#ron glass
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beardedmrbean · 7 months ago
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fictionz · 3 months ago
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The greatest trick the devil ever pulled.
( @apocrypals )
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jewelstaite · 6 months ago
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2005 Serenity Cast Photography
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vintagetvstars · 7 months ago
Ron Glass Vs. Scott Bakula
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Ron Glass - (Barney Miller, Firefly) - the man aged like a fine wine! he was hot in the 70s and he was hot in the 00s!
Scott Bakula - (Quantum Leap, Star Trek: Enterprise (Seasons 1-3)) - Idk how to even explain how hot Scott Bakula is as Dr. Sam Beckett in Quantum Leap. Sam is the ultimate hot nerd - a genius with six doctorates, who invents a way to time travel, he's selfless and pure of heart, and will unhesitatingly punch bigots in the face when necessary. He also does a lot of singing and dancing (Bakula is a Tony nominated musical theatre actor) and takes off his shirt A LOT. He kind of looks like just some guy in still photos, but watch him in an episode, and trust me, you'll understand.
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Ron Glass:
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Scott Bakula:
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CW: Text propaganda briefly talks about an episode involving sexual assault
look. the broad spectrum of issues covered in quantum leap with a SHOCKING amount of sincerity and good balance of comedy with serious topics should be able to speak for itself here. to me its a very Classic scifi/speculative fiction model of reflection on social issues - episodes where sam is put through minority group experiences or put in social positions of difficulty (in particular, the episode in which hes in the body of a teen girl thats been raped by a local Golden Boy always comes to mind. for ostensibly a comedy show, they took big serious swings and that helps it hold up still.) and yes he absolutely rocked the dresses they tailored for him. guy that is hot bc hes not afraid to get serious Or sillay. one fun fact i have about him is that his contract for enterprise specified that they had to be done filming every day by a certain time so that he could go have dinner at home, he made the studio give him time to spend with his family bc when they filmed quantum leap he would be away months at a time. also hes a triple threat he has stage experience too <3
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citizenscreen · 9 months ago
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Remembering Ron Glass on his birthday #botd
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oldshowbiz · 27 days ago
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The New Odd Couple (1982-83) starring Demond Wilson and Ron Glass
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fancoloredglasses · 3 months ago
Saffron's Saga (How can a Browncoat be so gullible?), part 2: "Trash"
[All images are owned by 20th Century Fox Disney and Mutant Enemy Productions. Please don’t sue me. Your gorrum reputation’s bad enough Mr. Whedon]
In the last review, we were introduced to…
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…Saffron (played by Christina Hendricks, who would later play Joan on Mad Men). Somehow (given the entire series lasted less than a season), she made a second appearance (though this episode was among those that were produced but didn't air due to the series being cancelled)
Following a successful job for a frontier settlement, Mal was shocked to discover Saffron aboard Serenity, claiming she was his wife (gifted by the settlement’s elder) Despite the noblest of efforts (he planned on annulling the marriage and setting her up with honest work at their next stop and had NO intention of consummating their “marriage”), Saffron seduced and drugged Mal, then attempted to divert Serenity to pirates who intended on killing the crew and salvaging the ship. However, Mal and Jayne managed to defeat the pirates and confronted Saffron, leaving her knocked out and stranded.
[In another episode that have I not yet reviewed (I will if there's demand), Jayne attempted to sell Simon and River to the Alliance on the planet Ariel, but was double-crossed by the Alliance. When Mal found out, he was this close to throwing Jayne out of the nearest airlock, but Jayne managed to beg his way out of Mal sending him on a walk without a space suit. That will be important later in this episode]
Now, on with the episode! If you would like to watch it, it’s available on CW’s website or behind your favorite paywall.
We open to a scrub desert. It pans until we see…
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…huh. I’ll bet there’s a hell of a story behind this!
And to see it, we’ll have to go back about 72 hours.
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Mal is doing a smuggling hand-off from his old friend Monty, who had shaved off his epic beard he was so proud of. When asked why, he said it was for his wife, Bridget…
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…or should we say Saffron?
Cue the opening!
(Thanks to Mikey)
Mal immediately sets the record straight about Bridget Saffron.
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Well, so much for marital bliss. Monty leaves Saffron behind and Mal sure as hell isn’t giving her a ride off world.
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OK, that sorta-kinda gets Mal’s attention. Saffron claims she was gonna rope Monty in as a partner, but now she’s willing to work with Mal (is this a setup? I kinda smell setup…)
 Later, when Serenity lands to pick up Mal and the cargo...
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Apparently Mal and Saffron has some intense negotiations, as Mal is sporting a nosebleed. While he crew loads the cargo, Inara wants to speak with him.
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You’d think she’d realized what sort of a ship she rented a shuttle from. After some intense negotiations (that thankfully didn’t end with another bloody nose, but did involve some hurtful insults on both sides), Mal storms out of Inara’s shuttle with nothing solved.
 Later in the cargo bay, Mal opens a crate to find Saffron inside. Well, ain’t this awkward!
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…or not.
Later in the galley, Mal and Saffron lay out the job to the rest of the crew (stealing an ultra-rare ancient weapon) Wash has an important question when they finish.
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Fair point. Pretty much everyone voices their issues, but pretty much everyone (except Inara, who storms off) is on board with the caper, but Zoe has yet to weigh in.
(Thanks to Andrea Stellaris)
Ocean’s Six they ain’t, but the job’s a go.
Jayne tells Simon and River that Mal ordered them to stay in their quarters where Saffron can’t try to work her wiles on them and collect the bounty on their heads. After he leaves, River says Jayne’s afraid.
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Meanwhile, Inara makes herself scarce as Saffron secretly looks on. Since the job is on a more settled world, she set up some clients (so she’ll have an alibi when the job goes south)
Eventually, the job begins. Mal and Saffron take a shuttle to the mark’s mansion. The scene then cuts between a flashback to the planning stage and Mal and Saffron executing the job as the flashback describes the steps.
The punchline of the plan is to chuck the weapon in the trash, then hack the garbage drone’s nav system to deposit it in the desert. (well, that explains what Mal will be doing in the desert, but why is he gonna be naked?)
Sounds like a fairly foolproof heist. However…
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Jayne is shocked unconscious while he replaces the reprogrammed navigation board! Moreso, the mark enters the vault unexpectedly!
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Jesus, how many times has she run that particular scam? Saffron (or, as the mark calls her, “Yolonda”) makes up some bullshit story about being captured by slavers and finally escaping and promising Mal payment to bring her home. The mark somehow believes her (seriously, how many times?!) and rushes off to get Mal’s payment.
Mal realizes that Saffron could’ve killed the mark and taken whatever she wanted while he was in her thrall, but…
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 As Mal finishes psychoanalyzing Saffron, she pulls a gun on Mal.
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…just as the mark returns, having heard enough.
As “Yolonda” and the mark have their little falling out, Mal dumps the prize in the trash and calls for pickup.
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However, Kaylee hasn’t finished plugging in the new nav card. She manages to plug it in just as the trash drone shows to pick up its payload.
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Inside, Mal manages to disarm Saffron. However…
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The mark called in the Alliance, who quickly arrive in an attempt to detain Mal and Saffron. However, they manage to flee the building as security starts crawling about the place.
On the way to the rendezvous, Mal and Saffron have a heart-to-heart about the mark and Saffron explains her past to Mal.
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Mal comes over to give her a shoulder to lean on
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…which, of course, was a mistake.
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Well, that explains the rest of the opening scene.
But what about Serenity?
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It seems that Saffron once again sabotaged the navigation, so they won’t be heading for the rendezvous, leaving Saffron with the prize all to herself and Mal naked and stranded in the desert.
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…or does it?
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Well played Inara! She then seals Saffron…Bridget…Yolonda…whatever the hell her actual name is…into the trash pod and calls the Alliance to pick her up.
But what about Jayne? He was pretty banged up at the start of the job.
(Thanks to Pathfindr)
…Which brings us back to the present, where we started.
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 Then Inara shows up and questions Mal definition of “according to plan”.
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With that, Serenity arrives to see Mal in all his glory (I’m sure they’ll never look at him the same again) and they head off to fence the loot.
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[NOTE: The final image for this review didn’t come from the episode, but from the gag reel that was supposed to be for the cast’s Christmas party, but wound up being a wrap party instead (fucking Fox) However, it seems appropriate to add it here, so…]
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loveboatinsanity · 11 months ago
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imkeepinit · 2 years ago
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searchforgeek · 1 year ago
Reigniting the 'Firefly': Streaming's Potential to Revive a Cult Classic
Introduction “Firefly,” a series that captivated audiences with its unique blend of sci-fi and western elements, has remained a subject of fascination and hope for revival among its dedicated fan base. Despite its brief initial run in 2002 and the subsequent release of its movie sequel, “Serenity,” the Firefly universe has continued to spark interest and rumors about its return. Current State of…
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View On WordPress
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tuttle-did-it · 7 months ago
‘Incident in Lot 7’ Murder, She Wrote guest stars
Henry Gibson (Rowan & Martin’s Laugh-In, The Blues Brothers, Innerspace, Rocket Power, Becker, Charmed, Stargate SG1, Early Edition, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Mad About You, Coach, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Escape to Witch Mountain, MacGyver, Newhart, The Twilight Zone (1985), Quincy ME, Magnum PI, Trapper John MD, Wonder Woman, Love American Style, Bewitched)
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Ron Glass (Firefly, Serenity, Barney Miller, CSI, Agents of SHIELD, Death at a Funeral, Star Trek Voyager, Teen Angel, Perry Mason, The Twilight Zone (19685), The Bob Newhart Show, Maude, All in the Family)
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The Psycho House - Jessica investigates a murder on the set of Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho (1960). In the opening credits there is a burst of the theme tune from Alfred Hitchcock Presents (1955) and a man that looks like Hitchcock crosses the street. This is a nod to the cameos that Hitchcock made in most of his films.
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Films that have used the Psycho House on Universal set for their locations
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S8, E13 19 Jan 1992
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patientlibrarian · 1 year ago
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Remembering Ron Glass 10/7/45 - 25/11/16. We miss our 'Shepherd'.
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raurquiz · 9 months ago
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#remembering #RonGlass #actor #Loken #StarTrek #Voyager #Nightingale #Firefly #serenity #lakeviewterrace #BarneyMiller #AgentsofSHIELD #MurderSheWrote #RhythmandBlues #Rugrats #TheDivision #shark #AllGrownUp #DeathataFuneral #MajorCrimes #csiny #StrangeFrame #startrek57
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male1971 · 2 years ago
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vintagetvstars · 7 months ago
Ron Glass Vs. Dirk Benedict
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Ron Glass - (Barney Miller, Firefly) - the man aged like a fine wine! he was hot in the 70s and he was hot in the 00s!
Dirk Benedict - (Battlestar Galactica, The A-Team) - No text propaganda
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Ron Glass:
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Dirk Benedict:
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ggswaywardgifrepository · 4 months ago
TW; smoking
I wanted to track this clip down earlier because it was recently the anniversary of Ron Glass's passing. Alas, I couldn't find it until tonight.
Detective Harris in a nutshell. His clothes were ruined in the line of duty and he's seeking reimbursement as only he could do.
He's seriously such a great character. His priority is his wardrobe and he'd rather be writing, although the latter doesn't get a mention in this particular clip.
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