#riku is also just fun to draw
nebulousbren · 1 year
Using Riku to test a new color workflow! Very pleased with it so far, wanted to show it off ^^
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cosmosnout · 1 month
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Wanted to play around with how the characters have similar features hehe (Yap session in notes)
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dreamsy990 · 4 days
Iso from Valorant is asexual (headcannon)
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@lavacane @swipamous @skys-trash-bin @feralcringeman @verathena14 from your headcanons here are some aroace doodles. sorry i meant to post these a while ago but i got half done and then got held up for a bit by responsibilities and also i forgor. but here!! meant to do a couple more but i just wanted to get this done so!! here
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bonus for athena heres sora with a different flag. for funsies
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airawisteria · 11 months
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A scene in @holleighgram's Life Long Strangers fic that I really liked!
[ID: A drawing of Sora and Riku from Kingdom Hearts dancing and singing together, holding hands as they do so. Sora is looking up at Riku while Riku's eyes are closed as he dances. Sora is wearing a red hoodie with black accents, grey basketball shorts and red converse with the Kingdom Hearts heart and crown logo in place of the converse logo. Riku is wearing white and black shirt, black skinny jeans and black converse with the same logo as Sora's in place of the converse logo. He is also wearing a black wristwatch.
The background consists of dark pink with warmer light pink light behind Sora and a cooler light pink behind Riku. There are numerous semi-transparent hearts scattered in the background. The lyrics
“It’s not enough to take the one you love for granted!” 
are in the background as well.]
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linagram · 1 month
do you sometimes check if one of the future vds needs to be edited and get hit with parallels so bad you have to turn away from your screen and think about life for a second
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dailycupofcreativitea · 6 months
AHHHHH you're playing kingdom hearts? Please report back with your thoughts when you feel up to it it's my special interest 👀
Okay here are some thoughts I've spammed to my friends in the last few days! (BTW I read the manga already for the first game so I basically spoiled it but I was still equally as shocked when these things happened in the game lol)
By the way, spoilers below for anyone who hasn't played!
General thoughts:
SORA IS SOOOOOOOOOO CUTE 🥺 The voice actor voiced him PERFECTLY, he's exactly the perfect combination of hopeful, friendship, little kid, strong heart, over confident at times, stubborn, sweet. 😭💖
Told a friend I love Sora in a different way than I love Gohan, here were my thoughts: Gohan is more quiet, sweet, gentle, burdened with a lot of power that he seems hesitant to use and slowly builds his confidence throughout the show, I relate to Gohan a lot, sweet cinnamon roll that must be protecc, but forced to protecc others, etc etc Sora is sweet and gentle but loud, has a HUGE heart and he uses it to protect his friends with 100% confidence (he's more like Goku in that way), his heart is just unwavering and he doesn't seem to doubt himself often (at least in KH1), funny and goofy and his stubbornness can get him into trouble sometimes but his bonds with his friends give him strength, I don't relate to him but I would love to draw inspiration from him
"Shonen protagonist done by Disney" vibes (as put aptly by @genisflyingkites)
Riku is so insanely jealous of Sora it's hilarious, he's overall kind of a jerk and even Kairi said she wanted to leave the island without him, but also Riku is 15 and hormonal and Maleficent got to him so I don't really blame him for it
Donald and Goofy are way less annoying than I assumed they would be, I like that they seem refreshingly mature?? Donald is stubborn and beefs with Sora a lot and Goofy seems like he has a good head on his shoulders and is a deep thinker
Also I keep seeing memes of Donald constantly getting knocked out in game and being useless but for me Donald ALWAYS comes in clutch with the elixirs and ethers
That scene where Maleficent tells Riku that Sora replaced him and Kairi with Donald and Goofy was sad in both the manga and the game but what REALLY made my jaw drop was that SORA LOWKEY FELT THE SAME:
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(Yes he was fighting with Donald at the time too but LOOK AT HIS FACE!!! 😭🙏)
If Riku talked to Sora for more than 10 seconds at a time literally all of this would be resolved XD LIKE!! Sora is literally trying to find them! Riku please!
This scene had my sister and I's JAWS ON THE FLOOR:
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It was low blow after low blow! I read this in the manga too but somehow it hit harder in the game!
Hollow Bastion is a great OST and I've been listening to it on repeat. The map is also pretty nice but I wish I could explore more without heartless appearing every 5 seconds
Actually I also liked the OST "A Day in Agrabah"
I beat Riku's ass in 10 seconds and it was glorious (Ansem is a whole other story...still working on it)
Every single cutscene had the words "light" "darkness" "friendship" "heart" "memories" repeated over and over again to form a cutscene (I saw this in a Youtube video and thought it was incredibly accurate XD)
My sister and I were CRACKING UP during this cutscene because it made NO SENSE
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It just kept getting more and more non-sensical XD
I think Aladdin was my favourite world so far but tbh they were all pretty cool (Sora's Halloween Town fit was so cute! Also I loved flying around by Big Ben, and then getting the glide feature)
The Maleficent Dragon boss was really hard, cool, and fun; Tinker Bell really came in clutch
Also I gotta say this game is really hard to play because the control are so annoying, the jump function is annoying (I keep falling off and misjudging his jump), it keep glitching cause it's connected to the cloud or something, the directions are too vague so I have to follow a walkthrough while playing, and I have to keep stopping between plays because I get motion sickness from the wildly spinning camera really easily -- despite all that I am indeed having a blast
I think that's all my thoughts for now :3
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oveliagirlhaditright · 4 months
I'm hyped for Kingdom Hearts IV right now, since we kind of just got news about it. Maybe.
So, let's talk about Kingdom Hearts IV outfits.
Everyone agrees that Sora's new clothes in Kingdom Hearts IV are a lot like his first SuperGroupies outfit.
Sora's first SuperGroupies look (though I'm going to show Nomura's drawing of Sora in it, rather than the clothes):
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Sora in Kingdom Hearts IV:
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Now, for fun, if this trend of putting the KH characters in clothes related to their SuperGroupies looks continues (and you think it would), do you think Riku and Kairi will be in the ones from the first line or second?
You'd think they'd match Sora with the first line stuff, right?
Here are Riku and Kairi's looks in the first SuperGroupies Kingdom Hearts line:
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Or might we get a wrench thrown in here, and have Riku and Kairi dressed from the second line? Here are some Riku things from the second line:
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And I'm throwing this one (below) in here, too (also from Riku's line), because man, do I hope we get something like this in whatever Riku wears, so he actually has some color in his outfit:
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SuperGroupies Kingdom Hearts line 2: Kairi:
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SuperGroupies line 2 also has wallets for everyone... but to be honest, I doubt we'd see characters pulling out wallets in KH. I'm also really doubting the backpacks and umbrellas. Maybe we could see umbrellas in cutscenes for five seconds, but I think that would be about it. Still felt like showing them, though, especially since Nomura drew the characters with backpacks (that you'll see in a moment)
And here's Sora's second SuperGroupies look, even though we're not seeing it in KHIV. Perhaps something like KHV? Or the Verum Rex game?;)
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Anyway, if you had the choice, which outfit for Riku and/or Kairi would you like to see in Kingdom Hearts IV?
I didn't include any of the other characters here, because Nomura himself has said he's not sure anyone from the Sea Salt or Wayfinder Trio will be in KHIV.
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autumn-may · 1 year
Please tell me about the data boys AU I love the data boys so much and you draw them so CUTE AAAAA
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(Im gonna @ the people who asked about the fic: @dergshadow @mosttsundereofplants @bloody-holly)
(It’s more of a fix-it fic than a au but lol)
Ask and ye shall receive ig 
The short of it is I force data sora and data riku back into the story while flipping nomura off for the re:coded ending ft. Riku and data-riku being friends, data-soriku being fun, and minor 358/2 references. I’ve been calling the au Re:Boot! 
Full concept under cut: (it’s pretty long)
edit:I’m writing it
The long of it is during re:mind the data battles crash, and the Final Fantasy group+Riku theorize that it might have something to do with Jiminys Journal (seeing as the data battles are made with data from the journal) Riku goes to Disney castle and it turns out yeah that’s probably what’s happening! The Disney castle computer displays the words ‘there are new hurts to be undone’. Riku is sent into the datascape in order to help with said hurts. 
   The long of it is  Riku enters to a really bugged up version of the data destiny islands, and is told by the Disney gang from the outside to find a way to get deeper into the datascape and help out. (System sectors). Riku finds it and enters. 
  First and second levels of the sector go pretty standard, fight the buggy heartless and all that however one of the bugs for the second level has a similar silhouette to sora, which is a little unnerving to say the least. The third level looks like rikus data(from when he got bugs in him) and the Disney gang loses contact with riku at this point. 
(YES the three stages getting more buggy the deeper you go is a reference to the boss stages in re:coded. If you even care) 
Riku looks around for a bit and D!riku (that’s what I’m calling data-riku rn) notices him from somewhere in the datascape, and teleports or something to him. After the initial ‘we’re the same guy’ convo D!riku tells him about the bugs, and how he believes that they are caused by D!soras amnesia, as he gained a heart, which is currently sleeping due to the reset (hearts can be destroyed and all that yk the deal). Since the datascape is sorta centered on d!sora, if something’s wrong with his code it might affect the datascape. D!riku tells him that since the reset, he’s been working to attempt to find soras heart, but he hasn’t been able to make much headway (maybe because a heart is separate from data, and isn’t as easily manipulated) 
(That’s my idea for why he wasn’t really there in the post reset stuff on soras side at least ) 
Well where is D!sora you ask? Well let’s go see! They teleport away and oh frick is that the memory pod. (Things are getting uncomfortably familiar for riku) D!riku has him in there as he works to find and wake soras sleeping heart, (instead of having to like, chase him around the datascape with a computer or something, sleeping heart doesn’t necessarily equal sleeping guy in this situation so we just put him in a coma). D!riku opens the way to D!soras data, and in they go.
They search for a bit, and when D!riku gets frustrated at the lack of progress, the bugs slightly worsen (riku notes this). Riku asks a bit about d!rikus relationship with d!sora, saying his drive to protect him is something they have in common. D!riku actually somewhat denies this, reminding riku about how the datascape is centered on sora, d!riku—to some level— is the datascape. it’s just a part of his programming, the journal correcting a glitch in the system through him. Besides, d!soras the one with a heart, d!rikus just a really good AI and also kinda a clone. Riku is so skeptical of this.
Riku says that he doesn’t believe that, d!riku fights to protect d!sora because he just cares about d!sora. Surely d!rikus noticed the bugs grow stronger the worse d!riku feels, if the data scape affects him, surely he affects the datascape as well. And a system as advanced as the data scape wouldn’t be programmed to destroy itself. By going to such lengths, d!riku proves he’s more than his programming, he’s more than the datascape, he has a heart, and he cares about d!sora in a way a line of code couldn’t. 
Well that revelation kinda broke d!riku but that’s fine. The bugs lessen however, so that’s a good sign also the final boss dark side shows up. The rikus prepare for  a fight, and d!riku recognizes this as d!soras heartless. (Bond between d!soriku manifested in the datascape bringing their hearts together)  They win the fight, and recover d!soras heart, which is still sleeping. Riku uses the power of waking, tracing the bond between him and d!riku, and d!riku and d!sora. Rikus able to wake up d!soras heart, restoring his memories, and the rikus leave his data. 
D!riku thanks riku for the help, and releases d!sora from the memory pod. D!sora and d!Riku reunite (i fight the urge to reverse the kh2 scene yk the one) riku feels comforted in his search for sora (idk he sees the bond between data!soriku as able to physically manifest into bringing them together so I mean why not real soriku?)  
The trio go back to the surface of the datascape, Disney gang gets to reunite with the data-gang and they apologize for not being able to help more (“gee well, if we knew you were hurting, we would of sent someone way sooner” “We can’t just leave our friends behind!” Or something idk) and riku comes back to the real world.
Riku talks to the data boys through the computer, d!sora asks about sora which is just a little bit of a punch in the gut (reminder this takes place during re:mind) but anywayyyy d!sora wonders if there’s a way they could enter the real world, since riku was able to come to the datascape. (They probably couldn’t :( they never had physical bodies, they have data bodies) Riku thinks about it and realizes hey wait a minute isnt Evens whole job making bodies for hearts that need them they totally could come to the real world. 
So riku calls up Even who’s intrigued by the idea of hearts that existed only in data, and how they would manifest in the real world. So needless to say, he gets to work. A while later d!rikus separated from the journal, and the dynamic data duo is brought to the real world yippee!! 
(If you’ve ever seen my redesigns of the two data’s they would get their new outfits right here) 
And that’s the main idea! I’ve had it for like,,,a couple months? But it’s been stuck in my brain for a while and i like it a lot, just got a Ao3 account so maybe I’ll write it but no promises 
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needsmoretea · 5 months
Just thought I'd post some random Pixiv recs for my fellow enjoyers of ZOOL shenanigans~
カキ has some really cute illustrations. This is one of my favourite collections, and I particularly love the how it started vs how it's going pic of Touma being all, "uhh, guys???"
猿川円 also does some lovely illustration collections. One of my favourites is a collection of stuff from APOZ and Beyond the Period, partly for this lovely scene of Minami being reminded of Haruki before rejoining the rest of the group.
ymd does a lot of gen stuff as well (along with some ToraMina if you like that sort of thing), and their art is super pretty. This comic collection is very amusing, especially this one. Very rough and short translation...
Haruka: This is hilarious. They’re saying ZOOL get along so well, the four of them should just live together and marry each other. Do we really seem that buddy-buddy?
Touma: M-marry?! Why would they say that!?
And then Haruka, Minami and Torao are like lol sounds like fun, let's do that, live in a crazy expensive Midou residence and buy a really big rice cooker, while Touma eventually just kind of goes along with it and is all
Touma: You really look like you’re enjoying this… Sure, why not. Let’s live together and be happy!
And then there's U, my absolute favourite ZOOL fanartist, who draws the most hilarious comics. I did a rough translation of this collection here when I sent an ask to @always-a-joyful-note, so I'll repost it here for good measure.
Q: Which entertainer do you message most on Rabbichat?
Minami: I... (Inumaru-san...)
Haruka: To... (Touma, I guess...)
Torao: To... (Touma, probably...)
Touma: It's Riku.
Minami, Haruka and Torao: HMMMMM????
Touma: He's always active on Rabbichat, after all.
And then to save face they all change their answers instead of 'Touma' or 'Inumaru-san' to...
Minami: Iroke no aru hito desu. (A certain sexy person)
Haruka: Toshiue no onna! (An older woman)
Torao: Toruko no onna. (A Turkish woman)
Touma: You can't answer with any of those! (We're idols, you know).
And now for some other comic translations under the cut to break things up a bit.
Like the last comic when they finish up work early so Touma asks the others if they want to grab dinner together but they all play hard to get, so he's like, whatever, guess I'll invite Riku instead, and they're like WHY AREN'T YOU TRYING HARDER TO ASK US OUT??? and he's like GOD YOU'RE SUCH A PAIN IN THE ASS.
I also greatly enjoyed this collection and this comic of the rest of ZOOL getting jealous of Touma's interactions with Riku the most.
Riku: Touma-san!
Touma: What’s up?
Riku: Take that~ *thwack* I smacked you with my towel, so now we have to hug!
Touma: Uh… I don’t really get it… wait, listen to me!
Riku: A hug with Touma-san~ *squeeze*
Touma: Get offa me already!
Minami, Haruka & Torao: … *THWACK THWACK THWACK*
Touma: Ow… that hurts! What’s with you guys? Are you bullying me?!
Also this collection too, and the comic of them bumping into Re: Vale.
Yuki: *staaare*
Touma: Wh-what is it?
Yuki: Those yaeba sure are nice. (They remind me of Momo’s) *just noticed*
Touma: !!!!!!!!
Momo: Hey, Yuki, are you cheating on me? I’m supposed to be your number one!
Toao: That ice queen again. Hey, Touma, pull yourself together!
Touma: Yuki-san gave me a compliment… (Well, my teeth.)
Torao: What are you blushing for? Just what kind of relationship do you have with that guy?!
Again, another quick translation via an ask @always-a-joyful-note for this comic here, here and here of Touma's 'I love you' scene from Beyond the Period:
Touma: (Wow, Haru is actually saying 'I love you' to the fans. He sure has become cool. Okay, I should say it too.) I love... you... (Huh? Those two are really staring at me for some reason.)
Torao: Did you hear that, everyone? Touma just said he loves me.
Haruka: No, he looked at me when he said it.
Torao: He was looking at me longer though.
Haruka: No, he was looking at me 5 seconds longer than you.
And then while Touma's being all what the heck are you guys talking about, it's like...
Minami: I'm the only one you didn't say 'I love you' to.
Touma: No, it's not like that, Mina. When I said 'I love you', I meant -
The collection with the Monster Parade comic is also super funny because even teeny tiny mon-mon ZOOL refuses to leave Touma alone (sasagero fuwafuwa version?)
Touma: My shoulders feel heavy lately
Haruka: Isn’t that just you getting older? 
Tora: Don’t tell me you’re being haunted
Minami: Fufu, has someone cursed you?
Touma: Don’t scare me like that
Staff member: Excuse me
Touma: Coming~
Haruka, Minami & Torao: !!?
Also, this comic. I guess everyone just lives at Touma's place now?
Touma: We’ve done our first shrine visit of the year, so now I guess we should head home
Haruka: You’re leaving already?
Tora: But I kept my schedule open for you
Minami: I feel like we should still hang out
Touma: Ehh… Well, my place is nearby. Wanna come over?
Torao: It’s tiny. It’s smaller than the bathroom at my place.
Touma: Your bathroom is just ridiculously big!
Minami: How like you to have a kotatsu, Inumaru-san
Haruka: Kotatsu are awesome
Touma: I know, right? Anyway, make yourselves at home
*A few hours later*
Torao: It’s small but it’s comfortable. It’s not so bad
Minami: I don’t want to get out from under the kotatsu
Haruka: Zzzz
Touma: I know I told you to make yourselves at home but when are you guys planning to leave…
While once again, the rest of ZOOL gets jealous of Touma's relationship with Riku and decides to take it out on poor Shirou instead.
Minami: Inumaru-san, are you drinking Li*ton again?
Haruka: Probably because of Nanase Riku
Torao: Yesterday it was Sougo. What a cheater
Touma: I’m just drinking Li*ton! But you know, collabs sure are nice. When I look at them like this, it makes me feel like I can do my best. Like I wanna see Riku.
Minami: Ohh….
Haruka: Hmm…
Torao: Hehh…
Minami: Utsugi-san, why aren’t we getting any collab jobs?
Haruka: If you’re our manager then you’d better get us some collab jobs!
Torao: If you don’t, we’ll tell on you to Ryou-san
Shirou: I get it already, calm down! (Inumaru-san, what have you been saying to them?!)
Speaking of Shirou, looks like Torao needs to be cautious around him too.
Shirou: Excuse me, about tomorrow’s 5 year anniversary…
Touma: What about it?
Torao: (That’s it, Touma. Stay vigilant around this guy.)
Shirou: Shall we have a chat over some grilled meat after you’re done?
Touma: MEAT?! (I knew it, he’s a good guy!)
Shirou: Inumaru-san, you really are like a dog. I can see why Ryou-kun said you looked good wearing a collar. 
Touma: *not listening anymore* Haru, let’s go and eat some meat!
Shirou: Can I pet him just this once?
Sorry for the super long post and the sucky translations, but please enjoy the pretty pictures and do feel free to give the artists a like if you enjoyed their work as much as I did. >3
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Welcome to my blog!
I am glad to see you here! I don't think I'll post anything here often; most of the time I just follow the news and some blogs :)
Some information about me:
• You can call me Ash✨.
• I speak English/Russian, 🇺🇸/🇷🇺.
• He or they, 👦/🗣️.
• I like casual communication in the style of "hello, how are you". Such simple things make me happy, very much! ☺🙌🏼
• I have a lot of strange ships in stock: I ship everything that is possible and everything that is not. But please respect my opinion if you don't like my ships🙏🏻.
• I also write something like fanfiction, but it's in Russian. Maybe in the future I will upload excerpts/write stories in English and post them here 📔🖊.
• Some words from English slang/the abbreviations I may not understand, and also write the words wrong🗣️. I'm sorry in advance🙏🏻.
• I do not draw professionally and not in color. I just do it for fun, but I also try to make it come out more or less normally 🎨.
• I'M LOVE MUSIC SO MUCH! And I try playing on guitar, hehe 🎸🎼🎧.
• Support LGBTQ+ 🫶🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣
That's all for now. Now my favorite fandoms that change at the speed of light:
• Yandere simulator🔪🩸.
• Brawl Stars (yeh, bruh)💣🔫.
• Gacha World/Gacha Resort (but not Gacha life and OC!) 🎀🪄.
• Talking Tom and Friends🏀📔🎤🍔🎉.
• The Amazing World of Gumball🫂🐱.
• Doki Doki Literature Club! 📕📗📘📙.
• Liar Liar! (Visual novel)🔪🫂.
• League of Legends💣⚔️.
(This list will probably be updated).
My favourite ships:
• Enpitsu x Gema; Shozo x Maka x Borupen; Mantaro x Budo (or any other guy; also Tsubaki); Otohiko/Riku x Kokona; Saki x Mai; Sakura x Unagi; Fureddo x Kaga; Kaga x Tsuruzo x Itachi; Kiba x Beshi, Rojasu x Sukubi, Rojasu x Fureddo — from Yandere Simulator!💔
• Stu x Surge; Edgar x Janet; Penny x Carl/Melodie; Fang x Buster — from Brawl Stars!💓
• Phantom x Cykopath; Gwen x Kilios x Inferno; Lyte x Vinyl (please don't hit me for this...); Luni x Lilith; Keito x Nyxeria Luiselle; Xavier x Phantom — from Gacha World/Resort!💖
• Tom x Ben; Ben x Angela — from TTaF!💘
• Gumball x Tobias; Darwin x Carrie; Rob x Penny; Ocho x Bobert; Gumball x Sarah x Darwin — from TAWoG!💞
• Natsuki x MC — from Doki Doki Literature Club!❤‍🔥
• Toru x Yukari; Minami x Tanaka — from Liar Liar!❤‍🩹
• Sett x Aphelios; Samira x Sett — from League of Legends!💓
I think that's exactly it! Thanks for reading, have a nice day!💗
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butchmartyr · 3 months
Hiii, what's your favourite commander deck you have and why?
TRICKY!!!! Thank you for asking what a fun question. I have a bunch of silly gimmicky decks that I love building/tinkering with so it’s hard for me to choose a favorite… my fav to build was definitely this really just absolute dogshit pinger themed rakdos deck with scorpion god as my commander; I leaned into wither/infect so I could ping and get draws with scorp god, but amonkhet art goes pog crazy.
my favorite actual edh deck is probably my mono blue teferi deck that used to be a precon. ive fucked with it a bunch since I got it and it’s not optimal or that good at all but it’s got a bunch of different ways to stall and chill while I look for stasis or another wincon and get ready to freeze the board. it’s on my immediate to-do list for updating when I get new cards.
I also have that cool red/green/blue dragon commander that makes dragon tokens from a dnd commander prerelease I went to which I love, prolly gonna make that into a dragon deck sometime eventually. girls who were irreparably impacted by using riku of the twin reflections too much while first getting into magic.
lastly my best deck is an ezuri claw of progress infect deck. it’s also not perfect, but it can get online decently fast and start pumping up small infect creatures until im killing someone turn 4 with a blighted agent. I don’t play it often for tilt avoidance at the table but it’s my baby
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talaofthevalley · 11 months
Vibe check for borderline crack but also kinda serious AU where Baldr somehow finds himself heart freeloading in Riku years after his death, and now Riku has a keyblade wielder with a body count hanging around over the events of the mainline games. Baldr haunting the narative figuratively AND literally.
Extra features such as Riku and Baldr having extra strong light in them because to quote the intro to KH1 "the closer you get to light the greater your shadow becomes" but much like how negative times can easily overtake positive ones, it's not easily noticeable.
Featuring events such as:
Hanging around Destiny Islands as an incorporeal ghost that can barely interact with Riku but spending most of his time sleeping or at ease kinda does wonders for all those repressed emotions and trauma.
Adults think Riku has an imaginary friend. Riku was halfway convinced he was being haunted thanks to Baldr's white hair, eyes and lashes.
Baldr gets attached. Just a little bit.
Watching Riku struggle with his inner darkness and feeling abandoned in KH1 hits a little too close for comfort for Baldr, but hey, he knows from experience that anyone's voice would be preferable to the darkness.
Baldr clocking Xehanort almost immediately and going what the fuck. What the hell are you doing. Bastard what happened to you after all these years. Finds out Xehanort's trying to create Kingdom Hearts and is all OH so when *I* try to do it, you kill me, but if it's you, it's totally fine? I hope the kid beats your ass.
Baldr popping in as a voice in the climax and giving Ansem Seeker of Darkness a crisis before he dies, which he didn't quite *mean* to but he can still read emotions as a heart ghost. Feels kinda good he's not gonna lie.
Riku eventually grows taller than Baldr and he feels slighted. Offended. You're supposed to be a pipsqueak stop that.
Riku instead of turning into Ansem SoD in KH2 takes on the form of Baldr from connecting with his own darkness and, by proxy, Baldr. Instead of getting taller he gets shorter.
Cue Baldr weighing the pros and cons of Riku revealing his new form in front of Xemnas like- Cons: The possible rise of danger my heart innkeeper will be in. Pros: Chaos.
Sora squinting at Baldr!Riku until he screams and points like "YOU'RE THE GUY! FROM RIKU'S DRAWINGS! THE GHOST!" and Kairi doesn't get it until Sora reminds her of the guy Riku sometimes talked about when they were kids and drew pictures of and then SHE'S pointing like !??!!?! and Riku's like uuuuhhhh I can explain but it'll take a while.
"You know Xehanort? Why didn't you say anything??" "Yeah he was my classmate. And then he executed me after I killed the others in our class. And some of our upperclassmen. It's not the best conversation opener."
Riku becoming understandably distressed once he finds out how exactly Baldr died and the lead-up to his breakdown. Has to go talk to Mickey and be reassured that if Riku ever loses his way in the darkness again, they'll pull him right out no matter how many times it takes.
Baldr tries very, very hard not to be bitter.
"My feelings about my friends, sister and place of birth are complicated on the best of days, but I'm glad you don't have to live with the suffocating guilt and anxiety that there's something inherently wrong with you for having even a sliver more darkness in you than what's considered acceptable and worrying your loved ones will put you down if they find out. I'm glad you have people who understand you, and who try to understand you."
"Do you ever wish you could meet your sister again?" "I'm content mourning her."
The state of Sora, Riku and Kairi's friendship and complicated feelings about each other is almost enough to give Baldr an aneurysm when he feels them.
The fun of DDD where Baldr can take a solid form inside the dream realm and meets young Xehanort when his death is still fresh in his mind :^ )
Baldr, finding out about what happened with Eraqus and his apprentices; "Goddamnit Eraqus."
Someone telling Riku to follow his heart and he goes "Are you asking me to kill?"
Baldr; The number one guy who can get under Xehanort's skin and tear down his 'specialest guy' mindset, and only partly because his emotions are an open book to him. Takes a look at adult versions of him and goes "Oh I want to bully him so bad, it'd be so easy." Xehanort; Has spent the last decades researching darkness because of Baldr, while also pointedly not thinking about Baldr, that Baldr killed their friends, or that Xehanort killed him.
Why is Baldr in Riku? Eeeh, unsure. Mayhaps the kids were all meant to go to Quadratum after they died but Baldr went "nope" and drifted around instead until Riku was born and his heart went "oh twinsies". Maybe his classmates have been looking for him, after time has passed to think and reflect yet there's still been no sign of him.
And since I'm a sucker for happy endings all the DR kids reunite in Quadratum and Xehanort and Baldr can now kick each other's ankles and be the kind of pair that would be unbelievably toxic where they different people but it somehow works. Being able to read your partner's emotions would be very one-sided in any situation except where they can read yours right back.
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localcryptideli · 8 months
Got tagged by @pom-seeds and I have time to spare so let's get started!
Are you named after anyone?
Nope, neither my dead name nor my chosen name are really after anyone.
When was the last time you cried?
idk, like, today?
Do you have kids?
like, physical? At home? in this economy?
What sports do you play/have you played?
I currently can't do anything because of chronic pain and issues. I used to do swimming, karate, dancing, yoga, and HEMA. I did archery for a while, too. Volleyball, table tennis, and badminton at school. I hated volleyball.
Do you use sarcasm?
I am from Rome, that's just how we communicate.
What is the first thing you notice about people?
Oh boy I don't know. It used to be eyes. Smell maybe? Height? If they have a gentle vibe? I am too anxious to look at people lately I am just hoping they won't eat me.
What's your eye color?
Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings, I am not usually interested in scary movies.
Any talents?
I can improvise recipes and cook by smell. I also seem to be quite good at being punctual. Also cleaning, it seems.
Where were you born?
At the hospital (in Italy)
What are your hobbies?
Reading, drawing when my hand is not screaming, playing with my cat, cuddling my spouse, rping.
Do you have any pets?
We currently have seven cats in the house. And my spouse's horse counts even tho I am not the main caretaker.
How tall are you?
1.69m, 1.70m when I remember to stretch my back.
Favorite subject in school?
Depends on the grade. I liked Italian literature, and English, and Earth Science. In middle school I liked Art. In college I liked nearly everything.
Dream job?
The one I have, but with a better salary.
I am tagging @government-assigned-riku-kinnie @zombiesheartwaffles @amberscave @martaslavendergarden @nekobanca have fun!
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sensitive-charmy · 2 years
It’s just so fun because I have so much I could say about almost every scene in KH. I could talk to you about how Riku teasing Sora about his crush on Kairi is a both a display of jealousy over their relationship but also a place of desperation as Riku realizes his own feelings for Sora. I could talk to you about how he flirts with Kairi in order to catch Sora’s attention like a male peacock showing his feathers. I could talk to you about how Riku saw the paopu drawing between Sora and Kairi and how all those feelings of jealousy were amplified and that’s partially why he lashed out. I could talk to you about how Riku was so overcome with love that he fell entirely on the opposite side and convinced himself he hated Sora.
I could talk about the scene when Riku thanks Kairi for giving him the idea to leave the island and Sora rolls his eyes and how on the surface that looks like Sora is annoyed with Riku flirting with his girl. But on a deeper level, Sora’s conflicted because he also wants Riku’s attention. I could talk to you about how Sora and Riku’s rivalry is rooted in the two of them constantly fighting for each other’s attention. I could talk about how Sora never loses faith in Riku throughout the entire series for even a fraction of a second while Kairi does. Kairi, a literal Princess of Heart, doubts Riku’s light. But Sora never does.
There’s so much more! That’s my point! I could go on and on forever! And that’s just a few of the scenes from KH1. Across the entire series? Ugh, it’s endless! Soriku analyses and videos and posts are long not because we’re reaching and trying to pull a ton of crumbs together. They’re long because there are full meals here! It’s just one course after another!
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airawisteria · 2 years
See, Kairi might not be my favourite character from KH (though, she's really fun to draw), but, like, the way she is so insecure about her friendship with Sora (I would say Riku as well, but let's be real here, those two could barely be considered friends, maybe acquaintances by this point, honestly) is something that would be so interesting to explore. I'm assuming it's probably from the trauma of losing her home world and everyone she cared about, like her Grandma, when her world was consumed by darkness—but, wow.
Even in KH1 where she and Sora are, in my opinion, the closest they've ever been shown to be, she's going on about leaving alone with Sora, the way that she immediately gives Sora a good luck charm the second she knows he's about to leave again, the way that she reaches out to Sora so desperately as if to say, "Please don't leave".
Then, in KH2, she straight up just forgets (not that it was her fault) about him and goes on with her life perfectly content. Once she realises, however, she immediately tries to remember him with such desperation that you have to wonder—why does she care so much for Sora but was perfectly fine staying on Destiny Islands instead of looking for her world or desperately trying to hold onto her memories of her Grandma? I think, at this point, some people would brush this off as 'her romantic feelings for Sora', but, like, is it really just that? I think it's more so about how she doesn't want to lose Sora completely as she did with her home world. She almost lost Sora completely, memories and all, and I think that after you've experienced losing your loved ones and the world that you've grown to love/have always loved almost completely at the ripe old age of a nursery kid. That leaves scars (obviously). So, when she realises she might lose someone she knew she was close with—she does whatever she can to get him back. Kairi wasn't able to do that with her home world, but maybe she could with Sora?
So! She immediately writes Sora a letter, puts it in a bottle and lets it float away. It's also probably why she takes such an active role in KH2, especially compared to KH1 where she was passed out for most of it and when she was awake she wasn't really doing much (like, Nomura, mate, couldn't you have had Kairi at least try to fend off some of the heartless??), but here she might still be getting kidnapped and stuff, but!! She's actually actively searching Sora out, trying to find him, fighting Axel, fighting the heartless with her keyblade, she's even the entire reason Sora even fucking found Riku, in the end. Now, let's fast forward to the end of KH2, Riku and Sora are stranded in the Realm of Darkness while Kairi is in Destiny Islands. She's alone, again. Imagine, finding two of your closest friends in the past, and then, bam! They're gone, again. And, again, you're helpless to do anything about it. That has to do something to your self-esteem, right? You've almost lost your friends twice, lost your world twice (kinda) and you couldn't do anything about it both times. It's like you're destined to be the only one left behind, the only one who can't take part in the Mark of Mastery exam, the only one who isn't in the Realm of Darkness or fighting Xemnas, the only one in the Realm of Light, and, the only one who will never be able to catch up with your friends.
So, the Mark of Mastery happens and Kairi's busy learning how to wield a keyblade with Lea/Axel. Just like how Sora's failures are getting to him, Kairi's incompetence is getting to her—I mean, have you heard her voice lines? She even fucking cuts her hair not because she thinks it's getting too long or something, but because she thinks Sora might like her more with short hair. It isn't about her, it's about how she needs to keep up, how she needs to be someone the others can turn to, how she needs to be on the same level as everyone else—because if she isn't, how will she ever be able to be there for her friends? How will she ever be able to stop being the 'damsel in distress'? She doesn't send her letters to Sora anymore, probably because she thinks she and Sora are no longer the same friends who could connect easily and talk to easily—she thinks Sora and her have gained some distance. Distance that could probably be shortened over time, maybe, but distance that is stopping her from being able to open up to him. Then, there's the whole paopu fruit thing where she gives Sora another good luck charm because, like in KH1, she's scared to lose him, again. So, she intertwines their fates, because what other reassurance does she have?
And, then, the whole thing with the Keyblade Graveyard happens where Sora has a mental breakdown, and Kairi isn't strong enough to be there for Sora—but, Riku is. I don't think she remembers that bit, but during the first timeline, she reaches out to Sora specifically. Maybe it's romance, or maybe it's her trying to be with him so she won't lose him again.
But, anyways, onto the second timeline. Sora loses Kairi again cause Xehanort's being an asshole as he does. This time, Sora has to sacrifice himself for Kairi to return—and so, she loses him, again. Only this time, it's all her fault (not that it really is, just what I think she thinks about the matter). And within seconds, her self-esteem probably crumbles—she's lost someone again, someone precious again, someone she couldn't save, someone who had to save her, just like how it was with her Grandma.
Okay!! Rambling about Kairi over, but, like, I could go on and on about how much losing her home world was like for her and all that jazz.
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linagram · 1 year
everyone's album covers, song previews and album trailer voicelines!
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okay okay i'm actually kinda proud of myself?? :'D like i always prefer just. drawing characters even though i don't really avoid drawing backgrounds and i don't find drawing them that difficult but i rarely pay attention to things like. doors so yeah it's kinda cool that i've managed to come up with ten different door designs and draw them! even though most of them don't even look like doors. it's okay listen i just wanted to make them as weird as their mvs okay
(also about some prisoners having the symbols on their uhhh restraints and most of them not having them. well you see i just didn't have any energy left to draw them so i was like "it's fine i'll just draw the actual symbols later" and guess what. i didn't :) and i'm too tired to draw all of them so y-yeah. honestly maybe i'll change the symbols to something else like it takes way too much time to draw them and they're not even that close to the canon ones)
okay sorry for rambling, you can read everyone's song previews, titles (though you can see them on the covers, but still. or maybe you can't see them i'm sorry if the text is hard to read 😭) and album trailer voicelines under the cut! and also more of my rambling
Album trailer voicelines:
Aimi: "Don't you think that's kind of.. unprofessional?"
Shun: "I-Isn't it a good thing that I'm getting better?"
Naomi: "But in the end, I've simply decided to agree with you."
Kei: "It's time for your punishment, Eiji~"
Eiko: "It's like.. your life finally has a purpose."
Asahi: "I wanna go home, even if I don't have one anymore."
Riku: "Haha, trust me, I'm strong enough to do that."
Reina: "So, yeah, the show's over."
Song titles:
Akio: The King's Execution
Aimi: Mask of Kindness
Shun: Wrong Route
Naomi: Your Story
Kei: Web of Desire
Eiko: As Seen On TV
Asahi: 'Cause I Deserve It
Yurika: Bitter Aftertaste
Riku: Trendsetter
Reina: Death of the Author
Song previews:
Akio: "Come on, fight me, punch me, beat me to death,
Show me how you've really felt about me all this time
There's no one left to support me, no one left to call me "Your Majesty"
I guess it's time for me to admit my defeat" 
"Let's have as much fun as we can today, like this is the last day of our lives
I won't ask you to be careful, I know you won't listen to me anyway
Let's make these moments more colorful than ever before
Let's turn today into our best masterpiece"
"I know that this is the best option, I don't even need a guide
"Real life"? What's that? Some kind of joke?
I know you will love me in every world and universe
Tell me I'm your everything, let me get the best ending"
"I can't believe I found out about this only now
Why didn't you tell me sooner? Why didn't anyone else tell me about this?
Your life was so short, but so full of pain
Does this mean that I've saved you from all that suffering?"
"Congrats, you've fallen right into my trap
Make yourself comfortable, you're in for a long ride
Tying you up, choking and biting
Keep your eyes on me, take those rose-colored glasses off"
"Yay, she did it, good for her! What an icon, am I right?
Haha, thank you, thank you! Serves him right, I know
You've forgiven me, darling, so let me thank you properly
Tell me what you want, I will give you everything and more"
"Give me more, you know that it'll never be enough for me
You want me to repay you? That's funny
Why should you give me so much and get nothing in return?
It's obvious, 'cause I deserve it"
"Please, please, make my world sweet again
This world is so cold, so bitter, if I take a bite, I'll get poisoned for sure
Hey, hey, what are you saying? You want more sugar as well?
Sure, anything for my master! But you're not her, so get out."
"Now, listen, I don't like to do this
I'm not the type to abuse my power
But looks like it's time for you to get what you deserve
So get him, everyone, I'll pat you on the head later"
"What about my crime? What about my sins?
Well, why don't you figure it out yourself?
I'll let you decide, I'll let you write my story
Aren't you the one who's supposed to judge us anyway?"
Random facts about everyone's song titles, lyrics and doors (spoiler-free. mostly):
The silhouettes from Akio's T1 MV are back!
If you've read Aimi's T1 MV description, you probably already went "Wait, is her song title a reference to that mask from her video?" and you are correct!
Shun's song title is kinda supposed to be a pun? Basically it's a reference to dating sims, character routes and all that stuff, but it's also supposed to mean taking a wrong path in life or something like that.
Naomi's song title was the hardest one to come up with and it turned out to be the most boring one. I am so sorry.
I actually wouldn't say that Asahi's door shows his MV that well, since his video will actually have mostly white and green colors, but I thought that a door like that would look boring, so yeah, I made it more colorful!
"Why is Yurika's door like that?" Oh, don't worry, compared to Asahi's door, Yurika's door shows her MV perfectly fine <3
Riku's door. Riku's door made me go through so much pain, IT WAS THE LAST DOOR I CAME UP WITH. I LITERALLY HAD NO IDEA WHAT TO DRAW. Not even because I dislike his MV, it's just that his MV has this motif that's. Very hard to show as a door. Like all ideas I had just sounded stupid so I decided to go with something like this instead. Also I still hate drawing chains and I used a brush instead.
Yes, Naomi's door just. Looks like a diary. BUT I TRIED TO MAKE IT LOOK LIKE A DOOR OKAY I TRIED
Reina's door having a more "actor-like" motif probably doesn't make much sense because of the song title, but trust me, it does. And yes, her song title is based on the trope of the same name.
Aimi's song lyrics kinda sound like a sequel to her T1 song though i guess her t2 song can be called that here, but the rest of the lyrics sound more different. And yes, there will be more of their song lyrics in the MV descriptions this time >:)
Kei's song lyrics are actually supposed to be much more sad this time and even the chorus will sound differently in the end.
Reina, please, stop breaking the fourth wall, you're becoming way too powerful.
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