#ruby x jaune x weiss
arc-misadventures · 1 year
Faunas: Does, and Don’ts
Ruby: So, you’re dating, Weiss. Any does, and don’ts with her. Since she’s a faunas, and all?
Jaune: Why are you asking me this?
Ruby: Just curious how other faunas feel about having their tails pulled. Some people have pulled my tail too, and I didn’t like it. So, I was curious how others felt about it. And, if differently faunas feel differently about about their tails being pulled; me being a wolf, and Weiss a snow leopard.
Jaune: Okay, but why not ask, Weiss what it’s like to have her tail pulled?
Ruby: I have, but she starts blushing, and refuses to talk about it. So…?
Jaune: Weiss is a rather reserved person, she probably doesn’t want to talk about such private matters.
Ruby: Yeah, that makes sense.
Jaune: Yeah, so about your question: First things first: Never touch a faunas tail! If you accidentally brush their tail they will get incredibly uncomfortable! They may just slap you out of habit.
Ruby: Yeah, I can see that. Ha… I’ve even done that myself too.
Jaune: if you grab it though, well that leads to some other problems.
Ruby: Such as?
Jaune: You’ll be lucky if you just get slapped, they might try, and gut you if you did this. Mind you, these rules apply to a lot of faunas in general. No one likes to be inappropriately touched.
Ruby: A guy groped my butt once.
Jaune: Wait, seriously?! What happened, are you okay?!
Ruby: I’m okay. He was arrested, after they took him out of the wall, Yang punched him through.
Jaune: Ahh~! Yang’s such a great big sister.
Ruby: She is~! So, next question: What would happen if a faunas’s tail was pulled by someone?
Jaune: Well, they may try, and kill you. Yang punching that guy through a wall would be considered a nicety.
Ruby: Makes sense, but what would happen if they didn’t do that?
Jaune: Well, but I can’t say for others, but in my case: Pray that your pelvis can endure what is to come…
Ruby: Oh... Is that why, Weiss is walking funny..?
Jaune: Yeah, pretty much.
Ruby: I see… So, one last question.
Jaune: And, that is?
Ruby: Was it worth it?
Jaune: Oh hell yeah it was!
Ruby: Oh, okay then... So, Jaune… I’m a wolf faunas, with a tail, and all that.
Jaune: And, a pretty tail at that.
Ruby: T-Thank you… S-So… W-Would you like to touch my tail…?
Jaune: Sure.
Ruby: Really?!
Jaune: Yeah, why not?
Ruby: That’s great!
Weiss: Ruby Rose!
Ruby: EEP?! Weiss?! H-Hey… How’s… How’s the limp…?
Weiss: Manageable! Now come here, we need to have a conversation, privately!
Ruby: O-Okay!
Weiss: We’ll be right back darling~!
Jaune: Okay…?
Weiss: Now you listen here, Ruby Rose! If you’re trying to do what I think you’re trying to do, then I’ve got one word for you!
Ruby: A-And, that is…?
Weiss: Leg stretches. For the love of the gods do some leg stretches before you ask him to pull your tail. Trust me, you will not regret it.
Ruby: Oh… I thought you were going to gouge out my eyes for encroaching on your territory. You did mark him as yours, right?
Weiss: Oh silly little girl~! He marked me, I’m masters good little pet now~! And, master can have as many pets as he wants~!
Ruby: Oh… Okay…?
Weiss: Now you be a good little girl, flash that little tail of yours in front of him, and make sure he claims you as his personal bitch by the night, okay~?
Ruby: You meant that as a faunas thing right?
Weiss: Sure, why not. Either way, you’re walking funny in the morning.
Ruby: Aren’t the leg stretches supposed to prevent that?
Weiss: No, but it helps. Somewhat…
Ruby: Oh… Okay then.
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dragonking10 · 9 days
Ruby walks in the dorm room limping and her team notices
Yang: Hey sis, are you okay?
Ruby: Oh I'm fine, I pulled a muscle while working out with Jaune.
Weiss: Doing what, squats?
Ruby: No, by pounding m- I mean yeah doing squats *laughs nervously*
Blake caught what she meant
Blake: Maybe you pulled a muscle helping Jaune train with his 'sword'?
Ruby suddenly materializes next to Blake and pat her back
Ruby laughs: Ha ha ha, oh Blake that was a good joke!
Ruby leans to Blake and whispers low to only the cat faunus could hear
Ruby whispers: If you tell anyone, and I mean ANYONE! I'll have Zwei chew and piss all over your precious book collection.
Blake's eyes widen in fear
Blake whispers: You wouldn't dare!
Ruby's silver eyes activated a bit with a dark aura around her
Ruby whispers: Try me bitch!
Ruby suddenly went back to where she was standing
Ruby: Anyway I'm gonna go help Jaune keep up with his studys, bye!
Ruby turns and slowly limp out of the room
Yang turns to Blake: So what did she say to you?
Blake kept her mouth shut fearing for her life.
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superiorsturgeon · 11 days
Bowerbird Faunus!Jaune: Hey, Pyr…I’m not great with words and romantic speeches…😔
Bowerbird Faunus!Jaune: …so to tell you how I feel, I built you an entire house. 🛠️
Pyrrha: Oh my gods, it even has a built-in gymnasium!! 😲
Peacock Faunus!Ren: ✨It took me all day to get my makeup, clothes, and hair perfect, but it’s all worth it for you, Nora. 😉✨
Nora: *staring in open-mouthed wonder at her beautiful, beautiful man* 😳
Jacana Faunus!Yang: *wearing a toddler in a baby carrier, cradling baby, and cooking a grilled cheese for oldest Bumbleby kid* Blake, babe, go ahead and put your feet up! I got this! I’ll call you when it’s time for dinner!
Blake: *sighs lovingly and watches Yang juggle the Bumbleby children* 🥰
Weiss: Ruby, I’m back from running errands! I picked up that upgraded receiver bolt you wanted for your scythe!
Bird of Paradise Faunus!Ruby: *flips her cape over her head and launches into a frenzied, flailing dance around Weiss* 😘
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lovingdabeessss · 1 year
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Blake I hope you’re prepared for yangs trust in her loved ones not planning on abandoning her at every second being SHATTERED cause yangs mental health is NOT surviving the news
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rachetmath · 3 months
Retracing Steps
Nora: Jaune?
Jaune: *researching*
Nora: Jaune?! Jaune?!!
Jaune: What?
Nora: Jaune I get you and Lewis were friends but he’s gone.
Jaune: I know.
Ren: So what are we looking for? His grave?
Jaune: No. That’s not what I’m looking for.
Emerald: Then what is it?
Jaune: His first draft.
Nora: You mean his book?
Jaune: Yeah. Lewis censored a lot of information. More importantly, his story was based on his diary. I don’t know what happened to him but he still lived in Vacuo or moved. He had to have taken it with him.
Nora: But what’s so important is that you need his book.
Jaune: *silent*
Nora: No. Jaune you’re not thinking– Are you-
Jaune: Slow down. Yes, I’m looking for a way to return to the Ever After. But not for me. For Salem.
Ren: What?
Jaune: When I was in the Ever After, I thought Ascension just meant death. Which it is. However, it’s also about rebirth. Making changes in one’s self. 
Emerald: And? What does this have to do with Salem? 
Jaune: Think about what Ruby told us. Salem failed to learn the value of life and death. In The Ever After you still die but-
Emerald: Salem’s immortal Jaune.
Jaune: Listen. After you die or are taken by the tree as Ruby described, you are sent to the forger. The forger has the power to create, reforge, and repair you.
Nora: Jaune we fail to see your point.
???: I get it.
Ren: Ruby? When did you and your team-
Ruby: Sorry. I was looking for Jaune a while ago. They were just helping me look. I wanted to talk but that can wait. Jaune, if what I’m guessing is correct then if you find this portal back to The Ever After, you can send Salem there.
Jaune: Yes. However once I find it and see if it works, I need Raven there before sending Salem. 
Yang: Why my mom?
Jaune: Her semblance allows her to travel anywhere as long as she has been there before. 
Ruby: And unlike the staff, it ignores time and space. That means Raven can easily leave the Ever After without having to go through the door again.
Emerald: Okay. Stop! You keep talking about the Ever After but what about Salem?! What does any of this have to do with beating Salem?!
Ruby: *smile* It’s possible but only a theory. If we send Salem to the Ever After, allowing the tree to take her-
Weiss: Then she ascends. 
Blake: Allowing the forger to reset her.
Yang: Leaving her-
Jaune: That’s right.  She can be imprisoned or she can return but maybe as… a mortal.
NER: !!!!
Nora: Meaning…
Ren: She can finally be killed.
Ruby: Exactly. 
Nora: Yes! Fearless Leader strikes again. *hugs Jaune*
Jaune: Nora, calm down. Besides like Ruby said it’s theoretical. And even so, she could come back maybe stronger than before.
Weiss: Maybe. But still-
Yang: It’s better than nothing.
Jaune: *continues his research*
Ruby: Hey, can you all leave for a minute? I want to talk to Jaune alone. 
NER and WBY: *leave*
Jaune: *sigh*
Ruby: I’m… I’m… I’m sorry.
Jaune: For what?
Ruby: For what happened on the bridge? 
Jaune: *stops what he’s doing for a second*
Ruby: I… I figured out what happened. Put two and two together. And… I’m sorry.
Jaune: *continues working* Just promise this. Don’t be like them.
Ruby: Like who?
Jaune: Pyrrha. Penny. And Alyx.
Ruby: I don't -
Jaune: Pyrrha thought she could do it. Though it was slim she still went in with no way out. She could have lived to fight by our side if she hadn't been egotistic. Penny could have lived if she had been a little more selfish. Willingly to put her life first before others. What made her death even sadder was… she died a puppet on the strings. Alyx died because of ignorance. She thought irrationally. Jump to conclusions. Not taking the time to think things through. All those things probably are what ultimately led her to her death. She was truly a naive girl.
Ruby: *silent*
Jaune: Look Ruby, your silver eyes are not the only things that make you special. And just because you get praise for it doesn't mean you should let them define you. You are not alone. So please, count on me to help. Or at least your team. Don't die over pride. 
Ruby: *hugs Jaune*
Jaune: Hm. Hey, what's- …oh.
Ruby: *in tears* 
Jaune: *sighs and smiles* Alright, I’ll take a break, for you at least.
Ruby: Thank you.
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danurso · 10 months
NWN Challenge
*At a nice bar in Atlas*
Ruby: You’re still dealing with the fallout of that mess?
Blake: Of course. As the head of the white fang I can't just clean up a mess and ignore what caused it and who was affected by it…..*sigh* The last thing I want is people thinking we’re slipping back into what we used to be years back.
Yang: Good thing your pops is really good at de-escalating, well that and Weiss’ PR team.
Blake: Yeah. Where is her by the way? I wanted to thank her personally for all the help.
Ruby: She said she was coming, something came up during work.
Yang: Or someone. If Jaune went to visit she might be an hour or so late.
Blake: That. . . . . . probably isn't the case.
Yang: Why?
Blake: *nods* Because she doesn't look like she just had a good time.
The trio then turned to see a familiar heiress coming in, looking like she was about to murder someone.
Weiss: *sits down on the table*
Bartender: What will it be mi-
Weiss: Vodka. Pure. And make it a triple.
Yang: Yeesh. Someone got up on the wrong side of the bed today.
Ruby: What happened?
Blake: Who did you kill?
Weiss: He's not dead, the doctors said just broke a few bones.
R_BY: . . . . . . . .
Weiss: . . . .what?
Blake: . . . . .i was joking.
Weiss: Oh. . . .right. . . . .
Ruby: Wait, wait, you tried to kill someone!?
Weiss: I didn't! I just exaggerated a bit while dealing with a jerk.
Yang: What happened?
Weiss: . . . . .*sigh* I was venting to Winter about some private things about Jaune, as soon as she left an associate came in, he must've heard something about what we're talking, because as soon as we were done talking business he tried asking me out.
Yang: Doesn't everyone at the company know you just married?
Weiss: They do and he knew about it. But he insisted saying we could do something “fun” and that he could “Give me what i needed” since my husband wasn't doing so.
Ruby: Oh gods. . . . . .
Yang: Hah!
Blake: Like, I understand why that made you angry, but did you have to send the guy to the hospital?
Weiss: Not really, but i’ve been having a really stressful week and even after i said no multiple times, he kept pushing, and the moment he got too close i catapulted him out of the room with a glyph, though because of everything i miscalculated and sent him through a wall instead of the door.
Yang: *laughs* Please send me the video whenever you can! I wanna see that.
Ruby: Well, jerk aside, is everything okay? You sound like there's been stress even before that.
Bartender: Here miss. *Puts down her drink*
Weiss: Thanks.
Blake: Is everything okay at home? You said you were venting about Jaune, is everything okay between you two?
Weiss: No! The last three weeks been awful! HE has been awful!
Blake: Wait what?
Yang: Wow, That's a surprise.
Ruby: But why? What's wrong with Jaune?
Weiss: He’s been the worst! I keep having to deal with issues at the company! Cleaning the mess my father made! And then, after an awful day of work, what am I greeted with!?
Yang: A blown up house?
Blake: Another woman?
Ruby: Jaune wouldn't do that blake! Geez. . . . .Oh! Was it maybe a dead body?
Weiss: No! As soon as I come in he greets me with that stupid! Bright! And warm smile! He hugs me tight goes on about missing me soooo much! He covers me in kisses! Takes me in to show the warm bath he prepared for me! The house which is basically spotless and the dinner which was my favorite! Aaaarggh! Just thinking about it makes my blood boil! *Chugs the drink*
Ruby: . . . . . . . .
Yang: . . . . . . . .
Blake: . . . . . . . . . .that's it?
Weiss: Oh no. No no no, it gets worse. After dinner he brings me a whole cheesecake! Freshly made! And after we ate he took me to the living room and massaged every corner of my stressed body! I felt like I was melting! Oh gods the nerve of that man!!!
Yang: Wow, sounds like a nightmare.
Weiss: I know! Because it is!
Blake: *deadpan* Is it though?
Ruby: Err, Weiss? Are you sure there's a problem there? Because you make it sound like he's doing something bad but apparently he's been really sweet to you.
Weiss: I know! And it's unbearable!
Ruby: But why?
R_BY: Ohhhh. . . . .
Blake: He’s doing that dumb challenge too? I thought it was just Sun.
Ruby: *sigh* Nah, Oscar was doing it too.
Yang: Sounds like a headache. Lucky me and Arslan don't struggle with that stuff.
Blake: Yes, because she's not a guy, they tend to be incredibly stubborn about the stupidest things. Well, as stubborn as you can be with someone who knows all your weaknesses.
Ruby: Got him to give up?
Blake: Around a week in, would’ve been sooner if i wasn't busy with the fang. Oscar giving you trouble?
Ruby: Nope. He went for ten days straight, then he walked in on me coming out of the shower and he snapped. *Chuckles* I wasn't even trying to make him lose.
Weiss: *eyebrow twitching* Good to know I'm the only one suffering here.
Yang: Come on ice cream. You know that guy is basically addicted to you, if you give him a push in the right direction I'm pretty sure he’ll just crumble.
Weiss: And you think I haven't tried!? Skimpy swimsuits, Lingeries, Nudes throughout the day, dirty comments, cosplaying his favorite characters, offering to do the most questionable things! I used every last trick in the book and he STILL didn't cave in!
Yang: Oh, wow.
Blake: I knew he had a strong will but this is still surprising to hear.
Weiss: It's so frustrating! I get to come back home every day to the most wonderful husband in the world, who pampers and looks after me, doing everything I wish and making me the happiest woman in Remnant! And you tell me I can't ride him to oblivion after all that!? It's unfair!!! Utter Injustice!!! I wished I knew who came up with this challenge so I could strangle them until they're blue!!!
Yang: *chuckles* I can't tell if you're angrier at not getting laid for three weeks now or at him for not falling for your charms.
Weiss: BOTH!!!
Ruby: I mean, you said you tried everything but it doesn't sound like it.
Weiss: I did Ruby. I most certainly did! And wore basically anything you could imagine, I went as far as to wear things that, if images were leaked online, my life would be ruined and Blake would never talk to me again.
Yang: . . . . . . .you wore a-
Blake: *covers her mouth* Please don't, I’d rather our friendship still exist by the end of the night. For once in my life i do NOT wanna know.
Yang: *pushes her out* Wow. You really pulled all the stops.
Weiss: And it did nothing to him!!! *Depressed sigh*
Ruby: I mean, so far it sounds like all you did was dress up and act sexy to try and make him cave in.
Weiss: What else was I supposed to do!?
Ruby: Did you forget who you're married to? It's pretty easy to get him to bend and do what you want once you pin his weakness down.
Weiss: . . . . . .that sounded very wrong, especially being about my husband.
Ruby: What? I never abused that weakness mind you! He's my best friend, I could never!
Yang: Unless he has your favorite cookies.
Ruby: *pink* That's different!
Weiss: Spit it out already!
Ruby: *sigh* . . . . .fine. but he ever asks, you didn't learn this from me.
Weiss: *walks in* I’m home.
Jaune: *wearing pajamas* Hey, how was your night? *Hugs her* Everyone doing well?
Weiss: Yeah. *Kisses him* Everyone is doing well.
Jaune: I left some food for you in the microwave, wasn’t sure if you would eat out so i made something.
Weiss: It's fine, we got something to eat on the way back.
Jaune: I’ll pack it up for tomorrow then. *Walking to the kitchen* By the way, Whitley called. He said something about a guy you sent to the hospital. Is everything okay at work?
Weiss: Yeah, someone tried hitting on me earlier, and I accidentally used too much force to push him off when he tried to get too close.
Jaune: *storing the food* Ouch. Almost makes me feel bad for him. . . . .almost. *feels a pair of arms wrapping around his torso from behind.* . . . . . .Weiss?
Weiss: *inhale* . . . . . .*deep exhale*
Jaune: *serious* Weiss. . . . .that guy didn't hurt you, did he?
Weiss: *chuckles* Good to know my knight is still there to protect me if I ever need, I thought he ended up buried under my cute husband.
Jaune: Weiss-
Weiss: He did nothing, just a few sweet words which I already forgot. I just wanted to hug you.
Jaune: If you say so, then I believe you. What do you wanna do now?
Weiss: Bed. I’m tired, could you come with me though?
Jaune didn't answer, he only turned around and picked her up in his arms, making her chuckle in response, he took her to the bedroom and helped her out of her clothes and into her nightgown, and soon enough, they were both in bed cuddling.
Weiss: *Chuckling*
Jaune: What’s so funny?
Weiss: Nothing. I’m just happy.
Jaune: That's good to hear. You seemed a little stressed these last few days.
Weiss: Yeah. . . .but I'm fine now. In fact, I couldn't be happier.
Jaune: Really?
Weiss: Of course. *Hugs him closer* I’ve got a nice house, a good job, great friends and above all else *Looks up to him* the most wonderful husband in the world.
Jaune: *pink, scratching his cheek* Hehehe, I’m just doing what I can. It's not a big deal.
Weiss: It is for me. . . .for someone who grew up in a cold house, surrounded by people I couldn't trust, having someone that I can trust and love this much is everything.
Jaune: Weiss. . . . .
Weiss: You never ignore me, you always know when I'm not okay, you look after my every need, you go above and beyond to make me happy, and you know me even better than I do myself. I must've been a saint in a past life to be blessed with someone so wonderful as you are. I wanna stay like this and hold on to you for the rest of my life. *Angelic smile* Thank you for marrying me, my love.
Jaune: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Jaune: *naked on the bed and spooning her* God damnit. . . . .
Weiss: *sweaty and giggling*
Jaune: I can't believe I fell for that.
Weiss: Fell for what~? I was being honest, you know?
Jaune: I know! And that makes it even more of a dirty move!
Weiss: My heart bleeds for you.
Jaune: *groan* I was just a week away. I resisted everything you threw at me and this is how I lost?
Weiss: Yep. I thought there was no way out until a certain someone reminded me how weak you are to someone being genuinely emotional with you.
Jaune: It was Ruby wasn't it? Every time i have her favorite cookies she'll go on this emotional speech about how much it matters to her that i’m her best friend and all we went through, and when i realize i already gave her the cookies.
Weiss: I won't confirm nor deny anything.
Jaune: Ugh, figures.
Weiss: *turns to him* Oh please, you say it as if you didn't like it.
Jaune: Of course I did, I've been craving you for weeks.
Weiss: Good to hear, I felt the same.
Jaune: Just don't do that next year or I'm telling Blake about your secret costumes.
Weiss: You’re doing that again next year!?
Jaune: *chuckles* That's your main concern?
Weiss: Of course I am! These last three weeks have been hell!
Jaune: If that's the case. . . .*on top of her* Then let me take you to paradise.
Weiss: *pink* That wasn't enough for you?
Jaune: Nowhere near enough to make up for these three weeks. You gotta work Tomorrow?
Weiss: Not really, they have to fix the wall in my office so. . . . .
Jaune: Good. You won't have to make up an excuse then. Might need one for after tomorrow though.
Weiss: *red* . . . . . . .I’m in danger aren't i?
Jaune: The plan was to win the challenge and slowly ease back into routine. You tricked me into losing so now I’m giving you what you want, all of it.
Weiss: *redder* C-can we talk about this for a mome-AAHHHH~!?!?
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reashot · 3 months
Why Do People Keep Saying Jaune Is A Daddy?
Ruby: *grumble* Can you believe the nerves of some people!
Weiss: What's wrong with her?
Blake: She saw a bunch of Milfs trying to get close to Jaune.
Yang: Oh? I thought she got PMS.
Ruby: How could tho-those hussies throw themselves to Jaune like that how shameless, how enviable.... I mean, those bitches be crazy y'all!
Weiss: You know Rubes. I don't get what you see in Jaune anyway?
Blake: Yeah, he's just a typical white cis-het male. Which according to my belief is that they're responsible for everything wrong with the world.
And the only way to remedy it is to reject all heterosexual relation and embrace radical lesbianism.
Yang: Okay... Anyway where's Vomit Boy?
Weiss: He's taking care of Adrian.
*opens door*
See Jaune and Adrian Sleeping together peacefully.
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RWBY: .....
Ruby: Girls... Please get Adrian out of here.
Blake: Way ahead of you.
*gently picks Adrian up*
Weiss: So how are we going to do this?
Yang: We will take turns obviously.
Ruby: Good idea. Blake please lock the door.
Blake: Let me be first.
Yang: Said the radical lesbian.
RW: *giggles*
Blake: Oh go F yourself.
Jaune: *waking up*
Hey girls. What are all four of you doing here... Wait, where's Adrian?
Ruby: *crawl up to him*
Adrian is fine.
*kiss Jaune*
Jaune: Wait, why are you kissing me?
Yang: It's more fun to show you.
*all four starts undressing*
Jaune: Brothers preserve me...
In another universe.
Jess: My Jaune is about to become a baby daddy without his consent sense is tingling!
Baz: That's... Oddly specific?
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howi99 · 3 months
Ruby: So, i know you helped Jaune during initiation and-
Pyrrha: What? I didn't help him at all. I unlocked his semblance, sure, but he wasn't struggling. In fact, and i know it's sound stupid, but it's was mostly Jaune who was dispatching the Grimm.
Weiss: *looking at Jaune happily talking about his family with a goofy face* Him? Really?
Pyrrha: I know it sounds impossible but... He was acting... Weird. Like he took joy in killing them.
Ruby: Well, duh, what else are you supposed to feel when exterminating the grimm?
Pyrrha: Oh, i can understand having pride in your skill, but... *Looking at Jaune* he seemed to enjoy ripping them apart. Violently. He was smiling while doing so.
Weiss: But he can't lift a finger against his own bully!
Ruby: Yeah, Jaune's a big teddy bear!
Pyrrha: Oh, don't take it as me saying he's a bad guy, Jaune is probably the gentlest man i know. But the way he fights is... Unhinged.
Nora: Think of Cardin as a beowolf!
Jaune: I prefer not, i tend to get... Carried away when i fight for real. *Blushing a bit* Y'all know i'm strong, and as someone strong, it is my duty to protect those who are weaker than me.
Yang: I'd be able to kick your ass!
Jaune: *shaking his head* Not what i meant. I can rip the head of a ursa with a single swing of a lance.
Yang: ... And?
Jaune: The blunt side of a lance. And when i fight, i... Can't really control myself. I love fighting.
Nora: Aw, don't worry Jaune Jaune, i love fighting too!
Jaune: *sad smile* No, you don't Nora. And that makes you a good person. *Getting up* I wish no one like fighting as i do. *Leave*
Yang: ... That was weird.
Nora: Yeah... I hope he's okay.
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linkman447 · 3 months
Jaune’s family
Nora: hey fearless leader what’s your mom like
Jaune: uuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh
Mama Arc: oh jaune dear you can’t be a huntsman then who will make me grandchildren
Jaune: but what about my older sisters
Mama Arc: hush now dear save that energy for finding a nice girl to make me grandchildren
Nora: oh come on jaune-jaune it couldn’t be that bad what about after you said you go accepted
Jaune just gains a blank look in his eyes
Jaune: look mom I got accepted into beacon
Mama Arc: ok baby the first thing you need to do is find all the huntresses and use that arc charm of yours
Jaune: oooookey
Mama Arc: then find the combat instructor Glynda
Jaune: right?
Mama Arc: and then make me grandchildren!!!!
Jaune: I’m leaving now
Flashback ends
Nora: well?
Jaune: well what?
Nora: did you follow her advice
Pyrrha: jaune it’s time for training
Yang: yeah lover boy
Blake: and don’t forget to stretch so you can go for longer
Weiss: indeed you dolt
Ruby: it’ll be fun
Velvet: um and I’ll uh try to take photos to help /////
Glynda: ara ara~ yes training mr. Arc
Nora: ahhhh I see… have fun
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zexapher · 5 months
Vacuan Nights, Like Vacuan Days
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They’re just so great together! I’d love for Jaune and Weiss to get a little downtime in Vacuo to live out a moment like this. They really deserve it, and I’d love to see Jaune’s guitar make a reappearance.
The comic here was inspired by u/Silverstar1243’s excellent piece of art, A Serenade Under the Moonlight. Send some love to them on their twitter, commission some art if you’re willing and able, they’ve made some great stuff.
You folks may have noticed I threw in a couple of references for those in the know; the Golden Oreos behind Yang (double stuffed, I might add) for the trio’s ship, Weiss liking it rough for Mallobaude’s great fic, and of course I made a whole theme around the Arabian Nights Disney song. A song, along with its Aladdin compatriots, which I spent the better part of a day finding covers for just to listen to on repeat while I worked.
This one’s now officially my longest comic project, with 14 panels, two over the past record since I added the White Knight kiss at the end. I’m pretty happy with how it turned out. Not sure I’d say it was more difficult than my Vanity of Vanities post, but for this one I actually knew how to use my editing software going into it (at least somewhat).
Put a lot of work into this one, been working on it on and off since February. Took a few breaks for vacation, to make my memorial post for Rooster Teeth, and another five meme edits or so, but I came back around to it. First half was pretty easy, relatively minor edits inserting characters into scenes and so on. The second half with Jaune and Weiss was tougher though, with color correcting, merging poses, redrawing features, drawing Jaune’s entire head to fix some lighting issues, etc. Really like how the edit to make Jaune strum his guitar turned out.
The time it took to make the whole comic got me down a little, until I did a bit of math. Including my side projects since starting this, all the scripting and editing and all, I’ve been pumping out a panel every two days. That seems pretty good to me, that kind of accomplishment makes me a little proud of myself.
Really need to get around to watching the second part of the Justice League Crossover movies. It’s got a few Vacuo scenes that might make things a little more authentic instead of me just using Saphron’s house and pretending it’s a suite in Vacuo. I do love taking yet more character stills from Jaune and friends experiencing deep trauma and turning it into something positive, been making that a bit of a personal habit. And I’ve got to say, the background for Jaune and Weiss’ scene is really beautiful, pulled it from when Sun and Neptune hear Ruby’s message about Salem. That’s just a really good shot all on its own, I even saved a copy for my computer’s wallpaper after editing out the two.
Posting a big RWBY White Knight edit, watching not one but two RWBY Beyond episodes, and all on the trail of the news that RWBY’s found partners that they’re negotiating with and that the creative team is expected to stay on. And I'm sipping bubble tea. Life is good.
Anyway, pardon the long write up. I’m invested in this one, and am quite pleased with how the comic turned out. I hope you all get a kick out of it as well!
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lordoftime01 · 5 months
(A rewrite of sorts)
Yang: Lying in bed with her head handing off the side
Yang: "Ugh! It's been soooo boring since team JNPR got sent on that mission several months ago."
Ruby: "Hey, at least there was a bright side. Since it was Miss Goodwitch that went with then, Combat Class has become a free time."
Weiss: "I still can't believe that Professor Ozpin had Miss Goodwitch go with them. Especially considering her condition."
Yang: "Oh don't worry I'm su-" Interrupted and startled by a loud yelling.
???: "It is nice to be back, yeah. Those Grimm just never seemed to end"
???: "Oh yeah, and if it hadn't been for fearless leader unlocking his semblance, we could have been goners"
Yang/Ruby/Weiss: In their heads 'Wait, Vomit Boy/Jaune/That dunce finally unlocked his semblance"
???: "And even better that he saved his and Miss Goodwitch's baby"
Yang: "Wait, not only did Jaune unlock his semblance, but he also knocked up the goodbitch our teacher?!"
???: "Thank you... Nora for reminding me of that... really appreciate it"
Yang/Ruby/Weiss: Huddle around their dorm room door to be able to hear much better. They heard Nora, Ren, and Pyrrha but haven't heard Juane yet.
Nora: "You know Pyrrha, you have no one to blame but yourself"
Ren: "Yeah. Nora and I told you that if you didn't tell him soon-"
Nora: "Then someone else was going to be his"
Pyrrha: "You're right. I took too long to confess my feelings. And I lost him to our teacher of all people. There has to be some sort of law against that." The pain and hurt in her voice was evident
Pyrrha: Punches the wall hard enough for it, and the surrounding area to rattle a bit.
Blake: Burst out of the bathroom wearing only a towel, pen and notebook in hand. Bowling over her teammates and slamming the door open, startling _NPR
Blake: "What's this I hear about Jaune knocking up Miss Goodwitch!? Give me the details, leave nothing out"
Nora: "Ok so apparently Jaune Jaune and Miss Goodwitch banged each other on Velentine's day." She had a shit-eating grin on her face as the sound of Pyrrha crunching JNPR's door handle was heard.
Nora: "And from what I know, the two of them had been together together for a few months before that." She proceeded to go into great detail of all that she knew.
Glynda: Carefully sits down while groaning. One hand on the chair to help stabilize, the other hand on her extended belly.
Jaune: Comes in with some tea and quickly rushes over to help her
Glynda: "Don't worry Jaune, I had it." Gives Jaune a peck on the lips
Glynda: "Thank you though. I really appreciate it"
Jaune: "You really shouldn't be moving yourself so much. We already had that close call with the Beringel." Pours Glynda some tea before giving it to her.
Jaune: "Ozpin has even told you are to take it easy." He sits beside Glynda and wraps one arm around her shoulder, pulling her close while he places his free hand over Glynda's hand and belly, intertwining his fingers with hers.
Glynda: "Oh, but I'm sure there's so much paperwork that is backed up. Paperwork that I'm 100% sure that Ozpin didn't do and so will just push the work load onto me." Her voice had a slight whine to it as she sipped her tea.
Jaune and Glynda just sat there in silence, enjoying each other's company. Their eyes widened in surprise when they felt their child moving inside Glynda's womb, a smile on their faces as they just basked in the moment.
The two of them hadn't been able to get much alone time during the mission. Now was the perfect chance for them to make up for lost time. Glynda turned her head and gently pressed her lips against Jaune when there was a loud knock on the door.
Glynda: Let's out a groan as their alone time was interrupted. She struggles a bit to get up from her position
Jaune: Gently, yet firmly, keeps her seated as he gets up to see who it was. At the door was Ozpin with a large stack of papers.
Ozpin: "Ah hello, Mr Arc. If you would be so kind as to hand Glynda these papers. I'd be ever so grateful."
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arc-misadventures · 3 months
The Paladin of the Party
Weiss: Good gods...
Ruby: What's wrong, Weiss?
Weiss: In order for the four of us to continue adventuring, we have, have to have a paladin from the, Order of the Rusted Knight assigned to us.
Yang: What? Why do we have to do that?!
Weiss: Because my bastard son of a whore father said so.
Yang: Ahh...
Blake: That makes sense. Control freak whore...
Ruby: Well at least they're from the, Order of the Rusted Knight. Those guys actually know what they're doing unlike the, Order of Lamp.
Blake: You mean the, Order of the Drunkard! I swear I don't care what he says, but you're uncle is defiantly an honourary member at the least!
Yang: I'd place money on that.
Ruby: So we're just going to wait here for this, Paladin to show up?
Weiss: What else can we do?
Yang: Ditch 'em, and run?
Weiss: My father is helping financing our adventures. As loath as I am to say it, until we can get a better foothold to stand on our own, we need the money.
Ruby: Besides, some extra muscle wouldn't hurt, this Paladin could be the tank our team needs!
Yang: That will remain to be scene.
: Excuse me; but you four wouldn't happen to be Team RWBY, wouldn't you?
Ruby: Yes, that ussssss...?
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: Ahh good! Hello, my name is, Jaune Arcadia, of the house of Duke Achieus Arcadia. I am a member of the Holy Order of the Rusted Knight. And, at the behest of, Marquis Jacques Schnee I have been assigned to join your team. It is a pleasure to meet you~!
Ruby: Hello! My name is, Ruby Rose, I'm the leader of Team RWBY, and these are my teammates!
Yang: (Whistles~!) A dragonborn? Don't see many of your kind around here. My name is, Yang Xiao Long, this little twerps older sister, nice to meet you!
Jaune: A pleasure.
Blake: My name is, Blake. Blake Belladonna. If you don't mind me asking, what's a dukes son, much less a dragonborn doing in a, Holy Order.
Jaune: Oh a combination of noble obligation, and childhood dreams. And, you must be my sudo-ward, Weiss Schnee. Tis a pleasure to meet you.
Weiss: ...
Ruby: Weiss? Weiss!
Weiss: I'm fertile.
Ruby: WHAT?!
Blake: Well, now we know what, Weiss's type is...
Jaune: Haaa... Not again...
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moistmailman · 5 months
*yang kicks down JNPR’s door*
Jaune, alarmed: Whoa?! What the hell is going on?!
Yang, angrily: Get dressed vomit boy! We got to kick someone’s ass today!
Nora, immediately up: Hell yeah! Let’s go!
Jaune, baffled: Wait hold on! What’s happening?! Why are you angry?! Wait is that your team behind you!?
Ruby, with her weapon: Yep! We’re going to kick someone’s butt today!
Jaune: Why? Wait, even Blake and Weiss are here too?
Weiss: We need to break some bones, Jaune.
Blake: This honestly has to be done.
Ren: Uh….what’s happening exactly?
Yang, showing Ren her scroll: Look at this shit!
Ren, looking at scroll:……..Nora, where are my weapons?
Nora: Hell yeah! I don’t know what this is about but this is going to be amazing!
Jaune, completely: Okay, this is not like Ren at all. What the hell got all of you guys riled up so bad?
Yang: This! *shows Jaune her scroll*
Scroll: *a website that has a countdown to Pyrrha’s 18th birthday*
Jaune:……is this like the scenario with the twins from full house?
Yang: Yep.
Jaune:…..do you know where this person who made this is?
Yang: Yeah.
Jaune:…….Nora, pack as many grenades you have.
Nora: Woohoo!
Pyrrha, walking in: Hey guys. What are you doing?
Yang: Oh nothing. Just grabbing your boyfriend and your team to do something for your birthday. Catch you around.
Pyrrha, smiling: O-oh, okay. What are you planning?
Yang: We can’t spoil that. It’s a surprise.
Pyrrha, smiling: Right. Okay. Have fun.
Jaune: Oh don’t worry. We will.
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superiorsturgeon · 1 month
Pyrrha: …and so, my husband and I have been having unprotected sex at every opportunity! I’m talking raw-dog creampies almost every night! And sometimes during our lunch break! 😇
Jaune: Uh…Pyr, you probably could’ve just told everyone we were trying to have a baby…
Pyrrha: JAUNE!!! Don’t say such embarrassing things in front of everyone! 😖
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lovingdabeessss · 1 year
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Beacon days memes!!!!!
Yang definitely pays for EVERYTHING when Weiss gets cut off
I’ll say it once and I’ll say it again the bees beacon dynamic was delinquent x nerd but with Blake as the delinquent and Yang as the nerd
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rachetmath · 28 days
Yang and Jaune reading comics.
Blake: FREEZE!!
Yang: Blake, what’s-
Blake: I knew you were cheating on me with Jaune.
Yang: Blake we're just relaxing together.
Jaune: Yeah, Blake, calm down.
Blake: What are you reading?
Yang: A comic book.
Blake: Why are you so close to him?!
Yang: *laying on his chest* He's comfortable!
Blake: Nope.
Blake grabs Yang and bolts.
Jaune: This is why we don't hang out.
Jaune makes Nora pancakes.
Jaune: Here you go Nora.
Nora: Alright!
Ren comes out of nowhere and kicks the pancakes away.
Nora: Ren!!
Ren replaces Jaune's pancakes with his own.
Jaune: Ren what-
Ren: Nora only eats my pancakes. Step back. Bitch.
Jaune: Well damn, chill, okay.
Jaune ask Penny advice on weapon modifications.
Jaune: So maybe here?
Penny: Yes but maybe instead of just your sword we could modify your gauntlets.
Jaune: Oh that could-
Ruby: What are you doing?!?
Jaune: Talking to Penny.
Ruby: No you were saying bye to Penny.
Penny: Ruby, friend Jaune just wants to discuss ways of modifying his gear.
Ruby: He can figure that out by himself. Come on, Penny.
Penny: But- but- Ruby- um-um b-bye Jaune and good luck.
Ruby pulls Penny away, leaving Jaune alone.
Jaune: *sigh*
Pietro: I'm sorry, I heard you and Penny's conversation, so why don't we work on those gauntlets.
Jaune: Thank you Professor.
Jaune talks to Winter.
Jaune: Excuse me, Ms.Schnee?
Winter: Oh, Mr. Arc. What is it?
Jaune: Well- wait a minute. *looks to see no one pops out of nowhere* Okay. Do you know where I could go to test out dust or learn more about it.
Winter: Why yes. We have a library on such a topic. But for testing I do advice you stay in the training room, a testing room but mainly outside the city in the snow. Plenty of room and less cleaning.
Jaune: Thank you.
Winter: Also, I could-
Weiss: *appears* Winter.
Jaune: (Where the hell did she come from? When the hell did she get here? )
Winter: Oh Weiss, I'm sorry, I was about to offer-
Weiss: I want to spend more time with you.
Winter: Weiss I-
Weiss: *puppy dog eyes*
Winter: *sigh* Never mind Mr. Arc.
Jaune: I understand.
Weiss: *smiles and leaves with her sister while giving Jaune the cold eyes*
Sees Oscar training.
Jaune: Hi Oscar.
Oscar: Hi Jaune.
Jaune: Well at least there’s one person I can talk to.
Months later
Emerald: He's mine now. Get away from him.
Jaune: OH COME ON!!
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