yyubrk · 6 years
book bag // yubin & jessica
she paid attention at first to the other evaluations until she found herself zoning out. there weren't any real thoughts floating through her head. not any she could remember at least when she realized it was over and hurriedly follow the other trainee's in leaving the room. she was one of the last few out the door and had managed to make it half-way down the hall when she realized her book bag wasn't on her shoulder.
she could only hope it was left alone and still next to where she had been sitting. by the time she made it back someone had just walked out and there was one trainee left. it took a few seconds but the girs name to her. "jessica right? did you see a black and white book bag in here?"
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rkahnso · 6 years
JUNE EVAL: Choosing the Song
the song was actually something jessica was listening to. sohee had no idea what to do for the evaluation so naturally they just decided to go through their songs until they were hit with inspiration. bol4 was a duo (group?) that sohee had never heard about. jessica had thus insisted they listen to a few of their songs.
she ended up liking their music a lot. sohee didn’t know it was a duo because their voices seemed so indistinguishable in the beginning, when she had listened to the song before jessica formally introduced them.
they had gone through at least two eps before they landed on red diary page 1 which was where they encountered the song blue. it was a cute song. yet when sohee actually focused on the lyrics, she felt her heart twist and squeeze. her face fell immediately. her gaze got a bit glazed and distant. it wasn’t until a few moments after the song was over that sohee zoned back in.
“i feel that song on such a personal and spiritual level...” she mumbled. she had teared up a little. “it’s not even a sad song. it sounds so cute but it carries so much weight to it.” she sniffed. she didn’t mean to cry, really. it just hit her in a place where she wasn’t prepared to touch upon at that moment. after fanning her eyes dry, she gave jessica a half smile.
she’s okay, she insisted to the elder. (she wasn’t but she didn’t want to get into it). details, schmetails at this point. she just wanted to right herself so she didn’t burst into tears in front of jessica right then. she shot a quick text to youngjae just so she wouldn’t be alone tonight, crying and listening to this song one hundred times like she knew she’d be. just because her thoughts drifted him for a good 2 minutes and 28 seconds.
“i’ll tell you the full story some other day,” sohee promised with a sniffle. “but i really like this song. do you think i could do this playing my guitar? it seems so simple it shouldn’t take long.” perhaps she’ll get her hundred plays crying to the song as she learned the cords. though she hoped she didn’t freaking cry in the midst of her evaluation. not only would she possibly fail the evaluation but she’d probably get sent to the psychiatrist or something. but she felt like she needed to. it’s not like she had any other choices anyways. the song spoke to her.
with jess’s okay, the pair continued their search, now for jessica’s song for the evaluation.
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trcent · 7 years
Important Announcement!
[ tw in the first paragraph: corporal punishment ]
After all the TRC trainees are done with their evaluation performances, they are called into the gym for an important announcement. Upon arrival, they are instructed to remain standing because the notice won’t take too long. Two specific trainees are taken from the crowd as soon as they arrived, Ahn Sohee and Jung Sooyeon, and were told to kneel down and keep their arms up in front of everyone without being given any explanation as to why. If there was any sort of complaint or restraint to follow orders a coach was positioned behind them with a rolled up magazine ready to hit them on the back of their knees until they're ready to obey.
A senior coach known by everyone calls for everyone’s attention once the time limit for arrival was met. Whoever didn’t make it in time would get a tougher punishment later on. “As you people should know, you are not allowed to share any sort of company information with anyone, much less the internet. We really thought that was the most obvious rule of your contract, yet here we are!” He takes a few steps back to put the two girls as the center of attention, still suffering their punishment. “These two decided to share how they love seeing each other at work even if one of them is a public trainee and the other isn’t. You really think people can’t put two and two together? The public is always smarter than you; they’ll overthink every time. That’s why there’s always fake scandals going around.”
His big feet dressed in boots start walking behind the girls, stopping in between them. “What’s next? Are you going to accidentally slip comebacks? Debut plans? Who are the newest trainees?” And so he lowers his torso, getting closer to their ears so only the two could hear him. “Which trainees were kicked out?” Soon after he returns to his menacing posture, circling back to his initial position. “If you think they’re the only one getting punished then you’re all wrong. Every other trainee will need to do 15 laps around the gym while these two watch you with their hands up. If I see anyone slack or complain they’ll be getting 5 more laps. Do you hear me?”
He repeats his question two more times until he gets a reply loud enough for his taste. “And you’re also banned from social media until everyone takes another SNS management class, since you clearly need a review.” And just like that the man dove into the sea of surprised ‘what?’s, blowing his whistle to both tell everybody to shut up and to start running. The group was only free to go after every trainee had finished their laps - even the additional ones. Ahn Sohee and Jung Sooyeon had to stay behind to get scolded on their sense of responsibility before getting freed as well.
The entire company is under an SNS ban. Sohee and Sooyeon must take two weeks of SNS Management classes before they can have SNS back while the rest of the trainees are only required to take one. This class can NOT count toward an SNS Management achievement, but trainees still must put it on their workshop forms in order to get SNS privileges back. This particular class will deal with how trainees and idols should conduct themselves on the internet so as not to make TRC look bad. All trainees are reminded that they are to never publicly address any inner workings of TRC without express permission from the company.
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rksungho · 7 years
overall, sungho finds himself very satisfied with this month’s evaluation group. maybe he’s not too thrilled about the task itself, but the company almost makes it bearable. he has rose, whom he considers more and more like a sister the more time he gets to spend with her; and sohee, who may as well be family with how often he had seen her along with his cousins growing up. a few strangers, some more tolerable than others, but as a whole, not bad.
except for one.
this girl is a blight on the agreeable mood of the majority of the group, and quite hypocritically sungho can’t stand it. she’s surly, disagreeable, and just generally not a great person to be around. and sungho isn’t having any of it.
perhaps its the very reflection of his own self that makes him hate it so much, that drives him to action. its when they call for a break, when a few of them scatter to refill water bottles or find snacks, that he pulls the girl aside. his eyes are cold, his expression stony.
“the fuck is up with your attitude?” he growls, voice low. despite his irritation, he has enough sense to not cause a whole scene. “either suck it up and get over it or find another group, because i’m not putting up with it.”
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rktiffxny · 7 years
    ( sms // tiff 💕 )
>> um? >> we have to talk >> bc wtf is ktrookies  >> UR LOOKIN SO GREAT IN THAT VIDEO GIRL THAT’S MY BITHCHCHCH  >> LOOK AT YOU !!!! I’M !!! >> i’m so PROUD i’m like a mom i showed noel >> we’re ur biggest fans sorry to anyone else ktrookie’s tiffany is our GIRL 
   ( outgoing » sicachu 😘💋 ) ✦* if you’re asking for the birds and the bees talk, it’s kinda too late for the both of us, don’t you think?   ✦* oh okay different talk  ✦* well u see .. .….… .  ✦* YA GIRL IS WORLDWIDE  ✦* well jk but i mean lowkey kt is worldwide  ✦* but i’ve always been worldwide 😏 ✦* OKAY RLY THIS TIME JK BUT KFJHWJEHJF  ✦* DID IT LOOK GOOD? BE HONEST WITH ME  ✦* DON’T JUST BE MY BIASED AF COUSIN EVEN IF ILU FOR IT V MUCH  ✦* WHAT DID NOEL SAY? LBR HE’S THE MOST SAVAGE OF US ALL AFTER CASSIE  ✦* well and u tbh  ✦* heh, i mean, love u cuz 😘  
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rksejeong · 7 years
You Attack My Heart || Sejeong & Sic
Sejeong would be lying if she said she hadn’t been staring at her.  This mysterious, beautiful sunbae had caught her attention since the very first time she had laid eyes on her and ever since then, she would steal glances, but more and more they were becoming obvious, to the point where Sejeong would sometimes have to shake her head back and forth to try and snap out of it.  Sejeong was comfortable enough with herself to know she liked girls just as much as guys, but if she hadn’t known, this girl, no, this woman, would have made her question it.
She was ever the bold one and saying enough is enough, she finally approached the other trainee, tucking some of her long dark hair behind her ear as she did so. “Sunbae, I’ve come to introduce myself! Kim Sejeong at your service! If you don’t mind me saying so, you look kind of familiar... are you a model or something?  Such a pretty face and figure! Wow! You must be, right? A model, doing this on the side?” she really did think the other looked familiar, but she couldn’t quite put her finger on it.
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rkjxy · 7 years
winter things,
for most of her life, she’s been told that the spirit of christmas lives on through the heart of giving. that christmas stands strong despite the throes of capitalism because of charitable actions and of giving happiness however you can. to find out that this month’s evaluation practically revolves around the concept of giving means a lot to her. it makes her work twice as hard and put an even bigger smile on her face during her performances the day before because she knew it was meant for something good -- something much bigger than herself and her initial jealousy.
the christmas party with the foundation was the cherry on top of it all. celebrating such a fundamental holiday with children was definitely a hundred times better than having to spend it inside company walls for a whole day. 
she likes children and her obvious excitement is clear testament to this fact. "unnie, come with me! let’s talk with the children.” she turns to the older, a huge smile on her features. what better way to spread christmas cheer than to corral one of her fellow trainees to do it with her, right? “we can sing christmas carols for them and just get to know them for a little while.”
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rkwendy · 7 years
Santa Serenade | Solo
Son Seungwan - Nova Ent December 2017 Evaluation  Line Distribution: Nova Girls Stages | Santa’s Coming For Us | Do You Want to Build a Snowman
Wendy’s not going to lie. She has been dependent on ginger tea and lots of vitamin C to keep her voice intact with all the singing she’ll be doing tonight. She’s flattered that the coaches trust her and her skills enough to include her in special stages besides the performances with her unnies at Nova. She likes to think that maybe she has grown and improved in the year and a half she’s been with the company. She isn’t certain how much growing she has done and still has to do, but she wants to keep doing well to earn the coaches faith in her to do more.   
It’s always fun performing with Kaeun unni, Hyuna unni, and Min sunbaenim. This also marks the first performance with Suji unni. Wendy may have been more of a “loop The Nutcracker Suite in lieu of Christmas carols” type of girl, but she had developed a soft spot for the first song she’s performing for the night. Ariana Grande’s “Santa Tell Me” is relatable, in a way that she hopes that a person she’d have a crush on would still be around next year. She can’t get anyone to stay, case and point: Toshi and Minhyun oppa. (To be fair, Minhyun oppa did shoot her down on Day 1, but he was always there as an older brother slash handsome friend to her). 
There’s also the unspoken pressure that she has to do well to represent Nova in the joint collaboration with the girls from other companies. It’s an honor to share the stage with three MGA season three coaches from different companies. Rumor had it that the girls she was performing with were the among the best trainee vocalists in their respective companies. She had heard three of them sing back at the MGAs, and she had even shared a stage with Taeyeon sunbaenim. However, it still doesn’t stop her from being impressed whenever she hears them sing in practice, and every day she wonders what she did in her past life to be worthy of standing and singing on the same stage with some respected senior trainees. 
There seems to be an unspoken agreement among the females of Nova that they would all rather die than do aegyo. However, when push came to shove and their backs were against the wall, there was a surprising reveal of aegyo skills. Min sunbaenim was a revelation of sorts to Wendy, that she found herself taking notes on how to pull it off as naturally as Min sunbaenim did. If she respected Min sunbaenim before, then Wendy’s respect grew even more. It takes talent to pull off aegyo and be cute without being cringe-worthy. Wendy hopes and prays that her cutesy acting and smiling onstage didn’t come across as laughable. It took her hours to practice e expressions in front of the mirror between study breaks. 
Finally, there was the final stage. It’s been long since she got to share a stage with Yeri, one of her long-time best friends. She also recognizes the two boys: one of them is the one with Soojung a lot while the other was one of those attractive faces she accepted a Royal flyer from. During practice, they realized that they who got solo lines were the youngest trainees of their respective companies. Wendy almost wants to laugh at the irony of it all, yet it also makes sense.  The program ends with a Disney song... and that they youngest kids lead it. As much Wendy has professed to banning anyone within her vicinity from singing this song when the movie first came out, it has grown on her. Oh... if her other friends could see her now. (She bets Seulgi and Joy are giggling somewhere as they remember her screams of agony when she got sick of the song). They’d probably be laughing at her for singing the song she once loathed. 
As she and Dongmin sing the last line, Wendy lets out a sigh of relief. It’s over... They did well enough to entertain the people at the plaza. Maybe... just maybe... she’s on the right track in this whole idol thing after all. 
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rkxiao · 7 years
birthday smooch xo
sic’s rushing– okay, maybe she’s running a little bit, but only because she’s on a time limit because free sessions are ending soon and she really has to find xiao before it hits midnight. it’s like cinderella, in some weird and strange way in sic’s mind. she has to find her before midnight– but xiao isn’t a princess from rags to riches, and sic’s not prince charming. but it is xiao’s birthday and sic will be damned if she doesn’t greet her once on the actual day. 
she yelps as she nearly runs into another trainee, spinning around on her heel as she bows and shovels out apologies. she’s crossing practice rooms and practice rooms until she catches one, and practically knocks the door down in her haste to get inside.
she chances one glance around, seeing for any other person, before a wide grin crosses her features, eyes falling on the girl in front of her.
“yah, yah. cheng xiao~” she sings, edging closer, and closer. “happy birthday, you little punk!” and then she’s pouncing, hands wrapping around the girl and tugging her close so she can place a big, sloppy kiss on the girl’s head. “how old are you now? twelve?”
her birthday was very close to coming to an end and she had spent approximately 79.2% of it inside trc’s building ( she had done the math ). while trainees were told to spend their last couple of hours practicing xiao had found herself staring at her phone’s screen, watching the minutes pass by. while a lot of people had remembered it early in the morning there was always the ones who left it for the last second.
a notification popped up on the screen and xiao was quick to click on it, already typing a thank you message. she wouldn’t have noticed the arrival if it hadn’t been so extravagant. she looked back just in time to be attacked by an older woman, a screech managing to escape from her lips.
“thank you?!” the kiss gave her face a whiny look. of course, jessica wouldn’t have forgotten - it was the perfect moment to make fun of someone. xiao was surprised there was no ugly montage up somewhere yet. “it’s thirteen!” her arms turned into noddles, not wanting to fight the not so comfortable hug. “it’s easy to know: just subtract fifty from your age.”
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rkgray · 7 years
// agility
the sweat was running down the chin. he looked back at the stages he had finished before. just a little longer and the physical test was done. he was anticipating the results. people from his group began to flock around the next area. he tilted his head to the side, glancing through them. gary wasn’t the tallest among them, but he was positive he was definitely on the fitter side due to his former occupation. cones were stacked in a formation along the racetrack. their next test would be to run as fast around them as possible without touching them or pushing them over.
he heard the others chatting, asking each other to run together. well, that didn’t sound like a bad idea. “sorry, do you mind to do this little track with me?” he asked, after looking to his side. of course everyone would need to get a record of their own, but running against somebody else was definitely firing up. 
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rksona · 7 years
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★ — august evaluation, 2017 ;
🎼 cause of u — jevice — ft. @rksica
despite just how stressful it had been to focus on so different many things over the course of the month, dawon’s oddly satisfied with how everything worked out. for once, her battles were solely limited to those fought in her own mind, and she hadn’t been forced to push her body beyond its limit. aside from her daily dance lessons at nova (which had been rather rough during the first few days of the month), she had managed to allow herself to get the rest that she needed to allow her ankle to properly heal.
she tried not to let her depressing thoughts hinder her from making the most of her month. dawon’s glad to have had the chance to branch out to a few of the trainees from other companies, and spending time in their company to arrange the performances had proved to be a much-needed distraction from the thoughts that she didn’t want to deal with. she only wished the same could be said about the song choice, which, as much as she loved it, the lyrics certainly hit too close to home.
사랑이라고 그대를 사랑이라고 부르고 싶었었는데 용기가 없었어 나는
jessica was outstanding. dawon admired her voice, constantly finding herself experiencing awe simply by being in her presence. she’s honored to have been given the opportunity to perform with such a talented vocalist, and, deep down, she hopes that this won’t be their last time performing together. even if it was, however, dawon hopes that she’ll be presented with the chance to hear sic sing later down the road once she’s debuted.
Come on u 사랑해 이말이 Come on u 목까지 차올라 Cause of u 큰소리로 외쳐 Cause on u 마음속으로만 Cause of you loving u 나에게 말해줘
each time she listened to the song, each time they had practiced it—dawon always found her thoughts returning to jiae (not that she was surprised at this point). her ex-best friend had been on her mind a lot lately, especially following hoseok’s unofficial moving out; there was something about the empty apartment that left her yearning for the days of laughter and fun that she had shared with jiae, making old wounds new again as she remembered their future together that would never come to be.
때로는 아프고 때로는 눈물만 흐르고 때로는 심장이 멎은 듯 멀리서 그대만 바라봐
even now, she can’t help but wonder how different things would be if she had confessed her true feelings. would it have given her a reason to stay, or would it have only caused her to leave that much faster? it’s silly, dawon thinks, to assume that it would have kept jiae at her side—there was no way a girl like that would fall for someone like dawon, right? as much as dawon likes to reassure herself that nothing would have changed, as much as she likes to believe that her feelings were hers alone, she still can’t help but wonder—what if?
너뿐이라고 내맘이 너뿐이라고 이렇게 너만이라고 혼자서 불러봐
she shouldn’t be thinking of this, not now—but she can’t help it. she smiles in sic’s direction, hopefully making it known that she was enjoying the performance (which she certainly was, despite her saddening thoughts). thinking about jiae made her sad, that much was expected, but she doesn’t allow it to stop her from enjoying herself. they were doing a good job, in dawon’s opinion, and she finds herself feeling proud of her newfound ability to control her emotions.
지금 말해버리면 그대를 못볼까봐서 그러면 나는 더 이상 살수가 없어 Cause of you loving u 나에게 말해줘
if only there were a way for her to turn back time. she’d do anything for a chance to see jiae again, even if only for a little while, just so that she could make peace with what happened. she knows it’s impossible, however. the girl had moved to another country entirely, undoubtedly living the life that she had always wanted. she didn’t need dawon anymore, that much was obvious; dawon only wishes that she was able to move on so easily.
하루종일 니생각에 아무것도 못해 이런맘이 커지고 커져서 그대앞에서 작게만 느껴지는 나
she tries to push these thoughts aside, enjoying the performance for everything that it was. the two of them made a good team, she thinks, and she continues to hope for a future collaborate between the two of them. not only was sic a pleasure to perform with, but a pleasure to spend time with as well; arranging the cover had proved to be almost as fun as performing it.
내눈엔 자꾸 너만 보여 내맘엔 오직 너만 살아
the song would soon be drawing to a close, and dawon would be lying to say that she wasn’t disappointed. for the first time in quite some time, she was consistently enjoying herself across each of her performances, and it was definitely something that she could get used to. she hopes that this streak will continue, carrying into months to come, though she’s not sure how much confidence she has in the matter.
그러면 나는 더 이상 살수가 없어 cause of u loving u 나에게 말해줘
once the song is finally over, she smiles at sic once more. they had done a good job, she thinks, and she’s more than happy with the way things had turned out. truthfully, she had almost forgotten that they were being evaluated at all; she had managed to lose herself in the music, each moment spent singing from the heart.
it was a feeling that she could get used to.
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yutark · 7 years
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( a TRC/MEANGIRLS crossover ) with yuta and jessica
“if trc was us weekly, they would always be on the cover. that one there, that's yuta nakamoto. he is one of the dumbest guys you will ever meet. youngjun sat next to him in english last year. he asked me how to spell "orange". he's totally rich because his dad invented toaster strudel. he knows everybody's business, he knows everything about everyone. that's why his hair is so big. it's full of secrets. how do i even begin to explain jessica jung? jessica jung is flawless. she has two fendi purses and a silver lexus. i hear her hair's insured for $. i hear she does car commercials. in japan. her favorite movie is varsity blues. one time, she met john stamos on a plane. and he told her she was pretty. one time, she punched me in the face. it was awesome. she always looks fierce. she always wins spring fling queen.”
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rkahnso · 7 years
s.iiic: have u ever seen a woman so beautiful u cried? askin 4 a friend
matildahn: yeah i know this really gorgeous woman at work. she’s amazing. 10/10
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yyubrk · 7 years
vocal practice / yubin & jessica
It wasn't normal to catch her lingering in the halls but she had been. Every few seconds she would stop and pause before she started to walk again. It forced the other trainee's around her, and she pretended not to see the dirty looks they sent her way. She wanted to prepare at least a little, one person from her team would be having a vocal practice with her. It was hard to catch all of them together so they were called by pairs to have a coach listen to their lines.
When she finally made, Yubin opened the door and slipped inside quickly when she saw the other trainee and one of the coaches had already been there. Her gaze fell towards the trainee, she must have been someone new. Yubin knew all the faces of TRC trainee's unless they had been fairly new. Honestly, she could have been there for months and Yubin wouldn't have noticed because she was so wrapped up in herself.
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rkhyeri · 7 years
⁽  w o w   ₎
          sometimes, hyeri is straight. other times, she thinks boundaries are a nuisance. with one look at this female, for instance, her thoughts toppled almost rudely into the second category because there’s no way this brief flare of attraction is one hundred percent hetero. “whoa.” the admission is said aloud, with doe eyes widening impossibly bigger as hyeri, quite literally, stops in her tracks. it’d been too long since she’d ventured into the trc part of seocho because, admittedly, thinking about trc is painful. after losing touch with bomi, hyeri shied away from thoughts of the company that had likely swallowed up a formerly good friend into an impossible-to-escape dungeon. that, or else bomi had fled from it all-- leaving not only dreams behind but also her friendship with hyeri, too. painful, painful, how easy it was to lose a best friend these days... when their dreams mattered more than the bonds they’d made to keep the former alive.
          but hyeri was curious. she’d wanted to see if bomi was still there, hiding somewhere in wait, and so the dancer had crossed invisible lines to where she knew the trc trainees would congregate eventually. she’d wait for a glimpse of her old friend or ask someone-- that had been the plan. it had been, anyway, until this visual had crossed her path and left the dancer practically speechless with awe. “you’re gorgeous,” hyeri admires of the stranger out loud, a few seconds passing before awareness returns and the girl offers her hand with a bright smile. “i’m hyeri.”  
          ♥ @rksica
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rktiffxny · 7 years
❝ family affairs — ♡
their schedules had always been more difficult to match up. in the past, it’d been mostly tiffany that couldn’t spare the time with a trainee lifestyle and, now with jessica being a trainee too, it’s only gotten more complicated. if jennie were to become a trainee too, tiffany’s not sure where’d they be although they could always have seocho and that much would comfort tiffany most. it wouldn’t be the same, it never could be when one has to be cautious of what’s said within company walls, but at least they would all be together. 
she’s grilling ( age requirements be damned, the youngest doesn’t have to be the one cooking ) more brisket, easily one of her favorites, placing some on jennie’s plate and then jessica’s , when she turns her attention back to jennie. “are you going to do the talent show in hongdae? i think it’d be a really fun opportunity. i’m sad i can’t go.” because, regardless of whether scouts are going or not, part of her missed performing in the streets like that. the most recent occasion had been during the cherry blossom festival but it just wasn’t the same as performing in hongdae of all places. busking on the streets was the origin of most singers, wasn’t it? it was always fun to go back to one’s roots. 
it might not have been what she wanted to talk about most but it was something, right? 
&&. — @rkjennie, @rksica
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