#ripper ii
weirdmarioenemies · 2 months
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Name: Ripper
Debut: Metroid
Imagine if there was a guy who loved beetles a lot, thought they were the pinnacle of anatomy, loved almost everything about them, especially the fact that they fly! But this guy hates the WAY they fly. They wish they didn't have to open their beautiful elytra to fly, ruining the impeccable smoothness of the carapace. This guy would be pretty weird. I would disagree. But I have to say they would love Ripper! That is a really long-winded way of saying "Ripper is like a beetle that hovers without using any wings"!
Ripper is like a beetle that hovers without using any wings. That's a cool sort of alien thing to do! But then you see its legs and that's just goofy. It really is just a bug that inexplicably hovers and is nearly invincible. And it's iconic! I admittedly have not played that much Metroid, but I have played the first game (bad) and its remake (awesome), and I could not imagine it without Ripper! It floats lazily and horizontally back and forth, usually in vertical areas, and feels as integral to a Metroid bestiary as a critter that walks around ever surface of a platform.
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If you want more proof that Ripper is already perfect, look at Metroid Fusion. In this game, the X Parasite infects many species, mimicking them and giving the copies altered abilities, but the Ripper copies stay the same as the original! Nothing to improve upon here!
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Ripper was so great that they made a sequel! This is Ripper II! They were very (rightfully) confident in Ripper being a hit, so confident, in fact, that they made Ripper II in the very same game, before the general public could even give feedback on the original. I'm sure that after the game came out, though, people were sending in fan mail about our favorite horizontal hoverer! Ripper II is faster. Not a Ripper for everyone! Don't adopt it without making sure you can handle it first!
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Is this a Ripper? Not quite! This one is a Tripper! It is not called that because it is mean and tries to trip you. It is actually passive, and you can stand on it, and go for a Trip as it flies! What a nice creature.
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Last, but certainly not least, is the Winged Ripper! They gave wings to a flying creature! So droll! Very similar principle to the Para-Biddybud, putting wings on top of what may very well be elytra, but in this case it was ALREADY able to fly! Para-Ripper over here is a lot like if you add wings to an entity in Super Mario Maker, because the wings make it fly around a distinct path and even allow it to explore the y-axis. It only appears in one room, where it must be frozen to act as a step for Samus to stand on, so she can reach a giant larva that is ensnared by vines. Awesome! Winged Ripper is truly a one scene wonder, enhanced even further by its similarity to Para-Beetle, everyone's darling!
I don't know why these things are called Rippers. Maybe they would use their chewing beetle mouthparts to really rip into a good leaf if offered one, and have a rip-roaring good time!
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gwydpolls · 11 months
Time Travel Question : Murder and Disappearance Edition I
Given that Judge Crater, Roanoke, and the Dyatlov Pass Incident are credibly solved, though not 100% provable, I'm leaving them out in favor of things ,ore mysterious. I almost left out Amelia Earhart, but the evidence there is sketchier.
Some people were a little confused. Edward V and Richard of Shrewsbury are the Princes in the Tower.
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nova1516 · 28 days
A Silver Mantis—!
(ignore Nozel’s cape at the end, I STRUGGLED with it so idec if it doesn’t work that way)
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Inspired by a conversation with @funky-sea-cryptid and this petit clover ->
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earlgodwin · 11 months
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reminder that david oakes is the funniest man alive
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ripstefan · 2 months
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stefan & caroline at a salvatore pool party on cousin's beach. — ( @forbaes )
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ventureawaybitches · 4 months
I found the royal who's who hand out on patreon which I've never seen for some reason and I'm not sure how much still fits in with canon but there were rumours that the Tsarina and Phin were lovers and that's why he was made a duke and she tolerates his antics even though he's human and obnoxious. And I think that's amazing.
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Hannibal Lecter is pure delight
🔥I wanna bite🔥
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I beg.... I love men in leather, I want to be his dessert.
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cynningly · 10 months
i love reading the tags on reblogs of HABIT posts cause they’re all like
“i want him DEAD i want him to BURN IN HELL i wanna see him get BEAT TO DEATH and SUFFER and DIE i wanna see him DROWN IN MISERY and be DISMEMBERED and feel PAIN but hehe i love him he’s so silly <3”
cause honestly same
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letsgethaunted · 2 years
Episode 105: H.H. Holmes & The Murder Castle, Part II Photodump
Image 01: The tabloid exposure of H.H. Holmes’s trial meant that at his execution he was one of the most famous people alive. The execution of H.H. Holmes was such a popular event, tickets had to be purchased in advance to attend. The day of the execution, a crowd twice the size of ticketed attendees rushed the fence to witness the execution. Image 02: Holmes famously represented himself in his murder trial and claimed he was only a fraud who collected life insurance on bodies that were already deceased. He claimed he was not a murderer and had been framed. Several of the jury believed him. Several of his ex wives testified that he was guilty; however, one of his wives believed he had been framed. Image 03-04: After his conviction, Holmes changed his tune. He began confessing to anything and everything. He gave wild stories and quotes about turning into a devil. Holmes spoke to several tabloids and even released an auto-biography from jail. Holmes became a very wealthy man while awaiting his execution. Image 05: While in jail, Holmes refused to admit where a body was buried without $50.00 compensation. Image 06-07: Holmes was calm and collected before his execution. It was noted that he was “charming” as usual. The executioner was nervous and Holmes told him to “take his time.” Image 08: After Holmes’s death, strange things happened to people who were involved in his trial. The warden of the prison committed suicide. The District Attorney’s office burned down. The remaining Castle attraction burned down. The person who led to Holmes’s arrest was shot by a police officer. The janitor who knew of most of Holmes’s crimes killed himself. There is reason to believe Holmes used money from confessions to buy his way out of jail. Some say it was not Holmes who died at the gallows, but a plant! Diaries attributed to Holmes claim that Holmes fled to London and became Jack the Ripper. Image 09: The site of the famous Murder Castle is now the site of a U.S. Post Office. That’s why we use Haunted Mail. What do you guys think? Did he scam us one last time?
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octoberobserver · 11 days
Poolverine Fic - Sneak Peek 1
Guess who finally saw the movie and got snapped out of their writer's block? 🥳
“The fuck were you thinkin'?!”
The front door slammed so hard against the wall that the wood splintered as Logan stormed into the apartment, jaw clenched and eyes ablaze with a fierce fury that Wade (if he had any self-preservation) would not find hot as hell.
(Unfortunately, self-preservation was hard to muster when you can’t die.)
“Uh, I wasn’t. Have you met me?”
“Unfortunately,” Logan spat, throwing off his jacket and rolling up the sleeves of his stupid, sexy lumberjack shirt, his chest heaving like a buxom Victorian maiden in the midst of the vapours. 
“Easy, Paul Bunyan,” Wade held up his hands, taking a tentative step into the room and gently closing the damaged door behind him, trying not to think of their perpetually irate landlord. “I’m indestructible, remember? You know that better than any—”
“It was a bullshit TVA contraption,” Logan cut across him, beginning to pace back and forth in front of the coffee table they found at Goodwill last Christmas. “It could have eviscerated you like a fuckin’ Time Ripper for all you knew! And you still waltzed over to it and tried to…what…play fuckin’ hacky sack?”
Wade snorted.
“Oh, come on, Wolvie, it was way too big to play hacky—”
“Shut. The Fuck. Up. Wade.”
(Part II)
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silverfoxstole · 8 days
And… it’s done!
Took just over a week and the seam ripper got a workout but the Dark Eyes coat mark II is finished:
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I had to make a few more adjustments/corrections as I went along:
The day after I set in the sleeves I noticed that the right shoulder dart was slightly too far forwards, which meant the sleeve head and shoulder pad had to come out so I could unpick the top of the seam and move it to the right place, something that helpfully removed the one little tuck I’d ended up with at the same time. Unpicking resulted in the fabric tearing so I had to take some extra on the seam when I restitched it, but this actually hid some of the holes from where I’d taken out the topstitching the day before which was a plus so I won’t complain! I also took the sleeves up by 3/4 of an inch when they proved too long even for someone with gibbon arms, an adjustment I must have made before but didn’t make a note of on the pattern.
Because I’m never satisfied I changed the collar again, rounding the ends slightly as it still looked too pointed. It was too high as well but I think I may have taken a bit too much off when I cut it down; not much I can do about it now. After I’d attached everything and topstitched I realised that it wasn’t meeting the lapel on the left side by about a centimetre which meant yet more unpicking to put it right. The edges aren’t sitting completely flat, something that’s annoying but that’s my fault for not rolling them over far enough when doing the topstitching.
The front edges were sticking out at an angle towards the bottom so I took some more off the seam to level them out.
When I made my first version, not knowing what the lining looked like I used up some ladybird satin I had left from a coat I’d made a few weeks before but this time I went for plain navy lining fabric which I think is probably more accurate (I could be wrong, of course; for all I know Paul’s hiding a funky lining in there. I know I would!):
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I thought I’d put some photos of the two versions side by side so you can see the differences. The major changes were: returning the back side panels and creating the belt; shortening and shaping the collar; adding the pocket detail and the false bound holes behind the second row of buttons; topstitching round all eight buttonholes. I also felt when wearing it that the first coat was too short so I increased the length by a couple of inches. With hindsight I wish I’d narrowed the lapels a bit as they’re a lot wider than the collar but by the time I noticed it was too late to change as I’d already made the bound buttonholes. Never mind!
For comparison, old coat on the left, new on the right:
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Overall, I’m really pleased with the way it’s turned out. It looks much more like the original, which is what I wanted, and though there may be tweaks I’d make if I was able I always feel that way; I’m never 100% happy with anything I make as I can always see room for improvement.
Obligatory dodgy mirror selfies to finish; I’ll try and get some better pics if I manage to wear it out somewhere in the next few weeks. You’ll probably have noticed that my version buttons up the opposite way round and that’s because - apart from the frock coat where it didn’t matter - I’ve never worked with mens’ patterns and changing the crossover would just confuse me. The shirt and waistcoat for my NotD cosplay both button this way and I wear my watch chain on the other side as well; I think that’s probably partly what Paul was referring to when he said upon seeing me in May that it was like looking in a mirror!
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ripstefan · 1 month
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⸻ xaden just needed to give his boy a kith real quick
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he's surprised but it's definitely welcome here, he's pulling him down closer while he's at it.
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hayleythecannibal · 5 months
Twisted Minds: Act II- Chapter Nineteen Futamono
TW: Crime scenes, Gore, Implied Death, Death, Talks of Attempted Murder/Assassination, Cannibalism, SMUT!!!, PnV, Oral(Fem recieve), Cheating
Warning this is Fem!reader. You can also find this on Wattpad and A03 under the name @HayleyMarieOfficial. Comment if you want to be added to the taglist.
Taglist: @punkin-time @miaowkitty @gabriella-aesthetic @urlocalfanficwriter @dilfdemolisher
Twisted Minds Masterlist
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“You're moving smoothly and slowly, Jack, carrying your concentration like a brimming cup.” Will says as Jack approaches his cell. "Hannibal Lecter, And Y/N were almost murdered by an employee of this hospital. An attendant we believe killed the bailiff and judge in your trial." Jack says with a cold tone. "He killed the bailiff. He didn't kill the judge. That was the Chesapeake Ripper." Will says standing when jack comes into view. "You know this?"
"He told me."
"And then you told him to kill Hannibal Lecter and Y/N. "
“Wait did you just say Y/N? Nothing I said made that happen, Jack. It just happened. Is Y/N okay? Please tell me she's okay Jack.” Will says panicked about his Girlfriend. Does she think he had her killed? Are her Injuries life changing?
“Y/N is okay. Few deep cuts and lacerations. Some blunt force trauma. But overall she’s out of the hospital and stable. But you dont seem as broken up about Hannibal as you do for Y/N.” Jack says as he watches the curly haired man panic. 
“There is a common emotion we all recognize and have not yet named. The happy anticipation of being able to feel contempt. I love Y/N. I would never. Wish her harm.” Will says seriously. “You have contempt for Hannibal.” Jack says, its no a question its a statement. “I have contempt for the Ripper. I have contempt for what he does.” Will says as he starts to pace. 
“What does he do, Will?” Jack asks, curious to what the man will say. “What does he do? What is the first and principal thing he does? What need does he serve by killing?” Will says with a chuckle, not a funny chuckle, but one of irony.
“He harvests organs.” Jack says confused. 
“No. That's only the action of what he does. Why does he need to do? The Ripper kills in sounders of three or four, in quick order.  Do you know why? I know why. Y/N certainly knows as well.” Will is confident in his thinking because it's the only option. 
“Tell me.” “Because if he waits too long, then the meat spoils.” Will says as he steps closer to the bars. “He's eating them? Hannibal Lecter is Garret Jacob Hobbs? A cannibal?” Jack says, its almost humorous. Comparing Hannibal to Garret Jacob Hobbs. Its comical. Its like comparing a Lion to a leopard. One hunts for fun while the other Hunts to eat. And the eating is just the dessert for Hannibal. The main course was the hunt.
“Not like Garret Jacob Hobbs. Hobbs ate his victims to honor them. The Ripper eats his victims because they're no better to him than pigs.” Will says, oh how he wished to be at home with His dogs and Y/N. Hannibal would most likely try to turn her against him. But Will knows that would never happen. Y/N is a lot smarter than she looks, she always has a plan. Always thinking. “With the exception of Beverly Katz, there's no connection between Hannibal and any Ripper victims.” Jack says, “No immediate connection. He likely identifies his meals years in advance, earmarks them, then waits with the patience of a python.” Jack looks at Will in frustration.
“Hannibal Lecter is not the Chesapeake Ripper.”
“Who else do you know with unusual culinary tastes? If the Ripper's killing, you can bet Hannibal Lecter's planning a dinner party. You and I probably sipped wine while swallowing the people we were trying to give justice, Jack. Who does he have to kill before you'll open your eyes?” Will says, but we all know who. 
Y/N watches Hannibal cut the heart into morsels for the skewers. We can see the bandages on his arms as he cuts. He scrapes pieces of meat into a bowl of marinade, one by one.
“Funny how we revere and romanticize a simple pump. Merely a muscle. Yet such a potent symbol of life and the things that make us human, good and bad. Love and ache.” Hannibal says as I take the pieces of heart meat from the marinade and skewers them with pieces of vegetables between each morsel. The bandages around our arms bind us together in our experience. “All of them skewered.”  I say, the irony honestly.
“It's a thematic dish. My heart certainly feels skewered.” Hannibal says as he turns to me.
“You have the scars to prove it.” I say as I touch the marks on Hannibal's neck where he was hanged. As he grips my Forearm softly, careful not to hurt me. He admires the bandages that cover my sutured arms. “So do you, I feel as though that noose were still around my neck. It's strange to have nightmares. Never used to.” He says as he grazes my hand with his thumb. The nightmares. Mine are different from his. I killed a man. Yes, he wouldve killed me and Hannibal but its different. Its been so long since i shot someone. Almost 12 years since I Killed, Took my first life.
“Don't make the mistake I've made.” I say softly, “Which is?”
“Being your own psychiatrist. I'm always psychoanaylzing myself. Its always one step forward and three steps back.” I say as i stare at our matching wrappings. “It's the safest course. I'm metabolizing the experience by composing a new piece of music.” He says as he sighs. 
“Harpsichord or theremin?” I ask politely,  “Harpsichord. Stravinsky said, "A true composer thinks about his unfinished work the whole time; he's not always conscious of this, but he's aware of it when he suddenly knows what to do." Hannibal says fondly, “Do you know what to do?”
“I need to get my appetite back.” He smiles at her and raises his glass. Sips red wine.
the man-tree on the horizon, asphalt stretching toward. a PD CRUISER, then another, an AMBULANCE and then an FBI CRIME SCENE VAN. An ever-increasing cordon of flashing lights and POLICE OFFICERS. Finally, a BLACK SUV rolls in.
Jack takes in the scene. Looks at the tortured figure built into the tree, his frozen scream. JIMMY PRICE and BRIAN ZELLER are starting to assess the tableau. They talk. Jack just stares. “He's been literally grafted in place -- these are living roots.” Jimmy says in awe of the Rippers artistry. “He's got varicose vines. Threaded through from his heels, under his legs, his back, through his torso and out his fingertips. Followed some pretty tricky endoscopic surgical paths.” Zeller points out. 
“Chesapeake Ripper usually cherry- picks his organs. He took every last one. Except for the lungs.” Jimmy says as he hears a car pull up, A black SUV.  “Stocking his shelves.” Zeller says turning his head to look at the car.
“There'll be something about the lungs. Why else leave them?” Jack says as he  steps forward and looks at the corpse. The artfully-arranged flowers. It offends him. “The time he devotes to what he does. He takes real pride. Belladonna for the heart, a chain of white oleander for the intestines, ragwort for the liver.”
“The flowers are all poisonous.” I say stepping on scene. The looks i get are ones of surprise. “This is judgment. Ripper believes his victim was toxic. A poisonous man. Who is he to moralize?” I continue, It feels weird to be back so soon but I have lives to save. I watch as Jack stares at the body like it speaks just to him.
“He's the eye of a storm. Working in a place of calm while the winds blow us all over. He's so damn certain, it makes me sick.” Jack says as he turns to me, I give him a soft smile. I know hes been through a lot lately.
Standing on a foot ladder, Brian Zeller runs a small CHAINSAW through the branches rising out of the Tree Man's head.  Y/N L/N, Jack Crawford, and Jimmy Price  All wearing PROTECTIVE EYEWEAR, speaking over the chainsaw BUZZ. “His name is Sheldon Isley. Baltimore city councilman.” Jimmy says as Zeller ceases chainsawing to add: “Ripper's a politician now.”
“At least a conservationist. Five, six years ago, Isley brokered a woodlands development deal despite the disapproval of the EPA.” Jimmy says, he himself is a conservationist. “Councilman Isley paved paradise and put up a parking lot.” Jack shrugs. “What he paved was an important nesting habitat for endangered songbirds. The son of a bitch.” Jimmy says as we watch  Zeller reach into the branches and pulls out a nest.
“Autopsy gave us what you'd expect from the Chesapeake Ripper. Pre-mortem surgical dissection, latex glove impressions, body posed before rigor set in.” Zeller says, and I nod, the veins in the legs clearly well- at least to me. Point out the cause of death. Drowning. “What have those lungs coughed up?”
“Water. Councilman drowned. Lungs are filled with aspirated water.” Zeller points out the Tree Man's legs. I smirk internally, still got it. Today I’m alone on this case, well besides jack. “He was standing in water up to his thighs for forty-eight to seventy-two hours prior to his death.”
“To feed the tree?”
“It's possible.” Zeller says as Price guides Jack to a microscope with a video feed. “Here's the exciting part. Tree Man actually bears fruit.” A PLASMA SCREEN: Curious, geometric single-cell creatures flick back and forth. “Diatoms. Unicellular colonies. Good as fingerprints. No two water sources have the same diatom population.”
“The water in his lungs gives us a location of death. Show me.” A map of Virginia. “Fifty-mile radius -- here.” He traces a circle in the Virginia woods. Jack stares at it, contemplating his next move.
“You understand the reality of Beverly Katz's death. You understand your role in that.” Hannibal asks the emotionless Will. “What was my role?” Will tilts his head in question. “Beverly died at your behest. You're as angry with yourself as you are with whoever murdered her.” Hannibal claims.
“Actually, I'm not. I'm singularly angry at whoever murdered her.” Will says confidently.  “You tried to kill me, Will. It's hard not to take that personally. However, if I were Beverly's murderer, I'd applaud your effort.” Hannibal says, He knows how to hurt Will. He wont hurt someone per say but it will Anger Will. “I'm no more guilty of what you've accused me of than you are of what I have accused you of.” Will says Defiantly.
“Jack Crawford believes you were responsible.” Hannibal says almost in a reasoning sense. “Where does responsibility begin and end, Dr. Lecter? With a final act or the events that led to it?” Will asks with a raised brow. “I don't expect you to feel self-loathing or regret or shame. You knew what you were doing and you made your own decisions. Decisions that were under your control. And they got someone you love Hurt. “ Hannibal says in a darker tone. 
“You think I'm in control? I would never Hurt Y/N. Not Intentionally.”
“I think you're more in control now than you've ever been. You found a way to hurt me, Will. I wonder how many more people are going to be hurt by what you do.”
“I'll give Y/N your best.” It's a veiled threat and they both know it. “Good-bye, Will” He turns his Back to Will, not amused...
TECHNICIANS wheel a sheet-covered body into the morgue where Tree Man now lies on a gurney.
Another gurney is wheeled into the swiftly-filling space. Zeller and Price waiting to receive it.
Jack Crawford watching this escalation of bodies through the glass.
The STRING QUARTET plays Mozart's "Dissonance" as a party is in full swing with well-heeled GUESTS. Four SERVERS emerge from the dining room, one then the other coming INTO FOCUS as they pass through FRAME, like dancers in a chorus line, and head into the room. The servers spread through the crowd with platters thatguests turn to take food from, creating a swirl of movement through the room.
 amidst the crowd and through them. As servers move on and two guests turn to chat, they
reveal Jack Crawford, newly arrived. Jack surveys the room.Hands take morsels of food from the servers' trays and pop them into their mouths. Teeth bite and gnash. Jack watches as they chew and swallow -- going SLO-MO as they chew and then back to NORMAL SPEED for the swallow.
He can see Hannibal talking to two guests. Y/N is nearby. She’s talking to Alana.  Alana takes an hors d'oeuvre from a passing tray, a morsel of meat on a pick, and eats it.
Dr. Chilton approaches and saddles up alongside Jack, eyeing the hors d'oeuvres as they move through the room. “Prosciutto roses. Heart tartare. Beef roulade. Needless to say, I won't be eating the food.” Chilton says uneased with the dishes. “Dr. Chilton.”
“Hannibal the Cannibal. That's what they'll call him, you know.” Chilton says amused. 
“Not according to Abel Gideon.” Jack says weery. “Gideon's caused me enough trouble today. The fact that he lied to you makes me even more certain he was telling Will Graham the truth.” Chilton eyes the roast pig's head on the buffet table. “Why did you come here tonight if you're so convinced?” Jack says 
“Darwinism. I don't want him to think I suspect anything. Keeping my mouth shut on the whole affair.” Chilton says as Jack watches Hannibal. The server returns with a Tupperware
with a lid. Jack takes it in his hands. “Help yourself.” Jack takes a latex glove from his pocket and uses it to place food into the Tupperware. Hannibal glances across the room to see Dr. Chilton watching the exchange curiously. As Jack seals the container, Hannibal smiles sadly.
“Eat it soon or it'll spoil.”
Jack holds the food container as he greets Brian Zeller and Jimmy Price who are emerging from evidence processing. “Test this.” A DISTINCTIVE NOTE of a harpsichord punctuates the exchange.
The room has been tidied, but evidence of the party remains. Y/N sits at Hannibal's harpsichord, doubling the KEYS she's playing until it becomes clear she's performing a slow, dreamy version of "The Swan." Hannibal slides next to her. She smiles and he watches her for a moment, then starts playing his composition at the opposite end of the keyboard.
“The ending to my composition has been alluding me. You may have solved my problem with "The Swan."” They smile as they play, hands crossing over the keys, pushing their shoulders together.
“If only all problems could be solved with a simple waltz. Jack's treating you like a suspect.
He's pointing fingers in the dark.” I say, I wish i was scared of what i knew Hannibal was capable of. I know what he is and who he is. “I've walked away from Will, but I'm still trailing his accusations.” Hannibal says.
“I cant walk away. No matter how much I wish I wanted to. He’s my partner.” I say softly as my fingers grace the keys. “What does walking away leave us?” 
“Each other.” Hannibal looks at Y/N, admiring her, appreciating her. Y/N turns to face Hannibal. He feels her gaze and turns to her, their hands stilled on the keys. His hand reaches up and grazes her cheek softly, she leans into his touch. He kisses her softly, leaving her room to pull away. And pull away she did.
“This- This is wrong.” I say softly, though my body says otherwise. My hands rest on his chest. “What is so wrong about ones affection for another.” Hannibal says as he cups my face in his hands. “I’m with Will…” I say as I close my eyes. “Will needs to learn how to share.” He smirks. And Kisses me. One of his hands trail down to hold my waist. As my hands slide up to his hair. 
HANNIBAL LECTER'S HOUSE - BEDROOM - NIGHT- We stumble into the Bedroom, Hands clawing at each others clothing. Desperate to be relieved of them. He kicks the door behind us closed. I smile into our lustful bliss, He leads us to the bed without his lips ever leaving my skin. His touch scourches my soul, leaving handprints that shall never leave my being.
He pushes me down onto the bed. He’s in control. He possesses my body, mind, and soul in this very moment. I'm afraid he'll never release me. I sit up, my hands going to the buttons on his dress shirt. His lips leave a trail of bruising marks on my neck. His hands unzip my backless dress. I kick off my heels that should've been discarded earlier. The straps of my dress fall down my shoulders.
Hannibal’s dress shirt, suit jacket, and vest have been discarded to the floor by now, leaving him in his belt, pants, and what's underneath. He pulls the straps of my dress to reveal the skin beneath. I quickly go to cover myself, but he grabs my wrists gently but tight enough to stop me.
Hannibal gazes down upon my body, my dress now joining my heels on the floor. I advert his burning Gaze. “Perfect, you are a masterpiece dear. A Living piece of Art” He says as he takes both of my wrists into one of his hands, the other lifts my chin to meet his Gaze. I flush red, feeling the heat in my cheeks and the pooling in my panties. Glad i'm wearing lace. He unpins my hair from its style, my curls fall framing my face. I bite my lip, he pulls it free with his thumb and kisses me hungrily. I moan into the kiss, Hannibal takes the opportunity to bite my lip drawing Blood from it. I gasp and look up at the much older man, He smirks and strokes my cheek. My hands go to his belt, my eyes never leave his. One of Hannibal’s hands trails down my body, coaxing shivers from my body. His fingers dip into my panties, my Breathing hitches. “So wet. Does Will ever make you this wet?” He asks darkly, I nod softly. There had been a few occasions where Will had Aroused me to this extent. 
He looks at me like I'm Prey. Like he could eat me alive. And let's be honest, He probably could. He pushes me down, and Tears my panties off me swiftly. I gasp as he spreads my legs and kneels before me. The sight of it makes me somehow wetter.
Its like the Devil kneeling before an Angel. I lean onto my elbows to watch as he kisses up my legs, my head falls back as he softly blows on my heat. I softly Whimper. He litters my inner thighs with kisses and hickeys. Then finally he brings his mouth to where i need it most.
Hannibal's tongue licks a stripe up my pussy. He groans at the taste; “You taste Divine.” He smirks and then attaches his mouth to my cunt, drinking me in. My hand tangles in his hair as the other grips the comforter tightly.  “Fuck…” I moan out the profanity, I feel him smirk against my heat. He grips my thigh with one hand as the other trails its fingers along my entrance. He pushes two long fingers into me, causing me to buck and moan out other unintelligible profanities and words of praise. 
He hikes my leg over his shoulder, my hand tangled in his hair softly tugs him closer. Im a moaning mess, He sets the pace with his fingers and curls them, expertly hittling my g-spot as he attaches his lips to my clit. 
“Oh Fuck! Hannibal.” I moan loudly, Alerting him that he found it.  If he had neighbors they'd surely hear me. I quickly feel the familiar burn of an oncoming orgasm, my pussy clenches around his fingers and he pulls way causing me to let out a pathetic whimper.
“Not yet Butterfly.” He says softly as he removes my leg from his shoulder. He leans over me and Kisses me softly, I moan softly at the taste of myself on his lips and tongue. I Kiss along his jaw and down his neck. Politely not leaving any marks. My hands unbutton his pants and i bite my lip. I knew it wasn't right. I Love Will. But there's just something about Hannibal that coaxes the dark and dangerous part of me out. 
I flip us over and straddle his thighs as he watches me with a dark smile. I kiss up his stomach, abs and chest, until I reached his lips. He grips my waist and kept me pressed to him in our passionate kiss. Until i pulled away. I tugged at his pants and he allowed me to take them off. I hear him chuckle darkly.
“What?” i ask innocently, I look up at him softly. He cups my cheek and his thumb strokes my cheek bone. “Such a good Girl.” He praises, I whimper at said praise. I focus on my task at hand. I look back up at him silently asking permission. My hands needy, grasping at his boxers. He shakes his head with a smile as he strokes my cheek. My eyebrows furrow confused. “Not tonight Butterfly.” He flips us back over. Hannibal chuckles. He strokes my hair and kisses me. I relax and sigh into the kiss. His hands explore my body, mapping out the soft skin. My arms wrap around his neck, and pull him closer. He kisses along my neck, his tongue tasting the salt on my skin. He pulls back and admires the work he has done on my neck. I reach up and brush the hair from his face. Hannibal looks back up at me and kisses me passionately. I wrap my legs around his waist, grinding up on his bulge, desperate for friction.
Hannibal moans at the action and pulls back to look at me. My face flushed. I bite my lip as he strokes my hair and tucks it behind my ear. I grind up again and he kisses me roughly.
His hands pin mine above my head, he grips them both with one hand. He lines himself up with my entrance. I moan and whimper, wanting nothing more than for him to be inside me. His other hand holds my hip, his thumb strokes the skin there. I feel his tip tease my entrance, I let out a pathetic whine. He looks into my eyes and then slides into me. We both moan, and he lets out a low growl. He bottoms out inside of me and I gasp. My back arches and my eyes roll back.
My hands grip the pillow, Hannibal releases his grip on them. He leans down and kisses me softly as he pulls back and slowly thrusts back in. I moan into the kiss and my nails drag across his scalp, making him growl into the kiss. His hands hold onto my hips tightly, I know they'll leave a mark. He thrusts into me at a slow pace, letting me feel every inch of him. He groans and moans, I love the sounds he makes.
His thrusts start getting rougher, more animalistic. My legs wrap around his waist and my heels dig into his lower back, pushing him further into me. The sound of our skin slapping is music to my ears, and i know that I can't hold back anymore.
I gasp and moan. I claw at his back, and he buries his face in the crook of my neck. His breath is hot against my skin, his teeth scrape my skin and I whimper. Hannibal thrusts harder and faster, hitting deeper with every thrust. I cry out as the all too familiar burn starts to form, my toes curl. Hannibal groans, his cock twitches inside me. I can tell he's getting close, too. His pace gets more erratic and less rhythmic.
He bites my shoulder, marking me. Claiming me as his. I scream out, the pain and pleasure overwhelming my senses. I feel him cum inside me, hot and sticky. The sensation of it sends me over the edge, my orgasm hits and i cum on his cock. We ride out our orgasms together, he slows his pace and kisses along my neck. He releases the skin of my shoulder from his teeth. He licks the blood and cleans the wound.
Her skin is in stark contrast to the crimson bedding. Hannibal sleeps soundly next to Y/N. After a moment, he opens his eyes. He watches Y/N. He finally stands. He takes Y/N's wineglass from the bedside table. With a white cloth, he wipes the rim, then sets the glass back down. He snaps his fingers close to her ears; she doesn't stir. He looks again at Y/N’s sleeping, then leaves.
l he lies propped up in a hospital bed, curtains drawn all around on an oval frame. His face is bruised. IV drips and monitoring are hooked up to his body. A THICK BANDAGE around his TORSO. We HEAR the door to the room open and then slowly close. Gideon's eyes open as FOOTSTEPS squeak on the floor. He sees a tall SHADOW behind the CURTAINS as it approaches.He watches as the shadow moves toward the foot of the bed. SLOW and TENSE. The curtains are drawn back and a tall figure in surgical scrubs, gloves and a MASK stands before him. He pulls down his mask to reveal Hannibal Lecter. “Hello, Dr. Gideon.”
“I knew you'd come.” Hannibal smiles at Gideon.
Early morning light begins to creep through the windows.the curtains surrounding Gideon's bed, a GHOULISH SILHOUETTE hangs beyond them. A FLASH ignites behind the curtain, the silhouettes of TWO MEN examining the body. Jack Crawford as he approaches. He opens
the curtains to find Brian Zeller taking forensic photos of the body as Jimmy Price dusts for fingerprints.
THE BODY It seems to be floating on his belly, horizontally suspended two feet above the bed. His skin is pinched/stretched/pulled many different directions by WIRE FISHING LEADERS. Each line ends in a handcrafted HOOK -- the barb pushed through the skin of the dead man's back, arms and legs. But that dead man is not Abel Gideon. Instead, it is a BALTIMORE POLICE OFFICER, his gun belt still around the waist of his uniform pants. His torso is BARE and opened, the skin held back in flaps attached by fishhooks. The contents of his abdomen on the bed below, his badge sits on top. The finger clip from the MONITORS is attached to his hand. “Put a heart monitor on the guard so no one'd know Gideon was missing, least for as long as it took the guard to die, which wasn't long.” Zeller says.
“Long enough.” Jimmy indicates the dead police officer. “Fishhooks. Hand-tied flies. Like the ones Will Graham used to make. This one has human hair. A tooth.” Jimmy says as he indicates the parts in the flybaits. “There's no way Gideon could have done any of this with his injuries, much less get out of bed.” Zeller clarifies.
“Last time Gideon escaped custody, he was trying to find the Chesapeake Ripper. Found him all right. And tonight, the Ripper found Gideon.”
Y/N asleep in Hannibal's bed. She stirs slightly and slowly opens her eyes. Hannibal sleeps quietly next to me. I stare peacefully at the ceiling, the morning after sleeping with a friend. What the Hell have I done?  As I begin to think too much, I realize Hannibal has opened his eyes and is watching me.
“You're awake.” I say with a soft sigh and a smile. “So are you.”
“Was thinking about What we did. How I betrayed Will. My heart is torn. And I don't know why.” I say softly as my smile starts to drop. He Caresses my cheek and brushes away a stray hair in my face.  “Of course your heart is torn. You love Will. But you also care for me as well.” 
“But I feel that is unfair. Not to me but to the both of you.” I say softly  “It isn't unfair, I know how to share. And I'm certain Will does too.” He kisses me, then stops and looks at me reassuringly: I kiss him back. BING-BONG. The doorbell rings. BING-BONG.  “Last time someone rang my doorbell this early, it was a census taker.” He goes in to kiss me again before BING-BONG and begrudgingly Hannibal rises from the bed, shrugs on a robe. Hannibal goes to the curtains and draws them -- revealing the morning sun and allowing it to spill into the room.
“I'll see who it is.”
three loud RAPS on a heavy oak door. The peephole goes dark, then -- Hannibal opens the door to find Jack Crawford standing outside.
“Hello, Jack.” Hannibal says as he  leads Jack into the living room. “What can I do for you?”
“Gideon took a fall down a stairwell last night. Was hospitalized. Security guard standing watch was killed in what looks to be another Chesapeake Ripper murder. Now Gideon is nowhere to be found.” Jack explains and looks at him expectantly.
“He escaped?”
“We know he didn't walk out of the hospital. His back was broken. Someone took him. Someone he knew. Where were you last night?”
Hannibal Hesitates “I was Here.”
“All night?”
“Anyone besides you can verify that?” Hannibal's quiet a moment. Then, from behind Jack: “I can.” I say wrapped in one of Hannibal's Button-ups, it goes down to my mid-thigh. Jack turns. He flashes surprise, but tamps it quickly.
“I was here with Hannibal all night, Jack. What are you accusing him of?” I ask as Hannibal reads Jack's frustration and perhaps relief. But there's a chance he woke up. Why the Hell am i not upset that i most likely Fucked the Chesapeake Ripper. “I'm not accusing him of anything. Only asking his whereabouts.”
“That's not all you were asking.” Jack looks evenly at them, nods, forced to accept that
Hannibal isn't the Chesapeake Ripper...
Brian Zeller stands in front of a monitor. Jimmy Price and Jack Crawford look on. “Not cows. Wagyu beef. I'd say, a hundred dollars worth right there.”
“Sure it wasn't Kobe?” Zeller asks his fellow tech. Jimmy rolls his eyes: “All Kobe is Wagyu, but not all Wagyu is Kobe. Least we know Dr. Lecter wasn't serving up people.”
“Want people? The Chesapeake Ripper was tying flies with them. Just like Will Graham allegedly did.”
Brian Zeller, Jimmy Price and Jack standing over a row of FISHING LURES taken from the security guard's back.
“Hair woven into the monofilament is Beverly's. Bone fragments from Miriam Lass. Veining from Sheldon Isley. Optic nerves and arteries from Judge Davies. A toenail from James Gray, our Muralist.” Zeller points to the DNA matches. A fly hook. Cleverly crafted, with bits of dark, organic material woven into the monofilament. A bone fragment. Veining coiled around hook and feather. An optic nerve entwined with bark.
“All Chesapeake Ripper victims.” Zeller says as Jimmy indicates four lures, in partial stages of
deconstruction, in individual grids. “These four lures here are almost identical to the ones we found at Will's house, made with materials from the exact same human remains. Abigail Hobbs, Marissa Schuur, Donald Sutcliffe, Georgia Madchen.” Jimmy points out.
“Will didn't kill any of them. There was no Copycat. It was always the Ripper. He's finally taking credit for those murders.” Jack realizes Will never killed anyone other than Garret Jacob Hobbs.
“May be taking too much credit. We found something else in the lures.” With tweezers, Jimmy plucks a curled, wispy wood shaving from one of the deconstructed fly grids.
“Madrona bark. It's a tree almost nonexistent on the East Coast. But this bark was peeled recently.”
Zeller gestures to the map of the area. “There's a small stand of madrona in Virginia.”
“Inside your diatom search area.” Zeller zooms in with his hand, à la an iPad. “Here.”
Moonlight on crisp white snow. The hulking black shadow of a heavily-built wooden barn stands stark against the white. we hear the low rumble of a car engine, to find a black sedan pulling up on the opposite side of the barn. JACK CRAWFORD and  DR. Y/N L/N Exit the car. Takes in the barn; the two heavy gate doors barred on the outside. Jack pulls out his gun and a Maglite and walks toward it, his feet crunching on the snow. Their breath frosts the air. Jack walks up the wooden ramp to the heavy doors.
Blackness, except for slivers of faint moonlight shining through the wooden beams. We hear the sound of the heavy bar eing thrown. And then the door opens and a piercing FLASHLIGHT BEAM.. Jack and Y/N silhouetted behind it as he enters the barn slowly. He plays the flashlight around the space, cautious. Tense.
Cobwebs and old wood. Heavy old machinery and hand tools. Dust in the air. A SKITTERING SOUND and Jack swings the light and gun -- catching a RAT scurrying for cover... Jack  and Y/N move on. Something shines in the beam and Jack moves toward it. A new steel padlock on an old door. Incongruous. Y/N looks around to be cautious of her surroundings.
A rending sound of wood and metal. A door opens to reveal a flight of wooden stairs, looking up
at Jack and Y/N.
 Y/N throws down the iron bar she used to force the lock. Jack Shines his light right at the bottom as they start down the stairs -- Jack moves down the wooden stairs, gun and flashlight before him. Y/N shines her own light to reveal a dark, low cellar space, the concrete floor dominated by the tops of two circular WATER CISTERNS.
Jack and Y/N scan the room, Their flashlight beams our only light source, casting harsh shadows and movements. Jack checks the room for danger -- light reflecting off dirt-smeared windows in the far wall; blackness reflecting back from the other side.
MOVEMENT Y/N stills as she hears it. Heart thumping. A scraping sound. BELOW HER…She moves to the cisterns, the old stone topped with much newer METAL LIDS. she pulls the first one off -- flashes the light into it – dark water rises a third of the way up the steep slick sides.
SCRITCH – The sound again. Y/N moves to the other cistern. Can definitely hear something inside... (AN: BTW i wrote the SMUT scene while listening to "I am not afraid anymore" by Halsey, and whew it really goes with the scene)
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nova1516 · 2 months
Black Clover Next Gen Dump!
This account was supposed to be for my next gen and I haven’t posted about them in a long time so here are some of them!
Jack The Ripper/Nozel Silva
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Adrius Silva(eldest), Acier Silva II, Argent Silva, and Adeline Silva(youngest)
Acier, Argent and Adeline are all magic knights. Acier is the Vice Captain of the Green Praying Mantises and Argent and Adeline are both in the Silver Eagles. Adrius likes to explore so he’s usually not in Clover. In present time he’s in Spade. Acier is angry at her brother for always being absent, while Argent greatly admires their older brother. Adeline wants to be closer to Adrius, and is jealous that Faith Swing seems to be closer to him. Regardless, they all miss him.
Fuegoleon Vermillion/Bridget Oriel || Salamander
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Felicity Vermillion(eldest) and Calix Vermillion(youngest)
Felicity "Felix" and Calix were adopted by Fuegoleon Vermillion and Bridget Oriel when their hometown, Ylve Village, burned down. Calix’s upper face was completely burned in the fire. In the future, Felix dyed her hair to look more like her parents. Felicity has Catalyst Magic and Calix had Wind Magic
Yami Sukehiro/Nacht Faust
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Yami Kaya and Yami Kaeda
Kaya and Kaeda are the new Light/Dark Magic duo. Kaya has light magic and Kaeda has dark magic. Kaya is the new Captain of the Black Bulls. Kaeda is currently trying to form a new squad.
More Kids!!!
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[Old] Mini Comic! (ft. more kiddos)
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I will try to post more of them in the future! For now this is all
@funky-sea-cryptid helped with Adrius’ name and inspired Adeline’s! :3
Bridget Oriel(an interpretation of Salamander) is @t-f-t’s oc!
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cosplaypandared · 9 months
My biggest challenge in crafting cosplay
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It was the year 2015 when my cosband decided to make a perfect cosplay on, suddenly, the card game Magic the Gathering. We chose planeswalkers because this setting has a lot of characters, but only planeswalkers are more popular and well-known than others.
We met at a café to decide which characters we would choose to participate in the big event in another big city. My friend made a great choice, beautiful Lera picked up terrifying Elesh Norn, very tall Albert decided to make furry Goldmane Ajani, and the lightest Lin chose the heaviest Chandra. But I decided to make my dream come true and craft a dragon. So my choice was Dragon-God, Nicol Bolas.
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When I mentioned my decision, one friend answered, Really? You will never make a huge dragon, with your height, your Bolas will look like a silly Pokémon. Ha! I said, "You don’t have any idea what I can create!" After this, I understood that I had embarked on quite an adventure. This was this challenge!
I had only three months to create this monster. Almost the whole costume I made myself, but when I realized I ran the risk of being late, I started to ask for help from family and friends. My husband helped me with sanitary pipes to make the wings base, my mom worked as a model; and when I tried to make this creature more proportional, my friends assisted with armor and painting wings. I finished the costume at night, with just 4 hours left before my train took off to the big city.
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We ordered this taxi, arrived at this station, met with our friends, and didn't get on the train! My costume was too big to take on this train. My friends left without us. So we decided to buy other tickets for us and a ticket for a special place in the luggage compartment for the dragon four hours later. It was an emotional challenge, I realized that my creature required special attention everywhere, even with transportation. It is just this dragon's doom, I calmed myself down.
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When we arrived at the next train one hour before departure. This new train master said, "We can’t accommodate the dragon because this costume is too big for this luggage compartment". This was contrary to what was said by staff at the station and this previous train director. It is just this dragon's doom, I was repeating in my head. This Dragon-God is just testing me. We ended up just buying a third ticket, and my little monster rode like a king in his own seat.
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After an exhausting 3-month journey, I finally reached this contest. And here I am. This music is playing. I’m ready. My friends are going to the stage one by one, and each time this roar of this crowd becomes louder and louder. I make the first step on the spot and hear this woman's heartbreaking scream. This is it. I’m This Monster! I am the mind-ripper, the deathbringer, the winged dark that terrifies your dreams. I AM THIS DRAGON!
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Of course, we won the Grand-pri in this contest. It was the Sony PlayStation II, but the brilliant thing I've won is the passed challenge. I crafted it, we brought it to the contest, and together we made the coolest group cosplay from MTG. And I’ve created the biggest mowing dragon cosplay in Siberia and possibly in all of Russia.
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icycoldninja · 1 month
Masterlist XI
Let's do this the right way; save space.
Last updated: 09, 11, 2024
Icycoldninja's rules
Masterlist I
Masterlist II
Masterlist III
Masterlist IV
Masterlist V
Masterlist VI
Masterlist VII
Masterlist VIII
Masterlist IX
Masterlist X
Sparda boys + V x Aerith-like!Reader headcannons
Sparda boys + V x Sophia-like!Reader headcannons
Sparda boys + V x Zookeeper!Reader headcannons
Sparda boys + V x Paranoid!Reader headcannons
Sparda boys + V x Constantly naked!Reader headcannons
Sparda boys + V x Jazz singer!Reader headcannons
Sparda boys + V x Kneading!Reader headcannons
Sparda boys + V x Reader with gift related trauma headcannons
Sparda boys + V x Maiden!Reader headcannons
Sparda boys + V x Reader with a mini-me headcannons
Sparda boys + V x Reader with a non sexual tickle kink headcannons
Sparda boys + V x Reader who is shy about noises headcannons
Sparda boys + V x Reader lactation kink headcannons
Sparda boys + V x Reader who has never seen snow headcannons
Sparda boys + V x Reader anime accident headcannons
Sparda boys + V x Pianist!Reader headcannons
Sparda boys + V x Psycho!Reader with a gun headcannons
Sparda boys + V x Reader with Marie Antoinette syndrome headcannons
Sparda boys + V x Reader with low life expectancy headcannons
Sparda boys + V x Reader Reader who makes otter noises headcannons
Sparda boys + V reacting to Reader giving them a wedgie headcannons
Sparda boys + V x People pleaser!Reader headcannons
Sparda boys + V x Best friends to lovers!Reader headcannons
Sparda boys + V x Reader first date headcannons
Sparda boys + V x Male!Reader headcannons
Sparda boys + V x Hurt dog-like!Reader headcannons
Sparda boys + V x Goth!Autistic!Reader headcannons
Sparda boys + V x Reader with weird cooking habits headcannons
Sparda boys + V x Haphephobic!Reader headcannons
Sparda boys + V x Sunburnt!Reader headcannons
Sparda boys + V Reading Reader's diary headcannons
Sparda boys + V x Reader with anger issues headcannons
Sparda twins + V x British accented!Reader headcannons
Sparda boys + V x Surprisingly strong!Reader headcannons
Sparda boys + V x Reader kitten situation headcannons
Sparda boys x Reader double proposal headcannons
Sparda twins + V x Old friend!Reader headcannons
Sparda boys × Daughter!Reader dating a bouncer headcannons
I can't trust you (Dante x Traumatized!Reader angst/suggestive)
Dante x Autistic!Reader headcannons
Awkward things the Sparda boys + V do during sex headcannons
Dante + V x Reader who meows for attention headcannons
How the DMC boys would carry their SO
Sparda boys x Younger!Fem!Reader headcannons
Anal destruction (Vergil x Reader NSFW)
Naked encounter (Vergil x Reader NSFW)
Nightlight (Dante x Male!Neko!Reader)
Dante x aspec!Reader headcannons
Braids (V x reader fluff)
Second place (Dad!Vergil x Daughter!Figure skater!Reader platonic)
Too shy (Dante x Shy!Fem!Reader)
Super Spicy Shower Time (Dante x Fem!Reader NSFW)
MGS4!Raiden NSFW alphabet
It's Jack! (NSFW)
Jack the Ripper's grand appearance (angst/fluff/crack/NSFW)
If you slapped his butt (MGR)
X Blind!Male!Martial artist!Reader headcannons
My superstar (Yandere!Sephiroth x Reader)
Pegging headcannons (Genesis x Reader)
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