#roundabout though... I'm sorry my guy
arminsumi · 11 months
GOJO さとる
"Rejecting" the smug and overly confident Gojo Satoru — who has so many admirers and yet is madly and obsessively head over heels in love with you.
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You call him attractive in a roundabout way, because the conversation was on the topic of who is most goodlooking in this school.
Though he replies smugly, inside he freaks out — he was worried you would think Suguru is more attractive than him.
"Of course you're attracted to me; I'm Gojo Satoru after all!"
"Okay." you gave him a confused smile and went on your way.
But before you could leave, he blocked your path by hopping in front of you. He cleared his throat.
"Um! Wait! S-so — uh — what are you doing later today?" he experienced a small voice crack.
He seemed nervous, frantic, like he felt sudden shame for using his smug charm on you and seeing it fail to catch you.
"Ah, I don't have any plans for the rest of the day. Why?" you reply, friendly and nonchalant.
He stuttered, froze, and reanimated himself as if he was an animation missing key frames.
"Oh nothing..." he reclaimed his boisterous, over-the-top smug attitude. "I was gonna ask you out on a date, but I'm a busy guy... so."
"Okay." you gave him a friendly, confused smile. "Well then, see you around—"
"—d'you wanna go on a date with me?"
"A date?"
"Yeah? Y-yeah. A date."
"Right now."
"Right now? (Didn't he just say he's a busy guy?) Aha, sorry... but I must reject you. I promised my friend I would watch his basketball match. It's important to him. He's made it to the finals."
Satoru's shoulders slump. His heart sinks, and so sink his hands into his pockets — balled up into fists. He clenches his jaw in embarrassment.
"You can't seriously be rejecting me..."
You misunderstand him to be saying that as a joke. He notices your misunderstanding, but plays along.
"Haha. See you, Satoru."
"Uhhh yeah... see you."
Ah, his heart is so patheticaally thumping when he hears you say his name.
You leave the library.
A boyish blush paints him hot red all over. He kicks his feet annoyedly and hangs his head in defeat.
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weirdmarioenemies · 2 months
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Name: Bowser Castle 2 Debut: Super Mario Kart
Oh no! We didn't have a post ready for today! Well let me improvise one for you really quick. Because I love you. Don't take it too personally, though, we're not here to start parasocial relationships with our followers! Sorry. I hope you understand.
This is Bowser Castle 2, from Super Mario Kart, but if I named it I'd call it Bowser Castle POO! Because it isn't very good.
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Many people consider this one of the worst courses in Mario Kart history, and many people would be right! You see, iconic Bad Guy King Morton "Bowser" Koopa Sr. wanted to prove his Bad Guy status by creating a Bad Course, and boy howdy did he! He probably feels so smug about it. Jerk.
Look at that map. This course has a dead end on it. This might be the only course in Mario Kart history to do such a thing! It's possible you can use a Feather to turn that into a shortcut, but I've never pulled it off. But also I'm not very good at this game, nor am I interested in becoming good at this game, so it might just be a skill issue on my part.
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But getting past the dead end offers you no reprieve, as afterwards you have to deal with this mess! It feels like they're trying to make some sort of double-loop formation, but all the 90 degree turns combined with the bridge connecting the loops being at the top ends up making it play very awkwardly. Or something like that. Listen I'm just writing this post in a stream of conscience, I dunno how to describe what's so bad about this beyond "it's bad."
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luigi enters the torment labyrinth
As you can probably expect, having "being the worst Mario Kart course ever made" on its resume hasn't done good things for SNES Bowser Castle 2. The only game it's returned in is Super Circuit, which included literally every SNES course, which is to say it was not getting any sort of special treatment. Even Mario Kart Tour, a game which literally invented new SNES courses for the sake of getting more content out of existing assets, refused to bring Bowser Castle 2 into its arms.
Is there any hope in this world for an absolute dogwater course like this one? I dunno but that's not gonna stop me from coming up with hypothetical solutions. Yes this is the kind of thing I think about in my spare time! Don't judge me!
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Really, for all I've been dunking on this course in this post, I don't think it'd actually take all that much to get this into a playable state. As you can see, I've re-envisioned the dead end as a shortcut (likely blocked off with a wooden cutout so you need to use a mushroom), and I've reimagined the Torment Labyrinth as a double roundabout configuration à la Wii Rainbow Road. After that I just smoothed out some turns, added a glider ramp at the end so you have something to do during the last straightaway, and envisioned some totally awesome elevation changes that can not be displayed from a bird's-eye view like this, and bam! I created a version of this course that could potentially maybe be enjoyable.
I mean I dunno. I don't have the means to play it.
I drew this earlier this morning and it's the entire reason I've decided to make this our spur-of-the-moment post. I hope you're proud of me. For what it's worth, at least SNES Bowser Castle 2 can theoretically be made into a somewhat enjoyable course. It's not like it's stuck with a name like "Figure-8 Circuit" or something.
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cattlemons · 23 days
hi :)) a bit of a personal request but could i get wanderer comfort for a fem or g/n reader? (your choice) i have a...difficult relationship with my father. when he's sad/angry/upset he usually takes his frustration out on me by yelling at me and calling me names and other hurtful things. then when i cry he tells me that I'm pretending to be a victim, and blames me entirely for his feelings. i just had a sitution like this earlier tonight so its on my mind :) anyway, could i get wanderer comfort for a situation like this? or if this is too specific maybe where reader just doesn't get along with their father? thanks sm <33333
A Salve For Unhealed Wounds
TW: Toxic dad, name calling by a parental figure, emotional distress and familial conflict, crying in public, there's a swear word in there, 1,5k words
a.n. Nonnie, sorry for the wait :( I had an exam and couldn't be on here at all (also left you a short message at the bottom)
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It happened again. 
The man you were supposed to trust with your life yelled at you again. Your heart aches at the implication that the weight of his love for you changes depending on the emotion reigning his mind and heart. Your mind crumbles when it recollects the words he spat out so easily when red paints his iris. 
It wouldn’t have hurt as much if he’s always this way. It hurts because you’ve seen the smile that escapes his guarded heart on rare occasions. You’ve also heard him say good things and do good deeds the way an honorable man would–when he’s not mad that is.
It’s unfair that he can’t always be that way with you.
You took off towards the Puspa Cafe, hoping the bustle of Sumeru evening would be the cooling salve you need to soothe your battered mood. 
Yeah, that’s a good idea.
Entering the establishment, scents of coffee and spice filled your nostrils as ease settled between the spaces of your bones. The balmy yellow and brown hues greeted your weary state as the inviting warmth of the cinders burning in the oven beckons you to rest. You made the right call to come here tonight.
Or, so you thought.
Despite being on good terms with the otherwise lonesome man, you did not want to see the infamous hat guy; not tonight. It’s less about his presence and more about yours. The dynamic between the two of you is akin to that of a flying serpent and a scorpion. You’d take frequent jabs at each other, flinging teasing remarks and poking fun at one another but somehow, in a very weird roundabout way, there’s always a sincere sort of care behind it all. 
Right now, however, you don’t think you have it in you to take what you know he can dish. You did get lucky and got a secluded seat, you just hope he does not notice you here. 
“What are you doing here, prickly bush,” he called out to you just as your train of thought chugged away to somewhere beyond the oak doors of the cafe.
Right, so much for peace of mind.
You turn towards him, the frown that began dissipating moments ago returning in full force. Grumbling before speaking, you let out, “Not today, please, I’m not in the mood.”
“Oh yeah, someone’s definitely a prickle bush right now.”
You were at a crossroads between telling him to leave and bursting into tired tears when he asked, “What’s wrong?”
Your eyebrows scrunched as he sat across you. You looked at him but his eyes were trained away from you, staring at some other patron sitting at the wooden bar just a bit away from the both of you. 
Since when was he a caring man?
Your thoughts and confusion settle into a prolonged silence. You half expected him to grumble out an insult along the lines of “Are your ears clogged” or “Need help finding a hearing aid” but he, surprisingly, sat still; eyes now hopping over to a woman by the door having a conversation with a balding man. 
Is he patient now? What kind of patron-saint bullshit is he pulling?
Not that you’re complaining, though. You much prefer this despite the weirdness of it all; or rather the newness. 
“I’m fine–”
“Don’t lie, if you can’t lie,” he interrupts as he points at your fingers curling in on each other. 
He sure is perceptive when you don’t want him to be.
Silent gathers the both of you in its arms once more as you think of a response to give to him. He’s being kind right now but you don’t feel like divulging everything to him. Your friendship is just beginning to stand on two feet. It’s taking baby steps at best. You don’t want to scare him away by dumping all your shit on him. By the abyssal name, he probably carries more baggage than you and you don’t see him throwing them around.
“You don’t have to tell me, don’t get all constipated just because I asked,” he said before continuing even softer, “You seemed down, just thought it’d be helpful to ask.”
Though you did not notice it at the time, your heart slowly began to lay down the walls you raised from the events that transpired earlier under the roof of your father’s house. 
Perhaps, he can help.
The wanderer was about to take his leave when you whispered with a certain weariness he found familiar, “My father isn’t always a nice man.”
He sat back down as quickly as he could. He probably sat on one of the ornate hanging detailings of his hat or on that long sleeve of his but he couldn’t be bothered by it. Though his eyes look past you, you know his focus is solely on what you have to say.
So, you told him. At first, you tried to be as close to the baseline as possible, choosing to speak of the basic details but soon you choked up and told him everything. Your thoughts, your fears, even your longing for a better version of the father you wanted to look up to, bubbled out of your tired heart. As the night sky grows darker outside, you find yourself slightly teary-eyed as your long story comes towards its end. 
Your eyes were still on your hands that laid on your lap, palms now sweaty from excessive nervous rubbing. You stole a glance at him and, just like you, he barely moved from his previous position. He’s still not looking at you, almost like he’s not listening at all but you know he is. 
It took a beat or two, almost like he was waiting to see if you had more to say before he opened his mouth to speak. 
“You’re kind, you know?”
“I don’t get it. What do you mean ‘I’m kind’?”
“Just that. You’re kind, maybe even too kind.”
You fully looked up at him now to see that his eyes were already on you. 
“I listened to you tell me about the horrible things that man says to you and, yet, you still call him by a title he doesn’t deserve,” before you can question him, he answers, “A dad.”
You’re silent as he continues, “This cruel world decides to give him something so precious and he decides to lie and say all these shitty things. He’s not a good man but he’s dumb too if he’s got something so precious and decides that the best course of action is to call it untrue names. Does he not realize the power a name holds?”
Wet droplets stain your hands and lap as tears fall from your eyelids, lungs heavy, and muscles sagging. 
Taking a look at his surroundings he sighs before taking his hat off and placing it on you.
“I’m sure you don’t want anyone seeing you like this and speaking about it tomorrow, here.”
The tenderness of his voice and action winds your heart up as more choked sobs gurgle out of your throat.
Your neck tightens in protest as you try to speak but you fight the pain of your contracting muscles as you force out, “On a good day I… I know that he's lying… but sometimes I can’t help but think he’s right,” you sniffled and let a wave of uncontrollable sobs pass you by before continuing, “I mean there’s only so much… so much… I can deny before something false starts feeling real.”
Your admission broke the puppet's imaginary heart as he wills himself to hold back his instinct to swing insults and fists at your father. Instead, he chose to let what he supposes are comforting words drown your sorrow. It’s rigid and almost primal the way he tries to soothe your sadness but it's tender and warm in its own way, just as he is. 
“Are you… are you sure he’s wrong? How can you… you be so sure?”
The staccato of your unsure question is met with unwavering eyes as he nods. 
“I’m sure. I wouldn’t have said what I said otherwise.”
You hid your face with your hands as your back slumped forward. The wanderer could see the heaving of your shoulders and he could only comfort you by repeating his praise for you. Much like a devotee chanting his faith, he whispered kind words in hopes that by repeating it, you will believe this too. He hopes he’s done enough to override the names your father engraved into you with angered frowns, at least temporarily. The road to recovery winds away and is far from linear but he's ready to accompany you if you want him to.
As you continue to let out the emotions you thought dried up years ago, you hear him say, “Even if you forget again, just tell me and I’ll remind you that you’re nice, you’re smart and you’re so, so kind.”
Nice, smart, and kind huh? 
You don’t think you can believe it right now but slowly, you hope you will.  
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To Nonnie, I'm sorry you have to go through this. I hope this little piece of fiction brings you some comfort, even if it might not fully capture what you're feeling. If there's anything more I can do to help or if you just need someone to talk to, please let me know.
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namis-gf · 8 months
Just saw that you’re open for one piece requests and thought I’d drop by.
Would you consider writing back rub and back kisses hcs for katakuri or marco please? And best of luck with the come back ^^
anon ur so insane how did u KNOW i was thinking obsessively about katakuri for the past two weeks straight... ur too good. i meant to stick closer to the prompt but the plot kinda got away from me, sorry!
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summary: strawhat!reader x katakuri meet again after many years apart during the whole cake island arc. luffy has been trying to convince him to join his crew with no success, but maybe he might listen to you?
word count: 969 words / 0.9k
cw: none? i think?
whoever said katakuri was 48 year-old eldest daughter syndrome is absolutely correct. he has so many hangups when it comes to both physical and verbal affection, most of the time preferring to passively sit by and let people bother him. case in point, your captain. instead of immediately setting sail for zou to meet up with everyone, luffy has taken it upon himself to convince the minister of flour that his presence is desperately needed on his crew. permanently.
and, if you're going to be polite about it: things aren't going well. you've watched for two days straight, luffy yelling either to the gentle giant's face (which is still quite a distance from the ground), or attempting to scale the walls of katakuri's home. neither of those particularly difficult for the rubber boy, considering the house slash castle itself seems to be basically falling apart.
you wait. nami often sits by your side, either grouching about the time, plotting your captain's demise, or napping on your shoulder. chopper and brook have taken to an almost betting ring of sorts, getting the remaining residents of komugi island to guess whether their leader will stay or go. so far, the odds aren't in luffy's favour. as usual, you might add.
at the end of their fourth extra night, luffy returns to the sunny. he looks a little downtrodden, yawning, but has somehow gotten a hold of a handful of mochi. "i think katakuri was trying to kill me again, but he lost. the food he makes is really yummy though, shishishi!"
with a sigh of your own, you offer, "let me talk to him, i have an idea."
"you do?" luffy replies, mouth full of sweets, "go ahead!"
"call if you need anything!" chopper chimes in.
nami only shakes her head. "if you don't come back, we'll assume you got trampled to death or something. so don't do that please."
"don't even worry about it, i'm basically a pro social hustler," you tell them, and begin the walk to the castle.
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"so you are not a bard, or a songstress, or a very small jester. your presence here confuses me, you did not seem like someone who would ever become a pirate," katakuri tells you, his tone as solemn as ever.
"is this a roundabout way of saying i don't have any talents?" you mock-gasp with flair, "oh you wound me so!"
he stares at you wordlessly. okay, it looks like jokes are off the table.
"but you missed me right?" you try instead, putting on your biggest smile. "you missed me so bad, must be why you look so grumpy all the time."
"is your captain aware of..." he pauses, considers, "does the strawhat know of your past?"
"sort of?" you shrug your shoulders, shifting forward to adjust like you aren't already lying on one of his legs (truly the world's largest couch). "there was never exactly a good time to bring it up, ya know? like how was i supposed to say 'uh hey guys, i used to work here as the world's worst gardener before i got fired'."
"hm, that does seem difficult," katakuri nods. "i could not tell how much they knew, but you are lucky that none of my siblings happened to remember you well enough to say anything."
"small blessings for sure," you do your best to contain a laugh, however the echoing chambers of an empty castle only make it louder. "anyways, cut the bullshit. you're gonna come with me, right?"
his neutral expression shifts into something like a frown, and yet you can tell he isn't exactly angry at your presumptuousness either. "i would like to accompany you. but my duties to my... mother and the family take precedence."
"and if you left, she'd send the whole gang after you."
he sighs again. "yes, that is the most probable outcome. and i would not wish to put the strawhat crew in danger."
"that's charming," you reply, "but also really stupid. and i know you aren't a dummy, right? you've been hanging around this dreary archipelago for your whole life! don't you want to, i don't know, do something? go on an adventure?"
he doesn't respond immediately, but a large hand clumsily pats your head with his pointer finger. you grin, knowing victory must be in sight. "your totally evil mom doesn't even leave her place that often, so she won't even notice that you're gone! and tell me right now that you don't think luffy would be chomping at the bit to fight her again? be serious, mochi-mochi."
all of a sudden the ground shifts under you, and you make an embarrassing yelp as you're dragged up and up and up. katakuri holds your body by the back of your shirt, and you're only partially worried that he could drop you. death by splat on marble floor isn't appealing in the slightest. you're suspended by a shirt pinched between fingers as he squints slightly, as though looking for a secret in your expression.
"fine," he eventually says, "i will go. but if something goes wrong, do not say i didn't warn you."
"ah, you're bringing me back to old times!" you hum, making a familiar grabby hand motion for him to drop you on his shoulder. "except i think uh, the last time you warned me-"
"you got fired, yes," he says amicably, but acquiesces to your request. "left or right?"
"right! i wanna look like a really mean parrot, mr. pirate," you exclaim, laughing as he drops you gently where you'd asked. feeling mischievous, you press a kiss against his neck and watch as his face goes pink. "we should probably go make sure that you won't sink the sunny, though!"
"... and you somehow did not think to check something like that before?"
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anitalianfrie · 4 months
I am begging you to translate this: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7eN1flsqvO/?igsh=Y3R5MGFuMWdiZzNr
(It is several minutes long though and will probably be a huge pain so no pressure!)
sure! here's the link . I recommend watching the video while you read this bc the volg is cut really weird, there's not one long conversation and what happens in the video is pretty useful to understand what's going on in the translation. unfortunately i wasn't able to translate some bits, but i tried my best
as always, my comments/specifications are in between []
Mig: hello everyone, I've arrived at bez's house. Cele's not here yet
Mig: hey
Bez: sium
Mig: I couldn't not start a video like this, could i?
Bez: with the plane
Mig: with the plane. it gives it the look of a vlog, doesn't it? We're waiting for Cele
Bez: the excruciating wait
Cele: I'm at the roundabout, the one with the car dealers
Bez: what car dealer bro?
Cele: ehhhh, the ones that-
mig: what kind of question is that
Cele: i don't know, anyways i'm here, two minutes and i'm there
Bez: okay, okay
Mig: two minutes like those before, or two real minutes?
Bez: sorry, but what car does he have?
Cele: the Cupra
Bez: yes, here he is, here he is
Mig: listen to him
Mig: tac!
Mig: in the end, [something i don't get]
Bez: we're ready
Cele: the boots for Mugello, because I go to Mugello. With stile.
Mig: well, it's not like those boots are super new. Understandable. you- why-
Bez: one different from the other
Mig: one different from the other
Cele: obviously. I even have another pair even more broken
Mig: but the backpack is the right one
Cele: yes [something i don't get]
Mig: well i mean, we stay away the night but, whatever. everybody- this pair [of boots] is in a bit of a better state than the other one
Cele: yes. better. [cele shows the boot to the camera]
Mig: this one is perfect
Cele: nooo
Mig: two left boots
Bez: but the others are left and right
Cele: yes, I know, but-
Mig: what shoe size do you wear?
Cele: but what if I slip on the left?
Mig: what's your shoe size bro?
Cele: 40, 41, 42
Mig: You can borrow mine
[here's the song they were listening to in the car]
Franky: Marco
Bez: Franky! how is it?
Franky: everything's okay
Mig: hi Chicco! [chicco is usually the nickname given to people named federico. knowing mig this is a reference of some sort i'm not able to place]
Bez: yes, we were doing a round fo calls, we wanted to know how you were
Franky: everythings alright
Franky: there's also Celestino, what is he doing
Cele: hi Franco
Franky: what is he doing?
BEz: he's here, he's here
Mig: hi Franco!
Franky: hi Celes!
Cele: hi!
[i assume bez's laugh here is bc franco is completely ignoring mig wich. hilarious to me]
Franco: hi!
[second song they were listening to. yes it's calcutta i almost couldn't believe my ears]
mig: we're here. one hour and- almost two hours later
Bez: ohi where are you?
Pecco: at the hotel
Bez: in hotel?
Pecco: have you arrived yet?
Bez: ah so you've arrived before us
Pecco: well, obviously
Mig: we're here
Bez: we've arrived just now
Pecco: ok, then now we'll go downstairs, let's meet in the lobby at eight. which is now.
Bez: we're here now, now we park
Mig: i would do the check in, and then we go back downstairs
Mig: here they are, here they are
Mig: it's like in shining
Cele: we can go to misano directly tomorrow
Pecco: if we go back in time, we go
Mig: hello everyone, ehhh we're ready we've woken up and now we go to the circuit, we go to the others
Mig: now, where are our champions? Let's go see near the car. oh, here they are
Mig: Come on! Good morning! Let's go, come on! and sbam!
Mig: you do the greeting, this is the classical greeting when you arrive at the circuit, you rise your hand
Guy: - because we were thinking of putting down the names of singers, or-
Cami: the name on the transponder is the name of a singer
Pecco: for me either Steve Taylor or Francesco Renga. Now i have to decide
Franco: good morning
Mig: ehhh, what's the theme? Singers or bands, or like is it the same...
Guy: singers
Mig: my denstist will be proud of me. Shoutout to Doctor Bausi, he's the number one. Super important [something i don't get bc of the toothbrush]
Bez: you cut three, four tens of a second each lap
[all the conversations in the box were either very difficult to hear or with too little context to make them translatable (or even useful to translate) sorry]
Mig: well guys, this is all, from the track, now the return trip awaits us
Mig: that's true, we stayed on the phone the whole time, but now we're here.
Bez: yeah
Mig: bye. we're here, and nothing else. we go home, it was amazing, and... do you have something to declare to end this- here there's a knee slider by the way, i guess it's vietti's... is it yours?
Bez: i declare that.. this return trip has been one of the greatest trip of all time, with a group phone call of...
Mig: one hour and fifteen
Bez: one hour and fifteen
Mig: since before Bologna
Bez: we never felt alone, we felt cuddled by our friends
Cele: we never felt this close
Mig: there's a spider, it doesn't open
Bez: can i say it now? you didn't do as you- what is that, what rug is that?
Mig: it's nice isn't it
Bez: where did you stole it from?
Mig: i bought it. I bought it from Toriani, a carpet- from Toriani Tavullia's hardware store, a rug with the sun and the moon, for a step, this a step rug
Mig: bye everyone, it's been great
Cele: thank you [while hugging bez]
Mig: it's been a pleasure
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yzeltia · 5 months
Closer to You
Chapter 3 Characters: Natsu Obinata, Violet Fisher, @driftward 's Nyx Blackmoon, U'odh Nuhn, U'rahn Nuhn, L'lolamo Lolomori, U'rahn Tia Rating: T for Nuhn Notes: cw Asphyxiation, cw mammet abuse
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Natsu’s soul sunk into her belly as she soared through the air on Violet's dirt bike. Even with a helmet and assurances of having an aetheric barrier of protection it did little to assuage the uneasiness that came with 200 lbs of Garlean metal between their legs bounding over sand dunes.
“If you squeeze me any tighter I'm going to pass out,” Violet warned through her linkpearl, not flinching as she landed and sharply turned to putter down a dip between the high mounds of sand.
“S-sorry,” Natsu said, loosening her grip.
“It's fine. You should worry about yourself too. I don't want you passing out because you grazed me wrong.”
“I'm sorry?”
“You get hit with the Echo by touch and given the way you forget with your gloves, you've got little control over it.”
“Yeah…I'm told that is not conventional. Most apparently have visions of an event, I seem to live it. Where I grew up…it…well…”
“I get it. I can dip into the lifestream…people aren't exactly kind to those who know things they shouldn't. You won't find yourself short of those who can empathize if you continue to stick around the Free Company.”
Natsu tensed up, turning to rest the cheek of her helmet on Violet's back. “I feel I've rather worn out my welcome. Leon…”
“Don't start with that shit. You didn't do anything wrong. You hear me?”
“Look. I can count the people that are close to me on two hands. Leon was one of them. Whatever is going on didn't happen because he decided to play big brother in Y'zel's absence. He was a good guy and would not blame you for his circumstances. You said you felt what he was feeling. Did he even spare you a thought, anger or otherwise?”
Natsu went silent. She didn't like to dwell on her experiences with the Echo, but Violet had a point. She was the least of Leon's concerns. It helped, in a roundabout way.
“Thanks,” Natsu said weakly.
Violet turned her head a little bit to look back at the Au Ra, “I wouldn't thank me yet. I had an ulterior motive for dragging you along.” 
Natsu sat back a bit, looking at Violet before jumping in her seat as news articles flashed into her visor. She yelped as Violet hit the breaks to keep her from falling backward.
“I threw together some Allagan tech and my own to display audio visuals as a means of communication or tuning out to boring conversations.”
Natsu nodded, looking through the articles, the pages seeming to pick up on her attention. Most described catch and release kidnappings by Garlean soldiers. “I don't understand…these people are reporting that they were lightly interrogated and then released unharmed. What does this have to do with me?”
“Possibly nothing, but there's two things that have given me pause. One is that, while not reported, every victim had the Echo.”
Natsu tilted her head, reading through an article again, “How could you know?”
“I didn't at first. Which brings me to the second part. Three victims have not been returned. First a researcher who studies those with the Echo, Patient Heaven, then Archon Mikoto Jinba and the other a nobody in terms of status, Hayzel Summers.Here's the thing though, the latter is the brother-in-law of one of the Free Company's grunt workers. He had asked for help and divulged that they have the Echo as well. So I hit the pavement to get more information.
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“The Archon has the ability to get glimpses of the future rather than look into the past while the other can manifest dreams and nightmares. The others involved had your run of the mill brief headaches with little bites of the past.”
Natsu thought for a moment, “What made you piece all of this together?”
“Boredom, mostly. I've grown accustomed to chaos.”
“And my place in all this?”
Violet didn't answer immediately, rolling through the dunes carefully. “I think you're a potential target, along with myself.”
“Because of our Echo…”
“Exactly,” Violent said crisply before stopping as they neared the walls of the Forgotten Springs, “What's more is that this all coincides with Y'zel's disappearance. Shortly after the abduction of Mikoto and the trickling in of reports he went missing and the database at headquarters was softlocked forcing Gage to beef up security measures. I believe he figured out what was going on and tried to sabotage whoever is looking for Echo users.”
“I don't understand. Why wouldn't he say something?”
Violet pulled off her helmet then shook out her hair. “Most likely to keep himself hidden given his own Echo. Not to mention he is notoriously bad at communication.”
Natsu pulled her helmet free then rubbed on her horns, finding them a bit itchy after being compressed inside the helmet. Violet crossed her arms, leaning on her cycle as she bit her thumb and got lost in thought for a moment before looking to the gate. “All of it feels connected…but the why eludes me. No reason to worry about it now anyway. Let's go see what had our favorite automaton fly this way.”
“Are they not a Miqo'te?” Natsu asked.
“I am not a Miqo'te,” a monotone voice came from behind.
Natsu jumped then turned around to find Nyx staring at her. Nervously she took a step back, feeling as if she were being assessed by their vacant stare. 
“Rahn has been harmed by an unknown assailant claiming to be me. The Drake clan has conflicting stories about traffic to and from his home. U-Rahn Tia has been damaged and cannot give an unbiased report. There is an urgent need to perform corrective violence. Possibly to the point of extermination of the threat.”
Violet was taken aback at the news, “Someone hurt him? Physically?”
“Yes. Rahn is not invulnerable. He can be poisoned, drowned, starved-”
“Maybe we don't list all the ways you've calculated to kill your boyfriend and just tell us what happened.”
“Understood. Asphyxiation.”
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Natsu let out a little gasp in shock, though Nyx looked on unphased. The Hyur simply nodded then turned to lead them back into the village where Drake huntresses gathered around a singular house, well armed and looking worried. As Natsu looked back to see if Nyx was following, she found them just as suddenly absent.
Natsu soon found herself in U'rahn's small house. The Nuhn was laid out on a bed with a damaged Miqo'te mammet under his arm. He was propped up against a Miqo'te woman who had his similar sandy hair as he slept soundly while in her arms. U’rahn’s breathing was shallow and pained. A large plum colored bruise covered his neck.
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“Shit,” Violet breathed out before looking up to the older Miqo'te. “Nyx said you don't know who did this? Are you certain this wasn't a Tia scuffle and the ladies are just covering it up? I don't see the guys around.”
The man rubbed his beard and shook his head, “Khuba and Thyka are scouting the area for trrraces of the assailant. I'm not optimistic. No one can agrrree on a damn thing.”
“I'm sure we'll figure out who hurt your son, U'odh,” Violet said, giving the Au Ra a glance.
Natsu quickly averted her gaze and began to fidget with her gloves. She began to look around quietly taking in the room to avoid the Hyur’s knowing gaze as they talked with U'rahn's father. 
The room was fairly organized with just two beds, a kitchenette, and small dining area. Faded posters of bomball players and teams were slapped across the wall along with a bunch of newer pictures of friends and family. Many featured him squished together in a frame with Nyx. Books were stacked up next to his bed, most on prenatal and child care, the Nuhn seeming to be expecting his first. And then of course a pile of clothes and adventuring gear. “Um…where did it happen,” Natsu asked.
U’odh turned, “In here. We found him on the ground with Lolamo nearby.”
“Did you clean up then?”
Violet quickly spun her head, “Shit. You're right, Natsu! U'rahn isn't exactly the most perceptive of his surroundings. If there was a fight there'd have been signs.”
U’odh shook his head and looked to his son and wife, “Only the mammet and U'rahn seemed harmed. There was also an iron skillet on the floorrr. Aside from that, nothing was amiss.”
The Hyur moved to the bed, reaching for the mammet before having her hand intercepted by Nyx. “You will not touch U-Rahn Tia. I will start on repairs after I have finished assessing the threat.”
Violet held her hands up defensively as Nyx backed away with U’rahn Tia, placing the mammett on the counter in the kitchenette. Natsu squirmed where she stood, feeling more and more on the spot, knowing well she could simply get their answers with a touch. Carefully she pulled her glove from her hand and walked toward the bed.
“Obinata,” Nyx’s voice sounded by her horn, “Your experience will be unpleasant if you proceed with your course of action.”
Natsu jumped, startled by Nyx’s swift interception, “H-How did you-” “Observation.”
“R-Right,” the Au Ra said before looking down at her hands, “But…I think I’m the only one that will take the guesswork out of what happened.”
“Understood. You may touch Rahn. I shall standby to pull you away should you express discomfort,” Nyx said, moving to stand stiffly at the side of the bed. 
“Thank you,” Natsu said before sitting beside the sleeping pair before carefully putting her hand on U’rahn’s bicep.
Her thoughts were scattered. One minute she was worrying about her huntress having enough broccoli to wondering what Jannie was getting up to with her wedding plans before starting to feel anxious about asking Nyx to marry her. No thought stayed too long though. 
Shje sighed, looking to her mom in the next bed wondering if she was ever going to recover and wake from her sleep. 
“Father. Not Not Mother is here,” U'rahn Tia chirped from beside his bed.
“No no buddy. Heck you're getting worse. Just say Mother. Not, Not Mother…er, Not Not Not Mother,” he said, scratching his  chin, fumbling on the words before perking up as Nyx let themself in, “Hey Hey! I've been good and staying put like you asked. Did they tell you U’goromuli is officially with child! I'm gonna be a dad!”
“Yes, Rahn,” Nyx said, attention turning to U'rahn Tia as he wandered toward them.
“Not Not Mother,” U'rahn Tia said, pointing up toward Nyx.
Nyx’s eyes narrowed. Natsu felt her heart race as a sense of dread came over them. Nyx didn't squint…or really make any expression. Standing, he quickly put himself between U'rahn Tia and the imposter. “Hey Hey! You know how you were telling me about where you came from the other day but I forgot whether you were from a Seeker tribe or Keeper tribe…or just a Miqo'te from neither.”
Nyx seemed to search his face, “I am just a Miqo'te.”
Her ears perked. This wasn't Nyx. They would never say they were a Miqo'te. Suddenly all their conversations from the past month ran through her mind, thinking on them expressing a dislike for food she'd made as too salty and her ambivalence toward U'rahn Tia aside from the occasional glance. There were times where he'd asked about something they'd said before but could not recall. 
“I'm such an idiot,” she said in disbelief before finding Nyx’s hand tight around his throat and lifting him much higher than they should be able to.
“I was intending on keeping you here until I finished, but if you're intent on getting in the way, Warrior of Light, I will have to put you down,” Nyx’s voice sounded, though filled with a strange frustration she thought impossible.
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She squirmed and tried to kick but the shock of not having air made her quickly weaken in struggle. Her aetheric shield seemed to falter as she panicked , feeling her trachea be collapsed by the hand. Out of the corner of her eye she saw U'rahn Tia come forward and start punching at the imposter’s shin.
“It is herrro time,” the mammet said in his monotone before being kicked and sent into the wall.
Fear flooded Natsu, having never been faced with her own mortality. As she felt herself slipping into unconsciousness a soft familiar voice sounded, “Get…your hand…off my…baby!”
Natsu yelped as she was pulled back into Nyx’s strong arms. Shaking she quickly pushed past everyone to get outside, Violet and Nyx following. As she knelt down to get sick, she felt both pull her bangs back. Once finished, she wiped her face and sniffled as U’odh bought a cool wet cloth for her to clean up with.
���S-Someone who looked like Nyx came. He knew it wasn't them just from a look they gave the mammet and when they were wise to one another they attacked him…I think…I think his mom woke up to save him? He was really confused and relieved right before I felt him start to fade.”
“Talk about mother’s instinct,” Violet said before looking to Nyx, “Any chance you have sisters running around?”
“Extremely unlikely. And they would not match my appearance.”
“Then our mysterious changeling strikes again,” Violet mused.
Natsu shook out her head then stood up. “I should see what I can get with his mom. Maybe they'll see something.”
“Obinata, your heightened emotional state due to experiencing the perception of end of life has caused injury to your physical state. Food and rest is recommended before you make contact with another,” Nyx cautioned in their monotone.
Natsu blinked then held her stomach a moment before giving a little nod. “If you insist.”
“I do not insist. Your wellbeing will do more to help Rahn and find my target.”
“Well, I insist,” Violet interjected, handing Natsu her glove, “Have anything to eat old man?”
U’odh crossed his arms, furrowing his brow a bit. “I will do my best to fix something up. Have U’goromuli find you a room to rest in. She should be in our common building.”
With that the Nuhn turned, leaving the three to themselves, though Nyx seemed to vanish in the time it took for the other two to think to look back for them. Natsu sighed, lightly bumping into Violet as they entered the Forgotten Springs’ commons, letting the Hyur wrap her arm around her in comfort.
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aromantic-diaries · 2 months
Okay, so! Saw the post about being shocked that prom is a real thing, and I have a bit of a long roundabout question.
I am an american aroace who went to prom all of once, and I think the concept is both dumb and overrated. I went because a foreign exchange student in our friend group wanted to go and wanted all of us to come (only two people had dates, the rest of us went in a big gaggle of friends).
Prom was. . Very weird. I had a lot of fun with the pre-prom, where we threw knives and axes and played board games, but at the actual dance, I just sat with two other friends that I strongly suspect are also aspec and we read Goose Girl until we couldn't hear over the music and then played hangman the whole time. I danced the waltz with my brother once (competitve ballroom dancer who actually knew what he was doing), and we all did the chicken dance, and we otherwise sat at a table in the back the whole time. We were very weirded out by the mutliple mosh pits formed and didn't get point of slow dancing if you don't know any dance steps.
I am curious about big traditional romantic events that other cultures/places have and how the aromantic community experienced it differently. Like, there's obviously the whole thinking it is dumb and/or overrated aspect, but did you or anyone you know go to any traditional romantic events and kinda miss the point of the experience and do something you weren't really supposed to instead, like I did?
Sorry this is so long, and sorry if it doesn't make sense, I'm just curious about how this kind of thing worked out for other aros.
We have somewhat of a similar tradition in hungary but it's not quite the same as american prom. It's an event held for the graduating classes every year and the main point is when you and your classmates receive this ribbon that I think is sort of symbolic of you reaching the end of high school and beginning to prepare for adulthood or something, it's a landmark of sorts. Aside from the ribbons there's also speeches given by the teachers and the principal, as well as teachers, every class has to make a video (most were montages of photos and videos from over the years but my class made a short film where everyone said something they remembered from school and we were all filmed from our worst angles) and there is dancing but unlike american prom, it's a performance. There's a waltz where everyone dresses up in fancy clothes, and the class dance which is more modern and each class has to get creative. Both of them are choreographed and are performed in front of your parents, teachers and other loved ones at the event, and though the waltz is done in pairs it is hardly romantic, my class had one pair who were actually a couple. The two trans guys in my grade who were out as trans got to dance as guys but I wasn't so lucky since I'm closeted and had to put my dysphoria aside and wear a dress. I also had to take a bullet for all the girls in my class because I got paired up with the one guy I'm pretty sure nobody wanted to dance with (he's not a bad person, just kind of weird), it was mostly because I was taller than pretty much all the girls and also a lot of the guys in my class and he was among the taller ones. Between the dances there were also musical performances by people from my school to give us time while changing. There's an after party once the event is done which is usually held at some club but before you leave there's some time for the students to dance with their parents, my dad didn't dance with me cause I think he knew I hated this whole ordeal and I'm quite thankful because the cheap fancy-looking shoes I got for the event were hurting my feet like hell.
The preparation for the whole thing was an absolute nightmare, the dance practices were dreadful, acquiring the dress for the waltz was stressful as hell, but it all did come together nicely in the end. Most of the time it's held in winter but ours was much earlier in october so we had much less time to prepare. To tell you the truth I don't think I was quite there mentally when it finally went down, I just spaced out and temporarily got replaced with a pretty girl. My friends didn't even recognize me at first and it's not like I even had a drastic makeover other than putting on a nice dress, the only makeup I had on was colored chapstick. The whole thing feels less like a memory of something that actually happened and more like a weird dream that I know was vivid when I had it but faded into vague details once I woke up.
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ronearoundblindly · 2 months
🍓: Dead character you want to bring back to life
☀️: Kiss/Marry/Kill the last character you wrote, the last character you saw on a post and the last character in your camera roll
😫 These were sooooooo difficult, Elle. WHY!!!! From this ask game.
Natasha Romanoff, which I did not come to lightly. Knee-jerk reaction was Steve Rogers, but if we're saying bringing them back from their canon death? A) Steve would be super-duper old, just saying, and B) then all I'd be doing is bitch slapping him until he died again.
Then I thought Tony Stark because I know the reasons he's dead are good and noble and whatnot, but I miss him and want Morgan to have her dad back.
However, they did my girl Nat dirty, and if the plot gods were ever gonna pull some fantasy magic bullshit to get someone back, it better be her. She stuck to her morals before she died. She made good choices even though they suuuuuucked. She deserves to come back.
Uh oh. I am in trouble with this one.
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Nomad (but specifically Hideout!Steve), Chris Beck (The Martian), and pre-serum!Steve.
What the fuck am I supposed to do with this??? CHOOSE???
I'd rather eat glass, but fine, fine, it's a game. I'll play.
Kiss, Marry, Kill: There's a couple of roundabout arguments to be made here about how Nomad wouldn't exist without skinny!Steve and therefore if--and I'm not saying I would--I killed skinny!Steve it negates whatever I chose Nomad for. There's also the reality that whatever any of their situations are, all of them are in a good bit of danger and might freaking die anyway, but I digress...
I love me a good, practical man, so Chris Beck is way higher up on in this ranking than we might think. And for the record, I am absolutely thinking of this as face-value, the guy actually dies fr fr, no weird shit or cop outs.
Wait, and this is only a KISS? Like I don't even get to fuck another one???? Bullshit. I want a refund.
Damn, I already have one marriage I regret; I ain't gonna for 2-0.
...but it's HIDEOUT!STEVE...y'all don't even comprehend how difficult it is to know where that's going and make this decision. I am dying right now.
Alright, fuck it. Warning, you're not gonna like it, gang.
Here we go:
Kiss: Chris Beck Marry: pre-serum Steve Kill: Hideout!Steve
I am so, so sorry.
I can feel y'all's death glares from here, but my justification is this: Beck never did me wrong. He's just a scientist on his mission, working hard, and making the best with what he's got. Admirable, wonderful, and unavailable because he's in fucking space. Would I love to kiss him? Hell yeah. I'd fuck him too but no one asked. BUT, crucially, I would not be the highest (or even a top) priority in his life, so I can't marry him.
Nomad and/or Hideout!Steve--buddy, pal, would-totally-be-love-of-my-life--your shit is a mess.
You don't know if you even have a future. You're a goddamn fugitive. Even if you weren't a fugitive, you are about to have a whole thing about saving the UNIVERSE, and if that doesn't scream "it's complicated," I sure as shit do not know what does. Bless. You are in limbo, you are not a scientist, you will hardly be around, I love you, but die.
::dodges tomatoes and wrenches hurled at her head::
Skinny Stevie though, dearies, just think about it. This man would be so fucking devoted to you. He'd work so hard. He would take care of himself--at your encouragement, too--and live a long life, just quieter than the other two. That's what I want. After figuring out where my own priorities in love lie, that's what I need.
Thank you for asking!
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goleb · 1 year
Have you ever incorporated or made a Roylore version of what was established in the lost pilot, Wakey Wakey? Or are you not too keen on it in general? I know you’ve already given Roy’s hometown a name!
Anon, I am so sorry it took me until now to respond, I've been meaning to do it so much sooner!! I need you to know how much you've contributed to the publication of various Roylore… well, lore, because it's a lot, and it is APPRECIATED. Seriously, it means so much. Thank you. 🥺😊
Ah, the lost pilot… Unfortunately I've only seen bits of it - as much as I could, considering the it being lost and me living in Poland thus not being able to see it live and all else - so I unfortunately can't obnoxiously overanalyse it frame-by-frame for my own Roylorish purposes, but I can still try to get something for you!
Under readmore because long + rambling, as always.
Alright, well, immediately you got me there XD I'm not too keen on it in general - I mean, Roy's not even really in it! You just can't have the Roylore without Roy. But, ah, seriously now XD
Yes! Roy comes from the city of Craywall. Which means, fun fact, unlike Duck Guy and Red Guy, Roy's not even a Londoner. I mean, Duck Guy's from Clerkenwell, and Red Guy's… probably from there, too, I don't know - I never bothered to ask, but they're like, childhood friends, right? Or at the very least they met long before Roy met either of them. You get my point. [Update: I asked. I was wrong. Red Guy's from South London. Doesn't matter.]
Craywall is a relatively modern city that is currently best known for 1. Roy living in it, and 2. it having a mall that appears to be stuck in the 80s-90s. Well, I'm kidding of course, but I'm also not lying XD The people of Craywall are an even mix of puppets and otherwise, but it's nothing particularly out there. There's also significantly more Craywall citizens than one could reasonably get to know, but Roy still somehow manages to have acquaintances and contacts all over the place. That's just how he is. Makes it a whole lotta easier to accomplish when you've invested in half the city, but you know how it is.
Craywall is… regular sized. If you wanted to lock Craywall down, you'd need a significantly bigger gate. I mean, there's, you know, the usual stuff: a couple more than just a few houses, the previously mentioned mall, the park with the playground and the ice cream stand that Roy and Yellow buried Shrignold in that one time, a couple cafes, several couples of shops, a local university, a school that Roy vehemently refused to send Yellow to for several years…
And speaking of Yellow! You know me. You know I care about Yellow immensely. He is my boy. Roy's boy. Well, our boy. And if anyone were to make him sad on his birthday, I would throw hands so fast. With that said, he cannot have a puppy (also, what the fuck!). He did once have a pet loaf of bread though! It was not sentient - or even alive, actually - and died soon after from a bad case of the mould, and it was promptly buried in the garden, but it was an important lesson on responsibility and the mortality of things for the boy. He does eventually get two pet rats, a male one named Ratty / Roddy, and a female one named Eighteen-Hundred's Industrialist George Cadbury (and yes, that is her full name, and yes, you have to say the whole thing every time). He's very good with them!
Funny thing is, Craywall has an established 'mayor' person. And when I say established, I mean that there is a statue of him in the centre of one of the roundabouts. The head of the statue got knocked off some years back and to this day it remains headless, and is officially recognised as such by the locals, so nobody's willing to do anything about it. Well, he tried to get it fixed once but that was deemed a waste of taxpayers' money that wasn't beneficial enough for the rest of the people in power so it never happened. And nobody even remembers what that guy looked like anymore, but that roundabout is best known as the hotspot for a number of fast food vendors, including Roy's favourite salad place.
Okay. I admit. I find the "Duck Guy is weirdly horny for a bowling ball" thing to be absurdly funny, and I've referenced it a few times (such as in that one old mermaid drawing, which, huh, I completely forgot its May already, I should draw something about that!) so you can safely consider it Roylore canon. Also his interest in politics and his interest in the military all match up, considering everything we know about him. Duck Guy is just Like That. I mean no offence, but I think if you play your cards right and flatter him well enough, you can get him to do a lot of things your way.
I've nothing to say about Red Guy in this, cause he just kinda… walked off. Saved the day. Y'know, this is kinda a reverse Jobs scenario, now that I think about it. You know what I mean?
In regards to Fizzy Milk, all you need to know is that I had this whole thing going on with Dont-Hug-Me-Aesthetics (cheers, btw) back in the day that included me making this:
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so you know! And Yellow going through his teenage rebellion phase is, frankly, adorable - just not under these circumstances.
Am I forgetting anything? AH. Yes.
I always enjoyed the taste of keys.
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akuaya-stories-tl · 3 months
Chapter 1, Episode 2: Tuner
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Fiori: There, it's purified now.
Walking without detours is the best! Does Espada think so too?
Espada: Stop talking and focus on the purification. Keep your guard up or you'll be surrounded by the curse in no time.
Fiori: Al~right. By the way, since how long has this path been sealed off?
Espada: Who knows. It's been a long time since this place is inaccessible after it gets overtaken by the curse.
Fiori: That's true. Cough, cough... Uhh~ So dusty...
We gotta do some thorough cleaning after we're done with the purification. This place is covered with curse and dust...
They said you can ask Familiar to help you clean. They're so convenient ♪
Espada: Don't be spoiled. You don't need Familiar to clean, do it yourself.
You're not a princess but a freeloader in this castle. You know what they say: no work, no play.
Fiori: Espada, you're so mean~ Ordering a princess to clean.
I'll run away before you pick on me more~
Espada: ...! Hey, over there is—!
Curse: Uhh... Oooo—
Fiori: —! Oh, no...!
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Dia: What are you doing. Pay attention.
Fiori: That caught me off guard... Thanks, Prince.
Espada: Forgive me, even though it happens while I was on her side.
Dia: No need to apologize... But the curses within the castle have been more unstable than usual.
A slip of your attention could cost your life. So keep focused.
Espada: Yes, Lord Dia.
Fiori: Prince's right. Okay!
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Fiori: The path split into two. Which one is closer, left or right?
Dia: Right. Let's go.
Espada: But that path is completely blocked by curses. It's still rather dangerous even if you have purification power...
Dia: This is my castle. I don't want to turn around every single time.
We'll charge, using the purification power of course.
Fiori: I vote for the Prince's idea too!
Espada: You're just going to be a bother!
... I understand. Then please trust me as the vanguard.
Dia: Fine with me.
Fiori: Leave the rear-guard to me ♪
Espada: ... I will definitely protect Lord Dia.
Fiori: Hey, what's with that pause just now!
Espada: Nevermind that, just go.
Fiori: Not bad, Espada! You open up the path in one swing.
Espada: If we don't hurry up soon, it'll be covered again by the curses. Please stick closer to me, Lord Dia.
Dia: ...!
Espada: Lord Dia?
Dia: ... Hah.
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Dia: There's a curse hidden in the blind spot.
Espada: I'm sorry for my slip-up. Thank you for covering me.
If we keep this up, we'll safely reach the exit soon.
Fiori: It's great that both of you are looking forward to it, but can you guys look behind and see that there's a bunch of curses following us?
Espada: What...!
Dia: Can you handle it, Fiori? We can't have the curse grow bigger.
Fiori: What do you take me for? Obviously.
Don't underestimate a princess! Haaah!
Over here too!
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Fiori: Huff, huff... Mission complete. How's it over there, Espada?
Espada: Almost all are exterminated thanks to Lord Dia. We'll advance in one go.
Come here quick. Or else we'll leave you here.
Fiori: Wait! Don't leave me here!
Jeez! Can you at least praise me a little?
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Fiori: Huh? Isn't this the front of Prince's room?
So we'll get here sooner if we pass that path. The routes we've been using are so roundabout.
Espada: Indeed. How inconvenient it was.
From now on I can serve hot tea even during cold days for Lord Dia.
Fiori: Espada's brain really only has Prince in it, huh.
Hmm? Wait, does this mean that Sena's room is close to Prince's room?
Espada: Obviously not. We're just merely passing by.
Lord Dia, the empty room is over there...
Dia: ...
Espada: Lord Dia?
Dia: !
What? Espada.
Espada: Is something wrong? You don't look well since a short while ago...
Dia: It's nothing. It's just that I felt a strange sensation around this place—
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Espada: !!
Lord Dia, stay back!
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Espada: Kuh...!
Fiori: What is this curse! Isn't it too big!?
I'll purify it too...!
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Fiori: I can't, it blows me back!
Dia: Us three will do it at the same time. Understand?
Fiori: Uuh...!
Espada: Guh...!
Sena: It's a whole different league compared to what I've seen before. Hold on, let me purify it too—
Spirit of Sagacity: You can't.
Sena: This voice...! What do you mean I can't?
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Spirit of Sagacity: You can't help the Mourners.
Excessive interventions mean that you've deviated from your role as the Tuner. That's why you can't. Got it?
Sena: But...!
Fiori: Damn it...! What's up with this thing!
Espada: Kuh...! Are you alright, Lord Dia!?
Dia: ... Don't mind me. Continue... the purification...!
Sena: —I can't leave them alone to fend for themselves. I need to help them.
Spirit of Sagacity: What a disobedient child. If you keep being unreasonable, you'll die, you know?
Sena: ...!? What do you... mean?
Spirit of Sagacity: You heard me. Keep acting beyond your intended role and your life will be taken.
But, don't worry. I'm on your side.
That's why I gave you an "advice" like this.
Sena: ...
Spirit of Sagacity: So be a good child and keep watching over them. Can you promise me that?
[To Be Continued...]
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I'd love to hear more about the Frost and Fire mcs! And I think you said there was someone who's purple in... One of Copper maybe?
Hello. I'm sorry about this being incredibly late. I have had a Month. But I want to finish doing this before tech week for the show I do tech for at my schools drama club, and that's on Monday, so here I am!
This is Long and I am not sorry.
The purple one's name is Kairon (he/him), and he is indeed from One of Copper. He's part fiend in a very, very roundabout way, in that one of his ancestors was an idiot and made some sort of pact with a fiend (this fiend is the patron of the sister of one of the other MCs in one of copper) and got (some of) his descendants cursed! (so basically a tiefling if you know about D&D) Who actually gets the "curse" is somewhat random but Kairon got it! He's about 21!
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He's a bard! To explain that with pop culture, he's like Jaskier in The Witcher; that one guy who follows Sir Robin the Not-Quite-So-Brave-as-Sir-Lancelot around singing in Monty Python and The Holy Grail; The Goblin King (played by David Bowie) in The Labyrinth; Shakespeare; and a load of others that I can't remember/don't know about.
He's also the only guy on this whole list of OCs in this post that has only one (1) set of pronouns.
I want you to know that they all started out, before this post, with one set of pronouns.
Now everyone (except Kairon) has 2+ sets. This isn't a bad thing, but it was mildly unexpected. Somehow. I probably should've figured that the guys who are half celestial and/or half dragon have weird relationships with gender, but sometimes I am silly and I didn't.
Now, for Frost & Fire's MCs!
Except they're below the cut because this accidentally got super long.
First up, Enna Helder-Kromlin (she/it), aka Marie, also known as the narrator of the story, further known as a dearly beloved Dungeons & Dragons character I played for roughly two and a half years, give or take.
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She's amazing. I love her. Her eyes can also change gold momentarily when she uses her magic or when she uses a very very tiny bit of magic to be over dramatic on purpose. She has wings! And is Approximately 53-61 years old (I think. Timelines are hard).
but only sometimes! she can summon them. or un summon them. I don't know how much you know about dungeons and dragons but if you do--she's a dexterity based level 15 (ish) assimar rouge w/ the thief subclass and sharpshooter feat, only the assimar part is a little homebrew because she's also a half elf originally.
If you don't know anything about d&d, allow me to translate: it's half elf and the other half is an angel celestial thingy which gives it a little bit of magic but not much. Enna is also a thief! (and baker, technically) it uses a bow and arrows (hence the dexterity based part) and is really, really good at what it does. absurdly good.
now for Enna's twin sister, Anne Helder-Kromlin (she/they), aka Anne Jones, aka the only truely competent person with their life together in the whole main cast. She was also a dnd character, though I didn't play her for quite as long as I did Enna.
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She and Enna both got different parts of the clestial magic thing, so while she doesn't have wings she does have more innate magic (no actual halo tho, I just thought it looked cool in the picrew).
In d&d terms she is a half elf assimar homebrew thingy (basically regular half elf but with assimar traits added in) and a level 15 rogue, subclass unclear but possibly swashbuckler or arcane trickster. Charisma and Strength based.
Translation: Anne is a half elf and half angel celestial thingy, same as Enna, and is also a thief. But she is more social based and uses swords rather than a bow.
Anne also runs a thieves guild, called Oleski. Enna is part of this guild!
Now for the backstory of these two:
Where do I even begin? Uh.
Their mother, Jen, was murdered by her brother when the twins (as I shall collectively refer to Enna and Anne henceforth) were very young. Under a year old, probably under 6 months old. They were 40 ish when they found this out.
They were raised by a gnome named Pike! She died! They ran away! Joined a thevies guild when they were 16! The leader of that thieves guild turned out to be their long lost brother! He got murdered by their uncle who really fucking hates them and their mother!
Enna was framed for the murder and went on the run for two decades! (did she over do it a little? yes.) She worked at a bakery during that time!
Then she comes back to the city where her sister has done a shitload of things, the most plot relevant being she went on the run a year ago because of a civil war type thing in the thieves guild and then got kidnapped by a necromancer and shit!
The necromancer does Necromancer Things and tries to blood sacrifice Anne!
She gets stopped!
Other stuff happened! The Twin's aunt is a demon/devil! Their father turned out to be a celestial! The dragon who founded the country has been shapeshifted into human form for the last 700 years and raises orphans whose parents are unknown! he raised their mother and uncle! Enna and Anne are soul bound and that causes Problems! Anne becomes the leader of a thieves guild and gets married! Enna is aro ace as hell and doesn't get married!
I think thats it but it might not be I don't know!
Alright that's that and now for the next two! First up: Anastrannia Galendel (she/they/ze), aka Ana, aka the reason behind my username being what it is. She was also a D&D character!
She is half dragon and half elf! (Hmm. Do I perhaps like elves and have a lot of elven or part elven OCs? Why yes, yes I do!)
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She's half frost dragon! She's also got scales on her arms and back, but you can't see those in the picrew. Also supposed to have snake/dragon like eyes but those weren't an option. Ana is 274!
In D&D terms ze is a wood elf with a mildly homebrewed version of the half dragon template found in the DM's guide. Ze's a strength based gloomstalker ranger (previously a drakewarden ranger), level somewhere around 14-17, I haven't figured out the exact level yet. Ze also has an op sentient magic item who is a sword named Jerry (he/it), but the official magic item is called Dragonslayer.
Translation: Ze's an elf! And one of zir parents is a dragon! A frost dragon, which is a type of dragon that has an ice based breath weapon instead of a fire based breath weapon. The dragons with fire based breath weapons are called fire dragons.
My naming was not particularly creative on that part.
Ana's a ranger! Like Aragorn if you've ever seen/read lord of the rings. Their magic is shadow based, and they can do a whole load of things related to that. They also have a sentient magical sword that they are quite good at stabbing things with. The sword is called Dragonslayer. The name of the guy in the sword is Jerry.
Now for their older (?) brother, Redari Galendel (he/they), aka Ari, aka the most sleep deprived person out of the bunch, which is saying a lot considering that none of them have a decent sleep schedule.
He's also half elf half dragon, and is a sorcerer! He's 298. Redari was also a dnd character, though I only played him for a few weeks before the campaign ended.
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He's got a fashion taste similar to that of my uncle who is a professor of medieval philosophy (why the man got a doctorate in that of all things I shall never understand); that is to say he wears a lot of button downs and sweaters/sweater vests.
In dnd terms they're a wood elf with a slightly homebrewed version of the half dragon template, and a level ~16 shadow sorcerer (previously draconic bloodline sorcerer). they're charisma based and do no understand the meaning of sleep.
Translation: They're half elf and half dragon! They have shadow magic! Which in my world is magic related to Illa, goddess of grief, souls, death, and memories, and her realm, Shadow, the land of the dead. That shadow magic used to be dragon magic, but it changed and shifted into shadow magic for Reasons.
He doesn't understand the meaning of sleep. I feel like I don't need to explain that one. He's very bad at sleeping and at remembering to sleep, which has resulted in his friends and family using magic to make him fall asleep on more than one occasion.
I would put their back story here but it is very much up in the air at the moment, because of late (read: i did this in march but then got horribly distracted so it isn't done completely yet with all the lore) I have revamped the entire story and plot to make more sense and be better and shit.
Still got dragons though! All my WIPs have dragons.
Alright. I think that's it. I am very impressed if you've read this far and if you have any questions I shall be happy to answer them, though they might be a little late because I'm about to get stupidly busy come monday.
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venomade · 4 years
It's probably a combination of consistent sleep deprivation over the past week and the fragile state of the union but there were some aspects of CS S4 I found lackluster and I felt the series finale was incredibly rushed (and as someone who doesn't buy "innate" human natures, I was frustrated with the way the narrative scripted some of Graham and Carmen's choices. I did like that Graham doubled down however, and accepted what he'd done and who he'd chosen to become). But overall it entertained me and I had fun and I have PLENTY of new content to vid with. Every major character had a proper arc and each major relationship was given a satisfying resolution (especially chase and julia wow) with the obvious exception of one being VERY open-ended. I'm just so happy this show exists and I'm glad that overall, Carmen and Shadowsan got what they deserved
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grigori77 · 2 years
CRIT ROLE, Campaign 3 Episode 29
Laura and others: "We love you!" Matt, attempting to start his intro: "... damn you."
Wow. Best promo skit yet. "New guy" comes on and everybody's reactions are priceless. Love how Travis, Ashley and Marisha are LOSING IT, Erika's just GOING WITH IT, and Liam and Laura are just like WHAT??!!! Then there's Taliesin being much more slowburn in his cracking up, it's beautiful. And Matt, who must've been in on it, he's finding it nigh on IMPOSSIBLE to keep a straight face.
Okay ... picking up after the cliffhanger ... this can't be good ...
Wow, Erica is like INSTANT CREEPY ain't she? So Dusk is just giving me chills already ...
Travis! Do not get chummy with Erica over this!
"I am Yu. Yu is me." Wow, she really just quoted Rush Hour 2, didn't she?
I'm sorry, this is supposed to be a really tense moment and Sam's sitting there in ... THAT. I CANNOT take this seriously.
FEARNE IS RUIDUS BORN!!! And she got STABBY!!! Roll initiative!
Oooooooh ... another sweet battle map.
Ashley Nat 1s. Naturally. True to form.
Orym don't give no shit bout attunement, he's a badass regardless.
Blood Maladict? Oooh, what's that? It's something Travis ain't levelled up for yet, that's what it is.
Nice. Yu literally RAGDOLLED out of that hit.
"Would you have believed me?" "Probably." "Well, that's a shame. My bad."
Laudna's very stressed out.
Yu turns into Imogen. Laudna: "I DON'T LIKE THAT!!!"
Hexblade's Curse? OH SHIT!!!
Imogen: "I'm gonna cast detect thoughts on Yu." Is it going to be Magic Roundabout on a loop again?
Wow, this is a LONG whisper ...
Laura: "Aaaaaaaah!" Matt: "Start with your action." Laura: "That was my action!"
Bead of Imprisonment: "Buh-bye, bitches!"
Travis tries to make peace. LITERALLY. With peace signs. Marisha, cracking up: "I am not a crook."
Orym stabs Yu. FCG heals her for 5 hit-points. The group: loses it.
Ruidus really is TROUBLE isn't it?
Pariah is the word ...
Fearne can't help it, she's a klepto.
Yeah, seriously, don't look in the mirror.
Gods ... Birdie really is on the bad side in this, isn't she? This is not good.
Or is it more which is the lesser evil?
Chetney: "It gets hairy - AWOO - in a month."
They know about Fearne. Yu, you Lando.
Fearne: "She's trying to get into my head. It's like Play-Doh up there."
Laudna: "I do have a lady living in my head and she sounds a lot like you." Yu: "Why, does she have the same accent?"
Fearne's grandma and the Nightmare King ... ew ...
Blow up the moons ... Laudna: "But that would throw off the ecology of Exandria." Chetney: "Nah, I don't think k it would have much of an effect actually."
Yu: "Why don't I give my first report now?" Liam: "Stab." Travis/Sam: "Heal."
FCG looks through the lens. IKEA catalogue.
All right, hands up who wants to BLOW UP THE MOON?
Yu: "Here's the thing, though ..." Chetney: "Shit."
The Great Wapner ...
Yu: "I'll find you, and you won't always know it's me." Laudna: "Gasp! Have we met you before?" FCG: "Are you Dorian?"
Bye bye, Erika.
Birdie! Like mother like daughter. Klepto runs in the family.
Erika: "What was your plan?" Marisha: "Uh ... well now it's to take a nap."
The demonic whispers from Laudna's messaging is getting worse. I love it.
Hondir: "Are you fucking me?"
Orym: "Why did you just slap Imogen?" Chetney: "I just didn't want her to destroy everything." Imogen: "What the hell?" Orym: "Use your words, Chet."
Oh shit, the bomb. Orym: "D'you want to send Joe a note, or ..." Matt: "You hear a bassy ... um, no."
Hondir: "You know the Verity?" Orym: "We don't know much." The group, singing: "Don't know much ..."
Chalk up another keyleth name check, then.
Fearne Calloway origin story ...
The Moontide's Crown ... yeah, that's not like ... foreboding at all.
Whoa ... is Ruidus like, I dunno, some kinda GOD? Should we be worried?
Ruidus WAS NOT THERE during the Founding? There are TWO FORGOTTEN GODS in the Pantheon?
"DM recap! How do we know Planewalker Ryn?"
OH FUCK!!! Imogen's mum is a BIG DEAL in this story!
"This is a lot. This IS a lot."
Laudna: "You can't be everywhere at once." Chetney: "You don't know that. I'm hundreds of years old."
Laudna: "We have a black hole we can put you. For like ten minutes at a time." Imogen: "It might kill you." Hondir: "I think I'm good."
YES!!! Go back to A Taste of Tal'dorei! You know you want to.
Fearne hugs her mother. And picks her pockets. And vice versa.
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xoxo-bunnydumpling · 2 years
The coworker that doesn't like me told me I'm not allowed to eat my lunch until lunchtime (my lunch hour is at one) but it's 10am and I'm starving so I told her to get wrecked.
"Get...wrecked. We can eat whenever we want if it's not busy. I can, you can...it's almost like we're adults that don't really need to be micromanaged. It's not busy and I wanna eat so...I'm gonna."
I like fucking with her now. Because I'm petty and because Eli is the most easygoing boss these people have ever had and the fact that she wants to make him less so is just...annoying.
Front desk is steps away from the office, so she does a pointed, and frankly very extra, roundabout on me and flings the door open.
"Oh hey...come on in I guess?" (Literally the ONLY pet peeve he has is about at least knocking before barging into his office). She leaves the door open so I can hear her complain about me.
I don't wear makeup.
I don't dress nice enough.
I use the bathroom too much.
I don't even have a degree.
You can't just hire your wife, can you?
I told her to get wrecked.
And and and...I eat when it's not lunch time.
I hear his chair creak back. "It wasn't very nice of her to say that and I will talk to her about it. We always want to be respectful to each other, of course. Anything else?"
"Will you address my other concerns with her?"
"Why not?"
"Those aren't really your concerns to have. They have nothing to do with you and are not against policy at all. You are also free to use the bathroom or eat your lunch whenever you would like to."
"But she's in there a lot...and she is always eating."
His chair creaks again. "Look...let me just level with you. I can't tell a pregnant employee that she can't pee. That's definitely in the rules." Ohhhh noooo. He's just made a hell of a slip and caught it because he starts talking VERY FAST. "Also, I refuse to tell any of you that you can't pee whenever you want because that's just...weird and controlling and I'm never going to be that guy."
"Eli, honestly do you really think it's appropriate to be your pregnant wife's boss?"
"I'm not her boss. Darren is. I'm just willing to ask her not to tell you to get wrecked as a courtesy to you because you do such good work for me, and have for a long time."
She's not taking the compliment, and demands the district office number. I hear some clicking, and when I lean back to peek in, he's dialing it for her. "I'll give you some privacy, let me know if they need to speak to me directly."
He comes out and shuts the door behind him...surrendering his office to a bitchy old crone. He looks slightly annoyed, and I don't know what else to do but dab. He doesn't smile so I get up and floss. At this point he's waiting to see how many dumb Fortnite dances I can do so I launch into an Orange Justice. That finally gets a smile. "Okay okay...don't break your hip over it."
Some kids have seen me and are now all doing their own very cute and wiggly versions of every dance they know. Eli steps in to checkout. "Sorry for the wait, let's get you rung up...unless you wanna dance first then I can wait until at least 6pm."
Of course they keep going, a little boy coming behind the desk to pull Eli out and attempt to teach him how to floss. He can't do it. He really goes for it though, bless his heart.
Angela reaches around me into the printer tray. "Why did you marry him again?"
"Needed someone to reach the top shelf for me. The struggle is real."
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Ranking Part 5 Antagonists
Luca: His jacket is really cool, I'd buy it 3/10
Polpo: Eh, he serves his purpose well, his stand's cool. i don't think about him much. 4/10
Zucchero: I don't like him as much as Sale, but he's not bad, just not focused on. love the scene where he just stares into the camera and almost crashes his car. 3.5/10
Sale: I love this horrible man. i love his stupid crab hair. i love his awful star pants. 6/10
Formaggio: He's like a guy, i don't think about him much but he's chill 5/10
Illuso: I'm sorry but he sucks.. i will concede that his vest+ponytail combo is. a thing. 5/10
Prosciutto: He's a pretty simple character, basically the ideal gangster, but sometimes something easy is cool! his death scene was.. a lot gorier than i expected. 5.5/10
Pesci: yay it's my pal pesci! jokes aside, i really like his mini-arc and his silly killing fishing pole for a stand :) 8.9/10
Melone: hhhhh... on one hand i like the concept of him? mad scientists are always fun, but i think the added scenes by the anime and things about babyface just ruin it. i do like his design though, it's really dumb. 7.5/10
Ghiaccio: okay.. not to be a la squadra enjoyer but i think ghiaccio is just great. his design being simple but kind of iconic. his rants that do make sense, if in a roundabout way. he's probably the antagonist death i felt saddest about, ESPECIALLY because it was followed by That Scene. 9/10
Risotto Nero: i like him, I think he was one of the strongest characters in part five, and summed up parts of its philosophy. his pants are so dumb. 8/10
Squalo: i love him honestly. he wears a silly headband and has a shark, there is literally nothing wrong with him :) 8/10
Tiziano: honestly the same as squalo but i'm giving an extra half point because talking heads bias er i mean i like his color palette 8.5/10
C**cc*l*t*: die die die i don't even like green day but i think they should be taken away from this lame bitch. at least orin scrivello gets a banger of a song, this bitch has nothing -10/10
Secco: okay. logically i know that secco is nearly as bad as cioccolata. emotionally i like him better because he's insane and i interpret the phone scene as him being happy about being free from cioccolata. go king exploit weirdos for your own safety and comfort also seccotaro real 7/10
Doppio: i like doppio man i don't know what to say.. everybody likes doppio :] 8.5/10
Diavolo: i don't think diavolo was executed as well as he could have been, but he does not actively make me want to punch the screen like dio and kira. instead he just makes me cry and throw up. pathetic. 8.5/10
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ga-yuu · 2 years
Sutokuin/Akihito Main Story Chapter 20
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Chapter 19
-----Part 1-----
Yoritomo: "I see you're doing well, Yoshino."
Yoshino: "We meet again, fox princess."
Yoshino: "Yoritomo-sama and Yoshitsune-sama! What are you guys doing here!?"
In addition to them, Ibuki and Yasuchika-san were also present.
Akihito: "I called you for a meeting."
Akihito: "It's an informal occasion, so you don't have to be so formal. Sit down."
Yoshino: "Y-Yes."
Feeling confused, I sit down.
Yoshino: "It's been a long time, Yoritomo-sama. You too, Yoshitsune-sama."
Yoshino: "Akihito-sama, you should have told me they're coming. I was surprised."
Akihito: "Sorry. I didn't want to make you feel awkward."
Akihito: "It was a lot of last-minute tweaking to see if we could make it happen."
Yoshitsune: "In fact, many times I turned them down."
Yoshitsune: "I don't think anything I discuss with Yoritomo and his Majesty will change my outlook for the future."
Yoritomo: "I also came here to make sure Yoshino was okay, but I didn't particularly want to see any other hang-ups."
Ibuki: "No cooperation at all."
Yasuchika: "No one wants to hear that from you, Ibuki."
Yoshino: "And yet, the meeting was really well organized, albeit unofficially."
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Yoritomo and Yoshitsune: ".............."
(What's wrong?)
I tilted my head when I saw the brothers looking away from each other.
Yoshitsune: "We were lobbied in every way possible, using neighboring countries, until we agreed."
Yoritomo: "They alternated between roundabout harassment and friendly negotiations, to the extent that they were not seen as having an intention to start war."
Yoshino: "Eh?"
Akihito: "Not very personable. I was just trying a bit of diplomacy."
Yoritomo: "You call that diplomacy?"
Yoritomo-sama casts a sharp gaze.
Yoritomo: "I've been trying to get Yoshino to explore the area around the Imperial Court more closely, especially since she was taken, hostage."
Yoritomo: "And I have a question?"
Akihito: "Sure."
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Yoritomo: "Where did you Majesty acquire your political and especially your diplomatic guts and skill?"
-----Part 2-----
Yoritomo: "Where did you Majesty acquire your political and especially your diplomatic guts and skill?"
(You must be very competent since Yoritomo-sama says so)
Yoshitsune: "That was on my mind too."
Yoritomo: "Even though he had a period of government as emperor...."
Yoritomo: "I'm aware that under the House of Representatives, you didn't have the opportunity to show your political skills to that extent."
Akihito: "Hmm. And it took a wide variety of means for me to be 'resurrected' and take real power in the Imperial Court."
Akihito: "I think a lot of it was acquired through practice. And then there were some mentors with bad hobbies."
Following Akihito-sama's gaze, everyone's attention is drawn to a certain man.
Ibuki: "What?"
Akihito: "Seducing and corrupting people....sometimes ruthlessly intimidate them and bend them to their will."
Akihito: "Isn't it useful to have a demon like him around?"
(What Ibuki usually does is a mystery....)
(Sometimes he often wander out of the compound and doesn't come back)
Ibuki: "I'm honoured."
Ibuki: "Without the seed of evil, no flower will bloom. Akihito had the talent to be a villain, to begin with."
Ibuki: "It's certainly interetsing and I've made light work of it, but...."
Yasuchika: "When Ibuki got carried away and even tried to teach him how to play in gambling house and brothels under the guise of social learning...."
Yasuchika: "I threatened to kill him."
Akihito: "That's happened, hasn't it?"
(...I can't imagine Akihito-sama going in and out of places like that at all)
Yoritomo: "----I see."
Yoshitsune: "At a moment's notice, I'm also curious..."
Yoshitsune: "Even unofficially, what was the point of calling us all the way here? Your Majesty"
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Akihito: "Yeah. I'm just trying to look at it---a co-ordinated route."
Yoritomo and Yoshitsune: ".........!"
Even I stared at Akihito-sama's face in surprise.
Yoritomo: "That's a funny joke."
Yoshitsune: "What are you getting at?"
(Yoritomo-sama and Yoshitsune-sama have not believed in them at all)
Yasuchika-san and Ibuki were probably told beforehand and did not seem surprised.
Akihito: "I know I'm to be doubted, but unfortunately I meant it."
Akihito: "It's thanks to Yoshino. It's her who made me think this way."
-----Part 3-----
Akihito: "I know I'm not to be doubted, but unfortunately I meant it."
Akihito: "It's thanks to Yoshino. It's her who made me think this way."
Yoshino: "....!? Me...?"
Our eyes met and I blushed.
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Akihito: "Somewhare along the way, as I interacted with you, I began to explore other possibilities than the one I'm choosing now."
Akihito: "At the same time, I also received recommendations from Yasuchika."
Yasuchika: "I didn't make that drastic of a proposal though."
Yasuchika: "I felt that there might be a way out of the hard-line now, so I just discussed it openly with him."
(Yasuchika-san....you really work for Akihito-sama)
Yoritomo and Yoshitsune: "......."
Both of them then looked at me at the same time.
Yoritomo: "Yoshino, you..."
Yoshino: "Y-Yes!"
Yoritomo: "I've always thought you're a timid, straightforward, and brave woman. But isn't it a bit overkill to seduce his Majesty?"
Yoshino: "Don't blame me! I did nothing!"
Akihito: "Actually you're right. I was the one who got attracted to her."
(Akihito-sama is not helping at all....)
While I was fidgeting, Yoshitsune-sama looks at me with a serious face.
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Yoshitsune: "Does that mean Yoshino is the biggest threat?"
Yoshino: "Of course not!"
----Informal meeting were held on several occasions since then.
Of course, discussions between the three parties with different principles don't always seem to go smoothly...
Nevertheless, Akihito-sama continued to invite them in.
Then one night...
Yoshino: "Thank you for you hard work, Akihito-sama."
Akihito: "....! Yoshino, why are you here at this hour?"
Akihito-sama, who was processing documents in the King's throne, looked slightly surprised.
Yoshino: "Yasuchika-san asked me to. He wanted me to bring you back to your room."
Yoshino: "Ibuki led me here and disappeared again."
(....Sometimes, I almost forget that I'm a hostage)
Akihito: "Yasuchika knew that I cannot refuse you, maybe that's why."
----Part 4----
Akihito: "Yasuchika knew that I cannot refuse you, maybe that's why."
Yoshino: "Yasuchika-san is worried about you. You have been so focused on your work lately."
To consider a co-ordinated line with the Shogunate and the Rebels.
Akihito-sama is said to have a hand in various negotiations, both inside and outside the capital.
Akihito: "Yoshino, why don't we have a little chat before you leave? Have a seat if you want."
Yoshino: "Yes."
When I sat upright in front of Akihito-sama, I looked at him.
Akihito: "I wouldn't mind if you call me behind the bamboo blind like you did the other day."
Don't tease me...
That won't be necessary..
Akihito-sama was the one (+4/+4)
Yoshino: "That was Akihito-sama. You were the one who pulled me in, remember....?"
Akihito: "But you enjoyed it too."
Akihito-sama smiled.
I regained my composure and opened my mouth.
Yoshino: "Also, thank you."
Akihito: "Hm?"
Yoshino: "Akihito-sama had his own path to follow, but he sought a different future for us."
(I'm glad I got the chance to tell you, because it's just the right time)
Akihito: "I'm a little troubled by the thank yous. We're still nowhere near where the talks have landed."
Akihito: "Like Yoritomo and Yoshitsune, I haven't abandoned my ideology."
Akihito: "It doesn't mean I won't end up parting ways and choosing a future that fulfills my wishes again."
Yoshino: "I know....But still, I'm happy."
(It is important to know that we were able to change Akihito-sama, even if only a little)
Looking at me as I tried my best to tell him, Akihito-sama raised his eyebrows a little wistfully.
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Akihito: "----Thank you."
Akihito: "I'm aware that I've been taking it pretty hard on Yasuchika---"
Akihito: "I also want to find out how much I can go."
Akihito: "I only wanted him to be happy, but I dragged him down the path I was going down."
(Yascuhika-san and Akihito-sama are always worried about each other)
I sincerely hope that their awkward bond would be rewarded.
Akihito: "Hey, Yoshino. Don't you want to know my true desire?"
----Part 5----
Akihito: "Hey, Yoshino. Don't you want to know my true desire?"
Yoshino: "----Yes."
I remember the day I last played with Akihito-sama.
(....At that time, I lost because he said 'I love you' out of nowhere and my mind went blank)
Akihito: "As for 'my true desire', we'll talk about that some other time."
Akihito: "I've got a lot to think about at the moment, can you give me some time?"
(A lot of things to think about....could it be..)
I ask him.
Yoshino: "Did you have the idea of a co-ordinated route in mind from then on?"
Akihito: "I really only had it in the back of my mind."
Akihito: "After that, I started planning it in earnest, partly because Yasuchika gave me a push."
(I had no idea about that)
Yoshino: "Akihito-sama, you keep surprising me with your coolness."
I look up at him with a pout and he gives me his beautiful smile.
Akihito: "Don't think it just looks that way to Yoshino."
Akihito: "In fact, it's me who always gets disturbed when I'm with you with you."
Yoshino: "What...?"
Akihito: "You don't have to be suspicious."
Akihito: "What I told you is true. Because of you, I was able to confess for the first time in my life."
Yoshino: "That's....."
I could feel my ears slowly turning red.
(Assuming he meant it.....)
(I wonder what Akihito-sama wants to do with me)
(......Does he not want us to be a couple?)
Until recently we were enemies, so I wasn't allowed to think about such things.
(Huh? But if we could go the cooperative route, the only...barrier we have is Akihito-sama's immortality.)
(...No, it's a ridiculous story because we're too different in status to begin with)
Akihito: "What happened? You're spacing out?"
The moment our eyes meet, my heart pounds.
I stuttered and looked for a topic to talk about.
Yoshino: "Umm..Ah..."
Yoshino: "Yes! Akihito-sama's true desire. Can you tell me now?"
Akihito: "Okay. I'll say it if you want to know."
(I finally get to know what you always wanted....!)
Yoshino: "----Thank you!"
I settled down, got ready, and turned to Akihito-sama.
Akihito: "Then let's start with a review of the relationship between the Imperial Court and the samurai."
Premium Story
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