#rip bernard hill
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feline-ranger · 11 months ago
In light of the sad news about Bernard Hill, I feel like we should take a moment to really appreciate the acting performances in the LOTR trilogy. The fact that none of the cast got Academy Awards is well-known and I think even now the sheer visual spectacle of the trilogy can overshadow everything else, but the performances were SO crucial to what made the films great.
It’s easy to take the success of the movies for granted now, but that was never a guarantee. Aside from the practical aspects of portraying such an epic fantasy onscreen, the series is peppered with dialogue that is fine on the page but unbelievably difficult to deliver. As Harrison Ford famously remarked to George Lucas re Star Wars “You can write this stuff, but you can’t say it.”
From Gandalf’s “To the Bridge of Khazad-Dum!” to Elrond’s “It must be cast back into the fiery chasm from whence it came!” it would be so easy for the whole thing to collapse into farce. The only reason it doesn’t, is because of the talent and conviction of the actors.
Bernard Hill was tasked with one of the most objectively ridiculous lines in the entire trilogy. “The horn of Helm Hammerhand shall sound in the deep one last time!” And he delivered. BOY, did he deliver. He gave it all the gravitas and emotional weight of Shakespeare, he made it truly rousing instead of ridiculous, he took the audience with him to that moment, that place, right into Middle Earth with its people and its history, and made it REAL.
And for that, I thank and salute him. RIP, sir. Go now to the halls of your fathers. You earned it.
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hail-theoden-king · 11 months ago
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King ThĂ©oden 101 đŸ„°
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no-one-can-save-you-now12 · 9 months ago
lotr bts
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He looks so done
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Omygosh frodo you're an amazing artist
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THAT IS NOT SEAN BEAN I REPETE THAT IS NOT SEAN BEAN (ik it's a double but whatever)
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Honestly my favorite eowyn look
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Moments before disaster
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Yea you've probably seen this one before but I freaking love it
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You can't be in lotr without sunglasses
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Pippin and frodo my darlings
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*screeching* wheresss my umbrellaaaa
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And yes I know it's not lotr but I just thought "Martin is so weird and I love him for it"
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inthiskingdomwewillendure · 9 months ago
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King Theoden's armor in 4k
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tangeerin · 11 months ago
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King Theoden.
RIP Bernard Hill.
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kylobith · 11 months ago
Long Live the King!
In honour of Bernard Hill (1944 - 2024)
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Rays of light caress the grass on the mounds of the Barrowfield at the foot of the mighty hill of Edoras. They bathe the landscape and the mountainside in their glow, enlivening the colours of the earth and the last snows of the season. What ochre dirt usually lies under the canopy of the sky now glows bright gold, nearly rivalling the roof of Meduseld, perched up far above it on its throne of stone. The land comes alive in the hues of the realm’s colours, proudly displayed on flagpoles held by soldiers.
Gathered around the newest mound on the Barrowfield, they line up the path to the temporary entrance. Heads held high with their helms down to their brows, their teary eyes behold the sky as the etiquette demands of them. Before them, closer to the path, courtiers stand in reverence, their weeping disturbing the otherworldly stillness of the scenery. By the carved stone frame of the mount’s threshold, a group of women cry out an ancient chant as armoured pallbearers carry forth the wooden stretcher upon which rests their fallen king.
Upon a cushion of green velvet embroidered with gold rests his proud head, once bearing the crown of his elders. His blond hair cascades upon it like a halo highlighting the kindness of his heart. Oh, a heart bearing much burden, yet that retained much affection for his demanding court and realm, and never once turned away from his family. Not deliberately, that is.
Behind him, what remains of the royal family follows. All are clad in black mourning dress, except for Éomer, whose shoulders are covered by a fur-lined cloak passed down from his uncle. His hand holds that of his betrothed, with her Gondorian hair braided in a Rohirric fashion. Across his chest, with its polished hilt resting on the crook of his left elbow, Herugrim awaits to be laid to rest in turn.
Following her brother is Éowyn, clasping an embroidered handkerchief to her quivering lips, supported by her husband-to-be. She leans against his shoulder, her trembling hand clutching his until her knuckles turn paler than her tear-streaked cheeks. Seldom has she managed to utter a word since she arose earlier this morning, so deep her grief stirs within her.
The pallbearers come to a halt before the threshold and those who followed them come to stand on either side of the pathway. Éomer releases Lothíriel’s hand and bows before his beloved uncle. The women cease their chants yet continue to weep, softly enough to bring attention to the king’s nephew. Keeping a firm grip on the crimson leather, he unsheathes Herugrim and holds it up above him, letting the blade reflect the sun’s glow.
‘All hail ThĂ©oden King!’ he cries out with his brow furrowed and a gleam of determination twinkling in his mournful eye.
And all respond, with the banners held high in their backs.
‘All hail ThĂ©oden King!’
Éomer solemnly lowers the sword and places it upon his uncle’s chest, closing his cold hands, which once ruled with firm grace over Rohan, around the handle. His sister steps forward and receives a small bunch of simbelmynĂ« carefully picked from ThĂ©odred’s barrow from a soldier. She kisses the flowers and tucks them into her uncle’s grip. With a last caress on his brow, the Lady of Rohan murmurs.
Another sob wracks through her and warm tears flood her delicate traits.
‘Be at peace, son of Rohan. Your children shall never forget you, nor your gentle heart. Oh, find your fathers and embrace our beloved ThĂ©odred in our stead!’
‘Farewell, uncle, farewell!’
As she stumbles back, she collides with her brother, whose hand rests upon her shoulder. They look upon Théoden in grief as the women resume their laments, whilst bystanders bow their heads.
Faramir observes Éowyn from the corner of his eye. His heart sinks at the thought of her suffering, and never has he felt so helpless. What can one man do in the face of mourning? What more can he do besides embrace her when she needs it and listen to her memories of her childhood? Not that he minds any of it, he would wear his arms thin from holding her if he could, drown his fingers from brushing away her tears, grow deaf from hearing her speak. And he would do it all over again in a heartbeat, a thousand times over, if given the chance!
But the sight of her slouched shoulders when he knows how proud they always are triggers a pain greater than the arrows that pierced his body. Yet patience is all he must show. Patience and compassion. These virtues he has never lacked, despite his misplaced humility when praised about them.
And so, he listens to the laments sung in words whose meaning evades him, his head bowed and his eyes fixed on the shieldmaiden and her brother. When the chants end, Théoden is brought inside the barrow, beheld for the last time by the orphaned children he once considered his. The tomb is closed, and the crowd soon disperses, retracing their steps towards the Golden Hall, where a banquet will be held to reminisce about the great deeds of the fallen king and honour their new monarch.
Faramir stands by the pathway, nodding politely at the soldiers, courtiers, and those he has come to meet in Ithilien and Minas Tirith. Lothíriel, his cousin, comes to place a kiss on his cheek, squeezing his arm with a brief smile, before walking away. Éomer bows his head at him and Faramir pats his shoulder in silent support, which the new king of Rohan accepts gladly by placing his hand over his future brother-in-law’s.
But Éowyn remains by the mound, her eyes fixed upon the stone now separating her from her uncle. He awaits her, keeping his distance at first to allow her to mourn in peace. As long minutes pass, he pinches his lips and draws nearer, not wanting to startle her.
‘I would have you smile again,’ her sweet voice rises before he even reaches her, ‘not grieve for those whose time has come.’
Éowyn peers over her shoulder, her eyes brimming with tears.
‘That is what he once told me. Before the battle, before he—'
She turns again, choking up on her words. Faramir’s arms encircle her and press her gently to his heart as he rests his chin on the top of her head.
‘He must have been a great man, for him to earn such devotion from you,’ he whispers.
‘Far beyond that.’
With a sniffle, she looks up at him, speaking in a firm tone which contrasts with the vulnerability in her eyes.
‘I intend to respect his word, Faramir. So, I beg you never to make me weep.’
Faramir tucks an untameable tress of her golden hair and offers her a tender smile.
‘Beloved Éowyn, I would never dream of it.’
Nestling her head underneath his chin again, she lets out a sigh of relief. A smile grows on his cheeks.
‘I fear that I have spoken a lie. I can think of three instances where your crying would be welcome. The first is if one of the most moving poems recited from my lips by the hearth in our home would stir you so that tears would grace your eyes. The second would be our wedding day. And the third, if I dare dream of it, is the day that you hold our future child for the first time.’
Éowyn grins against his neck and places a kiss in its crook.
‘How presumptuous of you to believe that I would show any emotion in such instances!’
‘Would you not?’ he asks, his eyes widening in surprise.
A chuckle escapes her and her hands cradle his face.
‘Of course, I will. And I am ready to bet that you would weep before I do in all three situations.’
Faramir laughs along and brushes his lips against hers for a moment. A single instant where there is no place for grief. When he pulls away, his thumb traces her cheekbone.
‘We must return to Meduseld. You are the one to present the cup to your brother.’
‘Very well. Go ahead, I will be right behind you.’
Faramir nods and begins to walk away, respecting her wishes. Éowyn turns to the barrow and comes forward to graze the stone mantel with her fingertips. She presses a kiss to it and takes a deep breath.
‘Farewell, uncle. Be at peace; I am smiling again.’
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edgessunflower · 11 months ago
Bernard Hill passed away 😭
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lord-azathoth · 11 months ago
Rest in peace, Théoden King! :(
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hotstreak2k3 · 11 months ago
RIP Bernard Hill ( 1944 - 2024) đŸ•Šïž
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juniorcaptain · 11 months ago
My tour guide in Wellington had a great story about the late Bernard Hill:
Basically the tour guide (TG) was an extra (human, elf, and Orc) for all three LOTR movies and met just about all the main cast.
After four years of filming, he decided to take a risk and ask for autographs. Extras had been told not to (the actors are working, after all), but hundreds of hours working together gave him the courage to try. It helps that TG had hung out with some of them outside filming.
TG took a napkin and approached Bernard Hill first (I believe his filming was wrapping up or something). TG does the “hey, I know we’re not supposed to ask, but would you sign this?”
Bernard looked at TG and said “No. We can do better than a napkin.”
Bernard goes and gets a book of concept art that had been gifted to the main cast. He then leads TG around, getting it signed by pretty much the entire principal cast and I believe Peter Jackson (possibly others like Fran Walsh and Philippa Boyens, can’t remember the bts folks).
So that’s how Bernard Hill went above and beyond for an extra. May he rest in peace.
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conjcosby · 11 months ago
Stardate: 2024.5.5 ▫ We are saddened to hear that our king has passed on and is now in the halls of his fathers. Farewell, my king. 👑 #RIP #RestInPeace #BernardHill #KingTheoden #TheodenKing #Theoden #KingOfRohan #LordOfTheRings #LOTR #RIPBernardHill #RestInPeaceBernardHill #RIPKingTheoden #Farewell
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anadorablack · 11 months ago
Goodbye sweet King. I’ll miss you.
Meeting you back in 2020 remains one of the highlights of my geeky life. You were one of the kindest and funniest.
You’ll be missed, Theoden-King. 💔
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hail-theoden-king · 11 months ago
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dumb4ssfrog · 11 months ago
Currently rewatching the ride of the Rohirrim after the sad news of Bernard Hill’s passing.
This scene was always one of my favourite. I had the chance to watch it in a movie theater with a real orchestra a few months ago and I still get goosebumps whenever I remember it.
Rest in peace, Bernard Hill.
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nebula1734 · 11 months ago
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Rest in peace Bernard Hill.
Rest, Theoden, King of Rohan
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strafethesesinners · 11 months ago
“I go to my fathers, in whose mighty company I shall not now feel ashamed”
Forth, and fear no darkness, Bernard Hill 💕
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