#roxanne lalonde
awesomekittyparty · 4 months
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song: My Baby Wants a Baby - St Vincent
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libby1080 · 12 days
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Mom lalonde’s old Vespa
Rose wonders if she can Alchemize it into something useful
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brogatory · 2 months
ms roxanne meow, how did you know him ? i dont think youve explained that bit …
Anonymous asked: Oh you know Dirk. Pining for his lost puppet. Good riddance.
Something tells me to tell you.
We were hospitalized around the same time. We were... 16?
I saw him sitting alone, at a table. The others kept a wide berth.
Holding a puppet like a lifeline.
I was told he was dangerous to others and himself, but he was just quiet the entire time he was there
He never bothered anyone, even when he spoke to his "creepy" puppet
One day, I approached him
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He sort of attached himself to me after that
Couldn't get rid of him. Not that I ever tried
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"No, really. I'm sorry. You didn't have to show me. You hide it for a reason. I would have believed you even if-" "its fine dirk oh my gawd!!!"
He was really awkward. Endearing in a way
He clearly didn't spend much time talking to people. But he was my best friend.
We stayed in touch, stuck together like glue.
Even as we started realizing more and more what the nature of our lives were.
The puppet... it took me a while. Whenever i was around, it would "shut him up" or stop the puppet's effects.
But, one night...
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I've never seen anything look at ... anything with so much venomous hatred
He didn't even leave it near the door
It was downstairs
Dirk got so much worse after that
More violent. But I stuck around. I didn't want him to hurt himself. More torn. Apologetic. Aggressive. Detached.
He moved to Texas to stop it from screaming so loudly his ears would bleed. From making him claw his own arms up.
But then we...
I helped him, with Dawn.
I heard what he was planning.
When Dawn turned 6, he was going to start their training. I brought little Rosie over. She and Dawn got along like a house on fire.
I remember telling him it was a terrible idea. I was drunk at the time.
I told him he needs to get rid of that puppet before it gets him and his child killed. But much harsher. I'm sure you can imagine.
Then.... he started hiding. The rest of my trip there. Then, blocked me on everything and disappeared off the face of the earth.
There you go. The tragic story of a woman and her best friend.
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hsauwhere · 1 year
Homestuck AU where Dad tells Bro to cook meth with him.
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daycare-days · 2 years
mr. bro strider please take a nap! world ain't gonna implode if you're not on top of everything all the time. go drink some water too, your organs will appreciate you
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Bro: Oh for the love of-
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Roxanne: Don't. We're worried about you. this ain't healthy. A lil' sip won't kill ya. Just one. For me n' David.
D: He's a grown ass man Rox don't drag me into this one.
Roxanne: Fine. It don't matter who, he just has to do it. Oh for cripes sake dirk don't be such a child-
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healthinfo369 · 1 month
You are very beautiful. but, your obesity reduces beauty. That's why Heavyweight Cutter has brought for you an easy and quick way to reduce obesity.
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hazyaltcare · 2 years
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Self Care for Roxy (Roxy Lalonde & Roxanne Wolf) kin with squeezable stim toys and makeup!
Control+Alt+Glam Palatte - $22
Aeronaut Creme Lipstick - $10
FNAF:SB Glitter Star Pins - $8+
Cosmetic Glitter - $4+
Giant Stress Ball - $11.99 $9.99
Plush Keychain - $15
Dough Stress Ball - $3.44
Lil Rebel Liquid Lipstick - $10
Mod Moondrop (Clockwork)
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silent-lily · 2 years
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«Blond shoulder-length hair that curl at the ends. Pretty, nice to look at face. Straight nose. Expressive light eyes. The girl looked just like Roxy. ... Face shape was a bit more elongated. Eyes were just blue, not of that unusual pink hue that distinguished Lalonde from other girls. Hair was blond but closer to the color of wheat - not Lalonde's platinum blond. And the girl overall looked older. Something clicked in place inside. That's not Roxy. Not Roxy. Holy shit, thank that bastard that sits on the throne in Heaven that that's not Roxy fucking Lalonde».
Alright, I caved in. It's not like you'll understand what's going on in the picture... for now. Gotta get to Chapter 19 first, hehe.
For now have a Roxy! Roxy x 2?.. Well, it's complicated. But I really love Roxy. <3 Used references for poses here - they sure do make miracles in terms of quality, heh.
Maybe will make three more pieces with same theme which is... Let's call it "soul splinters" for now. ;)
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nebulousboops · 5 months
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so uh. what if homestuck was ace attorney
I had so much fun making these designs you guys have no idea
basically, dad egbert is the main lawyer (we'll call him jonah for now) and john/june and jade are his weird girl assistants. his main rival prosecutor guy is mom lalonde (we'll call her roxanne), her weird girls being rose and dave.
I feel like the kids are like 16-18 now just because that feels in line for ace attorney, but jonah and roxanne are the same age
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limplegsakimbo · 6 months
Do you know a Roxanne Lalonde?
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sodapops0lstice · 4 months
jo au: does jude sit for rose given roxanne's inebriation [that jude is also trying to get out of her system]
Unfortunately Jude moved away from the neighborhood years ago, becoming a professor, however when he does visit, the Lalonde children seem to flock to Jude, who just wanted to have a chat with Roxanne
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bottlehawk · 2 years
rose lalonde clocking into her mom's office study everyday and leaving a message like "Hello Roxanne... As every parent knows, sometimes you face decisions that are difficult to make, under harrowing circumstances. On the rooftop, I have tied and padlocked myself to the lightning rod, and a brewing hurricane is set to arrive in exactly 60 minutes. In a reservoir 5 miles away, several deposits of "potassium cyanide bombs" have been set to be activated, which will instantly infiltrate the water supply of the entire upper New York state, poisoning thousands. The choice is yours. You have 1 hour."
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libby1080 · 1 month
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mom sprite
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brogatory · 4 months
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[You watch her write.]
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calware · 1 year
sometimes your post reminds me that everyone on Homestuck was a kid even when they were doing cool shit
Like even the adults at some points are more like children than adults (Bro, Adult Roxanne Lalonde and Grandpa Harley)
I think Dad and Nanna were the only ones who didn't have some form of arrested development
if you pay attention you'll notice that all the (adult) antagonists in homestuck have one thing in common- they are all childish and immature (lord english especially). there's a post about it somewhere that i unfortunately can't find
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 2 years
Jake: Now, calm down, jake the snake of the peach cobbler bake. They did their darn shootin tootin far galooting best. Gotta be nice, hostilitydidildilidilly...
Roxy: jake! we meant well, and every1 here tried their best.
Jake: Well, my family and I can't live in good intentions, Roxanne! Oh, your family's out of control, but we can't blame you, because you have gooood intentions!
Dave: hey! back off, man!
Jake: Ooh, you tried to warn me, brooooooo, I wouldn't want it to keep happening, DAAAAAAAAAAWG! Here's a catchphrase you'd better learn for when your comics get canned: "Hey, buddy, GOT A QUARTER?!"
Dave: i am shocked and appalled
Rose: Jake, with all due respect, Dave didn't do anything
Jake: Hark! Do I hear the sound of butting in? It's got to be little Rose Lalonde, Skaia's answer to a QUESTION NO ONE ASKED!
Terezi, laughing: SUCK 1T L4LOND3
Jake: What do we have here? The long slobbery tongue of the law? The last case you got the bottom of WAS A CASE OF SIDEWALK CHALK!
Gamzee: SiDeWaLk ChAlK bRo, Oh, HaHa. ThAt'S gOiNg In ThE aCt.
Jake: Oh yeah, the clown! The only one of you buffoons who doesn't make me laugh!
Gamzee: :O(
Jake: And as for YOU, I don't know you, but I'm sure you're a jerk!
Sollux: hey, ii've only been here a few miinute2! what'2 goiing on?
Jake: You ugly, hate-filled woman!
Vriska: Hey, hey, I m8y 8e ugly and h8-filled, but I... um, what was the third thing you said?
Jake: Dirk, you are the worst human being I have ever met.
Dirk: Hey, I got off pretty easy!
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