#(has been for 100+ years welp)
silent-lily · 2 years
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Okay I’m surprised that I keep getting into the mood to draw. I haven’t done that... in QUITE a while. Is it because I fell back into Homestuck dumpster?..
Well anyway, back on my own AU bullshit hehehe. I swear, I WILL get to translating the fic... It’s just huge and that kinda INTIMIDATES me. =v=“ For now have some DirkJakes!
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jvten · 8 months
oh yeah i'm fine no big deal i just learned that i only have BORDERLINE autism/adhd- meaning i don't even KNOW MYSELF anymore and I WAS PROBABLY LYING TO MYSELF ALL THIS TIME. perfectly fucking fine.
maybe it was a misdiagnosis. maybe it wasn't. but i'm having a fucking crisis.
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fable-x4 · 1 month
Doing this because it makes me happy •Ꮂ•. Im making it difficult on all of you though.
1 note- I'll go drink water
10 notes - I'll set alarms to actually care for myself
50 notes - set up a daily productivity system so I stop wasting my time doing nothing.
100 notes - ask my friends to help me buy a skirt
500 notes - get a bra & a whole bunch of other affirming clothing !!!
1k - tell my dad that my gf is also trans
2.5k - ask my dad to address me by my prefferred name & pronouns 1k went pretty poorly, so I dont feel super comfortable making an attempt on this.
5k - try to get therapy/psychologist
10k - girl mode at all times (start actively wearing makeup/clothing/doing voice training around people at all times)
50k - try for HRT (0% chance) (also no guarantee on this one)
Asfgg. It feels surprisingly good to have a bunch of strangers who want me to be happy
I have now set up alarms for eating, waking up, and hygene related stuff. I seriously doubt we get to 500, but this has made me significantly happier •Ꮂ•
Doing some math... 25 notes in 4 hours. 6.25 notes per hour. 8000 hours or 333 days until this hits 50k. Hrt in a year ig.
Um. Wow. Its been a day, and we're almost at 300. Everything 500 & below was supposed to be things I'd do with minimal intervention. But now, we're getting to the scarier stuff. I am very intimidated, but also excited
My gf really badly wanted to be here when I buy some of the clothing, so the skirt will be this week, the rest of the clothing will be when she comes back from vacation
Saying that you're force femming me is so not allowed. This is unfair. You have no right to make me feel the ways Im feelingggg. Stop making me happy.
Welp. I told him about my girlfriend. And things went about as poorly as expected. He said that Im parroting what other people think. Slowly taking little parts of them, and applying them to myself. Specifically, being trans. He didnt even leave it to maybes. He said with certainty that I was copying everyone else. I know 9 trans people total. Only 2 of them are my close friends. Everyone else, Im barely aquaintences with. I should have told him that regardless of whatever theories he has, this has boosted my confidence massively. Slightly less excited for 2.5k notes. At least everything after that is very positive. And at least this lets me talk about my girlfriend for ages. I dont have to say her deadname through gritted teeth. Oh context. He already knows Im trans but was ignoring it.
Thank all of you so much. At first when I got the skirt, I was pretty intimidated by the idea of showing my legs. I thought everyone will just see me as a man. But there's a degree of confidence you all have given me. Yeah. Im pretty. Yeah, Im beautiful even. Yeah. Its a friggin fantastic skirt. And anyone who thinks otherwise is dumb. Im happy, and thats what matters.
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makelemonade · 5 months
why would you make that the safe-word?!
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“My dear, as much as I would never want to think of hurting you in any way, I believe we may need a safe-word for, well, our intimacy…just in case I get a bit too rough on you or something happens. I trust in your decision to choose one.”
“Hmm…oh! I know, let’s make it…”
Pantalone falters in any type of movement he is making, and slowly turns to look at you, thinking you’re joking. Instead, you have a large smile on your face, but not one that screams “I’m so serious.”
“Are…are you serious?” He has to ask, completely shocked.
You nodded.
“And why would I want you to think about him in this scenario?”
“Just think about it! Obviously, If we need to stop, if I scream his name you’ll think about how he’s a freakish doctor and you’ll stop immediately!”
“I…” He tried to think of any argument, but you did have a point. So, he just sighed. “Alright.”
“I beg your finest pardon?” Dottore almost laughed at how confident you sounded, even thought it was so obviously a joke! Right?
He took a look at you and realized you were serious.
“To remind you of the worst moments in your life; when you got banned and thrown out. It’ll probably turn you off immediately.”
“Right…” He just nodded slowly. Well, you weren’t wrong; if you screamed that out during sex he would 100% get turned off and look at you with a glare, so it was…
"Absolutely not." He deadpanned, crossing his arms over his chest. "I will not have your mind on the Fatui when I fuck you."
You started to laugh. "Oh come on! You hate them, so it'll definitely make you stop!"
"No. My answer is final."
"...what about Favoniu-"
"Pardon?" Did he hear you right? There's no way you just said his homeland- you know his land that was destroyed by the archons years ago and he's been beefing them since?
"Khaenri'ah." You repeated, and he only stared at you.
He said nothing, and you started to shrink under his gaze. "It'll remind you..and make you stop.."
He said nothing, instead glaring down at you. You waited for him to speak, but he would not say anything, and you knew it was a definite no.
"Anything but that."
"Maybe I don't trust you enough to decide this."
"Oh come on, it'll make you stop immediately!"
"If I ever hear you scream Kaveh's name in any type of matter when we have sex, I will lock you out with him."
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a/n: in no way am I trying to make fun of safe-words. Safewords are very important to have whenever it comes to intimacy with a loved one, or anyone. I just thought this would be a funny idea!
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ineffectualdemon · 2 years
I love scum villian because all the ships are very straight up bad ideas but
Welp! A guys got to fuck!
The terrible vibes each ship gives (yes I am painting them in the worst possible way on purpose. But am I wrong?)
Qijiu: middle aged couple who won't get a divorce even though they should have 12 years ago
Bingqiu: rejected incel to mass shooter pipeline
Moshang: the line between an under negotiated kink and domestic violence has been crossed
Bingliushen: the line between under negotiated kink and domestic violence has been crossed at the speed of fucking sound
Zhushen: "someone is leaving human body parts on my doorstep and now the police think I'm the serial killer who is haunting our town"
Cumplane: two people making the worst decisions at each other until they are both dead from it
Liushen is the closest to a healthy ship and it's just two dudes who won't admit they are flirting until one of them dies
I would still read a 100 fics about each of these pairings and even worse mixes of them
Because they all have such tasty tasty tragedy and longing and despair and hope and love and softness and fulfilling narratives and i want to gobble it all up like a starving man
Except for Cumplane which has no redeeming features which is it's redeeming features
I want to bath in a kiddie pool of their trash
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big-tiddy-bi · 2 years
Without ao3 I became inspired. Ok so being tired of the justice league not helping/believing brakes into the tower while a meeting is taking place to show one of the heroes what is happening I.E. you failed and don’t come here we don’t want you, we don’t need you. You come here and you will be treated as a super villain and dealt with as such.
Danny was sick, tired and powerful. A dangerous combination for most peoples. Myths and legends written throughout every religion every people every and every world based on gods feeling those exact things, and that is the thing Danny closest too, not ghost, not human, but a god. Even if he does not himself as such.
Today was the justice league’s last chance, Walker had decided to change up his tactics. Instead of going after Danny directly he was going to play dirty. Imprisoning 300 living for ”harboring a fugitive”. The justice league was called, one last chance before thing got out of hand. 300 people held captive in another dimension should be a priority for a group called the justice league.
Their response “the justice league contact system should only be used for emergencies, pranks will not be tolerated”. a simple response. directed and to the point. A metaphorical death sentence for the justice league and the people of amity’s faith in them.
No one died, thank the ancients, but blood was spilled. Red and green fell to the floor like water from the large cuts on Danny’s arms and the side of his torso, he was mostly fine, a couple stitches, about a gallon of filtered ectoplasm and a trip to the nasty burger had fixed him up. Meaning that every time he tried to move his arms he felt like he was being stabbed and he could not breathe without pain, which in all fairness was kind of normal for him, it sucked but it was normal.
The real problem was the 300 people I’m the hospital, ecto contamination, not to the extent of being fatal but extremely painful. That could have been avoided if Danny had more help than just his team of 4 other teenage vigilantes and his adult sister.
So after that fiasco Danny did something, else, something more political, he mad deals. With permission from the most important people in town the ones who keeps everything running, IE Mr lancer and Jazz. He also got permission from the mayor, bribed with Danny going to a Green Bay packers game with him.
Johnny 13 and kitty could joy ride before 12 am and after 9am as long as property damage stays at a minimum, a couple smashed mailboxes, broken windows and spray painted cars/buildings paid for by the mayors office was better than bad luck to the entire town and people disappearing.
Skulked got to hunt Danny in a building made for that purpose, Spector-cameras installed in it so people could stream it live to “witness the greatest hunter of the ghost zone”.
Ember got to play her music and travel on tour as she pleased as long as she didn’t mind control people.
Some wouldn’t take the deals but most of the heavy hitters did, it calmed down a lot, but as they say it the calm before the storm.
With the viewers of the “ghost battles” (it was basically a game of extreme tag) and embers fans talking, the ghost situation became a known thing
And again the justice league responded. “we will be there in a month”
No apologies for not believing them no apologies for not helping, just a we are on our way 8 months after the incident and they were going to be there 9 months after. All the people where health again, Walker was punished, locked in his haunt for the next 100 years. The justice league has nothing to do. They have no point in coming to amity. Where they just going to show up, say “sorry for not helping you, welp peace” and then just leave.
Maybe that was the point, that though crossed Danny’s mind as he read the message out loud to his team. They didn’t have any to do, a vanity project, help the small community that they abandoned so that the people don’t go blabbing to the papers, a pr move.
Sam and Valerie had voiced the same opinions on what the justice league was doing. The rest of the team agreed after a short conversation.
This led to Tucker hacking the league computer system to find the next meeting date and we’re it would be held. “Unhackabal my ass” and a plan was made.
So here he is, invisible, intangible and floating above the justice league. Batman walked up to the podium and began to present.
“8 and a half months ago the league got a report of 300 people being kidnapped and sent to the ghost dimension, this was believed to be a prank and filled as such, we were wrong” he said while clicking through slides, some of medical reports of the victims, some of the photos taken of him helping people out of the portal next to the hospital he mad to help the victims faster. Then he said “ this is the city’s resident hero team” the next slide showing the picture of Danny, Sam , Wes, Valerie, tucker and jazz receiving the key to the city. 
“We one know of this misstep because of videos posted online of phantom pictured here” he pointed an Danny receiving the key, another picture of him helping a man to the hospital appeared “and here”
“Do we know who trained them they don’t look older than sixteen” Wonder Woman asked. Before batman could answer Danny revealed himself, though he made his skin slightly translucent to show his bones, it was all part of the plan.
He floated down to the floor and looked directly at her “we trained ourselves”
He turned to face the whole room. “ I am not here to fight you” he said as a couple of hero quickly moved from their seats. “ I came to warn you”
He took in a breath “ I came to warn you, stay out of amity and stay in your lane.” He put a small amount of his ghostly wale into his voice, just enough to shake up their hearts. “ we don’t need you. We don’t WANT you” he cold the room slowly a couple degrees a word. “ do not ask around for us ghosts, do not look for us, if you find one of us. RUN.” He dropped his voice louder as emphasis. “ if you find one of us causing trouble, send us a message, but otherwise don’t acknowledge us or amity, the dead have nothing to give to you” his eyes became fussy staring at nothing green tears fell out of his eyes,and his Lichtenberg scars began to glow Ice blue, but his voice did not waver,.“ you may not have killed us yourself but you signed our death warrant long ago, you have ignored us far to long” is voice soften at the last word.
Then his eyes turns red, as fast as he could he pulled Superman out of his chair and pushed him to the wall. Danny’s hand went intangible as he pushed in into Superman’s chest. His hand wrapped around Superman’s heart, Danny soften the intangibility so Superman could fell the hand but not get hurt. “I can rip your heart out without a single fight” his skin became entirely invisible to show his skeleton. “To all of amity” Superman’s breathing quickened “to me” he move close to Superman’s ear “you are villains, and will be treated as such” he dropped Superman to the floor.
“Stay in your domain and I’ll stay in mine” ice began to form at his feet, looking mor like crystals than ice. “Come to us with please of forgiveness is as pointless as asking of it from your god” ectoplasm dripped from his mouth onto the floor. “Do not come to amity” and with that he went invisible again and watched the room in amusement. He was kinda freaking out at how awesome he sounded.
A couple minutes of silence followed. As John Constantine entered the room, “what did I miss?”
Hope y’all like it <3 Sorry for spelling mistakes. I don’t think this need trigger warnings but if you think so please comment so I can add them. I started writing this and I couldn’t stop. If only I had that energy for the original story’s I want to write lol Have a nice day/night and drink some liquids that aren’t caffeinated and/or poisonous <3
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bengiyo · 2 months
Century of Love Ep 4 Stray Thoughts
Last time, San felt bad about what happened with Vee, but then he transformed into a kid and almost got snatched. Vee helped him and then walked him home. Vee tried to help him when he heard Sun crying in pain, which led to a naked pratfall and the family catching them in the tub together. San's poison is getting worse, and so he agreed to marry Vee, who's totally down to be a sugar baby. Vee almost got killed, and got to see San in full display of his power. Now, with Vee's grandmother getting closer to death, he's considering using the stone for her.
Whoever is in charge of putting these shirts on San that show off Daou's neck and shoulders, thank you.
No, they kicked Tao in the face! I suppose that's the price we have to pay to see San physically lift Vee like that.
There are so many stairs in this house.
Vee uses his charm well to get info.
I do love when a poor character gets to gorge themselves on nice food.
Okay, that eviction story also gave me pause.
This man has experienced over 36,000 nights of his wounds reopening every night. That is horrible.
Yes, Vee. Consider how the suffering of undeath compares to facing the end.
Imagine not sleeping well for 100 years. I'd be cranky as hell all the time, too.
Here come nephew starting shit again.
I appreciate the show having Ton voice reasonable doubts to all of this.
When is a door not a door? When it's ajar.
Man, this show constantly benefits from the leads being dancers.
My man Vee FUCKS!
Juu is getting her life!
Yes, Vee, seduce that old man.
He really let that man fall to the floor!
Offroad has been working out more, too. They're both so vascular now.
We're finally getting to see Vee as a fox spirit. But fan of the rattling and falling cup as a metaphor for San's sexual desire overflowing.
Not a Naruto reference!!!
Vee's grandmother is always so funny.
Welp, they snatched the grandpa.
I continue to have an absolute blast with this show. It's been really easy to follow, despite all the goings on, and I like the way the cast works together. I'm looking forward to San possibly having the same rival again next week.
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viidemoo · 1 year
Art the Clown and affection
An: there’s like one kinda suggestive line at the end 😧
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Words of affirmation
This one definitely isn’t his strongest but if he could talk he would say some pretty interesting things
If you have a white board anywhere in your home he will leave you little notes
If not you’ll find little pieces of paper around your house with messages from Art
Acts of service
This one is 50/50 for him
If you were to spill a drink he could react in 2 ways
Either grab a mop and clean it up, or do his over dramatic laugh while pointing at you
For the sake of this lets say he’ll do #1 😋
I wanna say he’d be pretty good at this one but I just don’t see him doing a whole lot when it comes to this, that doesn’t mean he’s horrible at it tho
Definitely spoils you
Show him something you’ve been wanting for a while?
In a few hours it will be all yours! Don’t mind the bit of blood on it
Its pretty easy for him to get you anything you want
However, he’ll sometimes get you things you didn’t ask for
Occasionally you’ll see a box neatly wrapped on your counter with the tag saying “from art”
How sweet! A human heart…
A few seconds later you will most definitely feel a tap on your shoulder for the clown himself tapping his cheek asking for a kiss
Quality time
Now we’re getting somewhere
Art definitely loves spending some time with you
Seeing that he’s gone for most of the year
Wither that’s watching a show, just hanging out around your house, occasionally going out somewhere, ..other things 🤫🤫
He very much values the time he has with you and so do you <3
Physical touch
His favorite
He’s always touching you in one way or another
That can mean he’s holding your hand, your arm, a hand around your waist (or ass), etc.
OMG he will 100% do that thing where he’ll fake yawn and wrap his arm around your shoulder
Now don’t be too surprised if the two of you are lying in bed cuddling and things take a sexual turn
He js loves you so much 🤗
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fountainpenguin · 1 month
Riddle watches New Wish - Post #12
Stanky Danky
Me: Huh, Mark's extended family must have stopped dropping by to eat the pollution. Mr. Guzman: There's even trash in space! Me: oh no
I like how Hazel consistently wears her hair covering at night. The first time I heard this show would have a black girl for a protagonist (like a year+ ago), I was really nervous about whether it would be handled well- I'd braced myself for "trying too hard to score diversity points."
I have to say, I've liked the hair style variety within her own family, and I feel like there have been more black background characters than I remember from the OG show (though I didn't go practically frame by frame in the OG like I'm doing for this liveblog).
I didn't say it in "Trial or Hair-or," but I enjoyed how Hazel formed a stronger bond with and love for her hair, as I feel like that would be important to her personal identity. I like how she always wears this hair covering to bed. Little details like that make me feel so much more at ease about something I was really nervous about for what feels like 15 months.
SLKDJFSLDKJF Cosmo and Wanda are still sleeping in separate beds. I mean, that's standard Fairy culture in my 'fics, so it works for me.
Trash monster is nice! Didn't see that coming.
Hazel: I wish he could speak at least a few words? /wish granted and he can speak only a few words
I knew it, Kennueth IS on a cliff in that poster. I'm surprised Hazel had to wish for him to breathe air last episode.
Uh-oh, it's Dimmadome time- WHAT DO YOU MEAN "one-time use helicopter??" Sir, you can't bring that to an event about polluting less and saving the earth! ... Is Dale in there? I have to assume so. I've been missing him.
Me: Aww, Dale looks just like his old self! Awesome, and easier to recognize when he's not panning across the- OH MY GOSH!!! Dale: When I was your age, I spent my Saturdays working in a factory underneath a lemonade stand >:/ (Pulls out photo of him from "Nectar of the Odds"
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Sir. SIR!! Do not repeat the abuse cycle with your son!
-> I hate that he just carries this around. Dale, you need to let it go. And maybe sue Vicky, idk.
I'm CRYING, I love how they gave him false teeth. That's hilarious.
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The boots... That's a Dimmadome, all right.
Like, on some level I'm glad Doug spoiled him after he was rescued from Vicky's lemonade horror show, but I'm gettin' a bad feeling...
I can only assume this family tells horror stories about Vicky. This is the funniest anti-hero backstory ever. I was also going to treat Dale's torment 100% seriously in 'fic, but this is way more fun.
They are not cutting any corners. They didn't even change his backstory; he literally got tormented underneath a lemonade stand for 7 years. That's the one piece of canon he was given in the OG show and by golly, are they sticking to it.
Did Vicky take over the lemon torture pit from someone else?? Did she start this gig when she was 9? Is she gettin' retconned? Hm.
They definitely do not drink lemonade in the Dimmadome house. Please let me see Hazel offering Dev his first taste. If we don't get that as an episode someday, I'm writing a 'fic.
Dev trying to get out of pollution clean-up day: But... is our company even earth-conscious?
Too funny.
Okay, I've been thinking about it ever since Episode 1, but why didn't Dale get a fairy? I was waving it off under the assumption he'd only been underground for a couple days max, but... with 7 years, now I have questions.
-> Did Vicky move her lemonade kids around? The stand wasn't always on Timmy's front lawn, but... Surely Cosmo or Wanda would've detected him if he WAS under Timmy's lawn for 7 years.
WELP, trash monster's upset there's not gonna be more trash to eat if they clean it all up. I can see the problem. Uh-oh...
Why do I get the feeling that Dale has said "Come to Daddy," to the trash monster more than he's said it to his own son?
Hazel's parents didn't come to the trash clean-up?
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sldkfjsdklfj he's still got the boots... I hate him /affectionate.
There is something severely funny to me about how they've made it clear they took inspiration from Dale's canon design, but his adult design lost his fluff and cowlick and has sleeker, professional hair. Something about this feels very correct for this art style because I feel like a lot of the adults have shiny hair without little tufts and decorations. I might redo my adult designs.
Oh, Hazel doesn't even know that's Dev's dad because she didn't see his mental pictures in Episode 1. This keeps getting better. I love how she also said "That guy with the ridiculous boots" after I pointed out the boots. Yes, Hazel, we've been over this... He's a Dimmadome.
Cosmo and Wanda in their apartment again! Just chillin'.
I don't know why I didn't expect Dev's drones to be called Dimmadrones.
Dale to the trash monster: You're like a son to me! Dev in the background:
The moon is still a waxing crescent when you're in space? ... I mean, I guess.
Peace of Pizza
Ya know, I'm surprised we haven't seen the Ya Boix drinks come up more than the fact that Kev sponsors them (mentioned in 2 episodes). I guess it's nice that they were depth for a side character, but that surprises me since they're the first thing you see in the theme song.
Ooh, Dev's in the title card! Where's this going?
I like how Hazel was using Cosmo pencil to stab Wanda eraser. She may have fairies, but she's still a bored schoolkid.
I... I was going to cheer that we had a list of names for classmates, but uh...
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The Kindness Chart isn't in alphabetical order. I feel like putting Dev at the bottom was a targeted move.
Or it's reverse alphabetical since she's Hazel Wells and he's Dev Dimmadome.
It's still a waning crescent?
Maybe I'm old-school, but "pea pod aliens" is setting off all my alarm bells.
... Aliens are insisting everyone loves pizza, but what if someone's lactose intolerant?
Okay, since we're just coming off the episode where Dale reminded Dev he was locked underground making lemonade for 7 years, I feel like I don't blame Dev for not trusting anyone?
Like, I get the feeling his dad is emotionally absent, but this might not entirely be his dad's doing. I'm not sure I'd trust people either if my dad got yoinked for 7 years when he was my age.
Especially since Vicky's whole thing is that she's nice until she starts bullying. Yeah... don't trust.
sdfklj, Dev slam-dunking his stuff in the trash can and backflipping away. That's so unnecessarily extra.
Does the news never have anything important to report? ... I'm glad Winn brought up the thought of getting their own pizza, since I was wondering about that myself.
Hazel: Dev, I have someone here who wants to talk to you! Dev: What's she doing? The Closer: She's trying to use someone close to you to appeal to your emotions. Dev: ... ?? No one's close to me. wtf. /scene change where Cosmo is dressed as Dev's dad.
Oh, this is gonna go great.
Dev, instantly switching gears after hearing "his father"'s voice through the door: ... Dad? You took off work for this?
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-> Wanda can read him like a dog-eared book.
So... She- she's gonna report this to Jorgen, right? I feel like she's supposed to do that. She's gonna tell him this kid is ticking multiple misery boxes, right? She's not just gonna ignore this... Wanda, please.
Not sure how I feel about the running gag that so many adults look like Timmy's adult self from "The Big Problem." Throws me off every time and I wasn't a fan of that design anyway, so it feels weird.
HE'S LACTOSE INTOLERANT, I KNEW IT! ... Well, not really him specifically, but I was on the right track.
Oh, this is terrible. Am I mistaken, or aren't lactose intolerant pills like, $10? Does he know? Does he know.
Dev: I thought lactose-free pizza was just a myth?
Dale, you're a terrible father.
Also, I like how a lot of effort was put into converting their designs to 2D, right down to Dev's yellow zipper stripe:
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Okay, that's enough for this post... On to "A New Dev-elopment"!
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heartfiliaccc · 27 days
Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest episode 6: thoughts + opinions
to be completely honest, I've actually never heard of Lucy's Lament (aka Troubled Lucy in the English dub) omake prior to watching this episode, but nonetheless, I'm happy it got animated!
ah yes, classic Natsu and Happy making themselves at home at Lucy's apartment (I'm not saying it won't be their home in the future, but iykyk🤞🏻🤞🏻)
I love how Natsu is being supportive in his own special way lmao
L: ''I'm already on a one week extension and I can't ask my editor for more time!'' N: ''Editor? Want me to blast 'em and get you a longer extension?'' L: ''DON'T YOU DARE!''
Lucy my beloved // SHE'S JUST SO PRETTY!
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aww, Natsu and his job offer is probably the biggest reason for Lucy getting a sudden surge of inspiration and potentially overcoming her writer's block🫶🏻
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I'll say it once again: Lucy looks soooo freaking beautiful in her Sagittarius Star Dress
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the animation excellence in this episode has been off the charts so far!!
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okay, but why does Ignia low-key look hot??
FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, I CANNOT FIND ANY INFORMATION ABOUT WHO VOICES IGNIA IN THE ENGLISH DUB??? (I was hoping it would be Clifford Chapin, but this honestly sounds more like Zeno Robinson aka Hawks from MHA)
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L: ''Oh yeah, if you eat these flames you can power up!'' N: ''NO WAY I'M SCARFING DOWN THAT NASTY GUY'S FIRE!''
(welp, little did they know about the chaos that would ensue not that long after)
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''Those flames can boil the sea and can probably evaporate the sky, scorch the earth. For the very first time ever, I felt afraid of Natsu's fire.'' // LOOK AT LUCY BEING ALL WORRIED AND SCARED FOR THE LOVE OF HER LIFE. 😭😭😭
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SCREAMING, CRYING, THROWING UP! ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
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L: ''Come on Natsu, it's okay. It's over now, and I'm right here with you.''
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genericpuff · 2 months
welp, i finished the Dawntrial MSQ last night
it was
i actually enjoyed a lot of the things people were complaining about in the beginning, because while i could understand their criticisms, to me its flaws felt like something it would grow past as it was establishing a new foundation for a new story, which was what was promised to us, and obviously that's gonna require slowing down the pacing and lowering the stakes, which is fine!
but then the second half of the MSQ hit and i just-
on paper it should have been amazing
on paper i should have fucking loved it
but in execution, i stg trying to finish the lvl 98-100 MSQ took years off my life, even tho the majority of them took me a single night to beat, it still felt like it both overstayed its welcome and also did way too little with what it was trying to present us with
i know this is vagueposting because i don't wanna spoil, but man. "divisive" is definitely a word to describe the Dawntrail MSQ with, especially considering how many people were telling me "it gets better in the second half!" and again, I thought the first half of it wasn't as bad as people were saying, so I was HYPED for the second half, and instead I was brutally disappointed by what I got instead u.u
that said, the dungeon and trial gameplay mechanics are great, when the expansion remembers that it is in fact a video game it does it really well, it's just unfortunately not often enough for it to make up for the sloggy pacing of the story
the music is a bop, there are a couple tracks that i was a little eeeh on because they just felt really saccharine in a way that just clashed entirely with the tone of XIV and made me want to throw my headphones in the garbage, but the majority of the soundtrack was otherwise really well done, soken was really channelling his inner david wise here with the donkey kong vibes LOL but there are some somber tracks that are great too, there's a lot of range here in the soundtrack that should be appreciated despite the odd cringe track
environment design was solid, there were some zones that were questionable in their design because some of them felt pitifully empty despite promising bustling populations (looking at you, Tuliyollal and Solution Nine >:x)
but man , the last zone was brutal and that sucks because again, on paper, the concept SHOULD have been awesome, but ultimately it's still relying on the exact same plot devices in the past (insert lost civilization whose previous inhabitants/rulers are hellbent on keeping it alive even at the expense of current civilizations here) and the gameplay itself deadass forgot it's a game because there isn't a SINGLE instance of necessary combat or gameplay during all of it and so when the final quest (as per tradition, named "Dawntrail") finally pops up, it's like wait what ? that's it?? thankfully the last quest has both a dungeon and trial in it but it feels less like thought out design and more like the game devs remembering they had to actually include some gaming in their video game at the last minute LOL
i think the extra burden of directing FF XVI definitely caught up to Yoshi-P on this one, as well as the budgeting problems that still exist from COVID, and the fact that much of that budget clearly went to overall QOL changes like the graphics engine getting an almost complete rehaul (even in the previous expansions which is. a lot of work. like they want to re-texture ALL of the gear in this game and THAT'S A LOT, literally thousands of items!). where this expansion wins, it wins big, but those wins aren't enough to carry an overall lackluster experience that drags itself out way too fucking long for its own good. the story could have absolutely used a few more rounds in the writing room, if they couldn't afford more voice acted scenes then they should have simply just cut down on the amount of cutscenes, and i think the devs need to seriously ask themselves if the Trust system is worth dragging the Scions back into every adventure even when they have nothing to do (and it shows). like idk, just spitballing here, but the Trust system might be a good chance to re-introduce the GC squadrons, no? maybe go back to the roots a little bit and buff up the stuff that could still have a lot more life if given a chance?
anyways my experience with DT has been about a 6/10 and that score in the end will depend on how the patch quests go over the next couple years, I still prefer it over Stormblood (fr fuck SB lol) but it definitely feels like it's trying too hard to be like EW and ShB while missing what made EW and ShB so good in the first place (or acknowledging why its flaws were forgivable within the context of their respective designs, like yeah EW's pacing was iffy too but it at least had a lot more going on in it to justify it, DT is just grasping at straws by comparison). and in that sense it winds up being a lot more like ARR, where it's just kind of lost in what it's trying to do and creates a worse experience by the end. hopefully like with ARR back in the day the devs will figure out it's time to shake things up and try something new without using the old as a crutch.
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in-collection · 11 months
Hotel Vast Horizon by @rocket-eighty-eight
Heat (1995) | Vincent Hanna/Neil McCauley | 16,202 words | 100 pages
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You can see and download the whole typeset HERE.
You can also print it if you want a copy for yourself! I provide printable files below. Check out the guide first ↓ The book is 11x18cm AKA 4,3x7,1" & can be printed with a coptic stitch or staples. Mine's printed on 80gsm grey recycled paper & 210gsm grey paper for the cover.
PRINTING NOTES: This typeset goes pretty close to the edges of the pages, so be careful when cutting it, and the first signature or so has double-spread images, so I'd really recommend making sure your double-sided printing is calibrated for this one (whether you're doing it at home or at a printing shop).
HEY!!!! HI! finally. If you've checked the Heat (1995) (Al Pacino and Robert De Niro Go on a Date: The Movie) tag on AO3 in the past year you've probably checked out Hotel Vast Horizon (Michael Mann Could Never: The Fic). Welp here it is on paper.
The common thread in the typeset was always the ocean (and shit, I said the o-word. did you know there are like 20 references to water, seas and storms in HVH, and yet never once "ocean" is said?). The other thread was the Bitstream Cooper typeface, which is round and curvy and so pleasing on the eye. Isn't it? Also Arial (underrated), because I needed it for the sequencing to show that Michael Mann is a loser. I'm kidding. Or am I? But this brings me to another major thing: the sequencing. (The common denominator between movies and books: the sequence.) That can only be apprehended on the full PDF/book, and it's really something that did not really exist (in so much depths) in the previous typesets.
As to what the sequencing is saying, or what the hell this intro is about (no I did not have a stroke when I did it), I will not say much if only that it is about the vocabulary, the image, the movie, the things that go beyond fate, a little bit Neil vs Vincent and a lot the reason vs the heart. More things shall remain unexplained because I feel they would be better experienced than laid out here.
If you'd still like to know what's actually going on in this thing don't hesitate to send in an ask lol.
More details on the technical matters + a visualization at the bottom, because there is work involved and my micro typography is so clean it could give Neil McCauley a boner.
help where do i even begin? I learnt how to use FontForge to create a new typeface specifically for that symbol at the beginning of the paragraphs in order to implement it in InDesign (see fig.1 below), I changed the Arial's @ in FontForge too (fig.2) to have it fit with the underline in @ rocket88, what the hell.
2. I also drew 11 (I think) illustrations for the intro (yes, those knots......), but that wasn't as complicated as I thought it would be. I do deeply curse InDesign's "Print Booklet" function for how much it hates images though.
3. I would like you to meet my InDesign characters styles (fig.3) as they simply are impeccable and the best you will ever see, I could not have been more professional if you had paid me 5 grand for this. The hyphens! The dashes! The custom small caps!
4. To get even further in the micro typography. It is, in most, most cases, much too time-consuming to properly kern (=modulate the space between your characters and/or words) your text for how little the average eye will get out of it, and/or your average graphic designer is certainly not getting paid enough to actually do it properly. I, on the other hand, am insane and unemployed, therefore yes, I kerned this shit. Micro typo is actually the sculpture of the white spaces of your page. When done thoroughly it does mean checking every characters with your own eyeballs.
So in english, since this typeset is in english, the rules are no spaces for punctuation. Right? and not right ? It makes for a pretty tight block. I do argue too tight - although of course you'll also have times where you want tight. (And this is all within the 5% of the time where kerning matters.) That might not sound too bad until you get to em-dashes, this '—' thing. Which is a literally useless punctuation mark that is so hysterically long it'll leave an unnatural horizontal void in your text and draw all attention to it—you know, instead of the text itself. Useless, because it can always be replaced by commas, colon, semicolon, or parentheses. Unnatural, because em/en-dashes do not follow a typeface's characteristics (when hyphens do! fig4), so they hardly fit with serifs, AND characters are generally vertically stressed in latin (fig5: which one looks normal?) except... well. So you'll have the tightest group of punctuation marks humping each other?!"— then a dash literally the size of a whole ass m that looks nothing like the rest. ridiculous. absurd.
Anyway the point is I said bye-bye to this aberration and used hyphens stretched at 260% (lmao. it works so well?). And sometimes 230%. Sometimes with a space after, sometimes not - if not the same meaning then why the same treatment (fig6)? I wondered at this point if I wasn't going too far (lol) but this is the point of micro typo, so, whatever. See fig7 for more kerning stuff.
5. I have far less things to say about this part than the last even though I must have spent twice as much time on it, but I just wanted to say that I manually set the text rag on all 69 pages, it looks nice, I love tetris, AND!!!! the greatest thing about the whole fucking book (fig8): the text starts on the top line of the first column, and ends, on p.91, on the LAST line of the column, at the very bottom of the page, and IT IS NOT. BY. CHANCE!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
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thanks for reading. perfection has not been achieved and there might still be typos. see you later.
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ro-aming · 5 months
Confessions in The Valley, Stardew valley heart event scenarios :)
Hellooo this is a colleciton of fics of how the stardew valley bachelor/etts would confess to you after reahcing full hearts. I think there needs to be more stradew fics:>. The first 3 chapters are old that i wrote like 2 years ago but I'll write the rest after positng these! Lemme know what bachelor you wanna see next<3
(sorry idk know how to format text posts very well)
 What a long day jeez…
You'd just finished up another long day on the farm. You'd barely left the property all day. Too many fences to fix and crops to water, not to mention the amount of debris you had to clear. Damn, maybe that golden clock is worth it. You wiped the sweat from your brow as you walked down the stone path of town square. At least the sun setting has granted you some peace from the harsh summer heat. The pavement quickly turned to plush sand beneath your feet as you headed down from the mayor's front yard, your steps illuminated by the warm buzzing lamppost. Elliot makes good company on nights like these. Bright nights after tiring days and you could just sit and talk with him and Leah, or even willy, until exhaustion crashes over you like the waves surrounding the valley.
  “Hey Farmer!!” Leah spots you from around the corner of Elliot's house and greets you cheerily. She's definitely drunk, holding a bottle of wine you gifted her and chuckling a little too loud. She's a dear friend of yours, you feel truly lucky to be so welcomed in this town especially by such warm faces. Leah wastes no time wrapping you in a hug dragging you to the bench where Elliot sits, staring at you both with a gentle smile.
  “Evening Farmer,” Elliot gazes at you patting the open spot next to him allowing you and Leah to take a seat by his side. “Day treating you well I hope?”.
  “Hey Elliot!” You beam at him scooting close with Leah at your left and Elliot on your right. Leah passes the open bottle to you, offering you a drink. “My day has been well, tiring but I managed” you chuckle taking a swig of the bitter fruit wine. Letting the alcohol warm your throat and flush your skin. It's simple to be here with them. You all laugh and catch up talking about your weeks for a couple hours. Leah's eyes light up under their drunken haze as she describes in detail her newest sculpture. Neither you nor Elliot can avoid giggling at her when she stumbles over her words, she's easily excitable especially when drunk.
  “I haven't gotten much writing done this week,” Elliot interjects the smooth convo to share what's on his mind. “I don't really know why, but I feel…distracted I suppose. Normally writing is of the utmost importance in my mind. Though lately I haven't been able to think of much at all.” He stares at his feet with an embarrassed half smile. You peek at him quizzically wondering to yourself how much this has really been bothering him. Elliot takes his writing very seriously. It's like his life force and he's not easy on himself when success doesn't come to him.
 Leah snakes her hand behind your back to lay on Elliot's shoulder, gently patting the silk button up covering his skin. “Aw Elliot c'mon you don't need to be so down about that,” She leans forward and exchanges a quick glance with him. You can't quite see it but in a span of two seconds they seem to have an entire conversation with their eyes. Leah looks at him slightly questioning and Elliot nods softly. “You're probably tired man, you'll get back into the swing you know that, Right Farmer?” She throws you into the conversation making you lose your focus on their silent debate of facial expressions.
  “Y-yes of course, you're probably just burnt out Elliot. I mean you can't expect to have your creativity at 100 percent every day” You smile at him hoping to reassure his worries, it seems to work at least on the surface.
  “Welp!” Leah stands up suddenly stretching her back and arms. “I'm headed home for the night, I have an important call tomorrow I really shouldn't be hung over for '' Leah giggles to herself at her comment before patting your head. “Take care, you two G'night ''.
  “ Night Leah ” You and Elliot speak in unison as she saunters off, still cheery as ever. You hope she can get home without tripping in the dirt hehe. A silence falls over you two as you lean back with your palms on the hardwood, staring out at the sea. Bright lights decorate the blanket of night sky glaring off the ocean and casting a glow in your eyes. You can see Elliot staring at you from your peripheral. He does that a lot lately.
 While you're in the library together gathering books to share with Penny and the kids, or while you're picking pomegranates from your tree for him. You'll catch him staring at you silently, though the warmth in his eyes says quite a lot. You normally don't pay it mind, thinking of it as just your wishful thinking or fantastical mind being corrupted by a beautiful set of emerald eyes. Right now however…as you gaze out at the ocean you can't help the warmth pooling in your gut as he stares at you like you're the brightest star he's ever seen.
  “When you moved here, Farmer,” he breaks the silence suddenly, now fully facing you. “Were you scared? Or perhaps lonely?'' What a strange question you think as you giggle out loud leaning into his shoulder as laughter lights up your face. You couldn't help it, just such a brash question out of nowhere. “H-hey! Don't laugh jeez!” he blushes but laughs with you anyways. He doesn't embarrass easily, his pride keeps him quite sturdy.
  “Sorry it just…seems like such a silly question coming from you of all people '' You look up into his eyes as you're against his shoulder. It crosses your mind that you may be too close right now but you can't bring yourself to care
  “Why is that silly?’ He asks feigning offense while smiling at you
  “Elliot you gave up a lot more than I did coming out here” Your hand falls into his lap as you straighten up a bit “You know better than anyone that it takes a little bravery to get to what makes you happy. So of course I was scared but I didn't really have much to lose to begin with. Coming here was my only chance to make things right so even if I was scared it couldn't be worse than where I already was.” You peer back at the ocean reflecting, like the stars, on how you felt coming here the first time. Unlike Elliot who risked his previous way of life, you really did have nothing. You barely made enough money to pay rent and certainly did not meet many friendly faces in the city.
  “And as for loneliness…I was at first. I was nervous that such a small community wouldn't react well to outsiders and even still sometimes I wonder who really likes me.” You feel the air chill your skin and send shivers up your spine. Elliot takes notice and gently wraps his arm around your mid back. “But I have you don't I?” his eyes widened at your comment, only slightly. He stares down at you trying to detect the intent behind what you said. You watch his cheeks grow red and you don't think it's from the cold.
  A smirk paints itself across his face,  “Now look who's saying silly things.” He teases. Your face grows bright red and a wave of soberness suddenly crashes on you as you recoil from his touch, fixing your posture. He looks disappointed.
  “W-well c'mon you know what I meant!” you stutter over your words as butterflies fill your tummy. Your hand still sits in his lap and he's taken hold of it now stroking the back of your hand with his thumb as he looks away. His usual composed nature, it's completely broken down right now. That slightly arrogant tone in his voice that carries his confident words and elegant speech patterns…none of that is here anymore. Instead he holds your hand tight and refuses to meet your eyes and he's blushing. A ridiculously bright shade of red. “Elliot I- what's-?”
  “When i moved here,” He spoke again, squeaking out his words. “ I wasn't scared, or if I was , I didn't let myself feel it. I knew what I wanted. I wanted to turn against what everyone has pushed on me my whole life” his confidence was slowly seeping back into his words “That i needed to look for a real job, a real purpose. I should just find a wife and a good paying job and settle down. My family would constantly chastise me with that crap.” It felt unusual to hear him swear like that. You held his hand in yours tight as you watched a gloss come over his eyes as they watered.
  “I couldn't ever shake the feeling that I was meant to create something. That my purpose was to have my words mean something to someone.” He peers at you again as his hair falls around his face framing his intense expression. “But lately, I've been distracted by my feelings. The more I adjust to life here, the more I wish to seek out temporary fixes for my own bitter feelings. Joys like friendship and learned skills and…love” Your eyes widen slightly shocked before lowering again in slight disappointment. Is he in love with someone? Is that why he's so bothered lately?.
“I didn't want to let myself get too close to others. For some reason I felt like if I didn't do this alone, if I didn't become successful on my own, that all my work would be undermined again. Or that other people would be a distraction from what i was meant to be doing.” His hand slides from your palm to your forearm as he turns to fully face you. You're leaned against his chest staring up at his eyes that are illuminated by the stars. He's gazing at you now and your heart throbs. What is he saying? “But my friends…and you have shown me lately that, if I were to try to do this on my own, not only would I fail, I'd sink into a lonely misery. Despair would destroy me and I'd become exactly what everyone expected of me. I know every great poet let their tragedy be the map to their creations, but my inspiration to continue. My inspiration to create and to smile and to learn… ” His unused hands take a gentle hold of your chin and his palms warm your cheek. “...Is you .” 
  “I've always loved the way you speak” you whisper now, leaning closer into his warm touch. Your heart sparks like a candle and the chilled air around you both blows the flame, steady and warm you remain under his gaze.
  “I've always loved you.” his grip on your jaw tightens as he tugs you forward, pulling your lips onto his. He's soft and delicate. With how passionate and charismatic his words are normally, he's surprisingly demure in the way he holds onto you. Like he's scared to break you. His lips continue to move against yours and he tastes faintly of cherry wine and salt. Everything around you is brighter than the moon shining down on the valley. You reluctantly serrate looking upon his disheveled face with mirth in your eyes and a smile playing on your now, tingling lips. “I want you to be my muse, now and for as long as you'll have me” The sincerity in his confession leaves you trembling. It felt so romantic to have his words directed at you this way. Yet so raw to be sitting on the beach half drunk in the middle of the night like this.
  You can't stop the giggle from leaving your mouth. You feel so relieved to know you are the fruits of his passion and desire. “I love you too, Elliot'' His smile grows exponentially and you pull him close to you again, Kissing him once more and already you feel the fondness of familiarity start to bloom. The moon shines down on the valley as a breeze blows through the trees lining the path where the town meets the coast. Distantly stars twinkle down on the sea and jellyfish glow beneath its surface. There's a soft light all around you and a brighter one burning inside you as Elliot keeps his lips against yours.
You reckon you'll stay down on the beach tonight, with Elliot, for as long as hell have you.
I hope you enjoyed this ones my favorite :)
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whoiwanttoday · 6 months
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So I pre purchased tickets for Love Lies Bleeding for a few reasons. One, it's getting great reviews and has been since it first screened at SXSW. I already liked the idea of it but knowing it works is hugely exciting. If you don't know, Film Noir is one of my favorite genres and every November my friends and I do Noirvember which started a decade ago with them going, "Film Noir seems cool but I don't know anything about it". Well guys, I did know about it and it was about time to put that education to use so that first year I chose 5 movies that I felt would help demonstrate the characteristics of the genre and wrote essays about each one with what to look for and what identifying tropes of the genre were there. Since then I have put in far less effort but every year we try to grab some movies that are significant for various reasons to the genre. My point is, I love Noir and really appreciate French film critics for inventing it after the fact. So Love Lies Bleeding is not a Noir, it is a Neo-Noir but for obvious reasons it's a genre that always interests me for obvious reasons. It's a Neo-Noir because you can't make film Noir anymore, part of what makes it film noir is when it was made and that no one has ever set out to make a Noir, if you are you're making a Neo-Noir. But I love them, too, especially sun soaked ones. Thirdly, Kristen Stewart. First of all, I think she is a tremendous actress who just does great work and her projects just get more and more interesting. They don't always work but man, I want big swings rather than boring. There are so many safe movies I give higher ratings to than interesting failures but those safe, bland mediocre movies all fade into the background, I still think about the interesting failures. So I love that she tries cool projects and the truth is most of her work. She always works in them. But the thing is, when I heard she was doing this I just knew it was perfect. My favorite Noir figure is probably Humphrey Bogart. That's not an out there selection, the guy was undeniably cool. And I was like, yes, let Kristen Stewart be Humphrey Bogart. I think she could 100% pull off that. I mean, I don't think she is in this movie, she's playing a different kind of a mess than the cool character who keeps getting in over his head but when it comes to vibes of someone who can be my favorite sort of Noir protagonist it's her. Which is a long way of saying I have tickets to go see the movie and resisted posting Kristen yesterday cause my brain was like, "We'll post her after we see the movie". Welp, I didn't make it cause she has been all over the place and looking very good. So I caved and made it exactly one day. Today I want to fuck Kristen Stewart.
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blommp717 · 2 months
hi, thx for being open to everyone! (can i be 🍓 anon? for follow up questions )
first of all i'm sorry this is so long, i've just had some questions about nd for months now and there was no one i felt i could ask until you showed up. i hope it's ok to direct my doubts to you? ( i can break it into smaller, separate questions if you prefer)
i've read all your posts so far and so i've concluded that the person is because i (awareness) know myself to be the person, correct? then how do i know to be something different? i honestly don't know how to do that 😓
i've been studying nondualism for a year now and it's been said that awareness is beyond the mind, so to reach it (and i assume then be able to be something different - since as the person you can't really change anything - ) you need to go beyond the mind. i've been trying to reach beyond the mind recently and what i've gathered so far is that there is a sense of being / existing that is kind of beyond the mind, at least i think it feels that way. you mentioned it to be like an empty presence in a previous post and it felt relatable to what i'm trying to describe.
but idk what to do beyond this… i know that to be aware of something is not the same as affirming it since we've all done that in loa and it went nowhere. i think my question is how to do this without the mind? (since the mind can't reach it) i've also concluded that the mind is intrinsically connected to whatever awareness is conscious of being, for example my mind: I've accepted that i'm awareness and the person / life is a creation i'm experiencing and it's not truly what i am, but my mind can't really express itself and know things that haven't been experienced by this person. i can imagine scenarios and being someone different ofc but at the end of the day my mind always goes back to it's default old me. it only knows this personality and the memories from this person's life, and also ofc it's desires, fears etc.
im mentioning the mind because i kind of feel like it's the only tool i have. i learn about this and try to understand it with my mind, idk how to "be" anything else or to "know" myself to be something else without it.
sorry i hope this makes sense, welp i really hope i'm not annoying you
Hello!!!! Firstly, welcome ☀️🪷🫶 “🍓 Anon” (I quite like the idea of the naming thing you have going on, it’ll really help in future questions).
Alright so let’s do this. I really do appreciate that your able to ask this question I know how it can feel when it’s like, whoooo dooo I askkkk??? So good on you, and no your not annoying me, I do this because I love helping you guys and want this to be as easy as possible so if that means ask 100 questions then oh well 🤭🤭. (I do urge you to not just ask but also do)
So yes, inherently everything is broken down to “ “ or awareness, now where I think the disconnect comes is when (and I’ve done this myself allot in the past) you guys try to seperate awareness from the illusion as if it’s two seperate things, awarness is not an entity or person or magical being, it’s all there is. Awarness is the best word I can use to describe what “it” really is, so my apologies.
You asked “how do I know to be something different” well, let’s break it down. Perceiving and being has no attachment to knowing. If I said “ strawberry” you wouldn’t think “I have a knowing about a strawberry” but you’d just think about the strawberry, or better yet, perceive/be aware of a strawberry. And that’s it. The appearance of what apparently is (this world) is no different from what you are, it’s all the same exact thing. When I say you are awarness, yes, but so I everything else, everything “relies” on it(you) to exist. The realization of a thought or an idea or event, is the experience, is it being “real”. Without awarness there is absolutely nothing to experience.
Now I’m gonna tell you something really crazy……
Your already here, please stop thinking that “awarness” needs to be maintained or something, as if it’s some source of power that your not already. The idea of a journey of needing to search and find is the reason it exists. Realizing “I have to be aware” makes no sense really, if this god is all there is, what’s there to find? Everything that appears is what it (you) appears as. It’s really just you perceiving yourself as something different.
I will never tell you guys not to make it easier for yourself, affirming, visualizing, etc are just tools to help you refocus this limitless, everythingness to something specific to instantly appear as that thing, therefore the experience. You said you keep returning to “me” at the end of the day. But do you also realize that this persona of who the person is, is made up. Made up through effortlessly igniting stories that have shown to you as the experience. It’s not that there’s only this persona, that there’s only who you know right now, this is just a selected thought. Infinite, limitless, meaning anything. You state/claim it, and you ARE that instantly, not in the future, right now because there is only now. The mind in and of itself is also just like everything else, there, but and illusion. The mind doesn’t think thoughts, no one really makes thoughts happen except the realization of the thoughts themselves. A thought is also just “ “, the “3D” is also just “ “ nothing can escape because it is “ “. The clay can take 100 different forms but it’ll always just be clay, whatever I name it like “pot” “plate” “vase” is meaningless. It’ll always be clay. Everything will always be “ “ regardless of what forms it(you) take up. I would drop the “constraints” of the world because it’s just you. You think you’re never gonna get it? Guess what, there’s nothing to get, you just actively experienced “I’m never gonna get it”. Effortlessly. It’s like a bundle package. Everything that entails the idea or concept is what the experience is. So someone who thinks constantly about not seeing “movement” is going to experience everything that entails that. You make it true in less than an instant.
I really hope that made a little bit of sense because wooooo I’ve been really tired recently 😝😝🤭🤭 if you need more clarity, you can always ask more questions! 🪷😝🫶☀️🍓🍓🍓
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
That kiss in GO 206 was probably one of the most heartbreakingly romantic kisses I've ever seen. It was both !!!! and GOD WHY from the kiss to the look on Aziraphale's face when they broke away. I can see him going back to heaven only to later realize what he actually wants and get the F out of there to go find the love of his life.
From the whole Crowley-getting-ready-to-propose to Aziraphale's completely-in-denial insistence that they could go to Heaven and be together! Just like in the Beginning! To Aziraphale's anguished "I need you!" to Crowley just throwing six thousand years of pining to the winds as the cello music swells and going in for the Big Damn Kiss! Aziraphale's hand clutching his back! And then...
And then....
(Muffled sobbing)
Look, I'm not gonna lie. I love Stupid Homosexuals Who Can't Communicate and Unnecessarily Get Themselves Into a World of Self-Inflicted Hurt Because They Are Stupid. I love romantic but heartbreaking angst where the two halves of the ship both want the same thing, but can't agree on how to do it, and that ends up driving them (temporarily) apart. I love the villains desperately trying (and inevitably ultimately failing) to break the OTP up because they're just too powerful together. I love the whole "you have to clearly and explicitly choose what you want and defy the oppressive and cruel systems that have controlled you up to this point and are now taking you away from Your Person." And like I said, I honestly didn't think they were going to Go There with the kiss. I wanted them to, I wasn't sure how the story as it had been set up could progress without explicitly having a Big Romantic Moment and not just Super Totally Platonic Besties, but I still just... couldn't be sure.
Anyway, Neil Gaiman has already said they all want to do a s3 to "give a satisfying ending to everyone we care about" and honestly, I do 100% trust him on this. This was the second-act cliffhanger, the Empire Strikes Back, the Han-and-Leia "I love you/I know" before Han is frozen in carbonite and taken away by the bad guys. It is a clear and obvious dramatic beat to set up for the ultimate resolution in a three-part trilogy. Yes, if this was the end of the story, it would suck. But it's not, and it just... makes me really, REALLY EXCITED for a potential s3, where Crowley and Aziraphale are canonically confirmed to be in Love-love and can actually fight for that, find out what it looks like, break free of old constraints, and get a happy ending that is narratively earned and not just given. So yeah.
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