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"And I think, I will never arrive, I drive as far as I can drive"
- lyrics by my father @henriduree
listen to Zwei Strassen HERE if you like german new wave <3
#airbrush#roadsong#zwei strassen#comic#artists on tumblr#roadmovie#sehnsucht#driving#drive#zwei strassen weiter#cypress avenue#strapazin#altcomics#peter dauer
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Der Pfingsturlaub steht vor der Tür!
Egal ob ich verreisen werdet oder nicht – lasst Euch von meinen Reisekrimis nach Nordamerika oder Australien entführen!
Mehr steht in meiner Webseite:https://www.schmoekerseite.de/
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Crítica — A Conversação (1974), Poder Absoluto (1997), Espantalho (1973), Um Lance no Escuro (1975)
Quatro filmes pouco conhecidos de Gene Hackman A causa morte de Gene Hackman, da esposa e do cachorro continua cercada de mistério após mais de uma semana de investigações inconclusivas. As especulações iniciais, no entanto, indicam intoxicação por monóxido de carbono devido a um pequeno vazamento de gás na casa do ator conhecido por interpretar o melhor Lex Luthor do cinema ao lado de mais de…
#A Conversação#Al Pacino#áudio#Clint Eastwood#Depois Daquele Beijo#Espantalho#Francis Ford Coppola#gene hackman#gravação#Harrison Ford#Laura Linney#Lex Luthor#Martin Kaiser#Melanie Griffith#monóxido de carbono#Nova Hollywood#obra-prima#Poder Absoluto#roadmovie#Robert Duvall#sarcasmo#Um Lance no Escuro#Um Tiro na Noite#vigilância privada
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Lecturas de junio. Tercera semana
Desaparecida / Mary McGarry Morris. Editorial Versal, 1990 Esta es una historia de amor e incomprensión, un viaje desesperado por sórdidas habitaciones de hoteluchos y restaurantes baratos en la que los protagonistas (Wallace, un hombre maduro de carácter muy débil; Canny, una chica raptada por la que Wallace siente un gran apego; y Dotty, una odiosa adolescente que domina las vidas de ambos)…

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#Amistad#Dario Džamonja#Guerra de los Balcanes#Hervé Le Tellier#Mary McGarry Morris#moteles#novelas autobiográficas#Paula Ducay#relaciones familiares#relatos#roadmovie#Sarajevo#secuestro#verano
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Easy Rider
Der Roadmovie Easy Rider mit Dennis Hopper und Peter Fonda war zu meiner Zeit ein absoluter Kultfilm. Die Motorräder von Harley Davidson fanden dadurch Liebhaber in aller Welt. Es ist schon ein ganz tolles Gefühl mit einem solchen Bike auf einer ausgedehnter Landstrasse zu fahren.
Dies und mehr: https://www.deviantart.com/heinz7777
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Finally! The Lash explained!
I have read everything there is about Lucius. His gamerules (Warlords of the Dark Millennium), his novel, the short stories, every snippet. I looked at his mini and at every piece of official art there is and ever has been.
But nowhere the slightest hint if the Lash of Torment is on his armour or on himself.
So I went with "it's demonic and a slaaneshi demon would not be content with staying outside if it could just as well penetrate its host" and drew the lash embedded in his arm.
But, finally - Games Workshop is throwing me a bone. The Lash is detachable!
Doesn't affect my headcanon this much, because why not both? Embedded while he lives, detached after his death. Anyhow, I am happy!
Now I need a roadmovie of Lucius and Fabius dying at the same time and place and grudgingly having to team up to find their pets. Meanwhile the Lash and the Chirurgeon are having adventures of their own. The Chirurgeon desperately wanting to get back to its master, the Lash enjoying its free time. Gimme that story, GW! Or fanfic-authors! It's free real estate!
More Lucius-details: The shift from Cohors Nasicae to the Faultless now in the rules. Lucius renamed his Warband at the end of the novel. Personally I like Cohors Nasicae way better, but can't be helped!
Yup, I'm rather happy with all the juicy new information.
Bonus! First pic I ever drew of Lucius. 😁
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C'est sexy le ciel de Californie Sous ma peau, j'ai L.A en overdose So sexy, le spleen d'un roadmovie Dans le rétro, ma vie qui s'anamorphose
Thanks to all wonderful CC creators💕
#TS4#sims 4#ts4 edit#sims4#s4 edit#Kelibor#Ethel#ts4 photoshoot#simblr#the sims 4#the sims4#ts4 render#TS4 Blender#sims 4 render#blender render#sims 4 blender#s4 render#s4 blender#Retro#VHS
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»ICH BIN JETZT DU« Ein Neuseeland-Reisekrimi

»ICH BIN JETZT DU« Ein Neuseeland-Reisekrimi
Das trübe Wetter geht Euch auf den Geist? Dann ignoriert die Düsternis und den Regen, und lasst Euch stattdessen von mir ans schönste Ende der Welt entführen. Steigt zu Helga und Jürgen Brombacher ins Wohnmobil und unternehmt eine spannende Krimireise durch Neuseeland. Dort ist jetzt Sommer, herrliches Badewetter – und - hin und wieder stolpern die Brombachers über Mordopfer.
Ich wünsche Euch einen »Mordsspaß« beim Lesen!
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Stephane Blanquet - Artwork for NonStop record 'Roadmovie en Béquilles'
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Wiener Stadtpark 2
Hallo ihr Lieben!
Heute morgen habe ich eine ganz fantastische Wanderung gemacht, von der ich euch gerne erzählen möchte.
Sie führte mich über die Johannesgasse in den märchenhäften Wiener Stadtpark.
Das Wasserbett, eingebettet in einen großzügigen Schutzwall, schlängelte sich durch eine atemberaubende, wunderschöne Grünanlage, die einfach traumhaft war!
Diese malerische Landschaft war einfach zu schön, um sie nicht in vollen Zügen zu genießen.
#James Ian MacAnderson#essaywriting#roadmovie#wienerstadtpark#spazierengehenistschön#citypark#walkingmakeshappy
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AR Ship Week - Fanwork Recs in 2024
This is the second weekly post in the lead up to Alex Rider Ship Week. 3 weeks to go!
This week we’ve got a selection of shippy fanwork recs submitted by members of the fandom.
**Please note that I haven’t listed all the details for the fics so take care to read the tags on AO3 before diving in!
Devotion by countessrivers Tender, like a fresh wound, the kind you can't help but press a finger on to relish in the pain.
Adjournment by icebluecyanide I could have read three tournaments just to get more Yalex interactions!
To The Sea by Suzie_Shooter To the sea is a bitter sweet roadmovie except it’s a beautifully written fanfic. It has drama and angst and love. It’s beautiful.
Devil in Disguise by Polarnacht Yassen catches Alex spying and has his way with a chained-up Alex, who doesn't mind very much at all. Very hot yalex smut with some great d/s vibes and also tentacles.
Excellently written tentacle porn. What more could you want?
Spare the Rod by countessrivers Some great kinky Yalex in an AU where Yassen poses as a teacher at Point Blanc. Really enjoyed it!
A different kind of sacrifice by limnal A very unique Celtic AU where Yassen is a druid and he and Alex have to consummate their arranged marriage. Very cool setting and some very hot smut.
A Winter Offering by LastlyMatt Absolutely love the vibes of this fantasy AU, where Alex is left behind in the forest as an offering to the spirit of the forest (Yassen). Some wonderful descriptions here and some lovely angst.
A fantasy AU where Alex has been chosen as a human sacrifice for Yassen, a woodland spirit. Hot and sweet with some beautiful imagery.
Contain An Inferno by Rirren A deliciously dark AU where Martin Wilby keeps Alex prisoner after Ian dies. The Yassen pov is great here, both so cold and detached and yet so captivated by Alex and yearning for something real. Really loved this one!
Yassen finds Alex, chained up and abused in Martin Wilby's bed. Yassen is a bad man, and I love every moment of it.
Sweet Amnesia by Myulalie Some great Yalex dubcon. Love Alex's determination to save his uncle despite the cost and the vivid descriptions of the surroundings. Loved it!
Exit Strategy by BoldAsBrass A really fun story where Yassen and Alex meet again on a mission and are both unimpressed by Yassen's latest employer. Yassen's pov gives the story a hilarious dry tone and I love the developing relationship dynamic between him and Alex. Really enjoyed this one!
Calming the Storm by TheOtherBlue Yassen takes care of keyed up Alex in a way only Yassen can. Hot & intense and yet there is so much undercurrent love and gentleness, perfect mix.
Falling Slowly by RavenJames "Classic" Yassen buys Alex in an auction fic with a great twist at the end and lofts of messy, conflicted feelings and a loaded past
The Catventures of Alex Rider by LastlyMatt Alex gets turned into a little kitten and Yassen adopts him, having no idea the real identity of his new pet. Fluffy and sweet, read this one a bunch of times for cozy cuteness.
Who By Brave Assent by TheOtherBlue Dub con fucking for a mission, Yassen enjoying the strange kind of intimacy it affords him, Alex losing virginity and niavety, but not having too bad a time.
Petty Crime by EnviousWriter Not many fics explore how much Yassen was messed up by Alex. This one is basically my headcanon of Yassen being unable to continue on with his normal life after Eagle Strike. The plot is fun and the interactions between Yassen and Alex are a joy.
glass and paper by greenkite (shirohyasha) Devilverse AU, Alex trying to take some measure of control over his future by getting Yassen to take his virginity, from Yassen's perspective and his insistence on studying Alex's reactions purely as an asset and being emotionally/physically unaffected not being convincing at all.
High Wire by fredbasset 24 year old Alex Rider being more of a menace than ever, even getting a chance to try his hand at a victorious villain monologue. Sharp, witty, really compelling look at Alex and Yassen ten years on, post-scorpia, still on opposite sides, but still loyal to each other, even when work tries to intervene.
The Stowaway by TheOtherBlue An excellent canon divergence where Alex becomes stuck with Yassen on the Fer de Lance after boarding it in the Eagle Strike book. It starts out reading like canon, then gradually morphs into something much darker (and very hot). I love how sinister but in-character Yassen is here.
This feels VERY in character and believable to me. Yalex and Coster and how it's intertwined and all that
Alone together by Ireliss This work about how past sexual trauma affects Yassen and Alex’s life together is beautiful, moving, quietly sad and hopeful. It’s incredibly well-written.
Falling for you in time and space by kelkblr This is such a sweet romantic series. I love the concern Yassen has for Alex, and I love the way they become each other's family through their isolation. The setting is so well researched and feels so real too.
Coma White by hjbender Yassen captures Alex in Japan. Dark, dreamlike and compelling.
Specific Performance by BurntWhisper Yassen has been instructed to kill Alex but has to decide whether to see it through or not. They both choose to make the most of their potentially-limited time together. Extremely hot with a rough, dominant Yassen. The characterisation of both Alex and Yassen is on point.
The Right Touch by Strange_Soulmates A Star Wars AU where ISB Lieutenant Yassen is trying to track down the rebel agent Alex, resulting in some very, very hot dream dubcon. Really great adaptation of canon character dynamics.
We Keep Meeting Each Other Like This by TheOtherBlue Very hot, very well written, and I love the escalation that comes with each meeting.
Salt, Smoke and Water by Too_Many_Rooks Gender flipped Yalex. So well written, very hot, and with that excellent dubcon/Yassen is kind of a bastard element.
A Friend Indeed by Too_Many_Rooks The meetings between Yassen and Alex with the time jumps between them give a great impression of time passing and Alex getting older, and changing, Yassen borderline pining, but it's still a very neat and coherent story that grows into its ending. There's sex and angst and regret and murder and Alex being a little shit. It's perfect.
A Timely Rescue by TheOtherBlue Just really hot and such a compelling meeting between Alex and Yassen. Time travel and dubcon is a great mix of tropes as well.
Her Finger On The World by countessrivers Who doesn't love Julia being a creep? Also Yassen is so precious here,,,,
Netflix And Kill by Suzie_Shooter This was literally the first Yalex fic I ever read.
Sweet Amnesia by Myulalie TV Yalex with a different first meeting. Even with Alex not knowing Yassen's identity the danger and connection between them is tangible, and the sex is dark and hot.
I Can See You by countessrivers Stalking fic that is honestly really sweet. I love Yassen's weird way of showing affection.
Hold Me Down by countessrivers Julia/Yassen/Alex vampire feed-fuck threeway. Need I say more? I will. Manipulative, seductive, mind-controling Julia, puppetting Alex and Yassen like they're toys for her pleasure, using Alex for his blood, his body, his potential, his connection to his father, and taking whatever she pleases. One of my all time favourites. Julia/Yassen/Alex
Притворство и подражание - Pretense and emulation by peeltheavocado A young Yassen and John Rider go on an assignment in a hospital. Yassen makes a snap decision to prevent their cover being blown. This is first-person Yassen POV and it’s done very well. John/Yassen
hold me tight and fear me not by thealphaaxolotl. I am an Alexmis fan first and foremost and this fic is incredible. I've read it dozens of times and it only gets better. Alex Rider/Artemis Fowl II
Explorations in Parenthood by Too_Many_Rooks Technically a series, but a very sweet and fun Ian/Yassen au. Baby Alex is simultaneously adorable and a menace. Ian/Yassen
A Series of Unexpected Events by kelkblr Really well written exploration of not just an on/off Ian/Yassen relationship, but of how Ian joins the Department and him raising Alex. Filling in the gaps implied by the shows first episode, evening bringing in one of the short stories. I regularly reread this one. Ian/Yassen
If Wishes Were Horses by fredbasset Aaaaand this was the first AR fic I ever read!
Only Once in Paris by Zombieheroine Points for characterization and originality. Also this is so me coded.
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roadmovie (2) (3) by Alexandre Dulaunoy
#black & white#road stretching out#unfocused#fog#dreamlike#countryside#wide sky#lakes#cloudy#belgium#luxembourg
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Up next...my annual Thanksgiving showing of Planes, Trains and Automobiles (1987) on glorious vintage VHS 📼! #movie #movies #comedy #roadmovie #planestrainsandautomobiles #johnhughes #ripjohnhughes #stevemartin #johncandy #ripjohncandy #LailaRobins #MichaelMcKean #KevinBacon #DylanBaker #ediemcclurg #OliviaBurnette #MartinFerrero #LarryHankin #MatthewLawrence #benstein #charlestyner #lymanward #BillErwin #vintage #VHS #80s #Thanksgiving #HappyThanksgiving
#movies#movie#comedy#road movies#planes trains and automobiles#john hughes#rip john hughes#steve martin#john candy#rip john candy#laila robins#kevin bacon#michael mckean#Dylan Baker#edie mcclurg#olivia burnette#martin ferrero#larry hankin#ben stein#charles tyner#lyman ward#bill erwin#vintage#VHS#80s#Thanksgiving#happy thanksgiving#Spotify
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I recently watched a roadmovie about an older same sex couple who try to find their adult son (who has run off with a thief to try and defeat a crime lord - or crime lady? not sure there's a female form of crime lord) before he gets hurt.
You should check it out sometime! It's called Kung Fu Panda 4
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The Sister's Latest Books
Once again a promo-post for my sister's writings in German. I always enjoy doing the photoshoots, but I forgot to post last year's when it came out: Sommerglück in der Bretagne is a roadmovie-romance set in France. This led to my sister being offered a contract for a series in France (Das romantische Château in Frankreich), of which the first volume came out this July. They're both e-book only, but the Château also came out as an audiobook.
Fun fact: The love-interest of the Château-story, and my Nicolas are named after each other. First I asked my sister: "How should I name the French nobleman" and she said, shrugging: "I don't know – Nicolas". And a few months later she asked me the exact same question and I gave the same answer. Her Nicolas is called Montenait as a surname, for mine I asked @nocturnalazure and she suggested Montigny. I think I managed not to mix them up so far!!
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