#rip trevor ig
mrpldiddles · 9 months
puppy. | j.drysdale
a/n: so i actually started this this morning before the trade was announced😀 but here’s a quick(ish) little ig edit since i haven’t posted anything in awhile while i work on the tbosas fic that will be coming soon!!
rip trevjamie tho man idk how i’m gonna recover this is like barzy and beau all over again
anaheimducks posted:
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anaheimducks: we have a four-legged announcement on #NationalPuppyDay! everyone say hi to Daisy!
user1: can we talk about jamie with daisy🥺
user2: trevor and jamie look like they need a dog
-> yourusername: don’t encourage them🤧
trevorzegras: @yourusername 🥺🥺🥺
-> jamie.drysdale: @yourusername please🥺🥺🥺
-> yourusername: are you gonna take care of it🥺🥺
-> trevorzegras: YEAH
-> yourusername: LIES you don’t even clean up after yourself
-> trevorzegras: HEY
-> jamie.drysdale: she has a point z…
-> trevorzegras: DON’T TAKE HER SIDE JIMMY
-> user3: this is so entertaining
jackhughes: @yourusername just let them have a puppy
-> trevorzegras: PUPPY! PUPPY! PUPPY!
-> yourusername: you live across the country jack you don’t get a say in this
-> jamie.drysdale: PUPPY! PUPPY! PUPPY!
-> colecaufield: but look how excited they are🥺
-> yourusername: cole you’re not even in the country
-> masonmctavish23: puppy???
-> yourusername: oh god not you too
-> trevorzegras: i promise to put it in direct sunlight and water it everyday🫡
-> yourusername: oh my god
-> jamie.drysdale: he’s joking! (i think…)
-> yourusername: you two are gonna be the death of me
-> trevorzegras: so PUPPY????
yourusername posted:
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yourusername: @trevorzegras @jamie.drysdale puppy.
trevorzegras: PUPPY!!!
jamie.drysdale: PUPPY!!!
masonmctavish23: PUPPY!!!
colecaufield: PUPPY!!!
jackhughes: PUPPY!!!
_quinnhughes: you’re weak
-> yourusername: i know😞
yourbffsusername: how much did they pay you
-> yourusername: a year’s worth of cleaning the bathroom for trevor and a year’s worth of back rubs from jamie🥰
-> trevorzegras: i still think the difference in payment is unfair
-> yourusername: you may be my boyfriend’s boyfriend but you’re not mine
-> trevorzegras: 😞
anaheimducks: a new friend for daisy!!
-> yourusername: that’s what sold me on little miss maisie☺️
-> trevorzegras: for the record i wanted to name her nutter butter
-> colecaufield: NUTTER BUTTER🥜🧈
-> _quinnhughes: are you trying to ruin the poor dog’s life
-> jackhughes: i call for a re-vote between maisie and nutter butter
-> jamie.drysdale: y/n says no
-> yourusername: i’m not naming my child nutter butter.
jamie.drysdale posted:
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jamie.drysdale: everybody say thank you @yourusername :)))))))
trevorzegras: thank you y/n!!!!!
colecaufield: thank you y/nnnnnn
jackhughes: thanks best friend y/n
-> yourusername: i think that title actually belongs to quinn
-> jackhughes: ouch
-> _quinnhughes: thank you best friend y/n
-> yourusername: you're welcome quinny
masonmctavish23: thank you y/n for making me an uncle
-> yourusername: ofc ofc
-> user2: aw mason’s her uncle🥺🤧
yourusername: you're lucky you're cute
-> jamie.drysdale: don't i know it
-> trevorzegras: and what about me???🥺🥺
-> yourusername: you're lucky your boyfriend's cute
-> trevorzegras: i'll take it!!!
yourusername: our maisie girl🥰
-> jamie.drysdale: my two girls😘
-> trevorzegras: our nutter butter😊
-> yourusername: your godfather privileges are so close to being revoked zegras
-> masonmctavish23: the dogfather
-> yourusername: you're next in line don't worry mac
-> trevorzegras: after that joke??!!!??
-> masonmctavish23: i'm committed what can i say
trevorzegras posted:
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trevorzegras: welcome to the family nutter butter!!
yourusername: that is NOT my daughter's name
-> trevorzegras: OUR daughter
-> jamie.drysdale: something i wanna know??
-> yourusername: jamie please tell your boyfriend that our daughter is not named after a cookie
->user1: their family tree is so confusing
jackhughes: NUTTER BUTTER!!!
-> _quinnhughes: and you wonder why you weren't named godfather
-> jackhughes: y/n is this true😭
-> yourusername: thanks for breaking the news for me quinn
-> jackhughes: wow🤧
-> yourusername: so sorry😐
colecaufield: is it still too late for a name re-vote?
-> yourusername: yes.
-> trevorzegras: still up for debate
-> masonmctavish23: is it too late to claim my godfather title?
-> yourusername: please do i can’t take them anymore🤧
-> trevorzegras: you can pry my title out of my dead hands😤
-> yourusername: promise😍
-> jamie.drysdale: don’t tempt her z
anaheimducks: daisy and maisie duck!!
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tigertofu · 1 year
ok i've been chipping away at this Thing for a long time and i think it's finally ready to be vomitted out into the internet. without further ado, here is my
Stupid-Long List of Trevor Headcanons
divided into chronological sections !
((the NSFW shit is hiding at the bottom))
CW's for: mentions of drugs/alcohol, addiction, cannibalism, violence, gross sex stuff. typical Trevor things
and heres a gif of him cuz ig thats the tumblr thing to do idk i never made one of these lists b4 :x
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the past
• he's a scorpio and the reason he has a scorpion tat on his hand is bc he's like. very mildly into horoscopes. he was born some time in november
• he doesn't have a middle name cuz his mom didn't give enough of a shit to give him one
• despite playing hockey and golf as a kid, he was never really that into the sports themselves. he only did hockey because he saw it as a way to beat up other children and not get reprimanded for it, and he did both in the hopes of being good enough at something to earn his mother's praise for once (it did not work :()
• hates his dad bc of how he treated his mom and is glad he abandoned him at that shopping mall when he was a kid
• he (w/ Brad's help) would play "pranks" on (aka BULLY) poor Lester during the north yankton days. some fav pastimes included (but were not limited to): pantsing him, hiding his walking cane, and replacing his asthma medication with laughing gas
• was highkey jealous of how easy Michael could get girls during the north yankton days. when he actually was able to convince a girl to come back home with him, he would make sure to be loud as hell about it so that Mike would know he wasn't the only one getting chicks
• all of his hand tats and a lot of his other tats were done in prison, even tho he was only in for like 6 months
• prison was a mixed bag for him. on one hand, anal. on the other, having to restrain himself from arguments and physical altercations so he could get out early on good behavior
• went thru a breakdancing phase in the 90's (i THINK this one might be canon. idk. could've sworn i've heard him try to tell Lamar this in an attempt to impress him. pls feel free to prove me wrong or right)
• one of the scars on his eyebrows is actually the result of getting a fresh eyebrow piercing ripped tf out during a barfight in the 00's. prob for the best that it was cuz we all know that shit wouldve ended up getting infected and rejecting out of his face anyways
• he moved to Sandy Shores not just because it's nice and isolated, but because it was the place most opposite of north yankton he could think of. never any snow. he absolutely fucking hates cold weather and snow because it reminds him of a certain bank heist that happened in '04
• between Ron, Chef, and Wade, Chef was the first one he met after moving to Sandy Shores. they used to cook meth together in a trailer out in the desert (another one that i THINK is canon but im not sure idk. it all blurs together, idk whats canon and whats not anymore, my brain is too rotted from spinning Trevor around in it like the world's most dried out little shriveled husk of a rotisserie chicken for the past three years, the fog is coming, yk how it is)
• he acquired Liquor Ace the same way he "acquired" the Vanilla Unicorn. the previous owner just mysteriously disappeared one day. nobody in Sandy Shores cared tho once word got around that the new owner was gonna start cooking crystal in the upstairs and selling it
• yk how in the game he said that his heart momentarily stopped once cuz he put an axe thru a power cable? he did that cuz the power had gone out in the middle of him watching an Impotent Rage episode he hadn't seen yet. for some reason (was prob very high and very angry) he thought that he could bring the power back by hitting the sparking wire with an axe. it didnt work. he smelled like overcooked bacon for a week afterwards. he enjoyed that part tho
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the present
• he makes Ron cut his hair with a pair of rusty kitchen scissors when he needs a trim. he used to go to the nice barber lady in Sandy Shores but got banned after loudly moaning about how good her nails felt on his scalp once
• once smoked an entire cigarette in one long inhale. Wade witnessed this and found it extremely impressive
• he'll eat pretty much anything but he especially likes foods with strong flavors. salty, sour, super sweet, spicy, etc cuz his taste buds are SHOT from the years of smoking/drug abuse. he abuses condiments, especially hot sauce
• thinks that any restaurant that doesn't have a drive-thru is a "fancy" restaurant
• LOVES candy cuz the meth has given him a major sweet tooth, but prefers anything with chocolate over fruity/gummy candies
• has a weird fascination with eating raw meat.....of any kind. except for sushi. he thinks sushi is "fancy prissy city people food"
• also has a weird fascination with making stews/soups similar to the eyelid one that he tries to feed Michael in that one cutscene. it's the only type of food he knows how to cook. may be a comfort thing for him because microwaving a bowl of canned soup was the most effort his mother ever put into making a meal for him when he was a kid. and she did it like, twice, maybe. he for sure remembers both times very clearly tho and considers them to be some of his fondest memories
• will go for days without eating anything solid before finally sitting down and consuming enough food to feed a family of 5. sometimes he just like. forgets that eating is necessary for survival
• can open beer bottles with his teeth. between that and the meth habit, its an absolute miracle he still has all his teeth
• go-to pizza order is a large meat lover's. he tries to make vaguely sexual passes about "loving large meat" at the poor pizza delivery guys every time he orders delivery. does not tip, but will say shit like "hey, if you come inside i've got a little tip for ya" while the delivery guy quickly vacates the premises
• honestly? i think there is a good 50/50 chance on whether or not he is ACTUALLY a cannibal. maybe he posters as one cuz he likes the reactions it incites, maybe he genuinely enjoys the psychosexual intimacy of consuming the flesh of another human being........ who knows !! not knowing is half the fun :)
• ok ok hear me out u know that stupid tiktok sound that was going around a couple years ago that goes "hi my name is carmen winstead -- HAAAAAHHHGGCHH" ??? look it up if u don't cuz that's what his snoring sounds like. the fucking "HAAAAAHHHGGCHH"
• once he's asleep he is out like a fucking light. guy could sleep thru nuclear war
• is not opposed to drinking hand sanitizer when out of other sources of alcohol. it tastes just like the shitty moonshine Ron makes in his backyard anyways and gets him even drunker so why not !
• hates horror films bc they make him angry. at least, any of the ones where somebody survives at the end. thinks the murderers in them are stupid. starts yelling shit at the TV like "HE'S GETTING AWAY YOU STUPID FUCK,, WHAT ARE YOU DOING !!!!"
• believes baby pink and orange are "his colors"
• will sit on his sofa or bed and try to shoot any cockroaches scurrying around his place with a pistol for funsies when bored sometimes
• enjoys playing darts at the Yellow Jack with anyone who'll play him but absolutely fucking sucks at it cuz of his shaky hands. accidentally threw a dart into another bar patron's head once. will rage and insist his opponent cheated when he loses. will then get physical if anyone tries to tell him its impossible to cheat at darts. is much less of a sore loser when playing with Mike, Frank, or Lamar tho he will still grumble about losing for up to hours on end afterwards
• is an illegal immigrant bc he never became a US citizen. does not own an actual ID, but has several fakes lying around, all with fake birth dates and fake names that are wildly varying levels of believable
• will absolutely flip his fucking lid if Wade comes around him while wearing Juggalo face paint
• speaking of Wade. yk how he has a shitty tattoo of his own name on his arm? (at least i think he does. i tried looking to see if he does and i couldnt tell so now im unsure if thats just yet another detail that my brain completely made up or smth that i actually saw). ANYWAYS, Trevor gave it to him (stick n poke. it was a longggg process but Wade didnt mind too much cuz he was high at the time and consented to it beforehands anyways) when Trevor first "took him in" cuz he kept forgetting his name and got tired of referring to him as "Hey, you" (which Wade did not respond to most of the time anyways)
• is an ugly crier. like, a butt-ugly crier. snot, drooling, wailing, red face, the whole nine yards and he is loud as hell about it too
• loves back rubs cuz ofc he does he's an old man. often makes Ron or Wade give him massages
• his boomer-ass super-zoomed-in LifeInvader profile pic was taken by Ron. it took them a dozen tries before they got it
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• he sucks at eating out.........kinda? but what he lacks in precision and consistency he makes up for with sheer (sloppy. slobbery) passion. and endurance. can stay down there (and will, if you let him) for hours
• is not much better at blowing. "accidentally" uses too much teeth every time
• ~4 inches. MAYBE 4.5. good girth tho. not cut
• has a thing for chubby/thicc ppl
• is a biter and won't ask before biting so uhh watch out ! part of the reason for the above is bc there's more to bite
• loooooves loves loves to suck on things. fingers, necks, tits, dicks, anything. also looooooves having it reciprocated. particularly likes shoving his fingers in your mouth
• loves to involve mouths as much as possible. spitting/being spat on, the aforementioned biting as well as being bitten, eating food off of your body or having food eaten off of him, the type of makeout sessions that involve shoving each other's tongues down each other's throats.. anything that involves mouths and/or the motions of eating drives him fucking wild
• will beg you even when not explicitly told to when he's not feeling dominant. will beg and beg and beg and beg and it's hot but can also quickly become incredibly annoying
• but he LOVES to be annoying on purpose too. via the begging, or by teasing/edging, mocking, etc. loves to get a rise out of you and loves the attention (even if negative.. ESPECIALLY if negative) it gets him
• occasionally cries after sex. will expect you to hold him while he does. will start to angry cry and say you don't actually love him if you refuse
• now ik this one is nothing groundbreaking and seems to already be the general consensus amongst the Trevor enjoyers but im gonna say it anyways. he def has a thing for public/semi-public sex. be careful about sitting next to him while in any public space. he WILL try to touch on you and it WILL be in a way that makes it obvious to everyone in the immediate vicinity what's going on. does he do it on purpose as an exhibition thing? maybe...... does he genuinely think he's being slick about it? also maybe. if ur with him, expect to be banned from multiple establishments
• lowkey has a breeding kink in the sense that he loves to finish inside (not just bc it feels nice but also bc of the intimacy of it) and thinks that pregnant women are hot as hell
• is most likely infertile due to the years of meth use tho
• loves to both overstimulate and be overstimulated. just bc you've both climaxed doesnt mean he wont keep going for god-knows-how-long
..................andd that's all she (i) wrote. ty for reading !! i've got more shit to say about Trevor cuz ofc i do but this is already like 2k words so if u wanna hear my headcanons on anything specific at all,, pls do throw it in my ask box ! <33
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twocrabcake · 1 year
everytime hoffman has a girlboss slay i say go offman
LMAO I JUST REALIZED HE WENT “you your gf and your friends arrrrrracists” HES SO DISGUSTED LMAO go offman ig!!
did amanda ever use the voice thing? did she ever voice billy?
who was donnie greco was he like. her dealer or something? or was he just some poor bastard like “hello donnie. i wanna play a game. prepare to die lmao”
nina’s fishing hook has the edge on it. unless they ripped a giant fucking gash in her throat, once it got stuck in her skin, it was stuck there. you can’t get that out
where the fuck did john get thousands of used syringes. did he dumpster dive or smthn. did he custom order. are those the needles from all the people that got pigged lol (i wonder if lawrence got them bc you know hospital and stuff)
did we figure out what trevor did to get in the mausoleum trap. do they tell us or am i just stupid
so many traps are just “ya you did your job a little bit too well. a little too successful. sorry bro you’re getting mutilated maybe try to be more incompetent next time :(“
you ever look at 2 characters and go “oh yeah they fucking”
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xotrashratxo · 11 months
Nerdy Prudes Must Die: Thoughts During the Premier last night Part 2: Everything Else
She’s so evil I love her. 
Kyle and Brenda are so adorableeeeee
AWEEEE EVERYONE’S ADORABLE!!! they’re gonna die. 
Mariah’s extensions kinda ate. 
Jason and Kyle are so in love lol. 
FUCK clivesdale. 
oh no he’s gonna die. 
Here comes the horror bro. 
Get this shit a Kill Count. 
RIP Richie. He was just starting to live. 
I hate theatre kids /j
It’s giving 80s I love it. 
And we’re all caught up. 
Fucking Clivesdale. 
oh I love fear mongering. 
Ziggy cameo!!!!! 
I love a cameo song!!!! 
“Suddenly the show is real upsetting!” 
Slaaaay miming Joey
The barbecue monologueessssss
What accent is that. Southern, New York, slightly British???
Oh Barbecue monologues is gonna fucking EAT. 
Fucking TREVOR. 
Thank you 10! 
Uh oh. 
OH she’s a theatre kid. Aw I’m gonna cry at her death. 
no the lighting is red. 
*Ruthy EATS* 
She just wants to be loved ☹️
Im gonna cryyyyy
Stop I’m cryingggggg
*Pets dead Ruthy’s head* 
That ATE omgggg
*Drinks hot water instead of coffee.*
Fuck Clivesdale. 
oh shit at the old Wayland place. Next to the body. Fuck. 
If they start singing Your Fault I’m gonna scream.
Speaking of, “HWHAT???” 
Love a good angry breakup sexual tension song
They’re gonna kiss. 
Grace swearing is hilarious
*whips out a Canadian accent* 
Omg she’s crazy
why is the mayor…. Kinda fineee??? 
Why is mayor lauter….. kinda fine????
It’s the lords fuck. 
Bro said fuck science. 
GASP. He’s killing his daughter. 
Her dad is a cultist omg
He already performed a ritual didn’t he
well shit there’s red lighting. 
shucks. nothing like traumatizing Corey and Mariah by killing their kid/parent
Officer Shapiro eats. But NOT. Ben. 
Couldn’t avoid the tide pods huh? 
RIP Officer Shapiro, she was a bad bitch. 
bring about the apocalypse. The apotheosis is upon us. 
I love them omggggg
why do I get Oompa Loompa vibes tho. 
Nooooooooo my boyyyyyyy
They’re fucking EATINGGGG. 
Oooooh they ate. 
Noooooooo my boyyyyyyy
I think I own that flannel. 
Grace! Distraction! Yay! oh no. 
I hate this. 
Grace is so evil I love her. 
Sexxxx with a ghostttt-
Grace, you fucking queen. *Smokes a cigarette after sex.* 
Rip Mayor Lauter, you were kinda hot. 
FUCK Clivesdale. 
oh this makes me smileeeeee
but the cliffhangers that come from Hatchetverse. What’s the twist. 
This homecoming flash mob is too good. I’m terrified. 
this is too good what’s happening. 
What’s the twist here. What is it. WHY IS THERE A BLACKOUT. 
aweeeeee this is gonna be bad. Yeah, get tricked Jason. 
She’s gonna kill him. 
Yup. the sequel: Horny Pervs Must Die. 
OH she’s a reverse succubus? 
Grace is psycho and I love her. 
Angela, my chaos hamster. 
Darkness will spare my soul! 
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ohtobeleah · 1 year
rip trevor ig.. out of sight out of mind🤷🏻‍♀️
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badluvkii · 1 year
saw traps i MIGHt survive :
bathroom trap???
idk if i was gordon i would kill the other person but also the other person is adam and i like him so idk but i probably would kill them to save my family if i was adam i would jsut pray for the best id probably act out like adam did too tbh yk make it entertaining also he got left in the bathroom so idk bc i can’t remember what happened to him he just died of being left but i can’t remember why he got left , ik it was kramer but i also remember saying i’d manage to get out
reverse beartrap (amanda from saw i)
are you kidding??? ofc im gonna rip the key out from him it’s no harm to me so ofc i’m gonna . only problem could be the time but also id get started ripping him up before amanda did so maybe i’d be ok just pray i find it quick
razor maze???
the guy freaked out too much that’s how he died also i used to sh so i think i’ll be ok just be strong
quadruple shotgun maybe?
depends bc i’m stupid and have adhd so am i hyperfocused on getting kramer??? he warned them anyway so i’d be cautious but also those shotguns are visible as fuck . i analyse situations way too much if i’m not hyperfocused on one thing i’d be so cautious but also know i have to get him
coloured number test
be fucking normal but also xavier is in there and he’s crazy so just be normal and ask what it is to ppl , aib prison game style
be normal
don’t get in ? even if i was obi and it was for me i’d refuse , sure xavier is there but i’d just run for my life ig ofc i’m being optimistic so let me be real for a bit id try to get out wven if it was hard i’d try get that red thing thing
needle pit
for xavier but obvi amanda was the victim , id avoid it and try get xavier in there one way or another bc i’m not going in and im protecting my girl amanda , if i was in it it’s disgusting but i think i’d live ? i mean amanda did , it would just make me feel disgusted but i’d get it ,
razor box
be normal why woudl you do that especially why would you put your other one in ?? if anything get a stick inside to get it out ??
eric’s test
BE NORMALLLL kramer literally gave you the rules just chill out and talk to himmm
jeff’s test
i woudlnt save anyone bc they deserve what happens to them but i also woudlnt kill kramer , he is literally attatched to your wife’s life are you SILLY?!
(i woudlnt survive amanda’s test but i wanna talk ab it , i woudlnt survive bc i would act exactly how amanda acted , she’s extremely relatable)
you literally ripped the stitches out at the end are you stupid , rip them out to get it done w and communicate dumbass however if i was trevor i’d ask art to kill me like art ended up doing , i’m not having my eyes sewn shut everyone knows how much i hate eyes
can’t remember much of riggs tests all i know is i woudlnt let the sexual assaulter live , if anything is use anything from previous traps (bc i’d get stuff from the scalping seat trap to arm myself knowinf if have to go through more) and id make his death even more painful . id encourage morgan to get out of the trap and kill rex bc if i remember rex was horrible and morgan was better . never understood ice block trap but he was stupid to open the door early and for the scalping seat i would have no idea what to do i’d probably run away bc i wouldn’t want the same happening to me
id probably survive fatal five but 10 pints of sacrifice would be very hard idk ab that
glass coffin??
i’d probably get in the coffin if hoffman was in there i’d get in w him i’d fit also getting locked in w hoffman? 🤭
oxygen crusher is a hard one bc id survive against a smoker like in the trap but i have trauma with oxygen masks it was a hard one to watch bc of it and i’d probably have a panic attack and die
the gallows
id let the old lady survive
acid room
depends who u are id probably kill william tho if i was brent , like he did
woudlbt survive reverse beartrap 2.0 i woudlbt think to put my head between the bars like hoffman did but i’d get out of the chair and try rlt hard to get out , probably woudlbt live tho
cba to do the rest but i’d probably die in them anyway
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cyberiada · 3 years
I’m back abt the ask thing. Avi or Trevor, your choice :)
(i totally didn't forget about this. nope)
ask thing
favorite thing about them - i can't pick just one i love him Too Much. i Love his aesthetic/style and how horribly it clashes with his personality lmao
least favorite thing about them - you can't hate a character that's already perfect
favorite line - "Welcome to my gaymer den"
brOTP - Avi and Idle <3 both cryptids and neither of them can take the other seriously. pen pals <3
OTP - Avi and Ricebot. sorry polycule /j
nOTP - Gucio bc they're his sib and m/f ships because he puts the gay in gaymer <3
random headcanon - glows in the dark <3
unpopular opinion - whatever i say is canon so. idk he bites bots' limbs off ig
song i associate with them - Rip & Tear by The Stupendium.. very violent but also very sweet with a pinch of Gamer
favorite picture of them - this one. he's screaming insults at people on multiplayer halo maps <3 oh yeah T is also there ignore him
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favorite thing about them - eats trash
least favorite thing about them - eats trash
favorite line - "What the h-e-double-FUCK"
brOTP - T and Cerra Ace..... horse mom........
OTP - the 4 guys that are somehow into him
nOTP - all the characters that are related to it + m/f ships because we got another gay one boys
random headcanon - gay disaster <3
unpopular opinion - idk man. drinks kefir unironically
song i associate with them - the spg Summertime Sadness cover.. the vibes it's about the vibes
favorite picture of them - T with cows. ultimate fave
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thank u for the ask Vee <3 <3 sorry it took so long
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crowleyellestair · 5 years
Names and Feelings - Din Djarin (The Mandalorian)
Here are my other Mandalorian fics:
Din Djarin
Imagine Why
This is based on the eighth episode. Kind of spoilers!!!!!!
  “D-Din.” The entire room could hear the fear in her voice. Y/n never really hid her emotions, opposite of the companion she’s been traveling with for the past couple of cycles. Greef Karga, Din and even Cara has heard her voice while in the heat of battle. This isn’t the first time they have been pinned with no easy means of escape. They’ve all heard her unease before, but this was different. None of them had ever heard true fear pass by her lips.
Another thing that has never been heard, was Din’s real name come from her. For the briefest of moments, Din forgot the pain he felt on his head. Hearing her form his name pulled all of his focus.
For weeks she had been trying to guess his real name. The two have trvelled together for a while, becoming close.
“No.” Din continues to look forward as he pilots the ship. None of his focus is on the space in front of him, however. He was focusing on her voice. The Way prevents him from being too personal, but he didn’t know if guessing was allowed. If y/n guessed his name, he didn’t see too much harm in it. He was honestly hoping that she did guess it. It had been years since he heard someone say his name.
And to hear it from y/n?
He cared more than he let off. The kindness and raw honesty that flowed from her quickly put her on the highest pedestal he’s ever put anyone on. She would tend to his wounds, make him food while blindfolded so she could still spend time with him, fight sleep in the cockpit just to converse with him even after a long day.
“D-Daaavid?” She saw his head tilt towards her the second the beginning consonant left her. “A ‘D’ name, huh?” He realized he gave himself away and looked forward again. She has been able to read him quicker than he thought possible.
After another week of her guessing names, y/n gave up. Or so it would seem. One morning she was in the ration’s cabinet, making breakfast, when Din dropped from the cockpit to wake up the small boy sleeping on his cot.
“Good morning, cutie.” Din’s entire body froze before he could even reach the door.
“You...” He cleared his throat. “Don’t even know what I look like.” He looked over to her blindfolded form. She smiled in what she assumed was his direction, but was off by a foot.
“I can just tell.”
Later in the week she had continued her tactic. Maybe if he got feed up with the baby names, he’d tell her. She could admit she thoroughly enjoyed calling him possessive names just as much as she thought she’d enjoy knowing his real one.
“I don’t have a good feeling about this, Darling.” She had decided to stick with ‘Darling’ as she knew his name started with a ‘D’, and that’s it.
That encounter happened just before Greef had shot his own men and admitted to almost betraying the five of you. Din, Cara, Quill, The Boy, and Y/n.
Y/n looked out of the window for a second before running and sliding to Din’s spot on the table he rested against. She reached him in seconds, her hands flying to hold his head and her other rest on his chest.
“Din?” He couldn’t forget the pain this time, but he still found some semblance of piece in it. Her eyes were filled to the brim with tears, but none fell till she smiled. Her cheeks pushed them from her eyes and started to ping against his beskar. He had little strength left, but he raised his arm to rest his hand on her cheek, whipping away the water.  “That’s a beautiful name.” Despite the fear, he could hear and see sincerity and what he thinks love could look like.
“N-not as beautiful as you.” Y/n’s eyes widened and looked towards the door, but he couldn’t see. All he could tell was how hot the room was getting. Cara quickly made her way to the other side of him, discussing with y/n how they were going to carry him. “Just let me- “
“No, Din. Don’t you dare say what I think you’re going to say.”
Y/n lifted her hand to move her blaster into her holster when she realized it was drenched in blood. It was in that moment when she realized it was also the hand holding his head.
“I’m not going to leave you here.” Tears started to fall harder and faster than before. His hand moved from her cheek to his neck, ripping off a pendant and placing it in her hand.
“Take this to the others. T-tell them- “ Din groaned in pain before continuing. “Tell them you’re my partner and the kid is a foundling. They’ll help you.”
“I… I can’t leave you.” Din’s hand found hers before responding.
“You have to.” Cara is quick to grab y/n’s shoulders and shuffle her to the grate that is now open. The IG unit placed the child in her arms and before they fully escaped through the tunnel, y/n fought against Cara’s hold on her.
“Din!” She could see his visor slowly roll towards him. “I love you.” Cara sighed sadly and strong armed the girl towards the new space.
The tunnels were dark and just as warm as the burning bar. Y/n’s tears became silent and scarce. Cara and Greef kept sharing glances trying to quietly communicate. Y/n was trying her damnedest to keep her crying to a minimum to try and sooth the child. The boy kept cooing to her and the best she could do was smile. Din had tried his best to bear his soul to her within the limits of The Way. They shared cold nights huddled together for warmth and risked their lives multiple times for each other. Y/n was leaving behind something that she has never really had before.
Y/n was too focused to the child and how she would try everything in her power to protect it to hear what was approaching them. It wasn’t until she heard something she thought she’d never hear to stop.
“I love you too.”
Y/n turned after a second, not fully believing that what she heard was real. Seeing the familiar armor with a light pointed towards their group, she quickly runs to him.
Din’s arms open and catch her body as she runs to him. The child giggles and y/n smiles, the tears returning.
“I don’t want to impede, but we need to keep moving.”
It took a second, but the two finally split.
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iamkaibell · 5 years
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Outtake #11 (Tackle or Wrestle)
“Clarity” (uncensored) The new 2020 (uncensored) calendar from Kai Bell and photographer Trevor Green.
Available at: http://kaibellcollection.com/kai-bell-clarity-2020-calendar-free-shipping-in-the-usa/
We pushed the limits in this calendar and expanded the creative value making sure we left all of 2019 behind. (Totally uncensored)
Shot by photographer 📸: Trevor Green @trevorgreen_imagemaker
Tumblr: iamkaibell.tumblr
IG: kaibell
IG: kaibellcollection
#kaibell #kbfit #nude #kaibellcalendar2020 #kaibellcollection #ripped #exposed #muscle
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grant-a-emerson · 4 years
TMA genuinely hasn't been fun since like season 2, and some of my favorite statements were in Season 3. Idk it's still well written for the most part but I just miss hijinks and tea and "calliope" and Jon being a purposely obtuse jerk. It was funny! I was scared and entertained simultaneously! This last episode just made me sad. I suppose it's scary in the existential sense, that your every misstep in life is destined to happen and you can't stop it. That you fail over and over again while people watch you. But it just made me sad man. Most of the statements this season have, and I get that it's not supposed to be a good time for the people in-universe, but why do I have to be unhappy too? Why can't I just be scared?
As someone who suffers from insomnia and and unusual (read: unhealthy) sleeping habits, Fatigue fucked me up! The NotThem was a good antagonist, and meeting Jurgen Leitner was cool, even if it was an exposition dump. But then it feels like most of S3 was an exposition dump. I loved meeting Georgie, my love, and hearing Gerry, and ig Julia and Trevor are fine, but I don't care much for the season as a whole, plot wise. There are some good ass statements but I feel no emotion for the plot in S3. Which shouldn't be since the Stranger is a creepy ass entity. Also RIP Tim and RIP Sasha, hope they're shit talking El*as while kayaking. Martin burning statements was funny and badass too.
S4 was a drag too tbh. Very "Jon Bad", I got sick of it pretty early on. I wish Basira was more fleshed out. I like her, aside from her being a cop, but I know like nothing about her? She's reserved, she's no nonsense, she's a fellow Gertrude Stan, she cares about Daisy, but I feel like I don't know her at all. Simon Fairchild and the Gertrude statements made S4 for me. Jonmartin was good too ofc, don't come for me.
Idk tho I feel like the whole Epic Adventure/Mystery/Horror/Tragedy/Office Comedy would've worked better if Gertrude was the protagonist. Her whole backstory fucks and I wish that was what the podcast was about. I would read a book about Gertrude Robinson holy shit. This is not a Gertrude Robinson Stan post but it's not not a Gertrude Robinson Stan post if you know what I mean. Obligatory Archivist Sasha support as well. I love Jon, do not mistake my words but him and Martin are, not uninteresting, but not best suited, I guess for this story.
Idk don't come for me, just my thoughts.
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destinyc1020 · 4 years
I think Tom has gotten some of his social media weirdness from Z. I love them both, don’t get me wrong, and in a way it’s smart not to unfollow certain ppl because it looks better for your career. I get it. But everyone isn’t the same. Sometimes it can be healthier for a person to unfollow an ex or delete their pics of their Insta. Just because one person is cool with being that way and is following the whole fam of an ex, doesn’t mean everyone else will be. Look at Demi Levato. One month she’s engaged the next she’s deleted all pics of her ex and they broke up. For some ppl ripping the bandage off helps get the shit behind you.
NO offense, but I don’t think we can even BEGIN to compare what happened to Demi Lovato in her relationship vs what happened with Tom & Z, or Tom & Nadia/Olivia, or even Z & JE.   For one thing, Demi was actually engaged to this guy.  And secondly, he proposed to her after only like 5 months of DATING! (RED FLAG!)  Couple that w/how she wasn’t sure she could even trust his intentions, and the drama that ensued after their breakup.... I’m sorry, but there’s just no comparison (imo). 😂  With that said, I agree that not everything that works for one person works for others. Maybe  deleting everything works for Demi, but maybe that is not feasible or even wanted in other people’s cases?  For some  maybe it’s not Z’s “influence”, but just considered decent manners? Especially if you still have to work with or see this person in your life again lol?  Plus Z (if you recall) unfollowed Trevor (and for good reason!) after their breakup.  So Z hasn’t kept ties with EVERY ex.  Also, Tom unfollowed Elle.  I mean, I think it just depends? 🤷     O is a family friend, so I can see him not unfollowing her. They are probably still friends on some level.  Things w/Nadia are over, but remember, Nadia and Haz are still friends.  Haz is one of his besties. I can see how it could probably cause a little weirdness if Tom unfollowed Nadia just because they broke up.   Did it also ever occur to people that maybe their breakup really wasn’t that bad?  I mean... Maybe his breakups haven’t been ones filled with cheating/drama/toxic craziness. Maybe he doesn’t feel the need to unfollow.  Neither O or Nadia (so far) have felt the need to unfollow, and I’m sure THEY aren’t under Z’s influence of “social media weirdness” (whatever that means).   Plus, now that you can follow ppl on IG and still “Mute” them, I don’t see anything wrong with him still “Following” exes and just not having to see their posts or stories come up on his feed.  
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halcylu · 5 years
what is the worst ooc interaction you’ve had? is there a rule/guideline you can’t stand? what is your favorite experience with shipping? what is your worst experience with shipping?
like a true clickbait hoe i’ll leave all the t under the cut !! [ send me ooc ask memes !! ]
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what is the worst ooc interaction you’ve had? oooo f !! i’ve stayed clear of ooc drama ( i think ??? ) but i’ve had several interactions w ppl that has left me feeling … uncomfortable to say the least, one of them just a couple months ago actually oop ! it was a classic case of them shoving fcs and names in my face and taking control of my character which is such a turn off for me personally. that might just be me being easily weirded out, but if i want suggestions or help choosing i’ll always ask for it, other than that it just rubs me the wrong way for some reason. ANYWAY — they proposed doubling up which i agreed to, but it was sooo fucking obvious that my f character was just supposed to be background noise pretty much, which didn’t sit well with me at all. it’s totally cool to have favorite ships, ig that’s just natural ( i’m guilty of that myself ), but just blatantly ignoring one ship bc ur thirsty ??? nah sis. for someone who genuinely enjoys creating and developing and connecting with all my characters i honestly can’t relate to what seems like someone making up ocs for simply doubling up and to put all their time and energy into one of the ships without the feeling of guilt. i see through that bs and it’s just ….. big yikes. 
is there a rule / guideline you can’t stand? not rly ?? i mean sometimes i’ll get annoyed by silly things like cancel culture regarding fcs when ppl just ban faces left and right bc god knows even the most righteous ppl in this community used to be problematic at some point. but at the same time that’s just personal preference and i can’t rly argue w that asdkl. simply put — if i don’t fuck w people’s rules / guidelines i just ,, don’t plot w them.
what is your favorite experience with shipping? SO MANY !!! i have such a great set of friends / writing partners and i luv all of them w whole my heart ok !!! not to get all sappy on main but @lcmongrass has rly created some of the characters and ships i truly hold closest to my heart, my absolute favorites being dex & chris, violet & jesse, finn & melanie, izzie & mason, paige & dylan and jack & chrissy * clutches heart intensely * !! also if i could mention some dynamics while im at it paige & olivia, felix & trevor and jack & olivia are the ones that make me laugh the most !! so a big shoutout to maren for making me fall so head over heels for every. single. one. of her characters ♡ @summerrobrts is rly also out here giving me the feels left and right huh !! we have so many plots and ships at this point and they’re all just giving me LIFE. we’re currently setting up our second ( 1!! ) mumu and i’m hella excited !! and i could never forget @dvisy for creating one of my absolute favorite ships and characters ever tbh. lacey & tucker just makes me feel some kind of way u kno ??? like their ( rare ) but soft moments makes my heart fucking jump out of my chest and the pure angst makes my heart hurt, but then there’s also those more snarky moments like lacey being a lil brat and tucker just being so fucking done w her that genuinely makes me laugh out loud asjks. i feel like i should probably shut up now but i can’t go on without mentioning the amazing @controlists bc as u know salem & joy and harlow & ezra owns my freakin ass !!!! playing tainted souls like salem is an actual Kink of mine and if i’m gonna be honest writing and exploring harlow as a character has been one of my favorite rp experiences so far though half the reason is probably how well you portray ezra like DAMN. creating the biggest mumu ever w @geminisrps ( seriously we need an award or smth bc that shit is COMPLEX ) and actually developing all sorts of pairings / dynamics and threads has been such a fun time, and @dumbinspo keeps breaking my poor heart with our amazing ships !! ♡ 
what is your worst experience with shipping? i honestly thought i didn’t have that many but now i’m trying to choose from a number of experiences lmao. i guess one worth mentioning is from my indie days ( rip ) when someone reached out saying they wanted to play one of my most wanted opposites against me, which naturally got me super excited, though i had to jot that down real quick as it was close to impossible to actually get some real plotting going. their character was just too above any plot or character if that makes any sense. and this isn’t me just reading into things, this person clearly stated their character was just simply too complicated and special for any type of relation ( which is also like yikes … i promise u they’re not ) UNLESS the plot would center mainly around their character while mine would basically just play a minor role helping the development of that character’s story asjks ew. i’m all about a good amount of brainstorming and throwing out ideas and spend actual time building the storyline but they were just ,, not having it and seemed straight up uninterested and annoyed by my ideas which for a second there had me wondering like ?? didn’t u approach me ?? asjkls. there’s definitely two sides to these kind of stories ( or more ) but that whole interaction just left me feeling like i was the one forcing my characters on someone which kinda sucked :–//. the gag is that similar stuff has happened since and in more recent times and im always just so ?? confused by it ??  END OF RANT. 
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junker-town · 5 years
MLB players are not happy with the Astros’ ‘weak’ apology and lack of punishment
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Photo by Michael Reaves/Getty Images
“They sure as shit need to do more than what they already did.”
One of the central goals of punishment is to discourage the recurrence of the event in question. The early read on the Astros sign-stealing penalties is MLB wasn’t nearly harsh enough.
Astros players were granted immunity by Major League Baseball during their investigation, and no players are expected to be punished in the soon-to-be-published Red Sox investigation either. Houston and Boston aren’t the only teams accused of skirting baseball’s rules, with at least seven other teams named by Astros personnel as electronic sign stealers in MLB’s investigation, per Tom Verducci of Sports Illustrated.
The only way to rebuild trust in the game after this debacle is to make sure this malfeasance doesn’t happen again, which means stricter rules for use of video rooms around the league, and harsher penalties for rule-breakers, including the players. It’s something the players union would have to agree to through collective bargaining. Judging from the response to the Astros scandal, it might not be hard to drum up support.
Players reported to spring training camps across the Grapefruit and Cactus Leagues this week, and several had thoughts on the Astros, their punishment, and incredibly weak apology.
The aggrieved
This was Cody Bellinger’s opening comment ... pic.twitter.com/tJaQr03TeV
— Alden Gonzalez (@Alden_Gonzalez) February 14, 2020
Justin Turner on the Astros World Series championship: “It’s hard to feel like they earned it.”
— Molly Knight (@molly_knight) January 25, 2020
You can see how visibly pissed Cody Bellinger is when talking about the Astros pic.twitter.com/QUXiNwzbxd
— Blake Harris (@BlakeHarrisTBLA) February 14, 2020
Yankees catcher Gary Sanchez referenced Jose Altuve’s pennant-winning home run in Game 6 of last year’s ALCS, after which Altuve was adamant that none of his teammates rip off his jersey. Rumors abound about the Astros wearing buzzers beneath their jerseys, which to date have been denied by several on the team. MLB has as yet found no evidence of the buzzers.
“I can tell you that if I hit a homer and I get my team to the World Series, they can rip off my pants. Everything. They can rip everything off,” Sanchez told reporters Thursday. “If I get my team to the World Series, hitting a walk-off homer like that, they can rip anything off.”
Aroldis Chapman allowed that home run to Altuve, and Thursday told reporters, “I think a lot of people have seen that video. It’s a popular video right now. If you look at his actions, it’s a little suspicious, right? But at the end of the day, I just don’t know.”
#Dodgers Alex Wood on possibility opponents will take it out on Astros by throwing at their hitters: "You would be hard pressed to say no. I mean, they messed with a lot of guys lives. I don't condone that type of behavior. We certainly don't play them. ..." (cont)
— Bill Plunkett (@billplunkettocr) February 14, 2020
"and they'll get suspended more games than any of those guys got for the biggest cheating scandal in 100 years. It'll be pretty ironic when that happens because I'm sure that's how it will end up playing out." 3/3
— Bill Plunkett (@billplunkettocr) February 14, 2020
When he thought he was being traded to the Angels, Ross Stripling started wrestling with whether he would intentionally throw at an Astros hitter to retaliate. He concluded he probably would, at the right time, in the right place. I think it’s a fascinating question.
— Pedro Moura (@pedromoura) February 14, 2020
The Dodgers lost the 2017 World Series to the Astros, and the Yankees lost the ALCS in both 2017 and 2019 to Houston, so their beefs are more personal. But other teams have players angry about the Astros, too.
Other players
Rob Manfred has failed the game he was tasked to protect. He should resign. This is a joke. The Astros just gave us all the double bird and walked away.
— Tony Barnette (@HeyBarn) February 14, 2020
Sean Manaea was pretty unimpressed with the Astros presser this morning. “They didn’t own up to anything, they all just sort of said the same thing. They want to move on but they haven’t even said what they’ve done.”
— Susan Slusser (@susanslusser) February 13, 2020
Manaea was unswayed by Jim Crane’s contention that the cheating did not affect games. “Then what’s the point of doing it then? Why are you all cheating if you don’t think it’s going to affect the game? You’re not doing it to try to lose or stay the same.”
— Susan Slusser (@susanslusser) February 13, 2020
Indians pitcher Mike Clevinger said of the Astros, “I don’t think any of those motherfuckers should be able to look us in the eye. They should feel ashamed.”
In 2017, an Astros player FaceTimed Chris Archer to tell him he was tipping pitches. That was a lie. The Astros were banging a trash can. “It sucks when you dedicate your whole life to something, and somebody’s out there doing some shady shit like that.”https://t.co/xMHZkwMTsx
— Stephen J. Nesbitt (@stephenjnesbitt) February 13, 2020
Stephen Strasburg, the 2019 WS MVP, with more high heat for the Astros: "Someday I’m gonna hopefully have some grandkids and sit down and talk to them about the experience of the World Series and not really feel ashamed of it at all."
— Tyler Kepner (@TylerKepner) February 14, 2020
Andrew Heaney wants the Astros to fess up: pic.twitter.com/2YMTcSEySH
— Maria Torres (@maria_torres3) February 12, 2020
If the Astros want to “move on” from this mess .... maybe actually own up to it and be accountable, or just keep “BS”ing ... which is what they will do and this will linger and tear them apart ‍♂️ @MLB
— Shawn Kelley (@kelleytime27) February 13, 2020
Didn’t impact the game lol
— Michael Hermosillo (@mhermosillo10) February 13, 2020
Todd Frazier retweeted an article in which a body language expert said Altuve wasn’t telling the truth and “the whole thing was scripted bull.”
Daniel Descalso, on the Astros presser/apology today: “It’s hard to judge the sincerity. I don’t know them and don’t know what’s going on in their head but it felt a little scripted.”
— Jesse Rogers (@ESPNChiCubs) February 13, 2020
Andrelton Simmons took the “petty” route on his IG story after the Astros’ apology today. pic.twitter.com/VDB85OO0gX
— Fabian Ardaya (@FabianArdaya) February 13, 2020
Let’s say someone messes up. Messes up bigly, even. And the truth is that they really don’t care about messing up. At all. In fact, they would do it all over again, and you know this. Asking for a friend, would you rather receive:
— Trevor Bauer (@BauerOutage) February 13, 2020
that’s it? What a f*#*!!! joke. I’m old, retired, out of the game so screw my thoughts but damn lol. All people want is something from the heart if it’s there. Something!!
— David Freese (@DavidFreese) February 13, 2020
I’m no expert, but I am a human who understands what remorse looks like. Didn’t really see that. Just some smugness and rehearsed blanket answers.
— Trevor Plouffe (@trevorplouffe) February 13, 2020
Mike Bolsinger, who allowed four runs while recording just one out in a relief appearance in Houston at the height of the Astros’ electronic sign-stealing in August 2017, is suing the team.
“I want my lawsuit to lead to positive change,” Bolsinger opined in The Washington Post. “Baseball is at an important crossroads. How the game responds to this scandal will define its credibility and its existence for years to come.”
Bolsinger hasn’t pitched in the majors since that disastrous outing, is no longer on a 40-man roster and is not part of the union. But his sentiment is shared by many players around the league, and that’s going to be important going forward.
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jays1n · 7 years
here's the original thing i wrote, i forgot i still had it and found it after i already rewrote stuff but it's still good: 
gtav campaign au where steven and cib go way back, back up in canada and had a little crew together robbing tiny banks out in small towns. some shit goes down, and one of their original members (honestly maybe like gizzygazza, only one i remember from their combined pasts) dies horribly but their never tell cib like they didn't tell trevor. fast forward in time (i'll say maybe 5 years rather than ten), cib's living out in the grand senora for one reason or another and steven's actually like. 1%er, or 1%-adjacent and reminiscing. then his car's stolen by some asshole (read: james) that brings him back into the old life when he remembers the fun (and the money) of doing jobs like that. and then cib comes back and it goes about as well as you'd think
and i love the idea of a trevor-like cib, unstable as hell because all of his impulse control got buried 6 feet deep 5 years ago or left to live in the city, but now back with steven and james it's his chance to make stuff happen again that isn't just mutilating dudes out in the desert or making drugs in an old building. steven, knowing the truth of what happened 5 years ago (they never told cib gizzy died, said he got locked up so cib's been obsessed with breaking in ever since. getting back with steven is his chance to break his friend out, get it back to how things used to be!) is extremely afraid. cib is... he's dangerous at best, unthinkable at worst, and so there's a lot of light stepping around the subject
also, devin is lamar and fuckin, elliot as their FIB contact
talked about this before i left/deleted them, but i'd really like a GTA V story au; i dunno how many people on here have played it or care about gtav's plot but i do so 
like before, steven as michael; the tired and now rich los santos businessman in witness protection because of the shit that went down years ago. cib as trevor; the dangerous guy from steven's past currently living out in the grand senora desert making money on drug trade and murder (but doing so in a fun, happy way. it's all good. for him, i mean). then, james as franklin; kid doing odd jobs with his buddy (devin as lamar) gets roped into the life by steven after he tried to repo his car and it ended badly. they become 'friends' and work together, though extremely begrudgingly and only for the money.
it's.. been a while since i've fully played the campaign (played it mainly 2015-2016, pc's too shit to play for more than 10 mins now so rip) but i remember most of the stuff near the end as i did it more recently
steven and cib used to run jobs together in their early 20s, maybe really late teens. up in ludendorf north yankton, a cold as shit border town half in canada half in the states, they steal and kill and run drugs, yknow, like all young adults do. their final job as that crew ends up being at an old bank on the farside of ludendorf. shit went wrong on the way out, someone snitched and the cops were already their; gizzy (brad) and steven both got shot by a sniper, cib getting run out of the area by the cops closing in. cib thought steven died and gizzy got arrested (the only body that got buried was steven's, so it was a natural assumption).
what really happened though, was the FIB (elliot as davey) take a chance and save steven. steven got a chance to live out in los santos under witness protection, while elliot gets the glory of having taken down their crew and has steven under him to do any jobs elliot needs done. gizzy died and was the body lowered in steven's grave, but cib doesn't know that
five years go by. now i'll probably divert canon just a bit; idk if i want steven to have a family, but i like to imagine maybe living with parker (or, hey, if you wanna throw ships in then steven/parker as the unhappy married couple only staying together because they've been through it all together. he moved with steven to los santos). they fight a lot but it somehow works. maybe andrew's there too, idk
i dunno. just really into the idea of it, especially the confrontation scene near the end of the game where they go back up to north yankton. cib's angry because he's finally realized who is really in the grave, flies back up there (followed by steven) and digs the body back up. when the body's brought up and cib gets confirmation its who he thought it was, there's a standoff and neither really want to shoot (cib does and will, but) then they get interrupted by a gang (idk, mayb funhaus or smthn. idk who to compare the chengs to) who kidnap steven after cib runs away (cib and them have beef, and he told them that steven was his boyfriend so they capture him as a hostage. threaten to kill steven but cibs like oh no.... aw man thatd suck....... lmao jk bye and hangs up on the gang). james won't stand for it though, gets pissed and kicks cib's ass into gear and they save him from i think getting thrown into a meat grinder? something weird like that
ALSO. farid as that one FIB douchebag working with elliot who later gives james the ultimatum that someone will die and he has a choice to make. steven, cib, or james himself will die and he has to do it. the best end (the 'kill yourself' that ends up just being 'fuck everyone else we're all besties' end) is great because they all work together and become kinda a family again, locking the FIB dude up and throwing him over a cliff in a messed up car. the other endings, though, are sad as fuck? 
you've got either james going to kill steven (who, as he pulls up to the spot, gets really good news (and idk how id translate that into this au because ig michael gets a call that his daughter just got into a nice college after her struggling so much) and is so happy to see james because he thinks of him like a brother (or u could be shippy either way)). steven and james have an intense chase scene and james doesn't fully wanna do this. steven slips while they're at the top of a really tall water tower-type of thing, james grabs his arm and tries to pull him up but one of them lets go and steven drops to the concrete and it's... not pretty
or, there's steven going 'no.. no you're right cib's too dangerous to live in this world he's a liability' and being sad but thinking it's the right thing after james convinces him it is. they team up to go take him down and, understandably cib isn't having it. leads to a long car chase, ends in cib crashing into a gas tank. he doesn't die in the crash but steven shoots a bullet and ignites the gas and there's a long, loud death scene and steven and james go their separate ways. but that happy ending tho, hell yeah
additionally i want jeremy to be lester because hes fuckin Weird and maybe autumn works with him, split the role of lester with autumn as the tech side and jeremy as the weird dude with jobs and skills side
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uncle-ak · 4 years
What is Your Perspective?
What a time to live through… How many hundred years later?! I couldn't wrap my mind around what I saw. It was about 8pm in the evening, I was laying on the couch reading news articles, flipping between that and other articles about health and wellness. I stopped actively watching TV back in 2009 (story for another day) so reading articles to stay up to date on what’s going on in the US and around the world or reading a book is how I typically wine down during the weekdays after work especially since we have been in quarantine.
In the course of reading, I was also going between WhatsApp statuses and Instagram stories. I can’t recall where I clicked a link… First, a little background story about me related to the subject matter. I am naturally very observant, attention to details comes to me easily without trying. As such I would say I have a good visual memory. I tend to see and listen deeper; it just happens. From body language to the slightest change in pitch/tone during conversation. Because of this, I am very picky about what I watch and listen to. As such I resulted to staying updated via reading versus watching depending on the subject matter. For the same reason, I seldom watch movies about slavery, racism or anything along those lines but I sure have read a number of stories/articles, books and continue to read.
A friend visited back in April and during a conversation, she asked if I had seen the video of how Ahmaud Arbery (RIP) was murdered. I said nope thank you! I’ve read multiple articles on the story so I have an idea of how it happened. She suggested I watch it and I insisted nope thanks! My visual memory will replay it over and over. There is a part of me that can get a little too emotional even though I don’t typically wear my emotions on my sleeves. Reading Ahmaud’s story wasn’t easy to digest but I find words more palatable than images especially given the subject matter. Same with the story of Breonna Taylor (RIP), I read about it and she was murdered the day before my birthday… 
So back to clicking that link… Before being able to make sense of what was going on, I heard the words “I can’t breathe.” I immediately had a flashback of Eric Garner’s story (RIP) which I only read as well; I didn’t watch any video on purpose. My initial instinct was to exit that link but a part of me was curious, wondering and hoping that when the cop heard the words “I can’t breathe” he would get off of George Floyd or at the very least ease off the pressure. I was hopeful because my thought process was driven by the fact that I work in the healthcare system and when someone says “I can’t breathe,” everyone in the vicinity rushes in the direction of where that phrase was uttered and attends to the person. 
Initially, it didn’t occur to me that this cop was kneeling on his neck. I thought it was his shoulder or back. As he continued to say “I can’t breathe,’’ I slowly went from laying on the couch to sitting up. Then I realized the cop was kneeling on his neck, the cop had his hand in his pocket with an annoying smirk on his face while the other cop stood there like… (Let me save my words). Boy did that hurt to watch and it aches to recount it. I turned my phone away but the sound was still on. Then I couldn’t hear “I can’t breathe” anymore so I assumed the cop was off of him. That cop stayed on George Floyd even after he stopped uttering those words and wasn’t moving. For 8minutes and 46seconds... till the EMTs got there. Will it be right to assume that if the EMTs didn’t get there when they did, that cop would have been kneeling on his neck much longer? Oh, by the way, I know the cop’s name including the others, I just don’t feel like addressing them by their names because in my opinion, it isn’t worth it.
There goes my visual memory, it is actually more detailed than that but I’ll save myself the heartache. I exited the link and put my phone facedown. I sat still for a moment and tears trickled down my cheeks. I had a VERY restless night, the following day was emotionally rough and so was the rest of the week at work. As the week unfolded and more stories came out, there were moments I wished I didn’t watch that video because, for some unknown reason, it hit me differently. George Floyd presents with physical characteristics as my two younger brothers; height and obviously black! There’s no way to justify that the cop didn’t intend to kill him, but the ‘system’... Yes, I have read stories about black on black crimes being reported to be more than white on black crimes but there is more to what meets the eye with regards to reports about black on black crimes and it is no justification to brush off the killing of black people by while cops especially in the manner in which it happened in George Floyd’s case.
I wondered why in 2020; how many hundred years later, things like this are still happening. With all the evolution and civilization, I wonder how some people could still be mentally stuck in an era that viewed a certain group of people as a threat or a prey just because of their skin color. I was reminded of these books I’ve read; Defining Moments in Black History: Reading Between The Lines by Dick Gregory and Born a Crime by Trevor Noah. Then I’m reminded of Trayvon Martin (RIP) as I type Trevor Noah. I love hooded sweaters and each time I put on one, Trayvon Martin crosses my mind, and depending on where I am when I have it on, sometimes I would take off for fear of being stereotyped as a threat. 
About being a BLACK Woman; I am reminded of the book We are Going to Need More Wine by Gabrielle Union, this book opened my mind’s eye to deeper and more in-depth things being brushed off in regards to black women; double minority. Then boom! Oluwatoyin Salau (RIP) was raped, reported missing, and later found dead. A young vibrant activist at the frontline of the Black Lives Matter movement. It hurt to read that she was violated and disrespected by someone like whom she fought for.
While on the emotional healing journey, the Rayshard Brooks (RIP) incident happened. Not to forget the people found hanging being ruled as 'suicide'. I'm sure there’s a lot more going on with regard to the subject matter. To say I was emotionally ‘tayad’ doesn’t even begin to describe it. Prior to this incident, I was still trying to understand the defund the police and police reform movement; the purpose, and what it entailed. Then out of curiosity, I wanted to know how long it takes to become a police officer. To put things into perspective, it takes more training time to become a barber than it takes to become a police officer (article). Even though the article isn’t as recent, has anything changed since then?!
So while my emotions have been going through this roller coaster in addition to dealing with COVID-19 as a healthcare employee; multiple deaths at work, the passing away of family friends, and family friends losing their loved ones, Sis needed mental rehabilitation. In the midst of all the chaos, I came across a video of an African Woman (apparently Cameroonian, where I am from) sharing her opinion about the unimportance of the Black Lives Matter Movement and how she wasn’t oppressed and bla bla bla. Listening to that 9minutes video initially made my blood boil, then I realized some of what she said either came from a place of lack of information and or misinformation. Then I was reminded of the Stuck in The Middle (Sitmpod) Couch Talk; The Relationship Between Africans and African Americans and Bridging The Divide. 
I would plead that my African people watch these because there seems to be a disconnect. I have read/heard comments along the lines of “it is an African-American only problem, it doesn’t concern us Africans.” Well oh well, news flash! It is a BLACK people problem which unfortunately boils down to our skin color. And if we Africans plan to have and raise kids in this country, we better wake up to the reality of what it is, educate ourselves and collectively change the narrative. I want to say how about we collectively come together and uplift the African continent, especially in this era of people tracing their heritage but that’s a conversation for another day.
During my moments of introspection following the George Floyd incident, I realized that even though I earlier wished I could unsee that video; I, however, felt that my journey to seeking knowledge and improving awareness out of the confines of a school curriculum which initially started when I was 13years old had brought me to this point. Something within me had been drastically awakened. I can’t put a finger on it but I know something is different including the desire to want to learn more and improve my society, knowledge, health, and wellness. I go between trying to stay updated, sieving through loads of information (on Instagram (IG); the only social media I’m on, and or news articles that I get notifications for) and wanting to be part of positive change. I have gone through incremental bursts of awakening, first in the Fall of 2009 when I transferred from a predominantly black community college to a four year predominantly white university, then grad school in the Fall of 2012 with the same demographic. My experience in both institutions is a story for another day… I must say grad school introduced me to a whole lot of things too fast too soon. 
At the beginning of 2013 (second semester in grad school), I read the book The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren and felt the desire to get more involved in the community. In February, while on a book club conference line, I expressed that desire and on that call was the founder of a community-based organization then known as A Friend to The Homeless today is known as Generosity Global. The Founder Rich Akwo has been a guest on the Sitmpod. My exposure while volunteering during the Selfless Saturdays from then and learning all that I learned and continue to learn among which was the importance of supporting small/local and BLACK owned businesses. Generosity Global also has a clothing line from which most of my T-shirts and sweaters are from; The All is Well/Thumbs Up clothing with positive uplifting messages to brighten my day and anyone I come across. Adding to my t-shirt and hooded sweater collecting is the SitmpodMech
 My journey to improving awareness in general and supporting BLACK owned businesses has widened thanks to the guests who have been on the Sitmpod. I do consume a number of the products and services from guests who have been on the podcast and if they provide a service/sell products that I personally do not use/need, I share via WhatsApp or IG. I must say I have learned at least one thing from ALL the guests thus far and some messages have been reiterated via different experiences and perspectives. 
From all that has unfolded thus far, I have learned a whole lot. I never knew about Juneteenth and Black Wall Street prior to now. I wasn’t aware of the laws that govern police officers and how one could pretty much blink their eyes or snap their fingers and the training to becoming an officer will be completed. It has been all that and more and the journey to learning doesn’t end here for me. It actually just intensified… 
During a recent Stuck in The Middle Couch Talk, Taalib Saber concluded with a powerful message. Watch video. 
On that note, I’ll leave you with this quote; “Emancipate yourself from mental slavery.”~ What do you understand by this quote? What have you learned from all that has been happening? What is your perspective? How do you plan to channel your acquired knowledge, experience and energy? Share your story, it will be empowering to someone else.
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queenreginascontour · 6 years
can I get uhhhhhhh primer on the hurricanes??
oh word.. the boys the boys…..
-they used to be the hartford whalers (rip me) but in the late 90s they got bought and moved to raleigh and became the canes
-won the cup in 2006
-in the metropolitan division
-theyre like the maxwells of the nhl idk how to describe it
-underrated/underappreciated imo….
-most teams have a captain and two alternates or no captain and three alternates, but the canes have TWO captains and one alternated bc theyre extra like that ig….
some key lads meaning the ones i know…. nicknames in parentheses bc hockeys are all ab their nicknames..:
-jordan staal (jordy): co-captain and center. used to play for the penguins. really big boy like… reeeeeaalllllyyyyy. large arms and thighs. has like 3 brothers in the nhl and theyre all uglie but he’s the best looking one to be tbh…. v skilled and v nice. he went thru a tough time recently
-justin faulk: co-captain and dman. kind of looks like a pirate. to be tbh idk that much ab him or his vibes but i relate to him heavily somehow..
-jeff skinner (skins/skinny): alternate and left winger. he’s like. sunshine. used to figure skate. his smile is contagious.. he’s truyl just an all around good guy. i wanna have a picnic w him
-elias lindholm (lindy): center. swedish. won at worlds last yr. i want 2 vroom him
-sebastian aho and teuvo teravainen: finnish forwards. best friends. look like the antagonists from a teen movie ab boarding school but theyre Good
-trevor van reimsdyke (tvr): dman. saved from the chicago blackhawks. im really only including him bc i think he’s classy n sexy. his brother plays for the maple leafs.
-noah hanifin (hanny ?): dman. only including him bc he’s from boston and he looks like every hockey player from my high school so i want to fight him. he’s That Bitch.
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