#rosie the hen
saephrond · 2 months
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"— This curious, humble-sized hen, with feathers stained like the twilight sunset and the screams of a legion of Orcs, greets me in gentle purrs and fills my days with a joy that only such a cherished lil clucker can provide.
"Dumpling will attack my face in my sleep when she finds out I've been spending time with her sworn enemy - a chunky bird."
This is another beautiful work of art by @angbands-last-hero / @sewer-princess. Thank you a hundred times. You're spoiling me.
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thatsrightice · 6 months
I just learned that sometimes the replacements would call Crosby and the other more experienced guys on base “old”, like Crosby is called “Old Croz”, And that just confirms for me that Crosby and Rosie are like the unofficial-official parents of the 100th bomb group flyboys.
Crosby is Mom or Ma, not like they’d ever intentionally call him that to his face. It probably started as a joke after one of the many times he blew up on a senior ranking official in defense of one of his boys, but the traits have always been there like:
Sees one of the boys getting sick and just walks up to them and puts a hand on their forehead to feel for a fever. If someone notices their friend is ill, they’ll immediately go get Croz and he’ll persuade them to sit the mission out. In fact, for most issues they’ll go to Croz because he’s smart and (usually) calm and always knows what to do
Knows everyone’s name but sometimes he’ll have to cycle through a couple before he gets the right one. If he’s super tired he’ll just be like: “whatever-your-name-is”
Visits the sick or wounded in the hospital no matter how minor the reason and he won’t shy away from holding their hand while they set bones and stuff. Sometimes he’ll bring a book and quietly read to a them
Works tirelessly planning the safest routes possible and briefs the navigators and bombardiers as thoroughly as he can
Rosie is obviously Dad, they probably call him Pa or Pops.
He’s the fun parent, leaving Croz to do a lot of the parenting. He just finds it hard to stay mad at them and often times lets them get away with nothing more than a warning
Where some of the guys in Group Ops try to distance themselves and not get too attached he fully commits himself to earning their trust. He wants to make sure they trust him both on the ground and in the air so that he knows they’ll follow him if he needs to make any last-minute decisions in the air
When one of the boys comes up to him asking for help shaving because they’d never had to back home, he gladly teaches them.
He is always telling reminding them to make good choices and it helps decrease accidents on base, just a little, because no one wants to disappoint him
Rosie is there by their side for just about every mission, especially the particularly difficult ones. Crosby will sometimes fly too, but if he’s not you can be assured that he’ll always be standing there on the control tower balcony anxiously waiting for his boys to return.
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revvethasmythh · 7 months
live footage of me doing combat on tactician difficulty
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eddiewithcat · 1 year
who wants to join me in thinking the reason buck was mr grumpy pants (before they even brought up the fact he died btw- man was just a little grumpy guy the whole time 😭) is because the first person they saw when eddie opened the door was rosie … so buck just automatically assumed that there was something going on with her and eddie and so he’s upset and jealous
(btw rosie is a lesbian to me and she is so lovely so Not a word about her please and thank you).
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shotmrmiller · 9 months
You don't need anyone else but us.
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TW: implied dub-con, drug usage.
Pairing: Simon 'Ghost' Riley & Johnny 'Soap' MacTavish x F!Reader
WC: 1.1K
A/N: Im biting my knuckles at the idea of you going on a date with this guy at some restaurant, and the bum slips some aphrodisiac into your drink :)
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It started small, with symptoms so faint they were barely discernible. Fanning yourself with your hand, you hoped to keep the beads of sweat forming at the nape of your neck from ruining your perfectly coiffed hair. 
“Is it just me or is it hot in here?” you asked your date with a flustered, timid smile. 
“No, I feel fine, but you do look a bit rosy. You alright?” As you give him a reassuring nod, a striking hum passes through your body, like a raindrop rippling still water, and every wave shoots arousal straight to your core. 
He reached across the table to grasp at your wrist, bringing you closer to him so he could press a cool hand to your burning forehead. “You’re burning up, sweets. Maybe it’s time we take you home, hm?” You try to stammer out a response, but fire is pooling in your belly, making it hard to think. He quickly raises his hand, and gestures for the tab, then changes seats to be right next to you. “I’ve got you.” The fabric of his long sleeve grazes your uncovered back as he pulls you flush against him with his arm, and every shift of it scrapes at your nerve endings.
The pants that escape your mouth sound deafening in your ears, every twitch of your muscles amplified. It hurts, and even then, the edges of that pain are blurring, twisting into scalding pleasure. Your cheek feels the vibrations of his voice as your head rests in the hollow of his throat, and with the last of your lucidity, you catch the tail end of the conversation between your date and the server.
“— she’s had too much to drink, I’m afraid,” and through fogging vision, you observe as he hands the server the two wine glasses, remnants of red liquid at the bottom— but he had finished his wine and the rest of yours. “Have a good evening.”
He moves to get up, scooping you in his arms, and you’re powerless in your vulnerable state, body listless against his, like a puppet whose strings have been cut. Before you know it, you’re being practically carried out the door, frosty air nipping at your feverish skin. Your date bends his legs to hook his arm under your knees, and with a grunt, picks you up in a cradle carry. Head lulling on his chest, a pathetic whimper slips past your lips at the smell of him and his cologne that you had formally thought was overpowering.
“I know, sweets. We’re going to my flat, and I’ll take good care of you there.” But as he approaches his car, you’re abruptly wrenched from his arms, an unmistakable voice speaks up, tone harsh, severe. 
“She’s not goin’ anywhere with you.” Simon?
Simon gently lowers you onto your wobbly legs, allowing you to steady yourself against the car. The freezing surface of it stings, a raw sensation surges through your body, and a sibilant hiss escapes your mouth. 
Simon steps away, and Johnny takes his place, cupping your face. You let out a soft moan at the contrast of his chilly hands on your burning skin. “Hey,” he softly says, “you a’right?” Your peripheral vision catches a flurry of quick movements, making you instinctively turn your head, but Johnny’s hands exert a gentle force, keeping your head locked in position, fixated on him.
“Eyes on me, bonnie.” Johnny’s hands lower, trailing down to your neck, cool fingers enveloping your throat, and this time, you mewl. Loudly. “Och, I ken, i ken. We’ll be home in no time, hm? Simon’s just takin’ out the trash.” 
Johnny’s thumb traces soothing circles against your fluttering pulse, and you whine when you imagine those circles being drawn on your throbbing clit, how euphoric it would feel. Maybe it would assuage the liquid fire in your veins— satiate the need to be filled, stretched.
“A’right hen, we’re takin’ ye to my house, gotta keep an eye on ye.” Johnny lifts you into a side carry, effortlessly, as if you weighed nothing. “It’ll be over soon.” God, you hoped so.
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Placing you on his bed, Johnny takes off your heels and sits by your side, holding your hand in his. “How ye doin’?” Blinking, you thickly swallow and realize that your mind is clearer than it was at the restaurant. “Better, I think.” 
Johnny hums, and turns to Simon. “Can ye get her a glass o’ water?” Simon looks at you, then flicks his gaze to Johnny, and slowly dips his head, before pivoting to leave. “Just rest, hen, I think that dunderheid spiked yer drink. I told ye he was nae good, but nae, the lass is grown, she can make her own decisions, hm?” Johnny reaches out to caress your sweaty forehead and drags his roughened knuckles across your cheekbone. 
With a gentle touch, you reach up and firmly press his hand against your cheek, nuzzling it, and holding his gaze. “I’m too dependent on you,” and Simon walks in, a glass of water in hand, and your eyes shift towards him, “the both of you. One day, you’ll both move on, and,” your voice trembles, choked with emotion, as tears gather in your eyes, “I’ll be left behind and—” Simon’s deep timbre voice cuts off your outburst with a stern tone. 
“Enough.” Johnny gives Simon a reprimanding look, and takes the glass, handing it to you. 
“What Simon means t’say, is that yer haverin’, hen. Go on, drink yer water. All of it, gotta rehydrate, a’right?” As you knocked back the cup, you remained oblivious to them sharing a meaningful look, and Simon giving an imperceivable nod, one that Johnny reciprocated. 
Carefully setting down the glass on the nightstand, you get cozy under the covers, breathing in his comforting scent, eyes sliding shut. Johnny pats your leg once and whispers, “Get some rest, hen. We’ll be outside, call if ye need anythin’.” A sluggish tip of your head is his only response, and without a sound, the two men exit the room.
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Johnny casually rests his weight on the kitchen island, absentmindedly scratching his arm. “How’d ye get that bawbag to use the drug?” Simon shrugs nonchalantly, and says, “A little persuasion.” Johnny hums low, and after a pause, questions, “And how long will it take fer the drug in the water to take effect?” 
“I gave her room temperature water,” Simon chuckles, “I say 5 minutes, give o’ take.” 
In a matter of moments, the distinct sound of your high-pitched keens and mewls reached their ears, causing them to exchange a knowing look.“Heads er tails?” Johnny asks, his eyes gleaming mischievously. Simon removes his mask, running his fingers through his tousled hair, and states, “Tails and the winner gets to come in her first.” 
They shake on it. 
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A/N: i was told to make a pt.II by my moot @rookiesbookies so I GUESS I WILL. set under the cbf! johnny x ghost au.
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folkloreandfable · 2 days
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Pairing: Jacaerys Velaryon x f!reader, Tags: Fluff Warnings: childbirth Synopsis: Just wholesome family fluff, no plot. A/N: I kept it very short.
The waning cresent rose high above clouds to cast silvery gleams into the Red Keep. As calm as the night may be, the princess’s chambers were certainly not. Sweat beaded on her forehead as she tried taking the steady breaths the midwife instructed. It was a grave matter indeed, with her mother and the queen herself present to witness the birth of the Targaryen lineage. Her husband paced restlessly after being ousted, since such affairs were best facilitated by women. Also, he was being a meddlesome mother hen that questioned the midwives' every move. Slowly, the night began to move, the stars appeared and shallows gasps evolved to agonising screams. It took all for the young prince to not burst into the room again. And then it stopped. No screams, no gasps. It was all suffocatingly silent. The prince felt his blood begin running cold, and he stormed toward the chamber doors. Propriety be damned. Just as he opened the heavy oak, he heard a slap followed by piercing cries. Cries. There were two of them.
»»———- ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀ ———-««
The midday sun shone high in the rare clear blue skies though its incandesce dimmed in comparison to the beaming glow of the new family. The young mother smiled down at the blessings in her arms. A boy and a girl with dark hair, rosy cheeks and thick lashes that fluttered in content as they nursed from their mother. Hardly the image of Targaryen beauty, but they were in the image of the one she loved. The babes unlatched, tired from the strenuous task of being born and fell fast asleep to the gentle humming of their mother. As she rocked them, the chamber doors opened ever so slightly to reveal the peeking face of her husband. “Is it a good time to come in?” He whispered and the new mother couldn’t help but be amused by his caution, gesturing him in.
“I thought the meeting was to end at sundown?” She asks as he presses a kiss on her hair line before leaning down to kiss the babes. “I had more pressing matters,” Jace half smiled, taking a seat next to her on the bed and taking Visenya in his arms. “They look so much like me,” He proudly declared, causing his wife to scoff. “They just happen to have your hair colour and eyes.” “They have my nose too.” “The babes are barely a day old. They’re more like tubers with hair.” Jace clutched his chest with his free hand, feigning indignation. “You will not insult the heirs of house Targaryen so.” To which she rolled her eyes. “I carried them for eight moons and laboured for an entire night,” she retorted, playfully glaring at the twins. “Thus, their choice of countenance offends me even more.” This caused Jace to throw his head back in laughter before comfortingly wrapping as arms around hers shoulders. “Your time will come with our next ones.” “Maybe,” she rested her head against him, looking softly at their sleeping children. “But for now, I could not be more happy with what we have.”
Jace hummed in agreement, giving her shoulder a squeeze.
“Our Lucerys and Visenya.
»»———- ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀ ———-««
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chronicowboy · 1 month
thinking about how buck and eddie don't reevalute every moment of their entire friendship individually when they each have their own oh moment but instead wait until they're together and then the first night they share a bed they don't sleep at all - for obvious reasons - but also because they stay up the whole night dissecting all these big and small moments of their friendship like my god we're disgusting. and STUPID. how did it take us this long? and of course they're them so there's real embarrassed lamenting about it all but there's also just so much giggling and playful teasing like baby i think that's the gayest thing you've ever done and you had my dick in your mouth earlier. they're best friends. anyway. the first time they go into work as a couple they fully intend on keeping a secret just to have something of their own for a little while but that morning they'd been discussing their particular brand of Blatant Homoeroticism over breakfast (after some morning delight) and so they're both super quiet for the start of the shift and acting very shifty until the others snap and they're like "WHAT is going on with you" and they both burst out with an apology to which the others are like "??? why??? are you guys like good????" and then they explain, speaking over each other of course, that they had no idea how gross and oblivious and in love they've been for the past 6 years and sorry that you had to put up with that on a day to day basis. and chim's like "ah it's okay, we kind of got desensitized to it after a—" but hen smacks him and jumps in with a "wait... does this mean..." and eddie goes all rosy cheeked with this beautiful little smile and nods all shyly meanwhile evan "i met a woman and her mother and didn't sleep with either of them" buckley bursts into his cheesiest grin and goes "we had SEX!!!!!!!!!!" and bobby excuses himself to go get paperwork because jesus christ and buck leans into hen to say "he made me see god" and chim looks to eddie, goes "didn't realise catholicism was sexually transmitted" but eddie's just there like "☺️buck kissed me☺️" and scene.
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megalony · 8 months
She's My Daughter
This is an Eddie Diaz imagine based on a few combined requests. I really had fun with this one and might do a few more parts if anyone would be up for it. Feedback is always appreciated.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem@sj-thefanthefan@hellsdragon@im-an-adult-ish@crazylittlethingg@allauraleigh@onceuponadetectivedemigod@ceres27@avyannadawn@sleepylunarwolf@coverupps@justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii @topguncultleader @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts
911 Masterlist
Summary: Eddie is ready to introduce his family to his team, but introductions go a little wrong when his wife has a seizure and his daughter crashes into the station... quite literally.
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"Is that a thing… bringing families to the station?" Eddie looked around the table of familiar faces, gauging their reactions to see if this was a joke or if Hen was actually being serious.
Eddie had done a lot of different, odd jobs since coming out of the army and none of those jobs had felt so much like a family as this one. He had never been that close to the people he worked with. Becoming a fire fighter and working in the 118 made Eddie feel like he had a proper family, not like the loose, estranged one he had back in Texas. He felt like he had a father in Bobby, a brother in Evan and another sister in Hen.
He stabbed a bit of pasta on his fork and waved it around his plate before he looked over at Bobby for confirmation.
"Yeah, families are always welcome here. We throw parties, barbeques and cookouts and everyone is invited. Do you have people you'd like to bring round?" Bobby leaned back in his chair with a gracious smile.
He tried to let all of his team know that family always came first. They were all welcome to bring their families to look round the station, meet the team and get to know everyone. They were all a family here and therefore Bobby wanted it to feel homely and for everyone to get along and know each other.
A gentle smile formed on Eddie's lips as he set down his fork and interlaced his fingers together beneath his chin.
"I uh, I'd like my family to meet you all, if that's okay?"
He had been working here for over three months now, it felt the right time to introduce his family to his team. They protected him at work every day, they had a right to meet the people they helped send him home to after every shift.
"Bring them for dinner one day this week."
"So, who are we meeting? You said you have a few sisters, right?" Evan reached out and patted his hand against Eddie's shoulder with a grin that started to morph into a confused frown when Eddie shook his head.
"I was thinking more about my wife and kids."
"You have kids?" Hen smiled, but she couldn't keep the surprise from her voice or stop her brows from arching up. Eddie never said anything about a family. He talked to Evan and opened up to him more than the rest of them, but he hadn't mentioned a family. They only knew he was married because of the wedding ring on his finger and Eddie didn't even talk about his wife to them so nobody asked.
"I have two girls and a boy." Eddie's face lit up into a grin at the thought of the four people he had waiting at home for him.
"How old?"
Chimney thought Eddie seemed the fatherly type. Whenever they were out on a call and kids were around, Eddie could always take charge. He talked to them in that soft voice and bent down to their level and seemed to understand whatever they were talking about or going through. But Chimney wouldn't have guessed he had so many kids.
"Bella's fourteen, Chris is nine and Rosie is only four months, we had her just after we moved to LA."
It had been a hectic time to decide to move away from Texas, but it had been the right thing to do. Eddie had a turbulent relationship with his parents, his dad had never really been involved in his life and as much as he loved his mother, she was overbearing.
It was hard when Eddie first came out of the army and had his parents around almost every day, acting as if he couldn't look after his two kids. Eddie brought up his sisters when he was a teen, he had been the man of the house while his dad worked away. He didn't want his parents on his doorstep everyday and everyone hovering around his kids or telling him his job wasn't right for him.
As for (Y/n), her relationship with her own mother was strained and she had no contact with her dad, so moving was a fresh start for everyone.
Eddie did his training for the fire department back in Texas, found the 118 and got his application all sorted and agreed before they moved. Three days into living in their new house in LA, Rosie decided she wanted to be born three weeks early so Eddie couldn't start with the department for a few extra weeks.
Now they were all settled into their home, the kids were settled at school and everything seemed to be slotting into place.
It was time Eddie introduced them to his work family.
Sinking back on his heels, Eddie swiped his bare arm against his temple and did a quick sweep around the truck. He tapped his fingers against his thighs and shuffled to lean over the side of the truck. He had fixed the ladder back into place and given the fire truck a quick clean while Hen worked on restocking the equipment in both the truck and the ambulance.
"Heads up, someone's got a clipboard handy."
Eddie pointed towards the stairs and gave Hen a certain, knowing look because he knew what was going to happen. She was going to argue with Evan because he was on one of his checklist rants. He was a menace with a clipboard and Hen lost her patience with him nine times out of ten.
He grinned at the way Hen sighed and planted her hands on her hips and silently shook his head with a raised brow.
Turning around, Eddie pushed up to his feet and slowly headed to the end of the truck towards the mini ladder to get back down.
"Excuse me… stop… stop!"
Eddie tilted his head up and glanced around, trying to locate Bobby when he heard his rather panicked voice. His eyes narrowed and his hands planted down on his hips as he stayed on top of the truck as his eyes landed on his captain.
Bobby was stood to the front of the station near the open shutters, holding both his hands out in front of him towards a car.
The car was juttering back and forth and whoever was driving had their foot on the gas pedal, reving the engine as if wanting to make an entrance and gain everybody's attention. But they weren't slowing down. The car jolted backwards, then surged forwards and sped through the shutters. No one was supposed to drive into the station. There was a car park round the back for staff when they arrived and a small car park at the front for any visitors or emergencies.
What on Earth was the driver doing?
Panic shot through Eddie's chest and his complexion paled when he leaned forward and narrowed his eyes at the number plate.
Oh God.
That was (Y/n)'s car.
"Fuck!" Eddie turned on his heels and clambered to the end of the truck, grabbing the handles of the ladder so he could slide down and jump down to his feet. His boots thudded against the floor and his knees jerked from the impact but he paid it no mind. "That's my wife's car!"
His feet moved faster than his mind could comprehend and he sped past Hen who followed hot on his heels. He weaved past the ambulance and moved towards Bobby who was stood in the middle of the station floor, his arms still out in front of him to try and stop the car from crashing into any equipment or the ambulance.
"Christ- (Y/n) stop the car!" What the Hell was she doing? Eddie tangled one hand in his hair as he held his breath. His wife wasn't a bad driver. She was quite a good driver considering she hadn't been driving for very long. She knew what she was doing and she knew not to drive into the middle of the station like this. She must be having some kind of emergency to be doing this.
Eddie's hand fell from his hair and he surged forward when the car juttered again and almost hit Bobby. And when Evan ran into the situation, he planted his hands down on the bonnet and hit it a few times to try and get her attention and make her stop.
A sudden burst of anger radiated through Eddie when he leaned down to look through the window. That wasn't his wife.
He got close enough to grab the handle and wrenched the door open, letting it swing far and wide before he leaned down and pushed into the car. His knees hit the chair and his shoulders pinned up against the roof as he leaned in the middle and yanked on the hand break to stop the car rolling backwards or surging forwards and running over his colleagues.
As quick as anything, Eddie unclipped the seatbelt before he wrapped his hand tightly around her arm and pulled back, yanking her out of the car with him.
"Isabella Diaz! What the Hell are you doing?!"
Eddie took a few steps back and pulled his eldest child along with him. His chest heaved and his lungs burned as he tried to take proper breaths but it felt like he was being suffocated.
His hands moved out to cup Bella's face and he tilted her head up so they were level and he could look her over. His eyes swept up and down her frame, looking for injuries or any signs of a problem or an issue. But all Eddie could see was her face turning a dark shade of red, her eyes puffing up and tears drenching down her face.
"That's uh… that's your wife?" Evan clamped his hands down on his hips but he frowned when Bobby hit him in the shoulder as a silent bid to tell him to be quiet. But Eddie was the one who said it was his wife's car coming into the station.
If that was his wife, then there were a few problems around here.
"Dad!" Bella moved her hands up to cup Eddie's wrists and took a second to try and catch her breath.
She had done it. She had gotten the car down to the station- the right station, where her dad would be. She had gotten them here in one piece and now she could get them to help her mum.
Fury bubbled up in Eddie's eyes when he looked over at Evan. He was starting to think of Evan as one of his closest friends. But he didn't think Evan would actually believe that this was his wife. As if he thought Eddie was some kind of weirdo who would go round marrying someone over half his age? What did he take him for?
"She's my daughter." He snapped back, somewhat rudely before his attention turned back to Bella and he started to smooth his thumbs beneath her eyes. He leaned down and pressed his forehead against hers, silently telling her to talk to him and explain.
"Mum- mum's had a seizure," Bella pulled on Eddie's hand and pointed into the car.
She watched the way his shoulders slumped and his face fell completely and his jaw slacked but he couldn't fathom what to say.
His hands left her face and he turned around and propelled himself around the car. His hand scraped against the bonnet to help guide him round and stop him from skidding as he nudged past Evan to get to the passenger side. He opened the door and crouched down beside the chair to look over his wife.
"Can someone get the kids out please?" Eddie's lips pursed when he glanced in the back and felt his heart dropping down to his stomach.
Chris and Rosie were in the back.
Bella had driven all the way here with the kids in the back and (Y/n) mostly unconscious in the front seat. She could have gotten them all killed. She didn't have a licence and she didn't know how to drive. Bella shouldn't have been on the road and if her parking in the station was anything to go by, she would have been a menace on the roads.
Hen mumbled a quiet 'Hi cutie' as she unclipped Rosie from her carrier and gently picked her up, shushing her when she began to scream her little head off. And Evan moved round behind Eddie and grinned down at Chris who had a teddy pinned to his chest and was rocking back and forth in a mixture of stimming and panic. He picked him up when Chris didn't object and moved to stand over beside Hen while Bobby moved to kneel behind Eddie.
"Baby… baby, you with me?" Pushing up, Eddie moved his hands to cup (Y/n)'s face and gently tilt her head from where it was slumped against the door frame and the seatbelt.
He pushed his thumbs against her cheekbones to try and stimulate her before he moved his hand round and pressed his fingers against her neck to check her pulse.
A light tremble was rattling through (Y/n)'s body that was pushing back into the seat and Eddie could see a trail of blood trickling down her lower lip towards her chin. She had bitten her lip or her tongue during the seizure enough to make it bleed.
Her eyes were closed and when Eddie pulled up her eyelid to try and check her pupils, he growled. Her eyes were rolled to the top of her head.
"I take it this is your wife? Is she epileptic?" Bobby rested one arm on the roof of the car and leaned in to try and take a look at (Y/n).
They were supposed to meet Eddie's family in three days, he was going to bring them down to the station for dinner so they could all be introduced and get to know each other. This was not the way Eddie wanted them all to meet and this wasn't the kind of situation he wanted his kids to be involved in. His daughter had been panicked enough to try and drive the car down here to get help.
"She was diagnosed four years ago, but she hasn't had a seizure in months. She has absent ones, not like this." The last seizure Eddie could remember (Y/n) having was when she was pregnant with Rosie and that had been a small one while they were at home in the evening. She hadn't suffered with them for a long while.
When she first got diagnosed, (Y/n) was having two or three absent seizures a week and the odd tonic seizure where she tensed up and jerked around. She had been put onto meds to stop them and her meds had been reduced last year because she was doing so well not having any.
"Alright baby, let's get you out." With one arm around her back, Eddie unclipped her belt and slipped his other hand beneath her knees.
He pulled back and shuffled (Y/n) into his arms, letting her head loll on his shoulder with Bobby's hands on her neck to try and keep her steady and stop any damage from happening. Eddie stood up and took a few quick steps away from the car and over near the ambulance before he went down on his knees and eased (Y/n) down to the floor.
He laid her down and knelt down behind her, resting her head and shoulders over his lap before he started to run his hands up and down her arms to try and stimulate her and bring her back around.
"I'll take the kids up to the kitchen, come on." Evan gently eased Rosie from Hen and into his own arms and moved his free hand against Chris's back. Gently urging him to walk with him. He would get Chris a drink in the kitchen and settle him in front of the tv to try and calm him down and let him know that everything was alright now.
"Is mum okay?"
Before she could stop herself, Bella curled her hand around Hen's upper arm and stood close to her side with her left arm wrapped tightly around her middle to try and calm herself down and make herself breathe better. She leaned her head on Hen's shoulder, unable to stop the tears from falling again.
She had done well not to cry or burst into sobs while she was driving down here. Bella had told herself to be stern and calm so she didn't crash and hurt her whole family. It had worked. But now she was here, safely where she wanted to be, she could feel herself starting to shake and her chest was tightening up.
"Amor what happened?" Eddie lifted his head to look over at his daughter who took a few daring steps forward with Hen who was comfortingly holding her wrist and smiling at her. "Why did you drive here? You could have called 911." He couldn't see why Bella would take the risk of driving down here instead of calling for an ambulance.
She could have asked them to inform Eddie of the situation or call him once she'd called for help. It seemed drastic for her to pack everyone into the car and drive down here when she didn't know how to drive and Bella had been adamant she never wanted to learn to drive. She thought it was too scary.
"We were driving and mum felt sick, s-she pulled over but when she got out… she collapsed on the pavement. She had a seizure and I panicked… I p- I got her in the car, we were only f-five minutes away so… so I drove."
Tears drenched Bella's face as she tucked herself more into Hen's side and coiled both her arms around her chest, swaying back and forth.
She didn't know what to do.
One moment, (Y/n) pulled over and got out the car saying she was going to be sick, but the next thing Bella knew, her mum was on the floor having a seizure. And not the kind of seizure she usually had. She was flailing about, jerking, hardly breathing and biting her lip so hard she was froffing blood. When it stopped, (Y/n) wasn't talking and she was barely moving.
Bella didn't want to call an ambulance and leave the car on the side of the road and have to get Chris and Rosie rammed into the back of a crowded ambulance. She knew her dad was only five minutes down the road and it seemed like an easy task to drive straight down the road and turn a corner and reach the station.
And it was an emergency. If someone pulled her over, she would still get help either way.
So she managed to hoist her mum up and help her flop into the car and she did her best to drive down here while her mum had another seizure on the way.
All she wanted was Eddie.
"Cap…" Hen looked between Bobby and Bella until he got the silent message and nodded. They needed to switch places so Hen could help Eddie get (Y/n) stabalised and sorted out and someone needed to stay with Bella and calm her down.
Hen gently eased herself from Bella's side when Bobby walked over and curled his arm around her shoulder to try and give her some comfort. But just as Hen reached into the ambulance and grabbed her medic bag, she froze when Bella cried out and a few Spanish profanities slipped past Eddie's lips.
Eddie's hands moved to hold (Y/n)'s shoulders and he shuffled back before he tried to turn her over. He eased her onto her left side and knelt behind her with one hand cupping the back of her neck and his other hand lightly rubbing up and down her arm. She was going into another seizure. He kept her head tilted forward, Eddie didn't want to risk (Y/n) biting down again and choking on her tongue or on the blood welling up in her mouth.
"Alright, I've got you baby, it's okay." Eddie pressed his knees into her back to keep her kept on her side while Hen knelt down in front of her with her medic bag at her side.
While Hem rummaged around for some meds in the bag, Eddie swiped the stethoscope which he tucked into his ears and carefully pressed down between (Y/n)'s shoulders to listen to her breathing. He then curled his chest over her arm and pressed it beneath her shirt to listen to her heartbeat.
"Breathing's good, heart sounds fine."
"Pushing diazepam,"
Eddie gripped (Y/n)'s upper arm and tried to hold her trembling limb steady so Hen could inject the diazepam into her shoulder. It was the safest palce to administer meds when the rest of her body was violently jerking back and forth. And (Y/n) was already bleeding from the mouth, they couldn't administer any emergency tablets under her tongue right now. This was the next best option to try and stop the seizure and spasms.
"Dad…" Bella tried to run forward but Bobby reacted faster. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her into his chest, almost lifting her from her feet to stop her from reaching her parents. It wasn't safe for her to try and get involved. (Y/n) was being looked after.
Eddie lifted his head and tightened his hands over (Y/n)'s arm and neck when his eyes locked with his daughter who was almost the double of his wife.
"Carino stay with Bobby. It's okay." Eddie nodded his head until Bella stopped writhing in Bobby's hold and settled down. He didn't want her getting distressed either or trying to bustle over here. She needed to stay there, safe and out the way.
"It's working, she's calming down." Hen found a saline bag and the necessary needles in the medic bag and placed them by her thigh, ready to give to (Y/n) when the spasms fully wore off. The last thing she needed was to try and push an IV into (Y/n)'s hand and have her go back into another seizure and rupture a vein.
"She's gonna be sick."
Eddie reached his arm out and pressed his hand into Hen's shoulder, trying to nudge her to the right to get her out the way.
He moved his hands back to (Y/n) and tilted her chin down, keeping his fingers curled around her neck to keep her head down so she didn't choke. While he brushed her hair behind her ear and reached down to cup her wrist and pull her hand back.
He could see the way her stomach was tensing and sucking inwards and her chest was pushing forward instead of convulsing.
"Let it out, baby. Good girl," He leaned over to kiss her shoulder and slipped his hand from her wrist to grip her hand. Both he and Hen watched her chest closely and made sure she was still breathing and not choking.
A wave of relief tremored through Eddie when he felt (Y/n)'s fingers twitch against his hand and her arm suddenly jerked out. She coiled her arm to her chest, pulling Eddie's arm along with her which made his chest press down into her shoulder so he could curve around her.
Her knees tensed and kicked back and forth in an attempt to try and bring her knees up to her stomach. A burning gasp mixed with a cry vibrated past (Y/n)'s lips and her temple bashed into the floor when she tried to turn her head and press her face down into the floor.
With a deep breath, Eddie inched himself backwards and gently scuffed (Y/n) along with him to get her away from the puddle of sick. He let go of her hand and moved his arm around her waist and with his other hand against the back of her head, Eddie gently lifted her up. He reeled her up and let her flop back into his chest with a thump. Her head lolled into the crook of his neck and her temple pressed into his chin with a groan.
While she started to take deep breaths and murmur incoherent noises against Eddie's neck, Hen reached out and pulled her hand onto her thigh. She quickly slipped the needle into her vein and capped the IV in, keeping the tube wide open to let as much saline flow through her veins as possible. The seizures would have taken a toll on (Y/n) and they needed to boost her levels back up and get her back to normal again.
"It's alright baby… are you back with me now, hm?" Eddie kissed her temple and kept one hand pressing down on her stomach while the other hand feathered up and down her arm.
(Y/n) turned her head from left to right, wincing and whining when Hen pulled her eyelid up and flashed a light across her pupils. At least her eyes were now back down and looking ahead instead of rolled up to the back of her skull.
A spasm rolled through (Y/n) and sent her right side jerking out with her foot scraping the floor, her leg jostling from side to side and her right arm bashed down into her chest making her cry out. It was like the last waves of electricity were rolling through her on their way out of her system.
She could feel sparks flying down to her toes and her fingertips had gone stiff like they were turning to stone.
The feeling of Eddie's lips pressing into the side of her head was comforting and his hands were squeezing her skin with his arms wrapped around her like a security blanket. But (Y/n) couldn't work out why Eddie was holding her. Why was he here? When did he get here? What were they doing?
"Yeah, it's me baby."
"Home? No, you're not going home mi amor." Eddie sighed into her hair and smothered the top of her head with his lips as he tightened his arms around her waist.
There was no way he was taking her back home. He had to take her down to the hospital along with the kids to get her checked out before he even thought about taking her home.
"Home… you- you're home," (Y/n) tried to keep her eyes open but everything was so bright she wished the world would shut down and turn pitch black. Her face pressed as deeply into Eddie's neck as she could until she was almost smothering herself and she could feel very bob of his Adam's apple and each harsh breath he took.
"You're not at home, baby… you're at the station. You were driving, you and the kids, in the car…?" Eddie wasn't used to (Y/n) being this confused after a seizure. But then again, she'd had about three of them in the last hour from what Bella had told them. She was bound to be confused and agitated and scared.
He could feel (Y/n) shaking her head into his neck, she didn't believe or understand what he was telling her and he knew it was pointless to try and talk her through it now.
(Y/n) could barely see a thing when she managed to keep her eyes open for longer than a few seconds. She tightened her right hand around Eddie's palm but when she moved her left hand to try and reach up to hold onto him, something caught her eye. Her blurred vision tried to focus on her hand and her lips curled into a frown when she noticed a pastel white and leaf green plastic cap in the back of her hand, connected to a thin tube.
Whatever that was, (Y/n) didn't want it.
Her hand let go of Eddie's palm and before he could ask what she was doing, (Y/n) huffed and scratched off the cap in her hand.
"Oow," Tears stung in the corners of her eyes and she whimpered when her left hand started to spasm and a trickle of blood started oozing down and slithering between her fingers.
"Baby!" Eddie scolded through clenched teeth. "No- no, stop. Baby let me fix it, okay?"
Eddie perched his chin on (Y/n)'s right shoulder and wrapped his right arm around her chest, pinning her arm between them so she couldn't fight him or try and stop him from patching up her hand. He held her left wrist in both hands and pushed his chin down into her shoulder both to comfort her and make her stop wriggling.
He held her hand out towards Hen who was quick to run a swab over her hand to clean the blood before she carefully pushed the needle back into her hand and connected the tube back up.
"Bandage it please." Eddie whispered quietly, relieved when Hen smiled and grabbed a small roll of bandage.
Eddie had had this fight hundreds of times when (Y/n) was admitted to the hospital. Especially after she gave birth. She never wanted the canula in and always tried to take it out until Eddie bandaged her hand up so she couldn't see or touch it.
"Mum?" Bella pushed forward when Bobby let her out of his hold and allowed her to rush over and kneel down beside Hen.
She reached her hands out and wrapped her arms around both her mum and her dad, wedging (Y/n) between them in a hug. She tucked her face into (Y/n)'s neck, unable to stop crying when she felt her mum kiss her temple and try to hold her hand.
"Bella, wait here for a minute please while I move your mum." Eddie curled his fingers in the back of her hair and kissed her temple before he motioned for her to shuffle back a bit. He slipped his arms back around (Y/n)'s back and beneath her knees to pick her back up, relieved that she could seemingly move again. She hooked an arm around his neck and closed her eyes, tucking her face into his chest as he aimed for the ambulance.
Eddie knew the moment (Y/n) woke up properly and became aware of where she was and what was happening, she would kick off. She didn't like hospitals and she wouldn't want to be in an ambulance, but he had to get her to hospital. And he wanted to at least lay her on the gurney so she could start to come back round properly.
"I'll be two minutes, baby, I'm just gonna get the kids. This is Hen, she'll wait with you."
Once (Y/n) was laid on the gurney, Eddie kissed her temple and brushed his thumb over her cheek. He had a feeling she would pass out and have a nap, she didn't look like she could stay awake for much longer and he wouldn't blame her. It would be easier to transport her if she went to sleep for a while.
He patted Hen's shoulder, whispering a quiet 'thank you' in her ear before he climbed down and moved over towards Bella who was stood off to the side. both arms cocooned around her chest that was trembling and tears were flushed down her face.
The moment he was within reach, Bella tangled her arms around his torso and buried herself into his chest. He could feel her tears soaking into his shirt and each quiet sniffle she let out as she trembled so much she made Eddie start to shake back and forth. He wrapped an arm around her waist and tangled his other hand in her hair, cupping the back of her head while he leaned down to kiss her temple.
"Shh, it's alright carino."
"I- I'm sorry… I'm sorry daddy-"
"It's okay." Pulling back, Eddie moved his hands to cup her face so he could tilt her head up while his thumbs swiped away the tears tracing down her face. "I'm not mad, I swear."
"But… but the car…"
"I don't want you driving the car again, I mean it. But I'm not mad, you panicked and you came straight here, you got help. But next time, you don't try and drive the car with the kids in the back. You call an ambulance and then call me and I'll always come get you. Okay?"
There was no way that Eddie could be mad at her. She had been in a stressful situation and in her panic, she made a decision. It might not have been the right decision in the long run, but she had gone along with it and got everyone here in one piece. She brought (Y/n) somewhere safe and got her help and everyone was okay which was the main thing.
But if something like this ever happened again, Eddie needed Bella to call for help rather than take it into her own hands to find help herself.
She could have gotten herself into serious trouble if someone reported her or witnessed her or if she crashed. She could have made everything worse if she crashed the car with her unconscious mum and younger siblings in the car with her.
Eddie was going to be having nightmares about this for weeks, he could feel it.
"Okay," Bella nodded frantically before she pushed forward and tucked herself back into Eddie's chest, binding them both together like she was never going to let him go. Her arms stayed tightly bound to him until he held her shoulders and gently nudged her back so he could turn towards Evan who was walking their way with Rosie in his arms and Chris by his side.
"Everyone okay now?"
Eddie sighed through a smile and nodded his head, leaning forward to kiss Rosie's forehead before he reached over for Chris and picked him up. He kissed Chris's cheek and sat him on his hip although he could still feel Bella stood close to his side with her hands wrapped around his arm.
"Mummy okay?"
"She's fine, buddy. We're gonna take her down to the hospital though to get checked over, okay?" Eddie leaned back and took a glance over his shoulder towards the ambulance. He could guess that since (Y/n) wasn't arguing or shouting or crying out for him that she had indeed fallen asleep.
He could get Bella to ride in the ambulance with (Y/n) and the team while he took Chris and Rosie in (Y/n)'s car and followed behind them.
"Bell went through a red light," Chris leaned his head on Eddie's shoulder and grinned when Bella reached her hand out and lightly tapped his arm before she pressed her finger to her lips.
Her head tilted down and her eyes stayed on the floor when she felt her dad's piercing gaze fall on her and she could feel his elbow jutting into her side when he clamped his free hand down on his hip.
"Did she now?"
Lifting her gaze, Bella tried to smile but when she looked across at Evan, he was grinning at her and silently gave her a thumbs up with his hand hidden at his side so Eddie wouldn't see. "You said you're not mad at me," She whispered sheepishly, to which Eddie hummed with pursed lips.
He couldn't tell her off when he'd already explained he wasn't ngry and he knew she had acted out of panic. He just had to pray that within the next week, he wouldn't get any phone calls or letters to the house saying he had a traffic ticket for going through a red light or being caught speeding.
The only upside was that if that happened, Eddie could have a word with Bobby. He knew his captain would gladly talk to Athena and anyone else at the station to explain what had happened. They couldn't exactly charge Bella with anything when it was an emergency situation and she had done the right thing.
But Eddie's brows narrowed his chest tightened when he felt Chris lean up and whisper in his ear, "Bell hit a lamp post too."
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buddierecs · 4 months
hurt/comfort buddie fics.
all of these are general audience, teen and up or not rated (no smut) make sure to kudos/comment on these amazing works :)
a leaf falls on loneliness (highly recommend this fic!!) by: iimpossible_things "buck doesn’t think that if he were to say, “i’m in a bad place”, that anyone would turn him away. really, he doesn’t. the 118 has too many good, kind people for that. but every time he wants to open his mouth, to say something, to reach out to eddie or bobby or hen or chim, he hears eddie yelling, “you’re exhausting.” —you’re exhausting, you’re exhausting, you’re exhausting— so each day he does his job and he laughs and he jokes and he pretends he’s the care-free goofball he’s always been. And each day he packs away his bruises and his worries, takes them home to his empty loft with its quiet rooms, and licks his wounds in silence." word count: 11k important tags: angst, fluff, happy ending, orginal male character blue skies by: spaceprincessem "buck meets another savior baby and everything comes crashing down" word count: 36k important tags: my sisters keeper au, original characters, ptsd, nightmares, emotional whump, evan buckley break down, getting together and i'm not good at winning fights anymore by: spaceprincessem "five times buck needs to feel eddie's heartbeat and the one time eddie needs to feel his" word count: 24k important tags: 5+1 things, whump, protective!eddie diaz, getting together, soft boys in love, ptsd give your heart and soul to charity by: 42hrb "eddie dumps god, gets some more therapy, accepts parts of himself he was taught to hate, loves his best friend, and loves himself" word count: 12k important tags: emotional hurt/comfort, pov eddie diaz, character study, catholic guilt, therapy, pining, getting together i could find you darling, in any life by: justhockey "buck and eddie meet in afghanistan. it changes everything." word count: 27k important tags: diferent first meeting au, army!eddie diaz, navy seal!evan buckley, emotional infidelity, slow burn, hurt/comfort, love confessions catharsis by: rogerzsteven "it only takes one minor inconvenience for buck to have his long overdue breakdown" word count: 5.3k important tags: emotional hurt/comfort, mental/emotional breakdown, bobby nash as evan buckley parent, multiple pov stay by: soft_satan buck’s voice was soft and hesitant, but full of patience when he finally spoke again. “did I do something to upset you, chris? i can leave—” "no!” chris whirled on him, a complete shift from the standoffish vibe he had been giving a second ago. the tears he bravely held back finally broke free from his eyes, sliding down his rosy cheeks from behind his glasses. he shook his head vehemently, the yellow crayon falling to the table. “no, I’m not mad. please…” his words turned to whimpers, his lip trembling. “please don’t leave me too.” word count: 31k important tags: whump, angst, family feels, found family, getting together, team as family
habits by: whileyouresleeping "buck's not sure what's going on when eddie starts kissing him on the head after a rough call, only now it's a thing, and it's a thing buck would very much like to continue if he knew what it meant." word count: 4.9k important tags: tooth-rotting fluff, mild hurt/comfort stick with you by soft_satan "eddie licked his dry lips as he reached for his radio, trying to keep his movements slow and delicate to prevent any more damage to himself or buck. “diaz to captain nash.” “go for nash,” came bobby’s quick reply. “you two okay? where are you?” “we’re in a bit of a sticky situation here…” “we’re a shish kabob, cap!” buck chimed in. eddie rolled his eyes" word count: 5.9k important tags: impalements, whump, getting together, love confessions, hurt!buddie still by: brewsrosemilk "for the first time, buck longs for a bullet wound to treat. dirt to dig at. a door to break through. something. there’s nothing. “your guess was correct, diaz,” the bomb technician tells them, as he gestures to the orange circle. “you’re standing on a large sensor plate, wired to a detonator. It’s incredibly important that you don’t move. don’t shift. when you put your weight down, it was like cocking a gun - you take your weight off, this thing is powerful enough to take the entire house with it." word count: 9.3k important tags: near death experience, love confessions, happy ending, first kiss
be my baby (i'll look after you) by: youdrewstarsaroundmyscars118 "buck finally breaks down after fixing everyone but himself" word count: 1.5k important tags: nightmares, ptsd, panic attacks, pet names, cuddling, pre-relationship, almost love confession i was made for you by: youdrewstarsaroundmyscars118 "buck’s taking care of christopher while eddie is in texas when chris gets sick and has to get surgery." word count: 5.3k important tags: sick!christopher diaz, parent evan buckley, hospitals, bobby nash is evan buckley's parent, getting together, 118 crew as family i know you're hurting (but so am i) by: justhockey "eddie understands better than maybe anyone else ever could, how it feels to have everything unravel in the palm of your hands. he knows frustration - he knows fury. he’s painfully familiar with that burning rage that crackles in the tips of your fingers, that makes your skin hot and chest tight, and makes you want to punch anyone that dares to even look at you. but that doesn’t give chim the right to lay a damn hand on buck" word count: 3.7k important tags: ptsd, feelings realisation, protective!eddie diaz, communication, 5x04 coda of bikes and concussions by: datleggy "buck gets into an accident on his way to work in the morning, and before he can explain why he's late, he gets thoroughly chewed out and the rest of his day goes way downhill from there." word count: 7.6k important tags: injured!evan buckley, misunderstandings, father-son relationship (buck and bobby), team as family it's okay by: itsmylifekay "buck gets hurt on a call and doesn’t tell anyone." word count: 11k important tags: injury, dissociation, buck needs a hug love language by: whileyouresleeping "eddie's love language is acts of service, and buck doesn't totally get it." word count: 6.4k important tags: mild hurt/comfort, pining, fluff, friends to lovers don't go without me by: ingu "there was a snap, and a crack, and buck was suddenly weightless. the car, the tree, eddie, everything was falling. buck was falling. falling." word count: 31k important tags: major character injury, pining, team as family, whump, love confessions, getting together accidental (please check tw!!) by: rosefield "post lawsuit, buck accidentally cuts his arm. he decides that maybe not getting help is best for everyone." word count: 36k important tags: depression, suicide attempt, post-lawsuit, worried!eddie diaz, happy ending
check out the recs for mature rating hurt/comfort fics :) explicit rating hurt/comfort fics
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jollmaster · 11 days
redesign trivia: Mimzy
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° not the first beauty in the world, but 100% adorable
° shiny smile with a gap in teeth
° amber eyes, like a young bird
° early stage of turning into a hen: limbs are bird-like, the first feathers have already begun to sprout through skin
° low-heeled shoes, comfortable for dance
° throws a patterned shawl over shoulders
° made her own dress out of scraps
° once Mimzy was married and still wears wedding ring sometimes
main gang: Vaggie, Charlie, Angel Dust, Niffty, sir Pentious, Cherri Bomb, Husk, Alastor
Heaven: Adam, Eve, Lute, Emily
Hell: Lilith, Lucifer, Seviathan, Helsa, Razzle and Dazzle
Vees: Vox, Valentino, Velvette
overlords: Zestial, Rosie, Carmilla Carmine, Odette and Clara, Flaming Skull Guy
relatives and friends: Arackniss, Molly
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diejager · 1 year
hmm I think you are the one to write this idea, if possible I would like a one shot about smut vil schoenheit with a fem s/o who has mommy issues, like she feels comforting with the care, the concern of vil because this feels like a "mother" (lit vil is the mother of pomefiore ) well~ but mc is in denial because she is ashamed to admit that, although vil already noticed xd, In resumen a mc with mommy issue in denial and vil who realized that can have fun with it, that would be all thank yuu \^^/
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Pairing : Vil Schoenheit x fem!reader
Cw: smut, nsfw, mommy kink, dom/sub, unsafe sex, creampie, fluff, tell me if I missed any. Wc: 941
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“Oh, let it out, Schatz,” he cooed, his tone soft and tender like a mother speaking to her crying child. “Do it for mutter, hmm?”
Your face burned when he called himself mommy, he knew what it did to you and what it would make you do. His charming, yet feminine appearance and tender voice made him irresistible, a drug to your soul when he pressed his body against yours, hands holding yours as he rocked his hips. He would groan into your ears, whisper sweet words and even sweeter compliments to you, pushing your buttons to make you crumble - melt - under him and his hungry gaze. 
Each thrust was delicately made, graceful and intentional to leave you mewling, asking for more but saying it’s too much. You couldn’t make up your mind when Vil pushed you into this haze, mind numb on lust and body reactive to his touch. He was beautiful and calm, even with his golden hair sticking to his forehead and his makeup botched by your clumsy kisses. 
“You can do it, can’t you?” Vil smiled, his nose brushing your teary cheek, nodded lilacs staring into your soul. He kissed you, slow and loving, moving your lips to match the curve of his rosy Cupid’s bow. He devoured you gently, picking you up from the edge before driving you over it with pleasure and hunger. “Say it, calm me, Schatz.”
You gasped when your lips parted, swollen and red. You squealed when he hit your g-spot, pumping his cock slowly into you, dragging his head over your back wall until it slammed into your cervix. They were slow and methodical, near edging, but he always let you come twice or thrice before finding his end. 
“Mo-“ your words died before you could speak them, the sheer embarrassment of calling his mommy made you want to die, to bury yourself in the deepest hole you could dig alone. You were too ashamed of it, your issues dragging into this world as well.
“You can do it,” Vil encouraged you, fingers skimming the softness of your hips, his beautifully painted nails careful not to bruise your flushed skin, red and damp with pleasure. 
“Please, mommy-” you keened, arching into his slim figure. 
You reached for him, arms wrapped around his neck and asking with a dazed pout for a kiss. He chuckled, smiling at your unbridled hunger, the deep ache for him inside and around you, this addiction you had of him as he had of you. His lips met yours, swallowing your mewls and cries, tongue laving your bottom lip for entrance.
His thrusts were as sensual as his tongue, skilled and sharp. His tongue stole your breath away, curling around yours and moving it to his whim. You panted, searching for his hands, wanting to hold them in yours.
He happily held you, peppering your face and neck with loving pecks. He simply oozed of love and care, like a mother doting on her baby. Like the mother you never had; that was rarely caring or loving. And Vil knew that.
He teased and played, whispering obscenities into your ears when you were in public, a sly smirk curling on his lips. He was dotting and very much so Pomefiore's "mother hen", as much as he was the Prefect. He made sure you looked pretty and proper, your makeup meticulous and your hair perfect. He assured himself that your uniform and clothes were well ironed, your posture straight and your studies high.
Within the walls of his room, he liked to ruin you, his whispers becoming your reality. Bent over his dresser, staring at both your reflection while he ravaged you, hips snapping, his hands wandering your naked skin and your neck caked with his marks. Even then, he'd whisper confessions, poems of his affection. His song spilled from his tongue as he brought you to your end, cooing at you and praising you.
"Come for me, " he rasped, pushing into you, shuddering when your walls tightened around him.
You clutched his hands, fingers digging into his flesh, and your ankles locked behind him. He pressed into you, thrusting sloppily as he smothered you in kisses, locking lips until you had to breathe, letting out rattled and warm puffs.
He mumbled encouragements, telling you to come, to unravel around him as he held you through your peak. He would care for you, ride it out until you stopped twitching, string you long and high. He kissed you, swallowing your wanton cries for more.
Everything felt amazing: his body, his words and his love, his care and attention made everything so much better. It filled your senses with raw pleasure, pushing you closer to your end. You clung to him, hips bucking to match his pace, mesmerized by the sounds you both made, his balls slapping your wet ass, the squelching when fucked you slow and deep and the noise that left your swollen lips.
"Good girl," he hushed, moaning praises into your ears, dragging out your orgasms with a few thrusts, chasing his own. Heat pooled from your navel, his hot cum gushing from his raging slit, spraying ropes to cover your walls. He bucked unto you, shaft still twitching to a small drizzle.
You bloated, shivers wracking your body as his cum leaked from the sides of his softening cock. You were tired, limbs exhausted and mind dazed, but you still clung onto him, descending from your high.
"Thank you, mommy..."
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Taglist : @stygianoir
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lonelychicago · 4 months
fuck it friday! 💌
tagged by the lovelies @devirnis @theotherbuckley @wikiangela @bidisasterevankinard @bekkachaos <33
okay so, idk if I'll ever finish it or post this fic. but! i had this idea of abuela suddenly coming out to eddie bc she found a gf that makes her so so so happy and eddie spending time with them and realizing he could have that too!! that second chances are possible!!! that it's okay!!!
anyway, i have a lot of thoughts and feelings and ideas so here's a lil snippet + a moodboard <33
“I wasn't expecting Abuela to introduce me to her girlfriend,” Eddie says, tilting his head and grinning softly. “But after seeing you two together? It makes sense. You make her happy.”
“She makes me happy, too.” Ruth giggles, like a schoolgirl talking about her crush. “And to be honest, Isabel was a surprise for me, too. I think that's just her effect.”
Ruth gets this look, talking about Abuela. A look that's so familiar to Eddie like the knowledge of breathing— the same look his Abuelo used to have when telling Eddie the story of how he met one Isabel Diaz, and how eventually he managed to marry her and form a beautiful family. The look that's on every inch of his parents’ faces on their wedding photos that are hung all around their home in Texas. The same look Bobby gets when Athena drops unannounced by the station. The look Chimney and Hen get when talking about Maddie and Karen.
The look Eddie knows as a fact it's on his face when someone mentions Buck or when the guy enters a room and Eddie can't help but to feel immediately drawn to him, like a magnetic force, like a moth to a flame.
Ruth shakes her head and turns around, gazing towards where Buck and Iaabel are dancing in the middle of the bar. Buck is laughing hard, with his head tilted back and his cheeks a rosy tint, Abuela chuckling as she tries to twirl the too tall man around.
“He’s special too, y'know. Your boy.” Ruth says so low that Eddie almost doesn't heat it over the music of the bar. “He reminds me of an old friend I had.”
“Yeah,” Ruth smiles softly. “He was a good man. The kind of man that shines brighter than the sun, you know what I mean?” And then, Ruth turns to him, a knowing glint in her eyes. “The kind of man you'd be a fool to let get away.”
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tagging (np): @monsterrae1 @bi-buckrights @hoodie-buck @honestlydarkprincess @rogerzsteven @bigfootsmom @usersiren @spotsandsocks @the-likesofus @eddiebabygirldiaz @exhuastedpigeon @thewolvesof1998 @excuseme-greentea @underwaterninja13 @father-salmon @saybiwithme @loveyouanyway @daffi-990 @messyhairdiaz @elvensorceress @wildlife4life @watchyourbuck @diazsdimples and anyone else who wants to do it <33
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triggerlil · 4 months
little snip/drabble for my post-war WIP
His palms sweat–the receiver slipping in his grip–and he crumples the yellow sticky note Rosie gave him in his fist. What time is it in Japan? Crackling static and a few unbearable moments later, that deep voice and wannabe New Yorker accent he’d recognize across every ocean: “Hello?” 
Gale’s voice breaks before he even speaks: “John–” 
“Buck.” John is saying; breathless, ecstatic. “Gale.” 
“It’s, she's.” He can’t say her name without unraveling. “Marge's gone. Funeral in a week. I can’t–” 
John doesn’t even pause to think about it. “I’ll be there, you hear me Buck?” 
Maybe he’s doing wrong by Marge, but he’s always done wrong by John. He can't let it happen again. They haven’t spoken in a year, the guilt is unbearable, but it slips out like a broken prayer: “Please.” 
“First flight I can get. It’s gonna be alright.”
Gale wants to say thank you but it’s caught in his throat so he uses what feels like ancient code. “Don’t count on it.” 
“You bet your ass I’m counting on it, don’t you die on me before I get over there. Now it’s four in the morning for me. You alone? Got anyone coming over?” 
Through the grief, Gale can’t help smiling at John being a mother hen for the first time in his life. “Rosie will be over soon, don’t worry about me.” 
“Can’t help it. I’ll see you soon, Buck.” 
It's like popping the tab on a cool beer, fitting in the last puzzle piece, or sending a letter that changes everything. Once he says it there's no going back, but everything will be better off because of it. "Bucky, thank you."
Neither of them wants to hang up, silence stretching over the line, but eventually, Gale hears the receiver click on the other end. Marge is gone and Gale feels broken, but Bucky is coming home. He's coming home to him and Gale's going to do it right this time.
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twdgwritings · 4 months
Hello, sorry English is not my first language, but I would like to ask you for Mitch's headcanon, please, if it's not a bother and thank you very much.
Mitch Headcanons
Parings: Mitch x Fem! Reader
Warnings: death of a parent, typos probably, swearing, my opinions, everyone lives AU, did I miss any?
Summary: General and Romantic headcanons about Mitch!
A/N: I had two requests for Mitch headcanons, so here there are! He is a good guy, wish we got more of him. Sorry this took so long my brain is gone, it left me.
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We all know Mitch was sent to Ericson’s because he fought his neighbors and blew up shit, including his father’s garage. Though to add more depth into his character, I believe Mitch had a little sister, whom he was fiercely protective of. The neighbors he was fighting would sometimes pick on his sister, which lead to the fights though no adult knew that was the reason. I also think Mitch’s father is widowed, his mother died a two years before he got sent off.
He LOVES cowboy boots, don’t ask me why I just feel it in my bones(and it looks like he is wearing them in game). Mitch has a few pairs, probably from some walkers or he found them around the school. Everyone is wondering how his feet don’t hurt all the time, he doesn’t even know.
Mitch is a bigger nerd than he lets on. Other than the fact he is smart enough to understand chemistry and make bombs, but I also think he was a comic book guy. Though he never let anyone else know thinking he would get made fun of.
Pretty close friends with Ruby. Kinda like a sibling relationship, but she smacks him in the head when he does dumb shit. (Which is often)
Puffs his cheeks out when embarrassed, which only gets him (playfully) picked on by the others.
He still has a lot of energy and likes to play fight with the others, but mostly Willy. Of course he doesn’t hurt anyone and it’s all in good fun. One time he was wrestling Ruby (probably because he wasn’t resting hen he got hurt or something, and she wasn’t having that.) so he was holding her down on the ground, giving her shit over how he is stronger than her… and then all the little kids Tenn, Aj and Willy tackled him and began tickling him. (It was Willy’s idea)
Mitch REALLY likes cats. He likes dogs too don’t worry, Mitch loves Rosie. Like if he found one he will steal it and bring it home, congratulations you have a furry baby with him now. Best cat dad 10/10.
He is ticklish and he hates it, the only ones who get away with tickling him are the little ones. Expect Willy, that’s basically his little brother so he will get him back. But if all three kids gang up on him (as mentioned before) he will try to run from them.
Honestly Mitch is a super sweet guy, once you get past all the attitude. He loves playing with the kids and can be the biggest sweetheart towards them, but instantly becomes an asshole when called out on it.
You know how some people are like; “he picks on you because he likes you!” Yeah that exists because of guys like Mitch. He teases you and makes snarky comments because he has no idea how to handle his feelings, Ruby knows he likes you and she teases him.
His confess probably came from an argument between you two, yelling at him for being so mean and then he snaps back with something like; “I just REALLY like you!” Followed by crickets as you stare at him, Mitch is looking anywhere but you.
When it comes to PDA, he acts like he hates it and pouts but he loves it. I can see him totally being into the holding pinkies thing, it’s simple but adorable. You two standing together, pinkies interlocked and he is blushing like crazy.
He will teach you how to make bombs if you want, but he is super paranoid the whole time. Mostly worried you’re going to get yourself hurt, so he stands over your shoulder and watches like a hawk.
Mitch feels like a super cheesy guy, like romantic cheesy. But it’s an apocalyptic world, so he’s hard to have romantic dates. Your first date was sneaking out of Ericson’s at night, climbing a tree and looking at the stars together. That kind of cheesy, if that makes sense.
He gets too embarrassed to ask you to move into his room with him, so he just waits for you to do ur. Or just hint at it continuously. “Your room seems cramped, maybe you should come sleep in mine.” All the rooms are the same size lol. When you finally move into his room, he becomes hella clingy in private. Cuddling you all the time, has to be touching you. Mitch will let you decorate his room if you want, even if it’s something silly or girly. He will make a smart ass comment but if you try to take it down he gets upset like; “Hey, what are you doing I liked it there.” >:(
Sleeping in the same bed with Mitch is a pain, mostly because he rolls around and will roll ON YOU. He also sleeps kinda heavy, so you’ll have better luck pushing him off yourself rather than waking him up. When Mitch does wake up he kinda cranky like an old man, which you tease him about and he only mumbles a “shut up.”
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tellmealittlelie · 3 months
Getting Married to Soap
He can’t stop looking at you as you walk down the aisle towards him. He’s waited so long for this day and he can barely believe that it’s finally arrived, hen. Once you’re close enough to make out his face, he’ll wink at you slyly to make you smile and blush.
The dress is breathtaking with ruffles and embroidery, a soft rosy white with matching heels, its a fairytale.
Your dress is gorgeous, and you had picked it out months before. It had become somewhat of a game to hide it from John, though you know he wouldn't have actually looked in the box.
That didn't stop him, however, from searching then wagging the box in front of your face before you could wrangle it away from him and run to hide it away again as he laughed.
The wedding venue is beautiful. It's out in the countryside and outside an old castle.
All his teammates are there: Captain John, Simon, Gaz, Kate and her wife as well as a few other work colleagues and aquantences.
Dancing in the open air and in the starlight ~ fireflies buzzing around you as you both sway to a soft melody ~
Oh, and your wedding night is just amazing!
You had changed into a pretty little version of your wedding dress for the after party and under that... Well, it's safe to say that your John was more than pleased.
Your honeymoon can be something quaint or some far-off destination - it doesn't matter to Johnny as long as he's with you. <3
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alice-after-dark · 3 months
Deer Wife AU - Mimzy
Inspired by @hiemaldesirae's deer sinner Vox designs (1 | 2 | 3 | 4) and his Attic-Wife Vox AU
Vox meets Mimzy!
(Woke up early and brain went buzz and finished this instead of going back to sleep lol)
Unlike Rosie, Mimzy's visit is not planned.
Instead, the small woman appears at the door, proclaims she'd heard from Rosie about Alastor's new "squeeze," and demands to meet him.
"Well ain't you cute!" she exclaims, holiding his face in her hands. "Alastor, how'd you get your hands on such a cutie? He's way outta your league!"
Vox blushes and fidgets with his skirt. If anything, the opposite was true...
Alastor gently taps her arm with his cane. "Personal space, Mimzy dear. Vox is a nervous creature."
The singer gives him a sour look but nevertheless releases Vox, allowing him to straighten up as she circles him. "You really got yourself a little sheik, huh?"
A what now?
"Mimzy dear."
"Oh come on! Ya gotta let a girl know the details! How's the barney mugging?"
The what?
"That is hardly appropriate!"
They begin to bicker, their tone light and playful. Vox, on the other hand, hasn't the slightest clue as to what they are even talking about. Sheik? Barney mugging? He decides to ask Alastor later.
Somehow, Mimzy has managed to get Alastor into the kitchen, citing something about being a good host and fixing up some snacks and drinks. It's startling. Vox has never seen anyone push Alastor around the way this woman does.
"Now," Mimzy ushers him to sit on the couch and hops up beside him. "Don't you let him get away with nuthin', got it?" she says, oddly serious. "And if he ain't treatin' you right, you let me know and I'll straighten him out. Okie dokie, sweetheart?"
Vox blinks, surprised by the sudden shift. "I...yeah, okay...but I promise, he's been nothing but good to me."
"Good." The small woman crosses her arms and nods. "I expect nuthin' less from him." And then the seriousness is gone and she waggles her eyebrows at him as a sly grin slides across her face. "He better be treatin' you right in other ways too."
Vox's face goes bright red. "I-! No-I mean-! We're not-! We haven't-!"
Mimzy looks practically scandalized. "Are you serious?! Alastor!" Vox wails and hides in his hands as Alastor appears with a tray of snacks and drinks. Mimzy gestures wildly at Vox. "What's the big idea not sexin' up this cutie? Do you know how many mooks he could have eatin' outta his hand right now and you're leavin' him hangin'!"
Alastor sputters.
The sound is so alarming that it makes Vox look up. Alastor's face is bright red and his ears are back flat against his skull. His shadow is snickering behind him as Mimzy continues to lecture him.he is very pointed not looking at Vox. Vox feels his heart skip. Wait...does Alastor...want to...?
Alastor changes the subject. To what, Vox doesn't remember, but it successfully distracts Mimzy while Vox continues to have an existential crisis. Alastor wants to have sex with him. Alastor...wants to have sex...with him. Vox can barely string together any coherent thoughts for the rest of the afternoon.
"I do hope you'll forgive the dear woman," Alastor says as he does the dishs later. "She can be...excitable."
Vox sits at the table as he drinks the tea Alastor made him to calm his over socialized nerves. Alastor's shadow hovers around him like a mother hen.
"You're awfully quiet," Alastor says, still not facing him. "I suspect I know what you're thinking about." He sighs. "Mimzy can be a rather...forward individual. If she made you uncomfortable..."
"No!" Vox says quickly. Embarrassed by his own abruptness, he tries again. "I mean...no, what she said didn't...bother me. I just...do you? Want to do...that, I mean." Vox's ears are back and he knows his face must be bright red. He feels like a child, unable to even say the damn words properly. He's a grown man, dammit!
"Yes, I do." Vox nearly chokes on his tea. "However, I have no intention of taking advantage of you in the regard. I understand many Overlords and soul-owners would, but I will not force you to satisfy me in that way."
Vox swallows hard. "And...if I want to?"
Now Alastor turns to face him, eyes dark and searching. Vox holds his gaze. He fights the urge to look away like he normally would, flustered as he is. Alastor is looking for reassurance, affirmation that Vox is not saying this to just please him, but because he truly wants this. And Vox wants this. He has for a long time, he realizes. For how sweet and docile he has been for the past several months, Vox is a greedy thing. He knows this about himself and he wants every part of Alastor he can get his hands on. Literally and figuratively.
Alastor clears his throat. "I see." He dries his hands and moves closer. He takes Vox's chin in his hand and Vox's heart skips. Alastor rarely touches him beyond his hands or perhaps his shoulders. This touch forces Vox to keep his eyes on Alastor. The red deer grins down at him wickedly. "Have you ever had intercourse with a man?"
Vox shakes his head.
"Words, darling."
Vox's breath catches in his throat at the commanding tone. "N-no."
Alastor hums. "Well, we can address that later. If I'm going to have you, my dear, I intend to do it properly. You're not a two-cent whore. I've been...delicate with you since your arrival here, but I won't deny that there are many things I wish to do to you. My desires are not conventional, darling. If you are to accept a courtship from me, I need you to understand that."
Vox's mind goes blank. Courtship. Alastor wants to court him. The Radio Demon's hand moves from his chin to stroke the side of his face and Vox leans into the touch as his answer. Alastor kisses him then, slow and so deep that Vox swears he means to consume him.
Vox decides he's alright with that.
1920's Slang:
Sheik - A young sexy man
Barney mugging - Sex
Mook - An ineffectual, foolish, or contemptible person
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