumi”
The partners really are suited to each other... Koushirou gets a secretary, Jou gets a mom, Mimi gets a gal pal, Yamato gets a therapist, Sora gets a sister, Taichi gets a... preschool child who eats paste... -.-’
takeru and hikari don’t count because they’re Special and their main attribute is Cute
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All the kids have ended up alone except for super-charged monsters who want to eat them. Palmon hoists Mimi up a very sheer rock trying to escape Golemon who is not great at climbing but doesn’t seem to know that
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Meanwhile Jou... is like “Ohh yeah, you guys have it so rough, I’m trying my hardest too, keep fighting the good fight y’all”
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He’s relaxing in the hot springs and freaking studying.
Gomamon’s unusually fine with it though. Because he gets to swim. He says “Let’s invite the others here.” They’re both like YEAH THIS IS WHAT I CALL A VACATION
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It’s all fun and games until the hairy guy with the tattoos and veiny arms sharing your hot spring starts staring at your ding-a-ling. Uhhhhhhh.
he does make the “Nanimono?” joke so all is well lol
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No matter what form he takes, Patamon is always an Angel 👼
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Takeru is alone but he has Patamon... but Patamon is...
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... ADORABLE... and conked out. Takeru’s so proud of him though, look at that smile *sniff*
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Taichi remembers to ask Koushirou how conditions are back at home. This kid is too organized.
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Koushirou: “News and variety shows continue as normal even though the world’s ending.”
I’m not going to get into everything he says but it’s pretty much more of the same regarding the power influx from the human world to the digital world and the way the Zurumon’s attacks are wreaking havoc with electronics...
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Taichi almost says “You’re so sugoi!” Almost. He’s grateful anyway. *chews on those Taishiro breadcrumbs till they’re broken down to atoms*
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Then... Hikari’s acting strange!
Agumon: “What are you looking at?”
Hikari: “I don’t know.”
Taichi: “You don’t know but you’re looking at it?”
Hikari: “It kind of looks like Steve Buscemi... it’s hard to tell”
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Taichi’s not too wigged out by freaky Hikari because he’s lived with her all his life, and she’s always been a freak.
Baby Hikari: “Shteeve... bushemiii....”
Agumon: “Your sister’s weird.”
Taichi: “Yeah but she’s MY weird sister.”
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Yamato is fighting, of course. He stops for a moment to be impressed by how well Takeru’s handling himself. Garurumon points it out. I suppose it’s simply time to accept that this season Yamato is just not the disaster boy he was in 99 x’D
Now have some gratuitous adorable Patabutt images.
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Patabutt patabutt pata pata butt butt
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Um... is it just me or is Patamon kinda... oversized all of a sudden lol...
Takeru: “Did you eat all of my candy stash again?”
Patamon: “I just can’t seem to quit”
Takeru: “That’s it we’re getting you into rehab”
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Patamon tries to fly but just can’t ;____; poor baby is totally wiped out. Takeru takes a long time to catch on to that. I REALLY HOPE THIS GOES SOMEWHERE, like Takeru has to protect Patamon instead of the reverse etc... pleeeeease don’t just leave this where it is writers!! The potential for cute is endlessssss
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On the matter of Things That Are Not Cute... -.-;
Jou: “Please stop looking at my junk”
Nanimon: “Stop looking at mine”
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Mimi is much more useful! She discovers a shiny rock!
This rock... could be the raw material for their Crests!!! Squeee~!! I mean, it’s about time something about that came up, assuming it’s still a thing. (Since they already seem to have their Crests loaded in their Digivices and got to Perfect level without any talk of values and personal strengths, I don’t know how much of the old Crest legacy remains in this season.) I, uh, did the same thing in my fanfic so I guess I’m just biased... These could totally be Evil Rubies Of Darkness and Terror but I’d rather have Crests :p Of course I would have expected Mimi to find green stones in that case sooo... maybe not.
Anyway she and Palmon are suitably distracted from running from Golemon and go mining instead. I’m sure that will not cause any problems.
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We swing back to Taichi and Hikari, who are being approached by a big scary monster...
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Taichi: “Watch my Tarzan impression.”
Hikari: “Nooo! I don’t want to be Jane!”
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Fortunately Agumon evolves just to catch them in midair x’D Now is not the time for impressions, Taichi, seriously.
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They are attacked by Volcdramon, which is a dumbass name.
Taichi: “Velcromon the Velcro Digimon?”
Voldramon: “what NO i am Volcdramon-”
Hikari: “Voltronmon? Voldemortmon?”
Voldramon: *sniveling* “why does this happen EVERY time i JUST want to be one of the cool guys youre all such BULLIES”
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MetalGreymon and Volcdramon face off, but something’s not right! Much like... the Digimon in the last episode whose name I already forgot *cough*, Volcdramon seems able to absorb other Digimon’s power. This presents a problem because last time it took all of them shooting into its mouth together to overload it so they could win. MetalGreymon is having a hard time on his own as Volcdramon just absorbs all his attacks.
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Hikari prays to Jesus to save them. Digimon is approved for Christian families 👼👼👼
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ugggghhh I love them
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Taichi promises Hikari everything will be okay. His back-and-forth with MetalGreymon here is kind of cool. Every time MetalGreymon takes a hit, Taichi’s encouragement and coaching?? I guess keeps frustration at bay.
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Buuut eventually they’re both feeling pretty desperate :P It was hard for me to take this battle seriously since, after all we’ve seen MetalGreymon capable of, it seems weird that he should be struggling this much. But obviously they don’t just want to make him invincible. And this problem makes sense: the ability of Digimon to absorb attacks and turn them into energy is definitely a new problem.
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The question is, how do we solve it?
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Apparently it helps if you have a little sister who’s some kind of super battery.
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Taichi: “Nothing shocks me anymore with Hikari. She could announce she’s been Beyonce this whole time and I would believe it”
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WarGreymon appears (again) as his goldeny vision self, defeats Volcdramon, then promptly de-evolves back to Agumon.
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So the question is, why is this happening... From earlier episodes we know Agumon & co are some group of legendary warriors who have had their memories tampered with (??) to some extent (because they do still know each other, or at least Agumon and Gabumon remember knowing each other). Omegamon’s a given for that of course so I suppose that’s why. Hikari seems to be the key to unlocking the legendary warriors, maybe with Takeru. That’s my guess. Of course, Tailmon’s probably already in the bad guys’ clutches, much like Patamon was. I hope she’s still working for them. I want more double agent fun times. Also ANGST
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Hikari: “Thank you, Agumon-” *disappears*
Taichi: “GEEZ I can’t eat, can’t sleep, can’t even breathe without something bad happening anymore, like excuse me for BLINKING”
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Yeah so... Skullknightmon appears and abducts Hikari like it’s nothing xD
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Skullknightmon: “What’s under arm number two? Iiiiit’s your sister!”
Taichi: “Aw damn, I wanted the sports car”
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Taichi quickly gives chase. I assume Agumon’s pretty exhausted after that and probably can’t evolve now. Bad timing. Oooor maybe this is all how Skullknightmon planned it...
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Then... the unthinkable! Hikari looks at her brother rushing desperately to save her... and turns away!
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Taichi is SHOCKED! Le GASP!
Taichi: “But but but I’m the MAIN CHARACTER”
Hikari: “Not anymore bitch it’s my show now”
Yeah okay jokes aside! This bit was AWESOME. Like, I’m sure it’s obvious that she can tell the voice that “called” her to the digital world is with Skullnightmon. Or at least, her heart’s telling her she has to go with him in order to meet that person (Tailmon, duh). I’ll be surprised if that’s not what’s going on. But... to so coldly just turn her back on her brother... I mean, maybe she also thinks she’s protecting him... but SHE JUST GOT HERE... holy crap...
To think we spent so long theorizing that Takeru would be the one abducted but no it’s Hikari... In retrospect should have been obvious. She’s 1) a girl and therefore a damsel, and 2) the one who was abducted in 99 xP
But I really like her semi-willingly going off with Skullnightmon. Much better than just screaming as she’s whisked away King Kong-style. In 99 she also got abducted voluntarily (I mean, it was coercion, so... that’s not voluntary, but you know what I mean). So they kept that in this season and I like it.
That’s it for this week’s episode! So the bits that I liked were the individual moments with the kids and their partners, of which we had more than usual but still not nearly enough. Nowhere near. In the end it was still a Taichi episode.
As a Taichi fan... it’s not like I’m ever sad that he gets more focus. But I love ALL the kids and they’re NOT getting development. We do keep getting hints about them but it’s so, so, so slow. To be fair, it’s not like we know THAT much about Taichi either. He gets so much focus because he’s always fighting. This season doesn’t seem concerned with personality and character bits like the 99 one, and I am gonna compare them for that. Because I think that was the heart of the 99 show. Without it, it’s missing something. I keep hoping it’ll come back, we keep getting those hints and special moments here and there, but the plot is such a distraction... if it was like a really good plot maybe I’d care less but...
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Next week...  as far as I can see, it’s another Taichi episode xP But I do think they’ll do the same as this episode and intersperse Taichi’s battle with what’s going on with the others too. If that’s how they do it, I won’t mind. It might even be better. Fine, Taichi can fight, as long as the others are showing us more about themselves and getting other things done in the meantime. Mimi and Jou both look promising. Takeru too. Sora and Yamato, not sure..
Koushirou better not just sit at his computer the whole time -___-
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Le owch.
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Taichi: “Look being the main character’s not all it’s cracked up to be. I have three concussions and six broken bones. Also I can’t feel my toes anymore”
hang in there bud im cheering for ya
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bridgyrose · 3 years ago
I challenge you to write something cute
Blake and Ruby go to an animal shelter to adopt cat! Cinder,(named by his dead owner Rhodes when she was a kitten)
Blake assures Weiss that she knows how to take care of the cat, how to tame her and everything,while Yang and her sister are already approaching Cinder and playing with her making silly jokes
Weiss sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. “No, we cant. You know we’ll get in trouble.” 
“Yes, but we can hide it-” 
“Blake, I love you, but our dorm is not big enough for a cat.” 
Blake rolled her eyes. “You had no problem with Zwei being here.” 
“That’s because he was here for a week and we still ended up in trouble because of that.” Weiss sat down and watched Ruby and Yang as the two of them crowded around the cat that Blake and Ruby had adopted. “I dont have an issue with a cat being around here, I just dont want to get detention. Again.” 
“Give me two weeks and I can make sure she’s not a problem.” 
“Besides, Cinder’s an older cat and she’s already house trained,” Ruby chimed in as she pet Cinder. “The only thing we’d really have to hide is the litter box and we can stick that under our bathroom sink.” 
“And if you havent noticed, our bathroom isnt exactly big enough for everything we have currently,” Weiss reminded her. “Between the shower products Yang and I need for our hair, the razor collection you have and Blake’s bath bombs, do you really think we have room for a litter box?” 
Yang pulled away from Cinder and thought for a moment. “We could train her to use the toilet like a person.” 
Weiss let out an exhausted sigh and leaned against the wall her bed was pushed up against. “And how do you plan to afford food for her? Last I checked, I was cut off from access to SDC funds after our last project, and none of us have jobs. And before you say it, no, we cant just grab whatever meat we can in the cafeteria.” 
“We’ll figure something out.” 
Blake nodded and grabbed her coat. “Actually, I might have a solution for that already. I know a guy down at the docks who can get us anything we need and I’m sure no one would mind if a bag of cat food or two went missing from a shipment. That would give us a bit of time to come up with the money for anything else we’ll need for her.” 
Weiss got up and grabbed her book bag. “You guys go ahead, I need to study.” She let out a small sigh once her team left the dorm and she opened one of her text books. “At last, just a bit of peace and quiet.” 
The cat, Cinder, slowly walked over to Weiss and pawed at her leg and let out a loud meow. Her claws dug into the pant leg and caught on the material. 
Weiss slowly picked Cinder up and held her close, her free hand went to the small tag on the collar and flipped it around. “Rhodes, huh? Must’ve been your old owner. Though, I’m not sure why he gave you up, you are a cute little kitty, arent you?” 
The cat seemed to almost smile as it looked up at Weiss, its eyes flickered a bit as it began to change. In a matter of seconds, the cat had changed into a person who smiled at Weiss with a wicked grin. “Thank you.” 
Weiss fell back out of her chair and winced as she hit her head. “You… what did you do to the cat?” 
“I’m still here, just… finally myself.” Cinder sat down on the desk and slowly messed with the ears on top of her head. “Though, I think I stayed that way a lot longer than I should’ve.” 
“But you… what are you?” 
“A guardian of sorts for those who need it. And from the looks of it, you need me.” 
Weiss slowly stood up and walked to the bathroom. She splashed a bit of water on her face and with a deep breath, she looked at herself in the mirror. “I must be tired. Cats dont turn into people.” 
“And yet, this one did.” Cinder paused for a moment and looked around the room she was in. “This place is a bit small now, dont you think?” 
“It is meant for four people, not exactly a fifth.” Weiss slowly opened up the medicine cabinet and slowly started to read over her anxiety medication and her sleep aids. “This… this has to be a hallucination. O-or I’m just… sleep deprived. Stayed up much longer than I thought I did.” 
Cinder rolled her eyes and walked up behind Weiss. “I’m a bit hurt you think this isnt real.” 
“Animals dont just turn into people! You were a cat and now you’re-” Weiss turned around to face Cinder and paused once she had a good look at the girl. “You… you’re… naked…” 
“Well, yeah, I did just become human. Have anything that will fit?” 
“You uh… you can check in Blake’s clothes for now, I think she’s about the same size as you,” Weiss said as she pointed to the dresser. Her eyes stayed focused on Cinder as she watched her, her mind still attempted to process what she was seeing. “And… you said you’re a guardian… what exactly are you a guardian of?” 
Cinder pulled out a few clothes and held them against her to check the sizes. “Humanity. Its a long story though so I wont bore you with all the details.” 
Weiss slowly nodded and went back to her desk to try to study. “When the others get back, you’ll need to explain everything.” 
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freakygirlie · 4 years ago
Walker- 1x05~spoilers~
bye this shouldn’t have taken a month but here we are and I have no excuse other than the fact that I was avoiding tumblr anyways
~spoilers~ last warning!!!
4 MONTHS FLASHBACK WAS SO WELL SET UP!!! Walker in the Duke outfit looked good enough to eat <3 Ok and I liked Twyla in the beginning PLEASE.
‘‘Hope you can count to 11′‘ JDSJHJDSH SASS ON POINT <3
The scene of Walker shoving his head in the sink of water to ground himself was heartbreaking but at the same time so...badass idk man. Walker Ily.
‘‘August is grounded’‘ ‘‘You really want to test me? After this?’‘ SNAPPP. But like August is so scared of his dad leaving :( (i need to stop comparing sam and august in my head bye)
TRICKI!!! Micki and Trey’s interaction over his job was so cute i LOVE THEMMM. ‘’sports medicine’’ trey that’s not a thing but issok ily. Trey wanting to introduce Micki to his mom :’) OK BUT MY FAV PART WAS THAT AFTER MICKI SNAPPED AT TREY SHE IMMEDIATELY APOLOGIZED LIKE HELLO COMMUNICATION!!! WE STAN A COUPLE LIKE THIS SO MUCH!!!
‘‘Keep the circle small and the lies honest’‘ dAMN new instagram caption
sexy times we love ;) ‘’garlic bread and whiskey(?)’’ YUH SAME WALKER SAME.
I don’t like Ruby ok. Someone tell her to go far away from August pls
But the one before that! Walker and Micki’s convo! Micki ribbing Walker for being a jackass<33 and Walker knowing that she stood up for him SHUT UP I LOVE THEMMM. Walker yelling in Micki’s ear JDSJDHJ ‘’still think i’m crooked Graves?’’ a) which kinda crooked walker ;) and b) graves i hate u bye
AUGUST COMING TO FIND HIS DAD OVER THERE. OHMYGOD OK LISTEN I LOVE U BUT U ARE AN IDIOT. Legitimately i was so mad Walker didn’t scold August for doing what he did. The conversation really broke my heart though. Walker was just pleADING with his eyes for August to go away but *sighs*.
Trey and Stella’s interaction was the cUTEST!!! I love Trey so much actually. And him being coach is smth I’m also very excited to see more of, he’s gonna be great!!!(this is a very nice time to add that Jeff Pierre liked my comment on insta<33)
And then we get to the best scene of this episode. Walker and Micki along with the others about to ‘’plan’’ the new raid so they can cover the missing 300K, walker being stressed about the August situation, shaking his hand and visibly trembling, MICKI HOLDING HIS HAND TO GROUND HIM SOMEONE TAKE ME AWAY I AM D E C E A S E D. THAT SO VERY TINY SCENE MOVED ME SO MUCH SHUT UP I LOVE THEM I LOVE THEM I LOVE THEM.
Also i really loved the flashbacks of Duke’s undercover time. They were really well done and flowed with the story so much, how is this show real.
But Jared Padalecki i-
‘‘I lost someone....My brother’‘ YOU LITTLE- YOU KNEW. YOU KNEW WHAT THAT WOULD DO TO US I WILL CHEW ROCKS. ‘‘he was my best friend’‘ JARED WHY WHY WHY WHY.
‘‘butch and sundance’‘ i hate this show.
Loved Walker’s fake attempt to escape, so he doesn’t blow his cover, I don’t like Twyla anymore :) but i liked Duke, the character he was and ngl I ship Twyla and Duke, no one come after me for this.
WHEN HE GOT SHOT OHMYGOD FOR A SECOND I FREAKED SO BAD.(It’s just my Sam ptsd activating no biggie :/ i need to get over spn for my own good ohmyGod)
So as far as Twyla or Clint goes, Duke’s dead.......that might....come bite them in the ass later(after watching episode 6: oops i spoke too soon:) )
Clint and Crystal’s last dance moment was cute ok dont @ me bye
LIAM AND CORDELL ARE SO CUTE OHMYGOD. Liam calling Cordell ‘Cordi’ I’m in my feels no one touch me. The hand on his necK NO ONE TOUCH ME. PROTECTIVE!LIAM RIGHTS!!!
THE HUG!!!! <33333
Them burning everything, and getting rid of it all and being a family, i teared up again damn this show.
‘‘Emily’s murder....something is off,’‘ YEAH GET ON THE TRAIN BRO WHAT HAS WALKER BEEN SAYING
Micki and Trey scene!!!! I love them again, and the fact that they open up to each other and talk about what’s real and important! I love tricki so much <3
Speculation/Thoughts for Episode 6:- (what i felt when i first watched the promo since this is being uploaded after the 6th ep has aired i’m an idiot ok)
Micki’s mom is coming in this ep! I wanna see how that one plays out since we know they don’t have the best relationship. *sighs* parents :) 
i cant wait 3 weeks wtf. bring walker back.
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SINCE ALL THE FICS ARE SAD im going to go ahead and make a happy one. (Well... its bullet notes so maybe more of a fic outline?). Can be consider as Free Day or AU Day since its canon divergence
Ive been dying to see a Tai comes to Atlas fic so im making this one a reunion in Atlas fic
Qrow isnt in Atlas when Tai arrives. Hes out on a Amity Tower mission with Clover
Qrow and Clover are actually in the middle of flirting with each other when Qrow gets the call
Its Ruby and shes talking so fast Qrow cant understand a single thing. "Woah Ruby slow down. Whats going on" theres a deep gasping breath and then "DAD IS HERE. DAD IS IN ATLAS"
Qrow is stunned. Tai made it to Atlas?
Clover is thinking about how on Earth he could of gotten into the Kingdom.
Qrow finds out through Yang (she had to take Ruby's phone away since she wouldnt stop screaming) that the girls are waiting for Tai since Ironwood is having Winter personally escort him (Qrow figures that either he got arrested on arrival like they did or that Ironwood wants to know everything Tai knows about Salem despite being removed from the situation since STRQ fell apart)
Clover notifies him that they wont be able to get back to the city for another three hours, and then Qrow tells the girls, who are disappointed but tell him theyll "let Dad know when he gets here"
Most of the way back Clover is trying to get information out of Qrow about what Tai is like. Its both friendly small talk and adding to what Clover knows about this group of children + Qrow. The group is part of Ironwood's inner circle now which makes them important
Qrow briefly wonders how his reception will be. These days hes always the one coming to see Tai, and its 50-50 on if Tai's happy to see Qrow. Qrow considers running away from the encounter entirely but hes trying to be a better man now and that means sobriety and facing his problems. Besides he'll have to see Tai eventually
So lets backtrack a bit. Tai and Qrow used to be a thing wayyyy back in the day. Defining their romantic relationship is complicated. They tried dating before Tai ever got with Raven and it only lasted a few days because they realized the attraction was just sexual so they went back to being teammates who makeout when theyre drunk (thats how they decided to start dating in the first place). So through the early years they were Friends With Benefits. After the dark years of Raven and Summer they became Friends With Benefits That Only Get Together When Theyre Feeling Heartbroken. Its sad sex and half the time one of them is crying. Their friendship is good while the the girls are young. They disagree on a lot of things when it comes to the girls as they get older. That animosity plus arguments about Qrow's  espionage job plus Qrow's worsening alcoholism are the reason theyve drifted far apart today. Theyve still been through so much together so that history and Qrow's dedication to being a uncle are the only things holding their friendship together.
So anyways lets get to the good stuff. The reunion:
Tai is actually waiting for Qrow at the garage
The girls are with him because they missed him. Ruby has her arms around him while talking and Yang is standing besides them smiling
Qrow gets a little scared. The fact Tai is waiting for him doesnt bode well. Him and Tai try to have their disagreements when the girls arent present. Qrow thinks its fair to assume that Tai is so absolutely pissed at him that he cannot wait another moment to yell at him. Clover goes "i guess you wont have to hunt him down after all. He mustve really missed you all" and Qrow really hopes thats the reason
Qrow decides to break the ice before it forms by insulting Tai as he's getting out of the truck
"Two and a half continents away and i still cant escape the sight that is your hideous cargo pants" "says the man who's idea of fashion is a 25 year old ripped cape"
As soon as Qrow gets close enough Tai puts his hands on his shoulders, takes a deep breath, and yells "YOU GOT POISONED"
Turns out Tai was just worried about him after Ruby explained what happened on her trek through Mistral
After answering his questions they hug and its the kind of hug where you sway a little bit
For the next few hours Tai yells at Ruby for running away, Tai yells at Qrow for going sober and not telling him, and Qrow goes with Tai to meet Ironwood (and stop Ironwood from asking too many questions. Hes actually soley focused on Salem and he doesnt even ask Tai how he got through his military blockade)
That night in Qrow's room Tai explains to Qrow how he got there. He lied to the girls. Made up some story that had plenty of holes in it. It was Raven. She opened her portal to Yang as far away as she could and Tai landed there. She had come to him after Haven, told him a few things but clearly left most of it out. Tai managed to get her to promise to take him to the group whenever they got to Atlas and had adjusted.
He came for two reasons. 1) to see exactly how close his children were to Salem. 2) to see if he could protect his kids any way he could, knowing they wouldnt back out now. But the reason he was telling Qrow all this (instead of sticking to his if-it-involved-Raven-i-dont-talk-about-it mentality) was because of one of the few things she mentioned about Haven: the disowning.
Tai wanted him to know that despite all their problems that Qrow was still his family. Not because Raven is still legally married to Tai, not because hes Yang's blood uncle, but because Qrow has been apart of Tai's life and chosen family as far back as STRQ.
Qrow's felt like a outsider to Tai ever since (and every time) things got serious with whoever Tai's dating. Qrow felt like a third wheel when Tai was with Raven, and Qrow was to raw from the increasingly strained relationship with Raven to let go of Summer and Tai when they got together. And ever since Qrow has felt like he was there in Tai's life but no longer apart of it. Even after Tai recovered from his depression, Qrow felt like a visitor in the house he still considers his home despite being called "uncle".
And Tai knows Qrow broke ties with Tribe soon after Beacon, and Raven hadnt truely been his sister in 20 years, but to have what you known from literal birth taken from you still hurt. And now Tai knows Qrow isnt drinking so the only way he can cope is by not thinking about it.
So Tai had to tell Qrow what he meant to him
And when he found out about Tyrian he realized Qrow couldve died not knowing Tai still loves him
Tai ends up ranting about all the things he loves about Qrow, about how he regrets that almost every word said to Qrow in the last 15 years has been unkind
Qrow is now confused to if this is a fixing my mistakes kind of thing or a love confession
So he asks
And Tai gets a little sheepish because it was a fixing my mistakes because i love you thing but a little past halfway into his rant he realized hes IN love with Qrow and has been for a while now
And Qrow decides f it. Tai is doing his embarrassed thing Qrow still finds cute even now when theyre middle aged adults getting their first gray hairs. So Qrow gets up from the cheap academy table theyre sitting at and kisses Tai
"After the world stops ending do you wanna try that dating thing again?" "You think we'll make it past one week this time?" "I actually meant since you havent gone on a date in about 15 years." "Oh. Well im pretty sure you havent been on a proper date since Beacon" "Are you gonna take me on a proper date then?" "Yeah"
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