#mrpldiddles fic
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mrpldiddles · 1 year ago
puppy. | j.drysdale
a/n: so i actually started this this morning before the trade was announced😀 but here’s a quick(ish) little ig edit since i haven’t posted anything in awhile while i work on the tbosas fic that will be coming soon!!
rip trevjamie tho man idk how i’m gonna recover this is like barzy and beau all over again
anaheimducks posted:
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anaheimducks: we have a four-legged announcement on #NationalPuppyDay! everyone say hi to Daisy!
user1: can we talk about jamie with daisy🥺
user2: trevor and jamie look like they need a dog
-> yourusername: don’t encourage them🤧
trevorzegras: @yourusername 🥺🥺🥺
-> jamie.drysdale: @yourusername please🥺🥺🥺
-> yourusername: are you gonna take care of it🥺🥺
-> trevorzegras: YEAH
-> yourusername: LIES you don’t even clean up after yourself
-> trevorzegras: HEY
-> jamie.drysdale: she has a point z…
-> trevorzegras: DON’T TAKE HER SIDE JIMMY
-> user3: this is so entertaining
jackhughes: @yourusername just let them have a puppy
-> trevorzegras: PUPPY! PUPPY! PUPPY!
-> yourusername: you live across the country jack you don’t get a say in this
-> jamie.drysdale: PUPPY! PUPPY! PUPPY!
-> colecaufield: but look how excited they are🥺
-> yourusername: cole you’re not even in the country
-> masonmctavish23: puppy???
-> yourusername: oh god not you too
-> trevorzegras: i promise to put it in direct sunlight and water it everyday🫡
-> yourusername: oh my god
-> jamie.drysdale: he’s joking! (i think…)
-> yourusername: you two are gonna be the death of me
-> trevorzegras: so PUPPY????
yourusername posted:
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yourusername: @trevorzegras @jamie.drysdale puppy.
trevorzegras: PUPPY!!!
jamie.drysdale: PUPPY!!!
masonmctavish23: PUPPY!!!
colecaufield: PUPPY!!!
jackhughes: PUPPY!!!
_quinnhughes: you’re weak
-> yourusername: i know😞
yourbffsusername: how much did they pay you
-> yourusername: a year’s worth of cleaning the bathroom for trevor and a year’s worth of back rubs from jamie🥰
-> trevorzegras: i still think the difference in payment is unfair
-> yourusername: you may be my boyfriend’s boyfriend but you’re not mine
-> trevorzegras: 😞
anaheimducks: a new friend for daisy!!
-> yourusername: that’s what sold me on little miss maisie☺️
-> trevorzegras: for the record i wanted to name her nutter butter
-> colecaufield: NUTTER BUTTER🥜🧈
-> _quinnhughes: are you trying to ruin the poor dog’s life
-> jackhughes: i call for a re-vote between maisie and nutter butter
-> jamie.drysdale: y/n says no
-> yourusername: i’m not naming my child nutter butter.
jamie.drysdale posted:
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jamie.drysdale: everybody say thank you @yourusername :)))))))
trevorzegras: thank you y/n!!!!!
colecaufield: thank you y/nnnnnn
jackhughes: thanks best friend y/n
-> yourusername: i think that title actually belongs to quinn
-> jackhughes: ouch
-> _quinnhughes: thank you best friend y/n
-> yourusername: you're welcome quinny
masonmctavish23: thank you y/n for making me an uncle
-> yourusername: ofc ofc
-> user2: aw mason’s her uncle🥺🤧
yourusername: you're lucky you're cute
-> jamie.drysdale: don't i know it
-> trevorzegras: and what about me???🥺🥺
-> yourusername: you're lucky your boyfriend's cute
-> trevorzegras: i'll take it!!!
yourusername: our maisie girl🥰
-> jamie.drysdale: my two girls😘
-> trevorzegras: our nutter butter😊
-> yourusername: your godfather privileges are so close to being revoked zegras
-> masonmctavish23: the dogfather
-> yourusername: you're next in line don't worry mac
-> trevorzegras: after that joke??!!!??
-> masonmctavish23: i'm committed what can i say
trevorzegras posted:
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trevorzegras: welcome to the family nutter butter!!
yourusername: that is NOT my daughter's name
-> trevorzegras: OUR daughter
-> jamie.drysdale: something i wanna know??
-> yourusername: jamie please tell your boyfriend that our daughter is not named after a cookie
->user1: their family tree is so confusing
jackhughes: NUTTER BUTTER!!!
-> _quinnhughes: and you wonder why you weren't named godfather
-> jackhughes: y/n is this true😭
-> yourusername: thanks for breaking the news for me quinn
-> jackhughes: wow🤧
-> yourusername: so sorry😐
colecaufield: is it still too late for a name re-vote?
-> yourusername: yes.
-> trevorzegras: still up for debate
-> masonmctavish23: is it too late to claim my godfather title?
-> yourusername: please do i can’t take them anymore🤧
-> trevorzegras: you can pry my title out of my dead hands😤
-> yourusername: promise😍
-> jamie.drysdale: don’t tempt her z
anaheimducks: daisy and maisie duck!!
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mrpldiddles · 1 year ago
"I mean, everyone already thinks we're dating"
still not my best work but this one's fun :)
summary: when trevor shows up at the party with the matching costume to yours, setting you guys up to look like a couple, sparks fly
word count: 827
warnings: none :)
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"I mean, everyone thinks we're dating"
"My lip gloss is all over your lips"
Despite what everyone else at the party thought, mine and Trevor’s corresponding costumes were not at all planned. It was simply coincidental that he happened to be dressed as Flynn Rider while I had dressed up as Rapunzel. But no matter how many times we denied it, absolutely no one was convinced.
“Y’know, I can distinctly remember Jack wearing a very similar costume to yours at last year's party,” I shouted over the music, clutching onto his shoulder to keep him crouched at my level. His hair brushed my cheek as he turned to look at me, a shit-eating grin plastered on his face. 
“Well I did tell you my costume was a bit last minute since it didn’t get here in the mail until yesterday.” His voice sent shivers down my back as his lips barely brushed my ear. I raised my eyebrow at him as he sent me a wink. Jack’s costume last year had been the inspiration for mine this year and he just so happened to be one of the only people I had told about who I had planned to dress up as tonight. 
“He told you, didn’t he?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, blondie,” Trevor attempted to deadpan but his mouth betrayed him as it turned up into a smile. “Yeah, he told me. I needed an idea and he let it slip that you were dressing up as your favourite princess.” My heart fluttered slightly, knowing that he knew my favourite princess off the bat. It wasn’t even something that was all that important to me but it meant that he had remembered such a small factoid that I had told him. And that meant everything considering the crush I had been secretly harbouring for him practically since we’d met.
“So you decided to pretty much do an unofficial couple’s costume with me?”
“I mean, everyone already thinks we’re dating,” he shrugged. “What’s the harm in kidding them a bit?” I paused. This was my opportunity.
 “Why stop at just dressing up as a couple?” His brow quirked up over the rim of his red solo cup. “Or am I kidding myself by saying this?” My words came out quieter but the look on his face was enough indication that he had managed to hear me over all the background noise. His eyes were big and round as they bore into mine, his mouth slightly open as his cup lowered. My breath hitched and my heart pounded against my ribcage as he stepped even closer and bent down slightly to be eye-to-eye with me.
“Am I kidding myself if I kiss you right now?” My cheeks flushed as his eyes dragged over my face. My head shook slightly as my eyes flickered from his eyes to his pink lips that quirked up at the corners at my reaction. “I’m gonna need words if I’m going to do this, babe.”
“You’re not kidding yourself, Trev,” I uttered, meeting his eyes through my lashes.
“So if you’re gonna kiss me: kiss me.” His face parted in such a large grin I was sure his face might split in half. His unoccupied hand came up to cup my cheek as his lips met mine. His other arm snaked around my waist, cautious not to spill any of his drink over my costume. My arms wound around his neck, my hands finding their way into the soft curls at the back of his head. His lips were soft as they moved against mine. I could taste whatever he was drinking on his tongue but I was too deep into the haze of my emotions to care. With him this close, practically flush to my body, I was engulfed in everything that was Trevor. His scent, his taste, his hands. Everything that made up the boy I fell for. The boy who remembered my favourite Disney princess. Who took me for McFlurries at three in the morning. Who made me laugh more than anyone or anything else but who I also trusted with my most precious secrets.
His lips turned up in a smile causing my own to do the same until the kiss was more teeth and laughter than anything else. I pulled away only for him to follow and place one, two, three more soft kisses on my lips. His forehead came to rest against my own, my arms still wrapped around his neck as his dropped to my waist and pulled me even closer to him. His face was flushed, his lips swollen and red and his eyes bright as they looked into mine which I’m sure held a similar quality. 
“Y’know my lip gloss is all over your lips now,” I uttered, just loud enough for him to hear.
“Good. Now everyone will know who I’m here with and who I’m leaving with.”
“Like our costumes don’t already give that away.”
“That was the plan all along, blondie.”
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mrpldiddles · 1 year ago
wherever you go, i go | j.drysdale
a/n: i originally started this like a day after the trade was announced but i ended up forgetting about it for a bit and i’m now finishing it at 4:34am months after the trade😀 this one’s very angsty/sad so prepare yourself but here it finally is :)
pairing: reader x jamie drysdale
summary: jamie unexpectedly comes home after hearing about the decision to trade him. this is tied to this ig edit i posted months ago if you want to check that out first :)
warnings: sad jamie, angst, trevjamie divorce
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Whenever Jamie was away you took to cleaning the apartment to help distract yourself from your boyfriend's absence. Whether it had been your old apartment or the new one that you and Jamie had moved into together, keeping a clean house helped keep the loneliness at bay. You had just been wiping down the kitchen counters when there was a knock at the door, pulling you from the trance you had found yourself in. You rushed to pause the music blasting from your phone on the kitchen table before hurrying to the front door with your dog, Maisie, right at your feet.
You swung the door open to find Jamie standing on the other side of the threshold. Surprise took over you as he had left for Nashville with the rest of the team only mere hours ago.
"Jamie? What are you doing here?" The dark haired guy only lifted his head slightly to look at you through his long lashes. His eyes were rimmed red and shining with unshed tears. Your heart squeezed at the sight of him, ushering him inside. You had barely closed the door and turned back around to face him when he enveloped you in his arms. His head was quickly buried in your neck, his nose nuzzling into the warmth of your hoodie. Your arms automatically wrapped around his back, one rubbing up and down his back, soothing the shaky breaths that left him. His arms hugged your waist, your sweater clenched tightly in his fists at the small of your back.
"I got traded."
You weren't even sure you heard him properly. You swear your heart skipped a beat at what he had said. Your hands stuttered in their movement over his back.
"I got traded. To the Flyers," his voice shook as he buried his head impossibly further into the space between your neck and shoulder. This time you heard him loud and clear. Your heart dropped to your stomach as your fingers clenched around the fabric of his sweater. You held each other in your arms, the both of you using the other to stay standing, keeping you from crumbling to the floor.
You stayed that way, swaying slightly as the weight of the situation bore down on your shoulders, the weight of the sky attempting to crush you into the earth below. Time ticked by, seeming to move at a snail’s pace in yours and Jamie’s bubble while the rest of the world rushed ahead.
Eventually one of you pulled apart enough to see the other’s face. Jamie’s eyes were rimmed red and shiny with fallen and brewing tears. You were sure that your own looked more than similar. Jamie swiped at his eyes, sniffling, as you brushed your fingers through his hair, pushing it away from his face. The way he looked at you then, utterly helpless and defence less, had you wishing the ground would open up and swallow his hurt whole.
"I gotta start packing," he uttered, his voice rough and barely above a whisper. He placed a chaste kiss on your forehead before sweeping away into your guys’ shared bedroom. You took a steadying breath, wiping away your own freely fallen tears, and followed after him.
You almost knocked right into his back as you entered the room, him standing just inside the doorway. You looked up at him, his face hidden from your view but directed at the rest of the room before him.
"Jamie?" you asked, your voice rougher than you expected. You thought he hadn’t heard you, receiving no answer to your indication that you were behind him.
"We don’t have any boxes." Your brows furrowed at his comment as he continued to simply stare forward.
"No, we don’t.” You went along with his comment, unsure of what else to say, not wanting to seem insensitive to the situation despite its effect on you as well.
"We need boxes to move."
"We can go pick some up."
"We don’t have boxes because we never thought we’d have to move again." Your heart seemed to drop for a second time as Jamie’s barely heard words washed over you. You watched as he stepped forward slowly, as if an unsure footstep would cause a catastrophe. He found the foot of your shared bed, bending down to sit on the floor, leaning his back against the frame and mattress. He sat cross legged, looking around the room, seeming to take in every minuscule detail.
You followed him once again, taking a seat beside him on the floor, your knees and elbows brushing. You leaned toward him, resting your head on his shoulder. You both sat in silence for another unknown amount of time. Until you heard the familiar clacking sound of nails against the floor and the jingle of dog tags.
Maisie, entered the room, automatically going to Jamie whose hands automatically went behind her ears to scratch. You smiled softly as you watched the two of them, the boy you’d been in love with for years and your shared pup, who was practically your guys’ first child.
"We brought Maisie home to this place." Jamie said, his voice easing into a level above a whisper. You nodded your head which still rested against his shoulder.
"We can make a new home, right?" You nodded again, a sad smile on your lips. You felt his head turn in your direction, your eyes still focused on Maisie whose face was between Jamie’s palms. "That is to assume that you’re coming with me.”
You looked up at him then, aware of the tears that were threatening to break free of your waterline. His own eyes were shiny and flittering all over your face.
"Wherever you go, I go."
He smiled then, tight-lipped and soft, but his first smile since he’d left what felt like a lifetime ago.
"We’ll figure it out," he uttered, quietly yet sure.
"We’ll figure it out." Your smiles both grew as you swore that your heart swelled at the love you felt for the boy beside you.
Maisie pushed her way out of Jamie’s hands and made herself comfortable curled up in Jamie’s lap with her head resting on your knee.
Jamie pressed a lingering kiss to your temple as you both took in the room and the life that you had built together, the thought of your next adventure together pushed to the back of your minds for now.
yourusername posted:
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yourusername: from a couple of kids navigating a new city, to raising a dog together and now to starting over again together. thank you to anaheim, the ducks, and of course, the fans for making us feel so welcome these past few years and for watching us grow into (somewhat) responsible adults. to z, thanks for taking care of him for so long, i’ll take it from here. keep taking care of mason for us tho. to jamie: i love you and am so proud of you. wherever you go, i go❤️ philly, here we come :)
user1: who’s cutting onions😭😭
user2: mom and dad duck are leaving🤧🤧
user3: pass the tissues😭
jamie.drysdale: me and maisie love you so much
trevorzegras: who’s gonna make me pizza pops now😭😭😭
-> yourusername: is this what it’s like when your child moves away for college🤧
-> user1: how did trevor survive on his own before jamie and y/n adopted him😭😭
-> user3: this is worse than when the author kills off half of your otp😭😭😭
jamie.drysdale posted:
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jamie.drysdale: thank you anaheim for helping me grow as not only a player but a person as well. gonna cherish all the memories i’ve made here and all the people i’ve met who have changed my life- you know who you are. @yourusername couldn’t be doing this without you, let’s go make some more memories❤️ let’s go flyers!
user1: the picture of him and trevor😭😭
user3: I CAN’T TAKE THIS😭😭
trevorzegras: see ya during summer break kiddo☀️
-> user2: haha why am i sobbing
-> user7: it’s gonna be so weird seeing them play against each other next season😖😖
yourusername: love you so much❤️
user4: this is too much for me to handle
user5: the nhl can’t keep getting away with this
user4: at least he’s going to a team that might actually have a chance at making playoffs????
-> user6: now is not the time for optimism
trevorzegras posted:
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trevorzegras: gonna miss this guy, always being the third wheel and seeing my dog-goddaughter everyday💔 y/n, keep taking care of him and nutter butter for me🫡 best of luck in philly, jimmy, i know you’ll be great. can’t wait to verse ya next season🤝
user4: the nhl just broke up a family😭😭
yourusername: i’ll put him in direct sunlight and water him everyday🫡
-> trevorzegras: idk how sunny it is in philadelphia but make sure he wears his sunscreen🙏🏻
yourusername: maisie’s gonna miss her uncle nutter butter🥲 and ig i’ll miss you too🫶
-> trevorzegras: you’ll survive but idk if i will without my besties keeping me alive
-> user2: trevor calling y/n his bestie oh my god😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
-> user4: gary bettman you will pay for this
masonmctavish23: 🏒🏒🏒
-> trevorzegras: 🏒🏒🏒
-> jamie.drysdale: 🏒🏒🏒
-> user5: mason just lost his parents and his weird uncle wtf man
-> user3: why are hockey stick emojis making me violently sob
-> yourusername: you and me both🥲
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mrpldiddles · 1 year ago
secret’s out | t.blyth
a/n: the first fic featuring my oc remi is here! i'll hopefully be able to post more about her and tom soon and i hope y'all love them as much as i do :)
if you want to know more about remi here's an intro to her :)
remi.alaric posted:
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remi.alaric life lately🥰
user4 the second picture HELLO??!!?!?
-> remi.alaric hi!😁
-> user4 GIRL😭😭
rachelzegler the second picture i'm going INSANE
-> remi.alaric soft launch oops🤭
-> user9 i don't think remi knows that she just changed the trajectory of so many peoples lives
joshandresrivera does this mean what i think it means
-> remi.alaric yes sir!
-> tomblyth oh no one's gonna be ready for this
-> user7 HUH
-> user6 watch it be a music announcement or smtg and not a boo reveal
user10 i 10000% believe it's tom
tomblyth posted:
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tomblyth a photo dump as the kids would say
remi.alaric the caption please😭😭
-> tomblyth what about it🤔
-> rachelzegler not the emoji😭
user3 IS THAT NOT REMIS DOG???!!!?!?!?!??!
-> user4 NO WAY
-> user9 IT HAS TO BE
-> user7 @rachelzegler PLS CONFIRM
user12 the third slide's actually me guys!!
-> user5 girl please aid in the cause of finding out who it is😭😭
user5 i fully believe in the tom and remi conspiracy theories!!
-> stevie_alaric definitely!!
-> user4 remi's sister literally just confirmed tom x remi OH MY GOD???!?!?!?!?!!!
remi.alaric and tomblyth posted:
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remi.alaric secret's out i guess🤭
-> tomblyth remi’s AND my dog
-> remi.alaric best secret keeper fr🥰love and appreciate you so much girly MWAH😘🫶
-> joshandresrivera ahem
-> remi.alaric love and appreciate you too best secret keeper #2!!!
-> stevie_alaric ummmm
-> remi.alaric you too ig even tho you spilled the beans
-> remi.alaric JK LOVE YOUUU😘😘😘
rachelzegler the amount of double date pictures i've been storing this whole time...
-> user2 you know you want to release the double date pictures rachel...😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
-> remi.alaric the karaoke night pictures👀👀
-> joshandresrivera PLEASE NO
tomblyth i wouldn't want to keep a secret with anyone else💙
-> remi.alaric love you more than the world will ever know🩵
-> remi.alaric imagine we broke up right after posting this
-> rachelzegler REM PLEASE😭😭
-> tomblyth you're so twisted i love you so much
-> remi.alaric @tomblyth 3 years???
-> tomblyth i thought 4...
-> remi.alaric well shit may as well get married then!
-> stevie_alaric I CALL MAID OF HONOUR
-> rachelzegler I CALL BEST MAN
-> joshandresrivera I CALL FLOWER GIRL
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mrpldiddles · 1 year ago
accidental | t.blyth
a/n: just a little tom x remi insta edit that came to me randomly and that i'm posting so i can keep procrastinating my homework :) there is a timeline of their relationship that i have planned out and this does defer from that so it's a little impulsive post :)
warnings: slut shaming, pregnancy, mentions of cheating
tomremi posted:
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tomremi remi seen out and about lately👀 congrats to the happy couple!!
user1 OMG??!!?!
user6 omg tom’s gonna officially be a daddy😩😩😩😩😩😩
-> user10 and remi’s gonna officially be a mommy🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭
user3 IS IT TOMS??!!?
-> user4 ofc it is???
-> hater1 i wouldn’t be so sure
-> user2 girl what
-> user7 yeah wtf??
-> hater2 i wouldn’t put it past her to cheat on tom she’s not good enough for him
-> tomremi girl get a life fr
-> hater2 says the one with a fan account for a celebrity couple
user6 are they even married???
-> user8 does it matter?? let them be happy??
-> hater3 it was totally an accident she’s such a slut
-> user4 1) it’s just as much tom’s doing 2) no need to be slut shame, they’re in a happy and healthy relationship together and 3) it’s not our business
-> hater3 she just seems the type🤷‍♀️
-> hater5 i doubt they last until the birth
-> hater6 if i were tom i’d bolt to not be tied down by her
-> hater5 riiiigggghhhtttt she’s totally baby trapping him
-> user14 omg wtf did remi ever do to you let the girl live
-> tomremi y’all haters needs to chill tf out and let them both live and enjoy this time in their lives.
remi.alaric and tomblyth posted:
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remi.alaric what if i told you none of it was accidental (or your business)
tagged: @tomblyth
user3 yessss girl shut those haters UP so happy for you both congrats!!!!
rachelzegler strongest woman i know and the most radiant mama ever can’t wait to meet baby bean🥰🫶
-> remi.alaric so blessed and grateful to have you in my corner❤️
user9 those haters are reeeaaalllll quiet now since you gagged them!! congrats girl!!!
stevie.alaric can’t wait to meet my godchild and tell them all about how badass their mom is🤭
-> stevie.alaric still can’t believe you’re gonna be a mom tho🤢
-> remi.alaric still can’t believe you’re gonna be an aunt aren’t we still only 7 and 5🫣
mama-alaric me and your dad are so proud of you sweetie and how strong you are. you’re going to be the best mom you can be no matter what anyone else has to say. i love you honey❤️
-> remi.alaric going to do my best because i learnt from the best. i love you and dad so much momma❤️
user15 remi you’re gonna be absolutely the best mom and your real fans are so so happy for you and tom!!
hunterschafer so happy for you two!! can’t wait to meet the little bean🥰
mrsamclaflin congrats to you both! you’re going to make the most amazing parents!❤️
sukiwaterhouse so so happy for you guys!! can’t wait for our little ones to meet one day🤭🥰
-> remi.alaric they’re going to be the absolute bestest of friends❤️
tomblyth the strongest and most incredible woman i’ve ever met. i’m so impossibly in love with you🩵
-> remi.alaric i’m so in love with you my heart physically aches🩵
remi.alaric and tomblyth posted:
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tomblyth i’ve never been so in awe as i have been watching you these past months. watching you grow our baby and begin to become a mom has been so fulfilling and inspiring and i find myself falling more and more in love with you each day. i can’t wait to meet our little bean and fall even more in love with the both of you, if my heart can possibly expand anymore.
p.s. the last picture’s my absolute favourite🩵
tagged: @remi.alaric
user1 my eyes are sweating so badly right now😭😭😭
user4 oh my god he’s so in love with her😩😩
rachelzegler i’m not crying my eyes are just taking a shower😭😭😭
-> user3 same here girl🤧🤧
-> user7 pass the tissues😖😖
rachelzegler so so happy and excited for you both, two of the most talented, humble, generous and STUNNING people in this world. little bean is so so loved already
-> user9 petition for rachel to be little bean’s godmother!!!!!
hunterschafer the most stunning and deserving couple ever!! so so happy for you both!!
user5 oh so he’s in LOVE love
stevie.alaric you’ll never love her as much as i do😤😤
-> stevie.alaric but i’m so happy you’re here!!
-> user3 not stevie doing a complete 180 in tom’s comments😭😭
-> hater1 even her sister doesn’t think they’ll last pfffttt
-> stevie.alaric girl where EXACTLY did i say that?
-> user4 OHP stevie’s madddddd
-> user8 the alaric sisters are eating the haters UP
hater5 i still think she baby trapped him
-> tomblyth and i still think you should shut the fuck up
-> user2 OMG TOM
-> user9 tom and remi ain’t taking ANYONES shit
-> user6 baby bean has the most badass take-no-shit parents I LOVE IT
-> hater5 it was just an opinion🤷‍♀️ no need to attack.
-> remi.alaric well no one asked for it🤷🏻‍♀️ no need to be sensitive and dish it when you can’t take it.
-> user4 i am LOVING this clapback era for tom and remi
-> user5 baby bean is gonna grow up and take ZERO shit from ANYBODY
remi.alaric thank you for being the most supportive, generous and caring partner anyone could ever ask for. i truly couldn’t do any of this without you and i wouldn’t ever want to. i love you and our little bean so incredibly much i can’t express it. forever and ever my love🩵
-> tomblyth no need to thank me when i’d do it all again in a heartbeat. forever and ever because you’re never getting rid of me🩵
-> stevie.alaric y’all are sickeningly sweet
-> rachelzegler so adorbs i can’t🤧
-> rachelzegler but save it for offline jeeez
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mrpldiddles · 1 year ago
deer in headlights
sooooo here's my first fic! it may be getting posted the day after halloween but i still wanted to share it hehehe so here it is :) i'll share the tiktok that inspired this fic at the bottom of the post as it deserves all the hype lol
since this is my first post i don't have a tag list or anything but if you'd like to be tagged when i post in the future, whether it's for trevor or any other nhlers i may write for, just let me know!
the ending for this one is a bit rushed but i hope you like it anyways! enjoy :)
word count: 1.2k
warnings: implied smut
It was Trevor’s idea. And according to him it took him exactly two months and 13 days to talk me into it. 
“Absolutely not,”
“Come on, babe, it’ll be hilarious!”
“Are you forgetting how public your job is? Thousands of people are going to see it and thousands of your fangirls will be talking about it.” Was how the conversation went for the entirety of those two and a half months. From the end of August to almost the middle of October, Trevor begged and begged for us to use his couples costume idea for Halloween. And each time he got shot down. He even went as far as getting Jack, Cole and Jamie in on his scheming. Having them text me at the most random times asking what I thought of their costume ideas - all of them being the couples costume that Trevor continued to bug me about. He even went so far as to buy the materials needed to make the costume, using the argument of me not needing to buy anything for the costume. 
I didn’t cave until I walked in the front door of the apartment one day to find him attempting to make the costume himself and making a bigger mess than necessary. Construction paper and pieces of fabric were strewn all over the living room and around the hockey player sitting cross legged in front of the TV.
“Look, you don’t even have to lift a finger to make the costumes! All you’ll have to do is put yours on!” He exclaimed with a huge smile on his face and fabric glue smeared all over his hands and somehow his cheek as well. I couldn’t help but laugh at the sight of my boyfriend looking like a little kid with their arts and crafts project.
“Alright fine, you win, Z,” I sighed, crouching down beside him as he let out a loud cheer. A laugh escaped my lips as he pressed a wet kiss to my cheek before turning back to the project in front of him. “I guess I can lend you some help,” I said, snatching up what appeared to be the costume intended for me to wear.
“Good because I actually have no clue what I’m doing,” Trevor said while managing to get even more glue and a piece of construction paper stuck to his face. I shook my head, laughing as I picked the yellow strip from his face. 
“That was more than obvious, Z.” He exclaimed in protest as I laughed to myself, focusing on the project in my hands and trying to decipher what my boyfriend had been attempting to create. Out of nowhere I felt fingers attack my sides causing me to drop the supplies and cry out in surprise as Trevor practically tackled me to the ground.
“What was that? Huh, babe?” He asked as he continued to tickle up and down my sides. My breath came out in gasps and laughs as I made some attempt to answer him and push him off of me. His hands paused, being placed on either side of my head as I caught my breath. I looked up to see Trevor hovering over me, his shaggy hair falling into his face as his eyes examined mine, a prominent smirk on his face. “Wanna take it back?” I hesitantly nodded my head, staring up at his bright blue eyes. “I wanna hear you say it.”
“Your arts and crafts skills could use some work but you’re not as hopeless as I would’ve thought, Zegras,” I huffed out. He seemed to consider my answer, his eyebrows furrowing and his mouth tilting down slightly. I cringed slightly, mentally preparing for my ticklish sides to be attacked once again as he continued to hover over me and keep me pinned to the floor. 
“Works for me,” he uttered moments later before he took me by surprise and crashed his lips into mine. My hands finding their way into his hair and one of his finding my hip.
Much to Trevor’s delight, we won the Ducks’ unofficial Halloween Costume Contest. My doubts on the costume followed me all the way to the Terry’s front door where Trevor asked if I was ready to head in. I nodded, mentally assuring myself that this wasn’t as stupid of an idea as I thought. Troy and Dani were the first to greet us as we entered their house and the costume automatically earned their approval.
“Y’know, Z, I didn’t believe you when you said you two would have the best costume this year but I think I stand corrected,” Terry exclaimed, clapping Trevor on the shoulder who smiled smugly at me causing me to roll my eyes.
“Let me guess- this was all his idea?” Dani asked me as our significant others continued to talk just off to the side. 
“What gave it away?” I asked, smiling. After a minute or two more of talking to the party’s hosts we made our way further into the party. Compliments and chirps were sent our way from the other Ducks and their significant others until we eventually found our way to Jamie and Mason in the backyard.
“I still can’t believe he talked you into this one,” Jamie said, sipping from his plastic cup.
“His arts and crafts skills were a cry for help, I had no choice but to step in and help the poor guy.” I shrugged, smirking up at my boyfriend who simply shook his head.
“Alright, come on, we gotta show everyone the full effect,” Trevor exclaimed, setting his cup down on the table behind Jamie. I begrudgingly took his hand, allowing him to walk me into the middle of the yard, earning the attention of the others around. I shook my head before pressing my hands to the two lights set in very specific spots on my chest, causing them to turn on. I couldn’t help but laugh along with everyone else at the sight of Trevor, dressed as a deer, staring blankly at the two lights. 
“A deer in headlights!” He’d exclaimed when he first told me the idea, explaining the entire costume concept.
“I think I deserve some sort of prize for thinking up our winning costume,” he declared smugly as we entered our apartment at the end of the night. 
“Oh, do you now?” I asked to which he nodded his head solemnly, his hands behind his back and everything. I shook my head, giggling before rising up on my toes to press a kiss to his cheek. “Maybe you’ll get lucky and find a prize in our room,” I whispered in his ear before turning and walking away to the kitchen, a huge smile on my lips as I heard my boyfriend gasp as my words registered in his mind.
“You’re a cruel, cruel woman,” I heard him mutter, smirking to myself. “Maybe that’s what we’ll be next year then. Cruella de Vil and one of her puppies-” Before I could finish my sentence I was scooped up into Trevor’s arms, a gasp escaping my lips.
“Hold that thought, doll, I want my prize for this year’s costume first,” he declared, walking towards our bedroom door as I laughed in his hold.
hope y'all enjoyed that fic and want to read more from me in the future hehe :)
the tiktok that inspired this fic:
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mrpldiddles · 1 year ago
boy that i found | t.blyth
a/n: the amount of screenshots of louis partridge being spotted at the guts tour that i took so that i could make this... ANYWAYS here's another tom x remi insta au because tom was seen at the guts tour so obviously i got ideas :) ENJOY!!!!
tomremi posted:
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tomremi tom spotted at remi's calgary show last night!!
user1 he's the most supportive bf omg
user2 they're so iconic
user3 i was standing near him and any time i looked over at him he had the biggest smile on his face it was so cute🥹
-> user4 omg do you have any pictures of him there??
-> user3 i'll dm you!!
user5 tom really said "remi you're doing great sweetie!!"
user6 he's so so in love with her i can't
user7 how many pictures do you think he has of her just from last night???
-> user8 probably so many they haven't seen each other in awhile
-> user7 how do you know??
-> user8 tom's been filming billy the kid in calgary and remi's been on tour which is why she said at the show that it was so special for her
-> user7 ohhhh ok thank you!!
-> user9 tom release the pictures!!!!!
user10 i'm so jealous of her but so happy for her at the same time😩
-> tomremi ugh same girl but with both of them
-> user11 right??? they're both so lucky!!
tomremi posted:
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tomremi remi played a new song at her calgary show last night and released it at midnight!!
"calgary you've been hosting something very near and dear to my heart these past couple months while i've been touring, and he seems to still be doing pretty good so thank you so much for taking care of him for me. i still have a few songs to play for you tonight, but in honour of how special this show is for me, do you mind if i play an extra one for you? a little extra thank you from me to you, if you will...alright amazing, thank you. i wrote this song back in 2021 when me and my boyfriend weren't dating just yet, but there was something there y'know?...my boyfriend does happen to be here with us tonight, which is what makes this show so special for me, and even he hasn't heard this song yet so without further ado, this is "let light be light," which is out tonight at midnight!"
user1 what is she doing to us OMG
user5 "i think that he's good for me this boy that i found" REMI OMG
-> user8 they’re so in love i can’t😩😩😩
user7 i can't do this anymore omg😭😭
remi.alaric posted:
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remi.alaric calgary you were so so special thank you for being so incredible and bringing me back to my home away from home🩵🩵🩵this show will forever hold such a special place in my heart and to commemorate it my new song "let light be light" is out now wherever you stream your music🩵
x remi
rachelzegler INSANE
rachelzegler streaming party happening right now‼️‼️
stevie_alaric um does mom know about the third picture🤨
-> remi.alaric 🤫🤫🤫
hunterschafer the new song is so so good so so proud of you!!💞💞
-> remi.alaric i absolutely adore you🥹🥹
stevie_alaric i'm expecting a full album to be released at the BC shows just so ya know
-> rachelzegler i'm flying out if she does so remi tell us now
-> remi.alaric check your texts!!!!
-> user5 GIRL WHAT
-> user7 remi what do you mean😀what do you mean😀what do you mean remi😀
user8 it really is remi's world and we're all just living in it
tomblyth you releasing a new song at my show is gonna go to my head
-> stevie_alaric but did you get a whole album released at your concert HMM
-> user9 STEVIE😭😭
-> rachelzegler AND getting a whole speech about you at the SAME show what did you do to deserve all this😩
-> tomblyth i sold my soul to remi
-> remi.alaric i'm praying for your costars for how much you'll be talking about this
-> tomblyth all i do is talk about you so they're used to it
-> rachelzegler EWWWWWW
-> stevie_alaric YOU'RE SICK
-> tomblyth looooooovvvvveeeesick
tomblyth posted:
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tomblyth pov: your favourite artist plays and releases a new song just because you're at the concert
@remi.alaric i'm your #1 fan!!!!!!!!!
user9 get yourself someone who is a total dork for you like tom is for remi
-> remi.alaric so true girl
rachelzegler you're such a fool in love y'all are adorable
stevie_alaric um actually I'M her biggest fan you fool
-> tomblyth "the fool jingled miserably across the floor"
-> stevie_alaric is that a british reference that i'm too cool to understand
remi.alaric anything for my biggest (and dorkiest) fan🥰🫶
-> stevie_alaric @tomblyth HA she called you a dork
-> tomblyth AND her biggest fan😌
-> stevie_alaric probably because you're a giant.
-> user13 i'm crying tom and stevie act like such siblings💀💀
-> user14 so basically when is tom proposing so we can get stevie's maid of honour speech
-> rachelzegler i second that!!!
user1 no cause tom is actually so her biggest fan like the videos of him at the concert his smile is always so big🥹🥹
-> user3 i know they're so adorable🥺
user5 the last picture of them in her dressing room🥹🥹🥹
-> user6 whoever took it is a godsend
remi.alaric i looooooovveeeee you so much🩵
-> tomblyth i loooooooovvvveeeee you even more🩵
-> stevie_alaric get a rooooooooommmm
-> rachelzegler i’m sick because of how in love y’all are😷🥰
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mrpldiddles · 1 year ago
meet remi :)
a/n i created an oc for all the tom blyth fics that have been going insane in my mind ever since i watched TBOSAS so here's a lil introduction to my oc! i hope y'all love her and tom as much as i do :)
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full name: remi marguerite arnault alaric
birthday: january 22 2000
career: singer, songwriter, actress, model
known for: playing ramona in ramona and beezus, jo in little women, janice in mean girls on broadway, camila in daisy jones and the six and lucy gray in the ballad of songbirds and snakes as well as her own music
family: dad is an engineering professor. mom is a fashion designer and remi's personal stylist. has an older brother who's an architect. a younger sister who's studying marine biology. and a younger brother who's studying mechanical engineering. their parents have 3 dogs, edgar, maury and betty and 1 cat, cassie.
fun facts: was born in toronto but grew up in vancouver. was a dancer from ages 2-18. got her love of music from dancing. began writing her first album after she wrapped little women. has 2 dogs, oakley and emery. tom is her first real relationship. her parents cat was actually hers but she got too attached to her parents dogs.
first fic featuring remi and tom is already here: secret's out
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mrpldiddles · 1 year ago
mrpldiddle's masterlist
masterlist of all my works :))
trevor zegras
~ deer in headlights
~ "i mean, everyone already thinks we're dating"
jamie drysdale
~ puppy.
~ wherever you go, i go
tom blyth
au (remi alaric)
~ meet remi :)
~ secret's out
~ accidental
~ boy that i found
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mrpldiddles · 1 year ago
this is my writing blog now i guess lol
i'm starting to get into writing for nhlers so with persuasion from my friends i decided to create this blog to be able to share some of my writing :))
as of right now i only have a couple little fics about zegras but i plan on writing more for a bunch of different nhlers once i get the chance. i am a first year in uni so my schedule's a little hectic but i hope to write and share more when i have the time :)
some players i'm hoping to write about in the future: pierre-luc dubois, mat barzal, owen power, quinn hughes and adam lowry
that's all for now, hopefully i'm able to use this blog lots and that y'all are willing to read what i put out :)
bye for now!!!
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mrpldiddles · 1 year ago
y’all finals are taking over my life but i promise i’ll have new fics up soon!! very exciting (at least to me it is) stuff to come in the near future :))
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