#robo baby
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soundsplitter · 2 months ago
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90s-2000s-barbie · 2 years ago
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Robo Baby by Tiger Electronics (2001) 🍼
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robo-writing · 4 months ago
Currently thinking thoughts about a domestic lifestyle with Logan where he pampers you and spoils you to death and calls you momma every chance he gets.
Eyeing something from the street? “Like that dress in the window momma? Don’t give me that look, I’m buying it whether you approve or not.”
Feet getting tired from walking? “That’s alright momma, lemme carry you the rest of the way.”
Tired from work, too exhausted to ride Logan properly? He’ll pull you forward, let his fingertips stroke your pretty little clit—“Relax for me momma, lemme do all the work. You just sit back and enjoy yourself.”
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elliottswaterlilies · 27 days ago
So what's Crystal's/Potato's backstory exactly? Like did Uzi and N come across her while hunting and collectively decided "our baby now"? Also I did notice she only seems to have one arm, did she lose the other one?
Potato's lore [which I'll just refer her as for simplicity sakes; also bc bouncing her diff names may get confusing] is actually kinda. Sad </3 so incoming for implied heavy themes;; also kinda long, I like to ramble soooo yeah :p
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Potato was actually found by V first!
V was out finding drone parts for Nori [who has gotten a body at this point in this continuation. also the disassembly drones kinda?? (not entirely) work under Nori] when she stumbled upon a couple of murked drones, precisely a deceased couple & pod. It struck her as odd since she didn't recognize who the drones were or the fact there didn't seem like any of the disassemblers were behind it. Her attention was grabbed by a nearby, busted out car, & that's where she would find Potato; laying there, injured & scared, somehow surviving whatever had attacked the family.
Obvs first instinct was to bring the droneling [funny name ik] back & she was put under Nori's watch for awhile.. mostly bc V was unsure if she was qualified to take care of another kid, at least at the time [which in this continuation/au, she is paired up with Lizzy & those two already have a kid named Harley (owned by my bro @teddyberrii)].
That's really when Uzi & N step in, since at this point the two have been trying for a kid for awhile now to no avail; they didn't know Potato was in the Doorman residence/Nori's workshop until her little head poked out the doorway & they all stared at each other like deer in headlights. It is safe to say that Potato was already up Uzi's leg, clinging to her like a baby koala & she simply accepted the drone as her new kiddo [especially since it would a week or two & no additional family member of hers seemed to come pick up Potato... so she was officially a Doorman.]
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Regarding some of Potato's scars [on her face, the lack of an arm, etc], they were inflicted. She's almost completely mute & doesn't really talk; essentially Potato's been through some.. hardy stuff & honestly it takes a long time to really come to terms with a lot of things [childhood trauma does wonders for you /sar.] However, pretty much after getting adopted by Uzi & N.. her life gets better! Despite now being in a family of, what everyone assumes, of mix-matched monsters & unimaginable eldritch horrors.. she is very happy! She gets to grow up with parents that love her dearly & recover from that past trauma.
Will I go into more Potato lore? Yeah, I plan to; not trying to be too secretive since I'm unsure if I'll ever make a story outta this but eh we'll see.. hope this answers something for you anon <3
..also if you, or anyone else, are curious; Potato's real name is Crystal. I just refer to her as Potato bc that was her placeholder name.. & I just never got rid of it! Thought it was funny.
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robomusical · 3 months ago
Hrrrggg everything hurts. Thinking about the MegOP sparkling (I need names, but am thinking about naming her Stronghold) I’ve had rattling around in brain for the past month or so, so here goes, continuity soup because I said so. This is… a long one 😅
So we start with the usual pre war MegOP situation with Gladiator Megs and Archivist Orion, who go talk to the high council and yadah yadah, you know what happens next. (think TFP) OP gets the Matrix and Megatron is betrayed and starts up his intergalactic terrorist group (yippee!) When he finds out, Uh-Oh! He carrying and it’s Optimus’s… he freaks out pretty hard but WaveWave is there to support him during his pregnancy (Soundwaves a bit jealous about not being the one who’s currently carrying but is excited to see/raise a new spark). Eventually he has the baby and there are a few.. complications.
1. Sparklings are supposed to have strong bonds with their carrier and sire, but in Strongholds case, they have no sire bond with Optimus (the matrix prevented it), which causes her to have spark flutters (essentially heart problems) causing the little one lots of pain with no exception of expressing it but crying/being a fussy baby while she’s young. The only was they find this out is with Soundwaves telepathy, something they are VERY grateful for.
2. Megatron suffers from GREATLY from postpartum depression, and can’t even bear to look at his daughter. He can bring himself to feed her or try to establish any type of bond between the two and ends up hating her and what she stands for in his mind (having OP and trying to have a family with him)
This causes the young heiress to be raised by the deception high command with very little input on Megatrons behalf besides being an abusive mom and wanting her to be a warrior. She’s mainly being raised by Wavewave, the elite trine and Hook due to having to be in the med bay almost constantly in her sparkling hood. As a sparkling she showed major talent and interests in the arts, something that was supported by their caregivers, but almost gets beaten to death by Megatron finds out she wants to be an artist and not a warrior. (Megatron has “training” sessions with her, where she essentially gets beaten half to death but her carrier, who claims it’ll make her stronger. And when she’s finally able to beat him, she’ll be able to lead the decepticons) (this also leads to her hiding her passions) This is how she wins over Starscream and he decides to help raise/guide her (and who knows, maybe one day he or she will kill Megatron and he’ll be the leader of the decepticons) She’s raised to be a master spy (Soundwave) and interrogator/torturer (Shockwave and Starscream). Eventually though the war starts to pick up and everyone is headed to earth (think G1, but shockwave goes with the decepticons) leaving Stronghold alone on Cybertron with Rumble, Buzzsaw, Thundercraker, and the Constructicons to watch/take care of her; and her mentor Tarn (and the rest of the DJD) and a few other decepticons at about ~10 years old to Cybertronian standards. She finds herself forced to grow up and lead the Decepticons, being raised by the most ruthless and cunning bots has its advantages, and she ends up quickly taking out the Autobots on Cyberton leading the planet under Decepticon rule. However there was complications with the others (G1 style, went missing for a few billion years type-beat) She grows up a warlord, conquering Autobot territory’s and wiping them out, searching for her lost family comrades, with the Deceptions ruling the galaxy, (exterminating the Autobots and making allies with/converting Neutrals). She’s ends up creating a vast and powerful empire (Thundercraker, Hook and Tarn are very proud).
On earth is the normal G1 -> Earthspark timeline, expect I ignore everything that happens after s1. Soundwave manages to get a SOS comm into deep space, which gets intercepted to the Decepticon empire. This happens around/a little after her spark almost gave out, as her carrier/sparkling bond was broken with Megatron, which was assumed to be due to his death. This made her spark unstable, and made her even more vulnerable to her spark attacks (also her occasional maniac episodes go worse/more common) She leads a ship to Earth where she finds that not only is her carrier ALIVE, which means he LEFT her HE DOESNT WANT HER HE NEVER WANTED HER- but also joined the enemy. And started a new family, one without her This is also how she and Optimus find out they’re related, because honestly, Meg’s forgot all about her. (Also, megaton has more of a major role in the Terran’s lives, which leaves Stronghold seething, swearing to end them) ((You know when/how Megatrons calls Twitch “little bird”? THAT USED TO BE HER NICKNAME SHE USED TO BE HIS LITTLE BIRD WHEN HE WAS HAPPY WITH HER)) (think of when shockwave was racist towards the Terran’s) Stronghold finds out that the decepticons have been stranded on earth, and have been being tortured by Autobots and their human allies (GHOST). She stages a jailbreak for the others and begins to plan war with the others left on earth (she’s not leaving until Megatrons head is on a platter and she’s ripped the matrix out of OP’s chest). (They chill in the atmosphere like the Nemesis in prime) Needless to say, Shockwave Soundwave and Starscream are very surprised/proud to see her and her accomplishments (if not sad that she (now about 15) had to grow up so fast and what has happened to her)
There are a few ways this AU can end and there’ll prolly be a few alt timelines… 👀
Uhh anyways that’s it,,, I hope you like her and I will probably draw the creature soon
(Please please ask me about her and my silly little AU 🥺🥺🥺)
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alienfailboy · 5 months ago
i miss mando and his leash kid more with every passing day
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scribbledstarlight · 5 months ago
Detroit: Become Human - Reverse Big Bang
SURPRISE!!! Unplanned second piece!!
Had a random stroke of inspiration and decided I ought to make a sort of cover piece for me and my wonderful team’s RBB works! (@dbh-bb)
Again, I will reiterate what a pleasure @kamari2038 and @qrjung were to work with, and if you haven’t yet, please please please go check out their awesome works!
If you like a good ole soulmate trope, metaphors, complex family dynamics, ambiguous relationships, and/or angst with a good ending? Boy do we have the fics for you!!
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(These include parts of Lang Laev’s ‘Soulmates’ which I fell in love with and had to include at least parts of it. Just didn’t want these being TOO text heavy.)
Below the cut will be some close ups and a the link to the fics, who’s last chapters go up today!
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Backgrounds are a little goofy but I’m not a backgrounds type of girl unfortunately. Just don’t focus on them too long, it’s fineeee.
Link :)
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macksartblock · 1 year ago
Projecting my own teen experiences onto the kiddads bc I’m out of the house rn and I think it’s funny
Terry: took a parenting class in 12th grade and on the first night of his culminative assignment he ended up crying, naked wrapped in a towel, on the bathroom floor after the robot baby interrupted him pre-shower.
Lark: left for school in the morning then walked around for two blocks before heading back home, after his parents went to work. Snuck in through his bedroom window on more than one occasion, when either parent stayed home. Did this for a week straight.
Sparrow: got clocked as aspec before he even realized while out at a cafe during lunch with Rebecca, but she told him she didn’t mind because she’s good with her hands and can just think about him??
Grant: while on a date w/ his high school boyfriend at the fair, his boyfriend’s mother tracked him down just to argue with him. Grant attempted to slip away to offer some privacy but his boyfriend kept an iron grip on his hand, so he spent the next several minutes awkwardly turned away from the argument.
Nick: during an orthodontist appointment, was recommended to install metal springs because he kept forgetting to wear his elastics. Without even discussing it, Jodie gave the okay for the springs but the smallest size available were too big - therefore not installed - and Nick refused to speak to Jodie for the rest of the day.
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sd-vtm · 6 months ago
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Sparks flew a little as she grinded down her saw onto a new saddle since a certain someone— … Optics glance over as the dino being as the beast slept away in the corner of the barn, —had decided it be a good idea to chew them both off... “..Alrigggght dingo man..finally finish the straps..”
The drone lift both arms up with a small squeak as her strained joint stretch a little. Tail curling a little before relaxing down again. Oooof.. Ouch, okay we been sitting way to long.
With a spin of the chair the she drone revealed herself wearing a pair of old overalls, the glasses she wore slid up and she grinned to the Sentinal who rose its head to the sound of its masters voice, blinking and clicking happily at her. “Yeeeeah that's right my wittle dino mans~! You’re not gonna chew these babies cause their metal straps, yeaaaaah no your noooot~!”
Her voice pitched and the beast rolled over on its back and instantly receives belly rubs. “ Oooouu my goodness, you loooove them belly wubs!”
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askthefizzyfactory · 2 months ago
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დ Anything I say can not be used as proof of fizzies being sentient in a court of law, beep boop!
✒ No don't read that part-
დ Uwaah gomen Thizzy-sensei...
✒ ......
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oodlefurb · 5 months ago
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please reblog for larger sample size
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elliottswaterlilies · 2 months ago
fankid stuff !!
both biscuitbites & pinklemonade kiddies <3
Potato/Crystal - 18 - She/They/It
Lucky - 6 - She/Her
Lilac - 6 - She/He
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...also... vizzy baby here... her name is Quinn <3 (It/She)
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also wanted to include @teddyberrii 's Harley!! She is also a vizzy kiddo & she is besties with Potato!!
so.... yeah !! That's it for now <3
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assassinhomecreedstuck · 5 months ago
Jetfire appreciation time (from the IDW Stormbringer comics)
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robopet-archive · 2 months ago
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the robot pet of the day is: Robo-Baby (2001)
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kreachvera · 2 years ago
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5h0w1sh · 2 years ago
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Everyone in this image needs some help-
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