#romance trope series
imagineseclipse · 3 months
I know you- Anthony Bridgerton x Y/n:Part one
Part one - Part two
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Anthony rolled his eyes as he leant against the door frame, watching his family whisper excitedly between themselves as they leant towards the door trying to hear inside, thankfully the walls were thick because on the other side you were almost rolling around on the floor out of breath trying to tighten the corset that Violet had picked out for you. You weren’t a Bridgerton, but you were as close as. You had been a family friend of theirs for as long as you could remember, spending many occasions with them and this season was no different. You often chose to stay at their house instead of your own.
The eldest Bridgerton couldn't understand what all the fuss was as he peered over at the chaos once again, this year a Bridgerton sister wasn’t being put forth before the queen. Francesca had just married off and there was still a while before the others could join Society. So what was the commotion for?
He rolled his eyes again, pushing himself off the door frame, approaching his mother and sisters.
“Maybe we should just quit whilst we’re ahead, I’m sure the queen has already found her diamond”you breathed out nervously, sweat dripping from your top lip as you looked dishevelled and troubled.
“Y/n, you’ve been putting this off since the season I got married”Daphne sighed as she patted down your chest with a cloth.
“And for good reason, it’s hell on earth out there Daphne you know all too well”you scoffed swatting your best friend away.
“You’ll be amazing I’m sure of it-Are you ready?”Daphne raised her eyebrow
“Absolutely not, do not open those doors”you uttered out shaking your head as Daphne unfolded the double doors, revealing the crowd in the hall. You let out a growl as you walked past her, towards Violet.
Anthony's eyes widened as you stepped out, the pale blue lace and silk popping against your skin. The lace draping down around your waist, the silk clinging to all the right parts of you. He was not expecting this. He wasn’t expecting you, looking like that. An unfamiliar feeling washed over him as he realised what was happening. You were going out into society after years of avoiding it. You were to Marry.
He watched as his family, especially Eloise and Daphne, danced excitedly around you, admiring your new look. But Anthony's gaze then fixated on you, his eyes following your every move.
He clenched his jaw slightly, confused and conflicted emotions plagued his thoughts. You had grown up very quickly, no longer the annoying bestfriend to his sister but a mature and captivating lady.
For some reason Anthony had always been relieved that you chose not to join the rest of the Ton in the marriage market, telling himself that you were like a sister to him, and you were strong and independent, eager to think for yourself.
In truth, it was because he didn't want to witness men courting you and vying for your affection like vultures, he didn’t understand why the thought made him uneasy. But it did.
“Can I change my mind?”you pleaded to everyone, Violet letting out a small chuckle as she stepped forwards to adjust a loose hair that fell down your face.
“Yes can she?”His voice rang out, causing everyone to fall into a heavy silence, Anthony’s voice rang out clear as day, his sisters turning to face him with confused expressions, your head turned to him, the first time seeing him since you had moved your things in. Your gaze met his and his eyes never left you, even after everyone had been staring at him because of his sudden outburst.
Something about him was different, you had always thought that Anthony was handsome, but you would have rather died than let him know that. He already had most of the ladies in London falling to their knees, you would be a bonus ego boost for him having teased him for years. His brown hair had grown longer, his eyes full of adventure a twinkle residing there. He looked older, and more muscular. You snapped yourself out of the daze you had fallen into noticing that his gaze was still burning into yours.
“I uh- I mean why make haste if she wants to be a spinster for the rest of her life”he smirked covering his tracks, switching back to his usual insults towards you.
You rolled your eyes, narrowing them at him, you ignored the small smile that played on his mother’s lips as she watched the interaction between the two of you.
“Anthony Bridgerton, as charming as ever, shouldn’t you have been wed like five seasons ago?”you grinned menacingly, thankful that this conversation had calmed your nerves slightly. Eloise stifled a laugh as her older brother grumbled out a profanity under his breath.
“You know let’s hope you’re successful finding a suitable husband with that sharp tongue”he retorted before turning and disappearing into his room, slamming the door behind him.
“What is with him, he’s acting weird”Benedict groaned, Francesca nodding in agreement.
“He’s just snarly because y/n knows how to push his buttons”Daphne hummed out as she put the finishing touches to your dress.
“It’s taken many years of practice but I think I have managed to master the art”you curtseyed with a proud nod.
“Right children, we shan’t be late, the queen will faint if we don’t show on time, we always deliver every year so y/n do us proud”Violet took your hand in hers giving it a tight squeeze.
“I’ll go and get Anthony, there are three coaches outside waiting”Benedict briskly walked in the direction of his older brother.
“Y/n you must take the third carriage with Anthony, we have to keep your dress in pristine condition for your entrance, if you are seen with the Viscount it may deem you more desirable, not that you aren’t already, but it will help”Daphne ordered.
“Honestly Daph, I’m starting to believe you might actually hate me”you groaned, rolling your eyes once again at the thought of being left alone with Anthony when he was in one of his moods.
You sat in the carriage, starting to panic on your own for a little while whilst you waited for Anthony so you could be on your way, your breathing becoming laboured and short. The door finally flung open and the Viscount caught sight of you fanning the sweat from your face. He hesitated before entering, he couldn’t peel his eyes away from you as he watched you struggle.
“What are you staring at Bridgerton”you quipped out as the journey began, the carriage moving swiftly along with the horses.
"Just admiring the view, love," he replied with a smirk, sitting across from you. You ignored his back handed compliment, sure that he was just trying to get under your skin.
He watched you with an amused expression, but his gaze darkened slightly with concern. "You're not feeling unwell, are you?"
“If it means I don’t have to go through with this then yes I’m feeling extremely unwell”you blew air into your own face.
“I know you y/n y/l/n, I know this isn’t what you want”Anthony spoke out gently, a great difference to how he spoke to you earlier. He knew that this was not what you wanted, he also knew that this is not what he wanted either. Deep down in the depths of his ice cold heart. It was like a nagging feeling that he couldn’t get rid of, an itch that he couldn’t scratch. He didn’t know what it was he’d never felt this way before.
“I have no choice, I’m not like you I can’t just decide that I don’t want to get married, i certainly don’t have a love match, I’m not married into royalty, it’s time I faced the music and put my delusions of being independent to rest. If that means marrying someone just for convenience then so be it”You had lied to everyone else about why you had stepped forward to join the Society, but you had never lied to Anthony and you wouldn’t start now.
“And as much as it kills me I can’t hang around the Bridgerton house forever, if anything it’s a win win for everyone at least you get me out of your way so you can be broody In peace my lord”you offered him a genuine small smile.
A frown settled on his face as he listened to your words, he had always loved having you around, he would never tell a living soul that information. But every time you came to stay his life became more exciting. He would find himself purposely bumping into you during gatherings.
A mixture of emotions passed through Anthony's face as he absorbed your words. A part of him wanted to argue and convince you to stay, insisting that you weren’t a bother and that he didn’t want you gone. But he kept his mouth shut, his pride preventing him from showing any vulnerability. Instead, he leaned back against the seat, his expression unreadable.
“I suppose you have a point,” he finally said with a small forced chuckle. “It will be quieter around Bridgerton House without you constantly bickering with Eloise and I.”He teased, a hint of sadness lingering. He didn’t want this.
Your heart pounded in your chest as Anthony’s hand reached out to grasp yours unexpectedly, his touch sending a jolt of electricity through you. You tried to regain your composure, before anyone saw the interaction. His hand still holding yours.
The sound of music from the ball a few yards away had faded into the background as you looked up into his eyes, seeing a new and unexpected look in them. It was different from anything you had seen before, a mix of regret and something else you couldn’t quite place.
“Find me”he whispered.
“What?”you breathed out, your words barely leaving your lips.
“Find me if someone disrespects your honour, I know you get awfully anxious, if you feel like the earth is falling out from underneath your feet, I promise, I will drop everything. Find me”Anthony grew closer to you in the moment, your chest rising and falling faster as your eyes flickered between his.
Anthony's whispered words reached your ears, his tone serious. A part of you knowing that he was just willing to protect you because he thought of you as a younger sister, a part of you wanting it to be for a different reason.
Just as you were about to say something absolutely ludicrous the door was abruptly opened, your hands jumping out of each-others quickly. Feeling empty and cold as he exited the carriage, standing outside with his hand extended towards you.
You took a second revisiting everything he had just said to you. The two of you had deep conversations in the past, but nothing like this. Reaching out, your hands fitting together perfectly once again as Anthony gently helped you down from the carriage.
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the-overanalyst · 1 year
unmatched ship dynamic: "i've done terrible things in the past" x "all i care about is who you are in the present"
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st-hedge · 5 months
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I can’t believe they’d managed to animate kusuriuri’s insane character design and then decided to make it even more insane. The most character ever
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fieryskies · 2 years
I love the ugliness of love. Removing love from its socially accepted roots. Love as not a mere source of tragedy and sadness, but as an active corruptive power over those it mystifies. Love as the addiction without cure and the wound forever bleeding. I love seeing the beauty of something so coveted spun on its head.
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wanderlust-in-my-soul · 6 months
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A thousand little kisses.
Only Friends
Our Skyy 2
Be My Favorite
Tokyo In April Is...
Jun & Jun
Dangerous Romance
House Of Stars
Why R U Korea
Hidden Agenda
Only Friends
1000 little kisses (2/?) as part of my favorite bl-tropes collection, in no particular order.
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liyazaki · 1 year
nothing hits quite like "I despised the very air you breathed until I was confronted with your humanity, complete vulnerability & it somehow touched my own, & oh, fuck- there's a permanent you-shaped crack in my heart now & the hands that wanted to throttle you are moving to protect you, all on their own."
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lurkingshan · 6 months
I saw this great post by @respectthepetty this morning related to Unknown and other Taiwanese dramas that depict pseudo-incest romances, and it reminded me that I've been meaning to write up some thoughts about why this trope is so interesting to a lot of us.
Let me just set some boundaries first, because it's a big potential topic. Depictions of incest or pseudo-incest are plentiful and occur in media from all corners of the globe, and there are lots of different forms it can take. I'm most interested in the version of it currently being depicted in Unknown, which is a relationship change narrative about two people who are not blood related but grew up considering each other family only for those feelings to morph into something different over time. This trope can be hard for some people to stomach because the lines we maintain in our heads about what types of feelings we are supposed to have for the various people in our lives are firm, and it's uncomfortable when they're challenged. But that's what makes the story so interesting. And it's not the only romance trope that wrestles with this kind of change.
Two of the most popular romance tropes of all time are also rooted in a relationship change narrative: enemies to lovers and friends to lovers. When these tropes are executed well, the thrill in the story is watching the characters come to a realization of their changing feelings (never at the same time), wrestle with the angst and uncertainty and external strife that causes, and finally decide to fight for the relationship they want despite the risks. Changing the way you think about someone, and changing the way they think about you, is hard and scary and can feel like a huge threat to the relationships you already have. Sound familiar? It should, because these are the same core beats of a pseudo-incest romance.
But this trope adds an even more intriguing layer on top of all those already juicy dynamics, which is the cultural taboo. Pseudo-incest is seen as wrong and considered by most cultures to be a violation of family norms. To put it bluntly, you're not supposed to want to fuck your brother. And so these romances have a whole added challenge on top of all the internal conflict, because the couple not only has to come to terms with their own feelings and struggle through the pain to get on the same page with each other, they also have to deal with the judgment of everyone around them who feels their relationship is morally wrong. The cultural taboo means that everyone else in their lives has to change the way they think about their relationship, too.
So why do we love these stories? Because the character dynamics and relationship development at the core of them are fascinating. When done right, these are the kind of romances you really firmly believe in, because the feelings are so deep they can't be ignored and by the end you've watched the characters fight like hell to be together. A drama that takes this trope seriously will depict the whole journey with the respect the characters deserve and tend to all the relevant relationships surrounding the couple. Unknown is not finished airing yet, but so far it has been a stellar example of this kind of narrative and that's why so many of us are singing its praises.
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ellsieee · 1 month
Kid calls his childhood idol crush a washed up singer.
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Said washed up singer is triggered.
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And stalks the kid to prove that he's not a has-been and to get his approval.
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He then got a complete makeover to impress said kid and shyly asks him of he looks handsome now.
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Has-been gets embarrassed when the kid tells him he's handsome, but is secretly happy.
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Neil is totally normal about Sea. Yup. 👀👀
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stqrgirlie0 · 9 months
⋆a slytherin boy trope: t.n.⋆
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✧ academic rivals to lovers ✧ 🩰💌🎀
#fav boy🧎‍♀️🙇‍♀️
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marthajackson-blog · 14 days
Vote for Manny Jacinto as the Sexiest Man Alive in People magazine."🥵🫦😏🔥but You need to finalize The process and provide your email at The end, otherwise it won't count
👇 👇 👇 👇 👇 👇
We are FIGHTING FOR THE ACOLYTE SEASON 2!❤️ Would You like to HELP US? 👇👇👇
✨Rewatch The show and Tell more people to watch it
✨You can sign The petition https://www.change.org/p/renew-the-acolyte
✨And tell Disney You want S2 in comments box help.disneyplus.com
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murasaki-cha · 9 months
A little book rant! I love dual pov in romance books! I love them so so so much!!
And I especially love them when there's a closed off love interest who doesn't really emote much!
Because we go to character A (main character) and we see things from their perspective. They might do something stupid. They might be doing the most normal thing ever. They might be doing something very romantic. Heck they might be just breathing. And they look at character B and they're just standing there looking blankly, or looking grumpy, at most they might have a small smile.
AND THAN WE GET TO CHARACTER B POV!! AND THEY ARE JUST SCREAMING ON THE INSIDE!! LIKE THEY ARE GOING AKSKLDKSNSLDKNSKSPSNSKSOKS! They are in fact this close👌 to crying because of the feelings character A is making them feel.
I go feral over this!!
If I have to give some excamples
I would say one of the greatest moments in my existence was when I was reading Assistant To The Villain and Evie kissed Trystan AND THAN IMMEDIATELY we jumped to Trystan's pov! I almost cried ngl. I freaking screamed for 3 minutes straight (on the inside because I was in public). Honestly it was hilarious going to Evie's pov and she's all "Oh my god I would kill for him, I can't let him figure me out" and than we go to Trystan's and he's all "Crap I'd kill for her I can't let her figure me out".
Wes isn't the type of love interest I described but the extra chapters from Better Than The Movies that were from his pov (The party, Liz's proposal, Basketball Night and their road trip chapters) might have completed my entire life. Might have been the missing piece of my soul. Might have given me a new purpose for living. Might have rewired my brain. Just might have.
A Thousand Heartbeats by Kiera Cass made me experience all the emotions THEY JUST LOVE EACH OTHER SO MUCH THOSE FREAKING IDIOTS!!
*punching a wall* AARON! FUCKING! WARNER'S! POV! CHAPTERS!!!!
I'm reading the Shepherd King duology and book 2, Two Twisted Crowns has 3 pov but 2 of those are between the main character and her love interest in the first book so it counts (also this series is amazing please read it!!!)
I rescently read The Brightest Light of Sunshine by Lisina Coney, NA romance with an age gap, and it was so so cute and touching and when you read their povs you could tell they both were in love with each other from the begining but they were too stubborn to admit it to themselves! Again the love interest isn't really the type that I described but still they're idiots and he constantly fangirls over her so yeah.
Butcher and Blackbird gets a special mention because I love them! Idiots! Bafoons! Dumbasses in love! Both of them just go asjjskdjdd over each other tho so into the list it goes. God I'm eating this audiobook up like Rowan ate that beef niçoise (iykyk)!!!
Some very specific NA hockey player books and book series. I have needs.
I have to mention Defy The Night, I have to. I have yet to finish Defend The Dawn so shush don't tell me anything. Though I loved the dual pov there less about the romance and more when it came to presenting the current situation of the kingdom from both perspectives of the Royals and the Wilds. So it doesn't really fit with what this post is about but I just wanted to mention it because I really liked this book
And if I had to pick one book that I wish would have a dual pov...... Red White And Royal Blue. Even if Henry's inner monologue would have been a long string of "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKK I'M SO GAY I'M SO SO SO BLOODY GAY!!!!!". I'd pay good money for that actually
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lgbtpopcult · 6 months
Watch "The Last Case คดีสุดท้าย | Official Pilot" on YouTube
This crime show/ lesbian romance is going to scratch that itch for you promise!
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kikikoijo · 1 year
Queer media really just always be like ✨HANDS✨
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She Makes My Heart Flutter (2022) | The Eighth Sense (2023) | The Eighth Sense (2023) | My School President (2022) | Fragrance of the First Flower (2021) | GAP The Series (2022) | A Time Called You (2023) | Moonlight Chicken (2023) | My School President (2022) | Dangerous Romance (2023)
Gif creds: @damnthosewords @tomystars @forcebook @firstkhao @gabrielokun @weiwuxian @liveasbutterflies @mantrisanu @bevioletskies @liyazaki
Part 2/? (Part 1)
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lighthousepigeons · 1 year
Stella: So what do you do in your free time?
Christian: I stalk.
Stella: Really?........ Well I enjoy hanging out with my friends and sketching some fashion designs.
Christian: I know.
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absolutebl · 1 year
This Week in BL - New & Old Tropes Galore
Entirely subjective yadda yadda. Organized sorta by favs in each category.
Sept 2023 Wk 4
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Ongoing Series - Thai
I Feel You Linger in the Air (Fri grey) ep 7 of 12 - occasionally I forget that Yai is like 20 and this is his first love affaire. That poem bit gave me very Goethe vibes. Lots of doomed lesbians in this ep. Doomed love in general. Frankly? I was hoping for more oil less sad. Also, these two are making some v stupid mistakes. Also: MORE boys dancing.
Finally... who was it wanted a rain kiss? You got your rain kissing here, okay? No umbrellas to be had, apparently.
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Dangerous Romance (Fri YT) ep 7 of 12 - I love them so much. They are so darn adorable. I like how forthright Kang is. Boy has no game and is such a dork but at least he's enthusiastic. I love the “my boyfriend smells good” trope that BL is into these days. I’m into it, too. The bff enemies drunken bathroom shenanigans was v funny. Also @heretherebedork your boys are couple dancing all over the damn place this week.
I guess we get the boyfriends ep next week?
Hidden Agenda (Sun YT) ep 12fin - The conflict really kind of wasn’t in this last ep. But I guess it was a fine, if not a particularly strong, ending. I wish we’d had the family conflict threaded throughout the series. It would have felt like a deeper more honest drama and the actors could have handled it. They’re ready. How pretty were Joong’s single picturesque crystal tears? Honestly, it's been lovely, boys. Not at all memorable, but lovely.
Quick pitch Hidden Agenda: 
A relatively simple and harmless old-fashioned style university Thai BL, that started out Cyrano de Bergerac style but then drifted away into forgetfulness. It felt like it could have fit into the En of Love universe, except that it was high quality GMMTV with very pretty makeup. I enjoyed it for what it was, it's just that wasn’t much. 8/10 RECOMMENDED
Naughty Babe (Sat YT) ep 5 of 8 - Am I mostly watching this for Est and annoyed he doesn’t have a pair? Yes. (Am I writing a whole revenge plot in my head: "seduced to the good side by my enemy's hot bodyguard" with him and the Tem character? Yes. Yes I am. But that’s way too KinnPorsche for this show.) That said, MaxNat really are a great pair. Nice that Dio is figuring out how evil his own family is. Weirdly, I kind of like this speculation that if gay marriage were legal rich families would use it for arranged-marriage power plays. Can you imagine what China would do with this concept if they had access to it? 
Love in Translation (Sat iQIYI) ep 7 of 8 - The morning after was sweet, I do like it when we get these scenes in BL. FYI no one misgendered Bojji except the caption writer. The screaming "discovery" scene was adorable. And I am very much falling in love with all of the side characters. I also love how aggressive Yang is, like he stepped out of a 2016 Chinese BL into Thailand. And I adore the main brother relationship.
I have to say, this is going to be a difficult BL for me to review. I didn’t like the first 4 episodes but it seems like I’m going to love the final 3. I’m actually really looking forward to the finale next week. Boy, do I feel strange about this. In other news, is it just me or is it weird to get a gay kiss from Ngern almost 10 years later? How late is too late for smooching a boy? 
Never too late...
Absolute Zero (Thai Weds iQIYI) - from 2021, Studio Wabi Sabi and New Siwaj finally brings us this “time loop to prevent tragedy” romance based on the novel of the same name. I think we can expect this to be sad (so it will likely slide down my list as I become more confident about this). Mix is a great actor, so I’m not worried about that aspect, but I am warning you this won’t be your classic fluffy Thai BL. It’s a bit slow moving for me so far. Meanwhile, a revelation:
Thai high school BL is all about the hands. I blame Love Sick.
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FYI the outdoor movie they watch is Love of Siam Thailand’s first real queer movie, also featured in My Only 12%.
I'm in trouble, Ongsa is such a sunshine cutie and Sansoon is so lost and sad. Pretty sure I won’t have the patience for 12 episodes of this, but I’ll stick with it for now because a pair like this is yaoi-induced catnip for me.
Only Friends (Sat YT) ep 8 of 10 - Ah, Ray, baby, you can’t get what you want if you want the wrong thing. Also, corruption charges much? Is Ray turning into Ton or is that just me? I still hold that Jenny’s is the only story I actually wanted. Although, I did enjoy the two bi boys bonding over Freddie. GMMTV sure is making good use of Title now that they got him away from Wabi Sabi and I’m NOT mad about it (4 shows & counting). Under ordinary circumstances, I probably would have dropped this show by now. But something keeps dragging me back.
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My Universe (Sun iQIYI) Right Time Right You ep 6 - This couplet ended up feeling like an amateurish short. It was interesting in that way shorts can sometimes push into unusual territory, but very slow. My favorite so far, but that’s not saying much since we've only had 3. Kinda amorphous ending. 5/10 watch it if you have nothing better to do. Next week's looks pretty but silly: You Are My Soulmate.
Venus in the Sky (Tues iQIYI) 5 of 10 eps - I don’t understand the bit with the girl, car & eyebrows. Was that all just ad copy? This show is so bad I’m mostly fast forwarding now. I mean the leads are cute and earnest but that’s it. NO SINGING! And... nothing happened this ep. 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Kisseki: Dear to Me (Taiwan Tues Viki & iQIYI) ep 7-8 of 13(?) - Buckle up I got A LOT to say. Ep 7 was the boyfriends ep! Look there’s a a lot of problematic going on here by western standards: age gap (FYI age of consent in Taiwan is 16) + teacher+student, but if you’ve been reading this blog for a while you should know that Taiwan likes both high heat and taboo content (and so do I) plus (unlike Mame) they just lean lube into those kinks. And I, for one, am delighted. I talk about taboo in terms of age gap here and stepbrothers here. I’ve never done teacher/ student because we don’t get it often enough (insert sad face). These are not things that I’m going to complain about or rehash, so, moving on...
I found a lot to love about ep 7: tie grabs, smiley kisses, communication, being held down, younger aggressor, AND preliminary research= all good things. They even brought in morning aftercare, and shared trauma! I love a show that’s both unexpected yet entirely classic Taiwanese BL. I love that the family appeared as a plot device and then disappeared again. It’s all highly amusing.
Gaga dropped ep 8 a week early, I’m assuming this was a mistake since they skip next week. But hey! 
Ep 8: def uhaul lesbians. Also cute queer fam moment. Ring finger biting = v hawt. Then of course it all goes south. Tres romantic means of taking the rap, gotta say. No one does gay sappy quite like Taiwan. Also, now we know why he loses his memory and Ai Di has to go in after him. Honestly, I’m not pleased to see yet another amnesia trope raise its ugly… head (why so many this year?). But it seems to be this year's trend. 
And I know there is more trauma coming, but in classic Taiwan fashion it’s all gonna be fine in the end even if that HEA is chaotic and entirely unearned. Don't worry, all. We good.
You Are Mine (Taiwan Fri Gaga) eps 4 of 10 - Oh noes, sunshine has a cold. And not from the rain... just, like, a normal cold. Amazing. But then when baby gets kidnapped, daddy gets v mad. Honestly, I am charmed by the show. It is very old-fashioned "domineering CEO puts little lady up against the wall" and it’s Taiwan, and thus I am not mad about it. This is what we would be getting from Mainland China if China we’re still making pulp BL. I am disposed to simply enjoy the utter "80s bodice ripper but gay"-ness of it all.
Bon Appetit (Korea Weds iQIYI) 1-2 of 8 - from 2022. If you have premium icky VIP you can binge it all now. I don’t, so instead I’m watching it 2 new episodes every Weds. Struggling heartbroken loser-ish office worker who lives off junk food + sunshine neighbor who loves to cook (from his past with a long-held crush). Also there is a "love class" element. Why does Korea like this conceit so much? Do their universities really engage in socialization training? Gotta say I’m getting whiffs of stalker... but only whiffs. Basically, this show is going poster child “way to a man’s heart is through his stomach“. Bit too much flashback, but I like that our chef is open about liking a boy, and I like that they remember things differently and in alignment with their own egos. And I like that we got a confession already. Ah KBL, it is nice to watch something that MUST move plot quickly. 
My Personal Weatherman AKA Taikan Yoho (Japan Sat Gaga) ep 6 of 8 - Jealous weatherman is ridiculous. Japan = queen of “why don’t you guys just talk?” 
Mr Cinderella 2 (Vietnam Sat YT) ep 2 - Ba Vinh & Minh Thao reprising their roles as Dung & Khoa what do we think? 8 eps? 10? We got the stepbrothers (or whatever they are) backstory. Also My Prettiest Cat-boy does certifiable nutcake v well. Psychopath looks hot on him.  
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It's Airing But...
Crazy Handsome Rich (Sun Gaga) ep 3 of 10 - The sound. No. DNF 
I Cannot Reach You AKA I Can't Reach You AKA Kimi ni wa Todokanai (Japan Tues Netflix-Japan & ????) - Adapted from the manga, childhood best friends: The cool, smart one who’s good at everything, and his average, dorky friend who struggles. Always by the other’s side, but not together in the way they truly want to be.
Unfortunately I Cannot Reach You, in classic JBL fashion, could not be reached. 
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In case you missed it?
Viki dropped Our Dating Sim the movie. I didn’t notice any extra footage and they took out all the in game/high school flashback stingers. At first, I didn’t really miss them but by the end of the movie I really did. So this is going to be one of those rare KBL instances where I recommend sticking to the original series over the repackaged movie.
Next Week Looks Like This:
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Upcoming October BL
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10/1 Can I Buy Your Love From A Vending Machine? AKA Sono Koi, Jihanki de Kaemasu ka? (Japan cinema release in-country only) - This one is a movie from Japan so in customary fashion who tf knows when (or if) it will get international distribution. Salaryman Ayumu Koiwai just can't tear his eyes away from the strong, muscular man as he checks on the stocks of the vending machine in his office.
10/5 If It’s With You AKA Even If I Fall In Love With You AKA Kimi to nara Koi wo Shite Mite mo’ (Japan Gaga) - from MBS a live action adaptation of Kubota Maru’s manga ‘君となら恋をしてみても. Amane has stopped loving people due to trauma until he meets Ryuji. At first Amane just wants to play with Ryuji but… feelings. I am assuming 8 eps and rumored to be taking Weatherman's spot so that date is likely wrong.
10/6 What Did You Eat Yesterday Season 2 AKA Kinou Nani Tabeta? Season 2 (Japan Gaga) - 4th installment in this series (1st series, 1 special, 1 movie prior) about a lawyer who lives with his boyfriend, a hairdresser, and cooks for him. Season 2 will follow the couple as they enter their 50’s. Slice-of-life drama adapted from a beloved manga series of the same name.
10/6 My Beautiful Man: Eternal AKA Utsukushii Kare Eternal (Japan movie Viki & Gaga) - This is the 3rd and final installment the series. The 2nd season didn’t blow me away the way the 1st did, but I still liked it. I'm looking forward to the finale. I hope we get character growth for a change.
10/31 SHADOW (Thai VIU ????) - this is a horror BL featuring ghosts and other paranormal elements in a high school setting. I'm not wild about Thai horror (or horror at all, but if it must be done in BL let Japan do it). It features Singto (who did paranormal BL He's Coming to Me) opposite Fluke N (who's done a couple horror's before). Also Fiat. Dan suffers from sleep paralysis, and in his dreams he sees a shadow that suffocates him. It gets worse when he transfers schools.
October? Bump Up Project AKA Bump Up Business (Korea ????) - BL staring OnlyOneOf that released(??) as a movie in July but is now being recut and reissued as a series. Stars NineMill and from Idol Romance bulled as a love story between a trainee who is about to debut and a celebrity from the same agency (based on a webtoon). OnlyOneOf have been auditioning for this since Libido IMHO. You can watch me chronicle their BL MV work in this post. Idol Romance will do sad but can do good kisses (Wish You, Nobleman Ryu, Once Again, Kissable Lips, Poongduck 304, Tasty Florida, Tinted With You) but I don't think we will get any in this. After that OmegaX Shoulder bullshizz buisness I am very wary of this show.
2023 forthcoming BL master post (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED).
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There was a ton of truly great stuff in this week's Kiseki, but this was hands down my favorite. (Pun intended.)
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Oh and the neck kisses of course.
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I LOVE HIM your honor.
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GMMTV's ongoing love affair with the scent trope.
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Calling out out new couple's dance trope. (Both Dangerous Romance)
(Last week) 
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wanderlust-in-my-soul · 3 months
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Nothing that a sponge bath couldn't cure.
I Feel You Linger In The Air
Pit Babe
Unintentional Love Story
Be My Favorite
Love In Translation
The Sign
Cherry Magic Thailand
Love Tractor
Dangerous Romance
Red Balloon
Favorite sponge baths (Part 2/?) as part of my favorite bl-tropes-collection in no particular order.
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