catherine-white · 7 months
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"If clothes make the person, dishes make the food."
Rosanjin went on to explain, "Appropriate care must go into their selection, not only in terms of quality, but also to see that the size, depth, color and other aspects of the dishes harmonize. Some people argue that as long as the food itself is palatable the container doesn't matter, but this is an ignorant line of thinking, like saying the sole function of clothing is to protect the wearer from heat and cold."
This visionary was the legendary Renaissance man Kitaoji Rosanjin
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chronivore · 8 months
Rosanjin - Wikipedia
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takmiblog · 1 year
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Rosanjin Kitaoji
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Today's Haiku with picture99
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Tanishi Crawling If you eat this people say it tastes good
Tanishi is a freshwater snail. It is said that it is delicious if it is boiled well, but Rosanjin Kitaoji, a famous gourmet, liked to eat it rare because it was delicious, and it is said that he died of liver distoma.
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mybeingthere · 8 months
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Rosanjin Dish, roughly square, Red Shino type stoneware
design carved through iron slip to reveal body; Shino type glaze applied); made by Kitaoji Rosanjin (1883-1959), Japan (Kita Kamakura), about 1955; Japan, modern crafts, studio, ceramics
Victoria & Albert museum
(Source: framemark.vam.ac.uk)
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jaffre · 3 months
i went back to check my boxes of old drawings, even scanned a few that i'll share later, but rn i just came across an old folder (the thing itself is falling apart) with all of my original vtm character sheets and related drawings lmao!!!!!
there's empty sheets, character ideas, more drawings of honzo, sally and elvis as kids, more of sally and elvis together (didn't mention elvis earlier cause he wasnt relevant but he and sally had a thing), several pages documenting sally's backstory and how it ties in with honzo's, and of course, my original character sheet for sally!!!
there's also a double copy full of a prophecy our dm at the time wrote for our game that i had to write down, really cool
a glimpse of my other vtm characters from when i was 15 - cocktail sullivan, a ravnos who i had dubbed "the master of disguise" and who has a tattoo thats exactly the same as mégane from the thieves cause it seems i only have 1 tattoo idea ever. there's also a few pages of quick comics i drew of events from the games she was in - jérémiah novembre, a malkavian that i stacked so much handicaps against and dont remember ever playing but it seemed i did since he acquired an artefact
and on the list of character concepts i wrote down and definitely never played: - helena rosanjin, a ventrue who owned a bar bc i was very original with a ventrue, altho there are some floorplans of what i thought the bar could look like - robin jacob, a skateboarding lasombra who was sired as a kid and i have a whole list of like, kids that were part of his gang across several decades?? - rafaël passilina, a blind toreador who can sense auras and is absolutely a self-insert considering how he's dressed super fancy like how i used to draw myself lmao - an unnamed nosferatu who wears a mask who seems to be some tortured angtsy edgelord, unsurprisingly
and my most cringe inducing creation: a kuroda vampire clan with cat based powers
and even with that i didnt get any actual info on honzo's grandpa and what the fuck were my original plans about the kuroda family
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aimachat39 · 4 months
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Photograph by Isamu Noguchi (top) of his friend and mentor Kitaoji Rosanjin, May 1963 and; (bottom) the master at work, 1952.
The Noguchi Museum Archive
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bruceglobetrotter · 2 years
Rosanjin's Natto-bachi
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kinsentokyo · 2 years
18.5cm / Plate by Matajiro Kawamura
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Plate by Matajiro Kawamura (1930-2006 / born in Kyoto). Son of Kitaro Kawamura. Kitaro took over the kiln of Rosanjin Kitaoiji in Kamakura and named it “Kichuro” kiln. Matajiro took over Kichuro kiln when Kitaro passed away in 1966. Matajiro's works are also characterized by the clay, which he used to make his ceramics, sticking to the soil at the foot of Sanage Mountain in Aichi Prefecture. W 18.5cm / 10.5cm x H 1cm / 295-335g Good condition ★★★☆☆
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mimiminimal · 3 years
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Kitaoji Rosanjin (1883-1959) - Large Bowl with Cherry-Blossoms and Maple Trees in Underglaze Iron and Overglaze Enamels, 1940.  x
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catherine-white · 1 year
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square dish
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laku-incarnate · 5 years
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Japanese artist, Fusajiro Kitaoji, known as Rosanjin (1883-1959).
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takmiblog · 1 year
「魯山人の食卓」 北大路魯山人
解説/料理も芸術である 平野雅章
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thatsbutterbaby · 2 years
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Kitaōji Rosanjin (Japanese, 1883—1959) -  Sake Vessel; Ceramic; 4 ¾ x 2 5/8 in.; Collection of Isamu Noguchi. (Study Collection; Collectibles, C-S-87)
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madoyaka · 5 years
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Paravento “Iroha” di Rosanjin Kitaooji. • “Iroha” folding screen by Rosanjin Kitaooji. • 北大路魯山人作「いろは屏風」。 ••• #giappone #okayama #korakuen #rosanjin #rosanjinkitaoji #kitaojirosanjin #iroha #paravento #oro #calligrafia #calligrafiagiapponese #japan #foldingscreen #gold #calligraphy #japanesecalligraphy #日本 #岡山 #後楽園 #魯山人 #北大路魯山人 #いろは #屏風 #金 #墨 #縁起がいい #書道 #cerchio #circle #円 (岡山県立博物館) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6w-RkHlLO9/?igshid=1b56a0159ijld
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charen-tokyo · 7 years
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お初釜の打合せに赤坂へ。本物にこだわり続けるプロフェッショナルな方々とのコラボレーションは本当にワクワクします。同時に自分はちゃんと真っ直ぐ道を志しているか、伝統のバトンを受継ぐ覚悟を再確認。魯山人の愛した料理番、懐石辻留で新しい年を最高のかたちで迎える準備が始まります。#赤坂 #料亭 #懐石辻留 #魯山人の愛した日本料理 #tsujitome #rosanjin #kaiseki #japaneseteaceremony #tranquilitea
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