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ink-ami · 1 year ago
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Wanted to do a piece with the BB elite 4 once Kieran (and by extension, Carmine) comes back after the epilogue. I think they were nice about it, even if Drayton still rubs salt into the wound. Also the occasion to draw them all because I fear I won't do it again...
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woollenpharaohs · 2 months ago
Not to pivot but holy shit I've never heard of Visual Kei before and seeing the photos @ocqueen added makes so much sense not only for Yugi but for the costume design behind Angel Sanctuary
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I wish I knew about Visual Kei in the early 2000s lol
I understand the value of artistic liberties but what exactly is Yugio's haircut supposed to be. I've wondered this since childhood
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kilfeur · 1 year ago
Comme j'ai la version française du jeu, j'ai remarqué des petites différences dans la traduction. Par exemple avec Kassis, quand Roseille lui dit de l'appeler dans la version française il dit "Je pense pas qu'elle veuille m'entendre" mais dans la version anglaise il dit "Peut être qu'elle préfère que tu le fasses. Et lorsqu'on affronte Terapagos et que Roseille insiste que Kassis vient nous aider. Dans la version anglaise on dit "Faisons le ensemble" mais dans la version française on dit "J'ai besoin de toi !" Donc je sais pas quelle traduction est la plus proche du script original mais bon j'étais étonnée de voir des phrases différentes en terme de sens par rapport à la version française du jeu.
As I have the French version of the game, I noticed some small differences in the translation. For example, with Kieran, when Carmine tells him to call us in the French version he says "I don't think she wants to hear me" but in the English version he says "Maybe she'd rather you did it." And when we confront Terapagos and Carmine insists that Kieran come and help us. In the English version we say "Let's do it together !" but in the French version we say "I need you !" So I don't know which translation is closer to the original script, but I was surprised to see different phrases in terms of meaning compared to the French version of the game.
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rossisrad · 1 year ago
La Vie En Rose
Des yeux qui font baiser les miens
Un rire qui se perd sur sa bouche
Voilà le portrait sans retouche
De l'homme auquel j'appartiens
Quand il me prend dans ses bras
Il me parle tout bas
Je vois la vie en roseIl me dit des mots d'amour
Des mots de tous les jours
Et ça me fait quelque choseIl est entré dans mon cœur
Une part de bonheur
Dont je connais la cause
C'est lui pour moi, moi pour lui
Dans la vieIl me l'a dit, l'a juré pour la vie
Et dès que je l'aperçois
Alors, je sens en moi
Mon cœur qui bat
Des nuits d'amour a ne plus en finir
Un grand bonheur qui prend sa place
Des ennuis, des chagrins, des phases
Heureux, heureux a en mourir
Quand il me prend dans ses bras
Il me parle tout bas
Je vois la vie en roseIl me dit des mots d'amour
Des mots de tous les jours
Et ça me fait quelque chose
Il est entré dans mon cœur
Une part de bonheur
Dont je connais la cause
C'est toi pour moi, moi pour toi
Dans la vieIl me l'a dit, l'a juré pour la vie
Et dès que je t'aperçois
Alors, je sens en moi
Mon cœur qui bat
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yutopia-eleftheria · 4 months ago
Do you have any headcanons for Nemona, Arven, Penny, Carmine (the canon one) and Kieran? Just wondering!
Thank you very much for this ask ! Sorry if I was a bit late to answer, but I was busy with Inktober and Inkember so I barely had time to do anything else at this point.
Here are some headcanons I have of the Scarlet & Violet Rivals/Friends Squad ! :
Note : Their names are a combination of their French and English (with the only exception being Penny, which is her nickname in my Headcanons). I'm just saying this so you are not confused.
Menzi Nemona, Pepper Arven, Pania Peony Rose and Roseille & Kassis Kieran Headcanons
Menzi Nemona :
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Age : 16 years old
Birthday : April 1st
Zodiac Sign : Aries
Height : 5'7" (170 cm)
Weight : 139 lbs (63 kg)
Blood Type : O+
Hometown : Cuchalaga (Cabo Poco)
Place of Residence : Cuchalaga (Cabo Poco)
Sexuality : Panromantic Genderfluid Bisexual
Lover : Juliana Harui (Female MC)
"Anthem" : Guarantee by Black Eyed Peas ft. J. Rey Soul
First Pokémon : Pawmi (Pohm) ♂
Team :
"Sparky" Pohmarmotte (Pawmot) ♂ ELECTRIK TERA
"Nino" Palmaval (Quaquaval) ♂ WATER TERA
"Sunshine" Lougaroc (Lycanroc Day Form) ♀ ROCK TERA
"Addison" Muplodocus (Goodra) ♀ DRAGON TERA
"Sora" Deusolourdo (Dudunsparce) ♂ NORMAL TERA
"Pipp" Ferdeter (Orthworm) ♂ STEEL TERA
Apart from the freckles she has on her nose, she also has some on her shoulders as well.
She is very tactile ; Physical contact is very important to her. In fact she does tons of huggies to her significant other.
She was meant to inherit her parents' business alongside her older sister, but she is not interested. Her parents are very rich, like billionnaires, but she has different projects than following her parents' footsteps. So it is most likely her older sister that could continue the legacy (if she is still around, who knows...).
Actually, she wants to be just like the Chairwoman Alisma Geeta. She in fact idolizes her.
She is partially deaf and wears a device to help, although it is hard to spot when you don't know about it.
It is because of her deficiency that she speaks louder than average people.
Due to her deficiency, she learns sign language.
She has motricity problems in her right arm since birth, but the reason behind it is unknown. Since her right hand is her dominant one, she has a motricity helper to conter this problem (her specific red and black glove is the device).
She has a strong ADHD disorder.
She is also VERY overactive, which doesn't help as she just wants to battle again and again.
If she has an intense laughing fit, she will start to sound like a seal, which doesn't help at all stopping the giggles.
If you ever make her REALLY angry, you will most likely regret it. Get ready to be insulted in the Paldean (Spanish) dialect.
She is the type to be heavily excited all the time, and will be trembling from excitement everytime.
Pepper Arven :
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Age : 17 years old
Birthday : October 9th
Zodiac Sign : Libra
Height : 5'5" (165 cm)
Weight : 170 lbs (77 kg)
Blood Type : AB+
Hometown : Mesaledo (Mesagoza)
Place of Residence : Route de Cuchalaga ; Phare (Poco Path's Lighthouse) {formerly}
Naranja/Uva Acdamy {currently}
Sexuality : Pansexual Cisgender
Lover : Juliana Aceituña (my Pokémon Violet OC)
"Anthem" : Bird with a Broken Wing by Owl City
First Pokémon : Maschiff (Grondogue) ♂
Team :
"Matthew" Dogrino (Mabosstiff) ♂ DARK TERA
"Compagou" Rongrigou (Greedent) ♂ NORMAL TERA
"Sodapop" Gigansel (Garganacl) ♂ ROCK TERA
"Champi" Terracruel (Toadscruel) ♀ GROUND TERA
"Hot Sauce" Scovilain ♀ GRASS TERA
"Sour" Crustabri (Cloyster) ♂ WATER TERA
Picnic lover. He is used to go picnic with his Maschiff (now Mabosstiff) multiple times a week.
Let the others play with his hair, as he doesn't mind. But he lets his other half Juliana go all out with it.
Self-taught boy. He was on his own almost all of his life, as his parents (Olim Sada & Turo Arven) were never there to really take care of him. He is able to do many things, such as cooking, sewing, and multiple chores.
He feels uneased alongside Mora Raifort, as she reminds him a lot of his parents, more specifically his mother (they were best friends back in the days).
Visually impaired. Maschiff was given to him as a gift for Christmas in order to help him out with this disability. So we can say it is pretty much a guide dog. This was one of the most significant things his parents ever offered him.
He was on his own living in the lighthouse for quite some time. But ever since his last time in Area Zero where he learned about his parents' passing, Clavell offers him a place to live in the academy (since he didn't know either that they passed away).
Unlike his parents who were prodigies pretty much at every school subject, Pepper has had a hard time following all the subjects, and often needed private lessons to help him reach the average level.
Ever since what happened to his partner in Area Zero (which almost led to his dear Pokemon's death), Pepper never wanted to do any battles anymore. So he never goes to Élige Dendra's fighting and battling lessons.
Now he goes from time to time, but it is not the lesson he is the most thrilled about.
Always going in cooking classes after class. He is practicing even more with Clavell, who is now his father figure.
If there is one subject he is thrilled to learn more about, it has to be foreign languages and cultures.
Menzi is teaching him sign language as well.
Is actually helping out Team Star with their community services. He likes to feel useful and helping out people.
His greatest dream is to open and be the chef of his own restaurant, the biggest one in Mesagoza, near the academy. One that will for both Humans and Pokémons.
Kombu sometimes asks him to come in his restaurant in order to help him achieve his dream.
Pania Peony Rose :
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Age : 15 years old
Birthday : May 29th
Zodiac Sign : Gemini
Height : 4'11" (149 cm)
Weight : 77 lbs (35 kg)
Blood Type : AB-
Hometown : Motorby (Motostoke)
Place of Residence :
Sexuality : Non Binary Demifluid Androgynosexual
Lover : Ortiga Mejadoha
"Anthem" : What Have you Done by Within Temptation ft. Keith Caputo
First Pokémon : Eevee (Évoli) ♀
Team :
"'Vee" Nymphali (Sylveon) ♀ FAIRY TERA
"Umbra" Noctali (Umbreon) ♂ DARK TERA
"Aqua" Aquali (Vaporeon) ♂ WATER TERA
"Volt" Voltali (Jolteon) ♂ ELECTRIK TERA
"Flare" Pyroli (Flareon) ♀ FIRE TERA
"Leaf" Phyllali (Leafeon) ♀ GRASS TERA
Is always seen wearing a hoodie and leggings.
She suffers anxiety and autism (her uncle has anxiety as well).
She only uses the 6 Eeveelutions mentioned above for battle. She actually has all of them but the remaining 2 (Espeon and Glaceon) never battles.
The remaining 2 Eeveelutions are named "Espoir" and "Glacia" respectively, and are both Females.
All of her Eeveelutions' names are based of thei real names, or have a name that is reminiscent of their species names, apart from Sylveon. The reason for that is because she had the later as an Eevee when she was very young, and mistook the species's names as "Vee" rather than Eevee, so she decided to stick to that name.
All of her Eeveelutions knows Quick Attack and Baby-Doll Eyes. They also all know a stab move and a coverage move, apart from Flareon, who has 2 Fire Type Moves. Here are their 2 other specific moves :
Aqua : Hydropump and Aurora Beam
Volt : Thunder and Pin Missile
Flare : Flare Blitz and Fire Spin
Espoir : Psychic and Dazzling Gleam
Umbra : Dark Pulse and Psychic
Leaf : Leaf Blade and X-Scissor
Glacia : Blizzard and Last Resort
'Vee : Moon Blast and Shadow Ball
She dreams that one day, there will be countless different Eeeveelutions. So to feed up her dream, she draws "fake" Eeveelutions designs, starting up with the known typings that don't have an Eeveelution yet.
She is an absolute fan of Mashynn Iono. She is collecting all goodies and products related to her.
Roseille Kieran
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Age : 17 years old
Birthday : November 22nd
Zodiac Sign : Scorpio
Height : 5'10" (178 cm)
Weight : 132 lbs (60 kg)
Blood Type : O-
Hometown : Septentria (Kitakami)
Place of Residence : Jaderaude (Mossui Town)
Sexuality : Polyamorous
Lovers : Irido Drayton
Nérine Amarys
"Anthem" : Break the Rules by Charli XCX
First Pokémon : Poltchageist
Team :
"Tea Tree" Théffroyable (Sinistcha) GRASS TERA
"Escape" Grahyéna (Mightyena) ♀ DARK TERA
"Yacht" Bazoucan (Toucannon) ♀ FLYING TERA
"Béatrice" Morpeko ♀ ELECTRIK TERA
"Rosalina" Feunard (Ninetales) ♀ FIRE TERA
"Antoine" Baggaïd (Scrafty) ♀ FIGHTING TERA
When her little brother was still a baby, she accidently "hit" him in the head when holding him.
She has to change her phone's password almost everyday. That's because Kassis always steal it from her and snook in it. He loves to tease her and watch all of her life (because her phone is basically her life).
She was once so angry at Irido that she punched him in the face and broke his nose.
Can't stand the heat.
Kassis Kieran
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Age : 14 years old
Birthday : October 26th
Zodiac Sign : Scorpio
Height : 5'3" (160 cm)
Weight : 110 lbs (50 kg)
Blood Type : A+
Hometown : Septentria (Kitakami)
Place of Residence : Jaderaude (Mossui Town)
Sexuality : Demiromantic Abrosexual
Lover : Loreleÿ Carmine (my Pokémon Scarlet OC)
"Anthem" : Shy by Jai Waetford (DLC 1)
SNAP by Rosa Linn (DLC 2)
First Pokémon : Applin (Verpom) ♂
Team :
"Cinnamon" Pomdorochi (Hydrapple) ♂ FIGHTING TERA
"Simon" Tarpaud (Politoad) ♂ STEEL TERA
"Highball" Dracolosse (Dragonite) ♂ NORMAL TERA
"Moonsault" Félinferno (Incineroar) ♂ WATER TERA
"Eisenhardt" Porygon-Z ♂ GHOST TERA
"Rugitou" Angoliath (Grimmsnarl) ♂ DARK TERA
Has learned how to do flower crowns. He at first learned it to try to earn Ogerpon's trust and becoming friends with it (when he saw it for the first time). Now he does them for his love Loreleÿ.
Sometimes gives the mails to everyone in his village to gain his own money. He does it like once every week.
His hobby is collecting shiny stones and other shiny objects and artefacts.
Easily blushes (even in his "emo" phase).
Can't stand loud noises. These can make him feel ill at ease, sometimes even make him have a panic attack.
When he is stresses, he bites his nails as well as his skin around them.
Autistic and anxious. He has a good relationship with Pania because they understand each other's problems very well (since they both suffers from these).
He doesn't drink natural water. It always has to be with sugar and/or added flavors. Or he drinks sodas.
Sometimes has insomnias.
Not a big fan of showers. He prefers baths (Yup, still a baby deep inside).
He got attacked by Pecharunt (Pêchaminus) during his sleep, but he has no memories of it. He now has Pecharunt marks on his back. This is a parallel to his lover Loreleÿ who has cracking marks all over her body because of Terapagos.
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lilmissfanfic · 1 year ago
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King of Gotham
(Please don’t take my story, readers +18)
Oswald’s stuck in a pickle but his and fish favorite person arrives. Takes over and so does Oswald?
(Oswald’s POV)
Miss Mooney if I have a brief word. I know my life is fourth it.. I speak not for my sake but yours.. after all because I still love and respect you.. kill me if you must but keep Clone alive.. as soon as he dead Looney has no use for you. Your simple a threat he will kill you-"
"Whoa" he said
"You think" she said 
"Why would he need another boss in town, another rivial"
"That's where your wrong smart guy. A shes not our rivial because shes not a boss. Shes an under boss" he said
"An under boss takes orders. I dont take orders" she said
"I know that. Were cool. Relax" he said
"Im relax"
"I dont think you are babes"
"Please dont call me babes"
"You see, not relaxed. Babes? Really? It's a term of endearment. It means I like you" he said touching her arm. She raised her arm and looked at it then at him daringly
"Fine. I've spoke. You not an underboss and your not a babe. You tell me what you are"
"What we are Val are partners"
"Whatever you want. Partners. I'm partner number 1 and your partner number 2. That's the deal right? I'm number one and you are?" 
"Number 2" 
"They're you go. Simple math. 1 2 babes- opsh.. sorry.. it's the last time. I swear" he winked the walked over near us and turned toward his crew
"Guys can you feel the buzz in the air. Its victory, redemption, power.. this old man dies our new day begins. We rule Gotham and Build a dynasty. We will whip this town like a rented mule. Right babes? " she looked at him and he began laughing "Ops. Relax I'm kidding you. Guys no seriously.. dont call her babes or tutes or what have ya.. It's a women's netfate-" s
A shot fired in the middle of his head. He fell to the ground. Everyone looked over to see who fired. Seeing Roseile with a gun raised in hand. You could put two and two together. She fired the gun
"What an asshole" she said lowering the gun. 
"My my. I am impress. Well done"
"Thank you" she said walking over towards Fish. She wore black leather leggings and a tight leather jacket. She  high-heeled boots giving her a few inches but many were still taller then her.
Rose stood next to Fish then they looked over at the crew getting into a fighting stance "you sure you wanna try that?" Fish asked. They back away accept for two. Roseile pulled out her gun and shot both of them quickly
"Now.. if you dont want your brains blown to the back of your skull.." Rosile walk towards them "I suggest you make the right decision" 
She walks over towards us hanging from the rope. She pulls out a blade and flicks it open. Everyone silent to what will happen next. She the beginning to cut everyone's rope one by one till she gets to me.
"Leave him, hes no good" Fish said and Roseile turned around
"Rosile.." I tried to say but my voice cracked. She smirked then turned back to the crew
"Now I'm need of a crew and your need of a boss. Let's make this fair shall we. Be my crew, I'll be your boss. Well do great things together" she smirked looking innocent. They others shrugged
"I ain't listing to no little girl-" Rosielie smiled then turned around before she quickly turned back and kicked the guy in the face, knocking him out before you could finish his complaint 
"Anyone else" they quickly shook theirs heads "good... now bow to me"  they looked at eachother and got down on one knee around her
"Well well looks like I have a new partner" Fish smirked
"Yeah number 1 and 2." Rosile joked causing Fish to laugh
"Funny.. now I guess I owe you a favor.. you did kill someone for me"
"Well you do have something I want.." 
"And what would that be.."
"I think we both know what it is" Rose said. Fish looked at her then noded her head. Rose snapped her hands and her one of the crew members pulled out a blade. He walked towards me when gun shots fired.
I tried to hide but hard when your hands are tied together. I saw Rose to her men grabbing the knife and throwing it towards me. My eyes widen then I shut them quickly, looking away in fear. Then I was shoved to the ground. I looked up seeing Rose. She smiled then quickly got up. She the cut the rope for me
I sat up noticing Fish run upstairs. I grabbed a gun and shot a few people that were running after Rosie as she defened off some people. Then I ran over towards the stairs
"Fish where are you!" I yelled then I got hit by a pipe then shoved agaist a wall by Fish. I pushed her back  then shoved her to the wall meanwhile I grabbed the pipe from her and hit her with it a couple times. Till she grabbed the pipe and hit me in the face, She grabbed me by the sholders and shoved me back to the raling on the roof. 
I looked down seeing the beautiful ocean blue. Almost as beautiful as Rosie which is why I am not giving up. I pushed Fish back holding onto her neck like she did me. Then we turned to see Butch with a gun
"Butch.. bout time" Fish said
"shoot her Butch!" I yelled
"oh really"
"do as I say Butch. Shoot her!"
"what are you doing drop him. I'm your girl! remember I'm your girl!" Fish yelled
"Kill her now" I yelled his face cringe and he shot us both. I fell to the ground as Butch ran to Fish. I wasen't gonna lose this. This fight is for Rosie. I grabbed a wood plank and hit Butch with it. We stood facing eachother
"goodbye Fish" I yelled
"its all good" she smirked
I screamed as I then shoved her off the roof. Looking down in shock.
I acually did it. She is gone. Fish Mooney is gone. I killed Fish. I killed the Queen of Gotham. I'm free. Not only that. I'm the king of Gotham. I laughed with joy then stood on the railing 
"I'm the King of Gotham! I'm the king of Gotham" I yelled 
"Oswald.." I turned and saw Rosielie. I took a shaky breath and stepped down then slowly took a few steps toward her cautiously. Tears brimmed her eyes which pained me. 
I didnt know what to exept. I wouldn't blame her if she yelled, hit, kicked, or even tried to kill me. I killed her only mother figure.
I held out my arms ready for her frustration then closed my eyes. I felt little arms wrap around me causing my to gasp.
I looked down to Rose with her face buried in my sholder. I wrapped my hands tighter around her and held her close.
"Im sorry Rose" I cried. she looked up and held my face
"don't be I understand. Your still my special Ozzy" I smiled and hugged her once more
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indiejustdoodling · 2 months ago
chat i swear i haven't died i'm just hyperfixated on zelda and dnd lmao
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anyway ssso i've made smth of an au and an oc (brunette is my oc othea roseil hyrule, younger sister of zelda)
i might draw them together some day
alas my job here is done
(disappears like a funky lil goober)
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dixvinsblog · 5 months ago
Le choix littéraire de Sab en live : La mélodie des jours de Lorraine Fouchet chez Robert Laffont
Octobre roseIl y a des histoires qui commencent tragiquement mais dès les premières lignes vous savez qu’elles finiront bien. Vous le savez même avant d’avoir ouvert le livre et je vous jure que ça fait un bien fou ces histoires qui se finissent bien. Ces histoires tumultueuses où la solidarité, l’amitié et l’amour font que, les mésaventures se finiront quand même bien pour les protagonistes et…
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raynbowclown · 1 year ago
La Vie en Rose
Song lyrics to La Vie en Rose (1945), lyrics by by Édith Piaf, music composed by Louiguy French lyrics to La Vie en Rose Quand il le prend dans ses brasQu’il me parle tout basJe vois la vie en roseIl me dit des mots d’amourDes mots de tout les joursEt ça m’fais quelque choseIl est entré dans mon cœurUne part de bonheurDont je connais la causeC’est lui pour moi, moi pour lui dans la vieIl me l’a…
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greenbloodedskink · 5 months ago
Oh I would need to play the games in both English and French to really comment on things. Though I can say that whenever I compare French VS English quotes, the French version is always better. Sometimes because of better accuracy, sometimes because it's more emotional.
Since japanese use a lot of different pronouns for various degrees of formality, it's easier to transcribe that in french when we have the formal/informal you option, and it adds to the characterisation.
Also the french translation loves to work in puns wherever it can.
I've done french quotes translation of Emmet for a friend, his dialog tends to differ from English more often than Ingo. Notably, he says "Je m'appelle Chamsin" [I am Emmet] a lot more often than in English and may be more accurate to the Japanese text in that way (i do not speak Japanese, but it wouldn't make sense to add this quirk of language unless its in the original text)
Coming back to your comment about Kieran, playing the DLC was the first time I actually faced those difference in translation because I would remember specific quotes that Did Not Happen That Way in English. And it was sad because those quotes were very impactful and made me want to draw those moments!
"La ferme, Roseille !!! Joueur… Tout ce que je ressens quand je te vois… c'est d'la pure jalousie ! Tu perds jamais tes combats ! Tu peux aller où tu veux ! Tu t'fais des potes en claquant des doigts ! Même Ogerpon a préféré te suivre, alors que j'rêvais d'être son ami depuis tout petit… !" [Shut up, Carmine!!! Player…. All I can feel when I see you… it's pure jealousy! You never lose your battles! You can go wherever you want! You can make friends in a snap of your finger! Even Ogerpon prefered you over me, even though I dreamed of being its friend since I was a kid…!]
"Shut it, Sis!" "[Player] has everything I've ever wanted!" "She’s/He’s got strong Pokémon! She/He can go anywhere she/he wants, and she/he can be friends with anyone!" "I loved Ogerpon since forever ago! But even Ogerpon chose her/him over me!"
In french, Kass actually talk to the player directly instead of complaining about us to his sister, he literally states that he is jealous, and he sounds a lot more spiteful.
That dialog mostly impacted me because he remarked that I, as a protagonist, "never lose a battle", when I had lost 10 minutes ago against Drayton. It was so funny that I wanted to draw the scene, only to find out that english players didn't get that specific line. Tragic.
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torabisutouchdown · 5 years ago
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been playin botw again so i made some gerudo girl ocs, theyre married
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       ❛  where’s mathias? i thought he was home with you.  ❜       
@roseils // starter call
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asphaltkissed-a-blog · 6 years ago
👄 for anyone about anyone i love u i couldnt pick we have so many kids
send 👄 and a muse! // accepting // @roseils
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        ❛  i love him. i shouldn’t--because of how our relationship is, and how we’ve developed--but i do. i really love him. he’s younger than me, but i still feel so safe with him, and he takes care of me. it’s weird, but it’s... comfortable. and when he’s not around, i feel so empty and lonely. who says older guys are all that? there are young guys who are outstanding too.  ❜    
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hfkarchives-blog · 7 years ago
---   @roseils.
---   from cecil.
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“   skincare,  no one  EVER  listens to me   !   i literally have a sink full of skincare products,  &  no one ever listens to me   !   it’s like bubbles wants his skin to shrivel up in a dry heap.   the  NERVE  of his damn mouth,  ugh   !   “   her hands are in her hair,  shaking softened locks as annoyance displays from glittering hues of saturated browns.   water bottle is tipped past brimming reds,  &  then such object is pointed to the other.   “   you listen to me,  right   ?   am i really that simple -- minded that people just never want to listen to me   ?   “
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faline-cat444 · 2 years ago
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The designs do match up well to their names.Carmine is a shade of red while the meaning of Kieran is “dark-haired”.As for what other regions are calling these two...
German-Hana and Jo
French-Roseille and Kassis
Italian-Rubra and Riben
Spanish-Corin and Cass
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Have I decide to get drunk and read midnight sun instead of any of my uni work? Yes
I also decided to write some of my thoughts down
Chapter 1 (drink 1)
Why did 12yr old think twilight was well written
God why is Edward so fucking extra
Some of this dialogue just seems so... off. Is this shit normal people think??
Jessica and Roseile deserve better then this bullshit
Please Edward chill. You've spent most of this plotting murder. It's making uncomfortable
Cliche???? Bitch this whole things fucking cliche.
Ewww was this shit necessary???? I did not need to read full grown adults lusting after teenagers gross. (I then realized that what twilight is anyway coz Eds like 100 or something)
And more murder.
15 year old me would have though this shit was hot
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