#ring of gyges
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spacehero-23 · 1 year ago
Tolkien: Hey, can I copy your homework?
Plato: Sure but don't make it too obvious
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leviabeat · 1 year ago
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In total, 32 bands will be at the Næstved Metalfest 2024 spread over three stages and three days. The final program and schedule will be announced in March.
Via Naestved Metalfest on Instagram
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metalshockfinland · 2 years ago
Icelandic RING OF GYGES Release New Single + Lyric Video 'Nautilus'
Icelandic Progressive rockers RING OF GYGES have released the second single/video “Nautilus” from their forthcoming album “Metamorphosis” which will be released via ViciSolum Productions on May19. Helgi Jónsson (vocalist and guitarist) about the single/video:“Nautilus is perhaps the heaviest song we’ve written, but it’s also one of the most progressive. There isn’t a single measure of 4/4 rhythm…
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theherdofturtles · 1 year ago
England and Wales 100% have purchased a golden ring and enchanted it to turn the wearer invisible. There's no way they haven't done this.
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outlandishsblogm · 6 months ago
The Ring of Gyges
If you are in possession of the ring, how would you use it?
We are intrinsically wicked just as much as we are intrinsically righteous. Balanced, as all things are ought to be. It is true however that humans act just because we cannot fathom getting condemned with injustices. That we cannot bear to be judged and suffer the negative consequences of wrong doings. So, the righteousness outweighs, and we get on with it.
Vileness is just hidden behind our demure character. It only emerges when an external element triggers the long unwritten print of goodness engraved in our being. Or when we have a magical ring.
Even I cannot deny the presence of slightest possibility of resorting to take advantage of things if I am in possession of the ring. Just to explore the irresistible desire to disappear suddenly, as though I am to spectate life, just log off, and grasp how would the earth turn without my presence. To get hold of the ring and just twist away from disappointments, cringes, embarrassments, and every moment that dismantles my utopia.
I reckon the impulse that lingers within us to wear the ring is driven by our discontentment and fear. The continual desire to have more even though our species are not built to be more, speaks loudly about our being not of humaneness but wanting to get comfortable. And the fear that is resultative from the failure of abiding to our moral codes—eventually challenging our nobleness, engages us to maneuver an act that neutralizes the perception of our being; giving license to indulge in the idea that acting congruently is relative.
Although with all that, considerably, there would still be a piece of conscience that remains beneath our being. And the conscience is the fundamental good on how we “should” make use of the ring. That eventually, we would find ourselves constrained within a mind that is struggling with moral dilemma. That albeit we succumb to a flexible moral code as a response, we will just convince ourselves that being just is always preferable than violating our own principles; howbeit, irrepressible.
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themetalgodsmeltdownposts · 2 years ago
(The Metal Gods Meltdown)
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thewritetofreespeech · 5 months ago
I have a kinktober request: Could I request Chuuya and his partner having sex somewhere private but they're still outdoors?
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kinktober: sex outdoors, blowjobs, bukkake, misuse of the supernatural skill of invisibility.
“Sir, what are you doing?”
“I am surveying the area.” Chuuya said. Hands at his side with his elbows out, making his jacket into more of a cape than usual, as he stared off into the distance. Not turning around. “What is it?"
“Well it’s just…the boss is calling and…-“I'll be right there.” Though he made no effort to move.
“So...are you coming now? Or should I take a message-“I said I’ll be right there!” Chuuya barked. Causing his subordinate to tuck tail and run back from wherever he came from. “I told you we would get caught!” He hissed.
“Who got caught?” [Y/N] replied. Their form glittering into visibility now, with a cheeky smirk between his knees. His cock in their hand. “It’s not like he saw me.”
“So, you’re fine with him seeing me with my dick just out!” Chuuya snapped at them.
This was a mistake. They shouldn’t be doing this. But when his partner asked, despite the impropriety and danger, he couldn’t say no.
“Oh come on. It wouldn’t be that bad. Honestly, he’d probably have more respect for you. Seeing this big thing just out and hard. It certainly inspires me to loyalty.” They disappeared again and Chuuya hissed as [Y/N] wrapped their lips around him again. Bobbing their head over his cock as it appeared to be floating in the air being massaged by nothing.
The cool air that hit his dick every time they pulled back made it twitch. “You’re so slutty for my cock babe.” A duality of their noble lieutenant.
[Y/N] pulled back again, “only for you.” They jerked his cock a few more times before Chuuya was coming. [Y/N] reappeared again to show him his cum all over their hand, across their face, and into their waiting mouth.
He groaned at the sight of his cum decorating them, but then offered them his handkerchief to clean up. “Can’t take you anywhere.”
“But you can fuck me anywhere, baby.” They told him. Making Chuuya growl.
“I have to call the boss back.”
“Fine, fine.” [Y/N] replied as they stood up. “See me after you get back?”
“Yeah.” He told them. “I assume you’ll want some kind of reciprocation for this.”
“Don’t act like you’re not excited Chuuya.” They replied while smirking at him. They then stepped closer. “We can go for a walk in the park. Or you can just do me in front of that big window in my apartment.” His eyes widened at the suggestion. “I know you’ve been thinking about it.”
Chuuya grinned before pulling [Y/N] close by their hip. “It’s a date.”
He kissed them, then watched as they activated their Ring of Gyges and disappeared again. Heading off unseen into the night. Leaving Chuuya alone in the cool air with his burning skin, and something to look forward to after work.
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catofadifferentcolor · 5 months ago
I can’t stop thinking about Athena’s decision to give an invisibility hat to a twelve year old girl.
On the one hand, yes, it’s come in handy on more than a few quests - but at the point when Annabeth had to have received it, there had been no quests for years. Not since Luke got his scar. Part of the reason she’s so eager to retrieve the bolt in TLT is that she has only rarely left CHB since arriving at age 7.
This means that the only intended use for the cap is in camp. Presumably for capture the flag, but what 12 year old is mature enough to only use their invisibility for a game? None, as is proven by the second time we see Annabeth using her cap - to spy on Chiron’s private meeting with Percy to discuss whether or not the gods intend to kill him. (Insert a thousand references to the Ring of Gyges.)
And then, instead of being punished for violating another’s privacy (after putting the same demigod in a position of physical danger), she’s rewarded by getting what she wants and going on a quest.
…I’m not sure what my point here is, other than Annabeth’s fatal flaw didn’t grow from nowhere. Of course someone who wants to know everything will use their invisibility to spy on others’ private conversations. Either Athena doesn’t pay enough attention to her children to know this or else she was trying to encourage this habit in Annabeth. (After MoA, I’m inclined to think the latter.)
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ciceroprofacto · 4 months ago
Well-Played Instruments
Fable, Castling, Counseling, Exercises, Moving out of Mulligans, Ring of Gyges, Built the Fire //  The Offer (next)
Whitehall Slip, October 1775
“Do you have any idea where you are?”
Hamilton’s head was a flashpan of pain. Too abruptly conscious for comfort.
It was Troup’s voice, coming from somewhere behind him like the proverbial angel on his shoulder. Though, when Alex turned his head to look at him, the daylight brought on a wave of inescapable nausea that had him flopping back over the edge of the retaining wall to vomit into the murky harbor. So, perhaps he was the devil instead.
Contact with the planks under his shredded palms and Troup’s steadying hands over tender bruises brought on the memory of Dawson’s fists. The night returned in the physical feeling- the fight, the flight, the beating on both ends.
That had been the point, he supposed.
“It’s nearly noon," Rob said. "We have drill today, and you’re a fucking mess.” He was dragging Alex up by the elbows as soon as the retching ceased. “What the hell were you thinking?”
There was no thinking beyond the fleeting anticipations of blows. Blocking a punch over his forearm, dipping beneath the next swing, side-stepping a kick- straight into the next fist. Dawson’s knuckles cracked through Alex’s cheek, rattling his teeth and sending him sprawling into the containment wall and the arms of the crowd. 
Laughing and jeering over jaunty fiddle music and the stomping of the crowd upstairs, they were raucous. Sailors, smiths, guilders, merchants, the occasional gentlemen looking only somewhat out of place. Fighting Cocks wasn’t precisely respectable, even in its front-facing cockfighting business. 
But betting on birds was far more-respectable than the show that took place below ground, so it was a general understanding between the men that came to watch the daily fights that no one should speak of this ring. Newcomers were rare which meant the audience was familiar with him, was rooting for him- at least at first.
Alex had been doing quite well in the dailies’ bracket. Now, he was paying dearly for an early slip in this match, and from the fall in the crowd’s tone, they knew it. He was losing. Half his remaining earnings off ‘The Farmer Refuted’ riding on a single pot and he couldn’t imagine anyone worse to lose to…
“I squared you from the first step you took in here,” Dawson was bobbing on his toes and disparaging while Alex regained his footing. “Snooty schoolboy blowing his allowance on the punishment he needs cause his papa doesn’t give it to’em. Don’t worry, I’ve got’chu.”
Alex raised his fists back up to his face. His vision was swimming, the crowd roiling like a sea of fabric and faces and limbs. He was getting distracted with unfocused eyes. They locked on a mop of curly blond hair- hair that was familiar, but out of place here. The figment was hunched over the fiddle as the tune he was hearing took on a complicated trill, it couldn’t be, so- Alex dismissed it as his imagination, focused on Dawson, narrowly dodged another swing, then-
“Quit dancing with me!”
He had no desire to do that. These were probably the only dancing lessons he’d ever afford. Another dodge, another miss.
“Face me like a man!”
“Then hit me like one!” The taunting was unnecessary in a fight that was practically decided, but it got the crowd riled on Alex’s behalf. There was nothing men loved more than watching brutality, particularly when it was well-earned, begged-for, something they could comfortably laugh at.
Dawson took another swing and missed again, but this time, Alex took the chance to land some taunting little slaps to the back of his neck as he twisted around his guard. “Fucking fairy!” A growl of frustration, “Fighting cocks- more like taking them,” he spat.
Alex’s step stumbled at that. It was enough for an elbow to crack into his cheek and Dawson was spinning on him while he was stunned. A fist like a brick landed against his ribs and his feet buckled. A leg swept them out from under him.
He rolled to his knees, but before he could get up, fingers were tearing his head up by the hair.
“Y’should’a gone to St. Paul’s- I hear they’ll fuck you when you lose.”
Alex didn’t know he could tackle a man to the ground without a conscious thought.
He didn’t feel himself do it.
But, he found himself there, knees digging into Dawson’s ribcage, scalp stinging from tearing his head away, throwing punch after punch, crunching the brute’s nose in, boxing his ears viciously, the temple, the eyes, striking again with knuckles that came away wet and bloody, numb to pain- inflicting as much as possible. Dawson bucked wildly and tried to elbow his thighs or roll him off. Alex’s fists squished in the eyes, cracked on temples, sliced on teeth and jagged edges of a broken nose. He was aiming to mangle and break and hurt-
Arms were grabbing him from above, tearing him away, kicking and flailing to the tune of the violin’s crescendo in third position, notes high and flying in a solo that no wharf-working fiddler would know. Just as urgent and wild as it was a distinguished display of technical prowess. Something that belonged in the gilded halls of Liberty Hall. Something Kitty or Brockholst might spend a few hours on each day with their tutors and never truly learn like this.
He should’ve been more concerned about being dragged from the tavern than about the identity of the fiddler for the night, but for a moment there, he had thought- and the song- he was sure…
Rob’s arms really were unfairly strong. Like a plank of lumber or a stone column, solid and stable as they hauled him down Broad Street. All their drills and training had only enhanced them. Given his response to their previous flirtations, Alex was pretty sure squeezing and admiring would not be well-received.
Rob was angry.
Alex could feel it, like a scab he couldn’t help but scratch. “Mulligan could’ve come got me himself if he was worried,” he said.
“You think Mulligan sent me?”
A listless shrug, “He knew about the match- makes sense he’d send someone.”
“I sent myself,” Rob hiked him higher over his arm to fix Alex’s position and earn a hiss of pain. “Nick, Sam, Henry, and I have all been out looking for you since dawn after you didn’t come home last night. Nick’s been beside himself.”
It suddenly felt terrible, leaning on Rob, so Alex put his feet under himself and picked up his weight as well as he could. Something in his hip felt wrong, maybe broken. “I was fine.”
“You were drowning in a puddle of your own vomit.”
There was nothing to say to that.
“I know you’ve been under a great deal of pressure. I know that my actions did nothing to alleviate that,” Rob said. “But, there’s no excuse for this. You want to be an officer- to assume control of men- make their orders and have their lives depend on you. You want to lead them into battle, yet right now, you’re failing to control even yourself.”
At a bar, two blocks south, Alexander nursed a glass of whiskey and pressed the most over-charged block of ice he’d ever held, wrapped up in a cloth against his cheek.
“Between us, there really are men at St. Paul’s that would fuck you.”
Hamilton knew the voice that came from his left, but he didn’t move the ice to look. He could feel eyes appraising him. Perhaps a mockery of flirtation. Perhaps not. The point was to make him question whether he was being seen too clearly. To intimidate. He hadn’t been able to look for Cleary before being dragged from the Fighting Cocks, so he hadn’t been able to confirm that it had actually been him that he’d seen during the fight- much less heard playing violin.
But, he knew this was a cat-and-mouse game they were engaged in, so the visit only mildly-surprised him. He didn’t want any surprise to show, so he waved down the barmaid for another cup of whiskey. She brought one over and glanced between the two of them. Alex paid for it and slid it to his side, still without looking. Cleary made sure to brush their fingers together as he took it.
“I knew that was you playing Vivaldi,” Alex said. "Winter, right? Little early for that."
“It's my favorite of his seasons. You showed me your passion tonight, I thought I’d show you one of mine.”
“How genteel.” There were questions that Alexander needed to ask, but he knew better than to take this friendly exchange as it was offered. Such things were never actually on offer with people like them.
“A good fight, though you had me worried in the middle.”
It was not a good fight.
A display of poor sportsmanship that left Dawson’s face swollen, black and purple, one of his eyes half-blind, Alex would be barred from the ring and remanded. Back to balancing bets at best- if he could manage to stay on at all.
But, there was a more-important issue at hand.“You’re a regular to Fighting Cocks, but the dailies are invite only,” Alex said. “Should I be flattered that you worked so hard to get in or worried that you already had a connection?”
“I think you’ll worry whether I tell you to or not,” Cleary said knowingly. “But, I hope you’ll believe it’s my intention to flatter you.”
An unsurprising answer, given the agent’s modus operandi thus far.
It was only two nights ago that Cleary had caught Alexander trailing him and Alex had given the flimsiest possible alias. It had earned a laugh and two slender fingertips dragging under his jaw to tilt his face up in a move that was both irritating and oddly-arousing- then even more irritating because of it. Cleary had smiled at him with brilliant long teeth and said, ‘good luck then, Cope,’ before disappearing.
So the game began, and Alexander was usually a contender at this game, but in this case- with this agent, he had been unable to dig up anything of use- where he was from, how he got to New York, why the Sons of Liberty still tended to trust his information when every lead he had provided ended up wasting time and resources. Weapons caches that were ruined upon capture, spoilt powder, emptied coffers, absconded traitors. Regardless of his obviously-intentional futility, every source Alexander had interviewed about Cleary were positively charmed with the boy, half of them were more than charmed- obviously itching to fuck him given the chance.
So, it was easy to see that this flirtation was not special to him, and that made it less concerning. What was concerning was his greeting. Half-drunk and sore-headed, Alex forgave himself for the slow realization: if he’d been the fiddler, there was no way Cleary could have heard what Dawson said to him in the ring.
Either he had gotten the story off someone else who had been at Fighting Cocks tonight or- “You told Dawson to say that?”
The question earned an impressed chuckle, and Alexander almost wished he hadn’t said it. Cleary’s fingers were touching the back of his hand over the cloth, gentling the ice away from his cheek. Rivulets of cool water trickled down his neck until he dabbed them away gently, trailing the ice to his exposed collar then up to the back of his flushed neck. Alexander hadn’t felt particularly underdressed for the purposes of visiting the docks. Between the dailies and the warmth inside the public houses here, there was little need for the overcoat and hat of a gentleman. But, he felt abruptly naked and intimately informal.
“I figured I’d show you what I can do with an instrument,” Cleary said loudly enough to hear over the din of the bar, but no louder. “Considering how intent you are to fashion yourself into one.”
“An instrument.”
One edge of his clever-bowed lips curled, “Violin specifically is my specialty,” he said. “Requires excellent dexterity in the fingers, don’t you agree?”
Those same fingers were massaging a bruise in Alex’s jaw. Too soon to be soothing, and instead causing a pleasant ache. Alex grabbed his wrist tightly, “We’re not talking about your violin.”
“Aren’t we?” Cleary said, leaning much closer now. “I assure you, Cope, I could play you just as well.”
“I’m not a violin.”
“No, I know. You’re a Pen. Maybe someday a Sword…”
Somehow, that was worse than if he’d called Alexander by his real name. The idea that this stranger might know so much about him. Between this and his flirtations, it was too much to take. “We were talking about Dawson- you told him to insult me in the ring- to accuse me of being a sodomite. For what- my attention? You already had it and you knew that. So, what purpose did he serve you?”
“Serve me?” Cleary’s brows were pinched in the first genuine reaction he’d worn.
Alexander quickly cataloged the expression and released his grip on his wrist.
“I’d hardly think of a person that way. Call him my instrument if you must, at least I can make music with an instrument. But, people are not tools. Unless, like you, they think it of themselves first.”
“Like me.”
“Oh, dear boy, I mean no offense by it,” Cleary dabbed the wet cloth to his temples and then brushed the loose hairs behind his ears in a motion that was far too familiar.
Alex gave in to the impulse to jerk his head away- finally.
Cleary kept his face steadily neutral. “It’s a virtue to be useful, if that’s what you choose.”
It was. Years ago- perhaps decades. Alexander had decided on this path for himself, to give himself over to his causes and make himself useful to the people of his country. He had to believe that he had chosen this because the alternative was intolerable. “So, showing me what you can do with a violin was meant to do what?”
“Demonstrate my fingering mostly.” Cleary grinned and let his eyes trail down Alexander’s exposed collar like a lascivious touch. “Show my appreciation for a beautiful instrument...make it sing for you.”
Alex knew that acknowledging this tactic was exactly what Cleary wanted, but he couldn’t just take this quietly. “You think you can seduce me into being useful to you?”
“No, you’re quite spoken for, I suppose.” The agent rose from his seat and set the ice cloth on the bar top in front of him. He picked up his glass, poured the remainder of the whiskey in Alex’s cup, patted him between the shoulders and said, “A shame though. Good night, Cope.”
Alex didn’t know when he’d stopped drinking, but he doubted that he had. He didn’t know when or how he’d made his way to the waterfront to pass out in the street, but it was a miracle he hadn’t fallen into the harbor or been carried onto a ship and taken out to sea for his labor.
His pockets were empty and he was definitely still drunk. It was the only thing that kept him from arguing against Troup’s earnest assessment.
“I can’t take you to drill like this.”
If Alex tried to respond, he’d probably vomit again, so he leaned his forehead against the side of Troup’s head gratefully and let his most loyal friend carry him home.
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hildegardavon · 6 months ago
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Dosso Dossi (Luteri Giovanni), 1487-ca.1542
Gyges, Candaules and Rhodope, ca. 1508/10, oil on canvas, 41x56 cm
Galleria Borghese (Rome), Inv. 225
The subject has been just as controversial as the attribution and was first identified by Lionello Venturi in 1909: an episode from the story of Gyges and Candaules, told for the first time by Herodotus (Histories 1.8–12) and translated for the first time from the Greek by Matteo Maria Boiardo in about 1480 . Drawing on the reading of this episode proposed by Lorenzo Valla in De voluptate (1431) and De vero falsoque bono (1433), the painting depicts the story of King Candaules showing off his wife Rhodope’s beauty to his friend, the soldier Gyges. The queen, enraged, forces him to make a terrible choice between prison and tyrannicide; Gyges chooses the latter. In another version, Rhodope and the soldier conspire to kill the king assisted by a magic ring (Plato, Repubblica 2. 358a–360d) that makes Gyges invisible, allowing him to carry out the murder and become king of Lydia. (Galleria Borghese)
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valshe-eng · 7 months ago
VALSHE 8th mini ALBUM: 「storyteller III 〜THE SCARY STORIES〜」
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Release Date: September 18, 2024
*NOTE: More info will be added as it releases, this post will be updated accordingly. Seven stories sung by VALSHE Details under the cut!
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Made-to-order edition  ¥14,800 (tax excluded)
8 songs CD
A4 size special booklet (58 pages in total)
2 Separate bonuses
Pre-order period From Sunday, July 28, 2024 8:00pm to Sunday, August 11, 2024, 23:59pm JPT <Bonus A> Participation ticket for the "Witness Meeting"
Attend a "Witness Meeting" at a undisclosed location in Tokyo. (Online streaming on YouTube available) VALSHE will give in-depth insight on the third volume of the completely new ‘Storyteller’ series, music and artwork! Special Guest: Tokumeikibou, doriko, PUPI Date: 12 October (Saturday), 2024 - Details of the event will be communicated to purchasers separately. - Those unable to attend on site can participate via online streaming. - The event is scheduled to last approximately 90 minutes. - Even if you purchase multiple items, you will only be able to attend one event on site.
<Bonus B> Participation ticket for the "Top Secret Autograph Session"
This bonus allows you to participate in the ‘VALSHE & Hakuseki - Top Secret Autograph Session’ held in October at an undisclosed location in Tokyo. This is a rare face-to-face event where VALSHE will sign autographs in a private space with no other visitors. In addition, Hakuseki will also sign autographs just for you in a 1-on-2 format! Date: 13 October (Sunday), 2024 - No online session is available. This event is onsite only. - Timing will be announced individually. We will contact you with information on the location of the event. - Signatures will be signed individually by VALSHE and Hakuseki in the customer's designated place in the booklet of the special edition. Please make sure to bring the booklet with you on the day of the event. - In addition to VALSHE and Hakuseki, a staff member will also be present at the signing event. - If you purchase more than one item, you will receive benefits for the number of items purchased.
Purchase can be made via VALSHE's website (Do note that this edition only ships within Japan) https://shop.valshe.tokyo/
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Regular edition  ¥4,000 (tax excluded)
8 songs CD
Comes as a three-sided sleeve
Store benefits include VCC (VALSHE CARD COLLECTION)
Purchase can be made via various websites below https://lnk.to/VALSHE_storyteller_III_EC
[Track list]
Never Landing just Falling Down Composition / Arrangement : G’n-
True meaning of… Lyrics: VALSHE / Takahiro Minato Composition / Arrangement: doriko
Utopia Lyrics / Composition: UmiKun Arrangement: Toshihiro
全心整形 (Full-Heart Plastic Surgery) Lyrics / Composition: Tokumeikibou Arrangement: doriko
Ctrl+Q Lyrics: VALSHE Arrangement / Composition: okamu.
ライトトラップ (Light Trap) Lyrics: doriko Composition: VALSHE Arrangement: Kishi Akira (Rhythmic Toy World)
Dullahan Lyrics: PUPI Composition / Arrangement: G’n-
ギュゲスの指輪 (Gyges' Ring) Lyrics: VALSHE Composition: Yusuke Kikuchi Arrangement: Kishi Akira (Rhythmic Toy World)
Total of 8 songs Source: (x)
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leviabeat · 1 year ago
Asinhell will perform live for their first concert at Naestved Metalfest 2024
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"Michael Poulsen (Volbeat, Asinhell) states, "The first time I stood and played death metal in Musikstalden in Næstved was in 1991. 33 years later, it has now become time again to find the death metal axe and be part of Næstved Metalfest with a new band, Asinhell. I'm looking forward to sharing horn and the love for metal with you all and my good old friend and arranger Michael Hvolgaard Andersen with whom I did my very first interview at home from the boys' room. See you out there and let the metal flow." "
Via Naestved Metalfest on Instagram
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metalshockfinland · 2 years ago
Icelandic RING OF GYGES Release New Video/Single 'Parasite'
Icelandic RING OF GYGES present the first single and video, “Parasite”, from their forthcoming album “Metamorphosis” (which will be released via ViciSolum Productions on May 19). An amazingly vivid and beautifully thought-provoking piece of art, which will make fans of bands like Leprous, Port Noir and Haken thrilled. Ring of Gyges about the video:“We spent a very cold couple of days out in the…
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male1971 · 5 months ago
The Origins of The Invisible Man
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The 1933 film The Invisible Man by Universal Studios, directed by James Whale and starring Claude Rains, was based on H.G. Wells’ novel The Invisible Man, published in 1897.
Wells' novel is often considered the definitive work on invisibility in fiction, exploring the scientific and moral consequences of invisibility. The novel's protagonist, Griffin, discovers a way to become invisible but gradually descends into madness, using his power for evil.
Wells was a prolific writer and is often credited with pioneering modern science fiction, and The Invisible Man was part of his larger body of work that included other influential novels like The Time Machine (1895) and The War of the Worlds (1898).
Earlier Stories of Invisibility:
The story of The Invisible Man is one of the most famous early science fiction narratives, but it has roots in much older traditions in mythology and folklore.
Greek Mythology: One of the earliest references to invisibility is in the myth of Perseus, who used a cap of invisibility (the Helm of Hades) to avoid being seen by Medusa before he killed her. This motif of an object granting invisibility recurs in various myths.
The Ring of Gyges (Plato’s The Republic, 4th century BCE) – In this story, Gyges finds a magical ring that makes him invisible, allowing him to commit immoral acts without being detected. This ancient story touches on themes similar to those in The Invisible Man, especially the idea that invisibility can lead to a loss of moral restraint.
Medieval Folklore: The idea of invisibility also appears in medieval romances and folklore. Various magical items, such as cloaks or rings, were often used to grant characters the ability to become invisible.
"The Invisible Girl" by Mary Shelley (1833) – Mary Shelley, famous for writing Frankenstein, also explored the idea of invisibility in this short story. It is less about scientific invisibility and more about mysterious circumstances, but it is an early example of invisibility in literature.
"The Crystal Man" by Edward Page Mitchell (1881) – This short story, published in The Sun newspaper, features a man who becomes invisible due to his body’s molecular transformation, one of the first uses of science fiction to explain invisibility. Mitchell’s story predated Wells’ The Invisible Man and touched on some similar ideas.
Earlier Films about Invisibility:
While The Invisible Man (1933) is the most famous early film about invisibility, it was not the first to explore this concept:
"The Invisible Thief" (1909) – A silent short film by the pioneering French filmmaker Georges Méliès, who often used early special effects to create fantastical stories. In this film, invisibility is a key plot device.
"L'homme invisible" (1909) – Another early French silent film, translating to "The Invisible Man," which involved a character using an invisibility potion. These early films mostly involved simple camera tricks and were often comedic rather than serious explorations of the theme.
"The Invisible Ray" (1920) – A silent German film that centers on a scientist who uses rays to become invisible. This is one of the early examples of invisible characters in cinema, though it was more of a science fiction thriller than a horror movie.
Universal's The Invisible Man (1933)
The Invisible Man (1933) was not the first movie to tackle invisibility but was the first to fully embrace it in the context of science fiction horror. It became the most influential film on the subject, setting the template for how invisibility is portrayed in popular culture, much like Universal's other monster films.
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ewingstan · 1 year ago
ask game. what philosophical experiment should i be really opinionated about due to alec vasil
WEEK 1: The Bat case
Thomas Nagel, What is it Like to Be a Bat? (Seeking experiences impossible in one's own body, failing to be understand others without becoming them)
WEEK 2: Philosophical Zombies
Robert Kirk, Sentience and Behavior (Dollboy Chic, beings without internality, empirical problems in determining whether others have emotions at all). Further reading: Daniel Dennett, The Unimagined Preposterousness of Zombies; David Chalmers, Zombies and the Concievability Argument
WEEK 3: Mary's Room
Frank Jackson, What Mary Didn't Know (Effect of isolation on range of experiences, desire to understand something made impossible by inability to experience it). Further reading: The Stanford Encyclopedia's entry on Qualia: The Knowledge Argument section 4.1 Doubts About the Thought Experiment. Students should focus on discussion of Dennett's "Blue Banana Trick."
WEEK 4: Ring of Gyges
Plato, The Republic Book 2 sections 359a-360d (Propensity of people to act unjustly when not being observed or when they know they'll escape consequence)
WEEK 5: The Experience Machine
Robert Nozik, Anarchy, State and Utopia pages 42-45 (Flatness of a life constructed from simulated experiences, value of directly-performed actions vs the experiential quality of actions)
WEEK 6 Dropping-Gold-Bullion-from-a-Plane-and-Breaking-Someone's Arm case
Seana Valentine Shiffrin, Wrongful Life, Procreative Responsibility, and the Significance of Harm (Impermissibility of harming someone to benefit them without their consent [see: widespread harm in the Vasil house to induce triggering, Alec breaking promise to Taylor in order to benefit her via torturing Sophia])
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imagines--galore · 2 years ago
Okay okay so, first hi hello how're you? I hope you're doing well. Second, I'm rewatching doctor strange and I had a thought
So for majority of it, he struggles with his hands obv and it makes me think. How would he react to an s/o with carpal tunnel and arthritis?
Every once in a while my finger will dislocate and I'm just oh okay and put it back. And when my carpal tunnel acts up It'll hurt a lot to hold anything remotely heavy
I can also repeatedly pop my wrist cause its funny to see my mom get grossed out. (In reality I'm just dislocating and relocating multiple times over and over lmao)
Pairing: Dr. Strange x Reader Rating || Genres || Warnings: T. Romance. If you're not comfortable with what has been requested, please do not proceed. A/N: I actually laughed out loud when I read your request. And I hope I got the aspect of it right! I hope you enjoy it!
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"Well this is just fantastic isn't it?" You grumbled as you found your arms being tied behind your back by a magic-user thief attempting to.....well rob the New York Sanctum.
"Shut up." The man said. At least he sounded like a man, judging by the deepness of his voice. He wore a black ski-mask to hide his identity, so it could be a woman. The physique didn't really give anything away. Or he could be wearing a disguise. Or she.
Argh! Your mind was still a little slow since you hadn't had your coffee.
You still couldn't figure out how the thief had managed to sneak in despite the magic wards. Not to mention he(you decided it was a he) had managed to jump you. Then again, you had walked into the Sanctum kitchen half asleep and still groggy from waking up. From what you could detect, he wasn't a very strong magic user, so incapacitating him would be easy.
But you were wide awake now, slightly pissed off, and cranky as well. Not to mention the bruise to your ego at being caught unawares. So you would play it out.
And enjoy every second of it.
Well you were going to, if Stephen hadn't portaled in at that very moment.
"Welcome home, Honey." You called in a mocking voice, just as the thief turned to press the blade of a knife to your throat.
Huh, where did the knife come from?
Stephan froze up, though the expression on his face was one of pure fury as he glared at the would-be thief. Magic fizzled at the tips of his fingers. "You come any closer-" The thief let the threat hand his voice cold.
"What do you want?" Stephen asked, getting to the business part as usual.
"The Ring of Gyges." You frowned in confusion. That ring was at the London Sanctum.
"Ha! You're at the wrong Sanctum then, buddy." You couldn't help yourself as you let out the laugh, prompting both the thief and Stephen to glance at you.
"Y/n." Stephen called your name in a warning tone, knowing how much you loved to goad the enemy with your banter to draw their attention away from the prime target.
The thief glared at you. "My sources say its here." He insisted. "Well your sources are wrong." You said in a mocking tone. That seemed to tick him off, as he raised a fist and moved to punch you.
But you were much much quicker.
With a twist of your wrist, you managed to dislocate it, allowing the ropes to loosen. And with your other hand, you caught his fist. You grinned at his perplexed expression, raising your dislocated wrist, and watching in amusement at the horrifying look that morphed over his features as he stumbled back.
"Maybe next time, make sure your captives are properly incapacitated." You said. With a flick, your bones were back in place and you threw your leg out with all your might. Catching the thief across the stomach you watched as he went flying, crashing into a nearby table. He seemed to hit his head as he went since he instantly passed out.
Rolling your wrist to make sure it was alright, you turned your attention back to Stephen, who was looking at you with an amused look on his face, a smile barely concealed.
"I still find it amazing how callously you do that." He nodded towards your hand, to which you shrugged. "I've gotten used to it. Though he caught me on one of my good days. If he had tried to take me captive a couple days ago, I wouldn't have been able to do much." You admitted, thinking how your carpel tunnel had been acting up and even lifting a book had been difficult.
It didn't help that most books in the Sanctum weighed a ton.
Walking towards you, he took your hand in his. You watched as his scarred and trembling hands brushed against your palm and fingers. Allowing your eyes to meet his, you gave him a small smile. "We make quite the pair don't we?" You asked, referring to the state of his hands and your own issues with arthritis and carpel tunnel. He sighed before nodding, lifting one of your hands to press a kiss to the inside of your wrist, the one you had dislocated a few moments ago.
You smiled at his brief show of affection before turning to where the thief had begun to stir.
"I'm gonna put some coffee on. We're both gonna need it while we interrogate him." You stated before kissing his cheek quickly and strode off to the kitchen.
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