#rowan writes again
New chapter(s) of It's Only Forever, that's Not Long at All
Three new chapters tonight! Woo! I swear I work on things, I'm just very, very slow. Apologies, but it's also not going to be changing, yay epilepsy!
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rosesncarnations · 3 months
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What is it to feel homesick without a home to come to?
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nightmarevore · 1 year
a switch flips in Rowan's head. where he was standing and talking to luke, his expression falters. his eyes are distant as he looks up from his beloved and where they are. when did they get in public? where are they? he knows luke is in front of him. he can see him and smell him. he’s right in front of him. but who are all these people that surround them? the smell is overwhelming. his stomach churns as dread over takes the predator. this isn’t home. this place isn’t safe. luke needs to be inside him. luke is safe inside him. wouldn’t it be easy to swallow him down now and take him some place they can be safe, where rowan can protect him from the pain of the world? from all these strangers who stare at the two like they’re freaks….
“rowan? are you okay?” luke’s voice chimes through rowan’s panic. the predator’s eyes shoot towards his boyfriend. his face flushes, and he grabs luke’s arm tightly. rowan’s stomach growls in quiet desperation to keep its prey safe. “what’s happening, love?”
without much thought, rowan’s mouth opens wide, and all luke sees is the back of rowan’s throat before he’s shoved into the darkness of his maw. he’s desperate, almost as if eating luke is a requirement to staying alive. as if he didn’t have his beloved boyfriend within him, the two of them would cease to be. luke’s left dazed and confused, his body tensing up as rowan stuffs him into his gullet. 
“rowan?!” he calls out, pressing his hands up against his partner. he attempts to push him away. they’re in public, why would he do this now?! his words are left on deaf ears as a loud swallow pulls luke into the predator’s throat. 
loud gasps. a few people in the crowd watch what happens before them. a man, out of nowhere, began swallowing the person next to him. predators exist, it’s not a shock that they have to eat another in order to sate their appetite. in public, in such a crowded space, though? people couldn’t help but look on in some kind of shocked horror.
rowan holds luke in place as aggressive, panicked, and desperate swallows pull his head and body deeper within him. luke hears how fast and panicked the predator’s heart is beating. something is wrong, and it’s too tight for luke to call out to him and ask what’s going on. even if he could, he didn’t think he’s getting an answer. it… feels like a fugue, but something tells him it’s not. he wouldn’t be in such a panic. 
luke’s flavor blesses rowan’s senses. his scent fills his nose as he swallows him down in an act of love and protection. in an act of pure desperation. he thinks he’s hungry, or maybe he isn’t, and this is just what his mind is demanding he do. it’s tight as his cherry slips down further his gullet. his body squeezes him from all sides and holds him in place. each swallow leaves luke more and more immobile. his arms are pressed up against his own body, constricting him. 
love luke. crave luke. devour luke.
protect him from everything and everyone.
another swallow squeezes and massages luke’s being further down, his head forcefully being shoved into his stomach. his middle visibly expands as the shifter begins to be deposited inside. 
“rowan, what’s going on?” luke finally takes a breath and speaks. it’s a relief that it’s easier to speak in his stomach. “what happened?” 
the predator purrs, continuing to swallow his partner down. he lifts him up, one hand reaching for his middle. he feels it grow as more of luke is forced inside. 
right where he’s safe. right where he belongs. right where he needs him.
his stomach expands more and more. luke’s entire being is forced into the chamber, quickly and desperately. he attempts to shift amidst all of this, trying to figure out what to do and how to sit. rowan would never just suddenly eat him in public like this. rowan hates doing any of this in public. something is terribly wrong.
aggressive and hard swallows send luke’s legs down the predator’s throat, his shirt rising over his middle and growing at a fast pace. both of his hands reach down to his middle and hold tightly onto his skin. he needs to feel the weight of luke inside him, whether it’s the shape his stomach takes, the sensation of luke entering him. of the weight inside his expanding middle. his hands hold a tight grip as his fingers sink harshly into his skin. his nails dig into the layers of skin as he attempts to support the weight of his middle. 
one final swallow sends the rest of luke down, and his head remains tilted upwards until he feels the love of his life finally and fully slide down to his center. it’s marked with a rumble and luke’s muffled voice, but he can’t make out the words. even if he wasn’t muffled, would rowan be able to pay attention to what he’s saying in the first place?
rowan’s eyes shoot open. they’re wide yet glossy. rowan himself isn’t all there. he growls, keeping his hands glued to his middle as the scent of every living person that surrounds them fills his nostrils. it’s overwhelming. it makes him sick.
people are staring. they look on to the predator, some in horror. some people back away. rowan begins to walk, forcing his way through the crowd. a woman, someone he doesn’t know, someone so unfamiliar to him he doesn’t know her name, gets TOO close to him. too close to his middle. his stomach. his luke. his world, his everything. 
the pressure of his hands sink deeper into his belly as the low growl in the bottom of rowan’s throat turns into a snarl, and sharp teeth snap at the strange woman. she sees a monster who swallowed a man whole not just a moment before, and the predator wants to keep it that way. she screams, fearful that this man was going to bite her and strike her down. drool drips from his lips as the rage in his eyes burn deep like a fire. 
“rowan! what the hell is going on?” luke calls out. 
rowan can't hear him. he squeezes his middle with teeth out for the world to see. nobody will hurt him, or his cherry. 
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sollucets · 1 year
wrote a whole long post that didn't make sense because i'm a fic writer not a meta writer and the point comes down to this: sand and ray are both Such Bad Liars
they have honest faces. nobody, in-universe or in the audience, is ever really fooled when they pretend things are other than they are.
when sand is hurt you can tell, it's in every line of his body. ray is expressive and straightforward but hides his hurt a little better, not because he's better at lying but because the hurt hardly ever goes away.
ray can see sand freezing up and looking upset when he's called a friend or not prioritized, he can see the lie, but it doesn't matter compared to what sand's actually saying and what it'll mean if it's (not) true. he's gotten a lesson recently about pushing. and sand, i think, can see ray caring but he can't imagine it could be enough, that he could matter the most or be a priority. when ray calls sand a whore it's the only lie he told that night and sand knows it
when they hurt each other sand lies and pulls away and ray can tell, and similarly ray lies and pulls away and sand can tell, and theyre stuck in limbo because of it. awful. hate it. 10000 more just like it please
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tallbluelady · 2 months
"what's wrong?" "your feet are cold!"
As a healer himself, Urianger understood Krile's desire to keep her patients in one place and for one more night, but with only curtains to separate the beds, it was hardly private in the Dawn's Respite. He groaned and opened his eyes when his thoughts would not release him to sleep. It was not the morrow, surely... he pulled back the curtain and tried to gauge the time of night. He saw it was dark enough to be deep within the night, save for a very soft light coming from Rowan's direction. He remembered that the earring her mother had given her had a faint glow to it due to the aetherial composition of the sand it was made from. Judging from the light's position, it appeared that Rowan was standing up with the object in one of her hands, the other on a curtain.
"Beloved, wherefore art thou awake?" he asked in a stage whisper.
Her large pale eyes grew wide, picking up the earring's glow in an almost eerie fashion. She pocketed the object before replying. "I... I couldn't sleep with all the thoughts I had. So I thought I'd check on all of you."
"Pray, come hither to avoid waking the others."
 He was uncertain if his ploy would work, but Urianger smiled as Rowan sighed and tiptoed to come see him. She sat on the chair next to his bed.
"There's not much to speak of, darling. Just thinking about... love I suppose."
"Then, pray think of such subjects in mine arms, my love. I can think of no better locale." He lifted the covers and patted the space next to him.
"Jey! We're not alone in here..." she hissed.
As if to make her point, one of their comrades coughed and muttered something unintelligible.
"I'm far too fatigued to pursue any amorous activity," he said truthfully. "Thou mayest return to thine own bed once I return to sleep."
"You know that's not how that works..." Rowan muttered as she closed the curtain then climbed into bed with him.
Urianger held the feeling of smug satisfaction until an icy chill touched his feet.
"What? Do you want me to leave?" she asked as he flinched.
"Nay... but from what source did thine extremities gain this precipitous chill?" He moved his feet away from hers.
She snorted. "The stone floor must be colder than I remember." Then she traced a toe down his shin.
He hissed at the sensation and Rowan covered her mouth to stifle the laughter. At Alisaie's command of quiet, he lifted the covers over their heads.
"I suppose twas fairly childish of me to do..." Rowan's voice still shook with laughter.
Urianger felt a few chuckles start to bubble up within himself, so he took Rowan's face in his hands and kissed her. "I love thee."
Rowan shook with a few more chuckles before asking, "Cold feet and all?"
"Mayhap our shared body heat will alleviate such things..."
At that, Rowan had to pinch her nose to keep from laughing.
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a-little-unsteddie · 6 months
a little snippet from the prologue to my original story! :D
“I am so glad you made it safely,” Lana told Vaughn, smiling sweetly at him. “I know for some travel can be dangerous,” she said, but didn’t explain further. Vaughn glanced at Canary to see if they had any idea as to what she was referring to, but only received a shrug in response as they handed over three coins.
“What do you mean?” Vaughn asked when it was clear she wasn’t planning on elaborating, furrowing his eyebrows.
Lana laughed in the way that old people did when they knew they’d mentioned something they shouldn’t have and don’t know how to take it back.
“Well, you know. Bandits and what have you,” she said vaguely, putting the coins in her drawer and then closed it. “Don’t be strangers now, come back before you leave,” she swiftly moved the conversation on, and Vaughn knew better than to push, even if he really wanted to.
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i wonder what this means :00 fhehshz i’m only posting this bc i love Lana. she’s uhh probably only gonna be in the prologue but! i love her nontheless.
tagging some friends: @finntheehumaneater @apomaro-mellow @sailing-through-hawkins
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cutebisexualmess · 11 months
this is a reply to cassite and shadow cat among others on Pinterest so don't mind me (some of these are incomplete btw)
idk if you can tell but I like some certain aus
blind! aus:
blindly in love
other recs:
the stowaways heart
lovely dark and deep
faeries in the forest (series)
homophobia ft a two hour math test
homophobia ft queer teacher alliance
I’ll Make a Cup of Coffee for Your Head
crown princes and butterfly wings
key to your heart
where did my 20/20 vision go?
revisions(new year old tropes)
the Disney trivia
The Official Sanders Sides Emergancy sleepover
can I fly too?
The PUR-fect Curse
and basically anything by @/a-small-batch-of-dragons (TheAsexualofSpades) and @/prince-rowan-of-the-forest (Ended_Flames) on here
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cbrownjc · 1 year
Finally watched Mayfair Witches - and oh boy . . .
No spoilers, but if you really like this show, then please just skip this post. This is really just my opinion and not an attack on anyone who may enjoy the show.
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So I just binged watched the first six episodes of Mayfair Witches finally.
And OMG, how do you make a story with witches and ghosts and a secret paranormal organization so boring!?
Because that is the ultimate problem with this show - it’s utterly boring. The storytelling, the direction, and the characters. They are all so, so boring. 
I don’t want this show crossing over with Interview with the Vampire at all in its current state. Because I seriously think they would find a way to make all the characters from that show boring if they got their hands on them.
As I said, I watched the first six episodes and don’t know if I can muster up any desire to watch the final two. That’s how much I don’t care what happens.
The problem isn’t that the show changed things from the book. I was completely fine with the majority of changes the show made. It was how they wrote and executed those changes that is the main problem here. 
And I want to place the majority of the blame on the writing here. IMO, the actors are all trying to make this work as best as they can. But there really is nothing that could be done to elevate this, because the main fault, as I said, lies with the writing. 
Adapting the first book into a season-long story was probably an impossible task anyway. The majority of the book this season is based on, The Witching Hour, is the backstory of the main family line of the Mayfairs. It basically reads very much like a historical account, because that’s exactly what that major part of the book is. 
And that backstory contains a lot of incest, and I mean a lot. We’re talking about how the Targaryens are tame when it comes to incest compared to the Mayfairs. 
It’s only in the final 1/4 or so of the book that contains any current plot and big story movement and, even then, it ends on a cliffhanger. 
So yeah, I don’t know what they are going to do to fix this in season 2, because IMO the only way to fix this is to go back to the drawing board and fix the whole structure of this adaptation. Because right now it just feels like someone crossed NCIS: New Orleans with The Secret Circle, and I don’t think that is what they were going for at all. (Or maybe they were, I don’t know). 
Anyway, yeah. IMO a crossover at the moment isn’t going to work. Not just because of the elevated writing of one show compared to the other but, quite frankly, both shows don’t even feel like they are part of the same universe to me, even though they are supposed to be. IWTV feels operatic yet dreamlike in its presentation IMO. Whereas Mayfair Witches just feels like every other standard tv show that had a supernatural bent that gets canceled after one season. Kinda like The Secret Circle. 
And I don’t feel wrong in thinking that if AMC didn’t own the rights to Mayfair Witches, that might have already been its fate as well by now.
* * * * *
Really? A bottle episode after the event with Carlotta and the fire? This was not only an episode that bored me but annoyed me too because I could just feel the writing thinking it was clever with the misdirects . . . 
And don’t get me started on some of the things I know I would likely be confused about if I hadn’t read the book . . . 
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Seriously, I am not kidding when I say this show could find a way to make even Lestat boring. Because, IMO, it really, really could.
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rowandekarios · 10 months
rowan: comments specifically that everyone she’s meeting is really hot (halsin, karlach, zevlor, etc)
gale, inwardly:
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the-cinnamon-snail · 1 year
Outside, there was a thunderstorm. To most people, this would be a mediocre, or maybe slightly exciting, part of life. To Jonah, it reminded him of the best? worst? night of his life, where he made the final escape. Staring out the window, into the dark with thunderbolts dragging along the sky, he can remember that night like it was yesterday. But it was so far from yesterday. Jonah can remember the pain in his own legs, his breath speeding up, the rain falling hard and soaking him to the bone through his drenched hoodie. Before Jonah's thoughts can go any deeper, he feels a hand interlace with his own, pulling him away from bad memories. Rowan.
Jonah smiles and brings up Rowan's hand to kiss it, before looking into the eyes of the amazing person that is somehow his partner. Jonah was new tol these positive emotions so quickly, but glad to have Rowan drag to him away from that night's echo. Rowan smiles at him, and they speak up as they look out the window, "Looks pretty, doesn't it?"
Jonah can't agree, so he chuckles and leans in to kiss Rowan on the cheek, "Not as pretty as you." This gets Rowan to laugh slightly before looking out at the night, "I love thunderstorms, I would be out there right now, but I like being here with you more." They smile at Jonah, and Jonah glances away. "I guess I liked them too, but, well… Bad memories." He stares out the window, slightly seeing why Rowan loves the storms. They feel nice enough when the rain isn't coming down hard enough to hurt.
Rowan looks to him, and smiles, "Would you like to make some better memories then?" Jonah looks back at them and raises an eyebrow, "How so?" Rowan chuckles and explains their thoughts, "Well, the rain out there isn't coming down too badly. If it wouldn't bother you, we could go out there and make some better memories of thunderstorms, only if you want to, that is!" Rowan looks away, and Jonah lifts both of their hands that are still interlocked, "I'm willing to try it! I mean, uh. It can't be bad if you're there.." Rook somehow smiles even wider as they stand up, pulling Jonah along with them, "Okay then! Just tell me if you get uncomfortable and then we can go right back inside!" Jonah nods in agreement.
Jonah is wearing his ever present hoodie, so Rowan only has to grab a jacket for themself and have the two of them put on their shoes before they are ready to go, just on a little walk, Jonah finds the idea nice, even during a thunderstorm with light rain. As the two of them get to the door, Rowan looks back at Jonah, "Last chance to turn back, you ready, love?" Jonah nods, "Yep, ready." Rowan opens the door and the pure smell of rain wafts in, the sound of the raindrops hitting the sidewalk soft and rhythmic.
Rowan reaches their hand outside the door, letting the raindrops fall on it, the rain isn't too cold, and the night outside is warm. They lightly take Jonah's hand and let him feel the rain for himself. Jonah nods, the night outside is different to the cold one he remembers during thunderstorms, so he takes the first step outside while holding on to Rowas hand, and they trail behind him, smiling, happy that Jonah is willing to try.
Jonah starts the walk, leaving his hood down, feeling the rain patter along his head. Rowan holds his hand tighter and they speed up to be walking right next to Jonah, "So… how does it feel? I like it myself, but how about you?" Jonah looks up and smiles at them, "Nice. It's nice that the night is warm, and it's nice that you're here with me." Rowan leans down to give Jonah a kiss on the head, "I'm glad, now let's enjoy our walk?" Jonah leans up to plant a quick kiss on Rowan's lips, "Yeah, let's."
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vampacidic · 1 year
paranoia be damned my boy can write fic‼️
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SVSSS works!
I have written two(!) things so far for this fandom. One is a one-shot PWP (which will become a bit of a series, but that's a whole 'nother thing), and the other is a multi-chaptered mammoth (compared to any of my other works) that I have about 40k written up and 14k posted so far. I'm actually super happy with these two, even if they're not technically perfect (as in grammatically or with sentence-structure). But I'm also not editing, which I probably should. I'm just not going to until it all exists and is out in the world.
Anyways, links!
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rosesncarnations · 5 months
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Elain fixes wings
Emerie takes her to fly
Great success
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sporadic tmt headcanons
  ● Ever since the whole Crowe-Pettivox incident, Keeston is a bit more protective of those close to him — especially with Conn 
   ● Conn has stolen many books from Nevery before. Nevery hasn't realized yet
   ● Brumbee and Nevery used to be best friends, but their bond weakened after Nevery's exile
   ● Benet has considered teaching Conn some basic first-aid. It is unknown if he succeeded or not
   ● Keeston has felt something for Conn. Whether it's from watching him to admiration, or if it's platonic or romantic, is something that he still hasn't figured out 
   ● Conn once heard Benet and Kerrn flirting. He had no idea what they meant
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sollucets · 1 year
guys i am trying Really hard not to have public opinions about of this morning... pray for me
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tallbluelady · 28 days
I rolled a 2, which was a nose kiss! Which ended up being so inspiring that I drew this up at work!
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