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wh40kgallery · 10 months ago
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Tyranids vs Orks
by Paul Dainton
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howadzpaints · 2 years ago
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Tyranid Ripper Swarm, Hive Fleet Leviathan 12-Jul-2023
These new Nids are something else, eh?
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skelevenn · 2 years ago
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Daily Drawing #54
Played with my TTRPG group last night, so drew my character The Behemoth. We did fight skeletons but actually I grabbed the necromancer and slammed him into a skeleton instead of this lmao. Just didn't wanna draw a whole extra guy.
We're playing Savage Worlds in the Rippers setting! Basically Victorian monster hunters. SW doesn't have classes but they're essentially a Barbarian, with a berserk ability and everything. Rippers specifically has this system of implanting body parts from supernatural creatures to give abilities and such, so Behemoth is a hand-to-hand fighter with werewolf claws. And is full of fiend's blood, and is abnormally big. I'm a sucker for dark experiments and body horror. I usually play magic users in DnD so I was purposefully trying to make a very different character. They've been pretty cool to play so far!
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smiteworks · 1 month ago
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🐙Hunt the supernatural!
Save on select Rippers titles from Pinnacle Entertainment Group on Fantasy Grounds. 🎩
🗡️Gear up and join the fight!
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awkwardac · 10 months ago
Short story from Tank girl movie
Been a bit to long then I'd like, but school has been hectic and will continue to be hectic, lol. Either way, here is a short story I wrote. Please give me feedback about spelling or the story in general. I'd be happy to improve!
@primary-022 since you wrote something and tagged me, I wanted to write something and tag you too. I hope you like this!
Just a short story to explore more of the Rippers dynamic, because I'm curious and have ideas. Mostly just DeeTee and T-Saint right now.
WARNING: swearing, threats of ripping people's heads off, brief mentions of sexual content (but there isn't any), mentions of a corpse, mention of cannibals(but no one gets eaten)
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These girls were going to get the Rippers killed.
No one seemed to notice or care, except T-Saint. The moment they fell in through their sub-gate, he knew they were trouble. Not only did they broke into the Rippers home, but they were strangers, wore Water and Power clothes, made random sexual gestures, and didn’t take anything seriously. T-Saint would threaten their life and they would just laugh it off.
Well... to be fair, the Rippers did give them some ‘truth serum’, which T-Saint was pretty sure was just laughing gas.
Eitherway, imagine to his surprise that at least half of his mates wanted to spare the women. Too make matters worse, DeeTee bought their sob story of some little girl getting kidnapped. T-Saint managed to convince him to have the girls prove themselves by pulling off a heist, half-hoping they'd get killed. Unfortunately, after a chaotically messy heist, they pulled through with the goods...
which, unfortunately again, turned out to be a bunch of boxes full of dirt. Dirt, and the corpse of the scientist who created the Rippers, Johnny prophet. Murdered by Water and Power. It was enough to fully convince the Rippers to work with the girls. Majority rule.
So, against T-Saint’s better judgement, he sucked it up and went through with it. However, he still kept an eye. Maybe these women didn't have any ill intent, but they sure were crazy as hell.
The blonde woman who referred herself as 'Tank girl' (or Rebecca by her friend), started to mess with Donner's radio. The same one they used to listen into Water and Power radio frequencies.
"Please don't - " Donner said, reaching towards her.
With a grin, Tank girl tore out what looked like a lightbulb, causing sparks to fly from the radio. Donner winced and gritted his teeth.
"Just would make a great dildo," Tank girl declared, shaking it in front of him.
Laughing, she got up and joined the other girl, Jet. Donner just stared after her, face completely wide in shock. From the other side of the room, T-Saint shook his head. Now they're breaking all of our crap.
"Here you go!" Tank girl said, tossing the antenna to Jet.
She scrambled to catch the antenna, startled. Quickly recovering, Jet thanked her and went back to whatever it was she was making. Better not be a fucking bomb, T-Saint thought. Not even Donner dared to make a bomb - it was a quick way to kill everyone.
"Hey," DeeTee said, appearing beside him. "You seem stressed."
No shit, T-Saint thought, flicking an ear. "They're going to get us fucking killed."
"Have some faith."
Tank girl picked up what seemed like a box knife and inspected it. Shrugging, she tossed over her shoulder, hitting Donner. He winced back with a shout, grasping his forehead.
"No," T-Saint said, shooting DeeTee a look. "I don't think I will."
DeeTee sighed. "Please be chill, but I'm a little concern about your... ‘attitude’."
"’Attitude’? What attitude? I have a great attitude!"
DeeTee raised a hand to calm T-Saint down. But the gesture just made T-Saint even more pissed off. During the whole ordeal with the girls, DeeTee had been after T-Saint for every little thing. As if T-Saint were someone to be kept on bay. Who’s going to keep those chicks at bay? I’m the only one being cautious, and he thinks I just have a bad attitude?
"Don't freak out," DeeTee said. "I just meant that you've been... 'moody'."
"I'm not being moody!" T-Saint snapped. Moody, seriously? "I'm the only one whose taking this whole fucking situation seriously, while the rest of you just dance around! Do you not see how much of a problem this is?"
"It's..." DeeTee waved a hand sideways. "A change. We'll adapt to it, like we always. A little bit of new company wouldn't hurt, would it?"
"It would! It's always been just us. There's a reason we don't work with others. They never liked us."
"I understand, but you cant base it on a few bad experiences - "
"They've all been bad experiences."
It wasn't an exaggeration. When the Rippers first broke out of the lab, they quickly found a desolate place alone. They avoided the bigger ‘factions’ or big groups that were ‘government-military’, in fear that they’d be force to be weapons. So they turned to join the few communities left in the world. It didn't go well.
At the sight of the Rippers, people had screamed and attacked. But, who could blame them? If T-Saint were in their place, he would freak out at the sight of a mutated kangaroo-man. The worse cases, were when people seemed friendly, but turned out that it was for their own gain.
After a couple of rough interactions, it become apparent that they were better off on their own.
"Remember last time we trusted some kid?" T-Saint asked, still burning from the memory. "The goat skull on her head? Yeah, everyone thought she was chill... then we almost got skinned alive."
"That was unfortunate; she seemed like a good kid. Just had bad influences."
"She was a cannibal."
DeeTee inclined his head towards the women. "They aren’t cannibals."
"No; they're worse." T-Saint rubbed his face. "They're crazy, stupid, and have no impulse control. Did you know I caught her fucking Booga?"
"Fucking Booga!"
"Which one?"
"The one with the tank. Who else?"
"Ah." DeeTee glanced at Tank Girl. "Well, I suppose it was only a matter of time. Everyone's been a little interested in them; look at Donner right now."
On cue, Donner leaned against the table across Jet. He was talking, trying to touch her forearm. Unfortunately for him, Jet kept pulling away with a frown. Unfortunate for her too, T-Saint thought bitterly.
Unlike her friend, Jet was quiet and sensible. A lot more respectful then Tank girl. T-Saint didn't like either of the women, but at least found Jet bearable. Bearable, but a pushover. Watching Donner's advances, T-Saint considered going over and pulling him away. Already got one dumbass laid. Don't need another one.
"I don't like this," T-Saint told DeeTee.
"I know; we all know. You've been very loud about it. That's why I'm concerned about you - everyone is concerned. You're temper is flaring up."
"Temper? You're worried about my temper and attitude, but not about them?"
It was a nod to the two women, who seemed to be arguing now. During T-Saint and DeeTee’s entire conversation, Tank girl kept grabbing random objects and bringing them to Jet. But now Jet was complaining about having too many unnecessary objects.
"I'm optimistic about them," DeeTee said.
T-Saint resisted the urge to pull off his ears. "You said that about goat skull girl too. Look where that got us."
"Could you at least - "
"Watcha talking about?" Tank girl asked, jumping in front of them from out of nowhere. "Gossiping like a bunch of school girls during lunch?"
"Nothing," T-Saint snapped. "Piss off."
Tank girl threw up her hands in an offended gesture. "Well, excuse me!"
"I'm sorry," DeeTee interjected. "We're just not use to company."
"Yeah, I can see that. This place is aaaa mess. How do you guys get anything done?"
Tuning out of the conversation, T-Saint crossed his arms and stared at her. Noticing this, Tank girl turned back to him, cringing.
"Sheesh," she said. "You really need to lighten up."
"No," was all T-Saint said.
"You need a little stress relief or something?" Tank girl asked, reaching for his pants.
Immediately, T-Saint seized her arm and shoved her away. "Don't fucking touch me!"
DeeTee quickly raised an arm, blocking T-Saint’s chest and holding him back. Tank girl backed away with her arms in the air, mumbling something about stuck-ups. Before T-Saint could say anything more, Tank girl circled around and went back to Jet.
DeeTee dropped his arm and turned to T-Saint, frowning.
"If she touches me again, I'm ripping her head off," T-Saint snarled, pointing to Tank girl.
DeeTee held up a hand. "Easy. She didn't mean - "
"I don't care what she means. I'm ripping her head off if she touches me."
Despite keeping a neutral expression, one of DeeTee's ears twitched. Annoyance. DeeTee rarely got frustrated or upset. That's why he was the outspoken one of the group. So why the fuck is he annoyed at me for?
Taking a deep breath, DeeTee said: "Listen: I understand things have been rough lately, with Water and Power and all of that. But that's also why we're working with them. We both have a common enemy. You don't have to like them and I'm not going to force you to like them. But you need to keep cool.”
T-Saint snorted. "I have a right to be pissed at that!"
"Yes, you do," DeeTee agreed. "But I don't want you to lose your head and do something you'll regret! I’m concern about you. You've done it before, you could end up doing it again if you don't control your temper."
"I don't - "
DeeTee gestures towards T-Saint's hands. T-Saint glanced down at his sharp claws - a perk of being a mutant kangaroo. There was some blood now. Not much, but a bit.
With a strike of realization, T-Saint looked back up. Tank girl had made it across the room again, with Jet and Donner. All three stared back at him with wide eyes. Tank girl in particular just looked offended, cradling the arm he grabbed.
Though it wasn’t his intent, T-Saint didn't regret it; she had it coming. He'd do it to anyone who tried to touch him like that. What T-Saint didn't like was everyone else, including DeeTee, watching him carefully. As if he were some savage beast about to go rapid.
T-Saint remembered years of trying to control his temper as a kid. Trying to stay cool when he was a cop. Then the comet and kangaroo thing happened. Each day, he felt more and more of himself slip back into that anger, lashing out more.
DeeTee, to T-Saints annoyance, is right. Of course he’s right. He’s always right.
"Fine," T-Saint muttered. He looked away, crossing his arms again. "Alright! I won't rip her head off... Can I at least hit her if she gets in my space, though?"
DeeTee sighed. "Well... alright, of course. That's fair. Just try not to kill her."
"Yeah nah. She's going to get us all killed first."
"They're not going to get us killed."
Something shot out of Jet's invention. It crashed into the ceiling, shattering the light into hot pieces. A chunk fell on Donner who crashed onto the ground. Despite just being attacked, Tank girl started laughing at the commotion.
After a moment of stunned silence, T-Saint turned to DeeTee. "You were saying?"
So I kinda see T-Saint as this grumpy guy who is tired of everyone's shenanigans. Maybe he has anger issues which I wanted to explore a bit
DeeTee is more of the calmer guy and honestly, if it weren't for the "We're a committee now", I'd think he's the leader
T-Saint and DeeTee have a respectful relationship, obviously. I got the feeling that T-Saint listens and respects DeeTee more then the other Rippers.
TBH, I don't really like Donner for reasons (his creepy 'advances' on Jet, like what the). So I'm just re-imaging him as less of a pervert and more of just a simp tech guy
Obviously the Rippers don't really like outsiders, for obvious reasons. It's a post-apocalyptic world where everyone is kinda mean. Also, the Rippers are mutated kangaroo men. If I saw one in real life, I'd probably scream in shock (then feel bad about it)
Tank girl is Tank girl, lol. I hope I wrote her properly
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red-wolf-youtube · 1 year ago
Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled //Part 3// - Rippers Crazy & A New Arena!!!
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zanephillips · 3 months ago
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BENJAMIN O'MAHONY Ripper Street 5.01 "Closed Casket"
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wombywoo · 1 year ago
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hungover 😓
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vampire-lord-garfield · 14 days ago
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discocandles · 3 months ago
one thing about steve harrington is that he sucks at doing nothing. like he has to be doing something with himself lest the guy waste away. this has led to him being very good at fucking around with things especially when its something relatively quiet. the loudest steve will let himself keep his hands busy while stuck idle is tossing whatever's in his hand to himself and catching it, which usually bodes well for sports practice after coach learned that just because he was moving didnt mean he wasnt paying attention(usually the opposite).
he learned how to flip a pencil around his thumb in middle school and seeing someone in one of the meetings he sat in on doing it. he'll twirl anything he can around in his hand, especially while he was working in the mall. the scoopers were perfect for it. and any way youve seen a drummer/percussionist fiddle with a drumstick, steve knew he had to replicate it.
but even with all this movement and the fact the guy was barely ever not moving, it seemed like no one noticed it ever. a fact that nearly drove eddie insane when they were in high school together. because he did have the reputation of being restless, and in a constant state of movement. and he probably fucked around with random shit less, so how did steve "the hair" harrington not end up with the same reputation? the answer was just that he was way more quiet("and sneaky" -eddie) about it. and if the teacher hated when their students fiddled and futzed he'd be sure to try and keep the movement below his desk.
but it not that he only has to keep his hands busy. no no no, if bored or stuck waiting, and that won't suffice, steve harrington will pick up anything with words just to read it. anything. outdated newspapers, ingredients lists, magazines of any topic. he just mindlessly grabs for whatever and starts fucking reading. Robin could swear under oath to a court that her best friend has read the back of every vhs in family video. hell, she's seen him reading drugstore novels, like the fucking grandma smut and books with cover art of nicely dressed ladies running from a castle. and its her jock best friend reading it, instead of some repressed suburban woman who hates her husband. yes, this information is the bane of robin buckley's exsistance because its not like anyone would believe her.
idk just give me steve being restless but doing it quietly enough that no one really picks up on it.
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luxthestrange · 1 year ago
RoR Incorrect quotes#164 Our Dadam
Adam*Smiles as his ADULT children cling to him as he hugs them*Now,Repeat after me~..."I'm Big"
Human Fighters, Cain & Abel + Y/n*Sniffling as you look at him* I'M BIG!
Adam*Humming proudly*"I'm Brave"
Human Fighters, Cain & Abel + Y/n*With breaking voices nodding*"I-I'm brave"!
Adam*One by one he lays a fatherly peck on your foreheads*..."I'm BEAUTIFUL"
Human Fighters, Cain & Abel + Y/n*Trembling lips and sniffles as you cling to his arms, legs, and waist...any place to hug him as you all cry out*"I'M BEAUTIFUL"!!!
Adam*Opens his arms wider to hug each of you closer to him smiling tenderly*There there~Gimme huggies~
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moffeen · 1 year ago
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His goofy ass in that plastic suit... he keeps getting away with everything
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seafoamandtragedy · 1 year ago
Why does posting for a new fandom feel like walking into a bar and having everyone just stare at you. Like I'm sorry I'm new here pls don't hurt me
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nickelcrack · 4 months ago
been in a metal gear mood...
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antiqueanimals · 2 months ago
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Chuck Ripper (1929 - 2019), Dalmation Pelican, 1999, gouache on board.
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darklesmylove · 1 year ago
enemies to lovers be like
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