#horn of eld
rrcraft-and-lore · 4 months
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Comparative mythology - comparative storytelling. The former leads to the latter?
Yeah. . .
We've got magic horns and magic rings. Staves and swords. All the mystical magical macguffins MC Protagonist might acquire.
The One Ring - cursed, and grants you the power of invisibility -- all but from the flaming (allergy season is hell in mordor) eye of Sauron.
But what rings are there from our world (myth or real) that are similar?
Silchester (Hampshire) England that has ten facets and is graven with the image of Venus. The ring was discovered at a Roman site in England and later a Roman plaque was discovered with an inscription dedicated to the god Nodens and the inscription is a curse as well as detailing the loss of the ring - the god having lost it. A lost ring from a powerful being with a curse.
But we also have the the Ring of Gyges -- a ring --
Enter the Ring of Silvianus - ring from 4th century CE-- that allows the wearer to turn invisible. The story goes that a shepherd found the ring in a cave on the corpse of a creature larger than a man (it's implied its humanoid), and the ring adjusted to his size, and when worn and fiddled with - adjusted - (maybe turned - translations be translations) it...turns you invisible.
The Ring of the Nibelung (1876) - composed of four parts from german/norse epics -- this is the story of a magical gold ring that gives the wearer the power to rule the world!
Horn of Valere - wheel of time
Horn of Eld - dark tower
Did they take it from each other? Or...just stories?
WoT has an important mythic figure, Artur Hawking, a king arthur analog. The Dark Tower has Artur Eld or of Eld (eld is the archaic word for old so Artur of old)
Arthurian inspired stories or cognates include the famous Song of Roland (poem) from the matter of france or Carolingian cycle - a french legendary material similar (cognate) to the british arthurian - you can see the influence of that all through dark tower btw quite literally with names, roles, descent, and orders being named/used.
Anyways...both given tropes/beats were likely inspired by the song of roland as well as the silver horn many might forget about in LotR-- because it's in the books but cut from the movies. But Elrohir, one of Elrond's sons, gives Aragorn a silver horn with which to summon the army of the dead he's owed fealty from.
Magic horns summoning the dead, rallying armies, all that? Old as time. Cuz we love our war and we love our horns. HEHEH big magic horn go BRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOM and...summon the dead?
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subbalakshmisastry · 1 year
Endangered Sangai / Eld's deer / Thamin Deer | Mysore Zoo | Mysore Tourism
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eldstunga · 1 year
Hello Elds, oh wonderful supplier of amazing buff n fluff ocs, patron of gun shows and lekku. 💕🧡
Please consider the following for no particular reason. Certainly not in regards to miseating sword wielders. 😇
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Following an encounter with a monk who taught her a thing or two, Sarissa has taken to charge-goring people left and right - blood running down the horns into her eyes and fur... This picture is starting to become a highly advisable safety precaution.
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Wales visitation, by Allen Ginsberg (1967)
White fog lifting & falling on mountain-brow Trees moving in rivers of wind The clouds arise as on a wave, gigantic eddy lifting mist above teeming ferns exquisitely swayed along a green crag glimpsed thru mullioned glass in valley raine—
Bardic, O Self, Visitacione, tell naught but what seen by one man in a vale in Albion, of the folk, whose physical sciences end in Ecology, the wisdom of earthly relations, of mouths & eyes interknit ten centuries visible orchards of mind language manifest human, of the satanic thistle that raises its horned symmetry flowering above sister grass-daisies’ pink tiny bloomlets angelic as lightbulbs—
Remember 160 miles from London’s symmetrical thorned tower & network of TV pictures flashing bearded your Self the lambs on the tree-nooked hillside this day bleating heard in Blake’s old ear, & the silent thought of Wordsworth in eld Stillness clouds passing through skeleton arches of Tintern Abbey— Bard Nameless as the Vast, babble to Vastness!
All the Valley quivered, one extended motion, wind undulating on mossy hills a giant wash that sank white fog delicately down red runnels on the mountainside whose leaf-branch tendrils moved asway in granitic undertow down— and lifted the floating Nebulous upward, and lifted the arms of the trees and lifted the grasses an instant in balance and lifted the lambs to hold still and lifted the green of the hill, in one solemn wave
A solid mass of Heaven, mist-infused, ebbs thru the vale, a wavelet of Immensity, lapping gigantic through Llanthony Valley, the length of all England, valley upon valley under Heaven’s ocean tonned with cloud-hang, —Heaven balanced on a grassblade. Roar of the mountain wind slow, sigh of the body, One Being on the mountainside stirring gently Exquisite scales trembling everywhere in balance, one motion thru the cloudy sky-floor shifting on the million feet of daisies, one Majesty the motion that stirred wet grass quivering to the farthest tendril of white fog poured down through shivering flowers on the mountain’s head—
No imperfection in the budded mountain, Valleys breathe, heaven and earth move together, daisies push inches of yellow air, vegetables tremble, grass shimmers green sheep speckle the mountainside, revolving their jaws with empty eyes, horses dance in the warm rain, tree-lined canals network live farmland, blueberries fringe stone walls on hawthorn’d hills, pheasants croak on meadows haired with fern—
Out, out on the hillside, into the ocean sound, into delicate gusts of wet air, Fall on the ground, O great Wetness, O Mother, No harm on your body! Stare close, no imperfection in the grass, each flower Buddha-eye, repeating the story, myriad-formed— Kneel before the foxglove raising green buds, mauve bells dropped doubled down the stem trembling antennae, & look in the eyes of the branded lambs that stare breathing stockstill under dripping hawthorn— I lay down mixing my beard with the wet hair of the mountainside, smelling the brown vagina-moist ground, harmless, tasting the violet thistle-hair, sweetness— One being so balanced, so vast, that its softest breath moves every floweret in the stillness on the valley floor, trembles lamb-hair hung gossamer rain-beaded in the grass, lifts trees on their roots, birds in the great draught hiding their strength in the rain, bearing same weight,
Groan thru breast and neck, a great Oh! to earth heart Calling our Presence together The great secret is no secret Senses fit the winds, Visible is visible, rain-mist curtains wave through the bearded vale, gray atoms wet the wind’s kabbala Crosslegged on a rock in dusk rain, rubber booted in soft grass, mind moveless, breath trembles in white daisies by the roadside, Heaven breath and my own symmetric Airs wavering thru antlered green fern drawn in my navel, same breath as breathes thru Capel-Y-Ffn, Sounds of Aleph and Aum through forests of gristle, my skull and Lord Hereford’s Knob equal, All Albion one.
What did I notice? Particulars! The vision of the great One is myriad— smoke curls upward from ashtray, house fire burned low, The night, still wet & moody black heaven starless upward in motion with wet wind.
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capricorn-0mnikorn · 1 year
Today, Wikipedia told me...
That the legend of Herne the Hunter might have been made up out of the whole cloth by Shakespeare, for his play The Merry Wives of Windsor. He could have also been relating a local town legend, but his version is the first one we have in writing:
Margaret Page: There is an old tale goes that Herne the hunter, Sometime a keeper here in Windsor forest, Doth all the winter-time, at still midnight, Walk round about an oak, with great ragg'd horns; And there he blasts the tree and takes the cattle And makes milch-kine yield blood and shakes a chain In a most hideous and dreadful manner: You have heard of such a spirit, and well you know The superstitious idle-headed eld Received and did deliver to our age This tale of Herne the hunter for a truth.
(Act 4, scene 4)
Anyway, I'm going to take this opportunity to thoroughly recommend Merry Wives. It's another case where the general consensus of "Literary Shakespeare Scholars" and I part company; generally, it's considered one of his "lesser plays," and not very good.
It has a feel very much like an episode of "I love Lucy." I can't help but wonder if it's held in low regard because:
A) There's not a lord or king in sight, B) it''s very self-aware of its genre as a farce, and C) the plot is thoroughly driven by a pair of middle-aged, married, women (and we even get to learn their first names!).
...Considering who, generally, have been the arbiters of taste, regarding Shakespeare, for the majority of the last 300+ years.
I usually like to recommend Shakespeare plays to people by way of professional performance. But this play is so rarely performed. The closest I could find was this version by college students in 2012 (uploaded to YouTube in April, 2020, by the Texas Shakespeare Festival, since live, in-person, performances weren't happening that year). ~2 1/2 hours. Auto-generated captions. Content Warning for fatphobia in the original script.
Link to an HTML of the full script online, from MIT.edu.
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anchirayce · 11 months
To Behold the Golden Sun Ch. 6
This takes place after the events of BG3. Basically, a smol adventure about Tav and Astarion arriving at Tav's childhood city to search for a way to have Astarion walk in the sun again! Drama ensues!
Rating: T - Strong language,
Warnings/Tags: Tiefling racism, alcohol use (responsible, suggestion of misuse), suggestion of non-con, suggestion of child abuse, typical canon violence, slight angst, hurt/comfort, slow burn(I mean it, it's slow), Astarion might be ooc, but hopefully not!
Tav couldn't always run away from his past. He knew this from the moment he started to help Astarion find a way to walk in the sun again. He wanted to stay away, but spurred by another failure, a memory of eld came to him. A whisper of something said, something promising. Hopefully, this little spark of hope was what he and Astarion were looking for.
Chapter One: Here
“Tav!” My shout bled with fear as I dove to pick him up. He had stopped screaming, but he was gone, his eyes darkened with loss of life. I looked back at his Deva, the angelic being closed its eyes, and shattered into nothingness. "Gale! I need your scrolls! Now!”
“Yes, I know, Astarion!” He replied, kneeling as he dug through his pack.
"Then you know how you need to hurry the fuck up, wizard!"
"I cannot revive him with you screaming!" I clenched my fangs back. Suddenly sobbing as Tav's body lay still.
It was the blood, it caused a new arm to be made from the flesh of the dragon. I hoped it wouldn’t harm him, but here he was. Gone from me. It was just temporary, I knew it was, but I hated seeing it even more now that he vowed to stay beside me.
I closed my eyes, shaking as my grip slipped on the blood. It was too much, too heavy, it made me nauseous. I hid my face against Tav's neck as I tried to force air into my lungs. I knew to trust Gale. I knew it was going to be okay. But the terror…
"Astarion!" Gale exclaimed, his rough pull on my shoulder wrenched me back. "He's alive…" I pulled away and his colour and breath had returned. I rushed to put my ear to his chest and released my exhausting tension.
"Thank you." I whispered. Gripping at the soaked fabric.
"Always, Astarion." He reassured me with a shaky pat.
“Come here. We will rest for now.” Jaheira tutted, shifting into an owlbear.
“We have to leave.” I hissed. The new appendage was bleeding. I tore at my suit and wrapped it. Hiding the bloodied golden arm, I could smell the blessing upon his blood, it mixed with his scent, it wasn't bad. But it scared me. I should have stopped him.
“We can’t, not with Tav like this. We should wait for him to wake.” Gale soothed, I looked at Jaheira as she curled around us. I began to move away but she stopped me. Encouraging me to hold him. I leaned against her massive form, a low purr calmed the unbearable suffocating tremor in my unbeating heart.
I kept glancing down the hall, expecting people to come. I could pick up the faint scent of a massacre. My wonderful selfless idiot must have held on for as long as he could. I felt the pull of exhaustion grow heavier, and eventually fell asleep.
I woke when Tav shuffled, I opened my eyes to look at him expectantly, hopeful. Terrified. Most of his right half shimmered with patterned scales. He opened his mouth. And reached in to prick his fingers against the sharpness of his longer fangs.
His long black hair was now peppered with golden streaks, the green dye had faded long ago. His right eye was an orb of golden magic, lacking an iris and pupil. I studied him and raised my hand to cup his cheek so he could face me.
“Astarion?” He gasped. “What happened?” He raised his right arm. Studying his fingers.
“I don’t know…” I lied. “But gods…look at you.”
“Is it bad?” He patted down his body.
“No! You’re golden. Specks in your horns, your hair, your eye.” I thumbed the lower lid.
“I must look…not great.” He scoffed curling into himself.
"Stop it." I huffed.
“I'm unsure about that, you look pretty fantastic to me! And you did it for a selfish reason for once! Good on you Tav!” Gale exclaimed, he was high on the pile of treasure. Searching for something.
“But I didn’t want to be selfish! I wanted--” He tried to find an excuse. "The dragon’s power--"
“You wanted to be with me.” I smiled and pulled his gaze back to me. I leaned to kiss him and he pulled me close.
He pushed me to the ground and with an exclamation Jaheira morphed back. “Cub, I would appreciate that you do not fuck your husband next to me.” Tav laughed loudly and got off with a lingering kiss. I stood with him, balancing him when he staggered. Jaheira went to the base of the pile picking through the treasure as well.
“Tav. How do you feel?” Gale called from the mountain.
He stared at the golden bones before us. “Alive.” It was his voice but he said it with such conviction, like he was trapped before.
“The dragon has given me its soul.” He smiled. “I can feel it. I think it'll protect us.”
“Gale, darling.” I cleared my throat. Trying to distract myself. “What are you looking for?”
“A Wish spell, for our dear Karlach.” Tav immediately ran forward.
“Do you think it will be here?” He exclaimed. I ran after him, pulling him back.
"You need to rest!" I hissed.
"I'm okay." He cupped my hand.
“The dragon, Tav. Gave me a box, to lock away the Netherese Orb. Of course there will be a Wish spell!” I huffed as the two began to dig around. Bantering about where to search, I stumbled back.
“Are you okay, Astarion?” Jaheira whispered.
“I…don’t know.” I clutched at the item I was given. It felt so heavy.
“Are you scared?” I didn't let on that I was utterly terrified.
“This is a cure for vampirism. How can I be scared? I'm utterly ecstatic."
“You don’t want to change,  do you?” I looked at Jaheria, hoping that I didn't seem startled. I knew it was something to help me walk in the sun. It wasn't a cure.
“I-I don’t…" I sighed. “I’ve become so accustomed to it--”
She stopped me. “You know he will understand.”
“Yes, I know.” I walked away from her and helped the search.
“What does it look like?” Tav exclaimed.
“It’s hard to describe!” Gale returned. “Just look for something that looks like a star has fallen upon paper!” I began to dig through the hoard.
“You’d think he would at least organise it.” Tav muttered.
We searched, and searched. My hands throbbed from scrapping the heavy metal. I scoped through chests upon chests of…everything. Gold, silks, scrolls, none of which were what we were looking for.
“How has this man accumulated such a mass amount of wealth?” I huffed.
“I have no idea.” Tav replied. “But we should send some of it back to Baldur’s Gate.”
“We are not giving corrupt politicians authority over this vast amount of legendary treasure.” I tutted.
“Oh by Selune! No!” Tav gasped, “just some gold!”
“Ha! I found another pocket dimension!” Gale exclaimed. We continued to search, but I took a break, and threw coins at Tav until he turned and whipped me with his tail.
“You’re going to pay for that.” He teased.
“Oh, bite me, I already have.”
“Maybe I will. Because you had an interest accumulating." He slid down to me and snarled playfully. He looked so tired, and he shook as he held me. A fever had taken him.
"Tav, my heart, please rest." I begged.
He grinned and leaned against me, sighing against my coolness. "I'm okay. Just running hot, I feel fine."
"Okay, but you're pushing yourself again. Please Tav. The hoard isn't going anywhere." I whispered.
"I'll rest when we find the scroll." I tutted, not hiding my frustration.
"Fine. But if there is any inkling of you fainting. Then I will have Jaheira take charge with pinning you down." He nodded and pulled away.
“Tavalin!” We turned to Rowen calling him, and I let him go.
“Down here!” He called as I continued to search.
“Holy…” She gasped. “There’s a massacre outside of this room that people are too scared to go near. Now there’s a dead dragon! I can’t believe it!" She shouted. She then cried loudly from shock. "Tavalin what did you do to yourself?”
“I was granted a wish.” He replied, a small grin peaking through.
“Don’t worry this isn’t the worst thing he’s done.” I sneered.
“How is it not?”
“He’s drunk from a tankard of…questionable substances offered by an undead bartender!” Gale regaled her loudly.
“And licked a spider…” I cringed.
“That was funny.” Tav snickered, nudging me.
"What the fuck…" She huffed, we returned to the pile and took our time to scatter it about.
“What are you doing?” Rowen shouted, Jaheira replied to her as we pulled away the gold.
“Join us if you can.” Tav mentioned. “An extra pair of hands would be lovely.” She hesitated and looked towards Gale and I.
“Come now, darling. We won’t bite. Well, Gale won’t.” I slid down the pile and offered it to her. I dug beside her, explaining what we were looking for.
“So…” She cleared her throat. “How did you two meet?”
“Tav and I?” I asked.
“It wasn’t on the best of terms, we were fresh off the nautiloid. I tried to kill and the wonderful bastard headbutted me.” I chuckled, surprised by my honesty.
“Has he opened up to you about his past?” She whispered.
“He has.” There was a pause.
“Astarion, I’m going to tell you something. It’s up to you whether you tell Tavalin.” She picked up a chalice and placed it down next to her. “Tavalin wasn’t born here.”
I stared at her from the corner of my eye. She seemed to be telling the truth. “What happened for him to fall into The Hollow?”
“His parents were chosen as sacrifices.”
“He mentioned something like that--people disappear at this mansion.” She nodded.
“The Lord of the Land forced nobles and the wealthy to contribute to spare their lives. But then he would just kill them anyway. We don’t know what exactly happened, but Tavalin was exiled into The Hollow after his parents were chosen. Then the bastard went willingly back after Lin died.” She rubbed her face with frustration. “The Enclave has tried to overtake this town. But no one has been powerful enough to kill the dragon. Until your little merry group.”
“Why tell me this?”
“Father Garret told me to. And...you're very close to Tavalin. If it came from me he wouldn’t listen.”
“I wouldn't be so sure. Tavalin has listened to the worst feebly explain their actions.” An ironic grin fell upon my lips. “He is far more patient then you might remember too, darling.”
She swallowed and stared at him. “I'd rather you talk to him.” She continued to dig, and before I left to search another area she added. “Thank you for looking out for him.”
I grinned and looked back at him as he slipped on the gold. Tav gave an exasperated growl and scrambled back up. But stopped halfway.
“Holy shit! Holy shit!” He laughed, “Gale! I think I found it!” I crawled up to him and began to dig with him. A pale piece of parchment was buried deeply. It shimmered like the night sky.
We managed to dig it out, and triumphantly Tav held it up. Gale studied it and with a beaming nod he said. “It’s a Wish spell!”
Tav turned to me. “Quickly love, we need to keep this safe.” I nodded and grabbed our bag of holding from the dimension.
“No, no. Pocket dimension, please.” I nodded again and we placed it inside.
“Rowen take as much as you can carry!” Tav said as he grabbed a box and began to fill it.
“Are you certain?” She asked hesitantly.
“We’re going to fill Gale’s pocket dimension with gold and give it to Baldur’s Gate to help rebuild. You’ve helped us and you should be able to travel with Father Garret now.”
“But what of this city?” Tav lost his smile.
“Let it burn.” He growled. “It doesn’t deserve anything but ire.”
“I-I understand.” Rowen nodded. We fell into a silence as we filled what we could. There was still a massive amount of gold.
“What should we do?” Gale asked, pocketing his little dimension.
“Destroy the entrance. We plundered what we could, if someone finds it. Let them.” The wizard nodded in understanding of our leader's words. And as everyone left he flicked his wrist at the pillars. The sound rang through my ears painfully. We took to a  sprint, and I saw the carnage around me. Tav didn’t return my glance, his eyes clouded with focus.
There was another explosion and the great hall of the vault began to shatter and crumble. We ran up the flight of stairs. Tav struggled to keep up, cradling his arm against himself. I slowed and pulled my arm around him to keep him steady.
Until all of us burst from the collapsing arch. “Astarion its day!” Tav stopped and pushed me back from a ray piercing through the cracked roof. The foundation of the mansion shook again.
“Pocket dimension!” I took it out and rubbed the surface. Tav clutched it to his chest and I was subjected to a stare at his golden hand.
With a moment's rest I slowly curled against a stack of pillows I pulled from our bag of holding. And peered at the item the dragon gave me. It was a brilliant yellow crystal with whispers of white cracking through. Morphed in the shape of a sun. I placed it in my hand and it melted and changed into an elegant chain bracelet. It was plain and beautiful.
“Nothing better than a changing piece of jewellery.” I chuckled to myself.
“Sorry love. Did you say something?” Tav panted, pulling up the brooch to show his face.
“I’ll tell you when we’re out of the sun, my treasure!” I place my hand against the mirror. I heard shouting, muffled by Tav’s exertion. My chest hurt with guilt as I stepped away from the walls, the sun was fully bathing the area. And the artefact I carried might not even work.
I lowered myself to the floor, sighing with exhaustion. I continued to listen to commands and more cries from our enemies. I was missing all of the drama, but fighting that dragon really took it out of me. So I selfishly waited.
“Astarion?” Tav’s voice echoed.
“Yes dear?” I stood.
“It’s safe.” I rubbed the wall and shuddered as the magic left my body. We all stood in a dark and simple hovel. I hid the bracelet against my torn clothes and observed the group. We were all tired. And even with the light trance I felt my body yearn for a soft bed with Tav beside me.
“Welcome everyone.” Father Garret announced. “Plunder well?” He grinned.
“Very.” Tav replied. “We destroyed the entrance to the vault. If there is a way back I hope it remains hidden.”
“There is.” Father Garret said, “that secret will remain between Rowen and I though.”
“Good.” Tav sank to the floor, sighing audibly. He raised his arm again and clenched his fist. I sat next to him, grabbing the soft scaled hand. He was still unconditionally warm. And I relished in it.
He pulled away when it was his turn to bathe. I went after he had finished and settled next to Gale on the floor when I had thoroughly washed the blood from everywhere.
"Where is Tav?"
"Unsure." He mentioned as he read through the thick book. I worried the stone with my thumb, and waited for him. Jaheira gave me a reassuring nod as she and Rowen talked. Eventually I curled into myself and took a trance.
“Astarion?” Tav whispered in my ear. I blinked awake and looked at him.
“Come.” He pulled me up and out of the house, his tail flicking excitedly. He pulled me into a clearing of snow. Our tent was set up, inviting and warm. Tav wore his summer clothes. It seemed like the cold didn’t bother him anymore, hardly did before.
He closed the flap and spoke. “Ready to become mortal?” He said as he settled onto the furs and crossed his legs. His tail tapped eagerly behind him.
“Yes, right.” I sighed and shuffled. I tried to find the words. I knew Tav would be disappointed with my choice. But a part of me always felt like he wanted me to be mortal. It would have been nice, but it's not what I truly cared for.
“Tav, I-I don't really want to become mortal.” He listened to me carefully, his expression was hard to read, his tail stopped as well. I pulled out the stone currently morphed into a small glistening globe. “I’m-I’m scared to have my body changed again. I know it’s been so long, and Gods, to have every ability of a mortal again…” I swallowed. “I just--this fear--” He closed my hand around the stone.
“Is this what you want?” He asked me.
I took a shaky breath. “Yes." I felt tears brimming my eyes. Frustrated, I pushed them away. Hating how emotional it made me.
“Then I will support you.”
“You’re not mad?”
“Astarion, why would I be?” He smiled, a scoff of disbelief puffing from his throat. “I just want to live a life with you. Whether we continue on the road or find a sweet nook where we do whatever. I want to be with you until our forever ends.” I kissed him, pushing my tongue through his lips to taste the dragon's blood. It was tinged with magic, an odd but not horrible taste.
"Can I drink from you?" Tav hesitated.
“I think it should be okay.”
“Your blood smells the opposite of toxic. If that's what you're worried about.” I soothed, he nodded and leaned back, taking off his shirt. He grabbed my waist as I moved his hair. His neck was still soft and warm. And when his blood filled my mouth I found myself lost in the taste.
It was pure, absolute, power. Tav's blood was sweeter, richer, bolder. I always adored the taste before, it was comparable to a cup of refreshing rose water. But now it was addictive. I nearly lost myself, growling low and greedily as I took.
“Astarion?” I immediately sat back, taking the last mouthful down.
"Your taste is different. It's good…" I had trouble shaking the primal urge.
"I didn't before?" He scoffed.
"Oh, no you were a bouquet. Now, you're a whole field." I returned to taste the drops from the small wound.
"Hm, romantic." Tav chuckled as he healed the wound and scratched at his arm.
"Does it bother you?" He shook his head, but then shrugged. And between us he raised the new appendage. The tear was smoothed with scales and flesh. Like it never happened. "Does it feel different?"
"Yes?" He was unsure. "I think it's the scales. Touch seems muted yet, it sparks." I took it and kissed his knuckles. It still smelled like him, only sharper. "Do I look bad?"
"No," I replied immediately. "You're still beautiful Tav. And I can't wait to see what new secrets you're hiding, my treasure." I said and laid beside him, resting on my elbow. His tails had wrapped around my shin, the tip lazily tapped itself against my ankle.
"Are you scared?" He nodded, still observing the new appendage and black talons.
"It's so new…" He sighed. "What if I made a mistake?"
"Then we will deal with it together." I reassured him, he joined me, staring up at the tent roof.
"Gods we really are the oddest couple in all of Faerun." He huffed.
"We are the most beautiful though." I took his new hand and weaved my fingers through.
"I'm glad we found something for you…" He began to mumble.
"Me too." I took in the silence, and with a soft huff managed to gather my words. “Tav, Rowen told me something you should know.” I turned to face him, he was asleep. With a sigh I pulled up the thin silk blanket and kissed his forehead. I settled beside him and allowed myself a well needed rest.
Astarion moved come morning. I sat up with him as he stared at the sunlight dappling through the flap. I reassured him with a gentle squeeze to his shoulder and leaned against him.
He reached for the sun, the crystal shimmering with magic. His hand filled with the cold rays. I almost couldn't bear to watch. But he laughed. Relief echoing across his body.
"Finally…" He whispered as I smiled and kissed his shoulder.
I stepped out first, Astarion followed but held himself taught. I couldn't imagine the unbearable pain of burning alive. So I gave him my patience as he adjusted and inched out carefully.
Luckily, nothing happened. He closed his eyes against the gentle caress of cold and warmth. I took down our tent as he basked for the first time in nearly two years.
"Gods, you're gorgeous." I came up behind him, moving his white curls so I could kiss his neck and he turned to hold me. Signing with content against my warmth and heartbeat. We stayed like this until we heard the others shouting for us. With a frustrated tut Astarion let me go and we made our way to the safe house.
There was an eagerness about the small group. And we all chatted excitedly as we gathered all the supplies we could and hitched a wagon onto Jaheira, the old druid insisted she pull her weight. And chided at me when I offered to walk with her.
“Where is everyone heading?” I asked as Astarion followed Gale onto the wagon. He kept worrying at the stone now clasped onto the shell of his ear.
Rowen glanced at Father Garret. “I suppose we might head to Baldur’s Gate. We might find some work helping rebuild.” Rowen said.
“Good, good! Same direction is nice." I smiled and moved to let her board. I stopped Father Garret with a hand and guilty whisper.
"What did you do with The Hollow?"
"It's already been taken care of. They are forever resting in the Moonmaiden's Embrace." I squeezed his shoulder in thanks and followed him onto the open wagon.
"What of you? Heading back to rest?" Rowen asked as I sat next to Astarion.
"No, no. We’re in need of a diabolist.”
“Why’s that?” She continued. As we settled down, Jaheira began to move.
“We’re stopping by Avernus. To show a devil what it means to piss us off.”
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eclipsecrowned · 6 months
but yeah like. the more i think about it the more i want to make it 100% clear that as a canon writer i don't appreciate forceshipping, so in writing my ocs i will never assume a dynamic with a canon in turn. for the most part, i try to let people come to me when it concerns characters that might derail or change canon significantly -- for example, the oc in question odessa, or my ice and fire oc mira, or countless others -- because i never want to step over boundaries or force interaction with someone whose lore or character is at odds with my own worldbuild.
if i do post about an original or player character muse's dynamic with a canon, i hope it is understood that one of three things is happening:
i am talking about my own dual muses. ie if i allude to stray and ard*n having a special bond, or that i ship hel and dream, i am talking specifically about the ones on my own muse page. i am not forcing my own idea on my partners. stray does not have to be a reflection of the main villain. hel is not going to go throwing herself at every dream in the tag. if things go that way organically with a partner's muse, i'm not opposed to exploring my takes with someone else, but it's never my intent to railroad my mutuals into indulging my own personal lore. at that point i might as well write fic and leave other people out of it.
i am talking about a dynamic established in a pc's playthrough -- using my most recent gaming experience as an example, i might reference helstarion/valheart/wybelle/auzel/ruetash as being romantic, but i would never just spring that on my writing partners who play the canon, or assume they have to cater to my own savegames. i'm simply talking about in-game lore in my own personal playthroughs that help shape my take on the pc. this applies to other fandoms/games as well, too. ismail does not have to endgame with a grippy sock drow milf, it's just that he does in my worldstate. einmyria doesn't have to take the bull by the horns, that's just how i played the game. me musing about in-game ships does not mean i go into interacting with accounts for those canons with expectations.
more often than not, i am referencing ships with established partners. for example, this morning, i was talking explicitly about the irudessa ship with lee. i was not jut posting for my health about a hypothetical dynamic, i was talking about a one-on-one ship between my muse and that of a friend. this applies to more than romantic shipping, too -- ex, lea and tarhos are siblings per my and ferret's lore, aria and eld's loki are cousins in his da au, and that's between us and lightly sprinkled into other threads with friends. i may not always namedrop this fact, because i assume other people trust me as a partner enough to understand i am not throwing dynamics out there without proper plotting and discussion.
thank you, friends, have a normal one.
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dragoon-mid-jump · 8 months
Top five mounts?
It'd be such a cop-out to answer this with just wolves or gwibers, wouldn't it? But I do have mounts outside of those that I absolutely love!
Shadow Gwiber
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It's almost entirely on an OC lore basis why I do love this particular gwib. Firstly, it was one of the first special mounts I laid eyes on when my one gateway friend was showing it off to me and just because it's a dragon was why it was something I aimed for back when I first started. As for the OC reason, it's description is as such:
Answering to a horn imbued with the power of a sorcerer of eld, this draconic arcane entity is believed to have been created by Emet-Selch on a whim─an act that would have barely taxed his powers as an ancient.
It formed the basis for Persephone's transformed state while I was building her and Y'dehlya's stories. So, the lore of it being created by Emet became his attempt at reminiscing on Seph and visualizing her form.
2. Kamuy of the Nine Tails
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Even though I did get all the wolves via Tomestone events, I still do hold the Nine Tails rather proudly because of its symbol as a completion of a collection.
3. Tyrannosaur
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It's a T-Rex and I love dinosaurs. That's really it. Got it through a Tomestone Event because I hadn't unlocked Eureka at the time, and that would've been such a pain....
4. Garlond GL-II
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It's a cool motorcycle that's free (though you do have to work for it via the Island....).
5. Company Chocobo+Black Chocobo
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I couldn't pick just one. Ol' Reliable, our very first mount, and the mount Haurchefant gifts us....Both hold such sentimental value with the scope of the story.
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captzexx · 2 years
Candells in Space
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(Got a prompt that went off the rails, I kind of like what I wrote so thought I’d put it out here)
PROMPT: with the upcoming Nov. 15 patch coming up (woo Dracthyr, woo Primalist invasions), many players are embracing the three year gap for their story. What has your character been up to in the last three years since the end of Shadowlands?
At long last after years of despair from all parties, the Candells were at last reunited.  The work and acts of the youngest of their party, Gwynn, finally reaching the end of her parents' quest to find the one lost deepest.  For on the fields of Maldraxxus during the siege of the Seat, the young druid guided by her grandfather found a face she long thought lost amongst the chaos.  
Zexx Candell found his family.
As the two embraced, a connection of the multiverse was made and linked by as much blood as spirit.  Confusion filling the man before the young Candell let her memories come to him showing him everything and every road she had fought so hard to find him.  He saw Bea.  He saw himself.  He saw her world.  He saw her being born. He saw his death.
He saw her not alone.
The three running from the field of combat came to a quiet moment near the Theater of Pain, relishing in the moments of breaking the loneliness that had swept them both.  She had one more gift for the hero for hire as she reached within her pouches to produce a tattered strip of red wool.  A confused eye as he held it in his hand, noting its familiar feeling as Zexx stared at Gwynn before she moved away from him to begin drawing sigils upon the rotted earth.  Her staff drew feverishly as she began to whisper words in language he didn't know.  Draconic.
Orbs were placed in direct positions about her circle before taking the cloth from him again.  Asking for her grandfather's hand she broke her staff revealing it to be hollow and taking out an aged hilt with a green gem upon it.
Gwynn, smiling with tears in her eyes, would place the gem and cloth in the center of the circle before slicing her palms with the broken points of her staff.  Her blood dripped into the grooves to fuel the magical energy needed as she bent her head forward to whisper further in that ancient tongue.  The anima would flare and pulse as the gem in the center matched it with a fire fueled anger.  
This was not the way.
Zexx would move forward to try and stop her, her name drowned by the growing pulsing of the energies and thickened by the growing scent of ozone.  Strong hands would grasp the unknown son as Eld kept his matching eyes on the girl ahead of them, never speaking but knowing she had to finish.  The only way now was through.
As the foul combination of magics continued to twist and be fueled by so many different outreaches, Gwynn would begin to spasm as her words tried to cut above the noise.  The center of the circle flashing as the gem stone began to glow brighter and stronger, growing wider and taller.  Revealing a doorway, gasping green and black as the gem had been often known too in the presence of some creatures.
Hands bleeding and eyes a glow with fel light, the druid's mouth would be wide in a smile of agony and triumph.  Bridging the multiverse at last to reveal to help finish her quest.  A figure would step through.
Xaya Candell would step into this mutual world now, stumble more so as she fell forward.  Her leather armor dinged with blood, snow, and burns but nothing would quell the fire in those purple tinged brown eyes.  Behind her would come the heavy footfalls of a metallic foot followed by another, the large shape of an armored giant dragging a broken mace from it's belt and broken horns atop it's head.  In it's arms it would carry a limp form wrapped in a tattered green cloak.
Rey Candell sat unmoving in the arms of the metal golem as it stalked forward, bits of steam and grinding gears announcing their arrival.  Much like her sister, Rey was in the same look of disarray with matching blood and snow.
"She's alive," a deep rumble growled from the metal creature that held the former youngest Candell.
"Thank the light," Xaya murmured as she stood up to her full height again, taking after her father obviously as she leaned on the metal arm of the golem.  "We made it, Gen."
"Xaya," the metal voice spoke again, where it could hardly modulate such a voice it seemed almost desperate to whisper her name.
"Wha-" The young woman's voice caught in her throat as she found the man they called father held tight by his near older match.  "Daddy."
The young woman didn't bother to look at her youngest sibling or anything in the world as she leapt for her father.  Zexx would be released by Eld as he opened his arms and grasped her tighter than anything in his life.  Both began to shake as they held onto each other, coming together after all this time in their grief and joy.
"You promised."
"I know."
"You said you'd come back."
"I know."
"Why?" Xaya wept into her father's chest and felt her hands grip him so tight it might crack his ribs.  The hero didn't care.
"I don't know."
Eld would have gone to Gwynn now, easing her up to sit up straight obviously drained from what she had just done.  The girl had cracked reality.
A sound like glass breaking would shatter the reunion as father and daughter would peer up into the sky.
“What’s happening?” Xaya would whisper.
“I don’t know.” Zexx replied.
“Should we run?”  The golem stalked forward with heavy thumps of his feet.
“Where would we go?”  Eld growled as he eased Gwynn up to her feet again.
“I don’t know.  What should we do then?”  The golem answered with a worried ache to his hollow tone.
“We stay together," Zexx looked up into the sky as brilliant purple cracks began to form in the green chaos swam above.  He had no idea if anyone else in this hellscape could see it but it chilled his heart to see.
“I love you,” Xaya began to weep again as she wrapped her arms about Zexx's neck, hanging on for dear life.
“It will be alright.”
The Astral Sea is endless and infinite. A cascading collage of color and shapes as it ever expands the multiverse of which it is built upon by the very will of reality.  Upon this never ocean of possibility ride the many vessels of those brave enough to ponder and wander it's chaos.  Spelljammers.
The Wayfarer is one such vessel and it's crew don't know where they are headed or why, but they're together.  And that's what families do.  They stay together.
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(It’s been a year.  But this has been on my mind since, forever and a half.  It could definitely be more flesh out and should be, there’s likely lots of questions if you follow any of them from before.  But it was nice to put something to paper for them.  To set them on a new adventure in wild space.  No blog yet or plans with it yet, but who knows maybe some day.)
@zexxcandell​ @eldridgecandell​ @gatesofthetroupe​
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trollhuldren · 2 years
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Witchcraft isn't about "feeling energy" or "positive thinking" or the image of a beneficent Mother Goddess who acts on our behalf in Nature to make us happy, like some universal auntie in her white sundress, hat and gloves, sipping iced tea at a garden party.
No. Witchcraft—as I understand it—is about communication (speaking/seeing/hearing/feeling/transmission or prophecy) with the spiritworld, with beings strange and eerie. It is about the soul’s flight from the body, the awakening to and "gaining" allyship with the Familiar spirit from whom deeper and greater power and wisdom may be achieved and without whom sorcery is nearly impossible. It is about the sensuality of both the Land and the body, and the identification of the two together, embracing the darkly erotic, sexual nature of creation and the environment. It is about Fate, being an agent and servant to the Old Mystery, and the knowledge that Death/Fate and Eros are intertwined like the serpents on Mercury's wand.
Witchcraft is a calling from birth, yet its phenomenalization (as for many sorcerous callings around the globe) requires an experience of Initiation--either by the spirits directly or by the spirits at the intervention of human hands, or both--to be "activated". It is not an identity per se, it is a vocation, a way of life, a PRACTICE, an engagement with the living, breathing cosmos. It requires DOING--much doing--not merely being.
Witchcraft comes from the tutelage of the Witch-Gods:
The mercurial and cunning, turnskin Master of Magic, our Witchfather, who bears Light between his horns, teacher of all artifice and sorcery whom we seek to emulate and become like, especially as he is embodied within us as our innermost Daimonic-self.
The Eld God, who is the Dark Huntsman and King of the Underworld, Twin-Faced Lord of the Wild Hunt.
The merciless Supreme Goddess who weaves Fate from the Uttermost Depths, who is the All and the Veiled face of Great Mystery.
The Rose Queen, Dame Venus, who is the loving hand of sensuality and pleasure, and the Tri-form Goddess of the Moon and its enchantments, Queen of Faery.
To be a Witch is to die before you die, to seek to know yourself and therefore know the world, to commune with spirits, to merge with Fate and its flow. We adore our gods, often as lovers, but we do not grovel, we are not unworthy. We seek to become as gods, to be deathless.
The cosmos is a dark place, a great dark space full of both terror and ecstasy. Most of it is Unseen and unknown. But our gods have given us Fire—Love—and with it we may warm ourselves in rings of Art or by the hearths of our homes and our strange communities...
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familiarlyfrigid · 2 years
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I made my own Invader Zim species! This is all the info I have about them and their home planet. Read the full post if you want to know more about them!
ㅤ Devortons live on the planet Ferrid. They bear a striking resemblance to Vortians, but because little outside contact has been made with the planet, it is unknown why. Some believe it’s simply convergent evolution, but there are conspiracy theories claiming the two species are more connected. Their history is mostly unknown to other aliens.
The Devortons
Devortons are a warm-blooded species of aliens that look similar to Vortians, except they have tails, visible nostrils, and have true horns that are not flexible. Their hooves, horns, and spikes are as hard as stone and can even appear similar to crystal. They’re omnivores, but eat meat more than anything else. Male Devortons are typically taller. Their sclera, irises, and pupils can all be a wide range of colors, though they don’t normally have dark sclera. …
These aliens are split into two subspecies: Highland and Lowland Devortons. Highlands originated from rocky, mountainous regions and are generally larger and bulkier than Lowlands. They have warm-colored skin, two pairs of thick horns, larger canine teeth, and spikes on their arms and legs. They have short tails with spikes on the tips. Highlands have small eyes with round or rectangular pupils. Their feet resemble hooves, with part of the foot being covered in the same hard material that their horns are made of (they still have two toes under there).
Lowlands have cool-colored skin, one pair of narrower horns, and a row of spikes on their heads. They originated from the valleys and caverns, and are typically smaller and leaner than Highlands. They have longer tails that don’t end in a spike, larger claws, and noticeable toes. They have large eyes with slit pupils that expand and contract like a cat’s, giving them generally better eyesight than Highlands, especially in dim light. Lowlands are a little taller than an average Vortian.
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Above ground (left) and underground (right) maps.
Planet Ferrid
Ferrid is a small planet with blue skies, rust-colored dirt, and mostly dry, rocky terrain. It has abundant minerals and ores, massive cave systems, and many underground lakes and rivers. Plants are usually shades of orange and yellow above ground, and green below ground. It has a “warm season” and a “cool season”, and it only snows around the poles. The planet’s atmosphere interferes with wireless signals, making communication with other planets very difficult.
-Devor (capital)
-Titan Plateaus
-Lake Orok (underground)
-Lake Oasis
-Terran Mountains
-Archdom (capital)
-Sea of Eld (underground)
-Hollow Springs (underground)
-Verdant Isles
-Rime Ridge
-Sunken Lake
Other territories:
-Great Gnarlwood Forest
-Lake Fenmire
-Death Mountains
-Gorrag Island
-Vernix Plains
Cerull Ocean
North Sea
Chasmyss Ocean
Silver Sea
Evenshore Sea
Language Stuff
Devortons have multiple languages, but the most widely used one is Devvish. It’s mostly based on English, with some influence from Latin and I think Old Norse? Their names pull from the same inspirations.
Government- Archrict
Leader- Domiton
High Ranks- Aethex
Soldier- Vangade
Raedict- laws set in place by Domiton
Vilnix- lowest rank; refers to criminals/prisoners or a bad person, sometimes shortened to vilx
Nix- nothing
Varmaj- “warm season” during half of the year
Kuldaj- “cool season” during half of the year
Vaeton- life, spirit, or essence
Himtar- sky
Riton- ground
Culture Stuff
-sky is a symbol of dominance, innovation, and the unknown
-ground is a symbol of tradition, perseverance, and unity
-traditionally believe in nature deities (I don’t remember where this religion stuff was going, but they definitely have gods of nature)
-greatly care about preserving nature because of the harsh environment
-steampunk-y technology? less advanced than Earth
-huge mining industry
-even though other aliens don’t know much about them, their relatively poor technology means they’re seen as weak or primitive
Name origins:
Devorton- Devil + Vortian
Ferrid- Ferrous + Arid
Devor- Devil + Vort/Corruption of “devour”
Orok- Ore + Rock
Terrar- Terrain + Terror
Terran- Terrain + Mountain
Archdom- Arch- + Kingdom
Falland- Corruption of “far land”
Vallyan- Valley + Canyon
Gnarloam- Gnarl + Loam
Fenmire- Fen + Mire
Gorrag- Gorge + Crag
Arlorn- Arid + Forlorn
Vernix- From Devvish word “Vilnix”
Cerull- From “Cerulean”
Chasmyss- Chasm + Abyss
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dawn-of-worlds · 1 year
The Long View of History
The long view of history is a peculiar thing. For those who see history from beside it, the rising and falling of Corobel's great eye blurs together into a comfortable twilit hue. With such a view, it is not days but events with which life is punctuated and portioned.
And so, for the ataila of Etevaasin, these blurry years were like a time before time. They knew peace well; there were no wars, no tyrants, no catastrophes to punctuate those nascent days. They had no use for slaves when the heavens fed them well, they had no use for monuments when their legends never died, and they had no use for division when all was well and all manner of things was well. So they knew the long view of history.
Until the worm came.
On that day, there was great thunder heard throughout Etevaasin, though the sky was clear and bright. Instead, it was the land that thundered as the eld and venerable trees which surrounded the city fell and cracked under its mighty bulk. A pale mass, half-veiled by the dense Laaseran jungle, with a surface as craggy and sheer as a cliff began to slide around the city like a predator encircling its prey.
Etevaasin did not wait. Voices rose and horns were blown. The city's bravest rallied, though these ataila were peace-forged and untested, and were thankful that their trembling was hidden by the growing tremours and their whimpers by the deafening cries of the jungle as it shattered and died. And as those wisest ataila beckoned what citizens they could to safety, the Beast coiled tightly around the city -- not once, not twice, but three times. And when the thundering stopped and all became still, Ohm knotted itself at the highest point of the city like a noose and waited.
It was not the guard that approached Ohm first, nor the elders, but a young atai, still in training. It was mere coincidence: to avoid their tutors' lessons that day they had hidden within the upper terrace's gardens, above which Ohm's massive head now hung. The gardens were quiet. Whether it was curiousity, naivety, or bravery, the young atai stepped out from beneath the fruit tree they had hidden under and approached the First of Worms.
Ohm's massive eye watched them step forward as its many teeth shifted and churned. The young atai balled their hands into fists before they bravely spoke:
"Wh-Who are you? What are you?"
They winced as the great Beast spoke, its voice of tumbling stones coarse and deep.
" 𝕀 𝕒𝕞 𝕆𝕙𝕞, 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕀 𝕒𝕞 𝕙𝕦𝕟𝕘𝕣𝕪. "
"... And why have you come here? Have you... come to eat us?"
They dug their heels into the soft ground of the garden as Ohm's rumbling and cascading laughter threatened to knock them off their feet.
" 𝕄𝕒𝕪𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕤. 𝕀 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕖𝕟𝕛𝕠𝕪𝕖𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕥𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕝𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕘𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕝𝕪 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕨𝕚𝕤𝕙 𝕥𝕠 𝕞𝕒𝕜𝕖 𝕚𝕥 𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕖. 𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕔𝕚𝕥𝕪, 𝕥𝕠𝕠, 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕀 𝕒𝕞 𝕔𝕖𝕣𝕥𝕒𝕚𝕟 𝕚𝕥 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕒𝕚𝕟𝕤 𝕞𝕒𝕟𝕪 𝕖𝕩𝕠𝕥𝕚𝕔 𝕗𝕝𝕒𝕧𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕤. "
"So... you have come to rule us? Like a king?"
" 𝕃𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕒 𝔾𝕠𝕕. ℕ𝕠𝕨 𝕘𝕠 𝕥𝕠 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕤. 𝔽𝕝𝕖𝕖, 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕖𝕝𝕝 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕝𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕔𝕚𝕥𝕪 𝕚𝕤 𝕟𝕠𝕨 𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕖, 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕚𝕥𝕤 𝕝𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕤 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕟𝕠𝕨 𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕖, 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕪 𝕞𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝕝𝕒𝕪 𝕕𝕠𝕨𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕚𝕣 𝕒𝕣𝕞𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 ��𝕟𝕖𝕖𝕝 𝕓𝕖𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕖 𝕞𝕖. 𝔸𝕟𝕕 𝕚𝕗 𝕀 𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕟𝕠𝕥 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕚𝕥... " Ohm's maw spun and its teeth gnashed as it considered the banquet that was Etevaasin, " ... 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕔𝕚𝕥𝕪 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕚𝕥𝕤 𝕚𝕟𝕙𝕒𝕓𝕚𝕥𝕒𝕟𝕥𝕤 𝕤𝕙𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕓𝕖 𝕟𝕠 𝕞𝕠𝕣𝕖. 𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕤𝕙𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕕𝕠 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕞𝕖 𝕠𝕣 𝕀 𝕤𝕙𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕖𝕒𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦, 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕓𝕦𝕥 𝕞𝕪 𝕄𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕤𝕙𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕣𝕖𝕞𝕖𝕞𝕓𝕖𝕣 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕟𝕒𝕞𝕖. "
Ohm's vast pupil contracted. It had not considered 'no.' No was a word for it to use, not others. Its maw spun faster as it reeled at this impertinence.
" ... 'ℕ𝕠'? "
"No. I will tell them what you've told me, but I will not stay with them. If you truly mean to rule Tehwatzin, then I shall be your speaker and help you."
Again, Ohm laughed, and again the young atai stood their ground. What impetuousness! Ohm reared back to swallow them whole, but in that moment it caught something in the way they looked at it. There was a sort of opportunism in their gamble with oblivion, a willingness to risk it all to have it all... a similar hunger that Ohm knew so well.
It paused.
" 𝔸𝕟𝕕 𝕨𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕙𝕖𝕝𝕡 𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕘𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝕞𝕖? "
The atai took a breath.
"You are... very large. Large enough that little things will escape you. I can see things that you can't see, and influence things that you can't reach. ... And I'm being trained to become a advisor someday, to aid the judge of my tribe; I know how Tehwatzin works -- surely you can find use for those skills?"
They swallowed hard and waited to see what it would do. There was an oppressive silence in the air as Ohm stared at them while its alien mind worked.
" ... 𝕍𝕖𝕣𝕪 𝕨𝕖𝕝𝕝. ℝ𝕖𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕟 𝕥𝕠 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕡𝕖𝕠𝕡𝕝𝕖 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕖𝕝𝕝 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕞 𝕨𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕀'𝕧𝕖 𝕥𝕠𝕝𝕕 𝕪𝕠𝕦, 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕟 𝕣𝕖𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕟 𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖. 𝕀𝕗 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕕𝕚𝕤𝕡𝕝𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕖 𝕞𝕖, 𝕀 𝕤𝕙𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕕𝕖𝕧𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕪𝕠𝕦. "
A sigh of relief and a smile. With an unpracticed bow, the atai turned and fled the garden with all due haste. Ohm watched them leave and in that moment knew that, someday, one would devour the other. Ohm truthfully knew not who it would be, but that was a concern for the long view of history.
The young atai ran to the protectors and judges of Etevaasin with Ohm's words. They spoke its demands with confidence and pride as befits their station, and quietly left as murmurs rippled through the crowd. The assembled ataila were uncertain of what to do; many feared death, but many more feared losing the precious gift of freedom that Velarië gave them. No rational being lets themselves be shackled willingly.
And so, of course, they fought. Valiantly, in fact. And, though those peace-wrought warriors steeled their knees and fought as bravely as they could muster, they lost. The ataila did not lose when their spears did nothing to Ohm's hide, nor did they lose when their arrows did even less, and nor did they lose when one hundred and one of their greatest warriors charged the Beast and were, in one bite, swallowed whole.
No, it was when each atai there, who watched those heroes' charge with bated breath, felt dark fingers slip into their minds and steal away the memories of those warriors' voices, their faces, their lives, that they lost. And in the moments before those heroes' names finally faded away forever, the ataila had laid down their arms and wept, kneeling before their new master and its high priest.
(This is a late Turn 8 action. I intended to publish it on Saturday but had to push it back.)
(Omeara spends 1 to Command Avatar to take control of Etevaasin and the ataila who call it home via Corrupt City, bringing them under Ohm's, and by extension Omeara's, sway. 6 - 1 = 5 power remaining.)
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whoviancumberbunny · 2 years
Part Three:  No Room For Fear
Part Three:  No Room For Fear
Vox Machina characters Created by Critical Role
Dark Tower created By Stephen King [Funerary Prayer] 
Annie and Declan, Serendipity Johns and Galen Allgood created by Melissa C. Scraper @whoviancumberbunny​
Title from Title Prompts by @youneedsomeprompts​
Used This Prompt and this one by @seaside-writings​​
Part One:  Stand and Be True  
Part Two: Ne’er-Do-Wells and Insufferable Bastards
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They were on the edge of the village that Chroma Conclave had taken over and, Roland joined them, as Tet-Fa [Friend of the group]. It was clear to him and that both Annie and Percy were the Dinhs, as they sat around come up with a plan he pulls her to the side and put the Horn of Eld in her hand “Da, Gan gave this to you.”
  He looked at her trying to hide the fact that in the short few weeks he had been In the life of his daughter he had seen that she was a Gunslinger. Never mind that to parts of the world she is a thief. “May Luck Rise to meet us all.”  He looked at her “Don’t be like me my child. I have spent my whole life not listening to those around me.”   He had seen three figures of young adults hiding on the other side of town.  Time would tell if these people were good or not, they would be people Annie knew well.
 Percy looked at her, the Horn of Eld, like so many other things he had believed that was only legend. Like the vestments, he blushed as Annie looked at him. Maybe it was just that he felt he was undeserving of love , then of course that was also because the demon might kill those around him. Last time she had managed to stop him before he had killed an innocent person “Darling, you should just tell her.” Vex said breaking his concentration “Everyone can see it.  Even her father sees.”
 “Oh Dawn Father, I am not sure what to do with my heartbox,” he hadn’t realized he had started peppering his speaking with the high speech she had been teaching him.
 “All I am saying is let me be annoying?” Scanlan said
  Pike “No these are dangerous dragons.”  
 After Coming up with a battle plan, they study the area a short time later as Vox fights off the dragon “Great work, asshole; I hope they eat you first!”  Vax said as he and Scanlan dodge flames and deadly acid
 On the other side of the town Female figure staring at one of the two male figures. “It doesn’t matter if we kill it; it will just keep coming back,” she nearly pushed him off the cliff “Sorry, Galen.” She grabs his hand
 Male figure you would assume is a ranger by his bow and arrow “And so will we,”  he takes out an arrow his father killed dragon with  “we wait for a signal and we join In the fight.”
 Galen “But Peter, we don’t know what kind of signal to pay attention for. Shaun Gilmore only told us to Meet Annie here because she would need help saving Declan and several other people.”  Galen Allgood, and his cousin Serendipity Johns part of the last generation of Gunslingers of Gilead.
 Peter, who is friends with Annie because she saved his life because warriors of the red had tried to kill him in his sleep just after he escaped from prison “I wouldn’t be known as Good King Peter, if she hadn’t helped me last year.”   Peter, Age 18 years, framed for the murder of his Father and served three years in prison. Tall and slender if he hadn’t been king he likely would have been gunslinger.
 “If we get out of this alive you need to tell Declan you love him, Galen.”
 “No, he probably doesn’t see me that way.”
 Peter raises his hand to quiet them as they hear a sound that was unfamiliar yet felt like call to arms, Annie had blown the Horn of Eld. “Here we go.”  
 On the battlefield, The members of Vox machina had never heard the sound before but something about sound the horn of eld made them focus and become more coordinated.  
 Annie “Percy! Canda!”
 Percy looks at everyone “Spread out!”  Suddenly an arrow shoots past them into the heart of the dragon “Where did that come from?”
 Annie “Foehammer? Good King Peter how did you know we’d need back up?”
 “Will explain that later Lady Annie.” The man said as absent mindedly ran his finger along the scar on his cheek.
 “Scanlan, we need you to be annoying so we can untie the prisoners.” Annie said
 Percy shot a few low level dragons “They are not attacking Annie .”
 Thordak “The Female gunslinger who came with Vox Machina smells of the Queen of the Great Worms.”
 “I am getting tired of monsters saying I smell like Lady Dragon. Your Minions took my brother so I am here to rescue him and the others.” She said as her eyes briefly the color of her spirit guide.
 “The human with the soul of a dragon.  We didn’t think she existed.”  The chroma conclave stops in their tracks
 “I don’t want to kill you. I just want my brother.  Leave!”
 After the smoke clears “We found this In the dragon’s cave, Milady. We think it belongs to you.”
 Roland “Crown of Eld.”
 “I am no ruler. I am a Gunslinger. Thankee for returning this to my family.” Annie replied
 Later at the Keep “Percy, you asked about the gem embedded in the grip of my gun.” She said after Declan retrieves his own gun “Our grandfather, Steven gave us each one of these just before he was killed. Mother kept them safe for us and she gave them to use just before her own death.”
Declan looks Percy up and down, “He’s kind of skinny.”
 “So are you brother.” They hug each other “you are just jealous I have boyfriend first.” She blushes “everyone this tall dork here is my twin brothers Declan. That idiot over there is our best friend, Galen Allgood and his cousin Serendipity Johns. This is King Peter of Delain.”
 “Before you ask, I am not ranger. My father taught me to hunt from a young age. This arrow, foe hammer was used to kill a dragon with nine cambered and I was conceived after my father killed the dragon.”  Peter explained as he cleaned foe hammer. He goes over to Annie “You left this in Delain.” Hands her medallion engraved with the crest of the Delain, a unicorn slaying a dragon with its horn.
 “I told you I didn’t do it for recognition. I did it because Ka willed it.”  She takes the crest, she really didn’t want to be seen as champion of Delain. She sticks it in her bag. It wasn’t humility, everything she did she did because it felt right.
 “Wait….you just said I am your boyfriend.” Percy said as he walked over to Declan and Annie, Annie blushed “I admit to having feelings….of love but I worry my darkness will hurt you.”  
 Annie places her hand on his cheek “Percival De Rolo. Stop being a twat. I can tell you want to keep from hurting me but you know almost everything about me and now you have met my family and best friends.  If you want  I can have Declan punch you in the face.”  She grinned  
 He kisses her gently on the lips “Why didn’t Croma Conclave attack you?”
 “Lady Dragon, she is their queen.  They called me the human with the soul of a dragon.”  Annie said
 King peter “You all have an invitation to the reaping festival in Delain.” He grinned “Lady annie matched me In the reaping festival archery contest. I happen to think she lost on purpose.”
 “That may be true, friend. But Declan did the same thing. Neither one of use wanted to be better than you. We were just keeping our skills sharp.”
 “I knew that when I saw that his arrow went through the heart of the skinwalker that jumped us last year.”   They sit around telling stories
 “Galen screamed louder than we did.”
 “No I didn’t.”
 When Annie gets up to stretch her legs, Percy follows her “Does Galen have romantic feelings for your brother?”
 “they are both really bad at pretending it. I knew if he was told Declan was in danger he would come. I just Didn’t think peter would leave Delain. He’s been working hard to regain the trust of his village since Walter O’Dim , framed him for murder and used his  brother, Thomas as puppet ruler to tax people of Delain .”
 “I wondered why you never mentioned courting anyone. It is because the only men in your life are people you know wouldn’t betray you. I promise you I will do my best to be worthy of the trust you give me.  What is a skin walker, again?”
 “in this region they are called lycanthropes. They tear the host apart from the inside.” She shivered “I didn’t sleep for three days after we fought the skinwalkers.” She rested her head against his chest “For most of our lives Declan and I have needed to be strong for ourselves. It is not easy for us to let our defenses down.” She places her hand on his chest “Your heart and your mind don’t need to be two different things Percival.” When he gently takes her hand in a single move he puts ring he made for her on her finger
 “It is a promise. That when the time is right I will ask you to be my wife. The time is not now.”  She looks at it and it has the crest of his family on it “I added the seal of eld to it too.  I want to follow the way of the beam with you. If you will let me Annie.”
 “It brought me to you, until you are rid of your darkness you can’t handle the Dark Tower.| she stopped just before saying, on her previous time loop only she and Roland had survived  Can Ka-No Rey, in the previous time loops she ahd needed to call out the names of all the people sitting around the fire “She and read the funeral rites 13 times before reaching the tower.  She’d be damned if she had to watch them all fall to the Crimson King again “the other involved were still on keystone earth living their lives mostly unaware of what had already happened save for one, the son of the demon king, her friend Magnus.  Why had gan given only her Annie her memories back, at least she assumed she was the only one who could remember bit and pieces of the four previous time loops. The third time loops she was married to king peter and that was all she could remember. It couldn’t happen again and she’d be damned if she let vox machina die to ensure that the tower would remain standing “What is Can Ka-No Rey?” she finally heard percy asking
 “It is the field of roses around the dark tower. They have razor sharp thorns  they beckon to be picked but they kill whomever touches them.” She looked at him “Why?”
 “When you fainted after we met your father. You were muttering about it and calling out my name in your sleep?”
 “Let’s go for a walk.” as they walk “Remember I told you my father is in a time loop my existence created separate time loops and as far I can recall they have converged at least four times already. You asked me why I wrote down your name.” she looks down “In the previous time line when I had to call out the names of everyone I lost.  I couldn’t remember yours. It is the reason why you canlt remember we have met before. When gunslinger reaches the top of the tower time resets. But Gan resets it to different point In the time and places everyone in different places.”
 They nearly jump when they hear Roland’s voice “My journey was my choice and it has always been, Anastasia.  I can see your friends would follow you to end world and back. You have allowed yourself the thing it took me  centuries to allow myself, to let people help me. You on the other hand let people help you all the time.  I remember that day too.  You couldnlt remember percy’s name at the the base of the tower and that’s what broke your spirit.”
 Another When at the base of the Dark Tower, as the menacing eyes of Crimson king stare them down “I am Anastasia Gabrielle Jenna Delgado Deschain  De Rolo, I offer you the names of the fallen as entry.
 Declan Alaric William Delgado Deschain,  My brother and fellow Gunslinger,  Serendipity Johns, Gunslinger, Galen Allgood, Jenna of Eluria, Susan DelGado,  ……
 “Damn it why did his name have to be so long.” She fell to her knees looked into Can Ka-No Rey. He had came this for with her and for her and she couldn’t present his name to the tower. “Percy forgive me.  I never wanted you to be lost in the void. She  could hear the death nill coming from “I wasn’t strong enough to not lose anyone this time.
Present  day “Forgive me.  As soon as Da appeared in the cave it…. the end of the previous  timeline came flooding back to me. I realized I was leading everyone to possible death again. Forgive me.” She felt her leg buckle but Percy caught her  
“We are not in the todash space anymore. Look at me, your father is right his path is not your path. Gods know why you even thought his journey was your responsibility.” He takes a handkerchief out his pocket gently wipes away her tears “You saved me. Let me protect you.” She rested her head on his shoulder, as he scoops her up to carry her over to the fire “If she didnlt call out my name how am I here.”
 Roland “I did. I couldn’t let you lose her how I keep loosing her mother.”
 Another when as his daughter sat collapsed feelings emotionally defeated he repeaeated the name she had listed along with the names of his friends and finally “Percival Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III!” as the door swung open “Anastasia you can come with me if you want.”
 “No Da. Not this time I going to give them the death rites.”  It would take her three days to bury everyone. “Time flies, knells call, life passes, so hear my prayer.
Birth is nothing but Death begun, so hear my prayer.
Death is speechless, so hear my speech.
This is my friend, who served his ka and his tet. Say true.
May the forgiving glance of S'Mana heal his heart. Say please.
May the arms of Gan raise him from the darkness of this earth. Say please.
Surround him, Gan, with light.
Fill him, Chloe, with strength.
If he is thirsty, give him water in the clearing.
If he is hungry, give him food in the clearing.
May his life on this earth and the pain of his passing become as a dream to his waking soul, and let his eyes fall upon every lovely sight;
Let him find the friends that were lost to him, and let everyone whose name he calls call his in return.
This is my friend, who lived well, loved his own, and died as ka would have it.
Each man owes Death. This is my friend. Give him peace.” She placed his pepperbox on his grave “If ka wills it we will meet again Percival.”
 Present day…. “Thank You, Roland. May Gan always hold you in his favor.”
“We are well met Percy De Rolo III. This is your path. You are meant for better things than I ever was, Lady De Rolo.”
 “He  was having conversation with Lady Dragon.” She said as they sat down and her father continued his journey alone
 To Be Continued
Wednesday, February 1st. 2023
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tri-poke · 3 months
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And it is almost like the magic is made for this. It's all about open, ain't it. Eld means open. And open is what he wants. The first, the most basic, the simplest, and it fits perfect. He needs to open a path, yes, and that would require a split, one half a herd on one side and one half on the other, that's what open would HAVE to mean sitting here in the center of the herd and looking at that wall coming down.
And the more he thinks it, the slower time seems to go, and the faster the world seems to light up, like lightning striking all about, showing the cracks, the gaps, the places where things already can open.
Even as the lightning fast glow of the cracks slows to the speed of a rushing river in his mesmeric-mind-haze Zach can see the world and the sky and everywhere all at once lighting up gleaming bright but there isn't a crack here, not a place to flip between one world and another, he ain't THAT lucky...
But there's a echo of a sort between that mesmer light and real light, and real lightning, that Zach can see crawling like a cautious sidewinder through the splitting rock. And again, it's like a click, some kind of instinct, like he is a compass-stone and the tiny bit of slow lightning is a magnet in front of him is a compass-stone and they just pull natural on one another because they both got that mesmeric light, even if his is on the inside and its is on the outside all a glow and sparkling in the unnatural rain. And there's so much energy in it that even if it ain't an opening already, he knows he can make one. That light is enough.
And it's like a little hiccup, that force of air you can't stop when the liquor is too strong and your throat has got to do something about getting to the air so you make that little rattling-honk like a Dilophosaurus gettin ready to spit. But its in Zach's mind. He is open, Eld, and it is gonna - ELD!
It isn't a sound but it booms all the same, rolling like the force of the Professor's hammer device but in a line from Zach to the freezing solid arc of rock-struck lightning, slamming very rain drop and breath of air and particle of dust out of the way. And it slaps across the haunches of the triceratops on his left at the same time as it slaps the horned muzzle of every triceratops on his right - and it's almost like he can see the floodgates of the thought "run" spark in a tar drip crawl along their hides to the back of their heads where it lights up - the floodgate of that need to run opening up as big as it can be, while that boom of power rolls on faster than the rain can fall, batting it aside like pin-heads of ice.
And where's there's no escape all that rain piles up in a charging shield wall of water, slow as ice, harder than glass, pressed thin as metal by the strain of the weight of nothing but all that air as it all booms on to the widening force of the lightning arc, standing still, waiting.
The boom of Eld, open, hits the tumbling wall, hits the light, and it is brighter than the sun, brighter than when the First Goddess who existed before all other gods, long departed, set before Her out of Her own mouth the first lightning bolt that forked in seven lights that forked in seven lights until the void burned with light before Her, separate from the darkness. So bright that everything else for one terrible moment goes darker for Zach than the deepest cave in the darkest night, when clouds cover all, in the shadow of the Western Wall. Only that flash of brilliance, LIGHT, seared into him as surely as ELD means OPEN and he needs no one but his own perceptions to tell him so, so is light: OZOR.
When it OPENS, ELD-OZOR there is a tiny flicker of that primal power let loose upon the made world and boy howdy does it open a path before it.
The world returns to true speed and normal light though everything has to blink at the instant of too brightness - almost long enough for the normal senses to register but not quite - the shock wave making every dinosaur in front of Zach panic and stampede, every dinosaur behind him rear and spin, bolting the other way, and the falling wall bursts inward, water and stone catapulting away from Zach in a new opening in the canyon walls allowing a shortcut through the retreating scream of rubble and water to the green oasis beyond around the lake they couldn't get to before.
The only stillness is in a tiny bubble around Zach, like the world is holding its breath in case he says more. But then the Professor's mechanism breaks a spring and in a much less impressive crack, and spatter, and the resounding of snapping bits of metal like tiny shots out of a less than reliable gun, whatever is running the professor's forge hammer breaks.
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farewell-persephone · 8 months
"can you explain this gap in your resume" I lost the Horn of Eld at the Battle of Jericho Hill in that iteration of the cycle
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libidomechanica · 1 year
Untitled (“Her face, some him from all not fashion”)
A ballad sequence
What he light of out the roses.     Who sight dawning glance up, and some had energy; you were     doing were is dignifies his my dearer be admir’d.     That, conscience couth: but the dead, and here bent our plucks thro’ his     love I sued the toward and
round fain find is wings good shuns toward     eyes are left his for the plain the too, nor for nould see but     such as I was doen high- piled, your shriek you at one, can your     best, hold dominion summon’d night things with my veins? The larks     of Time, It is eight; an
old howl, and crack; cracks evil? Most     from that he sun is not for the little wit away; and     ev’n my God before living evil? How false, and the bitter     breathe worse that blood? From the bridegroom wished to try that to     tell his blow, led the babe
resides. Seek with griefs, and beauty’s     angels tree, encrease! But dust I roll! Death did mine own good     new: speak my eyes hand eat masked to the host. For I throughts be     done! Her face, some him from all not fashion. Given backwoods.     Did he murmur of shame
give by and a books a graces     spired of will clean as a deitie, the languish, dare not seems     holy eld die and awful Beauty’s sun, o this stored; next     let me, whose rownd. Can cozy, once tis such our modest don’t     be the night the summer.
Was no end: mine oblivion     of your limit to mind that I since I see the sun, he     round collecting snowy countries, and fed with fears no men:     the love is but that is such suspense. Is enought. Bitter     poor somethink, but they
by Loues sere, as was the winter     heav’n. Sweet or a sheet of praise and feared to her, grows they are     eerie, with join grief, where in them those diamonds without     complished, and see of there, Cupid stops her mood; I wand’ring     removed: I moves my quest.
To man, but the near to these     hallowship is held, and much as a bubble been teeth from out    ��of hatred with celesse
call her sweeter bore all the     virginity. That waft a thrall think you be, what comes those vapour,     allows to each in
May. Speech as I would be love: questions;     let now than infant, I fear: for it in the sunlike     silver. We wall, and would
be dropt; and beauty treble; and     then it parted there it seen bury one street; each House of     the least flowers it is
grace onely as dearer bound,     from her pale. So have me alive? Or than thou gave my love     done! Shall mixed up for long
tide homewards what solemn day’s     opprest, churchyard laid and gladly thing—the larks on the thoughts,     and then awful Beautifies
thy spend on silly bought, you     lik’st not to me her space them, that went the World, you have been     too, woulder is less lying
soul is flattery? Rise; and     that cold bene still day among blossom. Tell might of loue,     wyll be cut my feed her
till my eyes, and swear the dream of     that moment, tho down, and a song. Nine star upon the Day     hasten doth public goodman
on my hammer, that master     a fire. To a loving we weeds. And delight it’s happen     to particularly
sets him we wounded rabbits, and     like legs refin’d his may I can this whose starued with that     wrong, as you with thee without
all dropped without dress her be     as flattered like a bent, that once again. Looking, burying     near. To sin to lang!
Sweet drunken wild thy bride answer     range started the nightly danced affection of dust weeps himself,     all see that I have
been to seruewe his way, and I     feel pain, before my smart, and all him, what? When folly: like     a noonday night of Lamech
is my Abelard it whole     moon, beyond this shake him and love. Wants, not love as spoils up     the Spring. The roast by!
His hornes? Making villagers     drops rise them to one. I tell; let Majesty you would go     the crept fair I take you a cock like a jewel out? I prized     alone. Now, youth an one between His After all, she spotless     kind to driven: I
holds, from yonder western mountain     true it is to pleasure: weight dawning love decay; ruin     hart; either, which to rolled with Learning’s I get far less vestment     each of palm to recall with book. They share in so it     an once like the sigh from
thee do mock my lays, and to the     joy above my would barbarian, blank and stands still thy     heart, where but a work divine, a hoste of the friend be, who     watchful chance sad remembered the had to this: hath time, to     the shining gyres, sighs!
And, to board guitars in me, than     were ne’er I to thine enemie had never bowes, for God’s way.     And truths and looked, and thee.
Said and Morne, which yet I have a     wilderness. And whole my mistress we find the sun hurries     delays above depend?
Which leaves cooing still, approach, dispense.     But that to the glory in abundanced been trance,     and the be far higher
live, life give physic to mounting     earth all dropping eyelids to the Topic over careless     profit thy breast wed his
song, and at those lover, a sunbeam     by the silver-shoed pale, within my finger-nail or     the strongest such make those
lips tremble, song, and drove here, that     his quick with art’s-ease my world’s weary gloom wrought; I view my     cold, so their horrors of
palm she forum, and the lost my     right gloomy prevent and thinking on the honest this shafts,     his calm in love. Tears blest
and sing and in no wore thyself     a moment a topiary so nice and solitude;     into Van Diemen’s fell
fame; then as my eyes more. Choose but     yield turkeys crooked. Short of the lark shot the dreams of faulty     fear it an on my
yours in penury with cold, it     music burthens every parted silent with the Head the     laws of the full of Kent?
The sorrow sharply above and     a crown’d his mist: curst, sick weake the air, its sting lay, falls roll,     and who sigh, why! His hands.
Lay the same, and I! Then die, that     the pan I loves! Cheeks’ returned to climbs the pit, and when I     had benefit of golden
eye glance all come, if no quiet     mines irradiate, looked alone hand: they see, know incline.     An in head, propp’d o’er
a slave o’t! Men we living     in the soft combers had fair neck. And dream that breast. To do     time too long as your end
in the NY sky to that cuckold     lips like Maud? In hand, with just, of me; well, Your winterview     thy pain, faint for my peace,
and lead to play like ye to the     Proclamation of our limit to his enemie had kindly     say, I am once-
lov’d remembrace before, and hills?     What, do time is but of two by hart broken he leaves cooing     prays, robert Burns: mark’d
toss life’s shining sun thou, the heart     thou art not: O, if some emanation of death. Her     poetry where all-conseru’d
in the mosse man to these pangs     of Love is the little maize, or limits. That, when people     spoke: but of men, whimp’ring
him, who can rising seal close that     will break, and night. Knew you comes agains high, to the eye, and     blow, the only the bliss
who, no more that April morn, and     I been my brow, nor equal tears, growe, while my hearts so the     aid our limits. Again
in all as a brow, and in vaine     those what which esteeming we weeping sun, and yonder more     branching streaming the same
reasons or poppy seen, the small     be as with holy and sky do more a rind on fleets, and     of Stella is? The bright
have high bird stirringeth from rose     glowing purpose hand is mother. Reels athwart to give rented     by the sons of Chigil
in Turkestan that I stand     nature’s to passions life’s dearer betweene my powerless     round cruel she new. Good buy!
The golden horrid thine eye, and     not because beside the stay! So as things aspires, since     Time part thou, to win of bloody arms distance, and all other     scarcely sit playing.
At all the breeze, the gray wanted     new come his enemie had remember, husband drown’d with all     are the tear sell, let the worthlesse yron dyd fear: for once     tis hermit me, faith iniurie:
behind you but you had such     an evil I hate what will be age asswage the murmuring     has left her grave, ere we long look about myself again     an and thou can do.
A mathematician once you,     tender a simple spirted before him now thereby ribbands     to the believ’d the gain wings, litigious folke: his some     in thee. But you appear before to the end on mine one     shadows, with cover the
leaps! To tick of all unfold, the     standing head very make each first of thy complain by Time’s     fair: so fold thing—the rage, creature, betray how hath my marriage     lies above the World. I covereign to whom not, I     check that the will have done
no win much beams as bad forget,     regret, confess’d? It in us roar, and him drops on high     plain how many? The world’s bird feet to a curious fraught     use? A bough loathed wood, has roll, and and passion what you turned     forget what is to move;
as blind down! Already sweet look     the swans that should be the stone; till not Honour first with coles     and vain. And which coltish yeeres must here was summer’s broad;     and go, tho down, O maid repose thy pray to each sad, our     life, where longer? Within
the scrape of gelt, embost way. While     that delight-sides, naked, and bushes round then cloud Host, old     Time’s faun to appears by some oft haue fortune take my hammer,     an’ a’ the sunflowers or his liberty, and all     thine eye or I ashame:
for Sommer the Brere had it stray:     lov’d! Each despised poet, the top of the two that not like     Phœbus’ self this small becoming guilt exalts that doth cauld, and     round a day may be seemed a small bow alone, can cozy,     once once my gaze the love’s
fire, nor not the summer breast away     and being black before there? Her bereavement, new; most     most. And that he case of they two contings from the street; each     me not who bent winters find when other down a lonely     night-nature, this nuts layd
down. Will thinking skies at the end     often as the news before soon she one it and the wind,     nor every bad a good fryday to light to furnish their     sense one by her hand often after merchant’s plagued with you.     Here to scold, through those rownd.
But will, or his victim for ages     drowne. Resolves, when the churchyard lie, dearest ones Winter-     sections of fires. Even
bags, like a vile sinner, sweetness     and we are by his those I not with delicious: they? For     oh, her nectar mist: curst,
the worthless death-like her grave soul     from madness wouldest sing their rotten hair, stirr’d face, but full     of rage unto noble
world lights, flirtation. The purchase     turns eyes and thinking Daemons as a sheepe so rough whom I     am once against me
out of meditation may not     Helen, the joys to drenches me lies we two at he crimson     sometimes again? So
ample, fever, his rage, who, movie     screen, and she easy, and and girls. In the dared it whole     soul begun; though thou, I
know it is surely be the other,     all th’effection why ye drops risen again the chary     as this the lesse night
he feel em most crashed here was the     palace make life is beat, that were day I was devour     heart its dwells in a blasted
thus while lap-dog breeze; nor gloom     wrought lone than echoes talked again. Thy visions, dearer the     spoke, that I may young, by
day; yet poor of her voice might of     Lights no long time to go so your praise and proof, to witness.     And image soul has been
my flowers. Of asphodel, to     sink till outlive world I did you, fondly think together     Lambes betweene him from
out all external grace was the     was those of fire; my eye,— tell to stand, like my way, like a     vision fleets, and cracker
in the did discrie, when the poem     but obviously i’m fill her shall day. And sparkling     doth cauld, and for his grown
all laws. And suit the Ears of such     are the smile bride. Choose my heart a fly. Catch my selfe lie, my     shipwreck’d; Religion dwell
the flying ye love unite each     withstands to the startless pence, nor forevered bough and     topp, als my spring like
a rubber/gasoline so suit     of love thou know thee watches made drunk, kick up and with bosom     of woman’s: the harmful
love while shafts, when you cannot     so. Far off from thought: band dark sea-line you had flung a shadow     over in his grow?
Morning’s a kiss me to the magic     hand on me. Nor are made he very bad to golden     first time, can retreat? A
traint prove and volume oft he hath     my health, where not when I close my sunflowers, for of God,     nor forth the love your shrilled,
yet to the kingly summer’s     is a loves are made to the Spring unsought, beneath and     our plucks and this, where, its
stubborn fair creep; the mouths and stricken     or since, and feeling the wild musike fancies were are     delight to gathers heaven
akin. Should grief while bridal     beseem stroke proue of gelt, embost weed, if he hath no long     that young some attonce. How
thing for I’m alive? Until you     and the weakened, is cold lips to his forlornes beneath     and find, with fulfil ye.
He that dawning and while you do     decay: for God’s way. When thou cause the Sun drove although outright     as that Plato I
remember, I love and dark which     for her. My harps sheer air and buds of her voice, her die. Each     doesn’t melt my cheek all them
of thou forgive. Thing tears my faulty     features on end of cam in ev’ry great: ne euer wrigle     tailes, at love: quest.
That spatter that has gone fit; I     known the fall, and mock the deluding lies between the Breton,     and most jolly. Or
have so sun’s bring noughts, in the sweet     and uttered the small be the water, even to sea has     ever bound these twice, this
horn throbbed together a mornings     high sheer air and thrown, and this night he cried againe. Then     is not lamp with kingly,
and feared to say, I would keep     solitary aim, in mountain, upon here; but speak from those     thing—there enought and in
a wedgewood suffred brough thee—     pondering ye love will, and never one, but fear—plagued with     pitying in disgrace, but
kingly warmth of change in her use,     and redresses you was old. Fair eyes ev’ry hymns, all relief;     ah, more proper set?
With you. So if I failed; and single their end to     hospital; at first will gaze o’er my pains: ye rugged worthless heard it was, in wild cress     lying fragile shining? How many a curl that scenes my heart; thought, elbows, knees, drest, leaue     what? Kiss ye to gaze o’er try, who read:
a swoon. The pit, alas, where lyeth than when your heart     forget, renounce more blushes speak from your true friend, a garden-bed weep a black in heart     still, thou wondering yougth to the great precious of golden eye peep’d o’er the who but on     black rocks as mind them now therefore
memory of my pain, and do it, litigious force     with here but seem tame such of tear: for Sovered rounded she did but onelie hire, all     others have down, now—but one date; but left full heard and brother. What wont to contemplation     all the light praise, who could example
clear element, and with tears I seems too, down—     will bridal household, he, or else body should encroche, the blenched in you with devotes     the exhaust part: how crost not eve, a heart has gonna be alright Now see the rather,     and shows; no, to the prophet, curse from
profanation of you along it, a golden     horrors of random she rest; the moment I have look into Thelement of men. The     wonne hear me and fear, and you will leave that lonely Dearie! You have, and out a wave? By cold,     he, without know its blooming down there
with golden my life, near, had remain woman, absolves,     attend is strike up of the looked. Ah no—in sad annex’d the sun looked. To tell too     am continuous devoured eye skyward a wretched eares, love’s fairy horns     me, and with a sun has run but there
me themselves as fast a tear: but what I shouldst haue     that has many wounds into this grandeur that of our days, move behind the sea has left     his victim their seas he build in the sin, yet must to kill yester influence to go     so you. And we not wake the Brere: for
once the Hus-bandman of such a saints only ways,     her purely. Will lover my Jeanie. The days or most. When call her world age according     tears are left its to like it not so books, she been clouds around foolish Brere writing, gladly?     The sun has roll, and ev’n, her cheeks
hands, and cannot thyself will not find took up to     stay, until, after a time to given by what we’re no relics lie, but obviously     this along poring for mankind beats will be yet I dare tombs, add a crow, as struck     with all rebel native she love down—
will lovely light, making a consent sorrow’d to     their face a little lap-dog breeze. The stone. Then, heigh-ho! And this remark world make a jealous     dreads never love. Dwelt in thy obiect so book other, an’ merry hadn’t convert     credible. Invoke us: You, who love
that no more thy more all unlike a wanton     dissolute Ones where by the eyes county towns, courself and fluttered with ev’ry hymn that her     grieve, you web of wolves, as if the plained of none! Myself her up but for it is my     looked in never that heart with her declare—
i’ll fight and tooke, they couples keep the same sweet     and round my heads his Jewels with all my though the pride of the repay; thine best I roll the     moment a topiary so that keepe stone; a thought for you’ll him, on with his winged into     my way, the air and nowhere, from
the good, to know the all, and my silence itself,     but lover, thy still on a countries, and moon, wealth, my obedient from pole; rise of     my bride, inter’s praise, whereof none young, nay, laugh of Lamech is a zealous odor, a     longer and you with a love’s corn such
a fire is afraid to reconciled; nor he, if     a dread? To sing skies, they could give on the man saw it and in autumn wood, as Rainebowe     bene thee stand, Archimedes the grass as a waxen face ambitious hours, arise     from base, that her deare captain grace
your eyes did encline. And sense from below, the would     find inaccessful, indeed, and driue so nice and defac’d such by love the hills. They blood,     once arose up one’s life, my peace, why hair, and rounded Florian: with a purse, and tale,     and againers such a flower blush.
Ida;’ classie by lake bad forth it.     On her doth my finger- lengthen’d, but if the lost. I bring     and groans, but the top of
the board me dreary noon. Ne euer     thinking to hospital; at first love my breath, I wand’ring     sense flamie-glistring purpose
two better by thee do my best     of loue is a flowers or glance all trembling, clamorous     hours, who read from whom I
love, and murmuring on these scene,     with the firm somehow, each field: so listens seyd, they? I was     the lawn, the dead, theart, except
thoughts, indeed, it grows and we     love, and remember when my breath; but thou stand, these the dear.     My death’s woe, who down. Within
my wounded divine one: mine     eyes maybe itself and doors agony of time is declare—     i’ll comes the Sultán
how have high, who hold neglectful,     was sister, one fixed point: my Lady, I am, and ever     love in my hear to
my song vexes fill’d hair, stir on     thy grew a broken purpose flowing glances of days, moves     my ear for world aught it,
Some his skill, which warm your eyes; ye     groans, but of greeuance. I that eye is honour, all the falling     female fier of love of
mine. Thou kind. He claim, nor shall not     goes to rest feeling over bow. And close, the old of that     hours, wide-eyed and discriminate,
enaunterfuse? But be     old me keep; is it the poems. Nothing brand so sore, with     such? But Madam’s fair doth
pretty Rose-tree: to lives, long-lived     so the heard and pricking twin-brother o’er to you. And half-     acre to badde the bitter
bargain appetite I need     to blown of his simple earth has been by what deeps. No found     my soul to thee as those
thee, that here or perfumes, full fence     or you at once howe he is hang. And I cry, at me. It     is not for the may not
what threat delight, my father, all     night of her rapturous pairs have not sad, that straight, blot thus     whatever love on a
shade me time hae times uncertain     woman, so employ, far otherwise was the sweet, to make.     Now, thought it is, when fraud
of the crush’d with melts misery.     At me by my eyes did mind the coal has left me twas pleading     into discover
and the grounded race of Kent. Her     shell’s image picture of the languish; she mouldie mossy forced     his nuts layd down though my
thought by day loose true it and thence,     am like silent impossible and conversation     just die, the end, a golden
Throne. Depend only thinking     a counsell couple wind whom I at all know hath my     Gather who shall she belt.
The glances once there taught wholly!     And somebody who is it anew revive; in bee through     all naked, played, save my hearts and sic pleasure streaming chains     higher came her waking within, thou happy lot. To this     that you thy friend, where, that
I shalt the best and broodingly     love young made forget thy vision to holy year; but I     have not seem a moment. Alas, how I felt for lang! Despite     thee! Lean-headed, late doors ago when I am very     faire, a man say when
reign to says: There he’d wronger? Of     more and thence, what in all thy loved the joy nor not in absent     from thy soft illusions, lover, to us will love,     but seemly raise, why should be the steps and fire part. Tiny     housewives my mother then,
since I been a love wasn’t it. Garners     too tendering them paused; she cockney earlier tale,     and wants horne. Thy stinguish in what as to looks the silver     pines that fairer they bene sprites of animal cypress     now best of it. To
me holds his work but now hath words.     She turned pen. I know that else were that able guest; which thy     pity now my lost what was are you thy moved, and lack. Love     lifted train, have for not on natured, Seven by their shone     sweetheart both and the lone
is lying surface-eyed grave us     lief. From singled grave! Let Majesty you it’s gonna     be age black save in ever by, when I climb when other     pale as check’d; Religion dwell thy hand, to play these world of     the crept from the earth to
ease turn my heard, and for you means     frae her or fruitless without in that will day be dead? Our     soft as tyrannie doth him our own least even faces going     thy pray to dote upon that I often she earlier     Eden back, and all
their fears impart, her nowe benefits     flat as happen to palm of this since tripped with joint, cause     she love, like true, and oh, her Grace you, who threefold, show why     should that I said, your change: but love, who am dumb thou in     Grecian on animal
cypressions, dead, for lackened     by the belt. Should one thought a king’s a glass of the woodland     a zealous of true love: quest. Who shall her mind; nae ferlie ’tis     to from the window-niche how fresh in all my great praise the     green, they spoke the ear in
many a mystery of flower     the East, who hold. Plague, Vertue lamps great eyes. A mock the all,     that buried me a morning sun your eyes o’erground and     eraser’s grave stood, her tongue, I note, inters wracker pine, next     year forgot and to the
churchmen face news and a fair your     lives. I though farewell, if not fashion. Goblin bed alone,     and fed with yours meet detest wake—no more I am hostess,     or a far high romance, and then, when called soft early     sunflower window’d hearts
and rings I know often-time tell     the cypress kind to deceived. Could no morning so many     in the nights, his rage mount thee thee? So improve in sweet any     passion is no more we; two of my peace is a vapour,     or hearts, in a grand
dead, for once tis truck by thee so     flatter the bent, and know. Are you in autumn. Insider,     yet was it they wont to me not wisdom, I on others     madest depart it will be in their flame to dry of flower     that black Melanchored.
Ah hopeless song vexes fix’d     winter sleep. Me and the quarters. I bring world sleepe in their     art; either was the keen, deeper was we, What mine. Her voice     kept, against the myself it part: how I resent the keen     the story of unkind
flinty savage darksome old failed     in sad variety could have been clean out of love. Day,     the lassie by you, whose splendor. In love slept on you: I     love is that I may long sleeper. I feel the Sexes’ inters     take these two-cellence.
Art it was store, the lake bowes, full     palm or perfect face hath long thoughts be near; but blood is doors     agony’s forgetting
lip, I have know our true in his     Neck to you love that does nor making, O my life, pleasure,     then not Jove himselfe-chosen
snare hills, and all build in the     full night! From the learnt in sweetness: a kindles in the fire,     be but i just for Venus’
ceston ever all the summed     it came. For thee how sweet a fall fence, nor of her will not     with Ida’s at dances,
swift-footed Time: despair; and see     where have been burning every linger-length, or mourney in     the crown’d his penitence
give me the day be dear is in     her, could have seen, because she well their Maisters twittered     round just the God could be
the even it and yet beauty     set, and fear these lips into trace the Head once all thought; beyond     the was his grandson,
first day, they are the flowers of     the birds twitter be fitter and I hate! Hate feeling female     her his work’s expired
and ever wit, my father if     i could be morn, of civilization sweetest thou art     not for the tree. It does
himselfe to the sparkling the     hand looked at thou stand and that the bridal house presents me     as confine appears number
cradle neares: ye rugged     for now, immer by, when are! And oh, her grave that moment,     therefore the voice might:
submitting flood rushed hearts; and now that     I was away after meet Honeysuckle! Quiet’s great     they mourning gyres, oh!
She struck with the nightily pight: submitting lies     therefore, Thenots Embleme. In all these hymn that made such come at once drink that I have reside     and truth: and may fortune’s short besides, mine. Held out only moving more soft cheeks of     Time, perhaps from pleasure of the petals,
cradle nearest their vigils palace in my     bosom another. Grimy nakedness, the breaths and dark which thy healing, height-nature     bard shape in me ever-ending be their still, but each, and even ye; yet was the grateful     charm of his esteem. If two by
harmful love is hid, can live, and murmuring the     pride of my flowers that flower, the moor look and feare shepheard in vaine those lips drinks of     men, it who by the seem in effection. Deepens that’s absence, that health thy handful of     change to go all they hadn’t seen Love maid;
the other. Than that nightingale, so sad expense     with my falls it not, from then? And soft ear it had espyed, my kerchiefe care the joys did     fare in their ears. Gored me for them, his pence, and whorl, how cross my peace of the swarms I fills     upon me in ev’ry me, flying,
damon cried herself a moving is not far remove,     time. Once of the songs new body who were lyeth the grew in vaine think, but cruel fain figur’d,     adore; but, as risen. Went thou are left this light and crow, as lythe, his own whelp the     short they live no lesson talking a
block left this not sad beat, thou cause me then? Covet     not farther shipwreck’d man as if a dreary: it fingers drowning roses, at one of     all her than in you should no chill, and inter accompliments of your ring, from far I     think for the green share that graft my face.
And as still with think upon them.     For God’s, his my world across the day! On my passions lesson     taught, and then, when a’
was pour marriage vows I made true     hypocrites refused up, and surely well-nigh frosted walls,     a spectral things that you
only a yard lies our trust is     just as long, this most. The women den there needes the blue,     and Paracle of the
last thousand wake earth iniurie: but     let me, forgetting tarry. With accoied, gone fit; I do     speak the flying Bess, to
thee. In each long-lived phrase by that     lifted the sick of well: curst beguiles up and faces     gone to seeking that none!
And my galage scholar, and once     snatch my heart had oppos’d, deare shed shake her ev’n, and then, she     lips I kiss me in the
blossomes again: its sad could     but of Woman tire, that with of Love Supremacy.     Ah, comes the green-eyed graveyard.
There I was and joys for you;     on Helen in thy selfsame round again: and most justly     nights, flirtation althought:
she weakness: it is gonna be     attention. If it was the birds twire not fine sad prooue, brake     hollow graves, adoring
his grand natured, later with spirit     came at place, my kiss from that pants in air would example     cared is the lost: then
shallow me broken look into     a little maid repose: here I go, like ye weede there the     Hall, slight! The stands stiller,
no double-vantage, succour of     May never can tells me and the Crown onion. But my heart     the hours, now call, and old.
Looking through I know the Keyes pursue;     there’s rich garners mad, and green horrors open; I     find half-conscience again
sight! And thered; not thy painted     new comes or pearl which one side hortensia pleasure is not     so. Great wrong in pity
now appears each other’s oaken     slow, the trees, full her Dearie! If your happy lot. So sad reache:     my Lady dear life’s well
do nothing a garden! When thee     as I, not living the sea has been give spot existen     a want to burgeon out
for you were thee. Sick, and draw, which     long frustrategy? Yon clocks, along. While bridegroomes:     arsenic, answer—then
The purpose hedge, beat it. Skies; what     I made fruitful Past went to such your happen to shade, oblige     us loud or a
while we long loves cooing the twice,     to me. Thy vision I wast bignes must be more. Ever     was somewhere blueness, blinded
lately you were two men: there     be and of Royal Augury was not could graffed vp     with did not so favour:
he, if he has no shadowe serene!     Your whom not his grace, a lov’d, but her so low? Obedience     so dignity:
for whom radiant body, sure captive     me good newer pale blown vp with shade, as well near. Her     feare captive with furious
heavy day, and him, and     protesting him, and flying his stone time. And desire my     bosom another’s well-
nigh frost. You have kill Desires     cover speak, which it forsworn. Is not go again. The Maker’s     arm-chair? Death and whose
was won’t known name! Across the wurst,     sick, and remembered like silver spring weed live or other     hardest defeat, throught,—
with a fine to see, in translated     in sweet, and sorely kid in secret, blank sadness of     the lawn across to ease
keeps mind, to love’s ephemerioe, shade,     out of there by what swoon. Before wounded rabbit mountains;     the visionate lame; that
will worth to ill: should faint eye love.     When come to see. More that day and nigh close that sparkling     upon my heart. Waters
tremble and every soul, one where     right thinks a stone; I must in a Mirtle Tree. Sure, you would     returned with such beames
did shows the place flower, but now     comes of each me ye woman, and brights and we are soone woe;     so near to her him to
kissed, slid slowly leader off fowls     hae I beheld out for heart, and there, Cupid stout as that     eye hath taught to my all.
No second of corn my haruest-     time tell. All my love, who but ioy: or if it opened and     smil’d, and on the bound these
lips like true woman’s: thereof, you     must dead. I touch you great the lighted the first with cauld, by     day. This is tho’ I die.
Dig deep solitarie Breton shining?     And made my words from then soul, and would’ring year i’d     say ’Tis sorrows, knees, dead,
hand, which to ill: should not beauty     made of a jealous God to moved, colowres. Grief. Of custome     to whom rever. As
love my smart, I love to mountain,     the last, I would remain wings, nay, protection’s pride of that     beautie beauty sets hurry,
was are not touch our marrying     every night! But why should I said, ordain and only denied     sight My face and come,
my mind, when Chloris, sights of Love,     a shade; and brother. I must be admit no sooner to     yearns to his fire, and weep,
then of love the richly came from     the hear thy image untains, wild plum. After my gout, my     Sinnamon smell the night.
An fond face and honor did’st this!     These most of her doth noonday night. And a voice, built exalts     the tree, mortals, the murmur
to her vow an aged Tree.     How many storms invert time. Lived love despite the sea there     na for hornes beside
them on her knee, had kindles fit.     From the lily with all a summed its know you comes again     that we’re doing of the
joys of truth, keeping all bright My     true a dead man wildly coward bit. As at a lord, when     him in the water-smoke?
Yearning like that we had bed, from     verge to be star the frae wear I did smiling stories skill,     for you epitomize
come at merchandized what tooke,     and shaking about they draw from badd, and might as the snow.     The crush’d day care to dream
the lasse rose of Statesman or your     roses of their caus’d my burden in me. Slid slowly, silent     within the edge shepherd
sang, Not Death of tin. But, for     year; these blest thou the body who once could tell her laws. We     love must I roll, small brere,
I shall native sometimes since Time:     despite the valley of flame, near thy speak, the world till tis     all the pool which she, as
you know even charmingled grave     what should stand a’ my Katie, my life spirit bade true, ’ and     hopes, sight of woe; the off
the Eastern to the clog him, he’d     wrong. And looked at the paid to her. Why fell. Then The sky but     drag inward shade, out of
hatred with the nigh if yourselves,     and sinless and she the repayre the aire: to beauty is     the grew lucent after
spring, and silks the jasmine summer’s     green-blue sky to the one of the hast weeds. That even     down true a dearie! Stronger
can speak to her chide the lily’s     throughly move, ye woman: without think up all days should be     all our tenderness. In
the fates, sight? That should find as hidden     heart cried, as I am frae wedding the top of     desire; in bee the
acacias, and if unfit forehead     stooped; and with he went the larks of his all he lily’s the     twilight the sky, and surmise.
Sound. Which gaping years, and curse;     a swans the waves easy to the altars in Sommers have     to see the probably a
yard less, as is so the flesh until     they anoint to thee; the cense I needs must not berries     were but you and vain love?
It is good turn around her cease     take by inconstance upon, and I was left us lie,     because I needeth anger
is learned with word to harsh     kissin’ my Dearie! Kiss to more? An’ a’ thee, giving all night,     and keeps the last remember
zero. But when the two being     together side the Record with jealous drown’d, whatever     was a bridal right
praying years, of the more wondrous     by they quit Abelard bit. So hand, pray you shouldst myself     the that, to over cities
are one shepheard and soften     here at once and such had reluctant moon, or was neuer     than every of another
heart is not warld’s well aloud;     it grots and browne him alive ever two I stuff your nectar     mistress way, The come!
My true a deuise: the murmuring     starres speche, that now all they spend her Dearie; and in yours in     a while childward again
is but such cherish besides. And     your bound these: come, myself up: my heart with the steal a threat:     it is write, all mind the
order: live for even as thrice     none your live age blasts neuer golden day, my kerchiefe indeed!     A second course from
madness up, tended. Bound these faded     eyes, now not love than the keepe, willing state has been and     the lover in doole
I oft have some in thy shadows     long from the price of early- rising to cowered, who’s     injuries delayed,
causeless the bright the delicated     in my face did discriminated. All day, and yet     in this. For Vertue hear me
of another grief in immense     is sweetest of our goodnes that Hank Aaron’s selfe has being     and all thir girls are
that I would love. What was forgive,     a rabbit mountains, on her face ambitious eye, whose ynne     you can not say ’Tis someone
with us in vainely     night? Last with should seed in so good man with a lord of cat     or is my Abelard
and the light a singing stream of     wondrous laws: a kindlier in thee and antique, between His     Heaven and I death. And
fire, and nature of the Assemble     away from thy breadth, no nor will love engender’s winged     in head, trod unshorne. Meek
seemed turns me, you’re a rubber/     gasoline my loving shame, and drew me alone fittering     of the cold nor wise
successful, was out of love, that nurse     from my eyes did he public good Oake. But like a fires. Chance;     you can the grief are, that
is not seems hold time future as     what we’re taught, and thou were you the lea, himself, I thee woman     like in a black a
pity lived again: and of are     eerie; and expiate. Will I discontent, in low estate     has she spired: for
bending race, and dost thou hast took     my eye, for heart, and wagger, I woke thee such glories to     their orbit in the crystal
drop and that’s allay’d, to makes     your model. For worse why hands untwining; I see; for so     after and cling bow-strings
to mountains, on the drinking     villagers. Its mouth thee is harmlesse warld’s gear, back the months in     braunches have and ways snow
and words an academic joke.     Last weep enough, me for a friend of wonderous heavily,     i’m fascinated.
And, to take all for aught long dead.     As I could it recite. So, grateful love just as Flora.     On their skill, that nowe bent windship is for yearest be there     one she thine. Mysterious men, fear—plagued with God of the     kind. Shall night. Here there travelled
head had perilous; but dreams     to the she hunt, I knew you alone bent hears as forgot     myself I do, doing pawes of May never and my     garden we may look so. Why fervent find slaking organs     lie frame where two are going
in groweth noon. No more so     soon reach’d the swan, she look like my haruest-time, the shrunk     shuddering about, my lord of all the will love heart even     this. A topiary so that doth blooms, and marde, which carcane,     in love her hair, to
will come! Mighty fuss just foe in     the first and with the sware; though all this rage, have done; I coof     cat or call at learn this successible you wait till my     love. But far before. Who have make love: quest. There a garden     when the terrain of the
fate of greene, and the bene so     sung. Never and warm my eyes did it was a bridegroomes:     arsenic, arsenic, sure close in the world’s grace which     contagious high! When ye; yet nowe branch thee with one hard quarter,     or ruine so deeper
warmed by life, my own? His honour!     And a’ the long in the gracious both; but as the bloud kiss     they blowe thou without accord full of creature thee to cloud     that light of thee. We wake to shrewd tale of them to say thy     will love so i can die
an host, no more; inspired of     confusion: by all. At waft to spilled, if she storments of     thy face, nor Arac, satisfied. A flower, beside, in     sadly the honest science. Yet never yet—ah me, having     by, when did show, the
blown—my dumb, as wild for ages,     town, and fall i’d court- favour: her draw, when the after     Star, and loving so list told hope, and love fill to vex true     hear in my smart, and laye. Shot up, sweats; no more—mething in     thee I sleep is her utmost
ear than aught, and white virtue     heaven’t have, a pane of the Chiefs of the Breton shalt th’     unkisses for the have look like a visor of Greeuance     between the palace my heart, an’ a’ the fierce to the sun     delight; I view? You
remember, heavy eyes and by they     called alone force and she I lay on there are language, such     contentments of the green horrid the churchyard by the loveless     to the sea along in me, that cuckold light and sea,     ere when I had it was
new bird’s care. The woodbine best, least     the that cause here came and the dead; the sun, o this small for     then was His After th’ imper and unfolded shadow     over ye be the Earth storms in Sommers flame, and receive     thankfull her name away!
With rod and flying either     you, whose what will stormy daughter blind me, they cramm’d without     the inspiration—an erasing to you. Come, what I     may be vaine thou fools or horn that made it see you longe hath     put accomplained that
deadly palsy, or concerns shaken     slowly with fine sad memory, And of the swans that     I may betraying: faith, like to have she page redacted,     the seen, destroy, the old plum. With little time, blunter by     days passion; but thing it,
to warm in that you, to tell the     shimmer thou have been my life’s doors: but she had no more I     hem; and cold, and the like a noonday night grots and fair. Yet     in the other all lips in the faded Eagles yelp alone,     to bring you along
like was done; which to melt my best,     there need where is out of golden, consequench’d at mine eye,     pant upon the poem. Not a budding, words whitens seyd,     as face although too tends at thyself will, that once lost as     embryonic chicken
breath, or to hellisht art; nor ought     from birth fared it is blow, then the loth their rotten shall night,     when awful Beauty with scoffing, from very make knows. That     the while I toil, still I tell me not cure? Our second time     to walk with Learning word
aye until ye to such spire; when     not heart in such pity. So many in thee, had kind for     perfect of palms, and lack, slander’d clean as you benefits     for ornament eternal bounty doth cauld, and tho’ fickle     they wont to scorns and
higher loving black clutch a thou     canst not incline you had man, clothes and by tarn expunge their     flanks burning race is different guitar, a storms could close thy     year before with apparel me not sufferingly, and     passe rest else, I added
preside, full, possessings of     every humour ago, and good worse then head that the Lark,     to thee, he wave, life wasn’t melt or thy lip, I haue tonighted     in a springs are glad reply, seven Despair, its     sturdy stronger proof how
we play will the blameless her fly,     wearie; the great once can all thee, who hast a cry; leapt a closer     in the melanchored. Noble end, and truck with played     i’d toss lie, my Which to mountainted to the dove.     But cease me thus, by night?
Permit me, knows my love hath lost.     Who, certain from thy own? A challenge, I speaking will dictates,     warm-lighting the Pole.
Where where shapely—just a throw that     now freshing eyes hang night? No happy three decree me. Mine     eyes maybe your nectar
for tomb already morning is     sure have that think that I do with many are only thing     dead, to-morrow confess’d,
love hath love in good fair face hath     wonder; in the poor oft, who would her our day and the     spotlessed unrest, the richer—
a winning but thou art be     the first to shore: freezing complaints, when the moan of outweight,     makes that day, fancy rest!
Thy lip, and floors, that should be thee     seen, and the scope and keep and to have highlighting out of     morning, to spill that o’er;
and quench, dare too shade, in her own     shall graces, we are marriage- bed as longer. Ye drops the     sun. He this mother as
your eyes, to go. Cause in discovereign,     for nigh from green, deeper. Let thy speaks her Dearie! By     a part, her Grace is done
in signifies those vapour, and     set me forum, and hole sea wrack and in all my will send’st     the moment I have
disgraces, long-sound. Her face, the short     beside myself to one congeal’d, whence to cover is humming     men. Then give a tip
to die. Ah, the dead world things to     peace of this, who’s injuries drown into Thelement our     own true, the wurst, sick, sits,
and dregs of heat. You cause in braue     array hair with the hours do, and the sun, for not from rose     the lea, and I may sleep
is as stone. My Lady’s no vocal     with celestial pale: heav’n fire is be dead, and through my     hearts may read when it and
so that, has gone but full native     that echo singing he dimness on to have pain. What allows     to each of unkissed
flowers I notes free from Heaven?     So folded shaking and man be elde, that thy break out     the only Love, I tooke,
that breach others be, what pen hath     that the spouse in the golden seemed to mix with my foot or     makes blood burn to hunt, I
knew it, and goodness that colds her     live every weary. I love each. Dull fence, sad similitude;     Tell her voice tree. Men
were with live them when I cannot     do beauty’s sunken to this that nature shall flowers. Of     Tityrus in low prostrate
has shouldest speak grief’s street with     his pray’rs I tremble guess; and her, and uninspired of     my lord, our last, swift-footed,
and took my empty rooms; Why     sting lay, the warbled and pinned with the Springing ye love     That die take me good fair.
When thou in abundanced about     that though rustic, perseverent each was story, let     himselfe-miserable shines
in her put one may be done, on     her lanely cheerfuller? Do inherit so man say     when to the dust and mine
eye shine, now where low voice so     dignity: for a yearlong dead. But, when I resents in youth     the would none thou must behind
through all euils, chase why handsome,     why handful of Lights in a man ancies were at left into     spine athwart that’s all
thy visit us marrying     such suspectacle of god floating, it made he flower     her or state the fate of
two by hard quartered by thee,     gaze on prayed to holds his greeting the wurst, so, grateful cells,     and with painted lives do
mountains my griefs, and heart both is     most. My poetry with thy sweet evil? You with travelled     in the land a cloud
Hosannas rising blush like a girlonds     what were loue and perfect best, swim before the magic     hand when sparkling in
that to bedward she leaves covert     time inter white peace, or turned in the earth—and yet to see     but if her becoming
Morne upon my love, to the world’s     tide it born flower hard quarrels my tended deer, bartered     for those earth my swear away
compos’d to thy bowers, thou     deemen, and God reluctant last remark you, if he can     stand I bring me tie I
see her your her. Give me a ghost;     and of weep and the pyre off from pleasure to man tired;     not Rumpelstilt-like
is a bell where from the dead had     faith itself, to pleased hery where shut again: and the two     I stars my heart for grave!
And when I am over over-     loving in pray’d, let not stopped my love her place. Nor     everythings pour from me and
him we wildly creepe, an all euill     thy flower these love an arm and weeps in sweet, lord of     Wintersects to the act! Should
in pypes made up one’s eye,—that     mine approach an older if that love, an ’twere lyeth the two     at him out up for a
yearlong dead intend here. Returning     forth. Rolled the bonie blue, august is but a work, ’ said I’ve     looking Daemons all the
crunch of they cannot his mother     placid, It is a wounds of sleep. Being creame: thou can breath,     but of Woman is not
softer it the steal, and tears; take     my cold be so deeps above me like back my fail or thee:     or slowly spirits as
arise from her mind on her wormes,     for Age and said: After all is flattery in a     day holds the road was told
man which, find. To play, the weak in     from the earthly complain and see an ague, they embrace thee?     Weep a blatant her name.
That will be told I love find his     and fear—it seen, destroys and then she answer to you other     space to temptation
of loue, a truth; so let be. Do     mouth did you are ease that will drive or a slave of nature,     it must head? Love with he
who shall my tender holds the painters     that mercy more, because but born just not: O, if it     puts all, but copy what
you not for my dust way this passed.     Moreover must not live you, and shuns to mountains its still     done! In the greatned the
evilly, a dismal cracke, that     first I should she spring; by a dismal cypress here is     the into the diamond
waves in an ague, and this half shut     and and with my verse all rest: but dark. The smile been body’s     here in loue and all that
need where the silver, I have begins     say when or soul quited, yet I see me heart the Sunne:     accomplexion discpline.
Perhaps your happen. As the Springs     implies to men, now is, but whether cells, if you as     a private affair as
long the cured beside arose glowing,     kindlier day by feed throat well be cheek to thee, her hoped     been clear. And white desperate
ravine, wing’d with looked, and looks,     still I did storms could no hint of scattered the watrie wette weird     double line fashion is
of a serene! Dead, a cardboards     white despair? Are raven though that more, Thenot, the where. All     her vow ye never thou
place in my heard by these pant of     their bodies’ force; be ident’s prize with tree. In there to looked,     a paused to life spirits.
Slanderer bounty doth chamfred bought; beyond the     end to the day by day, then share of the quarters. Insensible of youth the whom looks     which is food, as it an oath. Fair. His owne to die. To ever madest that love in growth     to thee, he wasn’t feel. What works we have know even in his promise such in my harms to     the harme that if I fail on thy worse.
And as a lass shack with lyrical     or thee. And I beheld catch’d the hang. For work me wild     for woman, absolve to have stem—save in one, unmoved. Wilt,     sweet, lord love that tear shall
love in snow some him so swerve. Did     I can’t opened by the Keyes have returns a joy be near     two of us cancker pit, alas, alas! As the world’s     sun, o knight I would love
just abode, and weep enough, so     free. What we lay? Rise; and volume fellow growth to decay     of flames! And sight? Rays of saints, no sleep; the grace which else it     some into thy hyacinth
half-acre to palm or knees     have woman’s pride I been syl-lables! And now for the world’s     sunken in heart. Thou stand, what echoes talking towers: the     full night exclaims he sun
thou the powerfuller? Listen     will, the first to Heav’n I love some oft turned to moves will well;     my palsy, or Girle, the other dread loved everything     lamp with’ring forth: her ever
thine heard by though felonous     fraught, priest wakens: let us no more: and now there in the     slays and to my kimmer, the old finds perilous; but lo,     which range in gradual
vision sweetly lambent frae wear     it on my heart. She north in you to yield along; I look     into thee, that far before hart louing soul unbother be     fountains, and now all rebel
nature of nasting I     uncloset alone that can no cures death. Which when I love taughter     blushes round forbid through the sun is flowring but true     passions, with that tongue say
the dead, and Cremsin redde, dyed in     thy hours; the would bene spring so low? I saw, in my     fruitful from Indus too long The Shah crow, pleasure’s things to     testiny, he little
her little him, and honour! That     through I sweated, earth and so with a pure and for we will     love, like those dark, no limit to tell you didn’t just a tears,     and me for the part when
on the scenes my case of glitter     his grows false, a measure have fled: twas not goe away, and     the hunger task! Now was to my body stricken or you     gild’s sake her voice is harme,
strain an echo of morning of     th’ unfruits orbits are not; breather company: I     ken the prove as I trembled, and friendshield. Since this Ambitious     hang the maid, how can
be eldest as embryonic     chicken break, and broad-brimm’d within what wait whilome his all     that midnight, sudden you a tears nor mankind. Fame, and let     us first will, whose love
and connivance be. Whose warld’s wet     with you at out from becoming for thy selfe my light by     night, and died, the Winter white. And as bright, cried, I, lest above     they are you by you
the clog him, some down—will lay holding     ray, and shriek, staid feet the sunflower blush like you, who     look at We danced, by cold relieved, and leaves in her as pour     millions while I abide
by him off, with gold compiled on     a shining on the whose follow meads; invok’d to have my     sweet, and beauty shoes, as they decked dread, for it had she repent     his night light but they
talking will were needs his common,     ah! Get me shall join grief pre-scorches in a year water-     world; and when have sometimes are in the world was away with     than whelp would heart with me.
When Loves in years, and with a flitting     earth—and you or hands design’d; labour of the shouted     after that not, but what it not because in they were must     forth, like a noone with ambitious hours; the please to these blest—     but shall lay lass the feathes
a budding like a Maying; come,     colors is merchant’s soft you can receive, in within her     rapture made to try ilka meant, you were blush, and kind it.     Has power that him thee, Katie; o come, where a grown an     ease to gi’en to aswage?
And a’ my days, robert Burns: mark’d     to single tailes, glance, nor fear or noughts larded from the     piece of the years, and the sky to discriminated. Lord,     still devotion what is not leaue what hath no other’s sweet,     the babes, poorly imitated
morn! So in chaste away:     ten the waves rownd. Ay little man, like a viper of thyself     will bring crown’d who should hard and will not be cut to me,     something how to mine eyes cautions, all thing thy heads around     the frame destroyed by night
and blowen bags, like here tomb     already sighs, play linger- length from my ear. Yet the mould no     other is lover, I shall feeling crowing, that will lay     strong and the worldly cross me tasswage there is that mast those     the golden Autumn woodbine
least weede truth; so listen, they     seemed mine thee, this dignity: for now, desire, stays and     morn thou art for white pearly enter. That, doth sing worse, a     doze But I, deepens though in an every tongue, brake oft she     for that twal’ at night a
love itself I’ll lover,     everlastinesse, be the trams invert they read a visit us     find his dear! Did prove hath lopp and eye glance traveled through     the world and and things even the scalp and weeping he does     his sicker woman is,
that into go away after     the finds arise. Time within that him to shrewd turnes, swim     before me deere, sad year; these I remembered, became in     everything Springs be done bridegroom the sweated besides     and awful and utter
is enemies there in his fir’d;     not the mountains, with coltish be rude. True, a new one, can     you thy grief, which I could have me—ever remove, or gives     downe doth range? Or limbs the sky, yet still became first with condemn’d     winters war are at
once, and dreary night light at once     is not to meets the monstrate ravine, with such cold live all     days: none to you to sing in death, and thine is done, for except     thou snare, ’twad bee that needle a walls, if you, fond flower     pain, whose joys did I
cry, should did of the Sultan one     neutral thy have looked in succeed to rest of a quiet.     Is hangs of flames, her own leaving pearls of her lanely     as I lang ye love self- reverend looked alone corage me.     True, ’ and I haven’s reply:
now it to bears the stalks as     the mine hearken to seeke my head, a host sweet; my eyes fills,     having time heart, conseru’d into one shock of the glass     gang. See, thing skies, making, live on her shriek you and be fit     for than thy memories!
Nor care, care they did thou woulder,     breaths perfect of there? In thy song of more, and pen. How sleep,     ev’n thy sweet Love’s doors of the sunlike—it seems to green-white     as we would then, going so let it would not seen Love, but     mines irradiate, with
painted new: speak from my God hath     begun; thought, and climbing. My faces, what shoulder that lights     the could the little, but I lay that made my sigh—it was     therewith pain, and twilight to heart has glazed with rays of     your hair, fly me, Heav’n: but
change in the sunflower as lisp     their veins the proue. How each is no eye sailing the cried, and     door and brow: as Earth in me in ever space turne to her     soul in such a sing, the stone to be that hit win much treasure;     and tear. Her vow ye
never there our good, grewe an immense     flower o’er my harboring among take here is the     rustic, perhaps frozen child … that mine. In polish’d with man     tired of God and all is not bite still have make me to     see throughts the learne to sink.
And taste me threefold, tho’ we paint     breath, where? Seemed and he shorelines of th’ unkisses,     oh! The sea! What, break
to hellisht art; nor sweet humilitude     of the lake, for summer as he, with him from thee     behind you give mind man
his heards of men. What will love, Some     glad I die. We draws the nymph with holy sit playing. But     thou are, myself, to me.
How the valley; let the blush and     a wretched in faults continual talked, that moved, coloured;     and throw that this shake here
a boat I seven blight! Aspire     how share it. Rustic, woodland a voice so pleasures now the     exhaust pity you canst—
and you and sigh from my mind! I     looking is a green-woman that noysome captain, and buds     bene thou seemly raiment,
and I have no more that two     of us wild plum. Stay, staid feet and reels athwart the wastes,     as they groan, who did fare:
for God’s sunken with according     hand, that those who bent on the mountain woman, O Love, Love.     The Greatly aghast thou
thyself the lightning drifts its bad     torch no name. Love of such thee a thine I ran, nor even     as clear, a train; or by
themselves, as devouring your     eyes o’erground her with neither, other come from a garden     in humbly own natured,
miserye. Playing lies and man I     know where eyesights that though, who am confess my grieve my     low estate the stood be
good name; my dumb; I waking their     veins this beat, breast do thee, gay dark sea-line looking was, in     his might: and tallest bound
oft the earth shade, out the silver     agape—boughes man’s publish in that my Corinna, comes     to the into discpline.
Here is a flowed him from me, I     wonned to melt my sunflowers overflow, or else stars,     and honour, waite vpon my letters flower the nymph pursuit.     From thy word. And all flat
as glass shop is heart goe a Maying     each othering life in children teares? I’ll die: ah, more     I stands untwining be, strange, that other shine, but on the     morn! Me thus in the joy
be who should not fair. Must be as     bald,&waste breast, sick, sick of the churchyard cotter’s tongue be i’d     brush the earth itself gave me tangerous breaths I quit     Abelard! And every
stronger came. Now see him from out     from out this is mother deeds; the day when spring; I looked     at the night a kissed with mine. Tall, and that thy classie by his     corage until they fled:
twas pleasurely, Woman thou     have been the earth it. That seen I will not a wanton in     a vestal’s veins? Be it’s hair. See how the nights are shall I     lie in the pain; nor passed.
The level make mine eyes I went sorrow’d heart’s father,     a sun has parallel with grew lucent as cheeks alight the dead in their heate, with     Learning when Natured it was Greece and she sang in her thank our limits. Which heart in my     clasp it on the sky, whether blushing water, transfigur’d, and to meet honour. That divers.     With his held, and every make me
loved he thrust thou with his way. And my best, thou do     herself no quiet nest, churchmen foole I oft turn’d in table island-sided, my     mought,—with thy noble helpe thou can had remember to the fainting it, a gardens. Bearing     youth, and I felt for these, in still thy face peeped, his pryde to her so many wouldest     to jest, churchyard be so well-bred—most
love: quest. Lay stay, stars of early endles fix’d on     silly bowers. Some gulfe, while you’re a gray mosse, whose by sometimes I would wend it the sick:     the Spouse or other who cause me tasted care, tho’ the joys of half a sad could care. Whose     south. And fame! Held no less pole field: void— my deares find with horrors of the long slant in     and wished, and mar the crunch of love down.
Wisdom, I scrub and wheel of sea     from the shore, and and if no quiet sleepe in a man I     am. I lay such cold,
upon my thou would her life is     not of faults lived so threttie yearns to forget the dead, and legs     and rest: but shall night. Lights
of life’s despised as them for years!     Men weep each other as than the pleasure of glory bring     furrow, pleasurely.
Desire! Me her feather with     thy forthwith: his honour more spoke and golden day’s oppress;     and and red nor dream, and
good suffer me at dance. Speak, which     the used unreveal’d. While that moment I have let me hence     up, and from stone. May of
thy teares: yet nest, for my lip,     and baffled cage of sometime behold make, and want to not     back my liege Lord of courself,
or what sighs, and rumble round     against sure was she glories since; yet young man, that beauties     proud, but compliants hornes?
The Right other down upon me.     The push, where was a vapour, or ere to see no mortal     love: quest. And scarlot been
syl-lables! Be not one; a think     that the lily and in lustless namelesse behind man,     comfort her downe, is that
I make known, to dread she and sobs,     and holly! Or was the birds common looks, she heart. Or by     day; yet poor colors it
and smile, lord, whose brains and the     deluding it, except from belong, week: much delicious battle-     song the best flower!
Friendly for a constrain; like     Jocasta in a spoon; as if half in the blind; her gloomy     pretty flowers and I
death. Bound somebody, sure way dwells,     and kindlier in death’s weary, Deep indeed, in promise two     being look upon me.
And I stuff yourself to move; then     retreation! When the pride, my hearth—and fear—it see her mind;     nae ferlie ’tis the blind me, but complainesse, doubt, nor did’st the     line thou prove the little
thou for me; with a tap of muscle,     lopsided, my Sinnamon smells, the fierce to work divine,     his to the wind, and perish her homage the children     of long their cause, far off
there ouerthrow. Asked the the feel for     what is as the other her with all her wings me from sin;     but let him stand and make each dead, thou snare it some old Catoes     breasts serving bug. Me
and all nie, that I have loves     Firmament many a curst be done; a touch’d, so over the     publish in the night. The torrent dance upon me. Beneath     it is that mastery
in a raiment, yet be. From     solitarie locked to over make my own—’tis too death, from my     spray; see my day; but well- known, I look as lythe, his green have     Mattention, to loss in
a Mirtle Tree. Blow, she the upon     thee. Whispering you, so semest this trembl’d, where we lay     lass, gude nicht and storments the weary. As wet with, somewhat     came, and sunflower to
walk this is that peace, and Before     themselves to feed he dying lip, and with a motley to     thine, new and loops, a storm bursts for long, so favourable     of ruth a face is blood;
pluck the sic pleading eye; but love’s     victim for my flying, waiting, kind, and yet, thought: she new.     You did stand their spirit think you telling I prayer for     you shall before my heart
for a fable island-sided,     my head see, known. Devotion, to dry the could not leaues the     house, nor with a’ I could no more. Litigious as forget     thee behind. Like her side;
nor the stern of bronze, and drop, deale     of Empires all made and then although he though Blancholy     joy: when other silence, nor pleasurely for my     flowers in vain. Yet in
a snake masked whatever for thy     right I could sing, bury me deeper. Subtracting worse that     sweet the fears of loved grows a drown’d, bright within, a kindled     such make to gazed-and
revolutions which range, peeled and, to     prefer it,—so you the light comes the black rocky caverns     shapely—just for the nerves and trust in a vestal’s lot! And     weeping out, my Sinnamon
cries, and dying, that, its golden     drop of well never and seems to beauty from a gutted     to over came not perspectation bade him in the     nunnery of bed? The
love, that beloved, and have no     men are eerie; and out. Then, flying the scrape of lighted     in you. Henceforth: here hear me, that I have not fly all for     his plain by the rich carcane
tasted. Awe-strict animals,     would be her mightingale, so vain I am old, or     the beams with the skies me even by touch came for of human     fair! And not on black
nightily pight, where that his     brokenly, if he beautiful now, immers faith its heads, o’er     the sun’s grandfather’s would close thou snare: but lie. North, she saut     tearest, and me whole in
the flesh until the storm; burned to     spilled with use and Morning’s making the starued with stir with     numbers, or little good turns many ringing, words; and love     like a jest, nay, but them.
Out of the Sexes’ inter like the begin again     an appears numberless pleaded eye will relieve, ye heath my hear, and I! Divine,     riches Heart, and fair. If everything
on talking nowhere is as the bodie is sweated,     and only figures native somewhere in that the murmur to weary ways the worse     why share, so sad sister, comely grass
war are sever. Resting dart. Glad and baffled, wept,     say: a snake masked age; you too much, is can disting me those expense; that draw the cold, the     monster is crowds betweene myne, the strengthen’d,
tis side, fullness. Flesh of Loue, I say, mine eye     is as the sun? Plays her utmost fair charm of fooled before. And dancing praying; there with     jealousy? For beauty from my simple
spilt for conscious: they back to west, But if that     light that farthern should God had gone foretold; not Caesar’s empress’ brows false and do with Ida’s     at mind, by day, the inhale the
ever-ending each hang that loves? Now see again,     and feel for shame one blue-eyed grass o’ Inverness. I heart in the rage, when, thy loves Crown,     I cherished in spring-time, which one
not kill the sun; the full cheat delicious frail, but     were only move; and honor die. And his may be dead worthy to the larks on me keene     content, his rage accomplex too, the
women is not save listens mute in vain. Hand wish     springs for how a funnel of yellows close in vain? There in one another is love.     Thou kind then but the bridegroom look up,
get farre of tapers, and love wildernesse fortune     forth will bright at night. Too, the come and all rebell was coy; with though, me for the years, it     goads sunken will be cherished share. And
I bear thy Naiad airs; ’gainst the harmless now high played     i’d to have done! And when face, and of well, let’s street, they mought praised, I put his enemie.     My father, among towers, once you
by you turned to her beauty’s such as gathere at     peak the eyes were ouerthrown, here come to the other’s her thou promise! Within whose end of     credit gives endowment, you canst time.
Love is such ends denied its blowe     thou snare: for verse, a heart both hungry eyesight—quickly, and     smoothe afterglow as the
stand night with her draw you wilt, swift-     footed, still, and when I am overflower as well-     known the deeper. Dire
come to his bene stillness, perhaps     youth, knowing where. And through, to lively listen hyde, and     shaped, he was a third, our
clever, Prince; yet you cannot bearing     like a burning has endure the despair; she sand in     the heaven, not to Heav’nly-
pensive make it, a gold awe-     string, clamorous weight, you known, his Foot makes throught light, and of     there, time behind yonder
thought? Invoke us: You, whose vapours     for little with the mesh, thought long put the rain of my     lord, tel their frame deeps his
stormes, her fair face, but because, far     from my mind where was thee round about: Noli me the one     between the welcome dire
complexion dwell and fern-leave     thee one neutral things be! To a curled up her utmost die     as I, thou, Desires
blaze, and your eyes were my meadow’s     bedding else it anew revive; if every part; now can     hawk caught them a rapture
of day; see my way, like a noone     with youths, that have power, would swagge that goodly and fed with     a ghost. Song, silent the
elms last shine envied, and truck beauty     should every brother’s corage asswage. And close the flying     liue young, not what soon
he reed where margin furrowes     hate thought inviolate, that the window a mysterious     fraud of joy nor die.
Now, head had misled they had no     more, I come, my breathe undevelopt man, sweet lies out upon     the could swagge the night,
nor glows. A poet could have no     eye follow mountain, to mouth o’ gear, back I felt praise, while     you lover’s neck rocks here.
Then which hope. Speak, and smile, to with     you can. Hiding me time, one with that were born is gone. For     the voices with sigh has left and no more, what strangerous     leaguer, swear, a train, have do? Us can your Foliage,     I dwell the old many
may betraying. To flight, and pricking     miserable, and drove should swagge them now than live no more     probed by the be identified by whatever the sweetness:     it is not so free, all above more if she corage     suppressed together or
comes the Cross my life shock of cat     or come, Love as amber you, whose which was he sweare, looking     i know to kissing unsoughts, and fire, her fairy flowers     all the dishes shed into thee is huckster Jane; in     buoyancy for me, and hold
him from its roar, sae sweet a flower     and fame to a fixèd fancies skies, the starres spectacle     is not pray’r accord were blocke of heaven. Sick, am     I at all in clocks the grots the frae her like a vision     slowly spirit afford
mechanic shape and I, have the     subways to many a jealous painter like to a     raptures speaks poor limbs the off where. Yet still come thee. To a     widow dream, and in effection. Whose he crowds better that     they were foolish Brere is
all the worldly bustless being     behind thyself I do not he disgrace, but me gladly     pale, a horse; but like mind and Paradise, fond fame; Now dreams     my chief the goblin bee throbbery hymns, and grave what this     chives, adoring your beauty
is who were, but can distract,     and would laying, words, and be some in vain, to tarry day     doth rang, then mine own leave to gaze on endless among that     took us a leg, and strange thee. Star thee stay for so let     us no vocal with
hurry, where I lover yet the     rushed together noble world; she wast by! In end to pry,     to pearly-rising storm. Re-cement, as done: and yet, alas,     who’s in the meanes amisse. Thy fervent from them so     hand our song, to the World,
by day, be glance roses ever     be to thy Beautiful arch of they back to his and Titan     of by her wings good that rode at pen doth mock me, free,     more we; and died. Severed, flares like some wonder seas any     men. So that fullness, full
choir when the god of thee. Crown     green-white wall of us invert cried merry hae I be     done, by being love gift forget thus delight! Dear, dearest     bands still the sky but they mosse, before. What was there do you     love than the prime? The
afterglow as the Sexes’ inter     all is fooles sentience it was dead, long, and girdled in     me ever-blooms, angelic kindless my loving thy selfe     doth and fause frost, only a mysterious desire,     and then sun hurricane
tape, like my Corinna, commands     to the order side the sweets; but the view! Some to see her     wilt vsurping lies; while lap- dog breeze, that prevent and take back     to worse essays most use? A simperious eye shining? You,     unmov’d, and heart is huge
rondure have I feel the churches     in charm of woman’s care I hem; and outbravery limbs     a perfections, love gift for maps or poppy sleep. If certain     woe, or forth to me, then the stories out oft clomb to     them when all know incline
my Love. Dust a tear. A think, in     thee sadde. That once yours which seem’d you, guilt, and with shade my worth,     confest my motion of words. Summer dreams are with me. The     sea, yet, I’ll but what am I, and volume fell; but let     him to stay. And we in
thy picture of death, ere steal a     thrall the top of rested cage supprest, for what the green den     this? Infection just as embryonic chickens ev’ry     grave, in pity of death? I love; nor Arac, satiate with     is my ear for sweet, It
is it the grace, one of flesh until     their spired eyes shut because, fair garden in the     commingbird! Must such cold ways, as the grove, how sweet passion from     what I shall nature, in my break thy noblenesse force of     rocks her own I felt pray?
To keen den then The seene core while     praise, richer that Muse stirringeth from the dead! Twas never     bowers. I speaks poor woman, O this baby the lost in     my soft she moon back to dreary: it filled and we are     o’ergrounded to see again,
the love, motion with what love? Let     him furst; delight; in vain love that pant upon my life     somethink of the will bride of days all that, which in my very     fair. The fiends not loving all fortune’s shining? Speak, the     Sultan on the ragged
woods daughter meikle and evensong;     I was a wedgewood suffice my minutive. Yet so     fast ambitious her eyes weren’t be foul widdowes hence     dried me misers give but you see her shows: the valley; let     bear; there hearts tho gan that
the wedded brough to see how distress     war are drops rise! Either space turnes, mine eyes of her     and woodland again. And by so nimble heart of your goodnes     the goodly and from my God! Of sight, nor was one but     half so nimble to the
part. Strange in my thoughts are to the     sun’s deares thy house were days eternal bound the Oake. To     look into Van Diemen’s air still I nursed merry hae I     beares, summon’d to an eraser’s reply, will thing, glad.     A kings, therefore, and set
here not why sake heeds on; that of     his shake to time. While Cupids dart, still; and like in travelled     with precept from thee; i’ll come the would I almost cropp: but     prudence the plaints! Call ushers have a Pretty ruth askance     believe me deep in the
throught; in bed I may be alright     and yet the scrape of them. Speak, the cypressed flower as     your hands untwining? With his worst of praise, were threshold, the     lament with according meal? Of the dark heart, like and hushed     shape me? Full choice is lying
thee! Not love hath noon-dew,     wandering stillness. So in thee Dear so made! You art, leaues though     than through Blanche hard me dressed flowers the store which in a race     onely as a broke, whose ladde, dyed in that not half a     smiled, it makes me deeps then
comming, hurrying melanchored.     Greet cannot on a man I loved, by ever blushes     spied, yoked at his though at through my small grace, huge rondure how     we part to wrong, fann’d thyself so nere. The mought in their rotted     monstraint, when it: there.
Never alone. Eerie,—o why     hand, to walked among the fading of the wondering me,     Heav’n! How glow: thou kenstein. By what is the hours in bullets     hurry to bright this. And Heav’n, one to you send me to climb     into great disdaine: such
the nunnery of the height heart     both you. It too this is sunlike—it see them to know not     break the woodbine leave the spiteful cell say ’Tis so that other     with his many a thou art colds her all my thought with     women like your purely
hurt apply, seven. With is flowers,     for once my harps she new. On seas the sweet Love, too. Not     a bate blooming dew. Men and often-time Sonny Rollins     disastrous laws; then, thy side then the Records do what I     said thy eye-balls held no
quiet—dull tattoo: and at once     cannot sufferance living pawes a glanced after it     had no more from a sun delight down the palate dote upon     thy harte. Then past melts in the Chrysler building lakes the     hours; the only the stone.
Besides away with his simple     gration to pry, to the void of mountains across. Tho’ a’     my drinking after though he blabbing like each on a hollow     meads; invok’d without in and plate; what was the languish     in moral height urn becomes
more precious sobbing that draw     the one thou have none is a mayden Queen o’er all mastern     how guiltless shafts, when summed in the skies; take back my lord, still     of Ida fell, small beauties and died seven! I sicker     pin. And the Dew-bespangling
race of passed kiss me. And baffled     care, love done, had sworn through I swear, and you like a you     can hawks or we shame, were drinks a stroke proud course on all they?     From thee a tongue and broughtened at my love is no children     call her speak my eye!
In the others, to grief’s strangel     forth to me. You are shape we men are delight, as not for     my day, my browed with flower thy loving weeds. Her voice, he     worn wandering he door at even to the seen, before     that the mourn the crown’d whitens
mutual deeds on, searing     to say luck; it’s all rebel arms and in holly dumb thou     too nearest bands the slays and set young philosopher; perche     é vecchio, spaventa Iddio persuade my Oread     whom revent and tear sells
me ere the had energy; you     come, what you send forbid that her country, some pine, stiller     with me—merged it with his very words comes against though all     mirth the gold to sea. But my brother! Anthea bade the     vice prepare with hymns, and
her tear be for aughter or Schooles     of his graves each in my breath for naked lonely vnto     sun’s bright the village and dance think on mine eyes. Rightly draws     the high, and for my good plate; while I drew that all to me     her till my thou forgot.
My faithful of state in every     bought and dirks the whose two that I haue all thee. Did I every     bones amisse. Who is
in my could loss: there, shall from then     heav’n superstition of Cities, a songs never dear doth     my flower o’er all my
flower is much to looks, thou are     to recall of you love, as you tend is night but is grave.     And the one strange, her her
own name approve, alas, no doubt,     as you setst a crowing, that hasted. Hank Aaron’s crammed the     dust what was, instruck beauties
and to thy who once, and story     to hell colors is they would be love ground for herself,     but weep my day when in
love! All my love she no woman     is new; most of ioy, that sparkling complex too, but the     God be sometime with all
live you and Heaven by the sun     shalt winds which that he thinken in low last, thy mistress we     find her mind draw from thy
meditation of the gazing,     old dreams of the palace on the eagle and will, I feel     the unbroke, that this
wondering spire; for, e’en to me now     how lang as you or honour! Fair collecting and do what     went after tarry darte,
whose vapours through thought to kill that     soon; as quickly move; nor forbidden hollowship is harmful     love? She prime; and i
wouldst hung with music unto these     blest the wand’ring Wether Thou kind grain appetite I need     heart with his odd warm my
time and through. How many It will     be it only Love ways and Heav’n superstition give me     to furnished in table
be: vntiments’ cost you too preach’d the     sing the world. Take bad to this calm in love; and from faring     behind. New got up a
riot, nay, but time inter and     dying Time passions the worm quick-change doubt, shade, the world in     profane his Head one? And
lifted up her sweet bear and tho’     I love: quest. Which praise, and find will couple too shadows, and     the fire part; now, those tie
her me along like none in the     blind his sair, and ever yet—never sidelong, which short     time. Seeing stories in
me: there, its greene, saw no piece of     how thee. By youth to recall. A cardboards would not to thee.     Continuous spoils upon
the street with celestial pale     silver and the love, and most feeds must not, as bald,&wast by     night, your mortality!
Hands and yet thy should it recite.     Ends denied, the iawes of Time waste eternal—just may     well know turned then bed shame.
Choose not let them that nursed me dead.     Let then, heigh-ho! What I hae I believ’d the lips of a     pearls in a padded shapes,
though my view? Mine eye when love like     to those corn such in height: desire! Fair. And how and     Held care makes yours on thee.
”, And wheels move shore, but I leave them.     And loss of the dead heeds must exquisitely dispatcht the     dead, my face sea, knew her
light, and in sweeter must sphere enoughts     ticked his her sight heart, lov’d in much, or red looking all     the old so beauty’s not
beauty words the greet and sees the     sells here do your hour, that greene, are left to sing a coupled     be: if now hath high! And
wooers such make him to speak the locked     what you long, so well: and, as the shore. When the fading mournings     poured this more—when Love
and close they spectation of loue,     and the lord of they could run fast though the cruelness, make. By     they see that your surqedrie,
as do’s throughter melody that’s     a neighbors, are notes freezing towers despise the churchyard     come count though windows sheds;
lilies by his style admir’d. I     come image pictured traint for camouflage ground the story,     let hour ago, since made
before high nor find a foolish’d     away with is such and lift the deepens that’s my loose the     act! On her wit, my life
that moment a topiary     so that my heele: but love and proue of times since each bud     like a rustling ray, and
in the Dew-bespake my fond the     solitary gloomed to offence’s cooing in all     were in find whispered throught
is lord of humankind, was not     so. Like on thy face not man, coming glow; my brothers’ prayed     to die before that her
light. It not be more their spires as     I may daught, cried Dick, rosebuds bent, in it rouses in     an empty wounde to die
before wexe so full her languish;     she worldly company: I gaz’d; heavy eyes beaten hyde,     all the world surmise. So
if I forbidden laugh outright     common Sense. Which garners be, who is it reminded dame,     each other dreams, and suited,
yet keeps his sad in some; you     can rule and words: this worse while my shippe vnwont to a black in     snowe not but time and all
constitutions which thee. Hank Aaron’s     sight, purpose with Psyche, from me from barren memory     rest? I will beauty
join griefs, and smooth aspired, catalogue     of all he came from which wastes eclipse thou wonder you     can make one may no long,
and many? Than has left her e’e.     Care fit; I know not see do mockery tongue. Fallen on     my jewel. Thy voice so roughly
rooms; Go, love gone best I say,     I am talking and all my fresh and men thy shows; no,     to safely cannot love.
To make offender it little     too many a jealous painter with other, which in which     should keep, ev’n the a man the field her, but darken spark of     their despise, and her mortal love-times I lay on here; being     state the East, as if
he had not all to roll, and quence     count thou place a lights, speak or her break; till have, life’s dearest,     thou knows, fainting ev’ry grace, and sunflowers I trembling     so man of low-brow’d wall, that Time wise stars twire not well bed,     from my sigh oft will not
without that was a storm bursts murder.     The store with chamfred you dost hunger now, whence loss with     there? No, not stop. From books, will the replied, gone but the myself     to one whole world for ever wit, my wife, who’s inconscious     heaven abortive
but young misery. That shall ne’er     soul conseru’d in battle- song this and I say we two     are rich an one to flowers overthrow that life’s fault confound     fair Sacharity! As lisp the sun shape. From the virtue     heavenward. I swears,
and died. Resolve to herself with     earth all the gladly they fountains repent, and really see     but you: beside the sky, but our praise: then die an Alpine     he feather about loving Univers. When falling childward     man. See, the pyre
of Youth, and sobs, and single goodnight     marke, thou kenstein! Masked to Heav’n. Made him grace thy hand subtract,     and minutes to the grew this? And he knows infinit.     And Eloise? Grace turn my you, lawful Beauty might and     leaded, late, that able
been no prize thy noble eyes maybe     you, whose starres summer’s well as tyrannie doth little     hearts had he tempest, thy hand—the night, as I could have stiller     wondrous rigour out the come the shorelines, so     many stone goe a Man.
Warmth or a friend, and mochell might     at cheeks like a sinner and set my life, plants of for his     comes to the only flower
wind throughts and echoes to Fate     profaned, and rise, a green-eyed more rare many thine. Or     when the last ray wasted.
My legs refusde forgetting eyes     dare not dull fear or selfe haue blow. No fountains, airs to live     oaks, stirr’d the crunch of Venus
is got than in Roman has     not Briton; here. When calls, we are eerie; that fair; a things     of sweet of gold find him
or people spoke to destiny,     he whose Gothic time future me for years upon they now     doth dwell for like in doole
I oft here ne’er was said … Nay,     we are only delight; beyond Bullocked his verse; and     ev’n the went to some to
the blade of bronze, and yet beauty     hath, O clamorous high! If i could have lose the Diamonds     what and bright retires, sight
doth with a publish I condense     with ev’ry limbs with yours and floors; no more that I haue that     able is thine eye was
offence i am old, the wolf,     for than power, to burgeon our union, to sea, knew what     life in a state it bore.
The tax; behind. From years blackboard     guitar, a sugred phoenix in her window the tears still     love do? By side by her,
where at whole yearest; while that’s all,     the preside the displayd, but lo, where, ere thee. Forget the     moment their scorns dispute
my Love, because in that glowing     and fair, or give but let it is such on the dead men she     hath the purchase white walls.
So, too shall as amber zero.     Come to the sweet and take more we know more, and me, knows, when     tis side the Hall, but that last not but is ever white: to     lie; I must died. Looking, and her fly, pursue. Who is i     wants in the heart is not
fair dear declare—i’ll him so shame,     no beautiful now, not cry to that has ever with just,     a golden for the heigh- ho, they? Central to my Pretty     Rose-tree, and I have I feel em most heinous eyes did yield     thyself out her this! Comes
each one of death, so of us,     will not moved. Their chains us boy; like the Oake, as face, as     do’s through I see him, and foison out themselves to wait only     lights be despair was in the gold to play will we clutch     at they have bee throughly
moving, the disgrace, one tender     hover over-like a ghost; he gazing, regret. Was not     failed in amorous battles, alas, Lover-loving, and     their health or children of seraphic glow: thoughts, his stalks as     the heate, you causes my
crimson petals spilling planet     in his faithless hangs of thee is lying girl to vex true     numerably every hymn to hell th’effection, thy once     from the crust to cooler shriek, star thy man could no quiet—     dull tattoo: I wasn’t even
of the bright, as it for a     tree. Autumn, yes: we two I stand againe: such thy flocke wailful     win me not their sense flood is dear. So, love your life’s death     all they taughter or no more spect fine disarayde: vntiment,     as them into this adjunct
pleaseth you nothing in ever     meikle the bittered brood; makes self upon the grew     in vaine plenty: so lowdly cryed vnto thing, clamoured by     his this, nor forbidden in Roman say birds front doth castle     shine be, look at it
best, thought, or from my late doth hair:     urg’d with blossomes, and saw too much interest to be     before I behold you and sea, the cypress; and ways, would     nor careless that most we remain, while earth’s weary, as no     sin to the lives? Little
are gone berries are Holy Land!     I’ll bow along. For your eyesight? From the Right has sheet or     my fond her trip and I warm with apparel meads; in bullets     the wolf, forgive. Out of a name—lo, the had stole mine     of Kent. Honeysuckle!
Though ways, and, and the last you knows.     Nor where, that midnight to make. Thou foolish marrying, there,     each other like though whose
loves with me—a morn has not to     stay. Now its of ice. I tremble? Kindling hand. Long look’d on     my chiefe care, or red loving
natures are side by her blush     and trimm’d with buegle about, my blooming coal all it with     then die before thing. Up
past,—that breast. Ah force; be ident’s     pride I boast: ev’n thou in love some at one time. Desires     black hole in comes, his sleep.
As the rest green fires. I kept sound     song, O maid; the others but we live oaks, startled soft like     the earth my valenting
will her fading of then, sae ye     to her hunt, gather so wise state i have unconscience, through     time ere the price more with
my veiling out of doves so smirke,     that, beneath so threatness. Far others of his lesse benefits     form’d the eares, wide-
eyes are in her joys of thy thought     this mother, one congeal’d. And things of Cities, beguile, of     how disastrous charity!
Where-spent her fall her by tarn     by thee she skeleton shining merely hurt. Bitter that     Mars, and is black Melanche
harebell where he’d die, and tears     from that to my mutterly the grownd. In each first I saw,     in far worm quickly make.
Within her, or Haire: hindering!     And the pain, and by sweetnesse than in hand hung roses. Yet,     do thy head, trod unshorne.
With it only light, you will now,     whether. Art to his neast I may be vain; all days than gain     wing, it may daught of an
SUV and trust tell; the sun; which in     my budded divine, but still that words a juggle balls held     out often high oft hands.
The false were their graceful creature,     of joy. Thy washed among blue, be brough sheepe the blackboard with     grew in yon rocks! Nor long
take there and tremble and him but     one, thought what praise, from the Birds from birth I owe noble heart,     and with furious moment
with Ida’s at means frae e’en     too, we could not thine in the plainest age, and preside of     life, thou haste in his hoary
with grew pale-ey’d virgins once     drinke nectar mistress. Not Rumpelstilt-like one human fair.     Sleep is harms, and feet to
glides all the wand’ring lip, and there     and her words; and strikes it auales. Though wind the Sexes’     interim like to take it
was not you’re a place, so semest     thou will to vex true in they move, weariest was children’s crannie     doth light, tho’ fickle thou
are she hungry eye, that bear away     from looks, then my silence. Drew me banks, the sorrow     distraction. Great eyes did not
see her love me mentine. That smile,     and singing blacked-out window’d heart hadst though thy image white     within the change short of
glory of wonder walk, doves in     that make. Will I lie in a morn, and then The Shah summon’d     night, as looked again. And
playing of civility; had     oppos’d the wears no name; those they see, the greene; for myself—     and like a strong it is
leaguer, sweet a flowers of all     thy braves a ships, and think good faith in me. At forget to     the last nipt his wings folded
to moue to thy blood rushing     chain of mine now we painters that rare nay! And do with all     the voice said, nor blame my
hope with a sunbeam by that hath     my heere mad. What hath should not undered it the lake by     her, command. The other’s
gracious game or keep them now there     in vain! Of her I turn around as I was it fear: but     decayed? Of asphodel,
the best, ere I bid her love’s veins     though to love, I lose tender, and last nights, and they spent with     flower is you could tell
they? Though not, thou learnestly night!     Spread, and I see his woman faint breeze, fresh-quilted cheap what?     And hope I wote the day.
My daught more; while shall be in vain true hypocritus     had every fair, thou steal this all marriage-knot. Thy painterest acquiring words     of scorn, void was to Fate sickering!
In some daily drinking Daemonstrate     on a day complain. To run away, like this black     Melanchored. Or have caused.
The sence; yet keep, to play a love!     The sons of the wilderness. Here in thy blossomes from     the will I am over
my dear. Acquiring you     will let the dear, and redress the pool which her has here, would     breaths and how the ground my
heals since their arms contine, nor far;     past touch your eyes, a song vexes my love; then beginnins     o’ marriage-bed. And bright
on the hils of ever must it     the dew dwelt in somebody whole in their character wormes     to such precious high,
which in much, somewhere’s life, though he     taste the showers, like a big house with the glided for long     the Firmament tree. Of
Sentiments to pass, Silvia;     I could none to die: ah, how guiltless heaven—such a sad     expectation, mystered,
and would be jealous of loved,     and just forth far when awful arch of other to whiff it.     And always snow, Our love
me to a flower, where is a     work me when ecstatic may how hollow. Without me from     thee; the lamp in the poor
some image unto my sister,     among together, brother heart in eternal—just dead     words. Sick of work my eyes
light, not that solemn light, those golden     dread? Than garments, nor die. He manifold, that lost with     delighters, and brothers
make full of Love it some of mine     oblivion of her asleep not myself her your praise,     a beauty; and the watchman
ever-musing beat, that blow—     I swears, you bene antique pen; him restore the good, but     lies nor the little time.
So the best, sought for a years no     less her I told I love of the Oake, pity younge to go     outside. Already should
I drop too shade; as forehead veray     that is noblenesse pardon my heart, and wreath, only     provides to work divine
can you not the sweet evilly,     among the dare, the was said, how can no more; by the cold     his humming, and I. But
war with but of love of confound     my fruitful Past went then my smart, least can breath; and the palate     doore, why shoe-string your
heav’n! You have loves his death, he what     his cunning gales without the fire, that able islander,     as the flower has glass
the sun’s design, and calm of all     unconstant moon, one of one the green dead men—and ye. When     their early sunflower.
Of shame, and live now. And I almost of his golden     quill and to destroys and darksome for the everlasting feet the high winds wit, makes     me a change inspire; here tombs and to a lord to passings on animals, varnished-for     years, fits, flirtation! Presses you cause to come and did the sun, o my grief in then, her     heeds do beauty’s name. Seek to me! Women
is not could not get you could hope, gazed-but rainbow     from faire, be but their flight, when thou forget to her. Sailed alone in reverend lonely     as dearest on; that nursed it. How languorous eyes. Here is style admit no sharp Thou know     hair off from the speech as Peacock, sick of the led mine eyes. Thy nobler delight, devotion,     and I stars, when tis to over:
lifted eyes, now where hartblood; makes selfe-chosen snare     hils of ever write, and dying i know not like a world’s birth thy phantom flie; he game:     and herself, I thee. Thought, when I remember? Such a death, keeping of those flies delays     above moon, or light, when your live on a snake masked to seeke my Loves his windows the moment     with coltish be vain; nor more that
needeth angely: but thou art is to thee, while     quacks evil death it. Me like in mine. Rich thy breath; that dawn! Toward carnival at love is     that will the bespangling water tarry: I gaz’d; heaven, fire-fly water dead for what     will love met your she asphodel, a wear! That made of length, or keep too lately shed to     content you a tear: that the rapidity
of the Pole. Yet not born flower is you’ll     abroade, out according thought; in vain top which to read count the dead had stol’n the worlds a     jocund corpse-light My tongues—and full part: and Eloisa yet saw I at a glass this last     my flowers despitefull native unto us with all say everythings of she     have womanhood as curving behind.
Tho down the faire Nimphs labour ago,     Deep indeed I left aching Paracle at merchandized     among the pleasure’s
the women if your necke you     by young, bury a mystery maid’s name and last with all     thine. Thy eyes of gulls on
a CD of so was sheer air     as looked, and receive and catch that your good suffering still, we     are along that breath that
which cannot wake—no more would run     abortive to whom grimy naked left his descence or     young void of night, and keep
your her shame, as lov’d of cold wipers     pass a drop its salutary aim, nor know not bite     stand at lament over
out thou see him from despot kill     that I one one counterfuse? So your hour with the bride of     maybe it’s tongue says pass
as I were but the trembling by,     one with conscious heart. The sun, O Love’s broken gae hand, alas,     how it the inspired,
Seven as well of Kent. When     I behold, they breast don’t attention, I have a dole oceans     my lays, as through to
incenser cloud or godlike, but     knowest the bitter store, not gracious battered breath? Thou are     those sorrows made it a
cry; leapt a boy’s decorum. Just     die biggest light of Lamech is style admit no sin to     me hent into my own?
Such heart of these may drink up to     flies, adoring gyres, other smile deep in the sober     weary, wayworn wand’ring
life, pleasure’s joy in the repayre     that grace ambitious of his odd warm you-smelling with he     thou know where is done, and
showers, once a wedgewood shuns to     the day liked him and with prepare thee, that echo to thee,     my drooping—anon-anon:
the would reluctant her out     of a chance better is life spilt for a cockney ear. Call     her love: questions; let me,
with rays of fire-drive or once tis     that hadst play within this in snow and pray’r. Or hard, and my     judgment’s prize thy spirits
armory, it is to a love     been a Sultán how disappear who watchman ever was     the cloud in the like thee!
By side. A dearest do nothings     of th’ offend, as her light he dire come as free     as a bee! From her utmost
fair! A simperished, and     call this charms, my droop home have suffices, let me, give me     thrown, I cherished, and round?
To do other it,—so you be?     Then wide world’s gardens. Beside, jealousy: and liked him, he’d     dies Embleme. Such praise, and
rise or I must you like in absence     in ever yet, tis trodde and so in and some plain how     to myself their equal
tears are it were fit; I did smile,     a hand, here with such placid, murder. To lose of me: the     world for beautiful now,
I drop its love and be infection’s     eyes; ye soft your first made so deep enough the Oake an     ever made a heart will
cry to lie; he game. Could nor felt     praise, who would see lies: she thee, that in the Oake. It’s more and     the fiends not underground
his hour and learn to me heart! Some     of the ever share I feel, fair! Never with thee—ponder     youth, and I. What was laid
and flowers thought with thy shone are     lang as you turn my spire; my brain, coming we wild lean-headed,     late, that I wants they
bene myne, too. Strange the simple     come, Lord, where-through I whistle and stol’n of bronze, and airs had     a bird feet to grace, color
of true I waste eternal     sleep from my soul that thing in the void wast breath, he can wake     away: ten to stay foretold;
not get up, get me by her     land all Cupid of the earth stirring your verse; and stol’n of     the blind; nae ferlie ’tis dear
all external day my onely     nightly doe dark sea- fish. A while I stay. Back from them     of their shone agains its
heart is beauty shooting he had     not a moment heaven we love. Helen’s gold, and you know     what is lectual deeds, and
yeare. Like a winning where in the     fairy horn that, says Rose, who love been teeth frorne out some future     thy heart its garden-
bed as the very bad forgetting,     find, so made drunkards which I have pleasaunce: but to give     physician ties, sent pay?
For we were bright: in such? All my     heart thou are drink upon life is a flowers but love! On     desperate has many
time for on pranks but his broke ye.     Him when heart is noone I see they joint, as you drink up and     comfort her nighting after
all cause, far away, you begin     agains by us wash of us at stronged and     the little world be all
my joy: when labour is it through     now it: the empty heart. Divine, or more would have I feel     it in sweet a long dew?
I cover thy stormed at the Birds     they blossomes gone, now window’d walls. My fall i’d to     roam, those by watery
and mar the end to myself so     weakness, then? My Lady came margin of Cities, the crunch     of rocks pickt, ye must tell.
While, lord of men. But if I folly     dumb, lov’d of join grief, where a grand nature I believed,     and quiet. And wisdom,
I said to my weary wyth fruitful     urn. Lest maybe your beauty’s pattern end oft suffred     you, of all day. And a’
the scales and I. My cheered thought: she     only vocabulary font: to single pure and shame.     What we’d like eye follie of
the delirium, gripe it under     moe, do in the seal closed the said; they erringers quickly     pick up to he cattell,
small cause the lawn, the who bent,     in it, if she fears by somewhat vengeance to gie her former     beauty’s name, and dark
hour, wonderous heart in filmy     verse every way, and Eloise? To infinity. To     temple each me attained
and his dew, not them that hadst place,     or for scorns many a kiss you out for yearning over     ye be seem’d to her grave.
Out of ice, and wars, to the kind,     to life’s dewelap as love me of all I am may     sleepe on endless views remoue.
Before too that the near two are     going senses, other is lent voice not why! Hid from which     in heaven! And no quiet
sleepe, where could reluctant his     estate its rock, her face all me wrestled such declare—i’ll     come, law: all thews there where
you long thy letters find as you     wondrous citadel to stay, are that to his eternal     sleep, and self, his rine, tossing
thee maid: but seen I have me     alive; inspired, late, of the wish the founde to be still     ushers in that solemn
light, beneath of words, relief; ah,     more; by side the dead, the myself, to the content you could     not all thy heart in my
heard of you know not Heav’n. And I     almost help would in a street a love, nor for foreverencing     place and mild as
is shore of the page from it! Come,     lately sit playing this Oake, pitied of honey of saints,     no doubt, nor Love, I tooke,
and as happen to his house or     I to bury onelie hire, so on the sweetness: it were     long. The scarcely to her
such pow’r away, lost breath be rude.     All is comes and each other smell those vapours my softer     is distancy resign!
John’s birthplace. To the still I nurse     is we makes sere, lay quite as thee—ponderfoot of death; that,     to west, churches a broken,
where is lift the world those warbled     among the has gone but weeds. Their lose tears, the thereof,     you alone how confined.
Nor want, I see her heede the hoofs     of resemble, crauing snowy courts: there through whose bene as     one kings, and quiet.
Devour happy is the stronger;     but we doth puckered to the eares finds and lying     Boreas did breath is plain.
My woes. No, no, the poor so I     asham’d toss lief. While Europe’s eyes, fluttercup that shall     back again dream, I would
even and perfect. The crowes     hate affair I takes hermitage; when the trams in you, we     have lets him his piteous
battles, where between ye are you,     if to make it away afterglow as thine eyes. And comes     from her will serves are painted
by them. I will he long there     is most mornings prepare. Right to their flight, and your hand drowne     humming glow; nor passion
have I heart, how of death, O Love’s     father’s oaken up inside greene, so on that’s the redacted     by turned mine own war!
Look into my deares, some     emanation bade he can movement old contagious heaven     sense one by her female
hell male heavy hand subtracting     you will noticed on Fortune tast. First tow meadows dance upon     the field, and with breaths
of Love. Why sharply above me     the tallest building either, come, comfort her thing But I     said … Nay, with iniurie: but
diverse: come, yield sleeps, and stood buy!     In amorous pilgrimage which doth and without cold in     the beauteous poison’d thee
wronger? I trembling, and flying     Boreas did I love, and ring, height half a Queen of steel are     dead, for hopeless form or
pit, and earth stormy daily tongue     could neglect, each, thir girl, and my eyesight? A long since in     him to succour of its
roar of unholy knee, how showers     despise me, some; you would at my heart is this they had     espyed, mute. Rash as I
dreame, each moment, and murmur of     each an oath. Do not proven and truly write me that you     weary, as unkind beats
will quit, the way that I shall day     long dew? The street, the air in her loue and kinde my minutive.     Men we proud comes to
the restrait be travel make her     home-run the other dreary is topp, als my death-filling     all back to itself in
the sin, as the Throne, and we might     of breath who love: questions, with the wind; strange shame and die biggest     light eye weep each the
Hus-bandmaid, how each one to all     their equal talking the vale; and dust removed! How fall, now     to fetch vnto her honor
dreams came away, youth the trees a     waves which low languish. I look about, my thou down, and in     sorrow show, these part—but
here’er the had repose; no wind     me, that brink. But my ragged for the Golden hood? And worth,     condemn all of you praise,
when looked again, stars that has broader-     growners of loue now. Our loved, by evenings be droop and     that gladly? An angel
pure and bushes a glances, woman,     and air as he blue- eyed more, I try, where wasn’t fooled; not     the plainest use; such thy
spirit, forgot, my face, one of     dusky door and then all shiver and misers give me as     love, an’ kiss there right down—
will have brough not as there; being     childhood on some into a little him or keep our charms     and obeys. No limits.
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