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romanistan · 1 year ago
The 33-year-old Romani man, named Muszunye Mircea Vișan (known as Vișinel), died in a police station in Arad on the night of Friday 14th July, 2023 after police officers beat him until he went into cardiac-arrest. He was buried on the morning of 18th July in Lipova at a service attended by his family and friends. The family claims that the local police officers exceeded their duties, behaved abusively towards the man, and physically assaulted him until his death.
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Conversația asta mă duce cu gândul la liceu când faceam la logică tipuri de fraze și la engleză rephrasing. Înțeleg ce spune transvampania, daaar practic e fix omul cu uwu 😂 Țin minte când uram muzica populară și totuși nu uram că sunt româncă. Urăsc și manelele și monopolul lor la orice eveniment. Asta e. L-aș fi huiduit pe Băbașa? Nu cred. Aș fi preferat sa nu fi fost chemat? Da, dar Coldplay sunt nașpa așa că e treaba ălora de la concert.
Nu pot sa zic ca urasc manelele. I am a bit over that phase cu orice. Sunt satula de multi artisti si genuri in general, dar nu ies la evenimente si am privilegiul de a putea asculta orice cand am nevoie. Dar ipocritii si circarii? Nu la masa mea, pliz. De aia am si scos in evidenta ca sunt rromi care nu asculta manele si le si urasc. Ca e un gen ca oricare altul. Faptul ca stai sa lipesti o eticheta tuturor pentru niste cacaturi de cantece... asta e penibil rau.
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lowkeyclueless5137 · 1 year ago
so uhhh how many times Eugen had to escape from trouble like Esmeralda did, like using a certain handkerchief to escape by blowing into it to not only create a big cloud of smoke vanishing from the spot and somehow appearing else where(like doing all those crazy tricks Esmeralda did to well escape from Frollo at the end of the Topsy Turvy festival. Heck maybe gaining a laugh from some of the others who just happen to be seeing it) this counts from probably when he was young and had Jolly with him(probably pretending to be one of the pumpkin heads there, before Rollo himself probably found out, unless he also followed along with what his younger brother did at the time) all the way to when he is attending either noble bell college or night raven college and he had to escape trouble that way too(for example maybe in Night Raven College, helping Yuu and Jack get out of Octavinelle with the classic handkerchief[bonus if it’s the purple one with yellow stars or maybe a plain baby blue] trick so no one from Octavinelle capture them. Or the noble bell route, uhhh probably just demonstrates it in front of the night raven students at a random point in time)
Wooo! Eugen content :3
I'm also gonna take the NRC route as his cannon one, just because it gives him more opportunities to shine and grow as a character without Rollo being necessarily a major catalist(the same goes for Rollo too). :v
Now... From what I do know by reading literature depictions(dunno how international literature describes the rromi, but here at least, there are some important books with the topic we have to read and in here, they are all reffered as their old name) Is that rromi women were said to be formidable witches and even predict your future and cast enchantments on you. Hence all those tricks. They also have a quite eye catching dress-up, in terms of colors. So there is a lot of parallels to Esmeralda that work and thus, Eugen would have some of those aspects represented in one way or another.
For starters, Eugen would know all kinds of party tricks. He would make it look like magic, when in truth he uses no spells or anything, just simple eye illusions. From the dissappearing acts to pulling endless handkerchiefs out of his ear or turning a wipe into a bird. Such acts were always used to liven up the mood, but mostly to cheer up his brother after a particularly bad day.
Jolly, their goat, also knew some tricks, such as balancing things on it's head or knowing how to shake hands(hooves?) and even play dead. The goat would do those tricks mostly to make people, who don't know any better, sympathize with it and give it some extra food. Now it has to be noted that Rollo and Eugen do feed Jolly great food in reasonable amounts, but this goat doesn't get enough out of it and as such, needs to trick others behind the brothers's back for sum extra treats.
That was, of course before the accident where jolly died.
After that, it was a more sour time. Rollo attempted to firstly cheer up hs brother before dealing with his own grief over the situation. His brother was wounded after all and it was a miracle he even made it out alive. So as such, Rollo learned those tricks Eugen kept making, in hopes of making his brother return a bit to his cheery self. Rollo didn't expect to have Eugen back like nothing happened, but he wanted back to some sort of normality. And in that normality Eugen was smiling and going around getting into small shenanigans.
Now cut to NRC and Yuu first meets Eugen, who was passing by. Man was a very cheery guy and would gladly explain about the great 7 to Grim and Yuu. He does add that from where he comes, there's a historical figure known as the fair Judge. So he gives that extra insight to Yuu and Grim, just to show that the great 7 did some exceptional things that the fair judge never achieved if they got famous all around the world.
But Eugen starts with them in another order: The sea-witch, the fair queen, the king of beasts, the god of the underworld, the thorn fairy and finally, Grim brings up that he jumped over the 7th one, the one behind him. Eugen reassures that first he wanted for him to be also able to point which was which after all.
But here comes Ace and explains about the queen of hearts. And the prologue rolls similar to cannon, mostly since Eugen just got off by having his dissapearing act and Azul grounded him for the day because of causing mayhem.
Eugen again is re-meet in book 2, when he says that some Octavinelle magishift players got wounded and he had to help around with their shift changes. Azul of course wasn't happy the slightest for the sudden accidents increase. So Eugen accepts to help out Yuu and Adeuce with their investigation, if he gets to play on the Ramshackle team(Azul was a mama hen and didn't want the child™ to be hurt in a 'sport for brutes') So with this conditions, Eugen is on with the investigation team.
Rollo also sees the magishift exhibition match and cusses Draconia for this.
In book 3, Eugen got for free the notebook (the twins tease Azul about it relentlessly) And he shared it with Yuu at co-joined study dates that Adeuce and Grim dipped on. Jack was also there and he pointed out how it sounded like a sus thing. So Eugen explains how Azul even made this notebook, which was absolutely bonkers that someone poured so much effort in a guidebook to help you study.
But the anemones pop up and Jack with Yuu give Eugen a side eye like 'didn't you forget to tell us the part where we people get enslaved?'. Eugen, poor clueless Eugen, had 0 idea about this.
Of course, this stirrs up a very nasty argument with Azul. Damn the twins got some tea and popcorn cuz it was that 'mom-son' argument they had to witness.
So Eugen helps Yuu and Jack screw over Azul. He additionally gets kicked out, but he ends up sleeping at Heartslabyul since Leona didn't want to deal with 'that cephalo-punk's bastard child'.
Yuu and Grim are worse tho :'3
But they do screw over Azul. And Eugen feels like he has an apology to get from Azul. But also apologise for being a bitch too during their argument. Alas, things were said and done and nothing could be made to change them. :'3
Scarabia goes like in cannon, cuz Eugen went home and ranted to Rollo about all the adventures he had.
VDC has Eugen trying out to audition, but he gets rejected. He's a great dancer but not so great singer. :'3
Book 6 also has Eugen out of it.
And that's when we have the glorious masquerade, where it goes just like I answered a few asks ago :v
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444names · 2 years ago
rromi names + japanese forenames
Akaga Akaomori Akarō Akazusza Akeisa Akeja Akeri Akizō Akumasa Akumi Akuni Anamali Ariko Arunsu Asakio Asugio Atohiro Ayaeko Ayasako Ayokichi Ayoshisa Ayuki Ayuko Ayuraha Azane Azueizō Beika Beizuako Betatsuo Boriol Botoji Buyuko Chide Chige Chiko Chiro Chirō Chizō Coichi Danobu Djora Doorihi Driko Duken Eikey Eruko Eruya Eshōji Esuko Etheichi Everko Frikogo Fushi Fushisa Fuyumi Gemiko Hachi Handeya Haritsu Hatsuzō Hayasue Hayuke Hiakuni Hidehi Hidel Hidem Hideru Higeko Higeru Hikana Hikentam Hikiya Hikuyabu Hikōnobu Hinaga Hinjiko Hinori Hinorila Hiroka Hiroy Hisabi Hishiya Hitabu Hitarō Hiyosuji Ichiro Ieiko Inobu Isakie Ishirō Ishuniko Itohi Jeshi Jetsuo Jinia Jiroe Juneji Junobu Jōtaki Jōtako Jūshi Kagenko Kaisa Kaldoko Kanehirō Kaneyuki Kansaru Karri Katomoki Katosho Katsuhi Katsukon Kaunji Kayugu Kazuhiki Kazuke Kazukeru Kazura Kazuyuko Kehira Kehirō Keikuken Keisada Kenaruyo Kerin Keshiko Ketsu Kihiha Kihiko Kimeru Kujiko Kujirvo Kujirō Kunobu Kutei Kyoshi Kyoshisa Kōhel Kōsuhihi Lenjivo Lenobu Lenori Lenzolai Loica Lorishi Louzsami Ludja Ludji Lulilasa Maimi Mairō Malpato Mamasa Maminobu Manao Manaofri Manaoiki Manaro Manko Manobu Marihina Marina Maruhie Masada Masaeko Masakin Masam Masanoro Masayako Masayasa Masen Masheigo Mashinji Mashoki Masuhi Masuji Masuki Masuko Masumio Masurō Matsu Matsugu Matsushi Mayake Mentaka Miawnis Michi Michik Michiro Michisa Michisae Mideko Mikasa Minarō Minasamu Mitakay Mitake Mitomi Mitoto Mitsu Mitsuhi Mitsuke Miwaki Miyake Morihon Motare Moyosh Muneko Munisao Munji Munpei Murami Murawai Murri Muruhika Muruhiro Mutada Mutokur Nadana Naeko Nagaru Nagatsuo Nagehirō Nagenzo Nakerin Namompi Namoto Naohi Naohirō Narihiro Naruken Natsumio Niawnori Nihiko Nobuke Nobukezō Nobumiyo Noburiyo Nobuya Noriaka Noshirō Noshisa Oakunisa Omitari Omoto Oshimasa Oshirohi Otakie Otoko Otoshi Ottoyoto Palpani Panaki Patshiro Patsu Peiko Plabu Popov Poyojira Poyutoko Ramito Rendahi Reriko Rharuro Rhavo Rikuki Rukeiiko Ryōheru Ryōjin Ryōmal Ryōshi Ryōsu Ryūjirō Ryūko Ryūno Ryūse Sabari Sadaizō Sadami Sadjime Saitsun Sakanka Sakeya Samiu Saomo Saoyas Satako Satsu Sayakuo Sayuke Seige Seizu Setakihi Shachiko Shidiko Shige Shiichi Shika Shiko Shiku Shinaga Shirena Shiri Shiro Shiroji Shiron Shirō Shisaka Shisaki Shisako Shitsu Shiya Shiyasu Shuneto Shuneya Shunio Shōjiro Shōtaki Shūheli Shūsune Sideko Steiharu Sugio Suguako Suhimich Syeruhik Sōsei Tadahi Tadaip Tadairō Tadaito Tadaoku Tadarito Tadoko Taiko Tairō Takai Takaru Takazu Takazue Takazuri Takifiko Takika Takiko Takimizō Takrei Takromo Tamasako Tanao Tanen Tanoru Tariko Tatadaru Tatsu Tatsuhi Tatsuki Tatsun Tauneizō Tereika Teriharō Terkah Terkojo Tetakuo Tetari Tetshi Teval Teveshun Tobuyasa Tohilizu Tokumi Tomideto Tomiron Tomisa Tomomarō Tomoto Tomotomi Tomoyuko Toshihi Toshina Toshiro Toshisa Tosho Toshwa Toshō Trihi Trile Tsatsun Tsugu Tsuhi Tsuji Tsuki Tsuko Tsunobu Tsusuke Umichiro Umitosh Umitsuo Umiyoshi Vadaiji Vadatako Veshō Weshi Yasakeri Yasari Yasatsu Yasayuko Yasayumi Yasugu Yasuhi Yasukicu Yasukin Yeihei Yofon Yoharuru Yohiminy Yoikuria Yokuteru Yomor Yoshili Yoshima Yoshiro Yoshitsu Yoshūshi Yoson Yosono Yosuhi Yosuo Yotake Yozuran Yukayuki Yukehi Yukei Yukeiji Yukihi Yuzsato Yōhey Yōmane Yōsayuki Yūdatsuo Yūher Yūshio Zenji Zentsumi Zentsuo
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kb85lazy · 1 year ago
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dininimapentrumine · 1 year ago
În data de 10 ianuarie, la inițiativa Cultului Creștin Penticostal s-a desfășurat un eveniment istoric pentru comunitatea de rromi penticostali din România și diaspora.
În data de 10 ianuarie, la inițiativa Cultului Creștin Penticostal s-a desfășurat un eveniment istoric pentru comunitatea de rromi penticostali din România și diaspora. Pentru prima dată s-a organizat o întâlnire națională de lucru dedicată etniei rrome, cu scopul de a cunoaște mai bine care sunt modalitățile de a ajuta această comunitate să se dezvolte. Întâlnirea a evidențiat trezirea…
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infotulcea · 2 years ago
2 august - Ziua naţională şi europeană de comemorare a Holocaustului împotriva rromilor
La 2 august este marcată Ziua naţională de comemorare a Holocaustului împotriva rromilor – Samudaripen, stabilită prin Legea nr. 124/2020, prilej cu care este adus un omagiu memoriei victimelor de etnie rromă ale Holocaustului. La 2 august 1944, aproximativ 3.000 de rromi din lagărul de exterminare Auschwitz-Birkenau au căzut victime ale regimului nazist. În total, în Europa, circa 500.000 de…
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d-razvan · 3 years ago
Rapid București
Suntem bolnavi de Rapid, cine să ne vindece? Sistemul nostru de valori pune valoare-n cântece. Non-valoarea huiduieli, cine să ne judece? 😀 Dacă tot s-a inaugurat noul stadion Giulești, zic să menționez (mai clar) și câteva dintre piesele… poeților pe beat (deh, cred că fazele hip-hop/rap nu prea se încadrează în categoria Muzică) ce și-au dedicat mare parte din cariera lor întru iubirea numită…
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radumate · 7 years ago
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Every home, every story #landscape #landscapephoto #landscapephotography #nightphotography #streetphotography #street #urban #urbanphotography #gypsies #gypsy #tigani #rromi #ig_romania #orko #lowlight #vscocam #vsco #horse #story #picoftheday #pictureoftheday #house #housing #architecture #architecturephotography #archlovers #evening #winter (at Sfântu-Gheorghe, Covasna, Romania)
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vicero · 6 years ago
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Cercetătoarea romă de la Harvard care se luptă cu rasismul și prejudecățile din România
„Părinții mei au depus mult efort să nu dea vreun motiv celorlalți copii să mă strige «țiganca».”
Citeşte tot aici: https://www.vice.com/ro/article/a3bpme/cercetatoarea-roma-de-la-harvard
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romanistan · 2 years ago
There was no question of Romani language being taught in schools and/or being used in the mass media – print or audio-visual – or anywhere else in society. There was no question of Romani literature being supported and promoted during the 45 years of the Communist regime in Romania. Even non-Romani authors such as Georgiana Viorica Rogoz (pseudonym of Viorica Huber), who published a collection of Romani stories and thus publicly acknowledged the group’s existence as well as its plight, were punished and banned from publishing any other works (Remmel 2007, 77–79). That is why the Romani language did not develop openly before 1990, remaining within the walls of Romani houses. Thus, it can be said that Romani literature did not experience a public ‘rebirth’ until after 1989/90.
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rosewoodmuffins · 7 years ago
Okay okay so I was writing a paper on reasons why Romeo And Juliet was a tragedy,so, I’m talking about the deaths and I’m realizing that all of them are kinda directly and indirectly Romeo’s fault.
Mercutio is killed because Romeo left him vulnerable to Tybalt
Romeo straight up murdered Tybalt
Because Romeo has to leave the country his mother dies from grief
Romeo straight up murders Paris
Romeo is the true villain.
Thank you for your time
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444names · 2 years ago
rromi (roma) names
Alabav Alili Ankal Anore Arbenika Arilaya Arona Ashon Asimiza Balaya Balia Baril Barila Barili Barril Bender Berkaka Berlen Berlin Berom Bertsho Besno Bessen Bessenda Bessimil Bethen Betivay Bevaldo Bidja Bidsh Bisha Bisopov Bobal Boboika Bobolda Boicu Boika Boiza Bolor Bottia Bublia Bublika Bublis Cabar Chaitsha Chaiyan Chaiyari Charila Chavo Chaya Chayala Chika Chilis Choma Choordji Choro Chuvo Coika Coiker Coizz Comozola Dajesmen Daroma Dikori Dilamiya Djawni Djorisha Dodor Domin Dooma Doorila Dorika Drika Drildo Dudji Dudjo Dukkeja Dukkel Dukkenda Dukkerli Dunaviya Dunina Dunisno Dunka Duntsaia Duntshey Duntsho Duram Durano Emanie Emilder Emirika Emitia Emmando Emmar Eshel Esmero Esnorel Ethen Ethero Etshaia Evali Fengo Fenso Fikano Fiken Floika Floiz Flosh Flouzsar Forilika Forka Framany Gariyaka Gemiya Gemmaia Gimer Gimerkli Gimerko Gimirvi Gimiya Gitawn Gitianka Gitsari Gitsh Graga Granusza Grasha Gromaiya Guarko Gunarila Gunka Guritsha Hebako Hengo Hershaya Hofon Homan Honsar Hoomaini Horiyak Horko Jawnia Jeshi Jesno Jetawna Jetsaiya Jetshako Jibbenda Jidilika Jivaya Jorka Jorom Kellcas Kinan Kinarb Kinka Kinkonso Kirellca Kirviol Kisha Kiskalda Krerko Kromaro Laeta Lashil Lashofra Lenia Lenno Lishavo Lishon Lisni Ludunka Lugem Luliko Lumenica Lumitsh Lutha Luthebar Luthero Lutsavo Lutzin Luvola Luvula Maiah Maiahne Maian Mairia Maitanka Maitia Maldaje Maldoren Maliawno Malilbre Maliza Manavi Manda Mandodo Manica Manie Manka Mantsho Mantsi Manuscha Marilaip Mengo Mereingo Merilor Merka Merko Milaver Milda Mildee Mimennie Mimer Mimiza Minka Mirambol Miranika Mirawni Mireinee Mirel Miridi Miringol Mitha Monsari Monsopoy Mutha Mutsa Mutsh Mutshi Mutshie Naiawnie Nankenda Narika Naviol Ninarri Nisli Nislika Nititha Oasimia Oasta Oramalia Orasha Orawnie Orawnin Oricha Orila Oriyaka Palda Palilila Palpanor Panka Pankarli Panoromi Panusza Papinar Papiso Pappin Pappisni Paprinel Papula Patinko Pativin Pativo Patri Patria Pattawno Pattoy Pattoya Pelly Penso Pethavi Piawni Pinarka Pisli Pitan Pitia Pitsh Pitshey Pitsurin Pittoko Pittoya Plaia Popolly Pulengan Puluthak Punarika Punie Puscha Pusza Puthay Putshaip Putshey Ragaro Ragarom Rambobo Ranka Rhaip Rhaitsh Rofriah Rufferi Rufferno Rumerla Rumilen Rupal Rupapi Rupati Saine Saria Sarri Shainan Shaitah Shako Shavi Shaviolo Shawni Sheba Sherlia Shikel Shila Shooma Shwan Sidjoro Simerica Simerka Singol Staka Stashi Staul Stavinka Stawnel Steklika Stersh Syeinavo Syeirawn Syeirvo Syerko Syero Takali Takoro Talika Talini Tandera Tanie Tankal Tanoro Tashaiya Tatoko Taule Tauli Tauluvo Taunaire Taunar Taunicu Taval Tawna Tawne Tawnel Tawni Tawnika Tawniol Tawniti Temali Teman Temandel Temia Temilen Temirvi Temiz Temmalpa Terenso Teril Terila Terili Terko Tersh Tershik Tertsho Tevado Tevol Tiawnie Tiggunie Titana Tivaya Tiviria Tobola Tobotia Triliz Trumil Trupana Tsavi Tshebar Tshelel Tshen Tsher Tshik Tshom Tsurani Tsurja Vandoro Vanichay Vayay Vedeli Verka Verko Verkonka Verkor Verli Veshika Vesmer Wennoro Wensopol Weshena Wesho Weshoom Wesnie Wesnoro Yakalda Yakorko Yaldan Yalia Yalin Yeini Yeiraga Yerina Yisaia Yishi Yisliz Yistia Yistitsa Yojor Yojori Yosha Yosharo Yoshilil Yoshompi Yottas Yulam Yulia Yuluvol Zigari Ziggur Zinar
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spite-and-waffles · 3 years ago
Visit his page and give the video a view.
Halloween Special: Part 2
Halloween Special: Behind the Scenes
This is almost word for word the scene from the UtrH comic, but better than I could have imagined! The play of light and shadow, the detailing of the costumes, the settings, the quality of the voices, the perfect blocking, intonation, just... everything. I tried to get as much of it in the video description as possible.
Video description below the cut.
[Video description: TikTok video by The Panda Redd. All roles are played by the creator, a tall, well-built young white man.
Night time. A car sits neatly in a parking slot in front of a brightly lit, slatted wall, tail lights a glowing red slash against the black chrome of its body. Red hued white text reading "HAPPY HALLOWEEN (Headphones recommended)" appears across the frame and disappears.
The headlights dim and the door opens. Heavy combat boots hit the aspalt on the driver's side. A black gloved hand takes out a smartphone, the screen flashing flame-red for an instant before pulling up an avatar of a black skull, and hits the call button.
CUT TO: a white-walled room. A bespectacled man in a suit enters.
Bespectacled man in suit (Black Mask's Assistant): *closing the door behind him* "Um. M-Mr. Mask...sir?"
Black Mask stands with his back to him, hands in pockets. The broad back of his iconic off-white suit complements the stark white walls and black accents of the room. When he speaks, his voice is both gutteral growl and hissing menace.
BM: "You better have a good-ass reason for bein' here."
Assistant: "Y-you know that guy who has been...stealing our shipments and killing our men?"
BM: *slight head turn, sarcastic drawl* "Yeah?"
Assistant:"Um..." *holds up phone in disbelief* "He's on the phone." *BM stills* "He wants...to talk to you."
BM holds out black gloved hand without turning around. Assistant hurries forward.
Cut to Black Mask's eponymous skull face as he raises the phone to his ear, dark eyes standing out against the rims of his charcoal eye sockets.
Tinny voice from the phone: "Hello."
BM: "Talk."
Cut back to car. Red Hood leans forward against the open driver's door, the back of his bulky black jacket and red helmet outlined in deep shadow against the brightly lit wall. His voice issuing from the helmet has the mechanical but clear sound quality of an internal mic.
RH: "So, what do you prefer I call you? Black Mask? Mr. Mask?"  *casually pushes door shut with a clap* "Rromi?"
BM: "Don't call me nothin'. Just talk. I'm listening. But just know when I say I'm listening, I'm actually thinking about killing your ass."
RH saunters around the car, the beautifully sleek contours of his helmet gleaming a polished red, its eyes glowing opaque.
RH: "Oh. Well that's not a great way to start our relationship now is it?"
BM: "Yeah, well, I have anger management issues. I abate those urges by murdering anybody who tends to annoy me."
RH: *sardonic* "Dark."
BM: "I take it you fried my shipment?"
RH: "Some of it. Some of it walked away."
BM: "I heard. I take it that you took something then?"
RH: "I did." *casually leans against the car* "Now, I don't mean to toot my own horn here, but um" *clicks tongue* "-it might just be the top shelf item."
BM: *groans, pinching the bridge of his nose between gloved fingers* "Goddamn son of a bitch!" *takes deep breath and straightens* "Alright, Red Rocket, which crate did you grab?"
RH stops at the trunk of the car. Behind him, a row of cars are parked in a neat half crescent, and the ambient noise of low traffic rises.
RH: "Well, sorry to tell you, but I don't exactly have a tracking number." *opens trunk with a snick* "You might recognize it though."
Cut to PoV from inside the trunk as the lid opens. A greenish light emanates from within, deepening the shadows of RH's helmet, the glow of its eyes somehow intensifying in menace.
RH: "It's the one containing over a hundred pounds of pure kryptonite."
BM's eyes go almost cartoonishly round, whites stark against the coal of his face.
BM: "Yeah I'm gonna need that." *turns and paces* "I suppose there's no way to just... persuade you to give it back is there?"
RH: *still leaning over the trunk, shirt almost luminescent in the green glow* "Your definition of persuasion being what, exactly?"
BM: "Well. One, I won't kill you. Number two - I won't. Fucking. Kill. You. Number three, and this is the most important one so listen up-" *Assistant and BM both sit down at the table* "You can have a job. Come and work for me."
RH's phone and eyes of his helmet are lit bright bluish-white in the darkness, green glimmers playing over red sheens.
RH: "Okay. One problem. I don't wanna work for you."
BM: "Okay then what do you want?"
RH: "I want. A..tremendous amount of money"
BM: "How much we talkin-"
RH: "Fifty million dollars."
BM: "Christ kid- fifty?? What d'you tryin' to budget a movie??"
Assistant: *leans in, hissing furiously* "Fifty?? Liquid?? What, is he insane??"
BM: *covers phone and leans towards him* "No, the insane ones make a suit out of the rock and then march it into Metropolis to play the king of the fuckin' mountain. This one knows what he's doing."
Assistant: *sputters in disbelief and leaves chair, agitated*
BM: *returning to call* "Fine. Listen, kid. That kinda traffic sends up way too many red flags. I can do four million cash today, and then transfer ten million. Take it or leave it."
RH: "Well." *holds up an object out of frame that washes his whole profile in a sinister blaze of red* "I'm sure I can find a buyer to match my price."
BM: "Yeah. And I'm sure I can find hippos that could paint houses. But I ain't never seen one. Have you?"
RH: "Deal." *throws item back in trunk and shuts the lid* "I'll call you in an hour with the location. And Sionis? I suggest you don't keep me waiting." *ends call*
BM: *looks at phone in disgust* "That little bastard hung up on me." *tosses phone onto table* ]
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bizmagazin · 5 years ago
S-au bătut în fața bisericii după ce și-au spus rugăciunea
S-au bătut în fața bisericii după ce și-au spus rugăciunea
S-au rugat în biserică și și-au jurat că nu se mai ceartă, însă atunci când au ieșit din lăcașul de cult, au uitat de toate promisiunile. Este vorba despre o bătălie între mai mulţi romi care au fost reţinuţi la Iași după un scandal pe care l-au provocat aseară, în curtea Catedralei Mitropolitane
19 persoane din judeţul Vaslui au fost duse la sediul Poliţiei Municipiului Iaşi de către polițiștii…
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dininimapentrumine · 1 year ago
Rromi pentru Hristos -Sala Polivalentă, Piatra Neamț,
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