rkwendy · 6 years
Boo You, Whore | Solo
Son Seungwan - Nova Entertainment April 2018 - Acting Evaluation Scene: Four-Way Call from Mean Girls With @rkhyunakim @rkmin @bambamrk
When Wendy was tossing around ideas what she can do for the evaluation, she wasn’t sure what she wanted to do. She originally wanted to do a scene from either Sailor Moon or some foreign-language musical. However, she realized that trying to master both another language and her acting was more work than she’d like. It could end up blowing up in her face rather than being rewarded for the risks she’d be taking. The perfect idea had come to her when she heard of Mean Girls the musical. It hasn’t been performed outside of USA, but she had managed to get hold of bootleg copies. 
Nothing in the musical caught her attention, to her disappointment, so she had turned to the original movie to draw some inspiration. One scene caught her attention more than the others. Of course, it helped that at the end was an iconic line she still likes saying even today.  Honestly, she hopes that the coaches don’t murder her for choosing to do a scene that involves the use of foul language. Oh well, too late for regrets. But either way, she thinks this evaluation will be interesting.
Her next problem was getting people to do the scene with her. After all, she needed three other people to pull it off with her. To her luck, Hyuna unni, Min sunbaenim, and Bambam oppa had all been interested to work with her for this evaluation. It also helped that most of them also spoke English, making the work and distribution of roles easier.
Despite being in the same company and having worked together several times, Wendy feels as if there’s still a bit of a wall set up between her and the rest of them. She gets along great with Hyuna unni, but a small part of her still approaches both Min sunbaenim and Bambam oppa with caution. As much as she’s fine with working with them both in a professional setting, she isn’t sure where she lies with them both. It’s not that she’s scared of them, but she sometimes feels like there’s a wall between them that she can’t break through.
With these feelings in mind, Wendy chuckles at the irony of the scene they’re doing. People revealing how they truly feel about each other. Despite having these feelings, they worked hard enough to make things perfect. It was much easier to practice since they’re all under the same company. As the evaluations approach, Wendy feels a little bit more confident coming into this evaluation now that she’s gotten some help from master actress Chaeyoung. She also prays that her chemistry with Hyuna unni, Min sunbaenim, and Bambam oppa has improved with all the times they practiced together.
Wendy plays Gretchen Weiners, the recently betrayed friend of queen bee Regina George. Her task is to enter Gretchen’s mind and bring out the emotions and thoughts the rich heiress is feeling as she hears her so-called friends say mean things about her.
“Hold on,” she says after hearing everything she just did. Regina just called her ugly and unfit for Spring Fling Queen. What kind of friend does that? And holy shit… Did she just call Karen a slut? She lets out a soft sob, as she saw Gretchen do in the movie. She’s barely holding it together as she calls Karen.
Wendy had studied and listened to footage of herself speaking while crying back when she was still skating competitively. There’s also the help she got from Chaeyoung to make her acting seem more natural and less character-like. She has to look like she’s just barely keeping it together, and she has to sound like it too.
Min sunbaenim as Karen barely gets to say hello, when she launches into the heart of the matter at once. “If someone said something bad about you, you’d want me to tell you, right?”
Wendy casts aside any notion of having to be more respectful toward Min sunbaenim. She pretends that she’s not older and a senior to be respected. In this scene, they are the same aged friends who have just been insulted behind their backs. They aren’t Wendy and Min sunbaenim right now, she tells herself. They are Gretchen Weiners and Karen Smith talking about Regina George.
Karen clearly doesn’t see the urgency of the situation. “What if it was someone you thought was your friend?”
After being brushed off, she makes a face. Clearly she’s not the priority here. Ugh. “I’m not taking this anymore,” she whispers to herself.
At Cady’s encouragement, she nods to herself. At least someone appreciates her worth as a human being.
Karen comes back, saying that Regina invited her to hang out without Gretchen.
“Do not hang out with her,” Wendy as Gretchen all but commands. She attempts to keep her face neutral, opting to convey the urgency in her voice.
Poor Karen. She deserves to know, but at the same time, Gretchen isn’t sure she should tell… She settles for “You don’t want me to tell you,” with a sigh.
Despite the assurance that she can tell Karen, Gretchen still has reservations. She makes a face when Karen clicks away.
Oh my God. She’s so annoying.
Wendy widens her eyes a little bit, to convey a mix of confusion and suspicion. Was this even supposed to be for her? “Who is?” she asks.
Who’s this?
“Gretchen…” she says slowly, trying to hide the suspicion and confusion from her voice.
Right, hold on…
While waiting for Karen to come back, Wendy moves over to the mirror to study her face. When that gets boring, she opts to tap her fingers against her legs. At this rate, she wouldn’t be surprised if Karen and Regina were talking about her behind her back. What is this betrayal? That’s it. She’s telling Karen.
Wendy makes sure to shift her eyes around her imaginary room, before settling on a random coach and nodding to herself, as if she had just made an important decision.
Ok, what is it? “Regina says everyone hates you because you’re such a slut,” she says as quickly as she can. She whispered for fear someone else would overhear. She has to say it fast before she has second thoughts. Karen deserves to know the truth. She deserves to know who the real snake is around here.
She said that?
Gretchen almost feels bad, but she owes Karen the truth. Wendy makes sure to show that in her face by looking to the side and keeping her mouth set in a firm line. “You didn’t hear it from me.”
She waits for Karen to put the phone down. Now they’re even. She puts on her best ‘sorry not sorry face’ when Cady points out that she was a little harsh.
She lets out a soft scoff. “Ugh, whatever, she has a right to know.”
She puts the phone down, now that her part is done.
After Hyuna unni says “Boo you, whore,” Wendy lets out a sigh of relief as they all bow. This was one of the more fun evaluations she had done, but she also hopes that this helps improve her relationship with the more senior trainees in the company. It’s been two years, and she hopes that this helps bring them a little closer.  
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rkrxcky · 7 years
[ msg to: ricky ] do you think i'm getting old? [ msg to: ricky ] sorry i texted the wrong number on accident [ msg to: ricky ] please don't read that
[` text to jin hyung: why are you asking me [ message deleted ! ][` text to jin hyung: of course you ar [ message deleted ! ][` text to jin hyung: i can see your wrinkles from h
                                                    [ message received ! ]                                                     sorry i texted the wrong number on accident                                                    please don’t read that
[` text to jin hyung: ...weirdo[` text to jin hyung: you should ask min noona she loves when people bring up old age especially you
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rkcheri · 7 years
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december twenty-fourth.  12월 evaluation  ✦  merry christmas, seoul !
         the twenty-fourth comes quicker than she realizes, and her performance repertoire is as ingrained into her muscle-memory as what she had for last night’s dinner, a memorable meal considering it happened to be the most she’s eaten due to her busy schedule. it passes, the appetite, a common notion she’s begun to appeal to when the constant overwhelming workload includes practices, formation changes and line distributions; an endless cycle that’s been a familiar friend in her life for the past four months. and as horrible as it did sound, jihyun didn’t quite mind.
she liked keeping busy, she liked watching people come together in time for the holiday season; actually was enthralled with the late nights and the small conversations she’s held with everyone at their most vulnerable moments. where exhaustion exists and formalities are dropped because of it. then again, also knowing it was a possibility it would be her last evaluation as a trainee seemed to sweeten the deal : made her work harder, want to spend a little bit more time with those she knew she’ll miss in the new year.
the day goes by and night soon falls; seven pm sharp do metaphorical curtains rise and everyone is in position. the first stage begins and it’s the song that has jihyun rushing from where she stood among the other trainees, pushing past others to sneak a peek from the wings. watching with warm hearts and a proud smile as jongin and minyoung sang on stage. their voices mingling together in a way jihyun could only remember so fondly. days of their time in new york coming back to her as they sang, tales of obnoxious karaoke and sleepy carols had nothing on what the two were performing on stage.
it all comes back to her and as warm as it makes her feel, revisiting fond memories; she’s sad she can’t join them -- retreats before they can see her. her regrets left on the back burner as she’s back to reciting the lyrics of her own performances. when it ends, she spots them in the crowd so easily ; a hand rising in acknowledgement as she waves to them from where she stands in the crowd, amidst the rest of the trainees going here and there, to and from the stage -- trying to keep their nerves under wraps as the concert continued. because at the end of the day, it was still an evaluation and as much as she wanted to wrap her friends in her arms and congratulate them on how well they sounded -- it was best to leave such wishes for the end.
they all still had a show to put on. and jihyun knew better than anyone that putting a half-assed performance for the crowd would be her own undoing. so, she does as she’s told ; instructed by staff to stand where they need her to. waits for her turn to enter the stage, microphone attached to the silk of her cheek by clear tape.
one breath, two -- eyes face the wall behind them, backs to the crowd. the voices from behind already buzzing in her ears before the music begins. the excitement that sinks into her veins, energizing her -- reinventing the thoughts that had clouded her in misery earlier. the smile she dons when she turns, choreography mended into her very bones, becomes more genuine as the song continues -- to the very last bow, it brings the festive holiday spirit back into her eyes.
it continues throughout the concert; ( a sensation that jihyun thanks when it all ends ) from one performance to another. as be my baby comes, she’s rather thrilled for the performance. and unlike her performances at royal survival, save for a few, she feels a liveliness in her -- one she can say isn’t specified as competitiveness or desperation. this one keeps her happy, smile growing wider as she dances around the stage; each movement made to mirror another trainees from beside her. it lacks the christmas-time spirit, unfortunately, but they make it work.
jihyun was sure she could supply enough christmas spirit for the performance if they needed it.
it was her favorite time of the year, after all.
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rkhugo · 7 years
noona noona hey ! @min
first day on the job, so to speak, and hugo figured he’d be dreading this, but so far things have proven to be rather fun instead. mostly due to the fact that he had spent his time so far going around and trying to meet all the other trainees. there didn’t seem to be a lot of them - nova must be pretty elite, all the more reason to feel absolutely awesome about himself - so meeting everyone wasn’t proving to be too difficult, at least not with number count. the real difficulty was that... well...
everyone walked around like they had massive wedgies up their butts!
and broomsticks shoved up there too, with a side of not having pooped in a few weeks. everything was so tense and he didn’t like that. hugo was the opposite of tense. he was fun! there was no way he could let nova continue being the wedgie capital of seoul. for christmas he’d buy everyone loose fitting underwear so this wouldn’t happen again. 
for now, he had to be his goofball self to the max, and so when he spotted a very cute woman sitting off to the side of some rehearsal studio, he decided to let himself into the room, diving right into a somersault to get over to her. except that the roll only took him halfway there, to which he looked up at her and gave a sheepish smile. “one moment my lady!” with that he tried to do his best split which was really just his legs bent up, and he took hold of his ankle, folded over, before beginning to roll over his side and towards her, sounds of discomfort groaning out of him before he finally made it over to her. he was out of breath by the time he got there, but he made it, getting onto one knee and framing his face with his hand, panting out a few breaths before wiggling his fingers and giving a tired yet goofy smile. “tada~! i’m hugo, you’re new companion on the nova journey to greatness and wonderment. my skills include rolling around, being a cinnamon roll, and rollin’ up to the club. i hope you’ll join me in all of those activities.” and he topped it off with a little wink, for effect of course.
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rkblogizzen-blog · 7 years
any trainees you know that aren't on royal survival, but that you wish would've been?
oh honey, where do i begin?
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i really like the ‘confident’ sorta girl. not to put us down as girls, but i don’t feel like we have that edge this year. so i was sad not to see @rksunyoung this competition. she’s sassy and is hella pretty. her time in the mgas shows she has skill and she’s super quirky!! it’s hella charming to watch. too bad we don’t have too many girls like that this year.
i also wish @rkluna was on the show for the same reason. how can you not say confidence without luna? that girl is a firecracker. she can clearly compose groups and lead them well, but she’s also a natural born performer. y’know when you add too much spice to ya donburi? that’s her. seems tasty at first but bam! explosion of flavours that you enjoy. she’s also sphere’s golden child so i dunno if they’d let her go.. probably not.
theres also a charmin’ unnie called @rktiffxny . girl has vocal chords that would leave the whole damn room shivering. i’m rly disappointed in her the most because she could have won this thing if she went on. she has the most adorable smile too— y’see that eye smile durin’ the mgas? i swooned.
oh! oh! how could i forget @rkhyeri ? lil’ charming girl. sure, we have cute girls (i mean have y’all seen soohyun and dawon? cute as heck!) but this girl could give jieun-ssi a run for her money when it comes to dancing.
last but certainly not least, i wish we saw @rkmin. something sparkling ‘bout that girl. she’s had a bit of scandals but remember her on that inkigayo stage? hella cute. not to mention she has a stage presence that nova isn’t looking after.. ~nova isn’t looking after.. ~hella cute. not to mention she has a stage presence that nova isn’t looking after.. ~nova isn’t looking after.. ~
lets hope we have a round where failed auditions could be plucked into rounds.. wouldn’t that be exciting??? i wouldn’t doubt that oppa has a similar idea. great minds think alike after all! ^^;
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rkxiao · 7 years
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                           쉿 just just watch it                                               I'll show you how we do
                                                            an august evaluation                                                                   the last leaf                                                   feat. joo minhee & lee minyoung
after writing and composing a complete song, slipping on stage under the rain, and all the other evaluations cheng xiao had gone through, that one was certainly climbing up towards the top difficulty ranks. its main objective was nothing too hard. finding a group of people she had never performed with before was an easy task, but she hadn’t expected the two other girls choosing such a tough performance.
of course that at the heat of the moment xiao fell into the trap and agreed with it without second thoughts. the song was good enough to stick in your head, the dancing was powerful, and the entire performance had to be done with extreme charisma. it sounded like the perfect plan - and maybe it was, but the girl had completely taken practice out of the equation.
the first verse was hers for the taking, and being the opening act didn’t sound like a very fun thing when singing was far from being your best skill. while the dancing was hanging towards the tougher part she was a quick learner (or at least when it came to choreographies), so she didn’t have much of that in mind. the rap wouldn’t be a bother either. the chorus was also filled with vocals, all of which xiao wasn’t sure she had the skills for.
minhee helped keep her sane with the power of food, something that always seemed to bring the girl back to her senses. it was particularly nice whenever the younger had spent too long practicing her singing and the other provided a nice drink to help her throat keep going. min’s dancing skills were also incredibly superior, so it made learning the choreography a pleasing task.
after working on her voice enough times to often even lose it, xiao stood in the room as ready to perform as she got to be.
쉿 just just watch it
she was in charge of the very first line which she did with no worries. each girl delivered theirs, and in no time xiao stood in the center, having to sing as well as she had ever done. she tried not forcing it too much. there were no high notes to sing or anything too challenging, so her voice was kept simple, only wanting to get her part done to move on with the song. it was kept stable, but she was also singing softly - like how you would when everybody else was sleeping but you still wanted to sing your heart out. it was good enough in her books.
어제도 오늘도 그라 믿는 오늘 밤 오늘도 내일도 너를 기다려 매일 밤 모든 게 끝인걸 알면서도 그렇게
the song went on and xiao decided to focus on her dancing and expressions. charisma was definitely something she had never had to worry about, and hopefully, it showed during that performance. their team was filled with charisma-heavy people, and while standing out wasn’t of much importance, the girl still hoped there were times her gaze of powerful movements got more attention than the others.
don't worry I'm so fine
as the song drew close to its end it was time for her to deliver the rap part. it was her main focus as a skill, so the skill on her tongue was nothing to be surprised of. though it was nothing too hard for her to worry about. the way it was built was fairly easy to follow along, with enough breaks to not require a lot of skill. with a pose she slowly walked away after she was done, letting the other trainees walk back to the front.
너와의 추억들 모두 감사해 생각해봤어 가만히 이젠 널 보내야할것만 같아 ha I'll just let it go 행복했던 시간 이젠 모두 다 잊고 시간이 약이야
that's what they say but 걱정하지마 cuz we're say A wut
the dance break was one of the things she was looking forward to the most. it was a good way to end the performance, building up excitement just leave people wanting for more. she followed along to the movements as they were meant to be done before hiding herself further away from the others. xiao had practiced the ending probably almost as much as her singing, not wanting to get it wrong and end up getting hurt, or even hurting someone else.
with a somersault, she landed in front of the other two girls, right in the middle, and all with the perfect splits. her face showcased a smirk, trying to leave as much impact as she could. while she was proud of the performance, and her soul was beginning her for more, the girl still hoped the next evaluation wouldn’t be as consuming.
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memoirsofrkxjiyeon · 7 years
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Min & Xiao & Minhee
                                        🍁  the last leaf  🍁
location: seocho training facility
mission: august evaluation
Time to bring fire to the performance, completely different from the one before. In all honesty, this one maybe more physical harder but yet it certainly more fun to do instead bleeding her heart out. It was certainly different kind of performance, it involved singing, dancing and even rapping. This is the combo what nova, sphere & trc created. Each person in this team was special in their own way and have on thing in common, the girls ooze charisma together. 
It was lovely to work with Min once more as only got a chance speak briefly on the samsung advert shooting and to get know the girl who was in chun li costume on Halloween. Minhee was oldest out of the three yet Min has been doing the longest out of them all. She took upon herself to make sure everyone was looking after themselves by giving them packed lunch and extra water during their rehearsals together while Min help guides them when comes routine. Finally, Xiao giving extra hints to Minhee on how to improve her dancing skill. The eldest spent time late night practicing so she wouldn’t let down the team down this day.
The girls weren’t wearing fancy clothes just simple trainee clothes and got in position for the show to begin. Minhee personally loves the soundtrack it had nice rock sound to it than usually bubble gum pop music, it was a nice change from the usual. Hopefully more refreshing for the trainers to watch and make them stand out more than others. That was the plan who knows if it would work or not. Let’s just pray everything runs smoothly. 
Minhee placed her hands on her hands on the hips, getting into confident character with a slight smirk playing on the lips while inside was rattling with nerves, thinking about on what things could go wrong and prays no one will get hurt in this routine. The female release her inner vixen doing variety sensual poses to the music with her eyes straight forward before strutting like a model into a line behind xiao and minyoung behind her. The choreography was very military and nothing can do wrong or it wouldn’t work. Thankful it was quite a simple nothing fantastic.
The auburn haired female took command stretching her arms out then telling the trainers to “shh, just watch it” after xiao doing it first before sliding off to reveal min to do her thing and her lines while we go into next position. Xiao started to sing even though wasn’t confident in that skill, minhee believes and it only one verse she did alone in the song so she just had get that part out of the way.  The eldest woman couldn’t help but smile a little as the others look amazing despite being average clothes while doing such kick ass performance and how on time they were with the simple movements. It only started but it gave Minhee so much confidence and felt she should be able to do this without no fear.
It was Minyoung turn to be in limelight to show her amazing skills and Minhee chance to sing along with her in sweet harmony to give the song extra push while the ladies smoothly dance. Leading start to all their voices coming together as one for the chorus  while showing off her body shape by running her hands down her body in a sensual manner before posing and kicking their leg in the air in a circle to promote they all are bendy once again in an elegant manner before falling down to the floor. This choreography has everything from different levels and voguing, it was certainly a challenge to put together, mainly keeping her breath stable yet her vocals was little shaking during the harmonizing. 
The performer was relieved they had male dancers to help with this routine as they make it little more special and feel like it was a real deal dress rehearsal in the practice room. Minhee did not have much time to catch her breath while sensual thrusting her hips in briefly and felt relieved it was Min doing the vocals for this transition as she thought she would sound terrible about right now. The gentleman helped them off the floor like the ladies they were and went on their performance. Luckily, the girl’s breath return to do the next harmony part with all of them before it was her chance to shine in the spotlight and this part was the thing was surprisingly looking forward to as spent hours upon hours to master her part in it. 
A sweet smile painted her lips as softly do the movements while her voice sang the notes in sweet tone to match the smile on her lips.  Minhee gave it her all as she did not want to let down the team letting herself go and not being afraid of messing up. After swift hair flip, she felt proud of herself not letting the nerves and worries beat her which tend to do a lot of. The training has made her more confident in her abilities making her average all rounder performer. 
The last harmony together comes in making her feel somewhat sad that this performance is nearing to the end yet the girls had a trick waiting up the sleeves but for now. It was time for Xiao to shine as she gets to let loose and release her inner rap god. Once she slays everyone with that amazing rap skill, minyoung & minhee prepare for the second part and comes out of the shadows to give them little something more to end the performance.
Xiao joins the ranks slowly coming together as the music builds up to explosive drop which starts a chain reaction of the girls dancing in sync. It felt very much like janet jackson dance in this part even though minhee wasn’t strongest she gave it her best shot to be on the same level of xiao and minyoung who were incredible dancers. The dance went on and xiao went into the shadows of the male dancers while Minhee did her best vogue poses at the end leaving a gap between her and min ready for the last final part as Xiao somersault pass both of them and lays into a split to finish in an epic final pose as the music stop.
This made her breathless & exhausted beyond belief...
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rksona · 7 years
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June Evaluation, 2017;
🎼 remember — apink she’z — nova girls
june was finally coming to a close, and dawon was determined to end it on a positive note.
while it could easily be considered the worst month she’s had in years, given just how low she’s felt from start to finish, dawon didn’t want to abandon hope. hope is what’s gotten her this far, and hope is the only reason that she continued to persevere. the hope that, one day, she’d make it through this, even if that felt like a far and distant future.
preparations for the evals had gone smoothly, or at least, they’d gone smoothly for dawon. she’d taken a backseat while a few of the other trainees had been hard at work, deciding how the entire performance was going to go. wendy was in charge of line distribution, and she’d taken it upon herself to make dawon the main vocalist. it was ideal, though a part of dawon had felt apprehensive. was she even capable of being the main vocalist right now? after all, she’s been an emotional wreck for the majority of the month—but her newfound determination to not let the team down would have to get her through.
almost all of her free time was dedicated to familiarizing herself with the choreography. she had needed a bit of help learning it at first—help which, to dawon’s relief, min was eager to provide. from there, it had taken hardly any time at all for dawon to get the idea of things—the choreography wasn’t especially difficult to learn, and the training she's received at nova thus far should help to execute it decently. while it was obvious that she wouldn’t be the most impressive dancer on the stage, she could only hope that she wouldn’t be the worst, either.
the music begins as she’s crouched on the ground, and it almost feels like the calm before the storm. could something go wrong? she has no time for doubt, however, not now—now was the time for action, and she’s determined to make it through this month’s evaluation without any problems like she’d faced last month. the fact that she’d actually gotten to practice this time around served to ease her nerves somewhat, but not entirely.
함께 떠나요 시원한 바람 속에 오늘은 다 잊고 그때 우리처럼
when it’s finally her time to sing, dawon tries to ignore the audience, hoping that she’ll manage to let go and live in the moment. she’s reminiscing about a happier time in her life—a time when she sang because it was fun—because it was something that she enjoyed—because it was something that she loved to do rather than something she felt obligated to do. things were so much simpler then, and she wasn’t burdened with even half of the fears that she faced now. if only those times hadn’t ended what felt like an eternity ago.
for the first time in a quite some time, her lips manage to form a genuine smile throughout the entirety of the performance. she’s not entirely sure where this new optimism stems from, but she’ll be the last one to complain. maybe she’s starting to realize that she was actually capable of making it through this chapter of her life, no matter how difficult it had proved to be up to this point. while her struggles may be far from over, somehow, things were beginning to feel a little easier to bear.
함께 떠나요 시원한 바람 속에 오늘은 다 잊고 그때 우리처럼
was it even possible to return to the way things used to be? before yoo jiae—before taeha—before the accident—before the loss of her grandfather? would she ever be able to perform freely, unburdened by the sins of her past, again? only time will tell, but, for now, she has to believe that it’s possible. she has to believe that things will get easier. she’s tired of being driven by tragedy. she’s tired of allowing it to define everything that she is. she’s tired of feeling like she’s nothing more than what her past has forced her to be.
if i can live through this, i can do anything. it’s something that junyeong recently said to her, a lyric from a song that he enjoys. junyeong’s seemed rather persistent in helping dawon forgive herself for her past lately, and with good reason; every low mood can ultimately be linked to her past rather than her present or future. but was it possible for dawon to forgive herself for something so terrible that she felt she was responsible for? in her mind, she had ruined junyeong’s life—so why was he still trying so hard to improve hers?
우리 더 늦기 전에
she wants nothing more than to keep moving forward, so why has she always felt the need to look back? was there something in her past that was preventing her from moving on? her past is what made her who she is, she knows—she doesn’t want to forget it, she just wishes that she could make peace with it. while the solution wasn’t going to come overnight, she finds herself yearning to move on—yearning to find that same happiness that had helped her to discover her dream of becoming a singer in the first place, before it’s too late.
어제처럼 느껴지는 순간
she’s spent so much time wanting to succeed for others that she’s forgotten what it’s like to want to succeed for herself. it’s not that she wants to stop drawing strength from others, but more so that she wants to remember what it’s like to believe in herself, too. maybe that’s something that she could work on and eventually learn to do with time; after all, anything is possible, and it felt like a goal that was worth achieving.
she’s wanted this for so long, yet somehow dawon had lost sight of her dream as she became obsessed with the idea of redeeming herself for her past actions. she had forgotten that this was something that she wanted to do rather than something that she had to do. but, now, dawon was beginning to realize all of the hard work that she’s put forth to get where she is now, and she knows that her younger self would be proud of just how far she’s managed to come.
and, for the first time in a long time, dawon felt like things might be okay.
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rkxsooyoung · 8 years
[ sms; youngie ] oh so you have tea to spill? fucking great [ sms; yoongie ] uhm, do you not know me? since when do i not have food?
[ outgoing >> minnie ] tea? more like poison bc i might die with whatever this is that kt is throwing at me[ outgoing >> minnie ] uhm. excuse.[ outgoing >> minnie ] for all i know you’ve been living off of the vending machines in the staff side of seocho and have canned dog food and soju in your fridge[ outgoing >> minnie ] i can ask
0 notes
rkmiya · 6 years
five fo five
i debated on even doing this because i knew it wasn’t going to be a fully positive note but it’s my honest feelings and the point of the rkfifth post was to post how we feel about rookies. as someone who has been here since the moment it opened until now i have a lot of feelings. note: this is going to be all over the place and not cohesive at all because i intend to pour out my thoughts as they come with very minimal editing and my thoughts, unsurprisingly, aren’t always cohesive.
NOTE: skip to the bottom if you’re too lazy to read everything for a nice little present i did for everyone !!!! uwu
first and foremost i want to talk about what an amazing milestone it is for an rp to maintain this kind of longevity in which it’s been around for five consecutive years without hiatus, with three (mostly smooth) admin transitions and always maintaining at least 100 muses in the rp at any given moment. that’s freaking insane. especially because this is the era where most rps die after a month or two because people lose interest; it’s crazy that rookies has been around and probably will continue to be for some time. so i want to thank our current admin team for keeping the rp functioning. i know it’s a high maintenance rp and it’s a lot of upkeep so despite everything, i commend y’all for your efforts.
that being said, it is also my five year as a member! i’ve been here since the very beginning with rkmin (now rkmiya). she’s never been dropped and picked back up again (though we did go through a really rough patch of lack of muse). she has journeyed through this five years of rookies and it’s been insane. that’s the only way i can describe it and i’m still not sure if i mean insane in a good way or a bad (probably a nice mix that leans towards good? who knows). being a five year member comes with some feeling of accomplishment because wow yes i’ve survived five years. but at the same time it makes me a little sad. most of you who have me on twitter know why and if any of you who have read rkmiya’s threads also know that she is very tired of being a trainee. we’ve been in the rp for five years and she was a trainee at the one-month mark for rookies (meaning this january will be her 5th year as a trainee, as the rp is heading towards its sixth year running). keeping a five year trainee muse is exhausting. it’s especially worse when she still hasn’t debuted but i can’t force that on rkmiya. but a lot of her frustration is stemmed from the long period of time in which she’s stayed a trainee. five in-real-life years. seems like a long time, right? but that was one of the leading causes to her two year long muse drag. any of you who were around for the beginning-middle of rk know that i used to write a fuck ton for rkmiya. and i mean it. she’s accumulated over 100+ solos in like her first two years in rk, even before our current point system. if i calculated it now, she has 8 on her current blog (rkmiya) and 124 on her old blog (rkmin). that’s 132 solos over 5 years of rping with threads (mostly paras) in between. after about three years, i felt like i hit a dead end because i had given sunmi (back then, min) a lot of development. i felt like i was scrambling to do things with her and for a long time i had debated dropping her.
thankfully both rkmiya and i are stubborn bitches so i refuse to drop her until she’s debuted whether it’s with nova or another company.
i have been given the grace of having one muse on its way to being debut ready. (and guess what? rkmiya is still a bitter bitch about it). i’m really excited and really pumped. i will say in the recent months (after i changed fcs from miss a min to sunmi), i’ve kind of regained that initial spark i had with the rp. which is nice because it was hard forcing myself to do things for her muse when it just wasn’t there and i was more upset than not to be writing there. most of you would remember that as the era where i prioritised my second muse: rkahnso.
her url actually isn’t rkahnso but it’s just easier to write it as such. but she is ahn sohee and she’s been in the rp since…….2014? and her ride seemed to be a lot easier. in comparison, sohee was given the opportunity to grow as a muse prior to being signed. she handled about 3? rejections before being picked up by trc. it’s nice to be able to have that balance because i wasn’t able to do that with sunmi. chungha, when i finally picked her up, was meant to be a non-trainee for much longer than she was. she made it to a year before she was signed. i’m not sad about it but it’s perfectly fine.
rkchungha came after a few attempts at a third muse (i had jackson, kim minji ‘kimi’ of bulldok and nearly brought in rkmomo). her initial faceclaim was going to be jennie but because the face wasn’t available, she was made into chungha! she’s the most wild of the three which means she’s the easiest to plot with for me. her purpose as a muse was to give me that freedom of a rookie muse because i had spent so long with two trainee muses. to be perfectly honest, i completely blanked on the entire year i had rkchungha. like i didn’t even notice the year pass/don’t have any memory of most of the threads she did in her first year. it’s a weird thing to explain but i feel like i didn’t “zone back” into the reality of being her mun until like march. it was almost like i was rping her on autopilot because unlike my first two muses, i don’t remember much of her earlier days in the rp. but she has grown interestingly and continues to develop and grow. like rkahnso, she was meant to need interactions in order to develop.
(another quick fun fact, rkmiya/rkmin was a version of my kpopxmen muse who was also a min fc because the admins of kpxm were the ones that founded rookies. so i essentially just transferred the muse i had spent two years rping already lol)
as an rp, i think it’s great when it’s at its best. at its worst (for me), it felt like a chore and i felt burdened. i know things are optional and i do not have to do them but when you have determined muses, slacking off is actually more damaging than you realise -- and any of you guy can see that as rkmiya has suffered the most from my two-year-long-rut i was in for her muse before switching faceclaims. so even if things are “optional” i feel obligated to do them because i want my muses to be at top tier they have to be. which means (now) doing three sets of trainee replies and three sets of evals. and because rkahnso is in trc/g, that means i’m doing seven replies a week and three solos (sometimes more bc rkahnso needs more attention with her evaluations) which is fine. i like that there’s prompts to write about with evaluations. it’s just that it gets repetitive very easily and it straight up nearly completely killed rkmiya’s muse before i even switched faceclaims.
i really do love rookies but i was once at a point where i felt hopeless, i felt like my muses were going nowhere and it was so repetitive to do the same thing over and over it was getting exhausting to even open up tumblr. and let me tell you, keeping a muse for five years straight without dropping a single time is such a hard thing to maintain. so shout out to rkmiya for turning 5 years old along with rookies. that’s literally insane. and i cannot tell you how the hell i did it or explain what it was like to force myself to at least do one reply every week and not even fight for trainee points for months on end. but since about may, i’ve been clear out of the rut and i’ve doing the needed replies and chungha is almost done with stamina (at the time that i’m writing this). it’s a good feeling to get as low as i did and come out of the other side with consistent muse, the ability to have new story arcs for each muse and to be an active member of the rp yet again.
i also want to say that i’m really happy with where the rp has grown lore-wise. it’s a lot more in-depth and the decision to include seocho, while completely unrealistic in real-life, makes it a lot more easier in an rp setting! i’ll admit that there is a good blend of rp make-believe that’s added into the roleplay as well as realism (so that we know what to expect without things being too out of hand at the same time) and i’ve always loved that about rookies. and it’s only gotten better and more interactive with time.
ooc wise it’s been a rocky road. not even with me personally but in general. i’ve been here for five years and i’ve witnessed/heard of a lot of messy things. is any rp perfect though? of course not and rookies is no exception. though i will say that personally i feel like it’s an improvement from how it was before in previous years. it’s still not perfect and there are some things i would like to be fixed/dealt with but not one person can push a mountain, you know? besides, there are other things in rp to focus on. my advice is to drop the people who don’t make you happy. don’t even respond to them. remove yourself from them, let the admins know and surround yourself with people who make you happier. as someone who has been in a situation of a year long push-and-pull with someone that was mostly abusive, it’s better to stay very far away from them and ignore that they’re there than to keep trying to reconcile with them. rookies, if anything, has taught me to stand up for myself and not let people say what they want about me or others. i will always stand up for myself and i will always stand up for others when there’s something to be said.
i haven’t made many long-lasting super close friendships in rk. i say this because yes, i have friends/people i know in rk of course but they’re mostly face-value friendships. there are few that are consistent and beyond surface level.
i know i can write so much more about her and it will definitely get a lot gayer because hope has my whole heart on such a deep and honest level but everyone who has us on twitter sees that from time to time so i’ll spare you all. just know that when i say she’s absolutely my best friend, i mean that.
i will say that i am well aware that i’m intimidating to some of you. i am so sorry for that if i come off a certain way. i’m just very…..aggressive in personality. outspoken, i curse (a lot) and i caps as a way of communication (not because i’m yelling at you, i swear) and i say “bitch” as a term of endearment. i encourage everyone to at least approach me because i can assure you i am literally harmless and 90% of the people who met me and were intimidated by me at first now can’t even understand why they were intimidated in the first place. just saying!!!!
branching off from that, i know that because of my own introversion coupled with the aforementioned issue that i speak to very little people in this roleplay. i’m not overwhelmingly upbeat and i really hate group chats but i’m willing to be anyone’s friend. i do go through these periods where talking to certain people (usually new friends) is really overwhelming for me so i need space. and i’m sorry if i ever went from talking to you a lot to rarely if at all. it’s not because i like you any less! i just got overwhelmed and i’m terrible at upkeep. i rarely genuinely dislike anyone. in fact, it takes a lot for me to even outwardly express that i don’t like someone. so if you’re ever feeling like you’ve upset me to the point where i don’t want to be friends or wonder if i don’t like you, please know that you most likely didn't! and i’d love to talk to you any time.
anyways (good job ani for getting distracted from the main point) i wanted to talk more about the connections i’ve made here!
a lot of you know i came over from kpopxmen and from that, i know a lot of people for several years. those people include kyle, jess, d’mi (an ex-rookies member), jenn (ex-rookies), ema (ex-rookies), jaiden and julie (our og admins), adri, phil, razel, gim (ex-rookies) and so many more people that i probably can’t think about mentioning rn. but i’ve went to make a lot more friends here and for that i’m grateful.
to amy: i want to say i’m sorry for confusing you with someone else when you initially joined the rp but i’m not sorry that i did because it put me in a situation where i got to speak to you for the first time and got to know you better. we don’t thread often (i think we have like two in our entire history together) but i love our muse’s dynamic, even if it’s mostly behind the scenes. i’ve come to adore yien so freaking much and i can’t imagine an rk without him. i’m happy and grateful that you trust me enough to talk about things and i can’t thank you enough for being one of the only people to go out of their way to make sure i’m okay when i’m at my worse. i love our tea spilling sessions. you’re the greatest for when i want to rant without judgement.
to marie: i’m still upset you dropped jinyoung i loved his muse u n u lol but for real i really do think you’re a cool person. it makes me wonder what the hell took us so long to freaking speak to each other on a more close level. but you’re so fun to be around and you have a great ass energy and i still have that baby picture of you running away from whatever that was AHAHAH but i’m so happy that we talk more! and omg we have our first ship together (that’s not in rookies but i’m exCITED OKAY WHAT A FUCKING POWER COUPLE) and you have to plot with me on dabin now bc you took jinyoungie away u n u
to nic: thank you for being a good friend to me all of these years. i value our friendship. i find it funny we haven’t plotted with any of your newer muses. HOW THE HELL DID WE MANAGE THAT? anyways i really wanted to say thank you for having my back, for helping me out when i really need it and for letting me rant and bitch to you about things that really piss me off. sometimes talking to you really does keep me sane or else i’d blow tf up for real. for that i’m thankful. we really do have to plot more with our muses. which somehow we’re terrible at? LMAO GJ US
to carly: i will talk about your hentaekai username until my fucking GRAVE because it’s still the most iconic thing to have happened. so for those of you who DON’T know, carly’s username on aim was hentaekai. so when she joined, she had put her aim username in her intro. i just copy and pasted her username into my add list and sent her a simple hello and introducing myself. then…….i returned to see if she was online (because i had sent the message when she was offline) and THEN i realised her name looked like hentai and i fucking lost it. that’s actually how our first conversation went. we then went on to talk about how similar taemin and min (rkmiya) were to an alarming degree. and now we have luna who is miya’s sister! i care about you even if we don’t talk much at all and it’s nice that we can confide in each other about things. i am grateful for you and you always provide interesting insight.
to jess and phil: i put you guys in the same one because we are One LOL. anyways i love you both to the death of me. we honestly have sphere chat for bringing us even closer together and thank fucking god you both let your muses be signed to sphere. rkmin was going nuts on her own it was getting ridiculous. i LOVE the sphere musketeers and i love the family dynamic that the sphere kids had. it really was the precedent in terms of company dynamics. phil, you know howon meant so much to rkmin and i’m glad even to this day we got to have our muses in the same company and i love you~ and whichever 1284239429834 muses you decide to bring LOL. jess, from jonghyun to huidong: i love that rkmiya has a relationship with both (which reminds me, jong-puppy needs to text his noona un u). i really find her relationship with huidong more interesting as the nova parents. it’s actually pretty nice how well the compliment each other and are similar at the same time. i honestly never thought they’d be close but here they are!
to chanel: wow it’s been forever for us, hasn’t it? we’ve been through a lot. although we don’t speak anymore i do value our friendship as it were. we had a really good dynamic going for our muses. it was nice to plot some extreme fucking slow burn for rickhee, who are a complete mess. it’s nice seeing the contrasting relationships our muses have with one another. you do create some fun muses! thank you for being a friend for so long. i definitely do miss talking to you more but i know irl gets a bit busy!
to nova kids: i want to thank you all for the 4 amazing years that sunmi has been in nova! it’s been fun. we’ve seen a lot of faces come and go. we’ve all had our differences with one another but honestly i really love how easily the nova kids can crack jokes on each other and really be playful. even if we don’t get to put it on dash often enough i really prefer the nova kids dynamic of all the companies my muses are in rn and that wouldn’t be possible with every single one of you contributing to that dynamic and it’s always a little different with each muse lineup. i know sunmi wasn’t an og nova member from day one but it really feels that way sometimes. we’re a crazy bunch but it’s fun to be in chat!
to trc kids: i know the company’s dynamics aren’t established if at all but i wanted to thank all of you for plotting with sohee and for dealing with her craziness. although she is more of the shy, eternally sweet kind of gal, she is super die hard for trc and would never dream of leaving. it was never her first choice in company (or her second, truthfully) but she really has come to love the company as it is and that’s all thanks to you guys! (shout out to joi for still having yubin in there since day one!!!! LETS GET THIS MONEY !!!) i also want to give a secondary shout out to mir first giving me great ass plot development for nesshee and for vanessa taking sohee’s first female kiss ic and for forcing sohee to learn that she has to take the good and the bad in situations. it was a very vital lesson she needed to learn. to the rest of the trc crew, let’s keep working towards getting our kids closer!! <3
to kt crew: i know chungha is still new to the kt group and doesn’t exactly fit in yet but i wanted to say thank you guys too! i don’t have much to say because it’s been less than a month being in kt and it’s the one company i’ve never had a muse in so i’m still unfamiliar with a lot. it’s also the company with the most members that i’m personally unfamiliar with. i’m interested in learning more about everyone and their muses!
to everyone i didn’t have the time/mind to mention: please don’t take it the hard way. i just had a lot to write and i’m sorry i didn’t give you a personal shout out. i usually do it to the people who have stayed in my sphere most recently (because then i remember them) but don’t think this means i think any less of you! you’re just as important.
to everyone who has mentioned me in their rkfifth so far: thank you! i didn’t really think i was impactful enough to even be mentioned in someone else’s rkfifth post so it was a nice surprise. honestly there were at least like two of you who mentioned me that caught me completely off guard. (and there’s some who didn’t mention me that i kind of expected to and they didn’t so it’s like a two sided surprise LOL)
to the rest of rookies: whether we haven’t met yet, only talk occasionally or are just twitter mutuals, just know that i’m ready to be friends when you are. it’s been five years and i’ve seen plenty of people come and go (including admin team members) and i feel like my heart will always be in rookies. i just can’t pull away. until rkmiya gets her shot at being debuted i don’t think that damn muse would even let me leave even if i wanted to. so i guess i’m sticking around for a while. why not make the time go by quicker by making some new friends? LOL
if you made it this far (hi carly) thank you for reading my long ass spiel that probably made no sense at some points! congratulations! i made something really nice for everyone. so if you want to see it, please click here!!!!!!
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rkwendy · 7 years
Santa Serenade | Solo
Son Seungwan - Nova Ent December 2017 Evaluation  Line Distribution: Nova Girls Stages | Santa’s Coming For Us | Do You Want to Build a Snowman
Wendy’s not going to lie. She has been dependent on ginger tea and lots of vitamin C to keep her voice intact with all the singing she’ll be doing tonight. She’s flattered that the coaches trust her and her skills enough to include her in special stages besides the performances with her unnies at Nova. She likes to think that maybe she has grown and improved in the year and a half she’s been with the company. She isn’t certain how much growing she has done and still has to do, but she wants to keep doing well to earn the coaches faith in her to do more.   
It’s always fun performing with Kaeun unni, Hyuna unni, and Min sunbaenim. This also marks the first performance with Suji unni. Wendy may have been more of a “loop The Nutcracker Suite in lieu of Christmas carols” type of girl, but she had developed a soft spot for the first song she’s performing for the night. Ariana Grande’s “Santa Tell Me” is relatable, in a way that she hopes that a person she’d have a crush on would still be around next year. She can’t get anyone to stay, case and point: Toshi and Minhyun oppa. (To be fair, Minhyun oppa did shoot her down on Day 1, but he was always there as an older brother slash handsome friend to her). 
There’s also the unspoken pressure that she has to do well to represent Nova in the joint collaboration with the girls from other companies. It’s an honor to share the stage with three MGA season three coaches from different companies. Rumor had it that the girls she was performing with were the among the best trainee vocalists in their respective companies. She had heard three of them sing back at the MGAs, and she had even shared a stage with Taeyeon sunbaenim. However, it still doesn’t stop her from being impressed whenever she hears them sing in practice, and every day she wonders what she did in her past life to be worthy of standing and singing on the same stage with some respected senior trainees. 
There seems to be an unspoken agreement among the females of Nova that they would all rather die than do aegyo. However, when push came to shove and their backs were against the wall, there was a surprising reveal of aegyo skills. Min sunbaenim was a revelation of sorts to Wendy, that she found herself taking notes on how to pull it off as naturally as Min sunbaenim did. If she respected Min sunbaenim before, then Wendy’s respect grew even more. It takes talent to pull off aegyo and be cute without being cringe-worthy. Wendy hopes and prays that her cutesy acting and smiling onstage didn’t come across as laughable. It took her hours to practice e expressions in front of the mirror between study breaks. 
Finally, there was the final stage. It’s been long since she got to share a stage with Yeri, one of her long-time best friends. She also recognizes the two boys: one of them is the one with Soojung a lot while the other was one of those attractive faces she accepted a Royal flyer from. During practice, they realized that they who got solo lines were the youngest trainees of their respective companies. Wendy almost wants to laugh at the irony of it all, yet it also makes sense.  The program ends with a Disney song... and that they youngest kids lead it. As much Wendy has professed to banning anyone within her vicinity from singing this song when the movie first came out, it has grown on her. Oh... if her other friends could see her now. (She bets Seulgi and Joy are giggling somewhere as they remember her screams of agony when she got sick of the song). They’d probably be laughing at her for singing the song she once loathed. 
As she and Dongmin sing the last line, Wendy lets out a sigh of relief. It’s over... They did well enough to entertain the people at the plaza. Maybe... just maybe... she’s on the right track in this whole idol thing after all. 
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rkahnso · 7 years
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Christmas festivities are upon us! The self proclaimed Queen of Christmas, Ahn Sohee, took it upon herself to spread the Christmas cheer. She set up camp in the Seocho Complex for a few days with a small table with a hand-made sign that said Secret Santa Sign-ups! Any muse who came up to her to sign-up was then contacted later with who their target is. She encouraged everyone when signing up to get to know the person they’ve been assigned. This event is for trainee muses only and is not restricted by company. People were assigned randomly (trainees are listed alphabetically under the read more).
It is not mandatory for your muse to participate in this secret santa event but it’ll be a good way to get some threads and have your muse meet someone new! Mod Carly has reviewed this list and gave their stamp of approval. Everyone please have fun with this! And if your muse is shy or struggling on what to get their assigned partner, I encourage your muse to talk to Sohee herself. She’s friendly and loves Christmas. If you have any questions, concerns, or issues, feel free to message me.
NOTE: All trainee muses are included under the read more. All secret santa gifts should be put into the receiving muse’s submissions. Any threads concerning the event should have the tag #rksanta17! Thank you guys for participating!
All trainees receiving the gifts has their URL tagged as to avoid any confusion! Have fun <3
Ahn Hyojin ➙ Kim Kibum ( @rkkey​ )
Ahn Sohee ➙ Im Jaebum ( @rkdefsoul​ )
Bae Joohyun ➙ Son Juyeon( @rkjuyeon​ )
Bae Suji ➙ Leechaiyapornkul, Chittaphon ( @tenrk​ )
Bang Minah ➙ Jang Dahye ( @dahyexrk​ )
Bhuwakul, Kunpimook ➙ ( @rkdayoung​ )
Byun Baekhyun ➙ Joo Minhee ( @rkxminhee​ )
Cheng Xiao ➙ Oh Jinseok ( @jinseokrk​ )
Choi Jinri ➙ Jin Sungho ( @rksungho​ )
Choi Seungcheol ➙ Yang Jiwon ( @rkjiwon​ )
Choi Sooyoung ➙ Oh Sehun ( @rkohsehun​ )
Ha Huidong ➙ Park Sooyoung ( @rkjxy​ )
Hong Jisoo ➙ Yoo Youngjae ( @rkyoungjae​ )
Hong Jonghyun ➙ Son Seungwan ( @rkwendy​ )
Hwang Miyoung ➙ Cheng Xiao ( @rkxiao​ )
Im Dayoung ➙ Kim Taeyeon ( @rktaeyeon​ )
Im Jaebum ➙ Hong Jisoo ( @rkshua​ )
Jang Dahye ➙ Kim Yubin ( @yubinrk​ )
Jegal Seoyoung ➙ Yoo Changhyun ( @rkrxcky​ )
Jeon Jiyoon ➙ Bhuwakul, Kunpimook ( @bambamrk​ )
Jin Sungho ➙ Jo Eunae ( @rkeunae​ )
Jo Eunae ➙ Jung Jaehyun ( @jaehyunrk​ )
Joo Minhee ➙ Kim Hyuna ( @rkhyunakim​ )
Jung Jaehyun ➙ Kim Irene ( @rkrachel​ )
Jung Soojung ➙ Yoo Shiah ( @rkyooa​ )
Jung Sooyeon ➙ Choi Seungcheol ( @seungcheolrk​ )
Kang Heegun ➙ Kim Jongdae ( @rkxkjd​ )
Kang Seulgi ➙ Lee Hyeri ( @rkhyeri​ )
Kim Hyuna ➙ Kim Seokjin ( @rkseokjin​ )
Kim Irene ➙ Lee Jihyun ( @rkqri​ )
Kim Jinwook ➙ Kwak Youngmin ( @aronrk​ )
Kim Jongdae ➙ Nam Woohyun ( @rkwoohyun​ )
Kim Jonghyun ➙ Park Jimin ( @rkjimin​ )
Kim Jongin ➙ Kim Jinwook ( @rkjinwook​ )
Kim Kibum ➙ Bae Joohyun ( @rkirene​ )
Kim Seokjin ➙ Bang Minah ( @rkxminah )
Kim Seolhyun ➙ Jung Sooyeon ( @rksica​ )
Kim Taeyeon ➙ Lee Soohyun ( @rksoohyun )
Kim Yerim ➙ Park Sunyoung ( @rksunyoung )
Kim Yubin ➙ Choi Jinri ( @rkjinri )
Kwak Youngmin ➙ Kim Jonghyun ( @jonghyunrk )
Lee Dongmin ➙ Nakamoto Yuta ( @yutark )
Lee Hyeri ➙ Lee Taemin ( @taeminrk​ )
Lee Jieun ➙ Tuan Yien ( @yienrk​ )
Lee Jihoon ➙ Zhang Yixing ( @rkzyx​ )
Lee Jihyun ➙ Jegal Seoyoung ( @rkseoyoung​ )
Lee Jongsuk ➙ Lee Seunghwan ( @rkkangjoon​ )
Lee Kaeun ➙ Kim Seolhyun ( @seolhyunrk​ )
Lee Minyoung ➙ Seo Youngho ( @rkjohnny​ )
Lee Seokmin ➙ Lee Taeyong ( @rktaeyxng​ )
Lee Seunghwan ➙ Song Minho ( @rkhugo )
Lee Soohyun ➙ Lee Jongsuk ( @jongsukrk​ )
Lee Taemin ➙ Yu Barom ( @romexrk​ )
Lee Taeyong ➙ Lee Jieun ( @rkjazzeun​ )
Leechaiyapornkul Chittaphon ➙ Lee Dongmin ( @rkleedongminie​ )
Manoban, Lalisa ➙ Lee Minyoung ( @rkmin )
Nakamoto Yuta ➙ Bae Suji ( @sujirk )
Nam Dawon ➙ Kim Yerim ( @rkyeri )
Nam Woohyun ➙ Ahn Sohee ( @rksohee )
Oh Jinseok ➙ Kang Seulgi ( @seulgirk )
Oh Sehun ➙ Manoban, Lalisa ( @rklisa )
Park Chaeyoung ➙ Kang Heegun ( @rkkanggary )
Park Chanyeol ➙ Lee Kaeun ( @rkkaeun )
Park Jimin ➙ Choi Sooyoung ( @rkxsooyoung )
Park Sooyoung ➙ Ahn Hyojin ( @ellyrk )
Park Sunyoung ➙ Jung Soojung ( @rksoojung )
Park Sunyoung [ Luna ] ➙ Jeon Jiyoon ( @rkxjiyoon )
Seo Youngho ➙ Ha Huidong ( @rkhuidong )
Son Juyeon ➙ Park Chanyeol ( @rkpcy )
Son Seungwan ➙ Lee Jihoon ( @jihoonrk )
Song Minho ➙ Kim Jongin ( @rkjongin )
Tuan Yien ➙ Byun Baekhyun ( @rkbyunbaek )
Wu Yifan ➙ Hwang Miyoung ( @rktiffxny )
Yang Jiwon ➙ Park Chaeyoung ( @rkrose )
Yoo Changhyun ➙ Park Sunyoung ( @rkluna )
Yoo Shiah ➙ Nam Dawon ( @rkdawon )
Yoo Youngjae ➙ Hong Jonghyun ( @rkhongjonghyun )
Yu Barom ➙ Wu Yifan ( @rkkris )
Zhang Yixing ➙ Lee Seokmin ( @rkdokyeom )
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rkxayah · 7 years
rk muses and where to find them
i decided to update the list of all the districts in which rk muses live! I checked profiles as well as an older list that had been made for this so if yours isn't listed it's because i couldn't find it anywhere. please comment below so i can add you! also, those who live as roommates or in the same building will be grouped together. unless it's indicated on your muse's profile i don't necessarily know it so forgive me for any mistake and feel free to tell me so i can fix it!
i will try to update it every week or so. happy plotting!
kang gary ( @rkkanggary )
kim jisoo ( @rkjisoo )
lee sungkyung ( @rksungkyung )
park sunyoung ( @rksunyoung )
same building
lee jihyun ( @rkqri ) / tuan yien ( @yienrk )
ahn elly ( @ellyrk )
chae hyungwon ( @rkxhaneul )
hong siyoung ( @rksiyoung )
hwang tiffany ( @rktiffxny )
im dayoung ( @rkdayoung )
jo eunae ( @rkeunae )
joo minhee ( @rkxminhee )
kim joonmyeon ( @rkmyeon )
kim yulhee ( @yulrk )
lee taemin ( @taeminrk )
lu han ( @luhanrk )
son wendy ( @rkwendy )
wong viian ( @rkvivi )
wu kris ( @rkkris )
yang jiwon ( @rkjiwon )
yoo kihyun ( @rkihyun )
yoon bora ( @borark )
adachi yuto ( @rktxshi ) / jeon soyeon ( @rkcheonso )
im jaebum ( @rkdefsoul ) / kim chungha ( @rkchungha )
kim yura ( @rkyura ) & lee hyeri ( @rkhyeri )
kim yeri ( @rkyeri ) & park joy ( @rkjxy )
oh sehun ( @rkohsehun )
kim jongdae ( @rkxkjd )
kwak aron ( @aronrk )
jegal seoyoung ( @rkseoyoung )
bae suji ( @sujirk ) / pyo eunji ( @rkpyoeun )
bhuwakul kunpimook ( @bambamrk )
byun jeongha ( @rkjeongha )
ahn sohee ( @rksohee )
bae joohyun ( @irenerk )
hong jonghyun ( @rkhongjonghyun )
jung chaeyeon ( @chaeyeonrk )
kim hyuna ( @rkhyunakim )
kim jiwon ( @bobbyrk )
kim sejeong ( @rksejeong )
leechaiyapornkul chittaphon ( @tenrk )
nam joohyuk ( @rkconor )
zhou jieqiong ( @rkjieqiong )
kim kibum ( @rkkey ) / lee rachel ( @rkrachel )
oh jinseok ( @rkjinseok ) / park jimin ( @rkxjimin )
same building
baek yerin ( @rkbyrin ) / kim yoojung ( @rkyoojung )
min yoongi ( @rkxzac )
wu xuanyi ( @rkxuanyi )
jeon jeongguk ( @rkjkook )
jung jessica ( @rksica )
kang kyungwon ( @rkyuha )
lee chaerin ( @kaiark )
lee jieun ( @rkjazzeun )
lee jinsook ( @rkyeorevm )
zhang yixing ( @rkzyx )
im jinah ( @rknvna )
jeon jiyoon ( @rkxjiyoon )
kim jeonguk ( @jeongukrk )
kim seolhyun ( @seolhyunrk )
ha huidong ( @rkhuidong )
lee minyoung ( @rkmin )
lee seunghwan ( @rkkangjoon )
jung soojung ( @rksoojung )
kim jennie ( @rkjennie )
kim jinwook ( @rkjinwook )
kim jonghyun ( @jonghyunrk )
lee sungyeol ( @rksxngyeol )
manoban lalisa ( @rklisa )
nam dawon ( @rkdawon )
park chanyeol ( @rkpcy )
park chorong ( @rkxchorong )
choi jinri ( @rkjinri ) / park luna ( @rkluna )
jeon hyosung ( @rkhyosung ) / song jieun ( @rksxngji )
park jinyoung ( @rkjunixr ) / wang jackson ( @rkwjson ) / yoo taeyang ( @rktaeyang )
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rkkangjoon · 8 years
.ooc dropping threads
my muse for both kang joon and gary is slowly burning out, so i decided to drop threads and just keep those i am still inspired to reply to. i’m really sorry to everyone, it’s nothing personal, i still like you and your muses and hopefully we can find a different plot! 
also, if i missed one of the threads and never came back to you, please hit me up on my im!
@rkrose: .letter bee, soju-n
@rkjohnny: butt of jokes
@rkjkook: street art
@rkxjimin: to unknown
@rkxjiyoon: about boyfriends
@rkhyosung: pride and prejudice
@rkcap: plagued with guilt, royal bros
@aronrk: brotection
@rktaetae: rooftop princes (?)
@rksxngji: moving along
@rkmin: warp kamehameha
@rkqri: boys like you
@rkcheonso​: sparrrrring
@rkdawon:  내꺼야! (=`ω´=)
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memoirsofrkxjiyeon · 7 years
sometimes the practice needs to be little bit more fun than always refreshing over and over because it would become exhausting plus it can make someone lose the interest in the project they are doing. it was something that minhee learned while being an assistant to an event planner. her boss would make other create little challenges and games to get people to work faster yet efficiently as everyone tends have competitive nature. 
while minhee while learning the choreography to this performance, it involved a lot of voguing movements which gave her idea during her rest period. “Min! Let’s have model off! It would help us improve her struts and poses throughout the routine right? Besides whoever loses get to buy the other lunch!” she suggests to the other member with a glint in her eyes, hoping she get involved with this little game.
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rksona · 7 years
— tell me what to do.
starter for @rkmin!
royal entertainment.
once upon a time, dawon would have eagerly jumped at an opportunity to leave nova for a shot at royal. at first, nova was scary and unfamiliar, and she had assumed that the trainees would be nothing but cold and unforgiving. nonetheless, she had signed the dotted line, believing nova to be the only place in which a lost cause such as herself could truly improve their dancing. what she had been met with, however, was nothing close to what she had imagined.
with each passing day, she had grown closer and closer with the other trainees. sure, they each had their faults—but who didn’t? dawon had been thrown into a terrifying and unfamiliar world, and they offered her wisdom, patience, kindness; more than enough to aid her in her attempts to settle in—to feel at home.
and now, it was because of them that she hesitated. it was because of them, the trainees who she now considered family, that she considered nova to be a company worth staying with. dawon had thought that she wanted to debut more than anything, and maybe it had been true at one point—but now? if her dream was to debut, plain and simple, shouldn’t this be a no-brainer?
min was someone dawon looked up to—hell, someone that she aspired to be like. dawon considered min to be one of the strongest people she had ever met, so, in her mind, it only made sense that she should approach the older female for advice—for help. “hey, min... do you have a minute?” she asked somewhat timidly, hoping that this was the right thing to do.
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