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wayward-sword · 3 months ago
"Oof... that's not right," Who would've thought that Lyn would find herself bested by drinks, rather than swords. Askrain sure knows how to brew a mean drink. She miiight have been competing with a certain blue oaf who can drink more to which Eliwood had to interfere before the two lose every ounce of sense in this childish banter. Lyndis had excused herself out of the party to go back to her room though her quest to find her proper footing first was not going good as she hoped for. Tripping here and there, she used whatever come across her for support. There was a voice calling for her to slow down and let him help her so she turned around, of course, wobbling still to look at who was it. The person--or the three people who she saw were one, Zechariah. It made her squint so hard to try to figure out how and when did the swordsman had two duplicate brothers. Hey, weird things are happening here in Askr so he might as well have two brothers. "*Hic* H-Heeey... you ...~" foolish grin plastered her lips, Lyn lost her balance for a moment and used the next thing near her and it was none other than Zech, to lay against. "Ooff... I'm not....drunk, okay?" she slurred in her words, her eyes not focusing. "See?" she pushed herself away and tried to take a couple of steps forward but then plops on the wall near her and then she slid down to sit on the ground. "I just need... a little...tinnyyy.....small...break..." the young man had to stay beside her whilst she attempts to get up and move on her own. Seeing him sit besides her, she giggles and throws all her weight against his arm. "I'll be fiiine... geez ... you sound like...Eli--hic....wood.....He keeps lecturing me ...." there was a soft pout to her face. "and you, mister," she turns her head, index pressing against his nose. "You, too ..." there was a moment that pout turns into a grin. "Hehe ... woof woof~ puppy. Does the cute puppy wanna play?" sorry, zech. she's not really aware what she's doing because your cheeks are in danger. She holds his cheeks in her hands and rub them in circular motion. "woof woof~ aren't you-- hic .... hehehe... this is for being a good puppy...keeping me safe now," Lyndis leans and presses a kiss between his eyes. "cute puppies don't have that knot here," her index press against the kiss spot. "Happy woof~"
Like a number of the other summoned heroes, Zech preferred sticking to his own at this little shindig, and he was already a few cups deep by the time Lyn had departed. The little drinking game she played with Hector seemed enjoyable enough, and he almost felt a compulsion to step in, but, as always, that creeping sensation of being the "odd man out" stayed his hand. These were old friends from the same place, who shared the same struggles together before ending up here. Someone like him couldn't really get between all of that.
It was nice to see her enjoying herself all the same. However, seeing her movements bereft of its usual grace and precision, as sloshed as she was, was certainly a matter of no small concern as he took to immediately following after her. When he finally caught up, he squinted as she tried (and failed) to show her coordination as she ended up crashing against the wall.
"Sure, whatever you say," he comments, keeping whatever laughter he had reined in to a small grin as he sat down beside her. Though... It caught him off guard, feeling her practically throw her weight against him like that. He blinks as her finger taps at his nose.
What was even happening right now...?
"...Even now, you won't let me live that do— H-Hey!"
Good thing he was slightly buzzed himself, otherwise it would've probably been a little more uncomfortable as she squished his cheeks together, then started rubbing them.
Dark brows knit together, painting a very displeased expression upon his face as she continued to tease him. And it certainly didn't help his case at all as he loosed a small growl, not that it would dissuade her one bit.
Although he immediately forgets his anger as she leans in. His mind trips over itself for just a moment as her face draws close. What was happening? What was happening? He feels the soft press of her lips against his forehead, and...
What in the world was happening?
His mind was a buzzing mess after that little stunt. Not even a semblance of a coherent thought existed, dulled by his own alcohol intake combined with his utter disbelief with what had just taken place. Sure, he had definitely grown fond of Lyn over time and he admired her greatly, but he never once thought she'd ever...
Was it just because she really did think of him as "just some puppy"?
He really didn't fancy that idea. And, as a result, his first compulsion to place his hands on each side of Lyn's face and pull her head close to his, pressing her forehead to his while forcing her to meet his gaze. There's something a hazy glare within his dark brown eyes – smoldering embers of indignancy muddled by his own, much lessened inebriation.
"Lady Lyndis of Caelin, let's you and me get one thing straight here – as much as you might tease me, I'm no puppy. I'm a man. A maybe... Sorry excuse of a man, but a man all the same. And I got feelings that don't deserve being played around with like this. So if you're gonna go doing something as intimate as putting your lips on me like that..."
What the hell is he doing at this point? Even he isn't sure, but somehow... This situation just seems to compel him in a very specific way. And so it is that he leans in, letting his eyelids fall half-lidded, and practically ghosting his lips to hers. His voice drops to a low whisper then as he pauses briefly.
"...Then don't half-ass it."
And so, Zech presses his lips to hers. He can practically taste the alcohol on her breath as he does so, but... It's certainly not the least bit unpleasant. The little kiss is maintained for a few moments before he leans away, watching her to gauge her reaction.
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dcviated · 4 months ago
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crimmas holiday prompts :: open
send a symbol/prompt for seasonal events
@shajaah sent: ✧ — [Edea] bumps into [Wylan] under mistletoe [✧ edea and wylan hohohoho~
There can be no mistake, this was planned. Wylan had staked the location, planned out which ways Edea may have slipped off, and put together a plan. Remember what we said about not excusing him? Even now, when he's being cute it can't be said to be all in good intentions. Normal people simply kiss the girls they're dating. Could he do that?
Of course not.
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"Whoa there, not in a rush are you, sugarpuff? If you were going any faster you might've knocked me over. Geez, how about we get a room first before you put me on my back." Right. That line wasn't part of the plan. He bites back further comment, lest he scare off his delightful quarry.
She's shushed before she can quip, a finger to her lips, while his thumb jabs upward. From this angle, it's hard to tell if her eyes lit up in excitement, embarrassment, or just... further anger. Either way. Regardless of choice. Before she has time to react, as soon as her gaze settles back on him- Wylan has tipped her chin up.
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"C'mere. I earned this one."
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talesofourworlds · 2 months ago
Senel is seen napping under a tree. What would you? [whoever wants to mess with him haha]
"What the...?"
Should he really have been surprised to find Senel sleeping like a rock under a tree? Probably not. Even so, it was the last thing Moses had expected to see that day. He studied Senel a moment. Looked like the Alliance Marine probably thought it was a cozy spot, right there under that tree, and just kind of dozed off. He knew Senel, though. Waking him up would be interesting.
Fortunately, Moses wasn't intent on waking him up. Not intentionally, anyway. He glanced from Senel to Giet and back again. Giet could be helpful here.
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"Hey, Giet. Go sit next ta Senel for a minute."
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Giet huffed, and he padded over next to Senel. Once he was there, he sat down and looked at Moses as though asking what to do next.
"Good. Now g'head and lick his face."
He watched as Giet did as instructed. Mostly, Moses just was curious to see how the licks would translate into whatever Senel was dreaming about. Or, if Senel woke up straight away, it would still be funny.
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isaaccecilbryant · 4 months ago
Excuse his new little sister to nap soundly on his shoulder. Lucina had been training hard and the tea she drank with Isaac afterwards was good to make her relaxed
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He plans to sit quietly and keep watch so no one disturbs her. Just like Chrom, Lucina pushes herself hard with training and helping others. "Good work today." He whispers, gently pulling her cape to cover her lap like a blanket.
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lunarcry · 22 days ago
"OMG OMG OMG!!! EMUUU~!!!!!!" arms flailing in excitment. She is seeing her favorite idol right in front of her!!!!!!! "I-I-... I LOVE YOUU!!! I love your songs! I love you dances! omg omg can we, erm! Can I take a photo with you???"
Uwah...?! What's this?! Excitement matched by her own, and however happy Emu usually looked was increased tenfold upon meeting Lissa's kindness. A few months ago it had just been her and a broken stage, but now she not only had wonderful friends to perform alongside, but also so many lovely smiles supporting her as much as she wanted to support them. Grandpa, the stage we wanted to protect is making people happy again. "Hehehe! Yes! Let's take one right away!!" she barely has time to turn around, the bodyguard mascot already holding up a camera, and offering to use her phone as well. "Okaaaay! Three, two, one—wonderhoy!!"
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coolrpblog · 1 month ago
*inserts sick victor here*
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"Please stay in bed right now, Victor." Plum pleads softly as she gets the other to lay back on the bed. Even if he was harsh to them in the moment, Plum would stand their ground. "How is you being sick going to help your daughter when she returns?? Lay down and rest. All you will do is make yourself worse and then what? You'd be useless when it comes to helping anyone in a weak and sickened state! So, rest, please... For Elle."
There was no need for Plum to ask for him to rest for her. She wasn't important, just a guest that the other was reluctant to keep around.
Thankfully he finally seemed to give in and lay back down onto his bed. A sigh leaving her now. "I'll... I'll make some soup for you." Was all she said before heading out to go to the kitchen.
It was near an hour before she returned with a tray with the soup as well as a drink for the other. Setting it down on the nightstand, Plum looked to him. "I did follow the recipe, though I deviated slightly because sometimes things like this would be a bit one-note almost. Just save the criticism for once you are done eating, okay?"
This is so late lmao @shajaah
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psychcdelica · 1 month ago
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@shajaah sent: Once Date walks into the house and Hitomi comes to greet him, he offers a red rose. "Happy Valentine's Day ... I am, er not good with these things." yeah but you would spend all your salary in the cabaret huh.
Of course, watching the love of her life enter their humble abode draws the sweetest smile from Hitomi's lips - work must have been well, considering he's home earlier than usual - and ever the romantic with a rose prepared just for her.
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"I've actually prepared something for you, Date -" And with that, she presents her own gift for the detective, chocolate made by her own hand, hopefully, he likes it. "Happy Valentine's Day, thank you for coming back to me."
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phasmascript · 3 months ago
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@shajaah asked: "Why am I doing this? It's not faithful to my character arc." /victor to sync
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"It might be because you have brain damage- idiot. And why are you telling me this? Talking with weird ass adults such as yourself makes me want to gargle bleach. So do me a favor and go die-" Also stay away from Etude-
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flovverworks · 3 months ago
Sage is gonna get a soft kiss on his hand. Zack was not prepared for the drinks the wizards make. It seems that they are way stronger for the ordinary drinks you can get in a tavern. Yes, he is quite tipsy at the moment. "hic Saaaage. wooow~ you're twoooo.... h-ho--hic, how? does that mean--hic, one can come with me home? hnn... we can go around and I can show you the--hic, places ... and...and... hahaha saage you're face is weiiird hehe..."
How many times had it been by now? Moments that felt like they had been taken right out of a novel overflowing ever since they had arrived in this place, and so the Sage's cheeks turns pink again, finding yet another scene difficult to wrap their head around.
(They had feared he'd act like this, a prior warning about not drinking too much before they had to leave the room when it had already seemed like it'd go this way, and upon returning the damage was already done. Was he a lightweight? Or had he been swept along with the atmosphere.)
…dealing with drunk people was a bit...
"Haha... Um...." a small, troubled smile. They had experienced this before, Masaki, you sure you don't wanna drink?, back in university, Hey, you really should try this one, during dinners with their coworkers, This guy's almost out, can you handle it?, at meetings with friends of friends. "Zack, how do you feel about staying the night? There's an empty room you can borrow", even if they were to walk him home that'd just be leaving him alone with a hangover in the morning, and Akira didn't think they'd sleep easy not knowing how he was doing. Besides, Figaro could help if things were really bad... "Here, c'mon, let's go grab some water first", a guiding hand wraps around his arm, carefully motioning for him to come along and subtly waving goodbye to his company. …Still, they didn't think he was going to do something like that.
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wayward-sword · 2 months ago
That exclamation when he lifted her was certainly expected. Honestly, he would have anticipated receiving more of an earful for his daring actions as he carried her along, but, much to his surprise, there was only silence as he continued ferrying her through the darkened halls. Perhaps she was more surprised by the current turn of events than anything else?
Well... It was hard to blame Lyn. He was just as surprised things had gone so far to begin with. One supposes this is what they referred to as "one thing leading to another".
Just what was his intent, he wondered? Yes, it was true, after that little exchange earlier he certainly desired her. There was no denying that much. But he also wasn't the type of man to force his will upon others, especially not when the both of them had some leave of their better senses due to the influence of alcohol like this.
What Zech knew for certain is that he could never forgive himself if he ended up taking advantage of the situation. Lyn deserved better than that. If she didn't want things going too far, all she needed to do was stop him and he would respect her wishes. Either way, it was still in her best interests to be returned to her room. She was in no state to wander the halls as she was right now.
It was... the right thing to do this for her. Things didn't have to escalate any further if she wasn't comfortable with the idea. No matter how much she may have helped to take the lid off of his restraint, he still wouldn't push her towards something she wasn't ready for.
Hell, he wasn't even sure if he was ready for it either.
Thus, he remains almost hyperaware of her reactions, and when she gives the slightest sign for him to stop, he does so. Lyn hardly needs to stir at all for Zech to pick up the intent, gingerly lowering her down until she's set down upon her feet. Even as he attempts to hold her steady, she brushes him aside and before he can even begin to think that maybe this is his sign to stop...
...Her hands claim his, giving him pause. There was an unmistakable firmness to her grip, clearly unwilling to let him go... And an equally obvious trepidation as her hands quaked around his own. It was endearing in its own way, seeing this gentler side of hers, a complete betrayal of the usual confidence he knew her for.
All reserved for him and him alone.
His gaze meets hers with a certain softness, and the slightest raising of brows as he slowly realizes why she stopped him. So much so that the only thing he can muster out initially is a softly spoken, "Oh," as he processes that admission of inexperience. Not that he felt he had a reason to expect any differently... Really, it wasn't even a consideration in his mind.
Zech blinks a few times. What was the right approach here? He could assure her, certainly. He had no problems with that, and even if he couldn't think the words, they felt as though they came to him quite naturally that they could flow off his tongue the moment he opened his mouth. But, as this was a new, and frankly terrifying, experience for her, he didn't want to push her into it if she wasn't completely ready.
Quietly, he takes a breath to steady his own nerves, in and out, his chest visibly rising and falling in one smooth, prolonged motion. Then, he leans down, nearing his face to hers like before. It's such that the distance between them is unmistakably intimate, yet he simply hovers his head close to hers without touching, being mindful of her boundaries despite everything and even this moment.
"Lyn..." He calls to her, his voice barely above a whisper. "Of course I will. We can take things as slow and easy as you need. I want you to be comfortable above all else."
Though he doesn't have much room to move them given her grip, he still attempts to curl his fingers around her digits that hold him so tightly yet uncertainly.
"...Which also means we don't have to do anything you're not ready for. Honestly. If this is all too much, too soon for you, just say so. I... I care about you too much to push myself on you like that. Your first... should be something special."
...Unlike his, he can't help but think bitterly, his digits twitching for a moment at the notion and his lids narrowing in much the same instant before quickly softening once again – an expression he doesn't even realize he just made.
She had never imagined—never in her wildest dreams—that she would kiss someone this boldly.
Yet here she was, pressed against him, her breath stolen by the intensity of their embrace. The more they moved together, the more she craved. His warmth surrounded her, his firm arms caging her in a way that made her heart race. She could feel everything—every taut muscle beneath her fingertips, the steady strength in his hold, the way his lips teased hers with a dangerous allure.
And his eyes. Gods, his eyes.
She had never thought much about such details before, but now they unraveled her. The sharp realization sent a shiver down her spine—how the heat pooling in her stomach grew unbearable, how her fingers twitched with the forbidden urge to trace every inch of his body. There was a voice whispering in the back of her mind, coaxing her, tempting her to explore.
Then it hit her.
The sheer indecency of her thoughts.
Her breath hitched, and warmth flooded her cheeks, burning with a deep, mortified red. Never—never—had she allowed herself to feel this way before. And yet, as she stared into his eyes, her lips tingling from the kiss they just shared, she knew there was no turning back.
When he pulled away, all she could do was struggle to steady her breath. Her chest rose and fell in quick, uneven rhythms, her mind still spinning from the heat of the moment. Then came his words—her room. Her dazed eyes flickered, barely processing the suggestion. To her room? Now?
The meaning behind it eluded her, tangled in the lingering haze of his touch. To do what? Her thoughts scrambled for an answer, but before she could even grasp onto one—
She was lifted.
A sharp gasp escaped her lips as Zechariah effortlessly swept her into his arms, carrying her as if she weighed nothing. Princess style.
"Wha—!" The exclamation barely left her mouth before it was swallowed by the moment. Her hands instinctively clutched at his shirt, seeking some sense of grounding, but as the steady warmth of his chest met her palms, she found herself relaxing against him instead. The solid, rhythmic beat of his heart beneath her fingers was almost… comforting.
Or was it dangerous?
Each steady step Zechariah took down the hallway sent her heart into a wild frenzy, hammering against her ribs like a caged beast. And then—like a light flicking on in her mind—she understood. Going to her room.
Her breath hitched, heat searing her cheeks an even deeper shade of red. He wanted more. More. The realization struck her like a bolt of lightning. I-Intercourse?!
It wasn’t as if she hadn’t been… appreciating him moments ago, undressing him with her gaze, tracing every dip and contour of his body with her hungry thoughts. But now—now—the tables had turned. The intensity in his eyes, the way he carried her with such purpose… it all screamed of intention. He wanted her. Not just in stolen glances or fleeting touches, but in action.
“W-W a i t…” The word barely made it past her lips, weak and shaky, lost beneath the erratic pounding in her chest. One of her hands pressed against her collarbone—chaste, hesitant, a silent plea for pause.
"I..." She swallowed hard. Think. Find the words.
She wasn’t against it—no, that wasn’t it at all. But this was her first. And like any other girl, she wanted it to be… SPECIAL. Not rushed. Not muddled by the intoxicating haze of their passion.
Lyndis stirred in his arms, squirming just enough to signal she wanted down. Would he misunderstand? Would he think she was pulling away from him entirely? No, no. She had to make sure he understood.
The moment her feet touched the ground, she didn’t give him a chance to second-guess. She seized both of his hands in hers, fingers wrapping around them tightly. His warmth, his presence—she clung to it, grounding herself in him rather than retreating.
"It's—um... my f-first…"
For a master swordswoman, her hands trembled. Her grip, so sure and unwavering in battle, was now delicate. Vulnerable. She hesitated, her gaze flickering away in shyness before she forced herself to meet his—those pretty, dangerous eyes that had ensnared her from the start.
"Will you...take care of me?"
The words came softer than she intended, barely above a whisper. But in them, she poured everything—her trust, her sincerity, her quiet plea for patience.
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wayward-sword · 13 days ago
"Zech! Catch!" Lyn was on top of a tree and as soon she spotted him, she positioned herself and then jumped for him to catch her.
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Zech barely has a moment to look up before a very familiar body starts dropping down towards him. He doesn't even seem to think about it as he already moves to catch her, and the green ponytail that lightly bats him in the face as she lands within his grasp confirms the jumper's identity as he stares down at Lyn. His expression is sheepish and blank at first, but then a small smirk creeps at the corner of his lips.
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"...You know, I'm starting to get the impression that you enjoy being held like this."
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dcviated · 2 months ago
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@shajaah sent: "Hey, sunshine. Mind helping a fella out? Can ya zap that beehive for me real quick?" no, he is not drooling over the myriad of ideas he got for that tasty honey. he can practically taste the sweetness on his lips.
Tharja already knows who it is before she turns her eyes to them. Who else in their right mind would use that nickname for the Dark Mage? Gaius... of course. One seemingly immune to her curses. She has, of course, improved since then.
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"What. What?!" Attention is pivoted upward to the hive, her expression pivoting downward in disappointment. She hugs an arm around her middle, the other pointing indignantly at the swarm of bees. "You have got to be kidding. We've already established you're the skilled pilferer, haven't we? Can't you just... zip up there and get it yourself? Like a really sneaky bear?"
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convxction · 11 months ago
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Walhart: You forget your place, BOY. I am the Conqueror! I will unite the world! Chrom: No! ...I will. And not by FORCING all the people to choose the sword or the knee. Peace will only come by stoking people's hearts...not their fear.
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🇨​🇴​🇳​🇻​🇮​🇨​🇹​🇮​🇴​🇳​: a STRONG belief that is not likely to change, or the strong feeling that your beliefs are RIGHT.
Independent & Selective & canon & *headcanon compliment & **mix between Eng. & Jp portrayal & multi ship & multi verse & oc friendly ♔𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐦 of Fire Emblem: Awakening / 覚醒Kakusei / 13 Roleplay blog. Shepherd by Faty and you can find me also @/shajaah a multi muses blog & l.ove and deepspace mc @/7ayaat
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*headcanon: I have built chrom for years now so he is mostly based on how I interpret some events & dialogues & interactions featuring him or other characters who have mentioned him.
**mix of eng & jp: I do not entertain the idea of chrom being the butt of jokes in the f.e. h.eroes universe or any other eng. localization. don't get me wrong, i love a good humor but only when it does not rib and butcher a muse's character. i add some elements from the japanese lines to compliment my own portrayal of him. you are free to ask me to elaborate more about this. i love to share no worries! that does not mean that all eng lines are crap ok? i stand by the "You deserved better from me than one sword and a world of troubles." best line for chrom and it is the english one. in your face haters.
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the three big rules: ♔have fun & ♔be patient & ♔be respectful & ♔drink water--ah, these are four LOL
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special posts section:
Birthday celebration tag | birthday celebration post
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isaaccecilbryant · 14 days ago
"Isaac, can I ask you something? What does Hope like?" fidgeting in her place.
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Isaac blinked at the question. What did Hope like?
"Ahhh...tea?" He offered without much certainty. He felt bad since Lucina came to him to ask this but...
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"I know Hope is my daughter, but that's in the future for me. I don't know her as well as her actual father does." Seeing Lucina look disappointed hurt though...
"Hmm what I do know about her is she a very kind and considerate person. So if you're wanting to get her a gift, if you genuinely put a lot of thought and care into choosing it, Hope will see that and love it."
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lunarcry · 22 days ago
"NAT-SU-MEEH~ Hyuun~" there come a wobbling cat and jumps at the young man's lap. "I got you this~" spitting dropping a sakura flower on his lap. "Natusme! We should get ready for sakura viewing~ Sake! We need all the sake! and o-dango~"
"Sensei, you can't just..." the complaint and frown upon the cat's sudden actions trails off when the flower comes into view, and with it the memories of painting such delicate blossoms onto the growing, bare tree on his wall returns. He hoped they were happy—that youkai and their friend in the painting. "You're just looking for new reasons to get drunk", and though Takashi sighs, his hand moves to pet him. Regardless of what he says such thing would probably happen, alongside the cat parading as his bodyguard and the youkai he had come to think of as friends. But...there was a few more names he'd like to watch the flowers with, despite the anxious feeling in his stomach. "I wonder if Touko-san would like to go watch them..."
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frutily · 5 years ago
hi !!! just so u know ur header and icon aren’t showing, idk maybe u wanted that way (then i’m sorry shajaah) also ur blog is amazing !! have a good day/night ❤️
hello !! yeah i know i tried to change it but it just wont :( thank u for letting me know!! have a good day/night too 🥰
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