ktent · 7 years
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KTROOKIES is a pre-debut project by KT Entertainment.
During the first round of introductions, two members will be revealed every week with a special video meant to showcase their personalities and qualities. Trainees will be able to interact with the public under their own sub-channel before they’re ready to debut, uploading content as often as possible. Hyeri is the fifth member to be revealed, showing her electric personality and shining visuals. Who will be revealed next?
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rksungho · 7 years
visual trauma.
location: kt training building. time: ass o’clock in the morning. situation: the contacts in jin sungho’s eyes are burning something terrible.
he doesn’t want to take them out despite having his backup glasses with him,  thrown hastily in his bag one morning months ago when his nose was sore and swollen from his disagreement with chungha and it was just too much of a hassle to try to shove the lenses in his eyes. sungho doesn’t like his glasses. it’s not so much the look of them on that bothers him; he doesn’t like how his field of vision feels boxed in, restricted. 
there’s so many people here who could see him, eyes red and irritated and watery and so easily confused with tears, and some sort of pride puffs itself up indignantly in the young man, refusing to be mistaken for a show of weakness. and yet he really must do something about the lenses, be it take them out or try to clean off whatever little bit of dust or something that is causing him such discomfort.
sungho wipes the leakiness from his eyes away ( they most certainly are not tears ), and turns to a girl he’s seen around countless times but has yet to actually speak to. maybe this one doesn’t hate him, he can only hope. he has no problems with her yet, at least.
“do you happen to have, like, saline solution or something on you?” sungho shifts his weight awkwardly. he never really enjoyed talking to people he wasn’t very familiar with. “just by any chance.”
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rkblogizzen-blog · 7 years
any trainees you know that aren't on royal survival, but that you wish would've been?
oh honey, where do i begin?
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i really like the ‘confident’ sorta girl. not to put us down as girls, but i don’t feel like we have that edge this year. so i was sad not to see @rksunyoung this competition. she’s sassy and is hella pretty. her time in the mgas shows she has skill and she’s super quirky!! it’s hella charming to watch. too bad we don’t have too many girls like that this year.
i also wish @rkluna was on the show for the same reason. how can you not say confidence without luna? that girl is a firecracker. she can clearly compose groups and lead them well, but she’s also a natural born performer. y’know when you add too much spice to ya donburi? that’s her. seems tasty at first but bam! explosion of flavours that you enjoy. she’s also sphere’s golden child so i dunno if they’d let her go.. probably not.
theres also a charmin’ unnie called @rktiffxny . girl has vocal chords that would leave the whole damn room shivering. i’m rly disappointed in her the most because she could have won this thing if she went on. she has the most adorable smile too— y’see that eye smile durin’ the mgas? i swooned.
oh! oh! how could i forget @rkhyeri ? lil’ charming girl. sure, we have cute girls (i mean have y’all seen soohyun and dawon? cute as heck!) but this girl could give jieun-ssi a run for her money when it comes to dancing.
last but certainly not least, i wish we saw @rkmin. something sparkling ‘bout that girl. she’s had a bit of scandals but remember her on that inkigayo stage? hella cute. not to mention she has a stage presence that nova isn’t looking after.. ~nova isn’t looking after.. ~hella cute. not to mention she has a stage presence that nova isn’t looking after.. ~nova isn’t looking after.. ~
lets hope we have a round where failed auditions could be plucked into rounds.. wouldn’t that be exciting??? i wouldn’t doubt that oppa has a similar idea. great minds think alike after all! ^^;
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rktiffxny · 7 years
❝ i hope you dance  — ♡
her energy levels has been sporadic to say the least, emotions on a rollercoaster and continuing to crest and fall as they wish. there’s no regard for schedule or timing or even appropriate moments, because tiffany would rather not be bubbling with energy at 3am in the morning when she ought to steal away as much sleep as possible. the past few weeks were catching up to her, the excitement and the disappointment. she supposes she should’ve expected so when it’s her birthday month but she still feels unprepared, still feels a little odd because of something that was coming back to haunt her. 
the cold way she’d shut down hyeri in the past because of the royal survival show is what made her hesitate in the first place — could she really ask after everything? could she spend that much time one-on-one with hyeri without feeling awkward about all the hurtful things she’d said, intentional or not? she’s apologetic without a clue how to properly apologize. leo called it one of her weaknesses; she was so spoiled that no one truly demanded apologies of her. how could they? 
as he joked, a leo is always right. there’s no wonder cassie thinks they’re so alike. even if she smacks her brother for making jokes like that no matter what or when, she’d be the same way. but, still, tiffany can’t imagine asking anyone else, going to anyone else, and maybe — just maybe —it could make them even closer. “hey hyeri, could i ask you for a favor?” she laughs, thinking of her video. “another one i mean.” 
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rklandon · 7 years
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he knows better after his last fight with jennie, his last fight regarding jealousy anyway because they’ve been going back and forth over his busy schedule sometimes. yixing’s so exhausted sometimes he’s about to ask her if she’d rather he pass out in her arms and stay there with her as he recovers, but he knows what he asks of jennie without saying a single word is unfair. he doesn’t have to ask, he doesn’t have to say anything. it’s already established that she waits for him, has to work around his trainee schedule to spend time together, and can’t post publicly about each other because of a clause in his contract.
yixing should know better, he shouldn’t suggest this song, he shouldn’t agree to dancing with her, but he wants to. after so long, he has an opportunity to dance with hyeri and there’s no possible way he could entertain the idea of saying no. the guilt about jennie not liking it will have to be dealt with later and it’s a feeling he pushes aside a little too easily because of how fun it is to work with an old friend. if it was seolhyun, he doesn’t think jennie would react the same way, or would she? to him, there’s no comparison. all three of them are different, have their own charms, have their own kind of history with him, but the biggest difference is that jennie is his girlfriend and he will always respect that.
but his respect doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to keep hyeri company.
if they fought too in depth about it, he knows he wouldn’t be able to explain and it’s something she wouldn’t want, because he would feel uncomfortable too. he’s always so unfair. how could he dance a song like this with hyeri when he had a crush on her when they first met? her quick agreement regarding song choice surprised him when they both knew their history wasn’t very conventional but it’s hyeri and yixing expects to be surprised by her. it’s why he enjoys their friendship so much. when he expects one thing, she does the other and he’s taken by surprise in the best possible way. laughter is never-ending in her presence and he’s comfortable around her. there’s not a lot of people who take his compliments with wit the way she does.
《   you ain’t gotta be my lover for you to call me baby never been about no pressure ain’t that serious  》  
she likes someone already. current situation is liked but yixing doesn’t dwell on that the same way he doesn’t like to dwell on thoughts of the princess lately. but hyeri liked someone back then and he knew, but it didn’t stop him from wanting to keep her company then too. he doesn’t know how to explain that kind of feeling. it wasn’t completely romantic, wasn’t completely platonic but the end line is this: he cares about her.
whether she wanted to accept those feelings was a choice he gave her and one she made in his favor. he tries to channel that in their dance, their playfulness, the uplifting banter, how he could be down but she can cheer him up while addressing the issue at hand the way she did a few weeks ago when they went out to eat together.
this month is the most he’s seen hyeri this year and it’s a shame when he’s enjoyed every second of it. he feels like he’s getting reacquainted with lee hyeri all over again. they’re normally friends with no obligations, no pressure, but for a few weeks she’s his partner and yixing wishes it didn’t have to end. she challenges him to make the choreography more balanced, more rhythmic and suitable to the lyrics, to her, to him, to them. he almost misses the forced smile on her lips and it’s his cue to take a break, to make her laugh because of whatever random reason he can come up with. a goofy dance, a cheesy joke, or a snack from his backpack. the only obligation he’s felt around hyeri is to make her smile and that’s more of an honor than an obligation.
《   it ain’t about the complications i’m all about the elevation we can keep it goin’ up oh, don’t miss out on us just wanna have a conversation forget about the obligations  》  
it comes times for introductions and yixing doesn’t have one for himself the way hyeri does. he thinks it comes with time, with experience, and with a close relationship with one’s coaches like hyeri seems to have. he’s a little envious. one day, he’ll get there. for now, he knows the look in his dance teacher’s eyes is one of high expectations, particularly because of the lacking performances he’s been giving lately.
this time is different. he’s gotten back the energy from the day he auditioned but he’s not stiff, not as practiced. instead, he’s fluid, chasing after hyeri’s gestures eagerly. each step is an ember slowly transforming into a burning wildfire, their chemistry sending off sparks and yixing doesn’t have to pretend he’s into her.
what he felt years ago comes in use now and he has to remind himself it was all in the past. to him, the dance doesn’t work with him taking his eyes away from her and it’s the easier part for him to accomplish. he doesn’t want to look away. it’s his choreography but most importantly he’s excited to have the chance to dance with hyeri like this, to showcase what they both can do, to be each other’s company even in a room full of people.
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seulgirk · 7 years
A New Flame || Seulgi & Hyeri
Seulgi was a little nervous and a lot excited to head into the dance studio in Seocho today.  Her instructor at Sphere had arranged with one from KT to put her and another trainee together that they thought would work well for the upcoming evaluations.  This of itself wasn’t too nerve-wracking, Seulgi liked to meet new people and the few that she had met from KT had seemed nice (including her friend Yeri), but this was the first time she was really having someone else try choreography that she had been coming up with on her own.
The day finally came and when she heard the door open, she gave the other a big smile, taking note of just how pretty and tall the stranger was as she gave a polite bow. “Hello, I’m Sphere’s Kang Seulgi, it’s nice to meet you finally!” She was enthusiastic about this meetup and she hoped the other was feeling just as excited as she was.
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rkxayah · 7 years
—☆a hot hot summer
featuring @rkhyeri
they had been dancing under the scorching sun for about five hours already. eunae lost track of time a while ago, focusing on the routines and gathering all the energy she had left. she had developed and ability to recharge easily, which came in handy at times like these. she remembered doing the same event two years ago, when she was a triple crown trainee. it hadn't been easier then. if anything, her stamina was better now than before. it didn't mean she did not struggle, just that she could handle it better than some of her peers who had either collapsed or seemed very close to.
hyeri held on, just like her. they hadn't talked much yet but eunae admired her dance skills; performing by her side was helpful. she could follow the choreography better when her mind wandered off too far. once they finished the third song, the girls scattered to pass around water, leaving the two alone in the same area. "sunbae!" she called out, the too many bottles she was holding about to slip off her hands. "could you take a few? i think i was a bit too ambitious."
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haseulrk · 7 years
KT June Evals - I Am the Best
“I am the best”. 
Not a sentence that confidence-deficient Kim Taeyeon would choose to say about herself, but it being the song that they were assigned from covering a sunbae from TRC, she really didn’t have a choice.  She respected Global Icon and what they had done for the industry, but she had never been a huge fan, it just wasn’t her style.  She’d occasionally listen to their music, but normally more of their slower songs, those were more her speed. 
Standing backstage with torn black jeans and a black leather jacket, her makeup done differently to give her a more intense look, Taeyeon was surprised just how much she looked the part.  She had had to wear much more embarrassing outfits on stage before, this was more casual but tough.  As tough as the diminutive singer could look anyway.
She had worked hard over the last couple weeks to try and get herself into the feel of the song, though she honestly felt that she couldn’t have done it without Hyeri’s help.  Her friend had been instrumental in helping her learn to be more confident on the stage for this song that was so unlike something she would normally pick for herself to perform.  That being said, she was thankful for the entire group.  Soyeon and Yeri, she had known them for a while now but hadn’t really gotten an opportunity to perform much with them other than in practices, but she knew they were talented.  It was nice to see that talent put to good use on the stage.  The newest member of their KT family, Mimi, she brought a wide range of talents that Taeyeon was happy to see added to KT’s skillset.  She had high hopes for the KT girls as they continued on to their hopeful debut in the future.
Maybe she wasn’t the best, but she felt KT was at the very least.
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rkyura-blog · 7 years
˟ pawsibly
it’s a question she’s been asked over and over— her grandfather asked her first when she was four and now hyeri is asking but she has no concrete answer. a dog is a dog, not in the simplest or smallest way but in that she loves all dogs. how could she possibly choose and limit herself to one breed? so much of her life has been about breaching limits, not setting up any in place. 
what she can’t resist though is an opportunity to drag hyeri away from schedules and routine, because she thinks the other doesn’t do it enough, doesn’t go out enough. most of all, doesn’t get enough love and that’s just not acceptable when her best friend deserves more than that. 
arm looped with hyeri’s, even as she tugs open the single cafe door, turning instead of letting go, a class three clinger if anything, she grins at the sight of the first dog that pads over to them. it’s a dog cafe yura doesn’t go to often, normally loyal to the one she frequents most but a dog lover like yura needs more variety and this one is the most diverse of them all— as far as she knows. ��look it’s a yorkie! it’s so tiny!” she practically squeals and it’s only then that she lets go of hyeri’s arm to kneel down and pet the small dog, doting on her from the start. it’s a special type of love at first sight that yura exclusively reserves for dogs. 
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rkxroyal · 8 years
@leeslayri @nwhx91 let’s get ice cream, oppa!
@nwhx91 @leeslayri red bean? and pistachio? please 😢 😢
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ktent · 7 years
* Note! The first date stated next to your muse’s name is when they’ll have their photoshoot for the website pictures, while the second date is the day they’ll be shooting the introductory video. Lastly, the third date is the release date of their video, as well as the day when their info will be added to KT’s website. From this day onwards, they’ll be officially a part of KTROOKIES’ roster!
[11/27 & 11/29 & 12/02] – LEE HYERI
The shooting will happen in two different sets. One will be inside a closet filled with clothes, while the other is a fully decorated bedroom. The video will start with Hyeri looking through the clothes inside the closet in silence. The scene quickly changes to a shot of her turning on a radio, letting exciting music take over the video. Hyeri will get to dance and play around the bedroom, and scenes will also be shot of her walking down the long closet as if it is a runway. She’ll have a toy microphone to pretend to sing into, but no audio will be recorded so only the visuals will show. The video will end with a final pose in the closet timed with the ending of the song.
She’ll be dressed in multiple different attires. They’ll consist of colorful pants and skirts, stamped shirts and faux fur coats. Her hair should be of brown color and at a shoulder length. A great variation of hats, glasses, shoes, and accessories will be available for her to pick from.
[11/27 & 11/29 & 12/02] – KIM YERIM _ ANNA
The shooting will happen inside a living room set, equipped with a white sofa, a center table, and a rug. The video will start with a front shot of the empty room before Anna walks into frame and sits down on the floor between the sofa and the table. She’ll bring a glass storage jar with colorful M&M’s inside and place it on top of the table. There will be multiple shots from different angles while she plays with the chocolate, creating forms and shapes. The last thing she makes should be a heart.
She’ll have long blonde hair with a pink heart-shaped hair clip pushing it back on its left side. Her attire will consist of a striped brown and white shirt and a denim shorts overall with minimal detail. She shouldn’t wear rings or bracelets, but short necklaces will be available for choosing.
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xxrkcap · 8 years
He was definitely going to take his meds that evening. Although during nights like these, Minsoo often thought he didn’t need to take them. But he wasn’t going to take any chances. The day had been gruelingly slow, although fun, there were times when the trainees were questioning their life choices and decisions. Life evaluations often occur in a trainees mind, more so then work evaluations.
With an exasperated sigh, Minsoo says his final goodbyes with the crew, shaking hands with some of them. Even exchanging some numbers for work purposes, some of the staff earlier had asked him about possibly collaborating with a few works, and he was more than pleased to agree to work with them. Especially those who clearly knew what they were doing, but also those who were part-timers. Having been a part-timer himself before, he knew what a few good gigs could do.
Turning to his fellow trainees, he does the obligatory ‘we finally did it.’ talk and waves goodbye. Promising to check up on Seungcheol later on that week, and bidding the girls goodnight. Even offering any of them for a ride home, if they didn’t have any. Alas, royal’s resident speed rapper gathered his belongings and briskly though tiredly walk towards his car.
He was more than ready to get home. They probably all were. Thinking of home, automatically got him thinking of her. A spark of life, suddenly ignites within him, remembering what he promised his girlfriend earlier that day. Perhaps, he wouldn't be taking his medications after all.
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rkjxy · 8 years
HNNNG WHY ARE YOU SO PRETTY?!?!? yes, this is an honest question.
“oh! but you are way way waaaay prettier!!” 
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rktiffxny · 7 years
( rkhyeri ♡ ) — * she’s late but there are some things, hyeri firmly believes, that should absolutely be worth waiting for. there was no way was hyeri going to show up unprepared for her friend’s birthday– no way was she going to do anything less than her best while practicing every night ( several nights, really, that long passed the special day itself! ) just for the benefit of her beloved hwang tiffany. this one girl who deserved the extra mile and a hundred miles more whenever it could be given from hyeri’s generous imagining. the bruised aching fingers were worth it. tiffany is worth it. always.
“unnie, come!” hyeri demands after a joint lesson of theirs runs over time. how irritating it should be on this day when the dancer finally has everything together, had planned the perfect time and spot to show tiffany her present at last. hyeri’s fingers curl around tiffany’s and she refuses to let go for any reason, soothing the protests that might come from the birthday girl with her own index finger pressed to her lips. “it’s a present,” hyeri whispers behind said finger and inwardly almost kicks herself for saying too much. tiffany always has that ability ( because hyeri always blames her ) to draw out confessions the younger really should keep to herself. huffing slightly, hyeri guides tiffany towards one of the quieter spots in the company building: one of the upper floor lobbies that goes undisturbed during work hours because of it’s inaccessibility to the public. only a receptionist behind the desk glances up at the two girls and hyeri makes a beeline towards the woman immediately. “thanks for holding on to it!” hyeri says warmly to the staffer, releasing tiffany’s hand just for the time it takes to accept a guitar case that’s smoothly passed over the counter to her. “let’s go,” she chirps at the birthday girl and hyeri is smiling nervously now as anticipation beats harshly inside her chest. this will be a disaster, she knows, because hyeri is aware that she’s not as talented as many of the other girls here. she can’t sing, she can’t rap, she can’t do much that isn’t guided by predetermined choreography and trainers who beat it into her head with routine practice. hyeri moves to a large circle of plush sofas and sits down on one of them, afterwards beckoning for tiffany to join her. 
“so… i, um… first, i’m really sorry this is so late, unnie.” a pink flush blossoms on hyeri’s cheekbones as she clumsily unlocks the guitar case and lifts out the instrument nestled within. her hands are trembling but since there’s no real expectation on anyone’s part that she can actually do well at something like this ( considering every instrumental lesson thus far has left hyeri in disappointed tears ) this being an actual surprise had merit simplybecause of the low expectations. surely not even tiffany guessed at this! “but i really wanted to do something special for your birthday and i… well, i tried and i know this is gonna suck in advance – sorry about that – but just listen, okay?” the guitar slips off its position on her thigh and hyeri, suffused with embarrassment, resettles it with a clearing of her throat.  the pick in her hand strums the strings hesitantly at first. but hyeri is determined and she’d practiced this, hearing taeyeon’s encouraging voice in her head as the older taught her the rudimentary chords of the song she’d chosen. if the playing wasn’t bad enough, the singing was going to be worse… again, expected. the dancer opens her mouth to sing, smiling widely to give herself confidence as she does. 
i know a place where the grass is really greener warm, wet n’ wild; there must be something in the water sippin’ gin and juice, laying underneath the palm trees the boys break their necks try'na to creep a little sneak peek! you could travel the world but nothing comes close to the golden coast! once you party with us, you’ll be falling in love Ooh oh ooh oh oh ooh~
here’s where it changes and hyeri maintains direct eye-contact with tiffany as she laughs and launches in to the fun, customized version of the song:
california tiffany, you’re undeniable! fine, fresh, fierce, you’ve got it unlocked west coast represent now put your hands up, seoul! san francisco tiffany, you’re unforgettable! pretty voice, a boys’ wet dream sun-kissed skin, so hot! ooh oh ooh ooh oh ooh birthday girl tiffany, you’re undeniable! fine, fresh, fierce you’ve got it on lock!
it’s really all she can manage and hyeri feels utterly ridiculous but proud at the same time as she finishes plucking at the ending lines. praying to god at the same time that hopefully no one else besides the unlucky receptionist has heard this. she bends a beaming smile towards tiffany and energetically wiggles in her seat. “happy birthday, unnie!” she says emphatically and hugs the guitar to her chest. “this is a hwang tiffany only version! no one else can have it!” 
she hadn’t wanted to make a big deal of it. there was just so much going on, so much she’d done, that she’d said especially to hyeri herself. the notion of time passing too quickly … wouldn’t a birthday solidify that fact? another year older and there she is, wondering if she’s the only one who thinks she’s standing still while the others soar past her. 
it’s amazing, truly, to think of what she has for her in kt other than the people at this point. taeyeon’s always been the better singer and tiffany never felt bothered by it until more recently — it’s not the fact that taeyeon is considered better that gets to her. even she says it, day and night, she’d say it over and over again, it’s that people seem to disregard her singing completely. that is when she takes offense and it makes her question more so whether she should stay. words she could never say, not after upsetting hyeri the way she had when she spoke of royal. 
even since then, she didn’t explain, not fully. she’d barely told bobby. how could she tell anyone else about it when it seemed like finally saying out loud strained their relationship? 
how could she trust someone with that again? 
but if there is someone worthy, she thinks why not hyeri — because the younger has proven herself time and time again that she’s deserving of tiffany’s trust, of her faith, of her love. “huh? where are we g— ” she barely has a second to say goodbye to the others accompanying them during the lesson. the confusion on their faces are hard to miss when both hyeri and tiffany are considered quite social among kt trainees, male and female alike. 
there’s no denying the way her eyes lit up with anticipation at the word present — as much as tiffany doesn’t want to admit it, she loves gifts, loves when there’s thought that goes into it and when she hadn’t received such special treatment from her boyfriend compared to the last year, it comes as no surprise that she’s already touched by the idea of it. whatever it is, to know hyeri’s put effort into it and dragged her away for that purpose, she feels softer almost immediately. 
hesitation is quickly shoved away and instead she’s eyeing the younger suspiciously. just why this area? why inside kt still? the receptionist is a familiar face and tiffany’s bowing her head in acknowledgment when they pause. a guitar case — didn’t hyeri mention not being able to play instruments well once? did she imagine it? no, she’s certain . . . didn’t hyeri tell her she tried it before and it just didn’t work out? so why . . . 
time passes by quickly once they’re past the reception area and tiffany’s eyes widen at the apology. however abrupt it seems when tiffany didn’t expect anything in the first place, time is nothing but a social construct anyway and she’d joke about it if not for the way hyeri’s cheeks flush so endearingly. 
she is going to play — oh my god, the words echo in tiffany’s mind and she isn’t completely sure she kept the phrase all to herself or if the three words slipped out in fluent english without her knowledge. if hyeri wanted to surprise her, she certainly succeeded and she can’t control the way her jaw begins to drop in genuine shock. as goofy as the younger could be from time to time, she didn’t stray too far from what she was confident in — complacent tendencies all trainees fall into. at least, that’s what tiffany thought. she hadn’t expected to feel so proud at the same time. 
the chords are a little awkward at times, but impressive all the same when she thinks of hyeri’s admittance of her shortcomings with any instrument. the one hyeri’s best at has always been her body, a dancer at heart and it shows. tiffany envied it occasionally, how naturally hyeri could move, how she made the most difficult of movements look easy, and now she thinks of how easily hyeri makes her smile; of how hyeri makes her happy. 
maybe she didn’t say it enough, maybe she didn’t say it at all but hyeri deserves more than a title of friend, of hoobae, of dongsaeng. it’s moments like these that reminds tiffany of how hyeri is also her happiness; that happiness and love doesn’t only exist where there’s romance. hyeri could sing down her walls if she wanted to, anyone else be damned. in kt, she didn’t think she would find someone else like that after taeyeon. 
her vision is blurred with tears of joy by the time hyeri finishes and every custom lyric makes her want to both laugh and cry. hyeri hugs the guitar close to her but tiffany’s insistent on taking its place as she wiggles her way into a tight hug, squeezing the younger with more enthusiasm than she should with a guitar so close to them. “thank you, hyeri! you’re the best, i mean it! since you said that yourself, you can’t sing it for anyone else okay?” 
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rklandon · 7 years
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★ ZHANG YIXING  、짱이다❗ @layandknight
맛있겠다 ㅋㅋ @leeslayri
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seulgirk · 7 years
August ‘17 Evaluation
August Evaluation w/ KT’s Lee Hyeri - Dancing to Tinashe’s Flame Choreography by Sphere’s Kang Seulgi (Actual credit to dsomeb)
Sphere had challenged her for this evaluation to put her recent choreography courses to work, and put together a routine for herself and another trainee for the August evaluation that was being shared between the members of Seocho.  It was tasked upon them to work with someone they never had before, so even that of itself was a challenge, but Seulgi’s coaches wanted to push her even more
Hyeri was tall, beautiful, and a great dancer in her own right.  Seulgi felt that she had lucked out quite well in getting her to join up with her for the dance, as she took Seulgi’s instructions well and brought her own ideas to the table. Seulgi just hoped that her choreo that she had been working on would be okay in the other dancer's mind, but soon her fears were quelled as Hyeri seemed to pick up on what she had in mind and seemed to be enjoying herself as well. 
The day of the performance came quicker than she had expected, but Seulgi held in full confidence that the two of them were ready.   The music kicked on when it was their time on stage and Seulgi stepped right into performance mode.  Her movements were fluid as she let the music take over, the two of them taking turns in the forefront to make sure they both got their chance in the limelight.  It was her first time performing her own choreography in front of anyone other than Hyeri herself, so she hoped that it was going over as well as she was feeling it was going.  She supposed she’d find out her answer soon enough when she went back to practice the next day.  She was thankful for the opportunity to show what she could do and thankful for Hyeri for being such a great partner.
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