rkblogizzen-blog · 7 years
any trainees you know that aren't on royal survival, but that you wish would've been?
oh honey, where do i begin?
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i really like the ‘confident’ sorta girl. not to put us down as girls, but i don’t feel like we have that edge this year. so i was sad not to see @rksunyoung this competition. she’s sassy and is hella pretty. her time in the mgas shows she has skill and she’s super quirky!! it’s hella charming to watch. too bad we don’t have too many girls like that this year.
i also wish @rkluna was on the show for the same reason. how can you not say confidence without luna? that girl is a firecracker. she can clearly compose groups and lead them well, but she’s also a natural born performer. y’know when you add too much spice to ya donburi? that’s her. seems tasty at first but bam! explosion of flavours that you enjoy. she’s also sphere’s golden child so i dunno if they’d let her go.. probably not.
theres also a charmin’ unnie called @rktiffxny . girl has vocal chords that would leave the whole damn room shivering. i’m rly disappointed in her the most because she could have won this thing if she went on. she has the most adorable smile too— y’see that eye smile durin’ the mgas? i swooned.
oh! oh! how could i forget @rkhyeri ? lil’ charming girl. sure, we have cute girls (i mean have y’all seen soohyun and dawon? cute as heck!) but this girl could give jieun-ssi a run for her money when it comes to dancing.
last but certainly not least, i wish we saw @rkmin. something sparkling ‘bout that girl. she’s had a bit of scandals but remember her on that inkigayo stage? hella cute. not to mention she has a stage presence that nova isn’t looking after.. ~nova isn’t looking after.. ~hella cute. not to mention she has a stage presence that nova isn’t looking after.. ~nova isn’t looking after.. ~
lets hope we have a round where failed auditions could be plucked into rounds.. wouldn’t that be exciting??? i wouldn’t doubt that oppa has a similar idea. great minds think alike after all! ^^;
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rkblogizzen-blog · 7 years
#ROYALSURVIVALSHOW @jisubsjuliet: • 4s
girls never play nice for long! we already have trouble on our hands.. ~
⤶              ⇄             ♡            • • •
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rkblogizzen-blog · 7 years
Who are your favorite trainees so far?
Thank you for the question, sweetie!
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Hmm..  In no specific order, I really like Lee Jihyun. It’s clear she’s a power vocal and her voice is crisp and smooth. I hope we have a singing round soon because she would nail it. I can’t wait to see how shook the other contestants would be because, in the singing rounds, she’s the one to beat! I also super adore Nam Dawon. It’s because we have an underdog on our hands! She’s not quite coming out of her shell which is okay I guess, but I’m excited to see how she blossoms in this competition. mother has to be my girl Lee Soohyun! Isn’t she cute? She is cute. I personally hate cute concepts but I think she’s a little parcel I want to unwrap and keep. Finally, it has to be Lisa! She’s very quirky and incredibly beautiful. It’s obvious she has a lot to show and I can’t wait to see it.
I can’t wait to see more of the girls! My favourites can change anytime. But my love for Jisub (and Jesus) won’t ever change!
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rkblogizzen-blog · 7 years
royal survival show; episode 2
Hey, hunnies!
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Guess whose back? That’s right, me! Juliet! Did all of you Romeos miss me? I don’t mind if a few Juliet’s did too~! There is enough of me to go around! ♥♥♥
I’m so totally excited to write about the Royal Survival Show! Did you guys watch it? Of course you did! Only the people with the best taste do. Besides, it’s about time we saw some girl groups up in here! Who better than the beautiful So Jisub oppa to take lead? 
Today was the second episode! How exciting! It’s a new sort of design and format that I’ve never seen before. Jisub oppa is always surprising all of us. It shows that the contestants and the audiences will be kept on their toes throughout the season. 
I was surprised to see and hear that people from other companies were joining, so that’ll add an interesting mix... I’m still loyal to Royal trainees, so I hope they shine the brightest out of the rest. I have the highest hopes for them! 
Ahh~ I’m getting distracted. Let’s just get right into it! 
OHMYGOSH! Talk about girl crush! She’s so tall and beautiful! Seolhyun has got that perfect Coca Cola body. It makes me feel like a slob sitting there with my doritos! Beauty aside, she’s a smooth dancer. She moved so fluidly and confidently in the choreography! No hesitation! I was cheering when she got into the major team. So Jisub oppa has a good eye for dancers! I knew he’d make the right choice with her ♥♥♥!! He always makes right choices!! She’s one of the dancers to look out for in the competition! ㅎㅎ I’m your fan, unnie! I’m cheering for you! Don’t let me down!! 
Waaaah! I’m so jealous of her! Did you guys see the way he looked at her?! Such a spark in his eye! A sparkle! His eyes are already so beautiful, but when he looked at her... I have that part recorded~ ♥ I don’t really remember what her part was because it was so short, but Jaekyung unnie has faith in her to be center so.. I’m excited to see what’s next! I really liked her audition, Jisub oppa said he had hopes in her so I do too.. Let’s meet again next week, Jegal Seoyoung! 
I gotta admit, I watched this years MGAS. I guess they were okay. I was kinda bored. A lot of it was overshadowed by drama and pettiness of other people. I did like Soojung, tho. She stood out back then.. so what happened now? She’s.. just.. disappearing. Yeah, she can sing but.. is that it? I’m so disappointed to see her in this competition. Does loyalty mean nothing to companies anymore? Hmm..  Anyway, I can’t say she isn’t a good singer, she is. But you have to be more than a good singer to be an idol. I hope she improves and can get into the major team! She was amazing in MGAS! Get your spark back, Soojung!
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy.. You guys ready for this? The drug queen had the audacity to be in front of my Jisub oppa! I was sooo angry that Jisub oppa put her in the competition! After a pepsi max break, I calmed down and watched her dance.. Wow, just.. wow. She’s good, as much as I don’t want to say it, she’s good. Her time at TRC shows she has strength and poise in her dancing. I like her attitude too. She doesn’t give up even after all the scandals. Maybe she can turn her image around. I just hope she can keep her nose self out of trouble around Jisub oppa. 
Hmm.. I don’t really have an opinion about her. She just.. fades into the background. She’s just there. I know she’s a bit of a troublemaker but.. I don’t know. Maybe it’s the mountain dew or late nights, but I feel like she should work on her presence. Her dancing is kinda.. weird, but I think she can work on it. Oppa said she’s been working the hardest on the choregraphy but I guess we have to see next week how hard.
Grr, I hate disagreeing with oppa but.. I think Jihyun unnie should have been promoted to Major! I love how she sings, how strong she is.. I might be a little biased because I find her so pretty.. I get oppa’s point tho. He’s not saying she doesn’t slay! She so totally slays. I was totally shook watching her sing! But her dancing.. Sigh. I get it, Jisub oppa, I really do. At times I thought she was forgetting the steps but turns out she was just.. struggling. I’m cheering you on, unnie! I hope you improve your dancing so you don’t look like a sore thumb! 
I’m gonna have to be honest with you. I think she’s a little bit of a try hard. You know those trainees that go for cliche steps or elbow a girl to get in the front? Yeah, that’s how I feel about her. I kind of.. don’t think she suits the royal vibe. There is something about her that still needs a lot of improvement. Honey, if you’re reading this, I hope you do better for you. ‘Cause right now it’s just painful watching you perform.
I’m not going to lie. I started to cry when I found out she was still in the minors. She worked so hard this week! Sure, she stands out but.. Her efforts should be awarded, no? Jisub oppa, I love you, I don’t doubt you but.. I doubt this decision. Lisa is so cool and she has such a unique beauty about her. The way she carries herself in comparison to the other trainees is super interesting to see.. I hope she gets into the Majors soon. Girl, you slayed me, but you gotta slay Jisub. I hope you do soon.
Again, this is where I feel so conflicted. I really, really like Jiwon. There is something so cool and suave about her. I think that’s the ish with most TRC trainees. I do wonder, tho, it’s kinda hard getting into TRC. So why would you.. throw that away? I don’t know. Tiger JK is this legend among peers and you’re doing this? Hmm. Something to think about. Anyway, I think she needs to work on her expression when she dances. I felt let down by her this week. Last week she seemed so cool and she was my fav! Hell, she is my fav, but girl.. Girl, girl, girl.. I want to be slayed by you. It’s clear Jisub oppa does too. We’re just waiting on you, Jiwon.
Oh. My. God. I want to adopt her. Remember those tamagotchi’s you used to have as a kid and watch overnight? She’s like that. Soohyun is so totally cute! I don’t usually like the entire cute concept. My type of concept is the confident and sexy sorta girl — Seolhyun and Jieun — but Oh. My. God! Look at this sparkly girl! It’s clear she struggles with dancing. I think I see a pattern. Most of the girls who are AH-MA-ZING! at singing tend to struggle at dancing. Her saving grace has to be her aura. I mean, have you seen her? She stands out. I want to adopt you, Soohyunnie!
I think if you have to look out for anyone in the competition, it’s Eunae. She and Jieun are starting strong and it’s clear that the main struggle of dancing and singing fails everyone but them. Eunae, I think you’re strong. I really like your dancing because it’s the level oppa expects. I wonder if Katie Lee is looking at what she’s about to lose.
When I look at Dawon, I feel sad. There is something kind of.. sad about her. Like a puppy, y’know? Nova is supposed to be known for it’s dancing but when I look at her dancing.. I mean, it’s not the worst, but it’s not what I expected from a Hyun Bin trainee. I can see how her style differs from other dancers — that’s just the mark of Nova — but.. it’s disappointing. I hope she can improve next week. I feel like she’s an underdog. You might not be good now, but I have a feeling she’ll be slaying sometime soon. Just watch out.
Alright, alright. Last but not at all least! The golden girl of the week! I thinks she’s an all kill, personally. She kept up with the choreography and didn’t falter in her dancing. I agree with Jaekyung unnie and oppa, they need to give her something.. challenging. Or something that pushes her limits. I really want to see her go far in this competition. She’s totally cute and clearly stands out when she dances. If you compare her to all of the girls when they’re dancing, she’s the one who shines the brightest. But you know what they say, a star can’t shine forever.. Please don’t burn out, Jieun! We want to see more of you!
This list changes each week~ I hope you guys come see me next time to see who is still on the list and who isn’t! 
That’s how I feel about it. What about you guys? How do you feel? Tweet me @jisubsjuliet to share your opinions ~ 
See you next time, hunnies! 
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rkblogizzen-blog · 7 years
✩ netizen time! ✩
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you really didn’t think a netizen wouldn’t appear, did you? oh honey, you were mistaken! 
hey hunnies, this is a netizen inspired by rknetissen & anonbyeol. now royal has a variety show, why not put some of you on the spot, hm? she follows the royal survival show religiously and posts constant updates! she (calls herself juliet) has a special eye on those who have betrayed left their companies too~! 
after each episode, she’ll write up a post about each contestant and talk about them! she has her favourites and people who fail to slay in her eyes. this is not an official blog so don’t feel obligated to follow, it’s all in good fun! ✩
don’t hesitate to tweet to her, message her or even ask questions~!!! 
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