#right-wing propagandist
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republikkkanorcs · 30 days
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rejectingrepublicans · 3 months
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Scott Jennings is one of the reasons I stopped watching CNN. He rants and raves and spreads lies, conspiracy theories, and behaves like a crackhead Fox News host. Even worse is that the CNN hosts never challenge him. On very rare occasions other guests will try to call him out but then he flies into full bully mode and shouts them down insulting and demeaning them while the CNN hosts just smile and chuckle.
F-ck Scott Jennings with a dry cactus!
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scholarjbard · 2 years
Anybody else feel like the world is going nuts? Like you just woke up one morning in a completely different world, one that seems to be constantly on fire?
I hoped that the COVID-19 pandemic would bring everyone together, as we put aside our differences and worked towards a brighter future. That didn't happen, in fact a lot of folks got MORE selfish and ended up detaching themselves from reality.
There's an entire subsection of the population who just hate their fellow man. Anything that hurts them, whether that's liberals, progressives, centrists,city dwellers, etc., Is Good and Justified because of XYZ. Even if it damages them as well, who cares, as long as we own the libs or whatever.
And there's even more people who...live in a totally different reality. Where COVID is an evil bioweapon sent from China, but it's also "just the flu" and it's not worth doing anything to stop it. That there's a secret cabal that has total control over the world, but is too weak and stupid to stop some small-town trucker with a high-school diploma.
It's awful. I know Canada was not perfect, but I thought we could become the perfect country I learned about in school. We could work together and be better than we were.
I no longer believe that. We seem to be regressing back to the dark ages. And it makes me really sad. When did we all abandon reason for madness?
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allcirclesvanish · 4 months
if you can't even explain the difference between the roc and prc why should anybody care about your position on taiwan...
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jewishvitya · 11 months
If you see prominent right wing figures "suddenly making sense" when they talk about Israel or Palestine - don't be tempted to think you have common ground with them.
It's not "wow, even this evil person sees how bad these people are."
It's "this right wing propagandist found a tool to push their views into the mainstream."
They're using the cause to make you listen to them. They're trying to get you used to their conspiracies and their talking points. Anyone who has a platform full of antisemitism or Islamophobia shouldn't be listened to, even if you think their words right now make sense.
That's intentional. It's a recruitment tactic. It's a way to normalize their views. Watch who you're listening to.
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penguinlover27 · 1 year
This is certainly welcome news. It will be good to get his garbage off of Fake News, but don’t expect him to disappear. He will be back, most likely on another right-wing propaganda network.
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creature-wizard · 2 months
Why americans always think is the russians intervening and not their own country ? Like you know the cia is known to intervene in elections across the world right.
Also the main social medias are all own by right wing billionaires like elon musk.
But nahh it must be the evil russians!
Because Russian bots are a real thing, maybe?????????????? Because Russia pushed Jill Stein to split the vote???????????? Because we know damn good and well that the Russian government does, in fact, do this shit?
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Jay Kuo at Think Big Picture:
For years, critics of Vladimir Putin have been warning that the Russians have taken over parts of the Republican Party. They raised the alarm as Republicans defended the Russian leader, parroted clear Kremlin talking points, and became mules for disinformation campaigns. In recent weeks, that criticism has shifted to include not just Republicans who have left the party, including former representatives Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, but current GOP members. Recently, two powerful Republican chairs of the House Intelligence Committee and the House Foreign Affairs Committee warned openly about how Russian propaganda has seeped into their party and even made its way into speeches on the House floor. Other members are now even openly questioning whether some of their fellow officials have been compromised and are being extorted. Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN) suggested in a recent interview that the Russian spies may possess compromising tapes of some of his colleagues. It’s unclear where he’s getting his information or how accurate it is.
And then there’s this: According to a report by Politico, a number of European politicians were recently paid by Moscow to interfere in the upcoming EU elections by Russians pretending to be a “media” outlet called “Voice of Europe.” The Kremlin-backed operation used money to influence officials to take pro-Russian stances. Authorities have conducted some money seizures and launched an investigation into which members of the European Parliament may have accepted cash bribes. This in turn raises an important question for our own politics: Are the Russians doing the same with U.S. politicians, directly or indirectly? This piece walks through the three types of compromise—disinformation, extortion, and bribery—to give a sense of what we know and what we don’t really know, and, importantly, where we should be on our guard. As this summary will show, from the 2016 election till now, there’s enough Russian smoke now to assume there is a fire, one that compromises not only the integrity of our own system of elections, but the safety and security of the free world. Duped.
Over the past year, we have witnessed two distinct kinds of Russian propaganda in action. Both use our own elected officials and intelligence processes to amplify and even weaponize disinformation. The first kind originates online through Russian-backed internet channels. Information operatives begin spreading false rumors, for example about Ukraine, that then get repeated within right-wing silos before reaching willing purveyors of it within the halls of Congress. A chief culprit in Congress is Georgia’s Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene. Among the Russian-originated false narratives she has uplifted is the patently false claim that Ukraine is waging a war against Christianity while Russia is protecting it. On Steve Bannon’s War Room podcast, Greene even claimed, without evidence, that Ukraine is “executing priests.”
Where would Greene have gotten this wild, concocted notion? We don’t have to look far. Russian talking points have included this gaslighting narrative for some time. The twist, of course, is that, according to the International Religious Freedom or Belief Alliance, it is the Russian army that has been torturing and executing priests and other religious figures, including 30 Ukrainian clergy killed and 26 held captive by Russian forces. The Russians have also targeted Baptists, whom they see as U.S. propagandists, according to an in-depth Time magazine piece on the violence and death directed toward evangelicals. The Congressional propaganda mouthpieces for Russia aren’t limited to the U.S. House. Over in the Senate, Ohio Senator J.D. Vance was also recently accused of spreading Kremlin-backed disinformation about Ukraine, this time over spurious allegations that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy siphoned U.S. aid to purchase himself two luxury yachts.
The accusation that Russians are presently extorting and blackmailing U.S. politicians into supporting Russia’s agenda has some broad appeal. It would help explain some mysteries, including why people like Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) suddenly is no longer as supportive of Ukraine as before and constantly kisses the ring of Donald Trump these days—after presciently saying in 2016 that the GOP would destroy itself if it nominated him. 
The problem has been that these accusations aren’t supported by much evidence. That means that political extortion by the Russians is either not a very prevalent practice, or it’s so effective that no one dares expose it. Either way, we’re left without much to go on. The Russian word kompromat came into common parlance around the time that Buzzfeed published a salacious story about another intelligence report back in early 2017. In that instance, the author, a former British intelligence officer named Christopher Steele, was concerned Russia had compromising data on the soon-to-be president, Donald Trump.
That report never wound up being substantiated, and its sources and funding came into question as well. But intelligence agencies are in general agreement that obtaining kompromat is standard practice by Russia, and someone like Trump could have been an easy mark considering the company that he kept (e.g. Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell) and the projects he was involved with (e.g. the Miss Universe contest). Lately, the notion of kompromat emerged once again, this time not from Democratic-paid outfits but from within the GOP itself. Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN) is one of the more “colorful” characters within the GOP, primarily known lately for being one of the eight members who voted to oust former Speaker Kevin McCarthy and even for getting into public jostling and shouting matches with McCarthy.
The Republican Party (or at least its pro-MAGA faction) is compromised by Russian kompromat.
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Another fascist Republican oligarch tightening his grip on the information that is fed to us. Or from now on, misinformation and disinformation.
This should frighten you.
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republikkkanorcs · 5 months
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prettytief · 24 days
There's something I need to make very, very clear.
Kamal Harris is the only option for people who care about Gaza and the Iraeli/Palastine conflict as a whole. Yes, I know she supports Israel. Guess who else does? Oh, that's right! Everyone's least favorite local MAGA fascist, Donal J Trump! These people are the only two options, we're not getting a third. Anyone telling you otherwise is either deeply misguided or a right wing propagandist trying to turn the left in on itself. Because of how the American system works, 9/10 elections are entirely based on Harm Reduction. Keep this in mind when you vote.
Because Kamala Harris wants a Ceasefire. Donald Tump will turn Gaza into a barren parking lot. Kamala Harris provides military aide to Israel, but Trump will too and he's gonna do it SO MUCH WORSE. Harris has stood up to Netenyahu. Trump is a doormat for foreign leaders, especially ones like Netenyahu. Harris might end this. Trump absolutely will, but not in the way you want.
Remember. This is the only option. If you vote for Harris, you're making it less likely that Gaza gets paved over by a bunch of genocidal maniacs. If you vote for Trump, you ensure that not only Gaza, but the entirety of Palestine gets absolutely demolished.
So I vote for Harris because I care about Gaza, not because I'm ignoring it. You should do the same.
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“Brazil, a major non-NATO ally of the U.S., is now preparing for October municipal elections. Under Brazil’s laws, social media companies operating in the country must employ someone to handle government takedown notices, including those regarding political misinformation and incitements to violence.”
Another billionaire asshole that is completely about how anything works but knows he can do whatever he wants because he’s rich. Oligarchs have no accountability.
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liberalsarecool · 4 months
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Listening to FOX and NewsMax will turn your mind to mush. The indoctrinated have no defense. Any story can turn the weak-minded into killing machines.
This poor sap found connection with conspiracies concocted by millionaire propagandists. He sacrificed his life to appease right wing losers high on sadism and malice. Not to mention misogyny focused on Nancy Pelosi.
The intruder thought he was uncovering a plot. The people at FOX know this is exactly what they hope happens. #StochasticTerror
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lizardsfromspace · 4 months
Dr. Phil interviewed Benjamin Netanyahu in the most pathetic TV event of the year! Some stuff was probably said but every normal person presumably starts trying to escape about five minutes in (five is generous, if you locked me in a room where that was playing it would be like 30 seconds before I consider 127 Hoursing myself). So we're left with enticing mysteries, like: Dr. Phil is still on fucking TV?
My first guess was "oh he must have some kind of vanity streaming site where he's turned into a much more overt right-wing propagandist" and that was true bc literally what other option could there be. Of course that's what Dr. Phil is up to now bc that's what every disgraced TV personality is up to now
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