#ross Lynch fanfiction
lynchs-finch · 11 months
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Hands-On Viewing Experience
An N$FW Ross Lynch x gn!Reader Fic
Sum: You've known Ross for a while, albeit as a friend-of-a-friend. Though he's always been friendly and respectful (and pretty damn attractive,) you two haven't spent much alone time. However, when all of you and his friends cancel on the night's plans and he invites you in for a movie night, the two of you become much closer than you ever expected. Word Count: 4,362 Rating: Mature (Oral Sex, Language) A/N: This is my first real shot at any xReader stuff, so I hope you like it!
Ross stood in the doorway in front of you, in nothing but the pair of gray briefs he swore he was gonna throw out for being too small. A T-shirt and jeans wasn't underdressed after all, it seemed.
“Oh, what’s up?” A small grin broke on Ross’s otherwise tired face as he rested his hand on the door frame. “I didn’t think you were coming over. Everyone else cancelled.”
“Yeah, but I was really looking forward to all of us hanging out again,” Though you spoke fairly evenly, your thoughts were all jumbled up with a scantily clad Ross in front of you. His skin was a light pink all over with a slight glow to it. Maybe it was your imagination, but his muscles all seemed to pop more than usual. “Sorry, I should’ve texted first.”
“It’s chill. Actually, I just finished working out and was gonna have a little movie night with myself.”
“Oh, right,” You responded with a quick smile, expecting him to ask you to leave, “Well, I-“
“But, since you’re already here,” Ross nodded his head upwards, gesturing towards his home, “I wouldn't say no to a little company. Especially not yours.”
You take a moment to respond, just a little caught up on the fact Ross was inviting you in like he wasn’t half-naked. You and him were close enough, sure, and it was impossible to have an objectively sexy pop-rock star friend and not see him in his underwear from time to time, but Ross had never been one to just be half-naked in front of you.
When you glanced up at Ross, though, you got the impression he knew this just as well. His amber eyes, trained solely on you, glistened in a way familiar to you from all your nights out on the town. The look a half-drunk, half-dressed, wholly-horny Ross gave to whoever he decided would be that night's mistake. 
"Sure, why not?"  Considering your friendship, you might be shaping up to be Ross's and your biggest mistake of all. Still, as you watched his muscled frame step aside to let you in, you couldn't be more grateful neither of you were perfect.
As you walked through the doorway, you felt warm skin against your neck as Ross draped his arm over your shoulder. With his side hugged firmly against yours, you could feel him humming My Heart Will Go On  as well as you can hear it.
"Celine Dion? What, are we gonna watch Titanic or something?" You asked as Ross guided you into his living room. Even though you'd been to his place enough to know your way around, you didn't mind him guiding you around if he was this close.
"Don't judge me, okay?" Ross pleaded as you both came to a stop. He turned his head to look down at you, an exaggerated pout on his face.
"Of course not, it's a total classic or something," You responded, trying your best not to giggle. It was no secret Ross was more sentimental than the average guy, which was certainly something you loved about him, but it always struck you as a little humorous when he would recommend shows or songs that your grandma would criticize for being too sappy.
"Whatever, dude," Ross scoffed, removing his arm from your shoulder and patting you twice on the back, "I'll go grab the movie. In the meantime, you can sit here and rethink your taste in movies."
Despite his instructions, you found yourself standing still as Ross walked down the hallway to his room. Just like the rest of them, his back muscles seemed to bulge out from his body with a post-workout glow. Your eyes followed every muscle from his shoulder and down his spine, imagining how it'd feel to run your hands over them. Hard to the touch as your body would be pressed against his, something to grip while he shakes the bed f-
You shook your head, coming to your senses as he turned the corner. He was just your friend and nothing more, a fact you reminded yourself of as you went to sit down.
Ross's living room was comfortably familiar to you. Supported by hardwood flooring and surrounded by white walls, the living room housed brown leather couches and a small wooden coffee table. Against the wall behind them was a desk, flanked with two large black bookshelves, filled with photo albums, DVDs, and of course, books. 
The leather of the couch stretched as you sat down, and you stretched in kind, grateful to be sat anywhere after the walk to Ross’s place. Straight across from you was his TV, on top of a glass tabletop with two rows of shelf supporting it. Several gaming consoles, devices, and board game boxes sat atop them.
After a minute or so of shuffling coming from Ross's room, he returned, a DVD box in hand and blanket over his shoulder.
"Got it," Ross held the DVD up to show you, then tossing it up in the air and catching it with his left hand. With his right, he pulled the blanket off himself and tossed it to you.
As you spread the blanket over yourself, your eyes again drifted to Ross as he took the disc out of the box went to put it in. He bent down to the DVD player, sliding the disc in.
Though Ross claimed his underwear were two sizes too small, you didn't mind the snug fit. Not when they were practically tearing at the seams trying to hold his ass in them. You could see both cheeks clearly, big, round, and bouncing as Ross jostled his DVD player. 
"Piece of shit!" He grunted as he smacked around the poor device. Turning his head slightly, he added, "Sorry, it's a little slow. We've had this thing since my R5 days."
You probably mumbled out something like a response to Ross’s comment. Not like you would remember if you did, considering what started jiggling as Ross started roughing up his DVD player.
His dick was heavy. It had to be, considering how it had been saugging in his underwear since you'd gotten there. Now, with the aggressive motion of Ross smacking his DVD player, it swung up and down with such weight it pulled his underwear down a bit. Had the machine not been such a little bitch and began functioning, you might have gotten to see everything.
"Alright, it's working for now," Ross huffed, pulling up his underwear and resting his hands on his hips. So much for finding out why he was cast as Austin Moon. "Hopefully it'll hold out long enough for us to watch the whole thing. You thirsty?"
"What-?" You blinked several times, assuming you'd been called out for your not-so-subtle staring. You didn't think you were looking anywhere indecent, but his whole body was a minefield of places you could get lost daydreaming about.
"Are you thirsty? For a drink?" Ross tilted his head, a little confusion in his voice. "I just got sponsored by this sports drink company and they gave me more juice than I could ever want."
"Oh! Sure, yeah, totally," Affirmatives stumbled out of your mouth as you felt your face grew hot. The only thing keeping you from bursting into actual flames on the spot was the knowledge that you avoided the thousand-times worse situation of Ross knowing you were checking him out.
You somehow salvage the name of your favorite flavor from of the housefire of embarrassment that was your brain, telling it to Ross. With a smile as relaxed and charming as always, Ross gave you a nod and went into the kitchen.
Not more than a minute later, Ross returned, two cartons in hand. 
“Heads up,” He called, tossing a carton to you and opening his red mixed-berry drink. Although you fumble it into your lap, Ross gives you a supportive thumbs up anyway.
The cap to the drink was unnecessarily complicated, taking all your focus to figure out and open (un-latch, un-hook, push down and twist? It's a surprise you didn't have to answer an algebra problem, too.) You were so focused, in fact, that you didn't notice Ross coming to sit next to you until he was practically on you.
Ross's couch was a three-seater, with room for two more people than that. With all that space on the sofa available to him, Ross chose to sit directly next to you. Not elbow-to-elbow close, not even arm-to-arm close, but him-slinging-his-arm-over-you-and-pulling-your-body-into-his close.
Even holding you against his barely clothed body, Ross was as nonchalant as ever.
"Okay," Ross sighed, seeming to lean against you as he settledhimself into the couch. After navigating the Blu-Ray menu to the "Play Movie" button, he turned his head to look at you, "Comfy?"
His face was inches from yours now. Minuscule details about him became clear to you- his stubble, the dimple on his right cheek, and several tiny blemishes on his face normally concealed by makeup. Things you hadn’t been able to see before, things most people never would, glowed in the dim light of his TV as his warm, minty(?) breath grazed your face.
"Yeah," You whispered, "I am."
For the most part, you and Ross were quiet after that. Though your focus was mostly on the fact that Ross and you were so close while he was so naked, the parts of Titanic you did focus on were pretty alright (even if all your investment in the story came from imagining Ross as Jack and yourself as Rose.)
After about the halfway point of the movie, (that is, an hour and a half of him cradling you against his body,) Ross began to slide his arm down your back. Casually, while he made some comment about the film. He rested it low on your body, his forearm wrapping around your waist and hand exerting a slight grip on your hip. His index finger played around with your waistband, like it was waiting for your permission to rip your pants clean off.
With the suggestive placement of Ross's hand, your mind started swarming with the same thoughts it had been earlier. Feeling you up, watching Titanic, being half-fucking-naked alone with you- if he wasn't trying to communicate he was into you, then he was communicating how in-sane he was.
So, you rested his head on his shoulder. Considering how close you were, it was barely more than a slight tilt, but Ross noticed. He rested his head on top of yours, giving your hip a light squeeze.
“Y’know, I’m actually kinda glad everyone else cancelled on us,” Ross spoke, his voice low and quiet, yet still reverberating through your head, "I'm glad we're spending some one-on-one time together."
"Me too," You responded, your hand finding a comfortable spot on Ross's thigh, "I can't remember the last time it's been just me and you."
"It hasn't," Ross responded quickly, then following up with an awkward, "I mean, you were my brother's friend first, so we usually only hang out with him around."
Before you could appreciate the fact Ross was as fixated on the fact you two were alone as you were, you felt his head turn until you could hear his slow, deep breathing in your ear.
"That's why I never made my move before," With every word, the soft skin of his lips brushed against your ear. Though his voice was even lower than before, it seemed a thousand times louder than the movie playing in front of you.
It took every ounce of boldness within you to turn your head too. Nose-to-nose with Ross, you could tell he’d let you kiss him right then. Still, you couldn’t resist letting this moment go on a little longer.
“Well, he’s not here now,” With every word, your lips brushed against Ross’s the slightest bit, “But you haven’t done anything yet.”
Ross broke into a smile, “You think I haven’t made a move tonight?”
“I think you haven’t made the move tonight.”
Ross opened his mouth, which you presumed was to speak. Anticipating his next words, you were surprised as the banter between you both was cut short by Ross kissing you on the lips.
For a second, didn’t register it was happening. He barely had to move to reach your lips, and you didn’t move at all. It was two or three seconds before you even thought to kiss back. It was nice, but Ross pulled away too soon for you to appreciate it fully.
“There,” Ross ran his hand through his hair, “That better?”
"A little," You said. Amazingly, even as heat rose through your chest and face, you played it cool. 
"A little? What, you want more?" Ross responded, not really a question or offer. Just a statement of fact, plain and simple.
Paying Ross back in kind for catching you off guard before, you leaned in and kissed him in place of a response. You shimmied your hand up his back and placed your hand behind his head, making sure he wouldn't pull away so quickly.
The best part of kissing Ross wasn't that he was objectively amazing at it. It wasn't his silky hair in your hand or soft lips on yours. It wasn't even him caressing your lower back under your shirt. It was how he smelled.
God, he smelled good. More than good, intoxicating. His woodsy deodorant mixed with his post-workout musk filled your nostrils he pulled you in closer, driving you crazier with every whiff you got.
Eventually, his lips weren’t enough for you anymore, and you began to kiss him across his cheek and jaw, settling on his neck. It was thick and smelled strongly of Ross's cologne- of Ross, that every ounce of restraint escaped your body along with desperate breaths and yearning moans.
You felt Ross’s deep moans vibrate in his throat as you took bits of loose skin between your teeth and ran your tongue over his larynx destabilized by heavy breaths. Your free hand roamed his chest, rock-hard just as you predicted, eventually finding it's way down to his navel. Without hesitation, your fingers began to tug at the waistband of his underwear, and questions of whether your prediction about what was underneath were as true as those about his abs.
"Take 'em off," Ross spoke in an authoritative tone you'd never heard before, "I know you want to."
You wanted to, more than Ross could ever you did. The second Ross raised his hips up to allow easy removal, you yanked his underwear down to his knees.
You stared at his cock. Gawked, even. How could you not? You'd been daydreaming about it for the past 90 minutes daydreaming about it.
It was more than everything you thought it'd be. So thick it couldn't stand up on its own, Ross's dick rested against his stomach. You couldn't tell it's exact length, but experience and intuition told you it was comfortably within the ballpark of 8 inches of length. It was a couple shades  lighter than the rest of his body, with the head and balls a light shade of red. A couple of veins ran across it, the most notable being a thick, jagged line from the head of his dick to the bottom of his shaft. If you weren't so dead set on getting it into one or more of your holes, you'd find yourself intimidated.
Ross tilted your head upwards, shifting your gaze from his cock to his smirk. He didn't have to use his words to ask if you liked what you saw, and you didn't have to use yours to tell him you did. Instead, you both found yourself leaning into another kiss.
It felt natural, the way your bodies turned to face one another's, even though your first kiss with him wasn't five minutes ago. Arching your back and leaning into him, Ross wrapped his arms around you and laid on his back, pulling you down with him.
With the help of gravity, Ross's cock was pressed up against your chest. Though you weren't getting any skin-to-skin contact, you still felt the massive mass of meat below you. Arms gripped tight around you, Ross jerked your body upwards and downwards, creating friction on his dick that caused the vibrating moans you felt leave his mouth and enter yours.
Soon, you realized once more that Ross's lips weren't enough for you, and you knew his neck wouldn't be either. Once Ross's grip on you loosened, you moved from his mouth to give a quick kiss on his neck, then finally biting his left nipple.
"Shit!" Ross bucked his hips into your chest, but your mouth remained sucking on his nipple. You kept kissing and biting it, moans vibrating in your chest as Ross grinded his cock against it.
By the time you moved on, licking every single one of Ross's abs and the space between them. The lower you got, the fewer places you could lick that didn't have some hair bristling pleasantly against your tongue. Your shirt was wet with precum from Ross's rock-hard dick, stil rubbing up and down against your neck. With the sounds and movements he was making being so desperate, you knew exactly what he needed from you.
So, your tongue continued its journey down Ross's body, until it was finally at the base of his cock. Your tongue ran in half circles around Ross's shaft, a little less hairy than his navel. His hips were continuously pumping up down slightly, grunting like he was trying to keep himself calm and failing miserably.
You gave a few teasing licks to the bottom of his shaft, right over his vein, before pulling away and pleasuring his balls instead. His hips shot up as your tongue touched the skin under his balls, and he shouted a couple explosives as you continued licking.
Finally, he yanked your head away, reddening and gasping for breath as he told you, "Just- Fuck- Just focus on my dick, 'cause that's- that's too fucking much for me right now."
You nodded in agreement, promising yourself to return back down there to make him cum. With the power to completely unravel Ross, to leave him blushing and creaming and gasping for air, it would be criminal not to use it.
In the meantime, you did what he asked of you and lifted your head upwards, leaving less than an inch between your lips and the head of Ross's cock. It glistened, already leaking precum like Ross was ready to blow. A firm lick could've finished him off, but you intended on making this last.
You tasted Ross's precum, pressing the tip of your tongue on the head of his dick. He whimpered, placing his hand on the back of your head without exerting any pressure. The liquid was warmer than his skin, citrusy and rich with a flavor you'd never tasted before, that left you wanting more and more.
Running your tongue all over the head of Ross's cock, you lapped up all rest of the precum as Ross released soft sounds of pleasure. His hips rocked up and down ever so slightly, like his body was moving in a pleasure-driven trance that slowly intensified as you explored his cock further. His body jolted each time your tongue explored somewhere new, returning to an increased pace of thrusting right after. From under the head, down his shaft, and around the base, your tongue had thoroughly mapped out Ross's cock before your lips even touched it. He was moaning and pumping his hips, but you were just getting started.
After quickly licking off the precum on Ross’s cock again, you took the head into your mouth. You only intended to put a little into your mouth, but Ross bucked his hips into the air, and before you knew it, you had the head of his dick against the roof of your mouth.
“Mmfph!” You exclaimed, mouth full of cock. It wasn’t uncomfortable, nor was enough of it in that you couldn’t breathe, but it did surprise you. Readjusting quickly, you made space in the back of your mouth so that Ross could continue thrusting up and down without triggering your gag reflex.
From the sounds he made, you were putting him and heaven. He grunted and groaned, barely taking time to breathe between each noise. Cursing and moaning your name, you felt his hand press your head further down on his cock.
You took the extra length in your mouth in stride, gripping your left thumb and hoping for the best. Almost all of his dick was in your mouth, air coming into your throat every spare second Ross was out. 
It wasn’t the action of sucking dick that brought you pleasure, though. It was Ross’s reaction, becoming ever more frantic and aggressive the longer you had him in your mouth.
“Holy fuck, you’re fucking-“ Ross gasped, unable to finish his sentence before letting out a shuddering moan. He hadn’t said anything, but you could tell he was close.
After another few seconds, you pulled your mouth off his cock and licked his shaft once again. Predicting his upwards thrust at the change in sensation, you only licked halfway down his dick, letting his sudden motion bring the base up to your tongue. As his hips fell, you lowered your head with them, running your tougue around and under his balls.
Like before, Ross's reaction was explosive, but you were prepared this time. You wrapped one hand around his cock and stroking, pressing down on his abs to keep his hips from jumping too high as he cried out with pleasure.
"Oh my g-" Ross, gasping for air, wriggled ferociously even as you held him down. Your tongue would've quite literally driven him up the wall were he standing.
A waterfall of expletives and precum flooded out of his mouth and cock respectively, and you could tell by the tension of his cock in your hand that his climax was near. The more intensely he grunted and cussed and thrusted his hips, the quicker your tongue ran all over his balls and your hand jerked off his cock.
"I'm g- I'm gonna-" Ross yelled, and you jumped into action. Your head rose up and you put as much of Ross as could possibly fit into your mouth. 
Five ropes of thick, citrusy cum fired into the very back of your mouth as Ross fired off every exclamation he knew of. His face, you could see, was redder than the carton of mixed-berry he'd guzzled down earlier. His mouth gaped and his gaze was trained straight onto you, brimming so thoroughly with lust that you wondered how he contained it for as long as he had.
As more ropes shot into your mouth, you felt Ross push your head even further down onto his cock and say your name. A whisper at first, but he repeated louder and louder as his load just kept coming. 
You locked eyes with Ross and, even as you began to feel the need for air get to you, you felt like you could be there with him forever, being filled with cum, attraction, and even the slightest hint of love.
Finally, Ross released your head and you pulled away, swallowing all his cum in one gulp, followed by as much air as you could. You coughed a little as Ross sat up across from you on the couch, running his hand through his hair dampened with sweat.
With a still-reddened face, all he could say was your name with a contented smile and look of adoration.
"What?" You teased, keeping your cool in spite of everything. Rather than respond with words, Ross crawled forward and kissed you, pushing you over with his body weight. 
You were fully prepared for him to return the favor when you heard a car pulling into the driveway.
"Shit, that's Rocky," He muttered, leaping off of you and searching the floor for his underwear, "I thought he'd be out longer."
Once he found them, Ross scrambled into his underwear and rushed to his room. Obviously, you watched his butt jiggle as he ran away.
"Act normal!" He called as he turned into his room.
Moments later, Rocky walked in through the door, eyes widening as he saw you.
"Hey. Didn't think you'd be over," He said, glancing at Titanic still playing on the TV. "Where's Ross?"
Before you had to make up some lie, Ross reemerged from his room, now in a lavender t-shirt and shorts, smiling casually like nothing happened between you two.
"Sorry, I spilled some juice on myself and had to go change," Ross walked up to his brother and pulled him into a side hug, "How was the dentist?"
"Shitty. I thought I could watch some Golden Girls to relax, but if you guys are busy..."
"No, it's okay," You spoke up, face flushing with heat, "I was just going anyways."
Ross looked surprised, "You were?"
You gulped. You really, really wished you could stay, but everything you wanted to with Ross would be made awkward with the knowledge his brother in the house. Besides, if you stuck around Ross too long, you were certain Rocky would catch on to whatever was happening between you two.
"Yeah, I... gotta get up early tomorrow."
Ross looked disappointed, but walked you out to your car, standing close enough to you that your hands brushed repeatedly.
"I'll see you around," You told Ross, sticking your key in the car. 
You turn around to face him, and he pulls you in for a kiss. A quick one, though the way he lingered pulling away told you he wanted more.
"Make it soon, okay?" Ross grinned, checking you out one last time as he turned around, "I owe you some head."
You watched him walk away one last time, the butterflies in your chest running wild as you stepped into you car. Though you couldn't tell what you had just yet, you knew it wasn't ending any time soon.
A Little More Ross for anybody interested
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starzioo · 6 months
do yall ever scream at ur phone when u see ur fav bf or is it just me.
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noxmalfoy · 3 months
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jscameron · 7 months
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you’re a tour photographer, meaning that you take professional pictures of performers. you’re currently waiting outside of the venue in nashville, where you would be seeing THE DRIVER ERA. you were ready to meet rocky and ross, the excitement buzzing through your body. you take a picture of the venue that opens up in 3 hours for their concert.
word count: 1.1k
please be kind! this is not proofread!
“hey! you must be y/n!”, a sweet voice shouts from behind you. your turn around and see that it’s no other than ross lynch, his brother, rocky, next to him!
“no way! you’re ross and rocky! how did you guys know my name?”, you ask way too excitedly.
“well, you’re going to be taking concert photos, right? we have a list of everyone that’s allowed to come in and help us set up or interview or anything else like that.”, ross says.
“oh. yeah! i’ll be taking your pictures. do you mind if i take some now, while we have some time?”, you ask eagerly.
“sure! we don’t have to warm up for another hour, so we can definitely do that! how about we go on top of the roof? i think the lighting would be great, but you’re the photographer, what you say goes.”, ross says with a wink.
“you have a wonderful idea. let me steal you boys away!”, you say.
“stay just like that! the light is hitting you boys at just the right angle.”, you say, peeking through the camera and hitting the button to take ross’ and rocky’s picture. little did the boys know, you were taking individual headshots as well, with every pose you set them up for.
“oh! these are so good! and you boys are so sweet!”, you say.
“really? well, let’s see ‘em!”, ross says, snatching your camera from you.
“ross! no!! they’re not edited or anything! give it back!”, you say, worried he’s going to see the individual pictures.
“oh no, y/n, i don’t think so.”, he teases holding the camera above both of your heads now. “rocky, take this and run!”, he says to his brother.
“bet.”, rocky says, a devious smile on his face.
“no! wait!”, you say, but it was too late. the boys are playing a trick with you and rocky is long out of reach now.
“well, looks like rocky might take a picture of you and me now. smile and pose.”, ross says while grabbing you by your waist and pulling you close to him. he dips you down and tells you, “focus on me. you’re beautiful.” you blush, but oblige. you hear your camera flick with each picture rocky takes of you and ross.
“okay, ross and rocky. please give me my camera back, i think it’s almost time for you guys to get ready to warm up.”, you say, trying to get out of ross’ grip, but he won’t let go.
“rocky is heading that way now, but i want to stay here with you, y/n.”, ross says to you, still holding onto you.
“awe, ross”, you say, looking into his eyes.
the chemistry between you is crazy. you can tell you both want the same thing each other wants. your faces draw closer together and just when you think he’s about to kiss you, he stops.
“okay, kid. time for me to go warm up. come with.”, he says with a smirk on his lips, while leading you off of the roof.
“ugh! ross!”, you say, not letting go of his hand.
“how’s everyone doing tonight?!”, rocky asks the crowd at their sold out show. you stand behind the barrier and start taking pictures of the fans and the brothers. the crowd is going wild as they start to play their song “a kiss”. you start taking pictures of the boys and you can’t help but notice how much ross is interacting with you, even though he’s on stage. and you can’t help but crack a smile and follow his lead.
ross grabs you up on the stage and sets you to the side, he stares at you for what feels like forever, then touches your hands that hold your camera. he wants his picture taken. you shoot one. then, he grabs the camera off of your neck and takes a selfie with you.
“you got your phone?”, he asks you, while still performing. you take your phone out of your pocket and he takes it from you and takes another selfie of the two of you together, then he takes some pictures of his brother and the crowd, interacting with everyone. before handing your phone back, he takes a picture of you, taking a picture of him with your camera. once you lower your camera, he takes another picture of you. “absolutely beautiful.”, he says. he gives you a kiss on your cheek before continuing to perform. you’re blushing and you can’t stop feeling the tingles of electricity resonating where he kissed you.
after the boys’ performance, ross tells rocky he’s taking you out. “oh, you don’t have to do that, ross.”, you say, bashfully.
“sure i do! i want to. i want to get to know you more. you’re not getting rid of me easily.”, he says to you. he grabs you by your hand and leads you out of the tour bus and out into the town. you find a nearby diner that doesn’t look too busy this late at night and go in.
“how many is it tonight, sir?”, the hostess asks as you and ross come in.
“just us two, ma’am.”, ross says.
“perfect. right this way.”, she says, gesturing to follow her.
the hostess sits you both down across from each other. as soon as she leaves though, ross, comes over to your side and blocks you in the booth.
“so…y/n? how’d you like the show tonight?”, ross asks you, eagerly.
“i loved it! and i loved getting to know you guys tonight. i can’t wait to go with you boys on the rest of your tour!”, you say.
“perfect. i’m so glad you feel that way. i don’t know if i could let you go so easily.”, he says, gently placing his hand on top of yours.
“awe, ross.”, you say, leaning into him for a kiss.
“y/n?”, he asks after kissing you a couple more times in the booth.
“ross?”, you say back.
“will you be my girlfriend? i know we just only met, but i can’t help but feel this way about you.”, he asks you, shyly.
“ross, shut up.”, you say, laughing at him and kissing him again, sealing the deal that yes, you will be his girlfriend.
it was going to be a long tour, but you’re happy to have ross by your side. ❤️‍🔥
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prissyhs · 5 days
I just want to say I don’t understand why Ross Lynch doesn’t have more fanfiction about him. He is so hot
It’s always Austin from A&A, or R5 but never just him and lowk…..never good.
This is my official request that some good writers make my dreams come true and WRITE MORE ROSS LYNCH pleeeeaaasssee
(Also if anyone has good recs let me know i’m begging)
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goldfades · 7 months
𝐢𝐬𝐧'𝐭 𝐢𝐭 𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐞? | delicate au, other important characters
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name: leon turner-fallon
face claim: johnny orlando
age: 19 [september 8th, 2004]
summary: leon is luke hughes' closest friends and he also happens to be libby's younger brother. he is her best friend, no matter how much they fight - they're each other's number 1's.
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name: josh laurier
face claim: ross lynch
age: 22 [february 2nd, 2002]
summary: josh and libby began dating in november 2021 when they met at an award event, they hit it off. it was perfect up until late 2022, problems began to arise because of josh's girl "best friend" and they broke up in march of 2023 because she broke it off.
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AU masterlist
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crimsonmoonlite · 5 months
Twin Flame - 2. Beach Day with the Doggies
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Photo Made using Mage.Space AN: I am so sorry for the wait on this chapter. Please enjoy it! September 4th, 2006, Saturday 1:08 PM
First Beach, La Push, Washington
   The girls and Mike moved closer to the wolves. Bella wanted a day away from the pining guys after her, but she was doomed to be fawned over. She was the last thing Jacob was thinking about. He was a couple of feet away on the beach, watching Mike, freaking himself out at how amazing he smelled.
   Mike was laughing and playing around with Seth and Paul as the other wolves were freaking out just as much as Jacob that they had found an Omega. It was getting worse for them to control themselves as the scent doubled.
   "Hey," Beau ran up to them.
   "Beau?" Bella asked, "What are you doing here?"
   "I just thought I would come to hang out," Beau gulped, looking around. He was just about give it to his sister's boyfriend in the public library. "I rode Mom's old bike here. I need help putting it in the bed of your truck."
   "You rode a bike all the way here?" Angela asked. You should have called. I'm sure Bella would have picked you up," she offered, but Beau knew that wouldn't have been the case.
   "You can't even swim. I thought you didn't want to come this morning." Bella asked, and Beau rubbed his forehead, annoyed because he was embarrassed by that.
   "You don't know how to swim?" Lauren laughed with Jessica, and Beau sighed.
   "Why aren't you wearing a swimsuit?" Bella asked, and Beau looked around. "Beaufort, no." She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose as he stripped down to his panties. If the werewolves hadn't looked at him, they would have been now. Bella rolled her eyes.
   "Just make sure you put on some sunscreen. I don't want you to complain about it all week." She said, and Beau sighed, beginning to regret coming. He just felt like he should come to hang out with Bella after he almost kissed her boyfriend... It didn't sound as wild as he first thought it.
   Jessica handed him the sun lotion, and he rubbed it in. His pale, nearly hairless body enticed the wolves. Beau had only moved here a month ago, so he didn't know the pack as well as Bella. He remembered Jacob as they would hang out when they were little, and his older sisters would babysit him and Bella.
   However, he didn't remember how affectionate Jacob was. he felt someone approaching him from behind, and it was a little too late as he felt Jake's large hand curving around his waist.
   Jacob had been on the brink of losing self-control. He needed to get his hands on an Omega. After catching Mike's scent, he felt a closer bond with him, but Beau had Edward's scent on his hands... and he was just as intoxicating as Mike. Some goosebumps lined Beau's spine as Jake leaned down, and his lips hovered less than an inch from his ear.
   Bella scoffed at how obvious Jacob was with this move on her brother, but jealousy had sparked seeing it. Angela held in a coo as smoke came from Bella's ears.
   "Hand me the lotion..." Jacob said as Beau froze being touched. He leaned down to whisper in Beau's ear. "I don't want you to get sunburnt. Your skin is so beautiful," Jacob said as he squeezed some of the sunblock and began to massage it into Beau's back.
   Beau relaxed as Jacob rubbed him. he had been so stressed lately from the moving, the mysteries, and the tension between him and his sister. "Mike, dry off so I can reapply sun lotion on you," Jacob said, half caring about Mike burning up the other half for nefarious reasons.
   "That feels amazing, Jake," Beau's eyes rolled back. Jake was rubbing out the knotted muscles in his body. Bella muttered to herself, wishing that they would get a room. Only the werewolves laughed at that since they had better hearing.
   Beau lulled his head back, resting his head just below Jake's sternum, looking up to make eye contact with a cocky Jacob Black. The wolf was massive and dwarfed the Swan boy. The older guy's hands could fit around Beau's waist, with just a few fingers overlapping. Jake's bicep was about the size of his head, and the wolves could palm his head like a football.
   "Oh, hey, Beau. When did you get here?" Mike smiled, happy to see someone he knew wouldn't be a bore. He and Beau got along nicely at school, and he wanted to see him this morning when they were coming here.
   "Hey Mike," He nearly moaned. Mike understood since the pack had already put sunscreen on him like this five times today. "How has it been?"
   "Well, it was boring at first, but then Jacob found us, and I hit him with a wet sandball, and now it's fun," Mike smiled. "The waves are bigger now, so Seth and I have been trying to surf and skimboard." Mike said excited, "I think they might have another body board for you to use,"
   "Oh... I'm okay," Beau blushed, and Mike raised an eyebrow. He wasn't usually such a stick in the mud.
   "He can't swim," Bella smirked, and Beau glared at her.
   "Oh uh... that's okay," Mike said while Jake kneeled to massage the lotion on Beau's legs. He blushed, and my when the guy's giant hands massaged up to his inner thighs. "You still come in the water with us. I'll protect you. I was the water polo captain in summer and came five times in a row." Mike stood on Beau's side to cover him.
   Jacob's touch excited him. Beau was glad for Mike and that there were no other beachgoers in the direction he was going. He managed to calm down when Jacob was through putting sunscreen on him.
   "Hey Jacob, I need some sunscreen," Jessica giggled, but Jacob didn't hear her. She looked around to see all eyes on Beau and Mike. "Hello?" She said, frustrated as they might as well have been at a gay club.
   "Wait! Wait-wait-wait!" Beau felt another guy approaching behind him at a fast pace. He felt himself being scooped up and pulled into the water. "Ahh!" Beau yelped, freaking out, trying to climb up on the man's head as he heard the girls laughing.
   "Relax, relax," Sam calmed him down and put his hand down his back.
   "Who are you?" Beau tried to snap, but he was still terrified
   "Im Sam, it's okay. I'll teach you how to swim," he said calmly. He had always gotten on the Swan's bad side, but like all other werewolves, he tried to get on his good side after they found out he was an Omega.
———- 5:49 PM    The time was coming to pack up and head home. Despite Beau's inability to swim, he had a really good time. He was tired of being laughed at for not knowing how to swim, and Sam taught him some basics.
   Several people were around to help him if the water got too deep or he lost his ability to stand. Seth had some dry clothes to change into when they were heading home, so he gave them to Beau to wear.
   "Hey... where did the girls go?" Beau asked as they were walking up to the chairs. He had been so preoccupied with surviving and staying in shallow waters he hadn't noticed they had left.
   "They went home like hours ago," Jerard said, walking in sync behind Beau. It was like he was glued to Beau's back.
   Beau thought it was weird all of these guys were so close to him, but that is only because he has only known mostly homophobic men. He didn't know they were wolves and were walking so close to him and Mike as they were guarding their 'entrances.' It was an unspoken game between the wolves while keeping the humans safe from being claimed
   "Well, shit..." Beau said, and every single wolf looked away, concerned.
   "What?" Jake rushed up to him. Jared's lips snarled up before Sam shot him a look to calm down.
   "How the hell are we going to get home," Beau muttered, mad at Bella. She should have told him she was leaving. "Maybe she left the bike behind," he muttered, drying off and dressing in the clothes Seth gave him.
   "She had to have. She is nice and thoughtful," Mike said. I can definitely hike back home, but I would be worried about you. You're probably not used to hiking," Mike said with a worried look.
   "Nonsense," Seth said to both of them, "Some of us came in Jake's Van. I am sure he will take you home."
   "Oh, I don't want to-"
   "You won't be a burden," Jake said with a smile. "Do you boys want to come back to the house? We are gonna grill some of the fish Embry and Quil caught."
   "Oh, um... thank you, but I need to talk to my sister," Beau said. He had been worrying all day about the almost kiss between Edward and him. He knew that he needed to tell Bella before she found out. Their relationship was already strained, and he didnt want a boy to come between them... but boy, he didnt know that would be inevitable.
   "Alright, let's go, but on one condition," Jacob said, and the boys looked up into his eyes, a bit worried, "You guys come to boys' night this coming Friday,"
   "Oh, um..." Beau blushed as he hadn't had many male friends, "You... You know I am gay, right?"
   "Wait, you are?" Mike squeaked.
   "Yeah, so?" Jacob raised an eyebrow.
   Usually, Beau wasn't so bashful. As soon as he got to the beach, he stripped to his panties. It was after he and Mike had been treated like the hot new chew toy all day. He remembered Jake being rambunctious and silly, but this Jacob was criminally good-looking and cheeky. "Er. Yes... okay, I will see what Bells is doing,"
   "Don't bring her," Embry scoffed, crossing his arms, annoyed.
   "He is right," Sam started, leaning against Jacob while looking down into Beau's eyes. Sam and Jacob agreed on a few things, but this was one: He wanted these omegas to be there. "It's a boys' night. Last time I checked, Bella wasn't a guy, was she?"
"O-Okay," Beau looked down and saw Jerad's grip getting lower to his hips. Sam snapped his fingers, and Jared froze before patting Beau on the back.
   "See ya, Beau and Mike," Jerad smiled before tackling Quil and trying to force him back into the water.
   "Bye, guys," Seth smiled while combing his hands through his long jet-black hair. Don't tell the girls about the Boys Night. We don't want them crashing," he winked at the two.
   "Oh... are you guys not leaving? I wouldn't want to rush you all," Beau said, and Mike nodded, backing him up.
   "It's okay, guys. You two look beat. Come on," Jacob snuggled between them, placing hands on the small of their backs. He guided them to the stairs up to where Jake parked. Jacob knew when to talk and not to, though he mostly ignored that. He would drop Beau off first and then Mike, but before he got out of his van, he would ensure that he had both numbers.
   "Mike," Beau turned to look at the boy after a few moments of silence. He wasn't aware that he would be coming out to Mike. He thought it was fairly obvious. Can you meet me in the cafeteria on Monday? I still don't know how to get around," Beau asked to check if they were okay. By the way, Mike smiled from ear to ear, and he knew it was okay.
   "Sure, Beau-Beau," Mike beamed, and Beau smiled back.
   A couple of moments later, when the car pulled to a stop, Beau realized he was home now, "Oh wow, I guess it just seemed like forever on a bike,"
   "Yeah, you are pretty tiny, so it probably seemed like that," Jake said, pulling his phone out of the glove box and handing it to Beau to put in his phone number. He looked at Bella's window and saw her glaring down at them. 
   Jacob has been trying to get her to pay attention to him, to see if he was better than any other man for her, yet he has yet to get that reaction... until today. Jacob cupped Beau's face and whispered into his ear, making eye contact with Bella loving how pissed off she looked. "I'll text you when I want to meet up with you guys. Pack for overnight. We will be camping,"
   "Hey Jake," Beau said with gritted teeth as he had enough of guys getting up in his personal space. Jacob's hand was about to slip under the waistband of his shorts.
   "Yeah, B?"
   "If you and your buddies want to keep your balls, I suggest you keep your hands above my fun zone," Beau said with gritted teeth. Jacob got the hint and quickly took his hands to himself.
   "Er... sorry,"
   "Bye Mike," Beau got out of the van, "Thanks for the ride," Beau offered a wave, and Jacob gave home a nod.
   He hoped Bella would keep the door unlocked because he had left his keys and important things at the library. The librarian was good at keeping lost and found items separate from the rest when she knew who it was and who was more recognizable than the Sheriff's son, who had just moved back to town. 
   As he reached out to open the door, he saw it jiggle. Hearing it unlocked, he assumed it was Bella. The door opened, and he planned to spit out what he wanted to tell her, but then he smelled his father's pine scent.
   "Hey Bubba, have fun at the beach?" Charlie smiled, and Beau calmed down when he saw his father's peaceful smile and disarming aroma, "Them boys didnt give you too much trouble, eh?"
   "No, Daddy," Beau smiled, diving into his father's arms for a hug. He heard a hardy chuckle as he was constricted into his father's embrace. "Well, they did, but I can take care of myself."
   "Well, just be patient with Bells,"
   "What?" Beau widened his eyes, "She is mad at me?"
   "I don't know why, but maybe it is... Aunt Flo is visiting or something." Charlie turned red, trying to make Beau feel better. "Look, it will be fine, whatever it is. Just give her some space,"
   "N-No... I have to explain my side..." Beau said, trying to remain brave, he had done nothing wrong. He was never going to kiss Edward... he just was shocked. Yep, that is definitely why he didnt pull away or beat Edward's ass.
   "Goodluck," Charlie said, patting him on the back, "Imma clean out the grill,"
   "Traitor..." Beau muttered to himself before walking upstairs. Only half wanted back up from his dear ole daddy. "Bells?" Beau asked, knocking on her door before opening it, though it was locked. "Please... Bella, I need to talk to you," Beau said before flinching. The wind didnt even hit him. He didnt even see the tall man's shadow grabbing him by the collar.
   "Please, Please don't tell her. She means everything to me," Edward was so mortified. He didnt know how Bella had found out. He had been trying to get into her room for hours now, but she threatened him with her little cross necklace to get out.
   "She is my sister," Beau snarled at him, "Bella, he tried to kiss me! I didnt let him!" Beau said, and Edward gulped. He grabbed Edward's shirt before he zoomed away. Luckily, Bella shoved open her door.
   "You fucking tried to kiss Jacob?!" Bella snapped before it registered that Edward was in front of her. "Edward? What are you doing here?"
   "Bella, did you fucking hear what I said?" Beau snapped, "Your vampire boyfriend tried to kiss me," Beau snapped. This isn't how he wanted to break it to her, he intended to warn Bella about Edward's wandering eye. Beau didnt really know the fate and magnetic pull Edward felt between them yet.
   "What?!" Bella snarled.
   "Hold on, youre telling me that you were fucking mad at me for Jacob flirting with me when you are dating Edward?" Beau said, now earning the right to be pissed off.
   "Get out of my sight, both of you," Bella said, getting ready to slam the door, but Beau stepped in front.
   "Bella, I didnt do anything wrong! Will you let two boys you have been talking to for a few months come between us? We haven't been apart since the womb up until a couple of months ago!"
   "Yeah, well, maybe that needs to change," Bella shoved at Beau before slamming her door and locking it,
   "Shit..." Edward pinched the bridge of his nose after saving Beau from stumbling down the stairs. Chief Swan came running up the stairs. "This is all my fault, I am so sorry," Edward said. He widened his eyes as Beau started crying, he could also tell that Bella was crying.
   "I think you should leave, Edward," Charlie quickly hugged Beau to comfort him, "Bella, come out here right now and tell me what the hell is going on!" Charlie rubbed on Beau's arm before he stormed off to his room... which was the former nursery. "What the hell is going on!" Charlie said,
   He couldn't open the door, it didn't have a lock on it, so instead, Beau propped a chair up against the knob as a makeshift lock. Edward was a gentleman... or at least, that's what he thought he used to be. So he told him what had gone down, officially being banned from the Swan house for 'the rest of eternity.'
------- 11:10 PM
Swan Home, Forks, Washington
   Luckily for Edward, being uninvited from entering a house or asking permission to get access was an old vampire myth. He told himself he was being an idiot and that he needed to beg for his life and apologize to Bella, yet he was in the room directly under hers.
   He perched at the window on the other side of the room. It was a tiny room, but he still had a good view of Beau. He walked over as Beau started to fidget, by reading his mind, he knew the guy was having a nightmare.
   "Calm down... I will protect you," Edward whispered before caressing his hand down Beau's arm, slowly but soon enough. Beau's subconscious moved onto another dream. Beau relaxed his body a bit, a small smile spreading. He nudged his head under his pillow and was completely safe now. "Shit... what have I gotten into..." He muttered. Please Vote, Comment, Add to your lists, and share this story with a friend:). Updates sporadic 
Twin Flame - Chapter 2 - crimsonmoonlite - Twilight Series - All Media Types [Archive of Our Own]
Twin Flame - 2. Beach Day with the Doggies - Wattpad
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fanfictiondiscount · 1 year
🟥—{ This is a list of people and Characters I write for. A list of things I DONT write for will be at the bottom}—🟥
• Sebastian Stan
• Evan Peters
• Josh Hutcherson
• Harry styles
• Ashton Irwin
• Niall Horan
• Michael Clifford
• Ross Lynch
• Billie eilish
• Frank iero
• Nikki Sixx
• Tommy Lee
• Noah Kahan
• Bucky Barnes
• Yelena B.
• Steve Rogers
• Wanda Maximoff
• JJ Maybank
• Rafe Cameron
• John B
• Jessie (Full House)
• Dayton White ( Logan lucky)
• Finnick O. ( Hunger Games )
• Dean Wenchester ( Supernatural)
• Spencer Reid ( Criminal Minds )
• Han Lue ( Fast and Furious: Tokyo Drift )
• Dominick Mysterio
• Rhea Ripley
• Cody Rhodes
• Roman Reigns
• Randy Orton
• Liv Morgan
• CM Punk
• Damian Priest
• Drew McIntyre( maybe idk yet )
• Kristoff
• Flynn Rider
• R@pe (noncon)
• p!SS k!nk
• Feet....😐
(i think you get it)
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oatmilk-vampire · 8 months
Get to know you game
Thank you for the tag @crowleys-bentley-and-plants <3 I started a new thread since the original is a bit long.
Who was your first fictional crush?:
Sarah (Vanessa Morgan) from My Babysitter's a Vampire.
What's the first colour you think of when I tell you
to think of a colour?:
Which fanfiction emotionally scarred you and still
makes you shudder to this day?:
Gotta be the first ever fanfic I read. I hadn't realized fanfictions existed so I was believing everything I read at the young age of 9. Can't remember the title but I legitimately thought Ross Lynch got Laura Marano pregnant then cheated on her and ditched her. Now I consume roughly 80k words of fanfiction a week and don't bat an eye at the content.
I'm coming to your house for dinner, non-negotiable, what are you making me?:
Spaghetti, garlic toast, and red velvet cake
Do you prefer lions or kangaroos?:
Which fictional villain do you brush past the
glaringly obvious issues for because you really like
Kurt Kunkle from Spree. I could fix him.
What would accompany your picture in the Burn
Book in Mean Girls?:
"Ollie calls himself gay, is really bi, but has only been in one single relationship that ended in 2021. Lame."
How many days would you last in the universe of
your favourite fandom?:
I think I'd live at least til age 60. Depends on how fast secondhand smoke or stress would kill me. (The Bear fx)
Have you heard of Mischief Theatre?: no.
Do you feel sorry for Medusa?: Yes.
Which song makes you think of your OTP?: the real question is which one doesn't? Whiskey in the Jar from Metallica.
Which song makes you disassociate and daydream
the fastest?:
Psycho Killer by Talking Heads
No pressure tags 🩵
@thatawkwardangel @bimbo-boogara @ashyyboyy @chrrymunson @mimixmunson @valerievortex @stevesxyellowxsweater @deadtothebones
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What made you start reading/writing fanfiction?
Well, funny story, it didn't start with Harry Potter. Fanfictions actually had a huge part in my history with writing.
When I was in middle school Wattpad was a very huge thing, you could say it was the golden days of Wattpad and all the girls in my class, including my best friend, loved One Direction and they read plenty of fanfictions about Harry Styles. So I got curious and wanted to see what all the fuss was about. Now, I never cared about One Direction but I had a giant fixation with Ross Lynch, and as it turned out there were fanfictions about him too. They were all horribly written, at least the ones I read, they were all in Italian if I remember correctly. And so, because I've always been an arrogant fucker and I knew I was good at creative writing (my elementary school teacher used to make us write two stories a week), I decided that I could do better and write one myself. But I wanted to write the whole thing and publish it chapter by chapter, and this is why that story never saw the light of day. I wrote six chapters and then I was like, you know what? I'm really good at this, and I love writing, I should write an original story. And that's the story of how I started my first book.
I still have the fanfiction, and I've recently gone back to re-read it and it's not even bad? The plot is incredibly stupid but it's not badly written. That said, those kinds of fanfictions become the creepiest thing the second you turn older than thirteen.
Fun fact: the thing that I really could never stand was how bad the dialogues were, so unrealistic, it drove me insane. So I got an obsession for learning how to write good dialogue and to this day every publisher I've ever talked to praises as first thing my dialogue. As I said, fanfictions had a HUGE impact on my history with writing. As horrible as it may sound, it taught me a lot about how I didn't want to write.
Then a few years later I read Harry Potter and I started reading an unhealthy amount of jily fanfictions (I read hinny too, but mainly jily). That's when I discovered there could be well-written things that fell under the term fanfiction.
There's actually a hinny fanfiction on Wattpad written by me, that was meant to be a little stupid thing to write when I got writer's block with my original stuff. It's not finished, and it's horrible because I tried to write it in Italian but I don't have Harry and Ginny's voices in Italian pinned down because I've read the books just in English. I should erase it from the face of the earth but it really annoys me not having finished it.
That was all the fanfiction I had ever written for a long time. I read a lot of it but never really tried to write it.
As for the fanfictions that I write now... Around a year and a half ago, it was a weird transition period in my life and somehow that lead me to actually use my Tumblr account, which I've had for years. I was tired of the Marauders fandom, and before I knew it I was part of the hinny community apparently and I wasn't able to resist the temptation to write a couple of one-shots myself. I'm still not sure how that happened.
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I wanted to share some stuff about my baldur's gate 3 headcanons since I just got it the other day
This is Namys, my wood elf dragon sorcerer,
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When Astarion starts trying to Flirt with Namys
I picture this playing in the scene where everybody teams up to fight the baddies (particularly Astarion's master, yes I accidentally came across spoilers for Astarion's story)
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Astarion x Namys's song
(Yes I know two Taylor Swift songs but I have an idea for a modern au fanfiction where she's a musical actress and Astarion is in a band, still a vampire though, with Shadowheart and Wyll.)
The song that plays the first time they make love (as opposed to his flirting and fucking her trying to get her close for protection before)
So yeah thats my headcanons so far haha
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lynchs-finch · 10 months
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Ross Lynch Imagine - Beach Days
Ross is a beach boy, which is perfect considering his body is perfect for it. Every weekend he goes to the beach, sometimes with his family, sometimes with you, and sometimes all alone. Nothing beats the sun on his skin, sand between his toes, and water dampening his beachy blonde hair.
Accompanying him to the beach is a treat, for reasons much less wholesome than why Ross liked it. Every time he goes, he wears this dark speedo that shows accentuates the biggest parts of him that had to remain hidden. It made your mind run wild, and every passing moment you came closer and closer to losing all self-control and just ripping it off in the middle of the beach.
You have a sneaking suspicion Ross knows what that speed does to you, too, since he always takes you home right as you reach your limit and helps you to... relieve the days stress.
A Little More Ross...
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petersnya · 3 years
Would y’all like a Ross lynch fanfic or a ross x reader x tom ?!?!?!
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Ross Lynch fanfic fandom HELP
R5 fandom. Ross lynch fandom. I’m calling out to you.
I read this Ross Lynch fanfic YEARS ago that I am just dying to read again, but I can’t find it anywhere and I can’t remember what it was called.
It was on Wattpad. It was about Ross and this girl who were dating, broke up and we’re best friends, but then began dating again. The girl was an actress as well. Like it was a complete book! There was even a separate book of scenes from the same story where I specifically remember a one shot where Ross and the girl are at Coachella with r5 and there’s a lot of PDA and it’s revealed that they went to a cabin together and took nude photos together.
In the beginning of the original book, the girl is home alone with her sibling(s?) and someone breaks in or tries to and she gets so scared that she calls Ross as well as the cops? Like I even remember someone saying to Ross that the two of them never really broke up when they did, that at a birthday party afterwards they still never left each other sides.
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kassilovesr5 · 6 years
You’re My Music-(R5) Chapter 42-SUFFER
Note about you’re my music and meee: XX
     Life update? What was there to tell except that it was a confusing time. Things had progressed to Riker and I being in numerous social situations together, and us having nothing but small talk. I, surprisingly, was happy with that. I just wanted things to be chill. I hated conflict, so pushing things to the side just felt like the easiest route. If I actually faced all of the questions that reared their heads I would never sleep from the consuming anxiety. What if he still has feelings for me? What if he doesn’t have feelings and is having all the sex he wants now? What I still had feelings for him?    The fact of the matter was it was easy to move on when I didn’t face the matters at hand. It felt like we were on the track to being friends. All we needed was some time to let our feelings dissolve and that was what was happening if I had anything to do with it.    It was a fresh day. I had felt better than I did in a long time. Rocky and I made a commitment to be healthier, so we got up at seven in the morning we went for a run to a local farmers market where they sold vegan smoothies. I was panting and running as fast as I could to keep up with his long strides.    “WHY-Y…CAN YOU...RUN FASTER THAN ME.” I huffed as I tried to keep up. His face cracked a cheeky grin but he gave no response and sped up a pace more. “You have to be kidding me I’m the one who’s an athlete.”    “You’re an athlete?”  He grinned.    “I swear if you try to be one of those douchebags who says dancing isn’t a sport I’ll kick your butt.” I sped up a pace more and finally sped ahead an inch only to be caught up with a second later.    “I run a lot that’s all. It helps me think.”    “You got a lot to think about?”    “Lately yea, a little too much.” He was silent for a second. I saw sweat droplets fall from his face and his eyes look dead on at the paved trail ahead of us. As close as we were he never really opened up to me about what was going on in that thick skull of his. That wasn’t new. That boy never conveyed any of his thoughts to me and it was something that worried me from time to time. I felt like he was saying so much in no words at all. “You’ve got a lot to think about too.”    “I have all of my thinking sorted I’ll have you know.”    “Oh really? That’s why you’ve been acting so weird around Riker.”    “I have not been! We’re finally getting back to normal!”    “And what is normal for you guys?” I had to pause for a second before knowing how to answer that myself. My relationship with Riker had never really been any sense of the word normal. That didn’t matter though. I was set on rebuilding our friendship up.    “We are two mature adults that have passed a phase in our lives. I don’t want things to have to change drastically because of it.”    “Wow okay. Well if you think you’ve moved on then power to you! I’m proud. The dinner party won’t be weird tonight at all!” He raised an eyebrow. I couldn’t tell if that was Rocky reassuring me or testing me.    “Nope, it won’t,” I said triumphantly. The farmers market was up about a block ahead of us and we were coming in hot. “Make you a deal winner buys?”    “You’re on.” **    I stood staring at a rack of clothes.  In the interest of trying to keep my life casual, I picked a purple, velvet, form-fitting dress with a small slit in the back. I slipped it on and checked in the mirror to make sure it looked all right. I fluffed the curls I spent an hour working on and added a touch of setting spray to my face just to keep it fresh.    “HOLY CRAP!” I spun around the see the voice behind the expletive.    “Is it awful?” I winced. There was no going back on the decision I made.    “It’s gorgeous.” Rydel grabbed a chunk of the freshly died deep brown hair on my head.    “I needed a change.”    “I love the purple tint to it too.” We stood there for a second while Rydel examined my hair. I could tell she had thoughts that expanded past the color of my hair. She had that look in her eye.    “What? What is it?” I edged her on aggressively.    “I didn’t say anything.”    “Yea, well you have that look in your eye. You’re thinking something just say it.”    “Well, you look gorgeous. This dress is absolutely killer and your hair is amazing. You just don’t usually put much stake in these types of things. Is there a reason for all of it?”    “No, I just wanted to look nice you know.” I knew that wasn’t the whole truth. There was no doubt she did too, I just couldn’t explain myself.      “Okay, you won’t get more questions from me.” She smirked. “Now let’s go. I don’t want to be late to this fancy thing. Rich people are so cool, but they scare me.” After I finished laughing we gathered ourselves and walked out the door. The spurts of laughter calmed my nerves for less than a second and then I realized I was a literal puddle. I was oozing out with anxiety. My palms were glazed with sweat. **    The dinner party was nicely sized. It was mostly a networking gig. Renowned producers, a few choreographers, directors, along with some talent were in the mix. R5 was invited and the only reason I was going because this dinner was a hot ticket. Invitations had been sent out months ago, and the band was lucky to get a ticket. The amount of exposure I could receive from this dinner was priceless. That’s why I jumped at the opportunity to be Riker’s plus one. Of course, I jumped at the opportunity when we were still together. We hadn’t talked much in the passing days and now I was to be seated next to him all night.    To make matters worse the point of the event was to get talent and producers alike to mingle. The band was split up all at different tables. Even though I sat at that table with two middle-aged producers, a television personality, and a Hollywood celebrity choreographer whose clothes were worth more than my life savings; I would have rather talked to them, than Riker. I was going to make a commitment. I wasn’t going to be weird. The dinner was going to be casual. I had no problem with being casual with Riker. I just had to get through dinner until it was the social hour where I could stand and mingle.    “I’m a big fan of this bread.”    “I can tell you’ve eaten half of the bowl.” The dry words barely fell out of his lips and he didn’t give me a glance when he spoke.    “So, Riker how is the band?” A man around 50 dressed in a completely black suit asked picking up the glass of wine in front of him. My best guess was that this man was R5’s connection to the gig. Rocky told me previously that some hot-shot producer saw them perform at a music festival and was impressed. The guy introduced himself, said the band showed potential and just needed a few more connections to make it to the top. A few weeks later the band received the golden ticket.    “Great. We got some really good prospective projects coming that I’m excited about.” The man hummed in approval.    “If you ladies and gentlemen weren’t aware, this is Riker Lynch. He plays bass in the talented band: R5”    “Nice to meet you, Riker, I’m Lauren Jennevive.” A gorgeous black woman with her hair pinned up, wearing the classiest black dress and a maroon lip reached her hand out to shake Rikers. She was so smooth and elegant.    “And I see you got yourself a lady friend here. Don’t you two make a lovely couple,” said the man who got R5 the connection. He was admiring the golden name card that said “Guest of Riker Lynch: Rian Erikson. The name card was very dignified.    “Oh, we’re not actually together.” He spoke.    “Oh, come on, don’t be shy. You can’t be telling me there’s nothing going on between the two of you. I can feel the tension between you. Plus, you brought her to an event like this you must like her an awful lot,” a girl in her mid-20s giggled. I’d seen her on tv before; she was the host of a hit entertainment industry gossip show.    “Well I mean we’ve had stuff in the past, but we’re just better as friends,” I spoke. It was concerning how chipper I sounded. Riker cleared his throat.    “Yea something like that.” His face shifted to be very uncomfortable, but he looked at me and flashed a fake smile.    The dinner might’ve been the most uncomfortable hour I’d ever experienced. More uncomfortable then losing a bet and jumping in the lake naked in front of my friends when I was 13.    “Ladies and gentlemen if you’d like to join us in the grand ballroom for the social hour” Another elegant woman announced very smoothly. Riker mumbled thank God under his breath. The hour revealed we hadn’t made as much progress in our friendship as I hoped.    “Nice meeting you folks, if you will excuse me.” Riker abruptly stood up. I got up and followed after him.    “Riker, please wait,” I spoke. He turned around with such disdain. I would’ve expected his glare to be so harsh but instead, he looked so disappointed. “Can we talk.”    “I need a drink.” He turned back around and walked up to one of the men wearing a tux holding a silver platter with glasses full of champagne. He intensely grabbed one of the glasses and it tipped it back. He let out an exasperated sigh when he turned around and I was standing there. “This champagne isn’t cutting it. I need vodka.”    “Can we please talk.”    “We just talked for an hour.” He rolled his eyes.    “Things don’t have to be like this.” I pleaded.    “Be like what? Awkward? You’re seriously kidding yourself if you think we can just be chummy and pal around.    “I just think it would be for the best if we could be friends at least. We can’t avoid each other.”    “We were together, and you left me, or did you already forget?”    “You act like I just walked away from us. You know damn well why I ended us. I was just trying to be civil, so we wouldn’t have to be awkward forever. We live in the same house.”    “I don’t want to be friends with you. The way you’ve been talking to everyone it’s like we had a fling and it was some sort of mistake. I get that you’re over me, you’ve made that pretty fricken clear. I am still in love with you, so if you don’t want to be with me, then don’t make me suffer”    “You know our relationship meant something to me. I never meant to make you suffer, I left you because you hurt me.”    “You get so emotionally detached that the first sign of conflict makes you run away. You try to ignore your emotions and it pushes everyone away. I get that I hurt you that was on me, but you didn’t want to work it out, you didn’t even want to hear me out. You wanted to run away because that was easier. You want me to play along and pretend that I’m over you too and that we can be friends, and everything will be okay. Well, I am not going to do that, because unlike you I don’t ignore my feelings. Let me tell you I wish I wasn’t still in love with you. Apparently, I might be a father, and all I can think about is you because my heart hurts so damn much. So please let me get over you, and just leave me alone.” 
Read more of You’re My Music: here 
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crimsonmoonlite · 5 months
Mini Love Bites - Queer Twilight Mini-Fics - 1. Just Throuple Things - Jacob/Beau/Edward
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Links to this minific on AO3 and Wattpad
AN: Unless said so, all of these mini-fics will be silly and campy from this sort of AU. I want to remain under 200 words, but I will be under 500. Be sure to click the links to my AO3 and Wattpad to read my other works!
Everyone is 18+
   Beau whimpered and kicked slightly as he tried to wake up from a nightmare. "Hey... Hey," Edward said softly, cupping his face. He flinched and started to tear up, quickly tackling Edward in a hug. "It's okay, it was just a nightmare," Edward kissed him on the forehead and held him.
   "B-But it was so real," Beau whined.
   "Do you want to talk about it?" Edward questioned.
   "Well, I-I was a girl named Bella, and Jacob and you were fighting over me... I was horrible, I had no personality other than you," Beau said, and Edward raised an eyebrow.
   "Was she hot?" Jacob asked from the foot of the bed where he was curled up. Edward shot him a look to behave while Beau looked at him, overwhelmed.
   "Huh?" Beau glared at him.
   "Were you hot as a girl..." Jake asked like it was obvious.
   "What?" Beau stammered.
   "Am I speaking another language?" Jacob raised an eyebrow, "Did you at least have big titties?"
    "I dunno... I am gay," Beau whined, and Edward pulled him to his chest.
   "Does being gay also make you blind?"
   "Stop freaking him out, Jake," Edward cooed, petting Beau's curly hair out of his face, "It was just a bad dream, okay." Edward kissed his head.
   "Y-Yeah, Okay," Beau sniffled. "But me being a girl didn't scare me. You two hated each other, and it was all because of me." Beau said as Jacob crawled up and kissed him, deciding not to tease him anymore.
   "Well," Edward met Jacob's lips, kissing him, "As much as vampires and werewolves are scary, at least we are not straight and in a love triangle," Edward said.
   "Speak for yourself, icicle ass,"
   "Yeah, okay, Fleabag,"
   "Hey! That is culturally insensitive to werewolves," Jacob snarled, grabbing Edward by the neck; Beau gasped and tried to wedge between them. 
   "Jake, stop!" Beau yelped.
   Edward and Jacob laughed at him and then kissed again, "But seriously... don't say that," Jacob said, a bit sensitive, "Beau dewormed and gave me flea medicine yesterday,"
   "Yeah?" Edward bit his lip as Jacob kissed Beau, "I don't think it worked." Edward laughed
   "Well, it did!" Jake said, and Edward pointed at him, scratching his neck with his foot.
   "Ugh... Jake, I told you to stay still when I was giving you the flea medicine," Beau muttered as Jacob whined like a dog, "C'mon, I'll hose you down again out back."
   "Fuck yeah! let's go for a walk too!" Jake jumped off the bed and shifted, howling as he ran to the back.
   "Jake! I've told you a million times not to shift until we get outside!" Beau groaned. Please Comment, Vote, and add this story to your reading lists. Check out my full length fics and my One Shot collection under 'Love Bites'
Mini Love Bites - Queer Twilight Mini Fics - Chapter 1 - crimsonmoonlite - Twilight Series - All Media Types [Archive of Our Own]
Mini Love Bites - Queer Twilight Mini Fics - 1. Just Throuple Things - Jacob/Beau/Edward - Wattpad
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