#rip to a one-legged mutant i guess
thegreatmoof · 19 days
Feels kind of weird that my local anime convention, Anime Banzai, is finally just sorta dead after something like 20 years. And I can't even pretend to be sad or surprised.
It used to be a real anchor in the calendar, an annual serotonin fest that I looked forward to year after year, but as it moved out of the city center and into the distant suburbs, hard to get to and attendance-limited in a pretty tiny space, it's just sorta stopped being something I was even remotely excited for even before COVID broke both its kneecaps.
The event this year is cancelled; we don't even get to say goodbye. But this year's schedule was like 80% cosplay tips (a really niche demographic) and the only actual fan panels were the 3-4 usual suspects that've been there way too long: Dragonball, Fullmetal Alchemist, Bleach, and RWBY. No Jujutsu Kaisen, no Frieren, nothing new or interesting and just the same boomers making the same arguments and jokes after 20 years.
Anime Banzai was poorly run & stuck in a terrible location. I really want to be sad that it's dead, but I stopped having any fun there a decade ago.
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waywardsou2 · 1 month
FatherFigure!Logan X Latebloomer!AdoptedMaleReader
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I was not expecting this to end up being this long...but I guess it is. I'm really happy with how this turned out. I won't spoil it. But this reader's mutation is my favourite in any universe.
Summary: You were adopted by Logan on one of his errands out of the school. Charles has deduced that you were a mutant but your mutation has not presented itself yet. One day it does, and it's not pretty.
Tags: blood, slight gore, warning for graphic imagery, hurt/comfort, father Logan, mentions of Charles and Jean
Word Count: 1.4k
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Logan was sitting in Charles' office. It had been a few weeks since he had decided to stay at the school permanently and had taken up the job offer as a history teacher.
To be fair he had been alive since before the civil war so there wasn't anyone more perfect for their job. Especially now that he was able to get a lot of his memories back.
Charles has become like somewhat of a father figure to Logan, if not a good friend and confidante at the very least.
Logan had not only chosen to stay so the he could have a free room and a purpose in life but also because of you.
He had found you on a missions, picked you up and taken you back to the school. Charles had let Logan know when he was in the area that there was a mutant who hadn't presented yet.
It was safest for you here. Just because there was no way to actually tell when or what your mutation might manifest into.
But as Logan and Charles talked Charles fell silent in the middle of their conversation. Logan's eyebrows twitched in question as Charles eyes went glassy before coming back to focus on Logan. A new found worry in his eyes.
"His mutation has finally manifested...Logan go"
Logan didn't have to be told twice. He knew at some point your mutation would manifest but it was hard to say when. You were well past the age of your mutation manifesting physically but there's a late bloomer in every species.
Logan pushed his chair back, it squeaking across the floor as it scrapes along the wood. He dashes down the corridors, dodging kids left and right as he makes his way to your room.
As soon as he turns down the corridor your room is in he hears it.
A piercing scream that hurts his amplified senses. A sound makes his heart ache.
He gets to the door of your room and pushes it open.
He finds you on the floor, curled in on yourself. Your shirt ripped in the back and a spattering of blood on your shirt and the floor.
You look up to see Logan. Thank fuck he's here. Before you could say anything, you open your mouth and a scream replaces your words. A sharp throb of pain spreading across your back and into your spine once more.
Logan bends down in front of you and tries to sit you up but you stay tucked into yourself.
He checks you over, as much as he can without moving you but he doesn't need to look too hard. Now that he's closer, kneeling in front of you he can see what's happening.
Sticking out of the holes in your ripped shirt are two bones, partially covered in skin and what looks to be...no way are those feathers?
Are you growing wings?
He hadn't heard of a mutation like this before. One the alters bone structure and genetic make up well into adolescent development. He would have to get Jean to check you over but right now he knew you couldn't move.
He could see the bone moving, growing at an accelerated rate that should have taken a years naturally. The skin and feathers began growing over the bone as more and more of it began to grow and stick out of your skin. The flesh around it was torn and you were bleeding profusely. He was worried about the blood loss but there was no way to staunch the blood without interfering with your growing. He might make it worse if he tampered with it.
So instead he sat there with you. He pulled you over to him so you could still stay doubled over, but your head was resting on his lap as he curled his legs underneath himself. He kept his hand in your hair, stroking it and whispering comfort to you.
He was hard to hear over your crying and occasional cries of pain but his presence was enough. It meant everything to you.
But that feeling was too mingled with fear and pain and you couldn't fully process anything. You just let the tears fall down your face as you tried to stifle your screams. Biting down on your own lip until it bled so that you didn't frighten any of the other children.
Logan watched as the bones continued to grow from your back. Sticking out further and further until a second bond joined the first one creating the rest of the wingspan as more feathers, longer and stronger began sprouting from further down the wing.
It was a few hours before the mutation had fully manifested. You had long since stopped crying the tears staining your face. You lay breathing heavily with your head still in Logan's lap.
He hadn't left your side the entire time. You sniffed and tried to keep your breathing even but even though the pain was gone the panic was not going anywhere.
When Logan was sure it was all over he helped you sit up. Making sure you didn't sit on your new wings and didn't aggravate the injury.
"Can you stand? We need to get you to Jean."
You nodded. Your back felt strange. There was a new weight. A new neurological connection to a set of muscles that hadn't existed before. You could feel the wings, you were in tune to them. Having them felt as natural as having two arms. But moving them hurts. So you let them drag on the ground behind you, rather than holding them up.
Logan took your hand and helped you walk to Jeans lab. You felt dizzy, all the blood loss has made you woozy.
Your bedroom floor and Logan's jeans were stained with it. There was so much.
Logan looked at your wings as he walked beside you. They were a deep green. Something like the leaves of the forest he used to live in during the spring. It was a beautiful colour. It matched your eyes and your hair.
He felt your pain. Knowing what it was like to have your body rip itself open for a "gift" you didn't want.
He was going to be there for you every step of the way whilst you figured this out. He made a promise to take care of you and he was going to keep it. Even if that mean struggling through your manifestation.
The two of you got to Jeans lab and she had you lay face down on her table. She poked at your wings trying to move your ripped shirt and new wings aside so she could assess the damage. It hurt. Any movement hurt but if she didn't clean the wound it would hurt a lot more later on.
She has to cut you out of your shirt because the blood had dried into a sticky brown colour and she couldn't risk getting cotton in the gashes.
She explained to you what she had to do and you nodded accepting what was necessary.
Logan crouched down in front of you and you looked at him from the bench. Forcing out a smile before Jean got to work. You shoved your face down into the table hiding the expression of pain you could feel twisted into your features. You didn't want Logan to see that. But he grabbed your hand and held onto it. You squeezed it each time pain ebbed over your skin. And he squeezed back, letting you know he was still here.
After what felt like too long Jean announced she was done. She had to stitch up a gap that was unnecessary to your wings range of movement. The extra flesh that had been torn from the growth.
She informed you that you would have to come see her again the next day and that you would have to be careful how you slept and moved until everything had fully healed and your body had adjusted.
After that Logan leads you back up to your room and helps you into bed. You don't bother to get changed. You doubt that you would fit into any of your shirts now anyway. You crawled into bed and tried to find a comfortable position but it was hard. You didn't have enough room anymore.
You reached a hand out from your place on your bed. Feeling with your hand you try to find Logan in the darkness of your room. He takes your hand and with the little strength you have you try to pull him towards you.
He gets the message and sits down in your bed. Kicking off his boots and pulling you back to lay on his legs and chest. Acting as a full body pillow for you. Within moments the exhaustion of the day caught up with you and you were out like a light.
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I'm so glad I could write this. Staying up till 2am was totally worth it gets this done. I'm so proud of it! If you like this then please consider sending in a request of your own. I would be happy to take them in
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talewrites · 6 months
Fragile Part 2
Generation: Bayverse TMNT
Tmnt x Reader Fanfic
Pronouns: Gender Neutral (except ‘dudette’ and ‘princess’)
Warnings: guns, blood, injury, panic attack, not proof read
Part 1
The next time you open your eyes, you see a white paneled ceiling. For a horrifying moment, you believe you are back in the lab, and bolt up in bed. An icepack that was resting on your bruised shoulder comically gets flung across the room.
Frantically looking around, you see the inside of a hospital room. But your panic only subsides marginally. You know you are not safe here. You throw off your bed sheets and swing your legs over the side of the bed. But you almost fall off the edge when you suddenly feel the suffocating weight of exhaustion on your limbs. You had been running for your life all night.
You look down and see that you’ve been changed into a hospital gown with a pair of thin papery shorts, and a bracelet on your wrist that reads a name. “Jane Doe”. You rip it off and discard it. A large bandage was stuck to your knee where you had scraped it, and thick gauze were wrapped around your feet. You noted that your arm where the purple mutant had pinched you was heavily sore. You shivered with the familiarity of it. Like the soreness after receiving an injection.
You wondered marginally how much time had passed, and glancing out the open window you saw the sun was getting close to peaking over the horizon. By your guess, you’d barely been out more than 2 hours. You needed to leave. Now. You reach for the IV in your arm, but before you can rip it out, a large thump at the window startles you.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
There in the window sat the large form of one of the turtle mutants. The one with the blue bandana, Leo- your hazy memory recalls. So they were the ones who had brought you here.
“I can’t stay here, I need to go.” You rip out the IV anyways, making the mutant flinch sympathetically. A small trickle of blood traveled down your arm. He gets down from his perch on the windowsill and comes to stand in front of you. He moves to put his hands on your shoulders but hesitates when you flinch away from the touch.
“It’s okay now, they can’t find you. Donnie took out the tracking chip. There are police guards stationed outside-“
“That’s worse!” You didn’t mean to shout, but your anxiety was peaking again.
Leo looked at you with concern.
“They’re going to know to look for me here. The hospital is not safe. The police are not safe. I have to get out of here right now.” You tried to stand up but your legs felt like jelly and you stumbled. A large strong arm caught you around your waist and held you up.
“Now hold on just a minute, what do you mean?” He asked you seriously, lifting you up and setting you back on the bed.
“It’s the Foot. They’re in the police force. They’re tapped into the hospital security cameras. It’s only a matter of time before they find me! Dr Stockman always told me there was no place in this city I could hide from him. He-!” Suddenly a beeping in the room cut you off. You looked around for the source, and Leo quickly pulled a small cracked iPhone from his pocket.
He apologized to you, asking for a moment, and immediately answered the phone. He held the device up to his head as he looked at you sympathetically. But his expression turned serious.
“What?” He responded to the fast report coming in from the speaker. You could barely make out any words. That is, until you heard the last sentence.
“The Foot are inside the building!!!”
Leo’s and your eyes met in shocked panic. You suddenly hear a shout and a grunt from out in the hallway, the sound of the police on duty being subdued.
“We need to go.” Leo said to you, and without wasting anymore time he tucked away his phone and scooped you up just as the door slammed open.
You looped your arms around his neck and held on as he ran for the windowsill. You just barely caught a glance at the figures in black invading the room, pulling out guns and shooting at Leo’s retreating figure as he leapt out the open window. Bullets bounced off his shell.
The chilly air rushed you all at once and stung your bare skin. Then a loud clang and you were jostled as Leo grabbed onto the metal fire escape of the adjacent building.
“Come on fearless, we gotta go!” Shouted Raph from above.
Leo held you with one arm around your waist. “I’m going to need you to hold onto me really tight. Do you think you can do that for me?” He asked you firmly.
You nodded at him, and adjusted your hold tighter around his neck.
“Good. Let’s get you out of here.” He slowly released his hold around your waist, careful you wouldn’t fall, and quickly began scaling the fire escape up the side of the building. Once he got to the roof, he set you down among the other 3 mutants.
The Foot had retreated outside the hospital and some were piling into cars while others began entering the building, taking the stairs up to your location.
“They just won’t quit!” Shouted Donnie from where he was watching over the edge of the building.
“Whatarewegonnadowhatarewegonnado- ouch!” Raph smacked Mikey from where he was guarding the roof door.
“That’s enough Mikey!”
Leo stepped up. “We’re bringing them back to the lair.”
“What?!” The other three shouted in unison.
“We need to get a better grasp of what’s going on. There’s a lot we don’t know. And until we can figure out why Stockman is so desperate to get them back, and find them safe passage out of the city, we keep them safe. At home.” Leo said pointing his finger with finality.
Mikey whooped with excitement. “We’re having a human over!!!”
Donnie smiled.
“I don’t like this fearless.” Gruffed Raph.
“It’ll only be for a little while. They can stay in my room.” Leo assured Raph.
“Aw no fair! I want them to stay in my room!” Mikey complained.
Suddenly loud banging could be heard from the roof access door making him shriek comically. He braced the door and shouted. “They’re here!!”
“Time to move out.” Raph wasted no time and scooped you up like you weighed nothing, making you yelp in surprise. He ran for the edge of the building, you grabbed around his neck and braced yourself, and he leapt off the edge of the building. You buried your face against his chest so you didn’t look down.
Raph snorted. “You holding on tight enough, princess?”
“Me next! Me next!” Begged Mikey as he landed beside you on the next rooftop.
The four of them leaped from rooftop to rooftop, keeping away from the main roads where the Foot in cars tried to follow. The sun was almost up. Eventually you came upon a back alleyway that the mutant turtles quickly descended into, Leo using his katana to loosen and knock away the sewer cover. You were deeply confused until suddenly Raph jumped into the hole and you were assaulted by the sour rotting smell of the New York City sewers. Raph held you while he slid down a sewer pipe, followed by whoops and cheers of the other three. A tell tale clatter of the metal lid being closed behind them.
For what seemed to be a few miles of sliding through pipes and jumping over large water basins and train tracks, they arrived at a wall. You thought they were stopping for a break, until Donnie stepped forward and pulled on a pipe that triggered the wall to open up into a large open room. You looked around in awe as Raph carried you in. There were street signs and neon lights and spray painted art all over the walls. You walked by a small kitchen and a living room with a couch that Mikey promptly flopped into. You saw Donnie trail his way muttering into a dark den full of blue computer screens. But Leo was leading the way towards a shadowed area in the back and you got nervous.
Raph squeezed where he was holding your thigh in reassurance, his expression stoic.
You arrived at a doorway covered by a piece of fabric with Japanese kanji scrawled across it in black ink.
“This is my room. It’s the most clean, so you can stay in here for now.” Leo said walking in and pulling back covers of the pristinely made bed.
Raph followed in and gently sat you down on the edge of the bed, and stepped back to stand against the wall with arms folded.
As soon as you sat on the bed, you truly felt the exhaustion weigh heavily on your body. You felt pain radiate down your legs into your bandaged feet. Tensed shoulders from the stress and bruises. And your eyes felt strained and sore from being on high alert for so long. So much had happened and the gravity of the day came crashing down on you.
The pain and tiredness must’ve been clear on your face, because Leo gave you an empathetic look.
“I’ll grab Donnie to patch up your arm before you go to sleep.” He stood up to leave but you stopped him.
“Where are you going to sleep?” You asked quietly.
Leo smiled kindly. “The couch. That is, if Mikey hasn’t already fallen asleep on it. I’ll be right back.”
Then it was just you and Raph.
It was silent as you looked at each other. Then the thought that had nagged at you earlier that night came back to you.
“How did you all escape?”
“Who?” Raph looked at you with a raised eyebrow.
“Dr Stockman. How did you get away?”
Now Raph just looked confused.
“Stockman was the one who ran away, not us.”
Suddenly Donnie entered the room with a med kit and Leo followed with a glass of water and an ice pack.
“Hey brainiac, check their head. They’re asking weird questions.”
That seemed to peak Leo’s attention.
“What kind of questions?”
“They asked ‘how we escaped Stockman’.”
Donnie flicked on the bedside table lamp and kneeled in front of you. He pulled out a little light from his pocket and checked your eyes.
“Well I don’t see any signs of a concussion. What did you mean by that exactly?” Donnie asked you, opening the med kit and taking out a packaged alcohol wipe and began to clean the blood off of your arm where the IV had been. You’d forgotten about that. You looked confused as well.
“Dr Stockman mutated the others in the lab, like Bebop and Rocksteady. I didn’t know there were other mutants outside. When did you escape?”
Donnie, Leo, and Raph all stopped and exchanged a look that you couldn’t read. This conversation was drawing on what little energy you had left.
“We weren’t mutated by Stockman. We’ve been like this for about 25 years now.” Donnie answered you.
Your eyes lit up.
“Then… how did you….?”
“That’s a conversation for another time.” Leo interjected.
Raph left the room, and you heard the sound of a smack outside the door followed by Mikey’s whispered “Ow!”
Donnie finished up dressing your arm while Leo supervised. You were starting to sway in place, eyelids heavy as you blinked to stay awake.
“I’ll change your bandages later. Sleep well.” Donnie said with a kind smile before taking the med kit and leaving the room.
“If you need anything, just call for me. I’ll be just outside, okay?” Leo said.
He came up to you as you laid down heavily in his bed, falling asleep almost as soon as your head hit the pillow. But you were still awake enough to feel the cold press of the ice pack being placed on your bruised shoulder and the blanket being pulled up to your chin.
And then you slept.
A small meeting was called in the living room.
“What are we gonna tell dad?!?!” Mikey squawked and Raph and Donnie shushed him.
“I’m sure he’ll understand! They have no place else to go!”
Leo walked up behind them and joined.
“Donnie’s right. And we’ll text April later. Maybe she can bring them some clothes to wear.”
“Why don’t they just go stay with her?” Raph argued.
“We can’t put April in danger like that, she gets enough heat as it is. We can’t be sure the Foot won’t be tailing her now to find out where we’re keeping them!” Leo persuaded. Things were starting to get a little heated.
Raph confronted him. “And what about us? You heard them! We don’t know what Stockman did to them. They could be dangerous.” Raph and Leo got up in each other’s space. Mikey and Donnie jumped in to try and defuse the situation before a fight broke out.
“Woah woah hey! I think we’re all just a little tired, alright? Let’s all get some sleep.”
“Yeah! I’ll make pancakes! With extra syrup! Then we can talk things out with dudette in the morning. Sounds good?” Mikey bounced enthusiastically.
It was clear on everyone’s face they were all tired from being out until sunrise. So without further arguments, they all left for their own rooms for some much needed rest. Leo grabbing a blanket and promptly passing out on the couch.
Part 3
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dungeonmalcontent · 2 years
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Screenshot because I'm about to make this my own thing.
But the mutant class in Grimdark & Dangerous is there for exactly this reason.
Yes, you can rip Strahd's jaw out and wear it like plastic vampire fangs as a mutant. But there's potential to do a lot more. You could have been brought back to life with stitched anatomy from your best friend or sibling (like Scar in FMA:B). You can be a hybrid monstrosity like... That one guy in Stargate: Atlantis (holy cow, no one's gonna get that reference) and create your own mutant race. Or you could be, and I am not exaggerating here, literally Inspector Gadget. Also Sally from The Nightmare Before Christmas.
It's a very versatile body horror melee class.
Make your body stronger without working out by following these 5 weird tips discovered by a local arcanist. The clerical assembly hates him.
Did you skip leg day? Well that orc chief never did and he's not using those legs anymore now that your rogue shot an exploding arrow into his neck. Might as well reduce, reuse, and recycle.
Have you ever been envious of how pretty elves are? Well guess what? With the use of just four simple felonies, you too can look as pretty as an elf. All you need is a dagger, some needle and thread, a cursed genetic mutagen, and some elves. (Too dark?)
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diaborodevil · 1 year
Mortal kombat ice and fire blood and sweat
Earthrealm unknown island
???: so Kano you and your black dragon will be joining me when I start the tournament
Kano: oh you bet you’ll have my support your army will be fully loaded when we win
???: d’vorah we have the aid of the kytinn correct
D’vorah: yes this one has assured that the hive will support you
???: and you best friend will you support me
Shang tsung: I’m sorry quan chi but I cannot assist you in this endeavor as a man of medicine I can’t follow in your bloodlust
Quan chi: I’m disappointed but I’ll accept then it is time to start mortal kombat
Earthrealm new york
Stryker: so your new to this but it’s a quiet night but stay alert rookie
Kabal: I’ll keep that in mind wait what’s that
Grum: so this is an earthrealmer city
Kintaro: it will serve well for the tiger clan when quan chi takes over
Kabal: you don’t see that every day
Stryker: (to radio) copy we are seeing two dragon men
Kintaro: oh no we have been spotted what ever shall we do
Grum: I guess we must hide our present ha ha haaa
(I fight then ensues)
Kintaro: hmmm it seems that earthrealmers still posses some magic but these two still seem like easy opponents
(Grumm then proceeds to pick up Stryker then rips off his arms then rips off his lower legs he then proceeds to throw away all the parts he ripped off)
Kintaro: worry about yourself earthrealmer
(Kintaro opens his mouth and let’s out a plume of flames burning kabal he then proceeds to pick him up by the neck then breathes out a purple haze of smoke then drops kabal)
Kintaro: well that was fun but we should head back to the island
Shao: why have you called us here motaro
Motaro: a pack netherrealm fiends have infiltrated our hunting grounds they left many of our hunters injured and a few killed
Shao: that is an issue anything else we should know
Motaro: yes they were carrying odd weapons with them we salvaged some from the ones we took down
Shao: hmm they seem to of earthrealm in origin kotal take them and consult the earthrealmer
Kotal: on it
Erron: hmm let’s see these are advanced military grade not on the open market and have the black dragon emblem
Kotal: who are these black dragons
Erron: a group of criminals I used to work for theft, murder, the works but it seems like Kano finally made a deal with the devil you should consult with your higher ups
Earthrealm temple of divine
Red goddess ess: hmm it seems that with the arrival of the mortal kombat tournament that the balance between realms is breaking
Blue god: this is concerning we must investigate this matter
Black god: we do need to take action
Red goddess: I will unify the forces of earth realm for the tournament
Blue god: I’ll investigate never realm
Black god: and I’ll consult with outworld
Red goddess: then it is settled
Some explanations so quan chi is hosting mortal kombat
Shang tsung is good and is a master of medicine
Kintaro and Grum are outcasts of outworld the tiger clan of sho khan were cast out of outworld for no longer being suitable to live in it and Grum is a mutant sho khan for having two extra arms
The netherrealm fiends had guns (also there those fodder blade head dudes from mk 11 cutscenes)
Raiden and fujin have been replaced by this divine trio
Stryker is technically replacing jax
And yeah that’s it also yes that was a Jimi hendrix reference
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
⏰ - Rise Raph Yvonne
| Slip a ⏰to see a memory or a part of my muses' past.
"Ya know somethin Von? I use ta be scared of the ocean." He idly comments he hadn't said a word since they got out here. He was clearly fidgety all night as they came here. He told her once before when she asked but he liked the ocean but he hadn't come in a long time. If they went on trips it was normally out to the woods since they could train and such. Mostly it was punishment if anything when their Pops was the one making them go. But nah to Raph he liked the ocean most.
"cause all the movies and such we watch. Though monsters were innit, or that i 'ike drown or somethin' ?" he blushed a bit cause he was a turtle, a mutant turtle sure but still he was very much a turtle so the fear of drowning? "But ugh Mikey just wanted to come to the beach an' well ya know Mikey? Ya can' talk him outta an idea that pops into his head. We jus' kids still at the time. Think uh I was jus' what ten maybe? so he was uhhh 'ike what I guess eight?" He always forgot there was only a two year difference between them.
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"Spent the whole time chasing after him. Mikey always been full of energy I dunno where it comes from most times." He sighed just tried thinking about how he spent all that time chasing after his youngest brother at the time. Her laugh rung in his ears as he smiled and chuckled along with her.
"Any way he got that infectious nature 'bout him. I sat by the water tensed and curling my tail around my legs anytime the water came up an' brushed over my feet. Mikey was splash around rolling around in the wet sand letting water wash over him. Then he tricks me." Face face fell with hos the brow kitten the so called chasm he bore on his forehead seemed to crease over. "so I did end up getting in the water with him." hand rubbing over his face as he recalled it himself "He was whining begging me to join him when I kept to my nos, Mikey waited for a bigger wave. It came and knocked him over and he acttin' like he was bein' pulled out to the ocean!"
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Raphael threw out his arms and gave a very loud and audible huff "So of course I run out afta' 'em! Oh and when I get him what he do? Laughs! Climbs uo on me and pushes me in with him!" Raph tried actting it out for Yvoone loving how she hung on to every word as he told her all about this. "But well once I was under the water? I liked it. Always scared of it before then but there was so much to look at. Coarl, seaweed the fish just all of it ya know? It was just pretty" he smiles and shrugs. Shifting a bit to look at her better now letting his tail move to hold around the small of her back.
"Kinda of 'ike you ya know?" Raph paused a moment "I'll be honest when we meant I though ya only cared 'bout your looks and others but like the ocean I saw you just cared 'bout others. Like a lot. You looked out for my brothers and cared about 'em. You offered me a space where I could jus' I dunno break away from everything. Like when Mikey got me to finally relax and just enjoy myself. You kind of always are my ocean?"
He flashes her a wide toothy smile a bit awkward he wasn't the best with compliments she still teased him when he called himself a beautiful butterfly to this day even. Holding one of her hands in his own for a second as he pressed something into her own hold, he turned his wrist over so she could see the braided band. With a purple sea shell. "I uh found it that day Mikey and I went and sort of kept it since." looking over the fabric of the band it was easy to tell it was a mask. A little tattered from the time he was captured by the Kranng. It rip around his eye, the one he couldn't see through as well from anymore.
He felt like his words were getting stuck in his throat he been practicing this for weeks! Hell he sort even got help with his brothers. One can only imagine what that meant. "An - and I glad I did look deeper ta see that 'bout you Von. I got ta know you better and we got close...then ya got mad at us and that hurt. I didn't why then till I got it through my damn head I liked ya. An' I just wound up liking ya even more. Well I love you and it just always made sense. Around ya I can always sort of do the same take a breather. I don't gotta try and keep everything in control when I'm with ya. I don' gotta bottle thing in till I just break down. Even when I am mad you know what i'm trying to say. Which is special cause I never know what 'm trying to say even right now if i'm honest. My mouth keeps going." He chuckles little at his own expense then takes a breath.
Holding the band to flip it over so it's better facing her. "It ain't not diamond or a ring but I still hope ya take it when I ask if ya would marry me?" He looks down at her heart beating quick in his shell, he swears he is sweating "uh Yvoone? Would ya uh you marry me I mean?" tight smile he has no reason to expect a no, he didn't go over the top he kept it personal because he knew that's what mattered to her deep down. So he kept it like that.
"Ya always been the one thing I've let my self be selfish with. I put everything first but when it came to you? I couldn't and well I don't ever don't want to. So I know we saved the future and who knows whatelse is out there to come but maybe you still wanna stay in mine..or be mine?"
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sylverstorms · 3 years
Daniela x Maiden ---- Hunted Ch. 6
Ch.1 Ch.2 Ch.3 Ch.4 Ch.5
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You have nothing to apologize for. Nothing for this unreasonable guilt to swallow you up over. The last person in this whole damn world you owe anything to is her.
You saved her from the cold and she tried to kill you. Your risked your life for her and her thanks was locking you up in here. She literally terrorizes maids for fun. People mean about as much to her as toys.
On the other hand, part of you counters, you abandoned her after kissing her. Shouldn't even have let your lips lock in the first place, but you don't have the energy to beat yourself up over that lapse of judgement on top of everything else.
And that's not how you are. You're many things, but you're not an asshole.
Bottom line is, no girl in the world deserves to feel that way.
She's not human, though. The side of your brain trying to absolve you of guilt states. Does she even have the capacity to be truly hurt by my actions?
Arguments can certainly be made both ways.
Yet. You're already pacing in the hall leading to her bedroom door. Hesitating. Pivoting to leave and then looking over your shoulder. You know that your conscience won't shut up unless you go through with this.
Suicide mission or not... you take a deep breath, several determined steps forward and—
You knock.
Once. There's no surface for your knuckles to tap the second time, because the door has already opened and Daniela is gazing at you with a –foxy, attractive, seriously this is not fair— bemused expression.
“Well. I didn't actually think you'd knock, Knight.” The edge of her crimson mouth twists up.
“Me neither.” you sigh. “Can we talk?”
Daniela gives you another look, this one longer, unreadable. Her arm slowly drops from the handle, lithe body moving back to allow you entrance.
“Step into my parlor.” says the spider to the fly.
Her room is nice. The scent of vanilla permeates the air. You don't know if you expected people and hooks to be hanging from the ceiling, but instead it's just a carpeted, spacey bedchamber. There is a fireplace on one side, a big wardrobe on the other and a vanity filled with all sorts of boxes –within which must lay unimaginable riches— perfumes and lipstick tubes.
The queen-sized bed is the main attraction, though. It looks plush and soft as a cloud, with far too many pillows stacked against the headboard. There's a book laying atop the red covers and two monster teddy bears standing guard over it.
Daniela catches you staring at them. “Don't worry, they're friendly.” she reassures as she takes a seat on the edge of the bed, patting the space next to her. “I might not be if you touch them, though.”
Noted. You nod and lower yourself down, a polite distance left between you. You try not to think it's also one she can cross to rip at your throat before you've even finished blinking.
Daniela turns to face you fully, one leg bent in front of her on the mattress. “Well?”
You force your gaze not to waver from hers. “I'm sorry.” God, this is hard. “I kissed you and then I ran and I am very sorry.”
The first words are like pulling teeth, but they eventually break the dam that holds the rest of them in. Daniela looks like she's about to speak up, but you press on before you can cower out of it.
“And it wasn't because you accidentally pressed on my stitches. I...” your eyes stray sideways, here. “I have a very deeply rooted issue with mutants. I hate that I'm attracted to you.”
Daniela's pretty face doesn't change nearly as much as you expected it to. She's still calm, still looking at you in that strange way that makes it impossible to guess what she's thinking.
There's a small pause. Then...
“You're really brave, Knight.” Daniela smiles. She smiles.
“No, you don't understand! I'm not brave at all. Every time I see you or your sisters break into a swarm of flies my blood turns to ice. I appreciate your looks but I fear what you are. I can't handle feeling this unsafe. And it's wrong to let you think I'm in love with you.”
Well, there you go. Said way more than you intended so now you may as well die an honest woman.
Except, to your surprise...
Daniela laughs.
“Seren, I know.” she says. You don't know if the shock that runs through you is from this strange reaction or her calling you by your real name.
Your eyes widen.
“I'm just messing with you because it's fun.” she shrugs. “Same with all the maids here. Do you know how dangerous boredom can be for beings like us? It can drive you just as crazy as hunger.”
Shit. You think. It took you this long to realize that everything the castle’s human staff says about her is wrong. It's all wrong.
She doesn't have her screws loose –no more than the average person, anyway– nor is she lost in her own little world. She's delusional by choice. And that makes the terror of being in her presence ten times worse.
“I'm genuinely surprised by you, Knight.” Daniela states. “The thing is, the protagonists in my books are great and so easy to like, but sadly people in real life are downright disappointing. In almost a hundred years and nobody had the guts to say what you did.”
“What...?” She's... congratulating me?
“No, really, your nickname fits you perfectly. You're just like a fictional character. And such a sweetheart to come clean out of consideration for my feelings.” Daniela smiles at you, so very lovely.
You don't know what to say and you wouldn't even be able to speak if you did. You're left completely speechless, staring at Daniela like you're seeing her for the first time.
The redhead scoots closer. The knee she has on the edge of the bed touches your leg and it's almost as cold as the fingers that come up to take a gentle hold of your chin.
“To be honest to you back, I kissed you because I think you're hot. I've tried it, once or twice, in the past with others I considered attractive but it didn't feel like anything, let alone how stories describe it. But with you... well. I got curious again. Wondered if it would be different this time.”
“...was it?” you don't know what possesses you to ask. “Different?”
Her eyes glint. “Very.” she says.
A quiet beat passes between you.
“Listen, Seren.” Daniela uses your name again, as if she finally sees you as a person and not a plaything. “I won't force you into anything, but... I am still curious about certain things from my books. If you help me experience those things, you can have almost anything you want in the castle in return. I promise to be very careful not to hurt you or toy with you again either way.” Her finger taps rhythmically against her thigh. She looks to you with what can only be described as puppy eyes. “So... what do you say?”
Your mind shouts to get the hell away because she just got twice as dangerous in the span of ten minutes. Your body instead warms where it touches hers. It's impossible to explain why, yet it's undeniable part of you wants this. And the benefits to saying yes are not to be ignored, either. You can also experience things you've never had before. A good life —you'll even take the illusion of one— you never dared to dream about under a solid roof.
In a way... you understand her. Better than anyone, you understand what it is like to read about simple things like mutual desire and a deep, restful sleep and be unable to truly know them for yourself. To be so left out. So alienated from normalcy.
So... alone.
“No matter the circumstance, will you promise to stop if I push you or tell you to?” you ask.
“Immediately.” Daniela nods quickly, lifting her hands up as if to show she won't overpower you. Both of you know what you're asking is not something she can one hundred percent guarantee, but perhaps it is enough that she will try.
“...alright. For now… don't touch my shoulders until they heal.”
Daniela grins beautifully, in a way that lights up her entire face. “Deal.”
Slowly, she inches closer to you, making to seal the agreement with a kiss like a true romantic. Yet she stops and waits for you to diminish the rest of the distance.
You do. Her lips are as criminally soft as you remembered. Daniela proves to be a quick learner, tilting her head exactly how you like it –your heartbeat must give you away— and letting you set the pace.
You choose to lose yourself in the wonderful way she feels and smells, muting the voice in the back of your head that tells you it is your choice, this time, to dance with your peril.
Later in the castle…
Daniela swarms past corridors and stairways alike, until her target is in sight.
She crashes into Cassandra’s back from behind like a black-and-crimson hurricane. The gasp her sister gives makes her laugh as her flies gather together to solidify into her main form. One second later, her giggles are cut short when she’s shoved into the opposite wall.
“Ow!” Daniela complains.
“Next time you do that you’re flying out a window.” Cassandra warns.
“So moody~ but listen, I have great news.” the redhead straightens her robes before she announces: “You’ve lost the bet!” Daniela chuckles. “And don’t say you don’t remember it just because it was placed, like, thirty years ago.”
“I barely remember what we had for dinner yesterday.” Cassandra replies, expression and tone equally flat.
The little sister’s face falls. “Back in the old days, you said ‘as if any human would ever have the balls to call your shit out to your face’. And I said ‘wanna bet?’ and then you agreed to give me anything I want out of your weapons collection if it ever happened.”
The brunette seems sceptical. “Sounds like something I’d say, but…”
“Well, you lost the bet!” Daniela repeats.
“Get real.”
“I swear! Knight literally came into my room and was all like ‘it’s wrong to let you think I’m in love with you’.” Daniela impersonates. “So, other than that being super hot… you lost the bet.”
Cassandra’s mouth falls open. “She did what? That little shit!” A huff. “On the other hand... respect. That takes Alexia-levels of balls but… wait. You’re not actually expecting I will give you a weapon from my collection, are you?” The thought alone makes her shoulders shake with a quick chuckle.
Daniela growls. “You promised!”
A mocking chuckle. “Well, I lied.”
“MOOOM—” A gloved hand smacks itself over Daniela’s mouth.
“...which one do you fucking want.”
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sanguinescorpios · 3 years
Still Alive
dream x f!reader
summary | Just under 20 years ago, the world slipped from humanity’s grasp and fell into the lap of mutant creatures. While most humans hid from the variants, some, like reader, grew restless in the bases they grew up in and needed out. What will happen when reader realizes that she doesn’t stand a chance in the wild on her own, and can something deeper blossom from a survival-based alliance? 
warnings | none!
word count | 1.7k
I had never seen a flower before. At least, not that I could remember. Things like that didn’t exist within the confines of the city walls, the beautiful, living things. The things that reminded you you were alive. My gaze fixated on the object before I even knew what I was looking at. Its petals swirled with pinks and purples, hues I had only seen in worn-out wool and peeling paint. Deep emerald leaves adorned a similarly colored stem, all woven together intricately and standing out amidst the field of brown. I marveled at the plant, bending down to hold it delicately between two fingers. It was incredible, even better than in photographs.
I spent months looking through the old textbooks Zoe had found, simply admiring the anatomy of different flowers and plants from the Old World. She was so excited to show me. I can still picture her jumping up and down as she entered my room in her tattered sports jersey and two-sizes-too-big jeans, a huge stack of books cradled like a child in her arms. Her tight curls were always pulled up into two buns, perfectly placed on the top of her head and bouncing with her childlike movements. I had quirked up an eyebrow at her as she wordlessly dropped her findings on my cot with a thump.
“Books,” she had said, looking at me with a newfound glimmer in her eye, “textbooks. We can learn!”
There was plenty of other information in those textbooks, but the flowers fascinated me. They caught my attention not just for their beauty, but for their mechanics, too. As I read, I began to appreciate how their roots anchored them to the earth, how their stems acted as passageways for water and nutrients, how they came in so many shapes, shades, and sizes. I wanted to know everything I could about them. I had always been that way, I guess.
A nearly foreign feeling emerged in me as a smile curled its way onto my face. The muscles were rusty from a long hibernation and they weren’t sure how to react to the sudden use. Dust found its way into my eyes as my cheeks rose with the grin, so I brushed it away quickly. That, I was used to.
“A cosmos,” I said to no one but myself. Of course, it was a cosmos.
The world before me was barren, a bleak expanse of land that seemed to never end. How the fuck was I supposed to survive out here? Despite my extensive studying, I wasn’t necessarily well-versed in survival. I had no protection out here, no roof over my head, and no soldiers with weapons on watch for intruders, or worse, for variants. A shiver ran down my spine at the thought. Variants were the one thing I knew almost nothing about, despite how hard I tried to get information from the watchmen and neighboring families. In all honesty, we didn’t know much about them, just that they didn’t seem to like us too much. One week the world was our terrain and the next it was theirs. I had never met one and I wasn’t planning on doing so, but I no longer had control over that. I chose to leave and there was no turning back.
That didn’t make it any less terrifying.
Adjusting my pack on my back, I grabbed my flask and poured a bit of water over the stubborn flower.
“Hope we make it, little guy.”
One last look at the distant confines I used to call home, then I was walking again, this time never turning back.
. . .
As it turns out, walking across one huge expanse of dust and dirt isn’t very fun! In fact, it’s fucking brutal. I had no idea where I was going, that much was clear not even ten minutes into the journey. Leave the city, that was my only plan. A shit plan, in hindsight. I reached into one of the many pockets of my pack and pulled out my water bottle. Last sip, that’s not good. If I could just go a little longer and reach the forest, I’d be okay. Much of the landscape had been torn apart over the years, but there were still occasional patches of green, at least that’s what I had been told. Just a little farther, surely I would reach it soon.
The hours dragged on, all melding together into one blurry week of sleeping in a ripped tent in the middle of nowhere and barely eating or drinking. When my eyes focused on a small dot of green in the distance, I nearly brought my hands up to rub the mirage from them, but I knew better than to do anything like that before washing. Especially after the week I’ve had, too much dust and not enough water.
I had been preparing for my lunch break when I spotted it, excited to get my hands on my tenth granola bar of the week. All desire for a break left my body, replaced by the desperate need to get to that forest before nightfall. There could be water in there, shelter, food, the possibilities were endless. I picked up my pace, feet moving with fervor despite my obvious exhaustion. My pack threatened to slip off my back, but I ignored it.
I reached the edge of the forest by nightfall, a shudder running through me at the thought of spending the night alone in the dense environment. Anyone or anything could be living here, and they could be hungry. The ground didn’t feel safe, too open and vulnerable of a place to sleep, but the sliver of moonlight shining down on me wasn’t enough to find anywhere else. This would have to do.
A few restless hours passed before I had finally fallen into a deep sleep, my back pressed uncomfortably against a tree and my pack serving as a makeshift pillow. I didn’t bother to set up camp, figuring I’d pick up and move in the morning anyways. I expected to get a few good hours of sleep at least, but that wasn’t the case. Instead, I was shaken awake by unfamiliar hands and a gruff voice.
“Get the fuck up,” the voice barked as my eyes adjusted to the morning light, peering up at the shaded figure looming over me.
“Get. The fuck. Up.” The figure grabbed my pack from underneath my head and I groaned at the rude awakening. In my early morning haziness, I barely questioned the individual’s orders. My body moved before my brain told it to, pulling itself out of the fetal position and standing up, unsteady but sturdy enough.
As I rose to my feet, I took a good look at the person for the first time. He stood tall, towering over my frame with long legs and broad shoulders. Underneath his hood, a mask shielded most of his face from me; it looked to be made of some sort of wood and with the jagged smile that was carved into it, it was borderline terrifying. Dark blond hair toppled out and around the thing, curling messily at the ends. He sported muted green cargo pants and a thick belt bearing a multitude of knives and other weapons I didn’t even want to imagine. A black T-Shirt spread across his torso, strong arms emerging from the sleeves and gloved hands gripping a satchel against his hip. If this went south, I was outmatched.
“What made you think sleeping on the ground was a good idea?” he hissed out a few minutes later as he led me through the trees, taking angry steps at least two yards ahead of me.
“I didn’t have many other options,” I responded simply, not sure what he wanted from me and still groggy with sleep.
“Well, you picked the stupidest option.”
I rolled my eyes, who did this guy think he was? Sure, the ground wasn’t the smartest choice, but it was all I had! I huffed, kicking at a rock as he stopped to check...something — who knows what he was doing.
“You got a name, mask boy?”
He shushed me, holding up his index finger as he looked around at our surroundings.
“It was just a question-”
“Dream,” he cut me off, “now shush.”
He said it simply, like it wasn’t the most absurd name anyone had ever heard, and went right back to surveying the space around us. I poked my head around at him, trying and failing to get this mystery man’s attention.
“Is that your real name?” I inquired, making awkward eye contact with the mesh-covered eyeholes of his mask and wishing I could see his face when he answered. Maybe then I’d know if he was bluffing or not. Or if he planned on killing me.
“It’s what you’ll call me.”
There was a finality in the way he said it, a sternness in his voice that I wasn’t about to argue with. A beat passed in utter silence, me waiting for him to continue the conversation and him already three steps ahead of me on the path. Dream isn’t a chatty guy, noted.
I jogged to catch up to him, slowing as I reached his side. He didn’t seem like he was going to kill me as soon as night fell on the already dark forest, but keeping him in my sight was the safest bet.
“You’re not gonna ask my name?” He turned to face me, raising an eyebrow and bobbing his head as if to say ‘go on’. I gave him my name and he grunted in response — men.
He persevered through the forest, cutting away branches and leaving a green mess in our wake. I had no idea where we were going or why I was following his lead so easily, but he seemed confident and I trusted his confidence more than my own.
“So…” I dragged on, twiddling my thumbs and shooting him a look, “do we have a plan here or are we just gonna wander for the next five hours of daylight?”
He rolled his eyes, letting out an “ugh” as he pushed through another set of leaves. I wasn’t wrong; the sun would be setting soon, and based on how he reacted this morning, he wasn’t a night owl.
“Our camp is set up a few miles north. We should get there before nightfall.”
Did he say our?
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 290: It’s Touya Time
Previously on BnHA: Iida and Hadou showed up like a couple of Pennsylvanias and Georgias to bail Shouto out at the last minute. Ochako and Toga had an exceptionally strange fight which consisted of Toga being all “guess what Ochako, I used your quirk to murder someone, how do you feel about that”, and Ochako being all “I do not like that”, to which Toga was all “:(”. There was some doll-stealing and some bookcase-yeeting, and then Toga left in tears because Ochako was all adamant that murder has consequences. Anyway so I have absolutely no idea what Toga is thinking now, but I guess we’ll have some time to stew on it, because we ended the chapter by cutting back to the Iida+Hadou+Shouto VS Afomura battle, which was interrupted by Gigantomachia and the LoV showing up like a bunch of Floridas to ruin everyone’s nice day.
Today on BnHA: Horikoshi hands the mic over to Dabi and is all “take it away, kid.” Over in Room 315 of Musutafu General, Rei is all “may I please watch some TV” and the hospital staff is all “sure”, and so she tunes in just in time to catch Todoroki Touya’s Peabody Award-winning documentary “Number One Hero, Number One Fraud: The Todoroki Enji Story”, which is being broadcast nationwide courtesy of Skeptic and his magic laptop. Meanwhile in Jakku, Dabi is all “I’M TOUYA, BITCHES”, and Shouto and Enji are all, “(゜◇゜ )”, and Dabi is all, “anyway so just to sum it all up, because of how much of a jerk Endeavor was, I am now Evil.” Everyone continues to be all “(゚o゚)” except for Dabi, who is all “└(˘▾˘┌ )≡ ( ┐˘▾˘)┘≡┗( ˘▾˘)┛≡┏( ˘▾˘)┓≡┗( ˘▾˘)┛” for pretty much the rest of the chapter. Idk. Just let the man have his fun, guys. He’s waited a long time for this.
y’all I have a confession to make. I am technically not spoiled for this chapter thanks to my robustly paranoid system of spoiler-tag-filtering, which is extensive enough that it pretty much will catch whenever someone so much as breathes something even remotely new-chapter-related. that being said, I like to think that I am capable of making basic logical inferences! and so the fact that for the past 36 hours, my dashboard has pretty much nonstop consisted almost entirely of this...
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...has led me to conclude that MAYBE, POSSIBLY, PROBABLY, BUT ALSO DEFINITELY, a certain someone is finally going to reveal his ~secret identity~ woop woop. lmao
anyway so everyone, please remember to act surprised though, as we would not want Dabi’s feelings to be hurt at all. he has been planning this moment for the last decade or so and I wouldn’t want him to feel like all of that effort was for naught. so just play along, okay. OH MY, IF IT ISN’T THE LEAGUE OF VILLAINS’ MYSTERIOUS DABI. WHATEVER COULD HIS ARRIVAL POSSIBLY BE HERALDING, I JUST DON’T KNOW
“Dabi’s Dance” lmao. I’m sticking with Touya Time myself. ngl I had this recap title planned out for at least the past year or so. just waiting for that day to finally come
anyway so some people in some building somewhere are all “TURN OFF THE TV IN ROOM 315” and idk. I’m guessing the LoV is hacking the airwaves to livestream the reveal, as predicted
-- oh shit. UHHHHHHHH
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did she always have this TV or did she get it just recently?? jfc of all the times for the hospital staff to finally loosen up
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um... so that’s... (・_・;)
well but I mean, she was gonna find out one way or the other at some point though. like you can’t really just keep her locked up and isolated from all news of the outside world forever and ever and ever. granted, this isn’t exactly the ideal way for her to learn this particular bit of information, but it’s not really ideal for anybody else either! EXCEPT DABI, THAT IS. have yourself a day you funky little terrorist
oh shit what is this?? it’s not live???
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over in Jakku, a red-faced, sputtering Dabi makes a frantic grab for Skeptic’s laptop. “WAIT, NO, JESUS, NOT THAT TAPE!”
lol. but seriously Dabi are you even wearing a shirt. like I’m not one to slutshame anyone bro, but it’s just, exactly what type of mood were you looking to set here??
anyway so we really are cutting back to Jakku now, and Gigantomachia is all, “MASTERS”! which, I wonder if he really did use the plural? that’s right Machia, both of them in one place now! that sure is convenient for you huh
lol what is this with all this AFO monologuing. you’re really gonna make me read through this when I’m sitting here all sleep-deprived from election week. JUST GET TO THE TOUYAS. WE WERE PROMISED TOUYAS!!
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“tee hee it’s fucking hilarious how goddamn powerful I am now lol”
alas, in spite of myself I do have two serious takeaways from this. one is that AFO is still controlling most of Tomura’s body behind the scenes, which both does and doesn’t bode well for Tomura (like, at least he’s not dying, but the long-term implications of this for his free will and such certainly are not Good). and two is that this confirms that Ujiko did give Tomura at least one powerful mutant quirk, which explains why he was still so deadly and indestructible even when Aizawa was using Erasure on him (since Erasure doesn’t work on mutant quirks, just emitter and transformation ones)
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I like how he doesn’t actually say that he can’t take on Gigantomachia. just that he can’t take on him and Afomura at the same time. that’s confidence, baby. that right there is why you always draft Todoroki Shouto in the first round for your fantasy team
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um but not to take away from this exceptionally cool moment or anything, but why is Endeavor dying and shouting “RUN” down there in the corner um
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excuse me. not to take away from How Bad This All Is, but!!
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just a little, smol, IidaBaku for everyone. Iida, who apparently doesn’t know a damn thing about first aid and is all, “hmm that’s a pretty bad-looking puncture wound he has in his left shoulder there, I think I’ll just let his arm dangle freely like that and I won’t bother taking off his heavy gauntlets either. I mean. he’ll be fine, probably.” smh. at least Shouto probably cauterized the wounds
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ah well. I guess he gets to watch the Touya Show now too then lol
LMAOOOO now Machia’s lifting Tomura carefully in his palm like a broken action figure and Spinner is all “THE FUCK, YOU LOOK LIKE DEATH WARMED OVER”
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“oh hey there Spinner. well let’s see, I woke up from my three-month coma and destroyed a city, had my body incinerated, and am currently being possessed by a diabolically evil potato. but please, tell me more about everything you've been through”
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Endeavor my dude. it’s as if you want to die here. also holy shit, that bit about his lungs definitely does not bode well for him either
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meanwhile Dabi’s just waving at ‘em
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lmaoooo please oh please Caleb please keep this ‘EYYYYYYY’, it’s fucking perfect kdlshk;hg
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(ETA: so as you will see very shortly, I completely missed this detail in my first read-through because I was so anxious to get to the reveal page, but THIS MOTHERFUCKER LITERALLY DOUSED HIMSELF WITH INSTANT HAIR DYE REMOVER THAT HE’S JUST BEEN CARRYING AROUND IN A LITTLE HIP POUCH APPRENTLY SINCE THE BEGINNING OF TIME. MOTHERFUCKER. I HAVE NO WORDS.)
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at least Shouto looks properly stunned. Enji just looks like endeavor.exe just straight up stopped working
meanwhile Deku’s out here trying to do the math on this latest surprise family reveal! first Tomura is related to Nana, and now this. what’s next. who are you related to, Spinner. he rips off his boots to reveal engine legs and declares himself Iida’s long-lost uncle
oh shit Touya
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it’s as if a million fanworks suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly jossed. who knew that all this time he was secretly sporting a crop top scar
also, THIRTY?! holy shit son you been busy
la la la two-page spread of Touya casually driving the dagger into Endeavor’s hero career and rocking the foundations of hero society as we know it la la la
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la la la!!!
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almost got confused for a sec. there’s two monologues happening at once here. Endeavor doesn’t even know that his dirty laundry is being aired out nation-wide as we speak ffffff
btw while I appreciate the close-ups of Enji and Shouto here for sure, ngl I would also really love to see everyone else’s reactions right now. SHOW ME BAKUGOU AND THE LOV YOU COWARDS
is his hair actually turning white all of a sudden?? your hair dye just reacts on command??
(ETA: in all seriousness though, the hell kind of hair dye was he using? all he has to do is pour a bottle of that stuff and not even lather it in and it’s just gone just like that?? what the fuck would have have done if it ever rained lmao.
and this motherfucker just goes and leaves the dye remover in afterwards, too. I have never dyed my hair in my life and even I can tell you that’s probably not a good idea, Dabi.)
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is this it. is this the legendary Dabi Dance in action. lmfao
oh hey what the fuck
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so you figured you’d just murder your innocent younger brother to get revenge on dad, huh. well that’s nice
is that really all there is to the origin story though?? feels like we’re still missing a huge chunk of it. what was it that finally sent him over the edge? or was the trauma of being created as Endeavor’s perfect little hero tool and then being subsequently rejected by him enough on its own? because I’m still kind of confused on the part where he goes from “abused and discarded by his father” to “killed thirty people and was plotting the murder of his own brother” to tell you the truth
(ETA: lmao the initial fandom reaction to this did not disappoint. listen guys. people can be traumatized and shaped by awful circumstances that are completely out of their control, and grow up to be people they wouldn’t have grown up to be if things had been better, and all of that absolutely sucks, but. it doesn’t mean they get a get-out-of-jail-free card for all of their future actions, either! the tragedy of this situation is that terrible things happened to Touya, and he then went on to do terrible things himself. the tragedy of it is that this is exactly how the cycle of abuse keeps repeating itself on and on and on. maybe one of the people Dabi killed had a child who will now grow up traumatized themselves, and potentially go on to pay it forward themselves when they grow up. the tragedy is that the eye-for-an-eye justice that Touya is seeking out won’t actually make anything better in the end. the tragedy is that we understand why Touya is so angry, but that anger has basically warped him into the gleefully sadistic dancing figure we see in this chapter who has stopped caring about anyone else’s pain or suffering and just wants his own revenge.
anyway. basically what I’m trying to say is that it’s possible for the concepts of “Todoroki Touya was an innocent child and a victim of abuse” and “Dabi is a grown-ass motherfucking adult who killed thirty people and PROBABLY NEEDS TO BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR THAT” to coexist lol. like, y’all wanted your moral grey, well HERE YOU GO lmao, eat up.)
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Todoroki Touya confirmed not a fan of the Endeavor redemption arc huh. well we all saw this coming lols
anyways here’s a sexy Touya for y’all
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you really are the most theatrical bitch I s2g lmao
also for real though, what is happening with his hair? anime team in shambles here. they’re probably just gonna double down and keep it red. too bad though cuz this is a surprisingly good look on him
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friendly reminder that Dabi without a doubt REHEARSED this speech like a thousand fucking times. LET US FALL TOGETHER!! COME DANCE WITH YOUR SON IN HELL. apparently if you fake your own death in middle school you will never mentally age past that point and will remain a permanent chuuni
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we really just gonna end on “DANCE WITH YOUR SON IN HELL”, huh. very well then. you know what song to play, Horikoshi. one, two... YOU ARE MY DAD. YOU’RE MY DAD!! BOOGIE WOOGIE WOOGIE
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She Is The Wilderness
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Chapter 4: Making New Friends
Summary:  Logan and Reader start to develop an close relationship as Reader delays leaving the area.
Since the night of your run in with Logan, you kept finding reasons not to finish packing or wander the woods looking for a new cabin location. The wolves could tell something was up and each night they came to look in the window and judge you. Nakia even began to scratch at the door in an effort to get you to come outside. You couldn’t really explain why you kept putting it off and staying around the cabin more.
Then Logan started coming by. It was slowly at first, starting off with bringing you a broken-in, brown leather jacket that felt amazing but was a little big on you. When you looked at him in confusion, he actually blushed as he looked down.
“I felt bad about your favorite jacket so I brought you mine. I figured up here in the woods you may need it more than I do.”
Smiling, you pushed the sleeves up so you could give him a hug. “Thank you, Logan. That was really sweet of you. But really, it’s ok. You don’t need to try to replace my jacket.”
He just shook his head. “If it wasn’t for my stupidity, you’d still have your jacket. Please take this one.”
“Heroic stupidity,” You laughed and hugged him again.
Then he found other reasons to stop by: Piotr had grown too many pumpkins and they had to keep Wade from trying to chuck them at Cable, there were left over scraps from a bbq and he wanted to bring them as a peace offering to the wolf pack, he chopped too much for firewood did you need any? Finally, you told Logan he didn’t need an excuse and that he could come by whenever he wanted just make sure he knocked on the door first, otherwise he would end up like Baby Hands McGee back at the mansion (Wade kept getting either parts or his whole hand ripped off for trying to take your food). Logan laughed and agreed.
What started as randomly stopping by to see if you needed anything turned into dinner at your cabin every Friday night to dinner almost every night at your place. You grew comfortable around each other and began to talk about your pasts. You learned how his claws became metal and how his dick of a brother still showed up from time to time to try to corrupt him again.
You told him how you were from an area now known as Arizona, but when you were born it was barely a territory. Your mother had been Mexican and your father a settler who was supposed to be passing through until he met her. They had to move away from your mother’s town as interracial relationships were illegal back then. You had had siblings, but you were the only mutant of the family and it had hurt to outlive all of them.
You grew close as you ate and talked well into each night, with Logan heading back to the mansion sometime before dawn. Eventually, you started going to the mansion of your own will. With Logan’s help, you brought down several jars of your canned food for the school’s kitchen. You meet each member of the team known as the X-Men as well as some of the students. You could see why The Professor had started the school and really admired him for making such a leap forward for society. He always had a big smile on his face when he saw Logan and you standing together as you passed out things you had brought down from the cabin.
“Thank you, _____ for bringing all this food.” Charles smiled up at you.
“Well, I want to lie and say it would go to waste but something tells me you know why Logan hasn’t been in the mansion for dinner lately.” You both laughed at this.
“You’re good for him, you know? He’s become less isolated around the team and wants to help out more. Maybe you should move down here and join the team. You also manage to be the only one to put the fear of God into Wade.”
You laughed at that, “thank you, but I’m not so sure I’m ready for a move like that. While I do enjoy having Logan around, I’m still not comfortable around larger groups.”
Charles nodded at that, a smile on his face as Logan helped you grab the now empty boxes and head back to the cabin to make dinner. As you cooked, Logan poured you a glass of wine while he helped himself to a beer from the fridge. You talked about his classes and about Charles’ offer for you to move into the mansion.
Logan frowned at this. “As much as it would be nice to see you more often, I like you being here. Gives me an excuse to escape the constant noise and craziness.”
“Yeah, I can imagine being around Wade as much as you are would wear down on your soul after a while.” Laughing, you made your plates and you sat at the table to eat and watched as the day turned to night outside the windows.
“Did you get enough food? There’s still plenty on the stove.”
Logan groaned, “I always end up stuffing myself stupid when I come over here. Why do you have to be such a good cook?!”
You laughed at Logan’s fake pain as you popped a piece of a roll into your mouth. “You can’t fool me with that bitching. Coming over here to eat all my food then brag to the people in the mansion about all the home cooking you’ve been eating. Fucking Wade tried to steal a can of my peaches the other day because of you. How long did it take him to grow that finger back?”
“He’s still on it. Right now we’re all getting flipped off by a baby finger and it’s hilarious.” Logan grinned, clearly pleased with the daily sight of Wade not having a middle finger.
You had moved to the couch and sat in front of the fire place, slightly touching as you relaxed. Logan had an arm slung over the back of the couch behind your head while one of your legs was pressed up to his. Each time he visited, your personal space became smaller and smaller. While you certainly weren’t going to argue it, you also had no idea how to handle it. It had been at least 20 years since your last relationship; you felt rusty as hell and for all you knew you were reading the signals wrong.
Logan broke the silence. “_____, I really enjoy coming here and I really love spending time with you. So few people understand what it’s like to have lived as long as we have and the pain that comes with it.”
“Honestly, I almost didn’t stay. I was so damn annoyed at first with everyone popping up when they damn well pleased like this was a club house. I was actually looking for new places to hide my cabin the night we ran into each other.”
“I’m glad you didn’t leave, and frankly I hope you never do.” Before you could respond, your face was in his hands and he was pressing a gentle kiss to your lips. You easily melted into his touch and you spent a few minutes kissing on the couch.
“Well I can’t really fight an argument like that, now can I?” You asked once you broke apart. “Guess I’ll just have to stay right where I am. As long as you’re staying too.”
“Kid, you’ve got me here as long as you want.” He pulled you in for another kiss.
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as fear strikes his heart
Pairing: Peter Maximoff x Reader
Warnings: there’s a fight scene but nothing graphic
Words: 1.8K
A/N: reader has plant mutation powers in this! Also this isn’t proofread so I apologize for any errors in my writing!
It was supposed to be a simple mission. In and out, ending the night cuddling your boyfriend until you fell asleep.
Charles said it was only a couple of rogue mutants, but a telepath in their group must’ve hidden the others because it ended in an ambush.
Charles split you up in an attempt to divide and conquer, but it didn’t seem like any of you were doing too well. You couldn’t even see where Peter ran off too, which made you uneasy. The mutant you were up against had super strength, and it seemed like every time you brought vines up to entrap him, he ripped them apart like paper. You stood on a rooftop, a large array of plants circling up the side of the building serving as your stairway, the sinking feeling of defeat crawling into your mind. It seemed like this mutant could rip apart anything you threw at him. When you found yourself at the edge of the rooftop, you scanned the area for help. No one was close enough to you for you to call out to them, so you leapt backward onto the stairwell you built, sprinting down to the ground. The mutant followed you, the plants reaching up and attempting to hold him to the stairs slowing him down for only a couple of moments.
He continues barreling down the steps towards you, slamming you into a pillar behind you. You swore you saw stars for a moment, taking a dazed second to try to get your balance back while you tried to ignore the newfound pounding in your head.
Fuck, that hurt.
A sound off to the side of you distracts you, turning to see Peter faced completely away from you, dealing with a mutant of his own. You watched for a moment as the mutant stretched an arm towards Peter, only for him to appear leaning out of the doorway to an old warehouse. It clicked in your head that Peter was getting them into a smaller space so they wouldn’t be able to use their stretchy powers to the fullest. Your attention quickly snapped back to the mutant in front of you, who was reeling back to send a punch your way. You dropped to the ground, narrowly dodging it as pieces of the pillar crumbled onto you.
The mutant turns away from you, stalking towards the warehouse Peter was now inside. You barely had the chance to get back up before he was smashing through supports for the building, jumping back before the section nearest to him collapsed. Dust quickly blew out around the building, harshly invading your lungs. You coughed, covering your mouth with your hand as you tried to search through the rubble for your boyfriend.
You can barely make out Peter’s figure under the dust and debris, but you see him moving just enough for you to know he’s alive, and that’s all you need. Focusing back on the mutant, you raised vines from all angles and circled them around his limbs. When he started struggling under the greenery you almost thought you had him. That is, until he let out a massive roar, breaking through your vines again. Jesus, how much can this guy take?
He turned away from you, fishing through the rubble before he found an adequately sized steel beam, and lifted it with ease.
Oh shit.
Your eyes widened, the pillar behind you preventing you from backing up. He then threw it in your direction with a force that shouldn’t have been surprised by considering the mutant’s super strength. You flinch back, squeezing your eyes shut as you prepared for impact.
But the impact never comes.
When you open your eyes, the beam is floating a couple of feet in front of you for a moment, before changing direction entirely, flying back to the mutant and slamming his head into a wall. Finally, he drops. You can still see him breathing, which comforts you to some level, but you don’t want to be anywhere near him when he wakes up. You’ll leave that for Charles to deal with.
A faint groan from the rubble makes you snap to attention, rushing to Peter’s side as fast as you can. He’d managed to crawl out of what’s left of the building as best he could, but his legs were definitely stuck under the heavy rubble. With a mix of pure adrenaline and your power’s assistance, you manage to claw him out of the wreckage.
“Are you okay?” You ask once he was finally free, wrapping your arms around him in a tight hug.
“I’m fine, I’m okay.” He assured, burying his face into your neck. You sit there for a moment, just glad your boyfriend was okay – relatively.
When you finally pull away, you glance at the beam that now lay on the ground beside the mutant. Did Charles manage to get Erik here for the fight?
You shake the thoughts away, pulling your focus back to the boy on the ground in front of you. “Can you stand?”
He nodded, letting you help him up. Once he put pressure on his feet, however, he dropped back to the ground. You followed him, gently helping him sit down on the rubble.
“Shit.” He muttered, squeezing his eyes shut in pain.
You were vaguely aware of a blast from Scott hitting a wall near you as you pulled Peter close to you. “I have to move you out of the way of the fight.” You whispered, trying to keep your voice calm and soothing despite how much it always scares you to see Peter hurt.
You get him off to the side before he lightly kisses your cheek and tells u to kick some ass.
At the end of the fight, you’re climbing into the jet, Peter leaning on you heavily.
“It’s always the fucking legs.” He mutters bitterly, hissing in pain as you help him sit down.
You laugh lightly, collapsing into the seat next to him. His hand finds yours, as it always does at the end of a long fight. Suddenly, you perked up when you remembered something.
“Professor!” He paused his conversation with Jean, looking at you with raised eyebrows. “Was Erik here earlier?”
You felt Peter stiffen beside you, chalking it up to him not wanting to see his father unexpectedly. However, Charles frowned, shaking his head.
“Why do you ask?”
“I just-” You hesitated, casting a glance around the plane of people now staring at you. “Nevermind.” Sinking further into your seat as you thought about the fight. Who else could’ve done that? Maybe Jean stopped it, I’ll have to ask her about it later.
Charles went back to his previous conversation, the quiet chatter around you building up again. It took a second for you to realize Peter was talking, too, before falling into an easy conversation with him.
 You didn’t get to see Peter much once all of you got back since Hank took him to get his injuries checked out, and yours weren’t bad enough to warrant a stay in the medbay.
Staying in your room waiting around for Peter got tiring very quickly, and soon enough, you found yourself drifting off to sleep, your bed becoming more comfortable by the second. A nice long nap was just what you needed after a mission.
 A sharp knock startled you out of your slumber, head snapping up from your pillow before realizing what was going on.
You groaned, rubbing the sleep from your eyes and trudging towards your bedroom door, and swinging it open. As you expected, Peter stood there, once again wearing the crutches he’s needed so many times.
“You know, at some point you might as well engrave your name on those.” You joked, smile quickly fading when he didn’t react.
“Can we talk?”
Oh, fuck.
“Y-yeah, for sure.” You moved to let him walk inside, shutting the door gently and watching him make his way onto your bed.
“So…” He started, staring at the ground. Your heart feels like it’s in your throat as you watch his every move, still standing by the door. He looks at you for a moment, doing a double-take before his brows furrowed. “Wait, Y/N, I’m not breaking up with you.”
You blink for a moment, taking the information in before nodding and crossing your room to sit next to him on the bed.
“I just…” He still doesn’t look at you, choosing to inspect the ceiling instead. It was really starting to worry you, Peter very rarely holds back his thoughts like this. “I think I can control metal.”
“What?” The word slips out before you can even register it, giving him an incredulous look.
“I didn’t- I didn’t know until today when I saw that fucking mutant throw something at you. He would’ve killed you, you know. I almost lost you.”
So it was Peter.
“You saved me.” Your voice was barely above a whisper, a faint smile pulling at your lips. You reached up, putting a hand on his cheek. It seemed to snap him out of his thoughts, making him look at you.
“What if I can’t control them? What if- what if I become like him?” You could see the tears forming in his eyes as he spoke, tugging at your heartstrings.
“You won’t.”
“How can you be so sure?” His voice cracked and he pulled away slightly, angrily swiping at the tears that had yet to fall.
“Because I know you. You’re wonderful and kind, and one of the best people I’ve ever met. You always put others before yourself, and while it does frustrate me cause you need to take care of yourself, it shows how sweet of a person you are.” By the time you finish talking, the tears have slipped from Peter’s eyes and were streaming down his face.
He pulls you in for a tight hug, nuzzling his face into your neck. You couldn’t help but smile, wrapping your arms around him in return.
“Wait,” Abruptly, you pulled away, keeping your hands on his shoulders with furrowed brows. “If you could control metal, why didn’t you stop the building from crushing your legs?”
He hesitated, staring at you for a long moment before speaking. “I guess the thought of me getting hurt wasn’t as scary as the thought of losing you.”
You stared at the boy, dumbfounded and at a loss for words.
“I’m kinda in love with you.” He continued, still staring at you.
“Peter,” You breathed out, gently bringing a hand up to his cheek. “I’m so in love with you.”
He broke out into a wide grin, hugging you with such force that you fell backward on the bed, peppering your face with kisses.
Even injured after a long, exhausting fight, at least you still had him. Him and his new powers.
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gaknar · 3 years
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The only way this could have been better is if Hodge ripped the Genegineer apart by his legs as if he were a wishbone and then threw the two halves of his body at different people. Man, when I go out, I hope I go out blasting some hideous monster in the face with a bazooka right before he tears me apart with his tentacles. 
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I’m just going to ignore the fact that Rahne can transform into her full-wolf form and her half-wolf form and the skin suit that’s grafted onto her body just magically disappears and reappears because I’ve already focused way too much on how those suits work. It’s just comic book gobbledygook at this point. What’s not gobbledygook is it’s almost time for the New Mutants to come home from another mission and they’re carrying another one of their teammates home with them in an urn. The way this is written, I’m actually surprised that Warlock stayed dead after this. Seems like this was being set up for some kind of technoorganic resurrection for Warlock and possibly Doug Ramsey as well once Warlock gets sprinkled all over him. I guess once the chips fell, no one cared enough to used the characters. (New Mutants #97 – Jan 1991)
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redfoxgaming41 · 3 years
This was a request by anonymous and it was cool as hell so I am writing it!
I’m doing this in a one-shot format but it might be a bit crappy since I’m not too good at it!
Warning(s): Slight angst but happy ending, cursing, mention of injuries
(Reader is Female for this)
Let’s get this started!!
** 3rd person POV**
You were known as (y/n) to your family and friends, you looked like a normal 11 year old human girl but with a not so normal adoptive family.
You were abandoned by your biological parents before they were killed off by some bad guy and then you were picked up off of the ground by a green looking person wearing something red on his face. You now recognize him as Raphael, your older brother who you look up to the most. You obviously have your other brothers as well, Donatello, Michelangelo, and Leonardo. You were basically a mini version of all of them.You loved your brothers and they loved you, they were all pretty overprotective of you as well.
Until everything went downhill.
Everything happened so fast you couldn’t believe what was happening, foot soldiers flooded the lair and started attacking your brothers while some big metal man with blades for arms started to attack your father. You wanted to help them but you weren’t as better trained as your father and brothers so you fought the urges. You saw your brothers start to attack the metal man which you now knew was called shredder, and the fight wasn’t looking too well for them. That’s when you saw shredder almost stab Raph.
You felt something inside of you that you’ve never felt before and you didn’t know how to describe it, but it made your blood boil. You quickly rushed over there as fast as you could before your brother was hurt and just closed your eyes and let instincts take over. And by instincts I mean the fact that you turned into a whole wolf and started biting the arm of shredder. You bit through his armor and into his flesh, you couldn’t even control what you were doing, you just knew that you must protect your brothers. Shredder flung you across the room but it didn’t affect you badly, you were back on your feet once again. But you then felt sharp pains in your neck that led you to pass out. Shredder was impressed by your powers and decided to take you with him to “experiment” on you. Even if your brothers and Sensai protested, he easily beat them to the ground and took you with him.
Once your brothers were fine again, they instantly were talking about different plans to get you out of shredders hands.
^Time skip~ Two Years^
Your brothers were still on the lookout for you but they weren’t having any luck, they did however find Casey Jones who knew about Shredder, and your parents. They were also still doing their vigilante jobs, protecting New York from any bad people that resigned in it.
“Something could have happened to her! Like she could have gotten mutated-“
“Well she can turn into a wolf so that sorta makes her a hybrid mutant.”
“I guess...but she could be getting hurt there! Or could have already gotten killed!”
“Calm down Raph, she’s strong. I’m sure she’s still alive.”
“You don’t know that, none of us know that.”
**Raphs POV**
Finally, after finally getting the polices trust we can take down whatever the fuck is building this spaceship in the sky. Especially that it’s destroying New York in the process.
“So we’re going up there then jumping on one of those fucking flying pieces in order to land on the base of the ship thing?” I asked Leo.
“Yes, that’s the only possible way we can get up there.” He confirmed with a small sigh. And we went through with that whole plan. The police got us into the building by putting up their shields so civilians wouldn’t see us and off we went onto the roof. As quick as possible we made it up and we’re figuring out which platform to jump on. Donnie found a good one and we hopped on, not the smoothest ride but it was all we had.
**3rd Person POV**
The fight wasn’t going too smoothly for the brothers, especially when they figured out that krang worked with shredder until something happened. But all they need to to send the ship back into the dimension it was coming from. If only it were that easy but it wasn’t. They were facing a serious hardship, especially with The Krangs Advanced tech and suit. They honestly might have almost given up, until someone came into the battle.
It was a big wolf, same color as they last seen their...sister as...
And the wolf was pretty fucking good too! Ripping off parts of Krangs robotic limbs and even some of his tentacle looking things. Needless to say the turtles were impressed but it still have a bit of a downfall though. The Krangs managed to trap the wolves leg under his foot, not enough to break it but enough to stop the wolf from running. The turtles almost charged into the battle once more until the wolf called out.
“Raph! Give me one of your Sai’s!”
Raph recognized that voice, the only voice that belonged to (y/n). He almost did it without hesitation but he threw one of his sai’s to the wolf. She caught it in her mouth and turned her head to face The Krang. Donnie was watching all of this from the area where he was supposed to make the ship fall apart and go back to where it came from but didn’t do it yet because then they might not have enough time to escape and be sucked into the dimension as well. The wolf then transformed into something but the brothers couldn’t quite see what it was because the light was blinding but after it cleared up they saw someone that they never thought they would see again.
Except you looked more badass, plus you were two years older than they last seen you.
You were quick to think, turning around and stabbing The Krang right in his blobbly face. At this point Donnie had already started the whole “Spacship is going back to its dimension” thing so there was little time but it gave Donnie the ability to fight again so he did what anyone would do if there was a high tech pink blob villain on a giant spaceship and your only weapon was a Bo-Staff that had a taser on one end of it. PLUNG IT STRAIGHT INTO THE HEAD AND ELECTROCUTE THE THING!
^Time skip (sorry) after the fight^
Everything went surprisingly well, they won the battle and they get their sister back. Just because it was a happy day for them and with getting keys to the city, they still are the overprotective brothers you knew and loved. Especially the one in red. You finally got to meet the infamous Casey Jones but not only was he a couple feet away but Raph was behind you the whole time making sure he didn’t say nor look at you the wrong way.
“Come on Raph! I just want to introduce myself to her! Why are you so protective!?”
“Because not only is she my younger sister, she also sacrificed her life for us and I want to be more protective of her even more.”
“Fair point but can I at least shake her hand!”
You were happy to be back, to be back in New York.
And to be back with your brothers. ❤️💙🧡💜
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alice-angel12x · 4 years
💔Gem!Deku x Gem!Reader
"You think this is the place?" Asked a rouge.
"Yep, that's what our sources tell us," Said another.
"You got the cages and rope ready," The leader asked.
"Yeah of course, but why did we bring this dead weight," A low Lackie asked kicking a tarp-covered cage.
"Because this dead weight is our bait. Those rocks have a soft spot for their own kind, especially the weaker and fragile ones," The leader said as he ripped the tarp away.
Revealing a bound Phosphophyllite gem with messy dark green hair and green eyes. His wrists and ankles were tied together, and a piece of cloth was wrapped around his mouth.
"You know the drill, right Deku," The leader smiled cruelly.
"MMhhm! NNmph!" Deku tried to scream.
The Trappers grabbed the helpless gem as they descended into the caves.
The Kessho people, or gem people many humans call them. Being made entirely of crystals of all kinds, they are highly sought after by humans. Because their entire body was made of pure and untainted crystals, many hunters seek these beauties. For things from jewelry to weapons, or just want a shiny servent, many reasons.
So the gems hide in many places of the world, from small islands to deep underground tunnels and caves. Anywhere out of human reach.
Please. I don't want any part of this. Please let me go! I tried to cry out but I couldn't with the gag in the way. The memories of previous raids started resurfacing. They would use gems like me to lure others out of hiding, for what reason they help me varies. Some communities of gem had an elitist-like community, or even ones made up of one kind of gems. But when they got close they were ambushed and locked away in cages. They would after be turned into weapons and jewelry.
"Here, place him here," The leader Rato said.
They placed me down near a ledge and ripped away from my gag. Looking over I could see two gems walking by down below. I tried to stay as quiet and still as I could so they wouldn't notice me.
"Deku's too quiet," Rato growled.
He stomped on my hand shattering it. I could hold back the pain as I cried out, it echoed throughout the cave. Looking down at the gems below they quickly spotted me and ran away. Good at least they won't get caught.
Suddenly there was a rustle and a-
"SMASH!!" shouted a large gem.
The gem delivered a powerful punch knocking three of the rouges away. Deku stared in awe at the scene and the powerful gem with a brave smile on his face, but the wind was so strong that Deku was blown off the edge. Time seemed to slow as he watches the edge grow farther and farther away. Deku shut his eyes closed waiting for his painful end When an f/c blurr caught him.
"Are you alright?" Asked a kind voice.
Deku looked up to his hero to be meet E/c eyes with their hair the same color to match. His eyes sparkled as his hero's hair Glimmered beautifully in the moonlight. He looked down to see he was being held bridle style.
"Y-yes," Deku stuttered bashfully.
"Don't worry your safe now, as long as your under All Mights protection you have nothing to fear," The (gem type) smiled.
But Deku couldn't help but just stare at this new gem as an infatuation grew. His captures were long dealt with as the new group of gems escorted him back to their hidden home.
"u-um who are you?" Deku asked the mysterious G/t(gem type).
"Well my friends like to call me Y/n," they smiled as they untied Deku.
"I-I'm Deku," He said with a beet-red face.
"Pleasure to meet you Deku," Y/n greeted as they handed him over to other gems.
"Ochaco, Momo this is Deku. Please get him property clothed and make sure he feels welcomed," All Might a Yellow diamond smiled. (No not that one)
From that day on I have lived with these Gems for the past 300 years, and my feelings for Y/n only grew. They were so brave and confident, was also one of the greatest fighters in the village. One of the few gems trained under All Might. Sadly cause I only have a toughness scale of 3, so I wasn't suited for combat.
Though All Might noticed that I was very observant and good with notes, so he assigned me to the encyclopedia. My job is to take notes of the enemies we encounter and record events. Then there were some books about stuff I made up, humans would call them fantasies or stories. Though I didn't mind this being my job cause Y/n would come by and read my works. I couldn't help but feel lighter than air and embarrassed at the same time as they were reading my work.
Y/n would always come in after her patrol, come in and read, or more often just sit down and talk to me. Though most of the time it was just him listening to whatever good memories of the human world, or my memories of my original home.
I tried to keep my feeling to myself the best I could by just doodling in my private book, just for my eyes only, but I guess I wasn't secret enough.
"Wow dude, you really have a thing for Y/n," said a voice.
I gasped as I jumped back to see it was Denki, who quickly snatched my drawing book and speed through my embarrassing drawings.
"Wow, you've got it bad. All these drawings are of Y/n and you being lovey-dovey," He said out loud.
Attracting the attention of Iida the Topaz and Ochaco the pink diamond ( No not that one you SU fans). They quickly came over and looked through my book.
"Wow, looks like Touya has a love rival," Ochaco gasped.
Touya the padparadscha gem, was also one of the top fighters for the village and is always Y/n's patrol partner, who was also pinning after them too. There would be times he would just randomly jump into our conversation and steal their attention. But I couldn't hear what they were saying as I covered my ears in embarrassment.
"Oh no, Y/n forgot their other sword," Momo gasped.
"I'll take it to them!" I offered as I quickly grabbed the weapon and ran out of the library.
"Does he know  where Y/n and Touya are?" Momo asked.
"It even notes was Y/n patrols today," Denki said flipping through the pages not paying attention.
Y/n and Touya stood guard at one of the cave entrances, as the warm sunlight funneled through. Y/n smiled as she felt the warm light on her powered covered surface.
"Hey Y/n, do you ever wonder what could be on the surface?" Touya asked.
"Ever since Deku came and told me stories of the surface, it only fueled my imagination," Y/n turned to her trusted partner.
"One day we'll be the ones on top, and I'll take you all over the surface. Just you and me," Touya said with confidence.
" That's an awfully big promise Touya," Y/n said as they sat next to him.
"I mean we can always just wait till the humans go extinct," Touya suggested.
"Haha, all right. I'll hold you to that promise," Y/n laughed as they gently held Touya's hand.
Deku watched from the side of a tunnel wall, as he sighed sadly and turned back into the tunnel. He wandered the cave tunnels as he hugged Y/n's sword close to him. As he turned the corner he bumped into something, something large.
I felt lighter than air as I stared into Y/n's e/c eyes.
"AAAAHHHH!" Someone screamed.
"How did the enemy pass us?" Y/n gasped.
"No, maybe the other entrances were compromised," I suggested.
"You go check the next entrance over and see if anything is wrong, I'll go check up the tunnels," Y/n said as she ran down into the dark caves.
With a sigh, I ran to the next entrance that leads to the forests, which was supposed to be guarded by Katsuki and Shoto. Turning the corner he saw two humans picking up pieces of Shoto and Bakugou and stuffing them into potato sacks. Touya quickly drew his sword and cut down the intruders.
Touya to worried about his partner quickly stuffed the rest of Shoto and Bakugou into the bag, not caring he is mixing their pieces, and quickly ran to the village.
"Looks like we caught a phosphophyllite, hold that rock tight Nomu," A light blue hair human smile.
The giant mutant humanoid figure Nomu nodded silently as it the poor gem in its giant hands. Deku's arms were broken off as he was restrained by Nomu's brute strength.
"What fine craftsmen ship, able to slice through rock," Said a tall human with dark back- purple hair.
"LET ME GO!" Deku screamed as he tried to break free from the Nomu.
"Nomu shut the pebble up before he alerts the others," The man growled.
"HEY!" Y/n shouted.
"Another one," The other human grumbled.
"Y/n," Deku smiled in relief.
"Let him go," Y/n said lowly.
"Nomu get it," Tomura pointed at the G/t.
Y/n ran towards the creature and sliced its head clean off, with the sharp edge of her arm. Deku stared with worried and sad eyes as he looked over their damaged form. The left section around her face was broken off, the elbow broke off their left arm, they were missing their right hand, and her right leg was horribly cracked, and it looked like it could fall apart at any moment.
Y/n moved swiftly and kicked the human hard in the face. Deku quickly got up as the two ran down the tunnel.
Deku looked back to see Y/n was having a bit of trouble keeping up with Deku.
"Y/n, are you okay?" Deku asked.
"Don't worry turn right and follow," Y/n said as she pushed forward.
As the two quickly turned the corner, the humans regained their composer and made chase after the two.  Y/n pushed a medium-sized boulder away from a tiny hole in the side of the cave wall. Deku hesitantly got in when suddenly Y/n started to close the opening.
"Y/n What are you doing?" Deku asked as the opening became too small for him to even squeeze out of.
"Hiding you, I'll come back for you. I have to lead them away from the village," Y/n explained as they backed away.
"No, Please don't do this. Don't leave me Y/n. I- I want to tell you something first,'' Deku said quickly.
Y/n smiled sadly as she turned to face Deku from the other side of the boulder. Deku could tell they were ready to throw their life away for everyone, for him.
"Y/n, I love-,"
Suddenly Y/n's head was sliced clean off by a thrown sword. Deku gasped in horror as he watched Y/n's body fall to the ground, he tried to reach out but he had no arm to hold out.
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Deku wanted to scream and cry, but no sound came out of him. Y/n slowly turned their head towards Deku and mouthed.
'Please live for me, Deku," they mouthed as the humans quickly gathered her broken body.
They were in such a rush they left Y/n's head behind. Deku fell to his knees as he stared at his crush for so long. It felt like an eternity When All Might and Touya arrived, Their eyes widen with horror and sorrow as Touya fell to his knees and held Y/n's head. He put their foreheads together as he cried out in sorrow.
"NOO!" Touya cried.
All might soon notice Deku was trapped behind the boulder and quickly moved it aside with no effort.
"Let us go Young Deku, we need to evacuate the village before they bring more of them," All might said as he helped Deku to his feet.
(400 years later)
It has been a long time since Y/n's death, All Might changed in a way after his student's death. If he weren't needed, he would lock himself away, but for the most part, he was still the jolly smiling gem he was before. Touya, on the other hand, didn't take Y/n's death all that well, he did lose his love who was his partner for 800 years. He started to call himself Dabi and started to cover only parts of his face, giving him a patchwork look. It not only scared most humans but fellow gems too.
I was upgraded to a medic after Momo was taken about 200 years back, we some people over the years and gained new ones too. I helped piece gems back together, but my main goal is to bring Y/n back. The village moved up high into the mountain, so high it would be difficult for them to breathe, but Humans would risk their lives and come up anyways. Some came with Weapons and tools made of gems, and many times they were G/t so I slowly put Y/n back together piece by piece.
I Finished them for the most part, but there were still 3 large gaping holes in their torso. I tried to use other gem pieces that matched her Mohs scale. Yet it only worked sometimes, she would wake up for about three minutes. Yet when they do everyone who was watching my work quickly rushed in to tell them how much they missed them and update them on everything.
Even Tou- Dabi would come by. Y/n was weirded out at first but they got used to it quickly and I would never really get a chance to talk to them, but I will never forget the last time they woke up. As they said their goodnight to everyone, they turned to me as said.
"I'll miss you Deku, I can't wait to wake up to see you again," Y/n smiled as they fell back unconscious.
I'll bring you back Y/n so I can tell you how I feel.
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bittybattybunny · 3 years
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Good day it’s a new au time cuz BRAIN ROT BRRRRR
Anyhow it’s a “MCU” but not kinda au
big thanks to @doodleimprovement for dealing with my word vomit over this au lol iamsosorry
Ru is a tech company CEO giant with his daughter Harriet (his business partner is his former wife who wants nothing to do with their kid) and adopted the recently orphaned Kaya Solaria after she helped stop a mugger in the alley way (well. Spider King did but her mask got hit off by a bullet and Ru saw it was just a kid and stepped in)
Working on running a company, raising his 6 year old as well as a super powered 15 year old (Kaya actually has Spiderman’s powers, King came after the fact and is tied to how she lost her dad) he ends up getting injured on a business trip after he was taken captive. Upon return he decides to try and ‘be a hero’ as a means to get his eldest to stop sneaking out (she has guilt over her dad dying so tries to be a hero to make up for it despite Ru asking her to wait until she’s 18 at least)  he figures if he can get the world (or at least their city) safer, she can rest at ease (cuz he’s a good dad and just wants her to... be a kid. not try to be more than a kid) he uses the Alias “Thorned Snatcher” (as his last name is Thatcher)
Vanessa however wants his new tech as she thinks its the key to a new weapons future and nearly kills Ru when she rips the reactor from his chest. Thankfully he had his old model still and his secretary (Eclipse) and daughters get home in time to help him. he knows if he doesn’t stop Vanessa things will be even worse for his family.
During their fight, he’s knocked down and nearly stops there to tired, but hears his daughters crying for him, specifically for the first time since he adopted her Kaya calls him “Dad”. He knows he needs to keep to his goal and if Vanessa is left free he failed a father.
He manages to get up with the Help of Eclipse who joined the fight, having stalled Vanessa hand to hand despite Vanessa’s weapon suit (sus eclipse is sus) and he’s able to fight again and put an end to her.
he gives Kaya a stipulation when they are waiting on the cops, he’ll let her fight crime, but only when he’s with her.
and thats the first part of this au eve (second bit deals with miss secretary past. A woman who is able to give Kaya a sore hand with a high five despite kaya can stop some extensive things (likepeterstoppingbucky’sfist) and went toy to toy with Vanessa with just a hub cap. Hrm. Cap. Cap. Captain...?)
I actually wrote up when Ru met Kaya. It’s a lil fast pace but I did it on purpose.
“If ya just hand ova ya wallet and yer valuables, you and yers can get out of here with a scar on your little faces.”
Arulius sighed as he heard the mugger and moved an arm to push his 6 year old behind his back. He gently gestured to his watch with a finger, to which she tapped a button on to call their bodyguard, Florence. 
“I’m afraid I really don’t have time for this. Harriet has a dance recit--” Arulius clicked his tongue when the gun was pressed up into his neck.
“I’m bein generous, man.” he pressed it further, pulling the hammer back.
“That’s not very polite! Did your dad never tell you not to stick your shooter in people’s faces?” Came a laughing voice. The mugger gasped when black webbing stuck to his back and pulled him to the ground. 
Standing perpendicular to the wall was the dark-suited figure, glowing white eyes and jagged smile laughing.
“D-Dad! Dad, it’s Spider King!” Harriet giggled as she hung onto her dad’s leg. He scowled and went to step back.
“YA FREAK!” The mugger tried to fight against the restraints, the primed gun going off in the hero’s direction.
There was a hiss as the masked figure fell off the wall with a solid thud. Arulius scooped Harriet up, only stopping when he saw the vigilante's face, the bullet having knocked her mask off.
“A… A kid?” he grimaced. Why was a CHILD attacking a mugger? Before he could open his mouth to speak there was a hissing.
“N-No King don’t! I’m fine! I’m fine!” the teenager gasped as the black claws she had tore off in slimy chunks, lunging at the mugger. She winced with the crunch as his hands were removed and she paled some, shaking.
Arulius shielded his daughter’s eyes.
“BOSS!” The red head came barreling down the alley, a bit too late when Spider King tried to grab her mask. 
“Stop.” Arulius ordered her. She looked up with frightened gold eyes. The tentacles retracting up her sleeves, “wait a moment.”
“Oh gross!” Florence shuddered as she moved to get the mugger up, the man an incoherent mess, “you do this?” she asked the teenager whose temple was bleeding.
She said nothing and gripped her arms as she tried to process. She blinked when tiny hands went to her cheeks.
“BIG SIS IS SO COOL!” Harriet giggled. Her father was talking on his phone.
“I-I’m.. No…” she looked away ashamed, “Y-You… I’m… I just… wanted to help…” she began to sniffle, “I-I didn’t mean for king to…”
“He hurt Sol. Bite back.” The snake-like creature peeked from the girl’s collar.
“I-I told you no biting h---” she placed her hands over her mouth and scurried to her feet, violently vomiting into a trash can. She panted some. Tensing when a hand rubbed her back gently.
“Yes. yes. He shot his own hands off in his confusion. Must be high.” Arulius was standing near her now as he spoke on the phone, “My guard was able to restrain him. Yes. yes I’m fine as is my daughter and the teen he was attacking. Mmhm.”
She flinched when he scowled and tilted her head up, “scratch that, looks like the teen got a bit hurt, but we’ll treat her. Yes. yes. I’ll leave my guard here.” hanging up he shifted his phone to his pocket before licking his thumb and wiping the blood away. She winced.
“O-Ow don’t! That stings!” she whined as tears pooled in her eyes.
King hissed and went to bite him but stopped when the girl sniffled. He nuzzled her cheek as Arulius let go. 
“Come on.” he pointed towards the black car that pulled around, “let’s go and then I’m calling your parents.”
She gripped her arms and stood firm, “T-Thanks for calling the police b-but you better f-forget you saw me, Mr. Thatcher.” she chuckled nervously, brushing black hair from her face.
“You know who I am?”
“O-Of course I do! Who wouldn’t?! Thatcher tech is my dream job!” she gasped, “I-I was a-at your summer program--” she covered her mouth.
He clicked his tongue, “the one for highschoolers?” he asked. She whined and moved to run but bumped into Florence who huffed.
“Give me your parent’s number.” Arulius sighed.
“I… I don’t…” she chewed her lip. She was quiet.
“Where do you live at least? I’ll drop you off.” he shook his head.
“PARK!” King chirped.
“Hush!” She fretted.
“The park? You live in the park?” Harriet asked as she stood near the teenager’s legs, “That’s not fun!”
“W-well i-I couldn’t stay at m-my apartment…” The teen frowned. She winced when she was pushed towards the car. Whining and trying to deflect she found herself sitting in the back. Harriet crawled in and grinned as Arulius sat in the passenger’s seat.
“No parents. No house. Now I get why a damn kid is running at muggers.” he rubbed his temples with a groan, “name?”
She was quiet.
“I’m not calling you ‘spider king’ name.” he asked a bit firmer.
“S-Solaria…” she mumbled, “K-Kaya Solaria…” she wiped the tears with the back of her gloves, “A-Are you going to turn me in?? I-I don’t mean any harm Mr. Thatcher! I-I promise! I-I normally do fine!!!”
“How old are you?” He opened the window and put a cigarette in his mouth and leaned out as he lit it up. “Under 18 if you were at the company summer program.”
“I… I turned 15 last month…” she admitted ashamed. 
“You’re a few years older than me!” Harriet beamed, “I’m 6!” she grinned.
“I’m more like a decade older…” Kaya chuckled nervously. She looked at the tech company CEO. he had pulled a laptop out and made another annoyed click with his tongue. She winced.
“Your father…. Gabriel Solaria?” he leaned back, “the journalist?”
She nodded.
“Damn shame. He was a decent guy. His stories were interesting.” he flicked through the news reports as Florence got in the driver’s seat.
“Done with the cops?” he asked, “stop by the courthouse.”
“Huh?” she started the engine, “courthouse.”
“P-Please! D-Don’t turn me in! I-I’ll b---”
“I need to grab some adoption papers.” he gave a smirk and looked back at the crying teen, “Since it seems Harriet's getting an older sister. But no more crime fighting.” he shifted to cross his arms and put his feet on the dash. “15… fucking 15. You know what I did at 15??”
“Built a rocket engine that was able to lift a treadmill?” she stated with a small smile.
He blinked and snickered, “okay, yes but I was also just. Going to sch--- do you go to school?”
“I-I’ve been attending school still.” she scratched her cheek, “Um… Subcon Public high…” she sank back in the seat. She jumped when Harriet sat on her and protectively put her arms around the younger girl. She shifted her seat belt around her as well when Florence pulled into traffic.
“Well you’ll have to transfer. Is that an issue?”
She shook her head, “U-Um mr. Thatcher… what… are you planning?” she asked softly.
“Adopting a lost child, and making sure she doesn’t do anything stupid.” he snickered, “Any school you want to attend?”
“I… i you can’t! Y-You just met me!” she gasped in shock, “I-I’m a freak! I’m an accident! I-I have an alien!”
“Meeee” king stated proudly with a cackle.
“Yes but you know what I see? I see a scared kid who’s trying a little too hard.” he scoffed as she stared, “and we’re going to grab adoption papers, then I’m ordering pizza. Any allergies?”
“EAT EVERYTHING,” King laughed.
“Perfect then.” Arulius huffed, “and you can call me Arulius. Since I guess calling me dad off the bat would be weird.” he began to type on his laptop.
She sat there in confusion. She’d simply gone to help someone. And now her idol was adopting her. Her. a mutant spider freak with a parasitic alien.
She reached and pinched her cheek and whined.
Arulius caught this in the rear view and began to cackle loudly.
“Sorry kiddo. You’re awake.”
“B-But why are you just adopting me and not turning me into a lab or something?!” she asked fearfully.
“Dad’s nicer than he looks~!” Harriet giggled, “Can you shoot webs?”
“Mmhm.” Kaya shifted her gloves off and removed the cuff under her sleeve, “its um. An artificial webbing actually, unless King is the one shooting it. He has a gooey webbing.” 
Arulius peeked and reached a hand back. She frowned before handing the cuff to him.
He turned it over in his hands with an impressed whistle, “you construct this?”
She nodded, “I-I like engineering and I figured it’d be useful when king’s tired, i-it’s bio degradable too! But really strong!”
“That's how you swing around right?” Harriet asked with sparkling eyes, “What else can you do?!”
“Well I can walk on walls.” Kaya sighed, “I’m pretty strong too? I can lift a car if I focus. I can move fast?” she frowned, “I’ve never really… tho-- STOP THE CAR!” She gasped.
Florence slammed on the brakes as the truck at the intersection sped by.
“There’s um that. Normally I can semi tell something can happen.” Kaya frowned, “s-sorry for yelling.”
“No, by all means!” Florence laughed, “So. Spider King huh?”
“W-well it’s cuz I’m spider-esque and then King.” she pet the alien who chirped.
“What’s his deal?” Arulius asked but got silence, “alright another day then.” 
Florence parked the car as Arulius got out.
“Wait here,” he stated and Kaya just gave a nod. He threw her web shooter back and she caught it with wide eyes, “You’re grounded from crime fighting until you’re 18, but I won’t take your web shooters.”
“Ah… okay…?” she blinked as he shut the door and headed up. She leaned into the seat and just sat there. Very confused.
“Can I call you big sis? Or kai??” Harriet asked the older girl.
“Oh… um… I guess you can call me whatever….”
“Kaya’s a cute name.” Florence chuckled, “Crime fighting though. What a hobby.”
“I… I just wanted to help people…” she admitted softly, “I have these abilities so I thought I needed to…”
“Can you swing with me when we get home? We have a big tree in the yard!” Harriet giggled, “can you sign my daily bugle of you??”
“I’d rather not…” Kaya chuckled.
“Sleepy.” King huffed.
“Exhausted,” Kaya admitted as she shut her eyes. She barely registered she’d fallen asleep.
After a bit Arulius returned with the needed paperwork. He blinked and smiled as he looked in the back seat. The superhero passed out, his daughter sleeping against her.
Kaya’s arm rested around Harriet, and even King was putting his head on the girl.
“Well, not the oddest thing I’ve ever dealt with.” he spoke softly as Florence started the car once more. He flipped through the papers, “seems people had no idea she was on her own. Thought her uncle had her but turns out he lied and was just taking the financial support.” he grumbled, “there’s some messy hearings but I think I can just. Pay it off.” he looked back and gave a smile, “hey free babysitter.” he snickered.
He tapped his foot as he crossed his arms with a huff.
She looked away ashamed.
“What did I say?”
“No webbing in the house unless you’re watching.” she mumbled.
“And then why is the house covered in webs?” he asked with a twitch of his eyebrow.
“I-I was just playing with Hattie!” she defended. She huffed and he smirked. She seemed a bit more settled in if she was copping an attitude, “I-I’ll clean it up! I promise Mr. Thatcher!”
“Arulius. I told you, use my first name. You’re my kid now you know.” he sighed and headed inside.
She stepped aside and rubbed her neck, looking at the floor, “I-I can’t just… call you your name… that’s rude…”
“You’re my kid now, it’s weirder if you keep calling me “Mr. Thatcher” I’m not asking you to call me dad but.” he chuckled.
“THOT!” king sang loudly as the teen’s face turned red.
“I-I didn’t teach him that! I swear!”
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Giving Up the Ghost Chapter 1 (Rise TMNT) (Donnie x Black&Female! Reader)
“Holy shit they’re turtle demons.”
You hadn’t believed April when she said that the demons and ghosts you were obsessed with lived in her tiny apartment. Every time you’d gone over in the last year and a half there hadn’t been that sort of itchy energy that you associated with demons, or the more groggy and cold one that came with ghosts. In fact, she didn’t live in a building considered a hot haunting zone online, her entire block was ghost free, and even the little sub place she was working at didn’t have a lick of phantom energy.  
April O’Neil was as normal as could be.
However, there wasn’t anything you could say to refute the very clear evidence in front of you. Four gigantic turtles with weapons were crowded in your friend’s living room, yellow paint splattered on them, April, and the walls.
April scratched her head and ended up smearing hazard yellow paint through her cherry red curls. “Heeeey. What’re you doing here?”
“Me? Can we start talking about them?”
“Them? Psht! They’re just-“
A turtle in blue set a hand on her shoulder. “It’s okay, April. Talking about secret hobbies is embarrassing, but coming clean will do the body good. Like milk.”
“The truth is that we’re… cosplaying.”
You rolled your eyes at that. “Seriously? That’s the best thing you can come up with? Even without my token I can practically see the energy coming from you.”
“Human girl say what?”
“She probably means the trace bits of mutagen from the oozsquitos in our blood.” A purple one muttered. “Which, I mean, is fair and accurate. Better question is how she can see anything since looking at her she’s obviously a normal everyday human.”
“WHOOOA!” You leaned back as an orange clad turtle got eye level with your chest. You weren’t sure when he got there, and that part concerned you more than a little. “What’s that!”
“What’s… Oh.” You plucked up the gem that had a perfect hole in the middle of it. “It’s the token. It lets me see ghosts, demons, but not 5’3 turtles dressed in neon orange.”
“It’s a great color. Is that violet or lavender?”
“I dunno? What are you?”
“Well I’m a warm shade of green with-“
The largest turtle plucked the smaller orange one up with one hand, and easily set him with all the others. “We’re mutants that are turtles… And ninjas. So don’t say a thing or we’ll make you disappear.”
“Isn’t that Hypno’s thing?” The one in blue wondered.
“Leo I’m trying to keep her from spilling our secret, annnd she’s fainting.”
You were in fact fainting into a pile of pure excitement and worry onto April’s paint splattered floor. The last thing you saw was April’s baseball bat, and four flinching turtles trying to get out her glitter encrusted door…
You ended up waking up on your front porch with a bottle of vodka tucked under your arm. You weren’t sure if it was April’s way to say sorry, or if it was to give your landlord and other passerby the idea that you passed out drunk. Either way the booze was welcome as you made your way out of the muggy summer heat and into the ice cold of your apartment. Your roommate’s cat, Xena, meowed at your return and followed you about as you took off your boots at the door. You went to the counter and pushed aside empty Chinese takeout boxes and mail to make room for the vodka.
With that task completed you quickly stripped, and tossed out the paint encrusted clothes in the trash, before cramming yourself in the shower and scrubbing hard. “How was I not robbed and murdered?”
Probably because you looked crazy. A Ouija board shirt and some booze was enough to make a handful of people back away from you; a wonderful lesson that college parties and your small town had taught you. The wet paint was probably another great deterrent. Whatever the case you were thankful enough not to get mad at the splotches that wouldn’t scrub off your dark skin. You quickly hopped out and towel dried before pulling on some comfy clothes and going back into the kitchen.
You paused beside a large tank sitting on top of some stacked books. With a groan you popped down on your knees and peered inside, a soft smile curling on your lips as you watched the turtle sitting on a pastel rock. “Hey Venus. Comfy?”
“Awe, are you talking to your turtle?” Your skin jumped and you quickly stood rod straight. “Hey don’t get jumpy on me now. Just me.”
“I mean it’s normal to get jumpy when around a walking talking garbage disposal.”
“I’d be offended if it wasn’t true.”
You rolled your eyes and grabbed the bottle of vodka. “What are you even doing here, Ricky? Jessie won’t be back for another week.”
“Forgot my phone charger here last night.” He waved the blue device around. “Oh, by the way, there was another haunting out at my Ma’s. Said she saw the pots moving. Think you could take a look?”
Ghosts… Wait, that was why you went to go see April. You’d seen some new ghost documentary on a streaming service, and you’d made plans with her to see it. When you got there…
Well, the red one said they were also ninja. That sounded utterly ridiculous, but you weren’t inclined to argue with demons or ghosts. Not that you had met that many, four in total including the ones today, but you’d read enough materials to know that it would be stupid to do so! Old ladies out in China Town though…
“Sorry Ricky, but I’ve got my plate full. Can you tell her I’ll try to make it some other time?”
“No prob. Pretty sure she’s just lonely and making up stuff to get some visitors. Should really go out there and scrapbook with her again now that I think about it.” He slicked back his blue hair. “Anyway, I’m heading out. If Jessie calls tell them I want some nudes”
“How about ‘I love you’.”
You waited until you heard the soft click of the door and snap of the lock before you went over to the cabinet and popped open a soda. You took a good swig before adding a splash of the vodka, and going back to the living room. Xena decided to take over your legs, but you couldn’t complain as you grabbed your laptop and began to do what you did best. Blogs were examined, newspaper articles scanned, and plenty of folklore was cracked open between sips of your boozy treat.
There were plenty of things for ninja that would come up for New York City. Everything from comic-cons, movie sets, and even a few historical events for museums. You were getting something similar for turtles as well. A new friend donated to the zoo, a fundraiser for conservation, and plenty of art meant to beautify the city.
However, when you entered the terms for humanoid turtles that’s when things were getting sketchy. Strange photos out outlines in a fish and ladder market, far more convincing ones during the hippo turtle meme a few years back, and a shaky video of black blobs ziplining down to a rooftop pool.
The more that you saw them the less you were convinced these things were demons or ghosts. Some type of cryptid maybe? Aliens? However, the term ninja made you lean more towards monsters, to be more specific kappa. Turtles that would drown their victims, rip orbs out of asses, and had a strange love for cucumber. You ended up falling asleep with Xena asleep on your keyboard and the new knowledge armed in your brain.
That was why you found yourself standing outside April’s, now non glittery, door the next morning. You had a basket hanging off your arm, and your cellphone fisted in your free hand. You kicked at the door, and only moments later it was ripped open by a still yellow streaked April.
“Oh it’s you…”
“Don’t get all excited to see me.”
The two of you stood in silence for a long moment, nervous smiles on both your faces and the air thick with tension. You took a deep breath and held out the basket full of sake and kappa.
“What is it?”
You looked away, your teeth sinking into your bottom lip until it stung. “Well, you had kappa in your house, and I wanted to give that as a peace offering. I dunno how you managed to meet kappa of all things in NYC, but I’m not gonna judge… Or tell. Especially that last one.”
April stared at the basket for a long moment, before looking at you with an equally bewildered look. She held up a single finger, before pulling her phone out of her pocket and tapped something out on it. “Wha-? You think they’re monsters from Japanese folklore? Girl, you really went all out with that vodka, huh?”
“I dunno what they were. One minute I was in your house, and the next it’s a mess and you have huge ass turtles in there. Isn’t that just the most interesting thing to ever happen!”
“Ahhhh not really?”
“Well, I guess you’re used to it. That’s fair.”
April gave a soft sigh before opening her door up all the way, and gesturing for you to come inside. “Look, I think the two of us are gonna have to have a long talk. Want some coffee?”
“Only if you’ve got whipped creamer.”
“Don’t you know it.”
You followed her into the apartment and your nervousness melted away. "So how'd you meet them?" "Well it all started when I was a kid thanks to a sad sad trolling attempt..."
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