#roll20 presents
mapdoctor · 3 months
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Fishing Village [25x25]
New map! The road continues somewhere in the coastal region of your setting when a small fishing village presents itself to the traveling party. The adventurers enter a small, salt-corroded tavern. Soon after they set foot in, a fisherman with a distinct mark on his face approached them, offering the hard-to-refuse quest.
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rustedportal · 6 months
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SCAVENGE the ruins of Humanity like the Walking Dead, SLAY Damned and Risen Dead like Buffy, and SURVIVE Soulslike danger is a deadly and magic rich Post-Apocalyptic Earth.
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robohaven · 2 years
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Today Affection Game has been published on the @roll20 virtual tabletop games app, and I’m having a ton of emotions (all good ones)!
As a lot of you know: in my spare time, I develop games to assist with communication in relationships.
Affection Game guides you through the mechanics of intentional conversations. The rules require you to thoughtfully invite people to play, choose cards for each session based on your levels of comfort, and practice your listening skills so your companion feels truly heard.
I completed my final update to the card prompts, all of which are based on what I’ve learned through relationships both past and present. I am willing to combat my anxiety with the affection and respect I have for those I love.
You now have 2 ways to play:
Virtually, on the digital game platform Roll 20
In-person, using the physical card game
If you play, let me know how it goes for you! I love to learn how my game integrates into different relationships (even if the result is “this was very difficult”)
Just @ me or something, I wanna know if your hearts were in those cards.
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goadventuremaps · 2 years
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Hi Hi There.
deep in a cave, resting peacefully, is an ancient but wise dragon, which over time has merged with the rocks of the place.
This dragon knows the present, past and future very well, so if he considers that you are worthy, he will answer your questions, but if not, you will be consumed by his flames
Patrons will receive for each map: high quality images, gridless versions, special version for Roll20, map tokens, color variations, versions without props. PSD of the original map, PDFs for printing the maps, behind the map images and much more.
Become A Patreon!
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taliadoesrpgs · 5 months
I find myself in need of extra funds this month and am so opening up bespoke tabletop game campaigns and oneshots.
Wanna get a group together for D&D, Valor, Lancer or Apoc World but can’t find a GM? For $25 a person a session I’ll run it for you through this Startplaying.Games link!
Details below:
Here��s how it works: you go through the link to request I run a game. It can be a one-shot or a minicampaign of up to 12 sessions. Presently I can do introductory D&D, Valor, Apoc World, Fate, and many others - ask! I will not at present do Pathfinder, Starfinder or Curse of Strahd.
From there, I’ll set up the game for ypu on Discord and Roll20 and we’ll do session 0 with character creation, and then on to play. I can run with between 3-6 players for games of up to 3 hours.
I also have new campaigns short a player or two you can sign up for: A space opera FATE game and a Valor game about occult punks smashing the Fash.
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rennybu · 1 year
Hi there! Maybe this is a weird question, but as an artist and A D&D, I thought you might be a good resource! I'm wanting to commission a portrait of my D&D character for roll20 purposes, but I'm struggling with what refs and such I should gather for the artist. How can I make it as easy as possible for an artist when the character I'm wanting a portrait of isn't human? Would a written description suffice, or are images better? Thank you for whatever advice you have! --sincerely, a Loam enjoyer
DELIGHTFUL QUESTION, not weird at all!!! I hope its okay to publish this in case anyone else was wondering the same :']
Speaking as an artist who's done portrait commissions in the very recent past, a mix of images and written description is a sweet spot. Notes about specific features that the reference images might not show, or might not show accurately, help a lot to avoid retakes and corrections down the line.
Using Loam as an example, I have my own drawings of him I can crop and compile as reference, as well as a human model whose face proportions I like and make sure to include in case the realism is helpful at all to the artist. (The model is. EXTREMELY pale, ginger, and blue-eyed, so it really is just for like, Nose, Mouth, Jaw. FORM!) Then bolster what I've provided with additional reference - for Loam's ears, I have some pictures of cow ears saved for the overall shape and fur texture. AND all his jewelry afgkhfldKLJSHFGLSKD <3 Plus various armors, weathered fabrics, pieces of misc gear that complement and offer more options than what I've presented in my own artwork - to give the artist a range to work within, while still representing what I imagine suits Loam.
Simple notepad or Paint sketches also go a long way in conveying which details/features are most important to include in a given commission!!! Even scribbling over a reference image to be like, "this but PURPLE" is quick and easy. The power of the stick figure/smiley face with annotated doodles is never to be underestimated in communicating a bigger idea!!!!!!
Any existing artwork of the character
Any models/actors (or animals, for textures in fur/scales/eyes/teeth, etc etc) with features that are accurate to your image of the character
A simple doodle/sketch of the concept you have in mind
Written notes to consolidate the visuals you've provided and fill in any gaps that might still remain
BONUS? Links to the artist's own work depicting non-human features in a way you enjoyed seeing previously, that made you want to commission them for your character! (this has also helped me in the past with clients wanting lighting/rendering styles, hair, magic effects, etc. similar to pieces I'd done previously)
GO FORTH HAVE FUN!! i hope some of this was a little helpful :'D
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nickalart · 2 years
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Free TTRPG Art - Giant Centipede
Are you like me and found the black and white official token (found on Roll20) a little unfulfilling for all your summon and Wild Shape needs? Do you want a bit of a spicier version of a giant centipede? Perhaps a boss arthropod? I present to you an alternative that is completely free to use!
This illustration is under a CC-BY license, and is therefore free to use in private TTRPG games and commercially for independent content creators! If you want a transparent .png and other full-resolution files, please visit my Ko-fi shop where it’s pay-what-you-want.
(Special shout-out to crevicedwelling here on Tumblr who provides some hi-res bug photos and videos. Their pet centipedes are gorgeous and the anatomy ref was much appreciated!)
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annazonart · 10 months
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Going on sale until next year!
Trying to afford holiday presents for loved ones and general bills.
Payment up front (via PAYPAL) but I have a decently fast turnaround!! I need references (unless you want to pay extra for design work).
NSFW - Patrons and mutuals only.
Ocs, dnd characters, furry, anthro, mech, weapons, whatever!
No real people, no gore, no hate.
Roll20 tokens example 👇
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They're very small but I pack as much detail into them as I can! :3c
Thank you for any interest! Message if interested!
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podcastingpineapple · 3 months
Liveblog for One Scene. Palisade 54, 01:21:30 onwards.
"This time She moves not of her own will." Oh fuck. FUCK!!
"You see fear in Elle." OH YEAH? UH-HUH?? YEP. FEAR IN ME TOO.
Amazing. Terrifying. You really didn't read fine print on that contract, Elle!
"We gotta learn how to kill divines D:<" "ELLE, I KNOW WHERE WE ARE GOING!!" (Protective girlfriend win!!!)
And then fucking "What is the goal of this scene?"
Head in hands. Face on the floor.
Sidebar! I am little bit confused why Present can just teleport into the Mirage.
I mean, okay, it is not enough for the Principality that One Divine gets in. Also Present was/is in the Pact, so, you know. Useless I suppose in grand scheme of things. Also also! Arbitrage had a Box with a button on Palisade in a shed, so maybe that is like... a beacon. Or like a gluetrap.
Roll20 hates the cast so much. I hope Evil Keith has given good councel and cori will get out. I am scared.
Divine Present loosing it's elect and fighting cori all the way to the arms of Perennial..... space is kinda sad.
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chromee23 · 2 years
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I’m a little late posting this week’s work, and I’m very happy I decided to post this weekly instead of daily because I certainly would have struggled to motivate myself to keep up if I missed as many days as I did. I’m going to try to finish the rest of the mines by the end of the month, especially since I’ve started running this dungeon for a small party! When all is finished I’m likely going to post the final dungeon at the end of the month (hopefully in a roll20 compliant size!)
As always, a thorough description of the rooms will follow the read-more.
1. LOWER HALLS The stairwell descends to a smaller hall that connects the industrial area to the west and the mine itself to the east. The large door to the mine has been blocked by many large blocks of stone, as has the northern door to the larger offices. When the looters accidentally walked right into the offices where the insurgents made their base. If the elevator is used, the noise will let the insurgents know they have arrived even if they bypass the alarm on the first floor. The Insurgents are controlled by tiny alien slugs called Puppeteers. They are able to charm humanoids, then can dominate charmed beings when touching them. They infiltrated by controlling some refugees, began proliferating in the mines, then turned against the remaining occupants when discovered. They have moved all the useful supplies and food into their main lair and have taken all the bodies of those they killed to be fed to their growing larva.
2. THE SMELTER This room is dominated by a large furnace used to heat and refine metals gathered in the mine. The furnace is 10 feet tall, and the room is 20 feet tall. The metal is heated in a pair of large vats that hangs from chains. There are currently 4 insurgents working the smelter guarded by 4 constructs; the constructs will attack if the group does not carry a guard badge, but will otherwise wait for one of the insurgents to command it using his own guard badge. The insurgents are noncombatants and will try to avoid the party but will try to use the controls in area 3a to pour molten metal onto any attacker. 2a. Controls The large vats that contain molten metal hang from a conveyor on the ceiling connected to room 3, they can be directed to and from the Forge using a pair of levers. One lever lowers the vat to pour it and the other moves it from one room to the other. If one of the insurgents has the opportunity, they will try to pour one of the vats of metal on their assailants.
3. THE FORGE This area is filled with tools for metalworking; the walls are dominated by tool racks and the north-west corner has a furnace for heating and cooling weapons, armor, and tools while they are being worked. On the tables are 3 glaives of expert make. At the pommel and the base of the blade is an empty slot for magical gems to be placed.
4. GEMCRAFTER Gems and crystals harvested from the mines are cut and enchanted to enhance gear. The master gemcrafter has been turned to the rebel side and is helping forge weapons. He is guarded by 2 constructs while he works. If his work is interrupted he will attempt to subdue whoever is interfering. There are 2 completed gems- one that makes a weapon or tool stronger, and one that protects armor from strikes that aren't magical. Theres another 2 of the first and one of the later, but those are only half finished.
5.  MANAGER’S OFFICES This area was once where the higher ups of the mine would do their bookkeeping. There is little of value here, but a thorough (and time consuming) study of the paperwork details from a detailed history of the mine, from its founding by the revolutionary Garessa Chain-breaker to its present day profits. This also reveals the expected amount of valuable crafts that are stored deeper in the dungeon. If the insurgents in rooms 2 or 4 do not return to deeper in the mines 2  hours after they began their work, the others will send a group of 4  guards joined by 4 constructs to investigate (an imposing force for the  party); the party could hide behind desks to avoid detection. The guards  will capture them if they can.  
6. MANAGER’S ROOMS Some of the insurgents have claimed these  rooms to sleep in, but they don’t return every night. The desks and  wardrobes in these rooms each have 1d6 trinkets worth 10 gold each in  them, but any coins have been taken. If the insurgents begin to search for their missing members the party could hide in wardrobes to avoid detection. The guards  will capture them if they can.
7. HEAD MANAGER’S QUARTERS The head manager and owner of the mine lived and worked here. Her living space kept her very detached from the miners and even other managers and, when she heard they were revolting, she killed herself in her bed. Looking the room over with a good check reveals it was searched and valuables in the containers as well as on the owner have been taken. 7a. Secret Room Because of the owner’s distance from the employees none of them knew of her safe room. Only the leader of the looters, a rogue with magic abilities, was able to locate it after thoroughly searching the room. After entering the mines and stumbling upon the lair of the Puppeteers she fled to this room and has hidden, undiscovered, for a week. Her rations are running low and she is willing to work with the party to defeat the Puppeteers and perhaps free her remaining companion. On the looter’s body is a pair of enhanced daggers, an enhanced crossbow, enhanced armor, and a bag of holding that contains 1520 gold and a number of scrolls and potions. 7b. New Mine Entrance When the insurgents barricaded the main doors to the mine they broke the window that overlooks the mine’s atrium and installed a ladder there. They now use this to pass to and from the mine.
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gnusnoteunuchs · 4 months
How is Wallflower going for your group and what kind of mech does Castrati use?
the Wallflower campaign that i was in is on basically a permanent hiatus; some of our players got burned out, and we couldn't keep going. it's a shame, because it was a super fun campaign and we had an awesome GM, but it is what it is
Castrati was running a SSC Emperor for a while, but after it was destroyed in battle he did a homoerotic forging-a-new-weapon montage with the old warrior TERROR to switch to a frame variant of the Emperor that my fellow players homebrewed as a birthday present for me. I really enjoyed the Emperor's whole "ranged support" thing and their frame variant reimagined it as a shorter-ranged, tougher, less focused version that was meant to perform better for close quarters engagements.
I gotta admit, one of the things I miss about that game was that the Emperor was the very first anything i encountered in a TTRPG that genuinely felt like it was mechanically perfect for what I like to play.
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anyways, this was the art i did of the Swan Song, Castrati's final mech. The remains of his Emperor have been fused with earthmoving equipment and cast-off shells of native Hercynian fauna to create this awful transformable bug samurai thing. my lovely girlfriend @heartfuldame also did an incredibly cool pixel art kitbash for the roll20 sprite that i hope she will post here
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rustedportal · 7 months
Coming Soon! AtR: Survivor Starter, a 5th Edition DND Compatible campaign starter for Apocalypse the Risen Campaign Setting. Follow now, back at launch for a free adventure pdf and 6 free Perilous Hunts, deadly encounters, 4 released weekly during the campaign.
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mapdoctor · 10 months
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Your Everyday Dungeon [40x50]
Dear friends,
I present to you the perfect dungeon for your everyday needs. It's plain and simple, ideal for some dungeon crawling. Rituals, cultists, old books, levers, and tombs full of skeletons? Yes, please!
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goadventuremaps · 2 years
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Hi Hi there.
During the trip, our characters entered a complex of caves that found an exit in this place, exiting through the cave at the top, upon arrival they find a snowy landscape in the middle of the forest and to their surprise they find a strange altar surrounded by ice spikes.
These crystals need magical energy to function, and they take it from whoever is standing in the center, but prevents them from seeing the events of the present, past or future from anywhere in the world.
This site was used by ancient prophets to warn people about future tragedies and thus prevent them, but it was also used for evil helping those who used it, change the course of history.
today an ancient conjuring lobri is necessary to be able to use it, in addition to the fact that only a sorcerer skilled with ice magic will be the one who must perform the ritual.
Patrons will receive for each map: high quality images, gridless versions, special version for Roll20, map tokens, color variations, versions without props. PSD of the original map, PDFs for printing the maps, behind the map images and much more.
Become A Patreon!
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fantastiskdod · 1 year
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I am very excited to present this map, For this I thought of an island but that it had a peculiar shape in this case the shape of a crescent.
You can see a preview of all content by clicking here.
If you liked the map, I'd be extremely thankful if you considered supporting me on my Patreon.
Patrons get rewards including high-quality files, optimization for online platforms (Roll20), Gridded & Ungridded versions, map variations, Tokens, Line drawing versions, PSD, PDF, and much more.
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krill-joy · 2 years
really really struggling with getting into playing monster of the week, and it sucks because all of my friends are having a lot of fun, and i want to. the issues i'm having:
staying present in it. so my previous experience with rpgs is me dm-ing 5e campaigns for my friends using roll20. i'm used to a map and tokens and that helps me remember the characters are and what's happening. now we are just all on video chat staring at each other's faces.
understanding what i can actually do. for me, i love love love the dice-rolling and numbers side of dnd. i like that you have some pretty clear sets of movements, actions, and abilities, and the creativity comes in when you are trying to bend these limitations to your will. i really struggle with motw's actions, especially when we're not in combat. like, when i'm looking at the list of questions i can ask the keeper, what am i supposed to do when none of them apply? i don't get it. and when it comes to using magic, i don't understand how i'm supposed to figure out what my character can do. can they just do anything? why??????
maybe i'm also just not matching everyone else's goals/expectations for this game. every other character is an old weirdo who does batshit things. my character is the only one who doesn't spend the whole time doing inexplicable, unhelpful, wacky stuff. i tend to zone out once all the other people start doing goofy stuff but then it feels like we do literally nothing during our session.
i know lots of people love motw! and i'm not saying it's a bad game!! but i am having a really, really, really hard time connecting with it. i've even had this problem in the past listening to rpg podcasts that used the system. i never got a grip on TAZ:Amnesty because I could never get a grip on what anyone was doing.
if anyone has any advice, i would appreciate it. i hate that i now dread our weekly sessions and want to stop playing.
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