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kf1n3 · 6 months ago
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fleeting moments
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juiceshiru · 2 months ago
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my secret santa pieces for liseq !!!!
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meshumo · 3 months ago
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day 25 - badlands
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spoks-illogical-art · 28 days ago
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whoever guesses where the second outfits come from will get a chibi or a pixel icon lol
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rylandfalkov · 4 months ago
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November DWC 2024 Day 1 - Sexy Cowritten with @dicenne
Ryland leaned against the doorway, watching as the other man woke up and wiped the sleep from his eyes. The glamours he placed had all disappeared at this point: No more short blond hair, the tattoos had returned, but the muscles were still all his. As sexy as spending the night with Captain Azeroth had been, Ryland always preferred Dicenne.
“Morning, Cap.”
Dicenne startled a bit and looked over, raising both brows, “You’re still here.” 
Ryland was almost never one to stick around the morning after, but he hadn’t seen his friend much lately thanks to both of them being away on mercenary business in Khaz Algar. “Figured we could get breakfast before I had to get back. My treat?”
The incredulous look was evident even in Dice’s profile. “Seriously?”
“Yeah, you’re right.” Ryland might have been a mooch, but at least he was a very handsome mooch.
Dicenne looked back towards the empty bed, pulling back the rest of his covers and furrowing his brow, “Did–”
“Yeah, gone. Left early. Took a page out of my book.” Ryland flopped back onto the bed and rolled onto his back to look up at the ceiling. “Fun though, huh? Unexpected.”
Dice shook his head with a grin, “I’m not as young as I used to be. …But yes, fun indeed. It’s been a long few months, and being stuck underground for a lot of it was not as thrilling. Interesting places, interesting people, but I’ve missed the sun, and unexpected fun.”
Ryland watched him from the corner of his gaze, pursing his lips together briefly. “How are you? Are you okay? You’re always asking others, but does anyone ask *you* how you’re handling everything?”
Dice glanced over, quietly considering. “Not many. I’m…” He looked towards the window and furrowed his brows. His, and most everyone else’s go-to was to say ‘fine’ despite the circumstances. Ryland always knew when he was lying, and was anybody really fine right now anyways? “Tired. I feel like I’m doing well with the shop, and with the Tarts, and the mercenary crew, but it just feels all too…cyclical sometimes. Never enough times of peace before we just jump right back into it, it’s exhausting. Then with what happened to Dalaran, who is to say that won’t happen somewhere else? Maybe not the same..” He waves a hand, Ryland knew what he meant. “Already living through bad shit happening to your home more than once, then watching it happen to the homes of others, there’s just never a feeling of safety anymore, is there?”
“You’re right, there’s really not. With all that, it’s hard to even want to settle down, start a family…” Ryland gives his friend a soft smile, he knew him well enough at this point to see the signs.
Again, Dice smiled and shook his head. Not because Ryland was incorrect, but because he wasn’t the first one to call him out on that. “There’s never going to be a good time for that, is there? I guess that’s the thing, you just need to keep on living and moving forward in spite it all.”
“Wise words from a man that should take his own advice.” Ryland flashed one of those oh-so-charming smiles. The one you either want to kiss or to slap.
“Easier said than done.” Dice looked down, “What about you, are *you* okay? How are *you* handling everything?”
“Oh, I’m fine. Time for breakfast now?”
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kehideni · 10 months ago
I watched the Icebrood Saga ingame cinematics again and there is two things that came to me.
Is that Smodur might have been whispered to: Jormag set Ryland up to be in a place where he doesn't need to get whispered to->Jormag was specifically hunting Ryland.
Smodur wasn't whispered to: He was just as much part of the old-world as Bangar, because if you think about it, their approach to their soldiers is identical. Follow my orders, don't ask questions, if you start to think for yourself i'll discard you, if i think for a second that you might turn on me i'll be the one to kill you first.
And i can't decide which is more disturbing.
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miniaturecanvas · 4 months ago
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Huevember day 7! It's my lil rascal, Ryland, doin' some crime!
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nahisummerhold · 9 days ago
Hate me, Love me, Miss me (Stellan & Ryland!)
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Hate Me: Really Ry? Do you have to be so sexy and so talented at once? I lose track of things I am doing at times because my eyes are drawn to you, my dancing becomes a little less dynamic when you distract me. 
Love Me: Flirtation between us feels so effortless and I know you do not read more into it than was intended. Sometimes being flirty can just mean appreciation for one another without necessarily ending up tangled in the sheets later.
Miss Me: It feels like it has been years since October, way too long for me to wait to see you perform. I admire your theatrical nature and am inspired and awestruck in equal measure, with more than a sprinkle of desire mixed in. 
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Hate Me: I know anytime people interact there is a level of judgement, but at times I feel like I am always coming up lacking in your eyes. I do not think that you are expecting me to fail, but finding ways that you could help me improve, it would be nice to feel like I come out on the positive side of the ledger once in a while.
Love Me: A man of mystery, I really love that aspect of you. My curious nature wars with my respect for your privacy. I want to find little corners of your story that you do not share, but the enigma is far more intriguing and seductive.
Miss Me: I do not know if you remember the moment, but when you sat with me at Fancy Cakes and we shared an appreciation for tiramisu, there was that little toast of our forks, then there was a little whisper about the conversation going on between Pyra and the young noble. Just those little moments made me feel completely relaxed in your company. I wish there could be more moments like that between us.
(Thank you for the ask. @rylandfalkov @inistellan )
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tristennedarkmorn · 6 months ago
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They anchored just off the coast of Khaz Algar, close to where a good chunk of Dalaran had landed ashore. While whatever was left of the city on land was well protected, the bits that exploded into the surrounding waters were ripe for the picking. 
Perfect for a salvaging job!
Perhaps not the most respectable course of action, but they did plan on turning over any important looking heirlooms or personal items still intact and not ruined by the sea. But surely no one would miss some gold or valuables thought lost to the depths. They weren’t the only crew with this idea, but given they were typically larger in numbers and more experienced, it wasn’t difficult to chase away most of the other vultures.
“So we can finally stop pretending that Khaz Algar doesn’t exist now? Thank fuck.” Ryland mused as he leaned against the deck rail, glancing below to watch over some of the crew down in the water.
Red simply smirked and exhaled a cloud of smoke up towards the sunny sky. Of course any sailors would know about this place, but the pirate’s code was strong in them. You don’t speak of treasures no one knows about. “Just wait til they find out about -”
“Where is Taric?”
Red hummed and gestured towards the shore, “He’s off picking flowers, you know how it goes with him. He’ll likely want to stay in the city to study with any herbalists and alchemists he finds there. Plus I don’t think he cares to be anywhere near the crash site right now. There’s a lot of general confusion and unfinished business among the dead here.”
The ‘Darkmorn gift’ had allowed both Red and Taric to see and speak with the dead, and while Red was able to block them out when necessary, Taric had the unfortunate ability of always being ‘half in, half out’ of the veil. He understood his nephew’s need to get away from it. Large-scale traumatic events were always the worst for him, especially when still this fresh. Ghosts lingered, and always had many questions that would have difficult answers.
“Are you going to help?” Ryland raised a brow in question.
Red rested the cigarette back between pierced lips, inhaling deeply to stall his response. “I probably should. There’s a lot of ‘missing person’ reports that could easily be cleared up. It’s always a bit of a toss-up though. Some people like to hold onto hope, and the truth would devastate them. On the other hand, closure can be a relief, no matter how difficult it is to hear.”
“You don’t have to do it, you know.”
“I know, I’d want to know though. I think Taric will come around eventually. He just needed some time doing his own thing for a while.” He rubbed his hands down his face and stubbed his cigarette out on the bottom of his boot. That was enough of that, while it wasn't a topic he spoke of often, the crew were well aware of his abilities and it was obvious that it was difficult to block out in this specific location. “I’m gonna go into the city for a bit and see about grabbing a copy of the list of missing persons.”
@rylandfalkov @taricdarkmorn @felonous
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tiptoesims · 8 months ago
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✨ suspenders ✨
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jacelandon · 1 year ago
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Jace sat on his bed and counted his earnings from the Faire with a pleased expression.  It had been an extremely lucrative week for him, making as much in one week as he would in a typical month, if not more, from busking alone. Most of it was gold, but he had also been gifted a few trinkets purchased at the Faire itself including a music box, a leather bound journal (with a comm number in it), and chimes made of bone. He almost appreciated the random gifts more, not having had much of a chance to peruse the booths himself.
Being a night owl had absolutely paid off. While there weren’t any actual scheduled events during the wee hours of the morning, those looking for something to do were always attracted to the sound of lively music. He would often draw in a crowd of drunken dancers and the occasional other musician to join him in an impromptu jam session. The people here clearly appreciated good music, or perhaps just something to do while everyone else slumbered. Then, he would typically find himself on the arm of some pretty or handsome thing and indulge in other types of fun until the sun came up.
This morning he had quietly slipped out of the tent of two Sin’dorei women he had met the night prior, stifling a laugh as he spotted their fourth doing the exact same thing. Ryland was, at least, a familiar face. The two clearly had quite a bit in common when it came to late night activities, and this wasn’t the first time they had found themselves in a tent together. “Do you remember their names?” Ryland murmured as the duo walked briskly away. “Did you ever get their names?” Jace grinned at his…friend? Were they friends? They hadn’t really shared much conversation, but he certainly felt in a cordial way towards the other man. Perhaps it was the endorphins still coursing through his body. Ryland simply shrugged and began to break off, giving a wave, “Until next time.” Jace offered a casual two-fingered salute, “Until then.”
He smirked at the recent memory, it had been a good night. A good week, no, an amazing week, and he was absolutely going to miss it. This place had been an absolute dream for him and he was looking forward to spoiling himself. The gold was safely locked away in his safe before he finally laid down for some sleep just as everyone else was beginning their day.
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meshumo · 4 months ago
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day 4 - gym leader
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spoks-illogical-art · 1 month ago
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felt like I haven't colored Ryland in a while
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rylandfalkov · 2 months ago
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Succulent Tart's All That Glitters 6pm Wyrmrest Accord Scryer's Tier Stage, Shattrath City
@succulent-tart for more ino!
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vixannya · 9 months ago
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May DWC Day 5 - Complication
Annya brushed her fingertips along the edge of the painting’s frame, tilting it just so to ensure it was perfectly aligned. She had done dozens of walkthroughs already, wanting to make sure things were up to her high standards and all ready for the opening tomorrow. It was ready, it had been ready for the past week, but she had come to realize that it was she who was not ready.
She hadn’t told anyone else yet, but this would be her final show in Dalaran. For now, at least. She would continue painting and selling her work, hosting exhibitions for others in galleries in other cities. But this was it for Dalaran, in more ways than she wanted to express aloud. After this, she would pack up and head to Silvermoon where she had acquired a smaller townhouse. Much of her belongings would have to go into storage until she found a larger, more suitable penthouse, but this was all for the best. She wasn’t going to take any risks, and honestly maybe opening a gallery in a new location would do her some good.
This was to be her biggest and most ambitious gallery opening she had ever done, and she already felt proud of what she and her team had accomplished. The illusions were breath-taking and there was no doubt in her mind that her work would stir up plenty of controversy. Again. She welcomed it with open arms and would happily answer any questions presented to her.Creating a commotion always sparked joy in her, even if it did lead to complications in her life down the road.
With a final once-over, she decided it was about time to go rest and pamper up for the following day. Her gentlemen, Ryland and Sera, would be over soon, where they would spend the evening together getting the full spa treatment as they had always done prior to a gallery opening. She had already spent her time fussing and worrying over everything, now it was time to relax and enjoy the fruits of her labor.
@daily-writing-challenge @rylandfalkov @serazhen
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loveandscience · 9 months ago
i love how Ryland just super easily lets Rocky move in with him and build the transparent xenonite tunnels all over his ship. He even tolerates all the crap Rocky brings with him. Rocky just invites himself to move in and Ryland is like 'Sure thing!' despite how badly living with someone went in the past.
I wonder if it helped that their space was divided really clearly (by necessity). Ryland kinda seems like a messy guy, too, like he'll drink a pouch of water and then toss it off in the 0g. Then when Rocky re-joined, he was scrambling to clear the space again.
At first it was kind of a red flag with it moving really fast. Gotta say I didn't fully trust Rocky until he put himself at great risk to save Ryland.
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