#omniphobia au
silent-lily · 2 years
What is Omniphobia? A short introduction
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Omniphobia is a Homestuck AU fanfiction made by yours truly in collab with my wife (read the fic in Russian; English translation can be found on my AO3 here!).
Omniphobia (panphobia) - a constant inexplicable fear of everything.
The story takes part in modern times (2012, final chapter - 2017). 
Dirk Strider is a teen with big variety of interests - strange and not so - that studies in ordinary school, has friends and a younger brother. His biggest problem in life (more like, not his but for other people) is his misanthropy (which truly is a certain phobia but as if he’s gonna admit it). Well, it was until one day, when he meets one particular strange guy named Jake English and learns that he’s in deep, deep trouble...
Remember those stories about posessed things? Like dolls, mirrors, etc.? Yeah, this one is like that. The only hope (haha, GET IT) for Dirk to bring everything back to normal is to seek help from Jake - to try and learn how to fight the horrible Thing that presently posesses one of his beloved ball-jointed dolls.
The story is full of paranormal shit (ghosts, evil spirits, creepy illusions, etc.), angst and plot twists. Has mentions of events/culture from the past (from mainly 1990s, 1970s, 1950s, 1930s and 1910s; I tried my best to make the references correct). Is gory and violent, especially in the second half (it really is. Maybe not explicitly graphic but still lots of triggering shit). Many people die/appear already dead. Almost zero amount of shipping stuff. Has references on many other fandoms - MLP (Rainbow Dash is the best, Dirk likes her unironically, it’s canon btw), Silent Hill (shoutout to the first movie and The Room game), Yume Nikki, etc.
The tag here for it is “omniphobia au”.
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silent-lily · 2 years
My wife read through the translated second chapter of Omniphobia (she has all the rights - she was writing this fic with me in the first place) and came up with an addition to the elevator scene that just had me IN STITCHES.
Jake: I had plenty of time on my hands as well as enough of companions who agreed to try any sort of close contact with me. :)
Dirk: ... Huh. And how close are we talking about?
Jake: ...
Dirk: *slowly grins a little*
Jake: *sputters, VERY scandalized* Not THAT close, you nitwit! You know what I mean!!!
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silent-lily · 1 year
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Fic name: Omniphobia Summary: Dirk Strider has an unusual hobby: he collects puppets, and ball-jointed dolls as well. But at some point a ghost named Jake appears in his life, saying that Strider’s new favourite doll contains a malicious spirit that feeds off of people’s fears and suffering. And so, to defeat it and protect the ones he loves, Dirk has to face the deepest of the human nightmares. Only it appears to be not so easy when the puppeteer finds out that he’s become the puppet himself… Chapter: 5 out of 25
Aaaaand finally - an update! And oh boy, it's really getting worse, huh...
Hopefully I'll be finished with the next chapter much faster. Stay tuned!
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silent-lily · 2 years
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Okay I’m surprised that I keep getting into the mood to draw. I haven’t done that... in QUITE a while. Is it because I fell back into Homestuck dumpster?..
Well anyway, back on my own AU bullshit hehehe. I swear, I WILL get to translating the fic... It’s just huge and that kinda INTIMIDATES me. =v=“ For now have some DirkJakes!
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silent-lily · 2 years
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Fic name: Omniphobia Summary: Dirk Strider has an unusual hobby: he collects puppets, and ball-jointed dolls as well. But at some point a ghost named Jake appears in his life, saying that Strider’s new favourite doll contains a malicious spirit that feeds off of people’s fears and suffering. And so, to defeat it and protect the ones he loves, Dirk has to face the deepest of the human nightmares. Only it appears to be not so easy when the puppeteer finds out that he’s become the puppet himself… Chapter: 4 out of 25
Whew! Finally finished with that sucker! It was looooong. And yet there will be even longer chapters later...
Finally something’s starting to happen!
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silent-lily · 2 years
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Fic name: Omniphobia Summary: Dirk Strider has an unusual hobby: he collects puppets, and ball-jointed dolls as well. But at some point a ghost named Jake appears in his life, saying that Strider’s new favourite doll contains a malicious spirit that feeds off of people’s fears and suffering. And so, to defeat it and protect the ones he loves, Dirk has to face the deepest of the human nightmares. Only it appears to be not so easy when the puppeteer finds out that he’s become the puppet himself… Chapter: 3 out of 25
Oh hell yes, we’re continuing babeyyyy!
I finally finished the first Intermission! Go have a read! It is... something?
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silent-lily · 2 years
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Fic name: Omniphobia
Summary: Dirk Strider has an unusual hobby: he collects puppets, and ball-jointed dolls as well. But at some point a ghost named Jake appears in his life, saying that Strider’s new favourite doll contains a malicious spirit that feeds off of people’s fears and suffering. And so, to defeat it and protect the ones he loves, Dirk has to face the deepest of the human nightmares. Only it appears to be not so easy when the puppeteer finds out that he’s become the puppet himself… 
Chapter: 1-2 out of 25
Dear Lord, it’s finally here! Omniphobia - the translation! Wheee, we’re doing this, we’re making it happen, guys. Prologue and First Chapter are up!
Hope you like some horror stuff - let’s get this (corpse) party started! :)
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silent-lily · 11 months
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One of my two favourite parts of the next Omniphobia chapter.
Aka The Tea Debate.
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silent-lily · 1 year
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She's just a doll. Or is she?..
My art style is inconsistent as always but anyway. Yet another Bazil - tried to do smooth colored lines and a few other things.
I might actually make this a small card print?..
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silent-lily · 1 year
Honestly I'm so giddy about translating the next Omniphobia chapter because it has at least ONE hilarious scene in it and it also introduces one of my favourite characters not just here but in Homestuck itself.
(even if we only know little scraps about him told by Dirk)
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silent-lily · 2 years
When I say I have a whole folder with Omniphobia fanart on my laptop I'm not joking.
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I lovingly collect all the pieces people draw and store them so that I can always go there, take a look and get a free doze of serotonin.
In all honesty it is mighty surprising there's so much art. And that's not even all of it! Sadly a few pieces were lost because I forgot to save them (like Harlequin John). Still, this bunch is already a lot.
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silent-lily · 2 years
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«Blond shoulder-length hair that curl at the ends. Pretty, nice to look at face. Straight nose. Expressive light eyes. The girl looked just like Roxy. ... Face shape was a bit more elongated. Eyes were just blue, not of that unusual pink hue that distinguished Lalonde from other girls. Hair was blond but closer to the color of wheat - not Lalonde's platinum blond. And the girl overall looked older. Something clicked in place inside. That's not Roxy. Not Roxy. Holy shit, thank that bastard that sits on the throne in Heaven that that's not Roxy fucking Lalonde».
Alright, I caved in. It's not like you'll understand what's going on in the picture... for now. Gotta get to Chapter 19 first, hehe.
For now have a Roxy! Roxy x 2?.. Well, it's complicated. But I really love Roxy. <3 Used references for poses here - they sure do make miracles in terms of quality, heh.
Maybe will make three more pieces with same theme which is... Let's call it "soul splinters" for now. ;)
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silent-lily · 2 years
When I say translating Omniphobia is intimidating because of its length I seriously am not joking
I mean, here
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“210 pages, 25 chapters”.
And it’s not showing wordcount. Like...
SHIT’S HUGE. Good thing it’s finished though.
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silent-lily · 2 years
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“Something’s really wrong with this doll...”
Woooow, haven’t drawn anything in AGES. Oh well, I’m kinda struggling with a massive art-slash-writer’s block atm so this is actually a good small step towards being creative again.
And why not start with my very own Homestuck AU? Yup, indeed.
(I swear I will gather my wits and translate it, honestly)
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silent-lily · 11 months
Sometimes I want to write something in Omniphobia-verse (wow way to call your niche HS fic that Alex).
But then I get stuck because hell - I dunno if anyone would be interested in reading that. But... *siiiiigh* I just love this AU of mine (and my wife's)! Even now, after all this time.
By god, the amount of DirkJakes that could've been made there...
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silent-lily · 8 years
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Alter ego (lat.) - other self. A second self, which is believed to be distinct from a person's normal or original personality.
The worst that can happen in fighting evil is when you become something you’ve feared and hated the most...
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