#rip brazilians btw
anothergiselle · 24 days
is bluesky okay for artists guys
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vilevampire · 4 months
the viewtiful joe anime is not lost media anymore. btw
quick context if you have no idea what I'm talking about. viewtiful joe was an anime that aired in 2004-2005. it was not particularly high quality or anything but regardless I have been pathologically obsessed with this stupid anime for like. 3 years atp I think ?? I started a whole project dedicated to it and I did (and still plan on doing) lots of things related to viewtiful joe but the important part is that a while ago someone joined my project's discord server saying he had the WHOLE ANIME IN JAPANESE !!!!
this was HUGE because so far I had never been able to find the whole series in its original japanese dub, only in some other dubs. I searched far and wide on the internet but to no avail. my biggest success was actually in stumbling upon the episodes ripped from brazilian DVD which just happened to come with the japanese audio track as an option, but that still was only some episodes. it wasn't even enough to complete season 1 (this anime has 2 seasons and 51 episodes total) let alone the whole series.
but that's in the PAST because now the whole thing is available FR FR. it took me a while to check the links this person sent me thru discord because my head's been so full of other stuff lately but I finally downloaded them yesterday and honestly. got UNBELIEVABLY emotional bc oh my god I love this anime AND I THOUGHT the day I would be able to see it in its entirely IN JAPANESE would never come... link here btw (some episodes haven't finished uploading completely yet so they appear frozen on archive.org's video player but that's temporary)
they have no subs because ofc nobody cares about this series enough to sub it but at least now if anyone became interested in subbing this anime they'd be able to do so without a hitch :)
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art-o-bart-o · 6 months
Maxwell lore please holds out plate like a starved Victorian child
OC Lore Pt. 4
I'll give some lore on Maxwell before how he is now!
Maxwell is a character apart of my Comic series called The Strangest Worlds. The side story he's in is called "Poppies of War".
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Maxwell is a Brazilian minute man during the American Revolution during the 1770/1780s. Him and his friends, (Left to right) Northern, Jackson, Cicero, and Stefan...bonus for Jackson's dog Angel
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He has many bullet and scar marks from many fights. Definitely the nurses were very familiar of him lol.
His mama and papa were both from Brazil but moved to Long Island close to New York due to issues with Portugal on Brazilian land.
(Doodle of younger Maxwell)
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However during that time in Long Island, the British had rule over that land, and when Maxwell's dad joined the American army and left for a while (to join the Americans or aka "rebels" as the British called them), Maxwell was very defensive of his mom (because in some areas, British soldiers would sleep in people's houses and were taken care of by the citizens).
A fight then resulted between Maxwell and a British Major, named Hans Hawkeye (another oc of mine) and a couple other officers, resulting in Maxwell getting jailed, but not hanged.
(That's Hans on the left, still making a refsheet of him and the others lol)
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Him and is mother, with the permission of his father (before he died), went to another area that was own by the Americans...a fictional place called "Vulkanin". This place is owned or known to the famous Vulkan bloodline. Which also where he met his friends and other friends such as Astron, Selene, and Sternal Vulkan (plus their male calico cat Aster). And others such as Uaman and Yaasmine
During the war, he gets with Northern D'Rose, the trans french major yoohoo!!!/pos as Northern confesses he loves Maxwell. Later on when Northern accidentally gets killed and turned into a ghost by Hans (FUCK YOU HANS I'M GLAD YOU DIE IN THIS STORY FUCK YOU (this is my own oc btw HDNSKS)).
Later on he married Sternal (cus she loves him too and has a similar personality to Northern), he has 3 kids with her. Later on in his life, Initially he was going to fight during 1822 for Brazil's independence agaisnt Portugal, but issues resulted in his health from all those years of bullet marks unfortunately led him to health issues.
When he dies (like most of my historical characters), he dies last out of all his friend group, with a big smile cus he knows he completed his life to the fullest. :)
Dw he gets brought back as a ghost like the couple others
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(Left to right: Astron Vulkan, Sternal and Aster Vulkan, Yaasmin with Selene Vulkan) Bare with me I don't have any proper refs of them because I'm changing things 😭🙏 (Also rip Usman he cannot fit in here LMAO he went fishing)
Feel free to ask more of my ocs and story this is only the surface later
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jassygay · 10 months
Meet my GL2 ocs :D
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Ruby Jewels (Name by: @randomperson1638 thx you for giving her a name) a redesign version of an spoiled brat and she is not one of the villains ok she had no sins (she sinless btw) she lesbian
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Ryana an cute lil chunky oc ^v^ (Ryana is trans so she is born as a boy and change her gender to female) Ryana is a human
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Nature child, she died of being chocked by the vines and she became an nature angel, (she is aroace cuz she had no attraction to any gender ok)
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Pure, she is wingless cuz Darker rip her wings but she had a ability to fly without wings so yea she is wingless Angel (angels don’t need wings btw) she straight ally, made her from an art challenge
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Jason, he an demon, don’t ask about his skin cuz I made him from an art challenge of making demons, also this hair kinda reminds y’all that his hair is made of pineapple, so yea he had pineapple hair, he is also straight ally
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Plum, she is not a human she is a plum ok, also from an art challenge, she is pansexual
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Horror, y’all may know her cuz of my last post, she is half demon and half angel, her parents doesn’t hate her only other demons and angels, she is omnisexual
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Girl, you guys also see her in my last post from last month ago, an goddess of feminism, she is any sexuality of your choice, married relationships with Gender Neutral and Boy
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Holy, she is an faceless angel, she is sapphic, I can’t make a good pic of her cuz her wings are big, she an angel and I made her from 2 months ago during Halloween
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Eerie soul, you guys also see her in my last post too, I update her bolder thingy, she use the bolder thing to hit people in the head and kill them, she is straight ally again, she lost her husband and kids cuz people in Spain kill her and her family and she haunts men and children to be a family again or looking her family (kinda like La Llorona some you guys may know about her and people who are Mexicans also know her)
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Diana, my very old oc, she is lesbian and Jassy’s gf (Aglia hates Diana but didn’t know that Diana is Jassy’s gf) Diana is not a kitsune, a Wendigo, or a deer, she is an princess goddess of diamonds
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Miles, you guys see him in my last post, redesign version of bad boy, Neko’s bf, he gay, he is half wolf and half demon
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Jackie (name by @idkwhatthisisbutheresdcandstuff thx you for giving thema name ^v^) Jackie is a Hybird, they are half rabbit, half wendigo, half goat, and half human, (cuz hybirds can be any half species) you also may call them Hyona(not name by @idkwhatthisisbutheresdcandstuff@) but Jackie is still her name ok
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Neko, redesign version of OwO cat, Miles’ bf, he gay, he is an cat but he is 0% sus and 1000000000% normal, he likes anime
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Indigo, made them bigender, Indigo had been abuse by their parents for being Bigender but they run away, they are also bisexual too, Indigo is a human
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Ocean, he is not a human he is a train (old oc and he is my Thomas the train oc) he been taken by scientists and he was experimented and Demin, Cerulean, and Sapphire kidnapped him and took him and treat him like he is their youngest brother so yea he been adopted, he Omnisexual, he always wanted to go to the ocean
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Heather, Jassy’s childhood friend, Heather is not straight she is lesbian, human, she wanting Jassy to be back because Jassy been abuse by her stepfather because of her biographical parents had a divorce in few years that Jassy’s parents never get divorced they love each other and loves Jassy and her siblings, Heather join the detective gang
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Insane, you guys also see him too in my last vid, I update him a lil, Insane possess people and turn them into crazy psychopaths, he not an demon he is a virus
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Gore, you guys may not see her but you guys see her as a genderbend, Gore hates people but not her friends, she never hates Jassy cuz Jassy never do anything bad to Gore, she is lesbian, she is a Gorgon means that she can turn people into stone, GL2 had no snake hair for Gorgon ocs but we can use Brazilian hair as Gorgon hair, or other hair that are look like snake hair for your Gorgon oc, Gore had trust issues, crush in Jassy
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Realistic man, you guys seen him in my VERY LAST post of Jassy’s and his past, he was use to be an Seraphim(but without an Angel with wings that had eyes on them) He was thrown out of heaven because Heaven was attack, and was adopted by humans a group of nuns and priests, he been married and had 3 kids (Jassy is one of them) and 1 unborn child, so he is Jassy’s biological father, the reason why Jassy run away from her home because she wanted Realistic man back and become a family again with her biological mother and siblings and adopt Kyle and then Kyle got kill by Aglia and her unborn child is also got kill by Aglia(Yall know about Kyle) so yea he is an entity and an seraphim, his real name is Damarcus
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Hand, he is just an demonic hand with one eye, I try to make him but he LOOK LIKE THIS💀 hand is autosexual
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Antonia, she is a human and redesign version of gacha heat, she is lesbian and a wrestler, she been rap3 by her own stepfather but she beat him up and her mother kill him(her mother didn’t get a new husband anymore cuz she didn’t want Antonia be rap3) she had a gf name Autum
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Autum, she is Antonia’s gf, bisexual, made her from an art challenge again, born in September, Virgo, and her birthstone is Sapphire, she is human
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Moonlight, she is an alien, an star alien, she creates stars of an dead soul, sweetful, loves creatures of space, loves humans, loves galaxy, she is sapphic
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Monarch, she is aromantic, she is not a butterfly she a fairly, made her form an art challenge
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Máximo, he is an Brazilian, he a human, he is trans and demiboy, he work as an builder, support every countries
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Sea, daughter of Seala the sea goddess, Stari is her pet, loves animals in the ocean, loving, caring, and beautiful, she is bisexual, she a mermaid
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Deep, he also a mermaid, had a crush on Sea, pansexual, loves animals that are in the deep, doesn’t mind about humans, hates when humans taking animals and other mermaids
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Color, an entity of color, loves all the color, creates the whole earth with colors, painter, never kill humans at all he harmless, bisexual and nonbinary
that all it I had more ocs to work on :) hope you like them
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lexiscooking · 8 months
hi! i haven’t been active for A WHILE.
i will make a separate post regarding “why”, not because i feel obligated to defend myself, but simply because i want to. but this is a
warm salad with pink veal, cherry tomatoes and crushed brazilian nuts 🍅 🌰
veal steak (or a beef one, i bought that one because it was on sale lol)
some greens (lettuce and arugula)
hard cheese (i bought some knock-off parmigiano)
cherry tomatoes
brazilian nuts
dressing of your choice
i will start with dressing, cuz it can be pretty versatile. i used store bought pesto combined with meat juice. you can use almost anything, e.g. if you like it simple, some olive oil would be great.
you dry your steak with a paper towel, dash a bit of oil and lightly salt it, then throw the meat on a REALLY hot pan, quickly fry on both sides and let it rest in preheated oven.
it honestly all depends on the thickness of your meat and your desired doneness (??? i google translated this word, never heard of it before). my meat slicer was pretty thin, and i knew that my favourite medium-rare was out of question. it probably was achievable but to much work 😅
while the meat is resting, rip, don’t chop your greens, cut the tomatoes in quarters, thinly slice your cheese and smash your nuts (not those)
i suggest placing the knife flat against them and firmly pressing. im saying this, because when i told my sis to smash the nuts she legitimately smashed them with her palm and they went flying all over the kitchen 😬
cut the meat into thin strips, and mix it all up don’t forget the dressing! please..
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i also have forgotten how to take pictures, sorry.
happy new year btw! lets all hope we survive another one. love you peeps 🫶🏻🐭
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Season 2 Ramble# 8 - Sports!
As I hope you got from the title, this ramble focuses on sports in manga, but before I get into it, let me breakdown some things about how this is gonna go.
Firstly a little heads up for you and a little copout for me, the average sports manga tends to be a bit longer than other genres so I figured my usual sprint approach of picking up a bunch of titles and blitzing them wouldn't work. Instead I went for a kind of marathon type approach where I still read a bunch but didn't have completion on my mind as much as usual.
Pros and cons for this approach
pro - I was able to get in that much more diversity than I would otherwise. There's hella sports out there which makes for hella subject matter, each carrying its own unique perspectives that I'm really glad I got the chance to experience, and equally glad to try and share those experiences.
cons - I made the pro sound pretty grandiose but as I said, completion wasn't at the forefront of my mind as much this month, meaning there's quite a few titles I didn't get to finish, so with a lot of these reccs I'd have to say there's more than a grain of salt to keep in mind.
Second thing I want to get out the way are the elements I consider the most important in a sports manga, which I hope will give a little more context to the lists. In my mind the four most important elements for a sports manga are realism, teamwork, ego/drive to win & mindset/mentality. I speak on what those mean to me a bit more in the episode.
Moving on, the actual format of the episode is gonna have things I read this month in a triathlon type setup, meaning 3 categories/legs, closed out with a small award type ceremony thing, then after things read this month I'll speak a bit on my favourite sports manga read before this month.
And now without further ado, LET THE RACES BEGIN!
Things read this month
(first leg)
Uncompleted Incompletes {stuff I didn't finish reading and are still ongoing}
#3 Hajime no Ippo {by George Morikawa, read 49 out of the total 1434 chapters}
Seen this around for the longest time, usually see it called the top 1 boxing manga in more than a few circles, and again for more than a few I've seen it called the top 1 sports manga overall. All that being said the reason a self proclaimed aspiring holistic otaku like myself hasn't read it before now is due to its extreme length.. roughly 1.4k chapters and counting…. just couldn't see myself devoting all that time to what I figured could be summed up in one word, boxing.
That being said, I figured that even if I wasn't going to finish or even put a dent in it, now was the time to bite the bullet and as you can tell from its placing I'm glad I did.
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The story follows ippo, a bullied highschooler who is one day saved by a passerby boxer. In awe of his strength, ippo decides to join his gym and try to get stronger. Simple and common enough baseline story, mainly driven by ippo's growth which is tied to his mentality, as ippo is naturally a timid guy but his earnesty towards bettering himself makes those around him, including me the reader, want to support him.
Cool cast so far from his gym mates to opponents, all contributing to a pretty good balance of serious and funny moments. So far the art has generally been pretty good, the only slight gripe I have at this point is I find the mc pretty meh.. like he's endearing but like in that way any kid trying out a sport seems where you just wanna tell em good job no matter what.
In any case I only read 49 chapters so huge grain of salt, though I imagine that both ippo and the cast must develop in a bunch of ways over 1000+ chapters
side note Kentarou Miura, creator of berserk was an assistant on this manga for some time, rip the legend one time every time
#2 Yowamushi Pedal {by Wataru Watanabe, I read 114 out of total 486 chapter count, btw in Brazilian it's up to 700+ }
Literally like maybe 1 or 3 people I know have ever mentioned this to me, 1 of whose taste I couldn't really trust, the second literally cycled everywhere n wore that bodysuit type thing to school which kinda put me off the whole thing and I'm pretty sure the third is a figment of my imagination.. so this series never really had any pull innate or otherwise + I figured it could be summed up into "dude rides a bicycle" which again unlike boxing doesn't really have any appeal with just that.
In any case I'm so so glad I picked this up, grabbed me from chapter 1 and honestly had a hard time putting it down.
the story here centers around sakamichi, a freshman highschool student who wants to make an anime club so he can make friends. This is a cycling manga so unfortunately for my guy that didn't pan out well for him but due to some plot I don't want to spoil he ends up in the cycling club and yes he does make friends.
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Great mc but that's probably weeb bias, great main cast nonetheless, the teamwork stands out fr like I didn't know how cycling could be a team sport but it is, and I love that even though they're all on the same team most of them have a drive to be the best which works out in an iron sharpens iron kind of way. The mentality of a cyclist was also really cool like with boxing or more physical sports it's easy to grasp that you have to ready yourself to take a hit but in cycling they got into the flexibility and perseverance you need to keep pedaling no matter where you are and the sights you'll be able to see because of that. Great art, very scenic as they're riding all over the place and though I've only read about a quarter it's definitely something I'd highly and heartily recommend.
#1 Giant Killing {with Masaya Tsunamoto doing the story and Tsujitomo on art, read 84 out of the 514 chapters}
This is a soccer manga. Now you may have noticed a trend here where I haven't thought much of some manga and then ended up liking it, well that's because in general I don't like sports,, well I enjoy playing but not so much watching.. except table tennis and maybe basketball but anyways that trend pretty much continues here. straight out the bat I'll say I don't care for football or soccer or whatever you wanna call it but man this manga.
The story is that an already failing football club now finds themselves in need of a new coach after theirs left them, and so some managerial staff track down a former star player for the club who they heard now coaches small town football sides in England.
Kind of a slow start with them finding the coach and him settling in and everything but it sets solid groundwork which builds into great main and wider cast dynamics. This is one of my favourite things about this manga, it offers solid perspective and narratives from the coaching staff, managerial staff, the players on and off the pitch and even fans and journalist. Never seen a sports manga so thoroughly build out its world. The art was an interesting style but it does a great job of illustrating the dynamicism of play mixed with solitary key moments which makes me feel like I'm watching a slowmo highlight.
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Very real feel in a lot of respects and I really appreciated that despite the name they don't just go around making upset wins. They win and lose their fair share but always kept me engaged. #1 on this leg but not something I think is for everybody, especially if you're not a sports fan but if you are a sports fan, especially a soccer fan, I think this will be one of your favourites.
hm: MF GHOST(initial d sequel), Ao Ashi(soccer)
(leg #2)
Completed Incompletes {finished reading but still ongoing or just not fully translated as is the case for everything here}
#3 SK8R'S {by Hajime Tojitsuki, read 9 out of the total 18 chapters}
This is all about street skating, not much to say with only 9 chapters but it just looked really cool
Anyways the story is that a kid happened to see a dude skating one day and he did one of those jump tricks and he was hooked.
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Average art but it's pretty dope when they do full spreads and tricks. Again not much chapters so not much to say but I really hope the rest gets translated.
#2 Tsubame Tipoff {by Hiroya Watanuki, read 40 out of total 50 chapter count}
This pulled me in because women's basketball and I'm always a slut for new perspectives.
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The story here is a tall but uncoordinated freshman finds her short but extremely athletic upperclassman cute so she joins the basketball team to get closer to her... Now I'm not gonna call her gay but she be blushing like crazy... In any case the art is pretty solid, really cool cast, not sure if I thought that just cause of the relative novelty of a girl's basketball team in manga but they were just pretty cool.
what I read was pretty good and again I would really love if the rest of the chapters got translated.. maybe I'll just learn Chinese idk..
#1 Break Shot {by Takeshi Maekawa, read 84 out of the total 152 chapter count}
This is a manga about billiards which I think is different from pool but I didn't look it up so I'm gonna play it safe and stick to billiards
The story here is that the student council wants to shut down the billiards club because they only have one member who is our mc, chinmi. He tries to negotiate and they tell him if he wants to keep the club he has to show some record of notable achievement or skill, so he enters a tournament with his club on the line.
The billiards pulled me in and as expected there was some unreal stuff to keep it interesting like a dude who has a special shot that breaks the cue ball on purpose and uses the force of the shratnel to pocket multiple balls… like come on… he's a highschool student for one like come on… but outside stuff like that I really like how they framed a billiards game as a puzzle where your skill is actually more a reflection of intellect, in being able to make a pocket or stop your opponent from doing so. also loved the art like it's old but it's the kind of old school charm that gives a Sunday morning cartoon vibe and I'm not sure if it's because of the subject being billiards but it felt really smooth and classy.
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Billiards is a singles competition but they were able to create an element of teamwork through rivalry which was cool and I kind of already spoke on the mentality through their framing of the game as a puzzle. To solve the puzzle they really had to think on their feet. Ego and stuff was definitely there and again I really really want this to be translated. In any case I highly recommend this one.
hm: Dogsred(about hockey by the creator of golden kamuy), Mongrel (mma)
(and the last leg of things read this month)
Completed Completes {finished reading, finished publishing}
#3 moon land {by Sai Yamagishi, 98 chapters}
This is about gymnastics and I didn't think I'd be interested + I'd never even heard of it before but this was recommended to me by Jen who I had on last episode and from its placing you can tell I enjoyed it. This is why I trust Jen and even had her on the show, shout out Jen every time
The story is basically that the mc mitsuki is really good at gymnastics because of strong fundamentals but he had no flair. the main thing is that it presents gymnastics as an expression of self and mitsuki aims to be able to move his body the way he wants to, in other words freedom.
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The art is kind of meh in general but ofc they step up in spreads and stuff, great teamwork, ego and mentality stuff, more of that iron sharpens iron effect I like, kind of felt like the ending was rushed but it was an unexpectedly nice journey. they really took the time to educate about gymnastics which i appreciated and I feel like I'm underselling but it really was cool.
#2 Gambling Apocalypse Kaiji {Nobuyuki Fukumoto, 158 chapter}
Had actually tried another manga by this guy called Akagi hoping to learn the rules for mahjong but they didn't care to explain the rules and it wasn't super well translated so I couldn't really keep up despite how cool the mc seemed.
In any case the quirkiness of his art style is what really drew me in so I picked up kaiji instead and it turned out to be really good.
The story here is kaiji, the mc is pretty much living a garbage life which gets worse when a debt collector comes and tells him a friend of his ran off on a debt kaiji was the guarantor on. the debt is in the tens of millions which he clearly doesn't have but the collector tells him there's a once in a lifetime opportunity happening soon, and offers kaiji a ticket onto a ship to play games and win enough money to clear his debt in one night.
I guess this is where the question of whether or not gambling is a sport would arise but 1) it's my list and 2) they are competing according to set rules for a prize so that's that.
Anyways this was closer to my preferred tastes with the darker, more critical view of #society and stuff, which is seen in how teamwork was kinda nonexistent or fleeting at best but the mentality needed to win or even just survive was strong.
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Really liked the mc, lots of growth in a short amount of time but in any case I'd recommend this one for sure, especially with the recent wave of squid games and stuff like that… it's not squid games but just if you liked that you'll probably like this..
#1 One Outs {Shinobu Kaitani, 175 chapters}
I think the full title is actually One Outs, nobody wins but I which is just super cool especially as you see how the story unfolds but yh.
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The story here is that tokuchi toua is a professional gambler that dedicates most of his time to a tweaked baseball game called one outs. In this game the pitcher must get 3 strikes to win but all the batter has to do is hit the ball past the infield for a win, yet in 499 matches toua has never lost. Due to some plot stuff I don't want to spoil he ends up getting involved with the main japanese baseball league and basically the owner of his team doesn't like him, so tokuchi baits him into a contract unfavourable to himself where he gets paid 50 mill for each strike out but has to pay 500 mill for every run scored on him. The owner didn't believe his 499 streak record held much weight so he accepts.
The people he's playing with or against don't know anything about this and they're all pros so his skills are definitely tested fr. It's hard to explain how mind games comes into play but just trust this guy basically turns a sports manga into a psychological thriller which was just amazing.
Highly recommend, I didn't really know anything about baseball, still don't really but man. nothing but praise tbh.
hm: aoiro ping pong, and **mighty girl(baseball)
{in the episode I mention some other stuff I was reading and would also recommend but felt they out would be too contrived or too much grains of salt due to how the small percentage of their total chapter counts I got to read despite how much I enjoyed them but you can check my anilist to see
{in the actual episode I name black box as the second honorable mention. but that was a mistake probably due to it and mighty girl having the same author idkidk but mighty girl was better}
if you're interested you can listen in to the episode for the small awards ceremony thing that would be here but in this writeup I'm just going to move along
Things read before this month
not as much detail as before cause spoken on most of these before plus nowadays in think more attention sound be given to newer reads but anyways
#3 Eyeshield 21{Riichirou Inagaki story and Yusuke Murata, read/333 chapters}
American football focused. really really good. has been in my top 3 sports manga for like a decade now.
#2 Ping Pong{created by Taiyou Matsumoto, 55 chapters}
Table Tennis focused. spoken on before in detail in Season 1 Ramble#10 and was #4 in its section + became my #3 read overall last year. So good I actually took the time to watch the anime this month.
#1 Rookies {Morita Masanori, 233 chapters}
Delinquents playing baseball. Top 1 in Sesson 2 Ramble#6, #2 in Season 1 Ramble#12 delinquency and #3 in the very first real ramble Season 1 Ramble#1 which is where I spoke on it with the most detail.
hm: Usugoi(peak gambling), HAPPY!(lawn tennis by naoki urasawa)
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sorry for asking 2 questions in one day but I NEED to info dump rq !!!
Batty keeps eating the oozsquitoes, so he keeps mutating, making him incredibly strong. And animalistic. So he goes rabid sometimes:).
I head canon that Karai and her siblings have a secret language of chirps, grunts and hiss’ they use to communicate.
Batty is a good singer, but cannot dance for his life. He will just shuffle awkwardly.
Although Batty would like to be romantic, he’s far too shy to actually do anything like cuddling and heaven forbid a kiss; but he’ll still make a card or two. And maybe some flowers. And maybe some cookies-
He’s a good artist, doing mostly doodles and bad portraits because he’s never been able to explore his talent/passion.
Patrick is incredibly flexible too, being able to catch, hold and even draw with his feet!
Patrick doesn’t use his wings that much so they’re often cramped.
During the winter, all the Hamatos take turns cuddling him and using him as a blanket. Even CJ (Casey Jr.) has gotten in on this trend. As much as Batty wants to complain, he likes to be hugged by everyone.
Patrick is a very mixed sleeper. He will either sprawl himself out (when he’s extremely comfortable or with someone he trusts), or will do the “put in a coffin” pose. But when he’s EXTREMELY comfortable he will do the bat-burrito wrap. (Usually, Karai is in the middle of the wrap.)
Batty is on the spectrum, so he finds it hard to express his emotions. He doesn’t know why he wants to flap his wings and hands around wildly when he sees something that makes him happy, but he doesn’t do it out fear. (Btw; this will be a plot point in a little one shot.)
Patrick is surprisingly good with kids, despite being cold on the outside, he has a real soft spot.
Patrick’s wings act like 2nd hands! But, they’re not useful for actual things.
I think Karai has a scar on her back from a Kraang attack (image below ⬇️)
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Batty, at first, had a huge rip in his wing from being hurt by a Kraang, but Karai patched him up and now he can fly again!
Patrick used his wings to group hug up to 7 people, if we squish.
Patrick can speak 2 languages: English (fluid) and Brazilian (almost fluid). His mother used to speak Brazilian to him, and he gradually learned. unfortunately, he doesn’t have an accent.
I head canon Niccolo as nonverbal, using hand signs and churrs to communicate to his siblings. I also really like the dynamic of mute/nonverbal (nicolo) and the one person that understands them completely (jago).
Patrick, (when he finally learns that maybe stimming isn’t bad), gets whole body wiggles and puffs up.
Textures, but more specifically sounds, is something that really bothers Batty. Like, nails scraping against asphalt is just a big “UGH GET IT AWAY FROM ME” thing. He also gets really itchy when he’s uncomfortable, sleepy or upset.
Patrick’s hair is really unclean. He licks himself on a daily basis, but unfortunately he can’t reach the top of his head, so his hair is always gross. Also, he never really learned self care tactics or how to wash, so that was fun to learn:).
Tamsin basically adopted him immediately. Like, the full “This is my son now, if anything happens to him I’m going to kill everyone in this room and then myself.”
Patrick gets jealous easy! I know, I know, crazy! But, he just can’t help but let the thoughts get to him. (Watch out, Karai, there’s going to be a lot of overprotective snuggling.)
As much as Karai doesn’t see it, Batty thinks she’s absolutely beautiful. Almost always staring at her with adoring eyes. He often gets lost in daydreams and other places.
Once, Batty found a post card from Paris, and that’s all he would dream about for a week. Then Karai came a long and now Karai in Paris is all he could dream about.
Batty is about above average height, stand in around 5” 7’. His wing spans is almost 7 feet, though, only looking smaller because he folds them up very tight.
Batty has literally never eaten food before, like, ever. He’s never tasted anything besides mutant silverfish and leaves.
(Should probably mention for future reference; Batty comes from the Scavengers, a group that hard working tech to sell off to less fortunate people. So, when the resistance in the scavengers come together, Donnie was given a HUGE pile of working tech! iPhones, video cameras, old TVs, remotes and even a Nintendo Switch!)
Does the Resistance have a garden? Because you mentioned about how Tamsin was cooking, and more specifically chopping, so that got me wondering.
Did Donnie replicate the Anti-Kraang formula? Because I saw that it’s an “organic-based shield” so I was thinking the blue stuff from the beginning of the movie, Donnie replicated and is continuing to make and give to people across the country.
Is there any fresh water, or do they have to travel to the Great Lakes/ocean to get it?
What Karai look like as a human? Or her brothers turtles?
Do they have working cellphones or do they use radios?
Does Karai have oldest daughter syndrome? I just feel like helping your mom out at such an early age would give Karai some kind of pressure to always watch after her siblings. (Not talking from experience, if that’s what you’re wondering.)
What’s the kids favorite tv show?
Do any of the kids like to draw?
Do they go on missions by themselves to prove that they’re not too young? (Feels like that’s a David thing to do.)
Has Mikey gone full “mystic meditation; dni unless emergency” or is he still part of the group?
Does Leo still blame himself? Do all of them blame themselves?
Anyway, sorry for info dumping, I just needed to tell you!!! And ask some questions since they were on my mind. Don’t forget to drink water and eat food. I will make you eat your veggies if I have too.
-Lord Freg💛💛
My my, you just love making me want to info dump about my AU and ocs and I love you so much for it 👀
Had me giggling and kicking my feet with how much Batty likes Karai, my SOUL left my body/pos about the Paris thing
Also, Karai does have scars on her back from a Krang attack! (Hey that rhymes) She got them when she was super little though.
Now, to answer your questions!!
Does the Resistance have a garden? 🌱
Yes! Yes it does! It took a few years to find some way to grow any food I'm the conditions of the apocalypse, but Donnie and Mikey were the ones who were able to discover a way to nourish and keep soil +food alive!
Its also a big greenhouse that I'm trying to think wether is inside the base, or out somewhere, but it's a safer chance for it to be inside lol.
Fun fact: Mikey spends a lot of time in the greenhouse If he's not meditating or practicing his mystic abilities. Niccolo loves hanging out with his favorite uncle (dont tell Leo) in the greenhouse, which is where the boy has grown a huge liking for plants! He likes how he and his uncle can spend time without too much chatter or anything too over stimulating for him, it's just his pace.
Note: you're headcanon of Niccolo is 100% correct! The same goes for Maggie, who usually only communicates with chirps or churrs alike- except she doesnt know how to talk.
She has a hard time grasping how to speak, and just gets her little mind stressed put if she doesn't get it right, so she keeps to herself with different ways of communicating.
Did Donnie Replicate The Anti-Krang Formula? 🔋
As a matter of fact, yes he did! Well-kind of.
We know the movie, April steals some of the plant killing stuff, and in the original timeline, she probably showed it to someone, specifically Donnie.
I feel whilst trying, and failing to figure anything put for this sheild, Donnie is near ready to give up until April shows him something she's had on her for a while.
She carried the smallest- and I mean smallest vile of the blue substance, around her neck, she'd always had it just in case since that little of it could knock out Prime krang if she wanted it to.
So, with that to work off of, Donnie got to studying and crafting!
Is There Any Fresh Water? 💦
Sadly no, they do have to travel to get most of it, which is only a weekend trip that either Raph and Mikey go do, seeing they can carry tons of water supply back with them, but that doesn't make it any less tricky...
What Karai Look Like As A Human? Or Her Brothers Turtles? 🐢
I actually have a pic of Karai human! Still have to draw the brothers... But if imma be honest the boys would probabl all lookthe same 😅minus different colored markings.
Do They Have Working Cellphones? 🌐
Nope! All cellular towers and such were brought down by the krang. They do communicate via radios, Donnies tech wristbands, and like, you know those hologram things in StarWars? Kinda like that if they need to call someone.
Im also gonna answer the Kids Fav TV show question while we're here too.
Since there's no internet and such, they're reduced to either shows Donnie has saved on tapes, or VHS Splinter had kept over the years. (Thank Heavens he kept that old VHS player 🙏)
Their favorite shows range from like-3 episodes of Bluey to Black Cauldron on VHS LMAO.
Does Karai Have Oldest Daughter Syndrome?💝
Afraid so, it's obvious it was bound to happen when she was told help out her mom while Donnie was gone... And she may have taken that a bit too close to heart.
In fact, Tam or Don never pressured the 'Eldest Daughter' idea on Karai, her thinking she was supposed to be the oldest, supposed to be the one who handled all her siblings. Even when Donnie came home, she's just a bit ancy to help put in any way, feeling like she's useless if she doesn't.
Do Any Of The Kids Like To Draw? 🖋
Oh definetly! I think David and Niccolo enjoy it more than others since they can express themselves through it more.
Do They Go On Missions Themselves?🏕
When their older? Yes. At their age now? Absolutely not on Donnies watch. He watches them like a hawk if they decide to go rogue without him or any adult watching them.
They have gone with their dad or mom to like- visit other bases, or even go with their uncles for trading, water, or supply-but NEVER by themselves.
David has tried but he always gets caught... Same goes for Karai.
Has Mikey gone full “mystic meditation; dni unless emergency” 🤔
If this question takes place after Donnie has gone, yes. Rarely is he ever seen out of his room-only popping here and there to say hello and check in, but that's like-only once every two months.
Niccolo misses his uncle, and he cries a lot about it, so much so Tam has to find the boy leaning against his uncles door in tears, it breaks her heart.
Does Leo still blame himself? Do all of them blame themselves? 💔
Can you even call it a ROTTMNT AU if their isn't any Leo angst? Lol but seriously, yes, they allblame themselves for the invasion, Leo the most.
A lot of them blame themselves for many things during the apocalypse too, Donnie blames himself for Karais Krang injury, Mikey for a mission gone wrong, where he couldn't save a labor camp, Raph for feeling like he's falling the older brother role- a lot of angst coming yalls way.
And I think that's all of them! TYSM for the asks I loved exploring into some of my Future AU stuff! Especially the guys since I haven't done much to dig deeper in their characters :]
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f0xd13-blog · 7 months
So of course you gonna feel lonely here if you don have brazilian friends bwcause we grown tired of that attitude that never matched our history and lifestyle
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Listen up that ain't it as in the oldest shit but like at least the most well known so study tratado dw Tordesilhas
Yess blabla like a G
Oh and yess i was totally joking bout the fact we dont have people from congo here. I even shared my portuguese congo crush so ya... i know y'all dont understand sarcasm tho.
So now i ask while you are like ukraine this ukraine that jewish this bunkwrs of blond and land plus lithium vcrystals shit who is wellcoming people from congo?
Palestinians are like stucked rip
So no it was actually a gypsy and african massacre and listen salazar was a gypsy but dangerous for hitler
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Why would we even hide our identities...
Y'all it was just too much hebrew studying they became hebrew ... it's always like too much and then it turns into somthing with no boundaries like a la queer tbh
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Everything i just said is properly spelled and português ten tou ;)
Me af you are cursed with me
She went to a G wedding and is asking herself why we use so mu h gold.... we are thug and brought it from egypt duh
Why would i even dare to say that we are the origins of thug culture if we wasn't legit thug?
I hope u finally get this meme elon it is foh u.. totalmente
Sou uma bela fonte sim senhor ahahha eles sao mesmo um meme e nem sabem
So some tea ok? Why do u think in the harry potter world you would have to hide your identity?
Anywyas literally egypt tbh
Oh that video is actually from a very well known brazilian telenovela like this is completamente our culture in brasil imagine the audacity of spain to still be believing that flamenco is spanish or a mix of shit
Dude portuguese ain't even hispanic... how does it look the same in brasil ? And russia also btw
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rakishhellion · 1 year
ive got so many good whatsapp statuses i need to convert to convert to tumblr posts im giggling rn
wait can i post the memes i post them with??? or should i just leave them as text since thats the main format here?
(brazilian internet gay culture lore drop: sometimes we just talk stuff in conjunction with low quality gay images (sometimes ripped from gifs) that are either tangentially related to the topic or just not at all (sometimes they are also repeated over and over, we like trading them i guess you could say) it also kinda serves for identification, you know they gay when they post those (we call them statics btw))
i guess its texts then
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linasrant · 3 years
how can i be part of a 90's ghost rock band?
Okay so i watched julie and the phantoms (for the third time may i add) and its just so comforting and beautiful that i had to comment about it. Just a warning before u read, it may have some spoilers!
So for the people who didnt watch the show yet, its an american version of the brazilian og show called julie e os fantasmas (basically has the same meaning in english) where 3 members from a 90's band die one day before their big show on the Orpheum. When i first watched i laughed so hard from the way they died bc as a brazilian i could never die from a tainted hot dog, bro i've been eating street food since i was a kid and its like a culture from my country, we have the best street dogs everrrr (no cap here). But talking abt the show, the boys from Sunset Curve ( what a cool name btw) die from food poisoning and then cameback in 2020 as ghosts, 25 years after their death, to help a girl named julie find her way back into music.
Okay so about the boys, Luke Petterson, Reggie Peters and Alex Mercer: the himbos. THEY´RE ADORABLE!! The energy that they have, their passion for music and their friendship are just the best. My fav ghost is Reggie (i found me a lover who can play the bass), that boy has the energy of a golden retriever wrapped in the aesthetic of a 5sos fan from 2014. I mean the black ripped jeans, black leather jacket, red flannel around the waist and white t-shirt u cant tell me he wouldn't jam listening to sounds good feels good ( one of my favs album after youngblood). His whole style and personality is just *chef kiss*
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Enough abt the boys lets talk abt Julie Molina, one the most talented girls i've ever seen (she, olivia rodrigo and sabrina carpenter are my top 3), her voice is angelic, her personality and style u can not love this girl, SHES AN ICON!!! I shivered every time she sang in the show, the power that she holds damn i love her.
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This serie has the energy of a warm cup of hot cocoa in a cold day, its just cozy and relaxing, the plot twist is so good and the songs get stuck in your head. My top 3 songs are:
Edge of Great
Wake Up
Now or Never
I have a huge emotional connection with Edge of Great, so it had to be my number one in that list. Like look at this part and u'll understand me.
"I believe that we're just one dream Away from who we're meant to be That we're standing on the edge of great Something big, something crazy Our best days are yet unknown"
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Anyway, i could spend hours talking about this masterpiece but i dont want to bother u guys, so please go watch julie and the phantoms and make your own conclusions abt it. I hope yall like it, so then hopefully we can get a season 2 ;)
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vulturevanity · 3 years
Episode one finished! First impressions:
Writing-wise it's serviceable, if awkward at times. Nothing super special so far, a bit heavy-handed on the exposition dialogue (it's expected of a first episode, but I'm not a fan of characters stating their motives and traits out loud. Big fan of "show, don't tell" in those cases), but I can forgive that on a show that's still finding its footing. I do have high expectations going forward, though.
I love the visuals! It has the 90s anime charm of the exaggerated expressions I adore and, needless to say, the beautiful aesthetic that sparked countless spoofs, homages and rip-offs (the greatest form of flattery).
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Get you a girl that can do both
I really wish I was watching it in better quality, but this is honestly one of the hardest shows I ever tried to find subs of (Shout-out to Brazilian fansub group Mirai Subbers, btw! They got fancy with the effects, it's both impressive and hilarious). I'll keep looking for a way to download the epispdes but until then I'll be using this site I found to watch it online.
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bhadpodcast · 8 years
And we have another actor for 6B. This time he's Brazilian. And he's already posting shirtless photos of his ripped body lol. He of course looks very similar to Froy. The only difference is the eye color. I'm just waiting for a third brown-haired model to be cast. Btw when I typed in his name on google the first search suggestion was "Andrew Matarazzo gay"! Oh, and he was on Criminal Minds. And Froy has been submitting audition tapes since 2015 and TW is his first role? Casting couch *cough*.
Lol! Don't hate on these children! But srsly tho, Jesus be a fence.
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crashpaddiaries · 8 years
Dear Crashpad Diary #28
Helllllllooooooo my favorite beasts of the entire world!!
How´s going there?? Hope you´re ready for the summer and the outdoors season!! hahahahahaha
well… now I understand when some people defend that cold weather is better for climbing… after months of hot-boiling weather in SEA, I came to a conclusion that, summer in these places is not suitable for even a living, actually…. freaking hot hahahah I'm right now writing and dehidrating as I´m sweating hahahah
Today I´ll write about: Loads of falls, getting better on surfing, that´s why I don´t like policemen, drinking coffee that just came out of an animal´s ass, photo pranks, earthquakes…
I´m seriously having fun here while learning how to surf!! We´re currently in Bali and we´ve been going to some beaches that are better for learners and cookies hahaha The problem is that, when you are learning from someone that already knows what the story is, sometimes you lack some good information!! hahah The first morning we´ve gone inside the ocean I had a big board with good flotation… therefore… the thing would not dive right?!?! Yep!!
So there is no need to tell ya that whenever a huge wave was coming and I tried to dive with the board it would not work and I would go inside the wave in a washing machine state hahahah After 3 or 4 big waves I kinda felt that sth was wrong and I had to change the strategy!! ahahahaha
Ever since I almost died in Patagonia due to a sudden snowstorm allied to my excess of confidence I have always been afraid of nature and it´s power… maybe the ocean is the one that scares me the most… so… after all those huge waves, I was decided to leave the ocean and rest for a bit (or for days) at the beach… but my bro came and told me how to deal with them and it is actually pretty ok… you don´t feel like dying the whole time hehehehe And after that I could focus on standing up hahahahah which I did just after 4 hours… or 3 days…. not sure… I´m not controlling the time here!! hahahaha
Once in Bali, the rice fields and Ubud area are a must-see attraction… off we went then… We rented a bike… got my camera and all the stuff and venga!! 
 BTW… we have been using an app called Maps.me which is absolutely fantastic! you can use all the maps offline and download all the countries or areas you might need… freeeeeaking nice!! That saved us many times on the trip!!
And there we were… maps on one hand… Luh driving…. we had like 40kms in front of us… everything was fine till the time we got to a big avenue and the policemen stopped us… to check the docs… funny though that they were stopping only tourists…
As soon as he stopped us… Luh gave him the drivers license and all the motorbikes documents that were in pristine conditions as the bike was Wayan´s one, from the hotel we were staying… Anyways… does not matter if that was ok or not… they were stopping only tourists to get money out of them… they came with a story that the driver´s license was not valid here and bla bla bla… the police guy brought us to the corner and said that we would have to “fix the mistake”… we tried to discuss a bit but he asked for 500.000 rupees… we said we did not have, which was true, cuz who´d go out for a day trip in a place like this carrying the daily budget?? haha
He asked 50% then, and we said no… but in the end he got 150.000 from us and let us go…. fucker!! =(

Later that week we met some locals that told us it is pretty common… you only need to put like 50.000 inside the motorbike´s documents when you hand it off, they will take the money and let you go with no harm… it´s sad to see things like this happening tho!!
Forgetting about this shit happen… people like this policemen cannot dictate the way you face or remember the day… I just decided to write about to help people avoiding losing money for nothing!! 

The trip that day was awesome… the rice fields were beautiful an huge… even after living in Hampi and having its great rice paddies as a constant background… I still have the capacity of fall in love with rice fields around the world… they seem to get greener and more vivid as the life goes on!! heheh
Something funny happened that day in the fields… funny for us… cuz for that lady twas not funny at all!! hahahah She was being photographed… and suddenly, she was covered by the mud and surrounded by rice hahahahah Yep… she fell inside one of the fields… and all the people present in that valley that day will remember the scared noise that one of her family member made as she collapsed!!
I can only imagine what happened: “Let´s take a pic people… Grandma… one step back… another one…. one last step for a better position!!”…. Grandmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa….. hahahahahhahaha
Poor thing!! She was rescued fast without major injuries… she fell prob around 3 metres… but her clothes…. hahahaha I´m laughing but twas not funny for her… clothes!! RIP white shirt!! hahahahah
The next matter might sound a little awkward and maybe disgusting for some of yous…. but it was a valid, different and, I risk to say, delicious experience!! Someone had already told me about the most expensive coffee ever… a coffee that somewhat was extracted from an animal´s poo!! hahah And the best part of the story… it was somewhere in Indonesia!! hahaha
It happened to be in that area.. in Ubud… place where the animals were kept in captive… feed by the human and, after all the digestive process, the poo would be collected, roasted, ground and served as the most expensive coffee on earth… I have to agree that the coffee is indeed good… but as all the good coffee I´ve ever taken… Colombian, Brazilian, Kenyan… all of them were great too!!
So… I have been trying to understand why we keep these animals in a cage to make sth that we have already mastered without them?? Maybe it is a way to add some different value to the product.. but is it worthy?? dunno…
It seems that the human being have a fetich for the animals asses though!! Some time ago a friend of mine told me that vanilla flowers are extremely rare, therefore, original vanilla flavour is costly… reason why all the big companies found a way to artificially replace it… and the way they found, involves something found on otter´s asses…. seriously??? First you get the vanilla from the otter ass and now the coffee from the Luwak ass????
Can you imagine what would be a Luwak vanilla coffee then!! hahahahahaha
Well… with the unpredicted bribe expense, we decide to save some money using the app Tripadvisor to get info on cheap places to eat and all… silly mistake!! They have a way to rate the restaurants with € symbols… if the place has one symbol is cheap and so on…
It was easy for me and Luh to choose…. the ones with more than € were automatically out of scope hehe Unfortunately and fortunately, they have some sort of trouble to define what is cheap and expensive… cuz the cheap stuff they define was overpriced … that's the unfortunate part… cuz we walked to few of them for 2 or 3 times… got there starving and had to abort the mission because of the prices…. However… and that's where the fortunate part comes… we got to find some nice, delish and cheap local places!!! Yummy and in your face trip advisor!! don´t like ya!! haha odds of using apps haha
Talking about odds…. what are the odds of going to bed thinking out of the blue about tsunamis and thinking what would be the best action plan for us if that happened (I know… it's weird but it was pretty random thought) and wake up the next morning with an earthquake???
Weird, isn’t it??? I know!!
Maybe because of the thought of the previous night… I woke up, got out of bed and opened the door to leave the room in a split of second… when I opened the door my brother woke up and while he was trying to understand what was going on I told him to leave fast…. by that time we had few more secs of shakiness and then it stopped… checking the internet few mins later I could confirm that it happened 35km from our place and it was quite strong… 6.10 on the Richter scale!! wow… one can freak out when the safety of the ground vanishes that sudden!! I can remember the soundtrack of it all was provided by some old ladies that kept yelling for the whole length!! haha
In that same website… earthquaketrack.com, I saw that you can register to receive earthquake alerts on twitter!! hahahaha Imagine that… you get an alert like: “Holy Shit…. run!!!!” or “Fuck fuck fuck fuck!!” or even “Good night Mr. Jones, We´d like to let you know that in few mins from now you´ll feel like you´re losing it… don´t worry… it´s all good… if you live your home and head to a park or some sort of open air area like… NOW!! 
or... even the classic Douglas Adams advice: “Don´t panic!!” hahahahahaha
Sweeeeeet!! I hope you had good fun with this post… all the stories and infos are true, even the paragraph that I say I did get up on a surfboard!! hahahah
All the best smiles and sweet vibes from the great Indonesia!!
oh… and if you´re thinking about grabbing your backpack and travel the world… let me know…. I might join you somewhere!! =)
Cheers and good trip!!

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