#riker lynch fanfiction
First I want to say that you're doing a God's work with this, seriously! This blog is amazing and I found so many fanfics!
And I'm kinda hoping you can help me find one fanfic I have been looking for for years
I remember reading a CrissColfer fanfic a few years ago, I think it was on the site like Scarves&Coffee? But I don't remember the name of the site 🙈 I think it was a one shot and for some reason I think I remember it having 20 thousand words, but I don't know if that's correct hahahah
Anyway, Darren was good friends with Riker Lynch (the guy who played Jeff) and I think he was the one who kept sending Darren smut fanfiction about him and Chris. Darren read them but hadn't found them interesting, until he read the one that really interested him. Turns out that Chris was writing fanfiction about himself and Darren, but Darren hadn't found out about it till later in the story. He found out because Chris left his laptop on and Darren saw Chris' nickname on the site (I think it could have been Tumblr). I also remember in the fic Darren commented on one of the stories asking the author (not knowing that it was Chris) why they were writing about Chris and Darren and not Kurt and Blaine. Anyway, when they actually found out that Chris was writing fanfiction and Darren reading it, they slept together recreating one of the fanfiction written by Chris. And I think Chris started writing the fanfiction because of his crush on Darren, but I could be wrong.
I'm sorry that this message turned out so chaotic, I just tried to put everything I remember about this fic hahaha
I would be really grateful if you were able to find it ❤️❤️❤️
Thanks for the sweet message! The site you're thinking of was called it-could-happen.net - it was the CC sister site of S&C. They brought back S&C, but not ICH unfortunately. If you could remember the title, there are ways to try and find the story. I don't recall ever reading this one, although I'd like to! Readers - does this description ring a bell for you? Anyone? Anon - if you could remember the title or author, that would be helpful. I hope we can find it! ~Lynne
ETA: ANON SENT: for anon who's looking for a cc fic, it's not the same but a lot of things are similar so maybe... ?
Trolling in the Deep by dreams_and_oj
As a budding fanfiction author, someone liveblogging his fic was a dream come true for Darren. Or so he thought...
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kassilovesr5 · 5 years
You’re My Music- (Chapter 43) SCANDAL
“Excuse me… Ma’am…Um hello.”
“I’m sorry what?”
“Sorry sir the bathrooms are around the corner and to your right.” Jackson piped in behind me.
“Thanks.” A middle aged bald man wearing a green suit shirt gave me a condescending nod and followed the way Jackson’s hand pointed him.
“Whoa! Earth to Rian, anyone home?” Jackson dramatically waved his hands in front of my face.
“Sorry I just have a lot on my mind.” I said shrugging in angst. I couldn’t keep my mind on work for one second. The coffee shop was extremely slow for a Tuesday morning and I was drifting.
“Anything you want to talk about? Some tea you want to spill? How is that boy you dumped?” Jackson was the only person I really enjoyed working with.
“I didn’t dump him, it was comp-”
“I know it was complicated—aren’t relationships always!”
“And what do you know I haven’t heard about any boys on your end.”  
The coffee shop door swept open and Rocky walked in.
“Ugh yes, your hot friend is here.” Jackson said under his breath. I laughed and shoved Jackson to the side of the counter.
Rocky walked up and put his elbows down and his chin in them. I mimicked him and got face to face with him my elbows parallel to his.
“What’s up?” I tilted my head and cracked a smile. He cracked a similar half smile.
“I was bored so I thought I would come visit my favorite barista.” We both stood up.
“You come all this way just to see me?” Jackson gushed. Jackson set an iced americano on the counter.  
“You remember my drink and everything thanks man!” Rocky put his hand up for a high five, but a disappointed Jackson just cringed and walked to the back room.
“So, what do I owe you?” Rocky asked fumbling with his wallet.
“On the house.”
“Uhh…” He sighed. “What did I do to deserve you!”
“I’m just in my everlasting quest to feed your coffee addiction.” I said half chuckling. Rocky put his hand on top of mine on the counter and gave it a squeeze.
“Ri, I love you! I’m going to use the bathroom quick.” Rocky set down his coffee and walked around the corner to the restrooms.
“That man just keeps getting more gorgeous.” Jackson said.
“Well I hate to shatter your dreams, but that man is straight and too old for you.”
“Oh, trust me I know he’s straight, he is extremely into you.”
If I had been drinking something I would most likely would have expelled it from my mouth
“Excuse me what? You think Rocky is into me?”
“Yea I always see the ways he interacts with you, it’s right under your nose. He practically professed his love for you.”
“He professed his love for coffee. You are seriously out of it, we’re just friends.”
“You’re too close to the situation to realize it, but your best friend is in love with you trust me. Maybe you have some feelings for him too and that’s what’s really upsetting you.”
“Trust me I am not in love with…ROCKY!”
I jumped as Rocky came back around the corner.
“Dudeeeeee you have to look at this!” Thankfully Rocky was distracted with something more pressing. Rocky showed me his phone lit up with a tweet from the celebrity gossip account: “LA Tonight!” The tweet read “RIKER LYNCH’S EX-GIRLFRIEND PREGNANT!! CLICK THE LINK TO GET ALL THE DETAILS ON THIS PREGNANCY DRAMA!”
My breath got caught in my throat and my jaw dropped. This was the first leak of the news and the first we had heard from Estella in weeks.
“What is the video?” I asked frantically.
“I don’t know I haven’t looked.” Rocky tapped on the link and opened a YouTube video.
“Jackson, I think I’m going to take my break now.” I said already undoing my apron and hanging it on the hook.
“Do you girl.” Jackson shrugged and went back to cleaning the espresso machine. I ran around the corner to Rocky and pulled him towards a small table. We sat down and clicked play on the video.
I anxiously listened to a blonde girl flip out about Estella being pregnant and spew a bunch of twisted details about her life. What really grabbed me was the first mention of Riker’s name.
     “Estella has confirmed her ex Riker Lynch is the father. She told LA Tonight:Her tone switched when she started using the quotes from Estella.
     ”I am quite nervous for the future and for single motherhood. Riker has not been supportive and has rejected that he is the father.
At that point I quit listening. My mind wondered from his screen to processing all of what had been said and what was happening. My mind was a cluster of nothing until Rocky started using a number of expletives. My vision was clouded until I focused on the screen. There was a number of gossip news companies that were tweeting about the incident all claiming to have a different inside scoop. Another in particular caught my attention.
“What the hell!” I reached across and tapped the link on his phone and he didn’t have a say otherwise
           “You all may remember the lovely relationship that fans coined RiStella well it turns out that RiStella may not have been the dream love we all remember.”
           Pictures of Riker and Estella when they were dating showed up on the screen and a big broken heart was stamped over the picture as the gossiper talked about the demise of their relationship.
            “Estella told Celeb Weekly ‘The relationship Riker and I had was sweet at the beginning I started to think he was the one until I found he was cheating on me.’”
            The quotes appeared in large black letters over a blue background on the screen.
           “‘The girl he was cheating on me with tracked me down physically assaulted me. Riker then dumped me for her and until he found out I was pregnant and has been trying to cover everything up. He’s completely shut me out and refuses that he is the father.’” The celeb gossiper read.
           “How do you guys feel? Were you a RiStella fan and are you shocked with the news of Estella being pregnant? Let us know in the comments below!”
I buried my hands in my face and knocked my head against the desk. A few seconds later the clatter of a mug sat made noise in front of my face. Jackson set down a mug with steaming liquid in front of me.
“B, it sounds like you’re going to need this.” He said cringing and stepped away slowly.
I took a sip of the steaming chai latte and took a breath. I couldn’t deal with this. I didn’t have the emotional stability I was already at a downwards slope.
“Um Jackson?” I voiced.
“Yea?” he called from behind the counter.
“Is there anyone in here?” I stood up and checked for myself as well.
“Nope still dead.”
“Feel better?” Rocky chuckled a little placing a hand on my side.
“This. Isn’t. FUNNY!” I emphasized funny like I was about to snap. I sat back down and buried my head in my hands. “I���m sorry.” I apologized.
“Look Rian it’s been dead all day and you only have two hours of your shift left. I can cover you!” Jackson called.
“Thanks.” I smiled lightly at him. I brought my cup up to the counter and ruffled his curly brown hair. “You’re sure?”
“Of course! Get out of here.”
I opened the door and met a gathering of pillows and blankets.
“Whoa what’s all this?” I asked the body behind the pillows. A blanket slipped from his hands. I reached down and grabbed it before he did.
“I thought you were at work?” he responded moving past me to get to get outside. I followed him with the blanket he dropped.
“I got off early, I was a little stressed and it was super slow.”
“You saw all the gossip articles I’m guessing.” He mindlessly responded stuffing some of the blankets and pillows into his car never making contact with me. He seamlessly grabbed the blanket from my hands and stuffed it in as well.
“I did. Are you okay?” Riker slammed the car door and stood up walking towards the house.
“I didn’t realize it mattered how I feel.”
“You’re kidding me, right?” Riker swiveled around and glared at me. His hair was a scrunched mess his eyes were red and droopy with bags under them. I wondered how much he’d slept the night before. “I get that you’re stressed. Maybe you should just cool it for a bit thing will die down.”
“Yea uh…avoiding problems is your thing. I need to handle this.” He turned around and stumbled back into the house.
“What are you even doing?” I followed after him. He was growing aggressively annoyed.
“I don’t think I should stay here. I thought I’d might go slum it at the folks’ place for a bit.”
“You know you don’t have to do that.”
“I don’t know how it’s going to look if people find out I’m still living with my ex-girlfriend.”
“Why does it matter what people think? Just let this all blow over it’ll be okay.”
“I can’t just sit here and let Estella ruin my career. I have an interview with celeb weekly tomorrow.” He sounded exhausted and agitated. I don’t think he was making the soundest decisions.
“Riker you shouldn’t just fight fire with fire!”
“YOU DON’T GET TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO. I THOUGHT WE ALREADY HAD THIS CONVERSATION.” He yelled in the middle of the living room. I saw him regain his cool and shake away the urge to explode. “I’m going to my parent’s place to get some space,” he started. “Please do not follow me.” He said in a low almost whisper. He grabbed his keys from the shelf leaning against the stairs and walked assertively out the door. 
Reade more of You’re My Music: Here
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heyimaginethat · 7 years
“Bound to You”
Chapter 36: Assurances 
(1-35 if you need it, its been a while)
It was supposed to be longer but I split it in two, since this part is ready now. 
‘When the fuck did Darcy turn into such a slut??’
‘Ross could do better. @darcydavis can you go back to wherever you came from?’
Darcy’s brow furrowed as enraged tweets from R5 fans continued to flood her timeline. Her recent wardrobe choices seemed to be the root of the anger. She locked her phone and laid it down on the wooden tabletop, pushing it across the surface as far as her arm would reach. There had always been a few negative messages mixed into her Twitter feed or her Instagram comments, but lately it seemed as though every social media account she had was flooded with hatred. It wasn’t difficult to direct the blame onto one particular individual. Sean. Ever since he’d begun sending her ‘gifts’ to wear out R5 fans had been slowly turning against her. The overwhelming majority of the fanbase still had her back and defended her new wardrobe choices, but the number of fans who despised her was growing rapidly. Social media had turned into a warzone. She was so wrapped up in her thoughts that she didn’t hear footsteps echoing down the staircase and into the kitchen. It wasn’t until a familiar pair of muscled arms wrapped around her from behind that she realized she was no longer alone in the room. She jumped, startled by the contact. “Morning, gorgeous.” Riker murmured, pressing a kiss against her cheek. Her heart continued to thump loudly in her chest as her walked around the table and took a seat in front of her. She gave him a condescending look as he began unwrapping the granola bar he’d pulled from the cabinet. “You gave me a heart attack!” She scowled as she poured herself a bowl of cereal. He smirked and tossed the crumpled up wrapper into the nearby trashcan. “Sorry, love. Why are you so jumpy this morning?” She glanced down at her phone, briefly contemplating telling Riker the truth before deciding it wasn’t worth the explanation. Besides, what real explanation could she give anyways? “I’m not jumpy, you just startled me that’s all.” She lied. Riker eyed her skeptically. He knew something was up; he always did. But, as always, he didn’t press her any further on the subject. “So are we still on for movies in my room tonight? Rocky’s going to be out late.” he asked, cocking an eyebrow suggestively. Darcy groaned. She completely forgot Riker had suggested a movie night earlier in the week. “I can’t tonight, I’m going to that concert with Ross.” She said, frowning. Finding alone time with Riker was difficult, given the very full house they lived in. Riker frowned in return. “Seriously? You guys went out four times this week! Isn’t that enough?” He asked, frustration evident in his tone. A familiar pang of guilt shot through Darcy’s stomach. She had been with Ross a lot lately, but there wasn’t anything she could do about it. It wasn’t as if she could tell Sean ‘no’. “I’m really sorry. I wish I could get out of it.” She said wistfully. Riker didn’t look up from the table. “It’s ok.” He mumbled. Darcy stood from her chair and walked around to where he sat. She flopped down in his lap and wrapped her arms tightly around his neck. “I’m sooooooooorry.” She repeated, dragging out every syllable of the word. She pressed her lips to his cheek, allowing her mouth to linger. “You know I’d rather be spending time with you.” She whispered against his skin, her lips dragging slowly across his unshaved face. His stubble pricked the soft flesh of her lips, a welcome and familiar feeling. He nodded, his eyes finally looking up to meet hers. “I know, I know.” He said, playing with the drawstrings that dangled from the waistband of her pajama shorts. “I just don’t like to share.” He smirked, tugging suggestively at the strings. “There is no sharing.” She assured him. “Ross might get to borrow me sometimes but I’m one-hundred percent yours. Always.” She pressed a kiss firmly against his forehead. Riker’s smirk grew as his hand moved in circles against her thigh. His touch sent a wave of goosebumps across her skin, as usual. “Always?” He asked, his fingers tracing invisible patterns on her skin. “Always.” She repeated. She hesitated before leaning forward far enough to gently peck his lips. It was early but they were still in a house full of people, she didn’t want to risk getting caught. Even by his family. “Well you know…” He started, pulling her body tightly against his chest. “Rocky left early this morning to go out with Ellington.” His lips met the soft skin of her neck as he began leaving a trail of kisses lightly down towards her collarbone. “Yeah?” She felt her breath catch in her throat as his hand continued moving dangerously high up her leg. The familiar feeling of longing and desire gripped her stomach He nodded, not-so-gently nipping at the delicate skin of her throat. “Yup. And everyone else is sound asleep.” “They could still come downstairs.” She squeaked. “We shouldn’t-” “Well then maybe we should move this upstairs.” He growled, slipping his hand underneath her t-shirt. A breathless moan escaped her lips as his fingertips brushed the skin just beneath her bare breasts. “Give me just a minute to clean up, I’ll be up there in a second.” She said breathlessly. Riker smirked when he realized his teasings had their desired effect on her. “Two minutes. And I’m coming back down here.” He said, playfully smacking her behind as she stood up and took her bowl to the sink. She smiled to herself as she heard his heavy footsteps slowly thudding, growing quieter as he reached the top steps of the house. She loved him, more than she had ever believed she could love anyone. No one understood her the way he did. Halfway up the stairs she felt her phone buzz in her hand once again.
‘I’m over @darcydavis and her attention seeking ass. Next please.’
She unlocked her phone and immediately held down the bright blue icon for Twitter.
Are you sure you would like to delete this app?
She clicked yes and tossed her phone through her bedroom door onto a pile of laundry before tiptoeing across the hall and into Riker’s room, leaving all the drama, momentarily, on the other side of the door.
NOTE: I started this story 4 years ago and I’ve just now picked it up, so its for sure outdated. I wrote this long before Savannah, Courtney, and back when Ross was still on Disney, so keep that in mind and read the chapters leading up to it to understand what’s going on! (If you haven’t before.) This is literally from 2013/14. 
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rikerspiratebooty · 7 years
Hello my beautiful followers!
I just wanted to apologize for the lack of activity for the past few months! Work has been absolutely insane! I have a new job as a bartender and I’m basically closing down the bar every single night! 
Now with school vastly approaching, I’m worried that I still won’t be able to update my fics as much as I would like.. So fingers crossed that I’ll be able to find the time I need to work on those upcoming chapters that I promised you a while back! 
Send me a message or comment which story you would like to see updated first! Or, send me a message asking for an imagine! Imagines are always a nice change of pace and I could probably get those out a little quicker!
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girlwiththestories · 7 years
Riker's Little Sister - Riker Lynch Imagine
“Okay, _______,” Riker said setting down his phone and getting up from the green room couch. “I think I’m ready.”
You sprang to his side. “Me too.” Since going on tour a few weeks ago, you had been begging Riker to show you a little bass. Keys was your first love which was why R5 had agreed to let you–an unknown pianist–take the gig as their backup keys player, but hearing Riker play bass from on stage was so magical that you knew you wanted to play bass too.
He lead the way out of the green room slowly. “I think we’ll be okay sneaking on stage for a few minutes.”
“Riker, I’m just so excited,” you gushed. “When I’m on stage, I feel the bass pulsing through me. It’s like every note vibrates on my bones, and I want nothing more than to be part of it.”
He smiled. “There’s a reason I play bass, and I can see you get it.” He slipped his bass strap over his head and lowered the bass into position. “This string right here,” he said plucking the top string. “Is E.”
“I know. That couldn’t not be E,” you said with a straight face. Having perfect pitch meant you knew exactly what each note was just by hearing it. “Perfect pitch over here.”
“Freaking show off,” he groaned. “Why are you asking me to help you if you’re an effing music genius?” He slipped his bass off and put it onto the stand as he turned to leave.
“Riker, wait,” you pleaded. His reaction made you feel embarrassed for making such a great bass player and nice person feel like dirt. “I’m sorry. I’ll shape up. I just know the notes–not how to play bass. Please teach me. I’ll be nice. I promise.”
He turned and looked at you as you finished. A look of disappointment washed over his face and then was gone. “All’s forgiven. Where do you want to start?”
You smirked. “With how to play bass, I don’t know how to do that.”
He began showing you how to hold the bass and pluck the strings, and you decided it would be best to start with you playing keys and watching him while he played. After playing through a few songs, he suggested you switch.
“Here,” he said handing you his blue and white bass. “Your turn.”
You took it from him and tightened the strap so it didn’t fall to your knees. “Show me,” you begged. He stood behind you and adjusted your hands until they were in the right position.
After he had watched you play a few notes, you couldn’t help but tell him what had been on your mind for the past few weeks. Maybe he wasn’t the best person to tell, but you couldn’t think of anyone else who would be better. “I like Rocky,” you said simply. “Do you think he likes me back?”
“Dang. That’s not a bass question. I wasn’t prepared for that,” he laughed. He was silent for a moment. “But seriously I don’t know what to tell you. I don’t know the answer to that. Rocky’s a great guy, but his feelings are his own private business. Just because I’ve known him for twenty years doesn’t mean I know when he likes someone.”
“I’m not surprised. I’ve only really known him a few weeks, but that’s been long enough to know that he’s not an open book.”
“I’ll be on the lookout for you,” he promised. “I’m kinda hoping he does. You too would be so adorable together.”
You blushed. “Thanks.” You couldn’t believe that Riker of all people was shipping you and Rocky. You knew he could be a bit of a sap, but this was completely unexpected. “I know that it’s hard not to blab to everyone especially on tour, but can you treat this like a sister’s confidence?”
“Sure. Sister, I like the sound of that,” he smiled. “I don’t have enough little sisters.”
“I can be one, if you’ll be my big brother,” you said.
“Of course,” he said giving you a hug. “We better hurry. Dad’s going to be yelling for me to come to meet and greet very soon.”
He moved to the keys, and you picked up the bass and began to play. Your fingers stumbled over the strings, but still you couldn’t help smiling. Playing the bass felt so good even if you were messing up and playing the wrong notes.
“Hey,” he said with a smile when you finished Can’t Forget about You. “That wasn’t so bad. But at this part…it should be a B flat instead of an F.”
“Show me,” you said taking off the bass.
And he did. This was just the beginning, but you could already tell that being Riker’s little sister was going to be great.
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Ross Lynch fanfic fandom HELP
R5 fandom. Ross lynch fandom. I’m calling out to you.
I read this Ross Lynch fanfic YEARS ago that I am just dying to read again, but I can’t find it anywhere and I can’t remember what it was called.
It was on Wattpad. It was about Ross and this girl who were dating, broke up and we’re best friends, but then began dating again. The girl was an actress as well. Like it was a complete book! There was even a separate book of scenes from the same story where I specifically remember a one shot where Ross and the girl are at Coachella with r5 and there’s a lot of PDA and it’s revealed that they went to a cabin together and took nude photos together.
In the beginning of the original book, the girl is home alone with her sibling(s?) and someone breaks in or tries to and she gets so scared that she calls Ross as well as the cops? Like I even remember someone saying to Ross that the two of them never really broke up when they did, that at a birthday party afterwards they still never left each other sides.
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rossfckinlynch-blog · 7 years
SOOOOOO i’ve been writing fanfiction for quite some time now, and today i finally decided to post a little something i’ve been working onnnnnn let me know what y’allllll think about it
Warnings: drinking/cursing
Chapter One: Hey Bartender 
       I woke up on August 24, 2017 the way I did any other Friday morning. At 11:30, my alarm went off. I hadn't gotten until 4 am the night before, so a good 7 and a half hours of sleep would be enough for the day. I drug myself from my bed and draped open my bedroom curtains. Although I'd been living at the beach for almost two months, I never grew tired of the ocean view I got everyday.
         I quickly changed into a pair of gym shorts and a t-shirt, and ran a brush through the mess on my head. I smacked my thin framed glasses on my face and made my way to the kitchen. In kitchen I found my husky, tattooed roommate sitting at the table, drinking his black coffee and eating his Fruity Pebbles.
         My daily routine was going as it always had, but in a way, it felt off. Something about today felt different, a good different.
         "Morning." I yawned to him, pulling a coffee mug out of the counter for myself.
         "What time did you get in?" I heard him ask before shoving a spoon full of cereal into his mouth.
         "Around 4."
         I poured myself a cup of coffee, grabbed my Salted Caramel creamer, and took a seat across from him.
         "Why so late?" He asked. "I thought you were done at 2."
         I sipped my coffee before answering him.
         "I closed down around 3, but decided to help Joe clean up everything, then he walked me home." I replied, and his eyes narrowed.
         "I thought I told you I didn't want Joe walking you home, or you being there alone with him." He said, his voice harsh.
         "Calm down, Dad." I laughed. "Joey's harmless."
         "For now." He raised his eyebrow. "At the end of the day Joe's a man, and I know how men think."
         I raised a brow back at him.
         "You know how gay men think." I corrected him, causing a smile to form on his face.
         I had met Chase in March of 2017. I had taken a weekend trip to the beach with my mom, sister, aunt, and a few family friends. Although I wasn't 21 yet, I had a fake ID and got into all of the bars. The bar Chase worked at, which I work now, was attached to our hotel. I quickly befriended Chase and when the weekend was over I revealed my secret, I was only 20 and he had been serving me for the last three days.
         He laughed about it, and felt connected to me enough to fill a secret in about his own self. The handsome, strong, inked up bartender that my sister and aunt's friends had spent the weekend swooning over was into dudes. I'd never had a gay friend before, and I thank God every day for now having one.
         After that March weekend, Chase and I kept in touch. We'd take weekend trips to visit each other, and when I finally turned 21 in June, he was there to help me bring it in. In our months of friendship, we'd talked about things we wanted to do with our lives, and mistakes we'd made in the past.
         Remembering my fantasy of one day living at the beach, spending the summer figuring myself out, Chase got me a job at the bar we met at, and asked me to move in with him a week after my birthday. It was an easy yes for me, being the beach was only an hour away from my friends and family at home. So, mid-June I packed up my things, and drove my red pick-up truck down to the shore.
         Since then, I'd fallen in love with the bartending life. It was summer, in my favorite place on Earth, working (most nights) alongside of one of my best friends. I couldn't have asked for anything better.
         "What do you work tonight?" Chase stood from the counter, dumping his remains in the sink before immediately washing the dishes he'd just used.
         "Supposed to be 5-2." I told him. He told me he'd been scheduled the same shift. When it came to working together, Chase and I had been just as in-sync as we were in real life. Thanks to this trait, we spent a lot of weekend nights on the same schedule.
         "Was thinking maybe I'd gym for a little, then come back, eat and nap before work." He told me.
         "Sounds good to me." I nodded, taking one last swig of my coffee before handing it to him to wash.
         "Great." He smiled, and I made my way back to my bedroom.
         The “off feeling” continued when I got to work. For a Friday night, there was an odd amount of people at the bar. The dancefloor was tight, and most of the seats at the bar were taken. But, when a group of 7 came in and was able to fit, I knew it wasn’t a regular Friday night. They were on Chase’s end, so he served them, but I watched closely because they looked like a familiar bunch.
         “’Scuse me!” A voice chimed, pulling my attention away from Chase.
         I turned to see a girl waving a $5 bill over the bar at me.
         “What can I get for ya?” I asked in my nicest voice, even though the money waving had really pissed me off.
         “A vodka sprite.” She said with her nose in the air.
         I grabbed a glass and made her drink, setting it down on the bar in front of her.
         I took the 5 she had laid and put her $1.25 in front of her. She scooped up her change and walked away. No “thank you”, no tip, not even any eye contact.
         “Bitch.” I whispered under my breath, then turned to help another customer. A few minutes had gone by, and I felt Chase walk up behind me.
         “The blonde over there, black and tan button up.” He said calmly. I looked around the bar, and found the guy he was talking about, sitting among the party who had just walked in.
         “What about him?” I asked.
         “Bought you this.” Chase told me, and I looked down. In his hand he held what looked like Jameson and Ginger Ale.
         “No way.” I shook my head, laughing, then looked back at the blonde.
         He was handsome, very handsome. He sat conservatively at the bar, sipping on what looked like a whisky and coke.
         “What did he say?” I hinted at Chase for details.
         “Asked what the cute bartender in the denim shorts usually drank.” He laughed. “I told him a bottle of Miller Lite would do.”
         I started cracking up, because Chase was also in denim shorts, and Miller Lites were his drink of choice.
         “Then, when I realized he and I weren't on the same team..." He joked. “I told him your drink and he asked if he could buy you one.”
         “Should I go thank him?” I asked, taking the drink from his hands.
         “Um, yeah!” He exclaimed. “I’ll take this side for a little, go.”
         I took a huge swig from my drink, and made my way over to where Blondie was sitting.
         I wondered what I would say to get his attention, but as I made my way over he looked up, and our eyes met.
         "Is it rude if I say I've never met a girl who drinks whiskey like I do?" He smiled, before I had the chance to thank him for the drink.
         "Not rude. Just seems like you haven't been associating yourself with the right kind of girls." I joked.
         I decided to play it cool, and asked the guy next to him if he was ready for a refill.
         "Please." The brunette responded. "My credit card's running a tab back there."
         "What are you drinking?" I asked, continuing to ignore the blonde.
         "Rum and coke." He told me, and I nodded. I turned my back to them and made his drink.
         "I'm Ross, by the way." I heard the blonde's voice shouting over my shoulder.
         "Cassie." I finally looked back at him.
         "Nice to meet you." He replied with a grin on his face.
         "Likewise." I nodded.
         "Thank you for the drink." I smiled, taking a quick sip from the glass.
         "My pleasure."
         He downed the last of his drink, but didn't push his glass towards me. That action all but made me putty in this guy's hands. My biggest pet peeve with being a bartender was when people waved their money at me, or pushed their drinks towards me as if I didn't realize the glass was empty.
         "Another one?" I asked, reaching to grab his glass.
         "Yeah, please." He said. "Jack and coke."
         I filled his cup, putting in a little extra than I normally would before returning it to the coaster in front of him.
         "That one's on me." I winked at him.
         He smiled as he thanked me, then held his glass to mine. We clinked, and drank. We spent a majority of that night, clinking many drinks that were bought between the two of us. We got more acquainted, and I had introduced him and his group to Chase.
         I had discovered that the party he had come in with were his siblings, and his sister's boyfriend. They were in town for a show, and decided to make a small vacation out of it.
         The more we talked, the more attracted I found myself to him. There were times where I would've done anything for just a few seconds alone with him.
         The night came to an end and before any of us knew it, it was 2:00 and it was time to shut down. Chase called "last call" and those left at the bar finished up their drinks. Ross, his sister, and the rest of the boys began getting themselves ready to go.
         I tried to pretend not to pay attention to the fact they were leaving, and that I was concerned if I would see him again.
         "Before I go..." I finally heard Ross speak up. I turned eagerly to face him, and this was the first time I saw him standing up. He had to be at least 6'1, and he was now wearing a leather jacket.
         "Will you be here tomorrow?" He asked.
         "Yeah." I nodded. "I work at 11."
         "Okay. We've got some sibling stuff to do tomorrow, but I'll probably be back in to see you at some point."
         "Okay." I smiled, a poor attempt to hide my excitement.
         "Nice to meet you!" A drunk Rydel called to me as her boyfriend, Ellington, practically carried her out of the bar.
         "Are you guys good to get home?" I worried. They'd been at the bar since 11, and seemed as though they were drinking a lot.
         "Yeah." He laughed. "Riker called us an Uber."
         Riker was Ross's oldest brother.
         "Okay, good." I reached forward to grab their empty glasses.
         "Tomorrow." He put his hand down on the bar.
         "Goodnight, Ross." I winked at him, then said goodbye to his brothers, and they left. I turned around to get rid of their glasses and Chase appeared next to him.
         "You can put your tongue back in your mouth." He nudged me.
         "Fuck off." I laughed, throwing their glasses into the sink to wash.
         "Do you like him?" He poked, cleaning off the bar behind me.
         "No." I shook my head, lying a bit. "I just met him."
         "But you wanna fuck him, right?" His face was now right on my shoulder.
         "You know, not everyone wants to fuck every attractive guy they meet." I joked. "That's just you."
         "Oh, whatever." He groans. "I know you, and in a matter of days he'll be just another notch on your bedpost."
         I turn around and punched Chase's gigantic bicep as hard as I could. Of course, he barely felt it, and continued wiping and cleaning the bar.
         "Get me a shot." He told me, as he began boxing up the empty cases of beer to take out back.
         I pulled down a bottle of Jameson and poured us each a shot. At that point, Chase had returned and stood next to me.
         "Here's to you fucking Blondie." He winked.
         "And to you minding your own business." I spat back, and he laughed. We cheered our shot glasses, and slug them down. We finished cleaning, and taking shots, and stumbled down 3 blocks and into our apartment sometime around 3.
         Chase and I said goodnight to each other, and I headed to my bedroom. I thought fondly of Ross. Although I had just only met him, I started to piece together why the day had felt so out of the ordinary to me. And I hoped that in some way, it had something to do with him.
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galaxyminds-x · 7 years
Tumblr media
「 Suits, smirks, and major sex appeal. 」
Fanfiction Recomendation #2: Untitled by rockylynchxo
I think this fic has become my favorite on this fandom. Is GREAT. And I swear there’s a Rocky like the one in the fic on another universe. The video is here.
links & tags under read more.
→ shout out to the author:    wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/rockylynchxo    tumblr: http://heyitsrockylynch.tumblr.com/
→ Read the Fanfiction here: https://www.wattpad.com/story/62549880-untitled-r-m-l
See the cover/edit I made for this fic on the links below ^-^
Galaxyminds; → tumblr: http://galaxyminds-x.tumblr.com/ → instagram: https://www.instagram.com/galaxyminds_x/ → twitter: https://twitter.com/galaxyminds_x → Facebook: fb.com/galaxyminds
Meeeee; → everywhere: @superherocrap
#fanfiction #booktuber #youtuber #new youtuber #youtube fandom #phan #phandom #phanfiction #phanfic #phanfic au #danisnotonfire #dan howell #daniel howell #dan is not on fire #Dan and Phil #amazingphil #amazing phil #phil lester #danhowell #danandphil #phillester #Kurt Hummel #blaine anderson #chris colfer #darren criss #klaine fanfic #klaine fanfiction #klainer #niff #niff fanfiction #niff fanfic #niff fic  #nick duval  #jeff sterling  #curt mega  # riker lynch  #riker lynch fanfiction  #riker lynch fanfic  #riker lynch fic  #riker lynch imagine  #rydel lynch  #rydel lynch fanfiction  #rydel lynch fanfic  #rydel lynch fic  #rydel lynch imagine  #rocky lynch  #rocky lynch fanfiction  #rocky lynch fanfic  # rocky lynch fic  #rocky lynch imagine  #ross lynch  #ross lynch fanfiction  #ross lynch fanfic  #ross lynch fic  #ross lynch imagine  #ellington ratliff  #ellington ratliff fanfiction  #ellington ratliff fanfic  #ellington ratliff fic  #ellington ratliff imagine  #rydellington  #rydellington fanfiction  #rydellington fanfic #rydellington fic
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rockyscactus · 7 years
#6 Life of the Party (S.P.)
"So when it gets hard, don't be afraid
We don't care what them people say"
On the outside, you were the girl who didn't care about what anyone said. You walked with your head held high, you would never let them see you sweat. But on the inside, you were soft and fragile. "Why are you even with her? She's ugly!" "You don't belong with him, you're nothing! You're trash." "Gold digger. Slut. Famewhore."  Tears streamed down your face as the words kept replaying in your head. You knew you were none of those things, but they had you contemplating that you were. Then he walked in and his eyes went wide as he saw the scene. "Y/N", he took the phone from you but he knew it was too late. He quickly cradled you into his arms as you sobbed into his chest. "Why are people so mean", you cried. He shook his head, "I don't know. We can't stop it though. Let's not care about what they say though", he whispered into your ear. You shook your head, "But they said--" "I don't give a fuck about what those people say Y/N. You know who you are and we can't walk around trying to please people", he told you. You nodded, "I know, it just hurts." "Don't let them hurt you, they are not superior over anyone, please don't let them fucking hurt you", he said passionately, "I love you." "Love you too", you responded as the last tear fell down your face.
"Together we can just let go Pretend like there's no one else here that we know"
You watched from the right wing of the stage as the boys were all dancing with their significant others on Valentine's Day. You didn't want to go because some of the fans judged you on every little thing you did. Ryland had begged and begged and you felt bad, but you couldn't. You were set on that until he came to stand next to you and watched with a small smile as his siblings and their significant others danced. You turned to him and held your hand out. He looked at it and then at your face, "Y/N if you don't want to, we don't have to." "But I want to", you grabbed his hand and pulled him out on the stage. A smile grew on his face but all you saw were fans staring at you both. You could see the happy faces, judgy faces, but they were just faces. "Y/N, you alright", he asked. "Perfect. I'm with you and I don't have to have the approval of others to be happy", you smiled. "That's my girl", he kissed your cheek as fans cheered and everyone on stage was smiling at your little moment.
"Oh you know you can't give up 'Cause we don't have the time to be sorry"
"What is wrong with her?!" "She has no right to be posting things like that on social media, we get it you have a famous boyfriend!" "Lol, it's funny how you think that you actually meant shit before you were with him." You looked up at the ceiling and shut your eyes as tears began falling, "Why me", you whispered, "Just take me away already." The hate had been getting to you, people with no lives had been getting to you, the haters were making you drown in your own tears every single day. "I hate being here", you said as you looked down at the note you had written to Ross. You were still contemplating as you sat on your balcony with your fists clenched tightly. "God help me", you yelled before breaking down again. "Y/N", you heard someone yell. You ignored it as you stood up and looked out at the city below you, was it worth it? Would it be better without you? "Shit", you heard again as the balcony door slid open and Ross quickly took you in his arms and brought you near the door, "What the hell are you doing", he was almost in tears. "They don't want me around, they say you don't want me around, what else is there to do", you shrugged as an endless waterfall of tears fell down your face. "Listen to me", he yelled with passion, "I don't give a shit about what people say about you. You will not be sorry and apologize for the flaws that you have. We all have flaws, there's nothing to be sorry about. Don't give up because a bunch of shits decided that they wanted to ruin your day, don't let them ruin your life. You're an amazing person and you were put on this earth for a reason. Don't ever forget that", he kissed your temple.
" I love it when you do what you want cause you just said so"
"And that's why roses are definitely my favorite flower ever", you finished as Riker laughed while people were staying at you both with weird expressions, "Ooh, check this out", you ran to the open staircase in front of you both and began walking up and down, "I'm Y/N and I am a supermodel", you laughed. "What the hell", a guy muttered as him and his girlfriend gave you judgy looks. "That's right, get your autographs now", you chuckled before climbing down and taking a giggling Riker's hand. "I love that", he said. "What", you smiled. "I love when you do things because you just decide you want to", he replied. "Haha, don't most people do that", you asked. "No, you don't even think about what the whole world is thinking about you. You just don't give a fuck", he exclaimed. "What's the point in caring about what everyone thinks, life is way too short for that shit", you laughed as he chuckled. "I love you more than any of your crazy little antics", he kissed your cheek.
"I love it when you don't take no"  
You laid on your bed lazily as Ellington was just walking around the room doing things. You frankly did not like the whole laziness idea. You didn't want a minute of your life to go by without any action. Ellington pretty much followed your lead even if he didn't want to. He loved doing what made you happy because when you were happy, he was happy. "Ell", you whined. "What", he mimicked. "Let's go do something crazy", you suggested. "What? No", he laughed. "Yes", you replied. "No Y/N", he said again. "Yes Ellington Lee Ratliff", you yelled jokingly. "Why'd you ask if you weren't gonna take no for an answer anyway", he asked. "I like to be open-minded", you replied as he began laughing. "I love you though", he admitted. "I already know that, duhhhhh", you said sarcastically. He kissed your cheek, "I know you know that. Just wanted to make sure you knew that I knew that you knew that." You looked at him with a weird expression, "Makes sense", you shrugged before getting up and getting ready.
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fanfiction-mania · 7 years
I Didnt Ask For This (Chapter 14)
P.o.v Stormie
“one rule that I have if you three are going to be in a relationship is no sex until the three of you find a place of your own to live… and that isn’t me giving you permission to move out quite yet. I would much rather you three live at home for a bit longer so Ryland, Ross, and I can at least get used to the whole relationship thing first because i don’t know about your brothers but i think if you three were to move out within the next couple weeks i think i would have a heart attack” i said to my kids while sticking my head in the door of Rydel’s room. after that i made my way into the living room to talk some sense into my husband. “mark! honey! we need to talk…” I yelled as i walked down the hall making my way back to the living room. “if it’s about those god damn kids i don’t want to hear it!” he snapped. “I just want you to hear me out” i exclaimed sounding frustrated because let’s face it. I am. “fine” he groaned. “I talked to the kids about their situation and how it was wrong and just seeing how sad and heart broken they were i felt really bad for them and then in addition to that Riker made this whole speech about finding the one and besides… the way you have been treating them since they told us about their relationship is under no circumstances how you should treat your children and if you don’t put their wants and needs before your own then just pack your things and leave because I will not let you stick around and treat my children like that!” i said practically yelling by the end of my rant.
P.o.v Mark
“I talked to the kids about their situation and how it was wrong and just seeing how sad and heart broken they were i felt really bad for them and then in addition to that Riker made this whole speech about finding the one and besides… the way you have been treating them since they told us about their relationship is under no circumstances how you should treat your children and if you don’t put their wants and needs before your own then just pack your things and leave because I will not let you stick around and treat my children like that!” Stormie said. “well it’s more that just the fact that they are siblings stormie!” i yelled back at her. “then what is it mark?!?!?!” she practically screamed. “No son of mine will be gay, especially when it’s with another son of mine” he seethed. “you know, Mark… throughout all our years of marriage I never even doubted my love for you once… but this… This is a deal breaker.” she said through tears now. “i want you out of my house by morning.” she said sounding surprisingly calm. With that I began to go pack my things.
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sockswithpolkadots · 8 years
Calling All Writers!
Would anyone want to write a combined fan fiction with me?? I would it to be about R5, 5SOS, or Twenty One Pilots! I'm open to any ideas with mild to little smut! Message me if you are interested! And if you don't write but want to be friends that's cool too! 😊
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kassilovesr5 · 6 years
You’re My Music-(R5) Chapter 42-SUFFER
Note about you’re my music and meee: XX
     Life update? What was there to tell except that it was a confusing time. Things had progressed to Riker and I being in numerous social situations together, and us having nothing but small talk. I, surprisingly, was happy with that. I just wanted things to be chill. I hated conflict, so pushing things to the side just felt like the easiest route. If I actually faced all of the questions that reared their heads I would never sleep from the consuming anxiety. What if he still has feelings for me? What if he doesn’t have feelings and is having all the sex he wants now? What I still had feelings for him?    The fact of the matter was it was easy to move on when I didn’t face the matters at hand. It felt like we were on the track to being friends. All we needed was some time to let our feelings dissolve and that was what was happening if I had anything to do with it.    It was a fresh day. I had felt better than I did in a long time. Rocky and I made a commitment to be healthier, so we got up at seven in the morning we went for a run to a local farmers market where they sold vegan smoothies. I was panting and running as fast as I could to keep up with his long strides.    “WHY-Y…CAN YOU...RUN FASTER THAN ME.” I huffed as I tried to keep up. His face cracked a cheeky grin but he gave no response and sped up a pace more. “You have to be kidding me I’m the one who’s an athlete.”    “You’re an athlete?”  He grinned.    “I swear if you try to be one of those douchebags who says dancing isn’t a sport I’ll kick your butt.” I sped up a pace more and finally sped ahead an inch only to be caught up with a second later.    “I run a lot that’s all. It helps me think.”    “You got a lot to think about?”    “Lately yea, a little too much.” He was silent for a second. I saw sweat droplets fall from his face and his eyes look dead on at the paved trail ahead of us. As close as we were he never really opened up to me about what was going on in that thick skull of his. That wasn’t new. That boy never conveyed any of his thoughts to me and it was something that worried me from time to time. I felt like he was saying so much in no words at all. “You’ve got a lot to think about too.”    “I have all of my thinking sorted I’ll have you know.”    “Oh really? That’s why you’ve been acting so weird around Riker.”    “I have not been! We’re finally getting back to normal!”    “And what is normal for you guys?” I had to pause for a second before knowing how to answer that myself. My relationship with Riker had never really been any sense of the word normal. That didn’t matter though. I was set on rebuilding our friendship up.    “We are two mature adults that have passed a phase in our lives. I don’t want things to have to change drastically because of it.”    “Wow okay. Well if you think you’ve moved on then power to you! I’m proud. The dinner party won’t be weird tonight at all!” He raised an eyebrow. I couldn’t tell if that was Rocky reassuring me or testing me.    “Nope, it won’t,” I said triumphantly. The farmers market was up about a block ahead of us and we were coming in hot. “Make you a deal winner buys?”    “You’re on.” **    I stood staring at a rack of clothes.  In the interest of trying to keep my life casual, I picked a purple, velvet, form-fitting dress with a small slit in the back. I slipped it on and checked in the mirror to make sure it looked all right. I fluffed the curls I spent an hour working on and added a touch of setting spray to my face just to keep it fresh.    “HOLY CRAP!” I spun around the see the voice behind the expletive.    “Is it awful?” I winced. There was no going back on the decision I made.    “It’s gorgeous.” Rydel grabbed a chunk of the freshly died deep brown hair on my head.    “I needed a change.”    “I love the purple tint to it too.” We stood there for a second while Rydel examined my hair. I could tell she had thoughts that expanded past the color of my hair. She had that look in her eye.    “What? What is it?” I edged her on aggressively.    “I didn’t say anything.”    “Yea, well you have that look in your eye. You’re thinking something just say it.”    “Well, you look gorgeous. This dress is absolutely killer and your hair is amazing. You just don’t usually put much stake in these types of things. Is there a reason for all of it?”    “No, I just wanted to look nice you know.” I knew that wasn’t the whole truth. There was no doubt she did too, I just couldn’t explain myself.      “Okay, you won’t get more questions from me.” She smirked. “Now let’s go. I don’t want to be late to this fancy thing. Rich people are so cool, but they scare me.” After I finished laughing we gathered ourselves and walked out the door. The spurts of laughter calmed my nerves for less than a second and then I realized I was a literal puddle. I was oozing out with anxiety. My palms were glazed with sweat. **    The dinner party was nicely sized. It was mostly a networking gig. Renowned producers, a few choreographers, directors, along with some talent were in the mix. R5 was invited and the only reason I was going because this dinner was a hot ticket. Invitations had been sent out months ago, and the band was lucky to get a ticket. The amount of exposure I could receive from this dinner was priceless. That’s why I jumped at the opportunity to be Riker’s plus one. Of course, I jumped at the opportunity when we were still together. We hadn’t talked much in the passing days and now I was to be seated next to him all night.    To make matters worse the point of the event was to get talent and producers alike to mingle. The band was split up all at different tables. Even though I sat at that table with two middle-aged producers, a television personality, and a Hollywood celebrity choreographer whose clothes were worth more than my life savings; I would have rather talked to them, than Riker. I was going to make a commitment. I wasn’t going to be weird. The dinner was going to be casual. I had no problem with being casual with Riker. I just had to get through dinner until it was the social hour where I could stand and mingle.    “I’m a big fan of this bread.”    “I can tell you’ve eaten half of the bowl.” The dry words barely fell out of his lips and he didn’t give me a glance when he spoke.    “So, Riker how is the band?” A man around 50 dressed in a completely black suit asked picking up the glass of wine in front of him. My best guess was that this man was R5’s connection to the gig. Rocky told me previously that some hot-shot producer saw them perform at a music festival and was impressed. The guy introduced himself, said the band showed potential and just needed a few more connections to make it to the top. A few weeks later the band received the golden ticket.    “Great. We got some really good prospective projects coming that I’m excited about.” The man hummed in approval.    “If you ladies and gentlemen weren’t aware, this is Riker Lynch. He plays bass in the talented band: R5”    “Nice to meet you, Riker, I’m Lauren Jennevive.” A gorgeous black woman with her hair pinned up, wearing the classiest black dress and a maroon lip reached her hand out to shake Rikers. She was so smooth and elegant.    “And I see you got yourself a lady friend here. Don’t you two make a lovely couple,” said the man who got R5 the connection. He was admiring the golden name card that said “Guest of Riker Lynch: Rian Erikson. The name card was very dignified.    “Oh, we’re not actually together.” He spoke.    “Oh, come on, don’t be shy. You can’t be telling me there’s nothing going on between the two of you. I can feel the tension between you. Plus, you brought her to an event like this you must like her an awful lot,” a girl in her mid-20s giggled. I’d seen her on tv before; she was the host of a hit entertainment industry gossip show.    “Well I mean we’ve had stuff in the past, but we’re just better as friends,” I spoke. It was concerning how chipper I sounded. Riker cleared his throat.    “Yea something like that.” His face shifted to be very uncomfortable, but he looked at me and flashed a fake smile.    The dinner might’ve been the most uncomfortable hour I’d ever experienced. More uncomfortable then losing a bet and jumping in the lake naked in front of my friends when I was 13.    “Ladies and gentlemen if you’d like to join us in the grand ballroom for the social hour” Another elegant woman announced very smoothly. Riker mumbled thank God under his breath. The hour revealed we hadn’t made as much progress in our friendship as I hoped.    “Nice meeting you folks, if you will excuse me.” Riker abruptly stood up. I got up and followed after him.    “Riker, please wait,” I spoke. He turned around with such disdain. I would’ve expected his glare to be so harsh but instead, he looked so disappointed. “Can we talk.”    “I need a drink.” He turned back around and walked up to one of the men wearing a tux holding a silver platter with glasses full of champagne. He intensely grabbed one of the glasses and it tipped it back. He let out an exasperated sigh when he turned around and I was standing there. “This champagne isn’t cutting it. I need vodka.”    “Can we please talk.”    “We just talked for an hour.” He rolled his eyes.    “Things don’t have to be like this.” I pleaded.    “Be like what? Awkward? You’re seriously kidding yourself if you think we can just be chummy and pal around.    “I just think it would be for the best if we could be friends at least. We can’t avoid each other.”    “We were together, and you left me, or did you already forget?”    “You act like I just walked away from us. You know damn well why I ended us. I was just trying to be civil, so we wouldn’t have to be awkward forever. We live in the same house.”    “I don’t want to be friends with you. The way you’ve been talking to everyone it’s like we had a fling and it was some sort of mistake. I get that you’re over me, you’ve made that pretty fricken clear. I am still in love with you, so if you don’t want to be with me, then don’t make me suffer”    “You know our relationship meant something to me. I never meant to make you suffer, I left you because you hurt me.”    “You get so emotionally detached that the first sign of conflict makes you run away. You try to ignore your emotions and it pushes everyone away. I get that I hurt you that was on me, but you didn’t want to work it out, you didn’t even want to hear me out. You wanted to run away because that was easier. You want me to play along and pretend that I’m over you too and that we can be friends, and everything will be okay. Well, I am not going to do that, because unlike you I don’t ignore my feelings. Let me tell you I wish I wasn’t still in love with you. Apparently, I might be a father, and all I can think about is you because my heart hurts so damn much. So please let me get over you, and just leave me alone.” 
Read more of You’re My Music: here 
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rock-y-myworld · 7 years
Posting 2x a week
Hey guys! So I’m going to try to post twice a week. I’m thinking Monday, and Thursdays. Il thinking I’ll post Start Again on Mondays, and preferences or one shots on Thursdays!
I’m doing school online and my assignments are due on Friday, so I think that schedule would work out nicely!
Requests are open to send them my way!
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rikerspiratebooty · 7 years
Love Me?: Chapter 1
               Everyone sat in the Lynch’s living room while the boys played some violent video game on their large flat screen hanging on the wall. Ryelee sat on the floor with Rydel, watching the boys play. Ryelee was sitting still while she let Rydel braid her hair into two pig tails. This was going to be one of the last days that they’re going to be able to hang out together before the Lynch’s leave for their vacation. Ryelee was going to miss them terribly. She was hoping that she was going to be able to spend their summer together, but then Rydel sprang her family vacation news on her last minute.
               “I really wish I could go with you guys,” Ryelee sighed as one of the boys killed Ryland’s person in their video game. “I’m going to miss you.”
               “I think you’ll be fine,” Riker spoke harshly without pealing his eyes away from the TV screen.
               Rydel ignored him and said, “Maybe I could speak to my parents about letting you come along. I mean you’re practically family anyways. Besides, I wanted to spend summer with you too.”
               “Rydel, I couldn’t ask you to do that,” Ryelee shook her head gently.
               Rydel quickly tied the hairband at the end of her braid and jumped up. “You didn’t have to. I’m asking right now.” She scurried out of the room and Ryelee sighed.
               “Don’t think for one second that you’re coming with us,” Riker scoffed and then cursed under his breath. He set his controller on the couch beside him as Ryelee looked back at him. Riker grabbed a couple more Red Vines out of the package on his lap and watched Rocky and Ross continue to play.
               Ryelee noticed Riker kept stealing glances at her and scoffed, “What?”
               Riker’s blank stared changed into a smirk as he said, “Your hair looks stupid like that.”
               “Don’t listen to him,” Rocky said. “I like it.”
               “Thank you Rocky,” she glared at Riker.
               “But seriously, it makes you look like a little school girl,” Riker said giggling a little.
               She turned completely around on the floor and looked up at Riker smirking as she said, “Get me a short plaid skirt and a tight white top and I would.”
               Riker leaned down, bringing his face right in front of hers smirking, saying, “Well then I would have to teach you a lesson.”
               “Pig,” she scoffed as she rolled her eyes. She pushed Riker out of her face and the boys laughed.
               Riker started playing with one of Ryelee’s braids as he said, “You brought it on yourself.” She slapped his hand away as Rydel walked back in.
               “Good news,” Rydel cheered and sat back on the floor next to Ryelee. “Mom and Dad said you could come with us, you know, if your parents say it’s okay.”  
“Great,” Riker scoffed as he grabbed another red vine. Ryelee looked up at him and he scoffed, “A whole month with her.”
               “What’s that supposed to mean?” she scoffed in return.
               “You’re an annoyance,” Riker said with a straight face.
               “If anyone is, it’s you,” she said with a straight face and Riker slapped her in the face with his Red Vine. She looked at him shocked and he started laughing. She grabbed his bag of Red Vines off the couch and stood up.
               “Give them back,” Riker said sitting up a little more on the couch, getting ready to pounce.
Ryelee pushed what was left out of the wrapping a little and stared at Riker.
“Stop it,” Riker bit.
She quickly licked the tips of each liquorish and everyone started laughing.
Fumed, Riker got up from the couch. Ryelee ran out of the room with the bag and Riker chased after her yelling, “Get back here!” She ran out into the backyard and looked back as Riker tackled her to the ground.
               “Ow! Jeez, what the hell is wrong with you,” she yelled as she tried pushing him off. “I’m a girl. Get off!” Riker kept staring at her face, breathing heavily and she looked at him confused as she asked, “What’s your problem?” Ryelee could see Riker fighting with himself on something. Suddenly, Riker grabbed his bag of red vines and ran back inside. She sat up on the grass and looked at the patio door for a while. She stood up and fixed her top as she walked towards the house. She made her way to the living room again and saw Riker had a Red Vine in his mouth as he played Halo and Rydel wasn’t in the room anymore. “Where’s Rydel?” Ryelee asked and they all glanced at her.
               “Why do you have grass all over you,” Rocky questioned.
               “Because Riker tackled me in the backyard,” Ryelee answered and Riker gave her a glare.
               “Dude, that’s not cool,” Ross paused the game to glare at his older brother. “You should apologize.”
               “I don’t have to do anything,” Riker sneered and Ryelee looked down at the floor.
               “Rye, how did you get grass in your hair,” Rydel came up behind her and she turned around.
               Ryelee gave her best friend a small smile and say, “It’s nothing. I’m going to go home and ask my parents about coming with you guys and then I’m going to start packing. They have to say yes.”
               “Okay good. Call me later?” Rydel asked and Ryelee nodded her head.
               Ryelee quickly escaped the house and walked to her car that was parked on the street. Before she could get in the car, she heard her name being called. She turned and stopped when she saw Rocky jogging towards her. “Yeah, Rocky?”
               “I’m really sorry about Riker today,” he spoke, shuffling his feet on the drive way. “I hope you come on our vacation with us.”
               “Thanks Rocky,” she tilted her head up to give him a smile. “Riker won’t stop me from having fun with all of you guys. He can sulk if he wants to.”
               “Okay good,” he quickly wrapped his arms around her, enveloping her in a hug. “I’ll see you later. Let us know if you want us to pick you up on the way to the airport.”
               “Of course,” she nodded before getting into her car. She drove off to her house and pulled into the driveway. She quickly ran inside to talk to her parents.
               She found them sitting on the couch in the living room with her older brother, Jake. He was finally home from college for the summer. She was happy to see him, but he always butted his nose in her business.
               “Mom, Dad, can I talk to you guys?” she asked and they muted the TV. Jake looked at her as well as she said, “Rydel’s parents asked if I could go on their family vacation this summer and I really want to go.”
               “How long?” her mom asked.
               “About a month. They rented a house on the beach in the Bahamas. It’s right on the water and it’s so pretty.”
               “You’re going on vacation with a bunch of boys,” Jake scoffed, folding his arms over his chest.
               “So,” Ryelee scoffed in return. She turned back to her parents, “The house is big. I’ll probably be rooming with Rydel; so I’ll be safe.”
               “And their parents will be there?” her mom questioned and Ryelee nodded her head. Her parents looked at each other and then looked back at Ryelee. “Okay. You can go, but you need to behave.”
               “And pay for some of your things. I don’t want them having to pay for everything,” her dad answered and Ryelee cheered and quickly hugged both of them.
               Ryelee ran up to her bedroom and immediately started packing for her trip. She dialed Rydel’s number and put the phone on speaker, so she could continue to work.
               “Can you go?” Rydel questioned without a ‘hello.’
               “Yes,” Ryelee cheered and Rydel screeched through the phone.
               “We’re going to have so much fun together. We can share a room too.”
               “I seriously can’t wait. Rocky mentioned that I should let you know if I needed a ride to the airport and I’ll totally take you up on that.”
               “Deal. I’ll let my dad know,” Rydel giggled. “Are you packing already? I’m only half done and I have way too much already.”
               “I think I’m going to be following in your shoes, because my huge suitcase is filling up quickly. I’m just not sure what I’m going to want to wear.”
               “I have the same problem,” she sighed. “I’m packing all of my bikinis and swimming suits for sure.”
               They talked all night, while they packed and even after they finished. Sometime during they’re late conversation, Ryelee had fallen asleep.
               They finally arrived at the airport, midmorning and checked their bags. They had some time to kill before they could board their plane. So, Ryelee and Rydel went to Starbucks and grabbed a coffee. Sitting at a table, they checked their seat numbers. “What’s yours,” Rydel asked as she pulled hers out of her bag.
               “I’m in seat 25F,” Ryelee answered and took a sip from her steaming coffee.
               “Oh no,” Rydel whined as she gazed at her ticket. “I’m going to be like three rows behind you.”
               “I hope I’m not sitting alone,” Ryelee murmured.
               “Come on girls,” Stormie called, waving her hand. “We’re going to board.”
               The girls grabbed their coffees and their tickets and jogged over to meet Stormie. They walked over to the gate together and got in line. The boys were a few people in front of them, boarding first.
               Riker hadn’t said much to her yet this morning. Thank God. He’d been kind of mean before when he said that he didn’t want her to come. She was just happy that he hadn’t made anymore comments like that. She wanted to have a good, calm vacation and if he got on her last nerve, it wasn’t going to happen.
               They went through security and showed the woman standing at the gate entrance their tickets.
               “I’ll see you when we land,” Rydel gave a small smile as she continued through the plane with her bag.
               Ryelee found her seat and put her bag in the overhead bin. She slid into her seat on the aisle and glanced around the plane. All of the Lynches and Ellington were scattered across the plane. They all seemed to be sitting in pairs. She turned towards the front as Riker walked down the aisle from the bathroom. Oh no.
               “You have got to be kidding me,” Riker murmured as he stopped at her seat. He slid past her and sat in his seat next to the window.
               “Trust me,” Ryelee scoffed. “I’d much rather be sitting next to Rydel.”
               Riker snapped his seatbelt together and gazed out the window while the flight attendant went through the flight instructions.
               Ryelee gripped the armrests tightly as the plane ascended into the sky. She was never a big fan of flying. Once in the sky, she glanced at Riker. “Can I ask you something?”
               Riker turned his head with a blank expression on his face.
               “Okay, so, I’m not sure why you hate me. You pretty much always have, but can we please just put that aside for this month? I want to have a fun vacation and I don’t want to be alienated by you.”
               Riker’s face softened, “You think I hate you?”
               “You’re really asking me that,” Ryelee shifted in her seat to face him. “There’s nothing but snarky comments that come out of your mouth when you’re around me and you always tease me with your fake flirting.”
               “I don’t hate you Ryelee,” Riker spoke softly. “I’m sorry that you thought that.”
               “Why wouldn’t I think that. A month after we met, you were always like glaring at me.”
               “God, Rye,” Riker sighed and shifted in his seat to face her.
               The drink cart came flying through and smacked against her elbow. “Ow,” she yelped and grabbed her arm, tears rushing to her eyes.
               “Are you okay?” Riker quickly leaned over to examine her arm for her. He turned his head to look at her face. His lips were inches from hers and she could smell his minty breath. He looked down at her elbow again before leaning back in his seat. “There’s a red mark, but there’s no blood.” He looked across the plane towards Rocky and Ross before he cleared his throat and sat back in his seat.
               Ryelee glanced over at Rocky and saw that he was giving a glare in their direction. When he saw that she was looking, he gave her a smile. She turned back to Riker and asked, “What’s going on?”
               He gave her a small smile, “Nothing.” He glanced around before asking, “Do you want to switch seats? You could look out the window and you won’t get banged up anymore.”
               “Really,” her eyebrows rose and he nodded. They both stood and shuffled into the aisle. Ryelee gave him a smile as she slid into the seat he just left. He slid in beside her as she pulled out her blanket from her bag. She pulled it up to her chin and leaned against the side of the plane, looking out the window. “So, we have a truce right? At least for this vacation?”
               “Yeah, truce,” Riker murmured.
               Riker changed the song on his phone and glanced over at Ryelee. Her eyes were closed and her breathing was steady. Her nose twitched and she shifted in her seat. His body tensed when she settled her head on his shoulder, curling up beside him.
               He reached over and adjusted her blanket before looking down at his phone. He felt absolutely horrible when she accused him of hating her earlier. He could see why she thought that. Riker had tried to keep a distance from her when he knew that he had feelings for her and the best way to do that was to make snappy comments. They kept her at a distance and she wouldn’t notice how he really felt. Sometimes he slipped up and flirted with her, but she thought he had been faking it.
               Riker had hoped that his feelings would have gone away after Rocky came to him and told him that he liked Ryelee too. Rocky was probably better for her anyways. He wanted to give Rocky a chance at a girl he liked, but it’s been years and he still hasn’t made a move either.
               Maybe Riker was waiting for nothing because Rocky was over her. Maybe this trip would be his chance to tell Ryelee how he really feels. Whether she will believe him or not. He’d have to show her his true feelings for her. After how he treated her the last few years there’s no way he would believe her if he told her. She’d just think he was joking again.
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geekyr5pancake · 8 years
an introduction
hi, friends! im mandi, the (obvious) owner of this blog! i thought, in order to make this blog at least halfway decent (unlike my 7 other blogs yikes), it should get a little more personal. so, here's some basic stuff about me, all r5-related, of course. because i know nobody cares about the rest lmao. first things first: yes, i know how to english. i choose to use grammar, capitalization, and punctuation improperly on the internet. i promise you, these habits dont follow me into school. no worries, lil buns. • my name's mandi, as i said. it's short for amanda, if you really care (youd think i wouldnt have to say that. my friends are literally surprised when they hear that. lord help me). • ive been part of the r5 family since sometime in the summer of 2012 • ive seen r5 in concert 3 times: april 2013, may 2014, and february 2016 • i have a signed r5 poster and shirt, both of which came from the 2013 show • yes, i ship rydellington • no, i dont hate any of the boys' girlfriends. they're all so lovely, i don't understand why yall give them crap for no reason. • ive always wanted to be part of the girlfriend squad • i cant remember a time in my life when i didnt want to be rydel's best friend • that goes for the rest of them, as well • no, i dont have a favorite. i dont play favorites. • if i were to marry a lynch, it'd be riker. 100% • no, i dont care that he's, like, ten years older than me. it's hypothetical. i know im a dreamer. • i was backer number 137 to colossal youth's finishing funds • my top 5 favorite songs are (in no particular order): pass me by, i want u bad, dark side, ready set rock, and repeating days • if i had to pick a favorite ep, it'd be loud • if i had to pick a favorite album, it'd be sometime last night • i just got out of a period in my life where i wasn't super involved with r5 anymore. im 100% back in the game now, though. • the main thing that pulled me back in was that i started reading a lot of r5 imagines. then one thing led to another and im back and better than ever. • im 95% sure nobody's read this far • im 90% nobody even read the first fact • i did a lot of instagram roleplay (not sexual, ya lil dirty bums). it went on for about four (ish) years. i met two of my best friends ever through it. my main account was a rydel roleplay. • the reason i started roleplay has to do with ross • dont ask about the roleplay. it's pretty much completely in my past now • my imagine blog, @geekyimaginepancake, has lots and lots of r5 imagines (none of which are mine but good job, writers) •this list is longer than i'd expected it to be • cool • if you want me to list my favorite r5 imagine blogs, let me know and that'll be another post in the future • im listening to r5 right now • atm, wild hearts is playing • way back in the day, i had an r5 instagram fanpage. we dont talk about that anymore. • yes, i used to write a lot of r5 fanfiction • no, i dont still write fanfiction • yes, i still have access to my r5 fanfics • no, i will never share them with anyone • this is wayY too long. OKAY FRIENDS! so, that's about it! please, feel free to, at anytime, come over for a little chat, ask me a question, send me a message, ask for help, suggest imagines; im here for yall!! im always open to making friends! ❤️️❤️️ -mandi
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alynchr5-blog · 7 years
Tumblr media
Table For Two (A Riker Lynch/R5 Fanfiction) (on Wattpad) http://my.w.tt/UiNb/jIXS60gmRC Becca Hudson is your typical 22-year old: has an amazing job; her own apartment in the heart of LA; and has a HUGE crush on the boy she meets at the local coffee shop downtown every week. Does he feel the same? Find out in Table For Two!
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