#rsv about
joseywritesng · 2 years
What parents need to know about RSV
What parents need to know about RSV
November 11, 2022 – A sick child from Northern California had to go to Portland, OR, to find an ICU bed. A child in Oregon flew to Nevada last week due to a shortage of hospital beds. The bad guy? respiratory sincytial virusor RSV. “These stories are not unique and happen across the country,” says Wendy Hasson, MD, a spokesperson for the American Academy of Pediatrics and medical director of the…
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isjasz · 1 month
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[Day 360]
COUGH I am so (not) sorry this is also roleswapverse. We talked about having a plotline take place in a fancy event at some point (potentially: at Docfather's casino)(which probably is invite only, so Ariana and Pearl Moon as a reporter were invited ;3), and then I blacked out and this appeared on my screen,
Edit: AND Pearl and Ariana brought their partners to the event, I just realized there was missing context HELPEPWP. This is Scar in the drawing, and Pearl and Gem are in another wip!
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halorvic · 6 months
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Futurama S11E07
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pocketclowns · 1 year
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☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️
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Ok, do we have any lore about Maive's husband? Or maybe some personal headcanons?
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folatefangirl · 6 months
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gamingtrashbasin · 4 months
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Did some art of fav husband June from the Ridgeside Village mod for Stardew Valley
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chicago-geniza · 5 months
Woke up with body-wracking chills BUT at least after nearly a week of shock-dose prednisone my oxygen levels are stable again. Asthma is so stupid because if you are within a 50-foot radius of anyone carrying a droplet-borne infectious respiratory illness, not only will you catch it, you will have it for 3x longer, and 3x worse than the average person, and then it will exacerbate your asthma, which in turn makes you more vulnerable to respiratory infections. And then you become the reigning champion of dual-wielding antibiotics and prednisone for 9 months out of the year
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sharky857 · 1 year
Be me:
Start a new save file;
Set mind right away on getting Sebby this time;
Be so good at it you finally have your chance at Flower Dance(TM) in the first year;
Meanwhile set to be "bestie" with Elliott too;
Elliott's 2 hearts events kicks in;
You know what'll come in a few more hearts events and get already all giddy in anticipation.
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naomiknight-17 · 11 days
I am the only person in this waiting room wearing a mask
I haven't got my latest covid booster yet (hoping it's available today) and none of these fucks are masking
If I get sick and die I am haunting the fuck out of all y'all
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sweetdreamspootypie · 3 months
Also just got the text that my ward is partially locked down as a Covid ward again
Except a different ward has been the designated Covid ward for the last few months (so I've had less of a direct insight into numbers)
So either it's just us again
But that seems unlikely because if it was a planned designation as Covid ward they wouldn't have locked down that pod as that's the pod with a less powerful negative pressure ventilation system
Or it's overflow and thus the hospital Covid numbers have the entire other ward as designated Covid and now us as well
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blujayonthewing · 2 years
once again thinking about how never leaving the house or being around other human beings makes you actually insane but also I am living in an era of both widespread disabling plague and near universal disinterest in avoiding plague at the same time
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statementlou · 2 years
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*bursts door open* Mousyyyyyy- I got the Farmer Thoughts™ again. So you know how the Farmer can do magic in the vanilla game, and SVE expands on this concept even further. They can see Junimos, they can transmute metals, they can teleport to another continent. And with the Magic mod, they can blast their enemies with a meteorite or standard Fireballs.
But unlike Morgan, the Farmer was never taken away from their family to train under a more experienced wizard or witch. They lead a regular life prior to Stardew Valley, minus the skeleton in the neighboring cubicle at their job.
I got an idea as to why they could lead a normal life, and I'm sure as hell incorporating that into my Farmer's bio. The Farmer's a late bloomer in terms of magic. They did not show signs of magical talent when they were Morgan's age, which came with a sigh of relief from their Parent. The Parent, after witnessing the tragic death of their mother (RSV Granny) due to a magical curse, wanted their kid safe AT. ALL. COST. and away from anything magic. They most likely never developed any magical skills themselves, or they too are a late bloomer (I like the second option). And they were thinking they were in the clear, finally. ...Until their kid, the Farmer, came to Pelican Town and got involved with Magnus and the Junimos within the first week of them living there. Shit. Bonus:
The Parent got a major grudge against the Cult of the Lady with the Red Tail and said Lady with the Red Tail for being the cause of their mother's untimely death.
While they don't necessarily feel any hatred towards the Wizards of Stardew Valley, Magnus and Mr. Aguar, they still don't trust them fully because of magic. Definitely not a huge fan of Magnus after the Parent learns of the forest magic potion the Farmer drinks.
*Yawn* ♪Ah♪, time to go to sleep in a cosy bed, get ready for tomorrow's work day and- *saw a notification on Tumblr*
Oh! *kicking the blanket away* Fuck sleep - time for thoughts and theories! :D
I have to say, your thoughts on headcanon almost perfectly describes my Farmer Julian's lore.
As you said earlier, in theory, everyone can manifest magic at different ages: some from early childhood (like Morgan), some a little later or after forty etc. (Julian and the other Farmers), and some will have magic "no awaked" (Julian's father, Abraham, who inherited magic from his father, the Farmer's Grandpa). Given that Julian's parents are aware of the existence of magic, but not in detail, it raises a lot of questions. And Granny's death, according to the RSV lore, could put an end to trust in all things magical, you're right.
Also thoughts about Magnus and Mr. Aguar is so funny 🤣
Farmer's Parent to Magnus: What do you mean my kid drank "tea" made of fly agaric?!
Farmer: Mum/Dad, don't kill Magnus...
Magnus: *praying for his life*
There is also speculation that it was after they moved away that the magic manifested in Farmer because of the Stardew Valley itself. This place full of forest spirits, magic, and monsters can't help but affect residents and visitors alike. Especially those with an innate magical gift, or those who haven't yet developed one.
I still don't quite understand, however - how exactly Morgan was taken from their family and given to Magnus for training. Does the Ministry discuss it with the parents of the gifted child, is the child "persuaded" by promises of teaching interesting magic and tricks, or is the child taken away almost by force and without any compromise? If by force, I can see why Farmer wasn't taken away for training - after all, a child can be persuaded or intimidated, but try to pull that off with a young adult who can still kick your ass. But that's just a theory, I wanted to provide the Ministry not as a completely evil and corrupt society of mages and witches.
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tejoxys · 2 years
may the pomegranate seeds I am inhaling on my dinner break work their magic & prevent me from shanking my coworker with a pipette this blessed night
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youremyonlyhope · 2 years
#the urge to buy a last minute ticket to starkid's jingle ball that is literally sunday aka tomorrow since it's past midnight#is very strong right now since some posts of people's experiences at the first show are coming in#and it's making me nostalgic#i wasn't planning to go because i don't yet feel comfortable going to concerts#i barely feel comfortable seeing theatre but at least everyone's just sitting there#rather than standing up and singing along and maybe jumping and dancing too#feels too risky#but also. starkid. my loves.#but also. money. and covid. and the flu. and rsv. and general colds.#i'll decide by tomorrow. there's still tickets available. i almost hope it sells out so the universe decides for me.#right now it's like 75% i will not go because covid and lots of people and money. but 25% i wanna see my starkids.#it's funny because last week i was thinking back to my mindset when i saw starkid concerts as a teenager#(because space tour at the same venue was 11 years ago last week and my facebook memories were INTENSE)#(i really just posted like 10 times a day for at least 3 days after the concert STILL freaking out about it. oh 15 year old Hope)#and i was like 'yeah i've calmed down since then. i'm not the girl who will lose her voice at a starkid concert.'#but seeing the few pictures i was like 'aww... starkid concerts... nostalgia...' but like... i've seen them live 4+ times#and yet. i have a feeling Darren's gonna show up. because i noticed that it is coincidentally one of the dates he's not doing his solo show#so that's another reason towards going. but also. do i want to be around people? not really.#hmmmmmm#it's funny that Britney Coleman going on for Bobbie in Company was what made me go back to seeing live theatre again#and now starkid may be what gets me to see concerts again. if you want me to do something it has to be starkid related apparently.
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