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emtrobarasalaplatja2 · 1 year ago
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movielosophy · 26 days ago
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Blossom | She's mine
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emtrobarasalaplatja3 · 4 months ago
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howlingday · 1 year ago
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"Hello. I'm also a gun."
*Kos-Mos from Xenosaga*
Jaune: ...
Ruby: ...
Jaune: How?
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kdram-chjh · 1 year ago
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Cdrama: Special Lady (2023-2024)
Gifs of Intro of cdrama "Special Lady"
【FULL】 Special Lady EP01: The Funny Love between Xiao Yan and Zhai Zilu | 陌上人如玉 | iQIYI
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRNg8E4FfTA
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trixiematels · 2 years ago
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like/reblog if using or saving
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dividedsingularity · 2 years ago
Ask me to draw!
As promised last month, I'm opening music-related doodle requests! There are TEN (10) playlists with currently over a hundred songs to choose from, and I am fairly confident that I have enough of a vision to draw something for each one, as I add them there for story reasons.
Rules are simple - in my inbox, send an ask containing the name of the character/playlist + title/number of the song you'd like me to draw a scene from the imaginary AMV in my head for. Examples: "Terry + Wolves" or "Te-ka-ne-ru-t'mon's story + 6" (these would be the same thing!)
One song per ask, please, but feel free to send as many as you like! I don't mind the same ones being sent multiple times. You can listen to the songs beforehand, pick titles you already like, or not care about that at all and just send a random number from whichever playlist - I'm simply looking for an excuse to draw something cool = D Each one has a short description about the character, and I added their tags so you can check them out at your convenience.
Here are the (YT) playlists together with their song count:
Menix's Moon (25)
Nigel's rescue (8)
Nix's pain (30)
Metro's sunshine (11)
Alex's mind (7)
Hero's journey (23)
Te-ka-ne-ru-t'Mon's story (17)
Machine's darkness (7)
The Moon's desire (1)
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sovamurka · 2 years ago
*slowly adds ‘read Balor/Yana fics on AO3 since I somehow forgot their tag existed there’ to my to-do list*
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yizhrt · 3 months ago
bra - lsm
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husband!seokmin x wife!reader | fluff | wc:
notinha da Sun: ontem eu tava muuuito triste, queria um namoradinho pra chamar de meu, tava ouvindo “ready to love” e tive uma ideinha, um slice of life curtinho, porque eu queria muito pular pra parte da minha vida em que sou financeiramente estável e tenho um marido obcecado por mim, penso nisso com frequência KKKKK Enfim, espero que vocês gostem!
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— Não dirige ainda — você disse para Seokmin, impedindo-o de girar a chave do carro. Estava cansada, exausta, com grandes olheiras decorando seus olhos como se fosse um verdadeiro panda fofinho. Ele entrelaçou os dedos nos seus ao perceber que você não tiraria a mão da dele, continuaria a impedi-lo de ligar o carro. Sua cabeça repousava no ombro dele, os olhos fechados, quase dormindo.
— Me avisa se for babar, amor — ele brincou, e você só conseguiu soltar um “hum hum” sem muita energia. Seokmin tirou seu rosto de seu ombro e te olhou. Você estava com tanta preguiça que mal conseguia abrir os olhos, sentindo as pálpebras pesadas. Deitou a bochecha na mão esquerda dele, inclinando-a levemente para o lado, esfregando-a ali como um gatinho prestes a ronronar. — Você anda muito cansada pro meu gosto.
— É, eu sei. Talvez minha glândula tireoide não esteja produzindo T3 e T4 direito. Tive um paciente com hipotireoidismo hoje e me senti super representada — você explicou, finalmente abrindo os olhos para contemplá-lo. Amava ser esposa de Seokmin. Fazia apenas duas semanas, mas estar casada com ele era como viver uma festa do pijama sem fim com seu melhor amigo e primeiro namorado. Não por coincidência, ele era ambos para você.
— Foi aquele buldogue de novo? — Você assentiu com a cabeça, erguendo a mão para arrumar os cabelos ligeiramente despenteados dele. Ele provavelmente havia tirado aquela manhã de sábado para dormir um pouco, embora vocês tivessem conversado ao telefone no seu intervalo às 3 da manhã na clínica veterinária onde você trabalhava diariamente.
— Tô meio enjoada também. Você sabe que eu detesto café da manhã, mas agora nem suporto o cheiro de pão pela manhã — você reclamou, querendo muito subir no colo dele para se aninhar num abraço aconchegante, quentinho, apertado, com direito a beijinhos na testa e no topo da cabeça. Seokmin fez você abrir os olhos de novo de repente, ao colocar a mão sobre seu seio, cobrindo-o completamente. — Tá... Tá bancando o tarado por quê?
— Eles estão maiores — você olhou para baixo, colocou sua própria mão sobre a dele e apalpou o seio por costume.
— Não estão não.
— Quem é que coloca eles na boca? Estão sim — você sorriu, beijando-o suavemente nos lábios. Ele segurou seu rosto, mantendo-o próximo, e o hálito fresco dele invadiu suas narinas. Você sorriu, ainda grogue de sono. — Você sabe o que tô insinuando, né, linda?
— Na verdade, estou avaliando a possibilidade de estar anêmica — Seokmin cutucou levemente sua testa, tentando te fazer despertar um pouco. Você estreitou os olhos, massageando as têmporas, embora mal tivesse sentido o toque dele. Um sorriso começou a se formar em seus lábios.
— Você pode estar... — Ele levou a mão até sua barriga, mais especificamente ao ventre, enfiando-a sob sua camisa para sentir a pele quente com a palma levemente fria dele, o que te arrepiou suavemente.
Você finalmente entendeu o que ele queria dizer, sem que fosse necessário que ele explicasse mais uma vez.
— Ei, ei, eu definitivamente não estou grávida — Mas a possibilidade de estar fez você imaginar, quase sonhando de tão cansada, um menininho com um sorriso brilhante, misturando traços seus e de Seokmin, te implorando para adotar um roedor enquanto você atendia o próximo cliente da tarde numa clínica veterinária só sua. — Meu Deus, eu posso estar grávida.
Você cobriu a boca com a mão e sorriu por trás dela. Seokmin afastou sua mão e te beijou de novo, finalizando com uma sequência quase infinita de beijinhos, que te davam energia e te faziam perder o fôlego pelas risadinhas que ele provocava em você.
— Mas pode ser um diagnóstico errado, eu sou a doutora aqui, não você — você disse, puxando-o o máximo que a divisão do câmbio permitia. Seokmin enfiou a mão sob sua camiseta, acariciando suavemente sua barriga, mas subiu até seu seio esquerdo, coberto apenas pela fina camada do sutiã que você usava.
— Tá duvidando de quanto eu conheço essa parte sua, em especial? — Ele te olhou com uma expressão divertida e investigativa, e você sorriu. Ele te conhecia por completo, desde a ponta dos dedos dos pés até seus pensamentos mais profundos. Você balançou a cabeça em negação enquanto ele apertava seu seio, provocando.
— Eu não ousaria, marido.
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i hate being a stick in the mud but when I'm on here maybe i don't want to smoke and have 300 problems and do other things that will probably make my life worse i support you all and hope for the best but you guys are really weird with saying things maybe i cant take a joke i don't know
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croquis-el · 1 month ago
How to fool Odoroki Hosuke. Master class from Naruhodō Ryūichi pt. 1
I don't know about you, but I just love the second case from the 4th game. Especially the relationship building between Odoroki, who doesn't yet understand the intentions of the former lawyer and is still angry about the case with the fake ace, and Naruhodō, who treats the young lawyer somewhat frivolously and carelessly. And tests all his humorous potential on him.
We know in English, we've been there, but what's in the original.
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そうだよ、パパ! 今月のお家賃
どうするの! それに、給食費も!
sōda yo, papa! Kongetsu no o yachindo usu ru no! Sore ni, kyūshoku-hi mo!
That's right, Dad! What about this month's rent? And school lunch money!
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ūn komatta nā. Uchi wa tomobataraki dakara na.
Hmm... that's a problem. Since we both earn money in the family.
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dotchi ka ga kokeru to, min'na ga rotōnimayou nda yo, minuki.
If either of us falls, everyone will be out on the street, Minuki.
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とにかく。このおニイちゃんが 助けてくれなかったら・・・・
tonikaku. Kono onī-chan ga tasukete kurenakattara
Anyway, if this buddy can't help us...
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mata, tenkō suru shika nai na.
I guess you'll have to transfer schools again.
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そんなの、ないよ! せっかく、
son'na no, nai yo! Sekkaku, tomodachi mo dekita no ni
There's no such thing! I had finally made some friends...
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hidoi, onīchan!
You are heartless, Oniichan!
Unlike the localization, in the Japanese version you can immediately understand that the father and daughter are simply fooling the young lawyer.
1. Minuki mentions the cost of school lunches.
Now remember the Mason system from the 4th case and the words of Minuki said in the office to the new dad and how Hodo had to pay a year's debt for those ill-fated lunches.
2. Naruhodō claims that they will immediately end up on the street if one of them (in this case, Hodo) is unable to replenish the family budget for at least a couple of days.
And this is said by a man who, before losing his license, paid the rent alone (he talks about this in the Turnabout Big Top) and was able to keep the office for these 10 years.
Which, by the way, suggests that the main part of the income, nevertheless, lies with Naruhodō, and not with Minuki, as it may seem at first. And, in fact, this request did not bring any benefit to Hodo, but I would like to develop this idea in a separate post. Because he is too suspicious.
3. Naruhodo talks to Minuki as if he is explaining the principles of life to a small child, and she plays along (even though a moment ago she grumbled that she is "not a child").
They call Odoroki "oniichan" (big brother), as if drawing an image of a "big and strong savior", as parents often do, talking about the adults around them. And this is the only time Minuki addresses Odoroki so informally.
The young lawyer agrees to listen to them, and receives the following response:
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やったあ! 釣れたよ、パパ!
yatta a! Tsureta yo, papa!
Yay! I caught a fish, Dad!
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ā. Tsureta ne e, minuki.
Ah. You caught one, Minuki.
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(iyana iikata o suru oyakoda na)
(What a nasty way of speaking)
Another funny thing is that they talk about Odoroki as a fish.
If they were talking about a person who is offered an adventure, the word 釣られる (tsurareru) would be used - to be lured, to be enticed, to be drawn in
Odoroki is not afraid of their influence (It's official: I'm scared). And this is the main difference from localization. In his monologue, he literally says that he is very reluctant to get involved in this investigation, that he is still upset by the fact that this family has already fooled him twice. He does not trust them.
To be continued...
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dont-diy-zine · 5 months ago
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"Don't Repeat This at Home" Zine is a fan project born out of love for Chinese novels and dramas. We brought more than 100 artists and writers together to create our magnum opus and now YOU ARE WELCOME TO JOIN US! The fandom: ➜ "The Scum Villain's [Self-Saving] System" Mo Xiang Tong Xiu ➜ "Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation" Mo Xiang Tong Xiu ➜ "Heaven Official's Blessing" Mo Xiang Tong Xiu ➜ "Thousand Autumns" Meng Xi Shi ➜ "The Husky and His White Cat Shizun" / "Erha" Rou Bao Bu Chi Rou (Meatbun) ➜ "Faraway Wanderers" Priest ("Word of Honour" is canon too)
The key theme: 百感交集 (bǎi gǎn jiāo jí) — all sorts of feelings well up in one's heart — fluff, drama, humour and beyond ❗ 18+. No minors, please Some arts and texts may make you cry, beware, triggers may be found (or not) The book: ➜ ~300 pages ➜ 106 double-page spreads with arts including: • 12 comic strips • 13 illustrated poems ➜ 8 fanfiction stories with • cover arts • internal b/w illustrations
[All 6 fandoms in one book] ❗ All texts are in Russian
➜ Physical copy (hard-back) — 3 200 roubles (it's around 37.4$ or 34.7€) ➜ Digital copy (.pdf) — 700 roubles (it's around 8.2$ or 7.6€)
The merch: ➜ 6 fandoms ➜ 3 sets for EACH fandom: • Aperitif — very small (1 postcard, 1 sticker pack, 1 key fob) — 1 500 roubles (it's around 17.5$ or 16.3€) • Half Portion — small (Aperitif + 1 acrylic stand with the main pairing, 1 plastic bookmark, 2 more postcards, 1 mini card) — 2 600 roubles (it's around 30.4$ or 28.2€) • Portion — large (Half Portion + 1 acrylic stand with secondary characters, 2 acrylic earrings, 1 more sticker pack, 1 bank card sticker, 1 round plastic badge, 1 more postcard) — 4 000 roubles (it's around 46.8$ or 43.4€)
[1 set = 1 fandom] ❗ You can get the merch only as the sets and only WITH the book (physical OR digital copy)
• Full 6 fandoms set — 22 000 roubles (it's around 257,3$ or 238,4€)
The plan: ➜ Right now till September 7, 2024 we collect funds ➜ September — production and manufacturing ➜ October — shipping starts ❗ We send digital copies AFTER shipping the physical ones We ship from Saint-Petersburg, Russia International shipping is available, but you can pre-check it via postcrossing.com/postal-monitor/RU
How to get the book or merch: ➜ go to Google Forms and follow the instructions: forms.gle/CdTis5wdYPmg2U6p8 ❗ We collect funds via Boosty; all prices are in Russian Roubles and include the comission of the platform You can use the currency of your country for the purchase, Boosty automatically converts it Shipping is charged separately
The project is not for profit [just for lulz] All money we make will go to production and manufacturing If we hit a breakeven, the authors are going to receive a free book. Any surplus funds will then be used to make extra merch FOR YOU
English is a foreign language for us, so sorry for inaccurate wording, we tried. We tried hard. We keep trying
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More info: vk.com/dont_diy (in Russian)
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niqhtlord01 · 1 year ago
Humans are weird: When there is no honor to be had
( Please come see me on my new patreon and support me for early access to stories and personal story requests :D https://www.patreon.com/NiqhtLord Every bit helps)
The Vindi War had been the first intergalactic war humanity had faced while fighting alongside alien allies. Up until then humanity had chosen that while it had made several defensive pacts and alliances over the last several decades with other great powers they would not allow their military forces to be placed under the command of foreign powers. Yet the conflict with the Vindi had escalated to such an extent that human military might was no longer capable of winning the war alone.
So one by one several treaties were called up and the allies humanity had cultivated added their own forces to the progressing war. Things finally seemed to be turning around when the Vindi carried out an assassination against the Cargav leader Tul. The assassin had stowed aboard a Cargav transport as it docked with the flagship of the Cargav contingent and slit Tul’s throat while he was sleeping in his quarters. No one realized the commander was dead until long after the act had been carried out and the assassin had snuck back off the ship.
In the human mindset while the assassination of a leader could cripple a war there were procedures in place to limit the extent of the damage. The chain of command existed so that responsibilities would pass on to the next in command ensure that the human military was never without a leader. Tactics and strategies were taught to all commanders instead of being shared with only the top leaders. Even the diversifying of military branches made it so no one single leader was in command of all forces to allow for flexible reactions to situations.
The Cargav did not have any of this.
In their culture when a war leader was chosen they would be the sole voice of the war until the conflict ended. Their authority was unquestionable and every Cargavan who joined the campaign under their leader swore a blood oath to follow them into the jaws of hell itself if needed.
They had no concept of betrayal or power grabs; no dreams of launching violent coups or misusing military might for personal gain. To the Cargavan’s war was a sacred passage that one would follow for the betterment of all their people. So when Tul died every Cargavan, from lowest orderly to fleet captain felt an overwhelming sense of shame and failure. The death of their leader was seen as the darkest mark of shame their people could obtain and the only way they could undo it was by mass ritual suicide. In that way they would indeed follow their commander into the depths of hell were they could command them once more.
When the human commander Jarvis Lee heard of this he at first did not believe it was a real tradition. He had not done extensive background research on his allies aside from military tactics and could not believe that of the 300,000 Cargavan’s deployed to the campaign all of them would kill themselves.
This reality was finally accepted however when Lee was informed that all Cargavan forces had withdrawn from frontline activities and began donning ceremonial robes. A coalition broadcast soon went out not long after with the Cargavan second in command beginning a death chant of his people.
Realizing that the sudden loss of three hundred thousand allied combatants would cripple the war effort; Lee got on the fastest shuttle and flew directly to the Cargavan flagship after every transmission he sent was blocked.
With every Cargavan in the process of the death ritual Lee met no resistance with boarding the flagship. It took several minutes for Lee to orient himself with the ship’s layout and find the hold the death rite was being carried out in. He sprinted down the winding corridors hoping he would reach there before it was too late. ------------------------------
“Zem zull na, brea ka lu mo. Dea fra muz tah, sen bou nei ru.”
The rhythmic chanting was getting louder as Lee pounded through the alien corridors. His breathing was beyond labored and with each frantic sprint the grey shrouds circling his vision grew thicker; but he could not stop.
He did not care what significance a death ritual held for the Cargavan’s; only that with the sudden loss of the entire Cargavan contingent would mean for the campaign.
After what felt like an eternity Lee stumbled upon the central chamber the rite was being broadcast from. He swiped his access key across the nearby panel but the device merely blinked red and denied him entry. Through the thick metal doors Lee could hear the chanting growing louder and knew he had mere minutes to stop the ceremony but was powerless to get through the doors.
Just as he was about to give up hope he heard the sound of terran boots on deck plates and turned to see his honor guard finally catching up to him.
“Breaching charge, now!” Lee shouted at them.
“Sir?” the leader spoke as he caught his breath, but nonetheless reached down and pulled a small circular device from his belt before handing it to Lee.
Lee snatched the charge from the guard and slapped it on the door as his honor guard slowly began backing away. He spun the activation dial for ten seconds before activating the timer and running back down the corridor. The charge went off just as he turned the corner sending a shower of broken metal, fire, and smoke back after him missing him by mere inches.
Before the smoke had cleared Lee was storming back down the ruined corridor and leaping through the wreckage of what once was the door. Inside he was greeted by the heavy glares of some thousand or so Cargavan’s who had ceased chanting.
They stood gathered in ordered rows like a funeral and at the head of them lay their fallen leader and his second in command standing watch over his corpse with holy blade still in hand.
The second shouted as he stepped down from his platform and approached Lee. It was only now that it dawned on Lee that he did not actually have a plan on how to stop the ceremony itself. He’d been so focused on just reaching here before it completed that the plan had not fully formed; and now seeing the second in command now coming towards him with eyes full of murderous intent did he push his mind to the limit to concoct a plan. He was just about to open his mouth to address the second when he realized he had never learned their name to begin with. His dealings had always been through Tul and Tul had never introduced his second in command.
Pulling himself up and dusting off his uniform, Lee calmly addressed the gathered Cargavan’s with a voice that filled the entire chamber.
“I came here today to pay my respects to a fallen hero the likes of which will not shine again for generations.” Lee began as he decided to make his gamble. “Yet I am shocked to see his funeral attended by the likes of such cowards.”
The second in command stopped his approach and Lee could see the veins beneath his skin bulging. Lee pressed on knowing he only had one chance to stop the death rite and save his own skin.
“You’re commander is slain from right under your noses, and rather than hunting down the assassin down you all put the blade to your throats.”
Lee walked forward until he was standing before the second in command and looked up at them. They snarled through clenched teeth as they spoke.
“You know nothing of our ways.”
Lee frowned and looked around at the other gathered Cargavan’s.
“I know lazy soldiers when I see them.” Lee remarked. “Has the knife of one assassin cast such fear into you all!?”
He felt hands grabbing his uniform before he saw them and was hoisted into the air like a doll. The second gave an angry roar and threw him down towards the alter where their fallen leader lay. Lee landed heavily, a loud crunching sound informing him of his now broken shoulder, but rallied to his feet quickly.
“And you believe your soldiers would do any differently?” the second challenged as he resumed his death like pace towards Lee, “That they would suffer this injustice to their honor!?”
Lee spat out a glob of blood and looked at the alien, matching his death glare with one of his own. “They would morn my passing and then they would choose a new leader to take my place.” Lee admitted, “But before they did they would scour the worlds of the universe for my killer and bring him before my grave. They would boil the flesh from his body and grind his bones to fertilize the fields of my home, and then cast what remained into the void of oblivion!”
The words stopped the second in his place. No doubt he had not imagined humans capable of such a martial code and this was confirmed by the now interested looks of the surrounding warriors.
“Your leader is dead.” Lee continued as he pointed to Tul, “Yet you would meet him in the after without avenging his death? Did he mean so little to you all?!”
“We die today because he meant everything!” a random Cargavan shouted from the crowd and was met with supportive cheers.
“Then prove it!” Lee countered. “Tul’s enemies still yet live and his killer walks free thinking he has not only slain your leader but all of you as well!”
Lee stepped up on to the platform so everyone gathered could see him. “I ask you now to continue this war until it is won. And when the blood of Tul’s enemies has finally dried upon your blades you may then seek him in the after and present to him the monument of those you have killed in his name and proven your loyalty to him now, and forever!”
Raising his clenched fist high Lee shouted “Who will be Tul’s vengeance!?”
For a death breaking moment there was not a single sound; one could hear a pin drop from across the room. Lee looked over the crowd and debated if he had overplayed his hand when he saw the second raise his hand.
“Vengeance!” they shouted.
One by one the surrounding Cargavan’s began raising their hands as well and shouting the word. Over and over they shouted until the noise deafened Lee and he breathed a sigh of relief. In his eyes the crisis had been averted and the war could continue; little knowing the bloodbath of butchery he had stirred in the hearts of every Cargavan that would push them from noble warriors to genocidal war criminals.
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kiss-theggoat · 1 year ago
Uhh I’m not sure if I’m doing this right but
Could you write a thingy where the reader and Ghostface are watching scary movies together and the reader is trying SO HARD to stay awake for the entire thing (and they fail)
Gotta love fluff 👍
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A/N: Short but sweet, I hope you like 🖤
Ghostface x GN!Reader
Word Count: 800
Summary: Your favorite slasher comes over with a stack of flicks, but you’re exhausted.
TW: None
The phone call startled you, your entire body jumping off of your bed. You were right on the edge of sleep before the shrill ringing yanked you back to consciousness, making you groan. You grabbed the landline, pressing the answer button and holding it up to your ear, eyes barely open.
“What?” You snapped, sounding very irritated to whoever was calling you.
“Oh, not in a good mood, hm?”
The sultry voice on the other end made your anger dissipate every so slightly. You knew exactly who it was, and you laid back against your bed once more, feeling its warmth envelope your sleepy form. “Not a good time, Danny.”
“Thought I told you not to call me that over the phone, sweetness.”
“Sorry. Ghostface.”
“Better. You wouldn’t want to be rude to someone who went through the effort of coming all the way to your house, would you?” There was a sense of arrogance to the way he spoke, a chuckle sounding through the speaker. You sat up in your bed, shoving your comforter down your legs as you stood. The large window in your room faced the front of your house, giving you a good view of the front door.
As you moved the curtains to the side, that familiar screaming face stared up at you from your porch, gloved hand waving at you. You rolled your eyes but couldn’t help but smile at the fact that a man who was wanted for murder was standing in front of your door like a lovesick puppy.
You hung up the phone and walked downstairs, unlocking the door to see him with a stack of horror movies and a bag of your favorite candy. He laughed, the sound booming from deep in his chest. “Must’ve been sleeping, huh?” He asked teasingly, pushing past you into your living room.
“Sure, come in?” You said sarcastically, shutting and locking the door behind him.
He sat on your couch and made himself comfortable, boots up on the coffee table like he owned the joint. You tried to pretend like it annoyed you, but in reality, it satisfied the domesticity that you craved. “Okay I have…Nightmare on Elm Street, My Bloody Valentine, The Exorcist aaaand Black Christmas. Although, not really cold enough outside for a Christmas mo-”
You plopped onto the couch, listening to him talk about the horror movies he brought over as he sorted through the VHS tapes. You interrupted him, putting a hand on his shoulder with an exasperated sigh. “I was almost asleep.”
“Okay, so lay down and watch a movie with me?” He said as if you’d just told him the dumbest thing on earth. You wanted him to leave? No way that was happening. You groaned and laid back onto the armrest of your couch, stretching your spine and hearing a few cracks in the process.
“If you don’t pick a movie, I'm gonna.”
“Fine. Nightmare on Elm Street.” You grabbed the blanket that was over the back of your couch and started to get comfortable, watching him as he started up the movie. The intro scene to the movie began to play, but you really couldn’t be bothered, eyelids already feeling heavy with the warm blanket wrapped around you.
It felt like you were laying on a cloud, and you slowly stretched your legs out over his thighs. His warmth mixing with the softness of your blanket made your eyelids seem like they might have super glue on them. You tried hard to focus on the movie, head held carefully by a plush throw pillow.
“You really are tired.” Ghostface teased, hands finding your bare calves beneath the blanket. He had taken his gloves off and his hands radiated heat through your skin. Firm fingers slowly began to rub circles into your calves, and with the other hand, he rubbed up and down your ankle, almost like he was trying to get you to sleep. Before you knew it, the sleepiness overtook you like a tsunami, you couldn’t help it.
For once in his life, he felt like he’d done something right as he watched your chest rise and fall, eyelashes resting against your cheeks and lips parted as you slept peacefully, wrapped up like you’d never been more comfortable than here, on the couch, with him.
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kdram-chjh · 8 months ago
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Cdrama: Special Lady (2023-2024)
"Let's play a game!" "Is that so?" #SpecialLady #陌上人如玉 #Shane #ZhaiZilu #iQIYIMalaysia #shorts
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/M8FaH9xU7ZM
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haveyouseenthisskeleton · 5 months ago
what woud they do if their S/O had a cuteness agression overload? idk how to describe it but if they were just cuddling or smf and their S/O got so happy that they hugged them tightly, REALLY tightly and like started giggling and screaming from happiness? how woud they react plz tell me i have a lot of these stuff happening
Undertale Sans - He jumps a bit at the sudden movement, just blinking at you in confusion. Uh, ok, yeah, he can cuddle. Can you just not crush his ribs, please? He needs them to breathe and stuff, you know. Sans doesn't mind much other than that, he's not that cuddly, but he lived with Papyrus his entire life so he's used to it.
Undertale Papyrus - Your excitement excites him even more and now he's doing the same with you. Papyrus has a lot of cuteness aggression too, so he doesn't mind. He was already a bit like that when you met him, because of Undyne, but now both of you are encouraging him so who is he to resist? He loves hug!
Underswap Sans - He whines, annoyed, and starts to wiggle his legs in the emptiness as you're holding him like a big cat under the arms, hugging him tightly. Please, he's begging you, let him go. He's not mean enough to push you away, but he definitely looks like a grumpy old man right now. He doesn't like hugs, that's a waste of time.
Underswap Papyrus - He tenses in surprise and shock, startled, before relaxing when it turns out you actually just want a hug. A very tight hug, right, but still a hug. You know you can just ask, right? If you missed him that much, he could come to cuddle with you in bed, you don't have to tackle him like a rugbyman.
Underfell Sans - It depends on what state you are in your relationship. If it's the beginning, he will bite your arm to force you to let go, and probably be mad at you for the rest of the day. After a few months though? He's just resigning to his fate. You can hear him sigh loudly as you kiss his skull everywhere and squeeze him like a teddy bear, but he doesn't do anything to stop you either. He guesses that's his life now.
Underfell Papyrus - Like Red, he tends to growl often the first few times, unhappy, but then after several months of this, he just rolls his eyes at you and sighs, not doing anything to escape your crushing arms. He still growls from time to time to show he's definitely the one in control here to please his gigantic ego, but you know it's all a facade and it doesn't have any effect on you.
Horrortale Sans - He whimpers pitifully as you're crushing his neck. Oak would never be that tolerant with anyone else and you know that, and maybe you're taking a little too much advantage of the situation. He likes hugs, but he's not a big fan of you jumping randomly at his face, it often startles him. But when he realizes it's just a hug, he immediately calms down and goes back to normal. Still, be careful to not play with fire too much as there's one day where he might punch you out of surprise lol.
Horrortale Papyrus - He grimaces in pain every time, as it hurts his spine. He would prefer if you rather not jump on him. One or twice is fine, but after that, he might stop you midway by making you faceplants into his hand. He doesn't feel particularly sorry either about it.
Swapfell Sans - He hisses, then chomps your arm with his very pointy teeth. The more you insist, the harder he bites. Nox doesn't like being tackled out of nowhere and will let you know. Usually, he's pouting a few hours after that, and giving you long intense dark stares for a good week every time you're getting too close. No touchy.
Swapfell Papyrus - At your own risk. Rus loves that so much that you actually trained him to do it as well. Except Rus is twice your size and twice your strength too. So yeah, the first time he tackles you on the couch, emptying your lungs as he hits you, it's going to be a surprise. Rus loves to play violent games, but maybe a little too much so be careful.
Fellswap Gold Sans - He does a dramatic slow turn to you with the most "WTF" expression you have ever seen him do.
You decide it's best to slowly let him go if you want to survive another day. Wine is not cuddly. And he's wearing expensive clothes. Do that again and he yeets you by the window.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - When you come running to him, screaming, he freaks out and starts to run for his life as well, screaming at the top of his lungs lol. You startle him. Good luck tackling him without him screaming like he's getting murdered now.
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